From Waste To Resources

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From Waste to Resources

Written by: Mirsten Hallyson Cang

Is it just a WASTE of time? Recently, waste sorting has been a common conduct when it
comes to a sustainable environment because it provides organization and discipline among the
people especially the youth. This simple act of discipline can influence the mindset of the
people on maintaining cleanliness in the community. However, this waste divisions are not
properly managed by the people whom act accordingly to their willingness and considers them
as “inconvenience” and “waste of time”.

Waste sorting is essential because it provides divisions on different kind of waste most
particularly dry and wet waste. There are three types of waste segregation; Organic, Hazardous,
Recyclable waste materials. By segregating this materials helps prevent on getting diseases
caused by organic waste being contaminated, as well as in disposing properly the hazardous
waste to keep us safe and to circulate the materials to help innovate more products on limiting
the resources of plastic is recycling. This beneficial uses of waste management can help reduce
pollution and damage to the areas inside the community. Most importantly, it prioritize our
health through promoting cleaner environment in our society.

Waste sorting matters and it is an essential requirement that needs to be filled daily, we
should not be selfish and take an accountable for our actions because even the smallest one can
set a standard on everyone. Taking an action or being involved in organizations that helps
develop our country for the better is a starting point on being the “change” of the country. As
part of this generation and a well aware citizen should encourage fellow youths and elders to be
part of this change.

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