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Jewish Scientist Will Nazis Pave Way for Einstein Gets Medal, Ultra-Fine Hand Finished

Probe Pilsudski's Brain Pogroms or Expulsion Fails to Read Paper

Warsaw (W. N. S.)—The task of
examining the brain of the late Mar-
(Continued From Page 1)
parades by uniformed Nazi s
Philadelphia (W. N. S.)—Hundreds
of scientists from all the parts of the

shal Joseph Pilsudski has been en-
trusted to the Jewish scientist, Dr. starting in Berlin and sweeping country who had flocked to Philadel-
Maximillian Rose, director of the through Germany, in which cus- phia to hear a new scientific paper by
Vilna Scientific Institute, to which tomers were kept from entering Prof. Albert Einstein were disap-
pointed when Einstein merely ac-

$ %f —
Pilsudski bequeathed his brain. Jewish establishments and in
which violent anti-Jewish de- knowledged the plaudits of the audi-
London (J. T. A.)—Neville Laski, mands were shouted. ence when he was awarded one of the
president of the Board of Deputies of A new press clamor that the two Franklin Medals for 1935,
British Jews, has been appointed by Jews, "despite all the suppression awarded annually by the Franklin In-
King George as Recorder of Burnley. are still seen everywhere." stitute to distinguished scientists. He
Revocation of citizenshi p of 56 explained his failure to read the ex-
more Jews by order of the Berlin pected paper by saying he had not
police chief , and the right given been able to get it ready. The Insti- Fine Gabardines, Pure Wor-

to police to decide who is a Jew. tute also awarded one of the seven
Wetherill Medals to Robert E. Naum- steds, Inverted Pleats, Shirred
The anti-Jewi sh parades that Backs — every new model in
started in Berlin reached their most burg of New York for the develop-
violent outbreaks in Dusseldorf and ment of a device to aid the blind. single and double-breasteds,
Munich where Nazi mobs invaded including Easy Fitting Conserv-
and wrecked Jewish stores and told Rutgers Teacher's atives. Every new shade. Ev-
Jewish merchants they must leave ery size and proportion ! Com-
"or suffer the consequences." In Ouster Stirs Nazi pare these unduplicated val-
Munich , store owners closed their
places in fear of property damage. Propaganda Inquirv ues . Men! Same careful atten-
Nazi bands moved off , smearing (Continued From Page 1) tion to selection, fitting and
swastikas, raiding Jewish club head- service you'd expect in $35 to
quarters , spitting at all pedestrians ment. When I spoke with President
Clothier he admitted the department 550 garments.
who bore even the slightest resem-
blance to a Jew. was predominantly Nazi , but defended
How tragic the situation of the the right of professors to make propa- Young Men's Sport
Jews is growing is disclosed by the ganda on the ground of academic free- Slacks
fact that newspapers published by dom (Dr. Clothier said he did not re-
call such a conversation but he ad- With 22-inch bottoms. New all
the so-called "Ullstein Haus," one of wool fabrics, many C<^a 85
the largest newspaper publishing con- mitted he may have said we believe
cerns in the world , were prohibited in academic freedom here)." pleated , with Talon ^TF "*
Dr. Bergel also asserted that a great zippers. Very special ^&t
from carrying an obituary of Hans
Ullstein, 76-year-old Jewish owner. stack of pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic Money Back If You Can
The Ullstein papers are now under pamphlets was left in the German de- Dup licate M y Values
Nazi domination. partment's office, passed which all stu-
After two and one-half years under dents had to pass to their classrooms.
Nazi rule, the Central Verein Zeitung,
organ of non-Zionists in Germany, Peddler, 81, Who Saved
"took stock" of the situation as fol-
lows : Hoover, Dies a Pauper
"We see flowers and processions
and the banners which we are not al- (Continued From Page 1)
lowed to fly, and we have to stand
aside. We cannot j oin in the rejoic-
that he had been named an honorary
pallbearer at Stern's funeral, Hoover
ing of the German people , we, who
have borne the grief of this people as
said he never heard of the man and
added that he had never been in a hos-
our own grief. But we feel all the pital except as a visitor. He explained
closer together in that room that is the presence of an autographed copy
allowed us. Thi s is our world now, of his book among Stern's possessions Another New
this small German Jewry, these few as his reply to Stern's letter protest-
people oppressed by a load of anxie-
ties; and yet we shall not let this
ing against conditions in Germany,
according to Hoover 's secretary. The SNYDER'S
load crush us to the ground, or doubts autograph was inscribed "to my good CUT RATE STORE
rob us of our courage ." friend , Solomon Stern."
More difficulties for Jews are pres- Now OPEN at
aged in Czecho-Slovakia , as result HENNEPIN and LAKE
of a sensational election victory won Karl Marx's Grandson
by the Sudeten Deutsche Front—the Announces He's Zionist
Nazi party. The party elected 44
deputies , making it the second largest
in the country. Danzi g advices dis-
Paris (W. N. S.)—Jean Longuet,
grandson of Karl Marx, father of
close open exhortations for pogroms modern Socialism , announced himself AT THE
in revenge for petitions submitted to as a Zionist in a speech to a Zionist
the League of Nations protesting anti- group here. Longuet, who is a mem- Northwest's LEADING
BY FREEMAN Jewish activities. Anti-Jewish disturb-
ances are reported from Glogau in
Silesia . The German Nazi influence
ber of the French chamber of deputies ,
expressed the hope that the spirit of
the Hebrew Prophets will become the
With emp hasis on is spreading farther beyond the Reich dominant force in Palestine and put
the "Genuine". That borders. an end to speculation there. He also You Get What You Ask For At
6 * The outlook is anything but bright , voiced pride in the fact that Leon
means buckskin from Blum , a Jew, is the leader of the
and keen observers shake their heads
the Brazilian deer,
and envision in Germany either a French Socialists.
not calfskin with its Czarist pogrom or a Spanish expul-
face lifted. sion. Buy Nothing "Made in Germany"
You 'll find these
Freeman Buckskin
Shoes cool, comfort-
able , p orous , and DRUGS — CIGARS — TOBACCOS
good t o look at. Prescriptions carefully compounded
Worn with Pride by registered pharmacists
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