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Episode 1.

Life is a series of crossroads.

Why am I thinking of that word now?

I swallowed dry saliva when I saw the pools of blood that

had dyed the pure white snow red.

There was no blood on his white face, which contrasted with

the red blood.

“Lea, you need to heal quickly. It’s not very good.”

Nathan, an owl hanging from my shoulder, recites the man’s

condition one after another. I bit my lip at each serious
So , to sum up Nathan’s words, he was doomed to die soon.

Disorganized posture, intermittent shallow breathing, red

blood flowing constantly from the abdomen.

The man was no different from the return letter.

“Lea, with your strength, it won’t take long.”

Nathan is right. I have the mysterious power to save a

person, so I can definitely save that man.

But, why is it that person?

He looked like he was covered in seven packs of blood, but I

knew right away who he was.

I couldn’t know.

Black thorns from the heart to the neck.

This was a token of the curse. And there is only one owner of
this curse.
A power with power equal to that of the emperor. The young
owner of the Duke Sinais.

‘Dillian Sinise….’

A cold-blooded man without blood or tears, he was the dark

side of this story.

“Calling someone else….”

“It is an hour at most. He can’t stand it until then.”

I frowned at Nathan’s death sentence.

Dillion is found at the entrance to the forest, and the village

is about an hour’s walk away.

As Nathan said, you won’t be able to stand it.

‘After all, is this the only way?’

He is said to be a dangerous man, but he cannot abandon a

dying man.
‘But what if you heal him and discover his powers?’

What if I notice my presence in the temple? What if I get

caught again?

Anxiety hung by the tail.



If life is a series of choices, all my choices today have failed.

Gathering herbs and leaving work early.

‘What’s wrong with leaving work early, I ran into Dillion, who
became a bouncer after taking a shortcut for nothing.’


Heavy breaths were scattered in the air.

Meanwhile, Dillian’s body temperature was dropping rapidly.

Now, it was time to decide.

“Nathan, can you bring me the cart?”

“Don’t leave soon.”

Also, I can’t leave it like this.

‘If only lethal wounds are properly treated, then put them on
a cart and send them to the temple.’

Whether Dillian came to his senses and overturned the

temple was not for me to know.

“Let’s do it. you can do it.”

As if responding to my promise, his eyelids trembled.

“Are you awake?”


Deep red eyes stared at me.

“Calm down. It’s not hurting. I will heal your wounds.”

I reached out slowly to calm the beast,

tak .

wrist was caught

The eyes that glowed like ruby yo-yo were slowly curved.

It was then that I was mesmerized by the bewitching smile.

A strong force pulled me, and my vision was turned upside

down. It was an unbelievable power for a person who was on
the verge of passing out of breath.


My back hurts when I hit the hard frozen ground. He frowned

at the excruciating pain.

Dillian, who sat on my waist, looked at me and closed his

eyes languidly.
He breathed in at the seductive smile that captivated people.

‘It’s dangerous….’

overly dangerous face, I chewed my lips. Then, Dillian’s gaze

turned to my lips.

After looking at my lips for a while, he smiled softly and then

lowered his upper body.

His hair came close and tickled his cheek, and his hot breath
scattered across his face.

‘Why is this man all of a sudden?’

I gently pushed his shoulder.

“Hey, are we too close? First step back….”

Unfinished words were scattered in the air.

dreaming. A black shadow crawled up like a snake from the

man’s cheek.
As I moved my gaze along the thorns that extended to the
corners of my eyes, blurry eyes as if drunk on drugs seized
me tightly.


The gentle touch on the cheek was sending a clear signal.

So, when you put all these symptoms together, this is….


When I thought about it that far, I twisted like crazy.

“Hey! Dillian! Wake! Calm down! hey!”

‘Damn, I bled too much!’

There is only one way to stop Dillion’s runaway.

Take the life in front of you.

It doesn’t mean it’s sexual, it literally means taking life.

In a nutshell, what I am today was the sound of a delicious
meal for Dillian.

“Dillian! I don’t like it! It tastes like 100% organic cabbage


you know how tasteless it is

It tastes like mop-washed water!

The whale whale screamed, but it only provoked Dillion.

I forgot about the emergency and opened my mouth stupidly

because of the naked desire.

‘This crazy. Why do you like it more? Do you want to eat it?’

Dillian did not miss the moment of my embarrassment and

ran towards me terribly.

As if drawn by my blood, like instinct, like a hungry beast.

‘I’m really going to die like this!’

I screamed desperately, pushing Dillian’s face away.

“Nathan! help me! I will eat you!”

“Have you seen such an unscrupulous bastard? Get away

from Leah right now!”

my scream, raised his sharp claws and pulled Dillian by the


The little owl’s gesture was a tickling level for Dillian.

But it was enough to make a very small gap.

I pushed Dillian’s face away with one hand, and reached out
with the other hand and groped the ground.

Something hard touched my fingertips.

Before he knew what it was, he grabbed it and slapped

Dillian in the head.

with a dull noise,


Dillian fell over me.

quickly pushed Dillian away and bit myself as if rolling.

Touk, a dagger rolled down from his hand.

A heavy silence descended.

“… Leah.”

“… Shh, don’t say anything.”

Dillian Sinise.

The cursed monster duke, the dark side of this novel. source
of destruction.

A man who can be called the strongest man.

And I just hit the villain’s head with a sledgehammer.

Damn, I put a dead flag on one cool thing.
Chapter 1 . Reincarnated As An Extra. But Now
With The Dead Flag.

Where did it go wrong?

Did you choose a shortcut after many paths? Healing Dillian

out of necessity? Or did you bring him home?

No, not all.

Wrong from waking up in this damn world.

I looked at the handsome man lying flat on the bed with wide

It was a beautiful face that took my breath away.

that covered her forehead was as soft as silk, and her skin
was as clear as smooth porcelain.
A tall nose, straight lips, and a sharp jawline.

It was like a sculpture made by God.

It was a face that was not enough to say that he was

beautiful, but since I knew his true identity, I couldn’t just
like him.

‘To bring the black curtain into the house with my own
hands…. It must be crazy.’

The process of bringing Dillion from the forest was not easy.

The sun has set, the blizzard is coming, it’s too far to the

I had no choice but to bring him home.

No, he grabbed his flabby forehead and opened his mouth to


“Nathan, will you rescue me if I am in danger? You are my

“Of course. you don’t protect me By the way….”

Nathan asked worriedly at my unusual appearance.

“Anyone you know? What happened to that man?”

“We don’t know each other… I just know this one-sidedly.”

“Are you a dangerous guy?”


Very, very, very dangerous.

And I slapped this terrifying man in the back of the head with
a stone.

As hard as I could to lose consciousness.

When Dillian woke up, he didn’t even know if he would hit

his head and say he had hit him in the back.

A cold sweat ran down my back.

“… Nathan. Shall we run away?”

I can’t drive out Dillion, so the only way left is for me to get

‘I’m done with the treatment, I’ve done all I have to do.’

I don’t have to take care of the post-processing.

“In this weather?”

Hui Ying-

The fierce snowballs pounded as if they were about to break

the window.

“Lea, you’re going to freeze to death.”

“But Nathan. Being alone with an outsider man I can’t sleep

because I’m anxious!”

“Isn’t that your favorite face?”

“That face? not really? It’s not my taste.”

Nathan’s eyes grew cold as he took off the shichimi,
pretending not to know.

“Leah. The guys you said you were handsome all looked like

“… Sheesh.”

“Don’t worry. No matter how much of a beast he may be, he

does not harm those who help him.”

‘okay. Nathan is right. Still, it’s a life saver, so I won’t kill


I hope so, and I covered Dillian with my favorite quilt.

While screaming in dislike with her whole body, Nathan

muttered, “What kind of contradiction is this?”, but I couldn’t
hear it.

As I came out of the living room, I knelt down and clasped

my hands. He prayed to a god he would not normally find.

‘Please, I hope that Dillian completely forgot about this….’

For a long night, I prayed and prayed.

that prayer might be.

Episode 2.

As usual with possessors, I also died and was reborn in the

world of books.

My cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage, and I slipped

on the soap in the bathroom and slipped my head in my head
and said goodbye to the world.


I had no luck until the moment I died.

And that misfortune followed me through this life.

My first misfortune was waking up in the world of the novel

<Saint, Aina>.
novel <Saint, Aina> begins with a woman appearing in a
world of chaos, a world chaotic with evil.

Her name is Aina. She was a saint who inherited the power
of God.

And the three male masters who stand by her side.

The Crown Prince, Cassis, who will become Seonggun in the


A genius and the youngest horseman, Schumann.

Fabian, Aina’s longtime childhood friend and Paladin deputy


<Saint, Aina> is a romance fantasy novel that protects the

world from evil by loving and being loved by three men.

Now, if you look at it up to this point, it’s the happiest story

in the world. Anyone can see a happy ending, but why is it

The bright and warm atmosphere changes abruptly towards

the second half of the play.
As if testing Aina, the stronger enemy destroyed the world,
and Aina sacrifices her life to protect the world she loves.

‘It was a noble sacrifice.’

But that wasn’t the point. The main character is dead, but
other people can’t be safe.

all died Not only the lead role, but also supporting roles and

Both you and I, it was an Eble Body Jordan River ending.

now you know This novel was the worst stage for the

And as if to prove it, I possessed the extra that had cut off
the Jordan River Free Pass.

My name is Leah Delis.

He was an apprentice priest of the Nathaniel Temple in

charge of the Roheim Empire and the South.
The moment I was swept away by the original work, I would
disappear into dust.

‘Should I consider myself lucky to have possessed it before

the original work started? At least there will be time to

bitterness , I frowned at the sight I saw through the window.

A priest was being handed a thick bag of money to someone

who looked like a nobleman.

“Again, are you taking bribes again?”

I opened my eyes to the scene of the corruption that was

taking place in front of me.

‘It was rotten. This temple is rotten from the root.’

Corruption, molestation, assault.

A time of chaos, a time when everything is messed up. The

first to collapse was the temple.
‘Let’s run away. There is no answer here.’

You can return it, why are you running away?

I figured it would be like that too. Until the refund is denied.

I had more divine power than others, and because of that, I

did not get tired no matter how much I poured out my divine
power, and there was no limit to my strength.

The temple that knew this singularity of mine never let me


‘Who will release the goose that lays golden eggs? Just by
touching it, it draws out the divine power.’

But there is no end to human greed. Someday they will part

my stomach.

I was only looking for an opportunity to escape, but on the

day the clouds covered the moon, I ran away.

Follow the path you memorized in advance, quietly and

I quietly opened the door to the safe room where I kept my
valuables away from other people’s eyes.

Originally, it was a place that had to show strict security, but

the security of the rotten temple was quite lax.

‘If you keep going like this, you’ll be successful.’

… As soon as I thought about it, something happened.

The relic that I accidentally touched fell to the floor. I quickly

flew away and managed to receive the relic, but it had
already happened.

Shinsoo, who woke up with a bright light, flew away with all
his might.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Nathan. Are you the one who
woke me up?”

Introduced himself as Nathan, he was a divine beast in the

form of an owl.

The only divine beast in the temple of Nathaniel!

‘X did it, you touched it completely wrong.’

A mere extra woke up Shinsoo?

With n years of experience in Ropan, I felt a strong sense of


I had an uneasy feeling that maybe I could play a role beyond


this , I can’t stay in the temple even more. I ran away without
looking back.

The security of the temple, which was rotten from the root,
was too lax, and the night escape went smoothly.

“Contractor, where are you going in such a hurry?”

The problem is that the gods are chasing me.

Nathan, who introduced himself as the guardian deity of ‘Ria

Delis’, hung on my shoulder and did not fall.
The reason was that I woke up, so I was told to become the
owner and take responsibility.

I couldn’t understand why the extras who are not the main
characters had a guardian deity, but the crisis that was right
before my eyes came first.

Unintentionally becoming a divine beast kidnapper. My eyes

were terrifying.

What if I could go back now and return the divine beast?

criminal , there was a high possibility that he would never

come out of the temple again.

‘Yeah, let’s just live as criminals.’

I turned my back without regret.

‘It’s enough to live a life of being used like a hogu once.’

I will live this life my way. I will live my life faithfully and
“I will show you the dirty desires hidden within me.”

A spirit of sacrifice, a sense of duty, a sense of justice? all

off I just wanted to live without any trouble.

To do that, you must not use divine power. Nathan’s

existence must not be discovered.

After much deliberation, Nathan and I settled in Wilhelm, a

village at the edge of the border.

to escape across the border at any time .

If everything goes according to plan, he could leave the

Empire before the original story begins.

At that time, when I was full of expectations that I would

soon end my fugitive condition,

A second misfortune came upon me.

The name of the misfortune is Dillian Sinise.

He was a black man with an angelic face and an
uncharacteristic personality.


“Lea, you need to sleep.”

I lifted my head at Nathan’s call.

My neck was sore and my legs were numb after being bent
over for a long time.

“If that’s enough, God will hear your prayers.”

“I wish I did.”

Now I really have no choice but to leave it up to heaven.

I led my throbbing body into the room where Dillian was

There is no such thing as a pure sheep I muttered as I looked
at his smooth face.

“I didn’t know that the divine power would work.”

As I recalled the situation at that time, my eyes frowned.

Dillion, who was stunned by my attack, a curse that never


The curse, which was thought to stop, ran more freely and
sucked up the life around it.

Just when I thought that if I went on like this, even me would

be eaten, a hypothesis passed by.

What the curse wants is vitality. And divine power is a kind

of vitality.

life, I took Dillian’s hand and let the divine power flow.

Fortunately, my choice was right.

Because the curse that absorbed my divine power to its
fullest, entered a stable period soon after.

“If it was something that could be put to sleep with divine

power, I would have been treated right from the start.”

If I had, I wouldn’t have been in such a terrible situation. I

didn’t know anything about Dillion, so this four months

“Lea, don’t get too close to Iza.”

Nathan looked down at Dillion and said with a terrifying face.

“The curse on this guy is dangerous.”

“Do you know what the curse is?”

“It is an ancient curse. A very old curse.”

Nathan seemed familiar with this curse.

“Ancient Curse? How old is it?”

“About a thousand years.”

“A thousand years?!”

Curse is something that is difficult to do even after a

thousand years or even a hundred years have passed. But a
thousand years!

‘This is why even Aina can’t break the curse!’

It must have been difficult for even a saint to cast a

thousand-year-old curse.

“Nathan, can you break the curse?”

“none. Usually, these curses have clear conditions for doing

so, but it’s not something I can do.”

I must also leave the empire as soon as possible.

“This guy is empty. Since it’s so empty, I’ll keep craving and
craving for something.”

Nathan tapped Dillian’s chest with his wings.

“He’s a guy who doesn’t like being close. Let’s get it out as
soon as we wake up.”

As Nathan said.

Dillian was cursed from the moment he was born.

No one knew why or for what reason he was cursed.

The black thorns embedded in the chest are traces of the


As the thorn grew bigger and bigger, Dillian felt more and
more hungry.

I’m hungry. Then you need to fill your stomach.

Just as we eat when we are hungry, Dillion ate up his life

when he felt hungry.

‘The problem was that they didn’t know the middle.’

As a child , Dillion did not know how to control the curse, and
ate the life of any living thing.
Plants, animals, people, everything, everything.

By the time he was able to control his curse, he had already

eaten his parents.

‘At the end of the day, I almost would have been eaten like

When he remembered Dillian approaching with a languid

face, heat rose in his face.

Nathan flew over and patted my cheek.

“no! He’s a handsome guy you like so much, but you can’t go


It’s true that he’s handsome…. Would you fall for the guy
who tried to kill me? ….

‘Still, he’s handsome, he’s really handsome.’

of his face, he was my perfect ideal type.

However, if you just look at your face and rush in, you will
see a miracle in which your body and head are separated in
an instant.

He looked like an angel when he was asleep, but his egg was
a ferocious beast.



The consciousness that had been distant from the small

noise slowly rose to the surface.

‘… When did you fall asleep?’

Is it because I used too much divine power? I sat down on

the chair and looked at Dillian and fell asleep.

painful sound, I swallowed my breath at the red eyes I met.


I was almost about to scream. The main character of the

gaze was Dillian, who tried to eat me last night.

‘When did you wake up?’

Eyes of unknown depth scanned my face slowly. Dry saliva

passed over the tenacious gaze.

Dillian just looked at me without saying a word.

I wish I could say something. A breathtaking time ensued.

The moment he wanted to die just like this, Dillian’s red lips
slowly opened up.

“Who are you?”

“that is….”

“Hey, where are you?”

Dillian’s voice was terribly low.

“… Who am I?”

A light of confusion appeared in Dillian’s eyes.

Episode 3.

“… yes?”

What did I hear? Surprised, I suddenly asked again.

“I asked who I am.”

“… Don’t you remember?”

Dillian frowned as his head hurt.

“… okay.”


“I don’t remember anything. Who I am, what I do, even my

So… Now, have you lost your memory? You’re not kidding
me, really?

With my eyes wide open and my mouth open, I hurriedly

covered my mouth.

“I, there. Wait a moment.”

His voice trembled. My heart was beating fast and I was

breathing heavily.

‘Did you lose your memory after being hit in the head? right.

Seeing the innocent eyes that knew nothing, I felt a slight

sense of guilt.

How big of a shock would you have lost your memory?

I quickly bowed my head.

“Are you okay?”

“… yes I’m okay.”

I answered in a trembling voice.

While I felt sorry for him, I felt a deep sense of relief.

They said that even if the sky falls, there is a hole through
which they can survive, and it was true.

I buried my face in my hands.

‘Prayer has really come true…!’

It wasn’t empty to make me forget all my memories, but I

was glad that I found a hole to live in right away.

“what should we do….”

i love it. I was like that for a while.

He didn’t even know that the duke, who had lost his memory,
was making a strange misunderstanding.

It was Dillian who woke me from my thoughts.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“Ah, sorry. I was so surprised.”

After barely covering my twitching lips, I asked cautiously.

“You don’t even remember how we met?”

“… okay.”


I clenched my fists as hard as I could.

Damn I think I’m going to cry

How much heartache I suffered after breaking Dillian’s head.

The tip of his nose twitched at the relief of being alive.

‘You don’t have to worry about dying right now.’

Then all that’s left is to somehow talk out and get Dillian out
of this house.

‘Wait, why are you looking at me like that?’

I frowned at Dillian’s gaze as it touched my cheek.

I can’t express it accurately, but it was a sad look, like

looking at a child abandoned by the water.

“Are you really okay?”

… Or a dog that has lost its owner.

‘What, are you treated now?’

Dillian, who was staring into my eyes, stretched out his


As a large hand the size of a pot lid turned towards me, I

reflexively closed my eyes tightly.

Then something touched my eye. It was hard, rough, and

When I opened my eyes, startled by the sudden warmth, I
saw Dillian’s face, which was closer than before.

While I was bewildered by his action of stroking my eyes

with his index finger, he did not stop there and surprised me.

“It’s not luck.”

“yes? Oh no.”

I slowly pulled back and freed myself from Dillian’s hand.

‘Why do people who pathologically hate touching other

people do this….’

ah! Are you okay with losing your memory? Still, it’s too late.

still pounding.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s scared of Dillion or if it’s

because of that pretty face, but his heart almost jumped out
of his mouth.

“I was just surprised for a moment. So that’s it.”

Not long after waking up, I heard an unusually heavy choked

Dillian didn’t answer. I didn’t mean to ask for his answer, but
the way he looked down at my hand was kind of strange.

I carefully opened my mouth as I watched Dillian’s eyes at

the sudden and strange turn of events.

“Where are you uncomfortable?”

Dillian finally looked at me and asked.

“Who are you? Who are you with me?”

your life with the most elaborately decorated words,

Nathan, who was sleeping, woke up.

“Who are you! You are the benefactor who gave me my flesh
and saved you!”

What if he talks?

You promised not to open your mouth in front of other

people so that your identity would not be revealed!

I hurriedly covered Nathan’s mouth, but, apparently angry,

pushed my hand away.

“Do you know how hard our Lia worked to save you!”

I’ve been struggling His body, which had been overworked

from moving Dillian home, still throbbed.

Nathan eagerly supported me and flapped my wings.

“By the way, do you forget our Lia? Have you ever seen such
a Goyan!”

Nathan, when you say that, it looks like Dillian and I have a
close relationship.

“Nathan, stop it. You’re still sick.”

Nathan looked at Dillion with bitter eyes to see if his anger
did not go away despite my persuasion.

And Dillian, who received that gaze head-on, had fun.

What appeared in his red eyes was a clear interest and


“A talking owl.”

“I am not an ordinary owl, I am the guardian deity of Leah!”

“I’m raising something fun.”

Nathan groaned and squirmed, but Dillian didn’t blink.

“What the hell is your identity?”

It didn’t look suspicious. Unlike before, an interesting

question came back.

“It’s late, but I’ll introduce myself. My name is Leah Delis.

I’m not a great person, I’m just an ordinary herbalist. And
Nari’s name is….”
I paused for a moment, trying to give him his name without

If I tell you the last name, it will be in trouble, right?

“It’s Dillian.”

He added that he informed you before you lost


‘It’s the perfect alibi.’

Dillian, who finally knew my name, was ‘Dillian.’ And he said

my name several times.

doing so will bring back memories. But his expression

darkened more and more as if nothing came to mind.

“This is Nathan. They are my guardian deity and my precious


I think it’s a very simple explanation, but I can’t reveal that

it’s a divine beast.
Contrary to what he feared, Dillian didn’t pay much attention
to Nathan.

It was me who grabbed his attention.

“Did we know each other?”

“no. It’s a snippet.”

sounds like a big deal. I never, never wanted to get to know


“I have brought Mr. Dillian, who is bleeding from the woods.”

In short , ‘You are my patient and I am your benefactor.’

And Dillian’s face, who understood the meaning at once,


He looked at me with an ah-ah-ah-ah expression and wiped

his face with a heavy sigh.

“… I didn’t even know that, and I made a disrespect.”

What…? excuse me…?

Whether or not he knew me as hard as stone, Nathan

nodded in satisfaction.

“Fortunately, he knows my fountain.”

shut up Nathan. Now that’s not the problem.

That Dillion Sinise! wrote me a compliment I apologized!

Dillian, who had thought he was an innocent person, was

surprisingly a common sense person.

because I’ve lost my memory . He didn’t seem like the

heinous duke I knew.

But I wasn’t happy at all.

‘Dillian’s apology! I never want to hear it!’

Dillian, who later regained his memory,

“You dare deceive me? To hear you shamelessly apologized
for trying to kill me, you must have wanted to die.”

And what if they try to kill me?

I hurriedly waved my hand.

“no. You lost your memory, which is surprising. I


“I’m sorry.”

But the needlessly polite Dillian bowed his head and

apologized. I learned a lot here, but the more I did, the more I
felt like I was going to die.

“Please. Please do not apologize!”

Contemplating, I recklessly grabbed his cheek and lifted it


Dillian’s eyes widened as if surprised by the sudden grab on

his cheek, looking at me.
I made eye contact with Dillian’s shaking eyes and spoke

“I don’t want to hear an apology from you.”


“Please. please.”

Dillian nodded slowly as he whispered earnestly.

“I’ll do that, so will you let go of my cheek for a moment?”


I was startled by the warmth I felt in the palm of my hand.

what do i do…!

Embarrassed , I scrambled back and forth.

“Sorry, I’m sorry. Are you hungry? I’ll bring you a meal right
Having squeezed out an excuse to leave the room, I quickly
turned my back.

I was planning on taking it straight to the kitchen. If only

Dillian’s voice hadn’t caught my ankle.

“I will only ask you one thing.”

“… Please speak.”

“It’s ours. Is it really a first-person meeting?”

What is the meaning of that question? I looked at Dillian for

quite some time.

Just as I was looking for something in him, he was also

looking for something in me.

‘Are you suspicious of me?’

But there was no sign of that. Dillian, who had lost his
memory and became a blank slate, showed his emotions
without hiding, but there was no doubt about it.
There was a slight sense of guilt in his eyes that sank low.

‘guilty? No matter how much memory he lost, there’s no way

Dillion would have that kind of feeling.’

I couldn’t sleep, so I wondered what happened to my hair. I

smiled inwardly and nodded my head.

“yes. That was it.”

that should have been it I don’t want to get involved any


I ran out of the room as if Dillian wanted to catch him again.

I felt a stinging gaze on the back of my head, but I didn’t look

I ran into the kitchen, banged my head on the table and

rolled my feet.

“You must be crazy. Why did you do that, you idiot!”

I got up from banging my head on the table.

“Let’s get it out quickly. I’m going to send it out right away.”

And let’s leave this town, or the Empire. Before Dillion

regained his memory, he had to run away as far as he could.

“Still, I have to eat and leave.”

I sliced the washed onion.

Tak Tak Tak Tak-

Tears flowed inside.

Ugh, onions are so spicy.


Dillian looked down at the little back that was running away
from me.
‘Why did I do that?’

Dillian slowly touched my index finger.

The soft and warm touch seemed to still remain on the


Strangely, all of this felt familiar.

‘Has this happened before?’

throb. As he tried to recall his memories, Dillian shook his

head at the dull pain that came over him like a tidal wave.

Damn, what the hell is that girl so worried about?

What is this scent that fills the room?

Dillian swallowed his breath at the sweet reverberation

lingering on the tip of his nose.

“Hey. owl.”

“My name is Nathan.”

of following Leah, Nathan, who took up Dillian’s watch,
responded bluntly to the man who called me.

“Nathan. There is one thing I want to ask you.”

“What are you curious about?”

He doesn’t like Dillian, but Nathan, who loves and cares for
humans, showed him the least kindness.

“What was the relationship between that woman and I?”

“Hey, what the hell did you say? It’s a relationship with no
one-to-one relationship.”

I want to believe that too, but there are a lot of things that
are questionable to be the first.

The look of embarrassment at the words that he had lost his

memory, the attitude that was at a loss for what to do, the
expression that looked like he was about to cry, and the
bitter smile that stayed on his lips as if he had resigned.

And decisively.
The voice that came out in response to the fact that he had
forgotten to meet her.

‘… I think I’m going to cry.’

It was a voice that was wet, as if it was about to burst into


“You’re treating me like an idiot for losing my memory.”

Episode 4.

Even a seven-year-old child would notice. It was by no

means an ordinary relationship.

It was clear that there was a deep, entangled relationship.

Nathan clicked his tongue inwardly at Dillian’s sharp reply.

‘Ttt, this guy has a good feeling. Leah, I don’t know how well
your lies will work.’

Even if it was a lie that would soon be discovered, the truth

could not be revealed now.

How can I say that my precious child smashed your head?

“I have nothing to say!”

Nathan had no intention of speaking first until Leah opened
her mouth.

‘Strict owl. Your mouth is heavy.’

But I couldn’t go away like this. Because Dillion needed a

little clue.

“Change the question. What did I do to her?”

At that moment, a sad blue light flashed through the sharp

eyes of the bird of prey.

Nathan caught his breath to calm the heat that had risen to
the top of his head.

‘You tried to eat my child who didn’t hurt even if he put it in

his eye!’

The words came up to the end of his throat, but Nathan held
it in.

Because Leah didn’t want it.

Everything for Leah.

Leah’s anger, Nathan, the guardian deity of Leah, spit out

Dillian wildly as if chewing it.

“Your guy… I did something bad….”

“So what is it?”

“I don’t want to be hated by Leah!”

So, that means that the woman named Lia doesn’t want her
to speak.

why? If you’ve done something wrong, you should criticize it.

The same goes for hiding his relationship with a woman

named Lia.

‘Maybe, it really means that something happened.’

If so, why are you hiding it? If she and she were close, there
is no reason to hide.
What do you mean by hiding something great? Humans are
inherently selfish. Even more so about love.

There’s no benefit in hiding it.

Leah Delis is hiding something else. What the hell?

‘Did you even eat me on your back? Or is she the one who
drove me to the edge? Are you going to kill me and pretend
you don’t know?’

The moment Dillian came closer to the truth, Nathan, who

had been still silent, gave a cold warning.

“Let me tell you one thing for sure.”

Nathan looked up at Dillion and flew up to make eye level

with him. Anger flared up like an active volcano in their eyes.

“You have to pray and pray to our Lia.”

Dillian, whoever heard it, was saying that he was guilty.

‘Isn’t it me, not her? Or did you approach her with an impure

what the hell is going on I was frustrated because I didn’t

know anything.

In the end, Dillian, unable to overcome the frustration and

cornered, grabbed Nathan with great force.

“Ouch! Hey, bastard!”

Just when I was about to get an answer by kicking the damn

owl, Leah came back.

with reddened eyes.

“Sorry for being late. Eat quickly.”

Dillian’s hand slowly released strength from his wet eyes.

Nathan screamed and pecked his head, but felt no pain.

Dillian, who was staring blankly at Leah’s face, ruffled my

hair roughly.
‘How could a woman with a face like that kill me?’

When my doubts about Leah were slowly fading away,


Tears flowed from Leah’s eyes. At that moment, the doubts

that remained like dregs were cleared away.

“Ah, it’s still here.”

Dillian was shocked to see Leah gently wiping away her

tears, and closed her eyes tightly.

… I don’t know what, but I guess I did something wrong.

그래, 내가 개새끼였을 거다.

Dillian’s misunderstanding deepened even more.

Wow, how can real onions be this spicy? Isn’t that a
biochemical weapon?

I wiped away the tears that flowed from time to time and
lifted my head to see Nathan and Dillian, who were as hard
as stones.

‘What are they doing?’

Why is Dillian looking at me with that expression, and why is

Nathan pulling Dillian’s hair like that?

It was Nathan who came to his senses first in the strange


“Lea! Why, why cry! Is it because of him? I just killed him!”

“sheep…. No, it doesn’t matter.”

I was about to say it was because of the onion, but I glanced

at Dillion and my words were blurry.
‘I can’t speak because I’m shy.’

No matter how soon they broke up, it was too shameful to

say that they were bitter because of the onion.

After squeezing my throbbing eyes to calm them down, I

approached Dillion and held out the porridge.

He blinked lightly to indicate that he should eat quickly, but

he did not intend to accept it.

‘Are you mad that it’s too late?’

With an indistinct glance, he glanced at Dillion’s eyes, and

he wrinkled his eyes.

‘Hey, it’s true. But this guy really doesn’t care. How late if I
was late.’

Dissatisfaction broke out in my heart, but I didn’t have the

guts to put it into words.

Unable to do this or that, I was rolling my feet, but Dillian,

who covered my face with a large hand, spoke unexpectedly.
“I’m sorry.”

“yes? what….”

“It just seems like I did everything wrong.”

I was stunned by the sudden pouring of apples. But perhaps

I was the only one surprised, Nathan said, ‘Well, yes.’ He was
shaking his head.

After a while, his face as he lowered his hand and looked at

me seemed resolute.

“I will take full responsibility.”

What the hell?

“okay! Take responsibility!”

So, what are you going to be responsible for?

“Give me a chance to make up for it.”

So, what are you going to make up for? Frustrated by the
conversation I couldn’t keep up with, I just gave up on

“Mr. Dillian can return home safely.”

“I want to do that too, but as Lia knows, my memory is not

perfect, so it seems difficult to go back right away.”

I kept my mouth shut when he said that I didn’t know where

the house was.

The treatment will be over, it’s enough to issue a

congratulatory order….

“sorry. You are in trouble.”

shit! that face!

What should I do if I make a face like an abandoned puppy?

As I looked at the pitiful face that seemed to collapse at any

moment, my heart kept getting weaker.
‘No, calm down. Don’t be fooled by appearances! The egg is
a beast!’

I turned my head hard. Dillian said in a weak voice at the

apparent refusal.

“And, it would be dangerous to go out in this weather.”

“What is the weather?”

In the morning, I clearly saw the sunrise with my own two

eyes. Seeing this, I opened the tightly closed window with all
my might.

But it wasn’t the warm sunlight that greeted me,


It was a cold snowstorm.

I hurriedly closed the door after a snowball fight. My hands


“Hey, what is this….”

The windows rattled in a raging blizzard.

“I don’t want to make Lia in trouble, but it’s a precious life

that you saved at the best, so you should use it sparingly,


“I don’t care, but I’ll be indebted to you for a while.”


“I will do anything you ask. You are free to play.”

“Good. I still don’t have enough firewood, so go and make


“I didn’t ask you.”

Nathan. It is said that people with divine power are loved by

God. But what is this?

what is love It was clear that God hated me.

As he watched Nathan and Dillian’s conversation with
dismayed eyes, a large hand suddenly intervened in front of

“Thank you.”

Dillian looked at me and rolled his eyes pretty.

‘It’s ruined. It’s ruined.’

I was locked up immovably.

With a time bomb that you never know when your memories
will come back.
Chapter 2 . I Hate Living Together Like This!

tuck tuck. The cheerful sound of a knife resounds from the


As if riding a rhythm, Nathan’s head shook.

“Who are you working so hard to cook for?”

“Who is who?”

Of course it’s Dillion. I prepared breakfast by wiping away

the ingredients that were busy and the ones I didn’t have.

‘You can’t feed a noble duke with shabby food.’

It was a struggle to somehow leave a good impression.

Do you know, if you take care of yourself with the utmost
sincerity, you will be merciful when you regain your

“I haven’t prepared anything, but please eat it.”

Dillian doesn’t respond to my request to come in. He just

looked at me with his arms crossed.

I asked cautiously, wiping my cold hands on my apron.

“Well, is there anything you lack?”

Of course, compared to a noble’s meal, it would be lacking

and lacking, but for now, this was the best.

‘And you don’t even remember!’

I was sweating profusely inwardly at the gaze that seemed to

pierce my cheeks.

Dillian asked me in a low, serious voice.

“Am I uncomfortable?”
no wonder Would you be comfortable? Resisting the urge to
scream, I forcibly pulled the corners of my mouth.

“Is it possible?”

“You look uncomfortable.”


“I had convulsions in my mouth.”

I pressed my hand to the corner of my trembling lips.

“It’s because I have facial cramps.”


Dillian let out a sigh as he defended the iron wall without

giving even a small gap.

“If anyone sees it, they will know that I am the king, and Mr.
Leah is my servant.”
the king is right It is a being that has built up a huge and
independent force that even the imperial family can contain.

I shrugged my shoulders inwardly .

“I’m not hungry-”


“… I was going to eat later, but I’m suddenly very hungry.”

I quickly pulled out a chair and sat across from Dillion.

Invisible camouflage! Unnoticed belly clock!

‘I thought I would pretend to eat together, so I deliberately

tried to eat them separately…!’

The Duke, who had lost his memory, was overly gentlemanly.

“Do you always eat like this?”

Nathan, who was aiming for meat on the table, snorted.

“No way. What is the reason for a person who eats with a
slice of bread because everything in the world is bothering

Dillian nodded at the terrifying glance that it was because of

you. The eyes looking at me were strange.

“It’s because of me.”

“No, that’s….”

“I appreciate Lia’s sincerity, but next time I will eat normally.

And it would be better to decide the turn of the meal.”

It seems that the craftsmanship of trying to look good was

too blatant. His face heated up.

“Who said you cook like this all the time? The patient needs
to eat well and get plenty of rest to get well soon! So that’s

I put my face down on the plate, saying that there is no soup

from tomorrow.

“Is that so.”

“Because it is.”

“I also thought you were doing it to look good to me.”


He hurriedly wiped his lips and raised his head, his red eyes
curved into a half moon.
Episode 5.

‘shit. You look so deceitful.’

In order to change the mind of Dillian, who is more wary than

others, he has to approach him secretly and carefully.

I mean, it’s too hot.

“Did you want to save your life with this kind of repair work?
It’s not even funny.”

And if you even hit my neck….

‘Whatever you do, it’s a beheading ending. It is very difficult

to live.’
I thought I would only shoot ordinary everyday things while
possessing an extra, but the genre suddenly changed.

A survivor with the highest level of attack difficulty.

“It was a joke, but I think it’s true.”

“… Are you kidding me?”

“Please. Can I do that to a benefactor?”

Dillian shrugged his shoulders and remained ignorant.

‘Aren’t you surprised? Do you know how to play a prank?’

I thought you were such a hard and cold person….

“Then I will eat well.”

Dillian had a very delicious meal.

“it’s delicious?”

“Yes, it is delicious.”
of empty words began to appear one after the other.

I’m glad you ate well. I was relieved for a while.

“no. Because I can’t do it.”

“You can’t just take it when you’re in debt.”

Dillian pushed me gently but firmly, and slipped his hand into
the ice-cold water.

“It’s cold.”

“yes! So I do the dishes…!”

“Let’s finish it quickly.”

Crackle, clack.

The sound of clattering dishes was deafening.

As the sound of dripping water grew louder, my face became

‘To have Dillian Sinise do the dishes, I’m dead now!’

I didn’t do it, but it was my fault for not stopping it.

Right now, I felt like I wanted to grab Dillian’s crotch and

cling to it.

I was restless and hovered next to him.

“Am I doing well?”

“yes! sure! What can’t Mr. Dillion do?”

That’s a lie. It’s a blatant lie!

you can’t get dirty! There was no oil on the plate!

‘Oil should be washed with hot water!’

I swallowed the words that filled my throat and gave a

thumbs up towards him.

Isn’t it said that praise makes even whales dance?

Dillian’s lips began to draw a subtly arc at my compliments
pouring in non-stop as if he was wearing a motor .

“I wondered what would happen if I showed shame, but I’m


I frowned as I looked at the teddy bear apron hanging from

Dillian’s chest.

Aren’t you embarrassed to wear a brown teddy bear apron?

“Please. It’s so cool!”

The teddy bear’s eyes met and frowned.

darling! Stay strong!

shit. It’s terribly difficult to survive.

Another day was bright.

Having grown old overnight, I followed the busy Dillian.

His wide back was constantly moving.

“What shall we do next?”

Dillian asked, rolling up his arms. I hurriedly pulled his arm


“it’s okay. Rest.”

“Shall we wash the dishes like yesterday?”

“No, absolutely not!”

He pushed Dillian, who had the momentum to run to the

kitchen right away, and pushed his back.

‘I’ll do whatever it takes.’

Dillian had said was true when he said he would work hard
while staying at my house.
Yesterday morning, after washing the dishes and feeling
confident, Dillian began to work around the house.

And one by one, they gave up their livelihoods.

Doesn’t he break the plate while washing the dishes, break

the broom, or pop the pillow while tidying the bed….

Too much power was the problem.

‘The one I broke yesterday was my favorite plate….’

Tears of blood flowed from his eyes as to how much damage

had been done by just destroying Dillion overnight.


I contorted my eyes at the sharp noise.

time ? I sighed and turned around, Dillian quickly hid my

hand behind me.

Then he looked at me with a sly face, asking what had

‘It’s like a serpent.’

Dillian hurriedly moved his feet as he approached him,

wiping his wet hands on his apron.

It was a move to conceal the evidence.

Instead of getting angry, I ran to him and blinked wide.

“I heard a loud noise, Mr. Dillian, are you okay?”

“That’s it.”

“Ugh! You didn’t hurt your hand?!”

Dillian reluctantly reached forward with his hidden hand.

The handle of the cup dangles from Dillian’s hand.

“I failed to control my power….”

He squinted his eyes as if smirking.

A sigh swirled deep in the depths of the danjeon when he
saw the horribly shattered cup.

‘Hold on. Be patient. What kind of housework must the

master do?’

If you have patience three times, you will avoid murder….

I pulled the cup handle out of Dillian’s hand with a face of

great concern.

“There are no injuries. What a relief. It must have been really


I scolded him pretending to be concerned. If I didn’t do this, I

thought I would die from a vase.

“Mr. Dillian. It’s dangerous here, so go over there and rest.”

But Dillian didn’t even listen to me. He bent over following

me and reached for the piece of glass.

“No, I will clean it up.”

what do you do In a moment of tears, I unknowingly slapped
Dillian on the back of his hand.

‘Hey, crazy.’

It sounded like it had been hit quite hard.

I was startled and held out my hand.

“Lia, your hands are very spicy.”

“Well, don’t touch it. What do you do if you hurt your hand?”

“It’s the same with Lia-san touching it with her bare hands.”

Dillian’s eyebrows twitched in dissatisfaction.


“What is different?”

I’m a small citizen the size of a pea, and you’re a scary guy
with no blood or tears?
If I made that scary guy even bleed….

Just imagining it gave me chills.

“Unlike me, your hands are very fine….”

I blurted out my words. Looking at his hands full of rough

scars, he couldn’t bear to say that he was pretty.

“… They are precious hands.”

Dillian looked at me with strange eyes at the mumbled


“If you’re really worried, go ahead and get a broom. yes?”

I wanted to do this right now, so I pushed Dillian as hard as I

could. Dillian, who reluctantly got up from his tough attitude,
asked for a new God.

“Do not touch the glass and wait.”

“Yeah, let’s go.”

I sighed at the sound of distant footsteps.

“I’ll have to buy another cup again.”

How many new utensils do you need to buy? As I was

muttering to myself and gathering the large pieces together,
Nathan approached me.

“That guy is a really bad guy.”

“Nathan. I think I’m going to die from stress.”

It’s only been three days now and it felt like there was a hole
in the top.

“Let’s turn our gaze elsewhere.”


“Hmm, how about throwing the book in the warehouse? I’ve

been asking questions about this and that since yesterday,
but if I throw a book at it, it seems to be quiet.”
Yes . Dillian, who was able to afford it, became a question
bot and asked me endless questions.

From the most basic to personal details that are difficult to


If he went on like this, he might die immersed in the

questions he poured out.

“Nathan, you are also my guardian spirit.”

I hugged Nathan and kissed his head again and again.

“Eight, how old am I?”

Nathan’s golden eyes twitched like a crescent moon, as if it

was a good feeling even if he said that.

“I thought he was just an unlucky guy, but now I see it’s a

perverted owl.”

Dillian, who appeared with his head tilted at the unfamiliar

sound of squeaking, looked at Nathan’s loose face and
wrinkled his face.
As if he had seen something he could not see, his rotten face
revealed his sincerity.

“It’s disgusting. It can be so ugly.”


“Lea, get off. That’s not a guardian deity, it’s a pervert.”

“Have you seen such an ungrateful bastard?”

“You have a dirty temper over there.”

“Lea! don’t dry me I’m going to cut a hole in that guy’s head

ok, don’t dry it Inwardly, I took the broom that Dillian had
thrown at me and swept up the shards of glass.

After cleaning, I left the two fighting and headed straight to
the warehouse.

“Collock, Cologne.”

A cough erupted from the dust fluttering in the air.

I covered my mouth and waved my hands, but the more I did,

the more dust I blown away.

“After that, I found it.”

I pulled out a bundle of books that had been tucked away in

the corner, moaning and moving the books home.

As I staggered open the back door and entered the house,

Nathan flew in swiftly.

“Lea! Did you bring this heavy thing by yourself? You didn’t
call me.”

“If you pick this up, you’ll break all your wings.”
“Dillian! What are you looking at! Because of whom our Lia
is suffering!”

Dillian didn’t even blink an eye even though his ears were
ringing in the roar of fire.

“What is this?”

“It’s a book. Dillian, you have a lot of questions. I’m not good
at teaching, so read a book.”

Dillian, who was holding the bundle of books I had been

carrying in a whimper, in one hand, closed the door with a
cold breeze.

Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I asked cautiously.

“Dillian, do you remember the Imperial language?”

“It’s true that I have a memory impairment, but I’m not an


thank god. If I had told you to teach the Imperial language

first, I would have given up and threw it away.
“It’s a lot.”

As he said, the books were many and varied.

History, literature, philosophy, the Bible. There was even a


“From today on, don’t bother Leah and read a book!”

“Aren’t you a little quiet? He’s a pervert, has a dirty temper,

and talks a lot.”

“Leah. I really hate him.”

“I’m glad I made it through this time.”

As I’ve felt before, the two of them got along really well. on
the bad side.

Dillian, scratching Nathan’s stomach, sat down on the sofa

and opened the book to see if he liked the book.

It didn’t take long for him to fall in love with the book.
“Then I’ll clean up and come back. You are reading.”

Dillian, who was obsessed with reading, didn’t seem to be

able to hear me.

‘I’d rather be good.’

I opened the back door and headed to the conservatory in

the backyard.

A greenhouse of less than ten square feet.

This was my work and rest space, filled with herbs, flowers,
herbs, orchids, and other plants.

As I opened the greenhouse door, a warm air gently

enveloped me.

When I came to a space just for me, without Dillion, I finally


“Ugh, I’m going to live now.”

The scent of herbs and flowers mixed together to melt the
weary body.

“Then let’s get to work.”

I searched every nook and cranny of the greenhouse to find a

dying or slow-growing herb and infuse it with divine power.

Plants that absorbed the divine power like life water began
to slowly regain life.

I rolled my eyes towards the golden butterfly that appeared

at some point.

“Hello. long time no see.”

Butterflies hovered around me as if to say hello.

Episode 6.

“how have you been doing?”

The butterfly flapped its wings and shook its body.

“It looks like it’s snowing and you’re excited.”

Butterflies flying around me were like excited children.

The butterfly didn’t actually speak. It doesn’t even make


I could just feel their feelings.

Just as I was watching the butterflies spin around as if

dancing, I heard Nathan’s voice.
“Lea, you’re pretty good now.”

“It’s been a year since I’ve been training, but if I can’t even
learn the basics, it’s a big deal.”

I shrugged and lightly blown away the butterfly sitting on the

tip of my finger.

training. The feeling the words gave was grand, but in reality
it was nothing.

Because it was to learn the operation of divine power, which

is the basic of the basics.

“Do you know how surprised I was when you asked me to

materialize a butterfly?”

This golden butterfly is not real. If you ask me if it’s an

illusion, it’s not.

Butterflies are like the flow of the world.

It exists wherever life is alive, but ordinary people without

divine power cannot see it.
However , as it is now, when the vast divine power is
released, it takes on a form, so even ordinary people can see
the butterfly.

‘Lea, as I always say, if you can see, you must also know
how to make it visible.’

The first thing I learned was to materialize butterflies.

‘Then it was about getting to know each other.’

It wasn’t difficult.

Because the butterflies followed me well from the beginning.

I slowly raised my hand and whipped it in the air. It’s like

being a conductor.

Then the butterflies followed my movements as if they were

members of an orchestra.

“You are doing well.”

Nathan looked at me with delight and gave me compliments
from time to time.

“But does this really help?”

It has been a great help in growing herbs, but should I

practice as if I was cultivating the Tao every day?

“Anything, the basics are important. If you can use your

divine power as naturally as you breathe, you will be able to
protect yourself in the future even if a dangerous situation

“I don’t want to create a dangerous situation in the first


“It would be nice, but isn’t there a guy who doesn’t know
when to explode is closest to you?”

Dillian. He was like a reef that popped into my peaceful life.

“Soon, Dillian, his curse will want a meal.”

“But you’ve been full before.”

how much did i feed Even the Bansangjang, which was about
to die, wouldn’t eat up the divine power as much.

“The ship is bound to go out soon.”

“Can’t I tell you to starve a little?”

“If it’s you, Leah, can’t you stand it without eating appetizing
meat when your belly is stuck to your back?”


I can’t stand it.

“Don’t worry. It won’t be as scary as it used to be. Even the

vitality of one beast would be enough to satisfy your hunger.
Except in special circumstances.”

“Yeah, but….”

There weren’t many situations in which Dillion went wild.

The fact that he is running rampant means that a red signal
has come into his life. So it meant that he couldn’t control
the curse on his own.

But Dillian was strong. I was strong enough to protect what I

had, and strong enough to control myself even if the curse
ran rampant.

In other words, there was no runaway unless life was


‘It is impossible now because I have lost my memory.’

“I wish I could get it out before then. The weather doesn’t

seem to help.”

As Nathan said, his eyes seemed unstoppable.

Snow piled up in the backyard.

My anxieties also piled up.


The book never fell from Dillian’s hand, who began to focus
on recovering his memories .

To a certain extent, he devoted all his time to reading except

for eating and sleeping.

Thanks to him who is no longer interested in cleaning, there

has been no disruption to his household.

Instead, questions poured down on me like a downpour.

‘I thought giving the book would make it quieter….’

It was a mistake. Far from disappearing, the question

returned to me twice.

“The Roheim Empire is a holy country. If you look at the

history of the nation, it is said that the only god ‘Obelus’
created the world and established an empire.”
The book that opened in front of Dillian was a children’s
book made easy to understand as an introduction to history.

I pointed to the large drawings one after another.

“As it is a holy country, the power of the temple is great. In

the capital, there is a large temple dedicated to the one and
only god, ‘Obelus’, and beneath it, temples named after the
angels who were faithful servants and apostles of God are
located throughout the empire.”

The Temple of Nathaniel, where I was a member, was one of


“As a holy nation, the priesthood is strong, but I am not

interested in politics. Because they worship only God.”

I don’t know what the former high priest might have been
like, but the current high priest was not at all interested in

“There is no check in the temple, so the imperial power is

also in a stable position.”
It has been more than 200 years since he became High
Priesthood, so he was maintaining peace.

“Then is it absolute power?”

“Is it possible? There is a force as great as the imperial

family that boasts absolute power.”

I touched the beginning of the book with my index finger.

“The Duke of Sinais.”

A family that has existed since the founding of the country.

Maybe even older than the imperial family.

While the emperor’s surname was changed several times

over the course of a thousand years, the Duke of Sinais
remained firmly in place.

In other words, Sinais was a living history that grew along

with the empire.

Dillian, who was listening to my explanation, asked a

“It’s powerful enough to have its own power, but isn’t the
imperial family checking it?”

“As Dillian said, it wasn’t that there were no checks. But they
all failed, and in the end they chose to coexist.”

For the imperial family, it was more beneficial to hold hands

than to check Dillian.

This is because the person supported by Sinais becomes the

next emperor.

people joked that the Sinise family was called the


The person chosen by Sinais will surely become the


“Unless Sinais abandons the imperial family first, the

imperial family will not be able to turn their backs on Sinai.”

In particular, the owner of this unit is Dillian. It was too

dangerous to be turned into an enemy.
“Looking at this alone, Sinise might look like a non-executive
person, but this side is also not very interested in politics. I
think it’s outdated and uninteresting.”

By the way, this opinion is from Dillian himself.

He had no interest in anything other than my people and my


Dillian was the one who didn’t give a single glance whether
he was fighting or not.

Of course, the Sinais family tends to be single-handed

generals from generation to generation, but Dillian was
indifferent to the situation to the point of being the best of
them all.

“Did you understand? Dillian student.”

“Yes, I understand. Mr. Leah.”

Dillian often showed unexpected appearances, but if he

made a prank like he is now, he would accept it without
avoiding it.
“It was a great lesson that caught my ear.”

There were times when I took one more bite like now.

‘Am I a little more comfortable?’

I wish it was like that.

Excited a little, I answered Dillian’s questions with all my

heart, but I soon ran into a limit.

“Sir, I have a question.”

“Sir, I don’t understand.”



Going crazy. i think i’ll go back I felt like I was going to get
neurosis at the sound of that teacher.

In that short period of time, my energy was drained and I

declared surrender.
“Mr. Dillian, will you stop that teacher? From today on, I am

“What is Dobby?”

“Dobby is a house elf. When you find the socks, you are

I shouted as I lifted my socks off the pile of laundry.

“Dobby is free!”

yes. Dobby is free, so she’ll stop acting as a teacher. I was

talking nonsense and breaking my clothes.

I could hear Nathan’s sighs overhead.

“ Dillian, you’re bothering me too much, so stop asking. Leah

is overloaded now.”

“Ah, so you were bullshit.”

That’s bullshit! That’s too much! It’s bullshit, but hearing it

hurts Dobby.
“Ask me if you have any questions. Because this body has
lived for a long time, there are many things that I know.”


“Yeah, it’s hard to believe that I’ve been around for a while.”

“Crazy. Look in the mirror and live. Or is it dementia


“Yes, Inom!”

I could hear bloody fighting above my head, but I lightly

ignored it.

Yes, Dobby is a free house elf.


Dillion absorbed Nathan’s vast knowledge like a sponge.

And Nathan, who gave everything to him, looked back at me
with a blank face as if his life had been sucked away.

“Lea, don’t touch me until I wake up….”

Stumbled and exhausted, Nathan went into the bedroom.

Unlike me, who looked at Nathan’s back with sad eyes,

Dillian didn’t even give me a glance.

Even though he had swallowed up enough knowledge, he

was still hungry.

“Mr. Leah, what kind of person am I?”

Naturally, I was the next target.

“Is there a castle? What was your identity? What is your


A bombardment of indiscriminate questions attacked me.

“I’m fine too….”

I shrugged, making fun of my hand that was folding the

“Do I have a family?”

My heart stinged at the subtle longing.

“… sure. Of course there is. He must be desperately looking

for Mr. Dillian.”

“Is that so?”

“yes. Surely it will.”

There are many people who fear and be wary of Dillion, but
those who are by his side now have sworn allegiance to him.

So, if you close your eyes, I’ll do anything to find Dillion.

‘If that happens, I will be in trouble.’

I answered confidently.

“Do not worry too much. We will meet again.”

“This is the truth.”


meaningful words.

It’s like he knows everything I lied.

Episode 7.

‘… I was caught.’

whenever? How do you not?

not. That’s not what’s important.

The problem is that I knew I was hiding something, but I kept

it alive.

“You look like you’re wondering why you didn’t ask.”

“… yes.”

“I thought there must be a reason. It would be difficult to tell

the truth for some reason.”
“… So?”

Eyes as deep as the deep sea stared at me.

He sometimes looked at me with those eyes.

And I kept turning away.

Because it seemed like it would fall out if I made a mistake.

“I was going to wait. Until you let me know. But I am also

tired of waiting incessantly.”

But I couldn’t ignore it any longer.

He pushed me to the edge of the cliff to vomit the truth.

“Now tell me. What are you hiding?”

Although I concealed the truth, he was still polite and gentle.

Even if you lose your memory, your nature itself will not
Am I wrong? Maybe he was actually a pretty good person?

I decided to play a little gamble.

“sorry. I can’t tell you. If this is revealed, it will be


It’s dangerous, that’s a very meaningful word.

“Who is at risk?”

“Me and Mr. Dillian.”

It’s not a lie.

It was a dangerous truth for all of us, as I’d be blown away

and Dillian’s blood pressure would rise from anger and he
might collapse.

“You will find out when the time comes. So, can’t we just
move on for now?”

I would have left the Empire when Dillian had all his
memories back.
‘So, you just have to get over it now.’

Did my earnest wish reach him?

“… You can’t trouble Leah.”

Then the eyes that followed me disappeared. I struggled to

calm my terrifyingly beating heart.

“Then can you tell me what this is?”

Dillian pointed at me.

“At first I thought it was just a tattoo, but it doesn’t seem to


Dillian, who lightly wiped the thorn on his neck, frowned.

“It makes me feel bad when I look at it.”

Perhaps he instinctively felt the ominous ominousness of the

curse, and his expression was ferocious.

Then sparks hit me, so I quickly nodded my head.

“I’ll tell you. your secret.”

I was going to talk about the curse anyway. That way he and
I can prepare for it.

For that first,

“Please take it off.”

“… what.”

“Take it off.”

“sorry. I didn’t hear it very well.”

“Take it off.”

Take it off. A look of embarrassment appeared on Dillian’s

face at those words.

“I asked you to tell me about tattoos, and if they told you to

take them off, how should I respond?”

Dillian grabbed the front of his shirt and leaned back.

“Even with such a sinister eye.”

“I beg your pardon? Sneaky?”

Are you treating me like a pervert now?

While watching Dillion’s eyes, I crawled, but I couldn’t stand

being treated as a pervert.

What a pervert to Mosol, who has never been in a


“It was Mr. Dillian who asked me to tell you.”

“I didn’t ask you to take it off.”

I was so shocked that no words came out.

Dillian was really looking at me as a deceitful, unscrupulous


‘No, what do you see people as!’

Blood slowly began to boil.

“Of course, that could be enough between us, but I think it’s
too early.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t understand the meaning. What is our


“Well, what is it?”

I asked first, what if I ask again?

Dillian, deep in thought, rubbed his chin.

“Yeah, would it be like that?”

what in between

“We’ve known each other for less than a week, and we’re

“It’s awkward…. That’s right, it’s very awkward now.”

The way he looked at me was very impure.

“Are you getting more awkward?”

I glanced meaningfully at Dillion’s loose button.

‘What am I talking about now?’

My eyes trembled at the tongue that moved freely.

So these were extremely impulsive actions and words.

From the first meeting until now, there hasn’t been a single
quiet day.

They were all dying, so I almost got eaten when I tried to

help. I ended up forced to live with him, who lost his
memories because of the damn weather. I’m anxious about
when I will get my memories back, I live in tension 24 hours a

Stress piled up every day and every hour, but it could not be

Then, Dillian tapped me.

The balloon, which was slowly inflated, popped with a little

pressure! And it had exploded.
Dillian’s eyebrows fluttered at the provocative, dark words
he had heard for the first time.


“Yeah, really.”

Aww! stop my mouth! Stop the bullshit!

Contrary to my trembling heart, my voice and face were


It was then that Dillian noticed something strange and

quietly retreated.

“It’s Nathan. Don’t do this.”

‘Honey, what if you wake up like this?’ I screamed at the

same nuance.

“Nathan isn’t even a kid, that’s weird!”

“I just read that having such a relationship in front of a child

can cause emotional instability.”
“It’s such a relationship! Don’t be weird! And Nathan isn’t a
kid, he’s a hundred years old grandpa! By the way, you
scolded me for having dementia, so why are you treating me
like a child this time!”

“Nathan said to himself that he was in full swing. Then you

are like a child.”

What is the logic of this miracle?

“But it was Grandpa. If that’s the case, then you shouldn’t be

caught even more.”

Wow, I’m going crazy. How can you accept everything

without saying a word? And that’s all bullshit!

I fanned my hands on my face, which was red with


‘Let’s calm down. calm down. The opponent is Dillion in the

world. Even if you fight, you can’t find the original battle.’

The nonsensical puns end here.

“Mr. Dillian, I’m going to be straight-forward. You are cursed.
And the root of that curse is in your heart, to be exact.”

Dillian seemed to be perplexed by the sudden bang, but

what did he find out?

“I told him to take it off because he wouldn’t believe me if I

told him I was under a curse. not greed or black minded. Do
you know?”

Dillian’s face slowly sank at the brief and concise


“I had a tattoo on my heart, so when I said what a bizarre

hobby it was, it was a curse.”

I tapped Dillian’s shoulder in thought.

“I have more to show you, so come here for a moment…!”

At that moment, my feet were twisted. uh? In the meantime,

my body trembled. I reached out to live and grabbed what I
saw in front of me.

At the same time, a strong arm supported my waist.

But my hand had already grabbed it.

Ting, Ting, Ting!

The forcibly torn button bounced in all directions.



Button slapped Dillian and me on the cheek and fell to the

floor, rolling down the floor.

‘Are you still holding a Dillion shirt even if you catch it? ….’

And I opened my mouth involuntarily at the firm upper body

that was finally revealed.

I’ve seen it before, but back then I didn’t even pay attention
to the wounds….

The well-formed muscles that had been honed through

training showed off their presence.
He had his stiff shoulders, a firm chest, and clear abs in his
eyes one after another.

As I stared at his body as if possessed, I trembled at the

sound of a subdued voice.

“You really….”

Haha , I must be mad.

Surprised by the low voice as if my throat was locked, I bit

my body.

“accident! It’s an accident! You saw Dillian, too. I almost


As I vomited my resentment, I shut my mouth at the sound of

laughter in my ears.

“Ha, that’s fun.”

Dillian, who muttered alone, smirked.

‘what should we do. It must have been a big shock.’

Dillian, who smiled with his face covered, let out a long sigh
and ruffled his messy hair.

“… If this happens, the only choice is to really take



“Now, Ms. Leah has to take responsibility for me.”

“What responsibility…?”

“I do not know. Leah should think about that, right?”

Unable to hide my embarrassment at the vague words, I


“Why do you have that face? I… Are you going to make a

mess like this and pretend you don’t know?”

No, this one! What a mess!

“If anyone hears it, they misunderstand!”

“It’s not a misunderstanding, it’s the truth.”

Dillion shook my tattered shirt lightly.

“I ran so scared, I got it wrong…. Did you lose interest after

seeing it once?”

“no no! Why are you talking like that!”

“I thought my body was flawless… I guess I was arrogant.”

corners of the eyes that drooped down were pitiful. The lips
that could not be covered were twitching beneath him.

‘Are you having fun? fun? You’re making fun of people!’

But Dillian is one step ahead of me. Even if I ran, I just got

Sensing defeat early, I nodded with my shoulders drooping.

“… Could it be? Mr. Dillian is perfect. I just did it all wrong.”

“sure. Perfect.”

I looked at his strong upper body and said in a low and low

“Hey, it’s spectacular, it’s a wonderful view, it’s a gift from


clap clap. Dillian nodded as if he was satisfied with the

mechanical praise.

‘Are you okay? great? I will die for you.’

When I saw the damn bastard making fun of me, I was


‘done. Let’s stop. It’s good for my mental health to finish it


I motioned for Dillion to come.

I dragged him to the place in front of a large mirror in the

corner of the living room.
“Mr. Dillian runs rampant at regular intervals, and when it
runs rampant, these thorns will spread out more and more.
From the heart to the neck to the cheeks.”

“What if it explodes?”

“Suck the life of living creatures around you.”

All people, animals and plants.

Dillian’s eyes widened in disbelief.

It must be shocking . I can’t remember anything, but I’d be

surprised to hear that I was suddenly cursed.

“You know it well. By any chance, in front of Ms. Leah-.”

“ah! I’m very interested in curses. Haha, I knew it as soon as

I saw it.”

I hurriedly cut off Dillian’s words and smiled awkwardly.

‘I can’t tell you the truth that I ran out in front of you.’
To tell the truth, Dillian would wonder how he had put down
the runaway, and it was only a matter of time before the
divine power was discovered.


Dillian stared at my chest with terrifying eyes.

Those who stared at it like that, the curse won’t disappear.

The curse won’t subside until you take as many lives as you

‘It would be better if you took the life of a wild beast or even
the life of a tree.’


was there?
Episode 8.

“Mr. Leah?”

“Dillian, would you like to come over?”

The place that took Dillion was the greenhouse.

Dillian, who stepped into the space outside the house for the
first time, looked around the greenhouse in wonder.

“How is it here?”

“It’s a greenhouse for growing herbs.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen a greenhouse.”

“It lacks a lot compared to the nobility greenhouse, but it’s
pretty good, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, that’s cool.”

I held out a potted plant nearby to Dillion.

“Mr. Dillian, I’ll give it to you as a present.”

“A gift, you say?”

In the middle of a serious conversation, Dillian’s

embarrassment was conveyed all the way to this point.

Dillian, who has lost his memory, cannot control the curse.

Being out of control means you never know when it’s going
to explode.

So, Dillian needed this flower.

“The name of this flower is Baek Sohwa.”

“Baek Sohwa….”
“But there are very few people who call them names
properly. I have a nickname more famous than my name.”

I tapped and touched the petals in full bloom.

“Curse Detector.”

White hydrangea is one of the plants that reacts sensitively

to curses.

Originally, it was a pure white flower, but it was literally a

curse detector that turned black when it felt a curse.

‘I had a hard time raising them.’

I tried to sell it at a high price, but I couldn’t help it. First of

all, I have to live with myself.

In addition to white flowers, I generously gave him plants

that could offset the curse a little.

Although it was an expensive product, tears were flowing.

“As an herbalist, I think there are more flowers.”

“I am a herbalist and a gardener at the same time.”

It started by accident, but luckily I had a knack for digging

herbs and growing plants.

Even plants that are reputed to be picky have always made

flowers bloom in my hands.

“I am a greater person than I look.”

“I think so.”

I blushed at the voice of admiration.

I said this as a joke, but what if I take it seriously?


I put a flowerpot on the window sill and prayed for him.

“If the color fades even a little, you have to let me know right

“Yes, I will.”

Just in case you don’t know, can I put one by the bedside? I
think it would be nice to put one on the table over there.

It was at that time when he was planning to decorate

Dillian’s room with flowers.

“By the way, Leah.”

A sharp breath tickled the pinna of his ear.

“Are you spraying perfume?”

“Yes Yes?”

As he turned his head in surprise, his languid eyes fluttered

in front of his nose.

When it came to me, Dillian, who was close behind me,

asked a random question.
‘When are you here….’

My heart raced like it was going to explode at Dillion, who

was so close behind my back .

“use it?”

“Oh, no.”

I was caught between Dillion and the drawer, unable to do

this or that, only blinking my eyes.

“Then I think this scent is Leah’s scent.”

“The scent…?”

What scent are you talking about? I can’t smell anything.

At that moment when I was sniffing a little, Dillian gently

touched the tip of my hair.

It wasn’t rude, it was playful, but it was a careful touch.

“If you go near Ms. Leah, it smells good.”

“… Could it be the scent of flowers?”

been in the greenhouse all the time, and there’s still a lot of
flower pots nearby.

“It’s different from that.”

It was an embarrassingly resolute voice.

“It’s especially dark today.”

After that, Dillian brushed the ends of his hair without saying

I held my breath. Dillian, who had been touching his head for
a while, lowered his head.

“Mr. Dillian?”

“Wait a moment.”

Dillion took a deep breath. The hot breath on the back of my

neck made me cringe and goosebumps.
“You know what?”

“What, what?”

Dillian spit out a syllable, a fever rose in his face.

My back was shivering, my throat was itchy, and my toes

were tense.

“When I’m with Lia, I feel at ease. Especially when I smell

this scent.”

epilepsy. When he couldn’t bear the feeling of a strange

stomach, and tried to shake him off, Dillian bit himself first.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, I quickly escaped from

his arms,

“I’ll prepare dinner.”

He made no excuses and ran out of the room.

Fortunately, Dillian didn’t chase after him.

It’s as hot as burning, and the tenacious gaze just follows

I clenched my fists at the beating heart.


A dark night without a single moonlight.

Nathan, who was sleeping next to Leah, woke up to the

presence of a sign in front of the door.

‘How dare you.’

The golden eyes of the raptor gleamed sharply in the


Nathan came down from Leah’s bedside and inflated her

wings fiercely.
At the same time an unfamiliar language came out of his
mouth, a translucent curtain opened in Leah’s room.

The black shadow that had invaded the room at will,


“Boy, where are you coming from here?”

“I just came here to think for a moment.”

The uninvited guest , Dillian, answered calmly. At that,

Nathan spread her wings and flew away.

So that he can attack Dillion at any time.

“What do you think?”

“Just think. I’m not going to do anything stupid, I’ll just look
at your face, so let’s get this out of the way.”

Dillian tapped the veil.

“Or can I force it to come off?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a cracking and
tearing sound.

‘Hey, you ignorant bastard!’

If you forcibly tear the membrane embodied by divine power,

recoil returns to the caster.

In this case, Nathan will be counterattacked, but the bigger

problem is that it is Leah who summoned him.

In other words , it was Leah who slept without knowing

anything about suffering.

Nathan, who opened his eyes in a triangle, reluctantly

removed the curtain.

Dillian, wandering in like my own bedroom, gave a glance to

Nathan, then fixed his eyes on Leah.

‘What do you mean?’

Contrary to Nathan’s doubts and concerns, Dillian only

quietly looked at Leah’s face.
There was no intention to attack. impure purpose.

Nathan, who saw the essence of Dillion, sat down next to

Leah and laid a smirk.

“Just touch it. Don’t punch a hole in my head.”

Either way, Dillian just looked at Leah tossing and turning.

“Why did you come into the sleeping woman’s room out of

“If it’s a secret that Lia-san is hiding, will you tell me?”


Nathan snorted. It was an obvious refusal.

‘I knew it would.’

No expectations, no disappointment.

Dillian looked down at Leah’s face with unfeeling eyes.

‘What the hell is this woman hiding?’

Leah clearly said that she and herself would be in danger if

the truth was revealed.

What is it? own past? Identity? Or our relationship?

I don’t know what it is.

Dillian, who was looking at Leah, put what he had been

curious about all along.

“Have I ever run wild in front of Ms. Leah?”

“… yes.”

“Did you almost hurt Leah?”

“Nevertheless, Leah reacted resolutely.”

Nathan, who had never dreamed that Leah had lied to

Dillian, vomited out all the truth.

“Yeah, that’s right.”

‘It was also a lie.’

He said he knew because he was interested in curses. He

knew it better than anyone else because he had experienced
it firsthand.

‘Why did you hide that fact?’

Could this also have something to do with the secret she


Or is it related to my lost memories?

“If it was a strong run that no one could recognize, there is a

high possibility that he lost his memory as a side effect.”

What’s that ignorant bastard talking about? Nathan’s

expression changed strangely.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a side effect of the runaway, it was

because the back of the head was broken.

“… Probably so.”
Nathan decided to just pretend he didn’t know.

You know how to spread your delusions, how grateful I am.

‘It would be perfect to catch a tiger.’

Dillian, who could not see Nathan’s tongue-knocking

expression, fell into a world of his own.

‘But why is it so embarrassing?’

Dillian frowned angrily at the throbbing headache.


“huh. Why are you calling me?”

“My heart races wildly just by looking at it, and sometimes

the back of my head feels dizzy. And when I try to think of
Ms. Leah, my head hurts like a shattered one, so why are
you doing this?”

If you don’t know something, ask for help. It was a good way.
But your opponent is wrong.

“What the hell is that feeling, do you know?”

Nathan, unaware of human emotions, was deeply immersed

in Dillian’s words.

Considering the knowledge of romance novels I’ve read so

far, this is it!

“Heng, isn’t that what love is?”


“My heart is racing, my head is dizzy, and my breath is

suffocating. That is typical of those who are in love.”

“Where does the dog bark?”

Dillian, who rubbed his ear saying he heard something he

couldn’t hear, nailed it.

“You’re doing it with great sincerity, too.”

“It’s bullshit!”

Nathan was furious when my perfect reasoning was ignored.

“You quit romance novels.”

You have to make a sound that makes sense. I was an idiot

for asking the dirty-tempered owl who wasn’t even human.

Dillian looked at Lia, who was swimming on the bed, with a

slightly puzzled look.

‘That’s annoying.’

Leah tossed around. As the duvet kicked by his feet fell to

the floor, the trapped scent wafted through him.

As if liberated, the scent scattered around Dillion.

The thorn-like irritation subsided like a lie.

Dillian let out a languid breath without realizing it.

‘What the hell is this incense?’

What makes it feel so complicated?

‘Because it’s love.’

At that moment, an unlucky owl rattled in my head and

muttered a dog whistle.

The enemy’s eyes were twisted wildly again.

“What is love?”

“Then you call it anger?”

“Isn’t there a higher-level answer?”

What Nathan had just said was the right answer, but
unfortunately, Dillian didn’t even make an assumption.

No, I couldn’t.

Even so, Leah is Dillian’s benefactor. From the moment he

opened his eyes, he showed kindness and goodwill.

It was an advantage, not a threat.

‘Even so, I’m not a bastard enough to distort the sincerity of
the benefactor.’

Dillian muttered to himself, picked up the blanket that had

fallen on the floor and threw it at Leah.

“Hey, fat owl.”


Nathan, who had been screaming with his eyes open in a

triangle, saw Leah sleeping and lowered his voice in a hurry.

“Who do you think is fat?”

“Then pig owl.”

“This damn bastard….”

“Don’t take the blanket by yourself, and cover it with Ms.


Nathan clicked his tongue at Dillian, who was muttering if he

caught a cold.
“That is the denial of reality.”

What did Leah say when she saw something like that?

“Ah, the idiot!”

Nathan snorted as he looked at his distant back.

Hang on, Dillian. who is right

Episode 9.


After that day, I could feel Dillian’s gaze looking at me from

time to time.

His gaze was tenacious, but he only looked and did not come
closer than necessary.

It was like a search battle.

Who I am and what I am hiding.

My blood dried up as I looked into my eyes.

“Mr. Lia, you said you don’t use perfume.”

Taking a big bite, I lowered the spoon to Dillian’s question.

“yes. I don’t have enough room to wear perfume.”

“Then do you use a bath salt?”

What kind of bath pill Taryeong do you eat instead of eating?

“I am an ordinary, small citizen who is busy making a living,

so I can’t even dream of luxury items like bath products.”

So can’t you just shut up and eat, you bastard?

“Then the scent from the greenhouse?”

Why are you so obsessed with scents since yesterday?


Again, that gaze again. It felt like rice was on the eyes that
dug into me.
I was uncomfortable with Dillian’s attention.

Doesn’t the thief say my feet are numb? I was just that pair.

And if Dillian finds out something about me….

‘… Let’s stop thinking.’

After brushing off my thoughts, I concentrated on my meal.

Dillian didn’t speak any more, probably because he felt the
pressure of silence as I was eating militarily.

I glanced at Dillian’s room.

‘It’s still okay.’

The white flowers brought to Dillian’s room were still clear

and clean.

But I couldn’t relax.

Nathan’s words that Dillian was going to run again in the

near future made me nervous.
‘I said it didn’t explode all of a sudden, but I’m worried.’

The moment I opened my mouth wide of the omurice that

Dillian had made,

Bang, bang, bang!

Someone knocked on the door harshly.

I was startled and dropped the spoon. My eyes frowned at

the ketchup and rice paste on my clothes.

“Who has been knocking on the door like that since


Dillian stopped me as I got up while muttering.


“It is strange to come to Leah’s house when it is snowing like

Did you hear it? It’s difficult to move forward due to the
heavy snow, but it’s not who I am, who’s coming to my house
near the forest?

I quickly ran to the kitchen, grabbed a frying pan, and groped

around the corner.

A hard, cold iron rod hung at the tip of his finger.

“What is this?”

“It’s a crowbar. It’s a great self-defense tool.”

I took out the crowbar and handed it to Dillian.

“If you’re a bad guy, bang your head with this! You know?”

“… Are you more radical than you look?”

“Thanks for the compliments.”

Dillian, who burst into laughter at my shameless attitude,

grabbed the crowbar.
I leaned against Dillian’s back and stared at the door.

With a click, Dillian opened the door.

At the same time, the white creature made a strange noise

and collapsed inside.

“Hey, hey!”


A snowball crawled into the house, procrastinating.

“What is that! monster?! Are you a yeti!”

“The monsters can’t come in! snowman! Looks like a yeti!

Mr. Dillian, hit it with that! Headshot, headshot!”

Unlike me and Nathan, who clamored for breaking the pot,

Dillian was terribly calm.

Dillian lifted the Yeti’s chin with the tip of the lever.

“Calm down, man.”



closer inspection, the strange language was calling my


“… Claude?”

“Lee, ah!”

At last, the yeti who was able to pronounce a normal

pronunciation drooped.

“Do you know anyone?”

“… Yes, business partners.”

Yes. The Yeti’s true identity was the herbalist, Claude.

“Hey, I’m going to live now.”

hot tea and let out a languid breath. Her blue lips trembled
as if the cold had passed yet.

I quickly filled the bottom-up cup with tea and asked.

“Claude, why did you come all the way here when the
weather is like this?”

“I have only one thing to come to your house. what?”

I’m hungry No matter how urgent it is, the thought of going

through a blizzard with your bare body.

This guy wasn’t crazy either.

“What this time?”

“Heavenly wild ginseng, isn’t it?”

“There is.”
When he nodded his head in affirmation, Claude smiled
contentedly saying he knew it would.

“Sell it to me. I’ll pay you 1.5 times the market price.”


The fact that they came to me through a blizzard means that

the herbs I have grown are of great value.

I tried to negotiate with my index and middle fingers.

“… okay. So that’s Leah Delis. great. double!”

It was as expected.

‘You must have bit a real giant.’

After the transaction, I raised my bent knees up.

Leaning against the wall, he approached Dillion, who was

looking at him, and pressed his arm against his side.

“Stop staring. It’s embarrassing.”

so intently that he thought there was a hole in Claude’s face.

“It’s too defenseless to take an outsider into your house, no

matter how much you work together.”

I blinked blankly at the pouring words.

Now, are you nagging me?

“Then what? Are you going to let me freeze to death?”

“It should be.”

huh, what If so, would you freeze to death too? died of

excessive bleeding.

‘Is this my Nambul?’

Even in my absurd gaze, Dillian did not hide his displeasure.

This is the one, not the beast that protects my realm.

“Claude. If you’ve melted your body, follow me. I will prepare

it right now.”
I can’t help it. The only option is to get Claude out quickly.

As I walked into the greenhouse, Claude screamed out of


“Hey, is that a white cow? Leah, sell that to me. I’ll give you
twice, no, three times the market price!”


“OK got it. quadruple. How are you?”

“I’m not selling. I won’t sell it even for tenfold.”

That would cost my life.

However, Claude, who was not aware of my circumstances,

continued to annoy me.

“Lea, once again….”

Dillian stopped in front of Claude.


“Lea, stop bothering me.”


Dillian gestured his chin to point to Sohwa Baek behind me.

“It’s mine, so stop worrying about it.”

“Yes Yes?”

“Can’t you hear me? It’s mine.”

Claude’s eyes, stained with shock, grew as if they were

about to fall.

“Lee, Leah. Really?”

“yes. right.”

Because I gave Dillian a white flower as a gift.

was hard to believe that he gave that precious thing to
someone else, so Claude couldn’t get out of the shock.

I shook my head to myself as I saw Dillion, nervous that

Claude was going to steal the white flowers.

‘Wow, it’s not an obsession joke.’

Unlike ordinary villains, Dillian was strangely greedy.

Maybe it’s because I have everything, or maybe it’s because

I’m not interested in the world.

Instead, I never lost sight of what I thought was mine.

Be it a thing or a person.

“Stop whining and come quickly.”

I dragged the frozen Claude to the greenhouse.

Dillian’s disapproving gaze pierced his back.


Claude, who was dying from the shock, came back to life as
if he had drank an elixir when he entered the greenhouse.

“Wow, look at these herbs. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen
someone grow herbs like you.”

Claude, as usual, burst out in admiration looking at the


“How the hell do you grow up like this?”

If you don’t use your divine power, it’s this big.

I muttered to myself and shrugged.

“it is a secret.”

Even though he was rejected every time , Claude had a bitter

taste for what was so disappointing.
“Because only the ones you grow are particularly effective.”

It’s also because of consuming divine power.

They are big guys using divine power as fertilizer, so it can’t

be bad for your body.

Because of this, there were customers who only looked for

the herbs I grew.

‘Thanks to you, I’m earning a lot of money.’

I cannot be a healer or a priest, but I could use my divine

power to make plants faster and healthier.

‘This is cheating.’

I put the herbs in a specially made basket.

“By the way, Leah, are you sure the man’s identity is

“Aren’t you dangerous?”

“Why are you so suspicious of the wrong person? Did a

criminal crawl into Wilhelm?”

I waved my shovel and said sarcastically.

There are always many criminals. Wilhelm is a town adjacent

to the border.

It was like a transit station for criminals, where those trying

to escape across the border gathered.

“How did you know? I don’t know if it’s a criminal, but the
bounty at stake is huge.”

There was no one there, but Claude looked around and

whispered in my ear.


It was a mouth-watering amount.

“Because it is.”

“Release the information. What are you doing? Impressive?”

just close your eyes I beat Simmani and go looking for him.

With that money, I…!

“They said he was a man with black hair, red eyes and a
black tattoo on his neck.”


“It fits too well to be a coincidence. Tattoos are like that.

Where is the red eye common?”

Claude was suspicious of Dillian. No, he was definitely


“Leah. Is that guy okay?”

Claude inquired about Dillion, but I heard nothing.

I couldn’t believe it. Who dares to touch the Duke of Sinise?

At that moment, I remembered Dillian, who was wounded
and collapsed in the forest.

‘They’re the ones who hurt Dillian.’

Since he couldn’t kill Dillian, it was clear that he was looking

for him to kill him again.

We should never reveal the location of Dillion, but on the

other hand, his heart was shaken.

‘Isn’t this a chance?’

The bounty was also a bounty, but it was a golden

opportunity to let Dillian out.

And if you use that money to wash your identity and hide,
you won’t be able to find Dillion, no matter how hard you try.

‘Dillian is strong, so he can’t just be killed by assassins,


That was then. The black shadow outside the greenhouse
covered my mouth.

‘Calm down. A strong one is a perfect Sinise Duke, not a lost


I didn’t hide my bursting sigh.

“Claude. Pretend you don’t know.”

“What? What if that man is a dangerous person? He could be

a murderer with rude words!”

“Claude, you’re not like that.”

“You tell the truth. Have you ever been threatened? So are
you staying together?”


I grabbed Claude’s shoulder as he was about to run away.

“I know what you are worried about. But not that person.
he’s a good person And did you see me take in a strange
person’s house?”

Claude, who remembered me, who was always vigilant with

a lot of thorns, shut his mouth.

“Claude, you haven’t seen anyone but me today. right?”

Episode 10.

“… You are so sincere.”

“I am always sincere.”

I can do worse than this to live.

Did my sincerity reach him? His seriously distorted mouth

slowly collapsed, and then he burst into a wide smile.

“great. I didn’t see anything today. Instead, give me one of

those as a service.”

“There is no other blade strength.”

I grunted and without a word I put the herbs in the basket.

“Ah, indeed. The owl was talking to me earlier, am I wrong?”

Claude, who carefully held the basket of herbs I had given

him, tilted his head.

I felt the cold sweat running down my back and pulled the
corners of my lips together.

As a result, a smiling expression was created.

“How does an owl speak?”

“Well, an owl is a horse. It looks like your ears are frozen. I’m

“Go be careful.”

Claude left. It was as if a storm had been swept away.

‘I feel tired.’


I opened my closed eyes at the sound of the door opening.

“It is bad to hide and listen. Mr. Dillian.”

“I was watching the author to see if he did anything strange.”

Dillian proudly admitted that he stole. I didn’t even want to

hide it in the first place.

‘Why are you monitoring that? …?’

Dillion sat down next to me.

“Why did you hide me?”

“… I expected you to hear it, but I didn’t expect you to say it

right away.”

“You have to ask a question right away to find out what your
personality is.”

“Do you think it’s surprising?”

“Well, a little bit.”

Dillian shrugged.
“I thought I would sell it right away.”

“Sell…. What do you see people as?”

Mu, of course, I had that thought for a while! I’m not that

“Are you always trying to get me out?”

Seriously, every day I look out the window and take a deep
breath, but I don’t know.

Embarrassed because my heart was revealed, I ate the

weeds for nothing, avoiding Dillian’s gaze.

“… It’s not a grand reason.”


“Because they could be the ones who made Mr. Dillion sick.”

If they’re really looking for Dillion, hiding is right.

If it was a Dillian who had neither blood nor tears before he
lost his memories, I wouldn’t know.

The current Dillion, who doesn’t know anything , can’t even

get rid of it and can even smear the bones.

Because Dillian, who lost his memory, was only a minor


‘What if, really, what if Dillion dies?’

Dillian is a villain, but I didn’t want to see him get hurt

because of me. I didn’t want the original to change.

‘I mean, I don’t want to get involved in this or that.’

“Do not worry. If you stay here, you won’t be caught.”

If Dillion’s existence is discovered, it will be difficult for me

as well.

‘When the snow stops, I’ll have to find a way to get him out
of my house safely without being noticed.’
Just when he was determined to let him go once more,
Dillian asked cautiously.

“… Aren’t you scared, Leah?”

“Yes? What?”

“I might be a bad person.”


“What do you believe in and keep me by your side?”

So Dillian seemed to be mistaken that he might have been a

heinous criminal.

‘It’s not very wrong, though.’

The only owner of the Sinai Duke family is thinking like this.
It was obvious that anyone would laugh if they knew.

Knowing his true identity, I tried to ignore him, but it was an

important issue for Dillian, who had lost his memory.
A look of impatience appeared on my face as he looked at

‘Because I’m living, there’s a lot going on.’

scary .

At first, I thought I was going to die by his hand, so I



“No matter what kind of person Mr. Dillian was in the past,
the Mr. Dillian I know now is a good person, so it’s okay.”

Dillian, who lost his memory, was a pretty decent person. It

wasn’t scary anymore.

At least it won’t kill me.

“If Mr. Dillian does something bad to me.”

I grabbed the shovel next to me. Dillian’s gaze turned to my

blood-stained hand.
As he smiled brightly at Dillian, he burst into laughter.

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll understand.”

laughter and got up while holding a shovel.

“Then go in first. I’ll go take a look around the greenhouse.”

I grabbed a water iris and went deep into the greenhouse.


Leah told me to go in first, but Dillian decided to wait.

He needed time to organize his thoughts, and the quiet

conservatory was the perfect place.

‘No noisy owls.’

The grasshopper chirped a little.

It’s a chilly winter outside, but it’s a warm spring here.

Dillian was immersed in thought, enjoying the early spring.

The first thought that came to mind was ‘why?’.

Why did Leah help herself? Why the hell are you protecting

Even if he lost his memory, he didn’t lose his eyesight.

He doesn’t know that Leah was trying to get her out of the
way from the first meeting.

One day, two days, three days….

Leah spent more time looking out the window, and worry
appeared on her face.

He knew that it was very difficult for her to be with him.

So I thought that if the opportunity came, I would throw it

away mercilessly.
‘But it wasn’t.’

When Claude persuaded Leah to question his identity, Dillian

thought Leah would accuse him.

a brief moment, Dillian, who had envisioned the future,

decided to kill Claude to keep his mouth shut.

And then Leah….

No, Leah cannot be killed.


When she was shocked that she stopped because she

thought she couldn’t kill Leah, she heard Leah’s voice.

‘Claude. Pretend you don’t know.’

‘Claude, you haven’t seen anyone but me today. right?’

It was surprising. I never thought she would wrap me up.

So I asked outright.
And the answer that came back was unexpected.

‘They might be the ones who made Mr. Dillion sick.’

‘The Dillian I know is a good person, so it’s okay.’

When asked if she believed in me, Leah answered without

hesitation for a moment.

When I remembered those straight eyes, my heart fluttered.

It was a strange feeling, like a butterfly flying in a boat.

‘Strange woman.’

Somewhere in a strange corner, she confuses him with her

unpredictable attitude.

He was staying with her due to the special circumstances of

losing his memory, but he did not trust her.

I was sure it wouldn’t harm me, but….

Believing it was a different matter.

Dillian didn’t trust anyone.

Even the love Nathan spoke of, he did not believe.

his memory, it seemed that he was born that way.

Above all, Leah’s strange attitude, which was hiding

something, scratched his nerves.

‘You mean you don’t even have a face-to-face relationship?

It’s a lie if you just open your mouth.’

Dillian couldn’t believe Leah any longer.

There is no one to help out with a kindness to a stranger

who did not even know his face. until you take the risk.

No matter how good a hogu might be, he wouldn’t do such a


Even more so if Leah is extremely vigilant.

Leah is sweet, but full of lies. It was Leah Delis who was full
of contradictions.
To what extent is she true and to what extent is she a lie?

How far should I believe?

her lie for?

Thoughts for Leah were hanging from tail to tail.

“Mr. Dillian? You weren’t going.”

The voice that existed in the recollection became a reality.

Dillian stared intently at Leah, who was approaching me.

If I dig into her, I wonder if anything will come out.

Leah, who had tilted her head at the persistent gaze, noticed
something and smiled slowly.

“Did you look at the flowers?”

It was then that Dillian recognized the existence of the

flower in front of me.
“Do you know what flower it is?”


Although Dillian had no knowledge of plants, he knew only

this flower.

Hyacinth was famous for the flower that the founding king,
Lissandro Roheim, gave to his lover when he proposed to

“The flower language is unchanging love.”

Dillian spit through my mouth and gave a lot of strength to

his beautiful brow, as if he couldn’t understand.

“Is that possible?”

“Well, I am the one who believes that nothing is permanent

in the world.”

still. Leah added, slurping a little.

“It’s romantic. So I try to believe that it is possible.”

They say that if you don’t have romance in your hectic life,
you’ll be choked up.

Leah shrugged and reached out towards Hyacinth.

“You know what? Hyacinth is a flower of victory before it is a

flower of love.”

is also called the flower of victory because it is said to have

bloomed on the day that Lissandro eliminated the silence
and ascended to the throne.

Although it is a relatively less famous story buried in the love

story of lovers.

He carefully picked the flowers and handed them to Dillion.

“Everything will be fine. So don’t worry.”

Instead of taking Leah’s flower, Dillian grabbed her wrist.

“Then please stay by my side until I get my memories back.”

That was quite impulsive.

But once I spit it out, I thought it would be okay to do it

Fearing to think so, Leah flatly refused.

“I think that would be difficult.”

I’m going to send it back before the memories come back? or

i run away

“Even though Leah is the only place I can lean on.”

“There is no way I will be alone with Mr. Dillian for the rest
of my life. There will be others.”

“It could be a lifetime. I am a fugitive.”

It’s like a battle between a spear and a shield.

Sparks flew between Chirit, Dillian and Lia.

I expected that it would not be easy to catch, but Leah was a

formidable enemy.
But the more Leah pushed him away, the more his sleeping
predator instinct was awakened.

With the strange Ogi who wants to be together no matter


“Hey, you keep trying to run away, so I want to chase you.”

don’t run away Dillian raised one corner of his mouth.

like a villain.
Episode 11.

“Then I will ask you.”

“That wouldn’t be bad either.”

If you ask me anyway, I don’t think it will hurt.

‘Shall I ask you a question?’

Dillian, who had thought that he would be shocked if Leah

had heard of it, lowered the corners of his lips as if he had
ever done so.

“Mr. Leah. I don’t know where my home is, who my family is,
nothing. If I go out on my own and get caught by bad
Dillian rolled his eyes and muttered.

It was meant to win Leah’s sympathy, but in her ears,

‘You broke my head like a clay pot, smashed it into this

shape, so take responsibility. If I get hurt, you know?’

It was heard.

For a moment, Dillian’s face looked like a reaper with a


I’ll cut my throat with that scythe. Leah’s face turned white.

“stop! stop! I know. I will do that.”

That’s why they say that you can’t live without sinning.

I can’t live up to my name because I’m afraid.

Dillian smiled brightly at Leah’s answer, which was wet with


‘Nu, it’s dazzling…!’

the midsummer sun was dazzling.

“Then, promise me.”

Dillian held out his pinky finger.

“Where did you learn this?”

“In the book. They told me to put my finger on it when

making an appointment.”

It’s a fairy tale book. It’s a fairy tale book. It was obvious that
Nathan was reading the storybook when he was bored.

“okay. do.”

Leah reached out as Dillian wanted.

‘Unfortunately, promises are meant to be broken.’

Leah made a promise with Dillian, putting her pinky finger on

it, hiding her sly mind.

But she didn’t know.

Dillian’s longing was so deep.

So, the promise made with an easy heart would become a


The butterflies that had disappeared from the change that

had happened to Leah roared a little.


“Hey, this time it’s top-notch.”

“Leah, she is a thing. He grows herbs well, has a good

personality, and is bubbly. I don’t know how pretty you are.”

Claude stared at the herb with a serious face despite the

compliments of his colleagues toward Leah.
“But what is this? I don’t think it’s the requested herb?”

“Ah, that. I told you that Leah had a hard time coming
through the blizzard.”

Exactly, I gave it to keep my mouth shut.

When I saw the medicinal herbs in the hands of my

colleagues, my mouth went dry.

‘Lea. Somehow with a guy like that.’

Recalling the strange atmosphere that flowed between them,

Claude sighed as the ground fell.

“Why is the guy who smiles all over the room when he sees
Leah like this today?”

“Are you mad at Leah?”

Colleagues giggled and made fun of Claude.

But Claude didn’t have the energy to be angry or even laugh

with him.
‘Bring the information about the man in the enemy’s eye you

Claude, who remembered the low voice that had been

disturbing his head for a long time, banged his head on the

‘Is that guy a stalker? Why are you eavesdropping there?’

Dillion, who was colder than the cold winter wind, greeted
him as he came out of the greenhouse, trying to shake off
his frustration.

‘What, what?’

‘Get information.’

‘Wow, what. Why should I listen to you?’

‘The fee should be this.’

‘Hey! I never did….’

What came into his refusing hand was a high-quality cufflink.

Claude swallowed his saliva at the dazzling black sapphire.

‘Is it not enough?’

‘Oh, no.’

so , I was tempted to give it another one.

After deliberation, Claude accepted Dillian’s request. It was


Because he was a slave to capital.

“It’s the guy with the bounty this time.”

Claude, who succumbed to money, faithfully worked on the


“What kind of guy? There must be one or two guys who got a

“Why, you have red eyes.”

“Why is he?”
“What do you know?”

Then, the eyes of the colleague who had been bluntly

reciprocated turned a different eye.

“Did you see it? uh? I found it?”

“Look what do you see? I think it will be useful later if I

collect the information.”

He pretended to be okay, but cold sweat ran down his back

like rain.

“Hmm. Well, that’s a lot to say. Some say he is a vicious

killer, some say he is a thief who swept away a famous
jeweler in the capital, and some say he is a slave who ran
away by touching the heart of a nobleman.”

As expected, there was no useful information. I’m just

guessing that everyone is a dangerous person.

‘Isn’t that also a dangerous person?’

Is it right to have Leah next to such a dangerous person? Is it

right to pretend not to know as she asks?
But if it’s for Leah, it should be revealed…. The problem was
that the relationship between the two seemed too deep and

It was like we were living and dying. I was afraid that

something big would happen if I forcibly ripped it off.

Lia a glance, but Liana, who desperately clings to the man

who stares at me as if to kill me, saying it’s mine, was the

‘Because it’s the first time I’ve seen those eyes.’

When I remembered Leah’s eyes that were burning hot

because it was desperate, my heart weakened again.

Er, I don’t know. Claude poured his drink out of frustration.

One cup, two cups, three cups…. The intoxication rose


“For Leah….”

“Why Leah?”
“For Leah…!”

“Did something happen to Leah?”

Colleagues who responded immediately to Leah’s words

brushed up on Claude.

Claude exclaimed with a flushed face.

“I found someone I like!”

“What? Our youngest has a crush?!”

“What kind of guy are you?”

“Someone took our Lia…!”

Among herbalists, she was known as the sister of all.

Is my true sister dating? The atmosphere at the table

subsided with the rumors of his brother’s dating.

Quang-! Claude, who threw a drink, stole his wet lips.

“What kind of guy are you? He’s such a handsome guy!”

“ah…. If that’s the case, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“Lea likes good-looking guys.”

“If our youngest passes over, it looks like we have one face.”

“Hey, I thought I was looking at some kind of statue.”

Claude, who was drunk, said that one face was not a joke,
belatedly exclaimed in admiration.

“Are you okay?”

“Well, I don’t know….”

Claude rummaged through his pockets, revealing the

cufflinks Dillian had given him.

“Hey, even though I’m the youngest, it looks expensive.”

“When I saw that he was throwing away this expensive thing,
he seemed to have quite a bit of money. Even if you don’t
know anything else, I’ll make you a good Lia!”

“Of course it is! Otherwise, let’s go give it away!”


An unfamiliar voice poured cold water over them as they

laughed and chatted drunk.

“Where did that come from?”

The eyes staring at the black sapphire shone dangerously.


I have imagined the ending of Dylian’s death countless times

as he regained his memories.
Either you die by cutting your throat, or you have a hole in
your stomach, or you die as a slave….

However, none of those dreams ended in starvation.

I sighed deeply at the empty food warehouse.

“… Dillian is the problem. Does he have a beggar in his


Nathan, who was suddenly starved to death, couldn’t contain

his anger.

don’t want to point arrows at Dillion, who doesn’t know

anything . Obviously, the problem was that there was one
more mouth. Even Dillian eats well. eat very well go eat

And I am responsible for that glutton. I, who suddenly

became the head of the household, shouted resolutely as I
looked outside with my eyes closed.

“I’m going hunting.”

“Would it be difficult to find prey because of the snow?”

“There must be at least one bird.”

I took out the bow I left in the warehouse and put it over my

It would be nice to go down to the village, but the road must

have been clogged with snow for ten days.

‘It will take a whole day.’

It was faster to hunt in the nearby forest than to go down to

the village through the hardships.

“Mr. Dillian, I packed a sandwich, so eat it when you’re


Dillian looked at me with questionable eyes, seeing the

layered clothes and bow.

“Where are you going, Leah?”

“Nearby forest. Food is running out, so I’ll go hunting. Dillian,

wait with Nathan.”
“What? Leah! Can not be done. I can’t let you go alone in
that dangerous forest!”

Nathan, who he thought was going with him, jumped out of

his seat.

“it’s okay. I won’t go deep. And if I go to you, who will take

care of Mr. Dillian?”

As Nathan and I were wrestling, Dillian interrupted.

“Mr. Leah, that is insulting.”


The atmosphere suddenly subsided at the cold voice .

My fingertips hardened at the cold look I saw for the first

time since the first day.

Are you mad at me for treating you like a child? Dare to treat
the strongest as the weak?
“To be cared for by a non-human animal. And Nathan’s care.
I feel like my humanity has been destroyed as well as my

was that one

“If you want to treat me like a child, please take me with my

guardian, Ms. Lia.”


I just cut it off and refused.

I know how to hunt. I know how to distinguish herbs. He was

nothing but a hump.

Then Dillian looked at me with a fat face and suddenly put

his hand into the basket.


“If you leave me alone, this guy will be famous here.”

What was in Dillian’s hand was my share of the sandwich.

“Is this a hostage play? Give it to me.”

Reaching for the sandwich, Dillian raised his arms high.

Much smaller than that, I was at a height I could never

As Dillian applied strength to his hand, the meager contents

began to leak out little by little.

“Are you crazy?! My sandwich is dying!”

“It’s hostage. If you want to save the sandwich, take me.”

That’s the third-rate ambassador from where you learned it.

With a mean smile, he really looked like a villain.

I frowned at the books stacked high behind Dillian’s back.

‘I’ll give you some books.’

If I handed over everything I had, a catastrophe like this

would happen.

‘Gao is dead.’
A sigh burst out at Dillion, who blew it all away because it
wasn’t enough to catch Gao.

“… I’ll be ready and out in five minutes. If you don’t come, I

will leave you.”

Dillian’s face brightened with a mean smile.

“I’ll get it ready in three minutes.”

Dillion ran to the room.

Without letting go of the sandwich from hand to the end.

Episode 12.



An arrow that flew quickly pierced the neck of the rabbit

running through the snow.

Seeing the rabbit collapsing, I ran and drew an arrow. Then

Nathan praised him.

“Good job. You stopped breathing at once. Great work.”

“It’s been a while since I took a break, so what should I do if

I make a mistake, but I’m glad.”
wasn’t just how Nathan taught me how to handle divine

“You shouldn’t make the mistake of taking a little break.”

Nathan taught me how to shoot a bow. very harshly.

According to Nathan’s wish that I should protect my body by

myself, I rolled under him, and as a result, I am equipped
with skills that I am not ashamed to give away.

“Looking at the calluses on his hands, I thought he was a

warrior, but I didn’t know he could use a bow so well.”

Dillian admired the rabbit I had caught as he put it in the


“Of course, our Lia skills are the best.”

Nathan puffed out his chest and snorted. He grumbled as if

he had received a compliment.

“It’s not a bad skill.”

what is humility? are you eating I groaned with Nathan.

“It wasn’t bad, it was very good workmanship.”

Nathan, unable to hide his sullen face at Dillian’s praise, sat

on Dillian’s shoulder and boasted of himself.

‘One fox and two rabbits. It’s a good harvest.’

So will it happen now? I’m slowly getting hungry.

“Then we’ll have lunch, look around a little more, and then
go home.”

When I stood up, my body trembled. The staggered foot sank

into the snow.

It’s not a swamp, so why are your feet so deep?

At that moment, as I was struggling to pull out my foot

caught in the snow, a large hand suddenly appeared in front
of me.

“Catch it.”
I hesitated and took her hand. A strong force pulled me.

a radish , I blushed in embarrassment.


“It was nothing.”

We suddenly moved forward holding hands.

“Mr. Dillian, give me your hand….”

Thanks for your help, but how long are you going to hold on
to it?

Dillian stared at the clasped hands as he wiggled his hands

in an awkward warmth.

“Me, Mr. Dillian?”

“Just grab it and go. I think I will fall again.”

“Please. I’m so weak, oh!”

Dillian stably received the body leaning forward as he was
afraid to speak.

A playful laugh was heard next to his ear .

“I must have caught someone.”

The auricle was itchy. Rubbing my ears and biting my body, I

buried my face inside my scarf.

Like a tortoise hiding in its shell.

“I’m going to grab it.”

“I see….”

There was no choice.

“That bastard, that’s a fix.”

Nathan glared at Dillion with bitter eyes.

“It’s a revamp, is it really a guardian deity to put such low-

level words in your mouth?”
“Heh, I’m Leah’s guardian, not yours.”

“I don’t get anything like you.”

“I won’t get anything like you, no! I will take it away!”

not even kids. How do you fight every single day?

As I moved forward with the childish battle that I had

become accustomed to as the background music, I stopped
at Dillian’s words.

“To say that the gods are not so dignified, the empire has

“… You’re a god Nathan is a spirit creature.”

Dillian gently tapped my under eye.

“Mr. Lia, do you know that your eyes tremble when you lie?”

Unknowingly, I lowered my hand in surprise, stroking under

my eyes.
Damn, I got it. I can’t take it off or put it on

Nathan sat down on Dillian’s shoulder.

“How did you know?”

“I heard about you in the Bible.”

I was puzzled by an unexpected source.

“The Bible?”

Did Dillian read the Bible? Of course, there is a Bible among

the books I gave you.

The Bible and Dillian were a combination that could not be

imagined in the original.

Dillian hates temples.

It was because of what the Duke and Duchess of Sinais had

done to him as a child.
The Duke and Duchess couldn’t accept that a cursed child
was born to the prestigious Sinais family.

Sinise’s child always had to be impeccable and had to be the

perfect owner.

However , there was a flaw from the beginning.

The couple took him to the temple to try to fix Dillian, but the
result was unsuccessful.

The exact reason is not known, but it was expressed that it

was a very painful time.

Due to the deeply ingrained hatred, Dillian refused to use

divine power to heal, and did not even set foot near the

Even though the Roheim Empire is a truly holy nation.

He hated the shrine, so he hated the priest, and of course

the saint, Aina, also hated it.

‘Perhaps it was the only one in the work? The person who
hated Aina.’
Aina is loved by everyone, but her loveliness didn’t work for

If Aina had lifted Dillian’s curse, the ending would have been

Dillian was eaten by the curse and destroyed the world, and
Aina would not have died either.

‘Dillian’s life is so bizarre. Because of the curse, he lived

tormented for the rest of his life, and then he died.’

My heart sank when I remembered his end.

But salty is salty, and what should I do with this?

“Damn, will you keep it a secret?”

“If I keep it a secret, what will Leah do for me?”

Wow, the villain too. I don’t have anything to miss, so I skip

the flea liver.

“I’ll give you both hind legs of the rabbit to Mr. Dillion.”
Dillian burst into laughter when he was given two legs
with a big heart.

“Well, that wouldn’t be bad either.”

We sat down in a secluded spot and ate our meager


Since there weren’t many sandwiches, the meal was over


As I was organizing my few belongings, Dillian’s hand

suddenly stroked my cheek.

“Wow, what?”

Embarrassed, I bit my body and patted my cheek, and he

smiled and held out my hand.


His index finger was covered in white breadcrumbs.

“Have you saved it for later? Like a squirrel?”

“It can’t be!”

I grabbed Dillian’s wrist and brushed off the breadcrumbs.

“What kind of mistake did I make to make my face turn red?”

“Huh, is it because you’re hot?”

“Hmm, is that so?”

What is a blur Heat rose on his face at the meaningful


“When I think about it, it’s a shame that I’m the only one
working. Mr. Dillian is organizing it. And you’re digging
firewood. The price of food, definitely worth it.”

When he let go of the threat, Dillion put the ax he had

brought from home over his shoulder and nodded.

“Today is the concept of Madame and Woodcutter?”

“yes? A concept?”
“I used to be a maid and a king, a teacher and a disciple.
Isn’t it the madam and the woodcutter this time?”

No, do you remember all that? I remember something very


“Why are you madam this time?”

No matter where I look, I am not a witch.

“I read a book a while ago.”

“A book? What book are you talking about….”

cool What is this ominous feeling that something is about to


“Why did the madam give the woodcutter a meat dish?”


I screamed.

“Very passionate….”

I screamed every time Dillian opened his mouth. I had no

choice but to do so.

Because it was a novel with a red label!

“That’s not mine! It’s my friend!”

“Ah, that’s right.”

Damn, I don’t believe it. I’m not listening at all!

“It’s not really mine!”

“So, madam, is this a meat side dish for dinner tonight? The
hind legs of the rabbit that we weakened earlier?”

“Shut up! Please shut your mouth!”

I thought it was fun to see myself running around, so

Dillian’s clown was on the verge of exploding.
“And this role is not a witch and a woodcutter, but a hunter
and a woodcutter! The hunter will come and go hunting, so
be diligent in cutting firewood!”


Nathan’s call, I ran to the front and sat down and buried my
face in the snow.

‘Let’s die. die.’

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to die.

“May, don’t leave me alone.”

Maimy Altran. My damn friend and neighbor.

The person who moved the red book to my house because

there is no place to store the red book now!

The culprit behind all of this, she is now away from Wilhelm
due to a request.
Therefore, it was said that I had no chance to escape the
misunderstanding until Mei returned.

‘driving me crazy. what should we do!’

hunting , I was exhausted from cooling my face and went

back the way I had come.

Bang, bang. The sound of the ax grew louder and louder. The
more I did, the more my heart thumped together.

Oh, I don’t want to go. What kind of dog is this because of

Mei? His face was still hot.

I saw a pile of firewood at my feet.

‘I can’t carry that much….’

big ooh A strange sound was heard.

‘Is Nathan Snoring?’

I looked at Nathan, who was sitting on a branch and snoring,

but it wasn’t his voice.
It was a lower, reluctant sound.

Like the sound of sputum boiling.


That was then. An invisible monster appeared among the


The guy drooled and ran towards Dillion.

I quickly hung the arrow and pulled the bowstring.

Shhh, puck!

The arrowhead that flew was accurately pierced between the

monster’s forehead, and at the same time, the monster’s
head exploded.


Dillian had smashed the monster’s head with his axe.

It was a huge reflex. I wouldn’t have even heard it because of
the axe.

“It’s a monster.”

“Are there any monsters in this forest?”

“A lot. Too many are destroying the ecosystem.”

Those bizarre-looking monsters were like bullfrogs. He was

the main culprit in destroying the food chain by eating
random animals.

‘I’m going to come down here.’

I put the bow on my shoulder and picked up the things

Dillian had packed.

“The firewood is done, let’s go down. It started to get cloudy


Watching the clouds move, it looked like it was going to start

snowing again.
“Wait. If there are monsters in this forest, why does Lia live
Episode 13.

“The house is cheap.”

for a practical reason. It was also to hide from the temple,

but since I had no money in my hand, I settled here, the
cheapest house.

After earning money, I chose to stay because of medicinal


It looked dangerous, but it was worth living as it was.

‘I’m just worried about the forest dying.’

“This is a place called the Black Forest. As you can see, the
condition of the forest is not very good.”
white snow covered the blemishes of the forest, but could
not cover all the decaying trees.

No one knew the cause. Everyone just sighed that they were

Plants were the first to suffer damage as the forest began to

die. When the plants died, the herbivores began to die,
followed by the carnivores.

A monster was born in the collapsed food chain. And the

monster started eating live animals.

The Black Forest was a den of demons.

Fortunately, the entrance is intact and he is digging for

medicinal herbs, but the inside of the forest has been broken
for a long time.

At first, I tried to save the forest somehow. After all, this is

my place of work.

However, the rotten part was so massive that I was in a rush

to block my area right now.
“This is where I found Mr. Dillian. It was nice to have it near
my house. They don’t appear outside the forest.”

The more the dangers of the Black Forest were laid out, the
more Dillian’s expression darkened.

“There is no guarantee that the demons won’t come down to

Lia’s house.”

“Our house is closed. Starting from the gate, there are

barrier stones all around the house, so don’t worry.”

“Are you talking about the barrier stone? I know it’s hard to

“I have a wizard friend. He was so worried that he made this

house a fortress.”

It was all thanks to the barrier stone that he was able to stay
safe even after establishing himself in the black forest
infested with demons.

Because this house, which is nothing more than a fortress,

would never allow anything that would harm me to enter.
“And no, Madame’s book is also hers.”

face was hot. He asked in a serious voice, ignoring his

concern that Dillian might tease him when he saw his
blushing face.

“Where are you now?”

“I went to the capital to work on a commission. They said it

would take a month, so I have about a week left before I can
come back.”

Still, a shadow fell on his face as if he was worried.

I pat Dillian on the back.

“It’s really good.”

Because that house was an iron-walled fortress that had

never been broken in the past year.

It’s a fortress on the wall.

Dillian tried to point out Leah’s self-assured attitude, but

didn’t want to offend her by saying bad things to her who
she trusted and trusted her friends.

But nothing is perfect in the world. There is always a gap

between people and things.

‘It’d be better to go back soon before the demons appear


Dillian took the burden from Leah’s hand and reached out to

“Are you going to hold it again?”

Leah wiggled her hands as if embarrassed by the previous

work. It was very interesting to see her face starting to rise
again, but I didn’t want to delay any longer.

“As Lia said, the weather is bad and you never know when a
monster will appear. Let’s speed things up.”
Dillian reached out and grabbed Leah, who hesitated.

Leah’s hands were small and warm.

‘It seems a little hotter than before.’

Unlike me, Leah, who had a great reaction, had fun making
fun of it.

So, I deliberately brought up the story of the madam and the

woodcutter and tapped Leah.

It’s like looking at a ripe red cilantro and wanting to poke it.

‘If that’s the case, I want to make fun of you more.’

Dillian pressed his twitching lips together. Leah didn’t know

if she would run away in anger again.

“It’s tickling.”

Dillian grabbed his tiny, wiggling hand.

Dillian, who memorized all the roads at once, found Leah’s
house without difficulty.

the distance. And with the stranger Inyoung.

Dillian slowed down and spoke softly to Leah.

“Who is there?”

“Is there? No one is coming.”

Is it Claude? Leah looked at the opponent’s face and tilted

her head.

“I am not from the village.”

Leah lived in Wilhelm for a year. Not knowing anything else,

he clearly remembered all the faces of the villagers.

“who are you?”

At Leah’s question, a woman bowed her head with an

earnest voice.
“Excuse me, can I get a glass of water for you?”

Despite the woman’s good impression, Leah remained


water is not difficult, but how did you get here? It would take
a whole day from town to my house?

“How did you know?”

“yes? Oh, I saw it on the way.”

“The villagers don’t go down this road. They don’t even come
close to saying that the Black Forest is dangerous.”

Hunters, lumberjacks, and herbalists who do business in the

forest are using this path. only these three

And this woman doesn’t belong anywhere.

In an unusual situation, Dillian hid Leah behind me.

At that moment, the woman’s eyes changed. Poison and
death stood in those good eyes that looked like they could
not kill even an ant.

A woman with a sword hidden in her robe swung the sword.


The blades clashed and made a sharp noise.

“It’s amazing. You’re going to be like this.”

The woman seemed to know Dillian. She looked at Dillian’s

ax and smirked.

“Where are you going to put the black and set it up with such
a crappy axe?”

“When I say I lifted an ax with a sword, doesn’t it mean that

you are not even worthy of a sword?”

Also full aggro ability. It was at the level of digging up with

an awl rather than scratching the inside.
Lia, who was exclaiming in admiration rather than
admiration, quickly aimed her bow at the woman, but fell to
the floor due to the strong force that came from the side.



It was a man as big as a bear who pushed me .

Nathan scratched the face of the man who attacked me, but
it was not enough to stop him.

“miss. We have to fight fairly and it’s difficult to intervene

like this from behind.”

The man growled and swung a large sword as big as his



Lia hurriedly rolled the floor to avoid the sword, but the bow
she missed was split in two.

Without a bow, she has zero attack power. It was nothing

like buns without red beans.

“Is it fair to attack people without weapons?!”

Leah, who barely escaped the attack, grinded her teeth.

‘Why are you giving such an ordeal to an extra!’

Anger is a good driving force. Lia picked up the stone buried

between the eyes and aimed precisely at the man’s eyes.

Even if you don’t have a bow, the hit rate doesn’t disappear.


As the man staggered, Nathan rushed in and scratched his

face with his sharp claws.

“Ouch! You damn owl!”

At that moment, there was a very small gap. Dillian, an
excellent hunter, did not miss the opportunity.

The ax flew at high speed.


Tuk, tuck.

My stomach was pounding in my head, which no longer

exists where I should have been.

“Wake up. right now.”

Dillian grabbed Leah’s waist in shock and jumped through

the door.

The woman also fell down in the same way as the man.

But those two were not the only enemies.


I heard something breaking behind me.



An arrow pierced Dillian’s feet.

“Mr. Leah’s strong fence is broken.”

Dillian twisted the corners of his lips and stared tenaciously

at a certain place.

“Leah, the barrier stone is broken. Soon, they will come.”

Nathan also looked in the same place as Dillian.

“How do you know….”

At that moment, a memory flashed through my head.

Claude visits the house, and Dillian is being chased. two

people met.

‘It’s them. I’m here to catch Dillion.’

I hoped it wasn’t, but it seems that information leaked
through Claude in the end.


Dillian, who hit the arrows in succession with an axe, pushed

Leah behind the tree.

Five or six arrows hit the wooden pole at the same time.

‘Around ten or so.’

It was a large number to protect and remove Leah.

“When you count to three, go home. Go, lock the door and
don’t come out.”

“yes? Dillian, what are you going to do by yourself? You don’t

even know how many enemies there are!”

Leah groaned and grabbed Dillian’s arm.

Other than that, there was nothing to grasp what kind of

guys they were or what their powers were.
However, there was no problem for Dillian.

“Looking at it, it looks like there are about ten or so people.”

“Exactly seventeen.”

“A lot has come.”

Dillian murmured that there were a lot of disgusting things.

“Anyway, it will be possible.”

Is it possible? how is that possible Leah shook her head.

main weapon, but I was going to do something with an axe.

“No. Another way, uh, huh? Are you crazy?! Come here right

Dillian stepped out by the side of the tree. Leah hurriedly

reached for Dillion, but couldn’t reach it.

“Mr. Dillian!”
Unlike Leah, who was nervous, Dillian was full of leeway.

“Mr. Lia, the fact that 17 people came to catch just one
person doesn’t mean that I am strong enough.”

If it was Dillion before he lost his memory, would even Dillion

at that time be able to handle 17 alone?

It was hard to believe. It didn’t seem possible.

“It’s okay, come in.”

Dillian swung his ax lightly.

“I don’t think I will lose.”

A smile on his face was full of confidence.

Not weird. The situation was urgent, but Dillian was

extremely peaceful.

It’s like being alone in another world.

Episode 14.

“Lea, let’s go. It’s better for him to fight alone.”

Nathan slapped Leah on the back, saying back that staying

by her side wouldn’t help.

“… I know that if I get hurt, there will be no dinner.”

“It can’t be. The rabbit’s hind legs are all mine.”

“If you know, don’t get hurt.”

“I will clean it up and go.”

“Just be late. I will give it all to Nathan.”

worried and half yalmium eyes, turned her back.

I could hear the constant sound of arrows behind my back,
and then the sound of something exploding.


At the same time, a short, terminal scream was heard. It was

the sound of death.

“Lea, don’t look back.”

Bang, the door is closed.

After confirming that Leah had entered the house safely,

Dillian erased the smile on her face.

Above the smile that disappeared like a mirage, what was

revealed was his face, which had sunk into the cold.

Dillian looked down with cold eyes.

There, the body of the assassin, who had run at me without

knowing it and lost his breath with a single knife, was laid
out in a mess.
“Now, sixteen.”

What Dillian took from his shattered body was a sword.

Dillian, who easily robbed the sword, pulled the corner of his
mouth at the familiar feeling.

That fishy smile was that of a villain that Leah was familiar

“Come quickly. You can’t be late in the evening.”

It was unacceptable for me to be taken away by Nathan

without knowing anything else.

“If you don’t come, I will go.”

The low, sunken eyes shone brightly.

Leah circled the living room in nervousness.

“What do we do? Are you okay?”

“Don’t worry, I’m doing pretty well.”

Nathan reassured Leah by explaining the situation, but she

could hardly calm herself down.

“How did you break the barrier? You’ve never been like that.”

Not only monsters, but also all thieves….

“There is nothing you can’t do if you are determined and run.

Especially since they are highly trained.”

So, the intruders were all well prepared. Be sure to get rid of

“Then it’s even more dangerous!”

Leah bit her lip.

That’s why Jeong was scared. If it was before, I wouldn’t
even care.

Leah stuck to the window and did not move even when
Nathan told him to step back.

It was a one-to-many fight, but Dillian was not pushed at all.

Rather, his assassins took his life.

But the problem was that the assassins did not retreat.

They did not stop running even though they were driven to
the bottom.

Just like the person who wrote it.

He rushed like a moth and hit an arrow in Dillian’s arm.


Leah screamed as she drew arrows ignorantly.

“I have to go!”

“I’m hurt, but I can’t stay still!”

“Lea! Bring a weapon or something!”

Leah, who was running towards the door at Nathan’s

insistence, turned and rushed into the kitchen.

‘Like Nathan said, you should have at least one weapon.’

A cleaver, a frying pan, a crowbar, whatever.

I wanted to be of some help to Dillion, even just a little bit.

It was a coincidence that Leah, who was heading to the

kitchen, found it.

Dillian’s room, the flower seen through the half-open door.

‘Baek Sohwa….’

its first form, it was charred and twisted to death.

That’s right, Dillian….


The window was broken behind Leah. The shattered glass

rubbed against his cheek, and he felt hot.


The assassin crawled through the window and rolled on the


“Leah. come behind me.”

Nathan, who flew in quickly, blocked Leah’s front.

If the assassin touched Leah, it was meant to attack


Leah also looked at him with a cleaver in her hand.

But the situation was strange.

any moment , kept repeating the same words as if in a panic.

“It’s a monster, it’s a monster….”

Terrified, he seemed unwilling to attack Leah.

Sure enough, he was in a state of mind as if he had seen a


“The situation is not good.”

Nathan nodded and swallowed. His gaze turned out the door.

“It’s a special situation.”

An ominous aura engulfed his entire body.

It was a feeling I knew very well and never wanted to go

through again.

A horrifying scream was heard outside the door.

“Hey, hey!”

screamed and ran away, pushing his butt.

This man has seen The thing that sleeps in Dillion.

Leah hesitated and stepped forward at the long black

shadow she could see under the door.

“Lea, come.”


A shadow that stretched out like a spear quickly wrapped

around the assassin’s ankle.

“no! no-!”

The man screamed and twisted his body. But he couldn’t

shake off the shadows.

After a while, the curse that had finished eating bites her
body. Then what was once human became dust and
disappeared without a trace.

“… Nathan.”

“The gear has exploded.”

Nathan clicked his tongue.

The shadow was still hungry, so this time it opened its

mouth towards me, but couldn’t reach it.

“Where, dare you.”


The curse was shattered by the veil that Nathan had spread.

Leah looked at the surroundings that had been swept away

like a storm and walked towards the door.

The screams from outside were not heard.

There was only a creepy silence.

as if nothing existed.

I groaned at the horrific scene unfolding before my eyes.

‘It’s terrifying.’

The intruders who once attacked us have been turned to

dust, leaving no bones behind.

All they had left was clothes and weapons.

I glanced at the dust blown in the wind and cast my gaze at

the only standing being.

Dillian. He was the only living being on this earth.

“Do you think that’s the cause?”


I shifted my gaze to Dillian’s arm.

“What happened to you?”

It’s clear that the arrow you hit earlier was wrong.

The dark blue stain looked like poison at first glance, but it
wasn’t poison.

“Is it possible to run out suddenly even though it’s too

healthy to be poison, and it’s not even a fatal wound like

“A curse is a sensitive response to the health condition of its


So, someone said that the curse is a double-edged sword for


He harasses him for the rest of his life, but he always saves
him from death.

‘It’s bullshit. Eventually, the curse will eat him.’

I looked at his wriggling cheeks.

Dillian’s curse devoured the lives of seventeen, but did not

reduce its size.
Rather than shrinking, he increased in size and ran even

“After eating that much, it’s time to stop….”

Nathan’s eyes narrowed sharply as if he sensed something


“I have to dry it first. At this rate, I will devour the entire


As Nathan said. The curse now began to spread out beyond

the gate.

‘I have to I’m the only one who can stop Dillion right now.’

are you okay. The shield Nathan gave me will protect me.

I ran as hard as I could and grabbed Dillian’s hand.

“Mr. Dillian!”

Dillian, who was looking forward with apathetic eyes,

responded to my voice.
eyes met. Empty eyes that contain nothing are creepy.

n’t seem like the Dillian I knew.

“Mr. Dillian, it’s over. It’s over, so stop!”


I tried shaking and pulling my arm, but Dillian remained


Wrong. My voice could not reach the runaway Dillion.

Even if you shout for your throat to burst, you won’t be able
to reach him.

‘It’s hard to see the runaway twice in a month. Do you have a


I lamented my condition inside, and poured divine power on


The moment I opened the closed divine power, power

entered Dillian’s drooping hand.

wow. I groaned at the strength of the grip that grabbed my

hand with all my might.

flesh was being ripped apart, as if the bones were going to

be crushed. I clenched my teeth because I thought a scream
would explode.

“Really, just run in to kill me later. I won’t leave you alone.”

If you go through this hardship and kill an enemy, then you

will die and I will die.

Dillian quickly calmed down as much as he had injected a

huge amount of divine power.

The curse decreased in size and descended down his

cheeks, and the shallow wounds all over his body had

The moment the curse finally hid, Dillion collapsed like a doll
with a broken string.
I took a deep breath, barely holding onto the collapsing

His body temperature was as hot as a burn.


“Nathan! Remove the chair!”

I managed to drag the collapsed Dillian into the room and lay
him on the bed.

He didn’t even have the spirit to sweat.

Because Dillian’s condition was not serious.

His breathing was suffocating, and his body was hot like a
ball of fire.

“Lea, take off your clothes. right now.”

I reached out towards my chest, which was pounding loudly.

I don’t have time to effortlessly drag the buttons one by one.

I ripped my shirt off.


Seeing Dillian’s chest, I swallowed in shock.

Episode 15.

“This, why is this….”

weird. Something is wrong with this. I’m sure the curse has
been put to rest, but why is it still rocking?

“Nathan. Why, why are you doing this?”

Having never experienced failure before, I couldn’t hide my


Nathan, who watched Dillian’s curse carefully, clicked his


“What the hell did you pick up, Dillian? The curse is forcing it
to run rampant. You pressed it with your own strength, but it
will explode again soon.”
“Forcing you to run…? why?”

“Something keeps on provoking Dillion’s curse.”

A curse that runs rampantly, a runaway that doesn’t stop.

At that moment, a memory that had sunk far below the water
surface came to mind.

just three lines. It was mentioned in an unkindly short way,

but I remember it clearly.

A runaway Dillian blew up a village. So his position is at


‘Are you talking about this?’

I reached out to the arm where I felt a sense of incongruity.

It felt gloomy and unpleasant.

If my prediction is correct, this is

“Curse accelerator….”
A drug made to run wild and blow the whole thing away,
branded as a slayer, and then removed from the head of

Literally , it was a drug that constantly stimulated the curse

and forced it to run rampant.

‘It’s a story that came out as it flows, so I don’t know the

exact time, but the situation is right now.’

In other words, it meant that the drug absorbed into the body
had to be purified.

‘thank god. I can fix it.’

The shoulder, which had been filled with strength from

tension, drooped down. A breath of relief escaped from his

It will take a long time and my body will be tired, but I only
thought that I was lucky.

‘By the way, who came up with this crazy plan?’

When Dillion runs out, all nearby creatures die.

The first to die were the assassins who attacked Dillion.

And the madman who came up with this plan must have
known it better than anyone.

‘What a crazy world. No one is sane.’

I breathed divine power into Dillion and traced his memory.

It was blurry, but there was one guy who was aiming for

‘What was that guy’s name?’

I don’t know what kind of cubs they are, but if you meet next
time, you will break the casserole.


Dillian let out a groan of pain.

it will hurt I couldn’t even imagine how painful it would be.

‘Can you guarantee that this will not happen in the future?’
No, the worse it gets, the worse it gets. Failing to
assassinate Dillian, they will not stop.

But I didn’t know exactly where May went or what she was
doing, so I had no way of contacting her.

I had to find a way other than May.

“Nathan. Are there any messenger birds that can move


“Are you trying to contact May?”

I shook my head.

“No, I will send it to him.”

A man called a genius with May, he needed his help.

“Let’s see if there’s anyone nearby who can move.”

“Then give me this.”

I roughly scribbled the situation on paper with one hand.

[ I need barrier stones and defense stones. send it asap I will
pay the price later.]

The barrier stone was broken.

The biggest problem was this.

It was a problem for the monster to aim for Dillion, but the
infested monsters were also dangerous.

Nathan knew the seriousness and immediately got up.

“Shall I send you to the tower?”

I rolled up the paper with a braid and handed it to Nathan.

“yes. If this is the case, he will find out.”

“Don’t go. Are you okay alone?”

“yes. Come on.”

Nathan left to find the messenger bird, I focused on Dillion.

how much time has passed

Darkness fell outside the window, and a hornbill chirped in

the distance.

When the clock hand pointed to 12 o’clock, Dillian’s

consciousness finally returned.

“Mr. Dillian! Are you awake?”

“Ugh, why am I….”

“What a relief. Do you know how surprised I was to know

that something was going to happen?”

I thought I was going to another world after I quit the high


If you go alone, I don’t know, you went so badly that you

went to the next world, so my little one almost died with me!
Is this a non-fiction operation? Are you dating?

“I really, really….”

Do you know how worried I was?

The end of his voice trembled uncontrollably.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why is Mr. Dillian apologizing?”

The bad guys are those motherfuckers!

“These bastards should all be thrown into a fire hell and

suffer the same. I wish I was bitten by a mosquito and ripped
out of my face. Biting the pharynx, biting the palms, biting
the soles of the feet! Bite your eyelids too!”

Dillian smirked at the words that were close to a curse.

‘Are you laughing when you hear this? Also, I’m not crazy
Ironically, thanks to Dillion, who calmed my anger, I lowered
my fist in the air and wrapped it around Dillian’s.

“Mr. Dillian. I was drugged.”


“What happened to Mr. Dillian’s arm? That’s a curse

accelerator. If it is hit, it is a drug that forces the curse to run
out, remember something?”

Dillian furrowed his eyes as if something faint came to mind.

“I blocked an arrow that I couldn’t avoid with my arm, but

suddenly it started running rampant.”

Dillian, holding down the curse, bit his teeth hard. A strong
force entered his chin.

“And I even remember swallowing them randomly.”

After finishing the conversation, Dillian’s face was terribly

sunken to speak.
“Are you feeling guilty?”

“Are you feeling guilty?”

Peek , Dillian smirked. The twisted lips were cold.

“I just felt dirty. Even though it was my body, it didn’t move

according to my will.”

Even if I lose my memory, it’s still like this. Well, this one was
like Dillion.

It’s guilt, it’s sympathy. That didn’t suit Dillian.

What’s more, I have sympathy for the scumbags who came

to kill me.

“I’m fine now, so I’m relieved. I’m slowly finishing it, so

please go back to sleep.”

I trembled in surprise at the heat that covered the back of

my hand.

“Lea, what is this power?”

“It’s divine power.”

I said bluntly. As long as he had used his divine power, he

could not hide it any longer.

“Is this the secret that Lia was trying to hide?”

“… If so, would you use it as a weakness?”

“Is it possible? I will carry you to the grave.”

“I hope so.”

It doesn’t matter what Dillian says. By that time, I would

have already left this place.

“Mr. Leah. Do you do this to anyone?”

‘like this? What is this?’

Are you talking about purifying the drug injected into the

“I don’t do it to anyone.”
Was the answer satisfactory? Dillian’s lips curled softly like a
crescent moon.

“Mr. Dillian is second.”

softly opened eyes hardened coldly.

“What kind of bastard is the first?”

“My friend. He’s the wizard friend I mentioned earlier as



“Then you must be a man?”

When Mei burst into laughter at the unexpected gender

debate, her cold eyes slowly loosened like a spring breeze
this time.

‘Drunk on drugs, I’m out of my mind.’

I couldn’t keep up with the changing emotions that flickered

like the palm of my hand.

Dillian looked up at me. Eyes of unknown depth caught my


“Why are your cheeks like this?”

“Ah, it must have been a piece of glass that splintered and

cut it.”

Dillian gently stroked my cheek.

Dillian bit his hand as he frowned at the sharp pain.

And I asked with a more painful expression.

“Are you sick?”

“Not good.”

It hurts you more.

I ran my hand over the cheek that Dillian had touched. Unlike
when he was treating him, it was a careless touch.
“It hurts, it’s fine.”

A look of surprise appeared on Dillian’s face as he saw my

cheeks sprouting new flesh in an instant.

“Is it now?”

“Next time, please treat Lia’s wounds first. What if it hurts?”

“Mr. Dillion, your wounds are more urgent, aren’t they?”

My heart pounded at the sight of him caring more about me

than his own pain.

It was then when he bit his lip and stared at Dillian’s


A large, hot hand was placed over the back of his hand.

“Mr. Leah, it’s warm.”

He murmured as if savoring and tilted his head. As if wanting

to reach a little deeper.
Trapped between Dillian’s cheek and hand, I couldn’t even

“It’s kind.”

He felt the heat in his palms. I wanted to remove my hand

because it was so hot that I felt like I was burned, but the
purification was not finished yet.

“It’s kind.”

I couldn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t

want to.

I felt like I was going to get caught up in him if I answered

anything here.

Tick tock. My heart was pounding to the sound of the clock’s

second hand.

I raised my hand and covered Dillian’s eyes.

“It’s done. It won’t hurt anymore.”

I bit my body slowly.

‘I can’t go see the patient, Dillian, so I’ll have to go to

Dillian’s room and sleep.’

As I was thinking about going to bed, a strong arm wrapped

around my waist. and was dragged away.

As I was suddenly trapped in Dillian’s arms, I opened my

eyes wide.

“D, Mr. Dillian?”

“It’s cold.”

Well, it was just cold. As Dillian ran rampant and smashed all
the windows, my house was like an ice castle now.

“I’ll bring you another blanket, so loosen your arms.”

“it is cold.”

Dillian muttered the same words over and over again.

He tried to release the arms that were holding him back, but
Dillian didn’t budge.

Instead of letting me go, he naturally buried his face in my

shoulder. Every time he exhaled, the back of his neck tickled.

“Wait, it tickles!”

“Do you know the name of the curse on me?”

Episode 16.

There is no exact name for the curse placed on Dillion. But

everyone called it this way.


because it’s empty I can’t fill anything. He was always


“It’s empty. So I’m always looking for something.”

I could feel Dillian twitching behind my back.

Suddenly, I wondered what his face was hidden behind his

Was he scared, was he annoyed because he was annoyed, or
was he just plain indifferent?

“It’s terrible.”

There was a sense of disgust in the low-pitched voice.

Feeling compassion at that moment, I opened my mouth

without realizing it.

“It is, but, well, it’s not that there is no way out. I can’t break
the curse, but I can calm it down.”


“With divine power.”

If Dillian only opened his heart and accepted only divine

power with an open mind, it was possible.

“Did you use that power to calm the curse?”

“So, if you look at Leah….”

“Can you see me?”

“I feel….”

Dillian’s voice grew quieter.

‘Why don’t you talk? Curious.’

It makes me feel good when I see only me, it’s like X.

‘It doesn’t matter if it’s good or like X.’

I tapped Dillian’s arm that wrapped around my waist like a


“Mr. Dillian, please leave me alone.”


“Dillian? Are you going to sleep?”

Are you really sleeping? It was the sound of his even
breathing that answered my bewildered question.

This kid really sleeps.

“hey! If you’re going to sleep, I’ll let you go and sleep!”

boredom ! The night deepened without knowing my cramped



Puck, Dillian groaned at the attack from his stomach.


Dillian, who reflexively stretched out his hand toward the

opponent who attacked him, stopped looking at his
defenseless face.

Why is Leah here? The brain just woke up and couldn’t keep
up with the eyes.

“You finally woke up. You unscrupulous horny!”

head throbbed.

“Did you dare take advantage of my sleep to take advantage

of Leah? Apologize with death!”

Nathan’s fever rose to the tip of his head, and he pecked at

Dillion’s head.

It was fast enough to be called a woodpecker rather than an


“What are you talking about?”

“Where are you Shichimiya while you slept hugging our Lia!”
Nathan, who labored hard to find the messenger bird and
handed him the note, returned home excitedly to be praised
by Leah.

But Leah wasn’t the only one who welcomed him.

It’s like seeing two people sleeping in the same bed!

Nathan, having experienced indirectly the feelings of an

older brother who had lost his sister, or a father who had lost
his daughter, was enveloped in unbearable anger.

Dillian was really confused.

‘You hugged me? I?’

The memory, which seemed to be blurred with noise, began

to gradually reveal its outline as time passed.

and remembered

Her bewildered voice, her ears dyed red, and her warm
embrace. warm scent.
Dillian wiped his face with both hands at a vivid memory.

Her exposed ears were burning red.


It was something he couldn’t even understand.

He doesn’t like physical contact with anyone.

It must have been before I lost my memory. If it was severe,

it was severe, but not less.

But why is Leah Delis an exception?

It’s not just this time. Leah has always been an exception to

When I wiped my lips in confusion,


Suddenly, a sweet scent hit me.

Like a butterfly looking for a flower, Dillian’s gaze was
directed to Leah.

And at that moment, the whirlpool that swirled inside Dillion

became a calm spring breeze.

‘This scent….’

I caught Leah because of this scent.

When I smelled the scent of Leah, I felt strangely at ease,

and I unknowingly pulled her into my arms.

eyes, from the moment I saw Leah Delis.

Standing next to Leah puts my mind at ease, and when we

make eye contact, it is disarmed.

‘What is the identity?’

There were times when I doubted if it was a witch who

wields special magic, but it flew away cleanly as of
Leah uses divine power. It was a lifesaver that healed me
from dying and put away the maddening curse.


The name of the curse that Leah gave her was similar to

He can’t remember anything, he’s empty.

Dillian pressed his chest tight. Unlike last night, when I

struggled with pain, I didn’t feel any pain.

curse ran wildly was no longer felt.

It was an experience I never want to do again.

So I really needed Leah to put this damn bastard to sleep.

As a thirsty man longs for water, he longs for Leah.

At that moment, Dillian vaguely remembered something.

It was himself who got on top of Leah, who was rolling over
there, and buried her head in her neck.


My heart pounded loudly at the voice calling me.

He throbbed as if something had hit his head hard.

Dillian exhaled the breath he had been holding back at the

small fragment of memory that passed quickly.

‘I said…?’

I couldn’t believe it. Although he had feelings for Leah, it was

only his feelings for the person who took care of him.

Sure it was, but what if it wasn’t?

What if Nathan’s words were true?

it wasn’t love He was so denial and denial, but if this

memory is true, then his relationship with Leah is not as
simple as he thought.
Above all, the attitude she showed last night.

‘What a relief. Do you know how shocked I was to know that

something was really going to happen?’

A trembling voice, a messed up face, and a relief that floated

in it.

‘Lea is definitely me….’

Then why did you push me away?

reluctant , Nathan was the only one who could answer

Dillion’s curiosity this time.

“Fat Owl.”

Nathan raised his sharp claws at the insulting remark.

“Where does this body lose weight to say it’s fat!”

Nathan vehemently denied it, but at the point of his anger,

he admitted that he was fat.
“Noisy, I have a question.”

“I’m not going to help you!”

He refused, but with it or not, Dillian had already started


“I have a lover. The relationship isn’t bad. But women keep

pushing men away. Without telling you why.”

Yes . Dillian never doubted that he and Leah were lovers.

It was because of the attitude that Leah showed last night.

“Isn’t it just a loss of affection?”

Nathan, who said he would not help, opened his mouth

involuntarily to the exciting story.

“That’s why I’m suspicious of the woman’s behavior. Even

though a man may put him in danger, he puts his own safety
on the back end and puts men first.”

“Hmm, as you said, it’s strange.”

Nathan rubbed his chin and came up with a hypothesis.

“If I say assuming that a woman still has a heart… In this

case, isn’t it the opposite of the family?”

“The opposition of the family?”

“I don’t know what the status of the two will be, but if there
is a big difference in status or family, there are cases where
the most prominent people are pushing them to break up.”

With the small keywords Dillian threw in, Nathan wrote a


Normally, I would have laughed and ignored it, but this time
it was different.

‘Do you want to be able to become a head of state? No, the

place is his!’

Yesterday, the assassin who attacked me uttered his last


With those words, he could vaguely guess his identity.

‘It sounds like nobility.’

Maybe Nathan came close to the answer.

“You could have thrown a bag of money in that house. By

adding this.”

big, big. Nathan cleared his throat.

“Get away from my son! Like this fire fox!”

Dillian involuntarily applauded for the perfect performance

that even the actors would cry.


Nathan shrugged his shoulders at Dillian’s praise for the first

time, and ran to the climax, spreading his imagination.

“A foolishly kind woman thinks she is blocking a man’s

future and pushes him away.”

It’s been a long time since the story of Leah and Dillian
turned into a drama.
“Then should I follow the woman’s will in this case?”

“what are you talking about! If you run away from there, that
man is a coward among cowards, and he doesn’t even have
the right to be a man! As a matter of fact, the main character
has to overcome adversity and win love!”

Nathan, a romance novel fanatic, vomited out that such an

ending could not exist.

“Yes, you are right.”

In the Bible, it is said that a divine beast is no different from

a sage, but it must have been an exaggeration.

I ignored it at first, but the more I pondered it, the more

plausible it became, and it was strangely reliable.

As Nathan said, knowing everything and pretending not to

know is foolish.

“Thank you. Thank you for clearing my mind.”

“I’m glad you did, but why did you ask?”

“You don’t have to know.”

“No, even if he helps!”

That’s why Nathan ran around saying that the black-haired

beast wasn’t helping.

Dillian looked at Leah and smiled somewhat satisfied.

“I mean, it was.”

Dillian’s face, which had washed away all his worries, looked

Now, the question of the unintentional behavior was


‘It was because he loved me so much.’

It was an illusion that Leah would grab the back of her neck
if she knew.
Episode 17.


“Ha ha ha.”

“Lea, I’m going to turn the earth off.”

“I would rather turn it off.”

I cried as I looked at the messed up greenhouse.

Glass windows shattered, flower pots shattered, plants all

dried up….
Dillian’s runaway was nothing short of a disaster, and the
greenhouse not far from where the battle took place was
fully affected.

As you can see, the result is a mess.

There was no perfect guy.

“My babies…. I’m sorry mom.”

Black, I covered my mouth at the horrific sight.

How are you guys raised? Feeding and feeding them with
divine power, they worked hard to raise them, but they only
lasted a moment.

I sniffled and sniffed.

“Oh, it’s cold.”

My body trembled in the cold wind blowing.

“Lia, are you cold?”

Dillian, who noticed my condition like a ghost, came to me,
untied the scarf I was wearing.

“You are wearing this.”

Dillian wrapped the scarf around my neck. It was an

awkward, clumsy hand.

‘It’s not a mummy, what is this?’

Dillian hurriedly covered his mouth as he poked his eyes out

while buried in his scarf.

“Are you kidding me?”

Are you laughing while you wind up like this?

As I stared at it, Dillian bowed his head and waved his hand.

“Great, no.”

“Take it back. It’s Mr. Dillian’s scarf.”

“Where is yours and mine between us?”

“Yes? What’s with us….”

As far as I know, the therapist and the patient, the landlord

and the guest?

Dillian just smiled without saying a word.

The smile was so bright that it was hard to open my eyes


You obviously have a handsome face, but why are you so


It felt like a small thorn had been lodged in his fingertips.

“Lea? what’s the matter?”

As he was glaring at Dillian with a sullen expression, Nathan

approached and asked.

“I think something is going on that only I don’t know.”

“what is that?”
“I don’t know, it’s a very, very, very ominous feeling.”

It felt like the world was stalking me.

was cleaning out the greenhouse, Dillion stared intently at

the front door.

“What’s wrong? Who is there?”

“Yes, someone is coming.”

Damn, I knew I was like this. They can’t give up easily.

I took the shovel that Dillian was holding.

And he prayed for Dillian.

“Stay here, okay?”

“It is dangerous to be alone.”

“It’s more dangerous to be with Mr. Dillion.”

If the person who came was a villager, it was like spreading
a rumor that Dillian was here.

“I will scream if I feel strange, so please wait.”

disgruntled face protested loudly, but I neatly ignored it.

‘What can I say, I’m the owner of the house.’

As I dragged the shovel toward the gate, a man who looked

like a knight and a slender woman greeted me.

“Excuse me.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m looking for someone-.”

The woman turned her arms around.

‘Isn’t it like a weapon suddenly pops out from there?’

I gripped the handle of the shovel and struggled to keep a

smile on my face.
“Have you ever seen this person?”

What she pulled out was a portrait of Dillian.

tries , he has a cold face that doesn’t look like a drop of

blood will come out if he stabs him.

‘I must have seen that face, but it’s very unfamiliar.’

As I looked at the portrait carefully, I slowly shook my head.

“I do not know. I don’t know because I refrained from going

out because of the heavy snow.”

I pretended not to know, and broke the shichimi.

“Then, is there any other accreditation nearby?”

“If you go up there, there is an empty hut….”

The two made eye contact. It looked like he was planning to

go there.

“Then can I just go inside?”

“I will ask you one more thing. How did the house become
like this?”

A small suspicion blazed in the man’s eyes when he saw the

smashed house.

“… Last night, I was attacked by a monster. Watch out for

the two of you. That forest, a place infested with demons.”

“… Is it a very dangerous monster?”

“Well, if you get caught, you will die. In particular, those who
do not have weapons or are injured are the monster food.

All things dang gang daeng gang. As they pretended to cut

their necks with their hands, the blood drained from their

A look of nervousness emerged from them.

“Excuse me.”

I stared at the two men as they moved away.

“I feel different from the people who came yesterday….”

“That’s it. It’s different with them.”

“Ouch! Surprise!”

heart was pounding in my face, which was suddenly cut into

my face.

“Mr. Dillian?”

Dillian wrinkled one eye and rubbed his ear.

“I thought I was going to rip my ears off.”

“no! I told you not to come out!”

“I’m worried about Leah.”

What is that, that sweet, sweet voice?

I shuddered at the first voice I heard.

“What if something happens to Leah?”

Something seemed to happen now.

I woke up late and slapped Dillian on the back.

“Why are you worried about me? Worry about you.”

“Lea can take care of my worries.”

“What nonsense. Go quickly.”

I patted Dillian on the back. I’m definitely pushing

‘What, did you even get stuck in the ground?’

Even if he pushed as hard as he could, Dillion didn’t budge.

I glanced behind me nervously.

The two who had just left were not far away. Fortunately, he
didn’t seem to hear the words, but he was in a position to
see Dillion right away when he turned around.

My heart was pounding with the anxiety that they might look
back at any moment.
“Okay, so hurry up!”

“It’s good, I’m also worried about you, Ms. Leah.”

Really, this man!

I shoved Dillian into the back like a head-butt.

So I hadn’t seen it.

The two pairs of footsteps that were leading a certain

distance on the pure white snowfield suddenly stopped.

There was no sign of moving forward, no sign of turning



the dark night.

Dillian let out an annoyed sigh at the tenacious gaze he felt
outside the window.

“It would be less blatant to yell at you to look here.”

I want to say hello, but I have to do it.

roughly opened the back door, called out to the being hiding
in the darkness.

“come out.”

At Dalian’s call, which sank low, a man and a woman walked

out of the darkness.

Dillian raised his eyebrows at the familiar face.

‘These guys I saw during the day.’

One is a knight, the other a wizard?

Dillian’s nerves turned to the man again.

A sword hanging from the waist, a stout body, an angled
posture, the energy flowing from the man.

It wasn’t an ordinary one.

‘You’re annoying.’

Dillian glanced down at the crowbar in his hand, looking at

the sword on the man’s waist.

The crowbar is not a bad weapon. It’s a great melee weapon

that, once swung, can make pretty holes in your body as well
as bones.

He just didn’t want to swing it out of shape.

‘It’s a good looking sword. It would be great if I took it from


I picked up the sword during the last raid, but after the
runaway, I ate it all, so there was nothing to call it a weapon.

‘Let’s hit the head first.’

In case someone wasn’t the villain, he was thinking of
robbing the weapon in a very gentle way.

When I approached with the intention of sculpting the

opponent beautifully,

The man surprised Dillion with an unexpected action.

“Eldman Catlan. I will see you.”

“Kanae Hill. I will see you.”

The two pairs of eyes looking up at Dillion while prostrated

were full of trust.

“Your face hurt a lot…. No, I’m really glad that you look

“Yes, you are so good….”

Dalian’s loyal knight, Eldman, couldn’t bear to say that his

face was bruised.

Dillian’s loyal wizard, Kanae, agreed with that statement.

It was a face that had eaten well, slept well, and had enough

‘You look better than when you were in the family….’

After all, His Majesty’s stress was all because of the elders!

The loyal knight, Eldman, has completed his rationalization.

Eldman, who was carefully examining Dillian’s good-looking

face, immediately twisted his face .

“It happened because we were lacking. It’s not that I didn’t

expect to be attacked, but to be attacked so easily…. It’s all
our fault. I will accept any punishment sweetly.”

Eldman bowed his head and confessed his mistake.

He bowed his head deeply so that he could bang his head on

the floor right away.

‘The problem was that I was careless about finding flowers.’

On this cold day, the reason I came to Wilhelm, the
northernmost point, was because of a flower called the heart
of a dragon.

A flower red like a heart that blooms only in the middle of

winter. dragon heart.

It was a legendary flower that healed any disease as if it had

been washed away.

And it was reported that this flower was recently found in


this news, the Crown Prince ordered Dillian to go forward as

a token of his loyalty.

It sounded absurd, but Dillian, who was tired of the Crown

Prince trying to keep himself in check, came to find flowers
with a small group of his own.

“We have about a fortnight to go, so I think it would be

perfect to go back now.”

“Your Majesty, the flowers have been stored in a safe place

by me with conservation magic. Don’t worry.”
Recalling that time, Kanae slammed her forehead into the

The cruelty that doesn’t even give you time to enjoy the joy
of finding flowers, the vile battle that pushes you to the side,
and the scattered allies.

And the assassin aimed at Dillion, not herbs.

Dillian was seriously injured in the sudden attack.

‘It’s all my fault.’

a stronger defensive wall.

To protect the injured Dillion, Kanae urgently used

movement magic.

The target point is the inn where they stayed.

First of all, I had to send the wounded Dillion to a safe place.

And obviously, magic confirmed that he had moved.

But when they arrived at the inn after a difficult battle,
Dillion was not there.

No trace of him could be found anywhere in the inn.

To make matters worse, the heavy snow that started pouring

stuck my feet.

When the snow stopped and they were barely able to move,
the two, who were comparatively less injured, wandered
around the town center to inquire about Dillian.

A problem arose here as well, because of the hostile forces

that started looking for Dillion around the same time as
them, it was impossible to openly search for them.

So a full month has passed. It took time to find him.

Wow, full moon.

Eldman closed his eyes tightly.

Even if my master told me to beheaded here, I had no choice

but to obey.
But after a while, no words were heard from above.
Episode 18.

At this point, no matter what you say or raise your head,

something has to come out….

Feeling strange, Eldman raised his head and carefully called

out to Dillion.


Contrary to Eldman’s concerns, Dillion was gathering

information from his faltering words.

One, he is a nobleman.

This is information from the last assassin’s mouth, so pass it

Two , he himself is the head of a family. Judging by the title,
it was clear that he was a duke.

Third, someone is aiming for you.

That said, the fact that he had lost his memory was not to be

This is a weakness. I can’t even believe it’s a load.

‘But you can get information.’

There are three dukes in the Roheim Empire.

Now, which one is it?


“Yes, my lord.”

“Who am I? Say it with your own mouth.”

“You are our eternal lord, and the one and only lord of
Dillian, who finally got the information he wanted, smiled


This was the piece that Leah hid until the end.

He held it in his hand and hid it tightly, but with a single

word from Eldman, the puzzle was completed.

Sinise. where is that

The highest power in the Roheim Empire. A place where

even the imperial family is afraid.

Sinise was a symbol and center of power.

‘I think Nathan’s guess is correct.’

Dillian’s nerves were focused solely on Leah, as he couldn’t

even see his frantic, restless subordinates.

Even if you stare blankly at me, when our eyes meet, you are
startled and pretend not to be.
familiar with it, he held onto himself as if he couldn’t do it
and walked away.

The attitude of wanting the snow to stop soon, and letting

me go at any time.

The appearance of Leah repeatedly approaching and moving

away came to mind one after another.

‘Because I am a noble, I tried to distance myself from the

difference in status.’

It was certain. Dillian could hang Nathan’s wings here.

‘There will be times when that fat guy can help.’

Dillian, unaware of the fact that he was being

misunderstood, made a fresh face saying that he had finally
solved the question.

“Go back today.”

“yes? But, my lord. Everyone is waiting for you.”

“Now is not the time.”

Yeah , it’s not the time. The first reason is that I can’t trust
the two of them even when their memories are not perfect,

The second reason is,

‘love… because I am doing We can’t break up like this.’

it’s love Still couldn’t believe it, but apart from that, Dillian
liked the sense of satisfaction he got from Leah’s side.

I don’t know if this is the love Nathan was talking about, but
it was clear that he wanted to be by my side forever.

As the owner of a family, I will have to leave this house

someday, but that day was not today.

“Your Majesty must have a reason. But you must return

quickly. If it’s late, what kind of pods will the Crown

Kanae hastily covered Eldman’s mouth.

“Go back now. It is an order.”

Eldman , who had tried to convince Dillion in any way,

trembled at the coolness he had felt in a long time.

If you go too far beyond this, you will die.

After quickly grasping the situation, Eldman took a step


“And leave that sword behind.”

“yes? Ah yes.”

Eldman quickly handed his sword.

Good weight, good grip, and well sharpened blades.

Dillian smiled softly.

It was very satisfying to obtain a fairly good sword by a

gentlemanly method without force.

“Give me the dagger.”

“Here it is.”

Eldman, who was quietly passing the sword, stopped at

Dillion’s gesture to bring the dagger hidden in his chest .

‘Wait, then I…? My weapon is…?’

By the time it felt strange, it was already too late.

All Eldman’s weapons had fallen into Dillian’s grasp.

‘It’s like meeting a thief….’

I shouldn’t have dared to hold such thoughts to my master,

but I couldn’t shake the feeling of being robbed.

Whether Eldman looked at me with a sullen face or not,

Dillian’s attention was focused on Leah.

‘I have to give this to Leah.’

A sharp-edged dagger would be better than a heavy, old

‘Because I’m good at bows, the basics are clear, and I’m sure
I’ll do well if I teach them.’

It was quite satisfying to get a good weapon.

Eldman, who watched the unfamiliar smile, cautiously called

out Dillion.

“… We are staying in a village inn. We look forward to seeing

you again soon.”

“Don’t come until I find you. Don’t pretend you know.”


As soon as he answered, the door slammed shut.

And after a while, there was a creaking sound as the door

was locked.

It sounded as if he would not allow anyone other than

himself to break into this house.
It was cold and cold, but what appeared on their faces was

“I’m sure your Highness too.”

“Yeah, just like that.”

The face that looked at the woman was so unfamiliar that

she harbored a small suspicion, but seeing that she was still
vicious, she was sure of her master.

“Anyway, what do you do?”

“Whatever, I have to do what I am told….”

Eldman and Kanae, who were left behind, trembled and

headed to the inn.

The next day, morning.

bang! bang!

The sound of rough hammering resounded loudly.

I put barrier stones at regular intervals and looked up at the

dark blue pants that caught the end of my field of vision.

“Mr. Dillian, how long will you be here?”

“Until Leah hands you the hammer. I will do it. Then you get

“You know what? Before Dillian came to this house, I did all
the hammering and the axing myself, didn’t I?”

The strength may be less than that of Dillion, but the

proficiency is second to none.

bang! Quang!

After pushing Dillian away, I pounded the hammer

In the end, it was Dillian who raised the white flag in
response to my tough attitude.

“Then I will prepare breakfast.”

“Yes, please do something delicious.”

Leaving behind Dillian, who kept looking back to see if he

was still worried, I rummaged through my pockets and pulled
out the barrier stone.

“Look, was the blue the gate?”

I unfolded a piece of paper folded in half.

[Candy, as requested, it is a barrier stone and a defense

stone. Do you know how to write it? Red is a barrier stone.
Blue is a defensive stone. Put barrier stones all over the
house, and put blue ones in the gates. It will make the house

ps. Why don’t you come up to the capital slowly now?]

The pocket on my waist and this note were delivered to me
by a messenger bird early in the morning.

I took a long breath, putting barrier stones all over the house
as he instructed.

“Huh, is this okay?”

invisibility went well, but he made it, so the performance will

definitely be there.

“May will find you on your own.”

She would surely recognize the power contained in this

magic stone.

Days of anxiety, goodbye now!

As I entered the house with undisturbed steps, I frowned at

the bright light emanating from the kitchen.

“Mr. Leah.”
Oh, it wasn’t the light, it was Dillion.

It was the halo coming from him.

I could feel the joy in the hand tying the apron.

‘You used to be gloomy up until now, but now you look so

much better, don’t you?’

down , I couldn’t keep up with the sudden change of


“This morning, we make Leah’s favorite omelette.”

Today, Dillion was the sunshine itself.

Whoops, I spin the frying pan and the snap is unusual.

It was a snap that only came out when I was really in a good

“Mr. Dillian, what happened?”

“I do not know. How do you look?”

Like a ruby, Yo-Yo-yo’s eyes were holding me and I was
folded. I was taken aback as I watched the dazzling smile in
my eyes.

“what. those eyes.”

“Why my eyes?”

Dillian blinked. His eyes were clearer than before.

“Isn’t it, it must have been melodramatic eyes….”


“no. I must have misunderstood.”

Seriously, Dillian has melodramatic eyes. No way.

She was the person who rushed to Aina, whom everyone in

the world loves, with her eyes wide open. Honey can’t run

I closed my eyes with my hands.

“Mr. Leah?”

“Never mind. I’m taking a break because I think I’m having a

bit of a problem with my eyesight right now.”

It was clear that the combination of the handsome man and

the apron made his eyes taste for a moment.


The time when Lia was humming and installing the barrier

Dillian sat Nathan at the table and sat across from him,
interlocking his hands.

As if interrogating, Nathan frowned.

“Where did the barrier stone come from?”

“Lea asked for it from the tower and received it.”

“Matop? Do you have any acquaintances?”

“Well, he’s a pretty good guy.”

Did you say May? Did he get it from him, who was said to be
a friend of a wizard?

Actually, I wasn’t curious at all. Because this is what Dillian

was interested in.

“Hey. Nathan. Do you have any plans to leave here and move
to another place?”

“Are you moving all of a sudden?”

“Mr. Lia also has to hide, so I think I should leave together.”

I was thinking of going back to a safe place, that is, to my

Of course, with Leah.

The fact that I couldn’t find my memories was holding me

back, but it’s better than being hurt without knowing

“I spent a lot of money on you to buy a barrier stone, so let’s

leave? Leah will love it.”

“Is it because of me?”

Dillian’s thoughts stopped while he was thinking of a flower

road life with Leah.

“Do you know how worried Leah was that they might come
and attack you again?”

“Mr. Leah….”

“Don’t think useless thoughts and take care of yourself, you

bastard! Also, know how to pluck out all of her handsome
hair if you make it hard for our Lia!”

The corners of Dillian’s lips twitched.

Nathan’s nagging, which he would normally hate, sounded
strangely like lyrics.

“Is that crazy?”

You laugh out loud even when you hear nagging. Nathan was
disgusted and spread the distance.
Episode 19.

Either way, Dillian didn’t stop laughing.

“Is it because of me?”

“okay. It’s all because of you!”

Leah’s peaceful daily life all year round was broken, her
location was discovered, and her divine power was endlessly
squeezed out. all!

It was meant as a criticism, but to Dillian, who had applied

self-filtering, it sounded converted to ‘I did it to protect you.’

Dillian quickly covered my mouth. The corners of his lips

covered by his large hands drew an arc.
almost showed Nathan his unsightly appearance.

“Where are you really sick? Why the hell are you doing this?”

Nathan, who began to be genuinely worried about Dillion

beyond disdain, stretched out his wings and placed them on
Dillian’s forehead.

“There is no fever….”

My fingertips twitched strangely. I felt like I had to do

something right now.


Dillian pushed Nathan away and stood up.

“No, even if this guy is worried?”

“I will make the best breakfast for Leah and serve her.”

“Hey, if that’s the reason, you should move on with a

generous heart. good aspiration! Go, Dillian!”
A smile did not leave Dillian’s face, who had made a strange
mistake alone .

So, the moment Leah entered the house, a halo was shining.

“what? those eyes?”

What Leah saw was the color of the eyes of Melo. Dillian
was looking at Leah with sweet eyes without realizing it.

Dillion didn’t know. Leah didn’t know either.

How is the relationship between the two changing? where

you are heading

“I installed the barrier stone, so it should be fine now.”

“But it’s not very safe, is it?”

“Well, that’s right.”

“I must find a way quickly.”

“Right. We have to find a fundamental solution.”

other and smiled.

‘I have to leave with Ms. Leah as soon as possible.’

‘When May returns, I’ll have to send Dillian home and leave.’

They ate the same dishes at the same house and at the
same table and fell into frostbite.


Time flew by quickly, and it’s been a month since I’ve been
with Dillian.

I said we’d be together for a full week at most, but it’s been
a month!

Dillian approached with a heavy sigh, as if the ground was
about to go out.

“You haven’t contacted me yet.”

“yes. You should come quickly….”

“It will be fine.”

“Absolutely. Mei is strong, so it’s okay. That’s not what I’m

worried about.”


I looked out the window with my chin clenched and turned

my head to look into Dillian’s eyes.

“It’s Mr. Dillian.”


Dillian blinked for an answer he hadn’t thought of.

“Are you worried about me?”

“Absolutely. Who am I worried about if it’s not Mr. Dillion?”

Worried about Nathan eating and sleeping well ? Of course,

I’m worried about the time bomb that might explode.

“It feels good.”

Dillian’s face bloomed like a flower in full bloom. His eyes

fluttered open as if he had only shone the light on him.

‘Is handling a time bomb good? Anyway, the taste is noble


“Please continue to worry about me.”

“Even if you don’t say that, I do it every day.”

The eyes, which had been lingering with a warm energy like
spring, fell coldly at the words that followed.

“I have to go home quickly, but my feet are tied up, so I’m

not too worried. Do you want to see your family?”
Rolling my eyes at the sudden change of atmosphere, I
gently patted the back of Dillian’s hand.

did n’t mean to talk about the house.

I quickly added.

“When May returns, I will ask you to send Mr. Dillian home
as soon as possible.”


“Honestly, I didn’t expect it to take this long. I wanted to

send it out as soon as possible… Sorry.”

“under. Say that now.”

Dillian burst into laughter in exasperation.

can’t you believe it? But Mei can do it.

“I understand your anxiety. But if it’s Mei, it’s definitely

Chin, Dillian covered my mouth.

“Stop, stop talking.”

Dillian ruffled his bangs, noticing what was so frustrating.

“Why do you want to get me out of this house?”

“Why? Of course, Mr. Dillian has to go back to where he

lived. And once the location is discovered, you can’t stay
here forever.”

“Then we can go somewhere else together, right?”

“yes? Me too?”

what are you talking about I smiled and waved my hand.

“Jokes too. This is home, where are you going?”

“Then I think it’s a place for me to be.”

I smiled awkwardly, looked into Dillian’s eyes and shut my

Those eyes were sincere. I really meant to stay here.

‘Aren’t you crazy?’

I jumped up and grabbed Dillian’s arm.

“No, why? Soon you’ll find out everything Mr. Dillian has
been so curious about! Family too! Friends too! until who
you were. all!”

“I’m not curious anymore.”

Aren’t you curious? Because I was curious about it, and he

poked me in the face!

“Stop talking about it. Let’s just get up.”

Dillian disappeared without a moment to catch him.

“Why are you there…?”

“What is it? It’s a craft.”

Nathan snorted with excitement and snoring.


“Mr. Dillian. Let’s talk.”

“I’m a little busy right now. I do it in the evening.”

“Mr. Dillian.”

“I’m going to clean up some snow in the yard.”


“I am busy.”

Dillian didn’t give him a chance to talk about what he didn’t

like so much.

It was difficult to even talk once because he disappeared

every time, and even if he barely spoke, he avoided it like a
“It’s different.”

Each time, Nathan ran and looked at Dillion’s scars . The sea
I agree with.

It was obviously a refurbishment that didn’t want to leave

the house.

‘It does not make sense. I want to stay here because I like
the countryside.’

I can’t remember, so if you feel too anxious, I’ll understand.

But no matter how you look at it, Dillian was fine.

Again, an in-depth conversation was needed.

‘Just try to avoid it this time.’

As I approached Dillion’s sofa, I called him with a wretched


“Mr. Dillian. It’s not something that can be avoided in this


You finally get it!

“I must cut down the wood before the sun goes down.”

“yes? no. I can do that….”

Following Dillion, who seemed to be leaving at any moment,

he hurriedly got up.

“for a moment…!”

uh? In the meantime, the body moved backwards. When I did

something, I just stepped on the laundry and fell back.

Everything seemed like slow motion. Dillian’s surprised face,

his hands reaching out to me, and Nathan flying out of the
room belatedly.

I closed my eyes tightly at the pain that was about to come.

thud. The body slammed into the floor with a loud noise, but
the pain he had been waiting for did not come.
When I opened my eyes, Dillian was in front of me. They
were so close that their breaths became entangled.


Dillian let out a sigh and slammed his forehead against my


The crumpled red eyes blurred his vision.

“You mean it. too careless You better be a little careful.”

Occasionally, the slurred words struck me lightly.

“I can’t take my eyes off you for fear of an accident.”

The last words were close to self-talk. Dillian, who slowly

pulled me up by pulling his hand around my head, looked at
my body.

“Where does it hurt?”

Dillian then sighed.

If I feel relieved that I’m just lucky, are my eyes crazy?

I looked at Dillion with a blank slate, and was startled to see

the back of his hand involuntarily.

The back of his hand was stained red and red, painful.

“Mr. Dillian, your hand!”

“Ah, this is okay.”

In fact, Dillian didn’t take much of my wounds.

“It’s okay! It’s already starting to swell!”

The words of the scoundrel came out of his mouth.

As I reacted horribly to my changes, I burst into anger at the

sight of him who did not know how to cherish my body.

“Are you mad?”

“Yes, I am angry.”

my little lip, Dillian gently pressed my lip with his thumb .


He slowly lifted my chin.

“Why are you angry, Ms. Leah?”

The eyes that looked at me were tenacious.

“… I do not know either.”

“I don’t know?”

“I don’t know!”

annoying. As I quickly turned my head, Dillian slowly

retreated from my side.

“Mr. Leah is not honest.”

Worried that he might run away like this again, I quickly
stretched out my hand.

I felt a throbbing pain in my ankle.

‘Are you twisted?’

Ignoring the stabbing pain, I grabbed Dillian’s arm.

“Are you going to run away again?”

“That’s not it.”

He bent over and picked up the clothes that I had tripped


“I’ve been curious about this for a while, but who the hell is
this outfit?”

Those clothes were the clothes that Dillian had worn over
the past month.

When men’s clothes kept coming out in the house where a

woman lives alone, Dillian became suspicious.
“Is that what I know?”

Dillion knows…? I don’t know what it was, but that outfit

was a means to protect me.

Whatever my mouth says, I’m pretty handsome, wealthy, and


Since they had high specs in a small rural village, there were
not only one or two cubs approaching with a sinister heart.

So, those clothes

“It’s the clothes of the person you live with.”

It was a kind of protection that created a fake lover or


‘It’s all thanks to Mei.’

Mei handed me the men’s clothes I had bought from

somewhere, saying that there should be a smoke screen like
this in this difficult world.
‘This can’t stop everything, but it’s better than nothing.’

‘Wash your clothes and hang them together. When someone

accuses me, they say that I have a husband.’

‘Then later, if there’s a good guy, I’ll bite you on the nape
and make him your husband. Okay? That way you avoid
dangerous guys.’

May, when will such a man appear? is there?

I made eye contact with Dillian, who was staring blankly at

my face.

After all, this person was the most dangerous.

“Come together…. Is that what I think it is?”

“Yes, honey, it’s your clothes.”

Dillian paused at the unfamiliar name. The eyes that looked

at me were fluttering slightly.

“… Honey, honey?”
Episode 20.

“My dear.”

“My dear, and?”

“my darling?”


Dillian, who was muttering following my words, covered my

face with a large hand. The pinna exposed through the hair
was red.

“Yeah, it was like that.”

“yes? It’s like that, no. no. That’s not what’s important.”
I got the hang of it and brought it up. so that he no longer

“Mr. Dillian, I know you are concerned. I’m afraid I don’t

remember. But you have to go home.”

“Mr. Leah….”

Dillian’s face darkened noticeably. There was a strong

feeling of not wanting to leave.

I know, I’m afraid I don’t remember. You will feel like you are
suddenly thrown out of the world.

But this was no place for Dillian.

“May will take you safely to the capital.”

“… I wish I could go back.”


yes _ really. I nodded vigorously.

“Mr. Dillian is not the one to be here.”

“How is it here?”

“This place is too narrow and insufficient for Mr. Dillian. We

have to go to a bigger place.”

You have a magnificent palace-like house. How can I live in

one house?

The king must return to his castle.

“And Dillian’s family and loved ones will be waiting for you.”

“Then you.”


Dillian licked his lips. It took a long time to quibble, perhaps

because it was a word that could not be easily brought out.

I waited patiently.
“If I leave, are you okay?”

What does this mean? What do I have to do with Dillian

coming home?

I couldn’t understand his intentions. I frowned, then nodded

my head.




“What was our relationship?”

What do you do when you suddenly come in like this?

I bit my lip in anger in Dillian’s eyes.

Oh, I see. Now that I see that confident face, I understand.

‘I noticed. It’s clear.’

It was clear that he knew something.

I bit my lip in nervousness. I looked at him, blinking my eyes

to look as pitiful as possible.

With a pitiful face, he bit his lips and nodded, saying that he
knew Dillian would.

“You were a lover, too.”

“… yes?”

“Is this clothes supposed to be mine?”


“Honey, you must have been using your name.”


“Because I forgot you… Are you disappointed?”

What do you mean by all this , sweetheart? Honey, honey?

“Absolutely not!”

I jumped like a freshly caught live fish. I was so startled that

my heart was pounding. A gust of wind blew out of his open

“Never, never!”

He waved his hand in denial, but the more he did, the more
suspicious the color of Dillian’s face grew.

“… If not, why do you always have that face?”

Are you saying my face is wrong now?

For a moment, lost for words, I touched my forehead.

“Dillian, as I said before, we don’t know each other. Did I

accidentally pick up Mr. Dillion?”

“Lie again, do you think I will believe it?”

“Yes? Are you lying?”

“Please be honest. You no longer have to hide it for me.”

No, what the hell are you talking about?

Whether I was embarrassed or not, Dillian poured out what I

wanted to say without hiding.

“Are you embarrassed because I am a nobleman? I know you

pushed me out because of the difference in status.”


I really don’t want to do this, but all I had to say was ‘Yes?’

Because it wasn’t that funny.

“How much less the head of Sinise. I know that Leah felt the

“No, how…. Did your memories come back?”

I never told Dillion that he was a noble. Especially the fact

that he’s a Sinise.
Since I was locked up at home, no one told me about it.

The only way left is to think for yourself.

‘X foot. I’m totally X.’

I think you really remember Even if the memory did not fully
return, it was clear that he remembered it in fragments.

‘It’s only a matter of time before they get caught!’

As the survival instinct faltered, and as he stepped back,

Dillion came closer.

The eyes looking at me were burning softly.

The place where our eyes met was hot. as if it would burn
me. It was an intense gaze.

“When I see you, my heart beats terribly, my head hurts like

a shatter, and my mind is dizzy.”

“That, that….”
Damn, it must be the aftermath.

“But even then, when I’m with Lia, I feel at ease. It’s like
coming home.”

I don’t know that either!

“If this isn’t love, what is it?”


Suddenly, all the buzzing noises in my head stopped.

In an illusion as if the world had stopped, Dillian’s eyes were


‘What is he talking about now?’

love? Saaraang? What are you talking about? That’s because

I broke the back of your head!

instinctively detect and warn enemies! to avoid!

‘I can’t even say this!’

explode inside! As I was embarrassed and unable to do this
or that, Dillian, who had another strange misunderstanding,
grabbed my shoulder.

“Please don’t hide it anymore.”

The face that came close to my nose was contorted in pain.

The deeply fanned forehead, the drooping corners of the

eyes, the painfully bitten lips, those faint eyes looking at me.

As if soaked in dew, I swallowed my breath with a clean face.

“Don’t make me miserable anymore.”

Really, it was a sad and pitiful face that I wanted to tell you,

‘I mean, we’re not really related….’

I want to cry. I just want to throw everything and fall….

as I was about to let go, my savior appeared miraculously.

“Let’s hear it, let’s hear it! Such an incompetent bastard!”


“Where did you brazenly put your love on the subject that
was trying to attack our Lia!”

not. It was the snout of destruction.

“What if I say that! You said it was a secret!”

“I can’t see you suffer any more!”

Another bomb went off before Nathan’s bombing remarks

could be settled.

The door opened with a bang.

“What? Hit it?! Leah! You have finally found your husband!”


after waiting for a whole month, it didn’t come, and now it’s
coming at this time?
Mei, who came carrying presents in both hands, shouted
with joy.

“You did what this sister said! great! My little brother!”

Nathan screaming and May, who suddenly appeared, ignited

Dillian’s misunderstanding.

I felt a strong force on my shoulder.

As I forcibly turned my stiff neck, a smiling face greeted me

as if relieved.

“D, Dillian….”

“They weren’t lovers, they were a couple.”

“It’s not….”

“I’m sorry I forgot. ma’am.”

“Such crazy….”
Dillian paused as he muttered a curse involuntarily and
stared at me.

Dillian, putting his hand down from my shoulder, pressed my

heart against my heart, and then smiled softly.

“I think you know where I fell in love with your wife.”

After talking nonsense, Dillion took my hand and kissed me.

The back of his hand was hot as if it were burning. The more
I did, the colder my heart became.

“I was very saddened by the memories I had with you.”


“I will take responsibility.”


“Yes, don’t worry. I will pay you back for the rest of my life.”

Please ! Listen to me!

My screams could not reach him.

My eyes were terrifying.

Mom…. What should I do…. I guess this madman really

thinks I’m his wife….

Damn it. it’s all ruined

Chapter 3 . I Didn’t Say That The Genre Is An
Illusion System.

There is no side for me in the world

I was confirmed killed once again today.

That the world obviously hates me.

“Hmm, hmm. So that’s my Leah’s husband?”

“Not my husband.”

I put my forehead on the image of Mei holding her weight

with her voice unfamiliar.

Maimy Altran.
Nickname, May. twenty-two years old Occupation is a

Features , the polarity protector of liadelis.

Currently, they break into the house saying they can never
become a married couple without their permission.


“This is Dillion.”

“What a voice….”

“I heard that you are Leah’s close friend. Your friend is also
my friend.”

“Oh my gosh, I have a good heart….”

“Maimi-san, thank you.”

Dillian’s beauty world and splendid eloquence made me fall

in love.
“I, it is me! It’s an honor!”

Dillian smiled softly and held out his hand, and May grabbed
it with both hands.

It was not a handshake meant to strengthen friendship, but

an attitude of welcoming the gods.

Mei was low-key enough to make such an analogy.

“May, calm down!”

Whether Nathan pecked at the top of his head or not, May

looked at Dillion with ecstasy.

Dillian smiled relaxedly without being disturbed by Mei’s

gaze, who was scouring me thoroughly.

Mei, who constantly admired that even that appearance was

cool, didn’t help.

‘Is this the fan signing event? There’s been a lot of chaos,
there’s been a riot.’
How can I turn my insides upside down and look so
shameless? Heh, when I was snorting, my eyes met with

At that moment, Dillian’s smile changed.

As if he was wearing a mask, his face that had felt alienated

melted like snow.

a lovely thing, his tender eyes tickled his stomach.

I shook my head angrily.

‘Where’s the beauty world? annoying.’

In the midst of the heat, a sigh came out of the self-control

that was almost suffocating on that face.

“I will prepare tea.”

“That’s Okay. I will go.”

I’d rather avoid it than keep watching it.

However, Dillian was faster than me.

Dillian approached me and grabbed my hand.


And suddenly, he kissed the back of my hand, regardless of

his sharp eyes.

The hot and moist touch suddenly touched me and I stopped

Episode 21.

Nathan and May were the same as they were hardened by

the love affair that unfolded in front of them.

“Your wife is resting.”

Dillian with a fresh, sweet smile headed to the kitchen.

“Oh my, my!”

May was the first to wake up. A sharp hand slapped me on

the back.

“Oh, it hurts!”

“You, you! Without me, such a handsome man! Jeenjaang, I

envy you!”
“Me, me! foxy! Oh my gosh.”

Nathan rubbed his forehead and staggered.

“Ugh, not like that! You are mistaken!”

“What an illusion! Honey was dripping from your eyes!”


I’m curious too. Why the hell are you doing that?

“It’s a shame that he lost his memory, but he’s a very nice
guy. Leah, don’t miss it.”

Even though Dillian said several times that he was making a

strange mistake because of his memory loss, May continued
to harass her husband.

“It’s not like that.”

‘Even if it’s a misunderstanding, it’s not that serious.’

the heightened level of difficulty. I lowered my posture
towards Mei.

“may. I have a favor.”


Mei, who lowered her posture at the same time, asked.

I glanced at Dillion, then lowered my voice as if whispering a

secret to May.

“Send Dillian to Duke Sinise’s residence in the capital. Can

you do it?”

“What? your husband?”

“He said he wasn’t my husband.”

As she clenched her teeth and stared at it, Mei closed her

“… really send? Did you even fight?”

“It’s not like that, I want to send it back to where it was

“What, were you a duke?”

May tilted her head, not knowing Dillion’s face.

In a way, it was natural. Because Dillian didn’t enjoy

extracurricular activities, so he didn’t show up well at the

“How did you get involved with that crazy guy?”

Although she didn’t know her face, she knew a bit about
rumors, so Mei looked at Dillion.

“Great, will you send it to me anyway?”

Even if Dillian loses his memory, they will recognize him.

After that, you’ll figure it out.

After reading the sincerity in my eyes, Mei nodded slowly.

“Who are you asking for? I have to listen.”

Just then, Dillion arrived.

Without knowing anything, I cautiously opened my mouth to

Dillian, who was passing the car.

“Mr. Dillian, I have something to tell you.”

“Is that the story again?”

Dillian let out a sigh.

“I have no intention of going back. If you go back, Ms. Leah

must go with you. We are a couple.”

What do you mean, you’re going to die together! I groaned

and waved my hand.

“Mr. Dillian, we are strangers. It’s not like we’re going to go

home together.”
“Then I’ll pretend I didn’t hear this conversation.”

Dillian got up from his seat and tried to get him out as

‘Are you sure you’ll miss it again?’

I grabbed Dillian’s wrist as he was about to run away.

“Stop running away!”

You’re not a kid, and you think that if you run away,
everything will be all right?

“Mr. Dillian must go back! What if they come again?”

I shouted, almost hanging from Dillian’s arm.

“may! Start!”

At my cry, Mei quickly started drawing a magic circle.

‘If you keep avoiding it, you have no choice but to send it by
After reading my will, Dillian sighed deeply.

“Are you trying to force me to go?”

“Is that so?”

“Are you really going to be like this?”

“You said it. Because Mr. Dillion is not here.”

“It’s up to me to decide where I will be.”

“I can’t remember right now, so I’m saying that. Will you

thank me when your memories come back?”

And why are you talking nonsense? Can I speak nonsense?

Dillian’s red eyes grew cold. My eyes won’t be any different.

Dillian trying to push me away, and the more I do it, the more
I get entangled with him like a noose.

I was able to get rid of it enough to get rid of it.

But Dillian couldn’t stop me in the end.

Maybe it’s because you mistook me for my wife.

‘Heh, that’s stupid.’

And that’s when I heard Mei’s cry.

“It’s done.”

I pushed Dillion as hard as I could towards the sparkling

magic circle from below.

“Who knows how to go alone?”

A strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me. I

couldn’t resist that power and was dragged away.

I inhaled in a distance close enough to entangle my breath.


His eyes gleamed.

‘Wait, his eyes are open…?’

Dillian was insane.

“Why are you doing this? You go home! I’m staying at my

house, what’s the matter!”

“Are you going to separate now? Do you think I will tolerate


“Oh, you must be crazy!”

The Grim Reaper won’t be as tenacious as you!

I stomped on Dillian’s foot hard.

A faint moan escaped from his mouth as if the attack with all
his might had paid off.


At that moment, an intangible force pulled me back.

“A man who hangs is unattractive.”

“Magicians are annoying.”

It was May’s magic that separated Dillion and me.

The moment he came out of the magic circle, a pure white

light enveloped Dillion.

magic has been activated.

Barely free from him, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he was freed from Dillian.

Finally free… huh?

“Mr. Leah, my feet hurt.”

Dillion was still standing there. With a very, very ferocious


“… what. Why are you doing this?”

Mei’s bewildered voice was heard in her ear.

“Obviously, I put the alcohol in properly.”

It’s not about magic . So what?

Suddenly, Nathan shouted in amazement.

“Lea, are you in bondage?”

“Restraint? what is that?”

I didn’t know what it was, but the ominousness of the word

made my fingertips become cold.

Nathan, who had been watching me, turned his head toward
Dillian this time.

“… Unbelievable.”

Dillian was equally bewildered.

“Restraint? What are you talking about?”

May nurtured Nathan, telling him to speak up.

“The two are connected. What kind of bondage are you in?”

from Dillion? Nathan, who placed me next to him again,

watched us carefully.

“Lea, have you ever made a promise? Or you are paying a

price for something.”

“What is the promise, there can be no such thing….”

Shaking my head, I stopped.

There is one memory that comes to mind.

‘Then please stay by my side until I get my memories back.’

‘Mr. Dillian won. I’ll stay by your side.’

‘Then, promise me.’

‘okay. do.’

After that, I bet Dillion and the little finger. But was it a
Come to think of it, he said that words of earnest aspiration
sometimes have power beyond imagination.

Especially the words of people deeply involved in dark

powers such as curses.

‘You mean that desperately?’

Nathan shook my stiff shoulder in shock.

“Leah. You did.”

“no. This is just….”

“What did you promise?”

“I’ll be by your side until the memories come back….”

I murmured in a faint voice as if it was about to break, looked

up at the ceiling and smiled in dismay.

‘lie. It should make sense.’

unfocused eyes immediately reached Dillian. As if they had
been looking at me all the time, their eyes met immediately.

The gazes that were fiercely glaring at me, who betrayed me,
are nowhere to be found.

The only thing that popped into his eyes was the feeling of

Terrified by that sweet gaze, I cling to Mei.

“May, can you solve this? huh? Do that.”

please…. Mei looked at me with sad eyes at my earnest


“Lea, bondage is not the realm of wizards. Even if it is

possible, the parties have no choice but to resolve it.”

So it sounds impossible.

He couldn’t leave me until Dillian’s memory returned, and I

couldn’t leave Dillian.
“no…. This is nonsense….”

“I think it’s fate, as Dillian said. Do you know the story of

Founding King Lissandro and his lover? The two met on a
snowy mountain. Love that bloomed like snowflakes. I mean,
it’s really similar.”

“it’s crazy?!”

Where do you compare the love of the century to our


And if you say nonsense like that, you think Dillion is even
more mistaken.

“Yeah, we were lucky.”

Dillian gently took my hand and smiled.

It was a smile like a midsummer sun that would melt the

snow outside at once.

“Now that I see it, it’s just a natural relationship, it’s a

natural relationship.”
Mei, who frowned as if looking at a disgusting couple, shook
her head.

“Hey, if you’ve had a fight, don’t tell me sooner. It makes a

love fight terrifying.”


“I’ll take Nathan. have a good time.”

“What?! Let go of this, May! town! Oops!”

May closed Nathan’s mouth and frowned.

‘Lea? Trust only my sister!’

What do you believe? This burn!

“Aren’t you coming?!”


The door is closed. At the same time, my life was closed.

“Mai, I thought you were a bad person, but now I see you are
a pretty good person.”

“… under.”

“Madam, shall we have a time of reconciliation from now on?

My poor feet are crying.”

“Ah, haha. That’s it….”

I slowly took a step. Dillian approached as much as he had


‘may! What if I leave you alone!’

I let out a silent scream and wept.

Episode 22.

“Puha! may! What is this!”

Barely free from May’s grasp, Nathan was furious.

Leaving Leah and such an unscrupulous bastard behind.

“Leave them alone. Seeing you earlier, we got along well.”

“What’s good?”

Heh, Nathan turned his back, spewing steam.

He was planning to slam the door right away.

“I think the dog in the temple smelled it. I’m following the
trail of you and Leah.”
A low voice grabbed him.

There was no smile on her face as she looked back.

It was then that Nathan realized that Mei was acting to keep
her distance from Leah and let out a long breath.

“… You stayed in one place too long.”

“I think I gave up because of the heavy snow, but I don’t

know when I will pursue it again. I think it would be good to
open up here soon.”

“Don’t let that happen.”

“Aren’t you going to tell Leah? Shouldn’t he know his

situation too?”

“Dillian is going to make my head ache, but there’s no need

to even talk about the temple. When the time comes, I will
tell you.”

“Then what? okay.”

you to do it yourself, but it’s not something I’m going to
argue with. May shrugged.

“Oh. Strange things have been popping up in the capital

these days. It would be better to avoid that area.”

“Is that weird?”

“It’s a monster, but it must eat people. I don’t know exactly

what it is because I’ve only heard about it, but now the
capital is in trouble because of that monster.”

Mei folded her arms and traced her memory.

“Is it night or darkness? So, that was the name. It’s

dangerous, so let’s avoid it.”

Nathan tilted his head at the name of the monster he had

heard for the first time, but then nodded.


“Tell me when you are ready to leave.”

“Will you go with me?”

“Of course. Leah, how can I spend it alone? This sister

should be with you.”

It was full of playful words, but Nathan grinned at the

worries contained within.

“Lea, if you leave her alone, strange people keep getting

tangled up. I can’t be left alone because I’m anxious.”

Where was the one or two that flirted with Leah? May
frowned at the eerie faces of the stalkers passing through
her head.

“How are you today? Are the strange bastards still coming?”

“It was quiet, but he came out.”

“After all, isn’t that the man’s husband?”

“Of course. The patient was treated right before the heavy
“Are you surprised? Leah came to the rescue.”

“There’s no way Leah can’t just pass by watching everyone


“Yeah, that’s right.”

Leah must have saved Dillion as if she had saved herself.

Lia and May started dating a year ago.

It started when Leah, who came down to the plaza to find

work, found Mei who was bleeding and collapsed.

Maimi Altran, she was a traitor who was kicked out of the

No one took a liking to a wandering wizard. Even the temple

ignored her.

When she was turned away from the world, the only person
who reached out to her was Leah.

‘Do you know how hard it was to sneak in at night?’

Mei grunted a bit and remembered Leah, who was
bandaging her arm.

“Yeah, there’s no way you can pretend you don’t know about
Leah’s personality. Even if you pretend you’re not, you’re a
warm kid on the inside.”

Nathan agreed with that.

Leah is a sweet child. He is the best child

as much as he loves him.

So, the wizard who was called the madman must bow his
head in front of Leah himself and come in.

‘Lea, this is the relationship you made. That’s great.’

“Anyway, it’s a big deal. To be caught by a strange guy with

only a handsome face.”

When May giggled, Nathan scolded him to stop teasing him.

“You know, stop teasing me. I’ll get a vase of Leah.”

He didn’t even know that he was the biggest cause of
Dillian’s misunderstanding that his feelings for Leah were

“Nathan, what do you think? The bondage must be

released…. To do that, you need a fairly high-level priest.”

Bondage is not magic. It was related to a kind of curse, so

there was no way for the wizard Mayo to help her.

“I’m not going to do that.”

“Tell me if you can’t. I’m going to kidnap one.”

Mei, who proudly declared a crime, asked, carefully

examining the barrier stone that Lia had put in.

“Where did the invisibility defense stone come from? I didn’t

give it…. Wait, this pattern… Is it that guy?”

Mei narrowed her eyes at the familiar pattern engraved on

the magic stone.

“why! What did I give you!”

“It’s broken.”

Mei , who was angry, stopped.

“The magic stone that had never been broken before was
broken for the first time.”

“Nathan, what happened?”

“I was attacked.”

“What?! What bastard dares! Are you guys from the temple?”

“It’s not….”

If it’s because of Dillion, I’m going to kill you. Nathan was


“You haven’t found who it is yet?”

“It’s like that. Dillian did it without leaving a single one

“Are there any traces left? or weapons. If you have anything,
give it to me. I’ll track it down.”

Nathan led her to the warehouse with a terrifying force that

seemed to move around the house at will if she didn’t tell

Mei frowned at the weapons that filled the warehouse .

“Did you come this far?”

“It was very bubbly. But, don’t worry too much, as Dillion
takes care of the dangerous things right now.”

“Is that person pretty useful?”

“What… Not bad.”

Nathan nodded nonchalantly. A satisfied smile appeared on

May’s lips.

nice face too Be nice to Leah. Good skills there. It’s perfect.

“Are you okay?”


“Okay then. Nathan, give Leah a request.”

“You don’t do it yourself.”

“I just have to go. It was late.”

“Are you going again?”

“Uh, I stopped by because I was afraid Leah would be

worried if it was too late. I’ll be back as soon as things are
sorted out. Oh, and Leah’s favorite dessert is in the basket I
brought, so let’s all share.”

Mei pulled out a weapon from the warehouse and opened

the door waving to Nathan who was seeing me off.

Meanwhile, a single thought did not leave my head.

‘Did you say Dillian? It’s a familiar face.’

His face was familiar, as if he had seen it before.

If he had such a handsome face, he couldn’t have forgotten.

‘Where did you see it?’

Mei’s eyebrows slowly ripped open.

took me a while to ponder over the vague memories that

seemed to be caught in my fingertips .

“ah! I do not know-!”

Bond, she doesn’t remember unless it’s someone related to


No matter how hard I tried, there was nothing I could


‘As long as it is not a person who harms Leah.’

He was a somewhat gloomy person, but it didn’t seem like

he would be a threat to Leah.

While talking to him, all his nerves turned to Leah, and he

showed his true face in front of Leah.
Mei, unaware that Dillian lost her memory because Leah
slapped her on the head, shook her head saying it would be

‘And that hand, the hand of the one who held the sword for a
very long time.’

Even though he has lost his memory, the spirit of the

surrounding is still there.

It was definitely someone who had reached a high level.

“I heard it was helpful this time, so it would be useful to

keep it by my side.”

Nathan is also acquiescing, and it’ll be fine to leave it alone

for the time being.

“Lea, I hope you didn’t pick up a crazy bastard like me.”

Mei clicked her tongue, remembering the cool eyes hidden

behind the mask.

driving me crazy. I avoided Dillion who was approaching here

and secretly bit my ass.

“How are you so blatantly avoiding? It’s a wound.”


“My feet hurt, my heart hurts. It’s tattered.”

what hurts It’s a face that says you’re happy to die.

“… Say it there.”

Despite the warning, Dillian proudly took the seat next to


A hand suddenly stretched out as he bit his body, alerting

him to the distance he was getting closer.

He grabbed my ankle.

He carefully wrapped my feet around me and placed them on

my knees.

“What are you doing… ”

Suddenly, his hand pressed against my ankle.

It was not a strong force, but a moan erupted out of

nowhere. My ankles throbbed.

slightly swollen ankles, Dillian, who licked his tongue,

wrapped his ankles with a towel that he did not know when
he had brought them.

Contrary to the frown on his face, his hands were gentle and
gentle as if he were handling a child.

I asked Dillion blankly as he watched Dillion meticulously

wrap his ankles.

“How did you know?”

“It’s all over my face.”

No way. It was such a minor injury that Nathan didn’t even


“Are you hurt?”

“… yes.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s a minor injury.”

“Why didn’t you treat me?”

“It is not good to rely too much on divine power.”

I didn’t want to overuse myself with a minor injury that would

be okay when I woke up after a good night’s sleep. You
mustn’t overdo it either.

Everything I learned from Nathan’s teachings.

The first thing he taught was not to overdo the divine power
over trifles.

Divine power is directly related to physical strength and life.

The more you use it, the more fatigue you accumulate, and if
you exceed the limit, your life is in danger.

It has nothing to do with me, who has divine power that is

nothing more than an inexhaustible spring.

But that’s not the problem.

‘Extras couldn’t have given me such great power.’

Because it was such a great power, I didn’t know if it would

ever be taken away or disappear.

Knowing the future, I always had to keep the worst in mind. I

couldn’t rely on my power.

You don’t know what’s going to happen with people? I

wonder if I will be able to use the divine power for the rest of
my life.
As a result, even if it was easy to use for others, writing it for
me became crude. ‘Cause I can’t get used to it

“it’s okay. This sort of thing happens often.”

“I’m not okay.”

“Why, Mr. Dillion?”

“Are you really asking because you don’t know?”

I don’t know, so ask I was about to respond bluntly, but I

quietly shut my mouth.

Dillian’s sunken eyes staring at me strangely, as if his mouth

was closed.

“As my wife, Leah, knows well, I am quite obsessive.”

“Because she’s not my wife.”

“I never miss what I consider mine.”

this picture. Listen to me.

He’s not Dillian’s wife, but he knows how obsessive he is.

Haven’t I seen it with my own eyes? The terrifying eyes that

were glaring at Claude, who was about to have a white cow.

So stop, I nodded my head involuntarily.

“Is that so? I don’t want Leah to get hurt.”


this is a bit Sende…?

world is worried about me with the face that I am more sick,

is there anyone who doesn’t like it?

“I think I liked Leah more than I expected.”

“… Mr. Dillian.”

“So, madam, you must not leave my side.”

His hand touched the back of my foot.

“The day my wife left me….”

Slowly, softly, a hand came up and wrapped around my


It’s like tying chains.

“Come on, if you leave, I’m going to kill you?”

“How can I do that?”

He replied lightly with a smirk in his voice.

“You have to kill the bastard who took you.”

Their eyes gleamed with obsession.

Episode 23.


“Because you’re pretty at cursing too.”

“Once you like….”

Why do you like me so much after hearing insults from a

while ago? Even with my disgusting eyes, Dillian only smiles

“If it were me, I would have scolded you for being a crazy
bastard who wouldn’t mind chewing on it. You are also kind.”

I looked at Dillion with a puzzled look, and with my uninjured

foot I shoved his side down.
“Hey, you crazy bastard who can’t even chew on it, will you
go away?”

“It’s cruel to apply it right away like this.”

I pushed Dillian out as hard as I could, but he didn’t budge.

‘Is it a rock? Why don’t you move?’

How many times did you push it? Dillian, who had been
sitting still, asked a strange question.

“Did we have a wedding?”

“Don’t shout at me! I didn’t!”

“Hey, I was careless. Let’s do it soon.”

“No… oh!”

The moment I was about to say the word of rejection, my

vision flipped. Dillian pulled my ankle. I was dragged by the
power and only blinked my eyes. My head touched the soft
And as if waiting, Dillian’s face approached.

“Before that, shall we do it again from the first night?”

A sweet voice, like melted sugar, tickled my ears.

“… Do you really have no middle ground?”

“Why do you need a middle ground between couples?”

The shriveled corners of his eyes were terribly seductive.

“It’s enough to just look ahead and run.”

I’ll just look ahead and run. Having said that, Dillian rushed
in like a man with a broken brake.

The distance narrowed in an instant, less than a span.

We met our eyes from a distance close enough to entangle

each other’s breath.

When a fleeting moment felt like aeons, Dillian opened his

“There’s only one thing to do right now, right?”

“What, what?”

Contrary to my unsightly trembling voice, Dillian’s husky

voice was still pleasant to hear.

“What is it, couples do?”

Dillian pressed his thumb to my lips.

It was an explicit signal that even I, who was a love eunuch,


I was flustered at the tender hand that touched my lips and

the red lips that filled my vision.

I have to push it, I have to kick it off.

As if bleach had been poured, his hair melted white.

Dillian pulled the corners of his lips at the sight of me

Unable to resist the visual stimulus, I tightly closed my eyes.

‘I don’t know!’

But even after a while, nothing touched his lips.

what? When I felt puzzled,


A familiar laughter echoed in my ears.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Dillian smiling with the

corners of his eyes folded.

With his bent upper body upright and smiling with his
shoulders swaying, he looked really happy.

‘Are you kidding me again? this child…!’

His face was hot. His face, which was flushed red, felt like it
was about to explode.

“My face is about to explode….ね.”

Dillian covered his mouth and sighed.

“Don’t laugh! Don’t laugh!”

Raising my upper body, I slapped Dillian on the shoulder with

a cushion.

Fang, Fang. Even with the dust blowing, Dillion didn’t stop
laughing as if it was fun.

“ha ha ha.”

“Ouch! I really hate it!”

At that time, when I was annoyed and swung the cushion at


Jaws and wrists were caught.

“I’m good.”

His smirk, which flew in unexpectedly, caused him to lose his

fighting spirit.
I picked up the cushion and let out a long sigh.

I didn’t want to write it this way….

“Okay. Let’s say we were a couple.”

A satisfied smile appeared on Dillian’s face at the vague


“I’m getting a divorce now.”

It soon disappeared without a trace.


“Come on, we are south and south as of today. Let’s live our
own lives.”

I suddenly got the title of a divorced woman, but what can I

do if I can send only Dillion?

“What is the reason? You said you don’t have to worry about
it if it’s because of the difference in status.”
His identity difference! How the hell did you come up with
such a delusion?

“It’s not that the difference in status is the problem, it

doesn’t make sense to live together even though we don’t
even love each other.”

us never fell in love. Dillian’s face hardened at those words.

When he smiled, the mood changed in an instant.

Wouldn’t the face of ‘Dillian Sinise’ in the original be like


“… Could it be that I was the only unrequited love?”

I lost. Only the shell is scary, but the egg slapped the
mischievous female protagonist on the cheek.

“… Isn’t there any option that we didn’t love each other?”

When I asked helplessly, Dillian placed a hand on my chest.

“My heart is beating like this, but this can’t be love.”

“… I will be delighted.”

Who the hell taught Dillian the definition of love!

I grabbed my forehead and reached for the table.

I felt like I was going to die from heartburn .

I felt like I had to pour hot tea or anything to relieve my


There was someone who stopped my hand from looking for

the glass in a hurry, it was Dillion.

Dillian, who quickly took the hot cup, held out another one.

“Cold water is here.”

What is this man really….

“If you drink hot tea, it will ruin your stomach.”

“Yes, it is….”
I’m tired of responding now. I drank the cold water without
saying a word.

“I heard that Lia’s attitude is strange these days, and it was

because of this.”

“… Yes. We haven’t even been married, and we’ve been

together for a little over a month. I’m Nam other.”

Now it makes a little sense. I explained step by step what

had happened.

Dillian, who had been listening quietly, nodded, saying that

he understood now.

“… Because I love you, I left my family and came all the way
here to find you. Even if we couldn’t have dinner, we would
have registered our marriage, right?”

X foot. I can’t do it anymore. I closed my eyes at Dillian’s

brain filtering, who listens to whatever he says.

Ah, what can I do with a man who has fallen into this swamp
of delusion?
Although he tried desperately to rescue Dillian from the
swamp, he escaped like a loach.

“I didn’t even register my marriage….”

“Then let’s go get married right now.”

I can’t. If I left it like this, I didn’t know what kind of novel I

would write again.

‘If this is the case, the only choice is to break through the

to gambling, but Dillian’s misunderstanding and

misunderstanding was more terrifying.

“I will tell you the truth.”

I closed my eyes and told the truth.

“You lost your memory because of me.”

“Is it because of Leah?”

“I hit your head. He lost his memory as a result of that. It’s all
my responsibility, I took care of Mr. Dillian. There was no
other self-interest.”

“… Lia, you mean you hit me in the head? Did you take care
of me all this time because of that guilt?”

The voice above his head was as cold as ice.

‘Damn, I think I failed.’

I hurriedly set out on my own defense.

“Yes, but there is a story here. Mr. Dillian, who suddenly

went crazy, tried to attack me.”

After explaining step-by-step why and why this happened, I

waited for his answer like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced
to death.

Dillian, who tried to eat me, was the first to make a mistake,
but it was also true that he broke the back of his head, so he
had nothing to say with even ten mouths.
In addition, from Dillian’s point of view, wouldn’t it feel like a

“okay. So these feelings are all fakes made up. You are not a
benefactor, you are my enemy.”

“Until the enemy…. Still, I healed.”

“Did you know how to say-?”

Unfinished words were scattered in the air. I widened my

eyes at the sudden change of atmosphere.

“I don’t believe Ms. Leah anymore.”

“Why? Why!”

When someone said something with a big heart, it was

treated like a lie!

The closed mouth slowly moved upwards. That smile,

twisted at one end, was an obvious ridicule.
“This time it was pretty plausible. But it’s not half penny
enough to be deceived again. I’m sorry. It was a hand of
conversion that would tear me apart, but it failed gracefully.”

What does this bastard really mean….

When I got to this point, I laughed out loud.

“… Do you have any doubts? Why can’t you trust people like

“Well, I don’t know because I don’t remember.”

Haha, I put my forehead on the windy sound.

“Yeah, his memory. That memory is the problem.”

quickly got up from my seat and walked to the kitchen.

“Why is that…?”

“I’ll come back if I get hit again.”

I held the frying pan high. At the same time, Dillion stood up.
“for a moment. Mr. Leah. You must not overdo it. calm

“it’s okay. I will send you to one room just like that time.”

One shot one kill. don’t let me go without pain

I swung my frying pan like a man with no tomorrow.

hook-. The sound of breaking the wind was ferocious.

“Bring me the pretty back of my head.”

“I want to listen to everything Lia has to say.”

Dillian smiled and patted my wrist. The frying pan fell into
the hand that lost power in an instant.

Dillian took it lightly, threw the frying pan on the sofa and
wrapped his remaining hand around my waist.

It was like flowing water, a natural connection.

“I have lost my memory, but one thing is for sure.”

A strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me in.

I was held in Dillion’s arms without a moment’s notice, and

my shoulders trembled at the sound of a voice tickling the
pinna of my ear.

“The place where I will be is next to you.”

The face that came close to my nose was blurry before my


“Even if it’s an outside love.”

“Mi, crazy.”

“The cursing is cute too.”

Dillian narrowed his eyes.

Just when I looked at him as if possessed, the door slammed


“You, Dillian, you bastard! What a shameful thing this is!”

Nathan, who appeared late, shouted.

I wanted to be at this time, so I stepped out of Dillian’s arms.

Dillian clenched his fists and looked at me with regret.

I ignored the gaze and walked to the room.

He struggled to hide his reddened face.


Leaning against the closed door, I slipped and rubbed my


It was hot and itchy and I couldn’t stand it.

Episode 24.

bang! As the door closed, the smile on Dillian’s face

disappeared like a mirage.

“Hey, hey! To do something obscene to our Leah!”

“It’s noisy, turn it off. Organize your thoughts.”

Dillian, who easily removed Nathan, sat on the sofa and

crossed his legs.

‘I hit you in the head.’

Leah’s voice resounded like an echo.

That’s pretty credible. Usually, a major blow to the head

causes memory impairment.
But Dillian didn’t believe it.

I thought it was Leah’s other trick to push herself away.

For the past month, the credibility towards Lia, who deceived
herself and hid the truth, has penetrated the ground and is
embedded in the Earth’s inner core.

‘I’d rather listen to that bastard, Nathan.’

My credibility was lower than that of Nathan.

If Leah had known this, she would have hit the ground and
regretted it. But what do you do? that this is all her karma.

‘The runaway Mr. Dillian was trying to attack me.’

At this point, he paused a bit. There was one memory that

came to mind when I heard this.

The voice of herself and Leah’s bewildered on top of Leah.

Dillian frowned at the fragmentary memories.

Perhaps , what Leah said was true.

‘So what is that?’

Even if all of that was true, Dillian couldn’t let Leah go.

“It was better.”

Dillian grinned as he looked at the frying pan Leah threw.

If Leah really caused the amnesia, if the culprit is her, then

why not hold her next to him?

The kind and friendly Leah will never abandon herself.

So, if this were true, it was a very good match.

Dillian was a natural winner.

Enough to throw even himself into a hand.

‘I hope this is the truth, it’s really funny.’

Leah said, he was really crazy.

If what she said was true, he was terrified to have a woman
who broke my head.

“Well, this is fun too.”

“Is this horny guy crazy now? What are you murmuring

Dillian pushed Nathan’s bruise through one ear.

Whatever the circumstances, he didn’t want to miss Leah.

The divine power that can put a damn curse to rest, the
sweet scent that makes you addicted, and the stability that
comes from being by her side.

All of that had to be the first thing he found himself.

Dillian was crazier than expected.

He called me his wife until the very end, and in the end, it
was me who held the white flag.

If a crazy guy and a normal guy fight, of course, the crazy guy

Unfortunately, there was no way to resolve the

misunderstanding right now.

And the bondage between him and me.

‘It will be difficult right now, but I will free you somehow.’

All I can do is wait for Nathan to find a way.

“Where are you going?”

“It’s a village. I need something. I have to go shopping.”

I replied by tucking my feet into my boots.

Dillian is also Dillian, but more important than that awaits

‘This is a request from Leah and May.’

‘You want to find the breath of the snowflakes? I think this

will be difficult….’

‘Mei said three big ones.’

‘Nathan, I heard a homie.’

Where is it that you can’t Money is everything

I quickly accepted May’s request.

The duration of the request that May delivered was one


Within a week, I had to find the Breath of Snowflakes.

‘What the hell.’

I stared at Dillion’s back.

If the greenhouse hadn’t been a mess, I would have been
sitting still and making money.

There were no healthy herbs because the seeds were blown

away by anyone .

“Let’s go together.”

Dillian, who had already changed clothes, put on his shoes

next to me.

“No. What if someone recognizes Mr. Dillian?”

“Oh, that’s fine.”

“Where did you find it,” said Dillian, wearing a robe,


“That way, no one will know.”

The only thing that was revealed was Dillian’s mouth, which
drew a line.

“… Okay, let’s go together.”

He is a person who will secretly follow you even if you tell
him not to come. In that case, it would be better to just move

But I withdrew the idea in less than ten minutes.

just leave it.

“Turn it off! Stay away from Leah! You unscrupulous!”

“It’s really unsightly to see him interfering with everything as

a guardian deity.”

When I screamed from both sides, my ears throbbed.

“Before I am a guardian deity, I am Lia’s protector! They are

like parents!”

Dillian turned to me. I nodded my head when he asked if it

was true.

Then, Dillian’s attitude changed in an instant.

“He was a father-in-law.”

“this person! What the hell is this guy talking about!”

Nathan staggered, pretending to grab the back of his neck.

Dillian ‘s teasing, I quietly nodded my head.

“Take care of yourself. Because I was an orphan, Nathan

loved me like a parent.”

“okay. Then, let’s have some time alone with our father-in-
law, Lia-san, and go home now. Don’t be ignorant.”

“Leah, I was wrong. I should have taken this guy away then.”

That Nathan of Heaven regrets it. Dillian was a great man in

many ways.

“Go away. Father-in-law.”

“What kind of habit is that to an adult!”

Dillian, who was about to approach me, and Nathan’s flag

fighting to block him continued until they reached the village.
“Nathan, shh. It will be a village soon.”

“Let’s see, Dillian…!”

Nathan shut his mouth and looked at Dillion.

“How nice to see you with your mouth shut like this. is not

“Stop making fun of Mr. Dillian and listen to this.”

I handed Dillian the colorful floral cart.

“Today, Mr. Dillion’s role is to be a porter.”


“huh! Dillian, you look so funny….”


Nathan and I were speechless when we saw Dillion holding a

floral basket.
‘It suits you very well.’

Nathan had nothing to say, so his eyes widened.

“Lea, let’s go.”

Dillian, carrying a rustic, floral-patterned shopping cart,

entered the village with dignified steps.


Dillian kept looking around, wondering if the village he had

visited for the first time was strange.

I felt like I would miss him if I glanced at him even for a

moment, so I grabbed Dillian’s arm and walked around the

“I bought everything I needed, so I’m going back.”

“Aren’t you eating lunch?”

“I’m hungry? Be patient. Let’s go home and eat something



The lips exposed under the robe were straight and closed.

Anyone can see, ‘I’m dissatisfied.’ was the face

“Why is your face like that?”

“It’s a date, but we have to eat.”

date…? date?

“Who is it? It’s a date. We just came to the grocery store.”

“Actually, the couple came to go grocery shopping. friendly.”

The back bone rumbled. How can you be so carefree about

your own neck?
“Let’s go have lunch.”

“You know from experience that Mr. Dillion’s situation is

very, very dangerous. So, I go home and eat lunch.”

hard to persuade Dillian, but he never listened to me.

“it’s okay. Let’s go.”

“No, wait…!”

Suddenly, Dillian, who grabbed my hand, headed to a nearby


When I opened the door of the restaurant, the sound of a

rattle and the scenery resounded in a clear way. At the same
time, it smelled delicious.

“Come on!”

“Are you two? Come here!”

I was dragged into the dining room in the blink of an eye and
pinched Dillian’s arm.
“What are you going to do?”

“It’s a date.”

“I’m going to die on two dates!”

“It’s difficult. We have another fifty years to come.”

“Stop joking around…! Ugh.”

In an instant, my wrists grabbed hold of me and a strong

force pulled me in.

His nose throbbed against his hard chest.

At the same time, I heard a popping sound behind my back.

“It must have been a big deal.”


He got out of his arms and looked behind him.

A bewildered child’s gaze, an orange-colored floor, and
Dillian’s damp clothes.

A kid running around in the restaurant, playing pranks, ran

into Dillian.

Dillian looked at the boy without a word.

“Sin, I’m sorry.”

The child, crushed by the pressure, cried and bowed her


‘I feel like I’m driving an accident.’

The combination of a large man wearing a black robe and a

crying child could not help but draw attention.

I tapped the boy on the shoulder before I could look further.

“it’s okay. Don’t run next time. Understand?”

“Oh my, my. I’m sorry.”

The mother of the child, who came running late, bowed her
head and did not know what to do.

“it’s okay. Go.”

Having barely returned the hat that had repeatedly

apologized to Dillion, I looked into Dillian’s eyes.

“I sent it because I thought it would attract attention when a

child cries, but I’m sorry that I did it my way. Aren’t you

“What can I be mad about? I’m just glad that Leah is taking
care of me.”

The lips that were exposed under the robe, whether it was a
lie or not, were gently released.

“Rather, I feel like I want to reward that child.”

“Mr. Leah made me worry, didn’t you? He’s a great kid.”

Ugh, I’m not talking.

“… Go and clean up.”

“I will guide you.”

An employee who intervened at the right time led Dillion.

“I will be here soon. Sit down first. Don’t worry about me.”

you try to do that even if you didn’t say it ? When I was with
Dillian, I was strangely exhausted.

I sat in the corner seated by the staff and looked at the order

“Hey, did you hear me? A saint appeared.”

“Oh, I heard too. Did you appear from the deserted land of
Helua as prophesied?”

saint? Did Aina appear?

Episode 25.

I listened to information from the noisy restaurant.

“But he said no one had seen his face yet.”

“I’ll be more careful in the battle instead. I’ve been waiting

for so long, but if something big happens, who will take

The fact that Aina appeared means that the original work
has already begun.

‘I have to leave this place as soon as possible.’

While gathering information through chatting, an unfamiliar

voice intervened.
“I think you are interested in a saint.”

next to me greeted me with a friendly smile.

“… A saint has appeared, and who is not interested?”

“Well, yes.”

It was such an obvious question, and the man laughed


I glanced at the man’s attire.

The border town of Wilhelm is frequented by outsiders.

There is nothing strange about meeting a stranger.

However, I was only concerned about the sword the man had
around his waist.

And hands full of calluses, modest movements.

‘I’m not an ordinary person….’

I had become very sensitive because of Dillion, and I was
reflexively wary of strangers.

“Oh, I’m not a strange person, so please don’t be too vigilant.

Wilhelm is a first-timer, so he wants to ask for directions.”

The man who took out a map from his pocket spread it on
the table and asked.

“I heard there is a cursed land in Wilhelm, right?”

“Are you talking about the Black Forest?”

“Black Forest?”

The name was unfamiliar to him the first time he heard it, so
the man muttered to himself.

“It’s here.”

I pointed to a corner of the map.

The Black Forest was the name the villagers called, not the
real name.
“It’s Tippi’s Forest. This is the only land that is said to be
cursed. It is a place where the earth rots and demons

“Looks like this is the right place.”

“But why are you looking for the Black Forest?”

It’s a place where the villagers also rest, but foreigners come
to this place?

“There must be something to look for.”

“Looks like it’s important.”

It would be incredibly valuable to have such serious eyes.


What is it, that’s important.

‘Have you buried any gold or silver treasures in the ground?’

Then, Nathan’s sharp claws pinched my shoulder tightly.

‘Don’t come any closer.’

I was surprised. It was the first time Nathan had warned so


Even when I told him to avoid Dillion, it wasn’t like this.

“thank you. Lady.”

A smile appeared on his lips as if he had gotten a

satisfactory answer.

“In return, I will serve the meal. When your party returns, let
us know after choosing a meal together.”

“yes? no. It’s nothing.”

About the time when the stranger’s excessive kindness

became burdensome, Dillian appeared at the end of his gaze.

There are days when Dillion is nice too.

I waved my hand at him.


Wait , can I call Dillian by name in front of this questionable


The worries were brief.

“… Run!”

Having changed his name arbitrarily, I decided to brazenly

push forward.

“Mr. Dylan, come here.”


The man who had been muttering Dillian’s name following

me took a sip of the water.

“Please call me by my first name. Leah.”

But he opened his mouth to see Dillion who came in

Slowly, the water in his mouth flowed straight into the cup.

‘Jenna, Seonjeong is your daughter.’ You can see the scene

right in front of your eyes.


“You have a wonderful talent.”

Nathan muttered habitually.

Fortunately, the man hit the table, got up, and shouted as if
he hadn’t heard.



“This nonsense talk! Cool voice! Dillian, you are right.”

The man sighed, asking if I couldn’t even hear your voice.

People’s attention was drawn to the loud voice. Dillian

On the contrary, the man’s face in full bloom was full of joy.

“He was still alive! because I knew it would You’re not the
one to die easily.”


“Why didn’t you come back? If he was alive, he should have

come back. Do you know how worried I was? Did you finish
your job safely? Where are all the men going? I hope
everyone is dead except for you.”


what’s going on with this

I blinked stupidly.

Where did the strange stranger disappear, leaving only the

polar protector?

“not. It’s okay to live safely. Are there any injuries?”

While the man was pouring out his words without even a
moment to breathe, Dillian didn’t answer a single word.

n’t answer For Dillian, who has lost his memory, the man in
front of him is no different.

I looked at the man who was doing a one-man show, and my

eyes met with Dillian.

The low, sunken eyes contained irritation and trouble.

‘Looks like you want to hide it.’

After all, amnesia is a big weakness for Dillion, who has

many enemies.

‘I can’t help it. I’ll have to ask the gentleman instead.’

“who are you?”

The man who had been pouring out questions looked back at
Perhaps he remembered my existence late, he coughed

“My name is Harris Trisio. Dillian, this guy’s cousin.”

“A cousin?”

Dillian have a cousin? I do not know.

‘Are they real cousins?’

The lingering doubts popped up again.

I gently blocked the front of Dillian.

Then Harris opened his mouth.

“Are you sure? Can you prove it?”

“… So, what’s your relationship with Dillian?”

“Let’s call it Mr. Dillian’s lifesaver.”

“… I introduce myself to others, but she is my wife.”

“No, he’s crazy right now, so you don’t need to listen.”

“Madam, are you pushing me away like this? I was hurt.”

Just as the second game was about to start, Harris


“So, which one…?”

“It’s Namnam!”

“married couple.”

Dillian grabbed Harris’ shoulder, who was confused by the

extreme reaction.

wow. As much as the veins on the back of your hand.

“Don’t say it twice. She is my wife.”

Harris’s jaw fell apart.


From the moment he was born until now, Harris, who has
been living an easy life on a solid road, has faced the biggest
turning point in his life in 26 years.

“Really, you don’t know who I am?”

It’s absurd to find out the whereabouts of a cousin you

thought was dead and at the same time hear the news of
their marriage, but you lost your memory.

“A crucian fish must have a better memory than you.”

Dillian scolded Harris for saying the same thing over and
over again.

Harris patted his chin as he looked at Dillian’s annoyed face.

“Looking at this, it seems like it is.”

“Shut your mouth. Noisy.”

“You lost your memory, right? Even the frivolous way of
speaking is the same….”

Harris muttered in a serious voice.

Either way, Dillian’s attention was focused exclusively on


It seemed to be protecting me at first, but when I saw the

pendant Harris held out, Leah, who left her seat, was savage.

‘Mr. Harris is from Mr. Dillion’s family.’

So, he comforted Dillian saying that he could rest assured.

And, as soon as he moved to a quiet place, he described his

condition in detail.

The family should know this.

But to Dillian, Leah was family. Yield a hundred times until

No matter how much Harris claimed to be a family, Dillian
was far from everyone else.

So, looking at Harris, who was purely happy, there was no


Seeing this, Harris asked.

“Are you married to that woman?”



“It’s not that woman, it’s Leah.”

Harris let out a smirk. I didn’t think it was funny

A man who only knows himself in the world cares about

others. He’d be sensitive to saying that he didn’t call his
name properly.

‘Is that okay?’

Anxiety prevailed.

“Yes, Leah. He wasn’t.”

“I didn’t get cold. I didn’t even report it.”

“It’s never like that, so don’t believe what you say.”

“I will. I like it alone.”

“… What?”

What did you hear now? Harris blinked stupidly.

“It’s called unrequited love.”

It’s unrequited love! Dillion in the world is a crush! This guy

who looks at women like a stone!

Harris stumbled.

He was called a tree among the Paladins because of his

strong and strong disposition, but now he was like a dry
branch that would break if hit.
“… So, you’re not married, and you’re not married. As Leah

“It’s enough to post the wedding, and it’s enough to write the
marriage certificate.”

“What’s the big deal?” Dillian shrugged.

“If we live like that, won’t we become a real couple?”

So, it was the sound of continuing this life.

Harris hurriedly grabbed Dillian’s arm.

“Dillian, you came all the way to the border to find the heart
of the dragon. Not for marriage or anything like that.”

It doesn’t matter whether you found the flower or not.

If he finds it, he should return proudly, and even if he fails,

the Crown Prince will not rebuke him.

Who dares to rebuke Dillian Sinise?

“Come back with me. Everyone is waiting for you.”

“why me.”

“You are the head of Sinise! A dream that you dedicated your
whole life to achieving!”

“My dream right now is to have a happy family with Lia.”

Took, Dillian’s eyes shone fiercely as he slapped Harris’s

hand away.

“Without interruption.”

So, in a word, it was a call to shut down.

‘This stubbornness. Even if I lose my memory, is this the

same thing?’

It’s been that way since I was little. Dillian never changed a
decision he made.

He said that he couldn’t take Dillion in any way.

Harris patted my forehead in frustration.

“Why do you like her? What the hell happened to get you so
obsessed with it?”

It wasn’t like that. Because the Dillian I know was someone

who could cut off his family without any regrets.

“Is there a reason you like it? It’s just that he’s good.”

“Still, there’s no reason why I’m stuck on something.”

Harris was desperate to catch even one little pod.

But Dillian did not see even a small gap.

“Your smile is pretty, you’re kind, you’re kind, and when

you’re by my side, you feel at ease, and it’s cute that you get
angry once in a while. Sometimes he looks at me, but it’s
cute because he’s like a squirrel again.”

Harris’ face turned white at the pouring praise relay.

Episode 26.

“… it’s done, it’s done You know, stop it now.”

Harris covered his ears. It was hard to hear anymore that

Dillian boasted of his lover with a face like a bulging arm.

“Now you know. I will have a happy family with Lia.”

“Lea said she didn’t want to do that.”

“Yeah, I’m shy. She’s a kind, gentle woman like a fool.”

No, I really hated it….

‘Ignore everything Mr. Dillian says, no bullshit. My memory is

not perfect right now, so I’m having a strange
say no, he was ready to kneel down.

extreme reactions. It’s like being brainwashed, isn’t it?

‘What happened to Wilhelm by any chance?’

What if I was brainwashed by black magic or mental magic?

It was absurd, but Dillian’s behavior was strange enough to

raise suspicions.

If it wasn’t for that, there’s no way the guy who was always
indifferent and cold couldn’t change like this.

“You, are there any strange places? Do you feel a sense of

alienation in your head or in your heart?”

“I can proudly say that I am the best in my life.”

“What is the best thing about living without memories?”

“That’s what it means.”

jokes too . Well, that’s weird too.

Harris grabbed Dillian’s shoulder and breathed in divine


At the flashing, bouncing spark, Harris clicked and clicked

his tongue.

“Isn’t it too?”


“I wondered if I was hit by something wrong.”

Harris lightly brushed his tingling hands.


A body that does not have divine powers is not a nuisance.

“Did you know that you have a constitution that does not
work with divine power?”

“It doesn’t work?”


Divine power is not omnipotent.

Unlike healing magic, which requires a high level of mental

power and skill, divine power had no special limitations in
healing people.

It had divine power and was easy to use if you knew how to
operate it.

Of course, his life was in danger if he exceeded the standard

of his divine power, but such a critically ill person is in
charge of the high priest.

They can even save someone who is about to die.

However, there were people with high divine resistance that

they could not use.

Dillian was a being with an extremely high resistance to that

annoying holy thing.

“You have never been through the divine power before. never
It has been that way since birth. Therefore, they did not
receive the blessings that are usually given to them.

Instead, the curse grew.

Dillian’s face was colored with confusion at the first truth he

had heard.

“That woman must have suffered too. I should have treated

you with pure medicine.”

medicine? not. What Leah used was obviously divine power.

“What if divine power works?”

“It can’t be. When you push the Holy Power, you push it
away, and you never accept it.”

It’s not just a sound. He said it because he knew the


Harris shook his head and added.

“Did you say you forgot that you had a curse? It was
forgiving that I didn’t run into a runaway in such a situation.”

“I did.”


“I did, twice.”

I can’t remember the first, but the second was definitely a


Harris was also confused by the unexpected answer.

“But how….”

How could this town be so peaceful?

Dillian’s rampage consumes everything greedily and greedily.

It does not matter whether it is an animal, a plant, or a

Swallow and swallow until satisfied.

But for that reason, this village was extremely normal and

“Dillian. you, what happened….”


The two of them turned their heads, startled by the door that
opened roughly as if it was about to break .

“Mr. Leah?”

Leah’s heart pounded loudly. Her thin, trembling shoulders

were precarious as if they were about to collapse at any


Leah, who had her head bowed, raised her head and called
out his name.

It was a voice full of water, as if she was about to cry.

And the moment I met my eyes as clear as transparent glass

Dillian had forgotten how to breathe.

The feeling of falling into a lake with no end in sight, the

intuition that no matter how much you swim, you won’t be
able to get out.

Swayed by the unfamiliar sense of rawness, she ran as her

instincts told her to and wrapped her arms around Leah’s
slender shoulders.

Dillian slowly pulled Leah into her arms and locked her in her

Leah, who would normally have run away in panic, was

quietly trembling in his arms.

Leah’s unique fresh and soft scent constantly stimulated


Dillian raised his hand, resisting the urge to bury his face in
Leah’s neck.
Tock, tock. He gently patted her on the back.

As a newborn deer learns to walk, he comforted someone for

the first time.

with more awkward gestures.

‘Nathan will do better.’

It was a clumsy act that made me think of such self-help.

Dillian wasn’t the only one who felt complicated.

Harris held his breath as he saw Dillian’s unfamiliar

appearance for the first time .

‘Is that Dillian? It’s not just a monster with a shell…?’

The Dillian Harris knew was a destructive person who ruined

everything, not someone who cared.

What’s more, it’s a sympathetic atmosphere. The two looked

like lovers.
Harris, arbitrarily guessing between the two, decided to take
a step back and watch the two of them.

“Shh, it’s okay. Tell me.”

“… Dan….”


A small, crumbling voice was buried in Dillian’s chest and


However, the virtue of my husband is that he can understand

me even when he speaks like a dog.

“What happened to Nathan?”

Come to think of it, where did the guy who was sticking
around like Leah’s gumballs go?

When Dillian, who later realized Nathan’s absence, asked a

question, Leah screamed.

“Nathan was kidnapped…!”


The incident that made Leah’s eyes into crucian carp’s eyes
took place about 30 minutes ago.

The time when Dillian and Harris were unraveling the gray
foam, not the gray foam.

Leah was killing time in the alley between the inns.

“Lea, you must not reveal your identity to the author.”

“Harris? Are you a dangerous person?”

“He is from the Great Temple. Probably because of you.”

“Instead? why me there….”

Maybe it’s because of Nathan.

Although it is said to be corrupt, the Temple of Nathaniel is
one of the pillars of the empire.

The god who was guarding there disappeared.

The day the apprentice priest fled.

Under the circumstances, he was the culprit.

‘Still, it lasted a long time.’

The day Nathan disappeared, I thought I would be arrested

right away, but I survived for a year.

“But how did you find out? I was hiding.”

Outside the village, at the entrance to the forest, he got a

house and hid himself, and he never used his divine power in
front of others.

stranger was wary and wary, but where did the word leak
“No matter how much you hide it, rumors will leak out. They
came right in front of you, so it would be better to leave this
village as soon as possible.”

“okay. As soon as the Dillian case is resolved, we will leave


As I was taking a deep breath in the sudden tight schedule, a

person caught my eye.

“uh? Claude…?”

Leah got up, leaning against the wall. That round back of the
head was definitely Claude.

‘I was going to meet you anyway, but it went well.’

Angry at him for leaking Dillian’s information, Leah ran

towards the alley where Claude had disappeared.

“Claude! Claude! at there!”

He grabbed Claude’s shoulder as he entered the alley.

Then his body visibly trembled.

Claude slowly turned his head. The face I met was a mess.

crackling, popping and cracking. It was a face that had been

severely affected.

“Claude, you….”

“Lea, run away.”

He is terrified.

“why are you like this. Why is your face like this, what
happened? Who did this?”

“Run away. you can’t stay here they will come Hurry,

No matter what Leah said, Claude didn’t listen. He was

scared and just repeated the words to run away.

As Leah calmed down Claude, his puffy eyes widened.

The spine is cool. Anxiety climbing on her toes warned her.

As I hurriedly turned around, the assailant swung his arm

towards Leah.

Leah, who escaped the attack with an intermittent car, took

a rough breath.

“Ts. It’s quicker than I thought.”

The monster clicked his tongue. Leaning back, Leah covered

her face as if protecting Claude.

“Claude. It’s because I can’t understand the situation well,

but is that guy looking for me? Are you a bait to catch me?”


Claude takes a deep breath and the monster narrows his


“Do you think I hit the nail?”

But there was one unresolved question.

‘Why are you targeting me?’

There is only one place in this empire to aim for. only the
temple But no matter how you looked at it, it seemed far
from the temple.

‘It seems more like a mercenary than that.’

Was it human trafficking or was it someone else’s order?

It would be considered bad luck if it was human trafficking,

but they tried to use Claude to catch them.

‘It’s not about me, it’s about Dillion.’

The intention was to use Claude to kill me, and to use me to

kill Dillion.

“Lea, you have to run.”

Claude whispered from behind.

“I think that would be difficult.”

“Why why?”

“We are under siege.”

Leah bit her teeth at the presence she felt behind her.

‘I’ve been hit properly.’

Both front and back were blocked.

2 to 2. The number of pages is correct, but a mercenary who

can use his strength just by looking at that side.

This is a patient with zero combat ability and an ordinary

citizen without even a weapon.

It couldn’t be a fight.

The monster rushed towards her. At the same time, the

monster blocking the way out also rushed.

‘Can it be avoided?’

No, it’s impossible. The alley was too narrow to escape.

“Lea! I’ll try to stop it!”

Claude stopped the assailant with his impertinent body.

“Leah, take your time. Run away.”

Nathan also flew to protect her.

and at that moment,



The monster was slammed into the wall.

no one was floating He stood up by himself and was

slammed into the wall.

Leah asked with a bewildered voice at the magical thing that

had happened in front of her.

“Nathan, did you do it?”

Instead of answering, Nathan pointed behind his back.

“I did it, not the cute owl.”

It was a voice that didn’t match the situation .

Episode 27.

The woman who came in front of Leah gently raised her robe

There was concern in the green eyes that appeared between


“Are you hurt anywhere?”


It was the woman who came to the house a few days ago to
find Dillion.

‘This person was also targeting Dillion, so why are you

No, I didn’t help, it was a struggle.

vigilant eyes.

“Girl, I’m not that weird.”

Kanae raised her hands and announced that she had no

intention of attacking.

“I want to say hello formally, but let’s solve this first.”

Kanae approached the staggering monster and pressed his


“Who ordered it?”

“ね! It’s not over yet!”

“Hey, do you still have the strength to run?”

That moment when Kanae’s nerves were focused only on the

man kneeling in front of me.

Things happened behind the scenes.

“okay. It ain’t over ‘til it’s over Magician girl.”

scarred face contorted meanly.


With Claude’s scream,


A small marble made a sound similar to a gunshot and flew

towards Leah at high speed.

A total of three marbles were blown away.

Kang, Kang!

Kanae, who quickly followed suit, destroyed the two, but

there was one marble that was not caught.

It was too late for Leah to escape. Just before the orb, which
had come a short distance, reached Leah, Nathan pushed
her away with all his might.

Leah’s body shook violently at the headbutt with all her

might .


A strong light engulfed the alley along with the sound of

glass breaking.


My eyes flashed like lightning.

Leah regained her sight late and quickly looked around.

“It looks like he ran away.”

As Kanae said, they were nowhere to be seen.

Leah ran to Claude.

“Claude. Claude! Wake.”


thank god. It was a mess, but it was a simple fainting.

“… ha.”

As the tension was relieved, the strength in my shoulders


“Nathan, let’s go back.”



“Oh, that owl….”

Kanae hesitated and froze her words.

‘Maybe, no.’

Leah hurriedly looked around for Nathan, but Nathan was

nowhere to be seen in the messy alley.

Leah, who had been scouring the alleys and alleys like a
madman, quickly pushed the wall and collapsed.

Nathan disappeared.

without a trace.


Leah gasped for breath, dripping with tears.

“Nathan…. Our elders can’t do without me…. He’s an

innocent guy who doesn’t know anything about the world… If
I tell you I’ll give you candy, anyone might believe it….”

Dillian wiped away the tears that were dripping pathetic.

However, the tears did not easily stop once they burst.
“Nathan, no matter what happens, he said he would be by
my side.”

One drop, two drops, three drops….

flowed , the more Dillian’s stomach burned.

I knew it even though I didn’t want to know.

What kind of existence Nathan is and what it means to Leah.

‘I don’t like it.’

Yeah, I didn’t like it.

Leah’s scent, which should have made Dillian more

comfortable, was not as pleasant as it is now.

Because this wasn’t for me.

That’s annoying. Dillian squeezed his twisted heart and

wrapped his arms around Leah’s cheek.

“Is that so sad?”

Leah just cried without answering.

Yeah, that’s right.

The answer was enough.

what i have to do

Dillian grabbed Leah’s chin and pulled him lightly.

Looking at the startled eyes like a rabbit, Dillian kissed the

corners of Leah’s red eyes.

‘It’s tight.’

I thought it would be sweet like Leah’s scent.

Dillian muttered inwardly and pressed his lips to Lia’s eyes

again and again.

Occasionally, the sound on the side was tickling.

Dillian swallowed a laugh at the warmth that changed with

each kiss.
Leah, who woke up late, grabbed Dillian’s wrist.

“… what are you doing….”

“Mr. Lia has a pretty crying face, but I don’t want to see her
cry because of other cubs.”

The stagnant tears ran down his cheeks.

Dillian followed, as if not to miss a drop, and wiped away his


“So if you don’t stop now, next time you will steal your lips.”

Dillian, who quickly descended from the corners of his eyes

to his cheeks to his lips, twisted his head.


A heavy sound broke the silence.

Leah clenched her fists and slapped him in the stomach.

It was a fist full of strength, but it was no different to Dillian.

“Are you saying that in this situation? Who is this for? It’s all
because of you!”

“Come out. You’re sober, shouldn’t you be calm too?”

Leah bit her molars with the hidden meaning that either one
of them would have to come to their senses to save Nathan.

“And if it’s my fault, I’ll definitely take responsibility, so stop

crying now.”

I had nothing to object to. He also missed the timing to get

angry at him for kissing him as he wanted.

Leah picked up her rough breath slowly.

Dillian, who grabbed Leah’s hand, rubbing her eyes violently,

said in a pleading voice.

“First, calm down. I am afraid that you will fall first.”

“… okay. right. I have to come to my senses.”

“Yes, this is Leah Delis.”

Dillian, who laughed out loud saying he was happy, shut his
mouth at the eerie voice he heard from his arms.

“You bastards who don’t feel good even if they chew on it.
Dare to touch my family? just try to catch it I will destroy
three generations.”

Sadness turned into anger in an instant.

The energy that rose from her side was terrifying.

“Yeah, sure it is. I will make it happen.”

I don’t like Nathan, but it was a great opportunity to score

points against Leah.

Dillian gently stroked Leah’s shoulder with a touch he was

so used to.

Suddenly, a small, soft hand grabbed Dillian’s collar.

Lia grabbed the collar as hard as she could and pulled her
hand down as it was.
It was a weak force that could be easily beaten away.

However, Dillian was dragged along with her will.

Leah’s eyes were burning fiercely from a distance so close

that their noses touched.

‘It’s also different, but it doesn’t feel right.’

It’s nice to see a new side of Leah, but I still didn’t like the
fact that it was Nathan who made this face.



“You said it with your mouth. we are a couple I am your wife

and you are my husband. Right?”

“… sure. ma’am.”

In that moment, the jealousy towards Nathan evaporated

without a trace.
Dillian smiled deeply and kissed the back of Leah’s hand.

“It is a fact that no one can deny.”

Leah admitted to herself. At that fact, Dillian felt a deep


But Leah didn’t give him time to rejoice.

“You will have to take responsibility for that.”

After hearing the desired answer, Leah threw away Dillian’s

hand without any regrets.

He then pointed to Harris, who was covering his eyes, saying

that the two of them were masculine in their love affair.

“That will be my uncle.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Harris, crushed by Leah’s spirit, abruptly nodded.

“Then, of course, you will go and rescue Nathan, your family,

The answer is fixed.

Shut up and nod your head. At the silent threat, the two
quietly nodded their heads.


“So, is there no way to find Nathan?”

“He said he would find you.”

Leah squeezed her puffy eyes tightly.

“It’s not my fault Mr. Dillion, I’m sorry for getting angry.”

“Mr. Leah, this happened because of me, so you can be

“That’s Okay. It is more urgent to find Nathan at that time.”

“So, where is the wizard who helped Ms. Leah?”

Harris’ question.

“Come out.”

The two pairs of eyes looking at Leah turned and looked


After a while, a woman in a black robe appeared secretly.

“It’s him. He said he knew where Nathan was.”

With the hot gaze, Kanae put her robe on a little deeper.

“… Excuse me.”

Kanae entered the room with a trembling heart as if she had

stepped into the forbidden realm.

As soon as he crossed the threshold, Dillian’s eyes met.

Dillian’s eyes, recognizing Kanae at once, shone brightly.


Tears seemed to come to my eyes at the silent pressure not

to pretend to know .

There was someone who called her name for her lonely and
lonely battle.


“Miss Harris?”

Dillian’s henchman Kanae, and Dillian’s cousin Harris.

The two, who were quite close, recognized each other at


“Did the author save Leah?”

Unlike Dillian, who pretends not to know until the end.

“yes. Had it not been for him, I would have been arrested
with Nathan.”

Dillian gently stole Leah’s eyes at the sound of water

dripping again.

Kanae, who watched the scene, swallowed a shriek inside.

‘Is he telling you? Nonsense!’

Kanae, who was terrified of seeing Dillion for the first time,
opened her mouth stupidly.

“And, he said he had been looking for Mr. Dillion for a long

“Are you talking about me?”

Knowing and pretending not to know, his ability to spit out

the shichimi was top-notch.

“In Kanae-san’s words, you are a loyal subordinate of Mr.

Before coming here, I checked the design of the Duke of
Sinais that she had.

And even the appearance of a close friendship with Harris.

His subordinates were certain.

As soon as Leah introduced her, Dillian’s eyes went cold.

Kanae swallowed tears as she looked at me.

Episode 28.

‘Your Majesty, I mean I couldn’t help it.’

Before coming here, Kanae captured Lia and revealed her


I wanted to hide it if possible, but I had no choice. It was the

only way to convince Leah, who mistook herself for an
enemy of His Majesty.

Kanae bent her knees.

“Kanae Hill, see you, Your Majesty.”

After taking off the hood, Kanae gently raised her head and
looked into Dillion’s eyes.
‘His Majesty, we hid the fact that we met until the very end!’

“I am glad that you are safe.”

Leah, leaving behind the beautiful reunion of the master and

servant, sneaked up to Harris and whispered.

“Mr. Harris, are you really Mr. Dillion’s colleague?”

“you’re right. Dillian’s direct escort. I thought they were all

dead because Dillian was alone, but I guess he was okay.”

At the words of Harris, who was relieved, Leah wiped away

the last vigilance.

“majesty. As you must have heard from the lady, Your

Majesty’s location has been discovered. It’s dangerous here.
You must go back now.”

“I’m sorry, but this is my home. The only place I will return to
is here, where Leah is.”

“Yes Yes?”
Kanae stuttered at the words that felt too distant.

‘It ‘s for Leah…, will you stay here for your sake?’

The face that took off the hood revealed the embarrassment
he had not been able to hide.

‘Let’s be calm. Your Majesty must have a reason for staying

with her.’

I struggled to convince myself that it was Dillian’s big

picture, but the words I heard immediately shattered her

“Kanae-san, Dillian-san has a memory problem right now, so

she can’t remember anything.”


Kanae’s head, which looked at Dillian and Lia alternately,

moved quickly.

“I’m saying I don’t quite understand, so you mean that your

Highness has amnesia?”
“Yeah, maybe because of an injury, when I woke up, I
couldn’t remember anything.”

Kanae’s eyes turned to Harris. ‘Tell me a lie.’ Her eyes

gleamed eagerly, but Harris had only one thing to say.

“It is true.”

Suddenly, Kanae, who was in a prostrate position with one

knee raised, collapsed to the side.

“I, my lord… Did you really lose your memory?”


“But then….”

When we met a few days ago, you didn’t seem like that at

Wait, then I saw something strange.

Unfamiliar gaze as if looking at others, excessive vigilance,

and a sharp but loose attitude.
‘What if it wasn’t that you didn’t know us, but that you really
didn’t know?’

Then the pieces fit together like a puzzle.

Kanae’s face turned white.

“No, that’s absurd….”

“I, Kanae-san?”

“… far.”



Kanae, who was shaking her head to deny reality, suddenly

screamed and ran out of her seat.

Leah pressed her drenched ears together and asked Harris.

“Who is Eldman?”
“One of the elite units directly under Dillion.”

“I don’t think you came alone.”

“Kanae is a wizard, not a knight, so she always moves with

her partner. That partner is Eldman.”

At just the right time, four men poured into the room.

“I, my lord! Are you sure you lost your memory?”

“majesty! It’s me, Ludo! Do you not know who I am!”

“Your Majesty is losing your memories, so it must be

Rexter’s trick!”

The market will be quieter than this.

As the four men shouted as if fighting for seats, the room


“Maybe all those people…?”

“Yes, it is the elite knights directly under Dillion. If Dillian
tells them to die, they will kill themselves here.”

Before Harris could finish speaking, they knelt and banged

their heads.

“Sir! Also, because we are lacking. I will repay you with my


“You must have been sick enough to have memory problems,

but we didn’t know that…! I will take responsibility!”

“He hated getting dirty around fatigue. I will go out and die!”

‘It’s not like a Knights Templar, but a fanatic…?’

Look at those eyes engulfed in madness.

When Dillian told him to die, he was really ready to die.

These were real bastards.


The Dillian fanatics kept their mouths shut. Harris sighed.

“Everyone, calm down. Crying in front of a guy who has no

memory is not something that will be resolved.”

“Harris! May I ask how far your lord remembers!”

The young-faced knight exclaimed with blazing eyes.

‘Looking at him, he’s a hot-blooded type.’

For some reason, he had a face as if there was a narrator

who became a knight because he respected Dillion.

‘right. There should be at least one such guy in the novel.’

Harris wiped his eyes with a confused face.

“I don’t know anything other than my name.”

“I know my wife’s name.”

“Please. Shut up.”

“Please. Please shut up.”

Despite the bruises of me and Harris, Dillian was brazen.

“ We’ve been together for quite some time, but your wife still
seems shy.”

“Stop, stop!”

Don’t say that in front of your fanatics! Are you doing this on
purpose now? In order not to take it out and not to put it on!

cheeks stinged. Five pairs of eyes were looking at me with

terrifying eyes.

“I, Your Majesty, are you married?”

What, marriage? Aren’t you crazy? I quickly turned my head

and shook my head resolutely.

“I’m sorry, but that’s not the case.”

“But Your Majesty….”

“Mr. Dillian is mistaken because he lost his memory. I was

just treating and caring for him.”

my strong denial, the commotion did not subside easily.

“Hey, it’s marriage. So that day, did you hide everything from
us? To protect this…!”

Wait, then? when?

I raised my eyebrows, grasping the doubts in the words of

the man who was presumed to be Eldman.


“yes! majesty!”

“Shut up.”

“Yes, yes!”

Eldman slowly lowered his eyes at the ferocious gaze.

“How did it happen? Mr. Dillian.”

huh? can you tell me

I tried my best to make up a gentle voice, but it was a failure.

The eyes didn’t smile at all.

Dillian slowly avoided his gaze.

‘No one told me it was strange to find out his identity, but
I’ve already met his subordinates.’

Will it be that day? The day I chased them away who came to
find Dillion.

It was clear that he had found Dillion.

Those who didn’t know that Dillian had lost his memory must
have been pouring out information. After that, it’s obvious

Dillian, who was suspicious, would not have trusted even his
subordinates, and he would have decided that it was safer
by my side.
“I don’t know them.”

Still, Dillian pretended not to know. That’s very sadly.

“I don’t know what I don’t know. If you say a word from Mr.
Dillian over there, you are likely to get your head pierced.”

“To be precise, only these people know, but they do not


Dillion pointed to Eldman and Kanae.

The two men, startled by being suddenly pointed out,

swallowed their saliva and asked carefully.

“Shall I hit your head?”

“What are you putting on it!”

These people are shouting at me. I sighed and rubbed my


“Mr. Leah, are you mad?”

“It’s not that I’m angry, but if something like that happened,
you should have told me.”

I was so surprised when I realized that my memory had


‘Because I really thought I was going to die.’

that time, my spine shudders. As I shook my shoulders,

Dillian gently stroked my shoulder.

Like soothing a frightened child.

“I’m sorry. There shouldn’t be any secrets between the

couple, but I was careless. Next time, I will never make a

… I don’t mean that. But, tired of wrestling with Dillian, I

nodded helplessly.

They watched the situation and showed various reactions.

There were times when I opened my mouth as if my jaw

would fall off, I staggered and fell, and there were others
who slapped me on the cheek.
yes i know Isn’t that shocking? Why does he want to come
here? So do I.


finally clearing up the misunderstanding of the Knights, I

belatedly shared a common name with them.

Jerry, the commander of the Knights Templar, and Ben, who

is silent but still a bit swaying, Ludo, the hot-blooded knight,
and Eldman and Kanae, who finally know each other.

The five Shaten Knights were those who were loyal to

Dillion, not Sinais.

It was an embarrassing number to be called a Knights

Templar, but he said that he was the strongest in terms of

Kanae, the only wizard in the elite unit, closed her eyes.
“Now then, let’s find out where the cute owl is.”

I looked down at the small valley in Kanae’s forehead and

looked down at the map on the floor.

The stone placed on the inn where we were located began to

move little by little with a soft light.


I was mesmerized by the location tracking magic I saw for

the first time.

Although Kanae diligently explained the principles of this

magic. Actually, I didn’t understand anything.

Kanae’s eyes widened. At the same time, the magic stone

stopped at a certain location and gradually lost its light.

“It’s here.”


Dillian asked as he blinked at a familiar location.

“Do you know where?”

aldamada. I straightened my bent knees, got up and opened

the window.

In the distance, he pointed to a place he could see.

“It’s over there.”

A castle located in the Black Forest.

Episode 29.


The northern end of Wilhelm, the Black Forest.

If you go deep into the forest where the ground is rotting, the
trees are dry and infested with monsters, a huge castle will

In a place where it looks like it will collapse at any moment,

and there is a shabby and ugly atmosphere,

A haunting scream resounded high, as if it were the sound of
a ghost’s song.

“Let this go! Aww! Let go!”

“What did you do to our Lia!”

“Ouch! You damn owl, let go of my hair right now! Aww!”

“Touch a single hair on our Lia! I will kill you all!”

“shit! What the hell have you been holding on to!”

In the messy room, the man rolling on the floor squirmed in


They looked at the owls plucking my colleague’s hair in


“… What is that?”

“I think it’s a talking owl….”

“Do you know who asked about a blocked ear canal? How
can an owl talk!”

“I know….”

“Would that be some money?”

Act, the leader of this stupid guild, patted his forehead at the
round and round conversation.

“You told me to catch a girl! Why is the owl caught!”

What kind of ssam chicken!

Their target was a solitary herbalist in the Black Forest.

To be precise, the target was a man who lived with the

herbalist, but he needed the woman to catch him.

‘A kind of bait.’

Very, very important bait. So they must have thrown away

expensive magic tools without hesitation.
That is why women played a big role.

But you’re missing that woman.

‘If you fail, you die. I will die unconditionally.’

The subordinate, who was looking at Act’s changing face,

opened his mouth.

It was the man with a long scar on his face that threatened

“Leader. don’t worry. That owl, she was the one she loved so
much. I will definitely come find you.”

“… Moses. Can you believe that?”

“It would be quicker to wait than to go out now and catch

him again.”

Act had an expression of distaste. But it was the same with

his subordinates who didn’t like it.
“Captain, do you really have to do this in this castle? I think
the ground here is bad.”

“okay. This is the cursed forest. It’s a place where the

villagers also rest, so why am I here?”

The men looked around with reluctant expressions.

“I can’t afford it! What is a curse? I just ran away because

the forest died…!”



Startled, Act shrugged and turned around.

The subordinate, who suddenly received everyone’s

attention, grabbed the doorknob and rolled his eyes.

“Why are you staring at me?”

At that moment, when he tilted his head at the glances of his
colleagues who glanced at the captain, Act slapped his
subordinate in the back of the head.

“knock! knock! Are your hands decorative?”

“Ouch! Why are you angry with me!”

“I was still talking about ugly things. ᴀᴀʀᴏᴏᴅ!”

“What are you saying! Look outside! The target walked in

with my feet!”

Act’s gaze turned to Moses.

“Did you say? coming.”

Seeing the infinitely light shrugging of his shoulders, Act took

a deep breath, not knowing whether it was relief or a sigh.

“Prepare as scheduled. keep in mind If we fail, we will all

become Xs together. Do you understand?”
“Are you going to fail? The boss is too tight, that’s the

“Your carefree attitude is the problem. Is there such a thing

as what if!”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Don’t be idle, move quickly!”

At Act’s words, his men moved in unison.

Except for the one caught by Nathan.

“Damn it! Please save me!”

“I asked what kind of trick you are doing! You hoarse pony!”


Thanks to Kanae’s magic, we found Nathan’s location with
ease and headed straight for the castle.

Fortunately, the place where the castle was located was not
occupied by monsters, so it was not difficult to enter.

Standing in front of the castle gate, I frowned in a sense of

déjà vu.

weird. I felt like I had been to this castle someday.


me and looked up at Dillion, he asked as if puzzled.


“Mr. Dillian called.”

“Am I?”

Dillian blinked and smiled slyly.

“You like me so much that you can hear my voice anytime,
anywhere. I don’t know where to put myself.”

“I must have heard it wrong.”

did you feel nauseous? I hear all the bullshit

“By the way, it’s quite large here.”

Kanae looked around and said.

“There are many rooms.”

natural . Even if it seems like everyone is going to collapse,

the name of an adult is not small.

It is said that it was a place where a child loved by God

stayed, and it is said that it was once a specialty of Wilhelm.

But when the forest began to die, everyone could not

overcome their fear and abandoned the castle.

Hundred years of neglect like that.

As time went by, only ugly rumors were added to this place.

That ghosts are coming out, or that monsters are living there.

There was a stench here and there, so even bad-quality

thieves did not set foot in this castle.

I looked around with anxious eyes.

“It would be quicker to find them scattered.”

said Harris as he looked around the castle.

“I will go with Ms. Leah.”

Harris’ face turned cold as he looked at Dillion, who quickly

took the seat next to me.

“do whatever you want. Then let me take the east side.”

“I will protect your Majesty and your Majesty!”

Ludo, the hot-blooded knight, raised his hand.

“Don’t disturb me and leave. So are you.”

“Don’t call me Madame.”

Ludo hesitated at the bruises of Dillian and mine, and

lowered his hands.

It was Harris who reached out to Ludo, who had been

pitifully thrown away.

“Ludo, you follow me.”

So Harris and Ludo went east.

Eldman, Kanae, and Jerry West.

Ben remained and was protecting the fainted Claude.

Naturally, Dillian and I decided to look into nature.

It was a decision my intentions had not reflected in the

slightest, but I did not vomit.

‘I’m scared here!’

Ghosts are just disgusting. Spiders are even more disgusting.

This old castle was a collection of all the things I didn’t like.

“If you find it, please contact me through this. It’s a

communication channel.”

Kanae held out a small marble to me.

“We go first.”

I clasped behind Dillion, who was leading the way.

“Do you hate dark places?”

“Do you have someone you like?”

Unlike the bright outside, I frowned inside the dimly lit


It was because the light was not good because of the trees
surrounding the castle.
‘I don’t know what’s going to pop out, but it’s natural.’

I was vigilant about my surroundings and made fun of my


I wanted to rescue Nathan and get out of here as quickly as


But I don’t have the confidence to take the lead. I quietly

walked next to him, step by step.

Suddenly, Dillian stopped.

“Why, why?”

“There is something there.”

I stopped at once, and when I asked, Dillian pointed forward.

I looked around with anxious eyes.

At that moment, a black object ran towards us.

Startled, I turned around and hung on Dillion’s arm.

I really hate it! It’s scary! I mean, I can’t even watch a B-

grade horror movie!

I buried my face in Dillian’s shoulder and took a deep breath.

My heart was pounding.

Was it possible to cast out evil spirits with divine power? Can
you catch it in the first place? I don’t remember learning
anything like that at the temple!

It was at that time that I was reminded of the remedies I saw

in the movie one after another.


huh? meow?

As I slowly lifted my head at the cute sound that didn’t

match the ghost, my eyes met the black cat.

“ .”
Silly. That sounds like my misunderstanding.

The cat looked at me with pitiful eyes and then left.

As I stared at the back, I hardened my mouth at the low

laughter from above my head.

“Why are you so scared?”

Then I realized that I was almost in Dillian’s arms, and I

quickly got out of his arms.

‘I’m embarrassed…!’

Dillian’s face lit up with a smile.

It may be a mistake, but I was even more embarrassed

because it seemed like he loved me.

After coughing heavily, I laid an iron plate on my face.

“Well, isn’t it possible for a person to live like that?”

While making excuses over and over again, a large hand
suddenly reached out in front of my eyes.

“Will you catch me?”

“Hey, you think I’m scared, don’t you? It’s done.”

I said bluntly, but my hand was already holding Dillian’s.

So tight that blood doesn’t get through.

‘Damn, I’m scared to death.’


“Don’t laugh. Because it looks like something is going to

come out.”

He looked at Dillian’s shaking shoulder, but he couldn’t stop


“Stop laughing!”
“Is it because it was the first time Lia held my hand? I keep

Dillian wanted to do this right now, so he interlaced my

fingers with my fingers.

It’s like you’ll never miss it.

‘It’s not the first time….’

The last day that Dillian ran rampant, I ran first and grabbed
his hand. very earnestly.

I just couldn’t remember.

I gently waved the hand that was holding Dillian.

“I caught it today, right?”

half a day?

Dillion was not as burdensome as before.

“I hope to be able to catch it tomorrow as well.”

“Dream big.”

“Originally, I dream big.”

“If it’s too big, you don’t know that it will explode – huh?”

Suddenly, butterflies appeared and hovered around me.

Episode 30.


I slowly shook my head at Dillian’s curious question.

‘A butterfly is dancing in front of you.’

Those who said that, Dillian, who can’t see butterflies, won’t

Dillian and the butterflies that were hovering around me

quickly moved forward.

It looked like it was telling me to follow, so I quickly followed

the butterfly.

Of course, while holding Dillian’s hand tightly.

“It’s no different than before. Do you know the way?”

“It’s not like that, but I think it might be this way.”

intuition. And it was certain.

‘Nathan is calling.’

I only went straight looking at the butterflies.

Dillian pulled my hand at my straight-forward instinct not to

look back or sideways.

“Mr. Leah. Can I not open that room?”

“yes. It’s not there. It is clear.”

it feels That’s an empty room.

“Go quickly. This is it.”

The butterfly spurted its wings. Impatient, I let go of Dillian’s

hand and ran.
“Mr. Leah!”

There was no time to answer Dillian’s call.

Slowly, a butterfly seeped into the door. I twisted the handle.

bang! The open door rattled openly. Contrary to

expectations, there was no one beyond the door.

“ha. ha.”

Why not? Obviously, this is where the butterfly was pointing.

Old altar, broken stone statues, and rusted candlesticks and


“Prayer room?”

It was a familiar place. It’s a place I’ve seen so much that I

got tired of living as an apprentice priest.

At that moment, Pot! His eyes flashed as if a flash had gone

The messy altar disappeared from nowhere, and there were
a clean altar, a stone statue imitating a god, a candlestick
and a golden cup.

And a pure white woman kneeling in front of him.

‘You said you loved me. You said that you love me more than
anyone else.’

‘By the way, why did you do that? You’d rather take me too!’

‘Just one more chance, please, just one more chance.


anger, resentment, despair. and deep sorrow.

The emotions she felt overtook me. My heart was pounding

as if someone was biting me.

‘What, why am I….’

With my face contorted in pain, I blankly watched it, and

then I turned my head in amazement at the hand on my
“Mr. Leah. It’s dangerous to run like that all of a sudden.”

As if I had run 100 meters, my heart was pounding and my

breathing was short.

Breath did not come back.

“Mr. Leah. look at me Breathe slowly. right. slowly.”

I followed Dillion and slowly picked up my breath.

Dillian’s eyes were filled with concern.

Dillian slowly embraced me and gently stroked my back.

The warmth felt from the touching chest, a friendly touch.

The throbbing pain slowly subsided.

After some time passed, I regained my breath and turned my


I looked at the room again, but it was just an old prayer

“Are you okay now?”

“yes. Oh, I see something strange….”

“What did you see?”

“I don’t know. what the hell is that….”

At that time, my head was confused by the phenomenon I

had experienced for the first time, and my body was dragged


Dillian put his hand to his lips. As I was led by him to hide
behind the door, I heard an unfamiliar voice.

“Where the hell is the target?”

“Is this the castle? It’s so dirty that it’s hard to find even us.”

The murmur of voices grew closer and closer.

“What is here?”
“It looks like a prayer room.”

They poked their heads out and looked around the room, but
they started chattering again to see if they didn’t notice
anything strange.

“By the way, what about those guys next to the captain?”

“It’s the one sent by the client. You can’t believe us.”

“Oh my, if that’s the case, we’ll do it amongst themselves.

You left the troublesome work to us.”

The voice of dissatisfaction disappeared again.


Dillian whispered to me quietly and quietly approached

behind them.

After a while, Puck. A scream was heard along with the


“Mr. Leah, come.”

When I went outside at Dillian’s call, I saw two men groaning
while grabbing their stomach.

Dillian asked, pressing the back of the guy nearby.

“So, where is Nathan?”

“We don’t know anything. I have nothing to say! Whoa!”

‘m going to break my neck like that. A hand lined with

tendons ferociously pressed the man’s head.

“Mr. Dillian.”

As he glanced at him, Dillian pulled the man’s hair up.

“Don’t you think you’re going to die if you keep your mouth
shut like this?”


“Hmm, I have no intention of talking. Then how about this?”

I made eye contact with him and spread my fingers out.

“I don’t know how much the client offered, but we give it
twice that.”

“Hey, do you think we’ll get past that?”

“yes. certainly.”

I smiled broadly.

not to, the trumpet of truth twitched and swallowed saliva

over and over again.


A bridge connecting the main castle and the eastern tower.

Snow, which began to fall, wet Lia’s cheeks.

Just cross this bridge to meet Nathan.

‘The owl is not here. He’s locked up in the East Tower.’

At that moment, a large hand covered the back of Leah’s

hand as she pressed down on her cold fingertips to relieve

“I’ve kept in touch with Harris, so he’ll be fine.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. And if it’s Nathan, I’m sure he’ll be waiting for Ms.
Leah, plucking the kidnappers’ hair. Or scratching their faces
or pecking them with their pointed beaks.”

“… Do you know?”

“Where do I get hit once or twice?”

Dillian licked his lips and grinned wildly. Laughing wasn’t


“I know because I’ve been through the most. It won’t be easy

to touch.”
At every word he said, warmth began to circulate in his hand,
which had been hardened no matter what.

Leah felt a gentle pat on my hand and gave it strength.

“thanks. Without Mr. Dillian, I might have been crying.”

“Thank you, can you give me a prize?”

“If only I could give it to you.”

“I promise.”

Dillian slowly raised his tightly clasped hands.

Dillian rolled his eyes at the innocent eyes that knew


Did Leah know that she had just entered the beast’s mouth
with her own feet?

‘Nathan, there are days when you are helpful in my life.’

Dillian, naturally thinking of becoming a flagship if Leah
found out, buried his lips in her hand, hiding his sinister

Leah’s hand trembled at the warm and soft touch.

Dillian pressed the back of Leah’s hand as if stamping a

stamp on it, then raised his eyes to meet Lia’s gaze.

“I will expect. ma’am.”

Red eyes flirted with temptation.

At that moment, an alarm bell sounded in Leah’s head.

Dillion hit the player first before withdrawing .

“Then, I have to do something that will be praised by Ms.



Upon arriving at the destination, Dillion kicked the door

without hesitation.
Then the corroded door cracked and shattered.


But no one was there.

“Obviously I said here….”

Behind her bewildered Leah, a mean voice sarcastically

taunted her.

“Did you believe you were still there? You are naive, my


“They didn’t come back, so I moved the location just in case,

so that’s a good thing.”

That scar on your face. It was the child who kidnapped

Nathan using a strange magic tool.

“You motherfucker! What did Nathan do!”

As soon as he saw his face, Moses frowned at the swearing
that came out like a tongue.

“… When I asked who the owl looked like, it looked like its

He clicked his tongue with a tired face. Like that or not,

Leah, who had a fever all the way to the top of her head,
screamed at him as if she was about to rush.

“Shut up! Where is Nathan!”

“Lia, look over there.”

Dillian grabbed Leah’s waist with excitement, and chinked

towards Moses’ back.

One or two of the enemies began to gather, and Leah

retreated back.

But behind her is a cold wall.

Apparently, he was caught in a trap.

“Brother, why don’t you lose your strength and throw away
your weapon?”

Dillian, ignoring Moses with an expression of where the dog

barks, drew his sword.

“Obviously, hardship is essential to receive Lia’s award.”

“… What kind of prize do you want so hardships come?”

“It’s an award worth dying for.”

With a refreshing smile that did not suit the situation, Lia
forgot reality for a moment.

chin, chin!

He was immediately brought to reality by a sharp bursting


Leah chewed her lips in the fierce workshop.

Dillian blocked Leah’s front as if no intrusion was allowed.

Honestly, and firmly.

However, no matter how hard it was, it was impossible to

block the simultaneous attacks of the enemy in a limited

“Mr. Dillian!”

Leah called out his name like a scream in her white shirt,
which was slowly dyed red.

‘Wake. Do something!’

Lia, who came to her senses by biting the soft flesh in her
mouth, looked around in search of something that could be a

But the only thing in this room was papers, bookshelves, and
wooden chairs scattered on the floor.

What the hell are you doing with this !

When I was angry with myself, a passage from the original

hit my head.
[Aina manipulated the tree by raising the divine power within
me. Then, a strong branch stretched out in all directions and
subdued the opponent.]

A skill that can only be used by those with high purity and
divine power.

It was the only skill that only Saint Aina and High Priest
could use.

The probability that he could use that power was less than

But, wouldn’t it be possible to imitate it in a similar way if it

was overflowing with divine power?

‘If it doesn’t work, pour divine power until it becomes

impossible. I mean, make it impossible!’

I wanted to help Dillion, no matter what, even the slightest


Leah rolled on the floor avoiding the assassin rushing

towards me.
aiming for is a bookshelf!

And as if possessed, he sang along to the voice that

resonated in his head.

Divinity amplification.

At that moment, an explosive power erupted from within her.

Episode 31.


A golden butterfly appeared.

At the same time, green shoots grow on the bookshelf that

seemed to break if hit.

A bud the size of a thumb quickly grew in size and grew in



A branch the size of a forearm that had grown

simultaneously spread out in all directions.
bang! The wall shook violently with the sound of something

assassin who was attacking Leah was thrown into the wall.
All three of them who rushed to Dillion were all nailed to the
wall, unable to move.

Another branch from one branch, another branch from that


Flowers soon bloomed from the branches that proliferated


The assassins, who were looking at the pompong, fluttering

flowers, smelled the sweet scent and then faintly lost their

It happened in an instant.

The one that Lia couldn’t handle, and the one who ripped off
a branch and escaped, were the responsibility of Dillian.

“How did this happen….”

Moses shook his head as he saw Leah standing upright,
surrounded by butterflies.

I couldn’t believe it. How could a woman who seemed the

weakest have such power?

You mean human power? My body trembled with primal fear.

let’s run away I have to run away from here. It was the
moment when I turned around as my instincts told me to.

Puck, a knife stuck at his foot.

“Where are you going?”

While he paused, Dillian blocked the way out.

giggle. Snuggle-.

Moses flinched at the creepy sound and shook his shoulders.

The voice behind me was hoarse.

“My sister pulled out a knife, I’m going to hit you.”

Leah hummed a familiar melody and pulled her lips together.

It was time for revenge.


“shit! Stop it now! Why are you chasing me?”

“I am a fan of only one.”

Leah swung her chair, chasing after Moses, who ran away
with a weeping sound.


Moses trembled in fear at the sound of the air slicing.

Moses, who was caught on his own feet, and languished,
leisurely folded his arms and shouted at Dillion, who was

“I’d rather have my brother pass out!”

The voice was so desperate that it moved Dillian, who had

been disrespectful across the river.

“Mr. Lia, hitting here hurts more.”

Of course, I didn’t mean to help.

Dillian tapped Moses’ shin. Then Lia pricked her ears and
nodded her head.

Moses couldn’t stand the zeal, and screamed.

“Like this crazy couple!”

“I have eyes to see.”

Dillian, who accepted the curse as a compliment, smiled

happily and nodded.
‘Hey, you bastard!’

Moses looked at Dillion and hated it.

I’d rather have that blatantly crazy woman.

Watching all this, the smiling man didn’t know what to do.

“So where is Nathan?”

“The end room. It’s in the last room.”

“If I ever touched the tip of Nathan’s hair—”

“What are you touching? That crazy owl is eating my

colleague’s hair!”

“… Is it real?”

“Because it is.”

The two men who met each other burst into laughter.
The moment when I was relieved by the relaxed atmosphere.
Leah swung her arm towards Moses.


Leaving behind Moses, who collapsed on the last chair shot,

Leah slumped down on the chair she was swinging.

right away , but my body is heavy.

‘I used too much force.’

Dillian approached Leah, who was exhausted, and bent his

knees to meet her.

“Lia, are you okay?”

“I don’t know. It’s the first time I’ve used it to the limit….”

Leah, who was standing up, stumbled in vertigo.

If Dillian hadn’t hugged Leah’s waist, he’d have fallen

“Lea-san, first, capture the divine power.”

The arm wrapped around his waist tightened. A low-pitched

voice whispered in Leah’s ear.

“Do you know how strong the scent is now filling this room?”

“… That’s out of control.”

Leah muttered helplessly. As if there was a hole somewhere,

the divine power kept leaking out.

“Sorry…. But I sleep too much.”

My eyes kept closing, and my voice was weak.

“Mr. Leah?”

Dillian hugged Leah’s body as tightly as she could.

“Lea, calm down.”

The mournful voice gradually faded away.

‘Nathan, I have to go pick him up. Nathan is waiting….’

But contrary to her will, consciousness quickly faded away.


That moment when Leah’s consciousness was cut off.

A large flame erupted from the east tower, the last room.

“It’s difficult, it’s difficult.”

“Heh heh, heh.”

“Something has happened.”

“Can, breathe.”

“Are you like that?”

Nathan clenched his neck and looked down at the
mercenaries, breathing harshly, with cold eyes.

The kind eyes are nowhere to be found.

he loves all life in the world and humans. But there are
always exceptions.

“If a person harms a person, can we call it a person?”

Nathan asked in a voiceless voice towards the mercenaries

crawling on the floor like worms.

“What do you think?”

“You, what are you!”

It wasn’t the answer he wanted, but Nathan, who was kind

and friendly, answered Act’s rude question with kindness.

“He is my child’s guardian.”

Therefore, he recognized Leah’s danger faster than anyone

else and reacted sharply.
Nathan realized that something was wrong with Leah’s body
and could not wait patiently any longer.

“I do not intervene in human affairs. That was my rule. He

doesn’t like to roam the human world like an unbridled pony,
so what can he do? I have to be patient.”

yes, so I persevered. I waited until Leah came to rescue me.

“But this is the price.”

“Sa, save me!”

“no. It’s not worth it to you.”


The fire burned high.

Only humans were burned by the fire of the divine beast.

The screams were engulfed in flames, and soon they turned

to ashes and disappeared.
“Ah, I didn’t know who was behind it.”

The guy who seemed to be the captain should have survived

and threw it to Dillion.

“I can’t help it.”

When I was judging Leah’s location, I felt his gaze.

with a bang. Nathan’s head turned to the rat.

“Huh! Boo, the owl speaks!”



Without noticing, Ludo pointed a finger at Nathan.

Harris matches that rude touch! He clapped the back of

Ludo’s hand to make a sound.

A strange silence lingered between the three of them.

The dignified face was cracked and cracked.

‘Big, big deal!’

I begged God not to be caught, but I was caught!

Nathan’s bright yellow eyes fluttered like a storm.


“Uh-huh- huh- uh-huh-huh-.”

Great! All I could think of was pretending to be an owl. It was

a sight that Dillian would laugh at if he saw it.

Bewildered for a while. Harris quickly approached with a

serious face.

“Big, big. Aren’t you Nathan-sama?”

“Uh-huh- uh-huh?”

“I thought it was a coincidence because they had the same

name, but it was true.”

From head to toe, even a single grain of dust was ripped off,
but Nathan took it all the way to the end.

‘I am an owl. This body is just an ordinary owl.’

sincere Nathan tried even self-hypnosis, but unfortunately it

didn’t work.

“I heard everything you said earlier.”

Ttt, Nathan shut his mouth tightly without knowing it.

“You know how surprised I was that you disappeared from

the temple.”

“It’s not that big of a drink.”

“Drink, you mean….”

There is no one-year drink anywhere in the world. Someone

woke Nathan.
‘Who is it? who….’

Harris remembered the divine power that exploded a

moment ago.

The only person who can use divine power here is you.

But there is one.

The one who cares and loves Nathan more than anyone.

“… It is Leah who woke up Nathan-sama.”

It wasn’t a question. It was a word full of confidence.

‘This is why I don’t like quick-witted things.’

Nathan sighed deeply.

“Can’t you pretend you don’t know?”

“It is difficult. Don’t you know why I’m here?”

Finding the missing Nathan and the contractor who woke
him up.

Harris started with very little clues and only got here.

“If you find Nathan-sama’s whereabouts, you must report it.”


A great force pressed down on Harris’ shoulders.

“I will definitely return when the time comes, so wait


the raptor’s sharp eyes shot at me, Harris couldn’t move.

Like a rat caught by a predator.

With eyes of unknown depth, Harris slowly knelt down.

“… yes.”

Harris couldn’t stand it.

Meanwhile, Ludo, who had become a screenplay for Nathan
and Harris’ conversation, looked down and knelt next to

“Why are you kneeling?”

Ludo’s eyes twinkled at Nathan’s question.

“I think the mood should be that way, Owl-sama!”

“It’s Nathan.”


“Well, he’s a good guy.”

“It is an honor! Nathan!”

Harris put his forehead on the conversation between the two

that seemed like a comical conversation.

Leah fell. Dillian, who had lost consciousness in his arms,
hurriedly put his index finger under her nose.

A soft breath tickled his fingertips. Dillian let out a breath of

relief without realizing it.

Trees and flowers filled the room, and a warm scent.

They were all remnants of divine power.

Under the circumstances, it seems that Leah’s stunned was

due to the use of divine power to the limit.

If it’s because of fatigue, it’s enough to rest well, but that’s

the problem.

‘The divine power continues to leak out.’

“I’ll have to find Nathan first.”

Nathan was the only one who could solve this situation.
Dillian carefully hugged Leah, who was drooping weakly, and
stood up.

Dillian opened his mouth to the butterflies that did not

disappear even though Leah was unconscious.

“Find Nathan. right now.”

If you were, you would definitely know. I’ve been hanging

around Leah’s side since before.

It was a conversation full of confidence. Or it’s a threatening

word to find out without knowing it.

The butterflies flinched as they looked at the coercive

attitude that Leah had never shown before.

Leah, you have to help that guy. but it’s too cheeky

The butterflies, who were confused by the compatible

emotions, quickly pushed Dillian’s back at the sound of
Leah’s moan.

‘It’s more certain that I trust these guys and follow them
than I am looking for.’
The butterfly, which had been flying for a long time, stopped
in one place and turned around.

“Is it here?”

Dillian kicked the door without hesitation at the gesture of

the butterfly flapping its wings up and down saying it was
the right answer.


The door that was smashed by the kick rumbled.

That was an open door. Butterflies were silent at the sight

unfolding before their eyes.

“Oh, it was open.”

At the carefree voice, the butterflies began to seriously worry

about whether it was okay to keep that human by Leah’s
Episode 32.


Nathan, who found Leah, quickly flew in and looked at her.

The butterflies that confirmed the meeting between Leah

and Nathan became lights and flew away.

As if their role ended here.

“This, why is it like this?”

Nathan couldn’t hide his embarrassment. Seeing Leah’s

condition, Harris was equally perplexed.

“This is dangerous.”
immediately . But Leah is unconscious.

He couldn’t touch the divine power he couldn’t control.

When the two of them, the only ones in the group who knew
about the divine power, were at a loss for what to do,
Dillian’s face went down.

“I’m not saying you don’t know how to solve it.”

If that’s the case, it’s going to tear you apart.

Cold eyes with no emotion. Ludo flinched at those cold eyes.

It was a familiar face. Just a month ago, it was the look I saw
every day.

But Ludo couldn’t be happier.

‘It was a big deal. Your Highness is angry.’

Even before I lost my memory, I could count on my hand to

get so angry.
Ludo quietly got out of his seat and made a place for Leah to
lie down.

Because it seemed faster to heal Lia here than to go to

another place.

“First, lay them here.”

Nathan stared at Leah, who was lying on the seat Ludo had

‘It’s a divinity amplification.’

Nathan doesn’t remember teaching Leah that.

Exactly, it was not taught on purpose. Because Leah hasn’t

grown up yet.

So, I started teaching how to grow plants. Like a child

learning to walk, step by step.

‘But where did you learn this wrong method?’

myself , and a method that Leah would never have used.


Nathan opened his mouth at his eyes telling him to say

something without staying still.

“Please explain the situation briefly. Leah is now a glass

bottle full of water. But the glass was cracked.”

A lot of divine power suddenly burst out, and there was a

crack somewhere in Leah’s body.

“Since it is cracked, water will seep through the narrow

crevices. The problem is that the bottle is a fountain that
never dries up. The water will continue to rise and the
stream will grow stronger. Even very small holes will get
bigger and bigger.”

And in the end, bang.

“It will be completely broken.”

Leah’s body, which could not withstand the exploding divine

power, would be shattered.

“Then, shouldn’t we just close the gap?”

“okay. You just have to close the gap.”

Nathan nodded at his eyes as to why he didn’t stop, knowing


“So, Dillian. you do it.”


Dillian, who was wiping Leah’s forehead drenched in cold

sweat, frowned.

“Press the divine power of Leah with your curse.”

If Harris, who has the divine, or herself, touches Leah’s body,

the fairy tale will expel the divine power faster.

But, what about Dillian’s curse, which is opposite to Lia’s

divine power?

Sometimes medicine becomes poison, and poison becomes


This is the only way. Only this guy can do it.

“But my curse will eat Leah’s divine power, right?”

“You have to control it.”

Do it to someone who doesn’t even remember. It may seem

like a bummer.

But Nathan believes. Dillian will succeed.

“It won’t be difficult since I’ve felt Leah’s divine power over
and over again. Just touch Leah, and you will feel it.”

Have you ever felt divine power? Harris paused at the

conversation between the two.

But no one cared about him.

Hearing Nathan’s confident voice, Dillian turned his gaze to


A pale, tired face, parched lips, and the fields that leak
through them are breath.

Dillian slowly lowered his head.

That was an instinctive action. A hot breath touched his lips
and shattered.

But just before their lips touched, Dillian turned his head.

His lips turned to Leah’s neck.

Dillian, who buried his lips in the place closest to his heart,
revealed his teeth.


Leah frowned at the tingling and rising pain. Even though he

lost consciousness, he couldn’t help but feel pain.

Dillian patted Leah’s cheek as if to soothe him, and gently

breathed in.

When the divine power and the curse collided, Leah twisted
in pain.

“Uh-huh, uh-huh.”
Dillian concentrated all his nerves while hugging Leah’s
body, who was rejecting me, tightly.

‘Damn it.’

Dillian buried his lips in Leah’s neck, helping himself.

Leah is in so much pain, but my body, faithful to my

instincts, was relaxed by her divine power.

If I lost my concentration even a little, it seemed like it would

swallow Leah.

“It’s okay to just hold your hand….”

Nathan did not know whether to be angry or not to be angry

at the journey unfolding before his eyes.

However, as the method was radical, the effect was certain.

The divine power that had strongly rejected Dillion gradually

decreased in size.

After a while, Leah’s breathing slowly calmed down.

“… There will come a time when your curse will help.”

Nathan breathed a sigh of relief.


Dillian, who barely managed to control the curse, also let out
a choked breath.

Dillian looked at Leah, exhaling a soft, fluffy breath, and laid

down next to her.

“Was Lia having such a hard time?”

“Do you think Leah is you? I don’t feel that tired.”

Even at this moment, Nathan did not stop boasting about


“That’s good.”

Haha, while he was sighing and bursting out laughing, a red

light flashed on the communication port on Dillian’s waist.
<Your Majesty! Where are you? Are you okay?>

Despite Kanae’s urgent voice, Dillian’s nerves were focused

on Leah.

Kanae’s words, Harris answered.

“It’s me. Dillian is with me. I also found Nathan-sama.”

<Harris? Your Highness is fine, right?>

“This guy is always fine. why? What’s going on?”

<I found a lot of assassins. We’ve taken care of all of this,

but is Harris’s side okay?>

“It’s all done here. Everyone is safe.”

<I’m glad. Shall we go there?>

“No, let’s meet outside.”

After finishing the communication, Harris patted Ludo’s arm,

“Ludo, calm down and leave.”

“Ah, yep, yep!”

Perhaps it was a very provocative scene for a 17-year-old

boy, Ludo creaked as if it was broken.

It was amazing to see the swarms of assassins removed with

that creaky body.

Leaving behind Ludo, who was good at work even if left

alone, Harris stared at Dillian’s back as he was leading the

“Get away. Leah is uncomfortable.”

“You’re the one who hugs me properly. Leah is


Right now, I’m usually arguing with Nathan.

‘No, it’s hard to see that as usual.’

I couldn’t forget the bloody eyes and the anxious face that
Leah was afraid of going wrong.

‘Maybe, really….’

Harris couldn’t take his eyes off Dillian, who hugged Leah as
if he was embracing the most precious thing in the world.


Deep in the night when everyone was asleep, a big laugh

erupted from one room.

“I heard there was a woman, it was true.”

The man burst into laughter as he couldn’t believe what he

had heard.

“Dillion Sinise of the world? Woman?”

“Yes, I went home holding the woman who had fallen.”

Instead of getting rid of Dillion, the only surviving man who

took on the role of monitoring bowed his head.

“That’s right.”

At first, I did not believe that he was living with a certain

woman. It’s a woman who went to look for medicinal herbs
on the orders of the Crown Prince. nonsense.

I was skeptical, so I was aiming for a woman, but I’m sure

this will work.

“Lexter, shall we try one more time?”

Rexter shook his head at the subordinate’s cautious


“done. This is enough.”

Rexter grinned at the subordinate’s face, who didn’t quite

“Heaven’s Dillion Sinise also has a weakness, so it’s a good

stupid thing. Didn’t my sister tell me Never make anything


The raised corners of his lips laughed out loud.

“What do you think. Do you think Dillian will bring her back?”

“I will not leave it behind. Dillian cherishes her a lot more

than Lexter-sama thinks.”

The subordinate, who was speaking in a confident voice,

added hesitatingly, unlike before.

“By the way, Dillion was a little weird.”


The cursed person can’t be okay.

Lexter, who had not taken much of it, frowned at the story he
was hearing.
“It didn’t seem like the usual Dillion Sinise. The atmosphere
was more relaxed than usual, and he was smiling all the

“It seems that something precious happened and then


“It wasn’t, but it was like a different person.”

I can’t express it in words, but it didn’t seem like the Dillian I

had seen in the past.

“As if I had lost my memory….”

Hearing the muttering to himself, Lexter stopped.

Episode 33.

Come to think of it, the guy who told Dillian that he had a girl
said something similar.

Dillian is like a different person. different from usual He

looked like an ordinary man, not a monster.

If the two of you said that, it wouldn’t be nonsense.

“Do some more research on that.”


Lexter sat on the window sill and rubbed his chin.

‘Dillian loses his memory?’

that’s true, then this was an opportunity.

A chance to get Dillian out of his seat.

“under. okay. It should be like this.”

If there is a god, there is no way to release that cursed

monster child into the world, right?

“It seems that God is on my side. Dillian.”

Lexter, who was smiling while revealing this, opened his

mouth to the shadow reflected on the wall.

“What are you going to do?”

“Of course I should go.”

A man forsaken by God and a woman whom such a man

cherishes as much as his life.

The man with his legs crossed arrogantly revealed his teeth
and laughed.

I had a dream. It was a strange dream that I had never

experienced before.

I was running in the snow. With an urgent step to find


I ran to the man buried in the snow and pulled him up.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Can you hear me?”

I hugged the man’s body as cold as ice and shared his


Then the breath of life finally burst out of the blue lips.

I closed my eyes with the relief that I was saved, and when I
opened it again, the scene had changed.
This time it was the bedroom.

I looked down at the man in a deep sleep.

in the snow to the castle.

All the wounds were healed, but I was nervous about the
man who couldn’t open his eyes, so I held my hands and

‘You are the protagonist of the oracle. You must never let
him die.’

Did my sincere prayers reach God?


Finally, the man opened his eyes.

“Are you awake?”

The man seemed to be surprised by my approaching face,

and swallowed his breath.
It was then that I realized that I had come too close and
blushed in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry. So happy…. How is your body?”


“Where are you uncomfortable?”

He seemed to be wary of not trusting the unfamiliar me.

“Who are you?”

“Aryan. I am the owner of this castle.”

“Wilhelm’s lord?”


I swept my heart as he slowly loosened the boundaries.

thank god. look healthy

Relieved, I slumped my stiff shoulders.

“I am very glad that you are safe.”

“Did you save me?”

“I was the one who found you, but we saved them all

I slowly brought up the names of the butler who brought the

cart and the maids who helped take care of him.

“The old man has opened his eyes and everyone is happy.”

The happiest thing is me.

When she showed such emotions with her whole body, Na-ri
got up from her seat in bewilderment.

I quickly grabbed his arm.

“If you make such a sudden move, it will be a big deal.”

“Thank you for your help. I will definitely give you a case.”

“Are you going?”

“okay. I have to go.”

Embarrassed by his reckless attitude, I pointed out the


“It started snowing yesterday. If you leave now, you will be

buried in the snow.”

He couldn’t see an inch ahead of the pouring snow.

Whee-ying- The sound of the wind was ferocious.

“And I’ll come back to rescue you again.”

It was clear that the same result as yesterday would unfold,

so I actively stopped him.

“It will snow soon. It will be a week at the most, so how

about taking a little time and waiting?”

Still, if I had to go, I would have to let him go, but I hoped he
would stay here.
It was because of a strong feeling that I should not let him
go now.

‘Certainly, you will be in danger.’

I couldn’t stand looking at it. I didn’t know anyone else, but I

had to protect this person as much as I did.

He pondered for a while in the raging blizzard, then sat down

on the bed again.

“… I’ll be indebted to you for a while.”

“Please be comfortable.”

Worried that he might go outside, I quickly laid him down and

made the bed.

He seemed perplexed.

“How is your dignity?”

“My name is….”


When I opened my eyes, it was late in the evening when the

sunset was thick.

I stared blankly at the ceiling and wiped my face.

“I haven’t heard your name.”

Would you have told me your name? The borderline wasn’t


By the way, what kind of dream is this?

I would like to dismiss it as a dog dream created by my

imagination, but the castle I saw in my dream was the castle
where Nathan was kidnapped.

And, that bedroom.

‘That’s where I was before I collapsed!’

How did this happen?

that castle. It’s been strange since I heard vile rumors that I
was cursed or that a ghost was coming out.

And the welcome I saw in the prayer room.

believe it, but the owner of the vision I saw in the prayer
room was like a woman from this dream.

‘I’m not sure what I’m afraid of?’

Shaking my shoulders, I remembered the most important

thing and got up quickly.

“Nathan, how is Nathan?”

“Anyway, I got home safely.”

I heard a nostalgic voice behind my back. As I turned around

quickly, a gentle smile greeted me.

“I slept so hard, I couldn’t even wake him up… Whoops!”

I stretched out my arms and took Nathan in my arms. And

hugged him tight.

“Lee, Leah! Breathtaking!”

“You! Don’t ever do that next time! Do you know how

surprised I was?”

Nathan’s stuttering stopped at the sound of crying. Then she

spread her wings and gently wiped the corners of my eyes.

“I’m sorry. From now on, it will never happen again.”

“Just leave me alone again. I’m going to pluck out all my


As the terrifying glances were terrified, Nathan hurriedly

covered my eyebrows.
“It sounds like a big deal! This is the symbol of my

“You’re making bullshit too.”

As for when he came in, Dillian scoffed at Nathan with

squinted eyes.

“Mr. Dillian!”

When our eyes met, the red eyes softened.

“How is your body?”

“It’s okay, what happened after that?”

What happened while I passed out? How else did you save

“Can’t you remember anything?”

“yes. After losing consciousness, nothing….”

As I searched for my memory, I recalled a feeling that
remained particularly strong.

“I fell down and it hurts so much. But did you suddenly feel
more comfortable when you just wanted to die?”

Is it because of Nathan? I tilted my head and widened my

eyes at my reflection in the mirror on the table.

“What is this?”

He traced the red marks with his hands. Aren’t you sick? not
itchy either.

“What did I get bitten by?”

As he turned his neck to look around, an unfamiliar hand

gently swept over the mark.

“Mr. Dillian?”

“Are you going to erase it?”

“… What if it looks ugly?”

“It’s not bad at all.”

Dillian rubbed my neck for a long time. The heat from the
neck that touched it gradually spread.

As he shrugged his neck at the strange sensation that slowly

rose, Nathan flew in with a squeak and pecked Dillian’s hand

“Lea, delete it now. I was bitten by a very disgusting insect!”

“I was bitten by such a large insect that it is like this….”

to overuse my divine power, but I erased the scars on my

neck, in no way I was going to show it to anyone.

Dillian, who was staring at my smooth neck in an instant,

slapped Nathan roughly.

“Gosh! I am dead!”

Ignoring Nathan as he rolls over the bed, Dillian reaches out

to me.
“Let’s eat first.”

“I just woke up and I’m not hungry.”

I had no appetite, and a glass of water was enough.

“Then would you like to come with me? I think Leah should
see it.”

“Am I?”

Dillian, who looked rather serious, hurriedly followed him to

the yard.

Soon after , an amazing scene unfolded before my eyes.

A large tent, a bonfire burning in front of it, and even the

chicken being grilled to a golden color.

“What is all this?”

When did my front yard turn into a campground?

“They broke in and took over our yard, saying that I had to go
after checking that Lia was awake.”

“Those guys? trespassing?”

Dillian pointed to a place with his hand.

As he moved his gaze, he saw Kanae digging his eyes into a

bowl and Eldman chopping up firewood.

No, why are you homeless in a decent house? I was stunned

to see it scrambled for a while.

“Why are you doing that? Can I come home?”

“I took a seat there, saying that I cannot set foot without

permission from the owner.”

you’re funny He probably needed Dillian’s permission, not


Even with his eyes full of doubt, Dillian shrugged his

shoulders shamelessly.
Nathan, who couldn’t see it, whispered.

“That guy is all a lie. How many times did you open your eyes
to see these guys coming into the house and tell them to get
off immediately.”

“It’s the fault of those guys trying to enter the newlyweds’


That voice sounded so unfair that I almost fell for it in a blink

of an eye.

‘I want to fall again….’

I suddenly sighed as I put my forehead to the vertigo and

asked the whereabouts of the invisible person.

“How about Mr. Harris?”

“I went to town to get Claude to safety.”

Maybe it wasn’t because of Claude, but because he was

tired of Dillian’s attitude and went back to his dorm.
Well, it doesn’t matter. I’m relieved if he protects Claude.

“lady! You’re awake!”

“Even if it’s not my lord.”

Maybe he is the real My Face. I’m tired of fixing it now.

I shook my head as I looked at Ludo whose nose was dyed


“lady! How is your body?”

At Ludo’s loud voice, all the knights scattered here and there

“No, no. miss. Are you okay?”

These people, obviously, were trying to call me Madame.

How deep did my existence penetrate? …. no i didn’t want to


“… It’s cold, why are you doing this? Come on in.”

“no. We have enough here.”

That’s good enough, everyone with faces that look like

they’re about to freeze to death.

“It’s narrow, but it’s better than a tent.”

I grabbed the arm of Kanae, who was closest to me.

“Mr. Leah. Why don’t you send these guys home.”

i get it. I thought I wanted to drive out the Knights of Shaten

with my mouth and live in the sun, do you know if I will

“Do I look like such a careless person? Mr. Dillian. Open the

I’m not the type of person who is so ignorant as to pretend

that I don’t know the benefactor who stepped out to save
Nathan .

“Come on.”
“… Yes. How can I beat you?”

Dillian, who shook his head and burst out laughing in dismay,
gently opened the door.

The knights’ mouths slowly opened when they saw my

master couldn’t move at my words.

“What are you doing, come in.”

Even though the door was open, he raised his voice towards
those who still looked at Dillion.

“If you don’t come soon, the door will be closed!”

No matter how loyal he was, he rushed into the house

because he didn’t want to be outside in the sub-zero


Shouts erupted from everywhere.

After throwing clothes and blankets to those with blue lips, I
sat down on the sofa and asked questions in earnest.

“Now, let’s talk. What happened?”

Episode 34.

‘It’s the work of Lexter Blent. Perhaps, he knew that the

young lady was your weakness and tried to kidnap him.’

‘He’s mean and he has no mercy in his hands. Time and

again, I put your lord in danger to take his place.’

‘It must be Lexter’s fault that he lost his memory!’

Along with Kanae’s darkened face, her voice hummed in my


Why didn’t I know, why did I forget?

Lexter Blent.

Blent , who is a descendant of the Duke of Sinais.

Lexter was known externally as a relative of Dillion, but in
reality he was Dillian’s half-brother.

And although it was half, the fact that he inherited Sinise’s

blood threatened Dillion’s position and increased his power.

‘He’s a typical villain who’s been tormenting Dillion since


In fact, it was just a power struggle between families, which

was common so far.

The reason I remember that name is because he is the

culprit behind everything.

It was all about Dillian falling into the abyss and the
destruction of the world.

Dillian, who is irreparably wounded by Rexter’s attack, is

completely consumed by the curse, and destroys the world
without losing his wisdom.

‘If only that attack can be prevented, if only Dillion is

protected, the empire may not be destroyed and everyone
may be able to live in peace.’
That way, Aina won’t have to die either. Even Dillian could
have avoided a disastrous ending.

‘No, it’s not enough just to block the attack. Before that, you
should cut off the buds.’

Normally, even if I knew all the facts, I might have used my

hands in moderation. As always, I want to live quietly.

However, Lexter touched Nathan. my one and only family.

‘No matter what time or how long it takes, I will definitely

pay you back.’

Just as I was burning with revenge, Nathan tapped my hand

with his wing.

“Lea, where did you learn divinity amplification? I don’t

remember teaching it.”

“Oh, I just instinctively thought I had to do that, but is that

divine amplification?”

I acted like I didn’t know I don’t even want to lie to Nathan,

but I can’t say I saw it in a book.
Blinking and tilting my head, Nathan sighed deeply and
patted my head.

“Forget it all, as that method is wrong. It’s all because of you

that you were sick and that you lost consciousness.”


No way. Did you do exactly what Aina did?

“It’s not exactly the wrong way, but you’ll break your body if
you do.”


“Usually, those with divine power have innate divine power.

It cannot increase or decrease. Because it comes down to

“yes. know.”

“But you are not.”

“The source of your divine power is not yourself, but nature.
Sun, water, fire, wind, earth…. We bring life from nature like
this and use it.”

Naturally, I swallowed my saliva at the sudden increase in


“You didn’t think that infinite divine power came from your
body, did you?”

That’s right….

“It’s impossible to draw out the highest priests and saints

who are said to be the best among humans like that.”

The longer Nathan spoke, the more my heart raced.

So you’re saying that I’m special? More than a high priest

and a saint!

‘Does this make sense?’

I thought I was an extra, but I am actually the strongest in

the world? Don’t say things like that.
“Yesterday, like everyone else, you unleashed the divine
power within you. But you have to pop what’s outside, not

Nathan stabbed me in the chest.

“You, who are accustomed to bringing in from outside, do not

know how to control your power, and you do not know the
limits. That’s why you use your bowl until it breaks.”

So, you’ve lost so much power.

The cause of the feeling of weakness that I experienced for

the first time was because I used the divine power within me
for the first time. It was a shock.

“I will teach you step-by-step again from tomorrow, so don’t

use that method again. do you know I could really die.”

“yes. okay.”

Tired of being told that I was going to die, I nodded my head

again and again.

But Nathan’s admonition did not end there.

Before I collapse from exhaustion from the endless

smart. I heard a voice to save me.

“Mr. Leah, it’s me.”

“Come on in!”

I welcomed Dillion with open arms.

“What happen?”

After a moment’s pause in the intense hospitality, Dillian

spoke to me in a sweet voice.

“I want to sleep with Leah.”

“yes? Why all of a sudden?”

I forcefully swallowed the words that I was thinking crazy.

“Why? We are a couple.”

Another thing I did was to ignore it as nonsense.

‘You said it with your mouth. we are a couple I am your wife

and you are my husband. Right?’

Dillian, who proudly took out the couple card, laughed


If I said no here, I wouldn’t listen.

“… We are a married couple who use each room. Come back


“Then we can join forces again from today. And since Kanae
is using that room, I can’t go back.”

Also Dillian. Planned, thorough, and punctual.

“I’m not mentally ready.”

“Then I will wait until it is done.”

good luck Guess I’ll go away this time It’s been a while since
I felt relieved by sweeping my chest.
“Can I have thirty minutes?”

will it be….

“I spent countless days with Lia, but today is officially the

first night.”

“Dillian! Don’t be shy!!”

Nathan, who could not hear, was furious.

‘If it’s the first night we spend together in an oriental

medicine, we’ve already done it.’

It was also the first night of horror….

When I recalled the days when I was trembling for fear of

breaking Dillian’s pot and dying, I burst into laughter.

‘There was a time….’

changed a lot . I was trembling when I saw Dillian’s eyes, but

now I’ve reached a level where I can accept that nonsense.
“Okay, let’s sleep together.”


Nathan’s face turned white. Conversely, Dillian’s face


“I am the bed, Mr. Dillian is the floor.”

The change in their expressions was instantaneous.

Dillian with a sullen face called me.

“Mr. Leah….”

“It’s no use calling me so mournfully.”

“Well then, then. It’s no use.”

Nathan struck a match.

I ignored Dillian’s call and laid the blanket on the floor.

Then, Dillian quickly put on a blanket to catch him.

Dillian could hear a rustling sound from below, perhaps
giving up on my decisive attitude.

And after a while, in the darkness, only the sound of each

other’s breathing could be heard.

“Mr. Leah, do you care?”

I stared blankly at the ceiling and turned my head.


“It’s all. It was all because of me that Nathan was kidnapped,

that it was actually aimed at you, and that he fell. I’m sorry.”

I rolled over to Dillion.

all the time, his eyes met with red eyes shining in the dark.

“Mr. Dillian, there is nothing wrong with you, so please don’t


“If I had been Mr. Leah, I would have been angry and
Do you want me to be angry? But I wasn’t really mad.

“You are a victim, so why am I angry?”

It’s not Dillion that I’m going to get mad at, it’s the fucking
bastard who made up all of this.

‘Lexter, you bastard, just show up in front of me. I’ll shatter


Unlike me, who grunted, Dillian still didn’t understand what I

was saying.

“Is that possible?”

“I am rather grateful to Mr. Dillian.”

“Thank you?”

I reached under the bed and tapped Dillian’s back.

Dillian’s hand trembled. I smiled slowly as I looked down at

Dillian’s face, which was dyed in the moonlight.
“If it wasn’t for Dillian, I would not have been able to stand
up again and I would have been crying. Thank you for staying
by my side and saying it’s okay.”

It wasn’t a word, it was the truth.

It was Dillian’s great contribution to being able to find

Nathan, no matter what.

So you don’t have to worry about it, with that in mind, I

tapped the back of my hand lightly.

“I’m serious.”

I smiled softly at him and raised my hand.

But he was caught again shortly thereafter.

“Thank you too.”

“Why, Mr. Dillian?”

“Because it’s not like anyone else, it’s because you found me
Is that something to be thankful for?

I looked down at Dillion’s face, who looked genuinely happy,

and opened my mouth without realizing it.

“… I was only thinking of you.”

Dillian’s eyes widened. I scratched my cheek at the

trembling eyes.

‘I thought you’d like it. stellar.’

The tremor was brief. Immediately, a characteristic languid

and relaxed smile settled on his face.

“Mr. Leah, do you remember when we agreed to reward you

for helping find Nathan?”

“… I am.”

“Was it helpful?”

“… That’s it.”
Dillian gently stroked the back of my hand and smiled

“What will I get as an award?”

“Anything you can give.”

Except for the weird ones. After adding, he nodded his head.

“Do you like Seungri’s kiss?”

“That’s weird.”

“Then with a kiss filled with love.”

It was a kiss anyway. I smiled and shook my head.

“If you do it with me, you will regret it later.”

“It can’t be.”

No, it certainly will. Remember that you kissed the girl who
broke my head. Don’t you feel cheated? Wouldn’t it be
It’s good if you’re angry, but it’s difficult if you try to kill him.

“How about getting something from Nathan other than me?”

“Mr. Leah, I almost got angry.”

“I don’t like it either! This!”

“what? Haven’t you slept?”

I thought he was asleep because it was quiet, but you mean

you heard all of this?

His face burned with embarrassment.

“You are like a fox! What did you do to our Lia while I was

“Whatever it was, I just got closer to Lia-san thanks to my


Dillian thanked Nathan and stroked Nathan’s head.

“From today on, why don’t you play Cupid instead of the
guardian deity?”

“What, what!”

Nathan was very excited and pecked Dillian on the head.

Episode 35.

I looked at the two of them arguing.

It was a familiar sight now.

I finally closed my eyes, relieved of my daily life.


The two of them were fighting, and all actions stopped at the
sound of even breathing overhead.

Leah fell asleep. It was time for a truce.

Nathan, who was scratching Dillian’s arm, returned to his
seat and looked at Leah’s red eyes.

“Did you cry a lot?”

“I cried a lot. To the point of jealousy.”

Nathan narrowed his eyes at the beating heart.

I promised that I would cherish and protect you, but in the

end it made Leah sick.

‘I’m sorry.’

Nathan, who was stroking Leah’s head with her small wings,
felt her gaze on her child and opened her mouth.

“I don’t like you.”

“Are you swearing all of a sudden?”

“You probably won’t like it for the rest of your life.”

As always.
Nathan turned his head to meet Dillian’s eyes.

“Still, I’m glad to have you.”


“Thank you. for being by my side.”

“I have no reason to listen to you. I did it because I wanted


It wasn’t for anyone.

It was for Leah, but at the same time it was an action for

I wanted to comfort her crying sadly by wrapping her slender

shoulders and locking her in her arms.

That was it.

“Nathan, you once told me.”

My heart beats, my mind is dizzy, and the identity of this
feeling of being suffocated,

“It’s called love.”

Deep eyes that have no end, what is contained in them is

unmistakable love.

His eyes turned to Leah and no one else.

“Yeah, you were right.”

Dillian smiled softly.

This feeling cannot be fake. Nathan asked carefully at

Dillian’s eyes as he cried out.

“… I wonder if you were talking about what I asked at the


Dillian smiled softly.

Silence is positive. Nathan was astonished.

‘I-I shoved our Lia into the tiger’s mouth!’

That’s when I started to understand Dillian’s actions one by


When I said it was love, I mistook anger for love.

I can’t come and fix it now.

‘Lea…. I’m sorry….’

It was an apple that could never reach the sleeping Leah.

Nathan looked at Leah and Dillian in turn and sighed deeply.

‘Lea, what should I do?’

That was the face of a man in love.

couldn’t know Nathan knew that face well.

It was a familiar face, familiar eyes, and gestures.

“What you looking at.”

such a bubbly yellow guy?

Sending a guy like this to Leah’s side. It was all his own

“You are very much the same. A talent that is not cheap is a

Despite Nathan’s venomous remarks, Dillian’s gaze didn’t

seem to fall away from Leah.

The more you look at it, the more your stomach will turn


Nathan sighed and got up.

Although it was my mistake, there was no danger that Dillian

would hurt Leah.

This can be predicted. Enough to hang my gorgeous

Because Leah doesn’t want to do anything she doesn’t like.

“Don’t go for a walk at night.”


“If I touched Leah while I was away for a while.”

Nathan’s eyes shone sharply in the darkness.

“I will pluck your hair and make you bald.”

If you go bald, Leah will also turn away from your handsome

Nathan, who left a curse-like word, slipped out of the


Unfortunately, Nathan’s attack of conversion did no harm to

“Sleep well.”

Dillian’s nerves were directed to Leah.

A neat beauty that everyone should look back at at least


It was a face I saw every day, but today, I looked especially


A round forehead, neat eyebrows, eyes with a lake hidden

inside the eyelids, a tall nose, a slender chin, and red lips.

Leah was beautiful, and there wasn’t a single place that

wasn’t lovely.

Dillian stroked Leah’s light-colored hair and engraved

everything into her eyes.

As if trying to imprint it in his own eyes.


Leah tossed and turned and kicked the blanket over

something uncomfortable.

Her beautiful forehead was wrinkled as she was annoyed by

her body not moving at will.

Dillian gently rubbed Leah’s forehead with his index finger.

“It was like that back then.”

Dillian remembered the moment he woke up in this house.

The moment I forgot everything and became an idiot.

In the midst of all chaos, Leah’s gaze was taken away.

Why was it so bad to see him sleeping comfortably while

leaning on a chair?

When I looked at it, I felt frustrated and exhausted as if

something was on my chest.
So I stretched out my hand without realizing it.

I want to straighten an uncomfortablely bent neck. I want to

smooth out the wrinkled forehead.

Leah was the first person to make me feel this way.

“You have always been the exception.”

no emotion other than Leah .

To exaggerate a bit, it was as common and meaningless as a

stone on the side of the road.

‘Dillian, you’re mistaken. It’s like a duck that wakes up from

an egg and regards the first person it sees as its mother.’

Harris dissuaded himself, saying it was only a temporary

imprint. It is a feeling that will be forgotten when the memory

‘Yes, if it’s an engraving, it’s probably a engraving.’

Contrary to the wish of Harris, an imprint that will not
disappear until death.

Dillian buried his face in Leah’s wrist.

As the tip of his nose brushed against his wrist, the scent of
Leah intensified.

Dillion took a deep breath.

Then, the refreshing scent that filled the room penetrated

deep into my body.

been empty all the time, was filled with pain.

‘Is this also related to Leah’s divine power?’

Do all people with divine power originally exude this scent?

“It’s not strange. Why are you the only one okay?”

Harris said that divine power is nothing less than poison.

However, Leah’s divine power was warm and cozy.

Being around him puts his mind at ease, and a deep feeling
of satiety and satisfaction surrounds him.

Dillian was addicted to this alluring scent and could not

leave Leah’s side.

‘Don’t miss it. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of
your life. A second chance never comes back.’

His instincts warned him terribly.

So it survived. I pretended not to know even when I said that

we were not married, and I pretended not to know until the
end when I tried to send me back somehow.

Who knows if we can become a real couple if we live


And finally, the moment Leah came into my arms by herself.

Dillian realized that the reason he was obsessed with Leah

wasn’t just the scent.

heart about to explode. A sense of satisfaction and

satisfaction that fills the stomach.
At the same time, I felt ugly jealousy.

‘It’s annoying to think about it again. I thought I’d pluck out

some of the owl’s hair.’

I know it’s unavoidable.

Because Leah doesn’t like herself.

There may be favors or favors, but no further feelings.

patient and the therapist could not develop further.

However, today something finally started to change.

‘Mr. Dillian, there is nothing wrong with you, so please don’t


‘You are a victim, so why am I angry?’

Leah got angry and took his side.

It was unimaginable for Dillian.

If it were me, I would have mercilessly abandoned those who
were filthy with me.

‘… I was only thinking of you.’

At that moment, my heart stopped. A bashful smile as he

looked at me, his friendly eyes, and the warmth that touched
the back of his hand.

Dillian finally noticed.

What is the identity of the emotions you feel whenever you

see Leah?

her scent.

It may have been the beginning, but not now.

“Mr. Leah, I want one thing.”

Back to our home together.

“Aren’t you happy? You want me to go home, too.”

Dillian realized this.

The more wealth, the more power, the better.

The more his authority grows, the more secure he will be

able to keep Leah.

“I will give you wealth and power.”

“I will give you all the glory.”

“I will give you the world.”

Dillian poured out my heart over and over again.

“So, come with me.”

Dillian kissed the back of Leah’s hand. Instead of a kiss of



Dillian’s eyes widened at the sleep talk that flowed out like
an affirmative answer, and then burst into laughter.
“You answered it.”


“I want to be with Lia for the rest of my life.”


“Isn’t Leah like that too?”


Laughter erupted once again at the perfect timing.

“In this case, you have to say ‘yes’.”


“They say it’s not over. silly.”

Dillian held Leah’s nose painlessly and released it.

Leah turned her body away because she was bothered by

the constant stroking of her face.
Dillian looked at Leah’s back and smiled.

Leah seems to have the world even in her sleep talk that she
can’t even remember.

“I like.”

Dillian whispered in his ear over and over again.

“Maybe, the moment I saw you, I lost my heart.”

messy hair and whispered softly.

I hope that one day my heart will reach her.


“Goyan. You don’t even listen to me.”

“You are patient. How can I stop a guy with that kind of

“What if the old man eats our Lia and eats it after being

“Nathan, you worry too much. Where would Leah be the kind
of person who would be devoured?”

“It is so….”

Sitting on an old tree in the yard and chatting with the

sparrow, Nathan raised her head and looked up at the sky.

large full moon was illuminating the world.

A divine beast in the form of a sparrow, Mika asked.

“Why do you think of the past?”

“It’s an old-fashioned idea.”

The day I first met Leah was such a beautiful night.

Episode 36.

Nathan had been waiting for a man for a long time, whom he
can’t remember.

He waited, waving away all the hands of his colleagues who

wanted to go with him.

A child who will wake you up from a deep sleep.

One year, ten years, one hundred years….

It was an unpredictable wait, but Nathan was not impatient.

Because I believed that he would surely wake me up.

And finally, the child came to me.

“… What’s so complicated?”

The mind that had been far away from the blunt voice was
slowly awakened.

A light came into the dark world.

‘Finally here!’

You’re finally here to keep your promise!

“Hey, that must have been a big deal.”

Nathan flew as hard as he could at the nostalgic voice.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Nathan. Are you the one who
woke me up?”

“… not really?”

“I have my holy relics in your hands…?”

Then, Lia quickly put the relic in its place and took off the

Nathan was happy to meet Leah, but unfortunately, Leah

had no intention of waking him up.

It was just that I accidentally touched it while escaping at

night. But that was enough.

Nathan closed his eyes at the overwhelming emotion that

welled up from the depths of his heart.

“Obviously, you called me…. Contractor?”

But Leah had already left.

What it feels like to be left alone without anyone.

“You left me….”

Nathan, who was solemn, serious, and never yielded to

anything, despaired.

“This is not the time.”

Nathan quickly came to his senses and followed Leah.

little guy was so quick on his feet that he was already on the
verge of leaving the temple.

Nathan cleared the area around Leah so that the priests

wouldn’t see it.

“… Is it easy?”

Leah, unaware of that fact, swept her heart, saying she was

I was so happy to see that softly relaxed face, I felt like I was
about to cry.

Nathan rested on Leah’s shoulder.

It was in the dining room outside the temple, thirty minutes

later, that Leah became aware of her existence.

“Lady, the owl is so docile. Can I touch you?”

“yes? owl? what are you talking about…. Huh, what is X!”
Leah was terrified to see Nathan hanging from her shoulder.

“You, what if you chase me all the way here? go away! Get
off my shoulders!”

Leah shrugged hard and pushed Nathan away, but he stood


And he introduced himself, which he had prepared for a long


“Let me introduce myself again. My name is Nathan. I am

your guardian deity.”

“What do you mean, you crazy owl.”

and was mercilessly abandoned.

“Abandoned again….”

I didn’t know it would be thrown away twice.

Contrary to the sullen voice, Nathan followed Leah

“Contractor! Where are you going in such a hurry?”

“go away!”

“Don’t leave me!”

“no! Guardian deity or anything like that, only the female

protagonist should say that!”

I will live quietly! Leah screamed and ran away with all her

Nathan, who followed Leah, tilted his head.

“What is the heroine? I don’t know what it is, but I am your

guardian spirit!”



The chase and chase ended when the exhausted Lia

Nathan sat in front of Leah’s breathing, waiting for her to
calm down.

“… Why are you doing this to me?”

“You woke me up.”

“Yes, yes! I did touch the relic. But it was a mistake!”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a mistake or not. As long as you

wake me up, you are my master.”

“Why do I have to….”

Leah was desperate. She crouched down and bowed her


Nathan smiled bitterly and walked over to Leah.

He waited for her every day, and he felt heartbroken because

it didn’t seem like his child.

“I have been waiting for you for a very long time.”

Nathan patted Leah’s sullen hair.


Leah raised her head at his call.

“I even know the name. Does the guardian deity even know

“Did I tell you, I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time. I
don’t know anything about you.”

“Are you a stalker? ….”

“It’s a guardian deity!”

Leah burst into laughter. Only then could Nathan laugh.

“Lea, wherever you go, wherever you are, I will be with you.”

Nathan reassured Leah, who was anxious.

“Because I am your guardian.”

“Your own guardian deity?”

“Yes, your own guardian deity.”

“… No matter how much you think, you should have gone to

someone else, not me. Isn’t being a guardian deity supposed
to be with someone loved by everyone?”

“Then why didn’t you come to me?”

Nathan could assert. you are loved

But Leah, knowing Aina’s existence, shook her head.

“not really. There are other people who are loved.”

If I had been loved, I would not have lived a life of running

away at night.

Nathan spread his wings in response.

“If you can’t believe it, let me make it my love for you.”
“Then will you stay by my side? What if someone else shows

“okay. No matter who comes, don’t stay by your side.”

Leah looked into Nathan’s eyes. As if to hide the truth of the


Soon , he slowly extended his hand.

“I promise.”

“I promised. I swear by my God-given name.”

So, like back then, to be your family again.


“You’re fucking lucky.”

“know. I was lucky.”

“I endured and endured, and I didn’t know that I was going to

be really successful.”

Mika sticks out her tongue, saying that her tenacity is


“But Nathan. You know I can’t hide anymore, right?”

“I will be back soon.”

“I thought well. The exam has started.”

“… Did it show up?”

“okay. You are wandering through the capital at will.”

As Mika answered with a sigh, Nathan’s eyes froze.

“… i get it. Don’t go back soon.”

It was caught by Harris anyway, and it was time to go back.

Whoops, whoops.

In the distance, the sound of snow was heard.

“Hey, he’ll get noisy when he sees me, so I’ll go first.”

Mika, who hid herself in the dark, flew away and


And Harris, who appeared not long after, opened his mouth
as he saw the flying bird.

“Aren’t you Mika-sama just now?”

“It’s not worth it Mika ran away early.”

Nathan let out a low smile as he looked at Mika who had

disappeared as a dot.

“Before, I was not in a good mood, so I couldn’t say hello

properly. My name is Harris Trisio, the commander of the
Holy Knights.”

Harris bowed his head toward Nathan.

“Everyone was surprised that Nathan suddenly

“What is so surprising to say that if you saw something that

was gone, you would say you woke up.”

Nathan spoke lightly, but it was not something to be taken


Nathan was the only one among the five divine beasts who
did not wake up.

such an existence suddenly disappeared, it was only natural

for the temple to turn upside down.

“You came back to me in the middle of the night, so you

have a question, right?”

“… Is Ms. Leah the person Nathan had been waiting for so


Unlike Shinsoo who woke up by himself or found a

contractor, Nathan waited for only one person.
Only that child can wake him up, and if it is not for that child,
he will not open his eyes even if the world is destroyed.

Then Nathan opened his eyes. This was very important.

“What do you ask so much when you know everything?”

“What the hell is Leah?”

“How do you see it?”

“… He is loved by the world.”

from her is different from others.

It was different from the general priests, and it was also

different from the high priests.

The energy of the world was flowing around Leah.

And, crucially, Leah’s divine power works through Dillian.

‘It’s absolutely not a normal person.’

“That’s the answer,” Nathan rolled his eyes and smiled.

“Yes, dear child. That’s it.”

With those words, Nathan’s mouth didn’t open any more.

But Harris did not give up.

“Is it Ms. Leah who put down Dillion’s runaway?”

Nathan just laughed without saying a word. That alone was

enough of an answer.

“How is that possible?”

Priest had no control over had tormented Dillion for the rest
of his life.

If there is a way to break that curse. No, if there is only one

way to sleep…!

“Didn’t you say it with your mouth? Because Leah is loved by

the world.”
Even though Harris’ expression did not understand, Nathan
only smiled quietly.

As if that was really the reason.

“More than that, a saint appeared.”

“… Yes, you have appeared as prophesied.”

[In the 732th year of the imperial calendar, the woman who
awakens from the abandoned land of Hellua, purifies the
earth, will save the world.]

And this year, the 732th year of the imperial calendar. A

woman who cleansed the abandoned land Helua appeared.

Everything was as predicted. It was, without a doubt, a

perfect appearance.

So it was no longer.
Anyone can see that it is a saint, but she has never set foot
in the Great Temple.

I didn’t even meet the superintendent.

“The first person to discover the saint is the Crown Prince.

And the saint hides herself in the shadow of the imperial
family and does not appear.”

As a result, there was no way to ascertain how much power

she had or whether it was real.

‘What if the saint’s power flows into the imperial family?’

The balance between the emperor and the priesthood might

be disturbed.

So , I had to take Nathan, who has the same strength as a

saint. at any cost.

“Nathan, are you really not coming back? Aaron is eagerly

waiting for you.”

“Then tell me to wait while you wait.”

“… You have the momentum to go on your own.”

“I am still young because I do not know the virtue of waiting.”

He would be the only person who could call a high priest

over two hundred years young.

Seeing Harris’ bewildered face, Nathan smiled softly.

“Don’t worry. I will be back soon.”

Nathan looked at the room where Leah was sleeping.

“Because everything is flowing smoothly.”

Nathan closed his eyes at the two auras mixed together in

the room.

Yes , everything is in order. It was going according to its

Chapter 4. Life Is C Between B And D.
Episode 37.

mind is blank I woke up to a noise outside, but I didn’t want

to open my eyes.

‘Can I sleep a little bit better? Thirty minutes, no, ten more

But Dillion wasn’t the only one who left me alone.

“Lia, are you awake?”

Dillion recognized my waking like a ghost and gently shook

my shoulder.

“Now get up. Time for breakfast.”

I thought of the customer waiting outside and forced my

eyes to open.

I couldn’t see properly because of my puffy eyes.

“I can’t see well in front of me….”

“Yeah, it’s a crucian eye. Can you see my face?”

“Mr. Dillian, you can see your handsome face even with your
eyes closed.”


I rolled my eyes at the stinging gaze that touched my cheek.


“… Don’t go anywhere and say things like that. Do you

understand? There are a lot of people who make a strange
mistake and run.”
“I have eyes. I say these things only to Mr. Dillian.”

sleep, words that did not go through the brain came out at

“Are you sure it’s only for me?”

“Absolutely. I’ve never seen anyone more handsome than Mr.

Dillian in my life.”

shut your mouth My head said shut up, but my mouth

fluttered all the way to the end.

Dillian smiled satisfied with the desired answer.

“Then do it every day.”

“Mr. Dillian, it’s not like a man talks with one mouthful.”

Oh no, never do it, how could it be because people are so

different from each other?

I can’t do that with my index finger, and when I hit him,

Dillian grabbed my hand.
“Let me give up the man of the day.”

“Then what, are you going to do it even as a woman?”

“How about being your dog?”

“Hey, you have a dog.”

“… This is a bit of a shock.”

Dillian, who was speechless for a moment, sighed.

I don’t know if I should rejoice over my victory over Dillion, or

blame my snout for telling him to fuck him.

“Master, this is water prepared by dogs.”

“No, I’m sorry….”

“The dog was hurt.”

I drank water from the cup that was forcibly held.

When I drank the water, I woke up.

I squeezed my puffy eyes tight.

“Now my face is funny. It’s so swollen it looks like it’s going

to roll, right?”

“No, it’s pretty.”

“Empty words.”

“I am serious. Dogs don’t tell lies.”

“… I’m really sorry. I was not awake, so I was talking


I grew up and comforted Dillian, who was constantly

muttering shit.

you are the most handsome in the world Great, perfect, I

took all the compliments I knew and put them on him.

I wonder if my earnest efforts paid off, and he smiled broadly

after feeling relieved after a while.

“Come on, you should be ready for dinner by now.”

As Dillian opened the door, he seemed to hear the narration
that it was the host, no, it was a restaurant.

Her half- closed eyes lit up like a shiver.

I opened my mouth to the food that was laid out so that my

upper legs were bent.

‘What is all that…?’

Acid and seafood filled my small table. For a moment, I was

surprised by the delicious Han Sang that made my mouth
water just by looking at it.

When I moved my gaze to the kitchen, I saw the knights

moving frantically.

“Kanae! How many minutes do you have left?”

“Three minutes!”

“I’m almost done too!”

It was a scene reminiscent of a battlefield.

And in the middle of the battlefield, Nathan was seen leading
the way.

He was dangling from Harris’ shoulder, looking through the

eyes of a hawk.

‘When did Harris come?’

There was no sense of incongruity in the appearance of

being naturally in a group.

“Put more salt there. Pop!”

“Yes! Shh!”

“Did you go there? Cleanliness!”

“Cleanliness! Shh!”

“It’s all gone! You get out of here!”

“Wow! Yes, shh!”

Ludo, why are you making such an angry face? ….

Embarrassed to have been kicked out of the kitchen, Ludo
groaned and kicked the door out.

“shit!!! Isn’t this the only one! Ludo!! Calm down! You can’t
feed the devil with that kind of garbage!!”

And then , suddenly, he began to push himself.

Ludo was suddenly kicked out, and the rest of the cooks, no,
the knights’ faces turned white.

“If you don’t want to look like Lu, everyone, move quickly!”

“Yes! Shh!”

The cooking survival that I had enjoyed in my previous life

was unfolding before my eyes.

“Mr. Dillian, what’s the matter?”

“Yesterday, I took care of Ms. Leah, so she wanted to repay

me with breakfast.”

yes it can be I got it there

“But what about that pig? …? wild boar…?”

I asked, pointing to my head in the middle of the kitchen.

“you’re right. I got it in the morning.”

“… Wild boar?”


So, how do you…?

Dillian said as he closed his jaw, which was open in

embarrassment and surprise.

“How did you catch it, you caught it with the power of love.”

“… sorry. I don’t know what you mean anymore.”

“They said they didn’t have any fish at home, so they went
out at dawn to catch them.”

If you listen to Dillian, it’s a pure favor, so why does it look

like you’re trying to score points in my eyes?
“Lea! come on sit down These guys are pretty good.”

I looked at the food piled up like a mountain with tired eyes.

Rather than being treated like a judge, I felt like a judge.

‘I wish I didn’t pretend.’

The twinkling and shining eyes of anticipation were


“I will enjoy this food….”

I put the meat in my mouth with a greeting and opened my


No, this taste…!


“it’s delicious!”

Everyone was relieved at my reaction and their hearts were

swept down.
After tasting the food one by one, I asked, pointing to a
particularly delicious plate.

“Who baked this?”

“That’s me.”

Eldman raised his hand in a flash.

“This was the most delicious. When you get married, you will
receive a lot of love from your wife.”

“thank you!”

Eldman’s smiling face turned to death when he heard

Dillian’s words.


“Ha, not good at all!”

“Did you say that Lia’s praise is not good now?”

“Oh no!”
why are you so mean again I shoved the dish into Dillian’s

“Stop bullying and eat this. Because it’s delicious.”

Someone inhaled and swallowed. When he opened his eyes,

Kanae was surprised and covered his mouth.

It was a natural action.

No one has ever behaved so rudely to Dillian Sinise.

At first, like them, I watched everything from one to ten.

Are you used to it now? It wasn’t scary.

‘Dillian is also on the finite side to me.’

Is it because it is a life saver?

Dillian, who smiled at me, pointed to a plate.

“Please feed me this time.”

“Mr. Dillian, don’t you have hands? No feet?”

“All I have is eyes and a heart to see you.”

correct it I’m not on the finite side, I’m trying to make fun of

“Are you crazy?”

Why do people get weirder as they go on? He seemed really


“Extremely normal.”

Yeah, usually crazy people don’t realize they’re crazy.


Whoops, whoops. My feet fell in the snow.

“Lia, are you okay?”

“Don’t worry about me and look ahead. It’s different from the
road I’ve been on before, because it’s a lot tougher here.”

eating, I entrusted all the work to the Knights and Harris,

who claim to be household chores, and climbed the
mountain of the Black Forest.

It was to find the breath of the snowflakes that May had


“Mr. Leah, your hand.”

As Dillian grabbed my outstretched hand, he gently pulled

me up.

“Isn’t this a pretty good porter?”

“Well, it’s not bad.”

Despite my insistence on resting at home, Dillian, who

claimed to be a porter, was relaxed with his luggage and
Nathan on his shoulders.
Rather, I have to say that he seems to be enjoying it.

“Isn’t it heavy?”

“It looks like Nathan’s shoulder is going to fall off.”

“Heh, you must have been pressed by this body’s


“It sounds like an overpowering thing. eat small Because you

look fatter than before.”

“You bastard!”

With the two of them arguing behind me, I looked around.

“Nathan, I think we can find it around here, how about you?”

“Good place.”

I tied my hair up and took the tools out of my bag.

Gloves and a hoe. These two were my items today.

“Mr. Dillian, just follow me. If you kill an herb by stepping on
the wrong place, you will be in big trouble.”

Dillian followed me around like a dog that listens.

Then, at some point, he was bored and didn’t seem to

disappear. But I didn’t have time to worry about it.

I had to find the breath of the snowflakes .

It had been an hour since I and Nathan had been digging

through the snow to find herbs.


Shouting like Simmani, I suppressed my excitement and

carefully dug up the soil.

But it was too early to like it. It’s a game I’ve been playing
from now on.

‘Breath of Snowflake’ was difficult to find, but also difficult

to dig.
If the roots are damaged even a little, the value will be half
the price, so we had to be careful and careful.

“Take it slow.”


I smiled broadly at the herb that finally revealed its roots.

‘Is this taste like Simmani to ride the mountain?’

Wiping off the sweat and feeling proud, I turned to Dillion,

who was calling me urgently.

“Mr. Leah, Mr. Leah.”


“Look at this.”

I blinked at the snowman sitting next to Dillian.

‘Are you sure you made it yourself?’

There, it was a strangely reminiscent of someone.

“Is it Nathan?”


The little owl snowman was adorable.

I threw my hoe and walked over to Dillion to see the


It happened, but the details of the eyes, nose and mouth

made of stone were no joke.

“Cute, Mr. Dillian, you are good at making snowmen.”

“You have good dexterity.”

Nathan, too, seemed to like the snowman, so he circled

around and wiggled the corners of his mouth.

“Shall we make this next time?”

“That would be nice too. If we are together like this, it might
feel like family.”

Then Dillion’s eyes twinkled.

“I’ll make it soon. Leah is taking it slow.”

As if he was excited to receive the compliment, Dillion rolled

his eyes hard.

‘Looking at it, it seems a little cute.’

Dillian looked like a dog excited at first sight.

“You have an unexpected talent.”

“Yeah, I thought it was going to just ruin everything, but it


I finished the work while chatting with Nathan.

After digging for herbs easier than the first time, I looked
“Where did Dylian go?”

If I said it was too quiet, it would have gone out of my sight.

“Mr. Dillian!”

“Mr. Leah.”

“Where did you go? What were you looking for?”

suddenly disappeared. As I turned around, striking him,

Dillian greeted me.

“Well, I picked up something strange.”


with a monster who was very angry.

Episode 38.


A monster that looked like Groot X made a strange sound

and swung his arms.

Dillian, who quickly cut off the monster’s arm, lowered the
corners of his eyes as if he was shy.

“Isn’t this a bit bad?”

“You’re talking horse?!”

I screamed and swung my hoe.

“Key, key, key, key!”

“Shut up your mouth!”

As I drooled, I hit the face of the monster smiling strangely

with my hoe.

‘I should have bought a bow when I went down to town!’

Nathan was kidnapped and forgot about it.

“I’m going to die of filth!”

I brushed off the hoe with an irritated hand.

“you are doing well.”

“It’s noisy!”

If you can’t even do this, you’re out of luck.

How hard I tried to survive in this harsh world. At least I was

able to protect my body.

such a long time, I shouted sharply at Dillion.

“Look what! I want you to break that cauldron first!”

Someone is fighting to die, why are you idling?

“Well, seeing Lia fighting, something reminds me of


“… Don’t think about it.”

I changed the position of Homi, who was beating the

monster’s head, and slapped her on the neck.

But there was no end to defeat and defeat.

This was because new monsters were born from the broken
branches of the monsters, and they continued to increase.

At first, I didn’t know anything about it, and after destroying

it, the number of individuals had increased to the extent that
it was difficult to handle it now.

‘If I go on like this, I will be discharged first.’

Dillian would hold out, but I was slowly reaching the limit. I
shouted at Dillion.

“Mr. Dillian, avoid it first!”

“You don’t have to.”

What, when? ….

Dillion, who quickly dug in front of the monster, pierced the

chest as hard as armor.


A sharp sword pierced the monster’s heart.

Then, the branch that was swinging like a whip broke, and
the large body collapsed.

The clones born from the side branches of monsters are also

Seeing the monster that no longer regenerates, I sneakily

approached Dillion.
“How did you do it?”

“Destroyed the nucleus.”

“I told you.”

“Nathan, are you?”

Nathan sat down on Dillian’s shoulder and nodded.

We fought like that, and in this case, we got killed again.

“But how did the demon come here?”

Obviously, I came in avoiding the monster danger area.

“I broke the demon’s arm.”


what do you break?

“There was a good tree branch to decorate the snowman, so

I broke it, but it was the arm of a monster.”
That is, it was said that this three months was born by
breaking the arm of a still monster.

Sir, is it really black? You’re the final boss, you’re too sloppy.

Or are you living in darkness because it’s a black screen?

He sighed all the way to the end of his throat and his head
was pounding.

“Mr. Dillian, can’t you just die now?”

“That would be difficult.”


What kind of shit are you doing when you have a big

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and turned my head to

Dillian’s sunken face.

“What the hell are you looking at….”

Something rose from the top of the mountain.

It sure looks like a golem.

“… What is that?”

“government ordinance.”

I swish towards Nathan and turned my head.

“A spirit?”

“Yes, it is the spirit of this mountain.”

… If it’s a spirit, isn’t it mysterious and beautiful? The spirits

I know are like that… Isn’t that a monster?

Red water like lava was seeping through the body black as

“I’m so angry that Dylian touched my place.”

Yep , I know that even if you don’t say it. I know you’ve got
fever to the top of your head and want to kill us.
“Let’s run away.”

At that moment, something other than human language



Even when I covered my ears with my hands, the sound that

came through was sharp.

When I was squinting at the ringing tinnitus, Dillian suddenly

hugged me.

“Mr. Dillian?!”

“Hold on tight.”

Dillion quickly ran down the mountain. Beside him, Nathan

quickly followed.

I, half draped over Dillian’s shoulders, couldn’t keep my

mouth shut at the sight unfolding before my eyes.

Cuckoo Kung -!
From the top of the mountain, snow was swept down.

As if we were going to bury us, the only jade on this



The ground rumbled in an avalanche. The snow flew wildly,

engulfing everything around us and rushing towards us.

I tapped Dillian hard on the shoulder.

“Run, run!”

Dillian was running hard even if I wasn’t slick.

Nevertheless, humans could not overcome the power of

nature, so the snow approaching like a wave was getting
closer and closer.
white , I groaned.

“More, faster! hurry!!”

Swallowing my breath in primal fear, I pulled the head of the

nearest Dillian.

“run! Dillian!”

“Mr. Leah, it hurts.”

“I think I’m going to die of a heart attack!”

“It is difficult. You haven’t officially eaten yet.”

“So! I have to live first, so run faster!”

“If you survive, will you do it?”

If you don’t do it, you have the momentum to stop. As

evidence of that, Dillian’s legs slowly slowed down.

“Are you crazy?”

“It’s perfectly normal.”

I screamed and grabbed his head.

“I’ll do it! do it! So run!”

“I promised.”

Dillian is really crazy. He looked like a crazy guy while rolling


If not, how can I laugh and say such crazy things?

I felt a tremor in my chest.

I pounded Dillian in the head.

“You crazy man! What if I die like this?”

“It can’t be. I have to risk my life to survive and get married.”

Dillian laughed and jumped straight down the cliff-like slope.

I couldn’t even scream and hugged Dillion’s neck.

My heart raced like a roller coaster ride.

“Shh, it’s okay.”

Dillian, who landed safely with his knees bent, patted my

back softly.

‘Crazy, is this a human body ability?’

I asked urgently, looking at the terrifyingly falling snow along

the cliff.

“Nathan! Can it be stopped with divine power?”

“No, I can’t stop it. This is the spirit’s headquarters. The

difference in power is overwhelming. And that guy, he’s
cursed. It will not be easy.”

It was said that if we fought on the opponent’s home ground,

we would be robbed.

Did you even go black there? It was crazy and crazy.

Given this situation, all I could do was constantly restore
Dillian’s stamina so he wouldn’t get tired.

“Mr. Leah, I’m fine.”

“Shut up and run. If Dillian dies, I will die too.”

I don’t want to be purged together!

I, who was constantly pouring divine power on Dillion, froze

at the cutting edge that brushed my cheeks.

“Mr. Leah!”

His cheeks were hot and blood was dripping.

After finishing the treatment by lightly wiping my cheek, I

turned my head to where the arrow flew.

Over there, the snowballs jumping around are definitely….


“No, not you… Little Nathan is here to kill us!”


“Even making strange noises!”

When the real Nathan saw Little Nathan, he was furious.

“Dillian, why did you make me!”

“Did you know that I would be like that?”

It was cute to see her pricking up with her short legs, but the
indiscriminately flying eye arrows were not cute at all.

Nathan blocked the arrow with a veil.

I swallowed my saliva at the other snowman that appeared

next to me.

“Mr. Dillian….”

Dillian and I ran from either side of us.

“Really, you’ve made it so sophisticated.”

It would have been possible to create such a work in such a

short time.

Showing admiration and dislike at the same time, I blocked

the flying attack.

“Mr. Leah, I will destroy that.”

“Would it be okay?”

“maybe. After all, it’s snow. So hold on tight.”

Dillian ran quickly and swung his long legs.


Snowman Dillian’s head flew off.

The next target was me.

“sorry. Leah.”
Dillian kicked my snowman in the stomach and apologized.

“Why are you apologizing? That’s not me!”

“Still, it’s a bit of a grind. I’m wearing Leah’s face.”

Having said that, Nathan mercilessly smashed the catfish.

Little Nathan was also crushed at Dillian’s feet in an instant.

“Dillian you bastard! Dare me!”

Do you have a crush on Nathan? The mercilessly broken

snowman was pitiful.

“Why are you angry? It was an act to protect Ms. Leah, but it
doesn’t feel good to be sold off.”

Dillian was just as good with his mouth as his insane

physical abilities.

Unable to find any words to refute, Nathan snorted and

“Lea! I really hate him!”

“It worked. I hate you too.”

Dillian, who scratched Nathan’s stomach, quickly ran down

the mountain, avoiding several other attacks.

Dillion stopped in a hurry.

“Why, why stop?”

“There is no more way.”

As I turned my head, I saw a mighty waterfall pouring down.

At a dizzying height, my eyes spun round and round.

“Hold my neck tight and hold my breath.”

“Uh, what should I do?”

“What do I do, I have to run.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Dillian threw himself down

the waterfall.
I couldn’t even scream and crouched down, hanging from
Dillion’s neck.

with a plop-!

The body, which had been buried deep in the water,

immediately floated upward.


With my head out of the water, I took a deep breath. The

sharp drop in temperature made my teeth dent.

I trembled and looked around in the cold that would freeze to

my bones.

weird. There was no voice that should be the first to find me.

“Mr. Dillian?”

“Lea! Dillion has sunk!”

Episode 39.

I mean, can’t you swim? Taking a quick breath, I quickly



Finding Dillion floating in the dark blue water, I put my arm

around his armpit and swam upward.


“What if I jump into the water when I can’t even swim! After
all, you almost died!”

I slapped Dillian’s back as he vomited water while

suppressing his beating heart.
“Shh, breathe slowly.”

I gently wiped the clasping hand, waiting for Dillian’s breath

to return.

“it’s okay? Look at me.”

I grabbed Dillion’s cheek, which creaked as if broken.

Dillian, startled by the sudden warmth, tried to turn his head.

“for a moment-.”

“Your complexion is so bad.”

As if by surprise, Dillian’s complexion was as white as a

blank sheet of paper.

“Where did you bump into? Are you hurt?”

He looked bad, as if he had been injured somewhere.

‘I’m not even trying to make eye contact.’

I covered Dillian’s cheek and looked around his face.

Every time my eyes met, there was a sign of not knowing

what to do.

“Mr. Dillian?”

As I rubbed the corners of his reddened eyes, he stared

blankly at me.

“Mr. Dillian, are you really okay?”

He stuttered over and over like a man with buffering.

Was he shocked that he couldn’t swim, or did he hit his head


For whatever reason, I was worried about Dillian, who could

not come to his senses.

As I rubbed his back, I lifted my head.

Fortunately, it was quiet so far that the influence of the

spirits did not reach here.
However, you never know when you will come back to catch

“First, get out of here.”

I raised Dillian, who was still unconscious.

I put my slack arms around my shoulders, hugged his waist,

and moved into the forest.

It was very mortal to support Dillian, who was full of water

and weakened.

‘Why is it so heavy!’

As I looked around with my heavy body, I lifted my head at

Nathan’s call.

“Lea! Come here!”

There was a gap in the large rock that a person could fit in. It
was cramped, but it was a place that could block the cold a
I sat Dillian there and twisted his clothes to squeeze out the

“I need to dry my clothes first.”

If you walk around wet in sub-zero weather, you’ll get

frostbite and die.

Leaving behind Dillion, who had quickly become a sick

person, I gathered the branches scattered around me.

Then Nathan made a fire on the firewood I had piled up.

Tack, Tack. The sound of burning wood was heard in the

silence. I looked at Dillion, who stared blankly at the blazing

Seriously, the current Dillion was strange, but too strange.

‘It’s not usual.’

By now, it’s to raise the body temperature that has dropped.

Come into my arms. It’s time to say nonsense, but he was so
calm and quiet.
So I was even more scared. I really think something is wrong.

Dillian, noticing my tenacious gaze, raised his head.

“Mr. Dillian?”

“Nothing, nothing.”

He said no, but I didn’t believe it.

‘Are you out of your mind? Are you okay?’

Dillian leaned back in surprise as he reached for his

forehead in concern.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

I bit my hand in a hurry and covered my trembling hand with

the other.

It’s because it’s the first time Dillian has avoided me. I feel

‘A little, I’m sorry.’

It was something he was worried about, so I wanted to check
it out, but there’s no way to avoid it so openly.

Without realizing it, my mood went down.

‘No, come to your senses.’

I mate my cheeks! hit and got up

Although the clothes were drying quickly thanks to the

blazing fire, the firewood was also being consumed quickly.

“I’ll bring more firewood.”

“Lea, let’s go together.”

I shook my head towards Nathan, who sat on my shoulder.

“You’re next to Mr. Dillian. It’s kind of weird. If I leave you

alone, something will happen.”

Nathan looked at Dillion at my words. He nodded reluctantly

as Dillian looked very strange to him.
“Don’t go too far.”

“yes. I will be back soon.”

Contrary to Nathan who returned to Dillian’s side, I went into

the woods and held a branch that had fallen on the floor in
my arms.

“Hey, why are you doing that?”

Dillian’s changed attitude was annoying as if there was a

small thorn in his fingertips.

“I was scolded for not being able to swim…? I’m not the kind
of person who would hurt my self-esteem over something
like that.”

Let’s go back and ask directly. If you try to avoid it, you have
to hold on to it and hang on.

That time when I was collecting firewood while muttering to


I heard a noise coming from behind.

Well then, it’s not because you’re not a Dillion avoiding me.

“Are you okay now?”

I lifted my head, calling him with a confident voice, and

immediately hardened my face.

It wasn’t Dillion who greeted me, but a monster in the form

of a tree.

Yep , guys that look like that shit.

Without a bird to run away, hiss, the branch sticking out

pinched my wrist.

“Leave this! Nathan! Dillian! town!”

When the forest screamed for the whale to leave, the

monster shut my mouth.

“town! Oops! town!”

A pair of demonic monsters approached me and grabbed my
arm and turned it back.

Wait, this is not a bit!

This posture with the wrist restrained was a posture that

anyone could see.

If you’re going to catch it, take it normally! That’s why you

look like a criminal!

However, the demons who did not know my heart dragged

me like a luggage.


Dillian felt like he was in a swamp.

The feeling of being dragged down endlessly was not a very

good experience.
My body throbbed at the shock I received from bumping into
the ice-cold water, the water surface.

At that moment, an unfamiliar memory popped into my mind.

‘majesty! It’s an attack!’

‘It’s a cowardice! You use such a dirty number!’

‘majesty! We’ll take it. Avoid yourself first!’

‘Sir, I’m sorry!’

he didn’t know, no, he knew better than anyone else came to


Thousands of scenes exploded like firecrackers like sparks

and sparks in your head.

Finally found the dragon’s heart, the assassin who attacked

him, and Kanae who forced him to move.

‘Calm down. It’s not hurting. I’ll heal your wounds.’

Leah’s face was blurred.

A humming sound as if drinking water passed through my


‘Dillian! Wake! Calm down! hey!’

As if covered in ice water, sensations all over his body arose.

Heck- Dillian took a deep breath, forgetting where I was. The

body that drank the water gradually sank to the bottom.

If Leah hadn’t rescued it, it would have sunk as it was.

After a while , his closed eyes lit up. A shock as if someone

had hit his head shook his head.

No, I actually got hit in the head.

‘It’s ridiculous.’
freaked out It was crazy. A feeling that cannot be expressed
in words was rushing through me.

‘What have I done….’

Dillian raised his hand and wiped his pale face.

‘It’s because of me that you lost your memory.’

‘I hit your head. It was like breaking a clay pot.’

Whenever I used the title of wife, I thought of Leah, who was

terrified and desperately refused.

She didn’t lie.

only told the truth

But I….

‘When I see you, my heart beats terribly, my head hurts like a

crack, and my mind is dizzy. If this isn’t love, what is it?’

What love was, it was a broken head.


Dillian rolled his eyes and leaned back.

‘… I want to die. love? fate? I’m crazy.’

The memories from the moment I lost my memories until

now when everything came back were forcibly replayed.

I wanted to forget, but I didn’t.

Dillian’s handsome face contorted as he recalled the

atrocities he had committed.

‘… Shame on you.’

Dillian continued to wash his face dry with a sigh.

I went crazy at the thought of showing ugliness to not only

Leah, but also to his men and Harris, and without realizing it,
I smashed the tree with my fist.

“No, is this crazy? Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

Dillian stared coldly at the buzzing owl next to me.

“Why are you closing your eyes again!”


This crazy owl didn’t even blink an eye at me, and Leah
Delis, who didn’t come back, said it was strange and flew

let’s ignore It’s not that important.

The honor he had built up as a duke was drenched in mud.

This was the only blemish in my life.

Is this what it is like to become dust and disappear? He

wanted to erase his existence from people’s heads.

‘First, I’ll deal with Leah Delis, who slapped my head….’

Dillian rubbed my eyes. It was the position that Leah

Dillian, who realized this belatedly, lifted his hand in


“… crazy.”

The unconscious is so terrifying.

Dillian rolled up his lost hands and clenched his fists.

one month. Meanwhile, Leah Delis went too deep inside me

without my permission.

‘Yeah, I have to deal with it.’

When I was thinking about how to get rid of Leah,

“Dillian! Leah is gone!”

Dillion jumped up at Nathan’s urgent voice.

Episode 40.

Dillian paused when the thought naturally flowed in the

direction of saving Leah.

‘why me?’

The dragon’s heart was found, but it was delayed by a month

due to the loss of memory.

He had to return as soon as possible, throw flowers at the

Crown Prince, and return to his family.

‘I don’t have time for this. What should she do with my time?’

Dillian couldn’t find any reason to save the woman who

broke my head.
“But why….”

Why are you so worried?

“What are you murmuring about! Because Leah is in


While losing her memories, she denied that the feelings she
had for Leah were mine, but even that failed.

“… I have to go.”

First of all, let’s do what my heart tells me to do.

Let’s see her face, listen to her voice and decide what to do
with Leah.

Then you will know

What are his feelings for Leah Delis?

On the other hand, Lia, who was captured by demons and
entered the enemy’s stronghold, swallowed her saliva at the
excursion unfolding before her eyes.

“right! right! right!”

The monsters that surrounded me moved in unison like a

primitive man, making sounds like beasts.

‘Isn’t it my misunderstanding that it feels like a ritual


I looked at the demons with tired eyes and twisted my wrists.

The fortunate thing was that the tool that bound my hands
and feet was wood.

‘You can solve it by manipulating the divine power.’

It was at that time when he wiggled his hands while avoiding

the enemy’s eyes as he had learned from Nathan.
Suddenly , a bird flew away.

Boom, boom! My spine was chilled at the sound of a heavy

sound coming from somewhere.

Leah swallowed her saliva at the slowly approaching giant


‘How is that a spirit? No matter how you look at it, isn’t it the
final boss?’

I told him that Nathan had been cursed and turned into such
a terrifying figure, but it was something that could not be
seen as a spirit at all.

chup, twip. Seeing me, the spirits gave me goosebumps


“My, mine…. Power, mine….”

Oh, I see. You mean my power is coveted? this divine power?

Divinity is life. The cursed spirit tried to regain power by

consuming Lia.
‘No, isn’t that disqualifying the spirit for eating innocent

By the way, it is said that spirits are good and mysterious


The moment the eyes of the spirits boiling like lava

approached me as if they were about to eat me, Lia cut off
the tree that bound her hands and feet.

Then, he quickly rolled down the floor and put his hand on
the body of the monster in the form of a tree.

Anyway, the root is wood, so maybe it can be manipulated


A power struggle between spirits and Lia over the wooden

monsters unfolded.

‘You win, I’ll try to win.’

Leah exploded her divine power. The spirit, pushed by that

power, screamed.

Finally, Leah, who took the initiative, fled using the monster
as a shield.

Rolling over and over, Leah, who managed to hide behind a

large rock, took a rough breath.

‘Oh, I’m going to die. really.’

slowly leaned my head out, I could see the guys rushing

around looking for me.


Leah leaned her back against the rock and slid.

‘What kind of high school student is this?’

If Dillion hadn’t devastated the greenhouse, he wouldn’t

have come this far.

As I was struggling in the enemy’s stronghold, I was filled

with resentment.
I felt like I was drifting in the open sea on a paper boat, and I
was filled with tears and sadness.

‘Dillian, just come, I won’t leave you alone!’

Leah was angry, but there was a belief that Dillian would
come to find me.

Leah trusted Nathan and Dillian, and came up with a way to

overcome the current situation.

The Cursed Spirit has a terrifying appearance, but that’s

probably not what I saw.

‘There must be a body somewhere.’

Whether to find the body and purify or break the curse, once
I touch it, victory will pass over to me.

‘Can I find it?’

I do not know. But you can’t do nothing like this.

Leah crawled and looked around.

As he moved while avoiding the enemy’s eyes, he felt
something not far away.

At the end of the field of vision is a large old tree that can be
seen behind the spirit.

‘no way…?’

One day, I can’t remember when, the legend that Claude told
me came to mind.

a very long time ago. A name given to a girl by planting seeds

on a barren land.


The small and insignificant seed grew quickly and became

the lord of the forest.

Hence, this forest was called Tipi’s Forest.

‘Now everyone avoids the Black Forest.’

It was a famous story among herbalists, woodcutter, and

Tippi, the owner, is protecting this forest, and the reason the
forest is dying is because Tippi is dying.

‘That must have been true.’

As he moved hiding among the trees, the pulling force grew

stronger and stronger.

Tippi , stood in front of a large, old tree, and trembled with

an ominous energy so thick that her hair stood upright.

Here, here is the source of the curse, he was shouting.

‘If you accidentally touch it and it goes wrong…. No, I can.’

said Nathan. Her power is special.

So maybe you can do this too? No, I had to do it.

Leah slowly reached out towards the tree.

The moment your fingertips touch,


Tippi felt Leah and roared.

Leah’s body staggered as the wind poured from his mouth. It

felt like my ears were going to break.


n’t stand it. The strength is released from the hand holding
the tree. Feet were lifted slowly.

My body exploded, then.

A large torso supported her back. Tight arms wrapped

around Leah’s waist.

Leah’s face was distorted as if crying at the familiar embrace

and familiar scent.

“I couldn’t take my eyes off of you even for a moment.”

The voice he heard as a whisper in his ear sank low, as if he
was somehow angry.


Dillian quickly stepped back, holding Leah.

No matter how much Dillian was, it was a burden to fight a

spirit with a distracting size.

Moreover, he now had something to protect in his arms.

Dillian distanced himself from the enemy as much as


“You said you’d come back soon, were you playing with
something like this?”

Leah contorted her face at the words that sounded like a

“Does this look like a game?”

Leah, who was crying, responded half-talkingly without

realizing it. At the unusual voice, Dillian involuntarily bent

It was a habit I got into without realizing it.

“Where are you sick?”

Leah bit her lip at the voice of concern for me.

Dillian again, I was about to beat him up, but when I saw his
face, tears welled up.

“Why are you here now! I thought they were going to eat me,
really, scared to death.”

Dillian’s face was blurred through the tears that were welling

Perhaps he was taken aback by the sudden burst of tears,

he said, not knowing what to do.
‘When is the best time to comfort you, and why are you
acting like other people now!’

Leah spread her arms and hugged Dillion.

Pretending not to, pretending to be okay. He pretended to be

brave, but he was actually scared.

Naturally, I’ve never dealt with crazy things like this before in
my life.

thud! Dillian jumped in surprise at the sound of my heart.

Then, as far away, Leah came closer. It’s like you can’t

“Why are you avoiding me again? ….”

Dillian hurriedly covered his mouth at the hoarse voice.

Otherwise, I felt like Leah would find my mouth twitching like

a madman out of my will.

“Great, sorry. I’m sorry.”

Dillian, who was talking nonsense, quickly began to show

Leah, who was always looking for Nathan, found herself first.

At that fact, Dillian felt a sense of satisfaction and

superiority that tightened his chest.

“The face I hate to see….”

I couldn’t even hear Nathan’s tongue twitching.

Dillian gently hugged Leah.

Then , when someone hit me with a bat, my heart was

pounding and pounding.

“Were you scared?”

“Of course, why are you asking? Did they try to eat me?”

Leah snorted and grunted.

How did my fearful heart subside so quickly? I didn’t know
that the difference between having Dillian by my side and
not being there would be this big.

‘What if I go to Dillion later?’

I don’t know where I am, but I don’t know where I am.

Suddenly, I started to worry.

“I was wrong. Leaving Ms. Leah alone.”

“I know.”

dazed look was a temporary symptom. It was after Dillian

returned to his usual smirk and kindness.

“Leah, Dillian. A touching reunion is good, but choose a time

and place.”

Leah, awakened by Nathan’s bruise, saw the approaching

Tippi and stepped back.
Dillion stopped in front of him. Anytime, when approached,
he aimed his sword so that he could cut off Tippi

But in the next moment, Leah narrowed her eyes to see Tippi
over Dillian’s shoulder.

It was different from before. Tippi, who was pretending to

eat me, approached me cautiously.

Leah, who had narrowed her eyes at the desperate look,

widened her eyes.

Tears fell from his eyes, which were full of poison.

“Lee, ah….”

that mouth was definitely hers.

“hurt…. I am sick.”

Tippi stretched out her hand towards Leah, tears streaming

down like a child.
At that pitiful gesture, Leah walked out on her own under
Dillian’s protection.

“Lea, come here. It is dangerous.”

Dillian, embarrassed by Leah’s sudden action, stretched out

his hand, but Leah pushed him away and reached out
towards Tippi.

‘it’s okay. Nathan is just watching.’

That being said, my choice was not wrong.

The moment their fingertips and tips touched, the light

Episode 41.


Cock, cock, cock.

Something poked Leah’s cheek. When I opened my eyes to

the soft and supple touch, my round eyes gently curved and
smiled at her.

“Wake up!”

What is that. cotton ball…? I was speechless at the sight of a

ball of cotton the size of a palm.
Neither humans, beasts, nor monsters, beings jumped and
shook their bodies.

Okay ! It’s been a while since I was bewildered at the ball of

cotton shouting ‘Have fun!’

“Are you, Tiffy?”

“You remember!”

Then Tippi came over with a wide smile.

“How long have I been waiting for you? Why are you here


As if he knew me well, he showed a friendly attitude.

How did it happen? You called my name before, but have you
been watching me all the time?

“Tiffy. do you know me?”

“Of course.”


“I don’t know the intent of the question. There’s no way I

don’t know you.”

That’s a dumb word. When Lia tilted her head, Tippi tilted
her head as well.

“so why…?”

“Because you are you.”

Okay. It seems that the answer to this question is difficult to


Leah, who quickly gave up on the constantly disjointed

conversation, tapped Tippy’s body.

“But what about this body? Where are you?”

“Oh, this is my alter ego. easy to move And this is not mine.”
Leah slowly looks around the green meadow.

It was the sound of inside an old tree.

Common sense is impossible, but in a fantasy world, nothing

is impossible.

Leah decided not to go deep.

“Lea, will you heal me?”

“Anything I can do.”

Because I have the same desire to save the dying forest.

Then Tippi started talking with joy.

“I have been in charge of protecting mountains and forests

for a very long time.”

“yes. I know.”
“People considered me a guardian spirit and offered prayers
for me, but over the years they have been forgotten from
their memories.”

“So you are weak?”

Essentially, guardian deities and spirits come from human


people’s strength is determined by how long they are

remembered and how deep their faith is.

“right. weakened So even evil spirits could not be stopped,

and in the end, I was cursed.”

A bitter smile appeared on Tippi’s face as he recalled the


“When I died, the forest died, and the people left this place.”

From that day until now, Tippi has had a lonely fight without
anyone to help.

I endured and persevered to push the curse out somehow,

but in the end, the curse engulfed me and I went crazy.
“I’m glad you came before I completely lost my mind.”

Tippi, who smiled bashfully, led Leah saying that it will be

arriving soon.

“There it is.”

Finally, Tippi, who reached the core, pointed to the black

thorn that penetrated the tree.

“Can I remove that?”


Tippi nodded her head.

Leah walked closer and grabbed the thorn.

‘I can’t pick it because it’s too big. It’s called a curse, so let’s
break it with divine power.’

While holding the thorn with both hands and pouring out
divine power, the thorn broke and flew in the wind.
Leah, who was firmly prepared, was taken aback by what
had happened in an instant.

“Wait, is this the end? Is it too easy?”

“No one has ever done something so easy.”

Tippi’s smile, which bloomed like a flower in full bloom,

seemed more comfortable than ever.

Tippi jumped up from the spot and climbed onto Leah’s

shoulder, rubbing her body against her cheek.

“Thank you for coming before I harm more lives.”

It is a sign of affectionate and lovely affection.

Tippi’s heart was conveyed through the body temperature

she touched.

A swarm of light bursting from an old tree covered the
mountains and forests at high speed.

desolate forest. A new life began to circulate in the place

where the scent of death was thick.

New flesh sprouted from the rotten branches, and the

blackened ground was repainted with a yellowish tan.

cloudy sky cleared, and the birds that had disappeared

began to be heard in the distance.

Dillian took Leah, who had lost consciousness, in his arms

and looked around.

this good luck. This warm and friendly light.

It was a power he knew better than anyone. Because it was

the power that saved me over and over again.

‘This power is….’

Dillian stared at Leah for a long time, exhaling from her


It was dusk in the early morning when Leah woke up.

blink. When I opened my eyes, I saw a sharp jaw line beyond

my blurred vision.


Rubbing his eyes to dream of a dream, Dillian, who reacted

promptly to Leah’s movements, lowered his head.

“woke up?”

The indifferent face softened in an instant. Lia nodded her

head as if possessed by Dillian’s friendly smile.
Then, belatedly, he realized that he was cutting Dillian’s
knee and got up.



Moans erupted from both of their mouths at the same time.

It was because Leah, who got up recklessly without

calculating the distance, slammed her forehead into Dillian’s

Leah rubbed her piercing forehead and looked at Dillian’s


“Are you okay?”

“It would have been nice if our lips collided, but it’s a pity.”

That’s what you say with your eyes closed in pain.

‘I’m still less sick.’

What a smirk with such a fresh face. Leah, who looked at
Dillion with cold eyes, looked around.

‘Not a house, a hut?’

Crackled trees and crackling, burning bonfires. Next to him

was Nathan, who was sleeping soundly.

“What happened?”

“Mr. Leah slept very well, so I decided to just stay here for
one night. It was getting dark and it was dangerous to

They were staying in a small hut on the side of the mountain,

where Tippi had guided them.

“Are you all right?”

“I woke up from sleep. It’s easier.”

It wasn’t dangerous. Leah shrugged lightly.

“Are you okay, Mr. Dillian?”

“I mean?”

“Yes, Mr. Dillion, are you hurt anywhere?”

“… Am I worried?”

“…? Absolutely. Dillian, do you know what was really strange


Leah tilted her head as she looked at me with strange eyes.

‘Did I say something I couldn’t?’

Dillian blinked slowly and looked at Leah, then opened his

mouth after a while.

“… The water in the valley is so cold that I think I was in

shock for a while. It’s fine now.”

Dillian stopped laughing at the sight of Leah exhaling a sigh

of relief, saying it was fortunate.

‘Who cares about whom?’

When was the last time you received such pure concern? I
do not know. It’s been so long I can’t even remember.

He had to become the master of Sinise, and the one who

would become the master should never show weakness.

So I cut off all the words of concern for me. Punished for
being presumptuous.

Normally I should feel bad, but strangely, I felt good.

“If you don’t know, give me your hand.”

Leah’s hand that covered the back of her hand was warm.
Dillian grabbed her hand tightly.

Now let’s admit it. I just like this girl.

Leah Delis is good.

Although he lost his memory, everything he said to Leah was


It did not dilute or change as the memory returned.

A heart that beats like it’s about to burst proves it.

If you wake up and see that puffy face looking lovely, isn’t it
over already?

‘Now then, what should I do?’

Dillian looked down at Leah’s worried face and fell into


‘Should I reveal the memories returned or not?’

If you reveal all the facts and push them to take

responsibility, you will surely nod your head reluctantly.

It would be pretty easy to take him to the family as well.

But they’re afraid of me, and they’ll look for a chance to run

‘That’s not a problem.’

Dillian didn’t want Leah’s attitude toward him to change.

It was nice to come and talk without hesitation like now.

If Leah is afraid of herself and avoids her….

‘May be locked up.’

It was no joke that Dillian pretended to put shackles on


It was possessiveness that was revealed unconsciously even

though he had lost his memory.

But that’s the worst of the worst.

For himself and for Leah, he had to stop the ending.

‘After all, it’s just a way to pretend that you’ve lost your
memory and take it away.’

to take him to the family, but in the end, Leah will have no
choice but to go together.

I’ll do anything to make it happen.

“Mr. Dillian?”

Dillion, who had been silent for a long time, was strangely
surprised, and Leah gently waved his arm.

‘I don’t know how you got my name or how you know about
the curse.’

it doesn’t matter now What matters is that Leah Delis

remains by my side.

Even if Leah was Lexter’s spy, he could accept it.

Why? That would also be Leah’s weakness.

‘First of all, as soon as we go down, we should start


Dillian was relaxed even though he discovered the existence

of the curse, his only weakness.

“Mr. Leah….”

I couldn’t afford it enough, so I started making repairs.

“Yes, tell me.”

Dillian grabbed his forehead and bowed his head.

And it made an inappropriate, weak sound.

“I… Ugh.”

“Ugh! Mr. Dillian!”

“Mr. Leah, your hair….”

As she squinted her eyes and lowered her head, she felt
Leah bewildered.

“Uh, what should I do? It hurts a lot?”

Leah, panicking, gently held Dillian’s head .

Dillian didn’t miss a chance and wrapped his arms around

Leah’s waist.

Leah trembled at the hard, hot warmth that passed through

her thin clothes.
Episode 42.

Normally, Lia would have turned away and turned away, but
not today.

When I thought of Dillion, who was somehow strange, I

couldn’t push it away.

‘What if it’s really wrong?’

And the corners of Dillian’s lips, who read the changes

swiftly, drew a smooth arc.

“… Yes, it hurts like it will break.”

Dillian made a dying voice and dug into Leah’s arms.

“I think it’s too close….”

belatedly , tried to back away, but the more he did it, the
stronger his arms wrapped around his waist.

“Mr. Leah… sick….”

Leah stopped at the faint sound of Dillian that she heard for
the first time. And Dillian, a seasoned hunter, did not miss
the opportunity.

Dillian hugged Leah, who had gone away for a while, and
rubbed her head on her shoulder like a fool.

“I think I hit my head when I fell from a waterfall.”

“… hair?”

Surprised, astonished Leah asked cautiously.

“Well, I remember something…?”

Dillian desperately pulled the corners of his frowning lips.

He looked like he was about to burst into laughter as he

opened his eyes like a rabbit and was restless.
“I remember clearly how Lia saved me nicely.”

Dillian laughed loudly at Leah’s sullen expression.

“I think I’m fine….”

“no. sick.”

“Is it the aftermath? …? What do we do. The aftereffects

cannot be cured even with divine power.”

Dillian held back his laughter at Leah’s muttering words.

Whatever the aftereffects, he was perfectly normal.

My head was clearer than ever.

“I think it’ll be fine if Leah pats me.”

“Hey, like this?”

Leah patted Dillian’s head with an awkward hand.

Dillian nodded and buried his face in Leah’s neck.

Don’t let her see her face.

The red eyes that were exposed under a satisfied smile

gleamed insidiously.


The time when Dillian was working on a fix for Leah,

A commotion broke out in her house, where the owner left.

“It is already morning. But why haven’t you come back yet?”

“Obviously something happened. I have to go find it!”

“calm down. Not even a day has passed.”

were making a fuss, Jerry glanced at the mountain again and

“Trust your lord. Where are you going to be?”

“Well, Your Majesty cannot be so easily put into danger!”

“Even if you are in danger, you will get out safely!”

“But now you have lost your memory.”

At Eldman’s words, the atmosphere became somber.

that ignorant bastard.

He managed to appease the fanatics who were about to run

away, and then lit the fire again.

have to go, have to wait At that time, the knights were in a

tense confrontation.

A step away from them, Harris stared at the mountain with a

serious face.

It was the same with Harris who couldn’t sleep easily

because of worry.
However , the subject of concern is different.

Dillian? find out something He was the one who would laugh
and crawl out even if he was thrown into hell.

Harris is concerned about

‘Nam Nathan.’

It was Nathan, the divine beast who woke up after two

hundred years.

‘I wasn’t worried about Shinsoo, but….’

There is a saying in the temple:

[Worry about your family, friends, and lover while worrying

about Shinsoo.]

That meant that worrying about the gods was useless and

Harris knew that fact better than anyone, but he was still
And Nathan wasn’t the only one worried.

Leah went with Dillion .

‘It’s the one who woke up Nathan, but it’s also suspicious.’

yes, it won

It’s not enough to wake up the divine beast Nathan, is it that

he’s loved by the world?

In addition, you can suppress Dillian’s curse.

Is that possible?

I couldn’t believe it even though I had seen it with my own

two eyes.

Its power was similar to that of High Priest Aaron, but


‘Is that really divine power?’

Harris had never seen such a sight.

A golden butterfly hovering around Leah.

The butterfly is invisible to others.

It was natural . Because it was the flow. world flow.

Since it is an intangible power, it was impossible to see

unless they had good eyes like Harris.

Leah used such nonsensical power naturally, as if breathing.

As if this wasn’t even a thing.

It was not the strength that an ordinary herbalist would have.

Harris remembered the bright light that covered the

mountain last night.

It was just a guess, but Harris was sure that the light was

‘More than a herbalist….’

The door opened without warning. Harris lifted his head in a
sudden, interrupted thought.

Of course, Ludo, who thought it was Dillian, opened his

mouth with an excited face, but


“Who is telling you?”

The voice coming through the open door was as cold and
unfamiliar as the cold wind.

“You guys, who are you in this house for?”

The blue eyes gleamed. His sharp eyes, as if they were about
to tear someone apart, scanned the inside of the house.

“I can’t even see the owner of the house.”

the air constricted. There was a suffocating tension.

The knights quickly took a fighting stance. The opponent’s

momentum was not serious.
“Are you all shutting your mouth? don’t you talk All wiped out
for trespassing?”

Kanae swallowed his breath as his chin and face entered the
house harshly.


“Kanae? Do you know anyone?”

do you know someone aldamada.

Tinnitus, rabies.

It was Meimi Altran, the person of interest in the tower.


‘How long do I have to be like this?’

I’m stroking her because she has a headache, but….

Will the pain go away just like this?

‘Mom’s hand is the weak hand, what is it?’

doubts , my hand gently stroked my head.

‘It’s squishy.’

Obviously they use the same soap, but Dillian’s hair was as
soft as silk.

Dillian raised his head as he was brushing his hair.

“I love it?”

“What do you think?”

“I think you will like it. That too.”

Dillian raised an eyebrow and smiled confidently. I meekly

“Right. Mr. Dillian has good hair, too. What the hell are you

“Lea’s love?”

Ooh , really. I burst into laughter.

So, as soon as you open your eyes, it’s nonsense.

“I see you are joking and you are fine.”

I stroked my hair one last time and pushed Dillian away.

Disappointment fell from Dillian’s eyes, who had been gently
pushed away.


I tilted my head at the first sense of alienation.


“Something seems to have changed.”

Is it an illusion? I think the atmosphere has changed.

I looked closely at Dillion, but nothing had changed.

However, I felt a sense of incongruity that could not be put

into words.

“I will tell you.”

Can you please tell me? I thought it was surprising and

listened to what Dillian had to say.

“It is often said. If you die and come back to life, the world
looks different.”

“Is that so?”

As he nodded in affirmation, Dillian continued speaking with

a serious face.

“It will be very emotional. You will see the world differently,
and you will come to realize feelings that you didn’t know

Wait, something’s weird.

“It is clear that you have finally realized your love for me.”

“I don’t know anything else, and I know for sure you’re


Do I have to explain it so verbosely?

What a sense of incongruity, Dillian remained the same.

“Don’t be silly.”

“It doesn’t work.”

It was sad to see him smile, saying it was a pity.

Dillion shrugged as he smirked and shrugged.

“Put your chin here. It was swollen.”

I reached out for Dillion, and he wrapped my arms around


“Mr. Leah, I have something to tell you about the divine

Dillian grabbed me with a serious face.

“I have a constitution that does not listen to divine power.”

“yes? But, my divine power worked.”

He healed him again and again and put the curse to rest.

“I heard from Harris that I have a much higher Holy

Resistance than others.”

“Holy Resistance?”

I knew there were people who were born with divine

resistance. But it was the first time I had seen it.

“yes. For that reason, it is said that the divine power has
never been passed through. In fact, Harris even tried it.”

“How was it…?”

Dillian shook his head at my trembling question.

“He forcibly kicked Harris out. And, though weakly, I felt the
pain. Harris felt the same pain as me.”

Nonsense. There was no description anywhere in <Saint,

Aina> that Dillian did not have divine power.

Reflecting on the information I knew, I paused.

‘So, on the other hand, was there a statement that Dillian

accepted the divine power?’

No, there wasn’t.

If so, has he ever been to a temple?


Physical contact with a saint?


Dillian did not come into contact with anyone with divine
powers until the end of the story.
It was highly likely that Dillian’s words were true.

So here’s the problem.

‘Why am I the only one okay?’

The power I use is obviously divine power.

There is a difference that it comes from nature rather than

the divine in the body, but this was definitely divine power.

“But Leah’s divine power makes me feel secure and


What’s the difference? What the hell is that?

no. More importantly, what if I was the only person who

could reach Dillion, who couldn’t accept the divine power?

‘… crazy.’

Did I not set the flag properly? I wonder if I can’t escape

from that possessive and obsessive black mask for the rest
of my life.
Beetle. At the moment when the strength in his legs was
about to release, the warm, soft skin touched the palm of his

It was Dillian’s cheek. In the moment I lost my mind, he

voluntarily placed my hand on my cheek.

“Ha, do you want to be like this in the current situation? Get

off right now.”

“My head hurts.”

“Mr. Dillian seems to have his head attached to his cheek.”

“Mr. Leah, a narrow-minded way of thinking is bad.”

… Are you good at talking? It was bullshit, but Dillian had a

knack for making those bullshit sounds plausible.

You can’t win if you fight. I finally gave up and sighed.

“Are you saying I’m okay anyway?”

Dillian nodded his head.

‘Let’s check. Am I really okay with it?’

I breathed divine power into him.

Dillian puffed out his chest and exhaled a sweet breath.

“how about it?”

carefully, and Dillian turned and kissed my palm.


Hot, soft lips pressed against his palms.

His face burned at the sound of nakedness echoing in the

quiet hut.

Dillian looked at my reddened face and closed the corners of

his eyes.

He said with his lips still in the palm of my hand.

what’s good…? What the hell?!

I screamed inwardly and quickly shook off my hands.

“Mr. Dillian, really! Don’t do this. Is it okay if I just rub my

lips on Mr. Dillian’s palm?”

I was told to change my position and think about it, but

Dillian’s reaction was unusual.

He raised his hand and covered his mouth, thinking what he

was thinking.

“Would you like to try it?”

Episode 43.

My eyes were terrified at the sound of a voice that was

reminiscent of that.

“I don’t! Never!”

“That’s too bad.”

It’s sincere. Dillian, that guy, I’m serious.

The regret fell.

No, it wasn’t like this until yesterday.

Of course, he was originally a smirk, but suddenly he’s

making a sudden move like this?
in shock, he smiled.

“I feel like I’m going to die of normal happiness.”

No, that’s not normal at all.

I was blown away by the short conversation, and I shrugged

my shoulders.

It’s not usually like this, but today, there was no middle

“If it’s that good, why don’t you do it to your lover later?”

“Yes, I am.”

Dillian narrowed his eyes.

“To your wife.”

“Ah, yes….”

I answered shakily.
This guy is really cool, isn’t he? Why do you seem to have
gotten more smirk overnight?

“Yeah, you can do that for someone else, and it’s overkill
anyway. What will you do if you run away later?”

Why would women run away from a handsome man? It’s all
because I’m so obsessed.

“… Do you want to run away?”

“No, not necessarily me. Wouldn’t everyone else think so


“No one else matters.”

do i care? Even though I have no memory, this behavior is

not normal.

‘Is the divine power the problem, or is it the belief that they
are a married couple?’

There were only a couple of factors that could be

“Mr. Dillian, what are we going to do if we are really male?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Does it matter?”

“There is not.”

“I have.”


“There is!”

“I said no.”

… Are you talking nonsense because you’re hot now?

When they were blushing with each other and arguing with
‘yes or not’, a cracked voice was heard in the corner.

“… noisy.”

Nathan stumbled upon waking up .

“Nathan, are you awake? Sorry.”

I quickly picked up Nathan and held him in my arms.

“I’m going home now, are you okay?”

Soon the morning was bright. It’s a little early, but you can

“… okay.”

I guess I didn’t sleep well. It must have taken me a while to

come to my senses.

‘I will go with you.’

When I turned around and hugged Nathan, Dillian was

blocking my way.

“If we were strangers, will the time we spent together for a

month disappear? It is not.”

It was an extension of the previous conversation.

“It doesn’t go away. But Mr. Dillian believes that we should
be together because we are a couple and because I am your

I made eye contact with Dillian and spoke again and again.

“But what if I got the starting point wrong from the

beginning? What if it was all a relationship made of illusions
and misunderstandings?”

Now is the time to really know.

I spoke with a face without a single smile, and with an

extremely serious voice.

“Then what will you do?”

To be honest, I thought that Dillian would keep talking

nonsense that they were a couple. I thought he would be

But he laughed.

“Illusion and misunderstanding, well. I only trust my

He approached me and stroked my long, drooping hair.

“I am driven by my emotions.”

A hand that ran down my neck, following my hair, gently

caressed my shoulder.

“So even you don’t have the right to argue about my


The smooth raised lips looked soft and ferocious.

It doesn’t seem like you’re going to get a response.

“… Yes. That’s right.”

It was all true, so there was nothing to argue against.

Because I have no reason or authority to do that.

“… Do whatever you want.”

okay. You can do whatever you want, but if you don’t look for
memories and rush to kill me.
I passed Dillion and opened the cabin door.

When I shook my head to go, he followed me.

“Mr. Leah, don’t you feel something for me?”

“There is.”

feel it every day When I answered that, Dillian’s face showed

a faint expectation.

“It’s a feeling.”

I don’t know what you expected, but you really feel it today.


“Lia, take a good look at your feet. If you fall, you will be in
big trouble.”
“Yes, I am.”

Still worrying about me, Dillian was at a loss as to whether to

pack the herbal bag or me.

I scratched my cheek at the big bag of herbs.

I think I’m getting too excited.

‘What’s this? Huh, Breath of Snow?’

‘The spirit gave it as a reward.’

I’m not even a magpie who repaid the favor, the day will
come when I will be rewarded by the spirit.

‘Thanks to you, I’m glad that the quest was successful.’

I looked around. We could see the roof of our house in the


thank god. Because the hut we stayed in wasn’t very far from
“Everyone will be waiting, so let’s go.”

had no idea what Dillian ‘s fanatics were doing.

‘I don’t want you to mess around with my house.’

Suddenly, I rushed to my feet with the sudden stinging of


After that, the white breath he exhaled broke into the air.

“Mr. Leah, are you going to stay here?”

I shook my head at Dillian’s question.

“No, I will have to change my residence soon.”

It was safe to leave now that the location was discovered.

‘With the eye that Nathan wants to leave too.’

I shivered in the cold winter wind.

“Where are you going?”

“I think a warm place would be nice.”

At that time , I settled here without thinking, but I never

dreamed it would be this cold.

“In addition?”

“Well, I wish security was tight.”

“Security is important.”

“And I wish there were more amenities around. Also fun.”

Dillian listened quietly to me. By adding the appropriate


“What specifically are you talking about?”

Excited, I said to Dillion.

A well-maintained park, a hair salon where you can have

your hair done, and a theater that is pleasing to the eye.

It was something I had always dreamed of.

“And I wish I had a bakery. I want to eat macarons.”

“How about a cafe?”

Hey, it’s a cafe. I shut my mouth.


Life on the day off, sitting on the terrace, drinking coffee and
looking at the streets.

“It’s good just to imagine.”

I have to hide again, so the next settlement will be out of the

way, but your imagination is free, right?

“Then come with me.”


Why is it that way?

I opened my mouth at such an absurd story.

Dillian didn’t stop talking even though he saw my bewildered

“I will buy all of them as soon as I get back to my family.

Leah can go whenever she wants.”


“no. Let’s make a cafe inside the mansion.”

It’s harsh, but it’s not that much.

‘I have no memory, so my sense of money is paralyzed.’

Dillian didn’t even care about my shaky face.

“So, come with me to the Duke of Sinise.”

“Specify. And I have no intention of leaving right now.”

As soon as Dillian finished speaking, I refused.

“You just said you were going.”

“I used to leave, but I can’t leave right now because I still
have things to organize.”

Given the circumstances, I have to leave as soon as possible,

but this is the house I lived in for a year. There wasn’t a
single thing to sort out.

And I don’t want to go to the capital. I didn’t want to run into

Aina, and I didn’t want to run into Aina’s fish even more.

I accidentally got involved with Dillion, but that’s it.

If there’s one thing that worries me, Dillian says that divine
power doesn’t work.

‘What the hell do you mean that the divine power doesn’t
work? Mine works just fine. I also met Harris and talked….’

I stopped in a strangely quiet neighborhood.

I turned around because I couldn’t see Dillion, and I saw him

standing still and looking at me.

“What is it, that expression?”

“What’s on my face?”

Why , you have the face of a child who has been deprived of

“It’s no use pretending to be crooked like a child.”

“I didn’t get spooked.”

I’m not pissed You say that your voice is crooked.

“Yes, come quickly. If you don’t come, I will leave you.”

I looked at the mountain behind Dillion.


The forest that had been devastated was slowly starting to

come alive.

It was a cold winter, so I couldn’t feel the freshness of life,

but I could feel the vitality that I had never seen before.
Similarly, Dillian, who was observing the changed scenery
following my gaze, opened his mouth.

“Mr. Leah made it.”

“It still feels like a dream.”

“But it is reality.”

Dillian tapped the pole of the tree.

“A new flesh is sprouting.”

The tree that had been rotten until yesterday had a

completely different appearance.

He showed us that living, breathing forests and herbs filled

with herbs are a reality.

The Wind Blows. It’s not a cold wind that will freeze you
down to your bones, but a gentle and gentle wind.

A small whisper was heard between them.

‘Lea, you’re awake.’

Who is it? I turned around, startled by the sudden voice, but

there was no one there.

“Mr. Leah?”

I was the only one who heard the voice, Dillian asked in a
puzzled voice.

“that is….”

I bit my lip and then shook my head.

He seemed to know who the owner of the voice was.


The owner of the voice was Tippi.

‘yes! Leah. Are you leaving already?’

‘Yes, I should go now.’

‘Hey, before the end of your life, can you come see me?’

‘okay. I’ll come.’

‘I promise.’


I stopped laughing at the tickling sound of laughter.


It’s all here! Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I opened

the door with a light footstep.

But what was waiting for me was a house that had been

“Hey, how did this happen?”

My nest is…! My Sweet Home disappeared overnight.

It has become a sea of fire!

collapsed roof, and the wind blew through holes in the


The blanket I loved the most was rags and fluttered as it

hung on the window sill.

‘Did you get hit by a bomb?’

If not for that, there’s no way the house can’t be destroyed in

one day.

“Mr. Leah, would you like to go with me?”

Dillian’s joyous voice rang in my ears.

are you happy i want to cry

“Come with me, madam. I will do well.”

I closed my eyes at the joyous voice of Dillian.

Life is called C (choice) between B (birth) and D (death).

no it’s wrong

Life is a step C between B (birth) and D (death).

Chapter 5. Shadows Approaching
Episode 44.

I looked at the house in disbelief, and hurriedly ran towards

the yard.


There’s no such thing as a shitpost.

My eyes were dizzy from the flames rising from all directions.

“what’s this….”

Rather, the condition of the collapsed house was a mess.

“Where did my Leah go! These children!”

“How many times do I have to tell you that I went to the
mountain for a request to understand?”

“Then why are you doing the quest until now? If it’s Lia, you
should have already finished the quest and come and wait
for me!”

And the culprit behind all this did not stop fighting even
when I came.

“You must try to deceive people with plausible words!”

“… I can see why they are called rabies. You’re really crazy.”

Whether the knights hated it or not, Mei pushed them back

again and again.

“Lea doesn’t have anything, so if you shake it off, only dust

comes out!”

“Cancel that word, wizard! Your Majesty has our Highness!”

Ludo, a huge Dillian fan, couldn’t stand it and screamed.

“Who is your sire?”

“It’s Dillion Sinise!”

“What? That crazy guy?”

“Who are you calling me crazy?”

… That crazy guy is listening to everything right next to me.

“… may.”

I grabbed her flaky hair and called her.

“Why does Leah have that madman? Leah has a very

handsome husband, right?”

“May, can’t you hear me?”

I swung my arms high, but Mei’s gaze was fixed on Ludo.

“husband? Madam’s husband is ours! And our Highness

doesn’t fall anywhere with a face!”
“excuse me? Can’t you hear me!”

“What! Even our Lia won’t lose anywhere with her face!”

I can’t hear you. I see I’m screaming into the air by myself.

I shut my eyes slowly.

“… God, I will kill these bastards and go to Hell.”

With a sharp tooth, I blushed and ran towards the two

fighting men.

It was Dillian who stopped me.

Dillian’s strong arms wrapped around my waist.

“Let it go! I’m going to kill them and go to hell!”

“Mr. Leah, you can’t.”

“Why not?”
Am I wrong? When he opened his axe’s eyes and looked at
Dillion, he shook his head flutteringly.

“Mr. Leah is going to heaven. Even if you kill them all, you
will go to heaven, so don’t worry and take care of it.”

For a moment, I was speechless at the bold suggestion of

murder, and I trembled in the warmth of the back of my

Dillion, who suddenly grabbed my hand, whispered in a soft


“no. There’s no need to get Leah’s hands dirty. I take care of


At the words of Dillian, who had turned firmly, the spirit that
had left the house returned.

‘If it’s Dillian, maybe it’s real….’

I let out a long sigh and relaxed my shoulders. Then he

lightly tapped Dillian’s arm.
“That’s Okay. It’s just the way it is. I’ve calmed down, so
please let me go.”

But the arm that wrapped around his waist did not come

The more I tried to force it off, the deeper it tightened me.

“Mr. Dillian?”

“It’s scary. Look at those ugly eyes.”

As I looked up, following Dillian’s gaze, I saw people

watching us with their mouths open.

The war-like fighting had long since ceased.

‘… Where do you see the ugly eyes?’

Whether I’m embarrassed or not, Dillian put his chin on my


He was just being caught by him.

‘You idiot, you got hit again.’

In the end, without being able to get away from him, he had
no choice but to watch their faces change from moment to

It turned white, then it got blue, then it changed to trembling,

and then it was dyed red.

very different.

“… Don’t just look at me, help me.”

At those words, Mei and Ludo rushed to run.



Avoiding Mei running away with open arms, I pulled her ear.

“May, what the hell are you doing in someone else’s house!”

“ah. hurt! Leah, I think my ears are going to fall off!”

Twisting her earlobe, Mei whined in pain.

Ignoring the cries, I sharply slashed at the salivating knights.

“Are you smashing the house for taking care of it?”

“Well, that’s because he attacked first…. sorry!”

The knights bowed their heads and apologized.

I knew it would be like this Again, Mei ran back and forth.

“Why did you attack all of them?”

“Because you keep lying that you went to the mountains! I

thought you were kidnapped!”

Mei groaned as if she couldn’t get rid of it.

“You were attacked not too long ago! Did I track that
weapon? But do you know where it is? It was the Brent
family. The Duke of Sinai’s is a collusion!”

Mei pointed a finger at Ludo.

“By the way, these guys are just Sinise dogs. Of course, I
thought these guys were coming to catch you again, but they
actually went to the mountains…?”

like fire, got smaller and smaller, and at the end of the day,
she looked at the distant mountain and started doing other

So, it is said that all of this stemmed from Mei’s


It’s misleading given the circumstances, but it’s true,

smashing the house?

I slapped Mei on the back and looked at the messed up

house with dismayed eyes.

“I still have a contract left…. Where else do you sleep? ….”

Tears welled up in my eyes when a real problem came to my


Then, embarrassed, May held me in her arms and comforted

“Do not cry. You have me! You can go home!”

“What are you worried about?” said May in a confident voice.

I sniffled and looked at May’s house.

“You don’t ride it all….”

It was natural. Because May and my house were right next


It was predicted from the moment my house disappeared

into ashes.

Mei, who found her house that had caught on fire later,

“My house….”

Mei muttered with a bewildered face.

I looked bitterly at the ruined house. But something was

‘Why is the shadow so big?’

I cast my gaze under the window.

The shadows under the blankets fluttering in the wind

seemed particularly thick and large.

“Mr. Leah, what is there?”

I turned to Dillion and pointed under the blanket .


I blurted out my words. The heterogeneity I felt earlier was

after it disappeared.

“it’s nothing. I must have misunderstood because of the


Seriously, the house looks like that, but there’s no way it’s

I quickly erased it from my memory.


I lost my home overnight, and I had no choice but to follow

the knights to the inn.

“Leah, I’m sorry….”

“I’m sorry, Leah!”


I shook my head helplessly at the alternating apology.

Tired. I didn’t even have the strength to be angry anymore.

‘It’s okay because I said that Mei and the Knights were
responsible for the collapsed house.’

Because I promised to make sure to compensate for the

I lost my house, but when I got more than that, the thought
of ‘what’s up?’ ran through my head.

More concerned about it was Dillian.

‘Is that good?’

From the moment he saw the house collapse until now, a

smile never left Dillian’s face.

Harris and the Knights were so bright that they were


‘Even if the house collapses, I have no intention of going to

the Duke of Sinise.’

I’ll go there because I’m crazy. I’d rather be homeless.

‘You don’t have to fall for that face.’

Let’s keep our composure, and don’t let Dillion see any gaps.

It hasn’t even been a minute since I made that promise….

“What is this?”

I’m at a loss for words.

“What kind of room….”

I was half psyched by the ashes of the house, and I received

the key as it was, not knowing what the room the innkeeper
had given me.

But a catastrophe like this will happen.

The large bed was just enough for two people.

Dillian led me, still unconscious.

“You must be tired, so let’s wash up….”

At that moment, May, who quickly grabbed me, pushed

Dillian away and closed the door.

shudder. Mei, who locked the door tightly, grabbed my

“Leah, you bastard! Your husband is Dillian Sinise? That
monster peacock?”

“Not my husband.”

“It’s not that important, is it?”

Even if he loses his memory, it doesn’t change that he is

Duke of Sinai.

As I nodded affirmatively, Mei slapped my cheek, which had

turned white.

“I am an idiot! To push you into limbs!”

“right. It’s half your fault.”

Then , Mei’s hand slapped her cheek with strength.

‘That’s where all the balls will explode.’

I’ve been a little grumpy, and I’m sure you’ll react so

I stopped Mei from hitting me on the cheek all the time.

“Stop it now.”

“If I had known that handsome face was the Duke of Sinise, I
wouldn’t have done it!”

Mei gripped her throbbing cheeks and regretted it


But by the time you regret it, it’s already too late.


Dillian already believed in me as his wife.

Look, the tenacity to open the locked door and come in.

“crazy! Where do you come from?”

Mei was startled by the wide open door.

“It seems that May has found the wrong room.”


“Mr. May’s room is over there. This is my room.”

“Why is this your room?”

Unlike the first meeting, which was full of goodwill and

sympathy, May’s face was filled with a light of vigilance.

Conversely, Dillion was more relaxed than ever.

“It is natural for a couple to use oriental medicine, but what

is the problem?”

It became more slick.

“You are talking like a couple! You and Leah are strangers!”

At that moment, Dillian’s eyes went cold.

“When I asked who was cheating on Ms. Leah, it was you.

Third parties will not fall out.”
“What? third person? Hey, handsome Duke, Leah and I are
like family!”

“Aren’t we friends by the way? I don’t think it’s something to

say in front of a couple who are more closely connected than

Mei sighed and snorted.

“There is no misunderstanding. When the memory comes

back later, I will be embarrassed and want to die. pity you.”

Mei, the spout of fear, sarcastically towards Dillion.

But the opponent is the snout of hell.

“I pity you more.”

“What am I?”

“I pity you for not knowing the beauty of love.”

“Crazy, shut up!”

Mei, who started a game on the word love, trembled.

“Leah, that bird X is crazy.”

“I’m crazy about Leah.”

“Ah! I hate to hear it!”

Mei collapsed at the bitter defeat she tasted for the first

Dillian looked at me with a triumphant face.

Dillian, who had been holding my hand all the time, kissed
the back of his hand. Like a knight returning victorious from

His face turned red at that sublime kiss.

“Mr. Leah, you have slain the heinous foe that stood in the
way of our love.”

Mei, who suddenly became a villain, grabbed the back of her

“Then please leave the uninvited guests.”

“Who is the uninvited…!”

Dillian snapped his finger, and May disappeared.

As I looked around in embarrassment, Dillian grabbed my

cheek and fixed it.

“Don’t worry, Kanae sent you to the next room.”

He whispered, charmingly folding the corners of his eyes.

“Because you defeated the enemy, you should be rewarded,


“Yes Yes?”

Watching the fight between May and Dillion with an exciting

face, I was unable to adapt to the sudden change of
atmosphere and struggled.

I came to my senses late and pulled back, but I bumped into

a wall.
There was no more place to retreat.

“Will you give me a prize?”

“So, what kind of prize…?”

I was suddenly caught up in the atmosphere, and as I

responded, Dillian lightly pressed his lower lip with his

“Of course it is a kiss of victory.”

My eyes twirled round and round at the face of the beauty

that was slowly approaching me.

Dillian’s sharp nostrils hit my nose.

Episode 45.

It had been less than 10 minutes since I promised Dillian

that I would never fall for him, but I was swept away again,
and I hurriedly raised my hands to cover his mouth.

Dillian’s eyes widened as he got blocked in front of him.

“what a waste.”

Their eyes met, and they curled up like foxes.

- Leah! This sister will save you soon!

- Sinise, you fucking fox cub! Just touch Leah’s body! Then
you will die and I will live!

Leah said, looking at the red eyes that were still glimmering
in front of her.

“Mr. Dillian, May is mad.”

“Yes, I can tell just by hearing your voice.”

It sounds very good. The roar of the rabies.

‘You’ll see the madness of the horse tower here.’

I had heard of it and knew it existed, but this was my first

time seeing the real thing.

It must have been the same with rabies.

‘So he must have made fun of me by deceiving me as Lia’s

As a result, her ignorance helped me.

Dillian expressed his gratitude inwardly.

Gratitude as small as a fingernail.

‘By the way, it’s a big deal because crazy dogs keep sticking

Those crazy dogs were Maimie Altran and herself.

Dillian, who called himself a mad dog, looked down at Leah

with a serious expression.

It was a defenseless face that wouldn’t be strange if it was

eaten right away.

I was terrified of being bitten by the wrong crazy dog.

Or swallowed in one bite.

‘I’ll take good care of it.’

Leah trembled as Dillian sighed worriedly.

Dillian still had his face buried in my hands, so his numbness

Every time Dillian spoke, his palms tickled . And it was hot.

I shuddered at the feeling of my toes being fine, but I

couldn’t get my hands off it.

If you put your hand away, you will definitely get hit.

Dillion is a seasoned hunter who never misses a chance.

Leah, who happened to be Dillian’s prey, carefully pushed

his face away.

“If May sees this, she will try to kill Mr. Dillion.”

“Are you worried about me? be kind too Do not worry. I win.”

I’m not worried. Dillian, who interprets it as he pleases, bent

his eyes mischievously.

Even if he said that, Dillian leaned back and obeyed Leah’s

Sometimes you have to know how to step back.

‘If you get closer than this, you will run away.’

Recklessly rushing in will only instill fear in the other person

and make them tired.

Dillian decided to wait.

‘Because there are still many opportunities.’

Dillian smiled softly and tapped the back of Leah’s hand.

“So, when are you going to give me the prize?”

“… You never said you’d give it to me, did you?”

Mei wasn’t an enemy in the first place,” said Dillian, raising

his eyebrows.

Despite Dillian’s sullen face, Lia firmly shook her head.

“It’s no use making a dog face in the rain.”

“Am I cute like a puppy?”


Leah was at a loss for words.

‘What kind of bullshit, that face.’

Even after reading Leah’s thoughts accurately, Dillian

pretended not to know and insisted on an answer.

“If it’s cute, will you let me touch it?”

Flicking through Leah’s hair, she added a compelling reason.

“As an award.”

“You mean hair, right?”

Dillian, who was gently touching the pinna buried in Leah’s

hair, stopped moving.

No more. Dillian narrowed his eyes as he drew the line in

“I’m sorry. It would be nice if I didn’t have to look a little bit.”

I mean, it’s good to see you in an unexpected place.

Dillian muttered inwardly, and Leah smirked.


So, if I hadn’t specified it was my hair, I was going to do

whatever I wanted, right?

Leah couldn’t stand the shameful act of being sarcastic and


“What is your personality like? Or did you lose your memory

and become shameless?”

“I do not know. What do you think?”

No, what if you ask me about it….

Dillian, who was silently looking down at Leah’s face in

embarrassment, let out a light smile and wrapped her arms
around her hair.
“This is limited to Leah. I can’t do this to anyone else, can I?”

If you slit your neck, you spit it out, this is the first time
you’ve been treated so carefully and so kindly.

But it was impossible to say to Leah.

To her, she has to be a pitiful patient who has lost her

memory, or a person with a sense of guilt and debt for
having hit her head.

‘Because I got caught by a guy like me.’

Leah is cute, but what can I do? what I wanted to have

Dillian, smiling like a villain, kissed the tip of Leah’s hair.

“I am not unscrupulous enough to do this to a woman other

than my wife.”

The truth can’t be revealed yet. Until I completely entangled


“I’m the only one with Leah.”

Dillian buried his face in Leah’s hair to cover his face.

Leah, unable to understand his nefarious intentions, acted

like a sigh.

‘It’s my duty…. You got caught up in Dillion again….’

Dillian’s hard chest was blocking the front, and a harder wall
was blocking the back.

The escape route had long since been blocked, and her hair
fell into Dillian’s hands without a break.

‘I do not know.’

No matter what I say, they won’t listen, so I’ll have to give up


It’s about the size of your hair, because it doesn’t wear out
when you touch it.

“Mr. Leah.”

Leah quickly looked up at the voice calling my name.

Dillian was just calling out my name with a face full of
excitement, as if savoring it.

Leah swallowed her breath at the unfamiliar face she had

seen for the first time.


It’s a name I’ve always called, but it felt strangely unfamiliar.

I was a bit embarrassed and my face got hot.

When I saw the face that was focused only on me, my lips
were dry and my saliva went down without me realizing it.

‘That face is a foul.’

My heart raced as if I had run a hundred meters. It was a

face that was overly irritating to the heart.

Leah caught Dillian’s gaze and raised her hand and gently
touched his cheek.

It was an unconscious action.

my finger tapped and touched my cheek, my lowered eyelids
slowly floated up.

The moment the exposed red eyes captured her, Lia

swallowed her breath in shock.

But it’s too late to run away.

Dillian grabbed his hand as if he was waiting.

“Mr. Leah.”

“Yes Yes?”

Dillian’s subdued voice irritated his ears.

“The house has collapsed, and Ms. Leah knows that this
town is no longer safe.”


“You never know when, where, or who will attack Mr. Leah.”
he said. Since I noticed my position in the Great War, this
place was no longer safe.

“I will protect you. Come with me.”


That’s weird. We’re not related.

Her words did not come out of her mouth.

Because Dillian hit the player first.

“Are you sure you don’t want to leave me alone?”

“that is….”

“I have no memory, and the only person I know is Leah. Are

you going to tell me to go to an unfamiliar and scary place by

When I asked if he was such an irresponsible person, Leah

was speechless.
Leah hesitated, Dillian continued to push.

“It’s fair. If Ms. Leah abandons me, who should I trust and
rely on?”


“I feel like I am left alone in the world.”

Dillian looked at Leah with a desperate face in the world.

Confused, Leah stuttered and comforted him.

“Bur, it’s thrown away. How many people are around Mr.
Dillian? There is Mr. Harris, and there are the Knights.”

“To me, they are strangers. There is a sense of distance that

cannot be narrowed. The only person I can trust is Ms.


Dillian pulled his lips together without showing any signs of

embarrassment and not knowing what to do with Leah.
perfectly crafted mask, you gain the admiration of your
opponent. That was what Dillian did best.

And, as expected, Leah came over as he wanted little by


“I’m the only one with Ms. Leah, so will Ms. Leah abandon

Leah closed her eyes at the desperate voice.

The original villain, Dillian Sinise, is terrifying and

frightening, but Dillian Sinise, who has lost his memory, is

Everything was my fault. Because it was me who made him

into a child who knew nothing.

‘responsibility… Should I lose?’

Dillian, noticing Leah’s mess, nailed it.

“Mr. Leah, you are the master of my world.”

shit…. Don’t be romantic.

Leah was about to answer that I would go with her without

realizing it.

- Leah! You must not be possessed by a fox cub!

Bang, bang! Leah, awakened by the sound of a knock on the

door, secretly avoided Dillian’s eyes.

“… I’ll discuss it with Nathan.”


Dillian gritted his teeth inwardly.

‘It’s almost over, that crazy dog.’

Dillian, who thoroughly hid his inner feelings, nodded with a

friendly face.

Leah, who was getting out of Dillian’s arms, stopped.

‘yes? What is that?’

A black shadow passed through the window.

‘People… No, is it a wild beast?’

My eyes were drawn to the small scenery that I would not

normally have noticed.

A pure white world covered with snow, trees drooping down

because of snow, and footprints of people and animals in the

Long shadows below the building.

And a stranger who appeared in it.

As if crawling up from a swamp, the shadow on the ground

raised its head and found Leah.

As if he had expected it to be there.

eyes met

It was just that, and I had chills on my back and goosebumps

on my arms.
‘What is that?’

unfamiliar existence, the sound of knocking on the door as if

it would break woke me up.
Episode 46.

“May, stop calming down….”

As soon as she came out, May suddenly grabbed her by the


“Leah, absolutely not!”

Leah shrugged her head at the loud voice that pierced her

Mei shook Leah’s shoulder violently.

“This sister is unacceptable! I can’t allow it!”

“No, what are you talking about?”

Mei mumbled unfamiliar words over and over again, and put
Leah on her shoulder.

Whoops, I heard a gasp around me.

The knights focused on the scene similar to the kidnapping.

‘Isn’t it supposed to stop?’

She knew that Mei couldn’t harm Leah, but she was a bit
suspicious because her momentum was unusual.

They exchanged glances and put their hands on their


However, Lia, the party involved, only frowned, and did not
impose any special sanctions.

Leah was just bewildered.

“May, why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

It’s not a day or two that Mei behaves strangely, but

shouldn’t we know why?
“Everyone is doing this to protect you.”

Mei said bitterly and pointed a finger at Dillian who had

followed Leah.

“This scoundrel! Don’t just trust your face and don’t talk to
me, no matter what you do, you’ll never take Leah!”

Mei spit out a swearing warning to Dillion, and immediately

stepped on the railing and jumped off.

The knights were astonished to see them jump off the

second floor at once.

‘He’s a wizard! Are you a muscle wizard? Isn’t even the brain
made of muscles?’

It seems that magicians have poor physical abilities, but it

seems that it did not apply to the mad dog in the tower.

“Are you human? ….”

It was then that he was muttering as he looked at Mei’s back

as he ran out of the inn.
My body trembled and trembled as my skin was tingling.

“How dare you steal your wife in front of me. Good guts.”

The protagonist of life was Dillian.

The knights, who met Dillian’s eyes, shrugged their


Those eyes, that voice, that atmosphere.

‘Your memory is back!’

The knights who recognized their master at once fell down

before him.

Dillian looked down at them with cold eyes and ordered.

“Come. right now.”

The knights bowed their heads in delight at the natural,

arrogant and cold voice.

The knights quickly dispersed. They rushed out and
disappeared from view in the blink of an eye.

The guests glanced at Dillion at the sight that is rarely seen

in a quiet inn.

Harris was also in that gaze.

“You remember….”

are you back That short back story didn’t come out.

He shut his mouth at Dillian’s cold eyes.

‘Shut up. Don’t open your mouth.’

Seeing those menacing eyes, Harris smirked.

‘Live and live, I see Dillian Sinise regretting it.’

Even if everyone in the world finds out, he seems to want to

hide it from Leah until the end.
It was pitiful for Ms. Lia to be caught by such a guy, but on
the other hand, I was glad that a man appeared with a leash
around that crazy dog’s neck.

And Dillian would take Leah to the capital at any cost, so he

was able to let go of the hour.

‘I’m sorry, Ms. Leah.’

Harris gave a deep apology to himself.


The stomach, which was crushed by the shoulders of Ukshin

and Mei, was uncomfortable.


I sighed as I hung on May’s shoulder.

‘Dillian was unwavering comfort….’

Unconsciously thinking of Dillion, I trembled and shook my


“May. Where are you going?”

“Wherever you can avoid that fox!”

“fox? Are you talking about Dillian?”

May frowned without saying a word. A wrinkled face

replaced the answer.

“Because I don’t know what kind of trick that kid will do.”

“Wizard! You kidnapped the devil! Release him now!”

“Look at that. I rushed like a deokdal just because I took you.

An obsessive man is unattractive.”

When I asked who was yelling like this, it was Ludo who
growled when he made eye contact with Mei.
“lady! Please wait! We will save you!!”

‘If anyone sees it, you’ll think I’ve been kidnapped.’

And it’s not ma’am.

Ludo didn’t even think about changing his title because my

existence had been engraved in Ludo’s head as a madam.

So the outrageous chase began.

Indeed, the Knights of Shaten were as quick as Dillion’s elite


However, even the knights could not defeat Mei, who was
once a fugitive.

Mei, who leisurely ravaged the knights while stirring the

narrow alleys, dropped me off in a quiet place.

“I’m not going to follow you all the way here.”

Mei looked around.

“May, why?”

Dillian’s manner of scratching the insides of people seemed

to be annoying, but I didn’t know he would be so vigilant.

I stared at Mei as she ripped off my hair.

She spins round and round like a desperate puppy, and then,
ah-ah-! shouted

“Lea! Are you really going to go with that fox, Dillian?”

“yes? Where?”

“Where are you, capital city!”


I blinked at the first news I heard.

Mei pounded her chest as if she was frustrated with my

attitude like this.

“Nathan’s going to go with the Duke of Sinise!”

“I and Dillian…?”

what is this again Of course, I almost fell into the beauty

world earlier! But I never said I was going….

“Even if you go to hell, I can follow you! But the Duke of

Sinais is too dangerous.”

May grabbed my shoulder tightly.

“Aren’t you going?”

“May, calm down and tell me what happened.”

I grew up and comforted Mei, who begged earnestly.


The end of the case was this.

When Leah almost fell for Dillian’s beauty world.

May was working hard to convince Nathan.

“Nathan! Never a capital city!”

“Nathan, you must go to the capital.”

But there was someone who got in the way.

It was the paladin commander, Harris.

“You are funny. where are you going Do you think Leah will
go to that dangerous place?”

“Do you think it makes sense for a talented person like Ms.
Lia to rot their talents in a country like this?”

“That, that!”

To deny here is to insult Leah. Jin Mei sharpened her teeth

in the fight.

“may. Calm down. Now is the time to go back.”

“But Nathan! You said it before. Darkness reigns over the
capital. You decided to avoid there!”

darkness .

It was a term referring to the monsters that had recently

started appearing in the capital.

Appeared about two months ago.

Late at night, he appeared for the first time while eating a

priest on his way home.

After that day, the imperial family declared a major state of

emergency, but so far the effect was insignificant.

Because of the nature of ‘darkness’ that hides and moves in

the shadows, it was difficult to catch them.

“Am I right?”

Harris silently affirmed May’s aggressive gaze.

“What May Altran said is true.”

“Look at this. They say they like divine power so much, so
Leah should go there. Isn’t that a very tasty prey?”

be no Jinsu Sungchan. I will drool and run.

Mei shook her head at the clear future.

Harris exclaimed urgently, fearing that Nathan might change

his mind.

“It will never happen. The shrine will put Lia’s safety first.”

“under! I can do that too. And do you think we’ll leave Leah
alone in the temple? Lia must have been hiding for a year for

“That’s also true.”

As Nathan chimed in, Harris rushed over to him.

“We will deal with that without any problems. Rather, Aaron
will be delighted that Nathan is awake.”
Harris, who worked hard to persuade Nathan, looked at May
with a pathetic look.

“ And even if you don’t go to the capital, it’s only a matter of

time before the dark finds out Mr. Leah’s location.”

Harris’ words weren’t just to convince Nathan.

Darkness was spreading its demonic beasts not only in the

capital, but also throughout the empire.

It doesn’t seem to have spread all the way to the

northernmost point, but it’s just a matter of time.

“Hey, paladin. Is Nathan exactly what the knight is aiming for

now? Is it our Lia?”

May crossed her legs and raised her chin threateningly

towards Harris.

Harris frowned at the bad-tempered attitude.

“I’m going to take you both.”

“That’s not allowed. If you’re going to the capital, just take
Nathan. I’ll take Leah with me.”


been abandoned in an instant, jumped up.

“It’s difficult. It’s hard to get over it once you’ve confirmed

Lia’s power.”

The cursed forest was revived overnight. On the day Leah

headed to the mountain.

It was clear that Leah had revived the dying mountains and

Knowing that fact, Harris could never miss Leah as well.

“Are you going to use our Lia as a dog in the temple?”

“Dog…. Hey, how about doing something like thinking when

you talk?”
May reveals her teeth to Harris, and Harris looks down on
her with pitiful eyes.

At a moment’s notice, Nathan flew up and blocked the two of


“Stop, stop!”

two of you bite and rip it off, in the end, the decision rests
with Nathan.

“We will not go to the Great Commission or the Tower.”


Mei narrowed her eyebrows at Nathan, who denied all


“I’m going with Dillion.”


“Dillian, what do you mean?”

Terrified Mei squealed. Even Harris had a shaky face.

“Yes, I will go to the Duke of Sinise.”

“Why are you there? He’s the most dangerous, isn’t he?”

“No, for now, it’s safest to be with him.”

Mei, who turned her eyes at those words, immediately ran

away by bossing Leah.


“It’s safe, damn it. He is the most dangerous.”

May growled wildly.

“Lea, you don’t know, so be careful. You are the most

delicious food here.”
As soon as she finished speaking, I remembered what I saw
out the window.

‘Did you see the darkness before?’

hey, maybe You said darkness is in the capital. You could

have come all the way to Wilhelm.

“Leah, the capital is also dangerous. Let’s find a house in the

warm south and live together.”

May never wanted to go back to the capital, but I had a

different idea.

Dillian won’t give up on me. Wherever I go, won’t they chase

me and take me to the duke’s mansion?

And I kept thinking about acting as if I had no place to put

my heart in the world.

“… Would it be okay to go to the capital? Your brother

always seemed to want us to come to the capital.”

Mei’s eyes grew cold as she hinted that she wanted to go to

the capital city.
“I don’t need him. throw away.”

“I also said that Ma Thap wanted to see you. You must be

very sick.”

“Heh, inspiration, I think it’s finally time to go.”

May licked her lips and grunted.

I hit Mei for being harsh.

“May, you’re still my father.”

Episode 47.

“I never had a father like that. He’s not even a real father
after all.”

Mei expressed her dislike for the former Ma Thapju.

I did just that. Because he was the one who branded Mei a

The former Ma Thapju, who had no children under them,

adopted two children at the age of infidelity.

The two carefully selected children were geniuses. However,

Mei, who was too free-spirited, did not become a vessel for
the mato-juju, and in every case caused friction with her
Then, one day, a top-notch potion made by Ma Tapp-Joo
with a lot of effort is found smashed.

he thought it was Mei’s work, and he got angry, and Mei,

who was unfair, used evil to fight back.

Ma Thap-ju, who would normally have steered him

moderately, was angry this time and spoke harsh words to
Mei, and Mei responded without losing.

The fight that was determined and scratched each other

quickly devastated the surroundings.

Would you believe it if I said that half of the tower was blown
away in the fight between the two?

When the tower, which boasted a long history, collapsed, the

master of the tower was angry and expelled Mei from the

Mei ran out of the tower saying it was fine.

And I picked up her wandering around.

Others murmured that Mei, who did not become the next
horseman, had a vengeance, but in my opinion, it was just a
dog fight between a novice father and his teenage daughter.

‘The problem is that the scale is too large.’

any one bends over, but the problem was that both were
stubborn and stubborn.

“If you don’t like it, I won’t force you any more. But May, it’s
your chance to clear up the misunderstanding and remove
the traitor brand. You can restore your honor.”

“take no interest. What if you get branded as a traitor? No

one can touch me anyway.”

She grabbed my hand and said it didn’t really matter.

“And I have no interest in honor. I only need you. You are

more important.”


My heart fluttered at Mei’s sincerity. I didn’t know you were

thinking of me like this.
The nose was cold.

“So we, in a quiet place—”

At that moment, Mei’s eyes shone sharply.

Her hand wrapped around mine, and strength entered.

“It’s really jingle. Did you follow me all the way here?”

After that, Mei, who had blown her bangs wildly in the wind,
rolled up her arms.

“Lea, I’m just waiting here. They are coming with George.”

“Me too-.”

“No, I can’t show you such a messy sight.”

May smiled wickedly like a bad boy.

How badly to bother.

I swore to her with concern.

“Don’t kill me.”

“Then I will kill you half.”

willpower to take it one way or another.

Even if no one else knows, Ludo will get it.

It was a time to send deep condolences to an ardent boy.


Something quickly passed by the edge of my vision. I looked

back reflexively, but there was no one there.

I rolled my eyes.


No answer.


Still no answer I didn’t feel good.

As if someone was watching me, the back of my back

‘Is it an illusion?’

I made sure no one was there….

I got anxious and slowly got up. And I walked away

pretending to be nothing.

Even though I moved away from the place, the gaze that
followed me did not disappear.

‘I guess because May said that….’

I gradually accelerated to find May.

“May, where did you go!”

As I turned the corner of the alley while calling her

desperately, my body bumped into a sudden protruding In-

As I staggered as I bounced off the large, solid body, it
wrapped around my waist with agile speed.

I swallowed my breath in the twinkling red eyes in front of


A beautiful face, like a work of art sculpted by God, was

looking at me in front of me.

thud. It felt like my heart was beating in my ears.

“Lia, where are you in such a hurry….”

I stared blankly at Dillian’s face.

It was then that I felt a familiar scent, a familiar voice, and a

familiar body temperature.

At that moment, strength was released from the body that

had been hardened by tension.

“Mr. Dillian!”
As if I had found a place to rest, I clinged to him and looked

“Something keeps chasing me.”

At that moment, Dillian’s red eyes, which had been stained

with embarrassment, shone eerily.

“How do you feel?”

“I don’t know. It’s a very unpleasant look.”

As I shook my shoulders, Dillian held me in his arms as if

protecting me.

Normally I would have gotten away with disgust, but today, I

stuck with it first.

‘It’s all over. Just try to come.’

A long shadow fell over my head, as if laughing at me, who

believed in Dillion and was relieved.

That’s the shadow our eyes met in the inn.

At the same time, the purple eyes we met were smiling at

the same time,

A black mass rose from under the wall.

One , two, three….

I held my breath at the sudden increase in number.

That wasn’t the shadow I was familiar with.

It was not a flat figure attached to the floor or wall, but a

figure standing on the ground like a human.

But the figure was not human.

A black, sticky mass gurgled and twisted.

“D. Dillian, behind you…!”

Then, the demonic monster reacted quickly to my voice and
opened both eyes that had been closed.

At first, the purple eyes, which had been groping in the air
without finding anything, looked at me precisely.

At that moment, I was aware of its existence.

‘May warned…!’

iron puck.

I was at a loss for words as my head fell to the floor, not

where I should have been.


“Certainly, that’s an eerie look.”

As for when he drew his sword, Dillian clicked his tongue in

the thick liquid.

“You dared look at Leah with dirty eyes, and you made me
want to die.”
I secretly looked away from the body of the monster that had
collapsed in vain.

… Isn’t it dark?


I thought it was too weak compared to the rumors, so I

quickly withdrew the idea.

Enraged at the death of their comrades, the monsters

opened their mouths bizarrely.

A black, thick liquid like tar dripped from his mouth to the

Unlike the blackened floor, my hair turned white.

It felt different from the monster Tippi met in the mountains.

That monster took on the form of a curse.

It was such a vicious and terrifying energy.

“Mr. Dillian, I think they are angry.”

As if it was the correct answer, the demon rushed towards


At that moment, my body trembled greatly. Dillian hugged

me and separated the distance from the monster.

“Mr. Dillian, what are you going to do?”

“You have to kill them all.”

“Then, drop me off and take it easy….”

“It would be nice, but I can’t because I’m afraid I’ll take Mr.
Leah right away as soon as I put it down.”

As Dillian said, the remaining three monsters were aiming for

There, the monster that I thought was dead was absorbed by
other monsters with fragments and grew in size.

The more Dillian sliced it, the more his body grew.

Even the nukes were invisible.

We had to find a way out of this situation quickly.

‘If it’s a form similar to a curse, won’t my divine power work?’

n’t even eat it. I whispered while holding Dillian’s neck.

“I will use my divine power. You have to keep it until then.


“That’s my specialty.”

I closed my eyes tightly and gathered life around me.

Then I felt a familiar sound and a warm energy.

As soon as we opened our eyes, a flock of butterflies
wrapped around us and spun around us as if protecting us.

It was a beautiful scene that made me admire it, but I guess

it wasn’t for the monster.

Unlike before, the spirit of the monster faltered and bit itself.

And I did not miss the gap, so I quickly shot the divine power
at the monster.

Paah -!

A white light engulfed the whole area as if blinded.

The monster engulfed in the light fell to the floor in pain.

Like ice cream melted in the sun, it melted and swayed to

the ground.

The body, which had been dripping down, quickly permeated

through the cracks in the ground and disappeared.

Returning to the inn, I immediately looked for Harris. There

was no spirit to wait for Mei and the Knights.

I ran to Harris and asked all of them.

“Is it ‘darkness’ that I met?”

Harris nodded at my brief explanation.

“Exactly, it is an alter ego of darkness. And we call it


“shadow…. Then what I met is not real.”

“Yes, the darkness has not yet revealed its true form.”

I clouded my face at Harris’s affirmation.

to meet the darkness? You can do it if you give it a hundred

times. Because lately I have been strangely unlucky.
However, I had no idea that I would become a target so

“Did you know I was here and come to you?”

“Yes, it is highly likely that you have seen the light of Ms.
Leah. The darkness seeks those with divine power.”

Darkness that eats people with divine power. And I have

more divine power than others.

‘It’s a good prey.’

“Fortunately, Ms. Lia’s power is overwhelming, so the

shadow seems to have disappeared without ever using her

“… Is it over now?”

Harris shook his head at my earnest question.

“As long as we have confirmed Leah’s existence, he will

appear again and again.”
… Yes, it will definitely be.

It was as if they were looking at me as prey, because I felt a

deep obsession in their eyes.

“I would like to get out of here as soon as possible. And, if

you ask for protection before instead—”

“I’m going to the peacock.”

Dillian’s low, hoarse voice interrupted Harris.

“What do you believe in sending Leah to the temple?”


No matter how much his cousin, he couldn’t stand to insult

the temple.

At that moment, when Harris’ chin filled with power, Nathan

opened his mouth.

“Dillian is right. The temple does not allow me either. Harris

said you would help, but I still can’t believe it.”
When Nathan refused the temple, Harris shook his head as if

“Harris. Do you know why Leah ran away from the temple?
Because the priests there exploited Leah.”

As Nathan said. They endlessly drew divine power from me.

only two hours a day. That was the break time given to me.

My face sank heavily when I remembered the machine-like

life that was repeated every day.

“… I want you to rest.”

“Leah, can I put you to sleep? If you’re tired, cast a spell….”

“it’s okay.”

I also bit Mei’s hand to help me and put on a blanket.

Did you mean to get May’s favor?

Even though it was late at night, I couldn’t sleep and I tossed

and turned for a long time.

I couldn’t sleep because of what happened during the day.

I cautiously got up in case Mei, who had been sleeping

peacefully next to me, would wake up.

I opened the door to the terrace attached to the bedroom

and leaned against the railing, looking around to see if
darkness would appear again.

‘The strange shadow I saw in the house was no mistake.’

It was clear that the darkness that found me by seeing the

light bursting out of the forest followed me from then on.

‘I just wanted to live a quiet life, but why did this happen?’

An unrefined sigh burst out over and over again.

“Mr. Leah.”

Lost in thought, I lifted my head at the familiar voice.

Episode 48.

Dillian waved on the terrace next door.

“What are you doing when you’re not sleeping?”

“I can’t sleep at all because I’m away from Lia.”

“What is it?”

Laughter came out at the now-accustomed nonsense.

Rather, it was nice to say.

As if nothing terrible happened during the day, as usual.

“Mr. Leah, have you made a decision?”

“Do I have a choice?”

Nathan wanted to go with Dillian too.

“Of course it is. Can I force you on Leah?”

“It is.”

I don’t know if I can gently melt it and make it on my side.

“Mr. Lia, is there any particular reason you don’t want to go

to the Duchess’ Residence?”

“It’s not that I hate it, it’s that I’m worried.”


“I’m afraid that Mr. Dillian will hate me when he regains his
memory later.”

Exactly, I’m afraid it’s going to kill me.

It was a serious matter of life or death, but Dillian burst into

laughter for some reason.

“It won’t happen.”

“Are you sure?”

“I swear by my name.”

“… really?”

It doesn’t make sense to call my name in an empire.

It was a covenant, an oath. prepared to death.

But the headmaster of Sinise swears by his name?

At the time when I was struggling with an unexpected

promise, Dillian jumped over the terrace and stood in front of

“Are you crazy? What are you going to do if you fall?”

“If you fall and break somewhere, Ms. Leah will heal you.”

Heh, look at this brazen thing. Dillian, who lightly pressed my

mouth shut in absurdity, burst into laughter.
“Anyway, Ms. Leah and I can’t even break up because of the

“… Yes.”

So, you can’t break up anyway, can you?

A hand suddenly approached me as I unconsciously nodded

my head.

I blinked at the little finger protruding out of nowhere.

“really? really? Aren’t you going to get angry after you find
your memory?”

“Absolutely, I don’t.”

No, can I make a promise this easily? Dillian took my hand,

hesitating in bewilderment, and intertwined his fingers at

“Then are you going with me?”

Straight eyes stared at me. I wet my dry lips with that hot

the capital city is said to be infested with darkness, it must

be the same wherever you go, seeing that they have followed
you all the way here.

If so, the safest place might be by Dillian’s side.

I don’t know after I found the memory, but until then, you’ll
be on my side.

You will save me like today.

To be honest, it was more reliable than the temple.

‘okay. If fate is inevitable anyway, let’s face it head-on.’

Even Dillian Sinise, who swears by my name, will you kill


Let’s get entangled so that it doesn’t kill me at all. Dillian.

“okay. Go. let’s go.”



Dillian rolled his eyes at the thumb that clashed like a stamp.

Like a crescent moon in the night sky, wide open.


the next day. The Knights of Shaten moved in a hurry from

early morning.

In particular, the movement of the wizard Kanae was


“I have to use the portal, so bring all your belongings to me.

I’m going to put it in my pocket.”

“Kanae, what should I do with this?”

“Get rid of all the useless things. It’s difficult to move.”

They didn’t even eat breakfast and moved around, but the
smiles did not leave their faces.

“Uh-huh, uh-huh.”

Ludo let out a strange laugh and even twitched his lips.

He looked like a madman, but no one stopped him.

Except for young Ludo, the four of us were desperately

holding back their laughter because of their face.

‘Finally, I return to the duke’s house with my Highness!’

How long have you waited for this moment?

“It’s the perfect weather to go home.”

“How cool it is, it’s heartbreaking.”

“Hey, look at that lightning bolt. But look, to illuminate a halo

when our Highness appears.”
It’s good weather with thunder and lightning and rain and
wind. Clearly everyone is crazy.

“That pool of water is the tears that Lexter will soon shed.”

When Jerry, whom he trusted, also agrees, Kanae burst into


“Anyway, I’m glad we were able to return safely.”

“And then, back to the memories of His Majesty… Ouch!”

Jerry slapped Eldman on the back, startled by Leah’s sudden,

open door.

“Why do you remember?”

“… I’m worried that you won’t come back.”

Leah said in a worried voice at Jerry’s quick turn around.

“Probably so. That’s what I’m worried about….”

Leah, who was unaware of anything, wiped their hearts in

Last night, I remembered Dillian, who had asked Leah not to

tell her that her memories had returned.

‘Take care of yourselves. You’ll have to be prepared for the

day you mess things up.’

The day you make a mistake, you are dead.

Eldman, who barely survived, was unable to breathe


Leah, not knowing this, called Harris, passing by.

“Oh, Mr. Harris, can I talk to you for a moment?”


The two moved to the corner of the inn.

“Is it because of Dillion that you called me apart?”

Harris, who read the worries from Leah’s face at once, asked
with a soft face.

“… I heard that Mr. Dillian is a person with Holy Resistance.

Is it true? Doesn’t divine power really work?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

divine resistance are those who have sinned and have been
abandoned by God.

For Dillian, who was born with a curse, it was a natural


“As a child, when I had no control over my divine powers, it

was impossible to be in the same room with Dillian.”

It was because Dillian was in pain when he was with him.

“But why me?”

“I am also skeptical. What is certain is that Ms. Leah is more

special than others.”
I never wanted it to be that special.

What Leah wanted was ordinary, not special.

“To be honest, I want Ms. Leah to stay with Dillian all the

“Is it because I can calm the curse?”

“There is, but Dillian seems stable by Leah’s side. He looked

comfortable and happy.”

I’ve never seen Dillian so happy in my life.

The reason he wanted Leah to be by his side was partly

because of the curse, but it was his brother’s heart that he
didn’t want to lose that smile.

But Leah, unable to answer those words, just nodded

without a word.

“Do you have more questions?”

“What kind of person are you?”

The only information Leah knows is that she is the best
person in the novel.

There was no information that I was aware of.

“He is a good man. You are sweet and kind. He loves and
cherishes all life in the world.”

Kim was just picking and leaking at the typical answer.

“And when it feels good, it blooms.”

“A flower? What flower-.”

“Lea, let’s go have breakfast.”

Before she could ask what that meant, the conversation was
interrupted by Dillian, who had come to pick her up.

“Come on. It doesn’t taste good when it’s cold.”

Harris burst out laughing at the sight of Leah being wary of

mingling with him further.
‘I live and live, Dillian, I see everything that that guy is
jealous of.’

I felt sick to my stomach, but it wasn’t that bad.

“Mr. Leah, I’ll show you.”

Harris put his hand on Dillian’s shoulder and released his

divine power.

Then, like a flash of electricity, Harris’ hand bounced off.

“Did you see it? This is Holy Resistance.”

“What is it all about?”

Dillian, who was suddenly attacked by divine power,

furiously distorted his eyes.

Leah, who could not see the face, heard only the voice and
mistakenly thought that Dillian was in pain.

Not knowing that this level of tickling was for Dillian.


“I feel like I am gaining weight.”

And Dillian wasn’t the one to miss that opportunity.

Harris, who was once again sickened by Dillian’s journey

unfolding in front of him, left, pretending not to see him.


“The world is very nice.”

Nathan looked around, saying it was strange.

“It’s not good. Only for nobles.”

I poked my tongue out at Wilhelm’s tall, glistening building

that was incomparable to Wilhelm’s low, old building.
This morning we departed from Wilhelm. I finished eating
and left, so it must have been around 10 o’clock.

And exactly 10 minutes later. We could stand in front of the

capital’s portal.

It took me a month to get to the capital in 10 minutes, so it

was good money.

Of course, the problem is that the money is an astronomical

amount that commoners cannot even look at.

“Mr. Leah, come here.”

When we came out of the portal, a carriage with Sinise’s seal

was waiting for us, as if we had been contacted in advance.

I grabbed Dillian’s outstretched hand and got into the

carriage. And I was startled by the soft sofa that gently
wrapped around my body.

‘Damn, better than our sofa, right?’

A person who used to ride only like this lived with a built-in
sofa in our house. I couldn’t believe it.
As I pressed down on the sofa and swept it, my eyes met red
eyes full of laughter.


I withdrew my hands in embarrassment.

“Nathan, Mr. Leah. I will go see you soon.”

Just before the door closed, Harris bowed his head toward

“Dillian, take care.”

“Stop nagging and go.”

Dillian waved his hands, seemingly completely tired of the

stories he heard so often, as if piercing his ears.

“Mr. Harris, be careful.”

“Be careful, Ms. Leah.”

Harris couldn’t easily leave the area of the wagon, worried
about leaving Nathan and me with Dillion.

And a scream came from behind him and pierced his ears.

Episode 49.

Mei, who was dragged by the magicians of the Tower, who

was waiting to hear the news, and loaded onto another
carriage, cried out my name.



My voice was cut off by the unexpectedly closed door.

‘This man. I closed the door on purpose.’

It was clear that I had blocked it out because I was afraid I

would go to May.

“Don’t worry, May. They will take good care of you.”

who reported it to the tower, was it you?!

‘Isn’t it dangerous because he’s there?’

May was worried, but couldn’t stop the wagon, which had
already started running in the opposite direction.

“Are you okay, Mr. Dillian?”

I quickly added to my puzzled eyes.

“I don’t even remember, but I’m worried if I’ll be able to

adjust well. What if I get caught?”

Dillian said he would not reveal to anyone that he had lost

his memory.

There was nothing good about getting into Lexter’s ears, so

he meant to hide it as much as possible.

“It’s okay since Eldman and Kanae have agreed to sit by your

“Then I’m glad…. It’s really good, isn’t it?”

“If you are really worried, Ms. Lia will help you.”

may i be of any help

“I will help you as much as I can.”

As if he had promised himself, Dillian’s smile widened.


When did you fall asleep? I opened my eyes in surprise.

“Did you sleep well?”

The handsome face looked at me and smiled. The first thing

you see when you open your eyes is Dillian’s face. My heart
has been strained

Wait, why am I lying here?


Confused, I quickly got up. I narrowly avoided his chin and

crouched in the corner of the carriage.

I remember falling asleep, but why were you cutting Dillian’s


As I rubbed my face with my dry hands, I could feel Dillian’s

stinging gaze from the side.

“Sorry. I must have been lying next to Mr. Dillion without

realizing it….”

But that wasn’t what Dillion was concerned about.

“I really thought it was going to hit my lips this time.”

I closed my eyes tightly at the sound of regret.

My head was spinning because I wasn’t awake, but even

Dillion was not in the mood.

“Now that you wake up, let’s get off the wagon.”
“I hope you have arrived?”

“I arrived ten minutes ago.”

I was stuck because of me, who cut off his thigh and fell into

His face heated up. Had I known this would happen, I would
have forced myself to sleep yesterday.

I stayed up all night and this four months passed.

“Sorry. Hurry up, get down.”

As they hugged Nathan, who was sleeping soundly, and got

off the wagon, the employees lined up in two rows bowed
their backs.

‘Since when have you been standing here? ….’

The guilt grew like a snowball.

“Sir, are you here?”

forefront greeted Dillion with a friendly smile.

“Has nothing happened during that time?”

I looked at Dillian with deep surprise.

‘you’re good?’

I was worried because I had lost my memory, but fortunately,

Dillian treated the users naturally.

“Yes, it was quiet.”

Slowly, the gaze of the butler who was talking with Dillion
turned to me.

Floating like an isolated island and suddenly I got attention, I

got nervous, and I gently grabbed Dillian’s arm.

It was an unconscious action.

The eyes looking at Dillian and me and their hands were

“But who is this?”

“My wife.”

“Mr. Dillian!”

Aren’t you crazy? I hope I’ll introduce myself as my wife.

Can’t you see the hardened butler’s face?

“No, I….”

“Don’t correct it. who will soon be my wife. Since you’re my

fiance, take me with all your heart.”

The sound of breathing in from the other side broke out one
after another.

“No, not that.”

Dillian, who had cut off all Jeong-jeong’s words, grabbed my

hand that was draped around and interlocked it.

“Come in. ma’am.”

No, what am I supposed to do if I throw a bomb this big!

I was led by Dillion and set foot in the duke’s mansion as

huge as a castle.


Is what I’m seeing real?

‘This is the room. Is it your house?’

Are all nobles’ rooms like this? Even if he wanted to ask,

Dillian was absent due to an urgent matter.

So, I was alone in this glamorous, eye-opening room.


Oh, and there’s Nathan who is snoring out of his mind.

“I’m going to have to stay here from now on….”

Just as I was staring blankly at the colorful chandelier, I

heard a knock behind me.

“Come on in.”

It was women who appeared to be in their mid-twenties who

opened the door and entered.

“I’m Sarah Haren, who will be serving my maiden from


“This is Kira Haren.”

“It is an honor to have you.”

Even a maid is assigned. It was crazy and crazy.

“This is Leah Delis. Please.”

Sera with her brown hair tied high. Kira with her brown hair
curled up into a ponytail.
The two exuded a strangely similar atmosphere whether they
were sisters.

“Madam, please lower your words.”

“Then why don’t you call me by your first name instead of


Madam, I feel like I’m going to die of burden.

Sera and Kira seemed bewildered at my earnest request, and

they made eye contact and then nodded their heads.

“If Leah is comfortable with it, I will.”

“… thanks But I don’t need anything like a waitress. Thank

you, but will you come back?”

It was a difficult word of refusal, but the two nodded as if

expecting it.

“If Leah’s will is true, I will obey. But before that, can you
give us one more chance?”
“If you just go back, you will be scolded by your Majesty.”

“… okay.”

Sera and Kira’s faces brightened when Dillian gave

permission, fearing that he might catch Amon .

“Then, I’ll start with the bath attendant right away.”


Suddenly taking a bath, isn’t the difficulty too high from the

I thought, but I was already in the bathroom.

“… bathroom?”

And the clothes flew away.

“Wow, what!”

In a blink of an eye, I was in the bathtub.

‘what’s this…?’

As I opened my mouth stupidly at the magical thing, grapes

slipped into my mouth.


“It is a special product of the Shinaizu family.”

Kira, who added that it was a special product, put a

strawberry in her mouth this time.

“… tasty.”

When I was admiring the sweet taste I tried for the first time,
a soft hand rested on my shoulder.

“Lia, are you tired of coming from a long way? I’ll release it

And I fell in love with Sarah’s dazzling massage skills.


The first place Dillian, who took Leah into the room, found
was the office.

There is no time to unwind. Over the past month, things have

been piled up like a mountain.

A man approached him as he was busy organizing his

documents and bowed his head.

“Your Majesty, you came back very early.”

“The tongue has become very free-spirited while I haven’t

seen it. Nathan.”

At Dillian’s cold eyes, his lieutenant, Nathan, closed his

mouth and rolled his eyes.

“Seeing His Majesty’s eyes hurt to the bone, it must have

been a rumor.”

Dillian’s fine eyebrows twitched.

“The absurd rumors that Your Majesty has lost her memory.”

Nathan waved his hand, asking if it was too funny.

But the knights couldn’t laugh.

Someone noticed Dillion’s anomaly. What if Dillian came

back with no memories?

Just imagining it was terrifying.

The knights quietly watched only Dillian’s eyes.

Nathan blinked in a strange atmosphere.

“Why are you like that? Only me who smiled becomes a fool.”

“Noisy, when and by whom did you find out?”

“I’ve been digging in the back, but I haven’t found anything.
Everyone trembled, saying they didn’t know the epicenter.”

Nathan shrugged, saying, “Isn’t that what the rumors are all

“But there are some guesses. He is known by his majesty,

the knights know, and everyone knows.”

“Lexter Blent.”

“yes. That damn Lexter.”

Like a leech, Nathan shook his head.

‘Information leaked through the mouse.’

He sent assassins over and over again to catch him, and it

was clear that information had flowed there.

Annoyed hands pounded on the desk.

“Other than that?”

“The 3rd Prince and Lexter are holding hands.”

“The hats held hands.”

Nathan shrugged at Dillian’s poignant evaluation.

“Other than that, it’s quiet.”

“You must have been walking backwards.”

“Nothing was saved by Lexter.”

It wasn’t surprising that it was such an obvious move.

“Find the number of shots to hit that guy. I’m going to have
to change the water once in a while.”

Dillian talked about the purge in a light voice, as if talking

about today’s weather.

“Because we don’t need a dog that bites its owner.”

A wind of blood will blow in the peacock’s house. And all the
cleanup will be mine.
Nathan, already tired, shrugged.

“More than that, my lord, did you bring the dragon’s heart?”

At Nathan’s question, Dillion nodded towards Kanae.

Kanae put her hand in the pocket tied around her waist, took
out a flower, and gave it to Dillian.

Seeing the flowers red like blood, Nathan burst out in


“I thought it was a flower of legend, but it really did exist.”

Nathan, who was looking closely, raised his glasses.

“But tell me. The petals are damaged, are you okay? What if
the Crown Prince catches the pod?”

“I do not care. The important thing is the roots.”

It’s enough to ignore those who catch pods with it.

Wow, you went all the way to the northernmost tip of the
empire and saved it through hard work, don’t you like it?

Then I was going to eat it on the spot.

“When are you going?”


“That is true, but there is such a thing as a procedure, right?

Please wait a little. I will apply for an audience.”

Dillian, who was trying to solve the troublesome thing,


“Did you have a lot of work to do here?”

as he said The work was piled up like a mountain, and Leah

had to watch too.

‘Because it’s an unfamiliar place, I wouldn’t move in the

room, being wary, but I’ll have to stay by your side.’
Perhaps reading his thoughts that naturally reminded him of
Leah, Nathan mentioned Leah’s existence.

“By the way, my lord. Pre-Madame. Is that true?”

As if he had heard the news of Leah, his eyes twinkled with


I feel dirty when the guy who used to have bright eyes every
day is doing that, so Dillian suddenly pushed his face away.

“Don’t show your ugly face and get out of the way.”

“Perhaps, the evil that His Majesty the Emperor kept forcing
us to marry and brought them to the smoke screen!”
Episode 50.

Dillian slapped Nathan’s lips hard. Nathan’s mouth shut with

a sound.

“Your bastard is the problem with that free-spirited snout.”

“… My lord, it hurts.”

Tears welled up in the eyes that were covered by the glasses

as if it was really painful.

“If you get caught talking nonsense in front of Ms. Leah, you
should really die.”

“Oh my gosh. Your Majesty, did you really love me, so you
brought me here to be your wife?”
answering , Dillion ignored him and reviewed the documents.

Silence is positive. Nathan, noticing the meaning, scrambled


“But he is a commoner…?”

“I will soon become the hostess of this family, so no matter

where you keep saying that you are a commoner.”

Nathan shut his mouth at the cold warning.

‘What the hell is this?’

Nathan, who had never dreamed that Dillian was sincere,

turned his stiff neck and asked Kanae.



Nathan opened his mouth as his chin fell out at Kanae’s

gesture as he nodded his head violently.
“Such nonsense…. The end of the empire is coming…!”

Nathan, who spread the apocalypse, sprinted out the office


“That crazy bastard.”

Dillian sighed at the shameful behavior of his subordinate

wherever he put it.


crazy What is this God’s hand?

I melted helplessly at Sister Haren’s touch. Obviously, I had

only one chance, so why am I still waiting for you two hours
“Lea, do you really have to let those children go? He has a
good heart and is bubbly, but it wouldn’t be bad to keep him
by his side.”

“I am glad that Nathan-sama likes his inexperienced


“Great work!”

When I escaped the fugitive, Nathan, who had no more

reason to hide, babbled like an open-mouthed man.

“Aren’t you good?”

Nathan, who opened his eyes at the grapes Sera was feeding
him, smirked and moved his body.

“It reminds me of the past. At that time, everyone looked up

to me.”

At the first hospitality he received upon waking up, a

sorrowful expression appeared on Nathan’s face.

“However, I met a guy like Dillian…!”

Nathan, who swears at him in front of Dillian’s people, is
hungry again and swallows the grapes.

I smiled awkwardly at my reflection in the mirror.

‘Really, it doesn’t suit me.’

Objectively, I was pretty. The blue dress also went well with
her, and her long hair was shiny.

Just by looking at her appearance, she looked like a well-

bred aristocratic lady.

The problem was my mind.

I was an ordinary herbalist, but when I opened my eyes, the

Duchess?! This absurd situation was terribly awkward.

‘I knew I couldn’t live in an old dress, but it must have been

such an expensive dress.’

I expected to receive some kind of treatment, but I didn’t

know that I would be treated like a madam in earnest.
“So, what should I do now?”


“Lea, you just have to be comfortable.”

n’t you do anything The life he had been longing for was
approaching, but he was not as comfortable as he thought.

Anyone who has played knows how to play. After living

intensely for the past year, suddenly there was nothing to do,
and I didn’t know what to do.

“I can’t.”

“Lea, where are you going?”

“To Mr. Dillian. We should go and talk about the future.”

It also seemed like it had come too far.

“Hmm, it feels so good after a long time, but you don’t have
to mess with Dillion’s face.”

I opened the door as Nathan, who was lying on the bed, sent
me off.

First of all, I had to sort out this ridiculous fiancee position.


“Mr. Dillian, it’s me.”

When I knocked on the door in front of Dillian’s office, I

heard a rattling noise from the room.

The sound of footsteps in the distance grew louder, and then

the door swung open.

“may I come in?”

I waited for an answer, but Dillian just looked at me like a
crazy person.


Oh, the dress. Belatedly thinking of a different outfit than

usual, I wiped the nape of my neck in embarrassment.

“Um, is it strange?”

usual , he thought he was going to be sarcastic, but when he

didn’t say anything, it was awkward and he felt like he was
going to die.

‘Are you used to that nonsense?’

Have I really gone crazy? I was at a loss for words in a

different sense than Dillian.

Dillian was the first to speak in silence.

“… Could it be? It suits you.”

It was as if he had just woken up, his ears tickled at the low-
pitched voice.

“Go, thank you.”

Heat rose on his face at the plain compliment without any

flashy rhetoric.

“It was so beautiful that I was speechless.”

Yes, it is. I was relieved by the smirk and smile.

‘I don’t like being reassured about this.’

Dillian , who could not understand my feelings, stuck to me

and did not fall.

“Mr. Dillian. Aren’t you supposed to work?”

He shook his head as he pointed to the papers piled up on

the desk.

“I wanted to rest for a while anyway.”

Dillian, who replied that it is okay to delay work, led me to
the sofa.

“I thought you were getting rid of your addiction, did you

come to see me?”

“Well, there is that too. Concurrently?”

How do I explain this? Contemplating, I slowly floated my


“Mr. Dillian, shouldn’t we correct our relationship?”

“Is it Jeongjeong?”

“You introduced me as your fiance. It seems like everyone

has been deceived, but what are you going to do about it?”

really going to get married, and if he remembers, I’m sure

he’ll regret what I’ve done.

You’re mistaken, what? This can be happen. It’s a bit

embarrassing and absurd, but it’s enough to erase it from
your memory and count it as something that never
But engagement is a different story.

It’s okay if I leave when the time comes, but Dillian will look


But this man is just smiling saying it’s fine.

It was crazy and crazy.

“It would be good for Leah to be my fiancée.”

“Isn’t that good for Mr. Dillion, not me?”

He wants to make me a real wife. It was clear that he would

use this as an opportunity.

“It’s good for me too, but I’ll be calling Ms. Leah from the
Great Hall of Fame soon.”

“Yes, I will be questioned about Nathan.”

“It’s not that, Lia healed Tippi’s Forest, right? Harris had the
news, so he must have been eager to get Ms. Leah as soon
as possible.”

“It’s frustrating…?”

“It means taking me to the shrine instead. They will probably

try to enlist him in the temple.”

“I beg your pardon? I absolutely hate it!”

I groaned and screamed.

You want me to go into that damn place? Also, divine power

and the status of being chosen are absolute specifications.

Besides, Aina is there.

A noble saint who drives all incidents and accidents!

For now , that place was more dangerous than Dillian’s side.

“I used to wait for a saint in the shrine, but in my opinion,

Ms. Lia’s strength is equal to or greater than that of a saint.”
“… Don’t say anything scary.”

I’m still worried these days.

Unlike Aina, who uses the divine power in her body, my

divine power, which comes from nature, is infinite.

‘… If it’s simply the amount of divine power, yes. I will win.’

That meant that I was strong, but I wasn’t happy at all.

Unlike Aina, who uses the divine power in her body, I get
power from nature. Maybe it was more than that.

“Do you think they will miss out on such a great talent as
Ms. Leah?”

No, never. I will catch you at any cost.

was more anxious because he knew the tenacity of the

temple more than anyone else .

I don’t want to get involved in something really dangerous.

“So it’s a temporary measure, but it would be better for you
to stay as my wife.”

Dillian gently wrapped my hand, scratching the tender skin

of the nail root in anxiety.

“Then if you like me, it’s good to become a real couple.”

Dillian’s thumb gently brushed his throbbing skin.

“Even if it’s a great big battle, my wife can’t touch it.”

It’s a Dillian that even the imperial family can’t touch. I can’t
be bothered to touch the Great War.

Moreover, the High Priest has a feeling of debt to Dillion.

Sorry and guilty for not breaking the curse of Dillian.

Daeshin will be even more cautious about dealing with


‘Maybe it would be better for me to stay with my fiancé….’

I can’t even leave Dillion’s side because I’m in bondage

Dillian, who read my heart trembling like a reed, like a ghost,

nailed it.

“I will definitely protect you from the temple.”

“What if you try to take them with you for a different


“Then we will overthrow the Great War.”

It’s easy, right? A voice seemed to be heard.

No, it’s not easy, it’s like treason….

To overthrow the Great Hall in the Holy Land. It sounded like

a big deal.

“Isn’t there a mild way?”

“The moderate way is to marry me and get Sinise’s

As Dillian said, the safest and most effective way was to
become a Synize.

Suddenly, the wedding had gone too far, and I thought that it
would be okay if it was about an engagement.

Dillian is a nice guy.

He’s smirk, he makes fun of me, but he’s kind. When I was in
danger, I was the first to run and protect him.

‘It was always Dillion.’

There were times when I was in danger because of Dillion,

but it was Dillian who always saved me.

Power that even the imperial family cannot treat lightly,

abundant wealth, a handsome face, and power strong
enough to be called the strongest in the world.

There he treats me well.

truly the first groom.

‘If Dillian was my husband, wouldn’t we have a good life?
Not knowing that life is going to be hard, happy….’

I, who drew the future with Dillian for a moment, slapped my

cheek in surprise.
Episode 51.

Cheeks were burning with the sound.

“You must be crazy.”

He rejected and pushed out Dillion, but was he really


“Mr. Leah?”

“Damn, there’s a bug. It must have fallen off.”

dog sound. There could be bugs in the weather just out of


“It must have been a very terrifying insect.”

“Okay. It was terrifying.”

Dillian knew it was a slur, but pretended not to know.

‘It means that they are very considerate.’

The more I looked at him, the better he was.

There are only two downsides.

That he is the evil that will destroy the empire.


‘My head was broken and I lost my memory.’

This caught my ankle.

To be honest, living with Dillian wasn’t bad.

What if you’re the bad guy? doing good for me

his sharp sword didn’t hit my neck.

‘Since I swore with Sinai’s last name, I won’t die.’

First of all, safety is important, so it would not be a bad idea

to get engaged temporarily.

‘Yes, there must be a reason why I met Dillian.’

I am the only one who can hold back Dillion’s curse.

So let’s prevent Dillian from being cursed and killed by Aina.

And, I’m going to break that damn curse as well.

It was said to be a very old curse, but wouldn’t it be possible

for a country with the power to purify forests somehow?

“like. I am engaged.”

When he came up with a positive answer after much

deliberation, Dillian blinked as if he did not know that he
would allow it at once .

“Of course, it’s a contract engagement. I even write a
contract and make sure it is documented.”

Then yes. Dillian said he knew it, and wiped his face.

It seems that he was skeptical at the same time, and had

high hopes.

“I can’t help it. Let’s do that first.”

While Dillian answered in a voice full of regret, I changed my

mind and started filling out the paperwork.

The conditions were simple.

[Dillian Sinise protects Leah Delis from the Great War.

Leah Delis periodically calms the curse of Dillian Sinise.

The two act as temporary spouses.

The contract is terminated by mutual agreement.]

Dillian smiled as he perfectly printed the paperwork and
even the handwriting. As hot and bright as the midsummer

A white smile that was not mixed with any impurities raised

‘At best, it’s a contract, isn’t it good enough?’

I lowered my face in fear of revealing my unsightly face.

I desperately hoped that the hair would cover the reddish


“Let’s start with the ring right now.”

“Rings are uncomfortable…. It’s not even really engaged, so

why not skip it?”

Dillian gave him a ring, there was a high probability that he

would not wear it.
‘It’s better not to be left unattended in a drawer.’

But Dylan had a different idea.

“I need a ring. Even for proof. If it is very uncomfortable, let’s

set it up slowly over time.”

He finally insisted on the ring. It was me who took a step

back with the expression that I would never back down this

“What style of engagement do you like? Are we going to do it

on a small scale, or will we open it up very loudly for
everyone in the Empire to know?”

“I omit it. It’s a contract engagement, so there’s no need to

make a fuss.”

But I can’t back down from this one.

I’m sorry for the excited Dillian, but I didn’t even think about
the engagement ceremony in the first place.

You never know how people will work.

nothing , and even has a pattour, it’s a dog thing.

Not me, but Dillian.

I was a person who had nothing to lose and nothing to lose,

but Dillian was a person who had so much to lose.

“Then let’s make the wedding bigger than anyone else.”

“Why do you think we even have a wedding?”

“I think a fake relationship has a very high chance of

becoming a real relationship.”

It was a look that made it impossible.

If you refuse even this, I will nod my head, as it will force the
engagement ceremony arbitrarily.

“Yes it is.”

Are you going to get married?


Touk, grapes that fell from Nathan’s mouth rolled down the

“What, what, engagement?!”

“yes. That’s how it happened.”

As expected, Nathan jumped at the news of my engagement.

I picked up the grapes he spilled and talked about the


Nathan raised his eyebrows with a chewed expression

throughout the story.

I expected it to explode like a volcano sooner or later, but

Nathan calmly nodded his head unexpectedly.

“Yeah, that’s the most effective way.”

“Is that right? Anyway, there’s bondage. One way or another,
if we can’t leave Mr. Dillian, I don’t think it would be bad to
live by helping each other.”

“Did he say that?”


“Like this deceiver.”

Nathan mumbled lowly and furrowed his eyebrows.

‘It didn’t sound like a scam.’

I don’t think Dillion made this with pure intentions. It is sure

to be full of personal selfishness.

But, as Nathan said, being with Dillion is the most effective


‘It’s not a scam after all.’

Nathan, who looked at Dillion’s scars with a shaky

expression on his face, immediately shook his head.
“Eh, yes. Let’s go like this for now.”

Nathan, who had been muttering to herself as if lamenting,

immediately lifted her hardened face and praised me.

“Good job. No matter what kind of personality he has, he’ll

be fine because he’s good to you.”

Nathan spread her wings and stroked my hair.

“But are you really going to take me from the Great War?”

“You must have heard through Harris that you cleansed

Tippi’s Forest. And since darkness has appeared, even if I
fail to take you, I will come to see you at least once.”

Darkness, the sense of facing it revived.

Instinct hatred and contempt, and a primal warning not to

get too close.

“Nathan, why is the darkness after me?”

“By nature, dark things covet the light.”

I couldn’t stand Nathan’s words and smiled.

“Am I the light?”

After revealing this and laughing haha, I hugged the cushion

that was nearby.

“It’s nonsense.”

“It doesn’t make sense.”

Nathan ran around and spoke, but I drowned his words out
of one ear.

Because it was the right sound in Nathan’s mouth all the


“I wanted to live a quiet life, but what is this?”

I thought the only thing looking for me was the temple, but I
never imagined that there would be even a disgusting
monster inside.

I felt like I met a tiger while trying to avoid a fox.

“There is nothing to be too anxious about. If it were you, you
would definitely be able to get rid of it.”

“I don’t want to meet you….”

But things don’t go my way.

I had a strong intuition that we would meet again soon.


A week has passed.

If it is long, it is long, if it is short, it is short. During that

time, I solidified my position as a preliminary wife.

“lady. good morning.”

“lady. Where would you like to eat?”

“lady. In the dressing room….”


The problem was that it was too stiff.

‘Because it’s an engagement, why is everyone calling me


They called me madam from all sides.

Only Sister Haren, who became my direct maid, calls my

name here.

‘I’m Bold X T, what is it?’

Even if I begged for my name, it was a fleeting moment.

When he comes to his senses, he returns to his Majesty.

‘It’s clear that Dillian made a hand.’

could be sure When I was with Dillian, when I called him

Madame, he would smile strangely with satisfaction.
I don’t know how many times, I counted to seven and gave

“Lia, it looks like spring today.”

“That’s right. The sun is warm.”

After winter, spring came in March.

“Shall we go for a walk after a long time?”


I jumped up at Nathan’s suggestion. I opened the closet, put

on my shawl, took Nathan in my arms, and headed outside.

The destination was a garden, precisely a glass greenhouse.

On the way to the garden, I ran into some servants, but they
quietly disappeared with greetings.

I hugged Nathan for nothing as they secretly looked into my

‘Aren’t you dissatisfied with the sudden rise of a commoner
to a preliminary duchess?’

A sigh came out of the duke’s life, which is becoming more

and more uncomfortable with each passing day .

I felt like I was doing damage to those around me.

Passing through the barren garden, the glass greenhouse

door was opened, and a scorching heat came in.

“It’s a mess.”

I didn’t expect anything from the beginning, but it was


“Leah, I have never seen such a poor greenhouse in my life.”

“So do i. It’s like a warehouse, not a greenhouse.”

I sighed deeply at the weeds that had been left unattended

for a very long time and were on the verge of shriveling, and
the manure, shovels, and broken flowerpots scattered here
and there.
“Really, you are a man who has no interest in flowers.”

An empty greenhouse in a prestigious peacock mansion.

Although it is possible to plant flowers for ornamental
purposes, Dillian was a terribly indifferent man.

“It made me very hungry to have such a nice greenhouse and

leave it unattended.”

I straightened my skirt and sat down and pulled out the


It was an occupational disease. It was a sight I couldn’t just

look at for myself, who had been growing plants for the past

That was the time when weeds were gradually piling up.


The door opened with a loud noise from the old hinges.

“You were here. I’ve been looking for it for a while.”

Episode 52.

Someone told me it was Dillion, who I thought was dying in

the office by now.

“How did you get here? Aren’t you busy?”

I walked over to him, wiping off the dirt on my hands.

“No matter how busy I am, I have time to go for a walk with
Ms. Leah.”

Seeing the bleak greenhouse and weeds piled up like a

toad’s house, Dillian said playfully.

“Unlike Lia’s greenhouse, it’s so unsightly that I’m

embarrassed to show it to you.”
“Yeah, it’s a mess. It’s a mess.”

Nathan looked around and clicked his tongue.

I chuckled and shrugged. There was no sound that said it

was okay even with empty words.

“I came here expecting what the greenhouse of the Duke of

Sinais would be like, but it’s a pity.”

Then, Dillian made an unexpected offer.

“Then, would you like Lia to decorate?”

“What, the greenhouse?”

When I asked the question, he nodded in embarrassment.

“… Is that okay?”


Deeply wanting to take care of the greenhouse, I nodded

Dillian, who looked at him cutely, rubbed my cheek.

As I twitched my eyes at the sudden touch, I heard a low

laughter in my ear.

“My wife wants to do something, but what can’t she do? I’ll
tell the butler, so do whatever you want.”

“You’re just engaged, aren’t you your wife?”

But Dillian pretended he didn’t hear me and laughed.

Dillian showed me his dirt-soaked thumb and said in a

laughter-filled voice.

“Bring me here. My thoughts were short.”

“You don’t like it that much, do you?”

He said so, but it was not easy to calm his already excited

‘Hey, I don’t know.’

like a child, I dragged Dillian by the arm and talked about
what flowers to plant in each area.

But Dillian’s gaze was not in the greenhouse, but in my face,

and I didn’t think it would fall.

I was embarrassed by the look in her lovely, helpless eyes,

and I couldn’t stop talking.


Dillian couldn’t stop smiling as he looked at Leah’s non-stop


It was something I wasn’t even aware of.

Nathan, who was watching the scene, was so upset that he

couldn’t take it any longer and flew away.
But no one noticed that Nathan had left. It was sad to tears
for Nathan.

It was the moment when Lia mentioned the name of the

twentieth flower. Dillian, who was listening to Jamja Korea’s
words with Chuimsae, opened his mouth.

“Mr. Leah. I am going to the Imperial Palace tomorrow.”

“Is it the Imperial Palace?”

“Because the Crown Prince was thinking of seeing me at


It has been a week since he returned to the capital.

After rejecting Dillian’s request for an audience for a week

for a number of reasons, it was finally approved today.

‘It must be the Crown Prince’s own method of containment.’

But for Dillian, the envy and checks of a young man who was
only 20 years old were just ridiculous.
“Is it because of the dragon’s heart?”

Leah remembered the reason Dillian had come to Wilhelm,

whom she had heard on the day she was coming up to the

‘I was surprised to hear that you found the dragon’s heart.’

Finding flowers I’ve never seen before. Again, Dillion was


And there was a sigh of relief at the absurd command of the

Crown Prince to find the legendary flower.

‘The check is more severe than I thought.’

Recalling the Crown Prince, who, unlike the Emperor, kept

Dillion in check, Leah was a little worried.

That’s because Dillian was the villain, and the Crown Prince
was the protagonist.

Leah’s face gradually darkened.

Dillian, who did not think that Leah was worried about him,
naturally thought of darkness.

“Don’t worry about the dark. Since we put a barrier in the

mansion, not even an ant will be able to get close.”

“Mr. Dillian has to be careful tomorrow too.”

Dillian stopped at Leah’s worrying words.

Worrying about me was still unfamiliar, but it was good at

the same time.

“Are you going to say that again tomorrow?”

“Anyway. If you get back safely, I’ll go out to meet you.”

After all, Leah’s worries were very pleasant.

Dillian laughed happily at the conversation that seemed like

a friendly couple no matter what anyone heard.

next day .

I changed into the comfortable clothes I wore at Wilhelm and

headed to the greenhouse.

It was a long way from the goods I asked for to the butler to
arrive, but I was planning to clean up the greenhouse by
pulling out the messy weeds.

“Without Dillion, the house is quiet.”

As I said yesterday, Dillian headed to the Imperial Palace

early in the morning.

He came to me, who had been in a deep sleep, and was

greeted by a greeting.

‘… Bye.’

‘I’ll go. ma’am.’

Unlike me, who greeted me with a hoarse voice, my ears
warmed up when I remembered the sweet voice.

“Concentration! Concentrate your mind!”

myself to pull weeds, I patted my stiff back.

“Lea, you need to go outside and catch your breath.”

“Is that so?”

As Nathan had said, as we came out of the greenhouse, we

heard a loud cheering sound from somewhere.

When I followed the sound, I saw the knights training in the

distance in the distance.

“Oh, they are diligent guys.”

“Yes, Nathan. Shall we go over there?”

Where do you see articles in your life? Templar training was

one of the scenes I really wanted to see.
muscle! muscle! Inside, he shouted, saying, “Let’s go look at
the back.”

“That’s good too. Let’s go see what kind of training they are
doing these days.”

Nathan in the lead, I headed to the gym, and I sat near the
gym and watched the training.

There was no one naked in the rather chilly weather, but the
training, like a group dance, looked great at a glance.

At that time, I was watching the training in silence.


Ludo, who recognized me like a ghost, ran and ran like the

He burst into laughter as he looked like a puppy that had

found its owner.

“Sir Ludo, aren’t you training?”

“Now is the time for self-training!”

As always, the cute appearance of a young boy suddenly

made me curious about his age.

“How old is Sir Ludo?”

Ludo answered with courage.

“I am seventeen!”

Oh my gosh. it’s a kid

I didn’t know if I should be surprised at a younger age than I

thought, or if I should be surprised that I got a spot at that

“Really great-.”

That was then.


A groan of pain was heard from somewhere.

When he turned his head to find the source of the painful
sound, he saw a knight sitting on the floor holding his ankle.

“Jin, are you okay?”

“Ugh, are you aiming at your feet recklessly!”

opponent, staggered up and sat down again.


It didn’t seem like it was simply ripped off.

Only then did the knights realize the seriousness and flock
around him.

“Jin, why? Can’t you get up?”

“Hey, my feet don’t feel strong….”

At his words, the surroundings began to murmur.

“Who seems to be hurt?”

“Since they are apprentice knights, there are a lot of

Somehow it all looked young.

So is it? I didn’t know how to properly deal with injuries.

‘I can’t keep moving…. Uh huh, I’m just going to get better

after that.’

After looking at it with anxious eyes, I finally couldn’t bear it

and moved forward.

It is a power that has been hidden until now, but there is

nothing more to hide in the yard that has already been
caught in the temple.

After digging through the knights, I bent down and sat down
in front of Jin.

“Hello, knight.”

“Ah, hello…?”
He looked like he didn’t know who I was. Maybe it’s because
it’s work clothes, not the dress I usually wear.

Everyone seemed to be mistaken for a gardener.

‘I’d rather be good.’

After giving Ludo a warning not to say anything, I shifted my

gaze to Jin .

“Where exactly are you hurting? here?”

A moan erupted from his mouth as he carefully touched the

part of the suspected injury.


“You should have been careful. It’s gone.”

I released my divine power with my hand on Jin’s ankle.

Then the white light was sucked in as if absorbed into his

A gasp was heard as if someone was breathing.

“It’s an angel….”

It sounded like some strange nonsense.

“Are you okay now?”

“… Yeah? Yes Yes! it’s okay.”

Jin, who turned his ankle and jumped from the spot, bowed
at a right angle to greet him.

“thank you!”

But I couldn’t just like Jin.

‘What was that?’

It was faint, but he felt something inside Jin’s body.

“Chief, would you like to sit down again for a moment?”

At my call, Jin quickly sat down. I asked, reaching out to him.

“Wait a minute, can I touch you?”

I pointed to his chest, to be exact, near his heart.

Jin thought about it for a moment and then nodded, saying it

was okay.

I put my hand on his chest as soon as his permission fell.

Also, that’s weird. It was as if it was wriggling, as if it were


“What is this?”

“Is there something?”

At Ludo’s question, I muttered while squinting my eyes.

“Well, I don’t know what this is…. Wait.”

I closed my eyes and focused all my nerves around my heart.

While pressing her chest firmly, she lifted it up, and suddenly
Jin vomited something.
“Cool, chump!”

A viscous mass as black as tar that had fallen to the floor


At that moment, goosebumps erupted. It’s very similar to the

one I saw in Wilhelm.

I paused, an unknown, black, but buggy twisted body and

moved quickly.


The knights surrounding them jumped in surprise, unsuitable

for their size.

“What is that! bug?!”

“Come on, grab it!”

When the knights stomped their feet like those who saw a

The bug exploded with a puffy, uncomfortable sound.

I slowly lifted my head to the pure white shoes that did not
match the dusty gymnasium.

Brilliant silver hair fluttered from her waist as if the sun was

Blue eyes as deep as the sea looked at me and slowly




I instinctively knew who he was.

It was High Priest, Aaron.

Episode 53.


People all said in unison.

The high priest is said to be the best person in the world.

‘That’s right.’

He’s the nicest man I’ve ever seen.

The energy felt around the Great Hall was clearly visible.

‘I’ve never seen such a clean divine power.’

I burst out in admiration at the pure light that had never
been tainted.

Aaron, who was smiling at me, found Nathan and bowed his

Those closest to God. A person who is in the same position

as the emperor.

As the High Priest bowed his head, a startled breath erupted

from within the Knights Templar.

“long time no see. Mr. Nathan. How have you been?”

“I’ve been fine. You haven’t changed since then. I’ll find out
right away.”

Despite refusing the Great War, Nathan’s words brought a

deep sense of joy.

“God cares for the poor child, so we are maintaining this


“Because she’s pretty, I do it to keep her by my side. No

A familiar face and eyes met behind Aaron, who was talking
to each other.

His eyes fluttered softly and he greeted me.

‘Yeah, you can’t come alone.’

Aaron’s closest confidant and close to Dillian.

Paladin Commander. Harris Trisio couldn’t have been left out

of this.

And, the knight standing next to him.

Fabian, the deputy commander of the Paladin and a saint,

Aina’s childhood friend.

‘How do you meet two original characters at once? All of

them are tycoons.’

The lineup is gorgeous. It’s so flashy I can’t breathe.

One had already met before, so if Prince Cassis and Aina

appeared here, the game was over.
As I slowly got up, Ludo and other knights blocked my way.

I couldn’t hide my bewilderment at the huge fortress wall

that was created in an instant.

“I haven’t heard of the high priest’s visit to Sinais.”

Ludo, who put his hand on the sword, asked them, being
wary of them.

“With whose permission did you enter?”

“I didn’t have anyone’s permission. I just came to see Leah-


In other words, it was the sound of daringly breaking in,

aiming for a gap without Dillion.

It’s because of me, too.

“For the past week, I have contacted Leah, but there has
never been a reply, so I made this decision because I was so
I don’t know anything about it. did you contact

It was clear that Dillian, who said he was protecting me, had
blocked everything before I could hear it.

Even so, I didn’t know if I would go there on my own.

“I’m glad you look healthy.”

Instead of being sarcastic , I felt a sense of guilt at the 100%

pure worry and relief.

Especially because of the smile that seems to melt Wilhelm’s


Even though I didn’t do anything wrong.

‘ . Also, the ambassador…!’

I hope you will sell my conscience

“Lea, Nathan. Can we talk for a moment?”

“It’s difficult,”
“Let’s talk about it earlier.”

Before even saying the word of refusal, the high priest hit
the player.

With the nicest face in the world.


We moved to the living room of the mansion.

Aaron and I sat down, and Nathan sat next to me.

Harris and Fabian behind Aaron, and Sarah, Kira, and Ludo
behind me as escorts.

I glanced at Aaron as he drank his tea.

Aaron Hamilton.
He appears to be in his mid to late 20s, but is actually over
200 years old. This year is the 200th year that he has been
seated in the High Priesthood.

He was said to be the most compassionate and good man

among all high priests.

And Fabian Chelson.

Aina’s childhood friend and the second-in-command of the

Holy Knights.

He was a man who was cold but warm to my woman, and his
straight lips and sharp eyes seemed to show his demeanor.

In fact, he was famous for setting thorns on people other

than Aina.

‘It’s true, is it the first time you’re staring at me like this?’

I looked away from Fabian and looked at Aaron.

As if he had been looking at me all the time, his eyes

twitched at the friendly eyes that had a warm energy.
I closed my eyes and covered my ears despite the public’s
favorable comments towards Aaron.

Because all the priests I’ve seen so far have been people
who have lost a screw somewhere and are rotten.

However, he was such a good person that it was not worth

the fact that he clenched his teeth and ran away.

‘I mean, I feel the same way as Nathan.’

So, for some reason, it felt friendly.

“Mika-sama wanted to come, too, but he was busy with

work, so I was the only one.”


When he tilted his head at the first name he heard, Nathan


“It’s a godsend just like me. The contractor is Aaron.”

I nodded when I said that he and I were the same.

“Others are looking forward to meeting Leah. How about
seeing you next time?”

Aaron proudly promised the next with a friendly face.

“If you break in again like this next time, Mr. Dillian will be

Aaron smiled softly at the thought of whether he could

handle it.

“Then, wouldn’t it be okay if Lia-sama found the Great Hall

of Fame?”

Why are you trying to invite me to the temple so naturally?

‘It’s not like I’ve spent two hundred years in vain.’

The sophistication was outstanding.

“I didn’t mean to burden you.”

Until then, gently soothe it!

“I was a little greedy because I wanted to put off everything
in the temple and have a conversation with Leah as a

He scratched his cheek in embarrassment. A faint blush on

her pure white skin caught her eyes.

“Playing with an old man may not be fun, but it would be

nice if you could come and be a companion.”

“… Is that okay?”

I didn’t really feel any selfishness, so when I asked, Aaron

suddenly looked at me and licked his lips.

After all, it had a purpose! you deceived me

betrayed by myself,

“I was wondering if we could study divinity together, but are

you interested?”

The hand holding the teacup creaked.

I’m glad I drank almost all of it. I almost would have spilled it.

“What kind of divine study…?”

“It’s good to talk about the operation and theory of divine

power, and ‘Obelus’-sama.”

Aaron said excitedly as if something had caught fire.

A gentle man suddenly changed as if he had been given a


Embarrassed by the pale blush on my face, I looked at the

two men in charge of Aaron’s escort.

There was no change in their facial expressions, as if they

were familiar.

“Aaron went to seminary before becoming High Priest.”

So there is still a lot of enthusiasm for school.

Yes. Aaron was simply a devotee of the Creator God, Obelus.

“So it looks clean.”

Aaron, who caught the mumbled words as if shedding,

leaned towards me.

Sera and Kira’s bodies twitched at the sudden movement.

“Can you see it?”

I just said it was clean, but I was amazed at how quickly he

understood it.

“I don’t usually see him, but he seems like a great person to

the high priest.”

What else are you hiding here? When I answered honestly, a

divine power suddenly began to flow out of Aaron.

I was nervous as I regarded it as an attack, but I stopped at

the unfamiliar sight unfolding before my eyes.

The one that blooms above my head ,

“… Flower?”
Pompong, the blooming flowers fluttered in all directions.

Unlike me, who was bewildered, Aaron’s eyes were full of


The flowers that popped out like popcorn bounced off my

cheeks and fell to the floor.


what’s this. It didn’t hurt, but as he looked at Harris, rubbing

his cheek reflexively, he cleared his throat.

“that is…. As I said before, if Aaron is in a good mood,

flowers will bloom.”

A rose fell over my head.

Oh, I remembered.

Sinise , there was a time when I asked Harris about the High

‘What kind of person are you?’

The best, the sweetest, and the strongest in the Empire.

Among the many compliments was a strange word.

‘When it feels good, it blooms.’

I thought it meant to smile as wide as a flower.

I didn’t know it was actually a flower blooming.


It took a while for Aaron to calm down and calm down.

drawing room , a mountain of swept flowers was formed.

Aaron, who barely had his reddened face put to sleep, lifted
his head when he heard Leah’s voice calling out to me.

“Sir, please tell me now. What was that worm?”

“Lea-sama must have guessed it already.”

Yeah, I’m actually guessing to some extent.

Ominous energy, slime like tar, and soft like slime.

Aaron looked at Leah’s hardened face and nodded.

“It’s dark.”

“But it was different from the darkness I had seen.”

the darkness I saw. So, the monster called the shadow was
as big as a human. Not that kind of bug.

“Exactly a shard of darkness.”


Fragments, what kind of soul marbles?

“What can you do with those fragments?”

“We collect information.”

“Information…? how?”

How does that little bug steal information?

Aaron kindly informed the appearance of Leah, who had no

sense of it at all.

“Plants fragments, parasitizes its host, sharing vision, and

listening to conversations.”

Aaron said in a low voice towards Leah, who swallowed dry


“It’s kind of like a wiretapping device.”

Episode 54.

“Then, all that just happened….”

“Yeah, it must have all been told.”

shit. Leah, who was swearing inwardly, closed her eyes


I escaped the darkness and came to a safe place, and the

location would be discovered so quickly.

‘Why can’t I live quietly!’

Leah sharpened her teeth.

“Lea, do you know why darkness eats people with divine

“Isn’t that because you like divine power?”

Didn’t you come to eat because it was delicious?

Aaron slowly shook his head at Leah’s answer.

“There is no way an evil being would like divine power.

Darkness likes people with negative emotions.”

A heart to hate someone, a heart to hate, and a heart to feel


“These negative emotions are the driving force of darkness

and the best meal.”

I know. I think so.

How could a being with such a filthy and ferocious energy

like divine power?

“… The divine power is in the way.”

“Yes, because darkness is ‘evil’. We must be like thorns.”

Maybe that’s why, the damage in the Great War was greater
than in other places.

Aaron couldn’t hide his disappointment as he remembered

the family he had lost in the past two months.

It was fortunate that Leah, who was in a relatively safe

place, came to the capital safely.

When Aaron was relieved to see Leah in good health, she

had other thoughts.

Keep an eye out for it, for sure it will. Those with divine
power can damage darkness.

“He’s a smart guy. They release their clones and move

around, stopping the priests before they can use their divine

Aaron sighed sadly, remembering the priests who had left.

“Is that why you found me? Because it is a threat, to get rid
of it in advance?”
“No, Leah-sama looks different from us, who are considered
prey or objects of elimination.”

I don’t know what it is, but Leah is special.

“Is it different? no. It is clear that I also recognized it as


“If you just wanted to eat, Leah-sama wouldn’t be here right


Ludo’s eyes flashed fiercely at the rude remark. It was the

same with Sarah and Kira.

“I was at risk too. If it wasn’t for Dillian….”

“Lea-sama, all those who have come into contact with the
darkness have died.”

Leah swallowed her breath at the unexpected news.

“… yes?”

“Lea is the first. who is still alive.”

Aaron’s straight eyes looked at Leah.

“That’s why I came to see Leah even though I was rude.

Because you are the only exception to all this.”

been two months since darkness appeared.

In the meantime, the Imperial Family and the Great Hall have
dug countless traps to catch the darkness, but the darkness
escaped like a loach.

This was due to the use of the host planted with fragments
to steal information.

Meanwhile, Leah appeared.

“Lea-sama is a person who came back alive from the

darkness. And at the same time, darkness is the first to

So far, none of the people photographed by the darkness

have survived.

Luckily, there were people who survived and passed on

information, but they died within a day.
“You said that you survived because Your Highness saved
you, but if the darkness had wanted it, it would have
swallowed Leah-sama right on the spot.”

Leah remembered those words. The gaze that kept staring at


If he wanted to eat, or if the purpose was to get rid of it,

would he not have appeared before meeting Dillion?

“I think there must be a reason for keeping Leah alive. And

he will circle around Leah to achieve his purpose.”

“Maybe, did you know that I was here and parasitized the

Even though I was so defensive, darkness crept in. If so, it

means that Dillian’s side is no longer safe.

‘If even Sinise isn’t safe, where should I go?’

Aaron shook his head at Leah’s bewildered question.

“It’s not like Leah knew you were here and planted it.”
“Are you sure?”

Aaron confirmed Nathan’s question.

“The fragments in the knight’s body are the Eucharist. As

you can see, it was about the size of a span.”

person’s body is usually the size of a thumb.

That small body sucks the life of the host and grows in size,
and when the body becomes the size of a span, it finally
takes control of the nerves.

It takes about half a week to fully share sight and hearing.

And it’s been a week since Leah set foot in the duke’s

As Aaron said, it was not planted to monitor her.

“It would be better to think that it was discovered by chance

rather than deliberately.”
Silence descended upon the heavy story. Leah chewed her
lips like a habit.

‘Where the hell did you come from?’

Leah’s head was complicated by the appearance of an

unknown enemy, which she had never seen in the original.

“Sir, do you know the exact identity of darkness?”

“It is a curse known to be the most dangerous and evil in the

history of the Empire.”


That’s why you grow up eating negative emotions. Leah

nodded her head with a rather dull face.

“You are not surprised.”

“I thought the energy of darkness was similar to a curse.”

Maybe I was preparing my heart without knowing it.

Because that ominous energy was quite different from
normal monsters.

“The curse has never been awakened in many years, but it

seems that someone has recently broken its seal.”

“Some crazy man….”

Leah, who had unintentionally spit out cursing, immediately

bowed her head. Cursing in front of the Holy High

“Sin, I’m sorry.”

“no. On the contrary, it feels cool.”

Fortunately, the kind-hearted Aaron smiled and reassured

Leah that it was okay to swear more.

Nathan, who was quietly listening to the story, called Aaron

to see if he had something to say.

“If that curse has been lifted, there will probably be someone
who has lifted it. It is most likely in the form of a contract.”
“Yes, and we are looking for that contractor.”

I didn’t know that if I could find that person, I would be able

to send it all the way to darkness at once.

“Lea-sama, I’m sorry for asking you this, but could you help

Aaron bowed his head deeply toward Leah.

“What, get up now!”

Leah, who got up in surprise , stopped him, but Aaron stood


Fabian’s eyes lit up when he saw my lord bowing his head to

a mere commoner.

Leah sighed deeply at the sharp eyes that told her to answer

‘He disliked me from a while ago, but now he’s outright like
Fabian’s sharp gaze seemed to pierce his cheeks.

“Sir. I….”

Leah’s eyes were disturbed as she looked at the crown of

the noblest and most sacred person.


‘Give me time to think.’

Aaron had no choice but to calmly back down at the words

Leah spit out after contemplating.

There was no certainty that they would be together, but

Aaron was satisfied enough.

She is the one who disappeared and escaped for the past
year. Of course, it was a very sweet answer for Aaron, who
knew he would be resolutely rejected.
Aaron could not easily calm his excitement at the meeting,
which was more enjoyable than expected.

Fabian said he couldn’t understand the blooming flowers.

“Aaron. Why did you bow your head to such a person?”


Aaron scolded Fabian for profanity, but he was excited and

did not hear the warning.

“I cannot understand. Why are you that woman? Wasn’t it a

saint who should be given priority?”

priest had to go to meet had to be Aina, not anyone else.

I have to rescue her from the imperial family as soon as

possible, but the person the high priest finds is a commoner.

It was also the preliminary hostess of Sinai, who despised

the temple.
As a person who had always looked down on Dillion, there
was no way he could look good on Leah.

Even when the high priest, whom I admire the most, came
out in a low profile, his hostility soared as time passed.

“Fabien. I know you have a personal acquaintance with the

saint, but keep it private.”

Despite Harris’ warning, Fabian didn’t stop.

“Priority is a saint. It is a saint who appeared after a hundred

years. But what the hell is that woman pushing the saint


It was the first time . Aaron cut off the other person’s words.

Fabian couldn’t hide his embarrassment at the unfamiliar


“Lea is the light. Fabian.”

The one and only light born with an enormous mission that
cannot be compared with herself or a saint.

Aaron remembered Leah, who was treating the knight.

A golden butterfly hovering around her. The bustling nature.

‘A child loved by God.’

Aaron believed that he was the one who received the most
love from God until he met Leah.

But it wasn’t.

A constantly circulating divine power. The overwhelming

difference in power. Brilliant and vivid colors I have never
seen before.

Oh , that’s what light is.

At the first intense emotion he felt, Aaron gently pressed his

pounding heart.

It was the first time I felt awe.

“Fabien. As you said, the saint is the main character of the
oracle that appeared for the first time in 100 years. However,
Lia-sama is also the owner of the oracle.”

“yes? You mean there was another oracle?”

I knew he was an unusual person, but he was the owner of

the oracle.

“A long time ago, there was an oracle that came down from
the ancestors of the ancestors.”

[In the end of Roheim, in the cursed land shall light be born]

[When evil devours the world, he will appear through the

darkness and save you]

“He will lead us into the light.”

The only person in this world who can remove the darkness
is Leah.
Episode 55.


The High Priest left the mansion before Dillian returned.

It was Harris’ measure to avoid the wrath of Dillian, who

would soon return.

As I broke through recklessly, I was afraid of the

repercussions, so I had an urgent return.

‘Lea. Today is….’

‘Ugh. Mr Harris. I just got goosebumps. Don’t even do that to

Mr. Harris.’
Suddenly , he was terrified and disgusted with Harris, who
was wearing a dagger, and he bowed his head once more.

‘… Lia, I’m sorry for being reckless today.’

It’s okay, even though he waved his hand, Harris didn’t stop
saying he was sorry.

‘I’m not particularly angry.’

I was perplexed, but on the other hand, I wondered how hard

Dillian had hit him with such an iron wall, so that Harris took
such a hard line.

‘It’s true that I will protect you.’

The invasion of Daeshinjeon only increased the trust and

faith in Dillion.

“Lia, how was it when you met Aaron?”

“Looks like a good person. I have never seen such a pure

divine power.”
And this was the first time I had seen a person strong
enough to see the divine power.

might be hiding his dark secret, he was a gentleman and did

not force him to come to the temple.

Even the request was polite and low-key, reminding me that

I was definitely the leader.

‘I’ve been Eul all my life, but the situation will come.’

And if it wasn’t for Aaron, I would have been stuck without

knowing the existence of the Dark Shards.

Whatever the process, the meeting today may have been

absolutely necessary.

‘But I do not intend to catch the darkness with the temple.’

I just said that I was forced to think about it because of the

high priest who did not raise his head.

‘But the fact that you’re already thinking like this may have
been involved in the High Priesthood.’
Seeing my subdued expression, Nathan came up on my
shoulder and comforted me.

“You don’t like it?”

“Yeah, you’re asking me to be the bait, aren’t you?”

It would be nice if I could catch the darkness, but my role

there must be a bait.

Isn’t that a very tasty rice cake? So, the high priest must not
be able to hide his regret.

What will happen in the future is clearly drawn in front of

your eyes, but how many people will say, ‘Let’s do it!’

“Well, it doesn’t make any sense. Don’t worry too much.

Everything will be as you wish.”

Do whatever I want…. I do not know.

What I wanted was not to come to the capital, but to flee to

a neighboring country.
‘I thought I wouldn’t be here when the original work

It’s not enough to come to the capital, so I’m bound to be

entwined so deeply.

At this point , I had to admit it.

‘What is an extra? It’s a hidden character.’

The overflowing divine power, the strong power to suppress

the curse of Dillion, and the only existence that the darkness

Who would give an extra such a crazy setup?

I was surprised to have only one, and I was the one who had
all of them.

“Ha ha.”

A heavy sigh erupted from the depths of the danjeon.

I felt like I was caught in a typhoon and lost my way.

After lying on the sofa and breathing deeply for a long time, I
got up.

Suddenly, the sunset began to set in the sky.

I sat down at my desk, pulled out a piece of paper and a pen,

and glanced back. Nathan buried himself on the pillow and


“Sleep well.”

Seeing Nathan taking a nap, I circled the pen again and fell
into thought.

‘Let’s organize it step by step.’

This story is the biography of Saint Aina who saves the


As I’ve said many times before, the opposite of Aina, who is

‘good’, is Dillian, who is ‘evil’.
Dillian, who hated the temple, hated Aina’s existence, and
Aina also recognized the cursed Dillian as a target to be

‘The first meeting was probably at the imperial ball held last
month, wasn’t it?’

However, Dillian, who lost his memory in Wilhelm, met me in

the Black Forest instead of meeting Aina at the imperial ball.

As a result, the two could not meet, and the timeline was

to face each other will not even know each other’s faces.

‘… Because of me.’

Dillian, who should have focused his attention on Aina in a

bad way, was obsessed with me and focused on the plan to
make me his wife.

And in that empty place, a new evil, darkness, appeared.

This is something that didn’t exist in the original.

It was the first time I’d seen it too, so I couldn’t deal with it

‘This is more dangerous than Dillion.’

The reason Dillian is upgraded to the final boss is because

he was fatally wounded and the curse took away his ego.

It won’t happen as long as I’m with you. Even if he ran

rampant, he was able to suppress it.

And before that, Lexter was going to get rid of that bastard.

‘Isn’t it because of me that darkness appeared?’

Aina needs an ordeal, since I kept Dillion’s side and his

danger significantly lowered.

I didn’t know that a new ordeal had been thrown for her.

Is this the butterfly effect or is it my karma?

“It’s ruined….”
In this case, there is a high possibility that it will not flow as
the original.

Of course, it was good that the original was smashed.

I’m not in any danger and all that’s left is happiness.

However, Dillian was not the only force holding Aina in


In fact, Dillian didn’t attack much until he was cursed.

Aina flew or crawled, Dillian was only able to wiggle


In fact, it was the Crown Prince and the 3rd Prince who were
hostile to her.

‘By now, the Crown Prince and the 3rd Prince must be
fighting fiercely.’

From the beginning to the end of the original story, I stopped

while organizing a few big incidents.
“uh? Is it strange?”

I looked up and looked at the calendar.

When I folded my fingers and counted, it was time that a

terrorist incident targeting the Crown Prince should have
occurred by now.

“Did I get it wrong?”

not. Obviously this is it

It was an episode of strengthening the prince, in which the

prince injured in the terrorist attack and Aina, who came to
heal him, became even closer.

“If there had been a terrorist attack, I would have heard the
news when I came to the capital….”

I tilted my head not knowing English.

But if you think about it, you can’t find an answer.

As a commoner, there is only one way for me to know the
situation of the imperial palace.

“Dillian. When are you coming?”

All we can do is wait for him to return home.


Meanwhile, Dillian, who Leah was eagerly waiting for, was

alone with the Crown Prince.

“Thank you. It was a difficult request, but I heard it. With this
incident, I have once again confirmed Gong’s loyalty.”

“I’m glad you noticed.”

Not ‘thank you’ but ‘thank you’. It was not something to say
in front of the Crown Prince, but Cassis did not point out that
It’s arrogant, but that was Dillian’s own polite words.

He was very proud of his shallow manners that would tear

him apart, but it was not good to stand up against Dillian,
who came to visit the heart of the dragon.

No matter how serious Dillian was, it showed that the Duke

of Sinais, who currently holds the most power, has no
intention of confronting me.

‘It doesn’t matter if you don’t support me. It’s just a matter of
not empowering Manus.’

The name that people call Sinise is King Maker.

The one he chooses will become the next emperor.

Though he had hoped Dillian would have chosen him, he was

notorious for not being interested in politics.

But people don’t know how to work.

He did not know when and where he would come into

contact with the third prince, Manus.
So Cassis sent him to Wilhelm on an absurd condition to
confirm Dillian’s sincerity.

“I was worried because Wilhelm was such a ghastly place.

Were you not hurt?”

“As you can see, everything is fine.”

“Good luck. If you were hurt, I wouldn’t be at ease.”

Dillian pulled up the corners of his mouth without saying a

word at the sound of the slap on his lips.

‘It’s boring.’

I must have also conveyed the heart of the dragon, and I

would like to break the position at this point, but Cassis
caught Dillian’s foot as if he had changed his strategy from
containment to consolation.

At Cassis’s suggestion to secretly stick to my side, Dillian

was slowly feeling the limit of his patience.

Now , Dillian’s attention was focused on only one person.

‘I have to go back before Lia goes to sleep.’

Wouldn’t that be a welcome greeting?

It was the greeting that I barely heard after waking her from
sleep this morning. I had to listen when I was sane as much
as the greeting.

Still, I felt relieved when I remembered Leah, who was rolling

around on the bed like a caterpillar.

Cassis, who was stopped by Dillian’s relaxed smile he had

never seen for the first time, asked him with weak

“Duke, how about having dinner together?”

“I think that would be difficult. There’s a rat outside listening

to us.”

At those words, Cassis’s face hardened terribly.

All the servants were also bitten for fear that the story would
leak, but who…!
Manus , opened the door harshly.

His cold face was stained with embarrassment at his small


“… Aina?”

“My Majesty the Crown Prince, I have prepared a car for you
because you have a guest.”

Aina held out her tray and smiled shyly.

“Thank you. Don’t eat well.”

“Who are you?”

When Dillian, who had accurately caught Aina hidden behind

Cassis’s back, asked, Disappointment appeared on Cassis’s

Cassis, who knew the difference between the Great War and
Dillian, was dragged out, not knowing how to introduce Saint
“Large, so this woman is….”

Dillian immediately recognized the woman’s identity.

‘This is the famous saint.’

Silver hair and green eyes rustling from the tip of his chin,
and, crucially, a stigma imprinted on his forehead.

‘It’s so great, it’s not as good as the status.’

Dillion doesn’t have the eyes to recognize divine power. But

he was sure.

In terms of the degree of holiness alone, Leah was much

more holy.

“It would be a saint.”

Cassis hardened her face as if she didn’t know if she could

recognize it.

“What are you so worried about? Do you think I will even kill
Episode 56.

Contrary to the relaxed smile, the words that flowed out

were bloody.

Cassis was taken aback by the truly villainous smile.

“Duke, you canceled your remarks….”

“Can you kill me?”

Aina, who cut off Cassis’s horsetail, approached Dillion

without hesitation.

No, why is he here again? Cassis, embarrassed several times

today, hurriedly blocked Aina’s front.

“Peacock. Aina, so the saint doesn’t know the etiquette yet.”

Cassis, who was well aware of Dillian’s nature, hurriedly
defended Aina.

But Aina’s mouth was like a disaster.

“But it was the Duke who said bad things first….”

Cassis sighed, saying that there was nothing he could do

about his honest and naive action.

“Aina, the Duke probably didn’t mean it in such a bad way.”

At that moment, Dillian couldn’t hold back the burst of



‘It’s fun.’

In front of that woman, Cassis, she was acting like a gentle

sheep, but Dillian looked carefully.

As soon as he saw me, his eyes were shining.

‘You sound like a saint. It’s not even funny that you brought
a local bastard from somewhere.’

Fajik, an invisible flame flew between the two of them.

“I was a little surprised that the Crown Prince seemed to

care about the saint very much.”

“Ah, it’s because I owe Aina a lot. Not long ago, she also
caught a terrorist who was targeting me. Had it not been for
Aina, I would have been seriously injured.”

Honey dripped from Cassis’s eyes as he looked at the saint.

At the sight of his stomach churning, Dillian could not stop

his wrinkled face at all.

‘Twok, I fell firmly even if I fell.’

Dillian shook his head, looking like a dragonfly caught in a

spider’s web.

Is this the kind of person who will go crazy in love and ruin
their situation?
he was greater than Cassis, Dillian looked at Cassis pathetic.

“I heard that you are a dangerous person, but Cassis-sama,

what should I do if something serious happens while I am

Aina glanced at Dillion and whispered.

I’ve seen people say they reduce their voices, but I heard it
very well.

No, maybe that’s what I meant to listen to.

Dillian, who shed Aina’s check, not check, with one ear,
asked Cassis, who was caught in the middle and sweating.

“What do you mean by terror?”

“It happened a week ago. The day before my birthday

banquet, Aina found a suspicious person and brought them
to me.”

Cassis remembered that day.

The courageous figure that subdued a man twice as tall as

“After investigating, it turned out that they were terrorists

targeting me.”

It was clear that Manus had threatened my place.

“I’ve been paying special attention to my health since then,

so I hope you don’t feel too bad. Peacock.”

Cassis thought that Dillian was angry and defended Aina

diligently, but Dillian was not interested.

Leah only wanted to see the two of them like a pair of


“There is someone waiting, so let’s get up.”

If you’re waiting, it’s your fiancee.

The news of Dillian’s engagement, which heated up the

capital, was something Cassis knew well.
“Yes, yes. Fiance must be waiting, but I caught it without


Aina tilted her head and muttered, but no one cared about

Cassis pushed Dillian’s back saying he was right and it was

good, and Dillian also got up from his seat without missing
the time.

Just before the door closed, Cassis’s voice was heard hitting

- Aina, don’t touch the peacock’s heart. only you hurt

- What do you mean by fiancee?

- Even if you don’t go too deep.

-But it seems like I’m the only one who doesn’t know what
everyone knows… I’m so curious
Dillian gasped at the sight of chasing gossip despite Cassis’

‘The empire is over. That’s a saint.’

Dillian shook his head, saying that there are no such days in
the last days.

Nathan, who found Dillion, approached and bowed his head.

“Sir, did you finish the story well?”


It took more time than expected, but it won’t bother you any

“Mr. Leah.”

“Well, I have something to tell you.”

A little while ago, Nathan looked at Dillion’s eyes on the

news from the Duke’s family.
“Say it.”

“It is said that the high priest went back to see the madam.”

Dillian’s steps stopped. The face that looked at Nathan was


“Why are you saying that now?”

He just didn’t raise his voice, but Nathan wept at the cold
voice that would freeze the surrounding area.

“I, my lord. Madam says there is nothing wrong. So hold on.”

“I’m going back right now.”

“Sir, let’s go together!”

It was then that he jumped and walked out of the palace.

Nathan hurriedly caught up to Dillian’s side and lowered his

voice at the immortal seen from afar.

“Your Majesty, I am the 3rd Prince.”

Her black, black hair, clearly visible from a distance, fluttered
in the wind.

It was Manus, the third prince, whom Cassis kept in check.

royal family stared intently at Dillion. And then he turned his


“Your Majesty seems to know that you are on the side of the
Crown Prince. When I see you go away without saying

After holding hands with Lexter, he was blatantly wary of


“Good. I won’t bother you any more.”

“The Crown Prince, please push for this to happen.”

“Noisy, walk fast. before you throw it away.”

“majesty! You must not leave me!”

Nathan ran as hard as he could, chasing after Dillion, who
had already gone too far.

And there was one watching them both,

“Prince, Count Blent has asked for an audience.”


Manus’ intense gaze, staring at one place, did not know how
to withdraw.


I widened my eyes at the unexpected news Dillian had


“Is the saint in the Imperial Palace? Isn’t it a substitute

“Yes, he was living there with the Crown Prince.”

“You’re a saint, so why are you there…?”

“He was famous as the benefactor of the Crown Prince. It

seemed like a closer relationship than that.”

Dillion, who pushed the macaron in front of me, added:

“It seems to me that he has been caught.”

“Have you been caught?”

What else is this? The news that the saint is in the Imperial
Palace instead of the Great Hall is also disconcerting, but
the Crown Prince has been arrested?

‘How is it going?’

After meeting Dillion as promised, I asked him for a tea time,

and inquired about the imperial attack incident.

But you will hear that the Crown Prince is Hogu.

“I was so engrossed in it that I was worried that I might be
eating it up like that.”

I don’t think that’s what you meant….

As sweet as the macaron placed in front of me, the area

around my heart tickled.

“Bitter, Mr. Dillion, don’t open your eyes like that.”

“What about my eyes?”

“Melo eye color is prohibited. I know?”

It just makes me feel weird.

Ignoring Dillian, who tilted his head asking what the color of
Mello’s eyes was, I chewed macarons and organized the
information I had gathered so far.

“So you’re saying that now, the saint is living with the Crown
Prince and caught the terrorists in the meantime?”

“Yeah, you did well. She is also my wife.”

With praise, the macaron entered my mouth.

I took a macaron from him and ate it, and I rolled my mouth
and shook my head.

As Dillian said, it is true that Aina becomes the Crown

Prince’s benefactor, but that is by healing her wounds.

‘But even when things happen, I have arranged it.’

this a coincidence or….

“Mr. Lia, it won’t happen, but if you ever meet a woman

named Saint, don’t get too close.”

“Why a saint?”

“He cooked the Crown Prince to perfection while pretending

to be naive. He is a wicked man.”

No way. What a good person Aina is.

He is the protagonist of this novel.

The title of the novel is also a saint, ‘Aina’.

“Surely, it’s a saint.”

“Are you a saint? Isn’t it just that you have more divine
power than others? Personality is different.”

If I hadn’t seen the high priest, I would have thought so. But
God certainly sees humanity.

Looking at his nature, Aaron, who is like an angel, must have

become the High Priest!

“And does God exist? If I were a god, I would have chosen

Ms. Leah as a saint, not him.”

“Oh my gosh, are you crazy?! What kind of saint am I?”

That’s blasphemy. As I jumped like a spring, Dillian, who had

been thinking for a moment, nodded.

“Mr. Leah is right. When Lia becomes a saint, it will be

difficult for us to meet freely as we do now. My thoughts
were short. Let’s say that that woman takes the place of a
“Going crazy….”

I was blown away by the sound of a dog I had not heard in a

long time.

‘Still, the relationship between the two is the same.’

No, I should say it looks worse.

time zone is wrong, but the two met, and created a hostility
just like the original.

‘Let’s be good. Even if I go with the original, I just have to do

it well.’

To do that, I needed to talk about what happened during the


“Mr. Dillian, the High Priest came to visit us this afternoon.”

“I heard.”

The languid smile remained the same, but blue tendons

bulged out in the hand holding the teacup.
His eyes were ferocious as he seemed to have gotten quite a
bit of heat from those who intruded into my area at will.

“sorry. It’s my negligence. I should have hit the barrier


“it’s okay. It was a good time.”

I told Dillion about the Dark Shards.

“Maybe there are other people who have suffered other than
that knight.”

“exactly. I wouldn’t have planted just one.”

“So, by the way, can I check the people in the mansion?”

Episode 57.


Dillian readily accepted my request.

“Now, Lia is the owner of Sinise, so you don’t need to get my

permission, so do whatever you feel comfortable with.”

I put my forehead on his attitude, saying that we are on an

equal footing and even giving him the key to the safe.

“What if I rob the safe and run away?”

“It’s not going to happen.”

“Of course!”

“And there’s nothing you can do about running away.

Handing over the key is my choice. Every night, I shed tears
of pessimism about my being betrayed.”

Dillian pretended to wipe the tears away and pressed the

corners of his eyes.

Aww, I’m going to cry a lot. They’ll come after me and try to
cut my throat.

Nathan and Dillian’s lieutenants, Nathan, looked at his face

with a chewed expression to see if it was just me.

“I feel very tired when I am with him. Leah, let’s rob the safe
and get out of here.”

“Then the masters of power will change. lady. From today

onwards, I will give my allegiance to you.”

I shook my head at the sight of the two spitting out different


“I do not need it.”

I hurriedly threw the key, cutely wrapped in a red ribbon, at

Nathan’s loyalty was also a specification.

“It looks like everyone has gathered.”

I looked down at Nathan’s words and swallowed my saliva.

‘… Too many?’

I expected that there would not be one or two employees,

but I was suddenly worried about the unexpected size.

‘Can I sleep today?’

It was a rough road, but I couldn’t give up.

I rolled up my arms and took the employees’ hands one by


Time passed like that, and the night was thickly dark.
“Are you really saying that all these people were attacked by
that monster, madam?”

I nodded at Nathan, who was bewildered by what he was


A total of five people fell asleep in the hall as if they passed


They varied in gender, age, and occupation.

Servant, maid, driver, knight and chef.

Nathan, who had always liked his cooking, grabbed my neck

without realizing it.

“Your Majesty, aren’t you poisoned?”

“Don’t worry. It’s simply the sharing of sight and hearing.

Only information was stolen, no poison….”

I waved my hands saying not to worry, but shut my mouth at

the hypothesis that came to mind.
You might have found out what Dillion’s favorite food is and
then secretly swapped it out, right?

“Madam, why are you talking?”

“… I thought it might be.”

“Huh! Then I didn’t eat it, did I?”

Nathan trembled, wondering what to do if poison had

accumulated in his body.

But surprisingly, no one paid any attention to him.

I finally reached out to Nathan.

“The lieutenant is also here.”

“Me too?”


Except for Dillian and me, everyone could not escape from
the dragon’s line.
I grabbed Nathan’s crooked hand as if snatching it. Then
Nathan closed his eyes.

When I asked where I had seen that familiar figure, it looked

exactly like the figure of a child who went to the dentist to
treat cavities.

‘Why are grown-ups so scared?’

When I forcefully grabbed his shaky, trembling hand, his

shoulder popped out.

“Don’t worry, count to three and it’s over.”

Dentists used to comfort Nathan with deceitful words on a

daily basis, but he secretly retreated back to see how many
times he had been hurt.

‘Yeah, I guess I got my hand.’

I released my divine power and looked all over his body.

As expected, his body was clean.

“It’s normal.”

As soon as I let go of my hand, Dillion grabbed my shoulder

and pulled me away from Nathan.


There was no end to the question.

What is that face? It’s embarrassing.

“I can see why people were surprised when they held your

Whenever I ran away, I laughed out loud when I saw the

hand that was touching me pulled up to my chest and
hugged me tightly.

“It’s so warm here. It’s like being in the mother’s arms in the
beginning, billions!”

“Shut up.”
Dillion slapped Nathan in the back of the head, asking where
he was spitting out such a blasphemous, creepy sound.

And I started wiping Nathan and mine with a handkerchief.

Still not satisfied, he grabbed my hand.



“Your Majesty, it is bad practice to treat people as germs.”

“I am worried that I may have passed on a bad disease.”

Ignoring Nathan completely, Dillian woven his fingers into


Dillian, with his hands entwined like a noose, approached

with a languid smile.

“Can I not do it?”

“… Are you serious?”

Dillian, who was born with a curse, could only fall victim to
the shards of darkness.

Even when I saw him turning the darkness that was rushing
at me into a skewer at once, he was brazen.

“Ugh, how can he not find a cute corner?”

“Talking Owl. Please cancel what you just said.”

Also a faithful lieutenant…!

“If your sire gets a cute corner, that day will be the end of
the empire.”

A loyalist was just a spout of fear.

As the two of us clapped and gave and took, Dillian’s eyes

didn’t seem to fall from me.

Of course, the gap between the two showed a will to fight

the two of them later, but now the priority was me.

“Mr. Leah. I may have swallowed the shards too.”

“… I see.”

But even Dillian, who said so, was convinced he hadn’t

swallowed me either.

So I instilled the divine power in a different way than I did to


Dillian, who immediately recognized that something was

different, widened his eyes.

“What was that just now?”

“It’s a blessing. It’s not for anyone.”

The effect was various, but it was mainly effective in

recovering from fatigue, improving stamina, and calming wild

Yep, this was a gift for Nathan, who is about to blow his
throat away.

Unaware of that fact, Dillian looked at me with a very moved

My conscience pricked me, leaving Dillion behind and
examining the fragments from the bodies of those who had

‘They were all different sizes, but they were all over a

I set foot in Sinise a week ago.

“I think he was targeting Mr. Dillian, not me.”


I couldn’t have known and predicted that I would come with

Dillion a month in advance.

In the beginning, he was targeting Dillion. to keep an eye on


That meant that the person Dark had contracted was the
one who was at odds with Dillion.

It was clear that Dillian had taken advantage of Wilhelm’s

bond to steal information about the duke.
“Can anyone guess who it is?”

“You can’t know.”

Lexter, this X god.

Dillian’s eyes, who recognized the culprit at once, were

sentenced to death.


A red stream of water ran down his pure white face.

The man who stole the red liquid dripping from my eyes with
his carefree hand murmured.

“I finally got it.”

The man burst into laughter and headed to the bathroom.

Shoot-a-ah- When the flowing stream of water washed away
the blood that had stained his face, the red water was
sucked into the sink.

From the quiet bathroom where only the sound of water

could be heard, a ferocious laughter erupted out of nowhere.

The fragments I had planted in the Duke Sinais family

disappeared in just one day.

me , the raptured purple eyes lit up hazy.

Her soft, swaying platinum hair, her blue eyes that seemed
to fall for her, and the warm scent still seemed to linger on
the tip of her nose.

“Because it’s great too.”

The man looked at his face reflected in the above-mentioned

mirror and then closed his eyes.

Then, the shadow trembled loudly under his feet.

The body that was holding the sink collapsed, and my vision
was turned upside down.
Then, in an instant, the place changed.


Lexter, who had just fallen asleep, woke up with a sigh.

“… Do you have no concept of time? How about being


Lexter saw Inyoung walking out of the darkness and wiped

his face.

No matter how many times I warned him not to show up, he

always looked like this.

‘No, it’s funny to say politeness to a curse in the first place.’

He asked ‘Darkness’, pressing his eyes tightly under his tired


“Why did you come in in the morning?”

“The fragments planted in the Duke of Sinais have been


Also, Lexter’s eyes, who had been ignoring it, thinking that it
must be a non-poetry reason, opened his eyes.

“One during the day, and all five have just been removed.”

“You must have said with your mouth that you would never
find out?”

“That was before Leah intervened.”


Rexter, who had frowned at the unfamiliar name, raised his

eyebrows saying he remembered it.

“That girl that Dillian is cheap? Did she get rid of it?”


Come to think of it, she said that she had special powers.
If it was enough to remove even the shards of darkness, he
was no ordinary person.

Lexter rubbed his chin.

“I thought that Dillian was crazy because he was engaged to

a woman who was not very common. It’s also useful, huh!”

Suddenly, darkness rushed in and grabbed Rexter’s neck.

“Watch your mouth. commons? A woman with nothing to

see? A trivial thing like you is not a name to speak of.”

Darkness tightened Lexter’s neck. Rexter’s face swelled red

at the strong power. And soon it started turning blue.

Oh, you can’t do this. Lately, the darkness dissipated.

“Cool. Cool, whoops.”

“I almost would have killed him.”

That’s not a problem. How did you get the opportunity?

Dark murmured as he looked at Rexter’s red eyes contorted
with pain.

“After all, I liked your eyes….”

He said he was sorry for the darkness and his taste buds
dried up.

Lexter swallowed his saliva at the sharp fingertips that

approached him with a force to dig into his eyes.

“Sorry, don’t worry. Because I want more eyes.”

The darkness biting his hands slowly hummed as if joyfully.

Lexter looked at him with tired eyes.

“The plan has gone awry, what’s so good about it?”

“Lea went up to the capital on her own feet, and of course

it’s good. What do you think, Lexter? Should I go see you in
“It is useless. Do you know how much Dillian’s beating her?
They are guarding her 24 hours a day with stricter security
than the Imperial Palace.”

“So, it’s okay if you kill them all.”

“Do you have the power to do that? Don’t make any fuss.”

Invading the Duke of Sinai, which even the imperial family

can’t touch? You have to make a sound that makes sense.

It’s never going to happen. It was a dangerous act for Lexter

as well.

up until now was revealed, he might be kicked out of the

Brent family as well as the Duke of Sinais.

It was dangerous enough just to be caught trying to dig up

the duke’s information.

“If your identity is revealed while installing for no reason, it’s

a big deal, so take care of yourself.”

Darkness is strong. But he hasn’t found all his strength yet.

Knowing this, the darkness sometimes acted recklessly.

‘What the hell is that woman, Dillian and this bastard, so she
can’t get out of her mind?’

Rexter, who had reached the limit of his patience, waved his
hand in annoyance.

“If you really want to meet that woman, go for the founding

In the next two weeks, one of the biggest events of the

Roheim Empire, the founding festival, will be held.

Everyone will relax in the splendid festival that lasts for as

long as a week.

“I will come out of that fortress at least once.”

Chapter 6. Konjeok
Episode 58.

Finally, the day dawned.

The flower of romance and the morning of Konkuk University

driving incidents and accidents.

“Nathan. Wake up, it’s morning.”

I woke him up by tapping Nathan’s ass as he staggered from

his sleep.

Closing his eyes, Nathan grinned.

“Lea, are you so excited?”

“Of course.”
is the first festival in this world .

In Wilhelm, he was busy hiding and eating, so he had never

participated in a festival.

It was the same in my previous life, but I was so busy with

my life that I had never seen the festival properly.

‘Whoa, but this time it’s different.’

For me, who is no different than a white man, this founding

festival was a very good opportunity.

“Nathan, at the festival, there are so many delicious things.”

Cotton candy, yakitori, whole potato, fruit juice!

As she folded her fingers and arranged the food one by one,
Nathan’s eyes lit up.

“Let’s go now. I want to eat cotton candy!”

“I’m a connoisseur!”
our seats and started sewing our clothes, even though no
one told us to .

“Lea-sama, the clothes are mine….”

“no! A dress is a specification.”

“Then the head….”

“I’m just going to tie it up.”

I’d be hit here and there, but what about dresses and

I wore a few shirts and pants in my closet and tied my hair


And, thinking about the possibility that darkness might come

upon me, I put a hooded robe around my shoulders.

Leaving behind Sera and Kira, who had quickly become

sacks of barley, I went down the stairs with light steps.
After passing the main hall like this, safely escape the duke’s

“Mr. Leah. Where are you going?”

Dillion caught it before I did it.

As if he had just finished training, Dillion could smell the

wind and slight sweat.

“Today is the opening ceremony of the foundation day. I

have to go take a look.”

“I’m going to eat sweet cotton candy.”

As Nathan and I showed our expectations with our twinkling

eyes, Dillian shook his head saying he couldn’t stop him.

“Wait a minute. I will come and change clothes.”

Touching the thick pockets and imagining happy thoughts, I


“Let’s go together.”

“Did we make a promise?”

“Do couples need an appointment to go out together?”

“Why are you asking something obvious?” Dillion asked.

“It’s our engagement relationship…?”

“Isn’t it the same as a married couple or a prospective


“As a matter of fact, it is….”

weird. Why do you keep feeling dry?

I quickly grabbed Dillian’s arm as he climbed the stairs.

“Mr. Dillian!”

“I know you don’t want to be away with me for even an hour,

but it will be out soon….”
No, that’s not it! I cut off his words in a never-ending

“Hey, Dillian. Today, I decided to go with May.”

Cracked his face with a wide smile. In an instant, a hoarse

voice escaped from his closed mouth.

“Not me, but May?”

Heh, what do you do? Of course, you must have known that I
would go with you.

As he nodded his gaze, Dillian showed his disappointment

without hiding.

“You’d be angry if we banned going out now.”

My mouth twitched at the sound of something sullen.

“… We are on equal footing.”

Dillian patted his chin with an ahah. I guess I didn’t know

what I said would hold my ankles.
“Then getting rid of Mr. May…?”

“Don’t say anything scary.”

I grabbed Dillian’s hand and gently ruffled his fortune to

appease him.

“It was promised before. And it’s been three weeks since I
haven’t seen Mei.”

If this promise is canceled, May cannot stand still. He was so

angry that he didn’t even know he wanted to kill Dillian.

And Dillian wouldn’t let Mei like that.

It was almost like I was going to explode in the whale fight.

“Instead, Mr. Dillian will go with us on the last day.”

“I don’t like being behind May.”

“really? Will there be fireworks on the last day?”

The end of the original festival is fireworks.

Love that blooms with a feast of beautiful lights that color
the night sky.

It was an event not to be missed when it comes to romance.

“Let’s go see the fireworks. intimately.”

I seized Dillian’s hand with both hands and comforted him by

listing the merits of fireworks display by word.

Then a smile slowly began to form on his fat face.

I looked at the corners of my lips curved like a crescent

moon and laughed together.

‘sorry. It’s fake.’

The last day of this year’s Founding Day is unfortunately


I said it clearly. It is said that Konkuk is the flower of

romance, but at the same time, all accidents happen.

That incident happened on the sixth day of the festival.

In the face of a counter-terrorism when the clock tower in
the square flies, the festival is Abigail.

There is one day left, but the festival is canceled and the
fireworks disappear into darkness forever.

“I promised.”

I nodded towards Dillion, who now habitually extended her



I hung my little finger with him, hiding my sinister heart.



As soon as I got off the carriage, Mei ran towards me.

She grabbed my waist in an instant and spun around on the


How many times have you been hugged by her ? My stomach


“May, I’m motion sick….”

I slammed Mei on the shoulder and barely landed on the

ground, and I covered my mouth.

“Isn’t that Dillian bullying you? How can you look at how
skinny he is!”

“Margin, are you so fat?”

“You shut up.”

Mei waved her elbow at the soft voice heard from behind.

The green eyes narrowly evaded Mei’s attack and skillfully

“It’s been a while, didn’t you miss my brother?”


One of the sub male protagonists of <Saint, Aina> and the

current matopju. And May’s older brother, Schumann Altran.

“Candy, can I call you oppa?”

“Stop that candy noise.”

“Thank you for calling me by name. Because you can call it a

cotton candy head.”

“My sisters are so strong, I’m going to die, I’m going to die.”

And for some reason, he treats me like a younger brother.

“Nathan, how are you? Looks like you ate well too. Very

When he regained his appetite saying it was good to eat,

Nathan pecked Schumann on the head.
“How come you sound the same every time I see you!”

“Ahaha, it’s amazing every time I see it. How the hell does an
owl speak?”

Looking at him, I remembered the first day we met.


when a year ago.

That day, it had been just a week since I picked up May.

Unable to leave Mei alone, who had not yet healed, I left her
with Nathan and went down to the village for a while.

And there he met Schumann.

“cotton candy?”
Pink hair resembling cotton candy, the first thing I’ve seen in
my life.

My eyes kept getting drawn to the unusual hair color.

The man who felt my gaze looked straight at me and

squinted his eyes.

big deal . Would you feel bad?

It was clearly rude to stare at someone.

I bowed my head towards the man who was hurriedly

approaching me.

But the words flying over my head were far from my


“It’s you.”


“Are you with Meimi?”

If it was Maymi, it was the name of the patient I was

At the time, it was rumored that Mei was a traitor. As far as I

know, I am not interested in the world.

‘How did know?’

“How did you know your face, but it’s not that great, and I
can feel Meimi’s energy from you.”


“So, where is Maimi?”

I kept my mouth shut.

If this person was the one who came to kill Meimi, I couldn’t
even tell you more.

“Are you suspicious of me?”

He raised his eyebrows as he read the suspicion that

appeared on my face.
“Who are you, looking for Meimi? If you want to hear the
answers you want, shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?”

He licked his lips as if he liked my snappy answer.

“Schumann Altran. He’s the ugly brother.”

his name, I took a breath.

Schumann. Because that name was the name of one of the

main characters.

“Perhaps, Master Ma Thap…?”

“I really want. Even in such a cute little country town, you

recognize me. Being too famous is a problem.”

Schumann ruffled his hair and laughed.

“Would you like me to sign?”

You sound like a sign.

‘It was X. It’s ruined.’

If it was the original, there were two people I never, ever
wanted to be involved with, but I didn’t particularly want to
meet them.

Dillian Sinise and Schumann Altran, the owner of the tower.

These two people were like time bombs who didn’t know
when to explode at will.

“Now, since I introduced you, you should also tell me. How is
May? treatment?”

“It was almost all right. Did you come to pick me up?”

“I meant to do that, but seeing you, I thought I might not

have done well, so I just went.”

why? take it now Maybe it won’t come again?

I looked into Schumann’s eyes with anxious eyes.

“Is this time tomorrow okay?”

“Why am I….”
I quickly shook my head. Schumann, who burst into laughter
at the intense movement, placed something on my hand.

When I said something, it was a ruby with large eggs.

“Tomorrow, okay?”


“He’s a fun guy.”

… yes i am a snob Whenever I said no or dislike, I fell for


“Okay, Candy. See you there tomorrow.”


“Oh, you look like candy.”

What does it mean? Almost half a year has passed, but I still
don’t understand the meaning of candy.
From that day on, I met Schumann at the same time and
place every day and told me about May’s physical condition.

Until Mei gets up from the bed completely.

And from then on, Schumann’s nonsensical brotherhood


While unfolding the miraculous logic of being my younger

brother’s friend.


There were times like that. As I recalled the past with a faint
face, I woke up to the sound of the three of us fighting.

At the sight of Nathan and May taking sides and attacking

Schumann, people murmured.
‘The owl speaks.’, ‘The owl bullies people.’ He was surprised
to see Nathan.

There was no particular reason to hide in the yard where

Daeshinjeon’s identity was discovered, but it was
burdensome as attention was focused wherever he went.

“Stop fighting. everyone is looking at you It’s embarrassing.”

Then , belatedly realizing that this place was outdoors,

Schumann began to pretend to be cool, tidying up his messy

“What happened?”

“… What the hell are you doing here?”

“I’m sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve come to see your face.”

Schumann rummaged through his arms and held out

something. It was a bracelet with a subtle color that stood
out like an opal.

“Come on, what you asked for.”

Episode 59.

“Did you do it sooner than you thought?”

“Who is this body, the great and perfect Lord of the Tower?”

“It would be really cool if you kept your mouth shut.”

Wearing a bracelet on his left hand, Schumann shrugged as

he grinned.

“Is it cool? know. Isn’t this older brother a bit cool?”

Oops, because the conversation doesn’t work.

‘I’m sure he’ll be just like that.’

Schumann was a character who lived up to my flair. He liked
to decorate more than anyone else, and he was a person
with very high self-esteem who always thought he was the

I also thanked the gorgeous Schumann today.

“thank you.”

When he handed the entire pocket that made his waist heavy
to Schumann, he blinked in surprise.

“What is so heavy?”

“I put in the price of barrier stones and defense stones that I

asked for earlier.”

It was Schumann who helped me in an emergency when

Dillian ran out and Mei was not there.

“But how do you write this?”

When I asked, waving my bracelet, Schumann grabbed my

wrist and pointed to one of the bracelets.
“See the big jewel in the middle here? Hold on there.”

As he gave his thumbs up, a soft light flashed.

“Now it is completely yours. Since fingerprint recognition is

over, no one else can use it except you.”

“You, a real genius is a genius.”

You’ll see the fingerprint recognition system here. With pure

admiration, Schumann placed his hand on my head.

“Thanks for the compliment.”

He seemed indifferent, but his stroking hand was infinitely


When I was contemplating whether to shake off this hand or

not, there was someone who removed it first.

“Hey, when you’re done, turn it off.”

May growled wildly.

“Where are you going to do the repair work? Do you want to
break your fingers?”

“There’s nothing you can’t say to your brother.”

“Brother, what, get out of here! Today, Lia and I decided to

spend the day together!”

Schumann pounded her head and pounded her head to see if

Mei had reached the limit of her patience.

“Take some iron. some iron.”

“Who is talking!”

Mei didn’t lose and put her fist in Schumann’s stomach.

‘It will be difficult to live like real siblings like them.’

I hugged Nathan and spread the distance, ignoring the sound

of hitting from behind.

If I stayed with a stupid brother and sister, I thought I would

become a fool too.

“Oh my gosh, that’s the truth. Watch me follow you to the


“Don’t fight while eating.”

“Yeah, be quiet when you eat… Yum Yum.”

“Nathan, eat all of you too.”

I waved at Schumann, who was walking around, leaving

Nathan behind his frantically inhaling cotton candy.

“Schumann! Come quickly and eat! He said he didn’t eat!”

When I called out to him loudly, Schumann approached me

with his characteristic sullen smile.

“After all, Leah is the only one who takes care of this oppa.”
I shoved a potato into Schumann’s nonsense mouth.


“Schumann. I’m going to try all the street food today. But
does it interfere with that? I know how to kick you in the

How long have I waited for this day

At the threatening warning, Schumann quietly shut his

mouth and chewed the potato.

I asked May, who took a bite of the sugar-sprinkled potato.

“may. Was the turret work well done?”

“Well. I was able to resurrect the family register and the

things that were expelled from the tower, but…. I don’t like

“why? That’s a good thing.”

“He told me to go back to work at the tower. plaguy. Daily
study, study. I’m tired of dying It was nice to live quietly with

Schumann’s fault, and May looked at Schumann with fearful


“Isn’t it better to be chased for the rest of your life?”

Schumann shrugged. As it may seem, Schumann was

terrified of my brother.

‘When I saw Wilhelm and looked after my brother who had

been kicked out, I said everything.’

To be honest, they weren’t even a drop of blood, but they

were the only family in the world.

‘They just deny that fact.’

Mei, who knew Schumann’s heart better than anyone, even

though she said no and disliked, grunted and stuck to my

“Leah. Am I just going to get a job at the Duke of Sinise?”

“You want to come and fight Mr. Dillion?”

Arthur . My eyes were dizzy when I thought that I was going

to bump into Ludo as well as Dillian.

‘What if I blow up the mansion like you blow up my house?’

I turned her around to the other side, lest Mei was dreaming
in vain.

“May, after returning, let’s work hard and aim for the position
of the top manager. You can definitely do it.”

“Hmm, hmm. okay? Well then, I’ll have to try it.”

I heard a peek and a laugh next to me.

Schumann covered his mouth and groaned.

“It’s a good thing you’re plotting a rebellion in front of

“Leah, I have a good idea. If you get rid of that guy now
without having to go down the hard road, then I will be the
master of the tower.”

Then Schumann twisted the corners of his mouth. you? And

the look of contempt was unheard of.

“This brother can’t get over it.”

“Hey, that remains to be seen.”

Fajik, sparks flew over my head.

“Nathan, would you like to go get some skewers next time?”

“That would be great.”

How long has it been since you left the two of you fighting
and moved?

“You are far away.”

“You away.”
They stopped fighting and followed me, but they were still

I carried my noisy brother and sister behind my back and

continued exploring the restaurant.


So, why did this happen?

I put the hood behind my view and looked around.

“I don’t think it’s the market road I was on….”

No matter how you look at it, it was an unfamiliar building.

I guess that’s when people came out.

I took a deep breath as I remembered the people running

towards me like a herd of cattle.
‘Even if it’s noisy, I’ll stick with you two.’

The fight was tiring, so I ignored it and went there, and was
swept away by the crowd at an absurd timing.

I woke up, it was here.

In other words, I am currently a lost voice.

I sat down on a nearby bench and grabbed my head.

“Nathan, do you feel the same way?”


“I must have lost our way.”

“I’m going to eat another piece of cotton candy.”

A brief silence passed between us.

Nathan’s big eyes widened and his mouth twitched.

“we… Mia…?”
“yes. But in this situation, do you want to eat cotton candy?”

“I am Mia…!”


I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

These are One, Dumb and Dumber, Pat and Matt.

“… Let the guard over there take you.”

I put my hood back on and pointed to the knights chatting in

the corner.

“What about May?”

“It’s nice to meet you in the middle, but you’ll have to go

inside on your own.”

Isn’t it funny to broadcast a missing child at this age?

I shrugged and asked Nathan, who was sitting on the bench,

moving his elongated beak.
“… are you eating it I’ll go and call you right away.”

“Ugh, no. let’s go together Just one more bite and let’s go.”

Having said that, Nathan increased the speed of eating the


It’ll be fine for a while. As we sighed and leaned back on the

bench, a shadow fell in front of us.

Three pairs of round, round eyes stared at us.

Not exactly me, but Nathan.

“Wow, owl! cute!”


Surrounded by children in an instant, Nathan blinked.

“Wow, what!”

“Wow! The owl speaks!”


The children who saw the talking owl for the first time raised
their hands with twinkling eyes.

“Owl, eat this too.”

“This is delicious too!”

Nathan’s eyes twinkled at the cotton candy that was

suddenly held out in front of me. Not only that, it was after
he had already lost his mind to eating again.

“I’m here playing with the kids. That would be better.”

“Great, is that so? are you eating Oh no. Are you looking
after the children?”

“Yeah, guys. I’m playing with this owl until I come.



Seeing the twinkling eyes with the same face as children,
laughter flowed out.

‘Because I don’t know who the kid is.’

I left them behind and walked towards the guards.

crowded crowd and moving forward.

“Can I help you?”

An unfamiliar voice caught my ankle.

Turning around, a man in a black hood pointed to the guards.

“It’s no use going to the guards. They never move from the
same place.”

I kept my mouth shut at the stranger’s appearance.

But he continued to speak on his own, regardless of my

trembling reaction.

“Which way are you going? clock tower? Park? Or a lake?”

“… clock tower.”

Since I couldn’t contact May, I was thinking of going back to

the place where I first met.

“Come here. I will show you the way.”

“Do you have to go there?”

“I’m not trying to harm you, the map is over there.”

As the man moved his gaze to the place he was pointing, he

saw a large information board.


“I know. It really is.”

Scratching his cheek in embarrassment, he moved forward in

front of the sign, and he pointed to his current location.

“The road to the clock tower is simple, so it will be easy to

As he said, the road was not difficult. Thanks to the easy-to-
understand explanations, it even stuck in my ears.

After the explanation, the man asked.

“What is your name?”

“Aren’t you supposed to introduce yourself first when you

ask for your name?”

As I, still unable to erase my vigilance, avoided answering,

the lips exposed under the robe drew an arc.

“What do you think it is? Guess it.”

to guess suddenly? what kind of bullshit

“How do I know that?”

“I know. Then you should know.”

what a crazy thing Even with help, the reluctance did not go
“I’ll try to guess first. Next time you have to guess.”

The bright purple eyes glistened in the sunlight. That time

when the red lips slowly opened.

I felt a stinging energy behind my back.

Goosebumps welled up on the back of his neck.

Episode 60.


He turned around quickly, but it was not easy to find his

opponent precisely in a square as complex as the market.

“Lea! It’s him!”

As if Nathan felt it too, he was flying towards me at high


‘Yes, I can feel it.’

A vicious energy similar to Dillian, but completely different. A

deep and creepy feeling that climbs on your toes.

it’s dark
run towards Nathan , a man called me quietly.

“let’s go?”

“Ah, thanks for showing me the way!”

“Okay, see you next time.”

In addition? I stopped at the meaningless words and turned

my body as I was running. The man who was still standing
there clenched his mouth.

It looked like it was calling my name.


He chased after the man with his eyes out of desperation,

but he had already disappeared into the crowd.


“No, which way should I go?”

“This is it.”
I followed the ferocious energy and made my way through
the crowd.

Then the faintly distant sensation revived.

And finally, I found it.

I instinctively pulled down the front of the hood.

“It doesn’t seem like a body. That’s the contractor, right?”


Will Lexter be the one who made a contract with the

darkness as Dillian expected?

I’ve been following you all the way here, but I don’t know
what to do next.

‘Should I get it now? Or should I turn around?’

As he paused, he was moving further and further away.

‘It’s impossible to catch it right now. But, but…!’

darkness was aiming for, if it wasn’t for Lexter who was
targeting Nathan, I would have ignored it and turned around.

‘But you’re looking at me!’

I can’t be fooled again.

My feet were already following the man at will.

“Leah, what are you going to do?”

“Let’s go a little further.”

If you don’t want to, then you can get rid of me.

I touched his bracelet and carefully followed him.

The noisy son-in-law became quiet, and the people

disappeared one by one.

Having confirmed that I was heading through the alley to an

empty vacant lot, I clinged to the wall, his blind spot.

‘… It’s dangerous if you go beyond this.’

pity , but it was time to go back.

At the moment when he lifted his heels and turned his body
quietly, a low voice echoed in the empty space.

“Just come out.”

Damn, I got it.

I stiffened on the spot and swallowed dry saliva. Cold sweat

ran down my back.

“You have a big liver, you dare follow me.”

The voice that approached me grew louder and louder.

I missed the timing to run away, and I reached out for the
bracelet, looking at the alley.

‘late. Even if you run away, you will be caught.’

There’s no safe way out of here.

‘It’s probably no use taking off the shichimi.’

You can only fight head-to-head.

It was better for me to hit the player first than to live in fear
of when the darkness would come to catch me.

If Rexter’s power is a curse, I can negate it with my divine


Let’s suppress it first. After that, you can entrust it to Dillian

or the Great Shrine.

It was at that time when I firmly pressed the bracelet as I

had learned from Schumann.

Someone appeared on the other side of the alleyway.

“Why are you luring me to such a remote place? I’m chasing

you, you know?”

“Oh, was it that way?”

Silver hair fluttering under her chin. Fresh green eyes. And,
the white light flickering around her.

She was definitely Aina.


How did Aina get here…?

Confused at the unexpected appearance, I shut my mouth. I

thought I was going to scream without realizing it.


Nathan tilted his head as he leaned against the wall instead

of running away and watched the situation.

“Shh, wait a minute.”

In the meantime, Aina stepped closer to Lexter without fear.

“Where did you get such a foul stench, and here it is.”

It was unfamiliar to him with his lips raised on one side and
his cold eyes staring at Rexter.

‘Is that person Aina?’

lie. The Aina I know is a lovely, kind, and always warm naive.

But what about those eyes that are likely to tear a person to

“Where did the nobleman Narina get buried like this?”

“Wherever I was, what did the saint matter?”

“I’m a saint by name, but can’t I just pretend I don’t know

when I see the filth that pollutes the world?”

“Dirty filth to whom?”

The raised hand was swung like a whip towards Aina.

what should we do. If only the lid of the pot was hit with one
hand, Aina would be hurt… huh?


I couldn’t keep my mouth shut at the sight unfolding before

my eyes.

Rexter’s hand, which was held in a small, fragile hand,

trembled in the air. Aina, who lightly blocked her hand sword,

“Lexter Blent.”

For a moment, I was surprised by the power that was not

inferior to that of an adult man, but I found reason for a
familiar name.

‘After all, Lexter was right.’

As Dillian expected, it was Lexter Blent who made a contract

with the Darkness.
“I don’t know where the wrong curse came from, but I need
to get rid of it. If our angel suffers because of you, it will be

“What kind of bullshit?”

I know. What else is an angel? …?

Aina’s actions, her tone, and even the authenticity of her

words. It was all full of unknown things.

“don’t worry. I will bud and purify it.”

In Aina’s hand that was in contact with Rexter, divine power

fluttered along with the light.

“It’s nothing like this to me…!”

However, Aina did not finish her speech.

Like static electricity, Aina’s hand bounced off.

‘Did you deflect Aina’s divinity?’

Aina, as bewildered as I was, quickly distanced herself from


this situation.

“Lexter Blent. Where did you get this curse from?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

When Lexter pretended not to know, Aina contorted her face.

“Don’t take the shichimi! You just deflected my divine


“Did you admit it with your own mouth now? That a noble
saint misunderstood a good citizen and used her powers

Wow, look at what you’re saying. it’s really stupid I frowned

at the sight of wanting to grab one.

“Lia, look over there.”

Then, Nathan spread out her wings and pointed.

Several suspicious men were approaching Aina.

“It’s really cowardly.”

Up until now , I knew he was a piece of rubbish by looking

entirely at him, but he was stalking me recklessly.

Aina rushed to Lexter and attacked her, unaware that

someone was approaching behind me.

“Lea, what are you going to do?”

If everything went according to plan, I had to pretend I didn’t

know and go home.

There’s nothing good about revealing your identity to Lexter.

It was right to hide his identity and plan for the future.

But it was also funny to be able to stop all of this and leave
me alone.
“I wish I was a little more selfish.”

“That’s why you are a lovely person.”

Thank you for the compliment, but Nathan’s habit of saying

it doesn’t really impress me.

I smiled and lowered Nathan in my arms to the ground.

“I’ll be mad if Dillian finds out later. Is not it?”

“Hey, he can’t be mad at you.”

“okay? Then I’m happy.”

I pressed the bracelet firmly. Then, with twinkling and light,

the bracelet turned into a bow.

“Oh, that’s amazing.”

“Schumann’s one skill is the best.”

I put my finger on the bow and bowstring.

‘If you press this button, it will transform into a bow shape.
No need for arrows. Because it can be realized with your
divine power.’

He raised his arms hanging down and pulled the bowstring

as hard as he could. The moment I held my breath and
pulled the string taut to the limit,

Shhh !

Leaving my hand, the flying arrow hit the enemy’s thigh


‘If you hurt your leg, you won’t be able to move around.’


After seeing the enemy crouching forward with a scream, I

drew the bow again.

Aina’s senses rose sharply at the sound of the wind.

‘Attack from behind…!’

Aina quickly stood up and looked up at the man falling in

front of me and raised her eyes.

‘That’s divine power?’

That light that slowly faded from the tail of the arrow was
clearly divine power.

‘Who is it? It is not the divine power of the High Priest.’

It’s the first time I’ve seen it, but it’s not unfamiliar, it’s warm
and cozy….

“… no way?”

Aina turned her back on Lexter and looked around. It looked

like he was looking for something in a hurry.
Lexter also took his eyes off Aina and looked around.

The curse engraved on the back of his hand rang out.

‘This numbness. Holy power.’

There are only two people who can influence me to the point
of numbness.

The high priest and the saint in front of me.

However, the saint could not help but be embarrassed

because it was an unexpected situation.

‘Did the high priest come?’

That was then.

With a beep- tinnitus, someone forcibly scratched his head.

[Lexter, don’t touch Leah.]

“Fuck you, don’t talk to me like this!”

[Do not touch.]

Wait, why are you suddenly talking about that woman….

‘no way.’

Is it the woman named Gria who is now hiding and shooting

holy power arrows?

“Shut up, he said he was going to die from shooting arrows

at random!”

[ Oh, right. Even if you don’t know the saint, Leah’s divine
power is harmed. If you get hit, you won’t be able to move for
a while.]

As soon as the darkness warned them, Lexter’s men groaned

and collapsed. Lexter wrapped his throbbing head and
grinded his teeth.

‘Damn it, is this really what Dillian’s fiancée did? That

woman who says it’s Leah or something?’

When I tried to lure a saint in, I’m afraid something out of the
ordinary would get in the way.
Lexter looked around and reached out toward Aina.

Since this happened, even the saint’s breath had to be taken


“Leah, three o’clock. Saints are dangerous.”

Leah quickly turned to Nathan’s words.

There was nothing to be afraid of when a white-haired,

white-haired, sharpshooter and a forward-looking eye
worked together.

After aiming precisely at Lexter’s thigh, Leah released the

taut bowstring.

It flew faster and stronger than ever before.

But the arrow did not reach Lexter.

Something rose from within Lexter’s shadow. It was a

monster he met in Wilhelm.
Dark clones, demons called shadows, wriggled their bodies
and made walls.


Her hair was fluttering wildly in the wind, which was caused
by strong forces collided with each other.

Leah’s face hardened coldly by the familiar yet unfamiliar

Episode 61.

“It was just….”

“Lea! Run away!”

I was surprised for a while. Leah quickly drew her bowstring

at Nathan’s call.

As if to protect Rexter, he shot arrows at the monsters that

surrounded him.

The flying arrow pierced the wall and aimed at Rexter.


A faint but painful moan could be heard from Lexter. And red
blood splattered on the floor.
Lexter was devoured by the shadow, but the circumstances
at the time indicated that her attack worked.

Leah lowered her arms as she slowly released her bow.

‘A little while ago, what kind of power did you feel in Lexter?
How do you have that energy….’

The power that Rexter showed was not only the power of
darkness, but also the power of the curse felt from Dillion.

“Nathan, the power that Lexter used….”

But Leah couldn’t finish it.

It was because Aina, who ran away, dug into Leah’s arms.

Unable to overcome the recoil, Aina grabbed her body with

all her might.

“Angel! After all, I thought you were coming to save me!”

It was completely different from when he was dealing with

the difference, Lia pushed Aina and pointed the bow at her.

“who are you.”

Even though the arrow was pointed in front of her nose, Aina
was not surprised, but smiled bashfully.

Then he folded his waist in half and said hello.

“My name is Aina Bern. I became a saint this generation.”

Aina, who had been waving her body to say hello as if

embarrassed, suddenly hardened her face and began to look
into Lia’s eyes.

“… Are you mad?”


At the ridiculous remark, Leah forgot the situation and tilted

her head.

“I had to get everything done before the angel came, I’m

Leah was confused as she looked completely different from
when she was fighting Lexter .

“Lea, maybe the saint of this generation has a dual


Nathan whispered in Leah’s ear as if he couldn’t get used to


“Are you Nathan? Oh my gosh! Nice to meet you. I didn’t

think I’d see you again this time, but I’m so happy.”

Leah slowly lowered her bow when she saw Aina showing
her feelings openly.

‘Which one is the real Aina?’

The cynical side she showed when dealing with Lexter, and
the cute side she showed when dealing with herself, it
wasn’t the face she knew.

What was certain was that he was not a threat to me now.

“Hey, what do you mean angel?”

“You are my guardian angel.”

“A guardian angel?”

“He must have made a pact with me. I will send a guardian
angel just for me.”

As soon as his hand was caught, Leah stepped back in

embarrassment. Aina followed closely as if not to miss.

“I have been waiting for a very long time. Angel.”

Leah, weakened by the sparkling eyes and the voice of deep

longing, quietly offered her a hand.

And after a while, he resented himself for not leaving the



“Miss Cassis!”

Leah’s neck twitched back at the name she shouldn’t have

heard here.
Bright blonde hair as if embracing the sun, purple eyes
shining like amethyst.

Aina , Cassis Argentia.


It was the appearance of the original Namjoon.


I was sweating over the pile of desserts piled up in front of


I was caught by Aina and accidentally came to the cafe.

“Lea-sama, try this too.”

“Yes. I will eat.”

“Take it easy. Lia-sama is my guardian angel.”

“no. How can I….”

I barely took over the fork, which was rushing at terrifying

speed, and bit it into my mouth.

A tickling laughter was constantly flowing from Aina’s mouth,

who had a calyx on her.

It seemed to have a strange bitter taste from the cream that

melted in your mouth.

‘I’m really going crazy.’

I gulped down the water with intense gaze as if piercing my

cheek from the side.

‘Why the hell are these fucking couples doing this to me?’

Aina, who gives her excessive kindness and affection, and

Cassis, who keeps me in check.

‘You’ve finally met all the original characters….’

I want to run away. In order to get out of here, I had to
remove Aina first.

“There, ma’am. Come to think of it, I am not like a guardian


Just an ordinary citizen. I worked hard to persuade Aina, but

nothing came through.

“Even so, I can see everything. You can see how clean and
beautiful Lia-sama’s divine power is, and how huge it is.”

“I see it too. The saint’s divine power is also very clean.”

It was a pure white light that could not be compared with the
Great Hall of Fame.

“In the point of being able to see that, Leah is different from

Know. That I am different from others.

Because it’s a hidden character, there must be something

special to do.
“God made a promise to me. Instead of becoming a saint
who protects the empire, I will send a guardian angel to
protect me.”

But I didn’t think that role was the female protagonist’s

guardian angel.

“He sent me a guardian angel as promised. It is fate that Lia-

sama met me today and that she saved me.”

Aina called me a guardian angel like a fanatic.

I rubbed my trembling forehead.

‘It’s strange that the Obelus really exists, but what the hell
did you blow into Aina….’

On the other hand, there were those who, like me,

questioned the word guardian angel.

“Aina, if you are an agent of God, does such a thing as a

guardian angel exist? You’re mistaken because that woman
saved you.”
When Cassis said what I wanted to say, I was blown away,
but it was only for a moment.

Before he could finish his words, Aina counterattacked


“Miss Cassis. Are you saying you don’t believe me now? Are
you denying the existence of my guardian angel?”

“No, I am not ignoring it. It’s so sudden.”

“And it’s not that woman, it’s Leah. You have a noble and
sublime name, how can you use such a frivolous title? It’s
really disappointing.”

Cassis quickly lowered her tail at Aina’s attack like a pistol.

“… I lied. Stop taking care of Miss Delis,”

“Leah. lee. ah.”

“Yeah, stop taking care of Ms. Leah and eat yourself first.”
“it’s okay. Just looking at Leah’s face makes me hungry.
Leah-sama, try this too.”

“no. Please eat the saint. I don’t like this.”

Then, Aina’s face distorted as if she had heard the sound of

a blue sky.

“I made such a stupid mistake…! I don’t even know Leah’s

tastes. I’m stupid!”

“Aina! No way. It is clear that Leah was mistaken! right?”

If not, it would have killed him.

I quickly shoved the cookie she had given me.

“Hey, look. They are eating very well.”


Aina began to shed tears as if she was moved by my writing

I leaned against the chair, aggressively chewing the chewy
chocolate cookies.


I sent Nathan an SOS and stabbed him in the ass, but he had
long lost his mind over his first fruit sorbet.

“delicious! How in the world could there be anything so


pay any attention to me, it’s not a dangerous situation….

Yeah, it’s not dangerous. My eyes just hurt.

‘Si X, if all the couples died….’

Suddenly, I felt the urge to poke my eyes at the two people

who were close to each other and engaged in an act of

By this point, I know that their relationship has progressed

considerably, but isn’t it serious?
‘If anyone sees it, they’ll know that they’re in a relationship
with a serious relationship and promise to get married.’

Who would think that they were two months old?

‘not. When I think of Dillion, it doesn’t seem like that’s the


They stayed in the Imperial Palace instead of the Great Hall

of Fame, and they seemed to get closer at a fast pace.

Like Dillian and me.

I leaned my chin and looked at Aina and Cassis.

Did the people who watched Dillian pour out a barrage of

affection towards me feel like this?

‘If you do that in front of other people, you have to really stop

Even for their eyes.

It was a time when I was depressed by the unexpected self-

A chirping sound was heard.

I was looking for a place to turn my eyes away from the

couple’s violent love affair.

And I was startled by the bright red eyes I met immediately.


I opened my mouth blankly when I saw Dillian’s figure.

Disorganized bangs, sweat dripping between them, and big

bouncing chests.

He was like someone who had run away in a hurry.

It was vividly visible that the eyes, which had swayed like a
storm, were slowly returning to their proper places. Dillian,
who found me, approached me quickly.
He didn’t give a glance to Cassis, who was sitting opposite
me, and only looked at me.

“Mr. Leah. What the hell happened?”

I looked at him as if possessed, and grabbed his arm as he

approached me.

I couldn’t believe it so I was thinking about Dillion, but I

didn’t know he was really going to show up.

“Are you okay? Are there any injuries? Were you involved in
something dangerous or not?”

“yes? Yes Yes. But how do you know…?”

“When I heard the report that Ms. Leah had disappeared, I

searched all around. May-san says she doesn’t know, and
you know how surprised I was.”

time were vividly conveyed.

Dillian let out a sigh, wiping his messy hair as if his anxiety
had subsided when he saw my normal appearance.
My heart fluttered strangely at the disheveled appearance of
Dillian, who was always perfect.

The fact that I am the cause of so much anxiety about a

person who doesn’t seem to get a drop of blood even if he
stabs him.

“Sorry. Well, there were too many people and it was washed
away. I got lost in an unfamiliar place, but they helped me.”

I pointed to Aina and Cassis opposite. Dillian, who found

Cassis at that moment, shook his head lightly.

Although it was a very polite greeting, Cassis looked at

Dillion with strange eyes, as if he had been distracted by
something else.

Aina swallowed her saliva as she couldn’t believe the current


“Lea-sama, that one…?”

“Is it spherical? My drug, my fiance.”

It was the first time I introduced Dillian by mouth, so my face
got hot, but Aina’s momentum looking at my blushing face is

Episode 62.

Aina, who loosened her grip on Cassis and stood up rough

enough to shake the chair, hurried towards us.

Both eyes were full of hostility. It was so cold, that Dillian

told him not to get too close.

“Miss Leah. Why is it that someone like you is with someone

like that?”


“It is dangerous to be around such a bad person. He said

that one day he might even eat Leah. I’ll take you from now
on. Come with me right now…!”
Is that what you’re going to say to someone’s face now ? It’s
wrong, I’m going to eat it.

‘Why is Dylian listening to it?’

The person in charge was still, but for nothing, I felt

uncomfortable and cried.

‘Why are you so angry? It’s not that I’m swearing.’

Listening and listening, unable to bear it any longer, I left

and got up before Aina finished speaking.

Her eyes trembled greatly, as if bewildered by my harsh


“Lady. Be careful.”

“yes? But, that person is cursed…!”

“My Majesty the Crown Prince, we will leave. Nathan, let’s


“Lee, Leah.”
I ignored the outstretched hand and turned my back.

overdo it, but emotions were not the subject.

“Lea-sama is my guardian angel!”

Aina exclaimed in a harsh, unhappy voice. I’ve been dragged

around by that plea until now, but that’s now over.

“Lady. I am no one’s guardian angel.”

If there’s anything I have to protect, it’s Nathan and Dillian.

There is no such thing as an obligation for me to protect and

uphold the heroine.

I came out of the cafe reluctantly, looked at Aina reflected in

the window and swallowed a sigh.

I felt uncomfortable when I saw the tears dripping down in

Cassis’s arms, whether the wounds were large or not.

“Mr. Leah.”
Dillian wrapped my cheeks and held them to me. Then he
put the hood over my head and tightened it tightly.

“Are you going home?”

“Yes, I will go and sleep. I’m tired. But how do you find

“We decided to meet at the clock tower.”

“That’s fortunate. Come on.”

I took Dillian’s hand. Dillian flinched as if he didn’t know that

I would hold his hand first.

Startled, I tried to pull my hand out, but at that moment a

strong force grabbed my hand.

“Where is the catch and release?”

Just in case I would run away, Dillian dug between his

fingers and intertwined my hands.
I slowly looked into Dillian’s face. It was a languid face, no
different from usual.

“Mr. Dillian, I’m not mad…?”

“I am angry.”

Also. Who wouldn’t feel bad after hearing that in front of


“If I ask you to escort me next time, please don’t say no. You
know how surprised I was.”

“… Was it that one?”

“Then, is there anything else to be angry about?”

He had a face that didn’t really know why.

“The saint said something bad.”

“Ah, it happened.”
As if he had just remembered it, the way he shook his head
was indifferent.

It was clear that he wasn’t interested until I spoke up.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s not like I hear such a thing once or
twice, and if I pay attention to every single thing, I get tired.”

As if this was normal, Dillian laughed, saying that it was not

a big deal.

Why is that look so angry? I groaned and grabbed Dillian’s

arm and shook it violently.

“Then you should be angry!”

“Mr. Leah, are you mad?”


Angry on his behalf, I let out a rough breath.

Once again, I thought I had given Dillion a lot of affection.

When I first met him, I didn’t know he would be like this.

Actually , Aina’s words are not wrong. I didn’t show it, but I
thought like her, and I was nervous.

How many times have you actually tried to push him away?

A sensitive person like Aina will feel the curse of Dillion even

‘Still, you’re talking too much!’

For nothing, I was even more upset and embarrassed.

“Lea, are you mad at me? Am I insulted?”

can’t you see I rolled my eyes and glared at Dillion.

I’m so angry and frustrated, but he licks his lips at what’s so


“Is this funny now?”

Dillian frowned and shook his head.

But he couldn’t stop the corners of his lips that kept

twitching and soaring upward.

“Can I ask you one thing?”

“What is it?”

“I ate the curse, so why is Lia angry?”

“Because! of course…!”

I suppressed the feeling of crying and overflowing.

“Because someone you care about has been insulted for

something that is not his fault.”

I listened to him about as much as the time I spent with him,

and he even got engaged, so he’s a precious person.

After making my own conclusions and nodding my head, I

asked Dillian as if urging me.
“Mr. Dillian, won’t you get angry if I get cursed while I’m on
the street?”

“Please, I will pluck out that bastard’s tongue.”

His expression looking at me was kind to the world, but the

content of his words was quite radical.

Now that I’m used to it, I clapped my hand saying that’s what
it meant.

“Yes, I was angry in a similar sense. So, if you hear that, Mr.
Dillian, get angry too. I know?”

“Whoever said it, I’ll keep it in mind.”

Dillian whispered sweetly, bowed his head and kissed the

back of my hand.

His face heated up at the sensation of burning hot. My heart

pounded at the gentlemanly attitude that I sometimes show.

‘Aren’t you doing this knowingly?’

As soon as their eyes met, Dillian pulled the corner of his
mouth. A scorching heat rose on her strangely sultry face.

Then , suddenly, his gaze turned to Dillian’s neck.

Dillian’s curse is still there.

The last time he was attacked in Wilhelm, his curse never

ran wild.

It was because Dillian had learned to control the runaway.

And I often appeased his curse with divine power.

‘Is it time to do it soon?’

I reached for the curse that was visible through the open
collar of my shirt.

As my fingertips touched, Dillian looked at me suspiciously.

I unleashed the divine power and carefully swept away the

“This curse, I will undo it.”

I wonder how I can break the curse that neither Aina nor
High Priest Aaron have been able to overcome, but I can’t do
it because I use a different power than them.

No , I will make it impossible.


And I’ll make sure I’ll never be treated like that again.

Dillian’s eyes, which had grown astonishingly wide, were

softly curved as they burned with a will that had never been

And suddenly he hugged my waist and pulled me. I blinked

my eyes as I was dragged without stopping and slammed my
face into his chest.

His face warmed up late at the smell of his intense scent.

“What are you doing?! In broad daylight when everyone

“Then don’t go anywhere until my curse is lifted.”

As I fluttered and pushed Dillian away, I stopped.

His voice sounded strangely hoarse.

‘This is a foul.’

whimper .

“Isn’t it getting longer? We were supposed to be together

until we found our memories.”

“The memory doesn’t seem to come back for the rest of my

life, so it doesn’t matter if it grows.”

Heh, you’re yelling at me for a big deal.

“I’m going to ask Kim. Do you really remember anything?”

It seemed too natural for a person who lost his memory.

“I think I was very good at acting. I saw that even Ms. Lia
forgot to be deceived.”
Dillian said he was happy and smiled broadly.

“I memorized all the information I needed. My past, my

family’s history, and even my family tree.”

Indeed , it is Dillian. I poked my tongue out at his

thoroughness, while sweeping my chest.

Because I didn’t cause any trouble,

“What a relief.”

“I’m happy.”

We nodded at the same time.

“No one knows Mr. Dillian’s secret.”

“Mr. Leah will never leave.”

I frowned at the unexpected answer.

“Is that going to happen?”

“If you find your memory, you will run away. Then you won’t
be looking for it for the rest of your life.”

If you can’t speak Now, laughter came out even at the

obvious trickery.

“Okay, let go of your hand. It’s embarrassing to see others.”

“That means it’s fine where there’s no eye to see. For

example, a carriage.”

As soon as I finished speaking, Dillion pushed me into the


“for a moment…!”

Even with my earnest hand, the door of the carriage

slammed shut.

“Aina. Let’s calm down and go back first.”

Cassis managed to comfort Aina, who was exhausted from

crying, and went out onto the street.

In the distance, I could see Leah and Dillian’s back. It was a

friendly and friendly sight.

Cassis looked at him with unfamiliar eyes.

‘I thought it was a smoke screen because I didn’t want to

marry my sister, but it must have been the truth.’

Dillian’s feelings for Leah were obviously the same kind he

had for Aina.

At first, it was so unbelievable that I mistook him for a

monster covered in his skin.

‘Are you worried about the world’s Dillion Sinise?’

The shock came again when he remembered that he was

rushing towards Leah without looking around.
Cassis thought of Dillion and touched my face without
realizing it.

When she looks at Aina, does her face look like that too? It
was because I was curious.

‘You must be embarrassed.’

Dillian ‘s feelings were blatant. The face of the beholder was

revealed without hiding.

‘He said he’s a monster that doesn’t even know how to feel.
It was all bullshit.’

It wasn’t a bad thing. Because he was able to see the human

side of Dillion.

The problem was that it was the person my lover called my

guardian angel.

‘A guardian angel….’

I knew that Aina had been looking for a woman for a long
It was said that he was waiting for an angel to give only for

But the guardian angel chose Dillion over Aina.

The two of them seemed to have a deep relationship.

Cassis gently stroked Aina’s smirking hair.

“Aina. This time you were serious. Even a peacock would be

offended to hear such a thing.”

“… I was short.”

It was something I did because I wanted to help Leah, but I

guess the two of them had a relationship like that.

If you curse someone you love, everyone will feel bad.

Aina boldly admitted my mistake.

“Apologize next time. Then Leah will accept it with a smile

“… yes.”

Cassis exhorted Aina, who was heartbroken.

Aina slapped her on the cheek at Cassis’s sincere advice, but

stopped at the long shadow beneath her feet.

“Stand back.”

instinctively sensed danger, shone sharply.

Episode 63.

“Are you?”

“right now!”

As soon as Aina pushed Cassis’s shoulder away, the monster

rose from the shadows.


A wide-open mouth rushed to eat Aina.

Aina, too, was about to fight back with her divine power,
when a thin and shiny net like a gift struck the monster.

The monster trapped in the net made a strange sound and

twisted its body.
‘Is this a holy thing?’

Is it from Daishinjeon? Aina turned to where the net had


There was an unexpected person there.


“Are you?”

I was surprised for a while, but Fabian was happy and

awkward after a long time.

After all, it was a reunion after 5 years.

“Why are you here…. No, Aina. get off first It’s dangerous

Harris, who appeared on the shoulder of Fabian in

embarrassment, was formal towards Aina and Cassis.

“Meet the Crown Prince and the Holy Lady.”

Harris, who greeted him, trampled on the wriggling monster.

“I guess, did you guys know that darkness would appear?”

“Yes, I was expecting it.”

However, your opponent is just wrong.

He predicted that he was going to aim for Leah, not Aina, but
he missed it beautifully.

‘I’m glad I caught it. At the very least, I was almost in vain.’

As if to protect Aina, Cassis, who embraced her shoulder,

looked down at the monster and asked.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen the real thing. Does the darkness
look like this?”

“I can’t be sure as I haven’t been out yet. However, I think

there is a high possibility that he is in the form of a human.”

Darkness is an evil curse sealed a thousand years ago.

At that time, it is said that darkness was in the form of a
human. So, it must have been hiding somewhere in the form
of a human again this time.

“Captain, this guy is struggling too much.”

I was sweating drippingly as my subordinate was struggling.

As Harris poured out his divine power, the demon twisted his
body as if in agony.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t escape.

Because this net was a holy relic that was saved by visiting
each temple in order to catch the darkness.

After successfully capturing the clone, Harris exclaimed.

“Go back.”

After confirming that the shadow had been locked in the
cage clad with the divine power, Harris turned and bowed his
head to Aina.

“I hope that the saint will return to the Daeshinjeon as soon

as possible.”


But after a long time, there was no reply.


“Yes Yes?”

“Are you okay?”

Aina, who was awakened by Harris’s call, nodded her head


“Yes, I was surprised for a moment.”

While answering Harris, Aina’s gaze remained on the

captured shadow.
“Is that, so that monster is an alter ego of darkness?”

“That’s right.”

Aina, who looked at the shadow with serious eyes, raised her

“Can I go to Daeshinjeon now?”

“We are always welcome, but….”

Harris nodded, but couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

He didn’t come even though he called me, so what is the

reason for this all of a sudden?

“Are you?”

Cassis, startled by Aina walking towards Harris and Fabian,

hurriedly grabbed her hand.

“Now that I have finished my work in the palace, it is right to

return to the Great Hall.”
Aina looked back at Cassis and smiled softly.

But an eerie voice was constantly playing in her head.

[It’s cute, it’s cute. I didn’t even know I was being used.]

Looking at Aina’s confused face, the darkness revealed her

teeth and giggled.



The sound of foot stomping was heard in the alleyway.

After a second he stomped his foot, the sticky masses

crawled to the ground and disappeared into his shadow.

“Hmm, the biggest one has been caught.”

No matter how many times I called, the darkness filled my
tongue at the clone that didn’t come back.

“I didn’t mean to untie it either.”

But the saint should have been removed from here. Because
it’s annoying to leave it alone.

‘Since it has penetrated the spirit of the saint, there is no

choice but to put expectations on it.’

to capture his strength, a wagon with the design of the

Sinais family passed in front of him.

It was a fleeting moment, but he saw clearly.

The appearance of friendly Leah and Dillian.

The lips twisted under the eyes that had sunk in an instant
were fierce.

“Shall I kill you?”

The darkness stared at the empty street as if to kill. Her eyes
gleamed like amethyst.

With those lively eyes, the attendant shrugged and looked

into the dark eyes.

“… You just have to go.”

“okay. This is not the time.”

Not far away are the dogs of the Great Hall of Fame.

‘Already, I can’t show up.’

Capturing his emotions, he got into the carriage that stopped

in front of me.

“Let’s go pick up the stupid contractor.”

As if in response, the carriage door closed with a thump and


The pattern engraved on the carriage is a pair of lions facing

each other.
It was the royal emblem.


I moved to the clock tower with Dillian.

As if we were supposed to meet here, May and Schumann

were waiting for me.

“Lea! it’s okay?”

I suddenly disappeared, and May and Schumann’s faces

were soaked in sweat.

“Yeah, nothing happened.”

Actually, there was a very big thing, but I didn’t want to

cause any fuss, so I just shrugged it off.

“Look, look around!”

“Look around this way too.”

Mei and Schumann, who thoroughly inspected my body,

wiped their chests, and then started fighting again.

“It’s because of you! That’s why you came after us!”

“Who will say it. If you just killed your temper, this wouldn’t
have happened.”

Arr, the two of them fighting with their teeth exposed, I

sighed and slapped them hard on the back.

“Stop it! In the first place, the two of you should not fight!”

Dillian nodded and smirked.

“That’s it. At times, he bragged that he could protect Ms.

Leah, and then lost it.”


“I was the one who found Leah in the end, so please tell me
something about this incident. May.”

From start to finish, nothing was wrong. At Dillian’s sharp

words, Mei grabbed her chest and let out a moan.

“… say something There is not.”

Reluctantly admitting defeat, Schumann was startled and

shook Mei’s shoulder.

“What, why are you giving up already? The mad dog of the
tower must not lose like this. Where did the crazy dog who
doesn’t let go once asked!”

“I have no words to win, what should I do….”

Schumann glared at Dillion at Mei’s unexpectedly dead


“Apologize right now. Our kids are crying because of you.”

“You idiot, I don’t cry.”

“I protect my dog.”
Schumann, who advocated the logic that my younger brother
is the only one who cuts it, blocked Mei’s front.

“The peacock hurt my innocent and tender little brother, how

are you going to make up for it?”

“Didn’t I say crazy dog?”

“Schumann, what you just said is full of contradictions.”

When Nathan also joined, Schumann snorted huh.

“Why is this? There are also crazy dogs with a soft heart. It
was just a thorn wounded by someone!”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just bullshit.”

I held Nathan in my arms and covered his ears as he tilted

his head.

Mei also turned her head and looked away from Schumann’s
“The bottom line is that May is a wounded mad dog.”


“That’s right, what is it!”

Mei, who could not hear it, hit Schumann in the back of the

I wanted to do this right now, so I grabbed Dillian’s arm and

pulled him out.

“Come on, don’t fight.”

“I would love to do that.”

“Let’s buy another cotton candy before we go. This time, I

want to eat in blue.”

We walked towards the cotton candy stand.

Bang, quaang, bang!

There was a loud noise of something exploding behind his
back, but no one paid any attention.


Kuung, Lexter, who barely escaped to the mansion, let out a

moan of pain.

“Ugh, nah.”

I just rubbed it, but why is it so painful?

Lexter rolled onto the floor, grabbing his bloody arm.

In the blurry vision, a shiny shoe nose could be seen.

“I told you. Don’t get hit by Leah’s attack.”

“Wow, how are you supposed to dodge those arrows!”

Dark nodded at Rexter’s bright red rage.

“You’re right. Leah’s arrows are sharp as ever.”

Lexter, who was so angry, slowly lost his words.

To Lexter, who shared the power of darkness and instilled a

curse in his body, Leah’s divine power was nothing more
than poison.

As evidence of that, I gradually lost strength in my body.

“I won’t be able to move properly for a while.”

The darkness that filled the tongue called the shadows in the
shallow breath.

floor forced Lexter to stand up. I don’t care whether or not

Lexter groans in pain.

“You better hide until your body recovers. The clone I raised
the most was also caught in the Great Temple.”

“… nothing happened Cool!”

Lexter, who spit out the backflowing blood, asked helplessly
with a messed up face.

“If the divine power is nothing, why does that woman’s

attack work?”

“Because Leah is special.”

The purple eyes that reminded me of Leah fluttered open.

“Lea is a god-loved child.”

Obelus, who loved all things equally, cherished and loved


he made and give him a chance.

“Thanks for giving me a chance. You have a chance too.”

Stupid Obelus. If it was for Leah, I shouldn’t have given the


‘You will lose Leah completely by that mistake. Obelus.’

The darkness, who laughed while revealing this, soon
disappeared with Lexter.
Episode 64.


Returning home safely under Dillian’s protection, I

immediately fell onto the bed.

“I feel tired.”

An accident that happened in one day gave me a headache.

“Leah. I have to wash.”

I forced myself to stand up to Nathan, who was pushing me

on the back.
“Nathan, no matter how you think about it, it’s strange.”



Not only Aina, who is obsessed with me for the strange

reason of being a guardian angel, but also Lexter, who uses
a power similar to that of Dillion.

“Nathan. What are you hiding from me?”

“Hmm, well?”

Nathan, who was lying on his bed, idly, tilted his head at my

weird. He obviously knew something, but he didn’t seem to

want to tell me in the first place.

Exactly, as if I wanted to figure it out on my own.

“The power that Rexter wrote is the power of darkness, isn’t


“But why do you feel like Mr. Dillion?”

At first, I had no idea because it was so ugly and evil that it

could not be compared.

However, as time went on, the powers of Lexter and Dillian

became more and more similar.


I was worried that Nathan would laugh at me because it was

a nonsensical story, so I waited for a long time.

“Is it the same power? For example, is the origin the same?”

“Yeah, it’s the same power.”

“Oh, I see. Also….”

… not! Is this really a serious problem?

“Nathan! You know why you didn’t teach me! And why are
you so carefree!”

seat and screamed.

“I couldn’t even speak for a long time. After seeing whether it

was a lexter or a lobster today, I knew for sure.”

“Then you should have told me. Are you trying to pretend you
don’t know if I hadn’t asked?”

“I can’t. I was just going to let you know if you didn’t notice
until the end.”

My head was pounding at my careless actions.

For a moment, I sat down in my seat with a tingling of


“If the two sources of power are the same, is the curse of
Dillion also derived from darkness?”


I crouched down and covered my head. No matter how much

I thought about it, there was no answer.

“Leah. No worries. The darkness that is the source of the

curse is not complete now.”


“Yeah, I just woke up, so I’m not that strong.”

“How do you know? Can you feel it?”

“If I had regained my strength, I would have proudly

presented my true face in front of you.”

I remembered the sticky, squishy monster I met in Wilhelm.

‘Well, it wasn’t real.’

The monsters that were grinning were just 1, 2, 3, 4

“Besides, your attack hurt the dark contractor. It must have
taken a lot of damage, so he won’t be able to move for a

It would be nice if my attack weakened me, but I couldn’t

just like it.

The darkness will surely want to find power. Now that you’re
hurt, you’ll want it even more.

And now there is only one person with the greatest power.

“… I will aim for Dillion to regain my strength.”

“Also, our Leah. If you tell me one thing, you know the heat.”

Nathan fluttered his wings to see if he was excited about

being a good disciple.

Unlike Nathan, who smiled broadly, I did not intend to

straighten my face.

As I stared into the air with a face as if the world was dead,
Nathan approached me and told me not to worry.
“But the odds of him defeating Dillion are extremely low.”

“Are you sure?”

“okay. Dillian’s nerdy and unlucky, but one thing he’s not
sure about.”

That’s right. I nodded my head confidently.

“Dillian is stronger. Darkness wants to find power by killing

Dillion right now, but that’s not realistically possible. It will
probably be the last one.”

fortunate in misfortune As I was sweeping my heart, a

hypothesis suddenly ran through my head.

“Wait, then, if Mr. Dillian’s curse is derived from darkness,

then killing the darkness will also lift Mr. Dillian’s curse,

“okay. right. Destroy the source and the curse disappears.”

At that moment, the will that had died began to spring up

“What does darkness look like? Does it look the same as the
monster we saw?”

“no. If my prediction is correct, it will be in human form. I

don’t know what kind of face it is.”

you’re human That was very dangerous for us.

when or where you will be hiding.

Just thinking about it gave me a headache.

“What the hell does darkness want?”

“There are many reasons, but one thing is certain.”

I kept my mouth shut at Nathan’s words.

“You know it too.”

“… Is it really me?”

“Why the hell?!”

I got up and pulled out my hair.

I didn’t understand at all. What did I say that bothered me so


“Are you coveting me with enormous divine power? Or will

you use me to destroy the world?”

Rather, it would have been better for me to be obsessed with

killing myself because I was overflowing with divinity.

“I don’t understand, why are you so obsessed with me?”

What do I say! I’m just an ordinary person possessed by the

body of a woman named Leah Delis!

I banged my head on the bed and rolled my feet.

“I wanted to live a quiet life, but why is this happening? ….”

“You will find out soon.”

“I’m not curious at all….”

I don’t know what it is, but it must be a perverted reason!

It must be the reason why it is soggy, sultry, and sinister.

the blanket, I turned around and looked up at the ceiling.

As I sat blankly like a madman, Nathan patted my chest.

“Don’t worry. All you have to do is destroy it before the

darkness catches you.”

“Surely, don’t say it like I have to.”

I answered bluntly, but I was actually guessing vaguely.

The characters that were not in the original were me and the

The darkness with the evil curse and me with enormous

divine power.
I didn’t even know I had an instinctive intuition that I was the
key to solving this problem.

“So where is the body?”

“You have to find it.”

“Ah! What is it!”

After all, it means that you have to work hard while running
on your feet!

“Nathan, tell the truth. Is Aina hiding something too?”

“I don’t know that either. The word “guardian angel” is a no-


It didn’t seem like he was lying.

It was the sound of a mysterious figure that even Nathan,

who knew everything, could not understand.

Aina who calls me a guardian angel. What the hell is she?


That night, a guest came to Sinai’s mansion.

“What’s the matter, you called me first.”

Harris smiled and sat across from Dillion.

“On that day, if I called you to insult you for meeting Lia on
your own terms, it would be a disgrace. Leah said it was
okay too.”

“When you see my feet numb, I know I’m wrong.”

Seeing Harris in a pure white uniform and frowned for a


Dillion asked Harris as he drank the cold water.

“The shadows.”
“Don’t worry. Because I caught him and locked him in the
basement of the temple instead.”

It was no coincidence that Harris caught the darkness.

This afternoon, after hearing the news from Dillian that Leah
had gone out, he gathered an elite group and searched the
city thoroughly.

If Leah appears, the darkness will surely appear.

Harris strengthened the vigilance around him, prepared to

capture it, and waited for darkness to appear.

Even though it was a shadow rather than a body, it was a

sufficient harvest considering the victories that had been
missed so far.

‘This must have been what Dylian was aiming for.’

Defeat the darkness, and increase the number of troops to

protect Leah and her.

Harris snapped his tongue at the thought of the Sinai forces

hiding throughout the capital.
All of this seemed like a well-crafted board by Dillian.

“Did you find any information?”

“No, it’s not easy.”

As if things weren’t going well, his tired face fluttered.

“Are you a pet that can’t speak?”

“No, I can speak differently than before. He must have

regained his strength enough to communicate.”

“Then what’s the matter?”

“For some reason, I only opened my mouth in front of the


“You can eavesdrop.”

Harris shrugged and tapped his head lightly with his index

“I’m talking here, so I don’t know.”

There was no way to eavesdrop on the conversation with
only the head.

The people of the temple were ordinary humans with divine

powers, not mind readers.

“Maybe it’s meant to be conciliatory.”

“It is very likely.”

To quarrel between the temple and the saints, or to convince


mean guy, and he’s still there.

‘So I tried to remove more, but the saint didn’t listen.’

There is no such stubbornness.

No matter how many times I told him to stay away from the
shadow, he stayed there saying there was something to
Looking at those determined eyes, it didn’t seem like he was
going to fall for the darkness, but he didn’t know anything
about human affairs.

“… I should have figured out the location.”

“Does it matter what number you use?”

“Is there any good way?”

Dillian’s head is spinning in this direction. Harris hired Dillion

with anticipation.

“If only a saint would cooperate.”

Harris’ expectations, Dillian’s eyes gleamed insidiously.


The last day of the festival was bright.

As I looked at the rising sun, I shed a disappointing smile.

“The original is a doghorn.”

As expected, the clock tower, which should have exploded at

noon yesterday, was intact, and the festival that should have
been suspended burned even more as if to announce the

I picked up my pen and drew a long strikethrough on the


[Clock Tower Terror]

“What the hell is going on?”

as the original was twisted? However, the feelings of the

third prince who hate the prince would still be there.

“This will be of no use either.”

My lips twitched as I saw the brief notes of events that

occurred after the clock tower attack.
I didn’t believe much because it was a shattered original that
Dillian had been with me for over a month with Wilhelm, but
it really didn’t make any sense anymore.

“What is the leisure of those who know?”

I threw away the pen I was holding.

As long as it’s twisted like this, the original won’t even be a

reference level.

I threw away my regrets after seeing many of the main

characters who fell into danger without being able to look
around because they were clinging to the original.

After this, I have one thing to do.

‘X ‘, I’m on my way’ tactic.

“I need to meet him.”

Eat rice before that.

Episode 65.


“Mr. Leah. good morning.”

“Mr. Dillian, too.”

When I went down to the restaurant, Dillian, who came first,

was waiting for me.

“Mr. Lia, there is no need to come down to the restaurant in

the morning. Sleep more at that time.”

Dillian thought I was overdoing it for breakfast, but no.

It was because of insomnia caused by worrying about the
darkness in his head.

Perhaps because I felt sorry for the narrow under my eyes,

Dillian touched my eyes.

At first, I was embarrassed and avoided that hand, but it’s

already been six days since I’ve done this.

I just let Dillion touch her and choke her throat.

“no. Mr. Dillion is also busy, so I’ll see you at this time or
another time.”

As I grumbled over the food laid out in front of me, I looked

up at my tenacious gaze that seemed to pierce my cheeks.

The main character of the gaze was Dillian, as expected.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

As if suppressing a strong impulse, his sunken eyes licked

me thoroughly.
Does it look too ugly? Seriously, eating rice with a puffy face
is not so pretty.

embarrassment, Dillian let out a deep sigh.

“… driving me crazy.”

Dillian, who mumbled an unfamiliar word, wiped his face.

As the large hand fell under his chin, the usual smile hung on
his face.

“Mr. Leah. Don’t forget your appointment tonight.”

promise? what promise? I blinked my eyes.

I couldn’t answer because my mouth was full of food.

“Let’s go see the fireworks.”

heck, that’s right It was.

Of course, it was a promise I made without thinking about it,

thinking it would be cancelled.
‘It was a big deal. I completely forgot.’

darkness and Aina, the promise I made with him was put
behind the scenes.

I nodded quickly before Dillion noticed this.

But Dillian, who was quick-witted, didn’t even eat the seeds.

Dillian lowered the tableware aloud, clenched his chin and

closed his eyes.

“Tell me honestly. Did you forget?”

“I am? Could it be?”

I pretended not to know, but my opponent is Dillian. can’t be


“I was looking forward to this day, but I feel so sad because

it doesn’t seem like Ms. Leah.”

“What do you think, Leah?”

“I am a sinner.”

first and then completely forgot about it. I had nothing to say.

I quietly set the tableware down and looked into Dillion’s


“Because you are a criminal, then of course you should be


“Depending on what the punishment is….”

“Do not worry. Can I give Leah a hard punishment?”

Yeah, it won’t be hard punishment. One way or another,

Dillian cares so much about me.

So that was the problem.

It is certain that he will be punished to satisfy his own self-

“So what…?”

Dillian, who was observing me with his chin clenched,

lowered his eyes languidly and gently pulled the corner of his

“Mr. Dillian…?”

No matter how many times I called him, he just smiled with

an incomprehensible smile.

I realized intuitively.

That I dug my grave, and that John X was ruined.


Dillian’s punishment was unexpected.

“it’s hard?”
“If it gets hard, will you let me go?”

I, who was stretched out helplessly, raised my head and

looked at Dillion. Dillian smiled as he looked at my twinkling
eyes with anticipation.

“I hope. Then it’s not a bee, is it?”

Sheesh. Then why did you ask I’m just looking forward to it

I buried my head again. Just before my forehead bumped

into the desk, Dillian put his hand between them and lifted
my head.

“Come on, let’s get to work. Then we can go see the


I twisted my body as I looked at the documents piled up like

a mountain in front of me.

“How are you going to do this until then!”

Dillian’s punishment was to go through the paperwork with

him all day before going to see the fireworks.
It also sticks right next to it.

Nathan, who got in the way of his work, was, of course,


‘Lea! Can not be done. Even if dirt gets in my eyes, I can’t

allow myself to be alone with him!’

‘Nathan, you said you like green grapes.’

‘Heh, what is that.’

Nathan, who was snoring, saw the fruits piled up in front of

me and swallowed his saliva.

‘Great, no. Do you know how to go beyond this, I have no

jaw. I….’

Nathan, who found the fruit sorbet in the middle, swallowed

his saliva.

‘Hmm. not Don’t be.’

This was the ‘No, no, no, no, no, no.’

Dillian, who knew how to handle Nathan, easily removed him
and took me.

I was sold for one sorbet, and I was caught by Dillion and
locked up in the office.

Dillian took off the suit he was wearing and threw it away.
Then, he immediately untied the tie that was tied around his
neck and began to walk the sleeves of his shirt.

‘no way…?’

As the two of us were trapped in an enclosed space, a

strange imagination ran through our minds.

It was because of the connotation given by the word bee.

‘I can’t do this kind of punishment…!’

I snorted with a red face. Dillian, who smiled at my face like

that, held it in my hand,

… It was a luxurious ink pen.

“Lea, I would like this as well.”

Wherever my lieutenant sold it, Dillian ate me terribly.


Dillian burst into laughter as he accepted the document

presented in front of me with a grin face.

“It’s a disappointing face.”


Suddenly, a handsome face came in from the side. Dillian

grabbed my shoulder as I was about to bite me in surprise,
and whispered in my ear with a languid voice.

“Did you expect it?”

“What, what?”

“Well, what?”
The hand that ran up the shoulder was as natural as flowing

I jumped up at the gentle hand that wiped the nape of my


“Are you crazy?!”

Papers flew in all directions in his swept arm . Dillian, who

lightly dodged my attack, revealed this and smiled.

I also shivered with shame at the sight of my shoulders

trembling as I shuddered.

“I need to raise the meal as soon as possible. Leah’s face is

all over.”

“Who am I!”

By the way, when I found out that I had imagined something

like that, a fever rose on my face.

I tried to calm my red face and asked him.

“By the way, is this a document I can look at?”

“It’s a simple document, so even Ms. Leah will be able to see

it without difficulty.”

I didn’t mean it that way.

He said what he would do if I could dig up information, but

Dillian didn’t care.

‘Well, since it’s such a simple document, I don’t think it’s

going to be a problem.’

As I was organizing the data, I raised my head and glanced at


‘I studied hard, really. Doesn’t it look like there’s no problem

with the memory loss?’

He handled the paperwork with terrifying concentration. In

contrast, I….

‘Even if the tortoise walks, it will be faster than this.’

At first, I didn’t quite understand why they were using me as
an assistant, but when I saw a job that didn’t give up no
matter what I did, I thought it might be better to have a turtle
next to me.

‘So you’re going to bring me to work.’

As I was organizing my paperwork mechanically, my hands


‘Wait, is this Dillian’s birthday? omg! Not long left?’

Exactly a month later was his birthday. Breathing in the

unexpected information, Dillian raised his eyes and looked at

I quickly closed the papers and pretended to work hard.

His curious eyes followed his cheeks, but I ended up

arranging the documents pretending not to know.

But it had long since been filled with Dillian’s birthday.


I don’t know in what spirit I finished the work.

‘Dillian’s birthday…. What are you doing for a birthday

present? …?’

Dillian’s birthday, which he stumbled upon by chance, had all

his nerves focused on him, making things even more

“Lea, let’s go.”

As soon as the sun went down, Dillian got up like a sword

and led me.

‘gift…. birthday present….’

I know my birthday, but I can’t pretend I don’t know it, but

giving an expensive present, I wonder what’s wrong with
Dillion, who has everything.
After contemplating for a while, I finally woke up to Dillian’s

“Mr. Leah.”

“Yes Yes?”

Raising my head, I opened my mouth to the sight that

unfolded around me.

It was the back entrance.

‘How did this happen?’

Naturally, I knew I was going to ride the wagon, but in a

panic, I grabbed his arm.

“Are you going to see the fireworks? Weren’t you going to the

“Did I say I was going to the square? I don’t remember

saying that.”

“It is, but….”

I usually watch fireworks in the square. All the famous
places are there.

“Clock tower, fountain, Star Forest Park… All the famous

places are in the square…?”

I recited the dating course Aina went to with the male

protagonists one after another.

“It’s a better place than there.”

I tilted my head at Dillian’s words.

So this mountain?

Is this mountain really a famous place?

“let’s go.”

Effortlessly relieved of the suffocation, I set foot on the

mountain, and then took a rough breath.

‘To be able to climb a mountain that is not even on sale!’

After working all day, he suddenly cried out that his body,
which had been overworked by mountaineering, was tired.

“What do you do when your stamina is so weak?”

“Is that normal enough?”

Compared to Dillian, who has insane physical strength, it

was infinitely lacking, but I was extremely average.

‘No, above average!’

As I was leaning against the tree and wiping the sweat from
under my chin, Dillian’s hand suddenly approached me.

“You can’t be late, so please do your best.”

Dillian grabbed my hand. He lifted me up lightly and patted

my shoulder saying that it was all over.

“This is it.”

Dillian tilted the branch blocking his way.

“I consider it.”

As Dillian led the way inward, he saw a steep cliff.

It was a dizzying height that made my heart pound, but not a

scream, but a burst of admiration from my mouth.
Episode 66.


I stared blankly at the landscape unfolding in front of me.

The reddish sunset that descended from the sky covered the
world as if a curtain had been drawn.

The sun, who touched the world without missing a place,

soon began to climb over the mountains. Then, the twilight
light fell softly, and the veil of night descended overhead.

“Lia, look over there.”

As I looked down as I followed where Dillian was pointing, a

light came on in the dark street.
one by one , one by one. The fast-lit lanterns looked like the
Milky Way.

“It’s beautiful….”

“Am I right?”

It was as Dillian had said. This was the best spot.

It was the most beautiful place I have ever seen and felt.

I was mesmerized by the capital, which was dyed with a

splendid color that was completely different from the

“Sit here.”

Had it not been for Dillian to pull him down, he might have
stood idly until the fireworks were over.

I sat down next to Dillian and he wrapped a blanket around

my shoulders.

‘When did you prepare this?’

Mats, blankets, and even a thermos bottle when I glanced to
the side.

How could I have been distracted while he was preparing so

thoroughly? I’m kinda sorry


“It was nothing.”

Dillian meticulously wrapped the loosely covered blanket.

“Mr. Dillian, can I not cover it?”

“I have to cover it too.”

I heard the blanket covering my shoulders, and my toned

body dug into the seat next to me.

There was no room for a sheet of paper to fit between the


‘Somehow, they said the blanket was too big.’

It was meant to be like this from the beginning.

I spit out Dillian and stabbed him in the arm.

“I’m not missing out.”

“Tell me to be thorough.”

As he let out a light laugh, their arms clashed.

The exceptionally hot body temperature passed through the

thin shirt.

As if the heat had become a fuse, the tickling rose.

‘A little, I think I should get away.’

When he felt the danger and was about to bite his body,
Dillian whispered softly.


bang, bang.
The sound of firecrackers in the distance signaled the start
of the fireworks display.

The colorful firecrackers exploded one after another, like

paint spreading in the black sky.

‘That’s why it’s called a flower.’

It bloomed like a flower, and the flames that fell like a

meteor filled my heart.


I couldn’t think of anything other than that feeling.

“Mr. Dillian, do you know that?”

I looked up at the five-colored sky and hugged my knees.

“I’m seeing fireworks for the first time.”

“Is that so.”

It was the words he uttered after contemplating, but Dillian
showed a disbelief.

Perhaps, it was the first time that such a large-scale

fireworks display was taken.

fireworks display in the capital city was famous for its

incomparable splendor compared to other places.

“It really is. It’s the first time I’ve been born.”

Both in the present life as well as in the past life.

That’s weird. Why have I never seen such a common

fireworks display?

Why are you so busy living? It’s not like anyone knows that.

“Is that true?”

“Because it’s true. Are you going to lie about this?”

I shrugged at him as he shook his head in disbelief.

Well, I can’t believe it either. In the Roheim Empire, even
slaves could see fireworks. It was so common and so

But it wasn’t that common at all.

“thanks. For bringing me here.”

Dillion , this beauty would have passed without knowing it

for the rest of my life.

While being hit by work, while hiding from the temple. I’ve
been running away for the rest of my life, and that’s how I

“I am very glad to have met Mr. Dillian.”

For the first time, I showed him all my feelings in that



I smiled broadly as I saw Dillion’s face dyed in the flickering

Maybe it was because of the scarlet fireworks that colored
the sky, the smile on my face was red.

Dillian, who had been staring at my face for a while, licked

his lips.

He carefully brought out the story, as if he had brought out a

secret hidden deep in his heart.

“… It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a fireworks display like

“… really?”

“As you know, Leah, I am not fine. When I was young, I heard
that my parents banned me from going out.”

I quietly listened to Dillian.

Did the Duke and Duchess worry that Dillian would

intimidate others, or did they not want to show off their
mistress, Dillian?

“After my parents died, I was desperate to survive, so I lived

a life far from a festival.”
The voice that talked about my painful past was too dull.

“When Lia asked to see me, to be honest, rather than really

wanting to see her, I liked it because it gave me an excuse to
be with her.”

“… How about seeing it for yourself?”

“I thought it was a noisy and annoying event, but it’s not

necessarily like that. It’s not loud, it’s not crazy.”

Dillian, who muttered that maybe it was because he didn’t

want to be alone, burst into laughter.

He shook his head, as if he had never expected to think like


“Honestly, it’s not a bad feeling.”

At that moment, my mind flashed as if someone had slapped

my head.

Looking at that face now, who dares to call it a monster

He was more human than anyone else. It wasn’t the curse
that made him a monster, it was the people around him.

I was so moved that I grabbed Dillian’s hand and shouted.

“Dillian, I will work harder!”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s about lifting the Dillian curse. I think I’ve been very
carefree so far.”

my thoughts, the heavier it came to me. Frustration came

over me as if a large rock was pressing on my chest.

‘Because the darkness is scary, you should think about

avoiding it, and you should be ashamed.’

We’ve found a way to break the curse, so let’s run hard.

It made my nose ache at the thought of not seeing such a

beautiful sight because of that damn curse.
As if surprised, I looked at the bright red eyes that had grown
in size, and I closed my eyes tightly and started talking.

Just like confession.

“To be honest, when I first met Mr. Dillian, I was scared.

During treatment, I immediately recognized Mr. Dillion’s
curse. So I tried to get more out.”

“I know. Leah really can’t lie.”

Dillian grinned, saying his face was all over. As soon as the
person concerned found out about it, shame flooded in.

blushing, I hurriedly added, in case he was still

misunderstanding him.

“Not now. Rather, I feel like I want to chastise the past me.”

I rubbed Dillian’s cold hand. so that my warmth is


“Thanks for making me so happy. It looked stupid. Yes?”

It is said that people are easily moved by even the smallest

It may be trivial to others, but to that person, isn’t it

impressive because it is more precious than anything in the

For me, this is the fireworks display.

And the same goes for Dillion.

It seems that he doesn’t know how I feel, but it seems to me

that Dillian was also happy.

‘let’s work hard.’

I work hard, Dillion will come closer to a normal daily life.

So I hope Dillion is happy.

So I hope you can enjoy the peaceful daily life that everyone
else enjoys.
He vowed not to hear, and I watched the fireworks run
towards the end.


As if relieved after finishing what I had to say, Dillian

pressed my tickling heart to Leah’s bashful smile.

Dillian smiled a little as he looked at his tiny face once again

lost in the fireworks.

‘Because it’s really great.’

Also , Leah is good. Dillian once again checked my mind and


Yes, he liked Leah from the beginning.

I liked her better as we were together, and I wanted to keep

her by my side at all costs.
To the extent that he has continued acting as a fool with
amnesia until now.

And in the end, she was caught up in a relationship of


It’s not perfect, but Dillian laughed at the noose he couldn’t

easily escape.

But that was also for a while.

When I achieved the purpose, I thought that my thirst would

end. But it wasn’t.

Thirst grew day by day. And finally, today, it exploded.

‘Can’t get better here.’

Now Leah Delis was terrified.

She was the only one who shook and knocked her heart like
“Mr. Dillian! Look over there! It’s the last one, so I say it

As if all the remaining firecrackers had been set off, bright

enough to engulf the darkness one after another.

“Wow…. So pretty.”

Leah grabbed Dillian’s arm and shook it without realizing it.

“I think it’s prettier to see them together.”

Dillian had no choice but to admit it as he looked at me and

smiled broadly.

‘I’ll never be able to beat this woman even if I go all my life.’

He reigned as king anytime and anywhere, and never bowed

his head.

But when he stood in front of Leah, he became a staunch

It was an awkward situation for him, who had been a ruler all
his life , but he didn’t hate it.

“Is it okay, Mr. Dillian?”

It was lovely to see him taking care of himself even when he

looked at the sky in awe.

Dillian unconsciously reached out and grabbed her chin. He

kissed her reddish cheeks.

It wasn’t an action calculated to win Leah’s heart, it was an

action that was extremely impulsive and just what my heart
told me to do.

“… uh?”

Leah, startled by the sudden kiss, covered her cheeks and

blinked her big eyes.

“This is what….”

The blush that had been painted over her cheeks began to
spread all over her face.
Dillian couldn’t stand the cute face and kissed her once
more. This time it was lips.

He stole her soft lips, giving a nonsensical excuse that he

couldn’t help it because of the hand that wrapped his cheek.

Lia’s shoulders trembled as if struck by lightning at the


“Yes. That will be fine.”

“… yes?”


Leah, who later realized that these words were the answer to
her question, licked her lips.

No matter how I think about it, I don’t think that’s what it


“Boo, did you mean fireworks?”

“If you pretend you don’t know, I’ll do it one more time.”
“What, what…?”

“If you are curious, go ahead. The more I do it, the better I
Episode 67.

Leah quickly shook her head at Dillian’s eyes that showed

her desires without fail.

“no. I got it all.”

Lia, who understood exactly the meaning of ‘good’ that

Dillian said, buried her face between her knees with a grunt
and a sound.

His face was hot with fever. I don’t know, maybe my neck
was red.

I just hoped that it would not be visible because of the


“… But I never allowed it.”

“I know. It was quite unscrupulous, so slap me in the face.”

Seriously, Dillian slapped me in the face. Leah quickly

pushed the hooked face away.

His handsome face, and the person he had just kissed,

suddenly approached, and his heart raced.

“… Very weak.”

Dillian knew the effect of my face very well. And how to use

“Mr. Lia, I am not interested in curses.”

I lived like this for twenty-five years. Now there is nothing to

be uncomfortable about.

“Just stay by my side as you are now. That’s it.”

As if submerged in a swamp, Leah’s ears lit up at the

subdued voice.

‘I never thought that I was greedy.’

everything , he always premiered.

Leah was the only one who was greedy.

The possessiveness I had for the first time grew so fast that
I couldn’t control myself.

In the end, it’s scary and fast enough that I’m afraid of
devouring Leah.

I think about it dozens of times a day.

Shall we lock Leah so she can’t go outside? Shall I remove

everything around me so only I can see it?

Just look at me, rely only on me.

He had a vicious imagination, but at the same time did not

want to destroy this peace.

So Dillian pressed himself down again and again.

“… Can I just stay by your side?”

But , now I don’t know. Dillian quickly denied the words that
allowed his desire.

“No, not enough.”

Can’t be satisfied here.

This deep, deep, desire couldn’t be stopped there.

But Leah should know nothing.

How scared would she be if Leah, the delicate woman, knew

of this feeling that she would hate even herself?

‘I’m sure he’ll run away.’

So Leah had to know for the rest of her life.

Leah, unaware of this fierce battle, poured oil into Dillian’s


“… In fact, I’ve never liked anyone, so I don’t know much

about that.”
like anyone, so it was my first kiss a while ago.

Upon learning of this fact, Dillian’s lips twitched


Of course, as soon as Leah raised her head, she erased her


“I can’t give you an answer right away. So, first lift the curse
and think about it.”

“Let’s do that. I was more patient than I thought. You will be

able to wait.”

There was nothing I couldn’t do if only Leah came into my


If she wanted to become the best of the empire, she was

willing to usurp the emperor’s seat and hand it over.

Of course, if I say this, Leah will be terrified and slap her in

the mouth.

‘Isn’t that bad too?’

Dillian’s dangerous imagination was cut off as Leah moved.

Leah got up from her seat and reached out to Dillian.

“No matter what happens between us, I will undo the curse.
I’m serious. Mr. Dillian said nothing is wrong, but I am very
concerned. So, I will make you happy like everyone else.”

Does Leah know that those words sound like a proposal?

It may not be a proposal. Because it’s enough to do it this


Dillian grabbed the small but firm hand that reached out in
front of him and stood up.

“Does that require Leah to be by my side?”

“Then, until I lift the curse from Mr. Dillion, I’ll try my best to
seduce you.”

I wanted to talk freely, but Lia’s face was no different from

Hongshi, who was about to explode if poked.
A smile spread across Dillian’s lips on that lovely face.

“I’ll try to seduce you with everything I have.”

“No, don’t be too determined….”

“It starts today.”

“Calm down!”

Does Dillian know? Like the fireworks that embroidered the

sky, a red flower bloomed in Leah’s heart.

Like a falling shooting star, a star fell in her heart.


Returning to the mansion, I quickly ran to the room.

“I’m too tired, so I’ll go in first.”

“Mr. Leah.”

I closed the door, ignoring the voice calling me.

In a bright place, he didn’t have the confidence to see

Dillian’s face.

Dinner was settled in the room, and the evening walk was
boldly skipped over.

I didn’t even take a single step out of the room, just in case I
ran into Dillion.

As long as we live in the same house, we can’t avoid it, but

for tonight, I wanted to be alone.

But Dillian didn’t let me go.

“… Why are you here?”

“Because the punishment hasn’t ended yet?”

Dillian pointed to his watch.

Current time, 10 o’clock.

“Two hours left.”

His logic was that they should be together until 12:00, the
end of the day.

“No. The remaining two hours will continue tomorrow.”

I pushed Dillion’s shoulder, holding on like a longsword.

‘I’m going to die of shame!’

There was such a thing, how can we be together?

Despite my desperate struggle, Dillian recklessly attacked

me saying that punishment is punishment.

‘You like bees. You’re just trying to like yourself!’

Oh, I’m being punished for it because I hate it.

“I’ll do it tomorrow!”
“If we pass it to tomorrow, will it be doubled?”

“What, that’s a scam!”

“It’s not a scam, it’s interest.”

I’m not a debtor, I’m an interest!

His arms were instantly relieved of his impudence and even


In the meantime, Dillian walked closer to the bed and picked

up Nathan.

“Ah! What is this!”

Nathan, who was just getting ready to go to bed, flapped his

wings in surprise.

“Didn’t you hear that there were still two hours left?”

“I hope you… You’re going to kick me out now… Ahh!”

Dillian hurriedly threw Nathan away. Sera, who had been
waiting in front of the door, seemed to know that this was
going to happen, and he saw Nathan safely behind him.

“Dillian you bastard!”

Nathan’s screams were heard outside the door. The sound

was not serious.

“Mr. Dillian, Nathan is really mad. He can’t sleep without a

cushion when he sleeps these days.”

“Is this?”

“yes? Yes, that’s right, but….”

Dillian, clutching Nathan’s attachment cushion next to the

bed, suddenly opened the door.

Maybe he didn’t know how to open the door, so Nathan

opened his eyes and flapped his wings.

“Uh, huh?”
“Take it.”

Swishly, Dillian threw the cushion and shut the door before
Nathan came to his senses.

“Dillian, yes, oh my!”

I poked my tongue out at the sight of how many times he

was making fun of Nathan in a short period of time.

“Come on, Leah. The annoying bastard must be gone too,

just go to bed.”

“Do I really have to do this?”

“Yeah, otherwise I would have run away for days.”

There is nothing to say about the stinging words. Because it

was all true. To be honest, I was planning to avoid tomorrow.

“I’ll be there until twelve o’clock.”

“And do you think I don’t know that I’m planning to stay until
morning if I say I fell asleep?”
Heh , who knows how to cheat? I leaned my back against the
head of the bed and let out a smiling Dillian.

“Because my wife is getting more and more aware day by


I don’t even deny it anymore. He laughed out loud at the

sight of him acting so openly.

“If I’m with Mr. Dillian, I’m sure I’ll start to notice something I
didn’t know.”

I dragged myself, trembling and weary, and climbed onto the


Avoiding Dillion, I sat at the end of the bed and hugged the

‘I’m tired of dying.’

Originally, I wasn’t this weak….

The mountain we climbed today was not very high. It was the
height I rode every day when I was in Wilhelm.
My stamina is dropping like this in a month, that’s why I have
to keep exercising.

day by day , and I slid my body and laid myself on the soft

And made a barricade with pillows to block the distance

between Dillion and me.

But as soon as he put the pillow down, he was taken away

by Dillion.

My robbed pillow flew away and rolled over the sofa.

“If I throw away the pillow, what am I sleeping on?”

“How about an arm pillow?”

I rolled my body at Dillion, who eagerly stretched out my arm

because I wanted to do it this time.

I wrapped myself in a blanket and sat at the end of the bed,

sticking my tongue out towards him.
“Don’t be fooled.”

“Whenever I tell you to try hard enough, you don’t give me a


I closed my eyes tightly at the sight of the corners of my eyes

drooping in embarrassment.

That’s right . i’m crazy It was like pouring oil into a burning

“It’s Dillian’s job to find that gap.”

“Should I find it? I think it would be nice to make it.”

Dillian quickly wrapped around my waist like a beast hunting

for its prey.

uh? I blinked my eyes as I was dragged inside. Dillian’s face

was in front of him.

“Since you’re not doing anything, lie down comfortably. Then

it rolls down.”
“… It doesn’t come off.”

“It doesn’t fall off. He has a bad sleep habit, so he always

kicks the blanket.”


“If I had slept there, I would have kissed the floor without

It was fun to make fun of me, and his voice was full of joy.

On the contrary, I felt like I was going to die of


I pulled the blanket up and covered my eyes as the eyes

poured down my face.

“Stop staring. I want to punch a hole in my face.”

“I was looking forward to seeing how Ms. Leah would break

my curse.”
I know you’re wondering how to break the curse, but what’s
the expectation?

“The way to break the curse in fairy tales is with a kiss of



I quickly reached out and covered Dillian’s mouth.

“Are you doing this on purpose?”

Dillian smiled as he saw me blushing with embarrassment.

very desperately

“Well, how about it?”

warm breath touched the palm of his hand . The movement

of his clenched lips was felt.

“Don’t tell me! Stay still!”

Startled, I press his mouth with strength.

It was something I had to take my hand off of, but I was also
a fool when I put it closer.

‘Uh, what should I do?’

When I let go, the spout of fear is sure to make fun of me,
and as I stay like this, I can’t stand the tickling.

“Stop, tell me!”

His wrists were grabbed and dragged down. The exposed

corners of his lips twitched in an arc.

Episode 68.

“Oh, why are you asking!”

As if to punish the hand that covered his mouth, Dillion bit

my index finger without pain.

“Does it smell good?”

… are you a dog Seeing my bewildered face, Dillian slowly

got up.

I swallowed my saliva at the shadows falling over my head.

“Mr. Dillian, you seem too close.”

As Dillian began to attack me, I quickly rolled my eyes to find

a way out.
“Can I bite your cheek?”

“Are you crazy?”

“Then what about the lips?”

“It makes sense!”

Dillian smiled as he pushed the approaching face with his


“Once you do it, it will be easy. They say the first is difficult,
the second is easy, right? If it’s difficult, I think it’s a

It sounds like rehearsal. After confirming that the escape

route was completely blocked, I squeezed Dillian’s arm that
was immediately in front of me.

As the startled Dillian loosened up, I pushed his torso with

my foot and quickly rolled around.

“Hey, how are you? Were you surprised by the sudden bite?”
revenge , I stopped when I saw the clear marks left on his

‘Why did it remain so dark…?’

Dillian frowned as he looked at the scarred arm.

“… First of all, I didn’t know how to water.”

“I didn’t know it would leave a mark, but does it hurt a lot?

However, since Mr. Dillian bit and teased me first, this is

“It’s good. Traces left by Ms. Leah.”

Dillian, who was relentlessly brushing his teeth, looked at me

and rolled his eyes. The savory eyes gleamed.

“I have to leave. thick.”

“What are you saying, go away!”

After rolling on the bed for a while, running away, and
pursuing a chase, I collapsed from exhaustion and took a
deep breath.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the strange atmosphere in the

room had all disappeared.

“Do I have to do this?

“Sometimes, when I smell Lia’s scent, I get distracted.”

I raised my arm and sniffed, and brought my nose to it.

“I can’t smell anything.”

I’ve felt it before, but Dillian seems to have a very sensitive


“Do you like bath salts? Shall I ask Sarah what it is?”

“Even if you ask Sarah, you won’t find it.”

Dillian, who was stroking my hair, grabbed a handful and
pulled me gently.

Dillian muttered, pulling closer, as if his hair was about to

bury his nose and lips.

“It’s the only scent in the world.”

My heart fluttered at that languid smile. As if starting the

engine, I closed my eyes tightly as my heart was beating

At this rate, I didn’t know if I would pass the Holadang. I

have to force my nerves to turn.

‘Think of the things you don’t want to see, just looking at

them gives you goosebumps….’

The effect was immediate.

When I thought of Lexter and the darkness, my fever went

down at once.

Come to think of it, I didn’t tell Dillion about the things

related to Lexter….
‘Should I tell you too?’

It was difficult if there was a problem while hiding it for


Whatever the problem, it was wise to block it at the source.

Even more so if I live.

Without hesitation, I started talking.

“Mr. Dillian, there were days when I got lost for a while. I
saw Lexter then.”

Dillian’s hand, which was touching my hair, stopped.

“Lexter is the one who made a contract with Dark. I saw it

with my own eyes.”

I explained in detail what happened at the time. A deep sigh

escaped Dillian’s mouth as he listened to the story.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“… I needed time to think.”

I wondered if I could say this, but Dillion had to know. That
way, you can be prepared for any unforeseen danger.

“The energy I feel from Lexter’s power is similar to Mr.

Dillion. No, in fact, they say that the same source of power is
the same.”

This was something he didn’t expect, so his red eyes

flickered briefly.

“Are you saying that my curse and the source of darkness

are the same?”

After all, he was a smart student who knew the heat if he

told me one thing.

“Yeah, so the darkness will go after Dillion. Nathan said that

Lexter had been weakened a lot by my attacks.”

“Then it will be easier to catch.”

“yes. And if we remove the darkness, or to be more precise,

the source, we might be able to break the curse of Mr.
I added, pushing Dillian away, as if drawing a line.

“Not like a kiss, but in a sure and precise way.”

The hand that had been touching my hair, which had been
pushed out, changed its target and turned to my finger.

“It will be easy once you find the location. Lexter is weak
now, so it will be difficult to move properly.”

“It’s even better if you have limited mobility.”

Contrary to the dull voice, the hand that touched the ring
finger was tenacious.

“Do not worry. It won’t be long before he and Lexter are

battling the darkness.”

“Is there any way to catch it? how?”

“It is still a secret.”

“Why, tell me!”

I shook off Dillian’s hand and jumped up, and he pinched my
nose so it didn’t hurt.

“I’m afraid I might do something dangerous.”

“I don’t even do it.”

But Dillian seemed unwilling to tell the story to the end.

Was it because of the battle with Lexter the other day? His
worries showed no sign of dissipating.

I can’t help it. just have to wait

“Since you said you could catch him, I’ll have to think about
how we’re going to beat Rexter.”

“Any way is fine. I’ll do whatever Lia wants.”

“So, by the way, can’t I just grant you one request?”

“I know it’s not dangerous.”

“Hey, it’s not dangerous at all.”

Dillian, who was caught off guard by my fatal aegyo by
raising his index finger and emphasizing one, nodded, saying
that there was nothing he could do about it.


The clock bell rang in the distance, signaling 12 o’clock.

Dillian looked at Leah’s sleepy face and got up.

Just in case Leah wakes up, be careful.

Dillian came out of the hallway and headed straight to the


When I opened the door, I saw Nathan staggering as if he

was about to collapse.

“Sir, why are you here now?”

It was as if he had stayed up all night for three days. Only
working 3 hours.

He let out a rough breath, moving the papers piled up to his

head and putting it on the desk.

“You have a pile of paperwork to be processed by tomorrow,

but you’re going to see fireworks that you don’t even like.”

“I want to start liking you from today.”

“Surely, I came to see fireworks with my wife, and the world

looks beautiful, isn’t it like that?”

Nathan opened his mouth blankly as Dillian smirked at the

exaggerated words of a play.

“Is that true?”

“Stop talking nonsense, sit down and get to work.”

“… Are you right? Who’s not pretending to be His Majesty?”

It has been ten years since he served Dillian. However, it
was the first time for Dillian to be as soft as he is now.

And it was Leah who made all these changes.

He was a precious person that should never be missed.

‘I saw the power shift right before my eyes, and I can’t stand

an opportunist and a crook, quickly calculated Leah’s

strategy in his head.

“Sir, I have made up my mind. From today on, I will become

your dog.”

It wasn’t a joke, it was the truth.

“Mr. Leah doesn’t have stupid dogs. Even an ugly dog that
talks nonsense.”

“Oh my gosh. Where is a capable dog like me? And this is

pretty decent.”
Nathan was brazen enough to call himself a dog.

The window rattled in that shamelessness.

“But not the face.”

“Wow, Kira!”

Nathan stumbled at Kira’s rustic murder, which was wrapped

in an open window.

“Kira, there’s a door that looks good, but do I have to go

through the window? Maybe try to fix it like Sera.”

Guess who’s not a former assassin? Nathan stuck out his

tongue at Kira who appeared through the window.

Kira, ignoring Nathan’s grunts lightly, bowed down in front of


“Sir, did you call?”

“Lexter’s whereabouts.”
“It has not been seen since the foundation of the country.”

Dillian rubbed his chin at Kira’s words.

I heard that Leah’s attack took a lot of damage, but it seems

to be true.

“Kira, you continue to pursue Rexter’s whereabouts.”


Nathan clicked his tongue at the sight of him exiting through

the window as if he had come .

“What do you do when your madam is surprised to see you

like that?”

It’s not because Kira cursed my face. never.

“Are you going to leave the escort to Sera?”

Kira and Sarah. The Haren sisters are from assassins, with
Sera as an escort and Kira specializing in tracking.

And Kira’s tracking skills were unmatched.

“Are you going to get rid of Lexter this time?”

“You have to clean it.”

Lexter can’t leave Leah alone after attacking him.

He had to cut off the buds before he reached out to Leah

with his dirty hands.

“Are you okay? If it were Lexter, he would have erased all

evidence of his attempt to assassinate His Majesty.”

“If you don’t have it, just make it.”

Rexter’s ability to cut off his tail had never left any evidence.

“Now that you have joined hands with the darkness, there is
enough reason to kill you.”
“The 3rd Prince must be annoying.”

“If you wipe it all away, that’s it.”

I left it until now because I was bothered by useless

disputes, not because I was afraid.

“Tell the prince. I will give you strength.”

“… Are you really? Are you really trying to push the prince

“okay. This is the fastest way, so go ahead.”

“Is it because of you, Madam?”

“Then there must be another reason?”

Nathan gulped down his saliva at Dillian’s words, “Why are

you asking the obvious?”

“… Your Majesty, you are so sincere.”

Who is Dillian? No matter how annoying Lexter was, he
didn’t blink an eye.

Even though the Crown Prince tried to restrain him and

convince him, he never dreamed of it.

The reason for letting him shove him back and forth was
simple. It would be more troublesome if we got involved, so
you guys had to fight each other and then self-destruct.

He, who had always adhered to the same behavior, pulled

out his sword for the first time.

Only for Leah.

Nathan muttered involuntarily at the amazing sight no matter

how many times he saw it.

“I’m getting a little scared now.”

“If you don’t want to be scared anymore, you better do


Nathan, who was tired of Dillian’s threat of staying up all

night for three days, ran to his seat.
‘I’m stuck I’m stuck.’

The luckiest person here was not Lia, who was protected by
the strongest man in the Empire, nor Dillian, who would win
the heart of a woman she fell in love with.

Due to Dillian’s passionate courtship, he was the Crown

Prince, Cassis, who would suddenly become emperor.
Chapter 7. Mission Given To Her
Episode 69.

The morning was bright. Tossing and turning in the sunlight,

I suddenly opened my eyes.

‘When did you fall asleep? I wasn’t going to sleep until I let
Dillion out!’

I jumped up and looked to the side. Contrary to what I was

worried about, Dillian was nowhere to be found, and Nathan
was sleeping, snoring.

“What happened?”

“Your Majesty died at midnight.”

The answer came from the window. Sarah, who was tying up
the curtains, came up to me.

“Your Majesty said you would eat breakfast first. Where are
you going to prepare your meal, Leah?”

“Ah, then here….”

“I will be ready soon. And as you requested, I have prepared

a carriage for you in the afternoon, so please feel free to

You mean you really kept your promise?

I thought that if it was Dillian, of course, he would make fun

of me by teasing me until morning.

I avoided the embarrassing situation, but I felt sad for


‘Are you crazy? Aren’t you awake?’

I slapped my cheek loudly.


“Oh, no. Make breakfast simple.”

a full breakfast in the midst of a headache, I headed to the

greenhouse .

When I opened the door, the view of the greenhouse, which

was now quite different from the first day, was unfolding.

When I saw the flowers growing so fast, I felt proud.

‘I need to decorate it quickly and show it to Dillian.’

Excited at the thought of bragging, I shook my head at the

thought of being thrown at Dillion again.

“Lea, I look dizzy. Why are you shaking your head like that

“I know…. Why are you like this today? ….”

Taking a deep breath, I put on my gloves militarily.

“Let’s do something.”

Labor was the best way to get rid of miscellaneous thoughts.

I brought a heavy fertilizer bag and sprinkled it between the

flowers and the trees.

After a while, while my shoulders were about to get sore,

Sarah came into the greenhouse and called me.

“Lea! It’s break time!”

Today, Sarah brought a delicious snack from the kitchen and

waved her hand.

“What is today?”

“It’s a sandwich.”

Just looking at the sandwich filled with ham and cheese

made my mouth water.

“The chef wonders how about croquettes for tomorrow’s

“croquette? I like shrimp croquettes.”

Naturally, I bit my ham in Nathan’s mouth, who was only

thinking of getting it, and scratched my cheek in

“It’s good for me, but I think I’m getting too much.”

body, the chef has been snacking on me every day.

It was the reason for thanking you for taking out the
disgusting bug.

“Won’t other people look bad? I don’t do anything, I just eat

every day.”

“What are you talking about! How much everyone loves



It didn’t seem like much. I didn’t know what to do when I saw

only myself, but then I ran away.
“Do you know how much my colleagues envy me? I am
envious of working with an angel, and I want to die.”


At that moment, Aina came to mind. The face that followed

me around calling me a guardian angel made me feel

The last time I saw you, your face looked like you were about
to cry, is it okay?

“Lia is healing people with divine power, and it’s like an

angel descending…!”

“yes. done. Stop talking.”

It’s not a story to be heard. Instead of me, who was

disgusted with me, Sarah, who smiled proudly, rubbed my
shoulder saying that I could enjoy it to the fullest.

“Sera, by the way, how is Kira doing these days?”

Kira had come to say hello the other day under Dillian’s
orders. I’ve been busy and haven’t seen each other since
then, so I was curious about what’s going on.

“Do not worry. They say that we are doing well without any
problems except for the things that Leah wants to see.”

One is more comfortable than the two, but I’m sorry that I’ve
heard of it.

“Can I see you often?”

“sure. I will come to see Leah as soon as I finish work. In the

meantime, I said that I was looking forward to how pretty the
greenhouse would be decorated.”

At those words, I jumped up.

“I have to work hard to live up to Kira’s expectations.”

It was the time when heavy artillery was dragged.

The knights who came pouring in all bowed their backs at

“Hello, madam!”

They were apprentice knights who came today.

They, like the chefs, showed their faces on the day I came
out of the greenhouse, saying they would repay me for their

“Isn’t it time for you to train? Is it okay to stay here?”

“Ten minutes is fine!”

The young knights moved in unison and moved the battery.

Thanks to that, I pulled out the weeds that grew around me.

I greeted the knight who was sneakily approaching.

“Hello, Jin. How are you?”

“Healthy than ever before!”

Maybe it was because he watched him vomit fragments right

in front of his eyes, so he cared more for Jin than the other
Jin, who was pulling weeds after me, murmured.

“… pretty.”

“Do you like this flower? Shall I give you a present?”

“No, no.”

Sera hurriedly approached behind Jin, who waved his hands

with a red face.

“Lea-sama, I’m ready to go out.”

At the same time, the look in his eyes staring at Jin was
unusual. Jin smiled awkwardly at those eyes and scratched
his cheek.

“Are you going out?”


“Where are you going? I will escort you!”

I was full of enthusiasm, but there was no way Dillian would
allow an apprentice knight to be my escort.

“I think that would be difficult. The place I’m going to now is

a bit dangerous.”

“Is this a dangerous place?”

He opened his mouth to Jin, who was wondering where he




Last night, the request I made to Dillion was to let him go to

the Great Temple.
In fact , wherever I go, it’s my heart, but because I was
worried that I might run into a Dillian who hates temples so

Whenever I asked to be protected from the temple, it was

funny that I was walking on my own feet, but Dillian gave me
a wagon and gave me an escort saying that I could go there

The carriage is good, but the escort is a bit burdensome….

However, there was no veto. It was a condition to take an


‘If you jump into something dangerous again, you’ll be locked


Recalling Dillian’s serious joke, I slapped my chin on

Nathan’s soft hair.

“Dillian has given me permission.”

“It’s someone’s request, Your Majesty will of course listen.”

Today’s escort, Sera, who proudly took the seat next to me,
clenched her fists.

“Trust me, Leah. If even a high priest approaches Leah, I will

kill you immediately!”

Sera’s eyes gleaming coldly as she pulled out the dagger

from her sleeve.

“Sera, you feel uncomfortable.”

And another escort, Kanae, hurriedly took the dagger.

“Kanae! Do you want to fight now?”

“The lady is uncomfortable!”

I bit myself from the two fighting men and clinged to the wall
of the wagon.

‘Sera is from an assassin!’

I couldn’t believe it at first, but when I saw the shaggy purple

dagger, I immediately understood.
What maid in the world hides a dagger at the end of her

Meanwhile, the carriage that had arrived at Daeshinjeon


I set foot in the front gate of the temple with the two still

At that moment, a languid breath erupted from the warm

energy that enveloped his body.

‘This is before….’

This is the first time I feel this way. The tension was relieved
by the divine energy to the extent that it could not be
compared with the temple I used to live in.

‘It’s really clean.’

Butterflies flying around the temple recognized me and

approached me.

“You look good.”

Seeing the butterflies circling around me, Nathan smiled

“… I feel very comfortable.”

“It feels like getting a massage.”

Sera and Kanae, who entered the temple late, murmured.

them behind, I followed the butterfly.

As if to quickly follow me, I couldn’t stay still at the gestures

of the butterflies pushing me on the back.

The two, unable to see the butterfly, tilted their heads,

asking why are they so busy.

What made my feet stop was the large angel statue in front
of the temple.

“It is majestic.”

Next to him, he muttered to Kana.

Nathan flew out of my arms and took a seat on an angel

“Lea, how are you?”


“Isn’t it similar?”

Where do you look…? Nathan sighs as he tilts his head.

“It’s because I’m not so smart.”

Nathan muttered as if lamenting. But no matter how I look at

it, I don’t know.

As Sera and Kanae tilted their heads, Nathan tapped her


“It’s me. me! Nathaniel! Leah, you didn’t even know my


“No, I know your name, of course I do….”

I looked at Nathan and the angel statue alternately.

“Is this you?”

I knew Shinsu was originally an angel, but really? Isn’t that a

legend from a temple?

More than anything,

“Are you so dignified?”

This angel is cool, but why is the owl in front of me…?

Seeing my shaky face, Nathan drooped down. At the same

time, the dying eyebrows fell down.

“Lea, you are ignoring me like Dillian….”

“No, why am I ignoring you? Our Nathan is really cool. He is

the most handsome and dignified person in the world.”

I set foot inside the temple, soothing Nathan’s limp.

I looked back at the familiar voice. There, Aina stood there
with a surprised face.
Episode 70.


I did not know that I would ever meet Aina here, so I was
perplexed inside.

‘It’s a little uncomfortable.’

Since we didn’t break up very well, I didn’t like this meeting.

‘By the way, you said you were living in the Imperial Palace,
did you return to the temple now?’

Aina, who was running towards me, stopped for a moment.

Hesitating and moxibusing, Aina who slowly approached her

lips softly.
“I’m sorry that day!”

Aina bowed her head.

“I am deeply reflecting on my reckless remarks to the Duke. I

will apologize to the Duke as well.”

She lifted her head and wiggled her fingers and looked into
my eyes.

“Can’t you stop getting angry?”

“I’m sorry for being too harsh. I said this because I was
worried, but it made me cry. Sorry.”

Aina’s face was in full bloom at my dull apology.

“Are you forgiving?”

“It was reconciliation, not forgiveness.”

Aina didn’t commit a mortal sin, it was just a quarrel, but the
word forgiveness was not appropriate.

What the hell was moving, Aina hugged me tightly.

Sera and Kanae flinched at the excessive contact.

With her dagger pulled out halfway, Sera was ready to attack
Aina. I secretly hid it from my gaze telling me not to do that,
but I did not lower my vigilance.

Aina asked carefully whether she knew about it or not.

“Well then, are we friends now?”


“Lia-sama saved me, we went to a cafe together, we talked,

we fought and reconciled, so we’re friends now, right?”

Aina was very excited. Like a child making friends for the
first time.

‘Oh right. I have no children or friends.’

Aina had no same-sex friends.

only friend, may have separated by now, as she began to

respect her at a distance when she became a saint.

‘It was lonely.’

Nathan was by my side, but what about Aina?

There were only people around Aina who consecrated her.

What if I was in Aina’s situation? You’ll want to throw it all

away and run away.

“There are conditions.”

His face was full of tension as he swallowed dry saliva.

“If you stop using respect, I will become a friend.”


“Of course, I’ll be comfortable talking too.”

Aina insisted on a low posture because I was a guardian

horizontal cannot be a healthy relationship.

I got used to Aina’s low posture, and I didn’t even know if I

could look down at her without realizing it, and Aina looked
at me and seemed likely to come out with a low posture for
the rest of her life.

At this point, I didn’t know it would be better to talk to each


“how about it? Can you do it?”

“I can do well. No, I can do it!”

“great. We are friends from today.”


Aina, who screamed happy, hugged me and turned around.

‘I’ve felt this before, but why is he so strong?’

Aina, who held me and turned until she was satisfied,
changed her target and turned her head to Nathan.

“Nathan, you look dignified today.”

Nathan, who regained his self-esteem at Aina’s words,

stretched out his shrunken chest.

“This generation of saints have very good eyesight.”

“Haha, thank you. Leah, no. Leah is here to see Aaron, no.
I’m here?”

Aina struggled several times because it was awkward to put

her words down. Contrary to her, I had no hesitation.


I didn’t come here as promised, but Aaron said he could

come when he wanted to, so he wouldn’t be slapped at the
door, right?

I asked, following Aina, who took the lead.

“Are you fully into the temple now?”

“Yeah. I’ll be here forever…. omg! How did you know I was in
the Imperial Palace?”

“Mr. Dillian told me.”

“ah…. Peacock….”

Aina, who had been muttering tremblingly unconsciously,

quickly captured her emotions.

Aina, who had managed to suppress her negative emotions,

asked cautiously.

“Wasn’t the duke’s curse raging or falling?”

“You met me and ran into two runaways.”

It wasn’t a secret, and I had no reason to hide it, so I told the


“But how…?”
“How are you alive? Yes, because I fell asleep.”

Aina’s chin opened as if it was about to fall.

“Did you press it with force?”

“yes. According to Mr. Dillian and the people around him, no

one but me has succeeded. can’t you?”

“That can’t be possible! If possible, I would have to suffer


“hardship? what trouble.”

Confused, Aina waved her hand.

“Oh, no. So I can’t. you won’t be in a lifetime You can’t even

wake up after you die.”

“How do you know without even trying?”

“no. i saw the future never do it.”

Aina shook her head in denial several times.

the saints in the world stick out their tongues, only in my

“Aina, why did you come here earlier?”

I clenched my fist.

“I came to kill the darkness. Only by removing it can the

curse of Mr. Dillion be lifted.”

Surprisingly, Aina was surprised that she didn’t know I could

move on her own, and then nodded her head.

“Lea’s power will be enough.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course. You are loved.”

Having said that, Aina’s gaze turned to my head.

“I’ve never seen a butterfly follow only one person like this.”

also sees butterflies.

As she said, the butterflies did not leave my surroundings.

“Aaron will be in the greenhouse. He always spends time

there with the butterflies during this time.”

“Where should the greenhouse go?”

“I have something to see, too, so let’s go together.”

Aina, who put her hand on the doorknob of the greenhouse,

looked behind me and opened her mouth.

“Oh, you two can’t come in here.”


I stopped Sera and Kanae who were furious.

“Kanae, Sarah. I am waiting here.”

“… yes.”

quiet side of the two, waved his hand.

“Lea, let me go say hello for a while.”

“To whom?”

“All the faces I haven’t seen in a long time have gathered


Nathan looked back to see if he was really in a hurry.

“I don’t know what kind of pods I’ll catch if I’m late. I’ll be
back, so please talk to me.”

“yea, I got it.”

Nathan, who was preparing to take off from Sera’s shoulder,

asked Kanae and Sera, who were waiting at the door.

“You too, don’t stand hard, how about going together?”

“I wish that too. go away Instead, there was so much to see.

Come take a look.”

to join me too, the two reluctantly nodded their heads.

“… Lady, I’ll come pick you up when the time is right.”

“Lia, be careful….”

The two continued to look back as they followed Nathan.

There were eyes that wanted them to hold on to me not to

go, but I pretended not to know and waved my hand.

Even Kanae and Sera moved along with Nathan, and Aina,
who saw that only the two of them were left, opened the
door without hesitation.

“Lea-sama, I was waiting for you.”

As soon as the door opened, I squinted at the bright face

that greeted me.

The sunlight that passed through the greenhouse glass

poured down on her still-shining face, making her eyes

“… You knew I was coming.”

“Yes, I noticed it the moment Lia-sama entered the temple.”

Aaron raised his hand to his chest, and the butterfly sat and
flapped its wings.

“This kid told me.”

When I heard that some butterflies were going inside, I think

they were going to report to Aaron.

“Aina is here too.”

Aina quietly shook her eyes. Aaron, who smiled at that

greeting, paved the way.

“The story is going to be long, so come here.”

Aaron, carrying butterflies on his shoulders, led us to an

outdoor table.

I forcibly put up with my eyes spinning in the splendidly

decorated greenhouse and stared straight ahead.

‘I’m here to tell you something important. Stay alert.’

Just as I was watching Aaron brewing tea with skillful hands,
I heard a voice above my head.

“I thought you were coming to be my companion, but when I

look into Lia-sama’s eyes, that doesn’t seem to be the case.”

I slowly raised my head as I touched the teacup and picked a

horse. When their eyes met, a soft smile appeared on
Aaron’s lips.

“You have decided.”

“Right. I didn’t come here to chat. darkness. I will work with

him to get rid of him.”

Aaron’s face bloomed like a flower at my determined


It must have seemed that he was worried that I would reject

him, but at first glance he could see relief passing by.

“I will be with you. It is my mission to protect the Empire

from evil.”

When Aina joined in, my heart was reassured.

There is nothing to be afraid of if two people fighting for 1st
and 2nd place by divine power are together.

Having a common purpose of removing darkness, we

exchanged information with each other.

“I found this in the temple library not long after I broke up

with Leah.”

What he brought before me was a very old document.

“It is a document left by the first saint.”

The First Saints, and Literature. Just hearing this word made
me feel like there was some great information.

“First of all, as I said before, darkness is an evil curse. And

the beginning of that curse must go back a thousand years.”

Aaron, who opened the book, pointed to a section. Aina

sneakily bites into the texts written in the ancient language.

“It is said that a small lump appeared in the northern land a

thousand years ago. Locally speaking, this is Wilhelm now.”
Unlike Aina, who listened to Aaron because she could not
read, I fixed my gaze on the book.

[This fist-sized mass was a creature I had never seen in my


The soft, black rubber ball-like ‘it’ was very small and
insignificant, and was often harassed by wild beasts.]

‘Why can’t I read this…? This is the first text I see….’

I gulped down at the exact content Aaron was reading.

Episode 71.

“The small and insignificant lump is the beginning of the


[Father said to love all life. This child is also a life created by
his father. There must be a reason why I discovered it.

I took it and gave it a name. The guy with the name devoured
everything and gradually grew in size.]

The father mentioned here is Obelus, and according to this

text, darkness was a failed creation of God.
“It is said that the darkness that greedily devoured
everything soon gained power.”

Aaron, who quickly turned the paper over, pointed to a


“One is the ability to shatter my shadow to create an clone,

and the other is the ability to devour life.”

This gave me confidence.

As soon as I heard that story, I immediately thought of


“Sir, I have something to tell you. The curse on Mr. Dillion is

the second power of darkness.”

The power of greedy swallowing, the ‘emptiness’ that makes

you hungry even after eating.

It was clear that the second power of darkness belonged to


“When the darkness disappears, we will be able to lift Mr.

Dillion’s curse.”
As if to make up my mind, I held my hands together as if I
had promised myself. I looked into Aaron’s eyes and said:

“It must be so.”

Aaron, who looked at me with wide eyes as if surprised,

smiled softly.

“Now I know. Lia-sama, did you come here to protect His


Protect it, there was no such grand reason.

“I just want to help.”

Let him enjoy the ordinary life that everyone else enjoys.

“Is there anything in the literature that the darkness lost its
power or was taken away?”

Maybe there was a clue about Dillion’s curse here. But

contrary to my expectations, Aaron shook his head.
“There is nothing written about it. Although it is called a
document, in fact, it is no different from a diary, so there are
many parts that were cut off in the middle.”

Aaron said, this document seemed to record the events of

the day as a stream of consciousness rather than
information for future generations.

Aina, who was quietly listening to the story, said to me.

“Maybe he signed a contract like Lexter Blent did? The Duke

was born with a curse from birth, so someone from his
predecessor may have made a pact with the Darkness.”

Aina’s hypothesis was quite plausible. No, for now, that was
the most credible thing to say.

“However, the darkness was sealed a thousand years ago, so

then, did this contract last a thousand years ago?”

I clearly saw the phrase that darkness was sealed. Didn’t

Aaron say it himself?

He sealed the darkness a thousand years ago.

“You might have woken up in the middle like now, right? It
was a thousand years ago.”

We didn’t know what happened in the middle .

What is certain is that unlike Lexter, Dillion did not have that
power voluntarily.

“What if the darkness regains all its power?”

What’s important is this. If darkness isn’t complete, how will

the world change once it finds all its powers?

“The world will be covered with night. The sun will never
rise, spring will never come, and in the cold winter, we will
have to hide from evil curses and monsters.”

Dark Resurrection is an Empire, no.

It was the end of the world.

“I can’t wait to see the beautiful world created by Obelus

trying to defile it.”
Aaron, a fan of Obelus, showed his strong feelings for the
first time.

I nodded my head as I looked at his fists full of strength.

“Your Highness is right. So we need to find the darkness and

destroy it as soon as possible.”

And now was the opportunity.

“Lexter was hit by an arrow I shot. He couldn’t have avoided

fatal injuries. Even the darkness will not be able to move

“We will aim for the Duke to find power, so we must protect
the Duke and fight the darkness.”

I paused for a moment at Aina’s words.

That’s all true, but it was surprising to see that Dillion was
being protected.

‘I’m happy though. The death flag is gone.’

At least, there was no need for Dillian to be judged as an evil
monster and executed.

“First of all, the temple is investigating the darkness. We are

also looking for the whereabouts of Lexter Blent.”

“If Lexter’s whereabouts are, the Dukes will be looking for


It was only a matter of time before they were caught as the

two groups were chasing them.

There wasn’t much information we shared, but the car,

which had cooled down, informed us of the past.

‘It seems like things are going to work out, but it’s

It would be nice to have more information. I glanced at

Aaron’s literature and asked carefully.

“Can I take that document and look at it?”

“… Can you read it?”

“Yes, it reads surprisingly well.”

“Have you ever learned an ancient language?”

“Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with learning.”

Aaron, a seminary graduate, could certainly read ancient

languages, but I was an awfully short-legged commoner.

No wonder he was surprised.

‘But I don’t know how to read this either.’

As if my cheeks were going to be pierced, I wiped the back of

my neck with a strong gaze and waved my hand towards

“If it’s difficult, you can refuse….”

“no. You can take it.”

It was me who was bewildered by the willingness to hand

out the literature.
“Can I give it to you this easily?”

“In principle, you can’t, but Leah-sama wants it, so you have
to give it to me. Don’t go anywhere and tell them, take them

Aaron proudly said he was doing something illegal.

“I’ll keep my mouth shut too!”

Aina pretended to shut her mouth. An accomplice was

quickly found.

this is fine…?


“Lea, I have one more thing to tell you.”

Leah, who was drinking Aaron’s freshly brewed tea, looked
up at the voice calling me.

“Yes, tell me.”

I told him to speak comfortably, but Aaron’s gaze turned to

Aina, who was staring blankly.

“Aina, let’s talk with Leah for a moment.”

“… Can’t I listen?”

Aina stood up at Aaron, who only smiled without a word. I

couldn’t sit any longer under the pressure of silence.

“Lea, I’ll be waiting outside.”

However, Aina, who still had regrets, glanced behind her.

Then, with his shoulders drooping, he headed outside with a

stern face facing him.

Leah opened her mouth as the door closed quietly.

“Take Aina out too…. Is it important?”

“Do you know about the oracles passed down to the Sinai

“A trust?”

do you have anything like that? Leah blinked at the story she
had heard for the first time.

Aaron remembered the oracle that came down the day he

was born.

A cursed child will be born to the Sinai family, and no one

can break the curse.

There is only one person who can save him.

wait for the light At the age of twenty-five, a child of destiny

will appear and break the curse.
Aaron smiled as he saw the fateful child finally revealed.

“Is that an oracle? The oracle that came down on the day Mr.
Dillian was born?”

“That’s right.”

Leah furrowed her eyes as if she didn’t understand.

“So, in the first place, neither the High Priest-sama nor

anyone else could break the curse of Mr. Dillion?”

But why did the Duke and Duchess take Dillian to the

“Did the previous duke and wife not know about this?”

“Is it possible? As soon as the oracle came down, I notified

them. I didn’t want to believe it, so I just rejected the trust.”

“Why the hell….”

Did they reject the oracle as devout believers?

That said, face was more important than faith.

Did such people really love Dillian, who was born with a

“What happened to Mr. Dillian here?”

There must be various reasons for Dillian’s extreme dislike

of temples and divine powers.

I didn’t know if I could know the truth that was never shown
in the original work now.

Anxiety crept over Aaron’s darkened face.

“Your Majesty, Dillian, was baptized here. But to him, it was

like torture.”

“It’s torture…?”

At Leah’s bewildered question, Aaron struggled to open his

“For someone with a high Holy Resistance like Dillion, it is
painful to step into the temple.”

It was. This place overflowing with divinity was a match with


Why didn’t he think of such a simple thing?

“The baptism in this place, where it is difficult to breathe,

must have been the pain of supporting the body with fire for
that child.”

Leah couldn’t breathe at the next words.

“But the duchess didn’t listen to Dillion.”

The Duke and Duchess could not see the cursed Dillian, and
visited the temple once a week.

As if I couldn’t even see the face of my son in pain.

“As I said before, I was an incurable curse in the first place.

The Duke and Duchess did not admit that.”
Episode 72.

A look of guilt flashed across Aaron’s face as he recalled the


“I couldn’t see the little boy in pain, so on the day that Dillion
came, I purposely reaped the divine powers. To make the
child feel a little more comfortable.”

It would have been nice if it ended there, but the Duchess

did not stop.

“When I refused, he went to another priest and asked to be

baptized. It was really bad for Dillian.”

“How long have you been doing that?”

Aaron’s head turned downward at Leah’s trembling voice. As
if he couldn’t raise his head.

“I have been coming here consistently from the age of five to



An absurd sigh escaped Leah’s mouth.

“After the big accident, he didn’t come anymore.”

The big accident probably refers to the Dillian curse that ate
up his parents.

It was terrifying that he could only get out of the temple after
his parents died.

“That is abuse. How could that be? that little kid…!”

Leah looked at it clearly in front of her eyes.

How Dillian deflected Harris’ divine power.

Even after seeing it, did the Duke and Duchess want to take
them to the temple?

“That’s right. It was abuse. And I am the bystander who

failed to stop the abuse.”

Aaron bowed his head to apologize deeply, and Leah’s face

grew redder and redder.

‘The trust is obvious, so why the hell is that?’

I couldn’t even argue with him because he was dead, and if

he had been in front of me, I didn’t know what his identity
would be, and he might have grabbed him by the neck.

Frustrated, Leah drank the car Aaron had given her.

But instead of sinking, his stomach just simmered.

‘You’ve been through something terrible for five years and

you’re trying to come back here because of me? Really, you

No matter how much memory you lose, the pain will still be
the same.
Dillian, who tried to walk himself into pain, seemed like a

what do i say Leah’s stomach churned.

“I understand your hatred of temples.”

Aaron’s expression wasn’t that different from Leah’s either.

‘It wasn’t a bad relationship with the temple.’

At least Aaron loves Dillian. then or now

So I guess I can’t get away from that work even after ten
years have passed.

Unlike the bright greenhouse, the sunken atmosphere was


“Why are you telling me this?”

I don’t mean to make you fall from high blood pressure.

Leah had no idea why she was telling herself about this
important issue, not to Dillian.

“Exactly when Dillian turns 25, I met Leah, who is the only
one who can suppress the curse.”

Conversely, the hotter the chest, the colder the head.

“So, are you saying that I am the light? A child of fate?”

“You don’t think so?”

say that Leah could not hide her embarrassment and


“It’s too, too big. I think that such a title should be given to
the high priest or the saint Aina. why me….”

If we only looked at the contents of the oracle, the person

most suited to the light was Aina.

However, Aina could never break the curse of Dillion.

That’s what Leah knew best than anyone.

‘It’s really me…?’

Leah burst out laughing, saying that was ridiculous. Aaron

smiled as he saw the corners of his trembling lips.

‘You are trying to deny it.’

To Aaron, although he didn’t fully understand Leah, he

seemed to have guessed that I wasn’t normal.

And the guess was correct.

Since I came to the capital, I expected that there would be

something special to do. I was also determined to be deeply

But I didn’t know it would be like this.

‘The light, the child of fate!’

Even though it was grand, it was too grand. It’s too much of a
burden for her as a small citizen!
I wanted him to stop at this point, but Aaron’s meaningful
smile grew even deeper.

Leah felt a chill in her spine.

“Lea, do you know that? I have been waiting for Leah for a
very long time.”

Leah trembled at the strange nuance. Leah swallowed dry

saliva and asked carefully.

“… Did you have an oracle for me?”

“Of course. Did I burden Leah without any reason? I am not

that bad.”

“Why the hell….”

Leah ripped off her hair, forgetting that she was in front of
Aaron. In my mind, I wanted to run out and scream.

Aaron drank tea while watching Leah struggling.

Even if I was so confused, I believed that it would calm down

As he predicted, Leah soon lifted her head, which had been

nailed to the table.

“Sir, I’m really curious, was the oracle being overused?”

“Please. It is an oracle that has been passed down for a very

long time.”

“How much…?”

“Would you believe it if the former high priest also waited for

How long did the ancestors live?

If not, I would have lived 200 years like Aaron.

So even if the ages of the ancestors and Aaron were

combined, it would be at least 400 years….

My head was pounding and my eyes were clouded.

“Am I the one with such a heavy duty?”

God doesn’t care What do I say!

You are the one who is shameless, selfish, and selfish. But
what does light mean?

“… What was the oracle that came down to me?”

In response to Leah’s half-liberated question, Aaron recites

the oracle in a reverent voice.

“In the end of Roheim, in the cursed land, shall light be born.
When evil consumes the world, he will come through the
darkness and save you.”

‘Si X, I can’t even beat this.’

If the end of Roheim is Wilhelm, the cursed land is Tippi’s


And although it is not certain that light is born, there is a

place to guess.
‘Isn’t it the divine power that swallowed up the whole
mountain while I treated Tippi? Because Dillian said the light
had exploded.’

Too many of them fit right in to say no.

Even the darkness obsessed with the situation where even

Dillian’s oracle was intertwined.

There was no way to escape.

“Are you saying no to this?”

“Don’t check kills. I’m having a hard time right now.”

face and moaned, I heard Aaron’s laughter above my head.

are you okay? How can a man named High Priest enjoy the
suffering of the poor Lamb?

‘Isn’t the high priest disqualified?’

Either way, seeing the long-awaited savior, Aaron couldn’t

hide his joy.
“Lia-sama, I found out about the existence of the oracle, but
even now I am thinking of coming to the Great Hall….”

“No. There is none. Even if the world collapses, I hate it.”

Aaron’s shoulders drooped as the iron wall defense was

erected before he could even finish his words.

At the first meeting, Leah was afraid that it would be

burdensome, so she hid it, but she still couldn’t give up her

“Then why don’t you come here to chat often?”

Leah let out a deep sigh at the voice that was so desperate.

‘What the hell am I even doing this?’

Leah didn’t know, but to Aaron, she was like a mythical

being, a fantasy like a unicorn.

The protagonist of the oracle, which has been passed down

like a legend since childhood, appeared in front of us, and
who wouldn’t be thrilled?
“I heard that Leah likes flowers. I’ve always had a knack for
flowers. Don’t you think you’d be a good conversationalist?”

Leah turned her eyes away from Aaron’s desperate struggle

and glanced at the manicured greenhouse.

“Next time we’re talking in this greenhouse, it won’t be bad.”

There was no tea, but Leah almost screamed the moment

she stepped into this greenhouse. Because it is such a
beautiful greenhouse.

This was a dream world for her.

“Especially, the world plants are in full bloom. You are good
at it.”

The purple sagebrush was famous for being difficult to grow.

This species is difficult to see in full bloom due to its tightly

closed buds. The pronoun of a sunfish that will die at any
moment even if it is raised with divine power.

To make such a guy open his mouth, he wasn’t an ordinary

“I also went through trial and error several times. If it’s okay,
can I tell you how to raise it?”

“really? That’s good!”

Flowers bloomed around Aaron at Leah’s positive attitude

for the first time.

“Then let’s move first.”

Leah’s eyes gleamed, accustomed to catching flowers flying

to her cheeks.



After talking with Aaron, I left the greenhouse with a brighter

“Are you going to see Nathan? I will guide you.”

“thank you.”

In my arms, I held a seedling of cypress seedling, which I

received as a gift after a heated discussion with Aaron.

‘I’m sure I’ll meet a plant fanatic here.’

Aaron knew nothing. The age of 200 years was not to be

ignored. His vast knowledge brought me to my knees.

“If I have a chance next time, can I take a look at the

greenhouse that Lia-sama decorated?”

“Are you Aaron? It is an honor for me.”

It wasn’t a long conversation, but in the meantime, the crush

was skyrocketing, and even the title was changed.

If only Dillion allows, I’ll have to formally invite him. Of

course, before that, though, we need to clear out the
cluttered greenhouse.
“I said Nathan was going to see his friends, did he go to see

“yes. Mika-sama, as well as other divine beasts, will be


“Another divine beast…?”

“There you are.”

Aaron, who smiled softly saying that he had found it just in

time, pointed to a place.

As I moved my gaze along the fingertips, I saw cute birds like

Nathan chirping and conversing. Aina was with them too.

Sera and Kanae looked like talking birds and their eyes were
twinkling from a distance.


Aina recognized me first and waved her hand.

Then, the sharp eyes of the bird of prey turned to me at the
same time.
Episode 73.

His eyes were so bitter that his shoulders shrugged.


As soon as I called him, Nathan flew out and sat on my


“Lia, are you done talking?”

“yes. let’s go If it’s too late, Mr. Dillian will be worried.”

“Before that, let me introduce you to these guys. If we just

go, there will be another uproar, so we only need to learn the

The birds that flew in following Nathan’s eyes lit up.

“In turn, Mika, Samiel, and Hanisha.”

The sparrow divine beast Mika, the eagle divine beast

Samiel, and the lark divine beast Hanisha.

All of the new beasts in their new form looked at me and

their eyes lit up.

Nathan, Mika, Samiel, Hanisha….

‘Shinsu said there were five, but there isn’t one?’

As I counted inwardly, I hesitated at the intensely intense

eyes that were burdensome, and then lowered my head.


However, since it is a Shinsoo, I wanted to use a respectful

word, so I posted it, and the faces of the Shinsoo changed

“He’s using the honorific…?”

“Then, half-talk…?”
“Of course! Just write respectfully. I’ll give you a crush!”

The screaming eagle Samiel frightened his face .

“Lea, why are you more squat?”

“Your impression is very mild.”

“Look, he lost some weight. It walks very bonyly.”

When Mika and Hanisha even started talking to me, I lost my


“So, have you met anyone?”

“Of course there will be! What about this face!? There’s no
way he’s just sitting still.”

At Samiel’s question, Hanisha snorted with excitement.

As if they already knew Dillion’s existence, they blew their

noses and whirled around me.

I staggered back and asked the divine beasts carefully.

“Hey, you know me…?”

“I told you.”

At Nathan’s words, the gods nodded in unison.

‘What the hell did you say so this is how you reacted?’

It’s our first meeting, but it’s like you don’t have a lot of

‘This is divine…?’

Shinsu is said to be full of solemnity and look like a sage?

‘Wherever you look, sage….’

They were no different from relatives and grown-ups who

shouted every holiday.

As soon as I took a step back in an atmosphere that seemed

to be about to get married soon, Nathan raised her voice and
stopped me in front of me.
“Everyone get off! Leah is uncomfortable!”

“Hey, look at this guy. I try to monopolize myself.”

“How come you are still the same even after two hundred

“If we’ve been together for a year, won’t we fall for a bit

The gods who pecked Nathan terrifiedly turned their gaze to

me again.

“It’s a waste to give it to him, too.”

“It’s a pity for Leah, but that doesn’t mean it’ll feel bad to
see him meet someone else.”

“Of course! You dare to leave our Lia and meet someone

Naturally, Aina, who was shaking her head among the gods,
exploded a bomb.
“Then, then, I’ll make you unable to act as a man.”

Startled by the dangerous remark, I grabbed Aina’s arm.


Even the gods were surprised, so they opened their eyes and
looked at Aina.

At that moment, when I thought I would be properly scolded

by the knowledgeable new beasts, Samiel rubbed his chin
with his wings .

“That’s a good way.”

“I’ll take care of his undershirt. Who will take care of the

Hanisha, the cutest lark in the world, spat out scary words
with a bad attitude on her kind face.

“Why are the eyes…?”

“I’ve seen someone other than Leah, so I don’t have to!”

No, these gods. Are you proudly discussing crimes in front of
the high priest?

Perhaps it was a familiar sight to Aaron, he only smiled


“Nathan, I can see that you said you were the most dignified
and gentle among the divine beasts….”

“It’s good to know now.”

the most serious divine beast, I laughed it off, but it wasn’t a


I didn’t know that the gods would talk like this….

“By the way, Mika is on the gentle side. Those two guys ate

Nathan was outspoken, but they were busy discussing how

to upset Dillian.

I couldn’t stand it any longer because all the gods said were
dangerous remarks, so I raised my voice.
“Stop, stop! Just put your hand on Mr. Dillian’s body. It’s dark
and I’m going to destroy everything.”

Is it because they are used to the way they treat me even

though the first meeting is clear? He scrambled towards the

I looked at them in embarrassment that I had made such a

loud noise without my knowledge, but they seemed to be

Actually, it was Aaron who was worried about me quitting.

‘Damn gods! Is it more important to torment Dillion than the


As I put my forehead on my forehead and sighed, I suddenly


Aina, who especially liked me.

“I will never see you again.”

My conversion blow worked just right. Not only Aina, but also
all the new beasts shut their mouths.
“Lea, we all say that you should be happy. It doesn’t mean
anything else.”

I took a deep breath at the gods who looked at me.

I don’t know why there are so many people who are

shunning me these days.

It is also the beings at the top that everyone looks up to.

‘Is this because it’s a child of fate? Because I am the light?’

It was too burdensome for me, who has lived my whole life
as a small citizen.

“By the way, Leah, why are you engaged to the Duke…?”

In a moment of embarrassment at Aina’s question, I pursed

my lips.

“That, that….”

I hesitated for a while, and then came up with an

embarrassing answer.
“Wow, I thought it was fate….”

As soon as he finished speaking, Nathan’s face rotted away.

I can’t help it! How do you say you got engaged because you
didn’t want to come to the temple?

“When I listened to Nathan, I thought you were being

dragged around, but now I see you are not.”

“Look at his blushing face.”

“I should have been with him too, but what the hell is he
doing, Won.”

The gods trembled, saying that they felt sincerity in their

reddened faces.


Aina, lost somewhere, muttered with a gloomy face.

“Lea, it’s time to leave.”

Sera, who quietly approached us among the noisy crowd,
announced the time to return.

“We should just go.”

“I’ve seen Leah too, so I guess I’ll have to go. Leah! Next
time, come to our temple to play!”

Samiel waved his hand. After that, Hanisha and Mika waved

Perhaps they had gathered in the Great Hall for a while to

see me, and they dispersed one by one.

“See you later.”

I waved my hand at them to see them off. But Aina

steadfastly followed me.

If I couldn’t stop it, I couldn’t stop it because I had the

momentum to grab hold of the crotch of my pants and hang.

Worried that the saint would look embarrassed, I stood next

to her and asked what I had been curious about.
“Why do you call me guardian angel?”

“Because he granted my wish.”

Same answer as before. As she tilted her head at the words

she still didn’t understand, she let out a small laugh.

“My mission as a saint is heavy, and no one understands it,

so I asked him to find someone who could understand and
care for me.”

Aina stopped walking and looked back at me.

“That’s you.”

Overwhelmed by those hard eyes without a single doubt, I

couldn’t say no more .

“You don’t understand what I’m saying. I understand. I think

why would he even want to go there?”

“Yeah, actually, it is.”

Aina burst into laughter at my honest answer.

“right. right. But you are very important to me. Even if you
buy, buy, love that Duke of Sinise! Enough to support you!”

I don’t think so…. The supportive eyes have caught people.

“At that time, I felt angry and hated because it felt like the
duke had taken you away, but it’s okay now.”

Aina shrugged her shoulders, capturing her expression so

quickly that she wondered when she opened her ax eye.

“We are friends now.”

Aina, who smiled broadly with her eyes closed half-moon,

muttered quickly in a low voice.

“And the engagement is a big deal? In the midst of getting

married and then getting divorced, breaking the marriage is
not a business.”

I was smiling happily, but I stopped at the words I heard in

my ears. When our eyes met, Aina blinked innocent eyes.

“why? What’s going on?”


Isn’t your skill at shredding shichimi top-notch?

Laughing, I got on the waiting carriage.

“I’ll go.”

“Go be careful. Come play again next time!”

I waved at Aina.


Aina, who looked at the carriage disappearing into dots for a

long time, turned and headed to the basement of the Great

“I’m here?”
A shadow with a fairly human form spoke while smirking.

Unlike other clones that move like dolls with commands

entered, this guy, who was strongly connected with the
darkness, was able to communicate normally.

In other words, the person talking to Aina was the darkness


“Don’t pretend to be friendly. Because I don’t want to see


“Is Leah here? feel it The warmth that penetrates through

this disgusting divine power….”

‘s words, muttered in a ecstatic voice.

It would be painful to be locked in a cage made of divine

power, but he smiled as he revealed it.

“So, Aina, have you checked? Am I right?”

“… okay. Just like you said.”

“You read it, so you know. The fact that Obelus created the
world and created life, classifying it and discriminating it.”

Instead of affirming, Aina silently listened to the story of


“As you know, I am a failure. admit it I am clearly evil to you.”

“I’m glad you know.”

“But Aina. If I am evil, is Obelus good?”


“No, absolutely not. The Obelus who immediately turned his

back on me saying I was a failure? It’s funny.”

bang! Darkness swept against the iron bars.

“Obelus is not as sweet or kind as you humans think. He’s

just a hypocrite.”

“… Be careful.”
“Oh. Aina. Do you still want to believe in Obelus?”

The darkness shook Aina’s heart without stopping.

Episode 74.

“Obelus is once again driving you into a limb under the

pretext of a mission. Am I wrong?”

“That was what I had to do.”

It was an answer full of strength, but he couldn’t hide his

shaky eyes.

“You said it was your will to return time? let’s be honest It

must have been the will of Obelus, not you.”

The darkness dug deep into her chest as if it were a pity.

“Who will compensate for your broken mind and body? lost
time? Will anything change when I get the chance? No, I’m
just repeating the same path over and over again.”
Aina couldn’t answer anything.

“Aina, I’m the only one who can understand you.”

The darkness whispered to Aina, who was staring blankly at

her. The emotion reflected in the shiny self was pity.

“I’m the only one who knows you’re back in time. is not it?”

as the dark says

Aina got a chance to turn back time and live her life once

This was a gift from God to her who sacrificed and saved the

But no one recognized her. It was natural.

Because this is the will of Obelus. Because God made the

world that way.

Neither Cassis, whom she loved, nor the divine beasts

recognized her.
Even Dillian, who was once an enemy, did not recognize

It was Aina, she alone who remembered everything .

“You are not alone.”

It was darkness that recognized Aina’s loneliness. Darkness

knew at once that she had returned.

It was beyond his will because he did not believe in God.

Ironically, that is.

“Release me.”

“… If you let it go, then what do you think about it?”

“I mean, I’m going to destroy this world created by Obelus.

And making it new again.”

A world where everyone is equal.

“A world in which neither you, nor me, nor anyone is left

The dark words were full of contradictions.

everyone is equal? Eating humans and increasing their


nonsense. There is no such thing as sophistry.

However, Aina put her hand in her pocket after

contemplating. The key was in the hand that came out

When Aina put the key in the hole, she thought it was dark,
and her purple eyes widened.


An excited darkness hurried her as the door opened with a

squeak—a creepy sound.

“Aina. hurry.”

“shut up. I haven’t decided what to do yet.”

Aina went inside and pulled out the relics embedded in the
darkness one by one.

formless darkness was to nail the holy relics to limit his


“Yes, Aina. well thought out.”

When the last restraint was released, the darkness, which

wriggled heavily, tried to convince Aina in the end.

“Aina, think carefully about what I say. Is the mission of a

saint really for you?”

“… Get out through the underground waterway. Because all

the gods are gathered up there.”

“I’ll come pick you up when the time is right.”

The darkness whispering in Aina’s ear quickly disappeared.

Aina sighed heavily at the sight.

“I don’t know if I’m good at it….”

Aina rummaged through her pockets, pulled out a crystal
ball, and stared at it.

the underground door opened and footsteps could be heard,

her attention was focused exclusively on the crystal ball.

“The shadow has fled.”

“Mr. Aaron.”

Aina raised her head at the bright light she felt above her

Aaron was not surprised to see the empty prison and Aina
sitting in it.

“Did the plan succeed?”

“yes. I guess I didn’t notice.”

“I’m happy.”

“I think I thought I was shaken. If we do well, we might be

able to go all the way without getting caught.”
After confirming that the red dot inside the crystal ball was
flashing and working properly, Aina handed it over to Aaron.

Aina remembered Kanae who approached me when Leah

was talking to Aaron.

‘This is an item sent by Your Majesty.’

‘What is this?’

‘It’s a location tracker I made. Just plant this in the dark


‘Location tracker?’

‘If this is successful, we will be able to find the location of

the darkness. Well then, I wish you good luck.’

Aina implanted a tracker in the process of unraveling the


The excited darkness didn’t even notice that Aina was acting
or that she had planted a tracker.
“My choice must not be wrong.”

“Aina’s choice was not wrong. It will definitely lead us to


“That would be nice.”

There was no information that could be obtained even if he

had been holding on to it anyway.

In that case, it was far more rational to pretend to let go and

find out where the darkness was hiding.

And all of this was Dillian’s plan.

“I never imagined that the duke would help me.”

“Since Leah-sama is involved, even His Majesty couldn’t

have stayed still.”

Aina nodded her head. It’s definitely different back then.

Small things gathered and gathered to change the present.

“Aina, I don’t know what the darkness has said, but you must
not be shaken by it.”

“Aaron, don’t worry. I believe in him.”

Darkness said that this suffering would never be


Yes, if I fulfill my mission, my whole body will break. It may

all feel like a futile effort.

However, Aina had a different idea.

“I am well compensated.”

Although the saint’s duties remained the same, God sent a

guardian angel named Lia as promised.

Someone who understands and cares for me.

I met Leah, I met Aaron, I met Cassis.

I met a relationship I thought I would never see again, how

can this be called a sacrifice?
That alone was a sufficient reward.

Aina grabbed Aaron’s extended hand and stood up.

“Please recruit knights. We will follow you as soon as we are



“Girl, then I’ll go in first.”

“You worked hard, Kanae-san.”

After Kanae, who returned to her main job as soon as my

escort was over, I headed to the greenhouse.

It was to plant world grass as soon as possible.

Nathan went back to his room first to see if he wasn’t very

interested in the seedlings.
Either way, my mind was focused solely on the beginning of
the world.

Squatting in the right place, I started digging the ground.

the soiled dress, but I didn’t care.

I covered the soil so that the roots were not visible and gave
it all the water before I was able to straighten my back.

“Sera, listen up, huh!”

Startled by the hard chest in front of me, I unintentionally

took a step back.

“You were surprised.”

Holding my chest in my pounding heart, I looked at Dillion

and sighed.

“When did you come?”

“Mr. Leah has been with me since the moment she came
Really? I didn’t know? When she slowly rolled her eyes and
asked Sarah, she nodded cautiously.

“Is it that good? Waiting for Ms. Leah, I can’t even see it?”

Obviously, Dillian’s mouth was smiling, but the eyes they met
were unusual.

At his gentle smile, I unconsciously blocked the front of the


“Why, why are you looking at me like that?”

“How were my eyes?”

how about It was the eyes that wanted to break the stems
while pulling world weeds and set them on fire.

“It hurts so much and intense eyes…?”

But I couldn’t tell the truth. Because it seemed like it would

really make me that way if I ever got my thoughts out of my
“My eyes looking at Lia are always hot.”

Dillion, who casually brought out the embarrassing words,

asked with a wink at the world plant.

“So, what is that great thing that I can’t even see?”

There was a thorn in the horse.

It seems like he was expecting a picture to meet me back

after going out, but it was clear that my stomach was twisted
when I passed out.

“It’s the world’s first Aaron-sama. It’s hard to find, but he

gladly gave it to me as a gift.”

Dillian said he would get jealous if he gave out a tea he liked

too much, so he deliberately suppressed his excitement and
said bluntly.

But for some reason, Dillian’s smile grew even deeper.

“I think it’s precious.”

“sure. It is a very difficult species to raise, but Aaron raised


“He’s vulnerable to stress, so even the slightest mistake will

kill him, but not just one, but more than ten.”

The longer the words, the more the feeling of seeing the
greenhouse of the Great Hall at that time was revived.

In the end, it was a time when we forgot the situation and

talked about the conversation we had with Aaron as if proud
of it.

“I think we got very close in between. They call their names

in a friendly way and receive gifts. Yes?”

“Well, not that much… little?”

I secretly avoided my gaze at Dillian’s eyes burning with


‘It was a big deal. You touched it wrong.’

I couldn’t stay still and shifted my gaze, but I made a

“oh! My stomach hurts so much! I’ll go in first!”

instant, I quickly escaped from the greenhouse.

‘For now, run away!’

But my plan was shattered in less than a minute.

My body bounced like a spring in the hand that grabbed my

chin and my shoulder.

Dillian, who thought the gesture was a runaway, wrapped his

arms around my waist.

“Are you crazy? What do people do when they see it!”

I leaned back and backed away from Dillion.

“No wind.”
I paused as I pushed the face of Dillian approaching more
and more. What did I hear?

“… yes?”

“They’re definitely engaged, but you’re calling out the name

of an outsider with such a happy face in front of me.”

“What are you talking about!”

When other people hear it, they get it wrong!

As he screamed, Dillian raised his voice as well.

“The high priest is over 200 years old. He was my

grandfather when I moved on.”

“No, who knows! I know it well!”

“I’m afraid that I will think that I am in my mid-twenties just

by looking at my face.”

Maybe he was really worried that I might fall for it, but there
was a slight jealousy in Dillian’s eyes.
Episode 75.

“Even though Aaron is young, what he does is the same as

the grandfather next door!”

Eat some of this throughout the conversation, eat that too,

no matter how much you feed.

Even though it was dinner time, I was not hungry.

I was relieved to see myself being very angry, but Dillian’s

voice gave me a sense of relief.

“It was a tribute to the old man. I thought you were chatting
with your grandfather, so I misunderstood.”

“Respect the old man….”

I touched my forehead.

How do I get my thoughts to flow like that?

I looked around later. Fortunately, there were no ears to


It’s a good thing that this is a sponsorship that people don’t

often visit, and she almost became a woman playing with

“Neither can I. Next time I will go with you.”

“Don’t say stupid things. It hurts just by touching the divine

power, where does it come from? Dillian, do you know how
painful it was in the Great War?”

As he slapped him in the back, Dillian laughed happily.

“I don’t know. It’s a place that is opposite to me, isn’t it?”

“You know, you want to go there again? Don’t shout at me.

Never go!”
“I would like to go further. Lia will take more care of me,

Huh , true. I’ve been thinking about it, so what if I like it?

“Don’t laugh. None of that is nice.”

I lifted my index finger and pressed both ends of his lips


Neither smiling nor crying, Dillian, with a strange face,

opened his mouth and bit my finger.

“Ugh? What, what did you do?”

“You didn’t bring it to my mouth to ask, did you? I thought

you said water.”

is he a dog Why are you asking for a hand….

Dillian burst into a laugh, haha, on my face that was

“let’s go together. If Leah is by your side, you won’t get sick
at all.”

I felt frustrated at the word familiar, and I was angry at his

casual and blunt attitude.

a fool Don’t get used to the pain.

As I was wheezing and swallowing my anger alone, unable to

speak, Dillian’s thumb brushed under my eyes.

“It’s eyes like that again.”


“You have eyes that say you’re going to die because you’re
worried about me.”

“… me?”

You said you were worried that you were going to die? Aren’t
the eyes about to die of heat?

“I think my temptation is working.”

Suddenly, Dillian leaned in and kissed my cheek.

The accident was stopped by the sound of chirping and the

warm warmth.

“I wish I could eat this too.”

“Ah! Seriously, no access from today! No skinship!”

“I beg your pardon? I can not hear that.”

“Are you really going to do this?!”

“Do you want to do it one more time?”

“Ah-oh! Just go away!”

I told him to go away, but I was the first to push him away
and run away. I covered my red face and ran as hard as I

Behind his back, a roar of laughter rang out for a long time.

managed to remove Dillion and ran to the room, and I dug

into the duvet.

It was time to go to bed, but strangely, I couldn’t sleep.

It was because of the oracle I heard from Aaron.

‘Am I really the child of fate?’

I rolled over and looked for Nathan.

It is said that the divine beast existed even before the

founding of the empire. Maybe Nathan knew about the

“Nathan, are you awake?”


I gently stroked Nathan’s hair as he shivered and tossed.

‘I really wanted to ask if the oracle is true.’

After looking at him for a while, I quietly stood up.

He lit a lamp small enough not to disturb Nathan’s sleep, and

opened the desk drawer.

‘If you look at this, you will know something.’

I opened the book that Aaron had given me.

The beginning was as Aaron said.

Even the first saint picked up a small, insignificant lump and

raised it, all I knew.

[■■ chased after me like a duckling that woke up from an

“I can’t see your name.”

I flipped through the back page and tried to find the erased
name, but everything else was likewise obscured.

[I followed everything I did and wanted to be loved by me.]

Thinking back on it, I was confused. How can I read ancient

languages? It was also a difficult letter written in a new

Is it because this is also a child of fate?

It felt as if you were being nailed down that you could never
get out of here.

[He was a bright and clever child. If I taught one, I knew ten,
so I gave the child my knowledge.]
Perhaps the saint was very fond of the darkness, and she
felt affection through the typeface.

[A child who has acquired a language and learned society is

ignorant of shame, throws off his beast-like appearance, and
begins to gradually transform into a human. Not only the
thoughts, but also the appearance.]

At the corner of the book was a picture of a round ball

turning into a boy.

[Then one day, the child began to change.]

As the story became more and more interesting, I took my
eyes off the picture and turned the bookshelf.

But there was no backstory. I narrowed my eyes at the blank


“Why not?”

I quickly turned the bookshelf. The story did not continue

until chapter six.

When I turned the tenth chapter like that, the story started

‘what? So why did you change?’

The evil deeds of darkness were just hanging, and he didn’t

tell me why he had changed.

Returning to the blank page, I picked up the book and lit it

with a candle.

‘In a mystery novel, when the light shines like this, hidden
letters are visible, but this is also not the case.’
As Shimuruk put the book down, I frowned at the pain I felt
at my fingertips.


Blood began to form on the index finger cut in the paper.

“The cut on the paper really hurts….”

After reflexively releasing the divine power, I opened my eyes

to the blurry letters on the paper.

‘Is it because of the divine power?’

Just in case, I put my hand on the book and released the

divine power, and the letters began to be engraved on the
blank pages with a soft light.

I read along with the letters becoming clearer and clearer.

“After that person appeared…? that person?”

Who was that person and why did the darkness change?
I was frantically immersed in the story.

[Father’s will, I led the way to him. However, the injury was
so severe that he could not leave immediately.]

[ Is this cohabitation? …?]

[I thought he was a cold person, but surprisingly, he was a

person with a lot of laughter.]

[I think it’s a little cute.]

[He told me to leave with me. I can’t do that, but I have to

keep this way. Even though I know it’s definitely not
possible, my heart keeps pounding.]

I read that far and blinked blankly.

“… What is it, it feels like stealing someone’s love story.”

So, this was the love diary of the first saint.

‘So you deliberately hid it?’

Seriously, even Nara would want to hide this kind of tickling

love story.

It’s too embarrassing to show this to future generations.

[The first thing that noticed my heart like this was neither he
nor me… It was a coma.]


Dark must have had a proper name.

Surprised by the name of the darkness that first appeared, I

pressed my face close as if I was going into a book.
[I wonder if he felt that he had lost his affection for him, and
Koma hated him as the days went on. It was just enough to
convey the dark feelings to me.

I grew up and comforted him, who started to crook, but it

had already left my hand.]

The content behind this was as read in the temple.

[Coma devoured everything, and gradually grew in size. His

negative emotions soon became a curse.]

The darkness that gained power devoured the saint’s

surroundings one by one, and at the end tried to swallow the
[At that moment, the oracle came down. I heard his voice
telling him to kill the coma…. Can I kill that child?]

Erased and written traces were found in several places. It

was a sign that the saint was worried.

She looked heartbroken at the fact that she had to kill the
darkness she had grown with her own hands.

But soon after, the saint’s anger exploded.

[George coma puts his hand on the man. I tried to stop it, but
it was too late.

It’s impossible on my own. The evil energy of the curse was

so strong that it weighed on my power.]

[I will erase the child’s name from the world. That child
doesn’t deserve a name.]
The diary did not last long. And ten days have passed.

[…] … With that person’s sacrifice I sealed it. After

completing my mission, I also want to follow him.]

“It was sealed at the end of Roheim, the oak tree. No one
can find it, no one can break the seal, in the deepest and
most sacred place….”

oak tree? Just by looking at this, I had no idea where the hell
it was.

But how did he find Lexter?

[Someday, I will find this diary. I leave this record for that
[Remember, this is the last chance he gave me, and it’s a

[You must not fail. I must succeed for the person who gave
everything for me.]


she left, I took a deep breath at the name engraved on the

last page.

[Don’t forget, Leah. Everything is to protect that person.]

I thought I could get something from the diary, but it only
accumulated more frustration.

After staring blankly at the front for a while, I lay down on

the bed as if collapsed. And I fell into a sleep I thought would
never come.


I woke up to the voice calling me.

eyes , a face I had seen in a dream one day was looking at


I instinctively woke up to that familiar yet unfamiliar face.

‘Oh, this is a dream.’

It felt like reality, but it was definitely a dream.

One, it was my dream, but it wasn’t mine.

It was my body, but it wasn’t mine either.

I reached out in ambiguity whether it was a dream or reality.

The hand moving towards the man trembled. It felt like my

heart would be ripped apart by the burning eyes looking at

“Why, why did you do that?”

A voice mingled with weeping trembled uncontrollably.

With tears in my eyes, I cling to the man.

“Why did you do that, why the hell are you!”

Episode 76.

“If I take his power, you will be safe.”

He smiled softly and reached out towards my face.

“Look, you are fine.”

At the gentle touch that stole my cheek, and a warm word, I


Across his vision blurred with tears, he was choked by the

black thorns that covered his body.

It was a curse he had taken from Coma.

“I’m happy. Because I can get sick instead of you.”

That person took one of the powers of a coma for me and
implanted it in my body.

His sacrifice weakened the coma, and I was able to seal it

with all my might.

But I wasn’t happy at all.

By carrying the curse, he became a child abandoned by his


“You mean you know what that means? There is no way a

father will look after a child who has been cursed.”

I collapsed and muttered like a madman.

“It cannot be reborn, it just perishes. forever. I mean, you

can’t come back. I’ve never heard of it. I’ve never seen it….”

As the man wrapped his arms around my shoulder, the evil

energy of the curse made my whole body tingle. Noticing
that, he bit himself.

I hugged him tightly, trying to avoid it.

‘I don’t have much time.’

time goes by, it is being eroded by the curse. It was after half
of his face had already turned black.

“Not seeing you in the next life, yes. You may regret it
forever. But no matter how many times I turn back time, I will
make the same choice.”

But I can’t save him.

He had exhausted his strength to seal the coma, and had no

power left to save the life of the man he loved.

A sense of shame, guilt, and despair flooded in.

“Sorry. Sorry. It’s all because of me, because I’m lacking.”

“I always wanted to see a smiling face, but strangely, I just

make you cry every time.”

As he wiped away my tears, he kissed me softly. as if

comforting me.
“Like you said, it may perish just like this. But he saved the
world he made, won’t God give him a chance?”

He smiled playfully as he kissed every corner of his face.

“If you don’t give it to me, I’ll climb up from hell to meet you.
It’s like I’ve been chasing after you and won your heart.”

As if to leave soon, I grabbed his arm and hung on to his final


“don’t go. Do not go.”

“Like the day we first met, I will come to see you again the
day the snow covered the world.”

“… lie.”

“I’ll promise.”

He stretched out his pinky finger. I hesitated and clasped my

hand into his.

“Lea, wherever you are, I will definitely go find you.”

It was a promise to me as well as a promise to myself.

I hugged him as his breathing was getting weaker and I

swallowed my tears.

“So, you are just waiting.”

“Yes. I will.”

I whispered in his ear.

How happy I was with him. how much i loved him

All this time he didn’t take his eyes off me. As if to look at it
once more, as if to engrave even a fleeting moment.

And at the last moment that approached, I closed my eyes

and smiled as if this was enough.

so left me to a place of no return.

Snow began to fall from the sky, as if to indicate that he had

I stared blankly at the snow falling from the sky and then
burst into laughter.

Laughter turned into weeping, and soon turned into crying.

I cried and cried for days and days.

The moment when the body’s moisture dries up and the

exhausted body collapses.

His voice was heard.


I lifted my pale face and watched the light pouring over my


In the light, Han Inyoung slowly walked out.

“Why are you crying so much?”

“… father.”

He was, Obelus.
I woke up late and ran to him.

“No? Really, what you annihilated wasn’t. Yes?”

It was close to begging. He shook his head, as if saddened

by my desperate eyes.

“Hey. I’m sorry to you, but you can’t break the rules.”

At those resolute words, I collapsed. Is this what it feels like

to have fallen off an endless cliff?

I murmured with dead eyes.

“You said you loved me. You said you loved me more than

As if it was about to break, the muffled voice slowly filled

with poison.

The rage at the loss of a loved one was beyond my

imagination, and I stared at the Absolute, whom I should not
“But, why did you do that? You’d rather take me too!”

I pounded my chest and screamed.

“I’d rather take my breath away!”

A sad light shone in my golden eyes as I cried out, which had

completely collapsed.

“How am I going to take your breath away?”

A gentle but firm refusal stabbed me painfully.

He was sweet but determined, warm but ruthless.

In the end, Obelus did not spare the man, nor did he take my
breath away.

“You are a hero. Everyone will look up to you.”

What’s the use of all that? I couldn’t even save my loved one.

“Just one more chance, please, just one more chance.

I knelt down, bowed my head and prayed.

As an ordinary human, all I could do was pray and pray.

“… You beg me so much, but I can’t say no.”

A friendly hand stroked my hair. I shook my head at the


“… really?”

“Yes, as you said, you are my favorite child.”

As if losing, he smiled and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

“Give me your first and last chance.”

“Thank you thank you.”

When I finally shed tears of joy at the opportunity I got, I felt

a strong force on my shoulder.

“Don’t like it. It is both an opportunity and a test.”


“Don’t destroy the poor soul. However, in this lifetime, I will

not be able to meet that man. And you will be reborn again
and again. Losing all memories.”

The eyes that met were firm.

“Remember each time. Your true self, your mission, and

what you must do.”

Obelus’ large hand covered my eyes.

“Take care of yourself. the things you love.”

Consciousness blurred. The voice, which had gradually faded

away, soon ceased completely.

I heard a voice calling my name from afar.

‘Who is it?’

I didn’t know if the lover in my dream was calling me or in

real life.

“Mr. Leah.”

I woke up and slowly opened my eyes. Dillian’s worried face

was visible beyond his blurred vision.

‘Is it still a dream? Or is it real?’

As he blinked, hot water ran down his cheeks. Dillian, who

wiped away the flowing tears, touched my forehead.

“Lia, are you okay? Where does it hurt?”

I shook my head.

“Then did you have a nightmare?”

“… no. It was not a nightmare.”


“… It’s a sad dream.”

A very, very sad dream.

When I remembered the face that worried about me until the

end and left, tears came again.

I wanted to come here because of my dream, but I didn’t

stop as if my tear glands had broken.

“What kind of dream it was, I cried so sadly.”

Dillian gently rubbed the corners of my eyes.

“Who made our Lia cry?”

As if to appease a child, I poked my lips out at the playful


“I don’t know. I don’t remember.”

“I’ll scold you if it’s because of another man.”

… What kind of nib do you like so much? How do you not


I turned around and pulled the blanket over. Then, Dillian,

who was following him, walked on the blanket and kept
playing pranks on him.

It was an action to relieve my subdued mood.

“Then you were crying because of me.”

“I’m sure it’s not Mr. Dillian.”

“Ah, it looks like he was a man.”

A hand that reached out suddenly grabbed my cheek. The

weight of the cheeks increased with the force of pulling
without pain.

more I chew on it, the stronger my hand feels.

“Who is it, the man who made Lia cry? Who is it that makes
you cry so sadly?”

Whoever it was, it was about to erase its existence from the


He was smiling with his eyes closed, but he wasn’t smiling. I

felt as if a dark energy had flowed from behind my back.

I rolled around avoiding Dillion. Don’t miss me like that,

Dillian came after me.

I roll, and Dillion is chasing me.

Nathan, caught in the untimely chase, opened his eyes with

a squeak.

“It’s not even a kid, what are you two doing! If you’re going to
play tag, go out and do it!”

Nathan groaned in anger.

him angry is that Nathan woke up from being hit by my arm

while rolling on the bed, and there was no lightning in the dry
“Um, sorry.”

“Why is Lia apologizing? It’s Nathan’s fault for sleeping there

without notice.”

“done. I’m not going out… not! Dillian, you bastard! Why are
you in this room!”

Nathan noticed the strangeness belatedly and jumped up. It

was then that I noticed something strange, and I clung to
Nathan’s side.

“I know. Mr. Dillian, why are you here…?”

“The sun is in the middle of the sky, but no one is waking up,
so I came because I was worried.”

Dillian approached the window and rolled the thick curtain.

Then the pouring sunlight hit my eyes.


curtains were drawn, it was already lunch time.

“Now I have to start the day slowly.”


I groaned and got up.

As soon as I opened my eyes, my mind was clear from

running around, but there was still a feeling of dread in the
corner of my head.

I looked at Dillion’s back and called out his name


“Mr. Dillian.”

Dillion looked at me at my call.



When I was about to speak, my mouth didn’t come out.

Dillian . I trust him more than anyone.

He is the one under the curse, and he is as deeply involved
in this matter as I am.

But, can I tell you this information, where everything is

uncertain? Even I couldn’t confide in information that I
wasn’t sure about.

In the end, I shut my mouth.


When everything is clear, let me know.

about that man.

about that dream.

And about that test.

Episode 77.


The dream fades over time when you wake up. But my
dream, on the contrary, came closer and clearer.

When I just woke up, I was so crazy I didn’t even think about
it, but now I know for sure.

The sealed darkness, the curse that engulfed the man, and
the trial of Obelus called his father.

‘That dream is the story of the first saint.’

past , what she had experienced at that time was realized in
my dream.

The question is, why did I have that dream?

Did I read her diary?

no. It won’t be just for that reason.

Because this isn’t the first time I’ve had a dream.

I must have had a similar dream in Wilhelm.

Ariane, who was the owner of the castle, and the man she
rescued, called a better person.

First meeting with him and parting.

It was an extension of the dream I had back then.

The last page of the diary, the name written at the end and
the man in my dream who called me by that name.
‘I wanted to move on because Liaga, Ariane’s nickname, but
it’s not that simple.’

she wrote were not to someone who would open a diary in

future generations, but to herself.

And I felt confident that I would open it again.

The dream that followed, the same name, and the me who
read the diary.

What is the probability that all of this will overlap?

When a coincidence repeats itself, it is fate.

Aaron’s voice was heard as he recalled the words he had

heard somewhere.

‘Lea is a child of fate.’

Yes, I wanted to deny it, but all the circumstances point to

That dream is my previous life, and I am the reincarnation of
a saint.

If you think that way, you are right.

The reason the darkness is obsessed with me, the fact that I
can wield divine power more than Aaron and Aina, and the
fact that Nathan knew my name.

‘It was all because I was the reincarnation of the first saint.’

When we first met, Nathan certainly told me this.

that you’ve been waiting for me for a long time

In addition to that, I couldn’t deny it any more when the

divine beasts who were exceptionally friendly to me came to

‘Everything is to protect that person.’

The last sentence I saw in my diary clung to my mind.

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

I thought he was just an ordinary extra, one of the villagers,

but he was the reincarnation of the first saint. It was crazy
and crazy.

“Mr. Leah?”

I was taken out of my thoughts by Dillian’s voice.

meal , he suddenly called out to me as if wondering if it was

strange that I burst out laughing.

“Are you still dreaming?”

He had a worried face, whether he was worried about me,

who was different from usual.

I stared at Dillion like that.

‘Gong was born with a curse from birth, so someone in the

past may have made a contract with the darkness.’
Aina was right. Although it was not a contract, it was certain
that it was passed down to future generations.

So, was the man in the dream an ancestor of Dillian?

‘Now that I look at it, I think it looks a bit similar.’

His hair as black as ebony and those eyes that were bright
and red like ruby were very similar.

It was then when I looked at each face by comparing it to the

face in my dreams.

, who looked at me with a strange expression, shrugged his

chin and smiled.

“Is my face that good?”


“I know you particularly like my face, but how about eating


“If you don’t eat, I will feed you myself.”

With a smirk that longed for it from within, I called him


“Mr. Dillian.”


“Call my name.”

Dillian, who had blinked his eyes because he did not

understand English, gently called my name.

“Mr. Leah.”

I shook my head at the sweet voice that melted my ears.

“Just a name.”

It’s a different feeling than what I had in my dream. Unlike
the stuffy and suffocating breath, it was tickling and

‘Well, it’s not even the same person in the first place.’

He’ll still be in Hell….

If I don’t pass this test, I won’t be able to get out of there


When I thought of him, my heart sank.

Dillian, unable to understand my actions, looked at me and

smiled broadly as if he realized something.

“Can I call you by name from now on?”

“No, I’d rather call it the same as before.”

I immediately declined the offer.

Aside from the dream, the sweet voice on that face was so
detrimental to my heart.
To the extent that my normal heart suddenly beats.

‘I’m very embarrassed because I suddenly came in with a

half-talk while using respectful words.’

I didn’t know if my face would turn red if I heard it one more


“That’s too bad. It was an opportunity to get closer.”

“It’s strange. I think we’re close, but I don’t think it’s Mr.

“yes. I want to get closer both physically and mentally. Close

enough to fit a single sheet of paper.”

confession , Dillian, who began to express his affection

without hesitation, seemed like a person without a break.

I pushed Dillian away, but

“Then I can’t breathe.”

“it’s okay. I’ll give you some rest.”

Dillian didn’t lose a word.

“Lea, please call my name too. Take off your name and just
call me by your name.”

“I will decline. The Confucian girl inside me doesn’t

recognize it.”

“Confucian girl, you mean?”

“There is such a thing. Anyway, Dillian is older than me, so I


Of course, I was internally swearing and swearing, but I

refused, citing my age as an excuse.

name once, but what if Dillian also feels this feeling? You
can never stand still

There are times when I can’t handle it, and it’s difficult to run
too much here.

But Dillian wasn’t the one to step down from here.

He constantly teased me throughout the meal. So that my
name comes out of my mouth.

“… Dillian.”

Am I really weak against Dillion?

I always felt like I was giving him what he wanted, even

though he said he didn’t like it.

“This is how it felt.”

Between the hands covering the corner of his mouth, he

could see the lips rising out of his mouth. It had the
momentum to fly through the sky.

“… It is not.”

But the negative words only reassured him.

“I will try to shake Leah by calling her often from now on.”

“I’ll give it to you.”

“Lea, would you like to go for a walk together today?”

“I’m going to do it alone!”

I screamed at those words, not sure if it was a temptation or

a joke, so I got up and ran away.

Dillian’s laughter echoed through the door.


I wanted to go back to my normal life like this, but I could not

get out of the aftermath of the dream the next day or the day

laughing , when I remembered my dream, I sank infinitely.

For me, Dillian invited a special guest to the duke’s house.

After watering the garden, I went out and raised my head at
the familiar voice.


A large figure rose behind her.

“Candy, my brother is here!”

“Stop that disgusting noise!”

Schumann, who was staggered by May hitting him in the

head, was also there.

“Schumann? What’s going on with you?”

Surprised by the unexpected appearance of the two, I

blinked blankly.

“Why, after hearing the news that all of my cute little sisters
are dying, I can’t stay still after becoming an older brother.”

“It’s funny. Did Leah never invite you?”

“You’ve never been invited, have you?”

As he approached the two of them who were clamoring,

Schumann suddenly poked his face.

“Why is your complexion like this? Is the peacock starving?”

“No, eat well.”

It’s because they don’t know how serious Dillian is about

rice. He came to pick me up at lunchtime.

There, he walked two arms to the chef, and provided

everything from snacks to late-night snacks.

If you steam it, you’ll get fat, there’s no way you’ll ever fall

“I get it. I missed you so much that I became ill.”

he understood everything, patted my head.

It was a rough hand, unlike his soft-looking face.

My neck was twisted and my head was in a mess.

“Let go of this!”

He swung his arms to strike Schumann, but he had already


I buried my face in my tight arms and blinked blankly.

When I lifted my head, I saw a chin that had become

stronger and stronger.

“It’s not enough to come in without permission, so I have a

bad hand habit.”

“Peacock. Isn’t the greeting too harsh? That’s rude.”

As if he had slapped Schumann’s hand, he frowned as he

brushed off his sore hand.

“Who is rude? You’d better refrain from excessive contact

with my fiancee. gate crasher.”
“You are an uninvited guest. Before you were the Duke’s
fiancee, you and I were brothers and sisters, right?”

“Whoever sees it will know that they are siblings.”

The two of them never backed down.

In the meantime, I asked May and Nathan for help, but they
both looked at the place with interest.

Dillian, who lightly ignored Schumann’s irritation, cleaned my

messy hair.

“No, it’s okay….”

As I pushed out Dillian’s hand, I calmly entrusted my head to

a surprisingly delicate gesture.

‘… Are you okay?’

Then Schumann’s face was dyed with shock.

What …. That face is like the face of a cat-lover who saw a
cat that was only sharp on me running to other people and
doing aegyo….

‘I’m annoyed. really.’

Dillian pointed at Schumann with his chin.

“Lia, where else did you put your hands on that?”

that…. He wasn’t even referred to as a person.

“Lea, even if I got engaged, I did something strange like that.

look at the eyes I’m going to tear you apart.”

strange thing…. It was the same with Schumann who didn’t

treat him like a human being.
Episode 78.

Shaking my head at the childish rhetoric that circulated

overhead, I approached Mei.

“May, why aren’t you helping me?”

“I was thinking about who to cheer for now.”

“I think Schumann is better.”

“I hate both, but I hated Schumann more, so I was just

thinking that the Duke might be better.”

“Do you really have to support it? Mali means….”

Neither here nor there.

“My name is Leah.”

“Hey, are you my brother?”

I couldn’t stand the two of them arbitrarily claiming my

ownership, so I raised my fists and put honey chestnuts on
their heads.

“Both of you stop!”

In the end, it was me who mediated the childish fight

between the two.


We moved to the second-floor terrace of the mansion. The

spring energy surrounding the mansion was good to enjoy
tea time outdoors.

I glanced at the cold tea.

Schumann noticed my gaze and spoke playfully.

“Are you sorry that there is no peacock? Did you mean to

catch me not to go?”

“not really.”

“No. It’s a face that I want to die of regret.”

Dillian, who had been sitting next to me a while ago, left at

Nathan’s request to come back.

Schumann noticed the awkward glimmer of the warmth he

felt next to him disappearing.

Schumann tapped my shoulder and joked around.

“Looking back, you seemed like a real couple.”

“Yeah, no bullshit.”

As soon as Schumann’s dog whistled away, he chuckled and

bit the cookie.
“Seeing that you are still relentless, you are fine, but are you
feeling up and down?”

“Is it a perfume bottle? Or depression? I think it’s because

it’s frustrating because I’m just being locked up.”

“I don’t think so.”

I shook my head at May’s guess.

“It’s a lot more comfortable than the house I had in Wilhelm,

and I like it.”

Saying that I’m locked up is an understatement, I just don’t

go out because it’s annoying. I went out whenever I wanted

“Then there are other concerns. Tell me. This brother has
another consultation.”

I glanced at the confident Schumann. He was gorgeous from

head to toe today.

Looking at it, I suddenly remembered Dillian’s birthday

‘Can’t I get some help from Schumann?’

“Hmm. It might be surprisingly good.”

Schumann likes to decorate, so it will definitely help.

Schumann’s face changed strangely at my twinkling eyes,

and then I covered my chest with both arms.

“What is that, those eyes? I hope you look at your brother

like that…!”


Mei slapped Schumann in the side at my signal.

“100 million!”

“Schumann, no bullshit.”

“Ugh, so what? Why are you looking at me with those eyes?”

As he beat him, Schumann asked, rubbing his throbbing side.

“It’s Dillian’s birthday soon, and I don’t know what to give as
a present.”

“Maybe, was that a problem?”

I nodded at Mei’s absurd question.

“Dillian Sinise. I was quite successful.”

Mei, who mumbled alone, gulped down the cold water.

“Have you decided what to do?”

“I’d like to do it with a brooch or cufflinks, but wait a


After asking Schumann to forgive me, I asked Sarah to bring

me the catalog.

“There’s something I’ve seen beforehand, but I don’t know

what it will be like.”

I touched on a few ornaments made of ruby that resembled

Dillian’s eyes.
“How about something like this?”

“The color is fine, but I think the peacock would be better

than this.”

Schumann, who quickly scanned the catalog, thought more

seriously than I did.

Also , my choice wasn’t wrong.

He, who is always serious about decorating, forgot his fight

with Dillion a while ago and fell into shopping.

“This and this. I think these two would suit the peacock.”

Schumann glanced at one of the catalogs, revealing a white

bandage under the curled up cuffs.

Startled, I stretched out my hand to see if the wound had


“Why are your arms like this?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

He pulled his arm out of my grasp and pulled down his

“It’s nothing. It’s bloody.”

As he grabbed the fleeing hand, Schumann ruffled his bangs,

thinking he was caught wrong.

“Ah, shame on you.”

He knew that Schumann was hurting his arm around this

time. Because of that wound, Aina and Schumann meet.

‘But why hasn’t it been treated yet?’

When Dillian slapped his hand, he said it hurts, but it was

because of this wound.

“Why didn’t you treat me? You should have gone to the

“Temple? Why did you go there because you got some


No, as far as I know, Schumann had a cursed object next to

him, and then he was afflicted with a weak curse.

“… How did you get hurt?”

“Do I have to tell you? Brother, please protect your pride.”

“Write, speak quickly.”

“… It exploded while making a potion. Apparently, the

ruptured liquid splashed on his arm and burned him.”

Really embarrassed, Schumann, who was blushing, placed a

honey chestnut on Mei’s head, who was bewildered.

“Your damn brother put in the wrong ingredients.”

“greatness. Why are you talking like that?”

“It’s unfair to think that Leah will be stamped with a chil-

“Oh, you said sorry. You decided to keep your mouth shut by
doing half of what you had to do.”

So, I mean, this was truly an accident.

In the midst of chaos in my head, my hands were steadily

treating Schumann.

“Schumann, don’t you have any new items you recently


“I didn’t buy anything, and I tried to buy and failed.”

Ttt, Schumann licked his tongue and drank the tea violently.

“I can’t sleep just thinking about that day.”

“Again, it’s a start.”

Instead of Schumann grinding his teeth, May explained the


“I found a necklace I liked at the street vendor, and it was

stolen by someone else right in front of me.”
“To whom?”


“What? Aina?”

I raised my voice at the appearance of an unexpected


“Ah, I guess that was the name. But when did you even start
calling each other by name?”

Mei asked a question as if interrogating him, but he had no

intention of answering.

“Why is Aina…?”

“I don’t know, you said you had to take it, so you took it

Schumann, who was silently listening to Mei’s words,

wrinkled his eyes.
“There was no other robber, how could such a woman be a
saint? After that, get hot.”

Schumann, who had blown his bangs with the wind in his
mouth, could not calm his excitement for a while.

I couldn’t hide my embarrassment at the negative emotions

in my voice.

No, it shouldn’t be like this…?

‘How did Aina know that and put it away? Is it a


But it was too accurate to be a coincidence.

I also searched for the necklace to help Schumann, but never

found it.

But when Schumann was about to buy the necklace, he

showed up and snatched it.

‘It’s also award winning.’

Not going to the Great Hall, staying in the Imperial Palace to
save Cassis, being overly wary of Dillion, and completely
erasing the contact with the sub-male master Schumann.

Aren’t you acting like you know what’s going to happen?

Also, I’ll have to meet Aina and check it out.


The next day, as soon as the day dawned, I headed straight

to the Great Hall.

But it was Aaron, not Aina, who greeted me.

“yes? You don’t have Aina?”

“yes. It will be difficult to see you for a while after going on a

long-term mission.”
What event is this again? Just then, while he was
bewildered, someone jumped out of Aaron’s side.

“For what purpose does the pre-duchess seek you out?”

It was Fabian who treated me with a harsh attitude.

Why does he bleed cold when he sees me before?

“Do I have to have a reason to come to see my friend?”


Fabian was visibly embarrassed by the unexpected answer.

“Are you saying that you and Aina are friends?”

How embarrassed he was, he called out his name, who had

been calling her a saint.

“Yes, we decided to be friends. Do you have any problem?”

“No, no. No problem.”

lie. Seems like a lot of trouble?

As if an earthquake had occurred, his trembling eyes spoke

of his sincerity.

The only childhood friend, he maintained that position all the

time, but when I appeared, the relationship was broken.

‘I look jealous.’

So you will do well in the beginning.

To lose Aina because she was caught up in the useless

thought that she couldn’t connect with the saint.

Fabian, he was Aina’s first love.

As a result , it was Cassis that captured Aina’s heart, but

Fabian had a chance to win.

It was Fabian and he who stole it.

“Oh, you didn’t know. Ina and I were supposed to be friends.

First friend.”
I hate Fabian, who sharpens his teeth when he sees only me,
so he put some medicine on him and his face turned white.

“… first friend.”

“We talked to each other while we were friends, and Aina

really liked it. I was happy too. As a first friend, I want to get
along well for a long, long time.”

As my words continued, Fabian’s body staggered.

Somewhere ‘Critical!’ It was as if an alarm could be heard in

my ears.

Not being able to spit on a smiling face, I attacked Fabian

with a broad smile.

“Aina’s first friend is me! We are childhood friends!”

“Oh, did you? But what about it? Aina seems to have already
woken up.”

That’s a lie. How do I know if Aina’s heart has awakened or

“It didn’t show up! Me and Aina are still…!”



The voice, which was raised with a rage, gradually

diminished, and then he could not hear it.

Fabian, who had been devastated by my attack, fell down,

and I looked back at Aaron with a fresh face.

“It’s so nice to see the temple full of vitality.”

He smiled warmly and spoke like a grandfather.

“But what did Aina go to do?”

“We have roughly located the dark location. I am following


“A dark location? How did you find it?”

Does Aina have the power to find darkness? She was a saint,
so I didn’t know it was possible.

Naturally, I thought it was Aina’s power, but the answer that

came back was completely unexpected.

“Didn’t your Highness tell you?”

“yes? What are you talking about?”

Why is Mr. Dillian coming out here?

“With the locator you gave me, I was able to follow the

“yes? Locator?”

Bewildered, Aaron informed me of the plan for the Great


From capturing an alter ego to planting a locator.

‘Is this what you were hiding?’

Lexter would catch the darkness, and then he would have
teamed up with the temple.

It was a way I hadn’t thought of.

The deep-rooted hatred towards the temple will not be

erased easily….

I didn’t say it out loud, but Aaron seemed to know what I was

“Your Majesty loves Leah enough to overshadow that


“I, it’s because…?”

“yes. Because we have a common goal of protecting Leah,

Your Majesty first reached out to me.”

Aaron bowed his head and thanked me. Actually I didn’t

know anything.

“Thanks to Leah and His Majesty, things are going smoothly.

Thank you.”
“Is it true that things are going really well?”

“Yes, we have sent an expedition of specially selected

people, so we will do well. You don’t have to worry.”

If so, I’m glad….

My plans were completely shattered.

At that moment, when my strength was draining from my

disappointment, I heard a muffled voice next to me.
Episode 79.

“… Is it really sectarian?”

What, who got cut off?

Looking back, it was Fabian with his shoulders drooping.

A little while ago, I was startled by the look of a puppy in the

rain, where the imposing face that was flirting with me went.

“As Leah-sama said, it may not be a friend or anything….”

No, I correct it. what a puppy His face was white and he
looked like a ghost.

In the meantime, you’re adding the word ‘nim’ little by little.

One of the professionalism was the best in the work.
“Then I’ll be a perfect man with Aina now….”

No, why are you so gloomy? What are you going to do with
this atmosphere?

I touched Fabian’s shoulder with a pessimistic energy that

dyed the holy temple in darkness.

“Ah, severance. It was just a brief quarrel with Aina, right?”

“It was the first time I had ever seen Aina so angry.”

“Why did you fight?”

“I told you that you can’t send me to a dangerous place

alone, how long will you see me as a target for protection? …
I ask you to quietly remain in the Great Temple and protect

Oh, I see. Aina was tired of Fabian’s overprotection.

In fact , Fabian was overprotective. It wasn’t because Aina

was a saint, it was a habit that had been passed down since
However, from Aina’s point of view, she felt incompetent as
she only wrapped herself around her every day, so she must
have started to distance herself from Fabian at some point.

“As Leah said, I may be over forever.”

“Don’t be discouraged by a joke. After all, Aina’s first friend

is Sir Fabian.”

“Is that so?”

I didn’t feel any strength in the answer. I took a deep breath

and shouted at that self-helpful voice.

“Hey, why are you so insecure? A person called the deputy

commander of the Holy Knights!”

I slapped Fabian on the back and slapped him loudly.

“Come on, straighten your back! Spread your shoulders!

Eyes straight ahead!”

I told him, blinked.

I clenched my fist in front of him and shouted.

“Love is about winning. So, go find Aina right now!”


“And stop being overprotective. It’s not Aina who put her on
the waterfront, so please compliment her that she’s doing
well at that time.”


“What are you looking at? Go quickly. practice!”

“City, conduct!”

Fabian, who greeted Aaron with a bright expression on

his/her head, ran out.

I waved a big hand behind Aaron’s getting smaller and


“By the way, Leah. Do you know where he is going?”

I shrugged at Nathan’s question.

“You will figure it out.”

It is also his responsibility to get lost.

“Hey, it’s going to be hard to see Fabian’s face.”

“Is that so?”

Aaron let out a cool laugh, haha.

“Did you purposely kick out Fabian?”

“I am? I just opened a new path for the poor sheep.”

It wasn’t because he didn’t want to see Fabian who argues

every time he comes to the temple.

Absolutely not.

I returned the literature to Aaron and broke the slate until

the end.

Returning home, Nathan looked at Leah with her chin on the

window sill.

His face, which was dyed red from the sunset, was full of

‘How long do you want to keep your mouth shut?’

Leah had already noticed that she had found her memory. I
also knew he was confused.

So I waited for Leah to accept it on her own.

That’s the fourth day. Leah’s mouth was closed like a clam,
and she didn’t want to open it.

‘I guess it’s not sorted out yet.’

Rather , there was an impatience enough to want to sort out
Leah’s worries and worries.

“Lea, when are you going to ask?”


Nathan laughed silently. Leah’s face softened at that smile.

“… okay. Not all, but roughly. So now my head is very


Leah clasped her hands and interlaced her fingers.

“I had a dream one day, and it didn’t seem like my dream,

but it was like my dream.”

“What kind of dream was it?”

“The dream of sealing the darkness and letting the lover

leave. And I met God and heard about the test.”

As I recalled that scene, my heart pounded again.

“I am the reincarnation of the first saint, right?”


Leah burst into laughter, saying that she expected it to be

the case in response to a quick reply that could not be seen
as hesitation.

“Nathan, this time was bad. Knowing everything and not

saying anything. Could you give me a hint?”

Leah grunted as Nathan flew in and slapped her face in the


“Did you say it with your mouth? this is a test I cannot

intervene. The same goes for others.”

“God is so great. It’s like taking such a difficult test.”

“It was what you wanted.”

“It must be me from the past.”

Leah replied sternly.

To be honest, I still couldn’t believe it. Even if the first saint
was her previous life, it felt like a separate existence.

“Nathan, did you know that darkness is a coma?”

“It’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.”

I thought it was a name I’d never hear again, but I’m finally
hearing it.

“I vaguely expected it to appear, but I didn’t know it would be

such a name.”

If you hadn’t heard from Mika that the exam had begun, you
wouldn’t have known about that guy until you came to the

“The coma has been erased from the world. It’s not the guy
you loved.”

Not me, but the first saint in my previous life.

There was no such feeling. Because it wasn’t my feelings in

the first place.
“Nathan. The test I have to take is to completely extinguish
the darkness, right?”


If you kill the darkness, you can erase the curse from that
person’s soul.

So, taking out his soul from hell and making him reborn.

‘Everything is for that person.’

That was the reason I was reborn, and it was my mission to


“Hey, you taught me how to use the divine power, and the
bow was all for testing, right?”


“What if I didn’t know until the end?”

If I hadn’t remembered my past life, it would have been all in

vain, wouldn’t I be worried?
“It can’t be.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, because everything is going smoothly.”

flows in a straight line It is an easy yet difficult word.

“Am I going in the right direction?”

“Yeah, you’ve been walking straight since the beginning.”

Of course, there were dangers along the way, but I managed

to avoid it with Dillian.

It wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Dillian, but at the

same time, he was able to find his place.

“No worries. You go as you please.”

Wherever you go, there will be a road soon.

“Nathan, what happened to you and me?”

“What is it? It was like a family now. One family.”

Leah was the first contractor.

Nathan, the first person he fell in love with, and the one who
allowed him to settle within the confines of a family beyond
a mere contractual relationship.

“At first I thought it was ridiculous. To be honest, I just

wanted to pretend I didn’t know.”

Leah, who was showing her emotions at the time, as she

traced her memory, pulled the corners of her lips.

“I think I’m lucky to be reborn now.”


“If I hadn’t been reborn, you would have been alone forever
waiting for me.”

Nathan, who was gently stroking Leah’s hair, stopped. His

golden eyes trembled slightly.
“And I must have been alone and lonely, right?”

Leah looked at Nathan like that and smiled broadly.

“Thank you for being family with me again.”

“… I am so grateful.”

Nathan smiled happily as he looked at Leah, who was

smiling broadly.

No matter what form Leah is, no matter how many times she
is born, Nathan will stay with her.

Because he will be fascinated over and over again by the

flawless clear light, the endless white light.
Chapter 8. Changes Caused By Small

The capital, which was shaking with darkness, has been

maintaining peace since its founding.

It seems that the wounds inflicted on me have not yet


“Is my strength that strong?”

At my muttering words, Nathan ate strawberries and spoke


“You underestimate your strength.”

“I can’t help it. I thought I was normal.”

Now I know that I am the reincarnation of the first saint, and
that I am a child loved by God.

The years of living as an ordinary small citizen were longer

than that.

“Then you should know now. you are a great person Leah.”

“… know.”

You know the problem too well.

Nathan, who swallowed the last strawberry, continued,

saying it was a pity.

“It would be nice to press it for sure at this time of

weakness, but it’s a pity that it disappeared.”

“I’m after you from the temple, so I’ll find you soon.”

Harris and Aina are leading the way, and Fabian, who
followed later, will also be joining soon, so don’t worry.
“okay. Leave the search for darkness to them, and Leah, you
just need to prepare well. Are you training hard?”

“That’s what I always do.”

Nathan and Aaron joined in to teach me.

“Then let’s go eat.”

“Did you just eat a snack and eat rice?”

“Lia, you were the one who told me that snack and rice are
separate. Come on, let’s go!”

It was at that time on the way to the restaurant at Nathan’s

torch. I saw Dillion at the end of the hallway.

“Dillian, where are you going?”

“Mr. Leah, I have work to do. We have dinner together.”

He seemed to be busy with work, so he went out for lunch.

“Yes, go.”
“I will go.”

A smile appeared on Dillian’s face as if he was in a good

mood as he went out through the main hall to see him off to
the front door.

step back and looked at him, came closer and whispered.

“Madam, can you come and meet me when you come back?”

“…? Sure.”

what a hard thing As he nodded, Nathan held his hands

together and closed his eyes as if praying.

“Madam is clearly an angel.”


And Dillian, who reacted promptly to my trembling voice,

grabbed Nathan’s neck.

“away. Do you want to go around the gym 30 laps?”

“Sir, you know how low my stamina is. I am a limp jellyfish
that just spins around.”

“It’s proud. Walk on your feet.”

dragged along, gave strength to his waist at Dillian’s cold


“Mr. Leah, I will go.”

I waved my hand at Dillian, who was walking away.

Sarah approached me and lowered her voice.

“Lea-sama, the jeweler has contacted you.”

“What did you say?”

“It is said that the product arrives at the store in about an

hour. If we leave as soon as we receive the goods, we will
probably arrive at the duke’s residence around two o’clock.”

“It will take longer than you think.”

On the day May and Schumann came to see me, the gift was
definitely decided.

The problem was that there was no product. The product I

picked was a limited edition, so it was really hard to find.

Sinise , they’ll save you right away, but it’s a surprise gift, so
it can’t be.

In the end, I had no choice but to wait for it to arrive on time.

‘This was also borrowed the name of Schumann, and it was

this much, otherwise I would never have been able to find it
in time.’

Ehh, I sighed and turned to the dining room.

“Tell me I’m going to go get it myself.”

Rather than waiting anxiously, I go to pick it up myself.

Dillian must have gone out too. I’ll be back soon.

Episode 80.


After a quick lunch, I headed to the clock tower in the central

square with Sera.

“I have to give my heart away when Ma Thap-ju comes. How

dare you keep Leah waiting.”

“calm down. I came five minutes early.”

Today’s companion was Schumann.

his name and bought a gift, so I decided to go to the jeweler

with him.
When the hand of the clock tower pointed to 1 o’clock, I
blinked at Schumann who appeared in front of me.

“Why is your hair like that?”

Maybe he was hit by a bomb, and his frizzy hair wasn’t like

“The crazy dog who lives in the tower ripped off my head.”

The only crazy dog that lives in the tower is May.

“It’s my favorite shirt. ttt.”

Not only his hair was ripped off, but his clothes were a mess.

Mei wouldn’t have attacked Schumann for no reason.

“Are you kidding me?”

“Of course you have to play. He said he was going to meet

you, so he was jealous of me and wanted to die. Poor guy, I
can’t even see you because of work.”
Schumann pretended to take a picture under his eyes and
squealed. I’m not even being teased, but it’s so mean and I
can understand why Mei is angry.

“You scratched your nerves first. Why are you scratching

your insides?”

“An angry face is funny.”

So, it’s because he has a personality.

“My lord, it is too late. Leah was waiting for you.”

“Lea, have you been waiting for this oppa?”

Schumann, who has adapted to Mei, who is called a crazy

dog, was not at all concerned with Sera’s sharp gaze.

“Why don’t you answer me?”

“It’s not worth answering.”

“It’s too much.”

Shaking my head, I headed to the jeweler with Schumann.

“What about Nathan?”

“In the temple.”

No longer needed to hide, Nathan often went out to drink at

the temple.

Today, it flew away, saying that it is better to play in the

temple than to look at boring jewels.

“Then why did you come? Doesn’t it bother you?”

I borrowed Schumann’s name, but in the yard where there is

also a method of deputy chief?

“Since a new image has arrived, I am going to buy mine as


Schumann raised the corners of his mouth with an excited

face. Sera cried out in the madness in her green eyes.

“Lea-sama, did you not eat something wrong?”

“Surprisingly normal.”

“But, my eyes are open.”

“I turned around a little thinking about the jewels I would

soon hold in my arms. don’t worry.”

However, Sera was not able to relieve her vigilance at all.

Schumann, who arrived at the jeweler without knowing that I

was being alerted, said his name and was given a VIP room.

“How much money did you spend?”

Schumann quietly whispered in my ear at the bewildered

question. I spit out the words like a sigh at the amount of
money that opened my mouth.

“… If it were me, I would have bought a mine with that


“I am not interested in mining. What I want is a finished

Indeed, it was the words of a person who had everything.

“Customer, this is the product you paid for.”

An employee in white gloves approached and carefully

opened the lid of the velvet box.

A ruby resembling the color of Dillian’s eyes shone brilliantly.

Seeing the hexagon-shaped cufflinks, I smiled with

satisfaction and paid the rest.

Not only the breath of the snowflakes, but also the money I
had accumulated so far was poured into it, but it was not
disappointing at all.

‘Because I got that much.’

If I sold the accessories I’m wearing now, I could get more

than this.

After passing the gift to Sera, I approached Schumann. He

was still a shopping saga.
“Which suits you better?”

Schumann placed the two earrings alternately to his ears.

“I think this suits you better.”

“Hmm, I like this.”

“Then do that.”

“But I can’t give up on what you chose.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m going to buy both.”

What is this answer?

Perhaps the same is true of Sera, who is absurd, and next to

her, ‘What is that, that is.’ and cursed with his eyes.

“Did you plan on buying both from the beginning?”

“Of course.”
Schumann answered with a voice full of laughter and called
the waiting staff.

It was at that time when I shook my head at the surprising

move of the golden spoon. A familiar face appeared out of
the window.

“… Dillian?”

“What? Is the peacock here?”

“Your Majesty?”

“Yeah, it’s definitely Mr. Dillian….”

“Isn’t it wrong?”

The Duke said it was far from such a place, and Schumann
waved his hand. But it wasn’t a mistake.

That dignified back was definitely Dillion.

“I’ve been living with Mr. Dillian for several months, can you
not recognize a single butt?”
But Dillian was not alone.

‘Are you a woman?’

The combination of dark green hair waving to the waist and

a red dress drew attention.

“Who is next to you?”

“Wait, are you a princess?”

“What? Are you a princess?”

Suddenly, Schumann’s face stuck to the window was


“Crazy. Why are you going in there?”

“why? Where is that?”

After confirming that we had entered the room, I looked at

Schumann with anxious eyes.

ominous, ominous A cold energy ran up his neck.

Schumann, stiffened, raised his left hand and pointed to his
ring finger.

“It’s mainly a place to fit rings that go into here.”

I opened my mouth slowly.

“Coupling or engagement ring.”

My head was pounding as if someone had hit the back of my


‘You’re going over there with the princess? Where lovers go?’


Shaking his head in denial, Schumann patted his chest

saying he was frustrated.

“You don’t know?”

“The princess has been chasing the duke for three years.
Let’s get married.”

What, I was dumbfounded at hearing the rumors for the first


“ I’ve never heard of such a thing….”

“Of course. Who would say such a thing to the bride-to-be?”

Schumann chinked at Sera, who had become contemplative.

“Am I wrong?”

“That, that.”

Sarah swallowed dry saliva.

I don’t know what the truth is about coming here together,

but it meant that it was true that the princess had been
chasing Dillian for three years.

You came to the jeweler with someone like that? Also where
the rings fit?
Strangely, my throat was congested.

“… You said you were going to work.”

“Then will the cheaters tell the truth?”

“The wind….”

Sera supported my body, which was trembling in shock.

“Look, Your Majesty can’t do such a shameful thing!”

Then, she silenced her voice and looked around with anxious



Schumann grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.

“You have to check. We may have misunderstood, so let’s

see for ourselves.”
However, Schumann’s eyes were filled with certainty as he
thought there was no misunderstanding.

“wait. I will cast invisibility magic now.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he cast invisibility magic on

our bodies and delivered a small marble to Sera and me.

“If you want to unlock the invisibility without my help, break


“Then we can’t even see each other, can we?”

“You can see people who have beads.”

Schumann, who patted the shoulder saying not to worry, cast

invisibility magic on the door of the room where Dillion

“It would be nice to go in and see, but the peacock has a

good sense of humor, so let’s keep our distance.”

So we sat down near the door and watched Dillion.

“What is this?”

“Not much. I think this is much better.”

“Hmm, this is not my taste. How about this?”

“Why are you asking the princess if you’re going to do

whatever you want? Do you have a conscience?”

stunned by the friendly conversation.

‘Are you choosing a ring with another woman right now?’

He went out after skipping the lunch he always ate with me

because he had work, so was that the job of choosing a ring?

As the conversation between the two continued, their

stomachs simmered.

Contrary to the boiling inside, Sera looked into my eyes, not

knowing what to do with my cold, sunken face.

“Lee, Lia….”
I’m sorry, but I wasn’t in a position to calm her down right

Instead of me, who had turned red from anger, Schumann,

who was looking inside with a hawk’s eye, suddenly tapped
my arm.

“Oh, it’s happening. Let’s fall too.”

Schumann, with me staggering by his side, quickly hid

behind the corner.

“Where are you going?”

“Where would you be? Of course, I will go to the cafe, the

flower of the date course.”

I gritted my teeth at the appearance of the two friendly


“First of all, since we have the evidence, we will investigate

the matter a little later….”

“I follow.”
“Leah, wait.”

I shook off Schumann’s hand and followed Dillian.

‘Let’s see where we’re going.’

The invisibility magic must be on it, so I had no reason to

hesitate, so I took a step towards the place where Dillion had

And at that moment, a hand protruding from the wall pushed

my shoulder hard.

Pushed by the force as it was, I slammed my shoulder

against the wall.


The moment I groaned at the throbbing pain, the hand that

was pressing on my shoulder lost strength.

“… Leah?”
I blinked as I looked at Dillian, who was bewildered by tears
in pain.

‘Is the transparency unlocked?’

That wasn’t it. Dillian, not knowing where I was, carefully

fumbled around.

The feel is also incredibly good, holding my arm and shoulder


“Lia, are you hurt? I don’t know what’s going on with this, but
please show me. I have to check the wounds.”

I didn’t say anything, but I was convinced that Dillian was


‘If I hide more here, it won’t work.’

I broke the magic that Schumann had cast.

“… How did you know?”

“It’s a feeling. Rather, how did you get here?”

“So what is Dillian doing here?”

My anger had not yet subsided, and I asked him, who was
keeping his mouth shut.

But Dillian refused to answer and rubbed my tear-filled eyes.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was Ms. Leah. He may have been
bruised, so I will call the senator right now.”

Am I so embarrassed that I forgot to use my divine power?

Dillian gently patted my shoulder against the wall.

The hard man, as if stabbed and not a drop of blood, was

restless, worried about my shoulder, which would have been
bruised at best.

I stared blankly into his eyes and patted the back of his

“it’s okay. I didn’t do that on purpose….”

It was the moment when I was about to relieve my anger at
the way he was worried and caring for me.

“Lea! where are you!”

“Peacock. Just go.”

The hallway froze at the appearance of Schumann and the

Princess, who had unleashed the invisibility.

It was a crazy awkward face-to-face meeting.

Episode 81.


Schumann was about to explode in his head.

It was because of the prospective couple fighting over me.

“What’s going on here with Matthew. You didn’t say you

were going out.”

“It was a sudden event. Schumann said he had something to

buy, so I came out for a while.”

Leah, worried that Dillian might find out about the gift, sold
Then , Dillian’s cold gaze turned to Schumann.

“I would have told you to be careful.”

“Lia, look at the blue eyes of the peacock. My brother is

going to die.”

Schumann used Leah as a shield and hid behind her, and

Leah attacked Dillian.

“I don’t think I have anything to say to Schumann. Dillian

never told me that he was meeting the princess.”

“Because there was no reason to speak.”

For Dillian, it meant that meeting the princess was not even
worth it, but it was a misleading statement.

As expected, Leah, who had a firm misunderstanding,

clenched her fists.

“I have no reason to tell you….”

What’s with all these brazen people?

your fiance and went to see another woman, but you don’t
need a reason?

It wasn’t just that he was upset that he was with another


It’s nothing else, and there’s no one who doesn’t get angry
when the two of us fit the ring in a private room.

“Are you engaged to me and the ring to the princess? Do you

see that?”

“Wait, what is that?”

“Mr. Dillian said he was going to work, so I guess this is the


Dillian shut his mouth as Leah pointed his index finger into
the room he had entered. It seemed difficult to say.

Schumann clicked his tongue inwardly as he appeared to


‘I’m sure I’ll get Leah’s fever.’

His prediction came true.

Schumann , who saw his face reddened with extreme heat,

was terrified that something would happen.

“Come on, Leah. Let’s calm down a little. The princess looks
uncomfortable too….”

“No, I’m just having fun.”

Schumann was at a loss for words when he saw the smiling

princess covering her mouth with a fan.

look at that relaxed look A disrespectful attitude across the

river knowing that it was because of her.

Schumann, who had barely grasped the desire to throw

everything away and return home, touched his forehead.

‘It was good to push him straight into an empty room when
the atmosphere turned weird.’

The lovers, Leah and Dillian, each enjoyed a secret meeting

with their other lovers, and it seemed as if they were caught
fighting each other.
If it were a little later, the front page of tomorrow’s
newspaper would have been decorated with colorful

<Shock! Duke Sinais and his fiancee discord!>

<The Secret Meeting between the Duke of Sinai and the


<Matapju is the reason why the couple of the century broke

their marriage?!>

It was obvious that there was going to be a strange chirashi.

‘I’ll run away like the maid.’

Schumann let out a deep sigh, remembering Sarah who had

quickly escaped in the wagon.

“First, let’s sit down and talk calmly.”

“Good idea. My leg still hurts.”

At Schumann’s words, the princess, Daisy, took a seat.

Likewise , Lia, whose face hardened coldly, sat down and

chinked at Schumann.

“what are you doing. sit down.”

“Lia, do you know that you are very strange right now? I was
so excited. Let’s calm down.”

“What am I? I am very equanimous right now.”

Schumann was so embarrassed that he saw Leah for the

first time.

When Mei and herself had a fight, it was Leah who always
stopped her. Because she was the most rational.

But now I know.

What’s really scary is the fact that it’s Leah whose eyes have
“… Yes, it seems.”

Even if he said no, he seemed unwilling to listen.

There was a hand grabbing his shoulder as he walked over

to Leah’s side with a sigh .

“Where do you sit? Looks like the liver came out of the boat.”

wow. Schumann wrinkled his eyes at Dillian’s grasp,

squeezing hard enough to dislocate my shoulder blade.

“You crazy man! The wizard is called glass. Don’t you know
how to deal with it?”

“Move. It is my place.”

The eyes staring at me were so cruel that my skin stinged.

“There will be no end to this. How is this?”

The princess rose from her seat and moved to Lia’s side.

what is this again When Leah looked at the princess in
embarrassment, she pulled the corners of her lips together,
who had kept her expressionless expression all the time.

It’s so subtle that no one noticed.

Now there are only two seats left on the other side.

Schumann and Dillian were forced to sit side by side.


“… Use some power.”

In the interim, Dillian, who pushed Schumann away and

occupied Leah’s side, grabbed her hand. I couldn’t even hear
Schumann’s annoyed cry.

“I must have misunderstood something, but I never did

anything that would betray Ms. Leah’s faith.”

Dillian took Leah’s hands and calmly explained the matter.

Princess Daisy, who was listening to the story, also helped

“The duke is right. Don’t worry, it’s misleading enough, but

I’m only here to buy my personal belongings.”

But would it be that easy?

Daisy had been courting Dillian for three years.

Until he declared that he would not marry anyone but him.

Such a person could easily let Dillian go. What if you are
fulfilling your desires by using private affairs as an excuse?

Dillian, who passed by there, was also a problem.

“Your fiancée went to look for a ring with another woman,

isn’t that a betrayal of faith?”

I’ve seen and heard something with my own eyes, would you
believe it?

Leah shook Dillian’s hand fiercely and chewed her lips.

Why are you so angry?’

He said it doesn’t matter what Dillian does or who he meets.

Is it a contract anyway?

‘Is it because the person who confessed that he likes me

doesn’t want to meet other people?’

It was an absurd monopoly. It really doesn’t make sense, but

I’m doing it…?

It was obvious that he was crazy to want Dillian’s affection

to be directed only to me.

Leah was confused by the emotions she felt for the first

Dillian looked at Leah with strange eyes, unable to control

his emotions.

They only met for a while for the sake of each other’s
interests, and there was really nothing to do with the
“We only talked for a while because of the diamond mine.
Coincidentally, the location was decided here, but I never did
anything shameful.”

He explains the strange misunderstanding that he had an

affair, but it didn’t feel too bad.

Sure enough, it’s like Leah is jealous.

Dillian couldn’t stand the rising corners of his lips,

pretending to wipe his face with his hands and pulling them

However, Leah, who had been paying all attention to Dillion,

immediately noticed the change. And the anger exploded.

“smile? Huh, I can’t. This is the feeling of breaking up!”

Confusion fell on Dillian’s face at the words that sounded


The result of not being able to control the corners of her lips
because Jealous Lia is cute is the result of a breakup.
Unsurprisingly, Dillian, bewildered, grabbed Leah’s hand as
hard as he could.

“Mr. Leah, really. I swear by my name and my family. Nothing


Dillian diligently apologized for his defense, but Leah didn’t


‘Honestly, an imaginary engagement can really be broken

now, right?’

The reason I signed a contract with him was to run away

from the Great Temple.

However, contrary to expectations, they are maintaining an

amicable relationship with Daeshinjeon, and Aaron and Aina
will protect them no matter what happens.

Nathan and the gods will be on my side.

In other words, breaking up here is enough.

“It really doesn’t matter….”

As if he had just realized it, Dillian’s heart became impatient
at Leah’s muttering to herself.

It was good that Leah was jealous, but the situation now was
a crisis he had never felt in his life.

The death of his parents, the position of the head of state he

assumed at a young age, and the enemies who aim for the

In the midst of so many crises, tension and anxiety that I had

never felt before came rushing in like a tidal wave.

“Mr. Leah is right. It was my mistake to go into an enclosed

space with the princess. For hurting Leah, I will apologize for
the rest of my life. So calm down and talk again….”

Schumann and the princess’ faces were surprised when they

saw Dillian’s anguish for the first time.

Schumann was worried that Lia would explode again, and

the princess was just having fun.

The world’s Dillion Sinise is sold out. It was a sight that

could not be seen even with a thousand gold.
‘Because I live, there are days like this.’

The one and only princess of the empire full of dignity and
dignity has been reduced to the audience number one.

If there was even popcorn, I would put it in my mouth and

look at it.

to go , a shrimp that bursts in the middle, and even a

disrespectful audience across the river.

The private room that should be quiet was chaos itself.

And finally, Leah opened her mouth.

“… As Dillian said. I was so excited. Wait a minute, I’ll come

get some air.”

“Mr. Leah!”

Leah carefully pushed Dillian away, who stood up behind


“I’ll be back in ten minutes. Then talk calmly.”

And then I closed the door and left.

Schumann and the princess opened their mouths at Dillian,

who had been abandoned in an instant.

It was an unexpected development.


The room was swept away by the storm, and only silence

At a time when no one could easily open her mouth to the

cold Dillian, the princess lifted her gun.

“Duke, your fiancee is very cute.”

The princess who drank her share of tea wiggled the corners
of her lips.
“If I asked what kind of person he was because the duke fell
hopelessly, the country would fall for it.”

“When Leah returns, explain it properly. Now, thanks to

someone, it looks like my marriage has been broken.”

“I think the duke who kept it secret has some faults.”

Dillian responded coldly to Daisy, who crossed the line in

excitement over the love fight of her lover.

“You seem to want to part with the rabbit who is sleeping

soundly in the southern villa forever.”

“… You make threats really scary.”

The fragrant car turned astringent in an instant. Daisy

lowered her glass and declared surrender.

“When your fiancé returns, I will explain everything, so relax

your eyes.”

“It’s scary,” said Daisy, shaking her head.

Dillian’s next target after such a princess was Schumann.

“Matap Master, it would be better to take that ring off right


“… What?”

what is that man saying Why don’t you take off someone
else’s ring?

“I feel bad because the design is similar to Lia’s earrings.”

Episode 82.

The ring Schumann was wearing was a simple hexagonal

peridot ring.

And the earrings Dillian said about Leah’s earrings were also
made by processing peridot.

So Schumann and Lia seem to be doing a couple item, so it

was uncomfortable to plant.

“Such crazy….”

“And don’t call out Leah as you please. I don’t know why you
keep calling me out, knowing how dangerous it is to be
outside. If you want to see it, your guy should come to the
Dillian tickled his tongue, asking if he thought it was that
short. That attitude was quite annoying.

“Of course, I have no intention of accepting it.”

Where did the man who acted like a gentle sheep in front of
Leah go?

Dillian, he was a giant lion who bit the necks of me and the
princess, aiming for the moment Leah disappeared.

At this point, Schumann was also annoyed.

“I don’t know what the duke like that did with the princess. It
makes Lia feel bad.”

If we met because of the diamond mine, shouldn’t we meet

and talk at the Imperial Palace rather than the jewelry store?

And what, Dillian Sinise came to buy the princess’s personal


You have to make a sound that makes sense. It was clear

that something was going on.
“It is not your concern.”

“It doesn’t matter if you say it, even if you’re not a party to

Schumann frowned at the two mixed answers.

“Because we’re close, we’ll get into Lia’s ears.”

“Make sure you keep your mouth shut. That’s what you’re
good at.”

The two exchanged an unknown conversation.

It was Daisy who won the brief battle of words.

“The Duke is here to buy a ring for his fiancee, who has just
been ripped off.”

“For Leah…? But why did the princess come with you?”

“Oh, I’m here to buy an engagement ring, too.”

“… yes?”
What do you mean by this ? When Schumann put question
marks on his head, Daisy burst out laughing.

“Did you not know? I have a lover who promised me


Daisy said in a happy voice.

“It has been three years this year.”

Three years, the same period she courted Dillion.

Schumann, who understood the current situation at once,

asked hastily.

“Is it a smoke screen that wooed the Duke? To hide the one
you love?”

“Of course. I don’t like people who are blunt and cold like

A faint blush appeared on Daisy’s face as she shook her

head. Again, there was no tea.
“My taste is to be a cute and lovable person.”

She smiled as she glanced at the door Leah had left.

“The duke’s fiance, like a rabbit, looks just like us.”

“It’s a squirrel.”

At Dillian’s reaction, she patted her chin. That looks very


“Hmm, I think so.”

“That squirrel-like person was deeply hurt by the princess’s

mischief, so please take responsibility and apologize.”

“I’m in charge, can I take it with me?”

“If you want to be stripped of your royal status, try it


Is it just the removal of the royal status? Daisy clicked his

tongue at the terrifying gaze that seemed to kill me.
“It’s a farm. Do you think I’ll see anyone else over my
boyfriend? All I need is someone like a rabbit.”

“Mr. Leah is cuter.”

“I know how serious the duke is, but you have to be honest.
Our boy is the cutest in the world.”

“The princess seems to have a problem with her eyesight.”

“Why my eyes?”

“From calling a large man over 190 a rabbit, his eyesight is

already not normal.”

Schumann grabbed his neck when he heard cold water

soothing his stomach.

What did I hear…?

“Ttt, I can’t communicate with you.”

Daisy shook her head in annoyance and called Schumann.

“Listen to me, Master Ma Thap. That’s our guy.”

“You know better how lovely Ms. Leah is.”

Schumann looked at the distant mountain as the two

boasted each other’s lovers.

Damn, I guess I got it wrong.


I grabbed the sink and grabbed the sink as I stole the

dripping water from my chin. My face in the bathroom mirror
was disgusting.

“What are you doing that’s ugly?”

After pouring cold water on my face, my head slowly cooled.

Then the shame came later.

It was embarrassing to be overly excited and to say
everything in front of the princess.

I reflected on the past situation.

And I found one question.

‘Is this something that should have made you so angry?’

There is a contract that we do our best to each other, but

that’s just a nominal story.

At the time, I thought it was okay for Dillian to date other


But when I saw it, my heart swelled up, instead of thinking

like that.

It was a side of me I didn’t know.

And one more question.

‘Isn’t this a good time to end the contract? Obviously, but

why don’t you want to?’
I said it was breaking up with my mouth, but I didn’t really
want to.

It’s just something I said out of anger and impulsiveness.

And even though I realized that my engagement had become

useless, I still wanted to live in my dreams.

‘So, after all, you don’t want to break up with Dillion.’

Let’s break up, let’s break up, when I memorized like a

mantra, I didn’t want to part anymore.

I hated being taken away by the princess even more.

I didn’t know that, but I was jealous.

It was like living under the illusion that Dillian would only be
looking at me for the rest of his life, and then he was hit in
the head with a hammer and realized the reality.

It wasn’t just jealousy towards the princess. He didn’t want

anyone to lose Dillion.
Thinking of someone else standing next to Dillion….

“I’m going to die.”

When my hair got complicated, I poured cold water over my

face once more.

The makeup was washed off, but I didn’t care.

“Do you like Dillian? …?”

His love and affection for him was evident. So I wanted to

break the curse on Dillian.

So, did it become love beyond liking and affection?

I do not know. If it’s love, something gets hotter and the

stars burst before your eyes, isn’t it supposed to be like that?

I was perplexed not knowing what the first feeling I was

feeling, but I knew one thing for sure.

That Dillion can’t be taken away like this.

‘It’s called a contract, but the official fiancee is me. You can’t
take it away because you’re a princess.’

Time and time again I wet my face with water to wash away
my jealousy and thoughts.

how much time has passed I slowly raised my head.

His face was full of redness from the continuous friction.

It was at that moment when I roughly wiped my face with a

handkerchief and then came out wiping my hands.

A sharp dagger pressed his neck.

“Be quiet.”

A threatening voice threatened me. The pressure in my back

and neck made it difficult to breathe.

At that moment, suppressed and frozen by a stranger,

masked men appeared silently.

‘Armed robbers?’
They each carried a menacing weapon.

“Captain, we’ve taken care of this.”

“Here too.”

“Sweep everything that could be money, not to mention


The man who had finished giving orders to his subordinate

pushed me harshly.

“Do you think I am a hostage?”

“This guy is good. Yes, hostage.”

What’s going to be a hostage while going to the bathroom for

a while? I took a deep breath as the blade entered even

“You mean you took the wrong hostage.”

“Shut up and follow me calmly!”

Ttttttt, Dillian and Schumann would be dead.

He, who doesn’t even know my wide heart, threw me into the
corner of the room.

I wasn’t the only hostage, but several people were lying on

the floor.

I sat down at the force of pressure on my shoulders.

A woman kneeling next to me burst into tears.

“Black, black. We are all dead.”

“Shh, be quiet. If you bother me, I might kill you.”

“But, it’s the Demica Guild. One way or another, we’re going
to die…!”

Demica Guild? Whether it was a notorious group in the

capital, people were terrified.

“Who is making the noise? Shut your mouth.”

The woman who had been weeping at the robber’s warning
shut her off, and covered her mouth.

He raised his arm and threatened us, while the robber pulled
my necklace.

My throat stinged from the broken cord.

The subordinate, who cut off the necklace, sighed.

“Wait, boss. Aren’t these the tears of the sun?”

“Check it.”

The subordinate who appraised the necklace at the

commander’s command nodded his head immediately.

“It’s a gold diamond.”

“I thought it wasn’t a big deal because she looked the most

modest, but this girl is the real deal.”

The eyes looking at me were evil.

I know those eyes well.

Treated as a goose that lays golden eggs, and the gaze he

often received at the temple, his mood subsided in an

‘Ah, something unlucky is going to happen.’

The captain got up from his seat and grabbed my shoulder.

The forcefully pulled body staggered.

“Come with me for a moment. No matter how you look at it,

you seem to be on a different level than the guys here.”

“Where are you going?”

“Write, you talk a lot. Just follow me quietly.”

The captain pushed me harshly. Staggering and barely

balancing, I felt the latent heat start to rise again.

‘Are you going to just kick it out? It’s just one or two cuts, it’s
enough to treat.’
If you push the interest and secure the distance, you can use
the bow….

“Did you get caught?”

At that moment, someone suddenly came out of the hallway

where there was no one there.

The person who appeared without a sign was unexpectedly a


“What is it, girl?”

She frowned as she looked at me and the captain.

“The Duke is very worried because he hasn’t been back in a

long time. If you see this, you will be very angry.”

The guild member threatened to turn off from behind, but

the princess didn’t blink.

It wasn’t just ignorance, it was treated as someone who

didn’t exist at all.
‘Is it a steel mentality?’

His face, with no change in his expression, was so calm that

I forgot the situation I was in.

It was the moment when one of the guild members, who was
passionate about being treated as an invisible person,
reached out to the princess.

As soon as her hand touched her arm, it ignited a fire, and in

an instant it became a whole roast.

“You touched my body without my permission. It’s rude.”

His voice was full of charisma.

The guild members were frightened and stepped back.

The captain was also nervous, so he grabbed my shoulder

and held the knife closer to my neck.

“Are you a wizard?”

“Exactly, a magic tool.”

The princess raised her middle finger wearing a ring with an
expressionless face toward the bewildered assailants.


“Why are those eyes? I was curious and told you.”

The big eyes that blinked slowly were innocent.

Episode 83.

It was a face that was indistinguishable from whether he

was trying to feed the assailant or genuinely showing the

“That woman is insane. hey! Get it out right now!”

As the monsters rushed at the princess, Schumann’s voice

filled with irritation was heard behind her.

“Oh, what kind of burn is this again!”

“It smells like burning people.”

“… How do you know that?”

“I’ve done it often.”

I swallowed my saliva at the voice that was getting closer
and closer.

If Dillian sees this, he’ll be mad…?

I wasn’t afraid of the guy behind me or the sword that got

into my neck.

The really scary thing was the angry Dillian.

And finally, our eyes met.

I smiled awkwardly as I looked at the two pairs of eyes that

had grown to the size of a Japanese lantern.

“Sorry, I have been taken hostage.”

Schumann and Dillian paused for a moment, and they ran

towards me at high speed. My body shivered from the fast
approaching life.

“Stop! If you come any closer than this, you will miss this
woman, ah!”
The man who took me hostage threatened me, but the seeds
didn’t work.

The moment Schumann froze the man’s arm with magic, I

broke it off and escaped.

At the same time, Dillian, who flew in, kicked the man’s

I muttered as I looked at the captain lying on the floor.

“I know. You said you took the hostage wrong. idiot.”

After that, it was a one-sided attack.


“You should be grateful that May is not here.”

Schumann, who kicked the fleeing guild member, wiped his
sweat-soaked bangs.

“If Mei was there, you would have been decapitated earlier
and hung up on the wall.”

“Who is May?”

Daisy, who was sitting in a chair watching the fight, asked

when it was ready.

Schumann answered, looking at him with tired eyes.

“It’s my brother.”

“Right. But sir. Even if it’s not Kyung’s younger brother, the
future of the authors seems to be like that.”

Daisy kicked her tongue, saying she was tired of Dillion’s

ruthless grip on guild members who had lost their minds for
a long time.

“I don’t know about anyone else, but anyone who touches

the duke’s fiancee will be decapitated.”
She was half right and half wrong.

Dillian had no intention of saving anyone involved in this


In particular, he was going to send that damn child who had

a dirty sword around Leah’s neck to the underworld.

Dillian, who had finished treading on the last one, asked

Schumann, who was starting to clean up .

“Mr. Leah.”

“The wounded is being treated.”

Schumann pointed to the next room.

As he said, Leah was moving fast.

“Grandpa, excuse me.”

The last person to approach Leah was an old gentleman with

white hair.
He had been hit in the same place over and over again, his
cheeks were about to swell, and his eyes were unsightly with
blood vessels ruptured.

But that’s only what I see in my eyes, and in Leah’s eyes, it

seems like a pity.

Dillian looked at Leah as he healed her wounds, and frowned

at the red marks on her neck.

‘Where is the scratch?’

Dillian, who knew everything about Leah, noticed that her

necklace had disappeared.

Under the circumstances, it appears that the necklace was

forcibly cut off and injured her neck.

‘He must have his head cut off too.’

When Dillian was planning another beheading, Leah, who

had sent the last hostage out safely into the hallway, got up
by pounding on her stiff waist.
Dillian, who stood outside the door and watched it, stepped

“Mr. Dillian, are you finished outside?”

“Schumann is cleaning things up. Are you okay, Leah?”

“Yeah, Mr. Dillion came before anything happened, so I’m


Are you trying to hide it, or are you unaware that you are

Either way is equally annoying.

‘I’m so upset that even this small wound makes me so


Dillian, who muttered inwardly, reached out and stroked

Leah’s neck.


Leah frowned in pain and shrugged her shoulders.

“Is this okay?”

As if holding back her anger, Leah blinked at the repressed


Leah really didn’t know she was hurt.

“Isn’t it cut by a sword?”

“… It’s a scratch on the necklace.”

“Ah, the necklace! They took it!”

a gold diamond ! Leah also found out today for the first time
that the name of the necklace was Tears of the Sun.

‘But you rob it? I won’t let you go.’

As it bounced off like a spring, the outstretched hand gently

wrapped around Leah’s waist and pulled it.

Lia, who was suddenly held in Dillian’s arms, blinked blankly.

A voice whispered in his ear growled wildly.
“Your body is like this, but where else are you going?”


“As I always said. Take care of yourself before you take care
of others.”

“I didn’t know he was hurt.”

“If I get hurt again while I’m not there, then I might really
lock him up.”

voice and tone were infinitely soft, but the content was never


Dillian urged an answer, and ran his fingertips along the

wounded path.

“Yes Yes. Okay, so give me your hand….”

Leah shrugged her shoulders.

Not because it hurts, but because it tickles. I couldn’t keep
my body still in a strange feeling that I couldn’t define.

“It hurts a lot?”

“It’s not….”

“It hurts my heart to hear that Lia’s delicate body is hurt.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not very painful….”

“Mr. Lia places more importance on treating others than on

my body, so of course she will heal my mind as well, right?”

“I will treat you. You can do it….”

In order to escape from Dillian’s arms, Lia quickly healed her

wounds with divine power.

“Voila. Wound healing is over!”

As he smiled awkwardly, Dillian’s smile widened.

“I will also have my head cut off.”

Leah pulled out a sword with a smile and grabbed Dillian’s

“You can’t kill me! You’d better go to jail, jail!”

If you kill him here, strange rumors will circulate that the
monster duke ate another man!

Leah didn’t know.

he was already concerned about Dillian’s reputation.

“Mr. Leah values the lives of such garbage.”

But Dillian, unaware of that fact, twisted his stomach.

To cover even the person who hurt you.

Dillian loved Leah’s wide heart, but for this moment, he

couldn’t hate it that much.

“Not that! If you kill them, your reputation will go down!”

What annoying noise are you talking about!

Dillian, who does not understand my heart, pinched his
waist, and the savage Leah.

And here are those who haven’t been evacuated yet. I could
tell by the sound of screams coming from outside.

Even if Dillian had put the commotion to rest, seeing the

blood in the blood might provoke a vile gossip .

“You can pay for your sins in prison.”

Because there are people who are injured, but no one is


“So, just calm down and get caught…!”

At that moment, a large, stout body attacked Leah. Leah

stuttered at the strong force that embraced me without

“Why, why?”

When Leah, in embarrassment, squirmed, hugged her as if

she would not let go.
Not only that, Dillian, who buried his face in Leah’s shoulder,
asked in a deep voice.

“Are you worried about me? Aren’t these bastards?”

“Why do I care about those people!”

Leah jumped up at the fact that she had received a strange


“I’m worried about Mr. Dillian. Who are you worried about….”

His voice grew smaller in embarrassment, but Dillian

listened carefully.

Her words that worried me.

“I was worried about you. me.”

Dillian, who had been rolling in his mouth as if savoring

Leah’s concerns, attention, and affection, burst into laughter.

Leah rolled her eyes, promptly noticing the strangely flowing

‘It was a big deal. You look like you’re being teased again.’

Leah, anticipating what was to come, quickly hit the player.

“Mr. Dillian, I didn’t even know you were hurt. Had I known, I
would have taken care of myself first. So don’t kill it, just
stun it. okay?”

“Who are you talking about, of course it is.”

After , good luck . Leah exhaled a sigh of relief and patted

Dillian on the back.

“like. If we get through today without any fatalities, I will play

with Mr. Dillian all day next time.”

Then, in an instant, Dillian’s eyes changed. Sharp and

tenacious eyes turned to Leah as if a beast was hunting for
its prey.

“Is skinship allowed?”

“Just until we hold hands.”

“That’s what you usually do. Please even allow me to kiss
you on the cheek.”

“Do you have a conscience?”

“I don’t grow like that.”

Dillian was brave. And it was shameful.

Leah, who did not dislike the act of affection that she would
have hated in the past, raised the tolerance level after

“I even allow hugs.”

“It’s not right for Susie’s calculations, but the person I like
more loses, so I’ll make the concession.”

Leah burst into laughter at the sight of shaking her head as

if she was being sympathetic.

“Thank you so much for that.”

“Instead of dating, we’re going to do it for sure.”

“Did you just buy a trick, sleep?”

Leah held out her hand. Dillian, who approached faster than
the light, clasped my hand with Leah’s fingers.

“That’s fortunate. I feel relieved I was really worried because

I thought I was going to break my marriage.”

Unlike Dillian, who sighed in relief, saying he was really

surprised, Leah’s face gradually heated up.

suddenly became a hostage.

The fact that he got very angry with Dillian and left his seat.

When the opposite sex returned from the house, Leah

struggled with embarrassment, realizing how immature and
shameful the act was.

‘I want to disappear into dust….’

Leah, who screamed inwardly, tried to hide her red face, but
could not avoid the hawk-eyed Dillian.
The smile on Dillian’s lips grew darker.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen Lia so angry.”

“That, that!”

“Are you jealous that I was with another woman?”


“But why is your face red?”

Episode 84.

His face was red from head to neck, and even from his ears
to his ears.

Does she know how lovely that face, which is dyed bright red
and devoured, is?

I had the urge to bite my cheeks as red as red.

I forcibly resisted the urge to bite hard enough to leave a

tooth mark, and engraved Leah’s face into my eyes.

Leah, unable to bear the strange gaze any longer, screamed.

“Hurry up and get things done!”

“Leave it to me. I will take care of everything in 10 minutes.”

Not long after Dillian, who was full of confidence, went
outside, the sound of a song rang out.

Daisy approached Lia, who had been observing the guild


“You seem to have reconciled with the Duke.”

“Large, yes.”

I couldn’t answer that I never fought.

Leah glanced at Daisy, expressionless.

“I see you have something to say.”

“… I know that the princess has feelings for Mr. Dillian.”

“Hmm, so?”

“But no matter what the princess thinks, now Mr. Dillian is

engaged to me. He is a man with an owner, so please refrain
from meeting in person.”
Leah, who poured out the words she was holding inside ,
took a deep breath.

If the princess gets offended by this and slaps my cheek….

‘I don’t know, hit me. Then I’ll go to Dillion and tell him

Leah was afraid of being crushed by Daisy’s intimidation, so

she gave strength to her eyes and held on.

At Leah’s dignified cry, the princess had a rare expression of


“I only knew she was cute, but she was also stubborn. This
is something we should imitate.”


Daisy, who approached Leah’s bewildered side, pulled out a

pendant from her arms and held it out.

Instead of answering, Daisy opened the lid of the pendant.
Inside was a portrait of a man.

normal portrait, but a bright smiling face.

‘What is this?’

Lia struggled to hide her embarrassment and looked at

Princess Daisy.

What does it mean? I tried to roll my head hard, but I

couldn’t get a sense of it.

The princess was a person who could not fully understand

what was inside.

“How is it?”

Lia, who later realized that she was asking about the man in
the portrait, hesitated for a moment, then recounted her first

“Your smile is beautiful.”


Daisy, who smiled softly, whispered in Leah’s ear as if telling

a secret.

“He’s the man I’m going to marry.”

“… yes?”

“I’m not even interested in the peacock, so don’t worry too

much about it.”


Daisy, who lifted Leah’s chin with her index finger and
closed it in the unexpected story, burst into laughter.

“I said that I would not marry unless I was a duke because I

knew he would never marry me.”


“Because my fiance was a commoner, there was a lot of

Using Heaven’s Dillion Sinise? This one was no ordinary

“Of course, the duke who knew about it also used me.
Because he is a person who never runs a business that loses

I got a diamond mine in return for hanging out with me for

three years.

‘He is a man of great resourcefulness.’

Daisy, thinking of Dillian who was like a robber, clicked his


Thinking back, the mine was a waste.

“The reason I came here with the Duke was to buy a ring for
him. If I go to buy a ring by myself, I’m sure I’ll be caught up
in a scandal.”

In addition to checking the quality of the diamonds from the

mine, the location was decided as a jeweler.
As Daisy’s words got longer, Leah’s face began to heat up,
realizing that I had misunderstood her.

“I’m sorry for you. I thought it was just a fake relationship

and asked the Duke, but if it was a serious relationship, I
would never have done it.”

“Oh, no. I’m sorry I misunderstood you.”

Daisy gently tapped Leah’s shoulder, who had her head

bowed down to hide her blushing face.

“It’s my fault for giving you a misunderstanding. Did you say

your name is Leah?”

“Yes, this is Leah Delis.”

“Leah. The peacock is so obsessed with you, you don’t have

to worry about the wind.”

Daisy saw Leah’s face red as if it was about to explode and

smiled, revealing it for the first time.

“Let’s make pretty love for the two of us.”


When the situation was settled, the princess said that she
would go back, and first got on the carriage and left.

I bowed my head as I watched the carriage moving away. I

couldn’t raise my face in embarrassment. Do you think you’re
making an unreasonable misunderstanding on your own?

‘No, in the first place, Schumann made a strange noise

called wind…!’

The decisive cause of falling into a swamp of

misunderstandings squinted at me.

“I’ve been through this hardship, but please tell me.”

“… okay.”
Anyway, I completed the mission safely with his help, so I
nodded my head calmly.

Dillian, who intervened between us, covered my shoulder

with one hand and pushed Schumann’s shoulder with the

“Are you deficient in magnesium? You blink at any time.”

“Duke, don’t you know wink? It’s a sign of affection.”

“You’re a wink who can’t look at me enough to make me

sick. It’d be better if I couldn’t wake up forever.”

When he put his hand on the scabbard saying he would do it

if he wanted to, Schumann also pushed his hand forward.

“When and why do we fight when we destroy guilds


“I never got along. It will never happen in my lifetime.”

“If there comes a day when Master Matap and I get to know
each other, that day will be the author’s memorial day.”
Schumann was the first to win a hand in the tense battle of
the flag.

“Next time, fight for love in my absence. I am so tired that I

feel like I am going to die.”

Schumann, completely exhausted, groaned and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, it was just the two of us, and I looked
awkwardly at the distant mountain.

“Shall we walk?”


I quickly nodded, seeing clearly that I was going to have a

suffocating time in the carriage like this.

Dillian, who bit Sera from the carriage, began to take a step

I deliberately kept my distance from him and followed behind

him, and Dillian stopped in his seat and grabbed my hand.
“Because I can’t become a lost child like before.”

“I’m too old to be called a lost child. And now I have

memorized everything.”

Even as I grumbled, I didn’t take my hand out. I got so used

to this warmth, it was almost empty without it.

“But where did the lieutenant go?”

“After work was done, I went back to the mansion first.”

“Is that okay? Are you a lieutenant?”

“It is better not to. If you’re next to me, I’m sure it’ll make a
lot of noise. If it had been, I would have clinged to Ms. Leah
and shuddered, asking me to go home as soon as possible
by now.”

“Maybe that much…. Well, I will. I would.”

Like the advent of a new powerful person, the advent of an

angel, or a person who makes strange noises without
hesitation, it seemed like that would be enough.
“And I met the princess by chance.”

“I know. I even heard everything the princess used to smoke

a smoke screen for three years using Mr. Dillion.”

When I remembered her smiling happily while boasting about

my lover, her face became hot again.

“Sorry for the misunderstanding….”

Rumors spread that it was a desperate love, so of course I

thought he liked Dillian.

To be honest , I don’t know the details, but the appearance

is so good-looking that it grabs my heart.

“I am so sorry. Whatever the process, Ms. Leah created a

misleading situation.”

I bowed my head and glanced up at Dillian’s face.

“It still feels good.”

I tilted my head at Dillian’s darkened smile.


“Because I saw Leah’s jealousy, which is hard to see.”

“… I am not jealous.”





My face heated up at Dillian, who was making fun of me

even though I knew everything.

It was at that time when I was looking around the streets

lined with street vendors, chanting for nothing.

In one of the tented and nicely decorated shops, a little boy

sat down and waved at me.
I was suddenly waving my hand, but I looked away from the
child at Dillian’s call.

“What is there?”

“I made eye contact with that boy.”

Pointing to a corner, I blinked at the empty seat.

“Obviously there was….”



When I turned to face the body that I had been exposed to at

Dillian’s call, the child I saw earlier was looking at me with a

“Hello, sister!”

“Uh, uh. hi?”

It was at that time when I was suddenly saying goodbye to
the child. A small, warm feeling was felt in his left hand.


“Sister, sister. Go see it just once!”

How soft and natural the action was, I didn’t realize until I
got my hands on it.

“I have something to give you!”

The child’s eyes twinkled.

So , it might give you something, but in the end, money was a

high-level solicitation that I did.

‘Am I fishing now? One more step and you’re a hogan?’

A small hand grabbed me. Perhaps it was because of his

small body compared to his peers, and strangely, he could
not refuse the child.

“Let’s go too, brother.”

“Mr. Leah, what should I do?”

“… Let’s go.”

The road isn’t busy, it’s okay to just take a quick look

‘If you ask me to buy it, I’ll buy it.’

If a child rips you off, how much will you pay?

“This is it.”

The boy who led us to the stall said proudly with his arms

“Wow. a lot?”

“Yeah, a lot.”

It wasn’t meant to lift the child, it really had everything.

Although it is a counterfeit product, from beautifully crafted
accessories to household items such as cups and bowls,
there are also vases, toys, and medicines.

I didn’t feel any sense of unity at all, but it seemed that way
because of the things that were scattered and unorganized.

‘How are you carrying all these things?’

When he looked at the child with pure curiosity and concern,

he blinked, asking why.

“Sister, choose whatever you want.”



“Then this?”

My hand touched the cute toy ring, and the child smiled

“That’s 1 gold.”

One gold is one month’s food for a family of four. By the way,
this toy ring is 1 gold?

“Then what about this?”

“That’s 2 gold.”


“3 Gold!”

When I asked how much I would pay if I covered it with a rip


Are you wearing it very well?

Episode 85.

I laughed out loud at the miraculous calculation method that

left me speechless.

“Hey, I’m asking because I’m really curious, is this business

going to work?”

“yes. I earn well.”


well earned Everyone who came will run away.

‘Or am I being treated properly because I’m a Hogu?’

buy this don’t It was a time when I was worried about the
feeling of discomfort. Dillian offered the child 6 gold.
“I count everything that Lia just picked.”

“Mr. Dillian?”

While bewildered by what had happened suddenly, the child

smiled and began to put the things I had pointed out.

“The ring is precious, so I can put it on now.”

Saying that, the child took my left hand and put the ring on
my ring finger. The smooth ring made of wood fit perfectly.

“yes? now?”

“yes. Good luck.”

Lucky ring, what is it? I don’t believe in superstitions, but

seeing a bright child, I couldn’t take it off.

“thank you.”

“Yeah, but he doesn’t seem to like it.”

child says Dillian looked at the ring on my hand with
distasteful eyes.

“You don’t like it? But wait a minute. Your brother has
something else. Tell me later.”

I doubted my eyes. It was a brief moment, but Dillian’s eyes


Dillian looked at the boy with suspicion.

“… How did know?”

“I see everything. good eyes.”

While the two exchanged strange glances, I was just

standing still in a conversation I couldn’t understand at all.

For a while, I felt alienated from their conversation.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at the messy items on the


‘What is this energy?’

I don’t know what exactly it was, but I felt a special aura.

Reaching for it, and sifting through the pile of objects, he

saw a round pendant with a plain design.

‘There is nothing special.’

As if it had been hit directly by the passage of time, the

pendant was very old, rusted, and the paint had peeled off
here and there.

He seemed to have been neglected until now because of his

ugly appearance.

‘I don’t think there was anyone who recognized me like I did.’

I don’t know exactly what it is used for, but an object that

emits light like that is bound to benefit users for any

‘I’ll have to take this no matter what.’

I’m sure that pendant is the most valuable thing on this stall.
was the moment when I reached out for the pendant . A
small hand appeared out of sight and picked up the pendant.


“Sister, do you like this?”

“yes. How much is this?”

“I’ll give it to you as a present.”

give it as a gift? The guy who was ripped off?

Looking at the boy with suspicious eyes, he shrugged, saying

it was real.

“Because I bought a lot. And you said you have something I

want to give you.”


Not joking, the child took out the pendant in a nice package.

Not to me, but to Dillian.

“Come on, brother.”

“I don’t need it, so give it to Ms. Leah.”

“Would you like to have one?”

The child, who refused Dillian’s refusal again, forced the

pendant into his hand.

“You said i like the eyes You will thank me later.”

“Right. Mr. Dillian paid for it, so Mr. Dillian should take it.”

I also helped the child by the side.

I do not know, but that pendant will surely bring good luck to
its owner. in any form.

It was better for Dillian to have it than me, who could protect
himself with divine power.

“Mr. Dillion must have it.”

“If even Ms. Lia says that, I’ll take it.”

Dillian, who was extremely reluctant, quietly accepted the
pendant at my words.

“Okay, now it’s over! come back soon The sun will set soon.”

Now that he has earned money, he wants to go home

quickly, and the hand that cleans us is more bitter than it

As we almost got kicked out, we went out to the side of the

road and waved to him.

“Let’s go, Leah.”


As much time had passed, the reddish sunset filled the sky.

At that moment, my eyes were taken for a moment by the

beautiful sight, and a child called me from behind.

“I wish you success this time.”

“Sister’s fate, mission, and longing.”

At that moment, the innocent child’s face looked like a young

man or an old man, mixed with many faces.

“Please, I wish you success. I am looking forward to it.”


The child’s soft voice flew through the air. The child ran into
the alley in an instant and disappeared without a bird to

When he turned his head, the stall full of items disappeared

without a trace.

Like a midsummer night’s dream, I looked at the empty alley

for a long time, feeling like I had seen a mirage.

When I got home, I couldn’t get my expression out of my
complicated hair.

Nathan, who was worried about me, sat down on his

shoulder and asked.

“Lea, what happened? Why didn’t you buy a present


“yes? Nope. I bought the right gift.”

“Then why? Did Dillian bother you?”

“Mr. Dillian will harass me.”

Although he made fun of me, he never harassed me.

“It is.”

“I just met a weird kid.”

“How can you be weird?”

“It felt like I knew what I had to do. He told me about my
destiny, mission, and wish for success.”

“Hmm, are you a good-eyed kid?”

“He said that with his mouth, but he likes his eyes.”

What does that mean?

It is said that great astrologers see the future and see the
past. But can an ordinary kid see it?

‘No, it’s not normal. 걘 He was a strange guy from start to


Is it because of that, or because tomorrow is Dillian’s

birthday? Strangely, I couldn’t sleep.

And finally, the clock bell rang twelve times, announcing

Dillian’s birthday.

“It’s already my birthday…. How do you deliver a gift?”

When, where, and with what words should I congratulate and
give a gift?

buying and selling, I started to worry and tossed and turned

for a long time.

‘I can’t sleep anyway, so I have to go for a walk at night.’

Giving up sleep and getting up, I put on my shawl and held

up a lamp.

The destination, as always, was a greenhouse.

The habit of living in Wilhelm was not going anywhere, and

when my mind was complicated, I used to look for the
greenhouse first.

It was then when I turned on the lamp in the greenhouse and

pulled weeds as usual.

“I heard you often go out at night, but I didn’t know you were
really here.”

“Mr. Dillian?”
“it’s a good night.”

Perhaps he was ready to sleep, Dillian’s attire was lighter

than in the daytime.

“What’s going on here?”

“I had a strong feeling that I would be able to meet Leah

when I come here.”

“Don’t play around.”

“It really is.”

Dillian, who confused me with words that were deaf or

serious, bent down and sat down next to me.

“Mr. Lia, don’t you feel tired if you pull weeds at dawn?”

“I haven’t done anything other than this to organize my


As I spit out the hair that was sticking to my lips, Dillian

pulled it off by hand.
His hand tickled me, and I shrugged my neck, and I heard a
low laughter in my ear.

“Are you tickled?”

“A little? It’s over now, so please let it go.”

“It’s okay. It sticks in your mouth again.”

I thought it was not enough, so I gathered my hair together

and grabbed it.

“It makes me comfortable. I will hold you.”

“it’s okay. It’s all over.”

I gathered the weeds scattered on the floor and took off my


The hand that kept rubbing the nape of my neck was itchy
and I couldn’t concentrate.

It was then when I was rubbing the sweat that was leaking
from my palms on my thighs. Suddenly, my hand was caught.
“Are you still wearing it?”

Dillian, who drew his left hand precisely, looked at his ring
finger with distasteful eyes.

It was a wooden ring that the child put on himself.

‘Oops, I forgot to take it off….’

It was also Dillian’s birthday, but he had forgotten to take

the ring off because he had been crazy about the suspicious

Dillion pulled the ring, wondering if that fact bothered him.

As if robbing him, I glanced at Dillion as he took the ring off.

‘Dillian didn’t hear my last conversation with the boy, did


So you’re only concerned with the ring, right?

“It’s difficult to keep wearing the ring given to you by an

outsider in front of your fiance.”
“Aren’t you too young to be called a man?”

“Does your gender be covered by being young? There is no

denying that he is a biological male.”

He laughed at his childish jealousy.

‘I keep looking at it and it seems cute.’

If it was before, I would have pushed him not to talk bullshit,

but these days it’s not so bad.

Because all of this was only shown in front of me. I also felt
a strange sense of superiority.

It had only been a few hours, but the marks left on his
fingers were clear.

Wanting to erase the traces, Dillion touched my hand over

and over again.

“Does it seem like it’s not enough?”

I shrugged.

‘You, too, boil inside.’

He always gets beaten up, so I wanted to make fun of him at

least once.

But Dillian wasn’t in the slightest upset.



Turning my teasing into an opportunity, Dillion smiled and

began to insert something into my ring finger.

The cool texture was distinct from that of wood.

“For Leah’s fine hands, this one suits her much better than
the crude wood.”

The ring that filled my ring finger glistened in the moonlight.

Episode 86.

I stared blankly at my hand.

“What’s this…?”

“It’s an engagement ring.”

As soon as his answer came, I shut my mouth.

“Uh, when…?”

I was so shocked that I couldn’t get the words out. Because I

never felt that way.

“The preparations started from the day the contract was

signed. It was yesterday afternoon when I got the goods.”
“I guess I went to the jewelry store yesterday…?”

“yes. you’re right.”

You don’t know and you’re jealous of yourself. It was

embarrassing to even think about it again.

I lowered my head to hide my beating face.

Then the diamond embedded in the ring gleamed in his eyes.

Perhaps it was because of my consideration for the

inconvenience of accessories, the diamond’s egg embedded
in the ring wasn’t that big.

It was a simple ring for the Duchess, but I liked it more.

Because a clean and comfortable ring was completely my


It was immediately felt how much Dillian cared.

As I stared at the ring, I questioned the ring that fit perfectly

without any error.
“But how did you know the size?”

“By the power of love?”

“That’s great.”

I laughed out loud at the answer that didn’t go beyond my


He touched his fingers from time to time, and it was clear

that he had figured it out.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, she is so pretty.”

I said I didn’t need it, but when I got it, I really liked it.

To the extent that I want to upset the past self that I tried to

‘I’m engaged, but I don’t know anything else, but I need a

Carefully touching the ring, I looked at Dillion’s empty hands
and asked.

“By the way, you didn’t just bring me, did you?”

, there was no way that thorough Dillian would have done

that .

Dillion opened the ring case and held out my gaze asking me
to hurry up.

“Give me your hand. I’ll put it in.”

A ring with the same design as the ring on my ring finger

boasted my existence.

Picking up the ring, I frowned and said playfully.

“I’m a fiancee by name, shouldn’t I be doing this?”

It took a moment to hold Dillian’s large hand without

hesitation, and the fingertips pushing the ring trembled.

‘Oh, I’m more nervous than I thought.’

It was my first time putting a ring on someone else’s hand,
so my heart raced.

Dillian teased me with a voice full of laughter.

“Mr. Leah, it tickles me.”

“… Be patient. I mean, I’m nervous too.”

“What if I tremble more than I receive?”

“It’s my first time, so what should I do?”

I pushed the ring all the way down to my ring finger, and I
lifted my head and blew out Dillion.

“What can I do to put a ring on in my life?”

“Am I the first?”

“Yes, for the first time in all my 22 years!”

He couldn’t stop laughing, saying he was going to die

because he liked Dillion in those fresh eyes.
Dillian laughed for a while, then let out a long, languid

“I didn’t know you would like something like this.”

wide -eyed face looked really happy, so I couldn’t answer


The tickling that started from his fingertips climbed up his

hands and pounded his heart.

I stared blankly at Dillian. And suddenly I realized.

Because it’s a nice day, the moon is pretty, and the flowers
that bloom at night are beautiful.

I like Dillion surrounded by them.

I just feel like now is the time.

I jumped up from my seat.

Dillian, bewildered by my sudden reaction, got up after me.

“Mr. Leah, whatever….”

“no. It’s not like that, Dillian, wait a minute!”

I forced Dillion to sit on the greenhouse table and ran as

hard as I could.

straight to the room and slammed the door roughly.

bang! Startled by the sound, Nathan jumped up and looked


“Wow, it’s an attack! Leah, right behind me…!”

“calm down. It’s me.”

I replied lightly, and quickly opened the drawer and pushed it

back. Then I was greeted by a red velvet box that made my
eyes dizzy.

“Lea? What’s going on in the middle of the night, running

around like crazy?”
“sorry! I have an urgent business. sleep again I will be back

I took out the box and did not stop at his call to call me

Why am I running so fast? Dillion doesn’t run away just

because he’s late.

Numerous questions popped up in my mind. I answered him.

Before he changes his mind, I want to give him a present .


squeak, squeak-

The greenhouse door creaked as Leah ran out and pushed

For a moment, I was surprised by Leah’s reckless behavior
to separate me. Dillian looked at the door and burst out
laughing haha.

“Because you have good power.”

Dillian, who was sitting quietly as Leah wished, looked at my


The sleek ring showed off my presence.

Dillian smiled satisfactorily at the proof linking him with


‘There will come a day when I will become obsessed with

these iconic objects.’

The ring had only one meaning for Dillian.

Just something to keep Leah by my side. That was the only

proof that Leah was my woman.

But it was an illusion.

Dillian could not have predicted that he would be so happy
wearing the same ring and holding hands.

“You did a good job too.”

A smile never left Dillian’s face. Until Leah kicks the door
and runs in.

“I’m back!”

No one was chasing him, but Leah, who ran with all her
might, gasped for breath.

Leah, barely holding her breath, hid the gift behind her back
and stood in front of Dillian.

“What have you left behind?”

Dillian, suspicious of Leah’s hand hidden behind her waist,

pushed her upper body forward.

Leah, startled by the gesture, twisted her body.

My heart isn’t ready yet, but I can’t get caught.

“… Yes. It is very important.”

Leah took a deep breath and cleared her breath, and held
out the box she was hiding behind her back to Dillian.

“What is this?”

A mysterious light flashed in his eyes as he suddenly

received the gift.

“It’s a gift.”


“Happy Birthday.”

Dillian’s face showed the shocked expression on his face as

if he had never expected it.

Leah licked her lips at the emotion that was being conveyed
to her as well.

‘I want to say something more.’

It would have been nice if she had a talent for speaking, but
unfortunately, Leah didn’t have such great talent.

So, just say what you wanted to say to him.

“Thank you for being born.”

Leah smiled broadly at Dillian.

“Am I the fastest?”

“… yes.”

As if waking up from a dream, Dillian barely answered and

placed his hand on the lid of the box.

front of his eyes, Leah suddenly became anxious and

grabbed his hand.

‘I don’t know why I’m more nervous.’

Leah, worried that Dillian might be disappointed, hastily

started lowering his expectations.
“It’s not that great, it’s just the best I can do….”

“Any gift from Ms. Leah is the most precious to me.”

Yes, whatever she gave was a perfect gift for Dillian.

No, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a present. The friendly

celebration alone made Dillian as happy as having the world.

‘Did anyone congratulate you on your birth?’

He said that on the day he was born, screams were heard

instead of happy laughter in the living room.

‘Have you ever been celebrated for a birthday?’

As the number of candles on the cake increased, so did the

sighs of the parents.

‘Is there anyone who was happy with my work?’

After the death of his parents, no one spoke of his birthday.

Only the closest people quietly bowed their heads.

Leah was the first person to say thank you for being born to
him, who even his parents ignored him. she was the only one

Dillian stared tenaciously, as if to imprint a lovely face in his


Leah slowly lowered her eyes at that hot gaze.

“… You’re saying shameful things.”

Her little lips twitched and grumbled.

Dillian suppressed the urge to kiss him with all his might,
and spoke calmly.

“Because it’s true.”

Even if Leah had brought stones that were rolling along the
road as a gift, Dillian would have kept them as heirlooms.

“Can’t you believe it?”

“Open it….”
With eyes like that, I can’t believe it. With those serious eyes,
Lia slowly bit her hand.

And finally, the gift was revealed.

“I chose ruby because it looks like Dillian’s eyes, do you like


“… It resembles my eyes, right?”

You chose ruby because it resembles your own eye color. My

heart ached as I thought of Leah, who I had been thinking
about all day, maybe a few days.

“I think it will suit you well.”

With that friendly face smiling shyly, Dillian closed his eyes
and exhaled.

If I didn’t do this, I felt a dizzying urge to eat Leah.

“Why, why? Don’t you like it?”

Leah, who misinterpreted the reaction, was restless and
rolled her feet.

Dillian muttered, covering his face with his hand.

“It’s Leah’s fault.”

“yes? what did i do wrong….”

Leah’s voice, which was bewildered, gradually decreased.

“You don’t like it that much? I see. I will exchange it


Shimuruk shrugged his shoulders. He felt a warm, tingling

sensation on his lips.

Leah froze at the heat she had felt before.

“If you make people excited like this, you have to take

“Wow, what.”
Dillian looked at his bewildered face and kissed her once
Episode 87.

Leah’s face burned with fire at the kiss that fell short and

“Why, why did you do this this time…!”

Leah’s eyes went round and round at the kiss that started
without any foreshadowing.

“You can’t just come in without notice like this.”

Leah stuttered, trying to calm Dillian.

I have no idea what the button was pressed for. Lia

swallowed her saliva in her hot eyes as if to burn the
“It’s all Leah’s fault.”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“Who makes people so excited?”


Dillian pressed his thumb to his sweet lower lip.

Surprised, Leah widened her eyes.

“Before raising the esophagus, if my heart bursts, will Ms.

Lia take responsibility?”

There is no coercion or such coercion. Leah contorted her

eyes at the absurd logic.

“If you feel like you’re going to explode, you can stop doing

“I hate that.”

“Then just blow it up!”

“Is that so?”

this moment, Dillion hurriedly approached.

“What is that!”

Leah quickly covered my mouth, fearing that Dillian, who

was approaching him, would steal her lips again.

‘Are you sure you’ll win again?’

Lia, who was smiling with an impassioned defense, twitched

her eyes at the breath she felt in her ear.

Dillian, who had only his upper body bowed in place,

whispered quietly.

“Your face is red.”

“Oh really!”

Leah swung her arms out of range and rubbed her itchy ears.

‘Looks like they touched your lips…!’

her neck bright red, raised her finger toward Dillion.

“What a shameful thing!”

“It’s unscrupulous. It’s not right to call your fiance that way.”

Dillian’s nonsense didn’t stop there.

“And just kissing was a kind of treatment.”

Did your ears taste bad? Or has that human brain gone

Leah frowned and asked.

“What nonsense. What treatment is….”

Leah’s words, which had been snoring and shaking her head,
became blurred.

Leah looked at Dillian’s neck and blinked. The curse, which

was reduced in size from before, was clearly visible.

“It’s true….”

Of course, Dillian, who was working on a fix, opened his eyes

when he said that he was really cured.

Oops, I quickly adjusted my expression, but it was after Leah

had already seen it.

“I knew it would!”

“Anyway, it’s been cured. So one more time? The time has
come to slowly subdue the curse.”

The ability to turn crisis into opportunity. Dillian was a man

who never missed the opportunity that came to me.

“After all, the way to break the curse is definitely a kiss.”

How I wish it was that easy.

Leah sighed and looked at Dillian’s neck.

exactly. As Dillian said, the method of touching with the lips

was more effective than the method of touching with hands.
‘Maybe it was transmitted through breathing?’

Leah looked at Dillian’s physical condition with serious eyes

at the curse that had subsided faster than usual.

After confirming that the strange atmosphere had completely

disappeared, Dillian took a step back and sighed in

“Thank you so much for the gift. I have to do it every day.”

“I love it?”

“Sure. It makes me want to do it right now.”

thank god. Leah wiped her chest filled with anxiety.

“Actually, I went to the jeweler yesterday afternoon to buy a

present for Mr. Dillian.”

Why would she still want to tell the story that was over, but
Leah didn’t want to leave even the slightest
“Didn’t you know?”

“Yeah, I didn’t know.”

“I wanted to give it as a surprise gift, so I hid it, but I’m glad

it was successful.”

I was worried about what to do if I was disappointed, but I’m

glad that I liked it more than I expected.

Leah smirked at the careful hand that touched the cufflinks,

lest there be any blemishes.

Does Dillian keep giving gifts to this taste? Seeing her happy
face, an unknown sense of satisfaction flooded in.

“I will also celebrate Lia’s birthday more grandly than anyone


I received such a wonderful gift and I can’t pass it up quietly.

If Leah wanted it, it was going to be bigger, more splendid,

and grander than the emperor’s birthday.
“It would be nice to have a festival.”

It is to hold a festival to celebrate Leah’s birth throughout

the month.

And it definitely imprints who Leah is.

“Calm down. My birthday is over.”

“I know. It’s February 3rd, isn’t it?”

“… Did you do a background check?”

“It’s a background check. I just found out everything about

Ms. Leah out of love.”

His smile, which rose smoothly, was somehow sinister.

‘No, I think the background investigation is correct…?’

Leah tilted her head and left the greenhouse with Dillion.

The clock bell rang in the mansion to indicate when time had
passed like this, 1:00 in the morning.
“By the way, I think it was an exchange, not a gift, to Mr.

his birthday, scratched her cheek.

I was fed up with the precious ring that cost several times
more than the one I gave.

“Next time, I’ll give you something so good that Mr. Dillion
will surprise you.”

Surprised by the sincerity revealed unconsciously, Leah shut

her mouth.

‘Did I think until now?’

Naturally, the moment Leah was embarrassed by the

promise of next year, Dillian, who quickly noticed her heart,
blocked the way out.

“I look forward to it.”

As if I had already received a present for next year, seeing

my favorite Dillion, I thought, what would it be like?
‘Yeah, I’m going to surprise Dillion with a better present next

As much as I was surprised.

That was when I was about to say hello to Dillian, who had
taken me to the bedroom.

“Tomorrow, I will go down to Sinise’s estate.”

“Suddenly? Did something happen?”

He’s never been away, so did something big happen?

Dillian shook his head at Leah’s worried face.

“It’s my grandfather’s birthday soon, so we should stop by.”

“Grandfather? Is your grandfather there?”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that your health has deteriorated recently,

but you’re still alive and well.”

“… Why didn’t you tell me?”

Leah was shocked when she heard the news for the first

I thought I had no family, but was my grandfather alive?

“I am not very close to my grandfather. The last time I saw

them was three years ago, so I’m done.”

It’s been a long time since we’ve been treated like people
who don’t exist .

“But when you hear the news of your engagement, you tell
them to come down to the territory.”

If it’s because of the engagement news, doesn’t it mean that

you should come with your fiancée?

“Maybe, me too…?”

“yes. We’ll take this opportunity to do it all at once.”

Lia opened her mouth to Dillion, who spoke lightly as if she

had finished a game mission.
“You don’t have to worry. Think of it as going on a
honeymoon tour, and go there lightly.”

“It’s not light at all….”

It’s a sudden in-law’s house, so it can’t be light.

9 . What Happened In The Duke

I backed away from the busy people.

“It’s noisy in the morning.”

“It’s the first time in three years, so there must be a lot of


Suddenly that day had come. The day we go to Sinai’s


“It’s a good weather for a trip, but it’s a little hot.”

“I know.”

Whatever the weather, it was mid-April, and the sun was

very strong.
My eyes were dazzled by the blazing sun.

‘What kind of person is your grandfather?’

Are you cold like Dillion? Or is he a very strict and clumsy


I don’t know for sure, but it seemed to have a similar feeling

to Dillian.

“Is it okay….”


A shadow fell before my eyes. When he raised his head,

Dillian, who had shaded his hand, laughed silently.

When he looked up, he saw the cufflinks on the ends of his

white sleeves.

“Did you do it right?”

“Who gave it to you? Of course I should.”

I grabbed Dillian’s hand and looked at his sleeve.

bright place, the more dazzling ruby went well with Dillion.

“You are pretty. Fit well.”

“I’m going to do it every day.”

Dillian took off the jacket he always wore, wondering if he

wanted to brag about the present I gave him, and looked
excited like a child.

‘It is worthwhile to spend all of my fortune.’

After a moment of pride, I got on the carriage and sighed.

“It’s a long way, so I’m already worried.”

“I will use the portal as before, so it will be soon. When you

arrive at the estate, it will take an hour by horse-drawn
carriage, so it won’t be too difficult.”

It was as Dillian had said.

Using the portal, we entered Sinai’s territory in an instant,
then we changed carriages again and moved towards the
Duke’s Castle.

“The scenery is really nice.”

Nathan burst into admiration at the tranquil scenery different

from the capital.

“If I lived in a place like this, I would be happy to live.”

Nathan said that it is better to go to a place that is more

nature-friendly than a tall, tall building.

“Lea, do you want to live here next time?”

“It’s okay to enjoy your honeymoon at Sinais Castle.”

“not. Leah, it’s not good here. Let’s go west.”

“Then it wouldn’t be a bad idea to stay in a villa in Therium

region. It’s right in front of the sea, so it’s perfect for a cool
“Why do you keep hitting candles!”

“You must not disturb and keep your mouth shut.”

today , leaving the two of them arguing behind me, I

moistened my dry lips at the peacock in the distance.

The moment the carriage stopped in front of the castle, my

heart started beating like it was about to jump out of my

“Lia, are you nervous?”


It’s a day to see Dillian’s family. That’s a big adult!

I couldn’t help but be nervous.

Because of that, neither the people who welcomed Dillion

and me nor the grand greetings came into my eyes.

And finally, he appeared.

“Are you here, Dillian?”

The huge imprint that appeared in front of us turned my

head white as if it had been poured with bleach.

Sera whispered quietly next to her.

“This is Terje Sinise-sama.”

“That one…?”

The image of Terje Sinise I had in mind was a strict old

gentleman. I was thinking of a little old man….

‘What is that muscle? what….’

The assertive muscle twitched every time Terje moved.

His taut muscles were pulled tight as if his shirt was about
to burst.

If I applied a little more force there, it felt like my shirt would

Episode 88.

‘Live and live, I see all the shirt torture….’

I looked at Terje with a blank expression on my face, then

quickly captured my expression and lowered my head.

“Nice to meet you. Mr Terje. My name is Leah Delis. It is an

honor to meet you.”

Then, the gaze that was staring at Dillion turned to me.

Red eyes that looked just like Dillian looked me up and

down. It was full of displeasure.

“You’re engaged.”

“Yes, yes.”
When Dillian answered my hand while holding my hand,
Terje’s eyes softened even more.

‘Teeing, I can’t accept someone like you as a grandchildren!’

It was these eyes.

Hey, I don’t want to be grandpa’s granddaughter-in-law, do

I? This is definitely a contract.

Words I couldn’t bear to say ran through my mouth.


Kicking the tongue was also full of power.

The pressure on my shoulders was enormous. Even I, who

had gone through all the antenatal care in Wilhelm, was to
the point of shuddering.

“All this old lady is dying and she can’t even see her nose, so
bring a woman? Is that also how you get engaged?”

world pressed down on his shoulders.

“If I was engaged, I should have told this old lady first. Ugly!”

“Are you talking now?”

At that blunt answer, Terje grabbed the back of his neck, and
heck! made a sound

“Hey, you goyan bastard!”

“I see you screaming, you’re fine.”

In fact, Dillian was okay, but I was in a rush to pay attention

to myself.

‘Yeah, how angry you must be.’

It is not enough that he alone decided on the important

matter of engagement, and that person is a commoner who
does not even know the basics.

In addition, Terje Sinise is a true noble. I would have never

even imagined that commoners would have grandchildren.

‘But I can’t even call this a fake engagement.’

It seemed like I was going to get hurt twice, no, ten times as
I said it.

I rolled my eyes at Therze and Dillian’s sparkly confrontation.

‘No, because my grandfather is all dying? You seem healthier

than me…?’

He corrected it for saying that everyone died with his own

mouth. too straight up

It was a force that was punished enough to immediately

jump into the war and cut off the general’s head.

It was a time when people got tired of fighting like a Mobius

strip, where Therese was angry and Dillian only exacerbated
his anger.

“Father, calm down. Blood pressure rises again. Please stop

scratching your insides.”

A middle-aged gentleman appeared out of nowhere and

intervened between the two of them to mediate the fight.
As she narrowed her eyes to the strangely familiar face, Sera
whispered, who suddenly pulled herself back again.

“You are Marquis Trisio.”

Trisio? Harris’ father? So, Dillian’s uncle?

When asked with her eyes, Sarah nodded her head.

“There was also a marquis.”

“long time no see. majesty.”

“The Marquis couldn’t have come alone, they must have all

“Yes, all of the vassals have arrived, except for Earl Blent.”

Anyway, it seems that Lexter didn’t come.

“Everyone must have been excited about biting me.”

As I rolled my eyes next to Dillian, who was dripping with

arsenic, my eyes met with Terje.
Terje, who came to his senses late, coughed in vain and
captured his expression.

“… Rest in peace.”

After saying everything you want to say, you want to come

and rest in peace? With the disgruntled eyes as they are?

I don’t know if you know how the nobles speak.

I answered with a soft smile, hiding my trembling heart.

“Thank you for the hospitality.”

“Big, big.”

Terjee straightened his neck, wondering if he was concerned

about my gentle reaction.

“Then I’ll see you at dinner.”

Marquis Trisio, who bowed his head at me, supported Terje

and fled.
With a smile on my lips as if a convulsion was about to
occur, I barely lowered the corners of my lips. He rubbed the
corners of his throbbing lips.

“It’s loud once in a while.”

I didn’t do anything and I’m already tired.

“I didn’t know my grandfather would come out so strong, but

it’s my fault.”

“it’s okay.”

It’s because I’m a little tired, but I didn’t feel bad or upset
because of Therze.

‘Is it so obvious?’

I was surprised at how quiet I was.

And when I was in a situation where I was comforting Dillian,

I thought I would burst out laughing.

My bedroom was next to Dillian.

I don’t know if it was considering the prospective couple or if

it was Dillian’s breath, but it was fortunate for me.

Breathing a sigh of relief, as I took off my coat, a large hand

grabbed my hand.

“If you are anxious, should I use a herbal medicine?”

When he came, Dillian whispered to me.

“It seems that the intentions are impure.”

“Am I?”

Pretending to be innocent, his blinking eyes were disgusting.

Right now, I just got hit yesterday, where are you pretending
to be innocent?
I lowered my voice as I looked at the wide open bedroom

“Just hold my hand and go to sleep. You know this is the

most unreliable thing to say, right?”

know what to do Dillian shrugged his shoulders when he was

very wary.

“I never said that I sleep holding hands.”


“So it’s not unreasonable. I plan to do it all.”

“Are you serious?”

“I’m getting better at Lia as the days go by, so it’s not

enough just to hold hands now.”

His hand, which covered the back of my hand, climbed up


‘Is this man crazy? What are you doing in broad daylight?’
Dillian hugged her waist and pressed her lips to my ear.

“I’ve been doing this for a while. There are many eyes to

The hand that was pushing Dillian’s chest stopped.

“… Are we being watched?”

“I doubt our engagement is real.”

“Did you notice that it was fake?”

“It’s a habitual suspicion. It’s impossible for people to

assume that I would have been engaged to someone with all
my heart in my heart.”

I rolled my eyes with my chin resting on Dillian’s shoulder.

Out of the wide open bedroom door, a user met his eyes.
Then he bowed his head in surprise.

Somehow, when I said that the atmosphere and gaze were
very different from when I was in the capital city’s mansion,
were you monitoring me?

I buried my face in Dillion’s shoulder and whispered to him

to hide his wrinkled eyes.

“What if I get caught?”

“It’s a breakup.”


If the marriage breaks up, I have nothing to regret, right?

Was that feeling too revealing? Suddenly, Dillian bit the nape
of my neck.

“Ugh! What, what did you do!”

Dillian raised his head as he slapped him on the shoulder in

surprise. His crooked lips showed his mood.

“I like it so much, it’s not that simple.”

“Well, if it becomes a problem, how much does it cost?”

“You will be imprisoned in a dungeon for deceiving an older

man from the venerable Sinais family.”

“… Shall we go together?”

“Mr. Leah is alone.”

this crazy I pretended to hug Dillian and pinched his side.

“Why, I’m the only one coming in…!”

that we will be together for the rest of our lives Of course we

should go to jail together!

“I am a peacock.”

“Dirty class society, dirty class society!”

“So, let’s do our best not to get caught.”

Dillian, who was smiling as he looked at my wrinkled face

from grinding his teeth, kissed his cheek.
“Then see you in the evening.”

A look of joy flashed on his face, which was slowly moving


“Girl, I’ll be out too. Call me if you need it.”

blushed in the strange atmosphere and ran away.

“It’s going to be like this….”

When he was muttering while covering the cheeks that were

bitten by Dillian and his lips one by one, a shout flew in like a

“Leah. Be honest. Guys, what happened!”

“What, what! There was none!”

“Look at you now and tell me. There is nothing.”

Nathan’s eyes narrowed and he looked around me. If they

saw even a small gap, they had the momentum to attack
I quickly put my hand down and pretended not to know.

“Damn, Nathan, have you been quiet today?”

Nathan, who raised his eyebrows as he spoke the story,


“As soon as I see your face, an old gentleman named Terje is

spitting fire.

“It is.”

Nathan snorted in excitement.

“I am grateful to meet Dillian and bowing down is not


“From your point of view, you won’t like it because you’re not
a noble daughter-in-law.”

“But it is! How many times have you saved Dillion!”

Nathan, who was running around the bed in anger,

immediately patted my shoulder with his wings.
“Lea, there has always been parental opposition in all
romances. This is the opposite of my grandfather, but the
situation is similar.”

“It is not.”

“Lea! overcoming adversity. And you win!”

Nathan , a romance novelist who was drenched in the

current situation, raised her wings toward the ceiling.

“Let’s defeat Grandpa and win love and Dillion!”

“Is your grandfather a villain? to defeat it?”

“That’s what it means, to win his heart!”

“Sometimes you say you don’t like Dillion.”

“That is it, and this is this. Don’t worry. You just have to
follow my advice.”

I nodded as I watched Nathan devise an unknown plan.

Yes, the genre is ropan, but there is also Sea World, and so

And according to the rules of Ropan soup, I will capture


So I started to nurture vain dreams.

I don’t even know how many obstacles await me.

Episode 89.


When Dillian and Lia were flirting in front of the bedroom,

the vassals heard the news that something had happened
and gathered together and opened their mouths.

The woman, with her red hair dangling, chewed a cigarette

and asked.

“The peacock has come? The guy who hasn’t even seen his
nose for three years?”

Bianca Greta, the headmaster of Count Greta, exhaled, white

smoke scattered in the air.
“Yeah, he came with his fiance. I barely stopped fighting with
my father.”

Lloyd Trisio remembered the situation and shook his head.

“It seems that our duke is finally planning to get married. So

Lloyd. Which local nobility are you from?”

“It’s commonplace.”

“What? commons?”

For a brief moment, Bianca with a cigarette in her mouth

was chattering and laughing.

“Is that Dillion a commoner? A masterpiece.”

“Count Greta, keep the body.”

A woman with her indigo hair pulled up bruised Bianca.

Gisele Justin, who had an impression that was in stark

contrast to Bianca, frowned, saying it was vulgar.
Bianca snorted at Giselle’s bruise, and smoked at her.

“Giselle, you are so boring. Didn’t your son say you weren’t


It was Lloyd Trisio who mediated the atmosphere where a

fight was about to break out at any moment.

“Stop fighting.”

Guess who’s not the Sinai people.

Not everyone was normal.

“By the way, why is Lexter Blent so late?”

Bianca tilted her head towards the empty Lexter’s seat, and
Giselle grabbed her flabby forehead and answered.

“I think you are not going to attend because you are sick.”

Bianca crossed her arms behind her back and placed her
hands on her head.

“Then let’s check out who the new hostess is.”

Bianca’s eyes flashed with interest.


There are four vassals in the Duke of Sinais.

The Marquis Trisio of the North.

Count Greta of the East.

Count Justin of the South.

Count Brent of the West .

They thoroughly excelled in their field.

First of all, Marquis Trisio.

It has a history as old as Sinise, and it is a place where

defense tactics are superior to offense.

They showed strong defense like an iron wall, and they were
called Sinai’s Shield, which prevents barbarians from
invading and protects the territory.

Conversely, there are places that show the best attack

power with the tactic of ‘the best defense is attack.’

That’s Count Greta.

If Trisio is Sinise’s shield, Greta is Sinise’s sword.

It is a family run by a female headman from generation to


Next up is Count Justin.

military family, Count Justin was in charge of the finances of

the Sinai estate.
It was no exaggeration to say that most of Synize’s operating
funds came from this.

It is said that he has an excellent eye for money, and an eye

that is passed on from generation to generation is said to be
the best person.

Finally, Count Brent.

Like Justin, he was in charge of finance, but since Lexter

became California, he is said to have expanded his feet into
the military domain.

“Any more questions?”

As I wrote down the characteristics of each vassal, I shook

my head.

“I think just knowing this is enough.”

I checked the characteristics of each family and heard a brief

description of the family, so this was enough.

At least you can figure out who is who.

“Then will we all meet for dinner?”

“If you feel uncomfortable, you can refuse, but it will be

easier to see and remove it at once.”

If it wasn’t now, Dillian clicked his tongue, saying that he’d

be bothered with strange excuses.

I completely agree with that opinion.

Despite the contract, I am in the position of a preliminary


It was clear that he could hear all the sounds of a high nose,
that he had already heard the wind, and that he could not be
a commoner because of this.

“If someone attacks me, Mr. Dillian has to block everything.”


“Please make sure to stop the attack from Terje.”

“If you say anything useless, I will throw it all away.”

“Don’t overturn it.”

To get rid of it in front of the biggest elders and vassals in

the house.

If it was someone else, I would feel like a rude person, but

Dillian was reassuring.

He was scary when he became an enemy, but when he

became an ally, he was such a strong person.

“I’ll come pick you up when I’m ready.”

As Dillian left, Sarah quickly returned and laid out her

dresses on the bed.

“Tonight, I’ll make Leah the main character.”

Sera clenched her fists and flared up.

“Sera. Perfectly, never to be fooled by anyone. Don’t ignore

it! got it?”

“Of course, Nathan-sama!”

“It looks so cheesy. Bring me a blue dress.”

“You have such good eyesight, that’s exactly what I was

hoping for!”

Stuck between the two eagerly choosing a dress, I quietly

pulled earplugs from my bag and put them in my ears.


The restaurant, which had been noisy with chatter, quickly

subsided with my appearance.

Silence lingered in the hall.

Eyes of different colors stared at me sharply.

My eyes twitched at the feeling of being a caged monkey.

‘That’s why I tried to come quickly.’

After all, I’m the last one to appear. Time was delayed by the
heated discussion between Sarah and Nathan.

‘I know it’s strange, can you tell me something?’

Having decided to end the endless search battle, I formally

greeted Terje and his three vassals.

“This is Leah Delis. It is an honor to meet you all.”

At my greeting, Terje nodded and turned away.

It was the marquis who ended the situation that would have
been embarrassing.

“This is Lloyd Trisio. nice to see you.”

Then, a woman with red hair hanging like a lion’s mane

smiled wildly and held out her hand.

“This is Bianca Greta. Have a good day.”

I shook my hand up and down with a terrific grip as I shook

my hand at the friendly greeting.
“Do you have calluses? You seem to have dealt with
weapons rather than calluses of life, what is it?”

“that is….”

Before I could answer, a sharp horse flew from Count Greta’s


“The scars and calluses on the hands of the woman who will
become the future hostess of Sinai. ttt.”

I kept my mouth shut as the noodles flew fiercely.

‘It’s bloody, it’s bloody.’

Her indigo hair was pulled tightly and tied in a ponytail,

which spoke of her personality.

She said without hiding her dissatisfied look.

“It’s Gisele Justin.”

That was it.

The head of the Justin family never spoke a word.

Since you said hello, I said hello too. That was it.

“Sit down.”

As if he had been waiting as he sat down at Terje’s horse,

the dishes began to fill the table.

I timidly swallowed the dish at the supreme feast of the


‘Crazy, delicious….’

When this happens, they say you don’t know whether the
rice goes into your nose or your mouth, isn’t it bullshit?

Or am I indifferent? Or was it that it was so delicious that it

even suppressed the tension?

of mine , but the level of peacock food was higher.

‘This recipe, I want to get.’

He wanted to sneak into the kitchen and steal.

Dillian asked softly as he saw the corners of my mouth that

had melted in the heavenly taste I tried for the first time.

“it’s delicious?”

With a fork in my mouth, I nodded eagerly.

“Can I give you more?”

“I’m eating, Mr. Dillian. This is really delicious. I absolutely

love Mr. Dillian.”

The clean, uncluttered, light taste was just what Dillian liked.

soggy sogon . As he whispered so only he could hear it,

Dillian’s face softened.

“Then I must eat.”

Yep, I nodded my head when I heard a squeak next to me.

When he turned his head to find the source of the sound,
Terje was looking at Dillian with a face that had even seen a

“What did I see….”

Bianca muttered to herself and rubbed her eyes.

Lloyd and Giselle didn’t show much to protect their torso, but
they showed signs of surprise.

“Stop staring at me and eat.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha! it’s real Yes, this is fun.”

Bianca burst out laughing as she looked at me and Dillian in


She was as ferocious and unstoppable as she looked.

Nara was only interested in the existence of the country, but

it seemed that she did not pay much attention to the fact
that I was a commoner.
“Bianca. stop laughing and eat Excuse me Miss Delis.”

Of these, Marquis Trisio was the most favorable to me.

Far from ignoring me as a commoner, she treated me

perfectly as a preliminary duchess.

Because of his gentlemanly demeanor and Harris-like face,

he felt strangely friendly.

And Giselle….

“Your dining etiquette is bad.”

It was strictness itself. I was just blown away by the sharp

point and cold eyes like a teacher.

“Don’t be too harsh with your attitude. Where are you going
to die if you say it’s wrong?”

“Don’t vomit, Bianca. You have to be straight.”

Bianca was disgusted with the nagging that was pouring

towards me, and she straightened her back.
‘Ah, that type is the most uncomfortable.’

I’d rather deal with Terjee. It was very uncomfortable for the
one who tried to teach each other by making a fuss.

“If you are the hostess of Sinise, you should definitely know
the etiquette. I will teach you not to become someone on
your birthday.”

It’s finally here. Can’t you refuse? That was the time when I
was swallowing saliva from the burden.

“I haven’t even gotten married yet, but that’s an


Dillian, who ran to the front line, blocked my way.

“If manners are so important, wouldn’t it be better to tell

Count Greta next to him?”
Episode 90.

“I don’t know why I was suddenly dragged out…. You are

right. As an adult, I have to set an example.”

Dillian’s sudden attack might make him feel bad, but Bianca
smiled broadly.

“It would be nice to have some time together for the two of
us after a long time.”

Giselle bit her lip in dismay as the hand wrapped around my


Terje, who was watching this, helped with a word.

“Then what do the three of us do? Teaching the two of them

separately is too cumbersome, so taking this opportunity to
learn together and get to know each other is not a bad

“If you are like your grandfather, do you think you can get
along with adults who are more than 20 years apart? I ignore
them as commoners, but I will get along well.”


Terjee, who did not receive my greetings properly, coughed

in vain, wondering if he was stabbed.

“I heard that Lia’s manners are very offensive, so I will eat

separately from now on.”

“… okay. Do as you please.”

In the end, due to Dillian’s strong attitude, Terje raised both


But there were still those who did not give up.

“It’s not that Miss Delis is speechless, but I think your

Highness may be too meddling.”
“I see him trying to bite Leah from time to time, but I can’t
just sit around and watch him since he’s a fiance. and Count
Justin. Are you trying to teach me now?”

“… no.”

Also, the power is supreme. I put my thumb under the quiet

table so that only Dillion was visible.

Not only did you stop Terje and Giselle, but in the future, you
will be able to eat separately.

‘Mr. Dillian, the best!’

Hearing my heart, Dillion smiled softly.

“Come on, try this too.”

As promised, the meal time was peaceful thanks to Dillian’s

good protection.

After a satisfying meal, it was time to finish dinner with

Bianca asked abruptly.

“What did Miss Delis do in the first place?”

No malice was felt. It was pure curiosity.

That’s why Dillion didn’t stop me, and I didn’t avoid

answering either.

“He was a herbalist.”

“A herbalist? So, do you know about medicinal herbs?”

Interest, curiosity, and strange anticipation flashed on

Bianca’s face.

‘Why do you expect so much?’

Even though I was skeptical, I answered diligently.

“It may sound conceited, but unless it’s a newly discovered

herb, we all know it.”
Bianca rubbed her chin in response to my confident answer
and stabbed Giselle with her elbow.

“Giselle, please take a look at your son. It might cure you.”

“Put your arms away. And you mean to entrust our precious
heir to a commoner who doesn’t know the origins?”

Bianca’s friendly atmosphere subsided as if it had been

poured with cold water.

“Yeah, you weren’t a commoner. Even the great doctors

couldn’t fix it, how much interest…!”

The dazzling snow blew me away.

It was the moment when I felt bad at the look in my eyes as

if I was a germ.


The sharp noise of tableware hitting Giselle cut off the tail of
her horse.
Then all eyes turned to Dillian.

“Count Justin. Before you insult my fiancé for not knowing

the root, how about examining your conduct?”


“It doesn’t matter if I treat your son the same way.”

A cold, subdued voice echoed in the hall.

Red eyes gleamed eerily. It looked calm, but it felt like

Giselle was about to be torn apart by the swirling whirlpool

“It’s rude. majesty!”

“It’s rude, it’s hard for someone who values manners so

much to make fun of their mouths.”

His wildly twisted lips twitched towards Giselle.

“Shouldn’t you be a role model for your one and only son?
little by little, little by little. Giselle’s hand holding the teacup
trembled with anger.

I swallowed my breath as my face, which was dyed red and

about to explode at any moment.

‘It was a big deal. The atmosphere is ruined.’

I stretched my dry lips and looked around.

“If you want to hear people say that you are a commoner,
you have no roots, or that you are of a lowly birth, you can
keep talking wherever you go.”

“Stop it, Dillian. Giselle is said to have a lower title than you,
but she is a senior in life. Would it be okay if I gave you a
face like that?”

“If you are a senior, shouldn’t you act like a senior? And I
have to tell you for sure. What will happen if you make fun of
your mouth?”

After speaking, Dillian smiled softly. But the eyes were not
smiling at all.
Giselle doesn’t know what I know.

The atmosphere became colder rather than relaxed.

“… My lord, do this.”

In the end , it was Giselle who bowed her head first.

“I was a little excited about my son. Miss Delis, I’m sorry.”

“no. it’s okay.”

It should have been okay if it wasn’t okay.

I quickly waved my hand in the bloody atmosphere that

made my skin throb.

“Stop it, Mr. Dillian. Because I am fine.”

I quickly grabbed his hand as the spout of Hell started to

attack Gisele again.

“Miss Delis is right. Why are you fighting in a good place?”

Bianca, who dug without missing a gap, clapped her hands
and evoked the atmosphere.

“If you were a herbalist, would you like to see flowers, trees,

I nodded my head coldly, wishing it was this time.

“yes. I also like to plant greenhouses and gardens.”

“It’s what Leah does best.”

As the cold Dillian flew in the sky again like the spring
breeze, everyone looked at him with trembling eyes.

Meanwhile, there was someone who paid attention to me.

“A garden?”

When Terje showed interest for the first time, I stood up and
answered confidently.

“Yes, no matter where you put it, you can be proud of your
modesty? what is that. I even got special tutoring from
Aaron, who has the most beautiful greenhouse in the Empire,
or in the world.

At my confident words, Terje rubbed his chin. I glanced at his

muscular arms for a moment, then quickly made eye contact
with him.

No matter how you look at it, it was a body that didn’t fit.

“I’m curious because you say you have excellent skills. I’m
going to talk about it in the garden tomorrow, but how about

The first time I missed the timing to reply by surprise at

Terje, who showed me a favor.

Dillian hit the player without missing the opportunity.

“I do that. Lia, I’ll take a look.”

“That guy….”

“Surely, I don’t plan on marrying her.”

“What does this guy see me as…!”

I was caught between Terje and Dillian and smiled



“Lea, how was your meal? Is there anyone who is harassing


Returning to the bedroom, exhausted, I waved my hand at

Nathan, who was spinning around me.

“Don’t talk. Do you know what happened?”

I brought Nathan and Sarah vividly about what happened in

the restaurant.

“Probably because of Master Dante.”


“Giselle has a son, and he is Master Dante Justin.”

“I see.”

Giselle deserved to be angry. Where in the world can a

mother stand still after hearing her son curse?

Sarah lowered her voice and whispered, knowing that she

was well aware of the existence of the child who was at the
center of the controversy.

“That’s it too, but Master Dante’s situation is not very good. I

heard that you are having a lot of trouble because of a
chronic disease you have been suffering from since you were
young. They say they haven’t found any cure yet. Because of
that, Giselle-sama will be very sensitive.”


I’m not a doctor, and I just told the herbalist to show it to me,
so I might have thought that Giselle was making fun of me.
‘If you see that Dillian has accepted that he has no
fundamentals, is his father a commoner?’

I don’t know what the situation was, but Giselle, the mother,
was in a situation where her eyes would turn.

It also attacked my sick son.

‘But he was the one who attacked first.’

Giselle didn’t like me from the beginning.

If I were a noble, would you say that to my face?

Absolutely not. I wouldn’t have said it openly if I went behind

them and talked to each other.

‘It’s a good thing that Dillian took my side.’

If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have been able to even speak

because of my identity.

“It would be better if I didn’t bump into Giselle-sama.”

“I think so. I’ll keep my mouth shut in front of Dillion, but I
don’t know what to do behind the scenes.”

“I will find out about Giselle-sama’s schedule right now. I will

plan a route to avoid it as much as possible.”

I wanted to do something like this, but it was better to avoid

it as it would cause trouble after bumping into Giselle.

‘It’s only the first day, and you must be so tired already.’

A week at the Duke’s Castle didn’t seem like it would be

easy .


When Leah was getting information about Giselle from

Nathan and Sarah,

Dillian was captured by Terje.

“What if I give Giselle so much empathy in front of

“Can’t you see my fiancée, who was ignored and ignored in

my grandfather’s eyes?”

“Isn’t that a very wrong statement?”

Dillian shed arsenic at Terje’s behavior of turning his head

and ignoring him.

I’m not saying it’s wrong, it was the best bullshit I’ve heard
this year.

“A person with a narrow vision is so generous to Count

Justin, who had a premarital pregnancy.”


“My father said he was a commoner.”

“The secrets of Count Justin are hidden by those who hid it
so tightly and married a nobleman with a title.”

“Stop it!”

Terje got up from his seat.

In the past, the gigantic body that ruled the world swelled
up. His shirt felt like it was about to burst with excitement.

Dillian looked at Therze’s reddened face and smiled.

Episode 91.

There was a time when that face was scary.

In my distant childhood, which I can’t even remember

anymore, Terje’s words were law and country.

But, how about now?

“Warn the Count. If you say one more nonsensical word out
of my mouth, I will not stand still.”

Terjee didn’t change at all compared to those days, but he

himself has changed.

got stronger Enough to protect what’s precious to me.

nonsense, no one can resist.

“You idiot!”

“When was it normal?”

“I lost my memory, who spread such nonsense!”

what to lose The grandchild I met after 3 years would have

become more vicious if it had become more vicious, and
there was no sign of loss of memory or mildness at all.

“Who is that? I lost my memory.”

“That’s it. You are very fine! What the hell was this bastard
Lexter talking about?”

Tttttttttttttt, Terje clicked his tongue.

Because I had lost my memory, I thought something big was

going to happen, but I was worried about it.

“Do you believe him?”

“ Yeah, I’m an idiot. Just come, it will be very frustrating.”

“If you can come.”

I assure you, Lexter won’t come. If you come, your neck will
be blown away, but if you know that your life is precious, you
will be hiding and aiming for a room.

“I mean, you guys, Dylian, don’t let Lexter go wild, and keep
things tidy.”

come now? Who let Lexter go wild?

My grandfather is indeed a contradictory person.

“I’m not going to do that anyway, so please don’t disturb


“I’m going to give Gisele something special, so don’t make a

fuss inside for nothing.”

“Unless Earl Justin touches me first, I have no intention of

touching it first.”

“I will not touch you because I am a child who knows your

nature well.”
Therese seemed convinced, but well.

Will Giselle be able to stand still according to Therze’s will?

I could put Nathan’s eyebrows on the fact that it wasn’t



A bright full moon descended on the fluffy child’s face.

Giselle, who was looking at her lovely face in her sleep,

stretched out her hand.


Dante groaned as the hand stroking her cheek.

There was a brief smile on his pale, bloodless face .

“My poor baby. Mom will take care of you.”

There was no exact name for Dante’s chronic disease.

For no apparent reason, he had a fever, vomited blood, and


Neither the best doctors in the empire nor the priests could
cure the child.

“Yeah, I had to go see the high priest that day.”

Leah enters the Great Hall as much as she likes to go to a

friend’s house and meets Aaron, but she is a person who is
not usually easy to meet.

There was nothing easy about receiving the High Priest’s

blessing or receiving treatment.

He managed to make an appointment with the high priest,

but Dante’s condition deteriorated rapidly and he was unable
to go up to the capital.
Now, the only way was to wait for the High Priest to circulate
and come to the Justin estate.

It seemed like it was all my fault.

I was lacking, so it seemed like the child was ill.

“I’m sorry, Mom.”

Giselle, who was looking at the sleeping son’s face with

anxious eyes, raised her head at the creepy sound.

The large bird perched on the window sill blinked at Dante.

Giselle abruptly got up and drew her sword at the gloomy

energy that passed by the red eyes.

The bird stared at it and opened its mouth.


Giselle raised her eyes at the familiar voice.

“… Lexter?”
There was some noise, but Lexter was certain.

“Where are you doing what? I don’t even know what His
Majesty has done now!”

Giselle’s excited shoulders shook up and down.

“Because of that one woman, to our Dante….”

His contorted face soon turned into a cry.

“Did you get any medicine?”

Then the vial fell from the bird’s mouth.

Giselle hurriedly sat down on the floor and took the medicine
bottle in her arms.

[Take the same as before. It will definitely get better this


“… me, really? Dante, can you be cured?”

[Yeah, I still need to take a few more doses, but it will be
over soon.]

At that moment, Giselle’s face was stained with relief.

All Dante has been able to withstand up to this point was

thanks to the medicine Lexter had given him.

At first he was skeptical, but after taking the medicine,

Dante’s health began to noticeably improve.

With this medicine, Dante will surely get better.

[So you just do what I tell you.]

Giselle nodded and gripped the vial as tightly as a lifeline.


the next day.

I couldn’t get rid of my poison, and I only opened my eyes
when the sun rose in the middle of the sky.

After rolling around on the bed for a while, wriggling like a

caterpillar, I jumped up at Sera’s words.

“Your Majesty had something to do with the estate, so you

and the old man went out early in the morning.”

“Are you out?”


“Then I…?”

Am I not thrown into the middle of the enemy camp right

now? Was it abandoned among the sharks?

“He said he would be back before dinner.”

“… We went to see the garden together.”

I pursed my lips and grunted. Seeing this, Sarah burst into

“Are you sorry?”


“You look sad.”

“… I?”

Realizing that I had made an openly sad tease, I kept my

mouth shut.

“Are you too childish?”


“You keep relying on Mr. Dillion.”

“What exactly….”

“If I can’t see it, I get worried, I keep following it with my

eyes, and I wonder what I’m doing…. That’s it.”

He seemed to depend more and more on Dillian because he

came from an unfamiliar place.
“… Why are you looking at me like that?”

Sera and Nathan, who looked at me with their eyes wide

open, had identical faces, like twins.

“After all, if you look at it, shouldn’t it be like this?”

As I muttered in a hoarse voice, Sera suddenly lit up her eyes

and grabbed my shoulder.

“It’s not going to happen. That’s okay! It’s natural between



“yes! That’s love!

Then Nathan spread his wings and raised his voice.

“What will happen! no way. Leah, I think you need to

cultivate independence.”

“What are you talking about, Nathan! Are you planning to

separate two people who love you well?”

I muttered to myself as I saw the two of them fighting with a

blood stick around their neck.

“… love?”

My eyes in the mirror shook like an earthquake.

“… What love?”

I? Dillian? No way.

Love is more certain!

If I can’t see you, I care, I miss you, I get angry when I’m with
other women, I just want to see….

Recalling that, I stopped all actions like a broken robot.

What I’ve done so far quickly flashed through my mind.

‘What is the difference between what I did…?’

no. no! You said it was love back then!

princess and Dillian, I looked back at myself and defined the

confused emotions.

I like Dillian. However, this is human affection and affection.

‘And jealousy is something you can do while you’re engaged.

It’s weird that we don’t do anything together!’

I tried to deny it,

“No one kisses me because I’m in love! Even if you say no, it
means that there is a love in the corner of your heart!”

She smashed her forehead into the dressing table as it was

in Sera’s rustic murder.

bang! Serah and Nathan stopped fighting at the sound and

hurriedly approached me.

“Lee, Lia-sama?!”

I smiled as I looked at my red forehead.

That’s nonsense . I’m so tired yeah It’s like being trapped in

an unfamiliar place, so it’s frustrating.

“I need to cool my head. Let’s go for a walk, go for a walk!”


When I heard that Giselle was busy decorating the banquet

hall, I headed straight to the garden.

The spring breeze was warm. Her body was light in her thin

“I really like me. Summer is coming soon.”

“Yeah, time goes really fast.”

The first time I met Dillian was in the middle of winter, but it
felt strange to say that summer is coming soon.

“Personally, Lia thinks the spring bride suits her best, but it’s
too hard to wait until next year. So, I think summer brides are

“Sera, I think you went too far alone.”

“A beautiful wedding on the beach…. So romantic….”

As if in a dream, Sarah clasped her hands with an ecstatic


I fell in love with her realistic explanation.

As if a video was playing, a scene popped into my mind.

The blue sea, hair blowing in the cool breeze, the

surroundings decorated with flowers, and shouts bursting

And Dillian in a tuxedo….

“it’s crazy!”

I quickly brushed my hair.

intense reaction, Sarah trembled with her eyes bright.

“Who would like to receive the bouquet? Is there anyone

near Lia who will get married soon?”

“Sera, please….”

I think I’m going to die of shame. Once conscious of it, Dillion

kept coming to mind.

As I chewed my lips, I suddenly noticed something strange.

“Nathan, why are you so quiet?”

It was strange that Nathan, who should have shouted before

anyone else, was quiet.
Episode 92.

“Are you sick?”

“It hurts, but for a reason, you treat me like a normal pet

Nathan lowered his voice and whispered.

This time, as if he had come up with a strange plan, Nathan

kept his mouth shut and started ‘Tell me with your eyes.’

“Lea, this is the garden.”

Following Sarah’s guidance, I walked into the garden and

opened my mouth at the sight unfolding in front of me.

It wasn’t admiration, it was lamentation.

“How can it be so similar to the duke’s residence in the


I swallowed my saliva at the same sight as if I had copied

and pasted it.

“It is still decorated. It’s a mess.”

Nathan couldn’t stand it either, so he clicked his tongue low

enough that only me could hear it.

“I planted it so randomly, who is this?”

A sigh came out of the flowers planted in such a mess that

there was no rule to be found.

“You are old.”


“Yes, you say you like flowers. The gardens and greenhouses
are the places I pay special attention to.”
“Is this?”

“That’s right. They say you like to decorate.”

“… Somehow, without rules, it seemed like a free work of


I quickly corrected what I had said.

“I have to learn something from Terje.”

When Sera was giving meaningless compliments until she

looked at me with a sad expression, I heard a squeak from

“… Black.”

This small, soft sound was definitely the voice of a child.

“Sera, can you hear me?”

“Yes, it sounds like a baby crying.”

I listened and focused on the sound. As I followed the sound,
the crying grew louder and louder.

the road, I met the eyes of a small child.


The rabbit-like eyes looked up at me and blinked.

“Who are you?”

The child, who had been kneeling on the floor, was wary and

I looked at Sarah with indigo hair reminiscent of Giselle.

‘no way? Is that the boy?’

When asked with her eyes, Sarah nodded her head saying
the answer was correct.

Meanwhile, the vigilant child turned around to see if he was

going to run away.
“Master Dante, this is Leah Delis.”

As if Sarah’s calm voice could be heard, Dante, who had

moved away, ran to me in amazement.

“… Hello, Duchess. My name is Dante Justin.”

As if he had heard of my news, Dante bowed down and

greeted me politely.

A smile appeared on her lips at that cute look.

‘It’s completely different from Giselle.’

Seeing the lovely figure, I bent my knees and made eye

contact with Dante.

“I’m not even a Duchess yet. Please feel free to speak.”

“Then, dear Dellis…?”

“I’m not Young-ae, just call me whatever you like. Except for
the title duchess.”
I smiled kindly and asked, looking at the feathers protruding
from Dante’s hand.

“Why were you crying, Master?”

Dante reached out to my question.

On a small, tender palm, a sparrow was bleeding and

breathing heavily.

As if the end was near, the squeaky body slowly lost its

“When I came, it had already been bitten by a fox….”

The child who had barely stopped crying burst into tears

“I want to go quickly and treat you, but I’m lost…. you will die
for me ugh.”

not. Even if Dante found his way to the infirmary, he couldn’t

save this little bird.
I might be able to hold my breath for a little while, but I’d be
dead in the end.

Dante, unaware of this fact, wept bitterly, wondering if he

thought the bird would die because of him.

Tears like chicken dung fell from his big eyes.

It was uncomfortable to see the little child crying to the point

that his face was swollen.

“Can you treat me? Then, will you stop?”

“Chi, can you cure it?”

Then Nathan whispered quietly in my ear.

“It’s good to treat you, but wouldn’t it be better to hide it in

front of that child? It’s not good to show your skills in the
enemy line.”

“It is, but…. I’m going to run out of breath over there. I’m not
feeling well, can’t I just do it enough to ease my worries?”
Seeing his tearful face, Nathan nodded as if his heart had

“… It must be difficult, isn’t it?”

There was a sense of resignation at the end of the muffled


I reached out to Dante.

“Since then, I have a lot of talent.”

Gently stroking Dante’s head, I placed my hand over the

sparrow’s tiny body.

When I released the divine power, Dante didn’t know if he

felt something, but he opened his big eyes wider and looked
at me.

“look at this. You will get well soon.”

The movement under my palms tickled.

As if Dante could feel it, the child’s mouth slowly opened.

“Shall we see?”


As he raised his hand, the sparrow with a prickly face tilted

his head.


“Now, as long as you recover your energy, there will be no


“Great! How did you do it?”

Dante jumped from his seat as he was so happy to save the

sparrow. And he never released the hand that wrapped the

“I did nothing. The master’s earnest heart reached out.”

If I had been an adult, I would have said what kind of

bullshit, but the innocent child was fooled.


Dante smiled happily looking at the sparrow, as he was so

happy that he lived thanks to me.

“Is Leah an angel?”


“Then Goddess?”

“I am an ordinary person.”

“lie! You are a favorite of the wonderful His Majesty, so Leah

is definitely a special person!”

I and Sera burst into laughter at Dante’s cute appearance.

Dante burst into laughter as well, wondering if he liked to

laugh because of me. It’s been a while since laughter flowers
bloomed in the garden.

“Cool, cool!”
Dante coughed harshly.

I thought I heard Sare, but it didn’t seem to be. It was then

that he stretched out his hand, startled by the sharpening of
his breathing.

“what are you doing!”

Giselle with a terrifying face came over and quickly grabbed

Dante in her arms.

The eyes staring at me were full of life.

“No, I….”

“Dante, look at Mom. Does your heart hurt again?”

She cut off the tail to make sure she didn’t even want to
listen to me, and she grabbed Dante’s shoulder and looked
through it thoroughly.

Giselle saw the blood on Dante’s hand, and her face turned
white as if she was about to faint.
“Blood, blood…!”

Giselle took a deep breath, thinking that the sparrow’s blood

had been mistaken for Dante’s blood.

Not being able to breathe properly, it seemed that Giselle

would pass first.

“Not that.”

“What medicine did your mother give you? ate?”

“… No, not yet.”

“My mom told me not to forget to eat. I’m sick because I

don’t take medicine. Let’s start taking medicine right now.”

“Si, I hate it!”

Giselle, half lost in reason, was reluctant to not hear her

child’s voice.

Giselle, who hid Dante behind me, raised her head.

“I don’t know what the trick is, but try approaching my son
one more time. I will not let it go.”

“Calm down, Count, and listen to me.”

“Mom, Duchess, no, not Leah-sama….”

Dante quickly changed the title, but it was after Giselle had
already heard it.

“The Duchess? you! Did you even brainwash my son? Aiming

at the child trickly?”

Giselle slapped me on the shoulder threateningly. Stumbled

for a moment by the stronger force than I expected, I exhaled
a long breath.

“Hey, Count. How about taking a deep breath and calming

the excitement? Let go of this hand.”

I pointed to my wrist, which was so tight that blood couldn’t


He did not interfere in other people’s household affairs.

I knew it was coming, and I knew I couldn’t hear good things.

But I couldn’t pretend that I didn’t know the child was

hurting right in front of me.

“It is the count who makes the master even more sick.”

“I know the state of Dante better!”

“You know, what do you know? Can’t you see it hurts?”

first time I raised my voice, Giselle’s body trembled.

Giselle, who saw Dante’s face at that moment, released her

hands in amazement.

After being freed, Dante looked at my mother for a moment

and ran to me.

Frightened and hiding behind me, Dante cried and cried.

“I hate taking that medicine!”

“Dante you!”
“Mom knows nothing! Why is my mom getting mad at Leah
when she makes me sick all the time! Unlike my mother, Lia-
sama heals even sick birds!”

“How could you say that to your mother…. What did your
mother even do for you? ….”

Giselle muttered in dismay, as if Dante’s words were quite


‘It was a big deal. Those words would have hurt Giselle a lot.’

I was worried about the staggering Giselle, but she didn’t

know the slightest bit of my heart.

In an instant, a brilliance flashed from the eyes that had lost


“Did you seduce my son the same way you seduced Your
Majesty? Exactly what Lexter said. There is no witch. like

Giselle, who was struggling alone in the swamp of delusion,

raised her hand.
‘Are you going to hit me?’

Then I’ll gladly welcome you.

I’m going to go to Dillion and blow it all out. Then you are a

Just when she raised her chin to try, Sarah grabbed her

“Make up your mind. Count Justin.”

Sera, who was cold, put her lips next to Giselle’s ear and

Then Gisele’s face turned red.

“What the hell was your majesty thinking when you brought
these people into your family!”

Giselle, who had shaken Sarah’s hand violently, came closer

and hugged Dante.


Sera approached and asked when she saw that she was
leaving with Dante before it was even dried.

“Lea, what should I do?”

“… Leave it alone. If you meddle here any more, Giselle will

try to kill me.”

I shook my head when I saw Giselle’s back, who couldn’t

control her anger even if she pretended to be.

“He has a great personality, too. right?”

“If I insult Leah one more time, I won’t stay still.”

I blocked Sera’s hand as she slowly pulled out the dagger.

The dagger he took out as a habit was now familiar enough.

“Hold on.”
A mother who has to protect her sick child is always
sensitive and nervous.

It was a moment of anger, but Gisele’s attitude was a

response that was understandable to some extent.

He didn’t like me from the beginning, but his son must have
turned his back on me.

He was more concerned about Dante’s condition.

A little while ago, the energy of Dante, which he felt when

his hands touched, was unusual.

Of course, I didn’t feel anything that should have been there.

Episode 93.

‘This is the first time.’

I don’t have much experience in treating anyone, but I knew

that Dante’s case was not normal.

“Sera. Giselle’s schedule. Can you tell in minutes?”


“Then, find out how long Gisele has been away from Dante.”

Maybe I should see Dante again.

As Sera said, Dillian only returned home in the evening.

As soon as he washed his sweaty body, Dillian went to

Leah’s room and stopped while holding the doorknob at the
sight unfolding in front of him.


“… You have a gorgeous face.”

Leah, who was lying on the bed with sliced cucumbers on

her face, waved her hand.

I thought it was something like this and shook it, but the
sight of her bowing to the completely missed place made me

“why? Is it very strange?”

Leah, who didn’t know what my face looked like because she
couldn’t look in the mirror, fumbled.
“I can’t. There must be more.”

He lowered his hand at Sera’s words, but his fingers on his

stomach twitched as if he was still concerned.

“It’s pretty.”

Dillian, who smiled at that, sat on the bed and reached out
toward her.

“If you opened your eyes and looked at me, you would have
been prettier.”

Dillian lifted the cucumber that was covering his eyes. Leah
frowned at the sudden brightening of her vision.

“Oh, it’s dazzling.”

“Are you still drinking?”

Dillian raised his hand and created a shadow in front of

With her eyes relaxed in the shallow shade, Leah turned her
gaze to look at Dillion.

“Are you very busy today?”

“little? Without Leah, it was even more difficult.”

Leah burst into laughter at Dillian’s weak sound.

“I’m sorry. I had fun.”

“Do you like playing alone?”

Dillian threw the cucumber that covered Leah’s nose. The

blown cucumber stuck to Nathan’s cheek.

“My hair is damp!”

Nathan, who had accidentally put the pack together,

twitched his eyebrows.

Leah pinched her nose at Dillion and wrinkled her eyes.

“Oh, let this go!”

Leah, who was unable to do anything because of the pack,
and her eyes widened, revealed her teeth.

Dillian said, avoiding Leah, who rushed to bite my finger.

“I have to go out tomorrow.”


“It looks like your grandfather made a plan.”

Dillian sighed, saying he was caught up in a nuisance.

Perhaps he was planning to eat Dillian, who came down to

the estate after 3 years, and Terje took him and cut all the
rotten roots in the estate.

It was an annoying situation for Dillian, as he was only

looking at vassals like squirrels in a time when even dating
Leah was not enough.

But when I saw Leah waiting for me, she disappeared like
“Are you having a hard time?”

“It’s too hard, so I’ll have to recharge it with Lia.”

“You look fine?”

A look of suspicion pierced his cheek. Even then, Dillion was


“Lea, it’s over now.”

After removing the pack, Sera trimmed her skin texture and
cleaned up the surroundings.

Leah, who was stretching her stiff neck, looked at the coat
that fell on her shoulder and blinked.

“Why is this?”

“You promised to go see the garden today.”

“Yeah, but it’s night…?”

“He said he was upset that he couldn’t see me.”

how to…. There is only one place for words to leak.

I urgently looked for Sarah, but she had long since left.

“I have to see it, but it’s a pity.”

“I never did. I did it because I had a lot of time to look around

the garden.”

Leah pretended not to know and looked at it. Of course, it

was an excuse that even the seeds wouldn’t work.

“He said he was crying because he missed me so much.”

“What are you talking about! It wasn’t like that! I was just
really curious about the garden, but it was just because we
couldn’t see it together.”

“Ah, it’s a pity I couldn’t see ‘Together’.”

ruined. Leah looked at Dillian’s twitching lips and closed her

eyes tightly.

“We should have seen it together, just the two of us. Yes?”
“… “

“I thought I was the only one thinking about Leah all day, but
I didn’t know you were thinking of me this far.”

“Joe, calm down.”

Leah stepped forward, avoiding Dillion who was hurriedly


Leah, who was staggering backwards, bumped into the bed

and sat down.

Lia screamed silently at Dillion, who was pressing down on


“Tomorrow, I will fill you up with me so you don’t even have

to think about it.”

“Ah! You must be crazy!”

Leah covered her face as she screamed.

Contrary to Lia, who hated her, a playful face whispered in
her ear.

“If you don’t like it, shall we go for a walk?”

“Go! go!”

walk or gymnastics on the moonlit night, everything is fine,

so please just get out of bed.

Leah slammed the door with a blushing face.


Leah, who was worried about Dillian’s words that there was
no need for a lamp, nodded at the bright full moon.

It was so bright that a thief could come in and be caught

right away.
“If the garden was pretty, the atmosphere would be good,
but the atmosphere that was created would be gone.”

Dillian looked at the garden and shook his head.

“Isn’t that what Dylian is talking about?”

At least there are flowers here, but the peacock mansion

was overgrown with weeds.

“It was like that back then, but it was rumored that the
greenhouse in the mansion today is comparable to the
greenhouse in the Daishinkan.”

To say that it was comparable to Aaron’s greenhouse was

the highest compliment.

Leah shuddered at the words that lifted me up.

“Well, I raised Dillian’s eyes.”

“you’re right. I have become a body that I cannot live without

“This is a misleading statement. Please cancel.”

“My world is going back to Mr. Leah.”

“I’m going crazy.”

Dillian burst into a cool laugh at a bowl of thick cursing.

9 o’clock, we were surprised by the loud laughter of passers-

by and looked at us.

“Let’s go.”

We went deep into the garden, avoiding people’s eyes.

Leah, who was looking around at a new place that she had
not seen during the day, pricked her ears.

“Where do you hear the sound of water?”

“I was on my way there anyway.”

The place where Dillian led Leah arrived was the pond in the
“There is a pond…?”

Leah’s mouth opened in the huge pond.

Leah was fascinated by the water transparent enough to see

the bottom of the water and the lotus flowers blooming on it.

“There are carp too!”

Excited, Leah sat down on a stone and pointed at the bottom

of the pond.

Dillian grabbed Leah’s waist in a close-knit position that

would have been lost if not done properly.

“It’s deeper than you think.”

“Yeah, wouldn’t it be about knee-high?”

“The depth that reaches that knee, if you fall from the head,
you will struggle.”

How do you know? Because I’ve seen Lexter missing.

When the Duke and Duchess were alive, they would come
down to the estate every year to celebrate their birthday with

I’ve also met Lexter every time, and I’ve seen him go on tour
every time.

Dillian remembered that it was quite funny, so he moved to a

shallow place in fear of Leah falling.

before, Leah, sitting on a flat rock, asked impulsively.

“Can I soak my feet?”

With the right words, Leah had already taken off her shoes.


“Be careful not to eat koi.”

“It’s so shallow here that carp can’t even come, right?”

Leah, who let out Dillian making fun of me, dipped her feet in
the pond.
Leah’s shoulders trembled in the cold water that made her
bones shiver.

“It would be great to come in the summer.”

“Will it be until summer?”

“Oh, that’s fine. I’m going to choke on my eyes.”

Leah, who was hitting her feet, tilted her head at the gaze
that touched her cheek.


“The other side too.”

Dillian lightly grabbed Leah’s chin and looked over the other

“What did you ask?

“Fortunately, no one was injured.”

“… Did you hear?”

I thought that if Dillian found out, Giselle wouldn’t be left
alone, so I hid it on purpose. There were no eternal secrets.

“There is no use hiding it. Just as my grandfather’s eyes

were planted everywhere, so are the ones I planted.”

“… It was a situation that the Count would be excited about.

It’s strange for a child to suddenly cough, blood on his
hands, and not turn his eyes.”

It became a situation to defend Giselle, but there was

nothing she could do.

if a wind of blood blows in the peacock castle?

You’re still swearing at Dillion, like a monster or something. I

didn’t want to see Dillion cursed because of me.

“Don’t go to the Count for nothing and scratch your nerves

again. I will take care of it.”

“Do you have any plans?”

“Yes, we will attack Master Dante.”

The most important thing for Giselle is to cure Dante’s

And that was the field in which Leah was most confident.

If he had cured Dante, there was a high probability that

Giselle would not fight any more.

‘If you go on an argument even after you’ve been treated,

then I’m really not going to let you go.’

As a commoner, it doesn’t matter if they ignore it, but people

who don’t know grace don’t like Lia either.

“I mean, the master. Do you know when I started getting


“It must have been three years. He said that he was cursed
like me at first because he was suddenly sick.”

“It didn’t seem like a curse.”

“Yes, it is not a curse. Giselle would rather have wished it

was a curse.”
If it was a curse, I would go to the temple and lift the curse.
Giselle’s stomach burned with the passing of an unknown

“Would you like to have a seat with Dante?”

“No, I will take care of that.”

This work had to be done on my own.

‘That way, even Giselle in the world will recognize me.’

At that moment, when he was burning brightly saying he

would make Giselle by my side, he heard a tickling laughter
in his ear.

“It’s great. It is reliable.”

It wasn’t just a sound. Dillian genuinely thought Leah was


If it were him, he would immediately draw his sword and rule

it with blood.
But Leah came up with the completely opposite method.

In her warm and gentle way.

It was a method that Dillian would never have thought of or

even tried.

“I would love to see you again.”

Leah’s face began to turn red at the plain words that were
neither teasing nor seducing.

Dillian couldn’t see it, buried in the darkness, but Leah knew
at once that a fever had risen on my face.

Thump, Thump, Thump.

I heard a drumbeat in my heart .

I was afraid that Dillian would hear this sound.

‘It’s because Sarah makes strange noises.’

Why do you care so much just by saying it’s love?

Lia, who was suddenly conscious of Dillian, secretly bit her
ass and spread the distance.

But he wasn’t Dillian to watch over it.

A strong arm wrapped around Leah’s waist.

Episode 94.

Leah was quickly caught and dragged away. Leah rolled her
eyes in embarrassment when she returned to her place in
spite of the fact that she had moved away.

“Why, why?”

“A little further and it will fall.”

As I turned my head to follow Dillian’s chin gesture, I saw a

gap I had never seen before.

It almost would have fallen right off the bat.

Leah swept her chest at the fact that she almost fell into a
shower on a moonlit night.

‘After all, I thought I was selfish again.’

Leah exhaled a sigh of relief, and her eyes twitched with her
unbreakable hand.

“Didn’t you just help out? What is this hand?”

“Well, it’s purely because I want to be with Leah-san.”

Leah removed Dillian’s hand from his waist and pushed his
chest away.

“Look away.”

“weird. Why are you suddenly avoiding it?”

The more I pushed, the closer I got to Dillion, and Leah

screamed inwardly.

“It’s hot, it’s hot.”

“Lea’s arm has grown chicken meat.”

No matter how sunny the day was, it was still too early to
warm up.

But Leah was so hot that her face seemed to dry out.

Aside from the cool weather, heat rose from her body.

“I am originally chicken skin. I did not know?”

“That was the first time I knew.”

“Because it is. Dillian didn’t know.”

“I have been up so many nights and yet I don’t know, my

husband is disqualified. I need to work harder.”

Leah’s face turned red as her body slowly moved away.

Dillian, who had a grumpy expression on his face, abruptly

raised his head and buried his lips in Leah’s cheek.

On the other hand, the sound was exceptionally loud.

“… uh?”

“This is an apology kiss.”

“… “

Leah looked at Dillion blankly, like a man who had stopped


Dillian narrowed his brows at her reaction, which was

hardened like a stone and his mouth twitched.

This was a completely unexpected reaction.

“It’s strange. You should scream and run away by now.”

Dillian looked at Leah’s face with sobs and sounds. He

bowed his head in surprise, but it was too late.

Dillian doubted my eyes.

That face, which has turned red like red, doesn’t look like
he’s embarrassed.
“Come on, let’s go.”

“… I’m asking just in case you don’t know, are you ashamed
right now?”

“Do you have any problems with your eyesight? It’s perfectly

A strong negative is a positive. Dillian’s smile widened.

“Then, did you like it?”

“Huh, really. I’m not crazy! I will go now!”

Leah, who screamed as Dillian had predicted, ran away

barefoot, be sure to be caught by him.

“Because it’s cute.”

Dillian burst into laughter and shook his head at the sight of
Leah running away from her tail.

Dillian recalled a famous fairy tale as he looked at the

abandoned shoes.
A woman who lost her shoes at a prom and a prince who fell
for her.

The success story of a prince who ends up marrying in

search of the owner of the lost shoe with great tenacity and

fairy tale is a pair of shoes, this is two pairs, but it is up to


‘Even the prince in a childish fairy tale succeeded, but

there’s nothing that can’t be called me.’

Dillian grabbed Leah’s abandoned shoes and followed her.


Terjee frowned at the two figures looking out the window.

“What the hell are they doing in the middle of the night?”
When Terje asked about Lia and Dillian’s journey around the
garden, Bianca replied, saying that she was asking
something obvious.

“Isn’t your Majesty finally thinking of sending my fiancee to

the side of God?”

“Hmm, that’s it, right?”

At Bianca’s reply, Terje nodded.

“If that’s not the case, maybe you’re trying to intimidate me?
I mean, can’t you just play the role of the fiancee?”

Lloyd grabbed his forehead at the pouring of unusual replies.

“It’s not that, you’re saying ‘Catch me,’ aren’t you?”

At Lloyd’s remark that anyone can see it’s a tag, but don’t
know about it, embarrassment flashed on the faces of the
two of them.

“Usually you would think so, but your opponent is not

“Yes, His Majesty, I will do well in such a childish act.”

Although Terje and Bianca watched Dillian become a gentle

sheep in front of Leah, they denied reality. I couldn’t believe
it at all.

“Lloyd, and whoever plays tag barefoot. It’s strange.”

“Yeah, running around barefoot is something crazy people


Lloyd shuts his mouth as the two team up to attack.

This is because he didn’t even know English.

“… Do you want to feel nature?”

“He said he’s a herbalist, and he’s doing it right.”

“Iknow, right. He is also a herbalist.”

The trio, completely cross-legged, watched the game

barefoot until Leah and Dillian disappeared from view.
Terje looked down at the empty garden for a long time.

Whether it was the game of love or the game of hell, it was a

very unfamiliar scene to him to see Dillian running around to
catch someone.

‘When was the last time I saw him running around so


Terje, who had been immersed in the old memory of more

than 20 years, asked.

“How do you see it? Do you think you two are serious?”

“What is certain is, Your Majesty has fallen in love.”

At Lloyd’s answer, Terje waved her hand.

“You only know that unless your eyes are a knothole.”

I was shocked to see how she was stalking her.

I even made mistakes that I would never normally make.

Thinking of the dinner spot where he dropped the knife,
Terje moaned and salivated.

The series of actions that Dillian showed to Leah were the

actions he had done to his wife when he was young.

“This was the first time I knew that such a sincerity existed
in him.”

Contrary to the rumor that there was no blood or tears,

Dillian only cared for himself.

only you don’t give up.

But this had a completely different meaning from the

meaning of cherishing.

Thinking of Dillian’s melting eyes and friendly voice, Terje

took a deep breath.

Bianca asked with a puzzled look on his worried face.

“Are you so displeased with Miss Delis?”

“Then will you like it?”

“Any special reason? It’s not just because it’s commonplace,

is it?”

If it was for that reason, I would have kicked Dante out of the
way. Terjee shook her head.

“… What does it have to do with being a commoner? As long

as you have a good personality, that’s enough.”

“Then why are you not so fond of it? You must have coveted
and approached your property?”

“… okay.”

Bianca nodded, saying that he understood the darkened face

of Terje.

He seemed worried that Dillian might be seduced by a

woman and blow away his fortune.

‘Your Majesty can’t do that, but those who are blind in love
always do things beyond common sense.’
In particular, the Sinai family were famous for giving their
liver and gallbladder, regardless of gender, once they fell out.

Therese was, Lloyd was, Bianca she was.

It would be no different with Dillian.

“Then I will try Miss Delis.”


“Yes. I’ll roll her my way. If it’s for money, you’ll get out of it.”

“Yeah, that would be good.”

If Leah was really engaged to Dillian because of her wealth,

she would run away after not being able to hold out for a

Because Bianca’s way has always pushed people to the


“Okay, so I will do what I want. If your Highness gets angry,

will you stop me?”
“okay. Instead, be sure.”

“sure. Trust me.”

Five days until Terje’s birthday banquet.

Bianca hummed happily.

Now, how far can Miss Delis go?

And , how long can you last?


“Lee, Leah! wake up!”

I was surprised to hear Sera’s urgent voice, which was

different from usual calm, and I raised my back.

“Why why. What’s going on?”

Sera, who could not even open her eyes properly, grabbed
my face as I looked around, wiping my face with a wet towel
and said.

“Bianca Greta is asking to see you.”


Ah, that red-haired middle-aged woman.

Lloyd , I burst into laughter.

“If you’re Count Greta, you’re not a scary person.”


Sarah’s expression was not serious. It wasn’t as cold as

when he was dealing with Giselle, but it was strange to see
him sweating profusely.

Noticing that things were going strangely, I asked cautiously.

“Did you come here to scold me for work yesterday?”

“I’d rather be happy with that.”

That’s lucky, what do you mean?

Bewildered, after a moment I understood the meaning of the


“It’s a good day to exercise, Miss Delis.”

“… yes.”

Bianca, in navy blue trousers and a black shirt, rather than

the fancy dress she saw at dinner, patted my shoulder with a
big smile.

I’m not that different from her either.

How did she know my size? The clothes her maid gave me fit
me perfectly.

“I’m afraid I’m calling you too early.”

“no. Now is the time to wake up.”

Haha, laughing awkwardly and rubbing her face, Bianca

“Yes? I hope you haven’t been sleeping yet.”

“Yeah, that’s right. When did it happen?”

At some point, less than 30 minutes had passed since it


late breakfast, I rushed to the gym and was stunned by the

feast of weapons unfolding in front of me.

Then, suddenly, Bianca bowed her head towards me.

“I am Bianca Greta, the head of Count Greta and in charge of

Sinai’s military. Greetings again.”

It was a completely different greeting from the first meeting,

and it was a greeting filled with energy.

He looked strong and courageous. The figure of a person
standing at the apex.

Unlike Giselle, the way they respect me, I straightened my

posture and bowed my head.

“This is Leah Delis. Please.”

A smile appeared on Bianca’s lips at my greeting.

“Last night, I heard that Miss Delis was wandering and

unable to adjust to the unfamiliar environment. It hurts my
heart to say that I wasted my time, which is like gold.”

Unstable. I had an ominous feeling that a long rush was

going to catch my ankle.

“Miss Delis will soon become Sinais’ mother, and as a

subject, I could not wait to see her.”

no. please leave it alone You can not watch it.

Episode 95.

As my face grew darker, the smile on Bianca’s lips grew


“So, I would like to be your companion for Miss Delis.”

It’s the body, not the words. You’re trying to beat me with
your body….

“Miss Delis. Could you give me some time?”

“yes. sure. Don’t be….”

I forced myself to cry and grabbed Bianca’s hand.


huh, huh.

I took a deep breath and swung my sword.

“Give me a little more strength in my arms.”

How can I give more here, my muscles aren’t bulging like


I grumbled inwardly and swung my sword with all my might.

However, disappointment flashed in Bianca’s eyes, perhaps

because of the lack of skill in Bianca’s eyes.

‘Please give up on me!’

He endured this far with his perseverance and evil, but even
I thought his skills were too poor.

Just when I wanted to die, the sword flew out of my hand.

Jiying grabbed the ringing hand and moaned, and Bianca
pulled out her sword.

“Let’s take it easy.”

I immediately sat down in my seat.

I didn’t even have the strength to walk on my feet to the


Sera, who quickly ran to the scene, handed me a drink.

Nathan, who came with a towel, was busy wiping the sweat
from his face.

“The owl is smart. You trained well.”

“Nathan is a lot smarter than the average bird.”

I gasped for breath and nodded my head.

‘I can’t even think of Dylian.’

How hard Bianca rolls, there’s no time to think about Dillian.

n’t know if it was fortunate or unfortunate.

“Lea, your face is too red. Go to the shade and rest.”

“I would love to do that.”

It looked like it was going to explode with its sun-drenched


With Bianca’s permission to go and rest, I moved halfway to


I muttered helplessly when I saw that I had separated from


“Right now, I’m on a test, right?”

“yes. I am sure.”

“What the hell kind of test is this?”

“I think he’s trying to find out if he’s the right person to be

the hostess of Sinise.”
So, I mean, this is a kind of married life.

Usually, getting married is a chore, but you don’t teach it

with a sword….

“It’s too hard. I think I’m going to die.”

Exhausted from the hardcore Spartan training, I mumbled

with a half-echoed face.

“I meant to teach you swords too.”

“It’s okay if I shoot well with the bow, do I have to handle the
sword well?”

As soon as my buttocks touched the ground, a cry came out

of my mouth, lying on my back.

“I’d rather deal with Count Justin.”

Bianca, who felt hot and comfortable, became a tiger as

soon as she entered Dalian.

‘I can see why it’s called Sinai’s sword.’

Bianca was a person well suited to a sword.

“Lea, if you’re having a hard time, it’s okay to just go in. I will
tell you well.”

Sera rubbed my leg hard as if it was pity that I was in


“no. If you give up here, you will look down on me.”

And it was enough to recover the heavy body with divine


Having blown away my fatigue with divine power, I woke up

with a refreshed body.

It was at that time, when I was moving to the gymnasium.


Screams erupted from afar.

And I heard footsteps running towards me at high speed.


A loud roar was heard.

In the distance, with a wind of dust, the horses rushed

towards the arena with terrifying speed.

“Lea! Hurry up and go inside!”

Sarah grabbed my arm and led me.

As I walked along Sera, I narrowed my eyes to the long string

from the horse’s bridle.

As I moved my gaze along the string, I saw a person’s feet

through the dusty wind.

“Ugh, ooh! Whoops!”

A faint moan was heard in the distance.

“There are people!”

A man was dragged around with his back to the ground,
probably because the rope got tangled in his ankle while
trying to stop the running horse.

Sera’s face hardened terribly at the dangerous appearance.

The strength in the hand that was holding my arm entered.

“I have to go.”

If I go, who is that person?

I was dragged by a horse and rolled on the ground, so I’m

sure my body won’t be sore.

The bones may have been broken, and the risk of being
trampled by the horse was too great even if he was in good

As soon as I got to that point, I shook off Sera’s hand with all
my might.


Confused, Sera reached out towards me, but my body had

already jumped forward.
“Leah, what are you going to do?”

I had no choice but to go pick up the weapon myself,

because I had taken out the ring and bracelet for fear of
being ruined by the match.

I quickly ran to the front of the armament and drew my bow.

“You have to cut the line.”

I hung an arrow and pulled the bowstring and pointed the

bow near the horse’s hind legs.

It may not be easy because the horse moves violently, but

this was the only way to save the man without hurting the

“Lea, it won’t be easy. If you do it wrong, that guy will be


I answered Nathan’s whisper without blinking my eyes.

“Lea! What are you going to do if you get hurt like this?”

“Not hurt. They don’t even know I’m here.”



firm words, Sarah reluctantly retreated. Still, I could feel the

glances glancing at me.

Ignoring all those gazes, I took a deep breath.

‘you can do it. I have to.’

It wasn’t a ripe bow, but it didn’t matter.

Like a family with excellent martial arts skills, Sinais was

well-maintained, and so was the bow.

You could tell just by pulling the bowstring. Obviously, this

bow is a good bow.
A well-maintained bow and sharp arrowheads. That was

At the moment when the running horse and I were

completely level, I let go of my hand.


As soon as the bowstring was released, an arrow that flew

like the wind pierced the string with precision.

The line was cut in an instant, and the person being dragged
toppled on the floor.

suddenly flew.


People rushed to calm the excited horse.

I left them behind and ran to the crouched man.

“it’s okay? Can you hear me?”

“… Ugh.”

Without losing consciousness, he nodded hard.

Fortunately, the horse did not step on it and there were no

broken parts.

The dirt and stones rubbed off the wounds severely, but life
was not affected. I was lucky.

“What a relief.”

Breathing a sigh of relief and supporting the man, other

users who saw it came and took the man.

“We will take responsibility for this.”

I looked at them as they headed to the infirmary and turned

my head towards the disturbance.

“It has been that way ever since.”

Sarah shook her head with a look of tiredness. The

momentum of the horse was so great that she was tired of it.
When a group of strong men rushed at me, I got even more
excited and ran wild.

In the end, those who couldn’t handle the excited horses

aimed their bows at the horses.

As I approached him, I gently pushed down the arm that was

pulling the bowstring.

“Do not shoot.”

“yes? But I can’t calm the horse. We need to stop him before
he hurts more people.”

“I know. Don’t do it though.”

Do you know that I suffered so much to kill you so easily?

How hard it was to cut the rope to save both horses and

“Never, don’t shoot.”

After begging me not to shoot, I stepped towards the horse.

“No, ma’am! What are you going to do!”

“You have to calm down.”

I think I’m crazy, so I hear a murmur behind my back.

Sera, who followed me closely, murmured in a low voice.

“Lea, I’m really mad this time.”


“If this happens to your majesty, you will be very angry.”

“I’ll stop you.”

“Lea-sama will be scolded too.”

“Mr. Dillian, I can’t take my heart.”

I shrugged and laughed. I’ll be nagging, but I’m not really


“Lea, what are you going to do?”

“I will unleash the divine power.”

Whispering quietly at Nathan’s question, I approached the

horse and released my divine power.

Rather than focusing on the horse, the extensively released

divine power slowly started to fill the inside of the

“… I am calming down.”

Sera, who saw the horse turned into a gentle sheep, said she
couldn’t believe it, and covered her mouth.

I shrugged my shoulders as they looked at me about how I

did it.

“When you went to Daeshinjeon before, how was it?”

“My body was tired and tired as if I had been given a


“Are you comfortable?”

“yes. I wonder if this is the same principle?”

I nodded, stroking the mane of the gentle horse.

Then Sarah, who quietly put her hands together, said with a
face wet with emotion.

“Lea-sama has a plan.”

“Of course.”

In fact, it is a lie. I didn’t even know this would work.

‘It was half a gamble, I’m glad.’

When I grabbed the leash of the calm horse and handed it

over to the stable keeper, a loud voice called out to me as if
my ears were being pierced.

“Miss Delis!”

He flinched at the sight of a lion roaring, and his shoulders

Bianca, running at a frightening speed, grabbed my arms.
Episode 96.

“How did you hit it?”


“How did you hit a moving target at once and calm the horse
on this street?!”

I laughed awkwardly at the questions that poured in without

even having time to breathe.

In fact , Bianca was indescribably disappointed with Leah’s
poor swordsmanship.

He praised him for not giving up on his battle and following it

to the end, but his skills were disastrous.

“It must be the hand of someone who has used a weapon.”

The calluses on Leah’s hands didn’t happen in a day or two.

The hand of the one who had been holding the weapon for a
long time was certain.

“Did you learn a weapon other than the sword?”

Bianca, who opened the door to the weapon warehouse

where Lia was resting, began to sift through the weapons
that Leah could use.

Dagger, crossbow, knuckle, axe, whip….

The purpose of discovering Leah’s insides had long since

been thrown away.
She was preoccupied with discovering Leah’s real talent.

“Is the bow there?”

Bianca, who had not yet given up on Lia, grabbed her

weapon and headed to the gym.

The skills are a mess, but the basics are clear. The most
important thing above all else is physical strength, isn’t it?

Bianca, who had been burning with enthusiasm for a long

time, was astonished to see the horses rushing into the
dance hall.


Bianca doubted her eyes.

Leah, who was walking around sobbing, suddenly started

running and picked up her bow.

Then he pulled the bowstring towards the running horse.

At that moment in the blink of an eye, the flying arrow
pierced the rope between the horse and the stable keeper at

in an instant .

The wild horses and the people who tried to calm them
didn’t even catch my eye.

‘What did I just see?’

But the surprise didn’t stop there.

The foolish horse turned into a gentle sheep and gave Leah
a mane.

Bianca could not believe the scene unfolding before her


“Come on, tell me. How did you do it?”

Even if you ask me how I did it, I just did it.

How do I explain this? Leah, who was worried, just told the

“If you just aim well, you can do it.”

“It’s just….”

At that moment, Bianca’s face was colored with surprise,

astonishment, and joy.

Leah only managed to aim well. That was it.

Bianca chuckled.

The theory is easy. who can’t speak If that was the case,
everyone in the world would have become a shrine.

“Miss Delis, how long have you been learning the bow?”

“It’s been a little over a year.”

At Leah’s reply, Bianca held back the desire to scream.

Genius, genius has appeared!

He grabbed Lia’s hand in an exhilaration that shook her

“Miss Delis, no. Miss Leah!”

“Yes, yes?”

Confused at the sudden change of name, Leah stuttered.

“It was my mistake to fight with a sword. Let’s change the

way from now on. Shoot the bow as much as you like.”

“No, there….”

Leah tried to stop Bianca, but Bianca, as excited as a raging

horse, made no sound.

“What are you watching? Hurry, send the horse to the stable
and get the target ready now!”

Bianca, who gave a terrible command to the people around

her, relaxed her face and looked at Leah.

“Let’s have fun until the sun goes down.”

Until the sun goes down…? Leah lifted her head and looked
at the sun.

it was bright It took three hours for the sun to set.

“And will you tell me how to calm the horse?”

“… If I tell you, will you shorten the training by an hour?”

“I just pretend I don’t know. I’m not really curious about it.
What I’m curious about is Miss Leah’s skills.”

At that moment, Leah thought.

got it right Today is my memorial day.


Dillian is back.
Upon hearing the news, I loosened the bowstring that had
been pulled and let my shoulders hang down.

‘Finally escape.’

three hours.

‘When was the last time you worked so hard?’

Not long after learning the bow, it was the first time since
the days of shooting arrows until they were ready.

“That’s too bad. Now is the most important moment.”

You mean there’s more to do here?

I looked at Bianca with tired eyes.

The training started with hitting the target.

Bianca, who was cheering for the arrows being stabbed in

the midst of the stingers, changed the target to fruit,
apparently because of her challenging spirit.
From pears to apples, kiwis, plums and strawberries.

Fruits pierced by arrows and bursting were scattered on the


“I should have hung the cherries at the end….”

Seriously , she looked at me with regretful eyes and licked

her lips.

I was startled by that beast-like smile, and I quickly

organized my surroundings.

“Take it slow.”

“no. Tidying up must be done right. I’ll do the rearranging.

The Count-.”

“Did you decide to call me Bianca?”

“… Bianca-sama, please go in first.”

It was meant to escape from Bianca’s demonic beast, but
Bianca, who fell into a swamp of delusion, praised me,
saying that it was a very good posture.

“Well, you have a beautiful heart. You have met a really nice

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Just when she finished cleaning up with an awkward smile,

Dillian entered the auditorium.

“Mr. Dillian!”

I ran towards Dillion and waved a big hand.

His surprised face was clear as he didn’t know that I would

be greeted so fiercely.

“Why are you so late!”


“Of course, I thought I was going to die waiting.”

Whining like a child, I hid behind Dillian, who Bianca came to
catch me.

Then he pulled the hem of his clothes and urged them.

“Go to your room quickly. hurry!”

“Did you miss me like that? Enough to make you want to go

to bed right now?”

It was a very misleading statement, but what I wanted to see

was true, so I nodded my head coldly.

“Yes, yes.”

When I affirmed, which I would normally hate, Dillian rubbed

my cheek with a smile on his face.

“I think Count Greta has been very rude. My face is covered

in dust.”

As I quietly entrusted my face to Dillian, he took out a

handkerchief from his bosom and rubbed my face in earnest.
“It’s not like that, but the training is so hard….”

“Still, seeing that we have been together until now, I think I

liked Lia.”

“It’s a problem because I listened to it too much.”

I pouted my lips and grunted, then grabbed Dillian’s hand as

he was walking away.

“Dillian, are you leaving tomorrow? Can’t you go?”

Dillian was the only one who could stop Bianca at the Duke’s

“Mr. Leah is so anxious, where am I going? I will be home.”


Excited, I opened my arms and hugged Dillion. Then I felt my

body stiffen.

“Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there is every day.


“Mr. Dillian?”

Dillian, who didn’t answer, looked up at him in a strange

way, and he muttered, covering his mouth.

“… Sometimes I think it’s not bad to leave Mr. Leah to Count


“Then we broke up.”

When he shook off Dillian ‘s arm and let go of the threat, he

raised his hand saying it was wrong.

“But can I stay away like this?”


“Isn’t Lia’s strategy to escape from the count by acting as a

wife who has been waiting for her husband forever?”

… It’s not acting. Dillian, who misunderstood the sincerity

that came out without knowing it as acting, spread his arms.
“Come on, I have to hug you.”

Seeing that he didn’t miss the opportunity, I pretended to be

reluctant and put my arms around Dillion’s arm.

“We held hands and hugged each other, so this time we have
to put our arms around each other.”

“Then I’ll kiss you next time.”

“I don’t do that.”

“I’m sorry.”

It wasn’t a sad face at all. He looked happy just knowing that

I had come first.

“Have you not met Count Justin today?”

“Yeah, I didn’t even see the hair.”

“It must have been quiet.”

“It is not. The horse that escaped from the stable during the
day before came attacking the gym….”

Was I this talkative? The story went on without end.

Dillian nodded or made eye contact with me.

It was an ordinary daily life that was no different from

before, but my heart tickled as if someone was burning it.


That night, Bianca headed to his room at Terje’s call.

All of the vassals except for her were gathered in Terje’s


“Count Greta. late.”

Ignoring Giselle’s harsh words, Bianca greeted Therese.

“Ms. Lia is not the kind of sly mind that the old man thinks.”

Before he could even ask, Terje raised his eyebrows at

Bianca speaking about Leah.

“Ms. Leah’s workmanship is not normal. There was no other

shrine to hit all the targets that were shot, but there was no
other shrine.”

during the day, Bianca raised her voice again, excited.

“You are a talented person suitable for the Sinai. He is the

one who will be the hostess of Sinise!”

“Bianca, calm down.”

Lloyd stopped Bianca from being overly excited, but Bianca,

who had already turned her eyes, didn’t hear anything.

“Even the elderly will see what I mean.”

Therze wiped her lips in embarrassment at the sight of

Bianca who fell in love with Leah.
He said he would reveal his identity at some point, but now
he almost looked like a follower.

“Bianca. Do you want to bow your head like that to a guy

who is much younger than you?”

Bianca slammed the table in tears at Giselle’s tongue, saying

it was pathetic .

“What does age matter? Miss Leah is a genius!”

The words didn’t work.

What the hell is she doing, she seduced Dillian and Dante,
and this time even Bianca turned to me.

It was a moment when Leah’s reputation in Giselle’s mind

was further lowered.

“I am against this marriage. If you are the hostess of Sinise,

you must be an educated, elegant, and intelligent person like
the princess. To suit the superiors.”
Giselle showed a stubborn attitude, saying that even if a
knife was put in her neck, she could not accept Leah as a

“Old man, will you continue to oppose this marriage?”

“… okay.”


“Are you okay?”

Bianca, who naturally thought she would be angry because

she likes Leah, was rather displeased and liked her.

“Yes, I will make you my daughter-in-law if I break my

marriage with Your Majesty.”

There was silence for a while at Bianca’s bomb declaration.

“You really are crazy.”

Giselle was disgusted with the unexpected answer.

Episode 97.

“I can’t hear you anymore. Let’s go first.”

Giselle, who had left school for a silly conversation, left first,
and Lloyd got up.

“Seeing that Bianca likes her so much, Miss Delis must be a

good person. Besides, your Majesty also likes it, so why not
open up your heart?”

And even if Terje and Giselle oppose it, it won’t be a problem

for Dillian.

He has already inherited the title, and he has no regrets.

oppose me, I’m going to force the marriage, but I don’t know
if this objection has any meaning.
“It is not such a simple matter. Lloyd.”

Terje, who knew the truth better than anyone else, was so
opposed to it, so I wondered why.

“I don’t know why you are so against it.”

“… This is all for Dillian.”

“For His Majesty, I think it is more right to allow this


“No, old man. Please continue to oppose it. I really want to

make Miss Leah my own.”


Bianca, who can’t come to her senses once she’s obsessed

with something, has now come to the point of opposing the
couple’s marriage.

“Bianca. Stop it and leave.”

Lloyd dragged Bianca out before she could gossip further.

“I will go.”

Terje, who was left alone, grabbed her flabby forehead.

It was as if a storm had swept over me.

“Hell, there’s no such thing as a good guy.”

At the end of Terje’s sight, which was tickling, a familiar

Inyeong caught on.

‘I went out for a night walk again.’

Following yesterday, it was Leah who came to visit the

garden tonight.

The difference from yesterday was that there was no Dillion.

Terje slowly stood up, looking at Lia’s back as she circled

the garden.

Terje, who came down to the garden, was able to find Lia
right away.

She only moved a little bit, but she was still there.

‘What are you doing?’

Terje, who was watching Lia’s sheep, silently silenced the


Leah, who was walking slowly looking at the ground,

stopped, bent over, picked up something and held it in her

I wondered if he was picking up stones, so when I looked

closely, it was a flower.

‘Instead of picking flowers, you are picking up fallen flowers.’

Her character was shown in the act of cherishing even the

insignificant plant life.
‘… He’s a kind-hearted kid.’

Terje, who had come to say harsh words to Leah, felt her
heart weaken.

Terje, who tried to approach Leah without wasting time and

bring up the topic, quietly followed her instead of talking to

At that moment, Leah, who was picking flowers, turned

around. Terjee hid behind a tree without realizing it.

‘why me….’

It was funny to hide, and it was ridiculous that he missed the

timing to leave.

“Now, please leave.”

As Bianca said. He said he was very good at it, and it

definitely felt good.

“Do you know how to hide that size?”

As if coming here, a voice that grew louder along with the
sound of footsteps hummed as if teasingly.

If the sound of approaching sounds like the footsteps of a

god of death, would you believe it?

Terjee was very upset now.

‘What will happen if we find out that we were hiding and


Somehow, the image is shattered by being photographed as

a pervert muscle grandpa.

At the moment when she was the first to reach out to

prevent the accident, Lia suddenly raised her head.


eyes met Leah screamed as she looked completely different

from Dillian.

startled , struggled with her arms, and the flowers in her
arms flew in all directions.


The rain of flowers from the sky created a romantic situation,

but the opponent was not good.

On the one hand, the grandson’s lover, on the other hand,

the lover’s grandfather.

It’s a strange combination that makes you tilt your head.

Lia, who was hard as a stone and did not know what to do,
bowed her head.

“sorry…. I thought it was Mr. Dillian….”

“not. It’s my fault for surprising you.”

Terje, waving her hand, looked down at Lia with curious


‘It’s a good time.’

You can clearly see how the two of them usually get along.

‘To play pranks on Dillion with that small size. There is also a

Apart from being embarrassed, it was surprising that there

were people who could play pranks with Dillion.

“I’m sorry though….”

Leah, as startled as Terjee was astonished, closed her eyes


‘Of course I thought it was Dillian! He said he was coming


Where will Dillian say he’s coming, and a grandfather who is

no different from the final boss will appear.

I wanted to bang my head in that tree and pass out.

Terjee treats me like a gentleman, but there was always a

dissatisfaction in the corner.
‘It’s a little different now…. I’m not happy at all….’

What should I do to get out of here without going against the

intention of Terje? Leah’s head moved quickly.

However , there is no way that Terje will be beaten by a

dazzling effort.

“Could you give me some time?”

“Yes Yes! Please feel free to speak.”

Lia moved to Terje and Pavilion with a smile that was

strengthened by her social life.

Terje, who lit a fire and lit the surroundings, immediately

brought up the main topic.

“Why did you get engaged to Dillian? Did you want money?”

Could you please turn on the blinker?

Leah quickly shook her head at the sudden question.

“No, it’s not like that.”

“Then did you really love each other and got engaged?”

“… yes.”

supposed to reply as quickly as this one, but in the end I


There’s no way that Terje doesn’t know what I know. It was

different from being embarrassed to reply late.

“okay? You don’t look that serious to me.”

that’s a blatant word. Leah knew it too.

Dillian and the weight of his feelings are different.

“Dillian is, yes. From what I see, it’s sincere. I’ve never seen
him as happy as he is today. Laughter also increased. It was
the first time I saw them all.”

It was a completely different appearance, to the extent that

he lost his memory and wondered if he had changed.
How surprised I was to see the smiling grandson’s face.

‘What wind blows you to see the flowers?’

‘I think Leah will like it.’

‘Then break it and give it as a gift.’

‘You can come and see me next time. Lia doesn’t like to
pluck flowers.’

It was shocking to the point that the back of his head ache at
the sight of him cherishing insignificant wild flowers.

In the end, Therze had no choice but to admit.

My grandson, Dillian, truly loves Leah and dreams of the

future with her.

“So, you speak first. Because he’ll never tell you to break up
with him.”

It was more of a request than a threat.

There were no envelopes of money flying over, no swabbing
of water, or stamping with power, as Nathan had feared.

He just persuaded Leah with a calm and serious voice.

a gentlemanly attitude, Leah’s heart was not at all


‘Are you telling me to break up with Dillian? I…?’

It was expected, but why is it so shocking?

Leah lowered her head to hide her embarrassed face. The

hardened fingertips were cold.

Leah herself knew best what was the cause of this strange

It was simple. Because I don’t want to break up.

‘I’m the only one who can break Dillian’s curse. I’m the only
In an instant, the words ‘no’ came out of her mouth, and Lia
covered her mouth.

“Don’t stop me from falling in love. But not married.”

“… Is it because my heart is lighter than Mr. Dillian?”


“Is it because I am a commoner? Are you from a humble


“It doesn’t matter.”

“Then I don’t know why you’re blocking it like this.”

Leah’s face was stained with confusion. I couldn’t

understand Terje’s heart at all.

Terjee closed her mouth, looked at her small face and


It was the truth that I would carry to the grave, but for some
reason I couldn’t hide it from Leah.
“He’s an ugly grandson, but he has a mate.”

“Are you paired?”

At that moment, a person came to Leah’s mind.

“Are you a princess by any chance?”

“Princess? not. It was just a deal with the princess.”

“You knew.”

“I’ve been chasing after Dillion for three years, but I don’t

I didn’t like that the princess used Dillion, but it wasn’t a bad
thing that the anger that was pouring towards Dillion

“I also used the princess, so I just kept it quietly.”

The more Terje spoke, the more he showed affection for his
“… You love Mr. Dillian a lot.”

“It’s ugly, even if it’s ugly, it’s only natural that she’s the only

It’s not that he’s indifferent to Dillion, he’s just pretending to

be indifferent. He thought of Dillion more than anyone else.

He wanted Dillian to be happy more than anyone else, and

he hoped that his curse would be lifted.

“I should have raised it in my hands since I was little. If I had

forced myself to separate from my parents, such a tragedy
would not have happened….”

As he looked at the distant mountains, his mumbled voice

filled with compassion.

For a moment, Terje turned his gaze, as if he had decided

something, and made eye contact with Lia.

“I’m waiting for a child of destiny to break the curse of that

ugly bastard.”

“Wait a minute, child of fate…?”

“Unbelievable, the oracle came down in the year Dillian was

Terje boldly told Lia about the oracle that came down to the
Sinais family.

I can’t help it even if I laugh because it’s a nonsensical story.

“Soon, his mate will appear.”

Terjee still believes in God. And trust the trust.

So , surely, there will be a woman who will lift the curse of

my grandson. certainly.

“Now you know why I am against you. Even if they are in love
with each other, if they meet fate, they will break up. Get
yourself back before you see anything bad.”

A cold sweat ran down Lia’s back.

It’s me, the child of that fate…?

I am the owner of the trust.

Episode 98.

Words that I couldn’t even say lingered in my mouth.

Break up with my grandchildren, no. I can’t, what’s the

reason? We fought over this, but it all turned to nothing.

“Dillian doesn’t know about this oracle, so don’t go and talk

about it.”

“Why did you hide it?”

“If you know, will he stay still? You will be furious about
where you believe the word of the temple.”

“Yes…. That’s right….”

If it was Dillion in the past, it must have been.

But what if the current Dillion finds out about this oracle?

Dillion, who is disgusted with temple-related matters, will

welcome it with both arms up.

I’m sure I’ll die He is happy to be able to legally arrest him,

and is left with a ceremony right away.

So when I heard the oracle from Aaron, I didn’t open my

mouth even once.

It is not an abstract concept such as God’s destiny or God’s


‘I just wanted to show that it is my will.’

I didn’t want the situation to be misunderstood because of

the trust.

“When are you going to tell Mr. Dillian?”

“I don’t think so. This is a story I will bury in my heart for the
rest of my life.”
In response to Leah’s more gentle reaction than expected,
Terje comforted her with a softer voice.

“Son, I understand you don’t want to break up with Dillion.

Even if you think about it, our grandchildren must be great.
He’s handsome, he’s tall, he’s got a lot of money, and he’s
talented. Aren’t you the first bridegroom?”

Therze’s voice, which had been bragging about Dillian,

subsided again.

“But this is a very important matter of his life or death.”

Terje, who did not even dream that Lia was the child of that
fate, repeatedly repeated the words to Leah to break up, as
if brainwashing.

“Give me a month. Put it in there.”

10 . Rushing Like A Wave

After Terje left, I was left alone in the pavilion, staring

blankly at the sky.

“Children of fate….”

Haha, I burst out laughing.

Is that why you pushed me away?

It wasn’t because I couldn’t learn, it wasn’t because I was a

commoner, it wasn’t because I wasn’t the owner of the

“Even if a young lady from a very prestigious family came,

she was eliminated immediately.”
And I was the only one who could pass the test in which
those great girls failed.

often referred to as a free pass award?

“I will be that person.”

If I had told Terje on the spot, life would have been easier in
the future. It would have received full support.

But he didn’t want to tell Terjee about something that Dillian

didn’t even know.

Speaking of which, that was the first thing Dillian had to

hear. With my mouth and no one else’s.

“Were you here?”

A low but friendly voice cuts into my ears.

Dillian approached me and sat next to me, looking at me.

“You’ve come a long way. Wasn’t it difficult to come to you?”

Her lips, softly curved like a crescent moon, whispered softly.

moonlight gently shattered behind Dillian ‘s back. Red eyes

shining brightly captured me.

“… How did it happen?”

I stared blankly at her face and muttered. Was I that


Dillian stretched out his hand. The hand that touched his
cheek was hot.

Or is my face hot?

A beautiful face, like a statue that God put great effort into,
or a masterpiece painted by selling his soul, is only looking
at me.

My heart raced at that fact.

When did you get so deep? It was completely unexpected.

“Is there any way out?”

Is there any way back? Can I get out of this mind?

trying to ignore came over me like a tidal wave.

Did Dillian understand my nonsensical words?

He reached out his hand towards me.

“Do I have to go out? Let’s walk together.”

“What if I had to walk alone?”

“Then I will go ahead and wait. Then you will be less scared
and less lonely.”

Dillian, who had already arrived at his destination, reached

out to me.


“I’ll be waiting for Leah to arrive.”

“Maybe it will take a long time?”

“I will come before I die. I am a very patient person, so I will

patience . I’m not the one to have that. It wasn’t a very funny
story, but it made me laugh.

“And, even if I got lost, I ended up going back that way.”


Dillian looked at me with serious eyes. Contrary to the

enthusiasm at first glance, he answered with a calm voice.

As if stating the obvious.

“Because it wasn’t my choice. When I came to my senses, it

was on that road again.”

I glanced at his smiling face with joy.

“… Dillian is right.”

This feeling was not my choice.

I grabbed Dillian’s hand.

“No matter how you turn around, this is the only way in the

I’m already in love

Maybe someday, a long time ago.


Standing on the rock, Aina took a deep breath as she looked

up at the setting sun.

‘I’m finally here.’

Now the high ground is right in front of you. In a little while, I

can catch the darkness.

But, that’s it for today.

I heard Harris giving orders to his men from behind.

“I have to camp here today.”

At the commander’s words, the men moved in unison and

pitched the tent, and Aina, who watched the scene, took an
empty water bag and headed for a nearby lake.

Meanwhile, the dusky sky began to gradually darken.

You must return to the camp before the forest is covered

with night. The hand that was pouring the water got faster
and faster.

bruises, bruises.

When I raised my head to the sound of approaching

footsteps, a bright light flickered.

“I was surprised that it suddenly disappeared.”

Fabian with a torch asked anxiously. A look of tiredness

appeared on Aina’s face at that sight.
“Am I a kid? All you have to do is say that you are doing your
job well and pass it on.”

a blunt tone, but it didn’t push or drive him away like before.

“I didn’t even care if it was daytime. it’s night Even if it

wasn’t you, the manager would have followed.”

“Sir Harris would have been disgusted if he had heard that.”

Aina, who recalled the image of Harris hitting Fabian in the

back of the head as disgusting, burst into laughter.

“Do not say. I might be offended.”

“I’ll think about it when you bring all the water bags.”

So, all the water bags belonged to Fabian. Aina, who was
naturally handed the torch, urged him to come.

After reuniting at the founding company, it was a huge

development when I think about how close we had been.
And it was Leah who made the biggest contribution to
improving this relationship.

for her advice, would I have been able to be close to Aina like
this again?

Thanks to Leah’s push on her back, I met Aina again and

was able to become friends with her again.

“Is Leah doing well?”

“What, why are you worried about Leah?”

Aina’s harsh voice flew in. Fabian’s heart was pounding in

those bright eyes.

Is this jealousy?

“I can only worry about Leah, so don’t look over it.”

Then yes. What I expected was stupid.

As if looking at a rival, Aina, who had a sharp edge, stole the

water from Fabian’s arms.
‘Is there still a long way to go to fully restore the
relationship…. I’ll have to consult with Leah as well.’

The border towards Leah has long since disappeared

without a trace. To Fabian, Leah was like Cupid.

“Lady, Fabian. Come here for a while.”

Aina, who handed out water to the knights around him,

approached Harris at his call.

A crystal ball flashed next to Harris as if he was clearing the

path of darkness.

Fabian asked, looking at the slowly blinking red dot.

“You’ve been staying in the same location for three days.”

“okay. Since they don’t leave the Aret estate, there’s a high
probability that this is their home base.”

“Certainly, it’s a position he’s going to like.”

“Why? Since there is a temple of Arest, shouldn’t it be

The last divine beast, Ares, was there to protect the temple.

Isn’t this a place to avoid from the standpoint of darkness?

Fabian shook his head at Aina’s question.

“The Arrest estate has the largest black market in the


It was the Arest estate where various illegal activities,

including human trafficking, underground auctions, and slave
trade, were carried out without any sanctions.

“Besides, Arest-sama lives behind a wall with the world, so

there is a high probability that he will not care about what is
going on outside.”

Unlike the other new beasts who all gathered in the Great
Hall at the news of Leah, Arest did not move in the place of
my life.

Aina nodded her head, remembering the heavy buttocks.

‘Well, I’ve only met you once in my previous life.’

Arest was a hermit type divine beast with a different

personality from Nathan.

who love people, Arest did not like people.

“If this is correct, then he picked the right one.”

A land not managed by Shinsu, and a place where human

trafficking is prevalent. It was perfect for building up

“If you are certain that you have established a site here, the
temple will not be safe either.”

The two nodded at Aina’s low voice.

“I need to speed up.”

Episode 99.


often say It feels like the world is turned upside down when
you fall in love with someone.

But my world was still there.

Just because I liked Dillion, heaven and earth did not change,
the world was dyed pink, and I did not hear a climax in my

It just looked a little, a little bit different.

in the moonlight looks more handsome today, his red eyes
looking at me are exceptionally friendly, and the warmth that
touches me feels hotter than usual. That was it.

“I heard that I took it off during training, but I forgot and did
it again.”

Dillian smiled proudly as he touched my ring finger.

At that moment, I felt the weight of the ring, which I had

considered for camouflage, to be different.

With what heart he gave this ring to me, and what the real
meaning of the ring is. touched it at once.

“… who gave it Of course I should.”

“The hard work is worthwhile. Those words would come out

of Leah’s mouth.”

As if she was really happy, the smile never left Dillian’s face.

I looked at that smile and bit my lip.

I can say more than that.

I wanted to say that I like you, that I fell in love with you, but
my mouth did not fall out.

‘Wait a minute, can I do this important story in a scruffy


Your hair is bald, and you’re barely dressed?

It was at that time when I was tidying up my hair, surprised

by the sudden problem.

“But who were you with?”

Dillian, noticing that the seat opposite me had been subtly

disturbed, opened his eyes.

Like a husband who doubts his wife’s affair.

I was afraid that I might be imagining some nonsense, so I

calmly told the truth.

“I had a chat with Terje.”

“Didn’t you say something strange?”

“Of course I did. Did you tell me to break up with Mr.


something to hide Dillian’s face hardened terribly when he

recites the conversation in detail except for the story of the

“Ignore it. It’s not even worth hearing.”

“I will not ignore you.”

“Then, are you going to break up with me as your

grandfather wants you to?”

In an instant, Dillian’s momentum grew wild.

If I answered yes, I would explode.

As strength entered his interlocked hand, I slapped the back

of his hand.

“What nonsense. I have to be proudly recognized by Terje.”

“Are you admitted?”

Maybe he didn’t know that I would choose a head-to-head

match, so Dillian looked at me like he was looking at a

“Then, every time you meet Terje-sama, do you want to live

your life looking at me? Then I will dry up and die.”

It is not something to be ignored and avoided. This time, I

had to face it confidently and overcome it.

As Nathan said, it’s time to win Dillian confidently by

defeating Terje, who will become the father-in-law.

The question is how do you….

“Dillian-sama, would Terje-sama also like Dalian?”

“You can tell just by looking at those muscles, right?”

right. Thinking of Terje’s shirt torture, I nodded coldly.

“Then, do you have a strong desire to win?”

“Even if you pretend, don’t you think so? The Sinais are all
the same.”

“If I defeat Terje-sama like that…?”

“You will see them as equals with a burning desire to win.”

It was good. decided

I will be recognized by Terje for what I do best.

A child of fate or a child of an oracle, there is no need for

such a reason.

I will make you acknowledge the existence of the country,

Leah Delis.

Burning with will, I asked Dillion.

“So, Mr. Dillian also threatens to say that if Terje-sama

comes and tells us to break up, we can’t do it. You know?”

I waited for Dillian’s reply to come back soon, but he just

stared blankly at me.
“Why aren’t you answering me?”

“… I’m a little surprised. I didn’t know that Leah liked me so


“Everyone, of course I like it!”

As soon as I showed my sincerity, Dillian stared blankly at


He thought he was going to run away like crazy, but he

covered his mouth with his big hand and blushed.

Even me, my face heated up at the completely unexpected


Big, clearing my throat, I couldn’t overcome my

embarrassment and changed the subject.

“By the way, why are you here so late?”

I was 20 minutes later than the scheduled meeting time. It

was a lateness not like Dillian.
“I have a call from Shaten.”

going to say this, Dillion held out a small marble from his

“It’s a story that Leah should also know.”

When Dillion pressed the marble, the recorded voice played

with a beep sound.

<Lexter begins to move.>

<Contacted with the 3rd Prince.>

<He heads south.>

<It is predicted that they will go through the Sinai estate to

the Arest estate.>

Kanae’s official voice came out from inside the marble.

“Lexter and the darkness move separately, and I think they
are going to meet in the Arest estate.”

“Then is the darkness waiting there for Lexter?”

“I’m not sure, but it’s very likely. It is said that Harris is also
heading to the Arest estate.”

“You can catch them all there.”

If the forces of the Shrine and Sinais unite, they will surely
be able to strike a blow.

“As soon as the birthday banquet is over, I will go to the

Arest estate, so here Ms. Lia-.”

“yes? What are you talking about? Of course I have to go


It’s my mission to remove the darkness, but you’re leaving

without me!

“It’s dangerous.”
“So, I have to go. What are you going to do if something
happens to Mr. Dillian?”

If he encounters Dillion, he will surely try to steal his power.

“We must go together. I know?”

“… I can’t win.”

In the end, Dillian raised a white flag due to my strong


I laughed triumphantly at him and asked Dillion the question

that came to mind.

“But wouldn’t it be too late to leave after the banquet is


“We’re going to use the portal here. It could be a day or two,

but it will arrive similarly.”

Four more days until Terje’s birthday banquet.

The next destination has been decided.


The next day, morning was bright.

A smile did not leave my face as I started the day fresher

than ever.

“Mr. Lia, you look good in the morning.”

As Dillian said, today my mood is at its peak.

It’s been a long time since I ate with Dillian, and above all,

‘You can stop Bianca!’

If only Dillian was there, he would definitely be able to avoid

training like hell.

‘It would have been impossible if I wasn’t the possessor of

divine power.’
He must have been groaning with muscle aches since
morning .

As I ate the soup with a smile, I trembled at the dullness I

felt behind my back.

“Miss Leah, will that fill you up?”


Tears slipped out of his sore throat as he heard it.

When he coughed continuously, the other party showed

kindness by patting his back.

“You have to be careful. Then it’s a big deal.”

Having barely calmed down, I looked at her smiling single.

“Rain, Bianca-sama?”

“Okay, let’s eat some more. That’s why I’m running strong
like a grim reaper, cut a steak by hand and shoved it into my

“Okay, this time, chew it thoroughly.”

“Yes, yes….”

I chewed the finest steak like a rubber tire.

“Are you choking? Would you like something to drink?”

Before I could answer my question, I poured water into a

glass and put it in a good position to reach out.

I smiled awkwardly at the sudden start of the extreme care

and looked at Dillion.

‘Don’t just look, help!’

Fortunately, Dillian, who properly received the SOS signal I

sent, put down the knife with a loud bang and noticed

“Count Greta, what are you doing at mealtime?”

“Damn, you were rude to me to be with Miss Leah. sorry.”

Contrary to expectations, Bianca politely apologized.

“If you know, get up.”

“Miss Leah doesn’t seem to be eating properly, so I’m going

to help.”

“The Count himself?”

“Isn’t it natural for a vassal to help a superior?”

Food piled up like a mountain on my plate while Bianca and

Dillian were fighting for a flag.

“Do you want Lia to have a good time with me?”

I smiled awkwardly at the warm eyes that touched my cheek

and nodded my head.

Then he looked at Dillion.

‘Please, save me!’

It was sure to be a hell of a time, not a fun time.

“What if I don’t allow it?”

“Hey, it’s difficult if you’re already showing symptoms of


Bianca wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Tight arm

muscles pressed against my shoulders.

“Or will your Highness appease my boredom?”


“I thought so. So Miss Leah… yes?!”

Bianca patted my shoulder and ripped my eardrum with a

thunderous scream.

“I’ll do it.”

“… Is that true?”

“You don’t like it?”

“Can’t you possibly hate it?”

“Then leave for dinner, Ms. Leah.”

“Of course it is. How long have you been fighting?”

Bianca quickly fell from my side.

His face was full of heat, and there was a slight tremor in the
voice that came out.

“Miss Lia, we have to put off our fun training until later. It’s a
rematch after 10 years, but we can’t lose.”

“Yes Yes! sure. It has to be delayed.”

“Ms. Leah has a broad heart and is kind.”

Bianca, who had not spared my praise until the end, shouted
at Dillian.

“The disgrace of ten years ago! I will pay you back this time!”
Bianca’s eyes blazed with excitement as to whether she had
ever lost to Dillian.

‘Is that good?’

I shook my head as she ran out of the restaurant to prepare

for the match.

“it’s okay? Because of me, I was able to do a match that I

shouldn’t have done.”

“You can think of it as relaxing after a long time.”

“I was still itching,” Dillian said playfully.

“Bianca-sama, you are strong….”

Dillian’s face twisted at my words as I slapped her.

Episode 100.

“I am stronger.”

“I heard you are sharpening your teeth as it is a battle of


“Hey, I guess I’m stuck on something I can’t even remember.

I’m sorry, but you’ll lose to me this time too.”

“Don’t do that in front of Bianca-sama.”

I shook my head as I looked at Dillion who was smiling. It

was so absurd that I didn’t even know that the climax was
going to happen.

“Hey, you can’t get tired of Mr. Dillion.”


Dillian, who was smiling triumphantly with a confident look,

suddenly changed his face.

“But it doesn’t seem like an easy opponent, so I think it

would be good to have motivation. for example.”

“for example…?”

“When you come back after winning, you give me a kiss of


It was exactly what I expected, and I laughed out loud.

Because I am a very consistent person.

“Or holding hands all day long.”

“In addition?”

As soon as I laid the plate to tell him to do more, Dillian

began to list the things he wanted to do at this time.
‘I have nothing to lose?’

rather good opportunity?

No matter what Dillian wishes, a plausible atmosphere will

be created.

Then, wouldn’t I be able to make a plausible confession

without missing the atmosphere?

After thinking about it that far, I nodded my head coldly.

“like. If you win, I will listen.”

So, come back and win.


News of the match between Dillian and Bianca spread like

the wind.
It was none other than the knights who were most excited
about the news.

, the master of Sinise, and Bianca, called Sinai’s sword, was

enough to set the knights’ hearts on fire.

Not only that, the workers on the road also glanced at the

Sitting in the best seat in the crowd, I waved to Dillian, who

was lightly relaxing.

“It’s amazing that a guy who would never do something like

this came out.”

Nathan, who hid between Sarah and me, muttered quietly

enough that only me could hear it.

“You’re fighting for me.”

“That foxy guy couldn’t have just accepted it, did he bet on

“If you win, I will grant you my wish.”

“I thought so. There’s no way that Dillian would do anything
that would hurt him.”

Nathan, who was kicking his tongue as he looked at Dillian,

immediately focused his attention on the boiled corn that
Sarah had brought.

Kaang , Kang-!

A sharp bursting sound resounded through the auditorium.

I held my breath and couldn’t even blink my eyes at the

battle between the two people who exchanged sums quickly.

The facial expressions of other people were not that

different from mine.

It was a coincidence that I, who had fallen into a match

between the two, as if possessed, saw it.

The little In-young, covered with a blanket and her hat

pressed tight, moved quickly, shooting like a rabbit.

People in Dalian cheered without knowing that the guests

had arrived.
‘Did you call that camouflage?’

After leaving Nathan to Sarah, I approached the new guest

and tapped the little shoulder looking around.

“What are you doing here?”


Dante jumped up in surprise.

“Lee, Lia-sama?”

“Master, how have you been…?”

“Shh, shh!”

Dante groaned as he brought his index finger to his lips.

“Go this way.”

I hid myself in the grass as Dante was leading, and I lowered

my voice and asked like him.
“Do I have to hide?”

“Yes, I came out secretly from my mother.”

“Did the master come to watch the battle between His

Majesty and Count Greta?”


Dante’s eyes twinkled like stars. The anticipation and

excitement that I had pressed down burst out.

“I saw it a while ago, it’s so cool!”

“Go over there and see.”

“no. This is enough.”

Worried that Giselle would find out, Dante stuck his body to
the tree and held out his neck like an ostrich.

I took a seat next to him and grabbed the child’s hat, which
was flowing down in front of him.
“Master, how have you been?”

“yes. Thanks. The sparrow also got up and went back to his

Dante asked with a wide smile.

“How are you, Leah?”

He looked at me and smiled, his face even more crooked

than he had seen a few days ago.

It was a troubled face.

“The master is a liar.”

“I’m not lying. It hurt a little on the first day, but I’m fine

Dante stretched out his arm to see how strong he was.

It was soft, with no muscle, but I applauded and raised my

“Wow, that’s a nice muscle.”

“Chi, I know it’s not cool at all. To be really cool, you have to
be like your grandfather.”

Isn’t it too much like Terjee?

I was fed up when I remembered the ferocious body of Terje

on Dante’s cute face.

“Master, what’s wrong with your body?”

“I don’t know exactly. Sometimes my head hurts, sometimes

my chest feels stuffy, sometimes my body has a fever, and
it’s different from time to time….”

“Are there any specific symptoms?”

“I always have a nosebleed. Or vomit blood.”

Maybe it’s because I’m used to it? Dante’s voice was terribly
“If you get sick like that for a few days, you won’t get sick
again for a while.”

That is, he had been ill all the days of not seeing Dante.

‘I should have forced Giselle to go in.’

With belated regret, he asked Dante carefully.

“Master, may I take a look?”

Worried that the child might feel bad, Dante’s eyes twinkled,
and he snuggled close to me.

“Are you treating me like the sparrow that day?”

“yes that’s right.”

“But neither the lawmaker nor the priest could fix it….”

The face of the child who had learned resignation before

hope was dyed dark.
“Lea-sama is really great, but unlike a sparrow, it will be
difficult for me.”

Although he highly valued my abilities, Dante was giving up

in his heart that he would not be able to cure his disease.

‘Did you say that it was three years since the onset of the

It’s time to lose hope. However, it was admirable that he was

still bright.

I whispered softly into Dante’s ear as if telling a secret.

“Master, do you know that? So far, I have never failed.”


“Ask me when you come back later. I will tell you how many
times I have saved your life.”

“Did Leah really save His Majesty?”

Dante’s eyes widened as if he was about to roll, as if he
couldn’t believe that I had saved him, smaller and weaker
than Dillian.

“Absolutely. Did you even get engaged?”

The first meeting was a bit strange, but it’s not a lie.

You don’t need to tell Dante, a child, of such an adult

situation, right?

Dante, moved by the story that was made up with a mild

taste after brushing off all the provocative content, gave a
standing ovation.

“It’s so cool!”

“Then will you believe me now?”


Dante held out his hand to me with a reminded face.

“I will leave it up to you.”

With a cute greeting, a small, soft hand clasped my hand.

The moment our hands touched, I frowned.

‘Strange. Why do I feel so clogged up?’

If it is a living life, there is a sense of qi. Although the form is

different, the energy to run vigorously is the same.

But Dante felt nothing.

‘It’s as if someone artificially blocked it.’

It was the time when I wanted to go deeper into the

phenomenon I saw for the first time. A hoarse voice broke
my concentration.

“How do you know that?”


As if he had been watching since when, Terje looked down

at us with arms crossed.
Dante escaped from me and ran like the wind and hugged

“Your Majesty, you are here.”

“Yeah, what were you doing here, Giselle would be in a riot if

she knew.”

“Shh, shh. Please pretend not to know.”

Dante, hanging from Terje’s waist, blinked big eyes. It was

so sad that his eyes couldn’t help but listen.

“Yes, yes. My motherfucker asks me to do it, so I have to do


Once again , Terje, who was dazzled by those eyes, hugged

Dante. The hand that supported the buttocks was unusual.

‘Isn’t this something you’ve done once or twice?’

Perhaps it was a frequent occurrence, Dante seemed

familiar with it. It was very natural to wrap his arms around
Terje’s neck.
“How are you feeling today?”

“It doesn’t hurt at all today!”

“That’s a good thing.”

I blinked at the smooth raised corners of my lips.

‘The corners of the lips are similar.’

He always had a hard expression, so I didn’t know him well,

but his smile was very similar to that of Dillian.

“Go and take a look, Giselle will be stopped by this




What is there to be afraid of when Therze, the oldest man in

the family, is stopping him?

Excited, Dante ran towards the crowd.

After Dante left, Terje and the man alone, the awkwardness
and strange tension I felt that day lingered.

“So, have you made up your mind?”


As I approached Terje, I looked into his eyes and shouted


“I have no intention of breaking up with Mr. Dillian.”

“You are making a foolish choice.”

it will look like that now

no power be able to deal with the best family in the empire?

Probably, it will look like I’m arguing.

“Even if Terje is opposed, I will not leave Mr. Dillian. I have a

promise with him.”
He had promised not to leave until his memory returned,
until the curse was lifted.

“So, how about getting Terje-sama to accept me first?”

“Do I accept you?”

Laughter erupted from Terje’s mouth as my suggestion was

Episode 101.

“yes. I am sure you will like it, too.”

As if interested in my confident words, Terje tapped her chin.

It was an eye that asked me to tell you somewhere.

“I have a pretty good hand. Therje-sama is a loser who can

recognize me at once.”

“I wonder what kind of hand it is.”

“But I’m not going to use it. Even without that hand, I want to
be recognized fairly.”

“Don’t praise your confidence. I like them.”

The benevolent smile he had made while looking at Dante
turned to me for a moment.

But even for a moment, in an instant, a cold light flew


“This is my grandson’s life at stake. I don’t know what hand

you have, but no.”

Terje and I did not back down.

The taut air felt like it would break if hit.

‘Of course I knew it would come out like this.’

Anticipating all this, I spit out the lines I had prepared in


“Terze, would you like to make a bet with me?”


I pointed the bow in the corner of the gymnasium.

“Would you like to stick with me with a bow?”

“Yes. If I lose to Terje, I will give up on Mr. Dillion and step



Perhaps it was a rather tempting proposal, Terje rubbed his

chin to keep saying it.

“What if I lose? Are you going to make a condition to ask for


“no. Dillian is not a thing.”

And Dillian is already mine. Even if Terje blocks it, he will

eventually come to my side.

“Just acknowledge me. Don’t just push me away, and take a

good look at who I am.”

“You are confident.”

“Because I am confident.”
I don’t know about anything else, but I don’t think I’m going
to lose in a battle with a bow.

the grand shrine came, I was confident I would win.

A tearful smile hung on Therze’s lips as the confidence

expressed with his whole body.

“What would you do?”

“I don’t know. Sinise never avoids the fight that the opponent
has been fighting for first.”

Angry muscles blazed as if they were about to rip a shirt off.

“good night. I accept that bet. Can I decide the location?”

“Isn’t that what you do in the gym?”

“I will go hunting.”

“yes? Hunting?”
“okay. What’s the fun of standing still and shooting? It’s a lot
more fun to catch something moving.”

I’m going to ask you to go hunting . Seeing me bewildered by

the completely unexpected betting method, Terje raised his

Like saying, ‘Can’t you do this?’

With tears in his eyes, I accepted his proposal without

looking back.

“I don’t care, is there a hunting ground nearby?”

“Let’s go to the back mountain. Since we are hunting small

animals, there will be no danger.”


Dillion, who had just won the victory, approached us.

“What is it? Did you come here to talk nonsense to Leah

again? Go back.”
Dillian, who misunderstood that Terje had tormented me,
blocked my way as if protecting me.

I didn’t even know I was completely wrong.

“Don’t disturb me. Dillian.”

“That ‘s right. Mr. Dillian is resting. I’m going to set up a

discussion board.”

“What do you mean?”

Dillian, bewildered by the subtle atmosphere, asked, but no

one answered.

“See you in the hall in ten minutes.”


Me and Terje, who were fighting over Dillian, ran into the
fortress to find out who would catch it.

I didn’t even know that the remaining Dillian was looking at

my back in vain.

“Is this what it means to be recognized?”

Dillian couldn’t help but laugh when he saw me fully armed.

Stretchy shirt and trousers, sturdy leather shoes, and tied


And even bows and arrows.

It looked like a hunter’s outfit.

“By hunting?”

“… I didn’t even know it was going to be a hunt.”

When Dillian’s match was over, I was planning to rent a gym

and finish it quickly, but things turned out to be bigger than I
“I just can’t do it, what bet did you make?”

“If I win, I will give up on you. So say goodbye in advance. We

decided to break up right away today.”

Terje, dressed in hunting suits, like me, smirked triumphantly

and cut between us.

Of course , it was a face that believed that he would win.

Dillian’s face sank into his confident face.

“Mr. Leah. Is that true?”

“Shh, don’t worry. You know Mr. Dillian. How good are you at

“After all, if you’re confident enough, why don’t you go


“I know Lia’s skills best. It’s going to be a hundred feet long.”

As Dillian boasted, he wrapped his arms around my

shoulders. I hugged Dillion’s waist as if in response.
“Would you believe me if I fed Mr. Dillion by hunting?”

When Wilhelm ran out of food, it was none other than my

hunting skills that kept him alive.

When it comes to hunting, wherever I go, I am not behind.

“I’ll show you the skills that fed Dillian!”

“Did you feed them?”

Therese narrowed her eyes and looked at us alternately.

“How the hell did you meet? Have you ever been isolated
somewhere in the mountains?”

was similar Because I was trapped because of the heavy


“We met like fate.”

As if waiting, Terje wrinkled his eyes at Dillian’s reply that

came out immediately.
“The chat is over, let’s get started.”

The game time is 30 minutes. It was a simple rule that the

one who hunts more animals in it wins.

As soon as the explanation was finished, Dillian stood by my

side. Just looking at it, I could clearly see that they were
running after me.

my eyes can’t be seen with Terje’s eyes.

“Dillian, wait here.”

“Right. This is competition. Do not interfere.”

Dillian, who suddenly took on the role of the referee, sighed.

“I just followed you.”

“Are you worried that I might even sneak your fiancée


“… Were you thinking like that?”

As he slowly widened the distance towards him, Terje waved
his hand saying it was a misunderstanding.

“That’s exactly what that guy’s eyes said. Don’t get me


“… okay. I will believe you.”

“Why is the guy you believe in so far away!”

Terjee tried to clear up the misunderstanding, but the

relationship between him and me that had already opened
up could not be narrowed.


30 minutes is a short time.

Especially for catching prey.

Unlike the bare branches I see every day, a branch with
green leaves obscured my view.

“You have to show anything to catch it!”

What do you do if you are good at it? I only caught one


The heavy sack tied around the waist showed its presence,
but this was not enough.

“If there are so many animals, where the hell are they?”

No matter how much I looked around, I didn’t see a single


Time dwindled, and anxiety increased.

And Terje, who encountered it, poured oil on it.

“Looking at the size, it looks like a rabbit.”

“… Where the hell did you catch the deer, Terje?”

I opened my mouth wide when I saw the deer that Terje was

You caught a deer while I was barely catching a rabbit? Does

it make sense?

“Terze-sama, don’t you know the habitat of animals by any


“Hey, it’s difficult to come up with words that you didn’t


“No, you said there were a lot of animals, but so far I’ve only
seen one rabbit.”

“You must have taken the wrong area.”

… Were you such a mean person in the first place? Seeing

the clown losing his body and twitching, his stomach

“Then I will go with Terje-sama!”

“Uh-huh, when are you going to follow me when you run

I felt like I had the work that I had done earlier in my mind.

“Leave it. I’m going to catch the bear!”

At that moment, Terjee burst into laughter.

“baby. There are no bears here.”

“There may be deer the size of a bear.”

Laughing so happily, Terje, who had wiped away tears,

tapped my shoulder and placed the medicine.

“Are you going to make a bear that doesn’t exist? If you

catch a bear, I will allow you to marry me right away.”

And what if you really catch a bear? I wanted to refute

Terje’s words, but it wasn’t an environment in which bears
would appear from my point of view.

“… That’s what it means.”

“Yeah, stay strong.”

I bit my lip as I watched Terjee move away.

“What if I tell you to really break up?”

By the way, then it’s a late night run.

When I saw a deer that was several times bigger than the
rabbit I had caught, I couldn’t hide my nervousness.

I sped up and made my way through the grass.

After running for so long, a wolf howl was heard in the


Aww -

“A wolf?”

I paused at the eerie sound and looked around.

“Obviously, I said there were only small animals….”

And I noticed late. The fact that I went deeper than I

have to go back It was a moment to step back.


“Mr Terje?”

This thick voice was definitely Terje’s.


Have you ever met a wolf?

I ran towards the source of the sound.

And he opened his mouth at the sight unfolding before his




Terjee was subduing the wolf with thick arms full of

The wolf, who had collapsed helplessly by its inexorable
power, struggled and cried.

‘Aren’t you crazy? Do you mean to suppress it with your


A madman in the world fights a wolf naked….

It was at that time that I watched the amazing sight without

even thinking to help.

Another wolf ran after Terje’s back.


quick stance, I fired an arrow at the jumping wolf.

Let’s hit the vital point accurately! The wolf rolled on the
floor with a sound.

I approached Terje while holding back the wolf horde.

“Terze! Are you okay?”

“I thought I was going to run away as soon as I heard the
wolf, but the dragon came too.”

“So, what is Terjee-sama doing?”

“Can’t you see? You’re breaking your neck!”

No, I mean, who fights wolves naked?

Despite my absurd gaze, Terje, who handled the wolf,

twisted his neck from side to side.

“Now it’s a bit like hunting.”

Tired of the menacingly wriggling muscles, I pretended not to

see and turned my head.

“I will. I’m finally going to hunt like a hunter.”

This is the turning point. I’ll win by catching more than terje.

The wolves flinched at my eyes that had not been able to


The figure of Terje, who protruded her chest with all her
might, was as huge as a gorilla.

Numerically, they had the upper hand, but it was not easy for
me, who was half-turned with the distracted-sized terje.

In the end, the wolves lowered their tails and walked as we

thought they were a threat.

“Where are you running away from!”

The wolves were startled by the loud shout and ran away.

“I lack the guts, the guts!”

What to do if you strike a grunt on a board where you should

be lucky to have saved your life ?

Contrary to my anger, I muttered helplessly.

“It’s a place where only small animals live. But where did the
wolf suddenly appear?”
“Sometimes they come down here when they run out of food.
It’s usually like that in winter. I thought it would be okay
because it was spring, but it’s not.”

In other words, he almost died at the wrong time.

“I’m going to go hunting and go back. You never know what

else will come out.”

“I guess so.”

It was time to pack up quickly.

Thump, Thump, Thump!

The ground rumbled with a loud sound.

“What again this time? …?”


We looked at the swaying bush with anxious eyes.

I swallowed dry saliva at the gigantic body that finally

“… There are never any bears.”

“… I thought so too.”


The black bear who climbed the rock roared.

Episode 102.

Red eyes staring straight at us flashed.

I assure you, Terje and I were clearly photographed as prey

for bears.

And as soon as they are caught, they will be torn to shreds.

“Terze-sama, what about your weapon?”

“It’s broken.”

“The dagger…?”

“It’s a fair fight, but you can’t bring a dagger.”

“… After all, it sounds like nothing.”

ok . Swallowing my drool, I stepped back and grabbed Terje’s

This was to prevent him from attacking the bear with his
bare body.

“Terze-sama, let’s run away first. I’d love to join Mr. Dillian.”

“Do you think you can run without getting caught?”

know. That at human speed, you will never be able to outrun

a bear.


“And Sinise never avoids a fight that has come.”

“Did that include animals?”

As I raised my voice without realizing it, the bear, who had

accepted it as an intention to attack, showed it and roared.

I shook my shoulders, startled by the harsh sound of my ears

that appearance, but Terjee patted me on the back with a

soft hand that didn’t look like it.

“Don’t worry. When I was young, I even caught a tiger with

my bare body.”

But now it’s my last years!

I swallowed the words that filled my throat.

“Terze, it’s too dangerous.”

“I’ll be blocking you, so go and get Dillian.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the bear ran towards him.

At the same time, Terjee ran forward.

It happened so quickly that I couldn’t stop him.

‘How are you going? I think I’m going to die if I go!’

If you have a weapon, I don’t know how you’re going to catch
a bear with your bare body.

‘Do the people of the Sinais family always have to be crazy

about something to survive?’

In particular, the unquenchable desire to win was similar

enough to believe that it was a characteristic of the Sinise

“I’ll aim for the vital spot!”

He exclaimed with curiosity, but aiming for the vital point

was not as easy as it sounds.


Again, I bit my lip at the bounced arrow.

‘How thick is your skin!’

It is an arrow that was originally made for catching small

It was not easy to pierce the thick bear’s skin due to its thin
and blunt tip. Even if it was barely pierced, it was difficult to
inflict a fatal wound.

‘… Not enough arrows.’

Two arrows left .

There is no chance of winning like this.



So I said it was dangerous!

The sharp claws rubbed his shoulders and ragged.

It was a scene that made me faint, but Terje did not give up.

When he picked it up, Terje, who grabbed the branch,

pierced the bear’s eye with his final blow.

The bear was writhing in pain. I took the opportunity to run
to Terje and block in front of him.

“What are you doing! Don’t run away!”

“If I run away from here, Terje will die.”

Seeing him screaming, I think it’s worth living. Reassured, I

threw the bow I was holding.

“Why throw away the bow!”

“I can’t catch this.”

“Big, big.”

The bear shook his head and revealed his teeth.

His heart raced wildly at the sight of him in anger, but the
more he did, the calmer his head became.

“Terze, do you remember? You said that if I catch a bear, you

will allow me to marry you.”
I implemented a new bow and arrow by pressing the

‘You can’t kill a bear with such a thin arrow.’

I created a thick, sharp arrow by amplifying my divine power.

I pulled the bowstring taut, staring straight at the rushing


“Wow, kuwaaaah!”

The target is the vital point, the neck.


The arrow bounced off the bear and aimed exactly at the
bear’s neck.

Kuung, with a sound, his large body collapsed to the ground.

Slowly lowering the bow, I took a deep breath and looked at

the dead bear.
finished. i won

I smiled broadly at Terje.

“You have to keep your promise.”

That was the announcement of my victory.


“Okay, that’s it.”

After finishing the treatment of Terje, I pressed my shoulder


“Are there any more painful places?”

“… You know how to use divine power.”

“Even though it looks like this, it’s pretty good.”

“If you don’t say it, I’ll know.”

Unbelievable, Terjee patted my shoulder over and over


“Do you know? Dillion has a lot of resistance to divine


“yes. I know.”

“You must be supreme, aren’t you sick?”

“It doesn’t hurt at all.”

It hurts, Dillion found rest in my divine power.

Because I am different from others, and the only person who

can overcome his curse.

But Terje, who was not aware of that fact, pointed to the
wrong place.

“To love each other that much….”

It looks like this is wrapped in the love of the century. I
shuddered and turned around.

“I’ll give you that bear as a birthday present.”

“… That’s great, thank you.”

Therze , Dillian, who came to hear the commotion, wrapped

his arms around my shoulder with a contemplative face.

“Mr. Leah, are you hurt?”

Bows and arrows scattered on the floor, a wolf’s carcass,

and even a large black bear’s carcass.

It was a sight for Dillian to worry about.

“yes. I am fine, but my grandfather was injured.”

Therze struggled with the unfamiliar name.

“Hal, Grandpa?”
“We will soon become one family, wouldn’t it be better to
have a closer title?”


A sigh escaped from the bewildered Terje’s mouth.

Either way, I brought this good news to Dillion.

“Mr. Dillian, rejoice. I caught that bear and was proudly

recognized by my grandfather.”

“It’s also Leah. I believed.”

Dillian grabbed my cheek and kissed my forehead. The place

where his lips touched burned hot.

“D, Mr. Dillian?”

“What are you doing in front of this old lady!”

Whether Therze yelled or not, Dillian held me in his arms and

smiled triumphantly at him.
“It would have been nice to have allowed it earlier. I’m glad
that you know the true value of Ms. Leah even now.”

“I will not speak.”

Terje shook his head at the sight of his arms bulging out.

“The bear should call someone and take it away. Let’s go

down first.”


Hurry up and brag to Nathan!

At last, having been recognized by Terje, I returned to the

duke’s castle with great joy.

Waiting for me to return in anticipation of a golden return

was a low-key atmosphere.
‘weird. Why are you so quiet?’

The peacock castle, which was lively until noon today, did
not see even a single ant.

Confused by the sudden change of atmosphere, Lloyd

approached and whispered to Terje. Hearing his words, Terje
raised his eyebrows.

“The guy who couldn’t even see his nose is showing up


“Not only that.”

Lloyd’s face wasn’t serious.

I rolled my eyes at the whispers I couldn’t hear.

‘Can I stop?’

I don’t know what it is, but it sounds like a serious situation,

and I wouldn’t be of much help if I stayed here.

“I will go up first.”
“Yes, go and rest. And Dillian, you follow me.”

“What is it?”

Of course, Dillian, who had planned to return to the room

with me, openly expressed his discomfort.

I was the one who was ashamed of that arrogant, childish


“Lexter is here.”

I looked at Dillian in surprise at that.

‘Lexter is here? I thought you’d never come?’

If it was the first time Dillian had heard the news, he asked
Terje again with his brows wrinkled.

“Are you sure?”

“okay. I heard that other guests have also come, so as the

owner of Sinise, you should welcome them.”
“Go first. I’ll just take Leah and go.”

“Dillian. It’s important.”

The heavy, sunken eyes of Terje showed the seriousness of

the situation.

I quickly pushed Dillian on the back.

“it’s okay. You seem like an important guest, so take care of

your work first. I’ll go straight to my room.”

I understand my concern, but he is the master of Sinais and

the only duke of the Empire.

So, I had to show the behavior appropriate for the position.

“I like people who work well. You know?”

“With that said, I have no choice but to go to work.”

“Good job. I will go first!”

I left the two of us heading to the drawing room behind and
climbed the stairs alone.

“It’s creepy.”

I looked down the empty hallway and shrugged my


It’s not all knitted together, where did it all go?

The empty hallway was strange, and Lexter, who had been
hiding until now, suddenly appeared, was also strange, and it
was all strange.

‘You should not move in the room until Dillion comes.’

I grabbed the doorknob. At the same time, a large hand

grabbed my shoulder.

“Finally met you. Leah.”

Startled by the unfamiliar hand, I twisted my body and froze

on the spot.
“Really, I miss you so much.”

The friendly smiling face was terribly familiar.

Long curved eyebrows like a crescent moon, dimples that dig

deep when you smile, and a hand that touches your bangs
like a habit.

It was a face I will never forget.

Since the day I first had that dream, the face that appears
often and calls me anxiously.

My lover, who sacrificed herself to seal the darkness.

“Are you surprised that it is still the same?”

White skin, jet-black hair, smooth lips….

‘No. Look at me. They have different eyes.’

He had red eyes like a ruby. I don’t have purple eyes like this
He had spots under his eyes, and his body was smaller than
that person.

Above all, the atmosphere was different.

For a moment, as his vision, which had been blurred by

surprise, gradually became brighter, he began to see a little
bit of a difference.

“It’s not like that. different.”

Their smiles were so similar that they looked alike, but they
were definitely different people.

As he muttered resolutely as if talking to himself, the smile

on the tip of the man’s lips disappeared like smoke.
Episode 103.

The mask was removed and the exposed face was terribly
unfamiliar and cold.

“What are you talking about, Leah?”

Being wary of the sudden change of atmosphere, the man

who paused again pulled his lips back and smiled.

A familiar smile turned towards me, but the unfamiliar face I

encountered in that instantaneous moment could not be
erased from my mind.

“Leah. Just like you were born, I was born again. to see you

reborn? I can’t. That person is obviously….

“… Nonsense.”

“I understand. you’d be surprised I was really surprised too.

you are the same Nothing has changed.”

Suddenly, I backed away from the approaching man. Then

his wounded eyes turned to me.

“Lia, haven’t your memories come back yet?”


“You promised. Even if I fall to hell, I will come to see you


The man looked out and shrugged.

“I promised to come back on a snowy day like the day we

first met, but I was too late. Sorry.”

Even if I fall to hell, I will come to meet you, I will come on a

snowy day.

This man knew everything up to the promise he had made.

so confusing.

Really? Is it really that person?

Despite the similar appearance, it was strange that he

remembered the events of that day without making any

Still, I couldn’t get rid of the discomfort.

Everything was a mess.

A man who did not miss the moment grabbed my hand.

I was startled. Because the man’s hand is warmer than I



But the hand that touched my ring finger was rough. The
man who was touching the ring as if to break it whispered

“Now, let go of this and come with me.”

I clenched my fist, startled by the ring that started to fall out
slowly .

so that he doesn’t take the ring.

“I can’t go. No, I am not going.”

Dillion needed me. The only person who will protect him is

Where are you going to leave Dillion like that?

“But, you promised. When we meet again, we will love like

we did back then.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s not my promise.”

“… I have come to keep that promise, and you are denying


The wounded man’s eyes contorted. It wasn’t the kind of

expression that could be made up.
Seeing that seriously hurt face made me feel like I was
making a big mistake.

“Leah, we are destined. Even if we go round and round, we

are destined to meet again in the end.”

The moment he unfolded his theory of fate, the person I

remembered was Dillian.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t believe in that. So please come back.”

I pulled out the hand he was holding. But the man did not
give up.

When the man reached out his hand to me again,

The man’s wrist twisted with a tremendous amount of death.

“Get away from my girl. right now.”

Dillian’s eyes flashed red and burned terribly.


Dillian’s eyes in his arms as if protecting Leah were unusual.

His eyes were full of life as if he would chew on the

opponent at any moment.

“I wouldn’t say that I didn’t know when I saw the ring on my

ring finger. 3rd Prince.”

‘The 3rd Prince…?’

Is that man the 3rd Prince? The man who always threatened
Aina and kept Cassis in check, Manus?

You mean that face was the original villain? Leah couldn’t
believe it.

The fact that one of the villains had a face similar to the
lover in my dreams, and that his face was distorted like a
child who lost his mother.
Vision was suddenly blocked. Dillian’s wide back was
blocking her way.

“Three princes. You’d better take your eyes off my fiancee.

Unless you want to lose your self-awareness, the symbol of
the royal family.”

royal family , but there has never been a day I didn’t want to
look like today.

You know too well what the eyes of Manus mean.

couldn’t know Because Manus has the same eyes as


I couldn’t stand it, and I hated Lia’s gaze on Manus, even for
a moment.

Dillian persevered and persevered.

I didn’t know if I was going to kill Manus.

“Mr. Dillian, I’m fine.”

The reason Dillian did not miss the last string of reason was
because of Leah’s warmth on his back.

“Do you think it’s okay to touch the prince’s body like this?”

“Don’t you think you can do more?”

Leah swallowed her saliva at the conversation between the

two who set the day .

‘What do we do? I have to stop it, but I don’t know what to


If I intervened by mistake, the primal fear that my throat

would be crushed to live caught my feet.

At that moment when it looked like it was about to explode,

there was someone who broke the tight air.

“Stop it. Dillian!”

Leah ran to Therze and clinged to her as if she had met the

“Please dry it somehow…!”

It looked like it was going to be a really big deal.

At Lia’s urgent face, Terje ran between the two of them.

After that, I saw Lexter following me at a leisurely pace.

“It’s my first time seeing you. Pre-duchess.”

The first is a hornet, the subject of an arrow I shot and a

hole in my arm.

Leah, who was grinning inside, greeted her with a smile as if

she had drawn it.

“I thought you wouldn’t come, but I’m surprised.”

I thought he was hiding because he was scared of me and

Dillion, but you’re pretending to be brave?

Rexter’s eyebrows twitched, noticing such a deep meaning.

But that’s it. To Lexter, who is good at hiding his feelings,
Leah’s provocation was nothing more than a Chihuahua’s

“I have work to do.”

Lexter, who left a meaningful message, approached Manus.

“Prince, go away. I will see you.”

“Yeah, I have to go.”

There’s nothing good about getting kicked out of a fuss any

more than this. Manus, well aware of that fact, turned his

Of course, without forgetting to grumble towards Dillion until

the end.

“Peacock. No matter how hard you try and stop, the fact that
Leah and I are destined doesn’t change.”

At the moment when he was moved by the words that

scratched Dillian’s insides to the end, Terje quickly pushed
Dillian’s back.
He feared that Sinais would become the center of a rebellion
due to the murder of the royal family.

“Lea, you go in and rest.”

Terje, who pushed Lia to the room, forced Dillian, who did
not want to come, and closed the office door.

“No matter how angry I was, I should have endured it!”

like thunder rumbled through the office.

No matter how much Sinai is, it should not be assassinated

by the imperial family.

Not only would the empire fall into chaos, but the imperial
family would also be subject to checks, and then things
would become too cumbersome.

Synise is not going to collapse. However, if the opponent

was the imperial family, it was not easy to lose.

“Be glad you didn’t kill him.”

But at the most, I’m glad that the sound didn’t kill me.

“Hey, Dooya.”

His strong body drooped as if he had collapsed on the sofa.

Terjee, who grabbed her forehead, groaned.

“What the hell is this guy going to do with Rexter?”

To bring Manus to tomorrow’s banquet without consulting. It

was clear that he was crazy, even if he was crazy.

‘It wasn’t that reckless, it wasn’t that he was given the title
of earl.’

Even though he was an out-of-married child, he was given

the title because he inherited Sinise’s blood. It will come
back poisonous.

It doesn’t matter if Lexter is supporting the 3rd Prince by


It is unavoidable that each individual has a different leader

to support.
However, it had a slightly different meaning for the third
prince, Manus, to attend the birthday banquet of Terje, the
biggest adult of Sinais.

If done wrong, he could appear to support him.

How will it be reflected in the eyes of the prince who is

standing in opposition to the third prince?

Although not involved in the situation, it was a very difficult

situation for Terjero, who was supporting the Crown Prince
from behind.

“Please. Wait until the day of the banquet. After the banquet
is over, they say they go back….”

“It doesn’t matter whether it is tomorrow or now. If you

approach Ms. Leah just one more time, then I will dig that
eye out.”


“I don’t know if I’ve touched the family, but I can’t stand it as

long as I touched Lia.”
Terje looked at Dillion burning coldly and shut her mouth.

A guy is flirting with his fiancée, who wouldn’t be offended?

Terje, who was excited by the grandson’s human side, said.

“Don’t attach people to the third prince. And don’t let even
an ant come near Leah’s room.”

It was Terjee who had pushed Leah out until now, but
starting from today, I was on the lighter side.

And above all, the fact that she was engaged to Dillian and
flirted with her in the Duke’s Castle was an act of ignoring

It’s not like it’s going to explode if you can’t turn your back
on it .

“Write a letter to the Crown Prince, telling him to attend the


If he knew that Manus was here, Cassis would rush to him

like the wind.
“Hmm, if the prince comes to the throne, the nonsense of
supporting the third prince will disappear. What are you
going to do next?”

“I will officially announce that I support the Crown Prince.”

It was also intended to make him emperor as soon as


Then, wouldn’t there be a justification to legally kill the 3rd

Episode 104.



I stood blankly, leaning against the closed door.

‘What the hell happened?’

My head was fuzzy as if in a dream. Was I that strange?

Nathan, who was lying on the bed, tilted his head.


I looked at Nathan like a crazy person, and then I fell on the


“… Nathan, do you believe in a past life? reincarnation?



Nathan blinked his eyes at the pouring of questions.


“Believe. Because neither past lives, reincarnations nor fate

exist, you and I have met again.”

Hey, can’t this be? Then the third prince was also

“Then, will my lover from my previous life be reborn as I met

you again?”

“What do you think?”

“… could not have been born That person’s soul is locked
deep inside.”

Even if it was a sacrifice to protect myself and the world, by

accepting the curse, I became an abandoned child.

Did God really reach out to the cursed child? Would you have
shown mercy?

God was sweet and kind, but at the same time he was cruel
and cold-hearted.

I didn’t destroy the soul of my lover as I requested, but I put

a shackle to it so that she could not be reborn for a thousand
years under the condition of a test.

“By the way, that person showed up. Is this possible?”


I was stunned and buried my face in the blanket.

“Your smile is so similar. They even know the promise.”

The purple eyes that looked at me with sorrow kept
glimmering in front of me.

but not similar. heterogeneous eyes.

“That person is the third prince….”

“Who are you…?”

Nathan looked as confused as I was.

‘Is the third prince really that person?’

All the evidence pointed to the third prince, but I continued

to deny it.

I can’t believe it, I can’t accept it.

Rebirth? can do it As he said, even if you fall into hell, you’re

a person who crawls up. What can’t you do? and remain

‘By the way, the third prince is ridiculous.’

If that person were reborn like me, then that person has to
be Dillian.

“It’s all a mess….”

Knowing all the promises he and I had made, it was hard to

deny it any longer .

As I took a deep breath in the strange situation, Nathan

raised her wings to my head.

“Lia, did I tell you before? It’s kind of a test.”


“You have to overcome it on your own, so there’s not much I

can tell you.”

Nathan patted my hair and smiled sweetly.

“Believe in you. There is no need to be shaken by the

circumstances around you. Because the way you are going is
the right one.”

I’m going is the right answer….

I don’t know if it’s true, but thanks to this, my complicated

head was slowly being organized.


The cool night breeze cools his hot hair.

A few days ago, I found the pond where I was playing with
Dillian and I sat alone in the same seat with him.

“After all, I didn’t see your face.”

Dillian came to me in the middle, but I didn’t open the door

in the end.

I can’t help it. I still don’t have the confidence to see Dillion.
I was going to ask him what kind of relationship he had with
the third prince, but he had nothing to say.

Because it’s really nothing.

But will Dillion believe it? I was afraid of how the way they
looked at me would change.

“I’m going to get really mad later.”

“If I had known, I shouldn’t have avoided it.”


At the sudden interruption of the voice, I trembled and

trembled like someone struck by lightning.

The limp hand was crooked. The body fell to the side with
the collapsed center of gravity.

‘It was a big deal. I’ll hit my head…!’

I closed my eyes tightly to the shock of the electrolyte, but I

felt a large hand wrapped around my shoulder and warmth.
When I opened my eyes, ruby-red eyes were staring at me

We looked into each other’s eyes for a long time.

cool breeze, swaying hair, and the quiet sound of water in my


All of this felt like a dream.

Were you captivated by that atmosphere, or did you want to

use the excuse that you were possessed?

I slowly opened my tightly closed lips.

“… It may sound strange, but I am the reincarnation of the

first saint.”


“Isn’t it funny?”

Of course, Dillian, who knew how to laugh, just looked at me

“Not at all. He had divine power that overwhelms saints and
high priests, so I thought there must be a good reason.”

“Right. There was a reason. Do you think you know the

reason for being reborn?”

“It’s to meet me.”

Even up to this moment, I burst into laughter at his confident

yet sly temptation that did not stop.

“That’s right too.”

“… Is that true?”

Did he not know how to take the joke seriously? Dillian

asked several times with a surprised expression.

“I don’t know Mr. Dillian, but there is an oracle that came

down to Sinise. It’s an oracle that came down on the day Mr.
Dillian was born.”

“A trust?”
“It’s an oracle that, when Mr. Dillian turns 25, a child of
destiny will appear to break the curse.”

I looked at Dillion’s surprised face and grabbed his hand.

“I am the owner of the oracle.”

I told him the story of a dream I had. And the oracle that
came down to me and the contents of the diary I left in the

“So it is my mission to extinguish the darkness and lift the

curse from Mr. Dillion.”

“So, only Leah’s divine power could save me.”

Salvation, I wondered if it was too grandiose, but it wasn’t


“If Lia is the reincarnation of the first saint, what am I?”

“My guess is that it might be descendants.”

“Is that man going to be imprisoned in hell?”

“… I knew that.”

Silence lingered again at my meaningful words.

“Are you saying no?”

“You must have been reborn like me.”

“… I wonder if that person is the 3rd Prince?”

Dillian, who was quick-witted, understood what I was trying

to say at once.

I couldn’t see his face, so I bowed my head.

“Tell me. Are you sure that the third prince is the man?”

There was nothing I could do other than nod my head at the

cold questioning.

Then, as soon as I nodded, Dillion grabbed my chin and

turned it around.
Contrary to the rough momentum, I was relieved by the
gentle touch for a while.

It took my breath away when I saw the red eyes brimming

with confusion.

“How are you sure? It may not be.”

“I know the promise you made with me in the past. I know

everything that happened that day.”

Nathan doesn’t know, only him and me.


Covering his face with a large hand, the heavy sigh he let out
quickly turned into a sullen smile.

Irritated by the sudden change, I chewed my lips. His

reaction was completely unpredictable.

As an excuse, I kept clamoring for something. If I didn’t do

this, I thought I would die of suffocation.
“I don’t know what happened. Mr. Dillian is the owner of the
oracle…. Why, for real?”

“Don’t say it’s real.”

My shoulders trembled at the harsh blue voice. I didn’t know

what to do with the clear anger I had encountered for the
first time.

At that moment, when I was choking at the silence that

weighed on my shoulders, Dillian stood up.

“3 Were you worried because the prince was that person?

You don’t know what to do?”

Dillian raised his head to face him and smiled in surprise.

“Then why didn’t you tell me earlier? You would have figured
it out.”


“It will not be difficult. It’s okay if you kill me.”

Unlike his friendly smiling face, the words that come out of
his mouth are like sharp swords.

“When the confusing object disappears, Leah’s head will be


In that moment, I realized why Dillion had been quiet until


He had been killing Manus over and over again.

Countless, many different ways.

I hurriedly reached out to Dillion.

“Don’t do that.”

And this act became a fuse.

“why? Because you don’t want your fate to die?”

“yes? what is that….”

“Are you afraid of losing your miserably lost lover again?”

I couldn’t keep my mouth shut at the ridiculous and absurd

Yes, I was scared. Dillian kills Manus, fearing a war with the
imperial family.

So I’m afraid Dillion will be wrong. I’m afraid I’ll get hurt I’m
afraid it will hurt!

Dillian’s red eyes flashed strangely on my increasingly

distorted face.

Anger, despair, anguish, jealousy….

He was tormented by emotions he couldn’t explain in words.

And when I met those eyes, it was painful as well.

“That kid was like that. No matter how hard I try, I will never
be able to resist fate.”

As if judging something, Dillian, who was looking into the air,

burst into laughter.
“Did you think I would walk away if I said that?”

Cold eyes turned to me. Dillian, who was kneeling next to

me, who couldn’t move, made eye contact with me.

Her half-turned eyes gleamed in the moonlight.

The dazzling light that I loved disappeared out of nowhere.

“okay. Concede a hundred times and say it’s fate for you and
that bastard.”

He doesn’t even want to make an assumption like this, so his

eyes looking at me are ugly. I shut my mouth at those eyes.

“The place where you will be may not be me, but the third
prince’s side.”

“… It can’t be.”

“But it doesn’t matter.”

I barely spit out negative words, but my voice did not reach
Dillian, who had been pouring out his own words, paused for
a moment.

He smiled sweetly as he looked at me, unable to breathe


“Mr. Leah, I intend to keep you by my side even if I kill that


A large hand wrapped around my cheek. I felt a strong

possessiveness from the fingertips that gently wiped my
hard cheeks.

“It was my seat from the beginning.”

As if biting my lip, he approached me and growled wildly.

“Your place is next to me.”

I met you first. i found it first

The red eyes that met were saying so.

Intense, hot, and painful.

Episode 105.

“Mr. Dillian….”

“You want to run away? Still, I can’t help it. You are the one
who picked me up like this.”

Dillian leaned against his forehead and looked at me. It’s like
I want you to react.

However, I couldn’t say anything in shock.

Did Dillian ever show such a blatant obsession?

His obsession so far was nothing compared to what it is

Dillian shook his head, seemingly disappointed that I didn’t
say anything.

‘Disappointed? Who is really disappointed?’

Of course you thought I was going to hold Manus’ hand? Did

you believe that you would obey fate?

“Mr. Leah just has to wait. I will remove everything that

stands in our way, be it fate or obstacles.”

At that moment, a firework exploded in front of me.

I reached out for Dillian, who stood up. Dillian, pushed by the
sudden force, lost his balance and fell into the water.

It was the same with me, who slammed Dillian with my

whole body.

with a splash-! A large splash of water crashed into the air.

Water ran down my knee, where I sat down.

We exhaled like drowning mice.

“Now, what are you doing?”

“What are you doing!”

I screamed. His shoulders shook with excitement.

“Why do you say I’m leaving!”

It was sad that he suddenly fell into the water, and he hated
Dillian for not trusting me.

“When did I say I was going to the third prince? Did I say that
child was my destiny!”

His eyes, which were dyed red due to the rising heat,
gradually became cloudy and cloudy.

At the same time, Dillian’s face also shook.

You looked confused, what do you know?

“If it is fate, who believes in such fate? I don’t believe it! I

don’t believe it!”
I couldn’t resist and hit the water, but then I bowed my head.

“The one I like is you…. But why do you say it so badly….”

Damn , I didn’t want to confess this.

I wanted to say that I like it with neatly decorated, well-

chosen, and well-chosen words.

Tears that could not overcome gravity fell to the surface of

the water.

‘Oh, Mr. why are you crying Cry.’

I rubbed my drenched eyes, not knowing whether it was

tears or pond water.

I glared at Dillion with red eyes.

“Whether to kill the child or not, do as you please! I don’t

care if the first person I see today dies or not!”

I shot fiercely and pointed at him.

“You don’t even know you’re worried about yourself, and
you’re talking nonsense to yourself! you idiot!”

Having poured out all the words I wanted to say, I turned my

back mercilessly.

Now, he didn’t want to see even Dillian’s handsome face.

That time when he annoyedly steals the water flowing down

his chin.

A strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me. As I

collapsed into Dillian’s arms without ever escaping, he
embraced me with all his might.

“Say it again.”

The eyes looking at me were boiling like lava.

do you think i’ll say Who is good!

Still not relieved of my anger, I pushed Dillian on the

However, his rock-hard body did not budge no matter how

hard he tried.

Rather, tangled like a vine, he buried his lips in my ear and


As if to comfort me, in a friendly voice.

“I was wrong. For hurting Leah, I will live with an apologetic

heart for the rest of my life.”

And whispered softly. It was as seductive as the devil’s


“So, can you say it again?”


His hot breath tickled his ears.

I trembled and pushed his shoulders away, barely widening
the distance, but this time, eyes brimming with heat caught

As if licking my face, the dark eyes made my whole body itch


“… Can a person change so drastically?”

When he turned around and got angry, now he acted like a

completely different person.

But it was the same with me.

At some point, his anger towards him disappeared like snow,

and shame filled him.

“Do you really like me? really?”

“I never said it was good.”

“lie. You cried because you loved me earlier.”

Only in this case, it’s half talk!

The pleasantly raised corners of his lips hung at the end of
his field of vision.

For a brief moment, the lips that passed as if they had

passed were stuck in the eyes and did not fall off.

Her slightly chapped lips twitched. At the same time,

strength entered my hand holding his shoulder.

“Did you ask me to say it again?”

I bowed my head towards him.

“Mr. Leah?”

Surprised , I closed my eyes for the last time, and I kissed


It seemed as if time had stopped. The wind blowing and the

sound of dripping water.

everything has gone away

‘The first kiss is sweet like candy, but it doesn’t taste like

How about the taste of water? That was it.

It was good though. As if stamping a stamp, he pressed his

lips firmly, then slowly opened his eyes.

Dillian stiffened and looked at me while holding his breath.

As if possessed by a ghost, his dazed eyes soon subsided


“… Now you know, right?”

Wanting to do something like this, I quickly escaped from


However , as soon as I got to my knees, I was caught by him

again and dragged away.

“Are you going to pass like this?”

A warm hand wrapped around the back of my head.

Their noses collided in the narrow street in an instant.

“Tell me. Why?”

“… Do you know this?”

“I don’t know?”

As he let out a small laugh, his hot breath splattered against

his cheek.

I lowered my eyes on that savage face and raised my head,

startled by the words I immediately heard.

“Let’s do it one more time. Until you know for sure.”

My voice, which was protesting about where there was such

a thing, was eaten by him as he swallowed his lips.

Dillian hugged the squishy body tightly in my arms.

Contrary to the strong touch, the lips that swallowed Leah’s

lips were cautious. In case she was startled, she was afraid
that she would run away, so she desperately suppressed
herself and rubbed her gently.

Lia’s body trembled as she bit her lower lip so as not to get
hurt, as if she were begging her to open her mouth, which
was tightly closed like a clam.

Shh. As she gently wiped her back, Leah slowly released her
strength from her body.

And finally, a small gap appeared.

seasoned hunter, did not miss the opportunity. Their breaths

intertwined with each other.


Leah’s lively voice ignited his barely suppressed desire.

Damn it, Dillian muttered to himself.

With that small, soft voice, the dam that had been built up
until now collapsed.

My heart ached at the sweet kiss that made my tongue


“Breathe, suffocate….”

“Shh, it’s okay. Breathe through your nose.”

Is it that easy? While crying, Leah exhaled through her nose

as Dillian instructed.

The reason I didn’t push him was simple.

Because I didn’t like it. The kiss with him was so enchanting
that I thought it was okay to die.

Leah left herself in the rushing waves.

Dillian devoured everything from her as if not to let Leah go.

It was the same with Dillian who couldn’t come to his

I really liked Leah, who had the same heart as me, and my
heart was beating like crazy.

My heart was pounding like this and I thought I was going to


But Dylan didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop. Like someone with a

broken brake.

With that tenacity, Leah eventually raised the white flag.

I can’t take it anymore Leah gasped and shook her head.

Dillian, unable to bear even that brief moment, chased after
him and swallowed his lips in haste.

“Stop, stop…!”

Leah raised her hand and covered his mouth as he


Has anyone ever died kissing? I was out of breath so much

that it was such an absurd thought. Now it was really limited.

Leah, who was arranging her breath, trembled at the

dampness she felt in her palms.
Dillian smiled like a fox and kissed Leah’s palm.

“stop it….”

“I haven’t heard an answer yet.”

side, side. At the strange sensation of hot and tickling, Lia

burst into tears with a blushed face.

“… I like. I liked it, so I did.”

“Do you really like me?”

“Then what must I have been trying to win against Grandpa!”

Lia’s face was as red as a cock that would explode if


“Hey, Lia-san is the type of person who doesn’t look back

once the fire is lit.”

Until now, Dillian, who had mistakenly thought it was

because of his desire to win, could not contain the laughter
that kept leaking out.
“Is it because of me?”

“Because it is.”

Dillian smiled brightly as if he had the world at the blunt


“I like it too. Leah, I like you.”

Leah’s face blushed at that simple confession.

“I know. You like me enough to turn your eyes around

jealousy and try to kill the prince.”

“Mr. Leah can give you the world if you want. I will put you
on the highest seat in the Empire.”

“I do not like it. I absolutely hate it!”

Leah groaned and groaned, and Dillian kissed her as if

appeasing her.

Leah stopped him at the kiss that fell like a small bird.
“stop it. I’m going to spit like this.”

No, it looks like it’s already swollen. His lips tingled at how
much he was tormenting him.

That was then. My throat stinged.

When I asked him to stop, he bit his neck.

“oh. Why are you asking!”

“I want to mark it as mine.”

that bastard spoke the nonsense that it was fate again, he

was going to show it proudly.

go up a bit Dillian, who was grunting inwardly, tilted his head

at Leah’s gaze that glanced at me.


“Can I do it too?”

what? Can I leave a mark on my neck?

Dillian’s heart pounded wildly at Leah’s unexpected and
aggressive appearance.

Leah, who mistook the appearance for rejection, looked at

the distant mountain and chanted.

“If you don’t like it….”

“I never said no.”

Dillian quickly grabbed Leah’s chin and made eye contact

with her.

“I like my wife because she is faithful to her desires.”

“Stop playing!”

“Come on, please. ma’am.”

Leahing her shirt down and sticking her neck out, Lia jumped

“no. I will not!”

Aww, it’s so cute I’m dying Dillian hugged Leah as he ran

As if she were her own world.

for a very long time.

Episode 106.



It’s not even summer, but the tip of my nose was tickled from
playing in the water early.

My body shivered from being in the water for too long.

“I wish I could wash up soon.”

As I walked down the hallway with my body dripping with

water, the users who saw it were startled and flustered.
In the meantime, a quick-witted user brought a towel and
covered it with our bodies.

“I’ll bring you hot water right now.”

When I saw people moving around in the middle of the night,

I couldn’t even raise my face.

“Lea, let’s go up quickly.”

I pulled a towel over my shoulders and covered my face.

It’s not an ostrich that just sticks its head in the ground….

It was a very one-dimensional thought, but if I didn’t do this,

I felt like I would die of shame.

Perhaps he read my thoughts, Dillian wrapped my towel

around my shoulders.

Suddenly wrapped in a towel, I ran into the room like a

chased person.

Then Nathan, who was receiving Sarah’s massage, got up.

“What, what! This bundle of towels!”

“Nathan. It’s me.”

I threw the towel that was covering my face.

Then Nathan, who was relieved, jumped up again.

“Lea, your lips!”

Huh, that’s right! As I remembered a kiss with Dillian

belatedly, I hurriedly covered my lips.

My heart was pounding like someone caught doing

something bad.

“It looks like they were playing in the water, did they have
leeches on them?”


I don’t know. That was the time when I swept my heart out
of relief.
“… Did you know that, Dillian, you unscrupulous bastard!”

vigorously and pecked Dillian’s head.

It was so fast that I couldn’t tell if it was an owl or a


It’s a big deal if something goes wrong with that.

“Nathan, then I’m going to punch a hole in my head.”

“you you! Are you on Dillion’s side now? Not me?”

My baby who was raised nicely…! Nathan stumbled, saying

he couldn’t do this.

Fortunately, Sera safely received Nathan’s body as he



“Yes, Nathan. I am here.”

“Leah, our Lia…!”

“Don’t call a living person dead.”


Perhaps it was quite a shock that I had taken Dillian’s side,

Nathan called out my name in shame.

Thousands of years old at the height of his cuteness. The

gangster Nathan murmured.

I want to cry like that, the moment I was approaching


Dillian blocked my way.


“There is a way for Nathan to cheer him up.”


“Like this.”

His face approached me and kissed my cheek.

Nathan, who had been wilting at the sound of chirping,
abruptly got up.

Dillian smiled triumphantly as if to see this, and wrinkled his

eyes .

“Did you see it?”

“Dillian, yes, oh my!”

A huge lion’s head erupted from Nathan’s mouth. It was a

momentum that would not be strange even if it spit fire.

Of course, Dillian lightly ignored it.

“Lea, don’t sleep, I’m waiting for you.”

“yes? why?”

“Today is a historic day. We have to be together until dawn.”

My face turned white at those meaningful words.

Why is it white and not red?

Being shy now wasn’t a problem. The problem was Nathan,
who spewed a ghastly life from behind.

“I’ll be here soon.”

And the person who detonated the bomb leisurely left the

‘No, I’m the only one in charge of how to do it!’

In the end, facing the time bomb without any protective gear,
I rolled my eyes.

He desperately avoided Nathan’s eyes. To the extent that

anyone could see him as a Medusa.

“Lia, as expected, that guy forced you…!”

“… I did it first.”


Nathan fell backwards with a choked sound at my


Soaking his wet body in the warm water, Nathan patted his
feet on the bed, afraid to dry them dry.

“Lea, come here and sit down.”

“… yes.”

As if rebuking my daughter for an accident, I naturally fell to

my knees in the atmosphere and eyes.

The combination of a little owl and a grown adult kneeling in

front of him was not unusual.

As proof of that, Sera’s face, which turned her head and

licked her lips, was caught at the edge of her field of vision.
“Hey, Leah. I don’t want to meddle in your private life, but
this isn’t it. Far from having a ceremony, it’s not even a
couple, but it’s a historic night!”

“Nathan, we start dating today.”

“… Even if we’re dating, it’s still too early to start making


Sharing love…? Hopefully, that’s what I’m thinking…?

“you you! What are you talking about!”

“I’m afraid that that Dillian will eat you up!”

“Come on, you get eaten! Do I look so lame?”

“Of course!”

I was arguing for nothing, but the nagging only increased. I

closed my eyes tightly, dyeing my face red at the primary
color expression pouring from overhead.

What is sex education that I learned at the age of 22? ….

It’s a very subtle and complicated feeling.

At the same time, I felt that I was loved that much, and I was

“Never, never, never do that. got it?”

“yea, I got it. So let’s stop….”

If it was repeated one more time, it was the tenth time.

Just when I wanted to stretch out like this, Dillian in pajamas

opened the door and appeared.

“Did you see this crazy guy? Turn it off right now!”

“It’s you who will turn off.”

Dillian immediately accepted Nathan’s words and summoned

Sera to the reinforcements.

“Sera, take me.”

“Yes, my lord.”
In the blink of an eye, Sarah, holding Nathan in her arms,
grabbed the doorknob.

“Sera, Sarah? How are you to me?”

“I’m sorry.”

Nathan struggled as hard as he could, but he couldn’t

escape the skilled hands of the former assassin.

“Hey, you bastard, Dillian! Buying Sarah!”

“It wasn’t a purchase, it was originally mine.”

Suddenly, the door opened. Nathan, foreseeing the end of

the sound, hurriedly shouted.

“Lea! Heed my words! Never do such a masculine thing

before the ceremony! This dad will never allow it!”

Nathan’s warning echoed through the closed door.

Dillian rubbed his chin with a force several times more

ferocious than usual.
“Just as Lia got permission from her grandfather, I must also
get permission from my father-in-law.”

“Are you talking about Nathan?”

“I’m Leah’s father, so if you treat me like a father-in-law, I’ll

cry less.”

It sounds like it will eventually ring one way or another.

As I looked at him with absurd eyes, Dillian, who pulled his

lips softly, patted my waist.

“Or, should I commit it first and get permission?”

“No, that. Whoa!”

In an instant, my vision was turned. The bed against the

back was soft.

Blinking my eyes and looking at the ceiling, I swallowed my

saliva at the large shadow that was setting over my head.

“… Are you really like this?”

“I will do more.”

Dillian, who had locked me between his arms, bent down


Light kisses started from the forehead and poured down in

turn toward the nose and cheeks.

The lips that were hovering around the face found my lips,
the destination, and covered them at once.

Sweet and wet breaths flowed from the overlapping lips. My

shoulders shrugged at the sound of wet sounds in my ears.

‘what should we do.’

If I keep going like this, I feel like I’m really going to hit him,
so I quickly pushed his chest out.


A hot breath spread over his face.

“Mr. Dillian, wait a minute, calm down.”

“… I am calming down.”

what is calm Your eyes are half gone.

I swallowed dry saliva in the shimmering red eyes that

seemed to run at any moment.

Frightened by the hand that slowly climbed up my waist, I

rolled away from his arms and clasped my back against the
head of the bed.

“Sit down first.”

“Mr. Leah.”

“No. hurry.”

With his arms folded, Dillian shook his head as if he had no

choice but to resolutely say no.

It looked like he was giving up, but he was aiming at my


In the meantime, Dillian cut my thigh.

As I trembled at the weight of my thighs, he smiled like a bad
boy and hugged my stomach.

“Wow, what!”

“I am so tired that I must lie down. If Lia is uncomfortable, lie


never lie down I know what will happen if I lie down.

Fluffy-eyed and spilling Dillian, I reached out with his hair

tickling his thigh.

It felt good when he touched the tip of his hair like he was
playing a joke, so Dillian acted calmly.

“Since when did you like me?”

My hands stopped at the drowsy question.

“… I don’t know.”

“You say you don’t know. Shall we kiss again until we

Dillian reached out and stroked my lips, as if he thought I
was avoiding an answer.

‘I’m afraid I’ll ask.’

How do you not miss any chance? I lifted Dillian’s hand from
his lips and clasped tightly.

“I’m not avoiding it, I really don’t know.”

Isn’t there a saying that you can’t get wet in the drizzle? I
was just that case.

“I liked it because I was sober.”

I looked straight into Dillian’s eyes and spoke slowly.

Not the impulsive and messy confession I had before, but

the sincerity I really wanted to show.

“It’s not that I hide what I like. It wasn’t a messy confession,

but I wanted to have a proper assortment.”
But it wasn’t that easy. There is such a thing as timing, but
that timing didn’t come to me.

“I have to tell you today, I have to tell you tomorrow, I

procrastinate and procrastinate… Yes, it exploded today.”

I scratched my cheek in a sense of embarrassment. Under

the bright light, I was embarrassed to speak with a sane

“I like. It’s not fate or anything like that, it’s you, so I came to
like you.”

Dillian’s eyes swelled up greatly at my humble confession.

Embarrassed by those hot eyes, I gently placed my hand over

his eyes.

“… Lia, I can’t see you.”

Episode 107.

“Hold on a little bit. We still have something to talk about.”

It’s not something I’d like to say in the current atmosphere,

but it was a story I had to point out.

“I have absolutely nothing to do with the 3rd Prince. So don’t

worry. The next time you come closer, I’ll kick you out even if
you slap me on the cheek.”

I was startled and flustered like a fool, but if you touch my

body without permission one more time, I won’t let you go.

“The problem is with Lexter. What do you think of coming on

my feet?”
He probably didn’t come here to celebrate Therze’s birthday,
and it was clear that he was hiding a messy number.

“Dillian didn’t even know that Lexter was coming, didn’t he?”

Recalling his face that had hardened at the sight of Rexter,

he asked, and he nodded.

“yes. Until this morning, he was definitely in the Arest


Dillian received a report from Kanae every day and checked

Lexter’s movement.

As usual, I received a report from Kanae today and

confirmed that Rexter was in Arest’s estate, but it is said
that he moved to the Duke’s Castle in an instant.

A distance that takes two days on horseback.

From the fact that he avoided the eyes of the Knights of

Shaten, it wasn’t his normal skill, but he moved places in
that short time?
‘Is this the means of transportation we saw during the
founding period?’

It might have been teleportation using shadows.

“In the past, I would have thought that I was here to interfere
with my work, but I don’t think it is this time.”

Dillian grabbed my hand that covered my eyes and pulled me


The eyes that finally met were as calm as a lake where no

wind blows.

“I don’t know about Lexter, but what the third prince wants
is Ms. Leah.”

His hot breath touched his palms and his lips touched. He
buried his lips in my palm and whispered.

“So don’t fall from my side.”

“Where are you going? You said Mr. Dillian would protect
Slowly sliding my body, I turned around and looked at Dillion.

“Mr. Dillian protects me, and I protect Mr. Dillian. Yes?”

I held the ringed hand in my arms and smiled softly.

“That’s what it means.”

“you’re right. That’s what it means.”

A large, strong arm hugged me tightly. A voice was heard

above his head, as if he was in a good mood, but not
knowing what to do.

“I love you so much, I don’t know what to do. I’m afraid I’ll
catch you like this.”

As if to prove those words, Dillian hugged me tightly, then let

go of me and trembled over and over again.

As if forcibly resisting a seething desire.

It wasn’t just a sexual desire.

It was a more complex, muddy feeling.

“What if it breaks down a bit? I have divine power that

surpasses both high priests and saints.”

Saying it was useless worrying, I hugged his head.

“You can break it. Even if it breaks or breaks, you can fix it

If you get hurt, it’s enough to heal yourself, and if the curse
feels hungry, you can feed it as much as you want.

“You said it. Because I am a great person.”

Shrugging, Dillian let out a short laugh.

“… Ha, I can’t.”

“It’s difficult if you try to beat your wife. it lasts a lifetime

You know?”

“Who are you talking about? Of course it should be.”

Having calmed his anxiety at once, I hugged him as hard as I
could and gently patted his back.

Then, perhaps because of fatigue, it was Dillian who fell

asleep first.

I thought, stroking my silky soft hair.

‘When are you going to find your memories?’

it again , you should apologize for breaking the back of your


I closed my eyes, feeling sorry for him.

Without knowing how Dillian deceived me, naively.


A night of deep darkness.

The cool night breeze came through the window and lit

Not sure if the shaking was bothersome, Manus was

distracted by looking at his reflection in the mirror.

Black hair like ebony, eyes shining like amethyst, red lips like
blood, and sharp jawline.

As an imperial prince, his arrogant, confident face was rather


However , the moment he smiled, the coolness disappeared

without a trace.

The raised corners of the mouth and deep fan cheek dimples
made him even more attractive.

“It’s the same.”

Manus, who was rubbing his chin, turned his upper body to
examine my face and body.

Every time he flinched, his blue earrings swayed hurriedly.

“You still don’t like it?”

Manus’s hand groped his face. It was a thin solid line over
the skin rubbed with sharp nails.

Unable to overcome gravity, he looked at the blood dripping

down and patted his face, then brought his hand to his pupil.

“After all, the eyes were the problem.”

The hand that approached me trembled as if to dig out the

purple eyes.

“If it wasn’t for this!”

Awkwardly, his fists clenched with all his might, unable to

overcome him, slammed the mirror.

Wow-! Chaenggrang-!

He started smashing furniture at random.

Broken mirrors, rubble scattered on the floor, and blood-

stained floors.
The luxurious room quickly became a mess.

At that moment, when my heart was pounding without being

able to subdue my excitement, someone knocked on the

“Prince, I will go in.”

Lexter opened the door with a formal greeting and frowned

at the sight unfolding in front of him.

‘It’s a start again.’

I used to be polite . What would you do if you were wearing

seven packs of blood like crazy bird X?

Maybe if he was alone, Giselle was with him now.

As expected, Giselle took a breath as she saw the messy

room and the blood-stained face of Manus.

‘… It is too dangerous to entrust Dante to the prince.’

If this was Lexter, he could cure Dante.

From the first meeting, he showed blood flowing down his
cheeks and fists with shards of glass.

However, that crazy appearance soon came as an


“Your son is seriously ill.”

Giselle, startled by the approaching face of Manus, raised

her eyes.

messy, scratched face and began to heal. In line with that,

the white light inside the earring flickered.

“Can I see you?”

The only traces left on the smooth face after the healing of
the wounds were bloodstains.

“It was the prince who made Dante’s medicine.”

When Rexter helped with a word, Manus, who lightly wiped

the bloodstains, smiled politely and spoke kindly.
“It’s not difficult.”

The medicine that calmed Dante came from the prince’s

hand. Giselle moistened her dry lips.

‘Maybe, if it’s this person….’

Giselle, who changed her mind in an instant, fell to her


Regardless of the fact that the floor was littered with shards
of glass everywhere.

“My lord, please. Please save my son…!”

“okay. Please don’t get sick anymore, make me feel


It was only for a moment that he was delighted with the

permission that he readily fell for.

He stiffened his shoulders at the low-pitched voice that

Seeing the hardened face, Manus smiled softly saying not to


“I want you to grant me one request.”

“Just speak. If only Dante could be cured, I would give my


At the determined will, Manus firmly waved his hand.

“I don’t need your life. What I want is something nobler and

more beautiful.”

At that moment, Manus’ face softened.

The warm, soft hand that was clasping me. Blue eyes that
trembled in confusion. The scent of her still seemed to linger
on the tip of her nose.

“If you do my request, I will surely spare the child.”

Leaving behind Giselle, who shook her head, Manus raised
his head and looked out the window.

The castle facing her room, towards her who will be there.

Manus’ eyes gleamed with desire.


Dillian, who confirmed with his own eyes that Manus had a
dark heart, did not leave me alone for a moment.

From last night until now.

‘I don’t know if it’s overprotective or separation anxiety.’

But it was impossible for Dillian, the head of a family, to stay

by my side all day.
“I wish Lia could only hold my palms. Then I would have put
it in my pocket.”

Maybe he was serious, he kept glancing at me and stroking

the front pocket of my jacket.

It’s crazy, but it really felt like it was going to make me as

small as Thumb Princess.

“Magic somehow….”

“No. What should you do with your daily life when it becomes
as small as the palm of your hand?”

How to eat, how to move around in this spacious house, and

how to dress.

food, clothing and shelter, Dillion nodded with a serious face,

saying that he hadn’t thought of that.


“I can’t sleep in one bed.”

Was that the problem? Even with my cold expression on my

face, Dillian rubbed his chin and muttered in a serious voice.

“I can’t even kiss you.”

“Is that the only thought in your head?”

“I don’t think so. It is a perfectly normal desire to want to be

in touch with a lover.”

Her face, which had never been okay until now, became hot
when she said that she was a lover.

“… Come on, let’s go to work!”

“Should I do it after Kim has spoken?”

As soon as I finished speaking, a strong arm wrapped around

my waist and pulled me.

Her lips dried up on her face that got closer in an instant.

Unknowingly, I licked my lips to moisten them, and his gaze
fell on mine.

As if licking it down, he bit his lip at the intensely clinging

gaze, and bright red sparks flew out of Dillian’s eyes.

“Are you going to seduce me?”

As if waking up from sleep, a subdued voice tickled in his


“When did I….”

It was then that I slowly closed my eyes to the strangely

flowing atmosphere.

“If that’s the problem, I’ll look at it.”

sudden interrupted voice, I pushed Dillian on the shoulder.

Dillian’s tongue was heard in the distance in an instant.

Either way, I stuttered to Terje, who leaned against the door

and looked at us.
“Grandpa. Uh, since when….”

“It’s been there since the time I said something about the

Aww! I screamed inwardly and bowed my head.

Of course, Terjee didn’t even care about me like this.

“Dillian. go get it soon Don’t be late.”

Episode 108.

Therese pushed Dillian on the back.

Today’s work was so important that he personally came to

the bedroom to ask.

That’s right, I had to go meet the Crown Prince.

It’s a cumbersome job that a normal Dillian would never do,

but I had to take responsibility as I told him to call the Crown
Prince first.

At the same time, it was to show that Sinise supported the

Crown Prince.

“Mr. Leah, I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

So, when Dillian left, I was sitting opposite Terjee and
arranging flowers.

the thorns of the rose, I couldn’t stand the piercing gaze on

my face any longer.

“Grandpa, do you have something to say?”

“Great, nothing like that.”

Nope, I think I’m going to punch a hole in my face. Nathan,

who was sitting quietly next to me, also had a shaky face.

Even if I turned my head to pretend it wasn’t, she kept

blinking my face.

‘What kind of combination is that.’

An old man with strong biceps, holding a delicate flower and

looking at me.

For a while, I was speechless at the combination of fans, and

I laid the plate first.
“Please feel free to ask.”

Then, as if waiting, he spoke up.

“What is your relationship with the 3 Prince?”

Ha, I knew I was like this. It was a question that did not go
beyond expectations.

“It’s nothing. It was the first time I knew he was the third
prince. Really.”

“But why….”

Do you say fate with your eyes wide open?

‘That’s it. I can’t feel anything…. I think we should talk once


Absolutely avoiding it is not a good idea. I had to organize my

position and completely cut off the ties of the past.

Of course, in front of Dillian. I was in trouble if anything

happened while I was alone.
“Can not be done.”


from his thoughts, Terje, who had a determined expression

on his face, gave strength to the hand holding the rose.

The rose, which had been cut in half, barely dangling from
the stem, fluttered.

The rose, which was about to fall at any moment, looked like
Terje’s patience.

“How much Dillian likes you, you shouldn’t go to the 3rd

Prince Holadang. Do you understand?”


“In terms of power, wealth, and appearance, it’s a landslide

victory for Dillian. You know that a kid like that is no match,

Wait, is Terjee convincing me now? Don’t break up with

It was just yesterday when I told them to break up, but it’s
changing like this.

The corners of his lips twitched as if he had been

recognized. However, if I was caught laughing here, I would
be very upset, so I quickly bowed my head.

Terje, who interpreted the action to hide his face in a

different way, asked urgently.

“Are you sure you want to go?”

His face was full of impatience.

“I do not allow it! Where are you going after stealing your
grandson’s heart?”

“Where am I going? I finally got approval from my


“okay! I admit, where are you going? …!”

Terje, who had been snoring and shouting, shut his mouth
with an apologetic face.
Seeing my grinning expression on my face, I think I
remembered what I had done late.

“… I haven’t acknowledged it yet.”

Now let’s go ahead and say no.

“I caught a bear, but I didn’t get recognition?”


“Did you promise to even give us permission to marry?”

Is it bitter if a man speaks two words with one mouth? It is

also the oldest person in Sinise.

At my words coming in quickly, Terje nodded and averted his


Therze, who was constantly coughing and ignoring reality,
quietly turned away.

“But how did you meet Dillion?”

“I made a connection while treating Mr. Dillian, who was


Leah told him about saving Dillian, who had fallen in the
forest at the time. Except, of course, that I broke my head.

“We stayed together for a month because we were trapped

in the heavy snow.”

“He’s not the kind to be quiet….”

Wilhelm’s murderous snowfall is well known to Terje. The

time when Dillian went to Wilhelm was when it snowed the

However, that wasn’t what he was suspicious of.

‘Would you like to stay together for a month? in one house?’

There’s no way Dillion can live with someone else. It was
also questionable that Leah had survived without a single

You could say it was because I fell in love with him within a
month, but Terje knew my grandson well.

If it was Dillion, he would have eliminated his opponent

before he even had a crush on him.

You might be thankful for saving your life. However, there

was a higher probability of suspecting the opponent as an
enemy and killing him.

‘If I hadn’t killed him, I would have tried torture…. If he had

been tortured, this child wouldn’t be with Dillian.’

At the unanswered questions, Therze’s doubts began to

grow like snow.

“Did that Dillian listen quietly to you? Aren’t you angry?”

“I’m mad. You did a great job. You made the rice yourself.”

“That guy…?”
“yes. I’m not really good at washing dishes or cleaning, but
I’m good at cooking.”

I think I’m going to fall behind just hearing that I’ve cooked.
Did you even wash the dishes?

That’s not Dillion. A monster wearing Dillian’s mask.

‘Is it true that I lost my memory?’

I thought it was a rumor, but maybe Lexter was right?

“He’s not a quiet guy, but he hasn’t called Shaten in the


“Well, I was stuck at home and had no way of contacting


Leah successfully evaded the tricky questions that stumbled

upon her.

But Terjee’s suspicions remained. It grew bigger and bigger,

never decreased.
‘I couldn’t because I didn’t have a means of contact? That
doesn’t make sense. That guy is the guy to contact by any
means possible.’

The question that started as a pure curiosity gradually

turned into an interrogation.

“Who confessed first?”

“Mr. Dillian. He reached out and asked me to go with him to

the duke’s residence in the capital.”

Leah, who responded boldly to Terje’s pressure questioning,

remembered Dillian, who was flirting with me to go with me.

‘There have been times like that.’

It was two months ago, but it felt like a very long time ago.

‘At that time, I never dreamed that I would have a

relationship like this with Dillian.’

He forgot the situation and almost got drunk on the

memories of the past, but Terje did not let him do that.
“First love was scary, but it must have been burning hot in
Wilhelm for a month. It’s just enough to get you engaged.”

“… Yes. It was a month I will never forget.”

hot it was hot I was attacked several times, ran wild, and
even made strange illusions.

It was a month I will never forget.

“I came with Mr. Dillian because I thought I would never be

able to live without Mr. Dillian.”

At those words, Nathan’s face wrinkled and wrinkled.

Yes, I followed it because I needed it. I had to go to a safe

place to escape the darkness.

But if you just listen to the words, it was the love of the

Isn’t that love itself, like a single flower blooming in the

heavy snow ?
But Terje’s beastly sense said.

that Leah is lying.

Not everything will be a lie. The problem was that he was

telling the truth and cleverly lying.

‘You must have lost your memory for some reason.’

Leah is trying to hide that fact to protect Dillion.

Therze let out a sigh at the puzzle that had just been put

“I lost my memory, and it was true.”

“I think Grandpa must have heard the absurd rumors too.”

At first glance, Leah seemed relaxed.

“It’s amnesia. It’s completely bullshit. If he lost his memory,

would Mr. Dillian be as good as he is now?”

But cold sweat ran down his back.

“It was lost and found.”

“… yes?”

Embarrassed, Leah replied one beat late.

“Don’t bet. Dillian lost his memory and found it again.”

“Is it possible? I didn’t feel like that.”

Embarrassed, Leah unwittingly admitted that Dillian had lost

her memory.

“Isn’t it strange? If I had lost my memory, it would have been

so perfect.”

Leah’s eyes fluttered at Terje’s words.

It’s not that I didn’t doubt it. He knew everything and looked

However, every time I asked him, he said that he had yet to

find his memory.
the past, he always said it as if he had heard it from
someone. So I had no choice but to believe more….

“It’s not that Mr. Dillian is acting, but did you really
remember your memory?”

“I’m probably acting for you now.”

Leah’s face turned pale at Terje’s resolute words.

Terje put his forehead on a face that didn’t really know


‘I thought this kid approached Dillion first, but it must have

been the other way around.’

It was none other than Dillion who twisted the innocent

country girl who knew nothing and rolled it out of the palm of
her hand until now.

“… Had he lost his memory, would he have known that

Dante’s biological father was a commoner? This fact is
known only to the vassals who gathered at the dinner that
Giselle’s husband is a nobleman, but he is not Dante’s
biological father. Dante was Giselle’s premarital child.

premarital pregnancy, the child’s father is a commoner. This

fact became a major weakness for Giselle, who was taking
the succession test at the time.

So, in order to hide that weakness, the person who quickly

married her is now her husband.

You can think of it as an imaginary relationship where they

became a couple for mutual benefit.

“It’s something that even the closest lieutenants don’t know.

And, although I can’t tell you, I know the deepest things.”

Dillian also knew that Giselle was the son of a commoner.

This was information that could never be known in a state of

loss of memory. It is not information that can be found by
finding it.

“baby. Above all, you can tell just by looking at the eyes. I’m
afraid I won’t even recognize his eyes.”
Nothing is more certain than this. The bloodsuckers
recognize it, but it can’t be a lie.

“That ignorant bastard is my grandson.”

Ground land ! Therese’s voice sounded like a death

Episode 109.

Leah, who had forgotten how to breathe, turned her creaky

neck to look at Nathan, who was quietly listening to the


Nathan nodded slowly at his questioning eyes.

‘You knew Nathan too?!’

Leah’s eyes fluttered slightly in shock. His pale, pale face

looked like he was about to collapse at any moment.

Leah, unable to overcome the shock, stumbled. If the

startled Terze had not reached out to Lia, she might have
fallen forward.
“Baby, are you okay? I said something.”

I didn’t know that I would be so shocked, but Terje was

unsure of what to do.

It was because I was worried that my fragile body, which was

less than half my size, would break.

Leah didn’t say that even empty words were okay. I couldn’t.

‘Since when, since when did you know that I was lying?’

It was before I could even organize my dizzy thoughts.

“Old man. Your Majesty and the Crown Prince have arrived.”

Upon hearing the news that Dillian had returned, Leah

jumped up from her seat.

The steps across the hallway were rough, and the face
staring straight ahead was terribly hardened.

“Lea, are you mad?”

Nathan hurriedly followed Leah and sat on her shoulder


“I’m mad at you. You know, why didn’t you tell me?”

“… I’m sorry.”

“done. What would you do if you brought the past and

brought it out now?”

Leah answered with a hard face.

Nathan carefully looked into Leah’s eyes, but her attention

was only on Dillian.

‘I have no right to be angry with Dillian… No.’

was he who deceived him in the first place . So even if

Dillian deceived him, he had nothing to say.
However, this complicated mind could not be hidden at all.

Fear and fear that he had found out all the truth. At the same
time, he felt betrayed that he had deceived himself. And
doubts are rising from the corner of my heart.


Leah shook her head violently.

‘If you knew you lost your memory because of me, why didn’t
you say anything until now?’

Even though they knew everything, they called her “wife” and
spoke to her so affectionately.

‘Did I not hate you? Did you not want to kill me?’

The complicated thoughts that were tangled like a thread

could not be easily resolved, and I ended up meeting Dillion
in that state.

“The Crown Prince is eating.”

Leah took a deep breath at the doorkeeper’s call. She barely
covered her face and bowed her head.

“long time no see. Crown Prince.”

“Miss Leah is doing well….”

Cassis, who had been greeted by Leah with a smile, stopped.

No matter how you look at it, it wasn’t a good face.

How could Dillion not know that the other man, Cassis, also
recognized him?

“Mr. Leah, what happened?”

What did Manus do while he was away?

Dillian, whose face hardened at once, approached Leah, and

Leah backed away as if avoiding him.

“… Leah?”
Dillian, bewildered by the calm attitude completely different
from the morning , reached out towards her, but even that
was blocked.

Dillian stared blankly at my hand in the air.

Leah, who tried to ignore the appearance, asked Cassis for


“Excuse me, but I’ll go first.”

“Uh, uh. okay. Let’s go.”

Cassis nodded, telling him to go quickly. It seemed like

something would happen if I kept holding it.

‘Did you even fight?’

Cassis looked at Dillion with a squint in a cold atmosphere,

completely different from the first meeting where he had a
lot of fun.

But Dillian, who did not know English, was the same.
“Mr. Dillian, let’s talk for a moment.”

speaking, Leah turned her back first. Dillion followed after


‘Live and live, you will see a peacock living in captivity.’

At that time, when he couldn’t take his eyes off the distant
rear view, a familiar In-young caught at the end of his field of


The half-brother was laughing as he looked down the

hallway where Leah and Dillian had disappeared.

The purple eyes that could be seen from afar gleamed


As the door closed, Dillian’s gentle hand reached Leah’s

of pushing Dillian out in front of Cassis , Leah was trapped in

his arms.

I felt a firm chest behind my back. Leah closed her eyes

tightly at the warm warmth.

“Mr. Leah.”

A low-pitched voice called out to her.

“What happened? Or did I do something wrong?”

Although he didn’t show it, he was frustrated because he

didn’t know how to read Leah’s sudden change of attitude.

“… Mr. Dillian. Do you have anything to hide from me?”

Leah, putting her hand on the arm that hugged her shoulder,
asked him in a dry voice. His dry voice rumbled like sand.

“Are you hiding it?”

“Remember, you’re back.”

He flinched as he buried his head in Leah’s neck and took a

deep breath.

Because he was in his arms, the change came even bigger.

Leah relaxed her tight arms around her shoulders and faced

As if surprised, his slightly widened eyes quickly subsided.

Leah bit her lip at that terribly dull appearance.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It was for Leah.”


Leah firmly shook her head.

‘It was for me?’

not. It didn’t take care of me, nor did it save me.

‘If you find your memory, you’ll run away. Then you shouldn’t
look for it for the rest of your life.’

I hid a secret to live, Dillian also wants to keep himself by his


To keep him from running away, to hold him by his side.

“Right. I’ll be honest. It was to have you by my side.”

And Dillian graciously admitted that fact.

Now, what will be different for those who have been hiding?
The more he tried to hide it, the more Leah’s trust was

“You’re in debt to me, so I wouldn’t leave until I found my


Leah bit her lip at the truth that was not hidden.

‘Yeah, that’s what he was aiming for.’

A man as clever as a fox used his weakness to catch Lia.

As a result, I had Leah by my side as I wanted.

However , Leah, who knew nothing, looked at him and was

terrified, not knowing when his memories would come back.

‘Life with Dillian was fun and happy, but I wasn’t

comfortable with it.’

But the truth is, you knew everything. Leah couldn’t hide her
face that kept getting hardened.

My heart was pounding and I felt like I wanted to argue with


‘I don’t have the right to be so angry….’

He was the one who deceived him in the first place.

But in the corner of my heart,

‘Isn’t it because Wilhelm told the truth and even apologized?
It’s not a sin to feel betrayed. How about getting a little

and shouted.

Even though Dillian didn’t believe it.

“How long were you planning on acting?”

“Until you are completely in my arms.”

“… What if you hadn’t come in forever?”

“Then I would have done it for the rest of my life.”

It’s like acting like an idiot who lost his memory, nothing to

If I could be with Leah, I could be an idiot who doesn’t know


Dillian rolled his eyes and smiled broadly.

“I can do anything to have you.”

A hand approached and gently stroked her cheek. A deep

obsession was oozing out of his fingertips.

“You saw it. How I tried to do Manus. Killing people isn’t

even a job, can’t it be called acting?”

those obsessive words, those brazenly confident words so


Leah softened her eyes without realizing it.

“… Weren’t you trying to get revenge? I wouldn’t be mad.”

“Even if you look pretty, why do you do that when you don’t
have enough time? And I’m not mad.”


“If you’re angry, there’s no way you’d have been chasing

after me, asking me to look at you or to love you.”
And Dillian, who was quick to notice that her mood had
eased, stretched out his hand.

Dillian hugged Leah’s waist and locked him in his arms,

kissing Leah’s head and whispering.

“I’m sorry for deceiving you. I should have said it yesterday,

but I loved it so much I missed the timing.”

“Really? Aren’t you trying to jump over?”

“Is it possible?”

Dillian, who said he was going to prove his sincerity, pulled

Leah’s head and brought it to my heart.

“We’ve confirmed each other’s feelings, but there’s no

reason to hide it anymore.”

The pounding, pounding heartbeat sounded like a drumbeat.

Leah blushed at the first heartbeat she had ever heard.

His heart and whole body were speaking.

say i like you I love you.

At that loud and irregular ringing, Leah gradually found


And then I realized that he was anxious

‘I was worried that even the feeling of love was not acting.’

My heart melted when I found out that it was because I

loved myself so much.

Leah, who was fat, finally reached out and hugged Dillian’s

“Okay then. I’ll forgive you for lying. Because Mr. Dillian also
forgave my mistake.”

“That’s why Ms. Leah was so angry. All my hands were

pushed away and pushed away.”

“Rather than being angry, I can’t tell how much is real and
how much is a lie…. I was upset.”
Embarrassed, Dillian kissed Leah’s forehead with a smile on
his face as his voice was getting smaller.

“Do not worry. From the beginning until now, all my feelings
are real.”

After all, a couple’s fight is cutting water with a knife. That’s

when I thought

“But when did the memory come back?”

At that moment, Dillian shut his mouth. Leah, who felt

something intense at the attitude of avoiding answers, spoke
quickly as if arguing.

“Come to the capital? Or from Wilhelm?”

Dillian didn’t answer at all, but Leah noticed at once.

‘It’s Wilhelm. The memory has already returned from there.’

Then, I remembered a time when Dillian was particularly

strange at that time.
“Is that the day you went to Tippi’s Forest? When did you fall
into the valley?”


“Is that really that time?!”

Then it was two months ago. Even before coming to the

Episode 110.

When Leah removed Dillion with a bitter hand, he nodded


“… Exactly that time.”

okay. It was kind of weird!

There was a time when he avoided his touch and remained

idly like a madman.

As if you had become someone else.

Leah couldn’t hold back and burst into laughter.

‘It wasn’t that I became a different person, I just regained my

memory. So that’s what pushed me away.’
But I was worried that I might get hurt without knowing it. I
should have been worried that my neck would fly off.

‘He deceived me for two months, citing bondage!’

If Dillian had found his memory, it was thought that it was

after he came to the capital.

I never dreamed it was that old.

“Did I ever tell Mr. Dillion? You said that you were afraid of
being hated by Mr. Dillian, whose memories returned.”

Dillian, who had lost his memory, thought it was like a time
bomb that could explode, but it must have been a bomb that
had already been dismantled.

Leah burst into laughter.

“It must have been funny. Like an idiot, I didn’t know


being hated , how foolish I must have been. It was after I

found my memory.
“no. Leah, that’s….”

“Go away. I want to be alone.”

“Mr. Leah.”

He appealed in a low voice, but Leah pointed to the door,

pushing Dillian’s chest as he approached.

“get out. right now.”

Leah crossed arms without any chance for Dillian to come in,
folded her arms, and turned her back away from him.

When she showed complete refusal, the hand that was

resting on Leah’s shoulder quickly moved away.

Soon after, the door closed, and only a chilly silence lingered.

Leah ran over to the bed and patted the pillow open. As if
that pillow was a Dillian.

“How funny you looked at me!”

The dull noise continued for a long time.

“Dillian, you bastard!”

Until the soft pillow bursts and the down feathers flutter.


After being kicked out by Leah, Dillian returned to his room

and lay on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

When I thought of Leah, who had rejected me with her whole

body, I felt frustrated as if there was a stone on her chest.

‘No, is it numb?’

Dillian frowned at the first emotion he had ever felt.

“It’s a big deal. Leah is scary when she gets angry.”

Nathan, who had sneaked into Dillian’s room to avoid angry
Leah, shook his head.

“I know. It was scary.”

I would have been less scared than this if I had gotten angry
and hit him like fire.

All I did was ask the truth in a low voice, so why is it so


Dillian wiped his face at the emotion he had also felt for the
first time. The clutter was dripping from his hand.

“How did Leah know? did you tell me?”

‘said Terjee. The two of them were talking and caught a

strange thing.”

After all, it wasn’t that Lia and Terje were attached to each

This four months will pass while I’m away for a while. It was
my mistake.
What’s wrong with Terjee ? My grandfather didn’t even know
he had lost his memory.

It was a complete mistake and a mistake.

After becoming the head of Sinise, it was also the first such

Dillian, having learned several new emotions today, sighed

and covered his eyes with his arms.

Then, Leah’s dismayed face, sunken with disappointment,

came to mind.

Even if I tried to erase it, it just became clearer and darker as

if it was engraved on my eyelids.

‘Did you pretend you didn’t know until the end?’

It went well, but at the end it stumbled. I’m going to steer

clear of finding memories in the capital.

No, no. I put it on wrong from the first button.

“I’d rather reveal everything and take responsibility when the
memories come back.”

“Such an idiot. get very hawk earn.”

Nathan sighed as he patted Dillion on the forehead.

Leah, this guy is ugly.

“Then why did you hide it? A lie that will be obvious.”

“You pretended not to know.”

“I have no doubt that you and I even wrote an engagement

contract with you and came under bondage, but if I say no
there, what else could there be other than ruining this

Nathan waited for Dillion to speak first. Because I thought I

should listen to the person involved in the accident, not my
own. That was polite.

“You were wrong this time. No, no. You were always wrong.”
At Nathan’s quick correction, Dillian burst into laughter.

“If I go ahead and ask for a favor, will you accept it?”

He was so cornered that he used the expression that the

world’s Dillian Sinise was completely empty.

It was just yesterday that we confirmed each other’s

feelings, but it was natural in a way that we were in danger
of being crushed in one day.

“Leave this day alone. If you are angry, you have to wait until
it calms down.”

If so, that’s a good thing, but what if the organized thoughts

break up with me?

What if you leave because you don’t want to see the way you

What if I said I would never see my face for the rest of my


Thoughts took their tails, and anxiety grew at a frightening

“Tomorrow, everything will be back to normal.”

Nathan’s encouragement, the first time he had heard it, did

not ease his heart at all.

That night, Dillian stayed up all night with worry and anxiety.

I can say it’s my first time.


‘Tomorrow it will be back to normal.’

Dillian, who remembered Nathan’s words, sharpened his


“He said he would come back.”

“Damn, you must be very angry.”

Nathan, who was fed up with Dillian’s tearing eyes, slowly
turned his head.

Shall I pluck out all those eyebrows? Dillian’s face, who had
been staring at Nathan with eerie glances, melted like snow
in an instant.

“What, what?”

Embarrassed Nathan followed his gaze and turned his head

to see Leah walking through the garden.

‘This guy ate it in many ways.’

Whether Nathan clicked his tongue or not, there was a faint

relief on his face as he looked at Leah.

‘I’m glad you looked good.’

Dillian, who leaned on the terrace and looked at Leah, asked

at the presence he felt behind him.

“You haven’t even eaten half because you’re still weak.”

At Sera’s words, Dillian sighed again. If you add up the sighs

that you exhaled yesterday and today, the earth would go

“Prepare the food that Lia likes for dinner.”

“Yes, my lord.”

While talking to Sera, Dillian’s gaze didn’t go away from


I wanted to run to her side right away, but the opportunity

never came.

It was because of Terje, who stuck to Leah’s side and didn’t

fall off.

“Sometimes I was so anxious that I couldn’t chase him


“I thought it was going to go away. Even if we push it out at

first, we have no choice but to fall in love with our Lia.”
Nathan spread his wings and said triumphantly.

Dillian also agrees with that. Leah is a person I can’t help

but love.

It was certainly good for the two of them to be close, but I

didn’t like Leah going out with anyone other than me.

Then , receiving that jealousy, Terje broke his neck and


“I’m going to have a hole in my face because of him. You

haven’t been reconciled yet.”

“… yes.”

At Leah’s vague answer, Terje sighed and shook her head.

“I don’t know why he’s so desperate because it’s Dillian’s

fault. It is not enough to be angry.”

“I got a little angry.”

As if embarrassed, she wiped the nape of her neck as she
answered, and Terjee tapped her chest saying that it was
not okay.

“Honey, what happened to you was a fraudulent marriage.

You should have been very angry, not a little.”

“A fraudulent marriage?”

“Actually, it’s a fraudulent engagement.”

hear it ? The contract period was obviously until Dillian

regained his memory.

But haven’t you already regained your memory before the

contract? This was clearly a fraudulent engagement.

Leah’s mouth pouted as the anger that had slept overnight

suddenly rose.

“Iknow, right. I tried to reconcile today, but I won’t.”

“Of course. That guy needs more kids. That way you know
what I’m doing wrong.”
Terje, who was more active than Lia, patted her on the head
saying that she would never accept it easily.

It was a short while that her face was blushed by that

friendly touch, and Lia brought out the question that had
been lingering in the corner of her chest for a while.

“But isn’t Grandpa angry with me?”

“Is it because Dillian lost his memory because of you?”


Leah, who told him all the truth this morning, thought she
was going to be heartbroken.

He said he slapped his grandson on the head, but it can’t go

away quietly. However, contrary to expectations, Terje took
Leah’s side.

“I’m sorry that I lost my memory, but didn’t you take care of
me for a month and compensate me?”

If it wasn’t for Leah, I’d be dead anyway.

When I heard about Dillian’s physical condition at the time, it
was either freezing to death from Wilhelm’s extreme cold or
dying from excessive bleeding.

Although he lost his memory and stayed in Wilhelm for a

month, he returned intact and completed the mission given
by the Crown Prince.

“Then it happened. You’ve done your job, so there’s nothing

to feel guilty about.”

Rather, she felt pity for Leah, who was caught by Dillian.

‘How sweet your heart is….’

It was so fine that he was caught by Dillion.

It’s not enough to take care of the tricky Dillian for a month,
so why don’t you come to the capital to protect him?

‘Now they say they are sincere with each other, but in the
beginning, it must have been that Dillian was doing the trick.’

Leah tilted her head at the subtle gaze that was pouring
towards me.
‘What would you do if you had all the power and wealth? I’m
less of a person.’

On the other hand, Lia knew how to respect older people,

was kind, and had a broad heart, and had good abilities.

‘The more I look at it, the more I miss Leah.’

Terje, who gave a sharp evaluation towards Dillian, carefully

grabbed Lia’s shoulders.

“baby. If you want to break up later, tell me. I will take it off.”

“No. I have no intention of breaking up.”

At Leah’s resolute words, the corners of Terje’s lips


Inwardly, I was worried about what would happen if Leah

really ran away, so I was relieved.

“Big, big. I don’t know if Dillion is different, but I like people’s

“Your grandfather is also good. There is nothing missing
from character, character, or anything.”

At that time, when Lia touched Terje’s heart with the social
life skills she had learned so far,


The bushes swayed artificially and made an alien sound.

Episode 111.

“Looks like someone overheard.”

Terje’s muscles swelled menacingly. Lia, who smiled

awkwardly at the muscles she couldn’t adapt to at any time,
blinked at the blonde from below.

“What are you doing here?”

At Leah’s question, a large seal rose from the bushes.

“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it sounds so good.”

He appeared with the small leaves on his head removed, and

he was the Crown Prince.

The warm sunlight, the chirping of birds, and the gentle


And Terje and Cassis sitting in the pavilion facing each


I was the only one who didn’t fit in this perfect and
suffocating place.

“Grandpa, I guess I should go in….”

“What if something happens while I’m alone? Just stick with


With the force of pulling my arm, I had no choice but to press

the half-lifted buttocks again.

I was suddenly caught up in the conversation between the

two of them, so I couldn’t adjust to the atmosphere and just
rolled my eyes.
“Dr. Terje, it’s early, but I have prepared a present for you.”

Her birthday is tomorrow, but the attendant held out a box in

front of Therze, presumably to give it to her in advance.

The carefully crafted gold box looked luxurious at first


“You must be busy, but when did you prepare all these

“It’s an important day, so shouldn’t we split the time and

prepare for it?”

At the prompt to open it, Terje placed her hand on the lid.

With a click, the box opened with a sound.


“Thank you for your support.”

Cassis smiled proudly at Terje, who was unable to speak.

‘What the hell are you so surprised about?’

Slowly raising my head, I glanced into the box.


The rim of the entire sword was wrapped in gold, the

scabbard painted in red, and the red jewel embedded in the
handle stood out one after the other.

Although it was well maintained, the paint was peeling off

here and there, probably because of the passage of time.

‘Is there light?’

I narrowed the corners of my eyes at the faint light shining

around the dagger.

The light was so faint that it was hard to tell whether it was
the light from the dagger or the reflection of sunlight.

“You must be curious.”

Cassis briefly explained whether I was worried about looking
at the dagger.

“This is nothing more than the heirloom of Sinise.”

“Are you going to Sinise? Why is that in the imperial


But far from being helpful, it was an explanation that

plunged me further into the maze.

When question marks floated over his head, Cassis said he

was in trouble and swept his head.

“It’s long to explain…. Ms. Leah seems to be from Sinais

already, so I guess I can get to know her.”

Of course, there was no doubt that it would be so, and Terje

nodded, saying yes.

“You will soon become the hostess of Sinise, so you should


When the old man’s permission fell, Cassis broke his luck, as
if telling an old story.
“Since Lia is also a citizen of the Empire, she knows the
founding myth very well.”

aldamada. Who doesn’t know about the founding myth of the

founding king, Lissandro?

children, but also people with short straps and possessed

people like me knew it.

“That dagger belongs to the Founding King, Lissandro.”

“… yes?”

Terje held out a dagger in front of my trembling in

embarrassment. as if to see you.

I swallowed my saliva as I looked at the shining dagger.

I suddenly felt a sense of majesty in the things that looked

like daggers scattered around the castle.

“this. Why is this…?”

“It was originally a peacock thing.”


I couldn’t keep up with the conversation.

King , Lissandro, belong to Sinise?

Unless Lissandro is from Sinise….

“Maybe, am I right?”

“Miss Leah. What is the reason Sinise is a living history?”

An empire is a country with a history of a thousand years. As

it is a long history, the name has changed several times in
the middle, and the throne has changed.

During the disappearance, rebirth, and power changes, the

only place that survived without collapse was the Duke of

The reason was simple. because it’s strong

‘By the way, it was the first imperial family!’

There were many reasons to be strong.

“Actually, one of the sects of Emperor Lissandro is the Sinai


When I lost my consciousness, Terjee patted me on the back

saying that he was not a direct lineman, but that was that in
my ears.

‘No, there can be no direct lineage in the first place.’

Emperor Lissandro achieved numerous achievements, but

fell ill and died at a young age.

I don’t know what disease it is. Because nothing was


Some say that his body rotted and died because he could not
heal the wounds suffered during the war, and some said that
he was killed by a static.

Not only that, but his death was not known to the extent that
there is a myth that he lost his precious lover, who was
destined to die, and died of a deadly disease.
He never married anyone, so he had no children.

“Isn’t it really fortunate that Sinise is not interested in the


Cassis shrugged, saying that it would have been very difficult

if he had played with the Sinais.

“Is that possible?”

“I know. Aren’t the dukes and the dukes a person who

doesn’t have much desire for power? So I’m giving you this.
A gift is a gift, but it also means goodwill.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the heartwarming scene.

It was fortunate that Therze found the family’s treasure, but

will the emperor leave it alone?

‘Even if it started as Sinise, is it now owned by the imperial


By what power did Cassis return it to the duke?

If you have any intention of using this as an excuse to touch
the duke….

“You seem worried that I might hit Sinise on the back.”

As I looked at the dagger, I shuddered at the sudden

interruption of the voice.

Cassis made eye contact with me and smiled.

“No worries. This is a present given to me directly by His

Majesty for my birthday. Now that it’s mine, it’s not my heart
no matter how I use it.”

Even though I could have had a better one, I have received

this dagger for Therze.

This single word was enough to make Therje’s heart flutter.

“I don’t know how to put myself together because the Crown

Prince is celebrating this old man’s birthday so much.”

“I am very grateful.”
Cassis was the Crown Prince, but the ground was not strong
due to the weakness of his maternal family.

In the original story, he completely solidified his position with

the full support of Ainawa and the Great War and the
execution of the evil Dillian.

However, Aina, who was busy with the advent of darkness,

did not pay attention to Cassis, and as a result, the temple’s
support was lost.

However, this was an opportunity for him.

Rexter and Manus were after me, so Dillian raised Cassis’s

hand to put the two of them off.

‘I probably didn’t expect this, and from the beginning, I was

thinking of winning Therze’s heart.’

As far as I know, his birthday is around January. Then, from

then on, I was given this and waited for the day to come.

‘You’re more clever and sophisticated than you think, aren’t

After all, he must have become the emperor.

For the first time, he seemed to be good at tricks.

“Miss Leah. Do you feel something special about this


“I do not know. If I had to pull it out, it was just a glimmer of

light around the dagger.”

But this was nothing special.

Even if they are inanimate objects, sometimes objects with

special powers appear.

strong desire, pray, or stay in a sacred place, the more

special you become.

This dagger must have been stored with the utmost respect
in the depths of the imperial family a thousand years ago, so
it had enough special power.

‘But that power is not that strong.’

When he shook his head saying that these things were all
over the place when he entered the temple, Cassis patted
his chin and murmured.

“I thought Ms. Leah would have recognized it.”

“Do you have any special powers?”

“This sword, the holy sword.”

As if in response to his words, a faint light lingered from the


“This is it…?”

Is it different from the holy sword I know?

seen , and heard about have tremendous divine power, and

have been described as being crushed by a sense of
intimidation when standing next to them.

Not such a trivial dagger.

“It seems difficult to recognize. In fact, the High Priest Office
seems to be long and quiet. It must have been something
from a thousand years ago.”

As Cassis said. It was such a dim light that I would have

never expected if he had not told me it was a holy sword.

“According to the legend passed down from the ancestors,

only those who inherited the blood of the first emperor could
possess that sword.”

“The holy sword must choose its master.”

“okay. If the unchosen holds the sword, nothing happens. It’s

just a small, old sword.”

He also said that he was not chosen, and Cassis looked at

the holy sword with regretful eyes.

‘Is this a holy sword?’

When I saw the holy sword, which I had only seen in

Shinhwa, I was deeply moved.

“Grandpa. Can I touch you?”

“Of course.”

I greeted him as he held out his holy sword, asking him to

touch it comfortably, and I stretched out my hand with a
pounding heart.

And the moment I touched the scabbard, my fingertips

tingled like electricity.

In an instant, my eyes went round and round, my ears filled

with water, and the sound around me hummed and slowly
moved away.
Episode 112.


Softly, something tickled my cheek.


Rubbing my itchy cheeks and narrowing my forehead, I woke

up in surprise at the strange sensation.

The wild movement shook the flower beneath me.

“Mr Terje?”

a while ago, disappeared, and wild flowers surrounded me.

I shrugged my shoulders in the familiar dreamy atmosphere.

“Are you dreaming again? ….”

It wasn’t the first time, so it felt familiar now.

‘The question is, why are you suddenly dreaming? Is it

related to the Holy Sword?’

As I got up and tilted my head, I realized later that something

was different.

“uh? Are you moving?”

Until now, I had only been dragged around in my previous life

and spying on my memories, but this time it was different.

Excited by the body moving at will, I swung my arms around

and spun around in place.

After checking it over and over again, I relaxed and looked


“By the way, where are you?”

Until now, all I had seen in my dreams was Wilhelm’s castle
and the pure white snow.

I shaded my hands and gazed at the towering top of the

towering tower.

“The sage song of a prestigious aristocrat….”

What was certain was that Wilhelm’s last name was not.

‘Is that person’s adult?’

All my dreams are afterimages of the past. It will definitely

be the case this time too.

Maybe I could finally find a clue about that person.

The problem is, you never know when this dream will wake

Impatient, I quickly walked towards the exit of the garden.

“How the hell did you come in?”

I couldn’t see the end no matter how much I walked, but it
wasn’t a difficult road either.

“It’s strangely familiar….”

As I searched for the exit step by step, following my

memories, I suddenly realized.

“… Are you a peasant?”

Although it looks quite different from what it is now, this

place was definitely a duke’s castle.

If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t be able to find my way this


As I walked out of the exit as if walking through the front

yard of my house, I was convinced of the panoramic view in
front of me.

“The craftsmanship is certain. But why did the peacock

appear in the dream?”

As I was looking at the castle while muttering, a familiar

voice called me from behind.


I couldn’t say anything to that friendly voice and just stared

blankly at him.

It was my first time having a conversation, so I didn’t know

what to say.

Fortunately, he didn’t feel anything strange when he saw me

like this, so he reached out to me with his usual face.

“Were you lying in the flower garden again?”

“How do you….”

What, are you monitoring me? When I blinked in surprise, he

said he knew it would happen and took the petals off my

“I come with flowers like this, but I can’t help but notice.”

He teased me mischievously, waving the white petals lightly.

“It suits you well. I don’t know who the flower is.”

“… It feels a bit.”

“weird. Before, when I said this, I liked it, so I asked for


“… Don’t fake it.”

I can’t. There’s no way I could have been narcissistic in my

previous life!

As he blushed and hated it, he ruffled his bangs and burst

into laughter.

I looked at him blankly at that bright smile.

It is also different. Although the face was similar to that of

the 3rd Prince, the atmosphere was completely different.

I have a similar habit of sweeping my bangs, but….

‘No, I don’t think it’s a face either.’

I reached out and poked the man’s cheek.

He blinked at my suspicious behavior.

“Laugh again.”


“Hurry up. Smile quickly.”

He burst out laughing at the unreasonable request. It’s like

I’m cute and I don’t know what to do.

Then, the part that was stabbed with the index finger went
wide, and the thick dimple was dug.

As I patted his cheek, I slowly raised my hand to caress the

corner of his eyes.

Although the sudden touch might be burdensome, he bowed

his head, telling him to touch him as much as he wanted to,
rather than avoiding it.

I ripped open every wrinkle and etched his face into my eyes.
‘What, you don’t look alike at all. But why did you make such
a mistake?’

You make me worry about Dillion by making useless noises.

‘It is strange that the third prince knows the promise.’

No matter how much you think about it, the 3rd Prince is not
this person. But how the hell did you know the promise?

It’s obviously a fix, but there’s no way to find out.

‘… If I put Dillian and Cassis on either side and shake them

off, will they confess to me?’

What method should the prince use to confess his


‘Can I threaten you? …?’

Remembering the original, I was aware of some of the

weaknesses of the 3rd Prince.
Because he was a very backward human being, he had a
slavery by default.

The problem is that it’s difficult to catch the tail, but if you
hand it over to Cassis, won’t it take care of it?

It was at that time when I thought of the cute method of

intimidation to the rather radical method.

“What else would my wife not like?”

serious face, he gently rubbed my wrinkled forehead.

‘I must have been whining very often.’

The soothing hand seemed familiar to me.

“It’s not like that….”

It was at that time when I naturally chatted with him like the
person I met yesterday.

The man who appeared without a sound bowed his head.

“your majesty. You just have to go.”

“your majesty…?”

He grinned at the unfamiliar name he couldn’t get out of


“You decided not to use such a name awkwardly.”

It was as if I had been hit in the back of the head, my head

was fuzzy.

“Oh, remember when we decided to stop calling him even if

he said he would get better?”



It took my breath away at that friendly sound.

“But don’t call me Lissandro Roheim without affection.”

“Lissandro Roheim…?”
“If you tell me not to call, I will.”

He shook his head in disgust and pinched my nose so it

didn’t hurt.

I rubbed my red nose and looked at him blankly.

So, my lover was Lissandro Roheim? Founding King? Invited


It was then that the sword hanging from his waist caught my

holy sword that I had touched a while ago.

Lissandro noticed my gaze and touched the holy sword.

“This sword protected me.”

He looked at me, stroking the sword with a loving hand.

“It’s all thanks to Leah.”

At that moment, a short memory like an afterimage flashed
through my head.

‘Lissandro. How could someone who will soon become

emperor possess such a crude sword? Take this.’

‘It will bring you victory and good luck.’

This sword was a gift I gave him. It was a holy sword born
from my hands, made with all kinds of divinity and blessings.

I gave it to you. to this person.

Lissandro, to my lover.

“… No one can have it but you. The same goes for me who
made the sword.”

I chanted a voice that resonated in my head, and at the same

time asked him as if to confirm.
Lissandro nodded and patted his sword.

“It’s strange, that you can’t have a sword that Lia-san


“Because it’s yours. Only you can have it.”

It is the only sword in the world, made with the heart to

protect him.

That’s why he only reacted to Lissandro.

see Even when I touched the holy sword, there was no


That is,

“With this alone, I can find you.”

I removed the hand that was beating the holy sword and
made eye contact with Lissandro.

The eyes were immediately entangled. He was always

waiting for me in the same place.
“Wherever you are, in whatever form you are, you will find it.

Lissandro’s eyes slowly curved as he grabbed his arm as if

he wanted to be confirmed. He replied with my favorite

“Sure. You were always the first to find me.”

In every word, I felt infinite trust, trust, and affection.

Those words sounded like cheering you could do, and I was

“I will definitely find it again.”

“I’ll wait.”

Lissandro, who gave me the answer I wanted to the end ,

slowly faded as if he had finished his work.

It’s time to go
I reached out to Lissandro. Then he held me in his arms as if

I felt like I was about to burst into tears in my terribly familiar


I buried my face in his shoulder and closed my eyes.


A large hand grabbed my shoulder and shook it.


I blinked, looking around like a person who had just woken

up from a dream.

Terje, surprised by my appearance, looked at me with

worried eyes. Surprisingly, Cassis also had her big eyes wide
“You have a bad complexion, where is the pain?”

A hand the size of the lid of the pot covered my forehead.

“There is no fever…. Do you feel dizzy even when you call,

and your head is dazed and dizzy?”

No way. It felt as if there was a dark cloud in my hair, which

had become clear for the first time.

“no. I thought differently for a moment. Were you surprised?”

“It was okay if I didn’t get sick. I was surprised to learn that
the cold wind was so strong that it even lifted a horn.”

Dillian had known, there would have been a furious riot, and
Terjee stuck out his tongue.

I bent my knees towards the hyacinths that bloomed around

the sperm.

I once had a conversation with Dillian about hyacinths.

This flower was given to Lissandro when he proposed to his

Yes, I definitely got this flower.

‘But I couldn’t bring it up.’

It was all because of the darkness.

Lissandro, who sacrificed to seal the darkness, and me, who

got the last chance and followed him.

We parted like that, and I was born again.

And that person….

“It’s a hyacinth.”

flower, Terjee rubbed her chin and asked me.

“Do you know the language of flowers?”

“yes. unchanging love.”

“So I really like those flowers.”

“Me too. It’s my favorite flower.”

I looked at the hyacinth and slowly got up. Then a familiar

scene unfolded before my eyes.

It has changed over the years, but this is the place I saw in
my dreams.

It was the place where I was having a conversation with

Lissandro a while ago.

“Grandpa, do you believe in fate?”

“Then don’t believe me.”

“I believe too.”

The Trial of Me and Obelus reborn . The peacock castle I

saw in my dream, the holy sword that appeared in front of
me again, and the hyacinth that bloomed….

All of this cannot be a coincidence.

This was inevitable and fate.

I smiled broadly with a sad face.

“Grandpa. I have a request.”


Of course, even if I didn’t listen, I was going to do what I


So please

“I want you to listen.”

Episode 113.

I climbed the stairs with light steps like never before.

The box that swayed every time he shook his head pressed
against his chest, but it wasn’t uncomfortable at all.

Because inside this was the holy sword that Terje had asked

‘You want me to borrow the holy sword? What are you going
to do?’

‘I’m trying to find the owner.’

‘Is there anyone here who will be the master of this sword?’
‘Maybe. I’ll come to you.’

It was all questionable words, but maybe it was because of

my determined expression, Terje handed over the holy sword
without saying anything.

Maybe he was trying to relieve my feelings that had gone

down because of Dillion.

It’s about doing what you want to do and making yourself

feel better.

Whatever the reason, it was a more generous treatment than

ever before.

‘No one can have it but you.’

As I said in the past, I couldn’t have the Holy Sword, neither
Cassis nor Terje.

This is a sword that only Lissandro can possess.

When the unchosen one touched the holy sword, even the
faint light was turned off.

Does not matter. Because there is only one person I want to


As I was walking down the hallway with a large stride, a

large shadow suddenly struck me.

It was Manus.

“Leah. Where are you going in such a hurry?”

“I’m on my way to Mr. Dillian.”

I took a step while holding the box containing the holy sword.

Then Manus contorted his eyes, saying he was sorry.

“I’m the one who deceived you until now, do you want to see

until now, I believed that that person, Lissandro, had never

been reborn .

Cursed souls cannot be saved.


Then one day, Manus appeared in front of me with a


It’s embarrassing, but at first I was confused and wandered

by that face that resembled Lissandro.

One, now I know.

‘The Third Prince is not real.’

I looked at Manus with apathetic eyes and bowed my head.

“I will go first.”
It was then that I ignored him who was blocking my way and
headed to Dillion’s room.

A strong force grabbed my arm.

“Leah. Why do you keep making the wrong choices?”

“Put this down.”

“You promised to save me. Then, you should look at me, not

Apparently, his emotions were intensified, and Manus

shouted at me.

‘fake? Okay, let’s find out who the fake is.’

Oops at my cold eyes, Manus was embarrassed and covered

my mouth with his hand.

“Leah. That’s not it….”

“Prince. Please take this.”

I had no intention of listening to any nonsense, so I cut off
Manus’s words and opened the box.

“What is this?”

“If the prince is a suitable person for this sword, I will

consider his relationship with the prince.”

Then, as soon as he finished speaking, Manus quickly

grabbed the sword.

“How are you?”

Manus pretended to be all sorts of cool poses, but my gaze

was focused only on the holy sword.

‘If Manus is real, the holy sword will shine.’

But the holy sword showed no reaction.

I looked at the sword with sunken eyes. Awkwardly, strength

entered the clenched fist.

“Hmm, this is too crude. Shall we try it with a better sword?”

“That’s Okay. Be careful.”

I barely suppressed my trembling heart, and quickly took the

sword from his hand.


I heard Manus desperately calling me from behind, but I

ignored him and made my way down the hallway.

The pace, which was conscious of the gaze of others,

gradually accelerated, and then jumped.

The hem of the dress brushed against my legs and my hair

was messed up in a ponytail, but I couldn’t stop.

‘It wasn’t him!’

Manus was not a reincarnation of Lissandro. that he wasn’t

I saw it with my own eyes. that he is fake.

At that moment, an unbearable laughter erupted.

“ha ha ha.”

What if the 3rd Prince was my destiny, the days I was

worried were like fools.

did I worry about Dillian? Why did you spend your emotions
fighting with him?

But it’s goodbye now.

I wanted to give this news to Dillian as soon as possible.

And, I wanted to check.

I opened the door to Dillion’s room with a smile as wide as I

had never seen it before.

“Mr. Dillian!”

I broke into Dillion’s room like an outlaw and looked around

the spacious room looking for him.

“Mr. Leah?”
I found Dillion walking into the room while pulling the
curtains on the terrace, and I approached him about a month

“Lia, what happened yesterday.”

“Please take this.”

I hurriedly opened the box and held out my sword. Dillian’s

face sank seriously as I spoke with a broad smile.

“Do you mean beating me in the head with this?”


Why are you talking like that? He quickly waved his hand in
embarrassment, but Dillian’s nonsense did not stop.

“So you mean to cut off the tongue that deceived Leah?”

“No, what.”

It’s not enough to quickly raise the sword and check, but it’s
such a ridiculous wrestling thing.
“If I tell you to cut it, will you cut it?”

“I’m really sorry, Ms. Leah, but it’s difficult to cut off the

Yeah , of course not. It’s wrong to deceive me, but that’s not
enough to cut off my tongue…!

“If you don’t have a tongue, you can’t say you love me
anymore, can you?”

“… Mr. Dillian. It’s not a bad thing, you just have to listen to
it once.”

I lost, I lost Normal people say that they can’t do such a

terrible thing, and they don’t give reasons that they can’t talk
about love.

On the other hand, it was ridiculous that he had an unusual

way of thinking, and he laughed because he looked like a
very Dillian.

The smile brought relief to Dillian’s face.

“Are you offended?”

“It was released, but Dillian keeps talking nonsense, so I’m
trying to get out again.”

I waved my arms and urged.

“My arm hurts. Hurry up.”

“Come here, please.”

As soon as Dillian’s hand touched the holy sword, light

began to emanate from the sword that had not felt anything.


The holy sword rang and resonated with Dillian. As if happy

to meet the owner.

“Is it a magic tool?”

Dillian murmured as he touched the blade of his sword to

see if he felt something.

“It’s strangely familiar.”

I watched it without even breathing.

Anyone who has seen this will know.

That Dillian was the master of this sword, and that he was
the one chosen by the Holy Sword.

legs were shaking and my heart was racing. The body, which
was precarious as if it were about to collapse at any
moment, collapsed onto the carpet.

“Mr. Leah!”

Dillian, startled, threw away his holy sword and ran to me.

“Lea, where are you hurting? I don’t have a good complexion,

but I’m going to see a senator right now….”

Worries flooded my head, but I couldn’t answer.

He just looked at Dillion like a crazy person.

“Lea, talk to me.”

Dillian stroked my cheek with a hastily hand. Awakened by
the warmth, I barely spit out a word.

“… It was you.”

It was Dillian . Dillian was that person. I thought it was a

descendant, but it wasn’t.

Dillian Sinise was Lisandro Loheim.

It was the reincarnation of my lover.

‘You’ve been by my side from the beginning, but like an idiot,

I didn’t know that…. I didn’t recognize him….’

Just as I was born again, so he was born again.

‘Like the day we first met, I will come to see you again the
day the snow covered the world.’
The day that Dillian and I met was a day when the world was
covered with snow due to an unprecedented heavy snowfall.

Indeed, he had come to see me with Snow as promised.

Losing my memory, not knowing who I am.

“Why do you have that face?”

“… What about my face?”

“You look like you’re going to cry.”

Dillian made a more painful face and touched my eyes.

The tears that were pressed down on his thumb burst out
and wet the corners of his eyes.

I just found out Oh, I was crying.

“Where does it hurt?”

I shook my head.
“Then did I do something wrong?”

I bit my lip and shook my head again at the soothing voice

that soothed me.

“… Did you have that dream again?”

Dillian’s voice lowered, apparently misunderstanding that I

was crying because of my ex-lover.

I looked at him with watery eyes, stretched out my arms and

hugged Dillian’s neck.

Dillian, who lost his balance under the sudden attack of my

weight, staggered and hugged me urgently.

Dillian, who had one hand supporting my waist and the other
balancing on the floor, called out to me as if surprised.

“Mr. Leah?”

But for a moment, Dillian stroked my back with a familiar

hand. I felt like I was about to burst out crying like a child at
that warm touch.
I whispered in his ear with a deep hoarse voice.

“You were my destiny.”

“I’m not mad…. However, if it’s something you’re trying to

console, you’ve succeeded.”

Dillian, who had no memory of his previous life, laughed

lowly, not knowing anything.

“That’s a good thing. fate.”

I shook my head as I hugged Dillian’s neck, who muttered


“Mr. Dillian is my former lover.”

As I wept and buried my face in his shoulder, the hand that

was stroking my back stopped.

“It wasn’t like the third prince, it was you.”

His voice trembled uncontrollably, and he gasped for breath

that had forced him to cry.
“They turned around and met again.”

Suddenly, a large hand pulled me away and looked into my


In the entangled gaze, his red eyes stared blankly at me and

opened his mouth.

“… Speak so I can understand.”

“Mr. Dillian was that person. Someone I loved.”

“Really I….”

Dillian blurted out the end of his words as if he was


“It wasn’t that bastard, it was me.”

Dillian’s face flashed with joy that could not be hidden.

As I sniffled and nodded, the arm wrapped around my waist

“It was me.”

Dillian hugged me tightly as if he was about to break me. As

if it could never fall. Or as if you can’t let go.

I snuggled into Dillian’s big arms and sniffled.

so happy, I’m so happy, I’m so excited.

I couldn’t stop crying over the joy of seeing him again.

Episode 114.


Leah leaned her face down as a hand patted my back. It had

been a long time since she cried, but she was still in Dillian’s
arms, wiggling her fingers.

“Are you done now?”

“… yes.”

As I mumbled, I heard a low laugh in my ear.

‘Oh! Why are you crying there! You should have laughed
And if you cry a little prettily, where does it go?

Dillian’s shoulders were wet as if in a flood because of all

the tears and runny nose, and his puffy eyes were half-
closed and couldn’t open properly.

“Then where shall we go? Look at me.”

“What do you see?”

Leah panicked and escaped from Dillian’s arms.

He bowed his head with a determination that he could never

show only this face, but Dillian did not give up easily.

“Lea, show me your face.”

“I do not like it. Don’t look.”

“Are you going to come and go out now?”

Leah wrinkled her eyes at the voice full of laughter.

slightly while grumbling, and quickly fell to the floor, startled
by the face of Dillian approaching in front of her.

Dillian burst out laughing as he crouched down and buried

his face in his arms.

‘I want to see more because I’m desperately trying to hide it.’

Dillian, reaching out toward Leah, combed her messy hair

instead of forcing her to lift her head.

“You don’t want to show it like that?”

yes i don’t like it I’m so ugly that I don’t want to show it.

‘I mean, it’s completely puffy, so it’s hoppang.’

Leah answered, pulling herself away from Dillian.


“Are you going to talk like this?”

“Lying on the carpet?”

Leah nodded her head resolutely. Dillian raised both hands

at that strong attitude.

“I see. I won’t see you, so I’m going up on the bed. My knee


No matter how expensive the carpet, if you lie on it for a long

time, it will rub and hurt.

Dillian constantly whispered sweet words.

Dillian, who was able to win Leah’s favor, knew exactly how
to say something to shake Leah’s heart, and the naive Leah
fell for the trick.

“I see. You must never see it.”

Leah, who was terrified, threw herself onto the bed behind
Dillian’s Bolsera.

But who is Dillian? As a natural hunter, he never missed a

brief glimpse of his prey.
Dillian grabbed Leah’s face in an instant and grabbed Leah’s
thin waist.

“Ah, I knew this!”

“You’re cute, but why do you keep running away?”

“What is cute!”

Alas, this scammer! Leah licked her lips and waved her arms.

Leah tried her best to push the face that was staring at me,
but in Dillian’s eyes, even that was just cute.

“Why are you so cute?”

Unable to resist the urge to fill her chest, Dillian kissed

Leah’s puffy eyes.

Leah shrugged at the tickling sensation that touched her


“Did you hide the macarons from your eyes?”

“Ah really! Stop playing!”

Leah frowned at Dillian, but he didn’t mean to make fun of it.

So that was the problem.

Leah’s face turned red as if it was about to explode at the

expression that she didn’t know what to do because she
liked you so much.

Dillian couldn’t stand the lover in my arms because he loved


“Am I really Leah’s lover? Then and now?”

“… yes.”

“Isn’t that Manus?”

“never! Absolutely not! I misunderstood like a fool….”

Leah couldn’t finish her speech.

Dillian ‘s sudden lip contact.

Leah, startled by the sudden kiss, tried to close her lips, but
Dillian couldn’t keep her mouth shut.


A slight exclamation came out of Leah’s mouth, but even

that was eaten.

Leah, who was trembling at the hot breath that filled her
mouth, put her arm around Dillian’s neck and slowly closed
her eyes.

Unlike Leah, who had her eyes closed, Dillian looked at her
with her eyes open.

As if to be eaten, as if swallowed in one bite, the eyes that

sank low were clouded and trembled with desire.

shit. damn it Dillian muttered a soft curse to himself.

It seemed like he was going to let go of his reason and

swallow Leah.

Dillian shattered and hugged Leah’s body, which was

clinging to him, in order to suppress himself.
As if in response, Leah hugged his back with her trembling

At that moment, it felt like my heart would burst.

“Mr. Leah.”



Leah shuddered at the sweet voice calling me.

His face was burning red, and his toes were fine.

“Hey, stop calling me.”

“no. I will keep calling.”

Dillian, who replied mischievously, called Leah’s name and

kissed her face again and again.

The laughter didn’t stop. He was jealous of Leah’s ex-

girlfriend whom she didn’t know, but that was herself.
‘I was Leah’s lover. I am no one else.’

Then and now, Leah and herself were fate. A fate that no
one can stop.

How can you not be happy?

My heart swelled. I was afraid that my swollen heart would

burst like a balloon.

At first glance, it looked like Leah was clinging to Dillian, but

in reality it was no different than he was clinging to Leah.

Dillian rested Leah’s back on her, leaning her body to her


At some point, a soft blanket touched Leah’s back. However,

Leah, who was all focused on the kiss, did not notice at all.

The two dug into each other mindlessly.

A red signal sounded in Leah’s head that it would be

dangerous to go a little further, but she couldn’t stop.
It was Dillian who unexpectedly came to his senses.

It was because of a strong foreboding that he was going to

hit the job even after that.

‘That’s not okay. How many things are still to be heard.’

Dillian moaned and slowly let Leah go.


Dillian, who barely calmed his heart, kissed the red lips that
were exhaling again and again.

side, side.

Leah covered her face at the cute sound that was quite
different from before.

“Lea seems to be genuine, so shall we talk?”

What is the truth, are you hiding those half-savored eyes?

Leah , exhausted, raised her trembling arm and pointed to
the sword lying under the bed.

“The sword that Mr. Dillian threw away. It’s a holy sword.”

If I knew that the Holy Sword was treated like that, Terje
would fall behind.

Leah looked at the holy sword with dim eyes.

“If it were a holy sword, wouldn’t it be at odds with me?”

“As usual, that sword is an exception. It’s a gift I made in my

previous life and gave to Mr. Dillion.”

Leah held Dillian in her arms and told her everything she had
seen in her dream.

That he was the reincarnation of Emperor Lissandro and that

he was his lover.

And the fact that the Holy Sword only responds to him.

“That’s how I got to know Mr. Dillion.”

Sword returned to the Sinais family.

It was clear that he meant to find Dillian quickly.

“I had no descendants. Dillian was that person.”

Leah reached out and grabbed Dillian’s two hands.

“I’m sorry I found out late.”

Dillian shook his head.

“I am so sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“Because I don’t remember anything.”

While Leah ran around and uncovered the truth on her own,
didn’t she know anything?

Rather , if I had a memory, Leah wouldn’t have been

confused or had a hard time.
Dillian has never believed in such superstitious stories as he
was in a past life or reincarnation.

Until I met Leah.

But at this moment, the fact that I have no memories of my

previous life felt terribly sad and bitter.

“it’s okay.”

Even if you can’t remember, isn’t it okay to start over in this


Leah didn’t mind if the lost memories didn’t come back as

long as Dillian was by my side.

“But the memories came back, but if I hide it again, I won’t

let it go.”

When he let go of the threat, he nodded.

“Mr. Lia, then what is Manus?”

Lia has a face that resembles her enough to be mistaken,
and she even has memories.

Leah also questioned that.

The face of Manus, who has lived his whole life as the third
prince, must not have been made up.

“Have there ever been any marriages between the imperial

family and the Sinai family?”

“Yes, there is.”

Also, I figured it would.

“The reason Manus has a face that resembles Mr. Dillion in

his previous life is probably because he is a descendant.”

I’ve heard stories that the descendants of the distant future

will be born with a face that is remarkably similar to that of
their predecessors.

“It wasn’t Mr. Dillian, he was descended from the third

When I realized how messed up my reasoning was, and that
all my guesses so far were wrong, embarrassment flooded

“What does Manus know of the promise?”

If it’s fake, how do you know the promise?

“Maybe it has something to do with darkness. It’s strange to

go with Lexter….”

Above all, darkness was obsessed with Leah. Manus’

unusual obsession with her was terrifyingly similar to that of

‘But I didn’t feel a bad energy like Lexter.’

Rather than being mean, it was warm and friendly.

So I kept getting confused.

It was obviously related in some way, but it bothered me as if

I was about to get caught.
“By the way, I know some of Manus’ weaknesses.”

Leah pulled closer to Dillion and whispered to him as if

telling a secret.

“If I beat it to dust with it, won’t anything come out?”

“good idea.”

“I’m going to take care of it after the horse has come out.”

Leah got up, burning with enthusiasm, but a strong arm

pulled her back.

Lia immediately collapsed on the bed and blinked.


“We met again after a thousand years, are we going to go on

like this?”

Dillian smiled brightly and sweetly.

But his touch was not refreshing at all.

“Wait, have you had enough emotional reunions?”

“Hey, I’m not good enough, what should I do?”

“Now is not the time. Manus… ah…!”

Suddenly my neck was bitten. Leah, who let out a moan

without realizing it, covered her mouth in surprise.

“Don’t you know that if you call another guy’s name on the
bed, you’re in trouble.”

“Wow, what…. Don’t you know what’s important right now?”

“Of course, it is more important to confirm love.”

Dillian, who smiled deeply, curled his eyebrows, kissed her

on the cheek to comfort her.

“I’m not going to finish it.”

“Okay, until the end…?”

With a seductive smile, Dillian whispered into Leah’s ear.



“Mr Nathan. Aren’t you going to see Leah?”

“I can’t go now.”

Nathan looked at Dillian’s room with Sera’s puzzled gaze.

After reading the meaning of those eyes, Sarah held Nathan

in her arms.

“Are you allowed?”

“Is there anything I can do with or without permission?”

what you already like.

Nathan knew best that Leah and Dillian would be connected.

The day the two first met.

knowingly was the desire for Leah to stay by my side a little


“Lea is all grown up, so I should let her go.”

“Nathan-sama is a wonderful man.”

“Of course. I don’t act so rudely like Dillian.”

Nathan, who shrugged and boasted, asked with a voice that

suddenly became anxious.

“… Aren’t you going to get into an accident with your eyes

open for a moment?”

The thought of letting Leah go was temporary.

“Shall we go see?”

“Where are you going?”

Haha, Sarah smiled and hugged Nathan tightly to keep
Nathan from flying away.
Chapter 11. Breaking Like A Tidal Wave
Episode 115.

A faint light shone through the curtains. After tossing and

turning in the blue dawn light, I finally woke up.

I blinked blankly at the handsome face I saw as soon as I

lifted my stiff eyelids.

‘There is no angel with a sleeping face….’

But the Dillian who tormented me all night was a demon, not
an angel.

Thinking of last night, I narrowed my eyes.

‘I’m not going to the end!’

Dillian ‘s face, I let out a sigh and pulled out my black
buttocks and stabbed my cheek.

“It’s disgusting and I’m going to die.”

Instead of poking my cheek, I fumbled his eyebrows.

Last night, I remembered a voice that kept asking me to tell

you what had happened in the past.

Unlike me, who recalled the memories of being with him in a

previous life, he seemed to be very concerned about the fact
that he didn’t know anything.

But I really didn’t mind.

‘I just need to remember, well.’

There were certainly many good memories, but those were

painful and sad memories.

It was enough for me to have it on my own.

The blue dawn passed, and the dawn rose from afar.
“I’m going to scold Nathan.”

it’s a night out I was already afraid of what I would hear.

I need to go back before it’s too late.

When I got up, my back ached. A groan of pain came out of

his mouth.

“Ugh, my back hurts.”

It was the moment when I patted my back and stretched my

legs out of the bed. A hand that reached out from under the
blanket grabbed her waist.


Tears welled up in the throbbing pain. As he rolled his eyes

toward Dillian, the culprit of all this, he drooped his
eyebrows in hopes.

“Are you trying to sneak away from me now?”

“Are you just going back to my room?”

Running away , isn’t it like someone who steals someone’s
night and runs away secretly?

“You should have taken into account how sad I felt when I
saw an empty bed.”

Dillian had an amazing talent for judging nonsense.

And it was after I had gotten so used to the way of speaking

that I could now pass that nonsense aside.

“Now I really have to go. Nathan must have been very upset.”

Last night, it seemed that Nathan’s scream was heard

outside the room.

As he decisively removed his hand, Dillian reluctantly got up.

Then the blanket was pushed down, revealing his angry
upper body.

I was startled and bowed my head. His face was hot.

Dillian, with her flowing hair to the side, kissed the nape of
my neck.
“I can’t wear pine.”


“there is. something like that.”

Dillion never gave the reason.

It’s spicy.


“Dillian Lee, you bastard!”

When I returned to my room and checked my neck late, I


How much he had bitten, his neck was stained.

As I groped my neck with my face stained bare, I stopped
when I saw Sera and Nathan reflected in the mirror.

Sera, who was blushing as much as I did, smirked while

avoiding my gaze, and Nathan was on the verge of bubbling.

How can you look defenseless with such a disgruntled face?

I covered my neck and groaned.

‘I can’t live! see you later Don’t leave me alone!’

It was at that time when he jumped from his seat and swung
his fists into the air.

Sera, who had been coughing for a long time, suddenly

became contemplative and sat down.

“no! You can’t wear the special banquet dress I ordered for

Sarah ripped her hair out and despaired.

“I will kill my Dillian and go to hell….”

Nathan took the dagger in his mouth and flew away from
where he had found it.


“Even if Obelus-sama abandons me! Just like that Dillian! I

will not forgive you!”

Seeing how lifeless he was, I quickly grabbed Nathan in my

arms and pulled the sword out of his mouth.

“Lea! Give it to me right now!”

Then Nathan struggled and poured a curse on Dillion.

“I won’t let my bastard go!”

“no! How did you meet and make them break up again?”

At that moment, Nathan’s movements stopped like a lie.

“… Did you find all your memories?”

“Yeah. I found them all.”

“okay. Finally found it.”

Nathan stretched out her wings and stroked my cheek.

“How frustrated have you been? great job.”

“I will receive my consolation when everything is over.

There’s still time to remove the darkness.”

There is a third prince who seems to be deeply connected

with Lexter and darkness in the Duke’s Castle.

It was safe to say

“Yes, yes. But you will do all right.”

“Yeah, I can do it.”

I felt confident that I could do anything.

I quickly shoved the sword into the drawer behind Nathan

smiling happily.
Meanwhile, Sarah was crying as she took the dress out of
the closet.

“I’ve been waiting for this day… My lord, why…!”

The dress Sera spread out on the bed was an off-the-

shoulder dress that exposed her shoulders.

I swallowed my saliva at the bold design.

“… Sarah, have you ever shown this dress to Mr. Dillion?”

“no. You have to surprise them by revealing them on the

same day.”

“Any chance you saw it by chance?”

“No way… ah! There was a time when I took it out to

straighten out wrinkles after arriving at the castle, and you
may have seen it then.”

Damn, you did that on purpose!

that fact, pulled out her second dress with tears in her eyes.
This time, it was a high-necked dress with minimal exposure.

Although his shoulders were clearly visible, he seemed much

calmer, perhaps because his neck and arms were all

I was in trouble.

Only the marks left on the neck can be easily erased with
divine power.

However, if you erase it, you must wear a dress that shows
off your shoulders and is the ultimate in splendor.

Besides, Dillian, who turned his eyes when he saw the

revealing dress, didn’t know what to do.

“Let’s push what has happened in an alluring atmosphere!”

Sera, who was crying and thinking of a solution quickly,

clasped her hands and asked.

“Lea-sama, can’t it be erased with divine power?”

“Hey, strangely, isn’t it erased?”

Sarah shrugged her shoulders. Nathan opened his mouth

and groaned as his jaw dropped.

I chewed my tongue and closed my eyes tightly.

In the end, I lied.

“there’s nothing we can do. I will do my best to decorate.”

“You can do it in moderation.”

“I can’t. Today’s protagonist is an elderly person, but it’s the

day Lia officially debuts. It can never be taken lightly!”

I was reborn from the fingertips of Sera, who started to show

off her skills after a long time.

Delicately embroidered flowers and butterfly embroidery

gave off a strong red color and an alluring atmosphere.

“I’m sorry, but this dress suits you really well.”

Sera, who finally combed her hair and hung it neatly, was
moved and applauded.

“You are so beautiful, Leah!”

“Then, where is the thing that doesn’t suit our Lia?”

Nathan, who wore a red bow tie to match my dress, smiled


Nathan and Sarah’s compliments When I was locked in the

prison and couldn’t get out, I heard a knock.

“Your Majesty must have come!”

Sera, more excited than me, opened the door wide.

“Your Majesty, Lia-sama has just finished preparing.”

Hidden behind the door, I, unable to see Dillion, got up and


“Mr. Lia, the preparations are over….”

Dillian saw me and was speechless. As if possessed by
something, his hazy eyes turned to me.

I looked back at Dillian and looked at him.

A black suit with neatly ponytailed hair and a perfect fit for
the body. And the red cufflinks adorned the sleeves sparkled.

‘It’s a gift I gave you.’

Dillian licked his lips after a while as he gazed at him.

“… Leah.”

“Mr. Dillian.”

As I smiled softly as I looked at Dillian dressed up nicely, I

changed in an instant.

As if a beast was hunting for its prey, it rushed in and

slapped Dillian in the back.

“What did you do to my neck!”

Dillian’s expression didn’t change, as if my hand had hit him
so hard that it didn’t hurt him.

Rather, it’s not that I’m laughing out loud saying I’m going to

He shrugged his shoulders and leaned his head towards me,


“Would it have been done only on the neck?”

“Shh, aren’t you quiet?!”

Whoa, as I screamed and ran to slap my mouth, he quickly

grabbed my wrist.

“Is that on purpose? Don’t let me wear that dress!”

Sera staggered in shock as she pointed to the pathetic dress

lying on the bed.

“That, that….”
Dillian ‘s gaze didn’t go away from me, as I couldn’t even see
Sera sitting down.

After that, Dillian sighed and shook his head.

“Mr. Lia, when did you become so smart?”

“this person…!”

“I thought I would erase it as soon as I saw it, but I was


The smile on Dillian’s lips didn’t disappear just by looking at


“Sera! I won’t take revenge!”

Meanwhile, Nathan, who cried out, wandered around the

carpet, looking for something.

“Where did the sword go?”

I knew it. It was good to sneak away.

“Hey, if you don’t have teeth, you can bite with your gums!
Dillian, you bastard!”

Nathan, who flew in like a headbutt, aimed his sharp beak at

Dillion’s head.

But the attack was stopped at once.

“My hair was trimmed to look good to Lia. Don’t touch it.”

“Then you should bite even more!”

Nathan scrambled to run, but couldn’t move in front of


“Father-in-law. It’s a childish bowtie for his age.”

“What, what!”

Nathan inflated her feathers and ran wildly.

It seemed that he did not know whether to be angry at the

title of craftsman, or whether to be angry at being teased
about his appearance as childish.
“My, how about my bow tie!”

was that one

As Nathan flew towards the mirror, Dillian held out an arm.

“I must have killed the father-in-law too, let’s go. ma’am.”

He put his hand on his arm with a sigh of laughter.

“Yes, let’s go.”

It was the beginning of the banquet.

Episode 116.


As Dillian and I entered the banquet hall, the noisy hall

quickly became quiet.

Dozens of eyes stared down at me.

‘I feel like a caged animal.’

I expected to draw attention, but I didn’t expect everyone to

look at me.

The silence was avoided thanks to the softly resonating

melody, but it was equally burdensome.
“Everyone is looking at Ms. Leah.”

“I know.”

Indeed, they were eyes that could not hide their curiosity
about who the Duke of Sinais was.

“It looks so beautiful that I can’t take my eyes off it.”

“I am evaluating who I am.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Dillian’s eyes met. I

laughed and shook my head.

“It’s not about that, it’s about seeing if you’re a good fit for
Mr. Dillion.”

As he whispered so that only Dillion could hear it, he

muttered with a sigh.

“I’m so naive, I’m worried.”

Are you naive, me? As I opened my mouth in embarrassment,

Dillian wrapped his arms around my shoulder.
“Look. Those insidious eyes staring at Leah.”

What’s ugly what’s ugly To be honest, they are questionable


“And most of them are young children.”

“What does that matter? Where is the law not to have an evil
heart toward Ms. Leah because she is a woman?”

Was Dillian such an unbiased person?

‘Well, Nathan, an owl, was also jealous.’

I didn’t know that maybe I’d be jealous of a passing dog.

When I thought of Dillian, who was jealous of the dog, a

smirk came out.

“Are you relaxed now?”

“Thank you.”
Thanks to Dillian, my stiff shoulders were loosened. Standing
proudly against the gaze towards me, I crossed the hall.

As we approached Therze, the main character of the

banquet , he greeted us with wide open teeth.

“Grandpa, happy birthday.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Seeing us close together with arms crossed, Terje smiled


“I heard that they reconciled, but it’s nice to see them


“Sorry for worrying you.”

“You have nothing to apologize for.”

Terje, who lightly patted my back, opened his eyes to Dillian.

“You are good to Leah. Don’t make me feel bad.”

“Even if your grandfather doesn’t tell you, he will take care of

“Hey, did a good guy make that sadal?”

teeing off . tttttttttttttttttttttttttt Therese clicked his tongue

and bruised Dillian.

It was such a stark temperature difference that anyone

would think that I was his grandson, not Dillian.

“Oh, come here for a moment. I’ve been bragging about you.”

Terje, who snatched me from Dillion in an instant, grabbed

my hand and moved to the place where the local nobles
were gathered.

“This is my granddaughter-in-law.”

Therze shrugged and introduced me. I put my hands on my

chest and bent my knees without missing the board that
Terje had laid.

“This is Leah Delis. It is an honor to meet you.”

Therze’s mouth opened as if it were about to tear at the
straight greeting.

“The duchess is as beautiful as it is rumored to be.”

“Is that all? You look very intelligent and clever with your
bright eyes.”

Loud words poured out non-stop. I just pulled the corners of

my mouth and smiled awkwardly.

It was awkward to see nobles like my grandfather bowing

their heads to me.

But that was my situation, and Terjee boasted of me like a

fish in water.

“This child is my benefactor. A bear is running at the hunting

ground without blinking an eye….”

Terjee vividly delivered everything from the story of how I

caught the bear to the story of how I healed him.

If it’s a problem, is it that you’re pushing yourself too hard?

I licked my lips at the exaggerated story.

‘It’s not like that…?’

If you listened to Terje, I was a genius of the century and a

great warrior that even Dillian could surpass.

exaggerated heroic stories and sneaked out. A hoarse voice

was heard behind his back.

“Sheesh, you finally admitted it.”

“Miss Bianca.”

As I greeted the familiar face, Bianca took my hand.

“Miss Lia, I heard you had an argument with your majesty,

did you reconcile?”


Then his face, swollen with anticipation, withered like a

deflated balloon.
“That’s too bad. I wanted Ms. Leah to be my daughter-in-


“How are you, Leah? Won’t you be my daughter-in-law even

now? I will do you well.”

What do you mean by this, daughter-in-law?

confused , a dark shadow fell over my head.

It was Dillion who exudes a chilly energy.

“count. Your son is now fifteen.”

what 15 years old? You’re a child!

“Bianca! Put that handcuff on and go to jail!”

“Hey, Miss Leah. I don’t go to jail just because I’m a little

older. Nobility usually gets married when they are fifteen.”
know. It’s a world where you can get married in 14 women
and 15 men.

“And in love, age doesn’t matter. My husband and I are

seven years older.”

Of course, I am older. After adding that, Bianca winked at


‘Oh my gosh….’

head was dizzy. I leaned my back against Dillian’s chest and

pressed his temples tight.

Bianca appealed that my son was still young, but in three

years he would be a great man.

“… Bianca-sama, please withdraw for the sake of your son’s


Can’t you see Dillion spewing out life as if he was going to

kill the master who wasn’t here?

“I’m really sorry.”

Bianca, who had lost her appetite, attacked the niche.

“If you ever change your mind….”


Whether this was Dillian’s limit, he quietly warned.

In a completely different atmosphere from before, Bianca

retreated with an ah-ah-ah-ha-ha face.

“I see. I know.”

Even so, he kept glancing at me as if he couldn’t let go of his


“Bianca, have a good banquet.”

Worried that the happy banquet would turn into a bloody

banquet, I pulled Dillian by the arm.

With every step I took, strangers approached me, introduced

myself, and tried to take a picture.
I’ve only dealt with them once or twice, but I’m getting more
and more tired of the people who don’t have a break.

Someone caught on the edge of my sight.

That was the Crown Prince Cassis.

‘If you’re next to Cassis, you won’t come anymore.’

I put Dillion next to me, and quickly approached Cassis.

“The Crown Prince.”

“Miss Leah. Peacock. I’ve heard stories of reconciliation.


“thank you…?”

No, it’s only been a day since we reconciled. How far have
the rumors spread?

And is this something to celebrate?

After trying to hide his embarrassment and laughing, Cassis
suddenly started coughing.

“Great, Miss Leah.”


Why does the person who always looked only at Dillion call

Cassis, who called me, stayed silent for a long time.

The more that happened, the more Dillian’s momentum

grew. It’s Dillian, who has become uncomfortable because of

But when even the Crown Prince looked at me with a strange

gaze, Dillian’s nerves peaked.

Dillian, who quickly held me in his arms, asked with a cold


“What are you looking at me like that?”

“Wait, Duke. It’s not like that.”

Cassis couldn’t hide his embarrassment and waved his hand.

“If not, what is it? Your eyes are impure.”

“It’s not…, It’s because I lost contact with Aina. Or, I’m
asking you if you haven’t contacted me.”

A faint blush appeared on his face as it was very shameful to

ask someone about his lover’s whereabouts.

I want to actively help with that sad figure, but I am not a

person who didn’t even know that Aina had left to catch the

“I don’t know, but Mr. Dillion might know.”

beginning and communicated with him until a few days ago.

But Dillian shook his head resolutely.

“I don’t know because I’m not in contact with the saint.”

“I can’t help it.”

Cassis seemed relieved.

Well, it was strange to keep in touch with Dillian over him.

“I should definitely go to the Arest estate.”

Cassis rubbed his chin with a worried face.

“Duke, thank you for calling me, but I’ll leave early as soon
as the banquet is over.”

“Then would you like to go with the Crown Prince? We are

also going to the Aret estate.”

expectations, Lexter appeared in the Duke’s Castle, but the

plan to go to Arest’s estate has not changed.

Even if it wasn’t for Darkness and Rexter, I had business to

do in Arest’s estate.
‘If it’s Arrest’s estate, that’s where he is.’

‘That guy?’

‘The last divine beast, Arest, is protecting it.’

At that time, I didn’t know because I didn’t fully remember,

but Arest’s actions were questionable.

Arest had a heavy butt and didn’t like humans very much, but
he loved and cared for me as much as I did.

It was strange that Arest didn’t come to see me like that.

‘Maybe something happened.’

If Aresto was in danger, the more troops he had to help him,

the better.

“If we go together, we will not be enemies, and we will be

less dangerous.”
When I proposed to accompany him, Dillian’s face sank in an

“Is that so? If we go together, we will not be enemies.”

Cassis quickly accepted my offer. Even looking at Dillian’s

terrifying face, he pretended not to know.

“It doesn’t seem like a good choice.”

“I’m sorry to get caught between lovers, but I’m also in a


When I asked him how he had dealt with the scary Dillion so
far, Cassis was also shameless.

“Hey, I’m only going to take care of Leah. So, follow up on

your own.”

“It’s strange to be taken care of by the duke.”

It was a time when an unexpected guerrilla expedition was

The entrance was noisy.

“Are you really here?”

“How is it going?”

“But wouldn’t the Duke Sinais support His Majesty the

Crown Prince?”

“I don’t know. Count Blent was attached to the 3rd Prince.”

I heard whispers all around me.

Manus, who entered the banquet hall with everyone’s

attention, looked at me and pulled the corners of his mouth.

Then, strength entered the hand holding my shoulder.

“it’s okay.”

I patted Dillian ‘s hand, I stopped at the person who

immediately appeared.

He who followed Manus with Rexter,

It was Giselle.
Episode 117.

Giselle, why…?

Embarrassed by the unexpected appearance, I looked at the

small body standing next to her and took a deep breath.

Dante’s face turned white as he entered the banquet hall

holding Giselle’s hand.

Manus, who walked proudly enjoying the gaze of people,

stood in front of Terje.

But our concern was not with Manus.

“Mr. Dillian, was Count Justin on the same side as Lexter?”

Dillian shook his head.

“Earl Justin didn’t like Lexter very much. As you know, Lia-
san, the Count is very strict.”

The savvy Giselle and the prodigal Lexter were at odds.

“I’ve had a lot of contact with Dante lately, but I didn’t care.”

Dillian continued, looking at Giselle with pitiful eyes.

“I thought he was smart, but he wasn’t. That would be so


it is sympathetic What was Giselle thinking?

‘If you’re next to someone cursed like Lexter, Dante’s body

will get worse.’

It was strange that Gisele, who was so terrified of her

children, put Dante next to Lexter.

‘No, I don’t know, so I’m by your side.’

It was only me and Dillian who knew that Lexter had been
cursed with the darkness .
Giselle doesn’t like me, but I don’t know if she’ll listen to me
if I tell the truth.

Because Dante is a person I cherish terribly.

The moment I stepped forward at the same time as I was

thinking, Dillian stopped in front of me.

His face, which had sunk low, shook his head resolutely.

“If you leave it like that, the master is in danger.”

“I know. But no. Can you be sure that this wasn’t Manus’s

… none.

“Dante will naturally move away from Lexter. Count Justin

can’t keep his sick child in a noisy banquet hall, he’ll just get
a face stamp and go home.”

Dillian was right. There is no need to scrape and crumble as

Dante will be back soon.
When Giselle moved away from Lexter, talking alone was the
best way to resolve it amicably, rather than recklessly
separating them.

“Lea, do you remember what I said? Don’t fall from my side.”


But it was impossible for Duke Dillian to stay by my side.

Dillian was a person who caught everyone’s attention even

when he was still. Such a person returned to his hometown
after a whopping three years.

I couldn’t stand still around.

As expected, Dillian was called and welcomed everywhere.

Wherever Dillian went, it was all I could do with him, but

Manus was stuck wherever he went.

That fact touched Dillian’s nerves.

In the end , Dillian chose Cassis.

“If the third prince approaches, the prince must stop him.”

“Duke, isn’t it too much?”

“Isn’t it the job of a monarch to protect his subjects?”

At the intent of recognizing you as the emperor, Cassis was

big, and he coughed in vain.


Dillian, who had been confirmed by Cassis, said to me.

“Never be alone.”

“Because I knew.”

Dillian, who had been called upon several times, disappeared

into the crowd.

Cassis, who watched the scene, shook her head and

“Because I live, there are days like this. For the past 3 years,
I’ve done everything I can to make the duke into my own

Cassis, who muttered to herself, looked back at me.

“Thanks to Ms. Leah, I get recognition.”

It was a situation that could make him angry at whoever

dared to harass the prince, but he didn’t seem to be in a bad

Rather, he smiled brightly as if he was relieved now.

“Prince Prince, I’m sorry that you couldn’t enjoy the banquet
properly because of me.”

“it’s okay. Rather, this is convenient. I don’t like places like


Don’t worry, Cassis waved her hand.

“But you often go to parties.”

Did you know that a party is all about attending?

“Manus is very eloquent and socially active, so I only

attended to keep up with him, but I don’t like flashy and
noisy places.”

Unlike Manus, the power of his maternal family was weak,

and he calmly said that he had no choice but to run with his

“Do you know why I say this to Miss Leah?”

“Would you like to take the Crown Prince’s side?”


He wrinkled his eyes playfully. But fatigue was evident on

top of that.

I also suffered quite a bit, but Cassis has also lived a very
fierce life.

‘I must have suffered more because I was born as a prince.’

It must have felt like walking on a thin ice sheet every day.

the thought reached that point, pity flooded in.

“Do not worry. The Crown Prince will soon become the

It’s destined to be that way anyway. No matter how hard he

tries, Manus cannot become emperor.

“You’re talking like Aina.”

“okay? Aina saw it right.”

“If Miss Lia supports me, I will definitely become an


At present, it was a word that implied that the one with the
greatest power in Sinise was me.

“Somehow, I ended up in a position like that.”

“Well, aren’t you Aina’s guardian angel? It’s captivating even

“… Are you kidding me?”

“I don’t know what kind of punishment the duke will punish

for making fun of you, is there any way to do that?”

No matter how you look at it, it seems like a joke.

Cassis shrugged in denial at my disbelief-filled eyes.

“By the way, is that guy Manus bothering you?”

“… yes.”

At my answer, Cassis patted his chin and tilted his head.

“I’m sorry to say this in front of Ms. Leah, but Ms. Ria
doesn’t like Manus.”

Cassis quickly added that there should not be a

misunderstanding on my strange expression.

“Manus is a guy who regards commoners as inferior to bugs.

The fact that the guy who told me to hit my neck just by
rubbing my collar had an insidious heart for Ms. Leah… To
be honest, it’s award-winning.”

“It is. I thought it was weird too.”

“It’s strange that the guy who would normally shiver as soon
as he sees me doesn’t look at me, but only looks at Miss

Cassis muttered to herself.

“It’s like seeing someone else.”


I stopped silently listening to Cassis.

Suddenly, a hypothesis came to mind.

“Prince, was there anything strange about the third prince

besides that?”

“It’s strange, it’s been a little strange before.”

“When is that?”

Cassis, who became serious at the same time as my

submerged voice, traced her memory.

“Looking back, it seems like that’s been the case.”

His blood cooled cold at Cassis’s next words .


Dillian told him never to be alone, but Leah didn’t keep his

“Lea, what are you going to do?”

Nathan, who sat on Leah’s shoulder, asked.

“I’m trying to lure you in.”

Lia hid herself in a blind spot and bowed her head to Sera,
who was watching this place.

And in front of the terrace door, Cassis was guarding.

So this was a trap and a bait.

‘How do you treat the prince like this? It would have been
unimaginable in the past.’

In fact, Leah separated Cassis and tried to organize the

affairs with only Sarah and Nathan.

But Cassis, who had heard Dillian’s request for a new God,
could never leave her alone.

If discovered later, I didn’t know if I would be taken to the

emperor’s seat or even my neck.

“Would you be mad if Mr. Dillian found out?”

“I did so, but I became a bait for myself, so of course I would

be angry.”
Leah knows it too. How reckless this act is.

But now there was no time to check.

Because that guy would never tell the truth in front of Dillion.

Leah’s face darkened, Nathan rubbed her head against her

cheek as if soothing.

“Still, I have nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah, it’s reliable.”

Leah leaned her arms against the railing of the terrace and
looked up at the night sky.

The person she was trying to lure was none other than the
third prince, Manus.

‘About three months ago, Manus left the Imperial Palace for
a while. At that time, my companion was Lexter Blent.’
‘I don’t know where I went, but Manus, who returned to the
palace after a long time, was somehow strange.’

‘The guy who was arguing just looking at me started to focus

on other things from then on.’

‘I don’t know what it is, but it’s definitely changed after I got
my hands on Lexter Blent.’

As soon as I heard those words, the first thing that came to

my mind was darkness.

Manus changed three months ago, and darkness awakened

three months ago.

Isn’t it strange? That Manus had changed when the

darkness awakened.

At first, he thought that Rexter, who had assimilated the

darkness, was controlling Manus.

Because Manus didn’t feel the dark energy at all.

But her senses were shouting strongly.

At first, the hypothesis was wrong.

And now, it was time to confirm the new hypothesis.

The door to the terrace opened with a click, a quiet sound.

knocking was , as expected, Manus.


Leah turned and leaned her back against the railing.

The face I saw was still a face that reminded me of


“Are you waiting for me?”


Upon acknowledging it, joy spread across Manus’ face.

“You finally figured it out. That he was a fake.”

The voice trembled with excitement and Nathan aggressively
inflated himself.


“Yeah, I know.”

Now I know. Nathan’s reaction made it clear.

“Do you think Mr. Dillian is fake?”

“Of course! Leah, you are being deceived by that guy. Can’t
you see the curse that is deeply rooted in his heart?”

“Yeah, that curse was the problem.”

It was because of the curse that Manus knew the promise

even though he was not Lissandro.

Because he is the body of the curse placed on Dillion.

It was a name that was unfamiliar to me that I had called in
a very long time. It’s definitely a name I gave it to.

I thought that if the day came when this name was called
again, I would never be able to stand it.

Contrary to expectations, her voice was terribly calm.

“Koma, Lani?”

instant , a bewildered light flashed across Manus’ face.

Soon after, she put on the mask again, but Leah looked

“Lea, you should call me by name. Coma is the name of the

guy who hurt you.”

Despite Leah’s cold gaze, Manus did not stop talking.

“My name in this life is Manus. And my name in my previous

life was Risan-.”

I didn’t want to hear his name out of his mouth.

How dare you….

His clenched fists trembled in anger.

“If I were a fake, how would I know the promise I made with

“You stole that person’s memory.”

We stole our memories.

At the time he made an appointment with Lissandro, the

coma had been sealed. However, the remnants of a coma
remained in Lissandro.

It was just a curse.

He must have been assimilated with the coma from

beginning to end because he could not finally lift the curse.
Part of the coma had been planted in Lissandro’s body, so
even if it was sealed, it wouldn’t have been anything more
than stealing memories.

“How long did you plan on pretending to be that person?”

Leah glared at Coma with her cold, frozen eyes.

“Did you want to appear in front of me while pretending to

be the person you hated so much?”

Perhaps the truth he never wanted to be revealed.

Chibu that he wanted to hide until the end.

He lifted them all to the surface and slashed them sharply,

and the smile slowly faded from his face.

The perfect mask came off as if she had already painted it,
and the cold face that was exposed beneath it fluttered
toward Leah.

“Did you know everything?”

Episode 118.

I expected it, but when I heard the truth from Koma’s mouth,
I could feel blood dripping from my feet.

“I even copied a smiling face, how did you recognize it?”

He muttered to himself with Leah in front of him.

“After all, did you get caught because of these eyes?”

Yes, it’s because of these eyes. Without that, Leah won’t


Because this face was very similar to the man she loved the
Had it not been for these purple eyes, I would have

My plans went awry because of the color of my eyes . Here,

Coma sharpened her teeth.

I didn’t even know that I was completely fooled.

Leah’s eyes wrinkled like pieces of paper at the illusion full

of pride.

“Even if you steal Manus’ body and imitate him, you won’t
become the real thing.”

Imitating his smile and imitating his habit, the fake can never
be the real thing.

“How did the real Manus do it?”

“I don’t know what you mean?”

In the yard where everyone was found out, Koma pretended

not to know and opened the door.
“You were slept for a thousand years, but Manus and Rexter
woke you up, and you, who needed a body, took Manus’
body. Am I wrong?”

Coma lost her body a thousand years ago.

He could cast a shadow like an clone, but it was still a


cannot be the body. There must have come a situation where

he had to host one of the two who woke him up, and he
would have coveted Manus’ body rather than Rexter’s.

“At first glance, Manus resembles Lissandro.”

Leah’s guess was not wrong anywhere.

Coma, who thought it was too late to step back, shrugged

her shoulders with a light gesture.

“right. At first I thought Lissandro was reborn.”

They looked so similar, they almost killed everyone.

But looking closely, it wasn’t him.

“Leah, you know. A story that, in the very distant future,

descendants resembling themselves may be born. I think this
guy is like that. Even if they look alike, they are very similar.”

the contents were different, the appearance of a human with

a similar shell was a situation he was very happy with.

“So I ate. It wasn’t very tasty, but I liked the shell.”

Koma, who murmured while groping my face, looked at Leah

with a friendly smile again.

“You too? At first, you were shaken by this smile.”

Leah clenched her teeth at that disgusting smile.

Her pale, tired face, firm chin, and trembling hands showed
her feelings.

Coma deceived her to the end with the smile that Leah liked.

Coma trembled at Leah’s eyes full of hatred.

“But I’m happy that you recognized me, but I’m also

As if to prove that statement, Coma’s face was vague, it was

impossible to tell whether she was smiling or angry.

“Do you know how surprised I was when you called my


Coma squeezed my heart and fell into ecstasy.

The moment I heard the name I thought I would never hear

again, my dead heart raced terribly.

The name that Leah gave me, the name that Leah loved,

Leah’s abandoned name.

It was just an instant that his face turned cold.

Her purple eyes swelled like lava, and she was furious.
“I wish I didn’t know for the rest of my life. If you mistook me
for Lissandro, you would be happy too.”

Happiness? Leah burst into laughter at the nonsense that

even the dog would laugh at.

is happiness , day by day, hatred grows and kills coma.

“I bet it would have been more unfortunate than anyone


“It’s not bad either. I love you, but I hate you that much.”

She loved Leah, but she mercilessly abandoned herself.

The feelings he had for Komagaria were stinky love-hate.

Coma’s gaze, wriggling toward Leah, fully showing her raw

feelings, turned to her shoulder.

“I hate that bastard who always sits next to you.”

“Even now, you still have a strong obsession.”

“I should have killed him a thousand years ago, too.”

“you? me? For a thousand years, that paranoia has not been
cured at all.”

Bloody words passed between Nathan and Koma.

“If you could win, why did you hide? I was afraid that my
identity would be revealed, so I didn’t even see my nose in
front of me!”

Nathan yelled and yelled.

As he said, Koma never showed up in front of Nathan.

The form has changed, but the essence cannot be hidden. If

it were Nathan’s eyes, he would have seen through his true
identity at once.

So Manus avoided Nathan and approached Leah.

“I’m not afraid of you, Nathan. It was just to prevent you

from teasing your tongue and talking nonsense to Leah.”
Coma snorted and shrugged at Nathan.

“You can’t even kill me anyway, can you?”

Yeah Nathan can’t kill the darkness. Because this is Leah’s


So, here and now, coma….

Leah was about to put her hand towards the bracelet.

Koma, who quickly narrowed the distance, grabbed Leah’s



The strong force broke the bracelet. Leah bit into the piece
that had dug into the flesh to endure the pain.

Despite her painful moan, Coma didn’t blink.

“Are you going to seal me up again?”

“Miss Leah!”

Sera and Cassis, who were quietly watching Lia, ran to her,
but they could not reach her.

It was because the monster that soared from the long

shadow of the coma was blocking the front of the two of

The two quickly took out their weapons and attacked the

“Sera! Prince!”

“Lea, can you afford to worry about others?”

Behind the laughter-mixed voice, a familiar moan was heard.



While Lia opened her eyes for a moment, Koma, who

grabbed Nathan, chuckled and gave strength to her hand.
“Aren’t you going to let go of that hand right now?”

Leah slammed her hand caught by Koma and swung her


However, Leah’s attack full of loopholes was blocked by the

shadow Koma summoned.

Shh, the shadow wrapped around Lia pulled her back.


When Leah was in danger, Nathan quickly released the

divine power, but did no damage to Koma.

Curse and divine power are clearly opposites.

“It’s stupid. What do you think is the reason why I, who has
been avoiding you, showed up proudly?”

As Coma twisted her lips and lifted her chin, her blue
earrings swayed to match.

The pure white light inside it fluttered like waves.

Nathan, who immediately recognized the earring’s identity,
let out a thunderous shout.

“Coma, you bastard! Did you touch Ares?”

“Ah, that’s what his name was.”

Coma wrinkled her eyes, saying she didn’t know because she
wasn’t interested in Shinsoo.

“I saw the good of him. There will come a day when

Nathaniel under heaven will be unable to move in front of

Not only that, the strong divine power covered the power of
the curse, so she was able to deceive Leah until now.

“Dare, dare…!”

“You know what I did as soon as I woke up? It was to make

something against your temple.”

The hand that gripped Nathan’s neck grew stronger and

“To make the same mistake is to do nothing. is not it?”

Don’t make the same mistake twice. Koma muttered like a


“First, I’ll let you go, then Dillian’s son.”

Kill Dillian in front of Leah.

By killing her so horribly that it was hard to open her eyes,

she would destroy Leah’s mind once again.

it wipes away everything around Leah.

So that only you remain by her side.

Let her depend only on herself.

It was a time when I was drunk on a dream sweet as candy.

“You bastard, then, wherever you try to block this.”

There was a rustling sound next to my ear. It was before my

body reacted to that sharp sound.

Coma’s chin turned back at the force of the strong collision.

My body staggered from the great shock.

Leah, who did not miss that moment, slapped Koma’s wrist
with her fist.

“Nathan! Fly!”

Leah’s words were a signal, Nathan spread his wings and

flew high and landed on Leah’s shoulder.

“Nathan, help them both.”


“Your attack doesn’t work against Koma anyway.”

As Leah said. As long as Koma is wearing those earrings,

Nathan’s attacks won’t work at all.

“My attack works, so let’s go.”

Leah pushed Nathan’s ass and blocked Coma’s front.

“I expected to unravel the shadows, but it was too fast….”

Coma shuddered when she saw my alter ego that had been
crushed like sand to ashes.

Then his torn lips throbbed. Not only the lips but also the
inside of the mouth could feel the fishy taste of iron.

‘It’s divine power.’

Nathan and Leah’s unique divine power that is different from

the priests I’ve ever met.

I ate one shot with that power.

“Leah, you’re too rough-.”


Unfinished words were scattered in the air.

“… You don’t even have time to talk.”

Coma, who had been hit in the same spot twice, touched her
piercing chin.

“hey. Do you know why the villains always lose in Magical


“… What are you talking about?”

“You lose because you wait patiently for the main characters
to transform.”

As soon as she could finish speaking, Leah smashed Koma’s



“What do you mean? It is said that life is a win-win. You

damn child.”

Lia hit her coma with her fist covered in divine power.

No one knew about it because it was not recorded in the

public, but Ariane, the first saint, was a battle-type saint.
In other words, it was said that the fight with the naked body
was also of a high level.

Conversely, the body of Manus that Coma stole was a water

body that was far from fighting.

A battle between Lia, who has regained her memory and

awakened, and Coma, who has not become a whole.

Maybe if Coma was a whole, he could not defeat Leah with

unstable power.

‘This bird X can’t be unaware of that, so why is he fighting a

fight that doesn’t work?’

Leah chewed her lips as she looked at the coma who had
fallen on the floor.

Why are you hitting yourself without any counterattack?

Coma is a clever guy. His head turned so fast that he never

did anything that harmed him.

I knew him better than anyone because I taught and watched

him grow right before my eyes.
‘Something is wrong.’

A dark, ominous feeling climbed up his back and swept down

the nape of his neck.

That moment when I got goosebumps.


An ear-piercing scream echoed in the banquet hall.

Episode 119.

The moment I turned my head in surprise at the scream, I

heard a chuckle from below.

The eyes that met them gleamed with madness. With a

blood-stained face, he was not a crazy person.

The coma whispered through her chapped lips.

“Leah, the party has started.”


As I hurriedly opened the door to the terrace at the ominous

sense of tone, the tightly pulled air touched my face.
Leah quickly threw her gaze towards the center of the
commotion. It wasn’t difficult to find.

Because everyone was watching in one place.

Giselle, who was sitting on the floor, trembled with her small
body in her arms.

“Dante, calm down!”

Giselle screamed, shook Dante’s body, and patted her on the


As if completely unconscious, Dante didn’t even move.

It was a serious situation at first glance, but it wasn’t the

Justin hat that caught Leah’s attention.

Lia shifted her gaze toward Giselle’s head with a hardened


As if the asphalt in midsummer was shaking, I could see the

space shaking.
“… What have you done?”

Leah’s voice trembled with anger.

“I just did what she wanted.”

Koma raised her back on the floor and smiled.

“I wanted to put my son at ease. That’s why I gave you

eternal rest as promised.”

What Giselle wants is for Dante’s pain to go away. And he

kept that promise.

There are many ways to get rid of pain. cure disease or make

Or kill them so they don’t feel any more pain.

“Isn’t it the same as getting comfortable?”

“Hey, you crazy bastard,”

Leah’s eyes were dyed red at the act of playing with a child’s
life like a toy.

“Because I didn’t see you, my words became too harsh-


Leah ran towards Coma and grabbed him by the neck. Lia
pulled his face tight and spit out words.

“Stop the crack now.”

“You know that. A crack that has already begun cannot be


There is only one way, Koma whispered as if telling a secret.

“Leah, what are you going to do? will you kill me Or are you
going to save them?”

Only Leah can stop the rift.

If it weren’t for her, Dante’s body would be shattered, and

the rift would open its mouth and swallow up all life.
“Shall I guess?”

Coma hummed at Leah’s increasingly contorted face as if


he could be sure

Leah will make the same choice.

“You are going to save them.”

Killing the coma and saving the lives of dozens.

Two options were placed on the scale. And the scale tilted to
one side without hesitation.

“okay. You’re right.”

Leah is a protector, not a destroyer.

So, of course, I had to choose the one to keep.

Leah lifted her knees up as if tossing them by the collar that

had been gripped by them.
“I knew it. It’s a Guardian-like choice.”

“Don’t like it too much. It’s just a delay, because you’ll

eventually die at my hands.”

“What about killing today?”

Cassis, who escaped the darkness with Nathan’s help,


“I’m not dealing with it.”

The conversation between the uninvited guest, who stole Lia

and Manus’ body, was extremely private and difficult to

But one thing I knew for sure.

A man named Coma who stole Manus’ body was the dark
identity that disturbed the empire.

‘You were in the wrong place without knowing it was right in

front of you.’
I sighed at the face of my younger brother who looked up at
me with a vicious face.

“He was an ugly little brother, but I didn’t want to hear that
he was killed by a curse.”

Awkward, the bones of the hand holding the sword lit up


“Are you okay?”

“To be honest, no.”

Are you too honest?

Cassis smiled lightly at Leah’s embarrassed face and shook

her head.

I can’t help it even if I’m swearing at what I’m doing.

The opponent is that ‘darkness’. The darkness that even the

High Priest could not do anything about.
It was realistically unreasonable to kill the darkness with his
own power, even with his divine power.


“I’ll take the time until Miss Leah gets things done and
comes back.”

“It is dangerous to be alone.”

“I am not alone.”

As if to prove that, Sera pulled out a dagger from the end of

her sleeve and stood next to Cassis.

“Lea, come on. I will stop you.”


“I can’t stand still and watch a cub who is Lia-sama’s right-

hand man tormenting his master.”

“Miss Leah. No worries.”

Those in black cloaks ran down the walls and poured down
onto the terraces.

“I am the Crown Prince, there is no way I could have come


Where in the world is the prince without an escort, he said


“Try as much as you can.”

“… Don’t die.”

“It should be. If you die like this, the Crown Prince’s face
doesn’t make sense, right?”

I felt reassured at the words that gave me a faint smile.

The Crown Prince is the Crown Prince. It was a voice that

made you feel that kind of trust.

“10 minutes. I will finish it in 10 minutes.”

Leah ran towards Dante, leaving them behind.


I ran straight to Giselle.

After throwing all the body and manners, I ran at full speed.

One o’clock was urgent. You have to save Dante, too, and
you have to go back to the terrace and destroy Koma too.

my heart was getting more and more impatient.

Giselle, who was not sure what to do while holding Dante in

her arms, hurriedly turned her arms around.

Then he took out a black but one bottle.

‘A vial?’

Giselle just mumbled the same thing like a madman.

As I listened to what she meant, I began to hear her voice
slowly and clearly.

“You just need to take this medicine.”

Gisele opened the vial with trembling hands, and a foul smell
stung her nose.

‘Can’t anyone smell this?’

Even Giselle didn’t notice that the drug was strange.

Rather , he thought that it was Donga’s string, so he

carefully tilted the vial to Dante’s mouth.


I quickly reached out and covered Dante’s mouth, smashing

the vial with the other hand.

The vial shattered with a click, the sound of glass shattering.

The drug that soaked the floor oxidized as soon as it hit the
It was at that time when I breathed a sigh of relief with an
ominous energy.

“It must have been a disaster, Count. What kind of drug is



Giselle screamed and pushed me roughly.

It was Dillian who caught me, who almost fell unsightly.

“Lia, are you okay?”

“Thanks to you, I saved my ass from breaking.”

Having straightened my posture with Dillian’s support, I

grabbed his hand and let out divine power.

Dillian, who trembled and trembled, said he couldn’t stop it

and opened his eyes.

“You noticed.”
“Even if it’s weak, it fills the banquet hall.”

I frowned at the divine power floating in the air.

It wasn’t that big of a power, so it didn’t do much damage to

Dillion, but it was only for a while.

There was a high probability that it would attack like a

tsunami soon.

“Don’t fall from my side. I will push them all away with my
divine power.”

I asked Dillian to cast my gaze on Giselle.

“Giselle, why are you here? Are you really crazy?”

floor, trying to find some medicine, and Bianca was at a loss

for what to do.

“Leave this! Why, why are you disturbing me! Without that
drug, Dante would die!”

“Giselle. I know you’re surprised by Dante, but calm down.”

Giselle shook off Lloyd by grabbing my arm and screaming
evil while holding Dante in her arms.

“Get away, get everything away from Dante!”

Seeing the half-crazed appearance, Terje screamed and


“Giselle! You have to leave!”

Therese was angry and tried to take Dante from Giselle.

If he left Dante to Giselle, who had lost his mind, he was

sure to get the job done.

However, Giselle, who was at a corner and showed

superhuman strength, was not pushed by Terje’s muscles at

“No, don’t touch it!”

I raised my hand towards her, who was doing all sorts of


A sharp sound echoed through the hall.


Someone hiccuped in the scene unfolding in front of me.

Giselle also looked at me with bewildered eyes, not sure if

she was right.

Either way, I asked Giselle, who was barely quiet.

“Calm down. Do you know what that food is?”

“Hey, that’s saving Dante-”

“No, that’s the poison that kills Dante.”

“Kill…? poison…?”

Giselle, who was muttering following my words, burst out

“You kill No way.”

Ahahaha, she smiled and suddenly looked up at me and

shouted outrageously.

“What do you know! Dante saved his life many times thanks
to that drug. But you broke the drug! Last medicine!”

Seeing her screaming while holding my neck made me cry

and get angry.

“Save me? reduce pain? it would have been Because it was

suppressed by a curse that is opposite to the divine power, it
must have seemed that way temporarily.”


“It’s called a curse. What you’ve been feeding Dante so far is

part of the curse.”

Giselle’s breath stopped at the word curse.

“Giselle, Dante is not terminally ill.”

It was only now that memories from his previous life
returned, that he found out the name of Dante’s disease.

‘I’m sorry, I should have known sooner.’

Seeing the child taking a light breath, regret flooded me like

a tidal wave.

When he raised his head, he saw Giselle panting, unable to

breathe properly.

“So, going to the senator would be of no use, and he

wouldn’t have taken any other medications.”

It was natural. The disease that ate that little child’s life
could not be cured by medicine,

“Because he’s a newbie.”

Episode 120.

Recruit, it was a disease in which the divine power swirled

within the body and devoured life.

Very few people got this disease. So, unless you were a
priest, you didn’t know much about this disease.


As if this was the first time he had ever heard of it, Giselle
looked at me blankly and muttered.

“It is a disease that the divine power eats away at life.”

“Yeah, it can’t be. Dante has no divine power. Divine power

is innate.”
“Yeah. If Dante had divine power, Dillion would have noticed
it before anyone else.”

Terjee shook his head saying that was not the case.

“You may not be able to feel it because it is a very weak

divine power, but now the hall is filled with divine power.”

I took Dillian’s hand.

“And that divine power is definitely affecting Mr. Dillion.”

So, while fighting Giselle, I paid attention to Dillian.

I was wrapping Dillian with my divine power to prevent the

child’s divine power from reaching him.

“Count Justin. It is the divine power that comes from Dante.”

Everyone knows that Dillion has strong Holy Resistance.

He admitted that he was more sensitive than anyone to the

divine power. Giselle frowned at that fact, saying she
couldn’t believe it.
“It’s unbelievable…. How did that happen….”

As they say, divine power is usually innate, and the amount

of divine power is determined at birth.

And those born with divine power naturally operate and

circulate the divine power as if breathing.

However, there were exceptions.

“Have you ever heard of an acquired apparitioner?”

“You say our Dante is an epiphany?”

Giselle looked down at Dante with trembling eyes.

“Unlike others who are born with divine power, it is highly

probable that acquired manifesters do not know how to
handle divine power.”

No, in most cases, they did not know whether the divine
power was manifested in the first place.
When the divine power is manifested, fever comes, and most
of them dismiss it as a cold or flu.

“Did you think it was a cold?”

“Um, the senator said that he has a cold…. And the priests
say they have a fever….”

“I don’t know who it is, but it would be good to change the

water at the temple.”

I didn’t even know what the hell I was taught that my divine
power was manifested.

“If that stupid priest had helped Dante’s divine power cycle
through, he wouldn’t have gotten recruited.”

Dante appeared probably three years ago.

If I had met Dillian then, I would have noticed it as soon as I

did now, but maybe it was a joke of fate, Dillian also stopped
visiting the Duke’s Castle for three years.

‘It was bad luck.’

I stretched out my hand towards the colorful, breathing

“Give me Dante. I need to treat you right now.”

been three years. The divine power that had been trapped
inside Dante’s body must have ruined the child’s stomach.

“It is dangerous to leave it like this.”

The suppressed divine power is slowly leaking out. If it

explodes all at once, it will destroy Dante’s fragile body.

“Then everyone here will die, not just Dante.”

The crack created by Dante’s runaway will gradually widen

and become a hole, and the hole will swallow everything.

I frowned as I looked into the gap in the air.

Hui Yi-ing-

Through the cracks, black darkness could be seen and a

strange sound could be heard.

“Dante? Dante!”

A short moan escaped Dante’s mouth.

At that moment, the child’s body began to crack like it was

about to break. Giselle screamed.

“no! Dante!”

Clap! Dante’s runaway broke the window.

The chandelier vibrated as if it were about to fall.

The anomaly caused people to panic and scream and run


I clenched my teeth in the chaos that came in an instant.

‘Coma must have calculated this from the beginning.’

To bring chaos to the world once again, just like back then.
“Giselle, now!”

“My son died…? Our Dante…?”

Terje, who had stolen Dante from Giselle, who murmured

like a madman, came to my side.

“Leah. Can you cure me?”

“Without it, I wouldn’t be able to come out as proudly as I am


I held Dante in my arms, ignoring Giselle who stumbled and


‘It’s a mess. Even a high-ranking priest can’t be reckless.’

Unless it is a high-ranking official, this runaway cannot be

stopped. Dante’s condition was so messed up.

“Did the third prince give you that medicine?”

“Giselle, don’t you know? Who is the culprit for all this?”

I don’t know when Dante was discovered, but it was clear

that he had been on medication regularly since then.

And the drug suppressed the divine power and made Dante
even more ill by blocking the spirit that a human should

It was all because of the drug that I didn’t notice Dante’s

illness at once.

‘You wicked child. Since when did you start doing this?’

I laid Dante down on the flat floor and placed my hand on his

People screaming and running away, the wind blowing

fiercely through the broken windows.

Everything messed up my nerves.

The thing that bothered me the most was Giselle’s cry.

“My, my child is dead. Dante, my baby….”

“Who is going to die?”

Giselle, who had lost her mind, now looked desperate.

“What if a mother gives up her child?”

After pinching Giselle’s attitude, I focused all my attention on


Taking a long breath and maximizing the divine power,

butterflies appeared one by one.

Surprised by the golden butterflies hovering around me,

people inhaled their breath.

Giselle, who was crying, stopped breathing and stared

blankly at the butterfly.

“I’ll save you, so stop crying and wipe away your tears.”

A butterfly sat on Giselle’s cheek. Giselle, who blinked at the

movement, reached out and touched her cheek.
The butterflies then rubbed Giselle’s cheek and wiped away
her tears.

An unrealistic thing unfolded before my eyes. And I am at the

center of it.

Giselle looked at me blankly.

I shook my head as I looked at my messy hair and my face

smeared with makeup.

“How surprised the child would be when he woke up and his

mother was pretending to be a ghost.”

Giselle, startled by those words, rubbed her cheek.

“Dante will wake up soon, so stay focused and look straight


Those words gave me a signal, and the butterflies that had

been hovering around me gently sat on Dante’s body. He
embraced Dante so that no more divine power could leak
I closed my eyes, confirming that the cracked body was
completely blocked.

Then he found Dante’s broken lifeline and began to weave it



The treatment didn’t take long.

It would have been difficult if it was an ordinary priest, but it

was not difficult for Leah.


Dante’s breathing, who had been taking a rough breath,

stopped, and his eyelids fluttered slowly.

As with children, Dante called his mother as soon as he
woke up.


Giselle crawled on the floor at that call and came up to her

knees and hugged Dante.

“Mom is here. huh? Are you okay now?”

“Ugh. Mom. I am no longer sick.”

“Aren’t you sick? really?”


“Oh God. thank you thank you.”

Giselle sang to God and burst into tears.

“Mom, don’t cry.”

“Yeah, Mom, I won’t cry. Our Dante worked really hard.”

Contrary to words, Giselle couldn’t stop crying. Dante,
saddened by the sight, spread out his small hand and wiped
Giselle’s tears.

“Mom’s eyes are now swollen like crucian carps.”

Giselle burst into laughter when she saw Dante’s pouting

mouth. Seeing that, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Dante , who had been rubbing Giselle’s cheek for a while,

seemed exhausted and fell asleep.

“The treatment was successfully completed, but just in case

Dante is sick, bring it to me.”

Leah added, just in case.

“Don’t be arrogant, you have to bring it. before anything else

happens. You know?”

“Yes Yes. I will.”

While he was stunned by the sudden respectful words,

Giselle knelt in front of Lia.
“I’m sorry. And thank you. I’ll pay it back for the rest of my
life…. Leah.”

Leah was disgusted with the nickname and waved her hand.

“It’s okay, so don’t call me that.”

“But, how can I be like that to the benefactor?”

“No. Just call me Miss Leah like Bianca-sama.”

When Giselle called me Leah, I got goosebumps on my arm.

A hard body bumped into Leah’s back, who was stepping

backwards without realizing it.

He whispered as he hugged Leah’s waist, who was trying to

sneak away.

“Why are you so disgusting? It’s a name you’ll hear soon.”

“Mr. Dillian, is it okay if I suddenly call you?”

The smirk on his face hardened in an instant.

“If you want to be called that, play somewhere.”

“I understood Lia’s heart at once.”


Lia, who defeated Dillion in a short time, raised her chin and
smiled triumphantly.

And there were those who looked at it with the eyes of a


It was Terjee.

That light, that butterfly.

That power equal to that of the High Priest.

And Dillion, who seems comfortable with the divine power

that is as good as poison….

“no way….”
Nathan sat on the shoulder of Terje, who was muttering

“You are looking for the child of destiny.”

“The owl said….”

Therze sighed and breathed in.

Episode 121.

His trembling eyes made me guess how surprised he was.

“If you see that you believe in oracles, you do believe in God,
unlike Dillian.”

“I really hope that kid…?”

Therese’s trembling eyes looked at Nathan eagerly.

Nathan opened his chest and said triumphantly.

“How are you? The feeling of seeing the fateful child you
have been longing for.”

Terje stumbled in shock at the finally revealed identity of

Nathan shuddered at the body of the staggering giant, and
spread his wings.

“Leah was a child of fate.”

The owner of the oracle who will save Dillion!

How do you feel? How can I express this joy in words?

Terje showed by actions instead of words.

Terjee hurled her body like a bullet and hugged Lia with her
lumpy muscles.

“Lea! Thank you so much for meeting Ugly Dillian!”

“Yes Yes?”

Leah, who was barely sighing, stuttered while trapped in

Terje’s biceps.

“When will the food be served? If it’s okay with you, let’s
have a ceremony tomorrow!”

“You don’t have to do anything. just come with your body

Existence itself is a treasure!”

Leah, startled by the increasingly tight neck, tapped Terje’s

arm, and Dillian hurriedly pushed my grandfather away.

“Do not hold Ms. Leah carelessly. Do you know how

surprised Ms. Lia was by Grandpa’s vicious muscles? That’s
a weapon. knife.”

Dillian stroked Leah’s neck and shot coldly at Terje.

Terjee would normally be angry with her grandmother for

being rude to her, but today was different.

“After all, fate is fate. How do you two meet like this? I have
no time to leave tomorrow.”

“What kind of dangerous words are you talking about!”

It’s not that I don’t know why Therze was so excited.

‘You will know that I am the child of fate.’

I know you are happy to see a nobleman who has been

waiting for a long time , but it was too much.

“Grandpa, please calm down….”

clap clap!

Leah’s eyes fluttered as if an earthquake had occurred at the

sound of applause that erupted before she could even finish

The owner of the sound was Bianca and Lloyd.

“Finally, you allow it. Miss Leah. Congratulations.”

“Sheesh, I should have made Miss Leah my daughter-in-


Despite the grumbling, Bianca clapped steadily. And the

applause was heard from below.

“Miss Leah. Congratulations.”

Even Giselle, who she believed in, applauded.

better for Giselle, who was harshly opposed to the marriage

ban when we first met.

“Mr. Dillian, try stopping Grandpa.”

All that’s left is Dillion. Leah asked him for help, but
unfortunately, even if the opponent was wrong, he was
wrong for a long time.

“After the ceremony tomorrow, I don’t have enough time to

go see the dress. It would be better to do it after a week,

“Even a week goes by!”

these people You haven’t even cleared up what Koma has

done yet!

Dante’s runaway was prevented, and the cracks were also

safely prevented, but a corner of his heart was uneasy.

I have to go to Cassis. That was the moment I made up my

Cassis, who appeared after breaking the door of the terrace,
shouted urgently.

“Everyone run away!”

“The Crown Prince?”

Those who had not yet escaped murmured when they saw
Cassis disorganized.

At that moment, Giselle’s face turned white.

“Giselle? Why? Is Dante’s condition strange again?”

Giselle barely spit out words like a strangled person at

Terje’s question.



“I opened it. barrier….”

Giselle mumbled something inexplicable and hugged Dante
as if protecting her.

‘Are you opening a barrier?’

Unlike Lia, who could not understand immediately, Terje and

Dillian understood the meaning of the words.

“Giselle! What have you done!”

As soon as Terje was screaming, the door to the banquet

hall slammed open and the soldier shouted.

“Hey, it’s a monster!”

“Avoid everyone! A demon has invaded!”

“The barrier is broken…. Aww!”

The monster that broke through the door threw the soldier
against the wall and cried out.


The large door in the banquet hall was smashed and

monsters poured out.

It wasn’t just that. Bird-type monsters that flew in through

windows and terraces set up sharp claws to catch people
like prey.


“Aww, let this go!”



The beautiful banquet hall became a mess with the screams
of people and the horrifying cry of monsters.

visor! Kaan-!

The sound of swords clashing pierced my ears.

“Kie- huh!”

Leah, wrapped her arms around her shoulder.

“Lia, are you okay?”

Right after the monsters poured in, Leah’s condition was not

“Mr. Leah.”

“Yes Yes?”

“Did you spend a lot of energy treating Dante?”

“no. That’s not it….”

Dillian looked at her with worried eyes. However, Leah could
not take her eyes off the devastation that unfolded before
her eyes.

A scream that pierces your ears and the fishy scent of blood
lingering on the tip of your nose. Fallen people and messy
remains of monsters.

Afterimages of the past passed by the familiar sight.

‘Help me. Holy Lady!’

‘Ouch! No, go away!’

‘Lady, please…!’

Leah patted her fiery hair.

‘Why did this happen again? why….’

the same way as back then.

He created a rift, plunged the world into chaos, and

devoured the world by targeting the gap.

A crack that suddenly appeared, and the monsters pouring

out, a life that was sadly left….

When I realized that I was stepping on the past, anxiety

weighed on my shoulders.

“Mr. Leah, calm down. We need to go to a safe place right


Leah lifted her head and looked at her lover’s face, which
was stained with concern.

‘What if I lose again? If you leave me like that time….’

“Stay with Giselle. I’ll deal with it soon-”

Leah, who cut off Dillian’s words, grabbed his arm tightly.

“No. don’t fall by my side I can do it too.”

“no. You don’t even have a bracelet right now.”

At Dillian’s point, Lia clenched her empty wrist tightly.

‘Damn it, I forgot Koma broke the bracelet.’

Leah bit her lip.

“Did you lose your bracelet?”

Coma had broken the bracelet, patted Leah’s anxious

shoulder and slowly pushed it to Giselle’s side.

“If you go and get your bow right now….”

Leah’s eyes widened, trying to convince Dillion somehow.

“Mr. Dillian, after…!”

When I screamed like a scream that ran fast,

Touk, dangre-
The neck of the monster that opened its mouth toward
Dillion rolled over the floor.

“Huh, things are messed up.”

“The Crown Prince!”

Cassis, who wiped the face that had been splattered with
monster blood, exhaled harshly.

Leah pushed Dillian away and asked Cassis.

“What happened? Sarah?”

“I lost consciousness and my men are protecting me. And

then, the guy ran away. I said I’d take the time until you
came, but it’s no use.”

‘The door opened. The festival has begun. Red blood will
cover the world like that time.’
‘You won’t save me. Go and tell Leah. I’ll come pick you up

The dark voice that hid in the shadows and giggled, echoed
in my ears.

“It’s you, Ms. Leah, that the darkness is aiming for. So, as
the peacock said, avoid yourself.”

“Dark? Lia, did you come into contact with the darkness?”

Dillian had no idea what was going on on the terrace.

There was no time to talk because of Dante’s runaway and

the immediately pouring demons.

“Dillian, the third prince we have known so far is darkness.

He took over the body of the third prince.”


“I’ll explain the details later.”

For a moment, I was surprised by the sudden disclosure of
Manus’ identity.

Dillian nodded, saying he knew that.

“I told Lia that flirting was not unusual. That was the

Dillian touched the handle of the sword and threw his gaze
towards Cassis.

“If the third prince is dark, I can kill him.”

n’t work, it had the momentum to cut it.

“okay. Don’t hesitate and cut it.”

“As a token of our loyalty, I will cut off the cub’s head and
bring it to you.”

what is loyalty All I want is blood revenge on the

motherfucker who flirted with Leah.
“Anyway, the monsters don’t diminish. Where is it pouring
out like this?”

Just like a dam bursting and river water pouring out, the
monsters constantly set foot in the duke’s castle.

“If it’s a monster of this number, the realm must be a


But no such news came. The only place where the

commotion occurred was the Duke Castle.

Something is strange.

It was Nathan who answered Cassis’s doubts.

“The door has been opened in the castle.”

“A door, what a door….”

His gaze, which was naturally directed at Leah, trembled

slightly, perhaps belatedly realizing that something was
“Wait, did the owl speak now?”

“It’s my first time saying goodbye. It is Nathan.”

“It’s divine. A divine beast like Mika that the Crown Prince
often saw.”

It was Leah’s added words that woke Cassis, who was

speechless by the combination of a red bow tie and a talking

“The gate is the passage that connects the monster’s habitat

and the castle. It must be open somewhere in the castle. We
have to destroy it.”

“Or close the barrier of dukedom. If you solve one, it will be


Nathan offered an easier solution, but Leah shook her head


“No, no. They must be closed at the same time.”

That way you can block the coma’s escape route.

“Let’s get it here.”

Leah, unable to see the horrors of that time again, made up

her mind.

‘You can’t miss it.’

At the time when he had promised himself over and over

again, a trembling but firm voice spoke to Leah.

“I will close the barrier.”


“I opened it, so I will close it.”

Episode 122.

“By what way.”

Dillian pointed out a fundamental problem.

“There are no wizards, so how are you going to close it?”

Once the barrier was broken, it required enormous mana to

restore it.

However, it was not easy to find a wizard in this commotion.

“Even if you are not a wizard, you can close the barrier with
just a key.”

Giselle pulled out the hairpin with her hair up and held it out
to Dillian.
“And this is the key.”

This key was the proof that Terje trusted her . But she
betrayed that belief.

“Your Majesty, I did not break the barrier. It’s only been open
for a while. So we just have to close it again.”

No matter what you do, you will never be able to regain that

Sparks flew in Giselle’s eyes, holding the hairpin so tightly

that her bones lit up white.

“It was my fault, and I will fix it.”

The momentum was so fierce that no one seemed to be able

to stop it.

“like. Then Giselle closes the barrier. I will close the door.”

“Mr. Leah.”

“I’ll go even if it’s dry.”


Eventually , Dillian raised his voice.

Why are you being so stubborn? If the darkness forcefully

drags her away, then what?

Why do I not know this heartbreak?

“I definitely said no.”

If he insisted again here, he was going to knock her out and

send her to a safe place.

‘You look very angry. All of a sudden, you’re talking


Leah sighed at Dillian’s anxiously shaking eyes.

“Dillian. I never said I was going alone.”

“Of course we should go together. Were you trying to go

“No way.”

“I promised to protect you no matter what, so keep it.”

Anyway, my man is so misunderstood that he is wearing a


Leah, who muttered alone, tapped Dillian’s white, bulging


“Let’s stop arguing and get together for a while. I have a



pop! Whoops!
With the sound of something exploding in the garden,
soaring flames covered the peacock castle.

Coma, walking out of the flames, reached out to the knight

who was running towards me.

“Prince! This place is dangerous! Come on to a safe place….


like a thorn opened its mouth and swallowed the knight in

one bite.

Hearing the sound of bones breaking, Coma let out a languid


“ha… I miss the smell Could this be perfume?”

“Isn’t there anything you can call memories too?”

Koma smiled kindly at Lexter, who was approaching me.

“Yes. It’s my favorite memory.”

Because Lissandro, no, Dillian’s bastard searched for it here.

Koma smiled happily and trampled the blood-stained

Puck, puck, puck.

Lexter looked at the madness with tired eyes.

“… crazy bastard.”

“You should be ashamed of playing the dog of such a


Leah, who entered the flames, sneered at Lexter.

“So you’re not going to be able to beat Mr. Dillion for the rest
of your life.”

“Dare you, open mouth, ugh!”

Lexter, who was approaching Leah threateningly, fell to the


It was because Koma, excited to see Leah, pushed Lexter

“Leah. You are here.”

“You said I will kill you with my own hands.”

“Can you really kill me? Even then, it was just a seal.”


“That was the price of Lissandro’s life. Are you planning on

sacrificing his life again this time to seal me up?”

“… no.”

At that moment, the anxiety I had been trying to ignore

began to rise again.

And coma did not miss the small gap caused by the

“Lea, if you come to my side, I won’t kill him. Because what I

want is you.”

The moment I reached out my hand to Leah with a sigh,

Red blood poured out and something fell to the floor.


My brain stopped at what happened in an instant.


It was then that I blinked as I looked at my hand that had

fallen to the floor.

Koma’s eyes widened at the repulsive voice.

“I said that if you look at Leah with dirty eyes one more time,
then I will kill you.”

Dillian’s red eyes burned fiercely.

“Lissandro, are you…! Whoops!”

Dillian quickly steered his sword and pierced his heart.

Dillian frowned as he watched the blood dripping from the
bottom of his sword.

Dillian, who had been holding the sword for a long time,
noticed it at once.

that my sword went wrong.

“Is this also that damn power?”

No matter how much force was applied, the sword blocked

by the intangible power no longer entered.


Dillian clicked his tongue and twisted his sword.


Red blood dripped from Coma’s lips.


With the sword in his chest, Koma shrugged.

I thought it was a seizure from pain, but suddenly he burst
into laughter.

“Ah ha ha ha ha!”

Koma smiled and vomited blood and raised her head. Then,
the earring wobbled and exuded divine power.

The hole in my chest healed and new flesh sprouted. As if

there had never been a hole.

“Thank you. You will find a place to die and come to me.”

fully healed his wounds, groaned as he wiped the blood-

stained corners of his mouth.

“Lissandro. Do you know where this is?”

The coma once again trampled the hyacinth, which was

crushed and invisible.

“It’s where you first died.”

Whoops, saliva mixed with blood was sprayed under the

“And the place where you die again.”

The monsters pouring out from behind Coma rushed towards


There were so many numbers that it was impossible to

guess how many, and they attacked Dillion at the same time.

“Mr. Dillian…!”

The moment Leah was about to run away, startled by Dillion,

who was suddenly surrounded by demons and disappeared.

A strong force grabbed her arm .

“Where are you going?”

Lexter raised his face and growled. The blood on his face
was terrifying as he rolled on the floor and hit his forehead.

“Let go of this!”
“Don’t go in there for nothing and don’t scratch your body,
just stay calm.”

Lexter’s arm twitched, and Leah’s delicate body staggered.


“Let’s make arrows and shoot them like we did back then. Or
call a cute owl.”

can’t call Nathan went to close the barrier with Giselle now.


“Oh, I can’t do anything with no bracelets and no owls.

Dillian is going to die soon, so what do I do with this?”

Lexter groaned, scratching Leah’s nerves.

I wanted to mess with that dry, dry face that doesn’t change
at all no matter what you say.

“If it wasn’t for the darkness, I would have ripped you into
shreds and gave you the food of the monster.”
He tried to threaten her, but his eyes were pathetic when he

“If you focus on one thing, don’t you know how to look
around you?”


“I’m glad you’re stupid.”

“What…. hey, what is this?”

Grass rose from the ground and wrapped around Rexter’s


“This, let it go! Release this!”

“The more you struggle, the tighter it gets. Be quiet.”

Lia, who was coldly sulking at the loud squawking Lexter,

manipulated the divine to cover Lexter’s mouth.

“town! Oops. town!”

Leah took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

‘If you don’t have a bow, you can make one.’

Leah stretched out her hands, recalling the image of the bow
she usually used.

Then, a soft light flew from his hand, and a warm energy
clinged to his palm.

“You wait patiently. It’s not me who will put an end to you,
it’s Mr. Dillian and Giselle.”

Lia, holding the bow, pulled the string taut.


“I hated you from the beginning.”

Koma murmured while looking at the wriggling pile of

To the man that Leah, who loved all life equally, gave her

“I noticed it the moment you set foot in the castle. Leah’s

eyes looking at you are different from usual.”

It was the first day the waves crashed into those calm eyes
like a lake.

“It wasn’t a matter of twisting your dying neck…. At that

time, I didn’t want to be hated by Leah, so I tried to ignore

I shouldn’t have done that.

“I had to erase you from the world before Leah’s heart grew

If I did, even if I was hated for a while, I would have made a


The kind Leah would have looked at her again.

“You can’t make the same mistakes.”

The movement of the monster, which had been shaking for a

while, stopped.

“I will erase all of Leah’s memories and start from the

beginning. Something like you will be erased from my
memory forever.”

Koma, who had been muttering alone for a while, passed by

the monsters piled up like a mountain.

and at that moment,


The demon trembled.


the monster rolled on the floor.

“… disgusting bastard.”
Dillian, walking leisurely through the corpse of the monster,
swung his sword once to wipe out the blood.

“So, is the bullshit over?”

Coma sharply sharpened her teeth on the face that looked

bored because she was not relaxed.

“Okay, now it’s my turn.”

“You worm-like bastard. Even if I kill, I will not die!”

A long shadow fell from Coma’s feet and swung towards


But Dillian was faster than that.


The sharp tip of the sword pierced Koma’s heart.

“Cool, I would have said it was useless, ugh.”

“It remains to be seen.”

Dillian tilted his head.

At that moment, a sharp white arrow flew past Koma’s cheek

and broke the earring.


The broken divine power was scattered in the air.

Episode 123.

“Cool! Whoops!”

Coma spit out blood.

As she raised her trembling head and looked straight ahead,

Leah’s cold eyes and gaze were intertwined.


However, Leah turned her head fiercely. Not the coma, but
towards the door swinging behind him.

Koma, who was staring blankly at Leah, lowered her gaze.

“… That nerd.”
that moment and suffer.

Lexter, lying under Leah’s feet, staggered like a caterpillar.

Coma wrinkled her eyes at the unsightly appearance.

“Can I go like this?!”

Koma shuddered and reached out towards Dillion.

His hand was soggy and sticky, as if he was going to make a

hell comrade.

“Get away, only Ms. Leah can touch my body.”

Dillian slapped Koma’s hand with a dry voice and twisted his

“I can see why Leah hated you so much. I will get tired of it.”


“Hey. An obsessive man is unattractive.”

One day , when Mei blew out the words she had heard,
Koma twisted her body in a frenzy.

“Oh, you are not human in the first place. It was said that
when Leah picked it up, it was nothing but dust. So that’s it.
I can’t find any common sense.”

Also, it is the snout of hell. Dillian scratched the inside of

Coma with a smile.

“Hey, child! I will kill you!”

Koma glared at Dillion savagely. Blood gushed out of his

eyes, which had given him a lot of strength.

“I won’t die like this, I won’t die!”

Despite Coma’s fierce movements, Leah did not give a single


Just aim at the door with an arrow created by amplifying the


“Nathan. it’s now Close the barrier.”


“Giselle, get ready.”

Nathan closed his eyes and ordered Giselle.

Giselle, who laid Dante, who was exhausted from the noise,
in a corner, pulled out the hairpin and took a deep breath.

‘Nathan, you and Giselle are going to close the barrier. We

don’t have magic tools, so it’s the only way you and I can talk
with divine power.’

‘And Giselle, close the barrier when I signal. must be closed

If you fail, darkness will flee.’

‘Let’s set an example for the guy who made Dante sick by
succeeding at once. And I’ll catch you too.’
‘So Giselle. You must succeed. You are the only one who can
close the barrier.’

Only those who inherit the blood of Sinai can touch the

‘If I fail, everything will be a mess. You must succeed.’

Leah’s warm body temperature, holding my hand and helping

me recover from fatigue, still seemed to hover around me.

‘What have I been doing…?’

A belated regret overcame her.

“Giselle, now.”

However, even that regret can be done when you are alive.
Giselle put the key into the barrier.

The moment I was about to turn the rattling key.

Pooh !

A sharp hand pierced Giselle’s stomach.

It was as if the world had stopped in an instant.

Cool, refluxed blood ran down his lips.

A faint moan poured out of Giselle’s mouth, noticing the

owner of the hand that had pierced her stomach.

“Uh, how….”

The two of them grinned at each other, and then they hid
themselves in the darkness.

“iced coffee….”

“Giselle! Calm down, Giselle! The barrier must be closed,


Nathan raised Giselle’s arm to close the barrier, but it was in

Gisele’s body fell to the floor helplessly.



The arrow flew right through the door.

The back of the door, which had been covered in pure

darkness, flashed and shone.

In that brief moment, the dozens of eyes he encountered

gave rise to goosebumps.

‘It’s all monster eyes….’

I swallowed dry saliva.

With a percussion sound, the arrow that was inserted

immediately exploded.
Cuckoo Kook-!

The door collapsed, causing a huge amount of dust.

At the same time , Dillian pulled out the sword that had been
lodged in Koma’s heart. The limp body collapsed.

Dillian, who was aiming his sword at his collapsed body,

carefully placed his hand on his neck.

“It’s dead.”

As Dillian said, the broken body stopped breathing and

became cold.

However, the coma lives somewhere.

I shook my head, looking at Dillion’s neck.

“The curse remains the same. I am alive.”

Rexter’s curse, still wriggling like a caterpillar, was still there.

“If Giselle closed the barrier in time, it would be somewhere
in the castle.”

This was the reason why I tried to close the barrier and the
door at the same time.

door is closed, if the barrier of the peasant castle is open,

Coma can escape through the shadows.

“Mr. Leah, you look familiar.”

“yes. I’ve been hiding like this before.”

At first, I didn’t think I’d be able to finish this all at once.

I had to check first to see if I had joined Nathan and closed

the barrier.


I reached out and rubbed my cheek with dissatisfaction.

“What’s wrong with your face?”

“I don’t like that I’m the only one who doesn’t know that Ms.
Leah knows and that worm-like bastard knows.”

“… Not a very good memory.”

such painful and difficult memories. Dillian wanted even that


“How greedy are you?”

“It’s the first time I’ve ever heard the term greedy.”

“lie. Are you full of greed?”

“I want you to know that it’s limited to Leah.”

Dillian rolled his eyes and hugged my waist.

“Isn’t it over yet?”

“Have you finished half of it?”

Dillian’s languid whispers tickled his ears.

“… It’s sweet.”

Even if I said this, it was true that I was also at peace to

some extent.

‘And after overcoming hardship and adversity, of course, isn’t

it a deep kiss?’

I wrapped my arms around Dillian’s neck and lifted my heels


“I don’t know who the really stinky one is.”

Dillian smiled and bowed his head towards me.

It was then that hot breath spread over his face.

“Si X. If you’re going to play love, do it in a place where I’m


Isn’t the voice from below shattering the strange


“Be sure to put your lips in front of me, Boobi, Eup, Eup!”
I snapped my fingers before Lexter uttered a vulgar remark.

Then the cut grass covered Rexter’s mouth again.

“Uh, uh!”

“Why don’t you keep quiet?”

So this kid is no help. It was at that time when he was

slapped on Lexter’s side with his emotions.

A small body ran like the wind and hugged my waist.

“Ugh, Dante?”

Dante, terrified of what was going on, trembled and plunged

into my arms.

“Lee, Leah. mom, mom…!”

Dante wept and gasped.

“What happened to Giselle?”

“Mom fell! I bled so much, uh, I don’t know what to do…. I
left my mother…. I should have kept it.”

Dante, who was barely holding back his tears, burst out

I comforted the child by wiping the blood-red hands.

“It’s okay. Nathan is by my mother’s side. have you seen it

before? cute owl. That owl would have saved him.”

The bloody hands showed how dangerous the situation was

at the time.

‘It would have been a disaster without Nathan.’

After wiping off the blood, I patted Dante’s shoulder and


“Dante, where is your mother?”

“In a room with a barrier, I fell and couldn’t get up….”

Dante raised his hand and pointed to a place.

At that moment, Dillian grabbed Dante’s hand tightly.


“Mr. Dillian!”

Surprised by the harsh action, I tried to get rid of Dillian’s

hand, but he didn’t move.

“Mr. Dillian, why all of a sudden….”

I closed my mouth. The face that looked at Dante was so

cold that he had never seen it before.

“It must not be over there where the barrier is. Dante Justin.”

“Your Majesty, why are you here? black….


It was an instant that his crying voice changed to an

infinitely light laugh.

“Damn it, you’re always in the way. but what This is enough.”

Quickly, quickly, and quickly.

A strange noise was heard from Dante’s hand. Koma smirked

as she manipulated the wrist bones to remove my hand from

Percussion, he snapped his thumb.

Koo !

A strong wind blew through her hair with an ominous sound.


Hui Yi-ing-

The closed door opened again, and a raging sandstorm

obscured my vision.

I looked around looking for Dillion, who had disappeared

from sight.
“Mr. Dillian!”

“It’s no use. You won’t hear it.”

as he said No matter how much he shouted, Dillian didn’t


Only the mournful voice returned like an echo.

The moment I realized that it was all in vain, my shoulders

lost strength.

“… Giselle has failed.”

“I’m happy. It would have been completely closed if it had

been a little late.”

“Did you kill Giselle?”

“Well. With Nathan, my life is at stake.”

Hands clasped around my waist. Strong enough to never let

“Sweet Leah. What did she do to you? Are you concerned? If
it were me, I would laugh that it was fine.”

An unbelievable strength from a child pushed me into the


One step, two steps.

As he got closer to the hole, his body staggered and seemed

to be sucked in.

Her wavy hair slapped my cheeks painfully.

that hair slap.

‘Get your mind right. Yes, it is a child’s body. If you suppress

it with divine power, surely….’


I held my breath at the sight in front of me.

Tock, tock, tock.

Red blood flowed down his tender neck.

Coma, who smiled brightly at Dante’s face, pressed his sharp

nails against my neck.

“Lea, are you going to let this child die?”

The dripping blood stained Dante’s white shirt more and

more red.

I hurriedly grabbed Dante’s neck and let out the divine


“If I had known it would be this easy, I would have been

aiming for a child from the beginning.”

the heart to respond. I was in a rush to treat my constantly

bleeding throat.

“Mr. Leah!”

Dillian’s voice was heard in the distance.

“Lea, if you leave me, this child will die.”

“Mr. Leah! Where are you!”

I shut my mouth at the coma that threatened me with

Dante’s life.

One more step back, and the darkness will swallow you up.

Then I didn’t know when I would see Dillion again.

“… Dillian.”

The last name I called. Dillion appeared through the

sandstorm like a lie at that feeble voice.

“You are only answering me now.”

“Mr. Dillian….”

“Because you want to see me go crazy.”

Dillian ran and reached out to me.

“Catch it. right now.”

I want to hold that hand I want to hold onto it and get out of

‘But no. I can’t.’

I smiled faintly, trying to ignore that desperate hand.


I cannot give up this little life.

He could not give up this young life that had been sacrificed
to Coma’s twisted desires.

“It’s a kiss I’ve never had before. Shall we meet next time?”

“Mr. Leah…. no.”

“Then do it very seriously.”

“don’t go.”
one last step.

Dozens of hands stretched out of the door and pulled me in.

“Do not worry. It will be a very short time.”

I looked at Dillion until a thick darkness covered my eyes.

Like engraving his last face on the retina.


The raging sand wind sank like a lie.

nothing had happened, as if in a dream.

Rather, I wish all of this was a dream.

I wish it was a fucking nightmare.

Dillian looked at the place where Leah had disappeared with
empty eyes, as if he had lost everything.

“… Leah.”
Episode 124.

Dillian looked at my hand with dry eyes.

could catch It was short, but it definitely touched my


However, I didn’t get it in the end.

Dillian clenched his fists, as if trying to catch a virtual image.

Blue veins splattered on the back of his hand, which had a

lot of power.

‘I missed it.’

Dillian tried to swallow the emotions that were rising inside

Press , press , press again.

But the more I did it, the more my suppressed emotions ran
wild and sharply ripped through my stomach.

And in the end, the suppressed emotions exploded.

His eyes turned red and he was short of breath.

I could feel the curse rising from my heart to my neck and up

to my cheeks.

This was a foreshadowing of the runaway.

We must put an end to the storm right now. Dillian knew it

better than anyone, but he didn’t want to stop it.

When I was about to let go of everything in the first

helplessness I felt,

“Dillian! Calm down!”

Nathan quickly flew in and grabbed Dillian’s shoulder.

“Calm down! Are you planning to blow up the whole area!”

loud voice, looked around and muttered.

“Where did Leah go at a time like this?”

Nathan didn’t know yet. The fact that Leah was drawn to the

“Hurry up to Leah….”

Dillian looked at Nathan without a word.

When the eyes met with the eyes that had lost their light, the
spine became cold. My heart was beating wildly with an
ominous feeling.

Nathan said no, and shook his head slowly.

“no way…, I can’t. Come on, say no!”

Dillian, like Nathan, wanted to deny it. But the reality was
“You are right.”


“Darkness, that bastard took Ms. Leah.”

“He’s got Leah….”

Behind Nathan, who was speechless from the shock,

Inyoung, who was staggering, came and hung on Dillian’s

“Dante, what happened to Dante?”

Giselle, who barely survived Nathan’s treatment, looked

around with a pale face.


Giselle believed in Dante, even though her son’s hands had

pierced his stomach. Losing consciousness for a while.
would definitely come back

She never gave up hope.

But the words that followed immediately shattered Giselle’s

“It is no longer Dante. The monster that stole Dante’s shell.”

cold gaze, an emotionless voice, and black thorns that

climbed up to her cheeks.

And, the red blood dripping from the tip of the sword.

“Is that still your son?”

Have you ever seen such a cold and scary face?

Gisele’s eyes trembled at the familiar yet unfamiliar face.

“majesty…. Isn’t it? Dante with that sword, right?”

“I wish I had.”

Giselle shrugged at those words full of sincerity.

“I, my lord….”
“I took Leah with me and disappeared. You will be happy.”


As Dillian had said, Giselle sat down in relief.

But relief was short-lived.

Despair that his body was taken away by darkness. Anxiety

that Dante might be taken away forever.

A mixture of negative emotions tormented Giselle. She beat

her chest in pain.

“Ugh. Ouch.”

It was a sad scene for anyone who didn’t know, but Dillian
looked down at her with apathetic eyes.

Now that Leah was gone, nothing could provoke Dillion.

Nathan, who is thinking about something, Giselle, who has

lost her mind, and Therese and Cassis running late.
And Dillian has no intention of stopping the runaway.

Now that Leah is gone, everything is a mess.

“Ugh, whoa!”

Giselle raised her head like the wind.

Her gaze was directed to Lexter, who was crawling on the

floor and vomiting.

“Lexter Blent!”

Sparks flashed from Giselle’s eyes. Giselle shot out like a

bullet and hurled herself towards Lexter, who was running


“You motherfucker!”

Giselle, who climbed on top of Rexter at once, swung her

fists violently.
“die! Dare, dare you poison our Dante? Are you still human?”

“X, it was you who fed me!”

“I will kill you! die! Die!”

my hand, I would have decapitated Rexter, stabbed him in

the heart, and mutilated his body.

“You feel the same pain as my child.”


Giselle raised her trembling hand and squeezed Rexter’s


In terms of strength and physique, Lexter was superior to

Giselle, but Giselle, who turned her eyes in anger,
overpowered Lexter.

Giselle, who had lost her reason, was the most rational
Terjee at the moment.
“Giselle! Calm down! Killing Lexter now is not going to solve
the problem!”

“As much as you, I will kill you!”

And Cassis, taking a step back from the commotion, looked

down at Manus, who had become a cold corpse.

‘Finally, here it is.’

foreseen death, Cassis accepted this situation bluntly.

“I am the instigator of this attack. Write a letter to the

imperial family, and retrieve the body.”

Cassis, who handed over the body collection to his

subordinate, threw his gaze at Dillion.


Dillion, who thought he was going to run into Lexter first,

only stared at one place. It was the place where Leah
‘Miss Leah is gone, but there is no way I can be so peaceful.’

Cassis, instinctively sensing the threat, reached out towards


At first glance, it looked fine, but Dillian’s condition was the

same as before the storm.

Cassis quickly grabbed his shoulder.

“Duke, calm down.”

Cassis screamed as Dillian’s elongated shadow stretched

out like a whip .


“Dillian, no. You have to be patient!”

Terje, who noticed Dillion’s condition late, also stopped him,

but he could not reach Dillian.

shoot ah-
The wind blowing around Dillion made an unusual sound and
tried to swallow the surroundings.

At that moment, a red string caught Dillion’s sight.


It was the ribbon that adorned Leah’s wrist.

At that moment, the wind calmed down.

if dancing, the ribbon fluttered down and landed on Dillian’s


Dillian clenched his lips carefully, as if the ribbon became

Leah. Leah’s scent lingered on the tip of her nose.

Then I could feel the destructive rampage starting to subside

little by little.


Dillian repeated her name over and over again.

As if engraved in my heart.

“I’ll take a look.”

It doesn’t matter if it’s to save Dante or for other reasons.

The important thing is that Leah turned away from my hand.

Dillian was unbearably sick and angry.

“But not twice.”

Dillian, who muttered alone to Leah and to himself, got up.

“Never miss it next time.”

The curse that had grown in size so scary that it covered his
cheeks had completely disappeared.

The color slowly began to fill the empty eyes.

Like a copper from afar, like the blazing sun.

His red eyes glared at Lexter.

“Say it. Where is Leah?”

This is where Leah will return,

It was right next to me.

Chapter 12. Last Exam


As if a light had been turned on, the distant consciousness

slowly returned.


As soon as I opened my eyes, the dazzling lace and sparkling

jewels made my eyes hurt.

‘Where am I?’

Of course, I thought I would be confined in a solitary room,

but I jumped up in surprise at the dazzlingly luxurious room.

At that moment, my eyes started spinning and my head


As she groaned and crouched down, the soft feel of silk

brushed against her skin.


I groped my body and checked my clothes.

It wasn’t the red dress she was wearing at the time of her
birthday banquet, it was a white dress that a saint would

“… Such crazy.”

A curse came out of nowhere. I can’t help but because these

were the clothes I wore in my previous life.

And there is only one crazy person in the world who can
reproduce this as it is.

“Woke up?”
I turned my head to where the voice came from. As expected,
it was Coma who called me.

“I was worried because I slept all day, but I’m glad.”

It’s already been a day?

“I think it was a big shock.”

“Who is that? And wearing clothes like this on a fallen

person, are you really a bad hobby?”

“It’s a bad taste. Say I love you.”

Coma came over to me with a disgusting smile on Dante’s


A small, soft hand grabbed my hand. At that moment, I was


“Leah. I just want to go back to that time. It was great back


“Do you have any memory problems?”

I shook the hand violently.

Then Dante’s little body staggered.

and stopped with a smile on my face.

“My memory is fine. I remember it as vividly as if it happened

yesterday. Look, this room and you are the same.”

It was then that the view of the room came into view.

Not only the pattern of the wallpaper, but also the ornaments
and the location of the desk were the same as if they were
modeled after.

The only difference from that time was the overly fancy bed.

“I prepared this because I really wanted to give it to you.”

Dissatisfaction soared as he rolled his eyes, asking if he

liked it.

“You are always what you want.”

“weird. If I was foolish, you accepted everything.”

“That was before I disappointed you. You wouldn’t know why

I abandoned you.”

“I know. Lissandro You left me for that bastard.”

“Do you really think that is the reason?”

“Yeah, you changed because of Lisandro.”

It was amazing. Coma didn’t even think about my fault, and

blamed everything on Lissandro.

“You killed the people in the castle! Don’t you think I don’t
know that I killed them cleverly, pretended to be an accident,
and put it on the wrong person?”

Coma, who received all of my anger that had erupted

violently, tilted her head, saying that she did not understand
this situation.

“They are the ones who did you wrong. I should have died.”
you deserved to die? They were all good and good people.

Even if they had committed a crime, what qualifications did

he have to punish them?

“Did you still remember those little bugs and keep them in
your heart? Leah, you’re still naive.”


“okay! I looked at you with dirty eyes and touched you with
dirty hands! I coveted you on the subject of a lowly human
being, on the subject of a petty insect!”

crazy you’re crazy I looked at Coma with tired eyes.

“I am human too. You are a human being who you consider


“No, Leah. you are different You are my world.”

no conversation I grabbed my stinging forehead.

In the end, it was in place. It doesn’t change even after a
thousand years.

“I will destroy the rotten world created by Obelus and create

a new one.”

“… crazy guy.”

“In that world, you and I will become fathers and mothers of
a new world.”

To be fathers and mothers? It’s disgusting and creepy.

I didn’t want to hear it anymore. I grabbed Coma by the neck

and tied him to the bed.

“Speak nonsense and let Dante go. right now.”

“Nope. If I return this body, you will kill me right away, right?”

“Yeah, you are that kind of guy. I never thought I would give
it back.”

If you don’t give it back, you’ll have no choice but to force it.
I pressed Dante’s chest with my index and middle fingers
and pulled it up.

Now that I’m weak from changing hosts, I’ll be able to pull it
out by force.

“Ugh, that, it would be better to stop, huh!”

“why? Are you afraid you’ll fall behind?”

Koma’s words, it was at that time when he was forced to pull

him out.

“Lee, Leah.”

A soft voice pierced my ears. But I didn’t stop. Obviously,

Koma is making a refurbishment.

“It’s no use pretending to be Dante.”

“Ouch! sick. hurt. Stop, stop! Mom! Huh.”

Startled by the scream different from before, I quickly bit my

“… Dante?”

Episode 125.

“Lea, I’m in so much pain.”

Suddenly, Dante wept bitterly.

“Dante! Keep your mind straight. If you lose your body…!”

But it’s already too late.

The clear eyes flashed a mean light in an instant and

flickered towards me.
“Did you see it? This kid’s consciousness is still alive. But
what if you forcefully remove me?”

I’d say I’m in shock. Koma whispered in a voice full of


“I came all the way here to protect my child, but if I die, I will
be in trouble. is not it?”

I was forced to get up.

“If you do anything to Dante, I won’t let him go.”

“I didn’t do anything. I just fell asleep again.”

He smiled happily and rolled his eyebrows.

My heart pounded loudly as my heart tightened with anger.

Coma, who was looking at me quietly, reached out and

touched my eyes.

“You want to kill me right away, but you feel sorry for the
owner of this body, so you don’t want to touch it.”
“Put it away.”

I bit my molar and slapped my hand away, but I couldn’t deal

with it harshly.

As Koma said, the fact that the owner of the body was Dante
caught my ankle.

Unlike Manus, who had no acquaintance, Dante was


‘You shouldn’t have killed Manus.’

I shouldn’t have made him transfer to Dante’s body.

‘I should have noticed something strange when treating


it’s all my fault When I was thinking about the mistakes I


Along with the ominous sound, I felt the cool iron feel on my


good bye As I moved my feet, the chain shook heavily.

“I made it specially for you.”

“Hey, you crazy bastard!”

“Don’t be too mad, because you can go anywhere in this


Don’t be angry? do you call it now? Isn’t this completely


I flew towards the coma.

As he expected all this, he quickly leaned his back against

the door.

“I want to be with you all day, but I have to go because I am

busy with work.”
“Remove this. right now!”

As he said, the chain was long enough to go anywhere in the

room, but it did not reach the door.

My hand, reaching for the coma, cut through the air.

“I’ll call the maid. If you need anything, tell him.”

“What? hey! release this! hey! right now-!”




I followed him to protect Dante, but that didn’t mean he was

quietly imprisoned.
With a high fever, I tried to force open the shackles and pull
the chains, but it was all in vain.

“Ouch! I can’t eat it.”

I sighed deeply as I looked at my burning hands.

I’m not Terje, I can’t cut iron with my bare hands.

‘No, this would be difficult for my grandfather.’

Exhausted from the act of breaking a rock with an egg, I took

a rough breath.

“You put on divine restraint. This damn child.”

Not only that, there were no objects around that could be

used as tools.

‘A thoroughbred guy.’

I can’t seem to get my hands on any of those many

“I do not know.”

Exhausted and exhausted, I threw myself on the bed as if


In the quiet room, the ticking of the second hand of the clock
was particularly loud.

how much time has passed

As the excitement that had risen to the top of my head

subsided, the problem came to mind.

How do I get out of here? How do you save Dante? Was

Nathan very surprised that I disappeared?

And, Dillian.

is he doing well?

‘Are you going to get hurt? Wouldn’t it be a strange

misunderstanding that I didn’t hold hands?’

were you angry Or will you be sad?

When I thought of Dillion, the emotions I had been trying to
suppress grew out of control.

“miss you….”

just once. Did you close your eyes just once and hold
Dillion’s hand?

“Nope. Get your mind right.”

I raised my hand and slapped my cheek. Don’t be weak here.

This is the path I have chosen. So don’t regret it.

When I was muttering like a spell.

The door opened with a rattling sound.

When he looked up to see if Koma had returned, he saw the

woman he had never seen before quietly closing the door.

‘Is it the maid Koma said?’

However , his face was strangely familiar.

Black eyes and sharp eyes. Thin lips that are closed in a
straight line.

‘Who did you resemble?’

And even as light as a cat.

One person came to mind. And the moment I remembered

him, our eyes met.

I jumped up at the faint smile that seemed to disappear at

any moment.

no way.


“I never thought that my disguise was sloppy. Leah-sama’s

eyes can’t be deceived.”

Kira approached me quietly but at a fast pace and bent her

knees in front of me.

“Mr Leah. long time no see.”

“How are you here?”


Kira raised her index finger and covered my lips.

“I am carrying out the mission your majesty has given me.”


With my feet on my knees, Kira shoved a long piece of iron

into the shackle hole.

Behind the rattle, Kira’s low voice could be heard.

“My first assignment was to follow Lexter Blent.”


“No, I moved with the Knights of Shaten. But in the end, I

missed Lexter.”

“know. Lexter appeared in front of me.”

A lot of time has passed since then, but what was Kira doing
here alone?

“The Knights of Shaten? Are you here alone?”

“I’ve been scattered since I missed Lexter. I had to join the

temple and gather information according to the new order
your Highness gave me.”

However, he said that he had not yet arrived, and that he had
not even seen the saint’s hair.

“Still, it was good to leave. Because I met Leah again.”

So, they say they found me while infiltrating Koma’s

stronghold and gathering information.

Is this really a coincidence?

I continued to ask Kira, but I couldn’t shake my doubts.

‘Is it the real Kira? What if you’re being controlled by a

coma? What if all of this is a trap?’
After being beaten by him several times, I couldn’t believe it

With a click and sound, my ankles became lighter. At the

same time, divine power returned.

“Will you take me to a safe place, Leah?”

I suddenly grabbed Kira’s shoulder and pushed it against the


“… Leah?”

A bewildered light appeared on Kira’s face.

I tried to ignore that expression and looked at every nook

and cranny of Kira’s body.

I looked at her several times to see if I had missed


‘… Clean.’

a shard of darkness or was being manipulated by him.

This woman in front of me was the real Kira. Then came a
sense of relief.

I exhaled and released her.

“Kira, are you surprised? Sorry.”

“Miss Leah. Have you ever been suspicious of me?”

As if shocked, Kira’s eyes trembled slightly as she looked at


“Because I can’t believe….”

Kira, who became pale in an instant, shrugged her shoulders.

“sorry. Even if it wasn’t you, anyone else would have been


“Is it because of Master Dante?”

“yes. You saw it too.”

“… Isn’t that guy Dante’s master?”

“Yeah. it’s dark Dante has been robbed of him.”

“What happened to the peacock?”

“There was an all-out war. Oh, Sarah is safe. don’t worry.”

“But I couldn’t fulfill the mission to protect Leah-sama. It is a

disqualification of the escort.”

Kira, whom I haven’t seen in a long time, is still there.

‘It’s like a knife to my family.’

Scared to think of it as a sword, Kira pulled out a dagger

from the end of her sleeve.

The eyes that looked at the sword were distorted. If Dante

had been in front of him, he looked as if he would have
stopped breathing immediately.

I hurriedly grabbed her hand.

“Kira. can’t kill Dante is alive.”

“… I can’t say for sure. My role is to protect Leah, and Your
Majesty will want that as well.”

“Unless Mr. Dillian, am I not the only one who can give you

“… you’re right.”

“Then don’t kill me. I can’t allow it.”

“… However.”

“I am not doing this out of mere compassion. Even if you kill

Dante, you can’t kill the darkness. I’m sure I’ll run away with
another body.”

Instead of killing the host’s body, I had to find another way.

What should I do? How can I destroy the coma?

“I’d rather get out of here and find a way to contact you.”

I snorted as I looked at the shackles that had fallen to the

‘He said he would lock me up for the rest of my life. It’s ugly.’

My whole life was something I got back to freedom in an



“Can I go out without getting caught with this?”

I kept touching the mask that covered my face. The mask I

wore was a rabbit mask with pierced ears.

Kira cleaned out my messy clothes and explained where this

place was.

“Lia, did you know that there is a famous black market in

Arest’s estate?”
“yes. know. It’s in the basement of Tarren Street.”

“You know.”

couldn’t know It was the place where the 3rd prince, Manus,
bought a large amount of money to increase the size, and it
was the weakness of Manus I knew.

“Are you here?”

“yes. And, fortunately, today is the day of the underground


“Are the participants wearing masks?”

“yes. It’s a mask provided here, so you’re sure to be a


exactly. I don’t know if I’m wearing a robe and a mask.

Because there are people who show off splendidly, and there
are people like me who try to hide their identity.
As I walked out of the room and down the dark hallway, I
suddenly sensed an abnormality and muttered.

“Come to think of it, there are no gatekeepers.”

“I cleared it.”

“… No traces?”

“It’s my specialty to process things without leaving a trace.”

Realizing once again that Sera and Kira were from assassins,
and that they had high-level skills, I quietly raised my thumb
and gave her a thumbs up.

“I would appreciate the compliment, Leah. come here.”

It was at that time when I was following Kira up the stairs.

A faint divine power was felt from afar.

“Kira. Wait a moment.”

As I looked around, I raised my hand and pointed in one

“If I go here, what will come out?”

“Perhaps a prison.”

divine power you feel in prison . worthy of an award

“I have to go there.”

“Is there something?”

“yes. obviously there.”

I had to get out of here before Koma returned, but my senses

were telling me.

If I don’t confirm the identity of the divine power, I’m sure I’ll
regret it.

“The road is very complicated, are you okay?”

Even Kira was not ready to take this road for the first time.
but it’s ok the road is not me It was just a matter of following
the divine power.

“This is it.”

I could see the gatekeeper with a bored face as if he had

arrived properly.

“Ha-am- billion.”

The gatekeeper, who was yawning and wheezing, was

attacked by Kira and fell to the floor.

It was clean and fast.

Thanks to Kira, I safely entered the prison, and I stopped

when I saw the silver hair shining in the dark.

“… Aina? Aina, is it you?”

At my call, my head, which had been drooping down, came

up quickly with a swish and a sound.

Blue-green eyes like fresh green looked at me and increased
in size.

The master of divine power was Aina.

Episode 126.

Aina, who had been sitting leaning against the wall, got up.

“Is it really you?”

“how did you know?”

I took off the rabbit mask I was wearing, revealing my face.

“… It’s true. How did you get here?”

“That’s what I want to ask. How did you get stuck? Were you
caught chasing the trail of darkness?”

“… yes. I fell into a trap.”

Aina mumbled with a red face as if she was embarrassed to
be locked up in prison .

But the disappointment is short-lived. She pulled her face

closer by grabbing the grate and lowered her voice as she
looked around.

“Lia, have you ever met him while coming?”

“Is that it? The only person I met was that gatekeeper. What
else do you have?”

“Shadow, the clone of darkness.”

I looked around and looked around.

‘I have nothing.’

All he could see was the fallen gatekeeper.

“The shadow I was chasing has an ego unlike other shadows

that are puppets. Darkness and spirit are connected.”

Aina did not loose her vigilance.

“He’s smart and clever enough to dig traps and lure them

grate and pushed my arm.

“Lea, get out of here first. It’s dangerous here.”

“no. You have to go too.”

Aina is the saint of this generation. The weight of the name

is never light.

If you fall into the scheme of evil and lose the saint, there
will be great chaos.

“Aina. Your mission and mine are not very different.”

It’s my job to destroy the evil darkness and protect the


The object I had to protect, obviously, included Aina.

“Apart from that, you are my friend. Conversely, if I’m locked

up like you, can you leave me then?”
“It can’t be, of course, you have to save it!”

Aina, who was shaking her head coldly, said, “Oops,” and
closed her lips.

“But, being locked up like us is a big deal. You are what he


“we…? Could it be that they were all caught together?”

Just then, Kira’s low voice was heard from a little distance

“Harris, are you here?”

“Kira. it’s still Could I be more surprised or relieved?”

“I was surprised and relieved enough.”

I ran to where the voice was heard.

And just like Aina, I found him locked up.

“Mr. Harris?”
“Lia, I’m glad you’re safe.”

“… Mr. Harris doesn’t look very good.”

“Haha, it is.”

Unlike Aina, who was free even though she was imprisoned,
Harris was wearing handcuffs and shackles.

“After a bit of a riot, it ended up like this.”

After reading my gaze, Harris smiled brightly.

“Lea, I don’t care, but can you help me?”

“… Leah? Are you Leah?”

“Sir Fabian?”

The owner of the voice heard from the room next to Harris
was Fabian.

And Fabian, like Harris, had his hands and feet tied.
“Lea! I’m glad you’re safe.”

“Yes, yes….”

what is it This atmosphere is like a family reunion.

Fabian’s attitude, welcoming me fiercely, was very awkward.

“For now, let’s go out and talk.”

As I approached Aina, I grabbed the grate and shook it.

‘It’s the magic tool again.’

It was a magical tool like shackles that blocked all my divine


‘Like me, he was stuck and caught.’

I pounded the tightly locked lock.

‘I need the key….’

As I took a step back from the prison and looked around, a
man came into my sight.

It was the gatekeeper that Kira knocked down.

I ran to him and rummaged through his pockets. I frowned as

I threw small objects such as gum and cigarettes.

‘There must be a key.’

When I was contemplating whether I should even take off my

pants, Kira came to me and dried my hands.

“Miss Leah. I’ll touch the dirty stuff.”

Kira grabbed the gatekeeper’s waist without hesitation.

“What should I do? Are you going to throw me naked? Or, cut

“Big, big! No, it’s because I don’t have a key.”

“The key is here.”

Kira held out her hand. I groaned at the key pack resting on
her palm.

“Where did you come from?”

“I swipe, knocking out the gatekeeper.”

huh. I let out a sigh. So no matter how much I search, I can’t

find the key.

Seeing that confident expression on his face made me smile.

“Kira has quick hands.”

“Assassination, no, that’s the basic skill of a maid.”

The smile on his face, who quickly changed his words and
pretended not to know, finally burst into laughter.

“Well done. First, open Aina.”

Fortunately, things went smoothly.

As soon as the prison door opened, Aina ran out and hugged

“Lea, thank you!”

“Yes, yes. Say hello later, and let’s leave.”

Hurry up, get the Holy Knights and go out together. However,
Aina did something completely different from my heart.

“I’m sorry, Leah. Thank you for saving me, but I have to go
rescue Arest-sama.”

“Wait, is Arrest here?”

I was startled and grabbed Aina’s hand.

“I came to rescue Arett-sama and fell into a trap. He used

Arest-sama as bait.”

Recalling that time, Aina chewed her lips.

‘Arest, which should be in the temple, is here?’

When I was embarrassed, I felt divine power once again.

‘It wasn’t Aina’s divine power.’

Aina was imprisoned is under divine restraint. No divine

power can ever flow out.

Only the divine beast, a divine being, who can break through
the suppression of magic tools and use divine power.

“great. Come with me.”

I entrusted the key to Kira and asked her.

“Kira, release all those imprisoned and close this door.”

“yes? However.”

“I know it’s safe to go together. But one o’clock is urgent.

And Aina and I are at the opposite end of the darkness, so
we will be safe.”

Rather, it was Kira who was worried.

Did you notice my heart like that? Kira, who took the key,
said to me with determined eyes.

“Leave it to me.”

“Thank you. Please.”

I led Aina as I moved toward the direction where the divine

power was felt.

“This is it.”

Arest is in the basement of this prison.


We found a hidden door on one side of the dungeon and

went deep underground.
Then we were greeted by steep stairs and pitch black

The endless darkness seemed to swallow us up.

Aina swallowed dry saliva.

“I need a torch.”

“it’s okay. You don’t have to.”

As soon as I could finish my words, butterflies flapped their

wings, illuminating the dark basement.


“You can do it too.”

As she tilted her head and asked, Aina waved her hand.

“I don’t know if the place is a temple, so it’s hard to use it in

this place that is nothing more than a stronghold of
Looking at the butterfly sitting on her finger, Aina murmured.

“The great flow of the world cannot follow mere humans.”

Aina’s gaze at the butterfly turned to me.

“So I knew right away that you were special. I saw that the
world loved you.”

At those words, I scratched my head.

‘By the way, I received the power as it is.’

I thought I would lose all my strength when I was reborn, but

my strength has not changed at all.

‘It must mean that he is still loved.’

Obelus said it was a test, but this was his chance.

You can never miss it.

“let’s go.”
With the help of butterflies, we drove away the darkness and

The deeper I went, the stronger the evil spirit. In the

meantime, a faint divine power is calling me bitterly.

And I could feel the anger boiling through them.

“… Arest must be very angry.”

“I know. Ares-sama, you hate messy and dirty places.”

“right. I hate dark places.”

This was the place where Arest had all the things he didn’t

“A person with strong self-esteem will be frustrated.”

The conversation continued for a long time on the topic of

“Of course. Are you proud of yourself? If you come out, won’t
you be alone? Even if you’re locked in a clean place, your
pride hurts, but you’re treated like a bait in a dirty place.”

“Are we all going to be scolded later? It’s a big deal. Ares-

sama is very scary when you are angry.”

But as I spoke, something strange happened.

“An hour of nagging is the norm. I need to prepare earplugs


At that moment, I stopped.


“how did you know?”

Aina, who took the lead in answering my question, looked

back and blinked.

“All. The fact that Arest hates dirty and messy places, the
fact that he has a lot of pride, and that nagging is the default
for an hour.”

“… being friendly So okay.”


I immediately denied her words.

Arest doesn’t like humans. Whether the opponent is a saint

or a high priest.

How long did it take for me, who was loved by God , to win
his heart?

But Aina opened Arest’s heart in that short time?

‘If this was the world in the novel, I would have believed it
was the main character’s buff.’

I certainly read this story, in which Aina is the main

character, as a novel, but this is not a novel.
‘It’s just what I believed to be a novel.’

This was a world where everyone lived.

The obelus showed me the world I would return to. my


So, have I seen the future?

‘no. It’s already happened.’

I glanced down at her.

I was on the stairs higher than her, so I could see her

shaking expression.

“Aina. What are you hiding?”


“Did you know everything?”

You must have known it all.

The fact that Cassis is in danger, and that Schumann is
cursed by touching a cursed object.

So it was blocked. And the story I knew was twisted.

“Are you back?”

At that moment, Aina’s breath stopped.

“You are back. you got a chance right?”

Aina exhaled as if resigning at the confident words.

“If I said so, would you believe me?”

“yes. believe.”

‘Cause I’m born again

I went back and forth over and over again, and I finally came
back here.

“If I don’t believe, who will?”


Aina hugged me tightly.

“After all, you are my angel!”

“With this, even an angel.”

Still, good is good. I reached out and hugged her.

“great job. It must have been difficult on my own.”

Former cadets, and this cadets.

I hugged her tightly, who had to carry everything

alone .

Episode 127.

Aina shed tears as if she had been through a lot of hardship.

There was a buzzing sound for a while.

“I, I worked really hard. So I came back. No one recognized


I took Aina’s hand and comforted her as I went down the


“It must have been difficult.”

“yes. I can’t stand not recognizing me. because I expected
But things that are completely different from before keep
happening over and over again.”

It’s probably because of me.

The darkness has awakened because of me .

He must have been waiting for me to come back.

‘It’s a disgusting obsession.’

Aina poured out her story as if she had been struggling a lot
with the things that had changed from the past.

“Doesn’t a strange monster called darkness appear and eat

people? The duke, who used to be a villain, falls in love and
behaves like a completely different person. You don’t know
what it is.”

Aina sniffled and looked at me.

“By the way, you and the Duke were fate. I never really
dreamed that it would be the reincarnation of the first saint
and the first emperor.”
Aina sniffled, saying she was still stunned.

Immediately after Aina told me the secret, I also gave her my


“It’s amazing. It’s a love we met again after a thousand


Aina, who was surprised by the fact that fate is so strange,

suddenly burst into anger towards Cassis.

“I recognize the peacock, but what did Cassis do? Of course,

I thought you would find out. dog horn. He didn’t even know.”

There was a faint rage in the voice that remained wet.

“But it was funny and cute that he fell in love with me as

soon as he saw me.”

not. It wasn’t that I was angry, I was proud of my lover.

‘This arm is out.’

Cassis and Ainana both fell in love with the same thing.
Shaking my head with a laugh, I passed the long, long stairs
and finally stepped on the last one.

“what’s this.”

“… cage?”

Yes, it was definitely a cage.

A cage hanging from the long chains that are embedded in

the ceiling.

‘It’s a real bad taste.’

A cage for a divine beast in the form of a bird.

It was a very humiliating situation for Arest.

However, Arest didn’t seem to be in the mood to feel that


“Uh, uh. Ugh.”

Arest was drawing divine power from within the cage.

The amount of divine power that was being pulled out was
so great that it was visible to the naked eye.

Arest, who trembles and suffers, and the divine power that
emits a beautiful light.

contrasting scene was so bizarre and terrifying that it was

hard to see.


The moment I called him and touched the cage,


The hand bounced off with a huge light.


The palms of the palms with peeled skin throbbed as if they

had been burned. The smell of burning flesh lingered on the
tip of his nose.

Aina ran to me and treated my hand.

Aina was worried that I might run away again, so she

grabbed my hand and pointed to the cage.

“Lia, take a good look around you. The curtain is down.”

she said.

As I calmed my excitement and took a step back, I saw a

black light flowing like an electric current around the cage.

“Aina. Can anyone without divine power enter?”


If you don’t know, you should Having harvested the divine

power, I carefully put my finger on the cage.


But this time, my hand bounced off the cage.

“The divine power is not important. No one was allowed in.”

It was difficult. We had no weapons in our hands to break
the cage.

There were bows and arrows made of divine power, but even
those were broken in an instant.

There are two ways left .

Either go and call Harris, or Arett wakes up.

But the latter seemed difficult.

“Arrest! Can you hear me?”

“Wrong. My mind is broken.”

We’ve only just met, and this is what our first meeting looked

Unable to watch the pain any longer, I stretched out my hand


Even though I knew it was dangerous, my hand kept moving

Tak, Aina took my hand.

“Lea, if you touch it, it hurts.”

“But Arrest is in so much pain. Even if your hand is damaged,

if you forcibly tear it off-.”

“No. no way.”

Aina firmly stopped me.

“I signaled Sir Harris. It will be faster than we go up. In the

meantime, let’s find something to break.”

“… yes.”

Aina, who moved me away from the cage, looked back and
watched me.

“Leah. you look this way I will go over there.”

We scattered, looking for something to break the cage.

‘It would be nice to have something to throw at.’

It was then that I was looking all over the basement.


Aina ran towards me with a scary face.

‘Why is that face…!’

That was then. I had goosebumps on my back.

As I quickly turned around, a black mass rising from the floor

rushed towards me as if it were about to attack me.


Surprised, I had a fighting stance, and I blinked at the

situation unfolding before my eyes.

cask, cask, cask.

“… what.”

this ball?
Contrary to how he acted as if he was about to attack, the
round mass rolled around the floor.

For a moment, I forgot that I had to deal with it and stared at


ran and stopped in front of me.

“Lea, this is her alter ego. That’s what brought us here.”

“… that?”

That ball with eyes, nose and mouth…?

cask, cask, cask.

A round ball bounced up and down, spinning around us.

“… It’s a bit different from what it was back then.”

Even Aina, who had sharpened her blade, looked


‘Are you sure you don’t want to attack?’

Instead of attacking, that figure hovering around me was like
a puppy waving its tail at its owner.

“… It’s definitely right for me, but the look has changed.”

Aina had a strange face after seeing this for the first time.

“Am I disconnected from the darkness? It’s like any other

intellect shadow.”

[Lea. Leah.]

But to say that there is no intelligence is wrong. That clone

clearly recognized me.

[Lea, do you hate me? Eyes, I’m scared.]

The way he spoke like a child and the way he looked at me, I
decided to gamble.

“You’re on the same side with Koma. I hate coma.”

[Coma, don’t you like it?]

“Yeah, I hate it. i hate it so much It hurt me.”

With exaggerated gestures and facial expressions, he buried

his face in both hands.

Aina’s face was seen through the gap between her fingers.

I pursed my lips so that only her could see it.


Aina noticed that I had a plan and quietly watched what I

was doing.

“Are you going to hurt me too? You are part of the coma.”

I murmured in a hoarse voice, and carefully observed the

shadow’s reaction.

[I, I am not. I’m on Leah’s side! I hate coma too!]


The shadow nodded eagerly.

“Then help me. You followed me very well.”

[yes. I can do it. I won’t contact him.]

“Did Koma see me here?”

[ No. Coma, I can’t come. i hid it I won’t show you.]

thank god. I genuinely smiled broadly.

“thank you. You are the only one who can help me.”

Then the shadow twisted his body, saying he was ashamed.

If he had color, wouldn’t his face be full of red by now?

“I can’t see you.”

Aina hated seeing things that she couldn’t see, but it was a
familiar look to me.

Because the coma was like that before it turned black.

There was a time when I was restless at the drop of my

There was a time when he made fun of me to make me
laugh when I was depressed.

There was a time when I rejoiced as if I had the world in my


‘But it’s all in the past.’

me is just a remnant of a coma.

Even though he hated Koma like he was going to kill him,

when he saw his past, he felt a strange feeling.

It was none other than Aina who broke my feelings.

“When did you use Arest-sama as bait and now you’re on our
side? Say something that makes sense!”

Aina grabbed the shadow’s collar and shook it violently.

[Ugh, evil. I feel dizzy.]

As Aina shook, the shadow that shook like a piece of paper

looked at me with pathetic eyes.
“Aina, wait a minute.”

Then Aina asked me why, and looked at me with a sullen


‘No, I didn’t mean to say it with the intention of helping you.’

‘s grasp, the shadow hidden behind me crouched sullenly.

[I do not know. I don’t remember anything. I’m just waking


Aina glared at the shadow, saying it was detestable to see it.

“Wait a minute. Calm down.”

I turned back and asked the shadow.

“If you are on my side, prove it.”

[How can I do this?]

“Open that door.”

As he pointed to the cage, a shadow appeared and looked at
the door alternately.

[Is that okay?]

“Can’t you?”

He quickly shook his head.

[no. you can do it! If I do this, will I be on Leah’s side?]


Excited at the fact that he could be on my side, the shadow

jumped from place to place.

[I’ll open it right away!]

Suddenly, the jumping shadow crashed into the cage.

“It’s a surprisingly ignorant method.”

Aina clicked her tongue and shook her head.

But no one knew that the act of snoring and ignoring would
be the correct answer.



I tried was opened at once with a head-butt.

After a brief moment of embarrassment, I quickly reached

out and took Arest out of the cage.


Looking closer, Arest’s condition was not serious.

I quickly bowed my head and listened. It was weak, but I

could feel a small breath.

‘thank god. Alive.’

At that moment, the stiff shoulders were loosened.

Taking off the robe I was wearing, I wrapped my arms
around Arest and expressed my gratitude towards the
blinking shadow of my round eyes.

“thank you.”

[You have been praised! I’m so happy!]

my heartfelt greeting, a shadow filled with excitement

revolved around me.

“What about this?”

“I think I can take you with me.”

It seemed like it would be a great help in escaping Koma’s

fortress if done well.

However, Aina had a different idea.

“What if I hit the back of the head?”

The shadow that curled up in Aina’s sharp eyes blinked big

eyes like a cat in boots.

“… Yeah, it was more like getting slapped in the back of the

head rather than being slapped in the back. Still, this is like


The ground shook.


This time the wall shook.

“… Aina. What does this mean?”

Aina, who was wary of the shadows and widened the

distance, quickly approached me.

“Maybe Sir Harris…?”

“Will the ground vibrate whenever Mr. Harris walks? …?”

“I must have been on fire.”

As Aina became embarrassed, she spit out her words. It was
truly a feast of bullshit.


eardrum was about to burst, the closed entrance door

shattered and rolled on the floor.

He frowned at the strong wind blowing.

“Big, gagging!”

A monster as large as a bear stared at us, dripping blood-

soaked saliva. The half-turned eyes were creepy.

“Haha, isn’t that Sir Harris?”

“You look like a monster!”

As I screamed, the startled shadow screamed and clinged to

my leg.

[Mo, you’re ugly! my eyes! My eyes hurt!]

It’s not that it’s scary, it’s that it’s ugly.

Silence fell at the sudden evaluation of his face.

“Hey, he didn’t call it first. Look at putting a deal on the

same side. I’m serious.”

Aina put her forehead on the fuss that broke the colic from a
while ago.

“… Leah. What is he really doing?”

“That’s it.”

He stopped breathing at the familiar voice.

My heart was pounding at the sound of the longing.


The massive body of the monster fell forward.

Dillian, who stabbed a sword into the monster’s neck, smiled

“It’s annoying, but can I kill you?”
Episode 128.

Are you dreaming?

Without that, Dillian wouldn’t be here.

Or am I seeing an illusion?

“You left me and ran away, but what did you find this time?”

Just staring blankly at him, Dillian struck me with a friendly


I woke up to those words.

“Mr. Dillian…?”

carefully called my name, Dillian walked up to me.

I was the one who got the baby riding at the pace that was
neither fast nor slow.

I ran away from my seat and dug into Dillion’s arms.

want to hug I wanted to hug him with my arms and bury my

face in his neck.

However, it is impossible to give a strong hug to the sick


I buried my face in his chest and took a deep breath.

Then, the scent of Dillian filled my heart, and relief came.

It’s like finding shelter.

“It’s true. It’s the real Dillian.”

“Yes, I fold. This is Dillian Sinise, which Leah mercilessly


Dillian looked at me with a sullen face, probably keeping in

mind that I didn’t hold his hand.
‘I knew this. Because I thought you’d think it was

Dillian expressed his feelings with his whole body, but never
released the arm that hugged my waist.

How cute is that look? I was very serious too.

“It’s a misunderstanding. I didn’t throw it away, I did it to

protect it.”

“It must have been to protect Dante.”

“no. Of course, I was trying to protect Dante, but what I really

wanted to protect was Mr. Dillian.”

I sincerely tried to clear up his misunderstanding, but I

couldn’t reach Dillion.

His face that he did not understand was proof of that.

“Because I can’t lose you again. Anyway, Koma can’t do me

any harm, so I thought it was safe to be dragged away
he spoke, the more Dillian’s face hardened. Irritated by his
face, I reached out and grabbed his hand.

Please, I hope you understand my heart.

“I was anxious. If Mr. Dillian was dragged away by Koma, he

would surely die. I feel like you’re going to leave me like that,

“Mr. Leah, do I look like I am going to die of darkness? Like a

half penny that even Ms. Lia can’t protect?”

I shook my head in surprise.

“It’s not like that. Dillian is strong. He will definitely protect

me. That’s why it can’t be.”

“What the hell, don’t make a decision without trying it.”

“I did it. So I mean. I know. I know everything. That’s how I

felt back then!”

Even at my persuasion, the figure of him taking the curse

away from the darkness flickered in front of my eyes.
An ominous feeling that the one you love will be gone.

The uneasy and low-key feeling I had at that time came to

me again.

And he continued to follow me throughout Therze’s birthday


“If I lose again this time, I can’t stand it any longer! So I


His voice rose and his heart fluttered at the intensified


“If I carry everything, Mr. Dillion will be fine-!”

That was then.

A large hand wrapped around my cheek. In the blink of an

eye, Dillian’s face came closer.

lips met
I blinked blankly at the kiss that touched and fell lightly like a
butterfly landing.

“Are you going to keep saying bad things?”

“Mom, that’s a bad word.”

“Why do you keep saying you’ll be alone? I am alive and


Dillian, who set it up, bit my lip hard. As if punishing me for

thinking of the end arbitrarily.


A moan erupted from the slight pain in his lower lip.

Then the arm that embraced my waist got stronger.

Embarrassed by the intense gaze that was trying to swallow

me, I slowly closed my eyes.

I guess that was the correct answer.

Dillian gently caressed me, saying he was sorry for being

Heat rose in his body that had cooled, and on the contrary,
his anxiety slowly subsided.

soft had become rough.

‘I’m out of breath.’

Breathing became more and more rapid. It felt like being

pushed over a cliff.

“Hey, stop….”


Having barely pushed Dillian away, I lowered my head to

hide my red face.

But Dillian didn’t let me go even for that brief moment. The
hand that lifted the chin was stroking my lips, teasing me.
“Unlike Lia, I have no memory of that time. But, one thing I
know for sure.”

I gasped and looked at Dillion.

“The fact that I left you behind is a bastard.”

“… It’s not like that….”

“you’re right. It was my fault to make you worry then and


The hand that had been touching her lips ran up her cheek
and caressed her reddened eyes.

“I never make the same mistake twice. I will never leave you
this time.”

Dillian held me in his arms. He felt his heart never to let go


‘I wish time would stop like this.’

I wanted to throw away all the complexities of the Comado
and the tests that Obelus gave me and be with him.

“Big, big!”

With my eyes closed and in Dillion’s arms, I woke up to the

sound of a hoarse cough.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, Leah, am I here? And he has it too.”

Aina pointed down. Then the shadow twisted its body and
made a strange sound.

[Hey! yep!]

“Look at his face. I don’t think you’re showing a high-level

scene like that to a kid.”

As Aina said, there was a faint but redness on the dark face
of the shadow.

Suddenly, the shy face that had been squinting at me turned

[Lea…. scared….]

When I looked at Dillian at those words, he was staring at

the shadow with bitter eyes.

‘I’m going to tear you apart with your eyes…?’

Frightened by Dillian’s bloody appearance, the shadow hid

behind me.

That dependent look offended Dillion’s heart.

“Really. If you take your eyes off it even for a moment,

strange things stick to it, which is a big deal.”

“It’s not strange, um… He is black.”

It was a name that anyone would have heard of.


But the shadow shook and spun around me. It was a gesture
that I liked and didn’t know what to do.
“Are you going to give the monster a name now? Also to the

“Actually, it’s an alter ego of darkness.”

“That’s it.”

The eyes that had been relaxed with a sense of satisfaction

were instantly dyed with a sense of betrayal.

The emotion that arose in him was obviously jealousy.

blazing eyes soon turned to Arest, who was in my arms.

“I’m afraid that I might be misunderstood again, but this is

Arest. A divine beast who protects the Temple of Ares.
Nathan is my friend.”

At that moment, the strength in Dillian’s eyes fell.

“It’s bad.”

“yes. I need treatment, but I can’t do it here. I have to go to a

holy place.”
This is the dark fortress. In this place full of evil energy,
Arest could not be cured.

As I was rushing to the stairs, a white object flew towards

me at high speed.



Nathan burst into tears and rubbed his face against my

cheek as if he were crying at the sound of my voice calling
out to me .

“Your face is halved!”

“It looks like you’ve become half….”

At most, it was a day and a half, but Nathan had a pale face
as if he had not seen me in a year.

“Nathan, it’s no use calling me. I’ve been completely
unconscious because so many divine powers have been
drawn during this time.”

“Coma, that guy is Ares….”

Nathan looked at Arest with a sad face.

“Nathan, can you heal me if I go to the temple? right?”

“okay. Surely it will.”

Nathan’s gaze, who had been looking at Arest’s face for a

long time , turned to the black man who was next to me.

“This guy….”

Nathan recognized the identity of Blackbird at once.

“It’s an alter ego, but it’s different. Are you separated from

“I think so.”
The black man didn’t know what he had done.

He didn’t even know he had used Arest as a bait, and he said

he just woke up.

“It must have been that Coma abandoned Manus’ body and
lost consciousness. And it seems to have remained as an
independent entity.”

“I must have put a lot of effort into raising this guy, but it
must be heartbreaking.”

“It’s been good for us. Blackbird is following me first.”

A long time ago, just like back then.

With his head sticking out, the black man glanced at Dillion.
Dillian frowned at the gaze staring at me.

“It’s because I’m curious.”

“Is this what you mean?”

“Because coma, that is, darkness used to be.”

However, the blackbird resembles the coma of the past, yet
it was different.

Unlike Coma, who was wary and disgusted when she saw
only Dillion, Black-eyed showed interest and approached him

However, the word darkness raised Dillian’s boundaries.

“What you looking at.”

[The person Leah likes, I’m scared.]

But as it was said, the blackbird continued to hover around

Dillian while watching him.

“Mr. Leah, it’s annoying, can I kill you?”

[Ugh! right! I killed an ugly monster in one shot!]

Did I not hear that he was going to kill me, or did I just
pretend not to know?

Blackbird jumped from the spot.

[Strong! Very very strong!]

The bright yellow eyes gleamed.

Dillian touched my chin at that pure emotion.

“Now that I see it, it is different from darkness.”


“Yes, it backfired.”

[ Get away. What does that mean?]

The black man tilted his head.

“… That means soft.”

[Soft? Fluffy! It’s cute!]

Perhaps we couldn’t see our shaky faces, the blackbird

hovered around us and shook our bodies.

[I’m cute! Black is so cute!]

The more he shook his body, the more Dillian’s face changed
in an indescribable way.

“Is the darkness what it used to be?”

“That disgusting thing was like that, I got goosebumps.”

Aina stroked my arm.

The two eyes met.

“I didn’t know the day would come when my heart and my

heart would meet. There are days like this.”

“So am I. Peacock.”

The two met for the first time and looked down at the black
man with eyes that looked at each other.
Episode 129.


As she tilted her head, Dillian and Aina shook their heads
with astringent expressions.

The two of them had lost their motivation first because of

their naive act of not knowing anything.

Aina bent her knees and stabbed her.

Cock, cock.

[Hehe, it tickles.]

“I can’t believe it again. How could you become so

Aina went beyond confusion and now showed curiosity.

“Gaegwacheonseon, what is it?”

“It has returned to its original form.”

“Really, you were so innocent?”

Aina and Nathan talked and went up the stairs.

It was at that time when I was looking at the black man who
naturally followed him.

“Mr. Dillian?”

His long fingers entangled tightly in mine.

“If it’s dark and you fall, isn’t it a big deal?”

Dillian, who grabbed my hand tightly, added.

“Mr. Leah is often a jerk.”

“Are you cursing me now?”

I opened my eyes sharply and spilled Dillian.

In the darkness, a playful smile hung on her dimly lit face.

“Hey, that’s it! Who cares if it’s sloppy?”

He snorted and tried to shake his hands, but his entangled

hands did not move.

“Leave this.”

“It’s actually a lie.”

“Even if you say so-.”

“It’s because I’m scared.”

“… Are you afraid?”

Is there anything that Dillian Sinise is afraid of?

Dillian, who laughed bitterly, said in a low voice.

“I’m afraid of losing Ms. Leah, and I’m afraid that I will miss
her in front of me again.”

I was startled by his weakness the first time I saw him, and I
grabbed Dillian’s hand.

“Sorry. I won’t do that next time.”

“I can’t believe it.”

… Let me pretend to think for a moment, what’s so fast?

“Because you really don’t?”

Doubt, no. When he met his eyes full of disbelief, he was

filled with regret.

“It’s been a while. Did you break your trust in a day and a

“You know that? We have never been apart for a single day.”

I paused as I pursed my lips.

Come to think of it, I’ve never been away from each other
except when I went out.

out, we always let each other know, and returned before



“Mr. Leah said it was a short time, but to me that moment

was like a thousand years.”

“Until a thousand years….”

Embarrassed, I grumbled and lowered my face. But he

couldn’t even hide the fever in his auricle.

“Mr. Leah, didn’t you want to see me?”

“… I missed you.”

It was nothing like me. Even for a moment, I regretted

leaving him here.

“I really miss you.”

smile slowly appeared on Dillian’s face. The happy feeling
was clear.

“I wanted to see you too.”

Golden butterflies hovered around us.

The subtle butterflies shining in the dark made me feel as if I

had entered another world.

“I guess it wasn’t all over.”

Aina was looking at us with astringent eyes.

“I will go first.”

[The blackbird goes too!]

“Yeah, let’s go together.”

Aina who took Arest from my arms stepped down the stairs.

“You might miss Arest-sama while we’re dating, so I’ll take

Ttttttt , Nathan with his tongue flew off and climbed onto
Aina’s shoulder.

“I can’t see with my eyes closed. Go first!”

“Wait, it’s dangerous if we fall…!”

He reached out towards Aina’s back, but was blocked by


“It’s dangerous. There is a saint, what are you worried


As if he had been waiting for the obstructor to disappear,

Dillion hurriedly approached.

“I’ve been concerned since before.”

A soft voice tickled my ears.

“What is this dress?”

“It’s pretty, but I wish I could only wear clothes like this in
front of me.”

Dillian touched the tip of his sky blue sleeve.

“It’s all white, so it’s like a wedding dress.”

He had a smile on his face, but his eyes were not serious.

A red signal rang in my head.

‘If you answer the wrong questions here, you’ll get in


I quickly waved my hand.

“It’s not a wedding dress! What a misunderstanding! These

are the clothes I wore in my previous life.”

Because I was the first saint at the time. Most of the time, I
wore these sky and sky clothes.

It was the time when we were talking to each other.


The sound of grinding teeth was heard from above.

‘Why are you more angry? …?’

Dillian, who had been hiding his feelings in his calmness,

openly complained that he was in a bad mood.

“It’s the clothes I wore in my previous life…. Shall we do it?”


“it’s nothing.”

I don’t think it is?

Dillian quickly took off his coat and put it around my


I fastened my clothes tightly and locked the buttons to make

sure that it wouldn’t be too frosty.
I calmly received that hand, and then shifted my gaze to
Dillian’s waist.


That sword that shone softly was definitely a holy sword.

Maybe it was because I went to the owner’s side, and the

energy I felt was different.

“let’s see.”

Dillian, who wrapped me tightly in his clothes, smiled

contentedly and held out his hand.

“We’re going up, too.”


Finally we met in one place.

As if Aina and Cassis had already completed a deep reunion,
they were stuck together as one body.

‘The sesame seeds are pouring out.’

Aina felt when she saw me and Dillian? His face was hot.

Fabian turned with a bitter face at the pink air of the two of

‘Gosh. What do you do?’

Before he even confessed, he sent his deepest condolences

to Chain Fabian.



Sarah, who ran, cried and shook her head.

“sorry. I should have kept I’m really sorry for letting you be
“No, it was my choice. I’m glad you woke up safely.”

I was still worried about coming here without checking

Sera’s condition, but I was really happy.

‘Everyone said they came with Kanae’s movement magic.’

When I asked how they came to a distance that would take

two days even using the warp at once, it was all thanks to

The downside is that the number of people is limited.

That’s why it was a familiar face.

Dillian, Cassis, Nathan and Sarah.

There were only four, a small group.

Kanae, whose mana has been depleted using movement

magic, is waiting near the black market.

She said that her companions, the Knights of Shaten, were

also guarding the outside just in case something happened.
‘If a large number of people move at once, they will be easily

It would be nice if I could just get away quietly like this.

“Mr. Lia, we need to go to the Great Hall right now.”

Harris, holding Arest in his arms, said hastily.

I did just that. Because Arest’s condition was getting worse.

They attached butterflies to Arest, but that was literally just

a temporary measure.

“It should be.”

That was then.

An evil spirit weighed heavily on my shoulders. It’s like

pressing with all your might.

“… If only I could.”

it feels A huge curtain was erected around this area.

‘Coma has noticed.’

And I wasn’t the only one who felt the change.

people, hurriedly hid behind me.

[Lea. Are you mad.]

“yes. feel it I’m not going to let you go.”

“No surprise. It was foreseen the moment Arrest was taken


Nathan patted me on the cheek, telling me to wake up.

Aina also felt this energy, so the look on her face

approaching me was unusual.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sir Harris, we are locked up.”

Harris frowned at Aina’s answer.

“You are trapped. What does it mean.”

“The darkness must have noticed. They blocked the escape

route so we couldn’t escape. The veil has been set up, and I
think the building was swallowed whole.”

Silence passed for a while.

Everyone bit their lips in the heavy, subdued atmosphere.

In the midst of seriousness, there was a person with an

innocent face.

“No worries.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

It was Cassis and Dillian.

Dillian, who had put the rabbit mask on my face, said as he

straightened out his messy hair.

“We are going to participate in the auction.”


this crucial moment.

Dillian smirked as he frowned, saying he didn’t understand.

“I have the bait.”


This is the largest black market in the empire.

And today is the auction day.

“Ladies and gentlemen who participated in the auction!



Cheers erupted from all sides.

The unpleasant air was stuffy, so I lightly fiddled with the

‘It’s unpleasant.’

Nathan, who was hiding in my arms, stuck out his head.

“What a messy place it is.”


On the surface, it looked like a private auction for the

nobility, but in reality it was an inhumane place to buy and
sell people.

Rare colored eyes, werewolf fangs, elf wings.

People cheered as a series of auction items that were just

disgusting to look at came out.

Tired of this crazy atmosphere, I cling to Dillion.

“Mr. Dillian. Isn’t Giselle here?”

“yes. I was stunned and locked up in my room.”

“… yes?”

“It was annoying and I put it away.”

“Put it away….”

“Because bringing it in will only get in the way.”

It was truly a Dillian-down method.

‘It’s radical, but Dillian’s decision is right.’

I understand Giselle’s desire to protect Dante, but it was

clear that she would lose her mind when she saw Dante.

As Dillian said, it will only be a hindrance.

“Good job… yes?”

I doubted my eyes.

“This product is a human being called a living curse!”

I pointed towards the podium.

“Why is Lexter here!”

“Oops! Whoops! Oops!”

It was Lexter Brent who was flapping like a live fish on the
Episode 130.

“I said there was bait, was that Lexter?”

And what else is the living curse?

When he looked at Lexter with bewildered eyes, their eyes


Recognizing me, Rexter twisted more violently.

“Great bait. He also gave me the location of this fortress.”

Dillian put on my crooked mask properly and twisted his lips.

“As I live, the day will come when that idiot will be useful.”

“town! Whoops! Whoa!”

“… Iknow, right?”

Just by looking at it, it looked like a bait.

Seeing the shape of the body twisting around and wriggling,

might you catch a big fish?

“When the darkness sees that nerd, it will run like a dog that
saw meat.”

As soon as Dillian spoke, the host raised Lexter’s hand.

Then he saw a black curse clearly engraved on the back of

his hand.

‘Certainly, I will approach Lexter to find power.’

As Lexter shook her body, a red jewel hung around her neck
caught her eye.

“Dillian, what is that necklace?”

“A magic tool that makes the darkness unreadable of

Rexter’s presence.”
Having said that, Dillian raised his sleeve and showed the

“Maybe? Is this also a magic tool?”

“If the location is discovered by the curse, it will be wrong.”

You must have prepared so thoroughly. I could definitely feel

the will to capture the darkness here.

“I will carry the darkness into Lexter’s body.”

“He can’t give up Dante’s body.”

“It would be now. But I won’t be able to live like that forever,

Dillian was convinced.

“It’s impossible to win Lia’s heart with the body of a child

who has not grown up.”

That you would change your body to have me.

And that fact touched Dillian’s nerves.

eyes they met were cold as if they thought darkness was in

front of them.

“The inability to appeal as a person of the opposite sex is

probably the biggest complex for darkness. So you will
definitely want a new body.”

“… Cursed Rexter is a very tasty prey.”

“That’s right. If the darkness takes Lexter as its host, Dante

will be freed naturally, so there will be no more fuss.”

Unlike Dante, he wouldn’t hesitate to hit the neck of his

lifelong enemy, Rexter.

‘There’s no need to forcefully pull it out with divine power, so

Dante won’t get hurt.’

Frankly, I was surprised. At the most, it’s been a day and a

half since Dante’s body was taken away and I disappeared.

Did you come up with such an operation in such a short

The strategy Dillian said was the best we could do right now.

“Who made the plan?”

“It’s Dillian.”

Nathan whispered softly.


“Isn’t that the way I want to use it?”

“Honestly, yes.”

If it were a normal Dillian, he would have put it away

immediately without paying attention to Dante’s

“It would be easy to kill Dante, but Ms. Leah would be sad.”


“I don’t want to see a face tormented by guilt.”

To save me from that guilt, Dillian did his best to devise a
plan that would satisfy everyone.


“Say nothing.”

Dillian, whose eyes were bent like a crescent moon,

approached and stole his lips.

“Do not worry. This time it will all be over.”

Nathan groaned in love and turned his head.

Meanwhile, Lexter’s ransom skyrocketed.

For nobles who are bored of living, the living curse is a very
appealing toy, raising hands here and there.

‘It’s probably more because the limbs are intact and the face
is pretty smooth.’

Some of them seemed to recognize Rexter’s face.

I glanced back slightly.

I saw colleagues wearing masks and infiltrating the auction

house just like me.

In the midst of that, I looked around looking for Aina.

‘Even if Dillian’s method fails….’

Aina’s eyes met. She nodded.

“Hey. moderator. How do you know if you’re truly cursed?

Wouldn’t it be possible to just paint on your hands and call it
a curse?”

“I knew it and prepared it.”

As if waiting for those words, the red lips exposed under the
host’s fox mask twitched and smiled.

“I’ll show you.”

He grabbed the necklace around Lexter’s neck.

“no way…?”

Dillian put his lips to my ear and whispered softly.

“I will come now.”

Tuk-duk, the necklace broke.


Silence swept the auction house.

The quiet atmosphere that lasted for a while was shattered

when a man got up from his seat.

“What are you showing?”

The murmur grew louder and louder as the shout began.

“Well, what the hell, nothing’s wrong.”

“Hey, are you kidding me?”

“Now you cheated on us-!”


large door ripped open and fell on the floor.

The people who had been pouring criticism towards the host
turned around the door at once.

“Do you look stupid enough to get me caught up in such an

obvious number?”

The voice of the boy, who had not even undergone

transformation, caused people to roar.

“What is that kid? Don’t be shy and go home, huh!”

The man who was threatening Dante’s coma covered in

Dante’s shell soon fell to the floor.

The long shadow beneath Coma’s feet rose and opened her


It happened in an instant.

Without stopping, the shadow ate the man.

unrealistic scene, or their bodies stiffened in fear, the people

remained motionless.

People screamed, awakened by the sound of bones being



“Let it go, let this go!”

Kwajik, Woodduck.

People ran away, pushed and trampled each other, and

struggled to survive.
Koma’s gaze, who had been standing leisurely in the midst of
the commotion, turned to one place.

Leah swallowed her breath at the horrifyingly vivid scene.

“Leah. I told you to stay quiet in your room.”

Koma, who was looking at the scene happily, found Leah

exactly. Like I thought you’d be there.

“Why don’t you listen to me like this?”

Leah wrinkled her eyes at the voice of reproach.

“Am I crazy? I will listen to you.”

“You are the reason these people die.”

“Stop the bullshit.”

After throwing away the mask, Leah smashed the monster

that was trying to eat the woman in front of me with divine

Seeing my alter ego disappearing into powder, a coma with a

tongue-tied tongue approached Lia.

“Did you want to use Lexter to catch me?”


“You want me to move into that body?”

ferocity .

“I can’t listen to that.”

Coma raised her nails and scratched my neck.

Blood gushed from the tender skin cut by the sharp nails.

“You said As long as this is your weakness, I will never let

you go.”

This was a provocation.

A vile provocation to excite oneself and disturb the mind.

Knowing this, Leah could not contain her anger.

Coma, who received Leah’s cold gaze, shook her body and
wiped her arm.

“I waited for those eyes, those eyes that only looked at me.”

His voice trembled with excitement. Coma, intoxicated with

exalted feelings, fell endlessly at the words that followed.

“It’s hard to hear.”


“Even if you die, you can’t receive love, so it’s ridiculous to

try to receive even a handful of contemptuous glances.”

Dillian, who was blocking Leah’s front, scoffed and sneered.

“You should know that you’re out of luck.”

“You, you bastard.”

Conversely, Koma, who was about to fall for provocation,
laughed hard. But he couldn’t hide his trembling lips.

“Even if you struggle, you are just a bug in front of Lia.”

In the end, I fell for the provocation.

“I have changed my mind. I have to kill you first.”

slowly eating people, glared at Dillion with venomous eyes.

“If only my power is restored, you will!”

The shadow that rose from behind the podium opened its
mouth to swallow Rexter.

Lexter screamed at his uncomfortably hot breath and sharp

teeth smeared with blood.

“Ugh! town!”

“Be quiet and become one with me. Lexter Blent.”

“That would be difficult.”


The moderator, who was silently watching this tragedy,

raised his foot and trampled the shadow.

Leah opened her eyes to the voice of the host, which had
changed from before.

This voice….

“Duke, can I stop cleaning it now? This is quite a mana



At that moment, the people disappeared all at once.


Surprised by the people disappearing like smoke, Koma

hurriedly looked around.
All the people who filled the room disappeared. As if it didn’t
exist in the first place.

“What, what!”

When Koma panicked at the unexpected,

“What? It’s all an illusion.”

Aina tapped her coma and pressed it down.

The child’s body, even smaller than his peers, collapsed


“You have been deceived by the magic created by Matap



“You used to treat us like toys and play with us, now it’s the
other way around?”

“How does it feel to have been thoroughly teased?”

Am I a toy? have you been fooled?

“no! Whoever wants to make fun of me!”

let this go! Koma twisted violently.

“Stay still.”

Aina in the lead put their swords around Coma.

It was a sword imbued with divine power.

It wasn’t as strong as the holy sword, but it was enough to

block the movement of the weakened coma.


With her head crumpled to the floor, Koma widened her eyes
at the sight unfolding in front of her.

Aina said they were all illusions and magic, but there were
people who did not disappear and remained.
It was the people of Dillian and Leah.
Episode 131.

“… ha ha ha.”

To say that all of this is an illusion, that it was all a board

made to catch himself.

“X foot! let go! Leah, you can’t do this to me! How can you
be like no one else!”

Did he become younger when he entered Dante’s body?

Coma struggled like a swarm child.

Even if the sword bled, he glared at Leah’s back and cursed.

However, even in the last effort, Leah did not give a glance.
she was only looking at the podium.


At Leah’s call, he took off his mask.

In that moment, her brown hair turned into a lovely pink.

“Huh, I thought I was going to die of frustration.”

Schumann, who brushed away his messy hair, opened his

eyes to Leah.

“Lea, try kissing me in front of me one more time. I am not

standing still.”

Schumann murmured, stroking the shadows.

“It’s a good thing May didn’t see you. After all, you almost
drew a portrait of a peacock, not darkness.”

Schumann approached and carelessly stroked Leah’s head.

“Good job.”
“How did you get here?”

“I heard you were kidnapped, so I ran to you in a hurry.”

Schumann remembered the call he had received this


‘Where is Ms. May?’

‘What do you mean by calling all over? May went out. Is it


‘Then, Master Ma Thap. You come.’

‘Huh, am I your dog? If you come, come, go if you go?’

‘Mr. Leah was kidnapped.’

‘What, a straight explanation.’

‘Come to Tarun Street in Arest’s estate.’

‘What? Hey, hey!’

That was the end. He cut off contact without any


If it were anyone else, I would have wanted this madman to

make fun of me, but my opponent is Dillian Sinise.

He wasn’t the type to joke around, but he wasn’t the type of

person to lie about Leah’s business.

So, I ran to him, and he said he was supposed to be the

moderator of the auction.

‘Why would you use such a cumbersome method, it’s

because of that child.’

Each time Coma struggled, Lia flinched at the growing

wounds on the child’s body.

“Because you’re too kind to wear a mask.”

Schumann, who threw Lexter in the middle of the hall,
released his hand.

‘The sacrifice is ready, all I have to do is draw the magic


Schumann drew a large jinn on the floor. As he started

drawing the gin, people stepped out of the circle.

The only person left there is Aina, who is subduing her coma.

“… what are you doing.”

Coma, feeling threatened, struggled and screamed, but no

one answered.

“What are you doing!”

Eyes red with anger glared at Lia.

“Lea! Are you really going to throw me away?! like back

then? Twice me-up!”
A white hand reaching out from behind covered Koma’s

“Have you always messed up Leah’s heart with this kind of


Aina whispered coldly above her head.

“Keep your mouth shut and be quiet.”

“Uh, uh.”

Water filled his eyes as he looked up at her. Her trembling

eyes were very pitiful, but she was not deceived by the

2nd time in life. It wasn’t cluttered enough to tell the real

from the fake.

“It’s no use trying to provoke sympathy with those eyes.

Unlike Leah, I have no relationship with this child.”

Although he spoke coldly, she also sympathizes with the

child who was taken away by Koma.
I really wanted to save a pitiful, poor child.

But if Dante’s life were to be weighed against the peace of

the empire, Aina would not hesitate to choose the latter.

It’s her mission to protect the empire.

‘Leah would never do that. So that’s what I do. with my


I plan to pay for the sin of spending my miserable life with

God for the rest of my life.

If you are punished, you will be punished.

Aina vowed to herself several times.


As soon as Schumann finished speaking, a light burst from

the completed magic circle.

A golden light from the end quickly enveloped Lexter and

At that moment, Coma’s struggles ceased.


At first glance, he seemed to have mistakenly thought that

the magic had succeeded.

But Aina, who was in contact with him, felt it.

That Koma didn’t give up.

“I will admit it. you pushed me all the way here Even if I’m
reborn, Lissandro, you annoy me.”

Aina shuddered at the vicious energy that burst out in an



“So I want to kill you.”

The words he spit out were sizzling with anger.

“I’m going to tear it apart and throw it away as animal food.”

Excitedly, Koma’s body trembled violently. Aina tried to hold
the coma with her whole body, but it was not enough.

‘no. can’t stand it We’ll get out of here before the magic is

Aina quickly pulled the dagger out of her arms.

‘End it here-!’

A sword that soared high was stabbed at Coma’s neck.

moment I try to reach you ,

A shadow that stretched out like a whip wrapped around

Aina’s wrist like a vine.


“Aina. Haven’t you forgotten? That this is my fortress.”

No matter how weak the coma is, this is the place to make
up for it all.
It was a fortress he built to my liking.

Koma, who smiled bitterly, raised her hand and swung it


With that movement, the shadow that had wrapped around

Aina threw her to the floor.


“Here I am the king and the god.”

kuuk . Koma’s feet stomped on Aina’s head.

As if to return the humiliation I suffered a while ago.

Aina quickly raised her divine power, but it wasn’t the coma
she was looking at.

Coma, who read Aina’s pattern early, spilled arsenic and put
a sword in her hand.

“Shh, Aina. Look over there.”

Koma grabbed Aina’s head and pointed to a place.

Something squirmed under the floor and slowly got up.

Her body, which had been creaking like a wooden doll,

turned around and looked at Aina correctly.

[Body, body, fresh body, healthy body….]

mouse , empty eyes glared at Aina and stretched out her


“I want you.”

A chuckle of laughter crept into his ears.


Aina couldn’t move even though the force holding her body

‘Why did something like that happen….’

Just when she was staring blankly at the monster, a strong
force pulled her arm.

“Aina, calm down!”


“wake up!”

Cassis, who quickly raised Aina, cut down the monster that
was running towards me.

Then the rotten arm fell on the floor.

[I, my Majesty. majesty.]

“… Winter?”

Cassis, who was about to strike the monster’s neck at once,

stopped at the familiar voice.

[Your Highness, Your Highness.]

Because he was my subordinate who was devoured by
darkness in the Duke’s Castle.

[Your Majesty, my, please, kill me….]

However, the appearance of the enemy who would have

been a human was impossible to find, and it was a terrible

A sticky mass like tar was dripping down, and the body
smelled of rot.

It was natural. Because it was already dead.

“What do you think? is it worth using? These are the people I

have eaten up until now.”

the coma approached, the monster bowed its head. Koma,

who smiled contentedly at the faithful appearance, stroked
the monster’s head.

“Now you are my faithful servant.”

“You are the worst.”

“It is the best compliment to a curse.”

Coma, who tapped the monster’s arm, whispered.

“Kill them all, leaving no one behind.”

As soon as Koma’s command was given, people who turned

into monsters attacked them.


Demonic monsters poured out of a hole that was large like a


Until now, the number of people that the coma ate up was
uncountable, and they attacked people according to the
command of the coma.

“Mr. Leah, don’t leave my side.”

“Don’t fall from my side, Mr. Dillian.”

Dillian and Lia, who turned their backs to each other,

defeated the attacking monster.

Lia shoots arrows to purify the monsters that attack her, and
Dillion cuts down the monsters that attack her.

The two were a perfect pair.

However, both of them were getting tired of the constant

pouring of monsters.

“I need to close that hole.”

If we could just block that hole that Koma created, we could

stop the meaningless war of attrition.

“Mr. Dillian.”

“I’m going to stop you here.”

Even if you don’t talk now, if you pretend, pretend.

Dillion, who knew what Leah wanted at once, cleared the

Leah ran down the path he had drilled and approached her
while dealing with the monster that was targeting Aina’s


Aina, who was facing each other, looked somewhat anxious.

Her trembling eyes looked like she was crying.

Episode 132.

“what’s the matter? scared?”

“… Leah. What if the end comes like that time?”

As if caught in the past, Aina muttered and grabbed Leah’s


“If I fail again….”

“I’m with you.”


“Your guardian angel is here, so what are you worried

Normally, even if he died, he wouldn’t be the first to say that.

‘I didn’t know I’d be the first to say this.’

Her hands and feet shrank, but the effect was clear.

A light gleamed in Aina’s eyes, who had died from anxiety.

“There is something I must help you with. Are you going to

do it together?”

“Of course.”

Aina, who returned to full saneness, nodded eagerly.

“I’m going to plug that hole with this.”

Leah waved the arrow she created with divine power and

“The odds are half-and-half. If our power is stronger, that

door will close, otherwise we will be eaten by monsters.”
After aiming precisely at the hole, Leah pulled the bowstring


Lia’s call, Aina breathed her divine power over the arrow.

Arrows with the divine power of the two were shot into the

hey hey hey.

The opposing forces swirled and entangled.

The suddenly opened hole closed in an instant, just like it

had been opened.

“Lea, success!”

Aina jumped with joy, but Leah could not be relieved.

Because there were still many monsters that came out.

“Nathan. Help Mr. Dillian.”


“I have to catch him.”

Leah’s eyes were fixed on Koma.

On the other hand, Koma, who had walked leisurely alone in

a place that had become a mess in an instant, stood in front
of Rexter.

“It’s a mess. It’s so dirty that I don’t even want to touch it.”

A relief appeared on Rexter’s face despite the blatant


“town! Oops! town!”

“It’s noisy. really.”

When he released the gag that had closed Lexter’s mouth,

the breath that had been blocked came out violently.
“haha. Why are you here now!”

Perhaps resentful that he had been treated less than human

in the past, Lexter was outraged.

“Anyway, thank you. Also we are on the same side. Now, let
go of this hand….”

pooh . Something sharp pierced his stomach.

Rexter slowly lowered his head at the feeling of alienation in

his stomach.

arm was seen.


“On the other hand, what on the subject of long-term


Coma twisted her lips and sneered at Lexter, who had gone

Shoo Woo.
The curse handed over to Lexter was sucked into Koma.

“Your use ends here.”

Following the curse, the coma began to take Lexter’s life as


“Oh, no! no!”

Lexter struggled to get Koma’s hand out, but that couldn’t

save her life.

“Stop, that… only….”

The hand that grabbed Coma’s arm was getting dry.

Seeing the arm that had turned into a dry, bare branch,
Coma pulled her hand away from his body.

Then, with a popping sound, Rexter’s body collapsed.


His body crashed into the ground and disappeared.

“Huh, I can breathe a little now.”

Coma, who smiled languidly at the feeling of satiety, leaned


Black wings rose from the shoulder blades.

white face, wriggling and covering Coma’s face.

Even the whites of his eyes were gleaming and he scanned

the surroundings.

“Where are you?”


In the midst of a mixture of screams and shouts, a clear

voice reached his ears.

The moment I turned my head to follow the voice, our eyes


A storm surged in Leah’s eyes, like a calm lake.

The taut bowstring left her hand.


Leah’s arrow hit Koma’s shoulder exactly.

At that moment, a pure white light exploded and something

black hit Coma’s face.

“what’s this! town!”

[Don’t bully Leah!]


The black eye, who slammed into Coma’s face and obscured
his vision, shouted.

[Lea hates coma! So stop!]

The coma, who lost her balance, staggered because of the
divine power that had broken one arm and the black man
that suddenly attacked her.

But for a while.

Coma, who quickly regained her balance, gritted her teeth

and ripped the blackbird off my face.

“It’s like this traitor.”

[ The traitor is you! Why do you keep hurting Leah!]

“Are you rejecting me for the subject I was born with?”

The eyes staring at the black man were piercing. Even with
those bloody eyes, the black man did not bend his will.

[You and I are different. I want to protect Leah.]


Coma’s judgement was twisted by that upright attitude.

Obviously, I wanted to completely crush the clone that was
born from my own body and showed a different attitude.

“Come back to my body. Then you will understand me.”


Coma leaned back and opened her mouth. Blackbird quietly

leaned over and smiled broadly at Leah.

[ Lea. See you again!]


Coma’s throat twitched violently.

As if trying to completely disassemble my alter ego, the

chewing coma stole the corner of her mouth.

“Huh, I’m weak and I don’t feel like I ate even if I ate.”

Coma, who had kicked the tip of her tongue at the

unpleasant taste, twisted her lips as she looked at Leah, who
had subsided terribly.
“Leah, why are you like that? Did you like her that much?”

Leah didn’t answer.

I just measure the time inside.


“Oh, you want to kill me. But, you can’t kill it, can you?”

two .

“Now stop giving up. If you hold my hand, I will release them


“three? What three?”

That’s when I frowned at the words I didn’t understand.


It felt like someone was beating my heart.

pounding. pounding. pounding.

The beating of the heart, which had been slow, grew faster
and faster.

“Why are you doing this, cool!”

blood poured out

situation , Koma blankly stared at my blood-stained hands.

“What is this….”

At that moment, an unfamiliar memory ran through his mind.

‘If you eat this, you will die. Are you okay though?’

[Blackbird, Leah! The same side can lay down their lives for
the sake of their comrades.]

‘Sorry. I asked for this.’

[Something helpful for Leah! great!]

Blackbird jumped into Leah’s arms and laughed happily.

Conversely, Lia, who smiled sadly, kissed Blackie’s forehead.

‘Please. Bring him out.’

The scene changed.

Leah disappeared somewhere, and Aina filled the place.

‘I’m done. When darkness swallows you, divine power will

spread throughout your body. How about you? It was made
by combining Leah and my divine power, isn’t it painful?’

[Yeah, it’s warm. As sweet as Leah Aina is warm too!]

‘I guess it’s because you’re a good guy.’

[Ainah is also a good person. Sweet and kind!]

‘Go, go through all the darkness.’

Lia, her alter ego, and Aina. Coma, who understood the
situation late through the conversation of the three, opened
her mouth.

‘It’s poison!’

My alter ego betrayed me and became poison itself.

Now I know. The reason why I rushed to the weak subject

without hesitation.

It was eaten on purpose. to kill me!


The thought of being beaten never crossed my mind.

My throat was burning and my heart was pounding.

‘You have to vomit. Before the divine power spreads…!’

That’s when I put my finger in my mouth.

“Wow, whoa!”

blood poured out


His eyes were turned over in anger and he chewed the

blackcurrant, so his divine power began to spin faster than

“Wow, whoop!”

My stomach swelled like lava and I cried.

“Wow, whoop. Heh, heh heh.”

Coma collapsed on the spot and crouched, spitting up blood

over and over again.
“Heh heh, heh heh.”

The strength was drained from my body. I couldn’t lift a

single finger.

Leah approached the collapsed coma and bent her knees.

“Come out of Dante’s body.”

“I would have said that if I forcefully take it out, this guy will
lose his mind. Did you forget?”


“Now, knowing… Whoops!”

“But you are. Can you touch Dante now?”

Coma stopped at Lia’s stinging words.

‘no way?’

Coma focused on finding Dante, who was sleeping deeply.

When I found Dante, who was sleeping soundly.

[Do not come.]

A pure white divine power flickered around Dante.

As if to protect him.

[ It is bad to bully a small child.]

The true identity of the divine power was the black man who
had been absorbed by the coma.

[Get out of here!]

Seeing how he was protecting Dante out of his own will,

even though he was a part of him, his head exploded with

“Hey, trashy- hey!”

The coma panted, spewing blood.

“Now you know? Now come out quietly.”

Even if things go wrong and Dante is ruined, he can’t stop

‘Then, I’ll have to pray to God. Please save this poor child.’

Leah, who struggled to capture the expression on her face

that was about to collapse, waited patiently.

Only for Koma to leave Dante’s body and run away.

Leah looked at his death with calm eyes.

“Stop giving up.”

“Give up? Do not be ridiculous. Ugh, if I can’t have it.”

Bloodlined eyes stared at Leah.

“Nobody can have it!”

It happened in an instant.

“You are going too!”

Coma, who ran towards Leah, reached out to her.

Half-broken, long lost black wings shot like thorns.

It was an attack created by an ugly heart that said he would

never die alone.


dripping , dripping. The sound of drops of blood falling to the

floor was clear.

Leah stared blankly at the large back that was blocking my


‘Why is Dillion in front of me?’

Her shocked head could not keep up with the scene

unfolding before her eyes.

“Mr. Dillian…?”


Blood dripped from Dillian’s mouth.

Episode 133.

His body, which was as hard as an iron castle, staggered.


lie. It’s a dream. this is a dream

Why is there a thorn in Dillian’s heart?

Why are you vomiting blood?

“no. No. no!”

Suddenly, his large body collapsed and fell to his knees.

His bowed head shook precariously.

“Deal, Mr. Dillian. Calm down. please.”

Leah screamed as she hugged her collapsing body.

“no. no.”

Coma ripped her mouth in delight at the sight of Leah

repeating the same words in a panic .

“Ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, Lissandro! I thought you would come I



“Lia, look. This is the best revenge I can give you. In front of
you, once again, this guy’s life is------”
Koma, shaking violently and spitting up blood, slowly
lowered her head.

‘… When was the sword stuck?’

Koma moved her gaze more slowly than the sword that had
pierced my heart.

When I lifted my gaze along the hard arm that grabbed the
handle, I saw,

“Did you expect this too?”

It was Dillian who was smiling cynically.

“Uh, how….”

“Well, the god you hate so much must have been on my


A light burst from the sword embedded in Koma’s heart.

“This is the holy sword…!”

The holy sword that pierced his heart and the divine power
that was circling inside his body met, and his coma swelled.


Coma twisted her body and rolled on the floor in pain as her
body was being ripped to pieces.

“hurt! I’m sick! please me… Whoops!”

A bug the size of a fist crawled out of its gaping mouth,

twisting its body.

It was Koma’s true form.

[I, I am like this! I’m back in this terrible form again!]

Ah , Koma, who was screaming evil, looked around and

muttered urgently.

[Body, I need a body. Because anyone likes your body-!]

anything is good If you have a body that can escape alive!

[My body! it’s mine! mine!]

Coma ran towards the body approaching me.

I don’t even know who owns the body.

“The darkness that colored the empire with fear was a trivial
bug. Are you surprised?”

Like a bird snatching a worm, Aina who caught the coma

quickly sharpened her teeth.

“I heard it was dust in the beginning, but it must have been

such a trivial existence.”

[Let go of this! To the stupid human subject, to the dirty

human subject!]

Coma, trapped in Aina’s fist, twisted and bit her hand.

[ Hate, I hate humans! I want them all to die!]

You, you, you too!

The coma said to those in my eyes, ‘Die, die!’ and cast a

Dillian bit his lips at the unsightly appearance and bowed his

The muffled, tangled sound gradually faded away.


Blood poured out of his mouth. It was no longer the limit.

The body lost its balance and collapsed into Leah’s arms.

Woong-woong- my ears were ringing.

The eyelids kept sliding downwards.

I want to close my eyes like this, that’s how I felt at that


muffled voice rang in his ear.

“Mr. Dillian. Can you hear me?”

“… Leah.”

“Don’t lose your mind. I, I will heal you now.”

Leah touched Dillian’s chest with a trembling hand.

‘it’s okay. It can be cured.’

It’s a bad situation, but if your heart doesn’t stop, you can
save it.

Leah quickly released the divine power to cover Dillian’s


‘Hurry up, so that Dillian doesn’t get sick anymore….’

I have treated people who have been injured several times.

Didn’t you heal the runaway Dillian? This wasn’t even a


Obviously it should have been.

But why
“Why, why are you doing this…? I can’t do this….”

Why doesn’t the blood stop?

Leah clenched her teeth as she looked at my blood-

drenched hands.

More divine power was released, and the surrounding life

was drawn.

However, as if ridiculing her efforts, the divine power was

shattered as soon as it touched Dillion.

‘I hope it’s like that time….’

A thousand years ago, the figure of Lissandro dying on the

product was superimposed on Dillian.

[No matter how much divine power you use, it is useless!

Since he was stabbed by my curse, he was destined to die. I
will die like that!]

ha ha ha! Leah’s eyes contorted at the sound of Koma’s

shrill laughter.
“Oh, no. I can’t. It cannot be repeated again.”

Lia muttered like a madman and tore my clothes.

“First of all, hemostasis….”

“Mr. Leah.”

Leah clenched her teeth at the faint voice calling me.

She knew this voice well.

“Don’t call me.”

Like back then, don’t call me with that voice.

Tears welled up. Dillian could not see well because of his
blurry vision.

A hand approaching with blurred vision stole the corner of

Leah’s eyes.

Tears welled up in his gentle caressing hands.

“I’m happy. Because I can get sick instead of Lia.”

‘I’m glad. Because I can get sick instead of you.’

I stopped breathing.

Leah forgot that she had to stop the bleeding, and looked at
Dillion blankly.

The blood faded, and the pale face smiled at her.

“I’m sorry. It just rings every time.”


“I wanted to see only smiling faces, but it just makes me cry

‘I always wanted to see a smiling face, but strangely, I only
make you cry every time.’

At the repeated overlapping voices, Leah spit hard like a

strangled person.

“stop it.”

“Mr. Leah.”

“Please, don’t tell me.”


“Don’t say anything!”

I mean, don’t say you’re the first to go.

“내 앞에서 두 번이나 죽으면 넌 진짜 개새끼야.”

Even if I die, I won’t say I’m sorry.

I wouldn’t say that you’re going to die because of me.

“Don’t die. I’m not going to die. Yes?”

Leah constantly asked questions and insisted on answers,

but Dillian just laughed without answering.

“Answer me, please. yes?”

“I love you.”

Leah burst into tears at the confession that came through

her breath that was getting lighter.

“I love you.”

Dillian constantly spoke of love.

Even if it ends here, I still love you.

“Is it really necessary?”

My throat was sore from crying . Leah glared at Dillion with

“Leah. tell me.”

Leah bit her lip.

I didn’t want to talk even if I died.

‘Cause if I say this, it’ll be really over.

But, I can’t do it now.

felt that there is not much time left.

“me too….”

God is cruel

You’re taking away even a second chance.

“i love you.”

No matter how hard he tried, his fate could not be changed.

“Then, now, and always….”

Leah laughed.

I hoped my last appearance wasn’t a crying face.

Dillian smiled as he looked at that messed up face, not

knowing whether to laugh or cry.

as if that was it.

And soon after, my eyes closed.

[Really, it’s a touching love. Are you going to love me even to


Leah caressed Dillian’s face.

But the closed eyelids did not open any more.

[Is love that great? If you love love so much! Why don’t I love
you? I love you, but why are you!]

“… I’ve always wondered I gave you all my love and you don’t
know that.”
As if she had lost all her emotions, Leah, who had grown
white, held Dillion in her arms and whispered quietly.

“You were the first thing I named. coma.”

Coma stopped at the dry voice, without any emotions mixed


“I loved and cared for you more than anyone.”


“And I hate you as much as I love you, as much as I cherish


The eyes looking at the coma were empty, showing no


His heart swelled with anger, and strangely, as his heart

grew warmer, his head grew colder.

[Lea? Leah, why are you looking like that….]

“I’ve been thinking about it all the time. What is the most
painful, painful, and most devastating death for you?”

Leah, who looked at him with indifferent eyes, turned and

wiped Dillian’s cheek.

My heart was frozen on the cold skin.

“Then it suddenly dawned on me. I thought that being turned

away from me and dying alone and lonely would be the
scariest death for you.”

You’ve always wanted my attention.

[Lee, Lia.]

“I will never kill you.”

I won’t even see you die.

You won’t see any emotions.

I won’t give you any glances.

[ Lea!]

Leah, who had been completely ignoring the voice calling me

desperately, finally opened her mouth.


[no! No, Leah! me, look! Gotta see it! Look at me, not the
saint! I killed Lissandro, but why-!]

“Kill it.”

Divine power exploded from Aina’s hand.


Koma, who fell to the floor, muttered as she looked at Leah’s


[lee… ah….]

Despite the mournful voice, Leah did not look back in the
Pass -.

The broken powder flew in the wind.

The veil that weighed heavily on his shoulders was lifted.

The curse that had disturbed Dillian’s neck and chest

gradually faded.

“The curse has been lifted.”

“yes. It’s released.”

Leah nodded blankly at Nathan’s words.

Yes, the curse has been lifted.

There is no more going to be runaway, no suffering, and no

more being ignored as a monster.

Dillian was freed from the curse.

But Dillian….
“Uh, uh, black.”

The cries I had been holding back and holding back finally
broke out.

It broke in his heart that couldn’t beat anymore.

Leah panted as she looked at her red shirt.

“It happened again.”


“Dillian died because of me. I’m wrong. I should have

finished it before Dillion came, and I would have lived if I


“It’s all my fault.”

If only I had been a little bit faster, if I had pulled the coma a
little bit faster….
All assumptions are meaningless.

Now , what do you do if you regret it? Dillian has already left.

“How do I live? If I go like this, I….”

Leah buried her face in Dillian’s chest and wept.

Unstoppable tears fell on Dillian’s chest.

One drop, two drops….

Tears dripping down his chest.

And finally, I got there.


Leah closed her eyes at the sudden burst of light.


Nathan muttered in surprise at Dillian’s enveloping golden


never seen before, flapped their wings and hovered around


“no way….”

Leah traced Dillion’s vest in search of the source of the light.

He pulled the string hidden in his pocket and revealed


‘This is that pendant….’

It was the pendant that I received as a gift from a street

vendor I had visited with Dillion one day.

Then the child gave it to me and said something.

‘You’ll thank me later.’

Yes, he said he would be grateful.

Obviously , speaking in a way that will help….


At the sound of coughing from below, Lia hurriedly turned

her gaze away.

“Mr. Leah?”

“Mr. Dillian….”

Leah couldn’t believe it.

I’ll never look at myself again, because my eyes were looking

straight at me.

It was the spark of life that blazed in her ruby-red eyes.

“This is a dream…?”

“If it’s a dream, I hope you never wake up.”

The warm hand that wiped his tear-stained cheek.

“This cannot be a dream.”

As Dillian said. Could this be a dream

Leah hugged Dillian by the neck and pressed their foreheads



It was a bitterly sweet and vivid reality.

Chapter 13. Way To You
Episode 134.


The coma that had terrorized the Empire disappeared, and

the curse that had haunted Dillion for a long time was also

And in my arms….

thump, thump.

I could feel the beating of my heart beating through my


I hugged Dillian tightly and called out his name.

“Mr. Dillian.”

“Yes, Leah.”


“yes. I am here.”

I kept calling Dillian’s name.

I can’t believe this miracle, so I’m afraid it will disappear like

a mirage.

I was afraid that Dillian would leave somewhere.

Did you read my feelings like that?

Dillian hugged my waist tightly and lifted my upper body.

Then he patted my back slowly.

It was as if the cry, which had barely subsided at the warm

and friendly touch, was about to burst again.
I squeezed my shivering neck and buried my face in Dillian’s

“… Where are you not going now?”

“Where are you going? I haven’t had dinner with Leah yet.”

A large hand caressed my head.

“And, Leah-san likes me so much, so how can I leave her? I

can’t go anywhere because I’m worried that I might be crying
without me.”

Wait, is it strange to hear that?

I lifted my head and opened my eyes to Dillian.

“Now, are you making fun of me as a crybaby?”

“I’m not kidding, it’s true. Look, do you think I’m crying

“Aren’t you crying?”

He said it bluntly, but it was actually a little stingy.

Dillian, realizing that, burst out laughing. The sound of

languid laughter tickled his ears.

“Mr. Leah.”


The lips that suddenly approached stole my bruised lips.

The feeling of the lips being pressed, pressed and falling

was clear.

“Are you safe now?”


You did it to reassure me?


“Dillian, aren’t you selfish?”

Even if he died and came back to life, Dillian was still Dillian.

Even a moment like this will be smirk.

Dillian pressed his thumb firmly against his mouth, which

opened in embarrassment.

“Mr. Leah. My eyesight is too fast.”

No, it’s so blatant that even an ignorant person would notice.

“Actually, comforting Lia was an excuse and I thought I was

going to die.”


“Now I can feel it.”

It was a calm voice, but it was communicated clearly to me.

Dillion’s feelings at the time.

How surprised he was and how scared he was.

“It’s nice to see Ms. Leah again.”

It wasn’t the fear of death, it was the feeling I felt that I

would never see me again.

again , so I hugged Dillian’s head in my arms.

“… I’m glad I’m alive.”

It was a time when we were embracing each other and

immersed in our own world.


A cough was heard.

At that moment, I woke up.

“I know it’s a good time, but take a look around.”

Nathan coughed and pointed back.

Barely turning my creaking neck, I opened my mouth to see

the crowd gathered like a swarm of bees.
‘Why, why are you all looking at me, why is your face like

Each of them wet their eyes and shut their mouths.

our eyes met, I often saw people hiding their faces in a hurry.

There were only two different faces between the same faces
like Decalcomanie.

“I’ll be patient, it’s a good thing. be patient….”

Schumann, who covered his eyes and muttered a spell,

“It’s beautiful.”

It was Cassis who gave praise with a serious face.

‘No, it’s ruined….’

What would you do in front of everyone? …!

Shame came like a wave and hit me.

I hurriedly pushed Dillian away and struggled with a red face.

“Hey, everyone, are you all right? Are there any injuries?”

“We are fine, but the peacock pushed by Miss Lia looks

Dillian? Why is Dillian….

I turned my head in surprise.

“Mr. Dillian?”


Dillian, who grabbed his side, let out a moan.

Blood seeped through the white shirt.

‘No, if you bring the dead back to life, of course, they will
heal the wounds. I was just killing the real thing!’

Inwardly resenting, I reached out to Dillion.

“Dillian, are you okay? I am right now….”

But my hand couldn’t reach Dillion.

“You, you!”

It was because Harris, who ran like the wind, hugged Dillion.

The hand that reached out to Dillion lost nowhere to go and

hovered in the air.

“The curse is finally lifted!”

Harris, who later realized that Dillian’s curse had been lifted,
rejoiced as if it had been his own.

“… Let this go.”

“Oh, I said I was sick. Let’s see. How are you?”

Harris, who found the wound at once, healed it using divine

When it touched the divine power, the body that had caused
a rejection reaction meekly accepted the divine power.

It was proof that the curse had been completely lifted.

“It’s real.”

As he looked at the side of Dillian, who had been completely

healed, joy appeared on Harris’s face, who was muttering in
surprise .

“Dillian! The curse has been lifted!”

In fact, Dillian looked very absurd, though.

If I open my eyes and cut my nose, wouldn’t it be less

embarrassing than that?

“Who’s going to treat you like you want?”

Dillian growled wildly.

“Looking at her natural hair, she looks fine.”

“Turn it off.”

Dillian gave Harris a terrifying warning, but the joyous Harris

just smiled.

Taking a step back from them, I looked at them and smiled


‘Even if they quarrel, they’re good friends.’

, who ran straight to Dillion, was very grateful.

That’s how much I valued Dillian.

And thanks to that, I felt like I was confirmed that the curse
of Dillian had been completely lifted, so I was so happy.

“Mr. Harris. Please check if there are any other wounds on

your body, Mr. Dillian.”

“Mr. Leah….”

“Trust me.”
Dillian desperately called me, but I entrusted him to Harris.

Away from the center of the commotion, I approached the


The place they were in was so quiet and serene that it

seemed like another world.

“Aina. Dante is….”

“The child is fine.”

Aina showed me the Dante she was holding in her arms.

I knelt in front of Aina and reached out to Dante.

It’s not big, but with every breath, my chest rises and falls.
The breath gently spread from the tip of his nose.

My heart was pounding in my hands.


Then, a breath of relief burst out.

“Dante, thank you for sticking with me.”


As he brushed the hair that was clinging to his forehead,

Dante whined and tossed and turned.

A smile appeared on his lips as he looked like any other


I asked carefully, stroking Dante’s head.

“What about blackbirds?”

Aina shook her head.

“Yeah, that’s right.”

In the end it went that way. Sacrifice yourself….

I lowered the hand that had been stroking Dante’s head and
wrapped it around his soft cheek.

And whispered with sincerity.

To the existence that may or may not be there.

“thank you. For protecting Dante.”

It was all thanks to you that I was able to come this far.

Thank you for protecting Dante from coma and giving him a
chance to end him.

Please, let this feeling be passed on to him.

“Ha ha ha-”

Behind him, he heard an unknown laughter.

When I turned my head, I saw people smiling with the ruined

surroundings in the background.

Everyone was in a mess with injuries, but the smile that

spread across his lips seemed happy.

As I watched it, I smiled quietly.

Peace had finally come.


The building that was devastated by the battle with Koma is

nothing but ruins.

But in that hell, there was only one place that was
completely intact.

“I think.”

When Schumann opened the large iron door, unconscious

people were scattered on the floor in a mess.

They were the people who were going to participate in

today’s auction, and they were the protagonists of the
illusion Schumann created.

“Uh, uh!”
Among them, there was the only man who was awake, and
he was the moderator and director of the auction.

Schumann, who had dragged the man along, held him to

Cassis and smiled.

“My Majesty the Crown Prince, this is a gift.”

Even though Manus, Cassis’s longtime enemy, died, his

power was still strong.

So it meant using interest to get rid of them completely.

If it turns out that the person who ran the massive black
market is the third prince of the empire, it will be completely

Of course, it wasn’t just giving.

“Give us the right to mine the hemp ore.”

If something goes, something must come.

“The master will do whatever he wants.”

Cassis readily agreed.

Because this was a gift well worth it.

And the aristocrats who broke the order of the empire were
also going to be held accountable.

The sound of urgent footsteps approached along with a

murmur from outside the door.

“What is this?”

terrorist incident had occurred, looked around the ruins and

murmured in dismay.

“What the hell happened….”

“You just came.”

“Who, Hua, His Majesty the Crown Prince?!”

Cassis waved her hand toward the commander of the guard,

who was full of enthusiasm, and pointed behind me.
“Goodbye. Rather, arrest all who are stunned in there.”

“yes! I will take your name!”

Leah and Dillian went outside to avoid the noise of people

tidying up.

Sera, who was holding Nathan in her arms, and Kira, who
was still vigilant, followed them.

“Lady! majesty!”



The people I met as soon as I came out were the Knights of

Shaten, who ran calling by the names of Lia and Dillian.

“What a relief. Everyone is safe.”

Leah smiled broadly and waved at them.

Then a relief appeared on the knight’s face.

“Everyone will pass out when they find out that Mr. Dillian’s
curse has been lifted.”

“If you faint, I will throw you away.”

Leah, who was smiling at that indifferent answer, looked up

at the gaze that touched her cheek.

eyes met

long time, Dillian’s gaze didn’t seem to fall from Leah.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I like it.”

Softly curved lips slowly approached Leah.

“No. No outside.”

Leah, who blocked her approaching face with her palm,

mumbled with a red face.

“If you want to do it, do it at home.”

“Is the house okay?

“Absolutely. It’s our home.”

“my house….”

Dillian, who had been muttering like a crazy person, covered

his mouth.

our house.

A house to live with Leah.

A house where you and Leah will live together for the rest of
their lives.

The existence of a house that had been meaningless until

now touched my heart for the first time.

“Why is your face like that? Are you sick?”

“… no. I want to go quickly.”

“Where? Are you home?”

“yes. It is our home.”

The sound coming out of our house was really warm and

So my heart trembled.

Dillian smiled, trying to hide his trembling heart.

“Let’s go back. to our house.”

“You want to go like that? Then I will go quickly.”

The two held hands. And walked along.

Towards a warm and cozy home.

Episode 135.


Late at night, we arrived at the Duke’s Castle.

I didn’t want to make a fuss, so I came in quietly, but I could

see people gathered in front of the front door as I heard the

Among them, Giselle stood out by far.

His white face showed how much he had suffered.

“Miss Leah!”
me and ran to me.

“Dante, how is Dante?”

The gaze that took my hand and looked around was very

“My son…. You came together, right?”

As if hanging, her hand trembled finely as she grabbed my

hand. Dante-like eyes waited for my answer with

“Look over there.”

As I turned around and pointed to a place, Giselle’s gaze

followed me.

And at that moment, tears welled up in Giselle’s eyes, which

were rustling like dry leaves.


Dante, who came down from Sarah’s arms, ran to Giselle and
hugged her.

“Mom, I miss you.”

“I missed my mom and my mom too.”

Giselle, who was holding her small body in her arms, traced
Dante’s body with trembling hands.

He was happy that Dante had returned safely, but he was

afraid that it might be a dream that would disappear like a

“Dante, are you hurt? Where are you sick?”

“no. I am no longer sick.”

Her face, which was reddish in pink, looked healthy at first


Still, he opened his mouth to Giselle, who could not hide her
“The darkness is gone. So don’t worry.”

“Okay, the monster is dead. Leah saved me.”

Dante, who was smiling happily, stroked Giselle’s eyes with

a worried face.

“But mom. It looks sick.”

“no. It doesn’t hurt at all.”



Dante, relieved at that, smiled broadly.

‘It’s okay, your breathing sounds weird.’

It was the sound of a sick man’s breathing that was sparsely


‘I heard that Coma, who stole Dante’s body, attacked

Nathan healed me at the best, but it seems to have gotten
worse as I struggled.

Still, seeing a happy face made me feel relieved.

At that moment, looking at the two of them happily, a huge

shadow fell over their heads.


Terje, who approached, stared intently at Dillian.

Red eyes glared at Dillian’s neck.

His face was so terrifying that anyone would think he was


But I had to see it.

Eyes that are about to burst into tears.

It looked so good that he was enduring with all his might.

Her lips slowly opened and trembled.

“… The curse has been lifted.”

“Yes, as you can see.”

Unlike Therze, who was overwhelmed, Dillian was calm.

those calm words, Terje looked back at me with strength in

his eyes.

“Leah. Did you release it?”

“no. It’s all done together.”

As I was explaining how the curse had been lifted, Terje

embraced me without warning.


“100 million!”

How do you feel when you are in a car accident? My bones

throbbed against my rock-hard body.
“You are the treasure of our family. Thank you very much.
thank you.”

At that moment, as I struggled with the tightly tightened

arms, my shoulders were damp.

“… Now I can comfortably close my eyes.”

he exhaled trembled slightly.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

I raised my hand and patted Terje on the back.

“You close your eyes. You have to buy it for a long time.”

“… Yeah, you can’t go already. I have to watch you guys get

married and see the rabbit-like grandchildren…!”

That was then.

Dillian’s hand suddenly intervened and split between Therze

and me.
“It’s a staple. And just fall off. Can’t you see that Lia is

“Hey, you rude bastard. I thought he had that personality

because of the curse, but he ate it in the first place.”

“You know that? Rumors spread that my grandfather and I

are the same.”

In other words, if Dillian sweared at him, he would spit in

Terje’s own face.

“This guy. There’s nothing I can’t say to Grandpa.”

Thing. Therese clicked his tongue and wiped his eyes, but
the clown twitched as he couldn’t hide it.

“Come here too.”

Therese opened her arms toward Dillion. Dillian then

stepped back in disgust.

“For so long.”

“Go to Dante.”

When my name was heard, Dante, who had been in Giselle’s

arms for a long time, raised his head.



Terje, who had spread her arms toward Dillion, quickly

turned to Dante.

“Yes, my dog.”

I barely escaped from Terje’s muscles and looked at Giselle

who was approaching me.

She had a face with something to say.

“… Miss Leah. Does Dante remember that?”

“no. I can’t remember anything.”

Dante had no memory of being taken away by Koma.

I just thought he was kidnapped by a bad monster, and that

Dillian and I saved him like a hero.

Aren’t you really happy?

the horrors, Dante wouldn’t be able to laugh like he does


“So you can rest assured.”

“thank you. thank you so much. I will repay this favor until
the day I die.”

“I didn’t mean to get a case. I’ll just say hello.”


“Why don’t you value your body more than that?”

I know the Sinai people are reckless, but it’s dangerous to

run rampant even with a hole in their stomach.
I reached out and wrapped my hand around Giselle’s cheek.

“Is it easy to breathe now?”

Giselle looked at me with a bewildered look, perhaps

surprised by the warmth felt on her cheek.

“Take care of your health. If she knew she was sick, Dante
would be worried.”

“Yes, yes. For sure, I will.”

When Giselle nodded her head with a determined look.

Dillian grabbed my shoulder. In the blink of an eye, I was

held in Dillion’s arms and I blinked my eyes.

“Mr. Dillian?”

“Earl Justin’s eyes are not serious.”

I was nervous at Dillian’s vigilant voice, and I stood next to
him and squinted to the side.

‘yes? Are you okay?’

Those eyes were full of love for me.

If I had to pick out a strange thing, was it that the spirit was
too much?

“Eyes similar to those of Count Greta.”

Bianca and …?

I glanced at Bianca, who smiled at Dante by Terje’s side.

‘Is Bianca okay?’

As he tilted his head, Dillian sighed, wondering what to do

with such a naive person.

“What if I try to marry Dante to Ms. Leah?”

What did I hear? married? Dante to me?

“… Are you crazy? Are you kidding me?”

“I’m serious.”

“Crazy, crazy!”

Disliked by Dillian’s nonsense, I slapped his arm.

Then Terje opened his eyes.

“Okay, good job! Baby, hit me harder more!”

Rather than drying it, the sound of cheering for me

resounded high.


After a noisy welcome, I returned to my room and sat down

on the sofa.
“Oh my gosh, Saksin.”

A groan of pain came out of his mouth.

I had to go wash my messed up body, but I didn’t have the

strength left to do so.

Nathan was tired, too, so he spread out next to me and rolled

over on the sofa.

“It’s also comfortable at home.”

“Stand out.”

Nathan, who smiled with his eyes wide open, was quickly
caught by Dillian and flew to the other side of the sofa.

“Uh, huh?”

Nathan, who had blinked his eyes in the place that had
changed in an instant, was belatedly finished grasping the
situation and was furious.

“Dillian! yes man!”

As usual, Ignoring Nathan, Dillian placed my half-lounged
head on my lap on the couch.

I asked, lying on that knee, familiarly.

“Is everyone going well?”

“I went with Matthew, so there is nothing to worry about.”

Unlike us, who returned to the Duke’s Castle immediately,

Cassis, Aina, and the Holy Knights returned to the capital
with Schumann.

I was worried that I would be able to go safely with that

many people, but

‘Huh, you think I can’t even do that? I can hear the sound of
the mage’s self-esteem cracking.’
Schumann, grumbling to see him later, took everyone with
him and disappeared.

“We go up as soon as we are organized.”

Arest, who had not regained consciousness until he left, was


‘I went to Daeshinjeon, so I saved an hour, but still….’

I thought it would be reassuring to see it with my own eyes.

As I tossed and turned in an uncomfortable position,

something pressed my side.


pocket and stirred it, a thin cord caught between my fingers

and pulled up.

“That’s right, Pendant!”

I jumped up to see the pendant hanging from my hand.

“Dillian, did you always carry this pendant with you?”

“Is it possible? I usually put it in a corner.”

“what?! Do you keep this precious thing in a corner?”

Nathan jumped.

“It’s not enough to keep it in a jewelry box!”

He seemed to know the identity of this pendant.

“Nathan, do you know what this is?”

“I can’t know. It is something he has made.”

Also , I knew it would. I nodded my head with a sullen face.

“Have you ever met him?”

“The day I went to buy a gift from Mr. Dillion, I got it from the
owner of the street vendor. did i ever say I met a child with
good eyes.”
I remembered the child who proudly ripped me off.

From every word he uttered to his eyes, it was unusual.

He was the only god of the empire and the master of the
world, Obelus.

“My father gave me this and said so. Dillian will definitely
need it.”

And, as he said, it helped Dillion at the decisive moment.

“How far did he look?”

Did you expect all this? Dillian is in danger of dying?

‘The reason I told you this knowingly, did you mean to forgive

Or did he believe that I could pass the test and save Dillian’s

Either way owes Obelus. It was a debt that could not be fully
repaid, even after repaying it for the rest of my life
“The child I met at that time was God.”

“Yeah, I didn’t know it at the time….”

“So it was.”

Dillian had already guessed to some extent, so his face

wasn’t too surprised.

“Did you even notice, Mr. Dillion?”

“Actually, I met the boy again.”



Nathan looked at Dillian in surprise as it was the first he had

heard of it.

“You came to me this morning.”

It also voluntarily crossed the window and trespassed.

Episode 136.

“Is this trespassing?”

“It was very convincing.”

Dillian, who added that anyone would think it was my house,

started talking.


It was early this morning, when I was preparing to go rescue

It was a coincidence that the holy sword caught Dillian’s
eyes as he was changing clothes and gathering his weapon.

‘It will help to catch the darkness.’

With that thought in mind, while wearing the sword around

my waist, a cool breeze touched my skin.

Hui Ying-

The curtains fluttered in the wind, and the hair swayed.

I don’t remember opening the window.

‘Is it an intrusion?’

It’s not midnight, it’s the dawn. Dillian licked his lips.

“The liver is too big.”

Dillian, who had a lot of blades, swung his sword without

even checking his opponent.

However, his black target ripped through the air.

“There are a lot of days.”

Dillian, who quickly turned around at the sound behind his

back, was unexpectedly bewildered.

Because the opponent was a child about the same age as


“Lea is not around, so it’s very unstable.”

The youthful face looking at him was familiar.

‘Where did you see it?’

Dillian was wary of the child and searched his memories at

the same time. And immediately remembered.

That’s the kid I met at that stall.

The face is the same as the child, but the atmosphere was
different. The slurred tone of speech has also changed.

‘A tone similar to Nathan.’

Although he had the face of a child, he looked like a wise
man who had mastered the world.

Even when he saw the sword pointed at me, he didn’t get

scared, he came up to me and opened the drawer.

“Take this with you.”


It was then that Dillian remembered the existence of the


On the day I left for the Duke’s Castle, I impulsively brought

the pendant, but after that, I kept putting it in a drawer and
forgot about it.

‘How did I find what I had forgotten?’

Dillian’s eyes shone sharply. The tip of the sharp sword

touched the child’s neck.

The child did not blink even a single eye, despite the harsh
blue eyes and the coolness of the neck.
just staring at Dillion with his dazed eyes.

That detached attitude touched Dillian’s curiosity.

“What are you?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

The child held out his hand, ignoring the sword that was
pressing on his neck.

“The important thing is that you have to take this with you.”

“Why should I do that?”

“He’s a kid who doesn’t really listen.”

The child, who was much smaller than Dillian, sighed.

Just like an adult who scolds him.

“I think you will end up making the same choice. And Leah
will shed tears at that choice.”
The moment Leah’s name came out of the child’s mouth, the
tip of the sword shook.

Dillian, who had not lowered his vigilance all the time,
showed his disorganized appearance for the first time.

“One, it’s fine. I will not give you such trials as they were

The child who pushed the sword came and placed the
pendant on Dillian’s hand.

“Do whatever you want.”

At that moment, Sera’s voice was heard along with a knock

on the door.

“Your Majesty, we are ready.”

At the same time, the child muttered a little.

“After all, fate is irresistible.”

With those words, the child disappeared like smoke. Without
a trace, as if in a dream.

However , the pendant occupied the left hand reminded me

of reality.


“… let’s go.”

After deliberation, Dillian put the pendant in his coat pocket.


“He knew what choice I was going to make.”

Leah stared at Dillian’s face after finishing the story.

“Mr. Dillian, would you make the same choice even if you
turn back time?”
“Yes, I will.”

Leah sighed deeply in response to the answer that came out

right away without thinking, and covered her head .

“Your father saw it right. If it wasn’t for the pendant, this life
would have been a mess.”

For a moment, Leah, furious, glared at Dillian.

“You know what was really bad? Dillian died right before my
eyes, then and now. twice.”

Do you know what it feels like to leave the one you love
twice in your arms?

‘It’s crazy to be alive, if that was the end….’

I didn’t want to even imagine.

As she recalled the incident again, Lia asked, hiding the

tears in her eyes that were about to turn red.

“That’s what you said to me back then.”

“Fortunately, the. Because I can get sick instead of Lia.”

“I’m sorry. It just rings every time.”

“I wanted to see only smiling faces, but it just makes me cry


“Did you remember something?”

It was more difficult and sadder for the words he said in his
previous life when he left me.

“Do you remember your previous life?”

But contrary to expectations, Dillian shook his head.

“I was just saying what I wanted to say.”

I wondered if I was lying like I did back then, but Dillian

didn’t really know anything.
‘I thought you were back, but then, it was deeply engraved
into your soul.’

Thinking about it like that, I felt like I was going to cry again.

Then and now, I’m still the only one who thinks about it.

“I have to tell you when I remember, okay?”

Leah and Dillian put their fingers together and promised.

“If you cheat again, then the marriage is really broken. I


“As soon as I remember, let me run like the wind.”

“It’s a very good attitude.”

Lia, who praised Dillian for a while, got up from her seat and

“Then, Mr. Dillion, go back to your room now. I’m going to

wash up.”
“It is difficult.”

bathroom, turned around. Then, startled by the chest I saw in

front of my nose, I stepped backwards.

“I get anxious when Lia disappears from sight.”

“… I can’t help it though. We can’t even wash together.”

I understand the anxiety, but it was impossible to stay with

them all day.

He tried to send Dillion back for very realistic reasons, but

the words caught her.

“That’s a good way.”

Dillian, who rubbed his chin and nodded, looked at Leah and
rolled his eyes.

“Shall we wash together?”

“I thought I was going to kick him out, but I was relieved.”

“… I was wrong.”

“It’s wrong. We can wash together and sleep together.”


Dillian twitched the corners of his lips as he looked at Leah’s

reddening face.

I should stop at this point, but seeing Leah’s reaction made

me want to tease him even more.

I felt the urge to poke the bright red ripe cheeks.

“Are you still shy after seeing everything?”

“Oh, no. please shut up….”

“Then, you can watch it until you get used to it.”

What is he saying now! Leah, who ran like a bee, slapped
Dillian in the mouth.

“Mouth, mouth! Is this mouth speaking shameful words?”

Leah screamed and smacked her lips, but it didn’t hurt too

Dillian pushed Leah’s body back, not hiding the smile that
leaked from his lips.

“Smile…? huh? No. Because I can’t!”

Really? Not kidding, really?

When the terrified Leah turned white, the savior appeared.

“Hey, you unscrupulous bastard! I have my eyes open blue!

It’s like a scarecrow!”

Nathan, in anger, pecked Dillian on the head and burst out in


Even with that dreadful attack, Dillion laughed.

As if not to let Leah go, holding her tight.

‘It would be nice if the memory came back.’

Leah was hoping that my memories would come back.

However, it was Dillian and he who yearned more than her.


the next morning. We got ready to leave just before

breakfast was over.

Terje was already regretting that he had left, but he could

not delay it any longer.

“I’ll see you as soon as things are sorted out.”

“Take care of yourself, and if Dillion is harassing you, be sure

to tell him! Dillian, you are good to Leah!”
pouring nagging of Therese, Dante raised his head and
waved his hand.

“Lea, you must come to play next time.”

“Yes, see you next time. young master.”

After brief greetings with the family, including Terje and

Dante, we headed straight to the Great Hall.

“Your Majesty, Lia-nim, Nathan-sama, you are here.”

Perhaps they were expecting us to come, Aaron greeted us

as we entered the temple.

“It’s been a while. Aaron.”

“I have heard the news. It extinguished the darkness. You

worked really hard.”

Aaron, who wrapped his hand around and thanked him,

smiled a kind smile, but he seemed more subdued than

My heart was rushed by the subtle difference, and I

immediately inquired about Arest’s whereabouts.

“I will guide you. come here.”

The deeper I went into the temple under Aaron’s guidance,

the more I felt the energy of the gods.

all five.

But the energy I felt at the end was faint and seemed to go
out at any moment.

“Are you all gathered?”

“Yeah, everyone came here last night to hear that the

darkness was gone.”

When Aaron opened the door, he saw the gods and Aina
surrounding the podium.

“Lea, are you here?”

Aina greeted me, but the atmosphere was calmer than usual,
where she smiled broadly.

The faces of the gods who looked back at me were the


Anxiety weighed on his shoulders at the unusual


“Why are you all like that? Where is Arest?”

As I approached them with an effort to calm my anxiety, the

divine beasts turned their way with a gloomy face.

“… Ares.”

I swallowed my breath as I looked at Arest, which was

stretched helplessly on the podium.

“You still can’t find consciousness, what happened?”

Even if I couldn’t get up right away, I thought I would be able

to find consciousness.
Because this is a great battlefield.

It ‘s more sacred than any other place.

However, Arest’s condition did not improve at all.

“… Can’t it be done in the battlefield instead?”


Samiel nodded and closed his eyes.

“Your soul has been eroded by exposure to the curse for too

Mika tried to answer in a calm voice, but she couldn’t hide

her tragic feelings.

“Then, you can heal with your own strength.”

Unlike me, who is a human, they are divine beasts, so if we

gather our strength, will we not be able to save Arest?

“Isn’t that too?”

I asked earnestly with the feeling of catching straw, but
everyone turned away from me.

“Tell me something.”


At the sound of my urging, Hanisha burst into tears.

“late…. I will soon become a light and return….”

Episode 137.

it’s light

Understanding the meaning of those words, I shook my head

with a pale face.


To the divine beast, returning to the light meant death.

“Where is that, Shinsoo? Shinsu can’t die so easily!”

I vehemently denied it, but I know.

That even a god who seems to have eternal life will die.

‘But you don’t die like this. So vainly, painfully….’

The hand holding the podium trembled.

“Mr. Leah.”

Dillian approached and wrapped my trembling hand. He bit

his lips in the warmth.

“Now that we’ve met, we can’t break up like this.”

“I think it’s the same with Arest. You have opened your

“What, open your eyes?”

“Arrest! Are you awake!”

At Dillian’s words, the gods flocked to the podium, trembling

with fuss.

Arest, who struggled to raise her eyelids, looked at us with

her eyes out of focus.

Arest, who opened his eyes sullenly, pursed his lips.

“yes? what?”

When I brought my ear closer, I heard a faint voice.

“… noisy. shut up….”

In a word, it was a call.


It’s been a while since we met, are you saying shut up?

I opened my mouth in embarrassment, and then burst into


“It’s not time to die yet, seeing that my hair is the same.”

“That’s it. I was just worried.”

Nathan and Samiel shook their heads.

“Arrest! I really thought you were going to die!”

“Hanisha. Don’t run away.”

When Hanisha rushed to Arrest with the force to head-butt

her, Mika stopped her in front.

Arest frowned as the surroundings became noisy like a

market barrel in an instant.

“… Dead, who dies? I’m going to sleep, everyone, get out.”

The next target of Arest, who was blaming the gods who
were like family, was me.

“Why do you have such an ugly face? Who are you doing
portraits? Don’t die…, you too.”

“Is it time to die? I have a problem with my eyesight.”

Was it offensive to say that I was ugly?

Dillion slowly started to start the engine.

“Or is the aesthetic sense different from others? I can’t
believe it when you see someone as beautiful as Lia and say
you’re ugly.”

“No one knows the subject… Lissandro?”

The limp body trembled.

“Is Lissandro alive?”

“It’s not Lissandro, it’s Dillion Sinise.”

“… Even if he is reborn, his frivolity remains the same.”

Arest, who murmured that he was tired, sagged again

helplessly. The voice that had been alive for a moment

Aaron, who intervened with good timing, clapped his hands.

“I understand the joy, but it is not good to make a fuss in

front of patients. You better go out and calm down first.”

“You too, get out.”

“I have to take care of Arest.”

“… He’s like a guinea pig.”

No matter how angry and angry Arest was, Aaron took it


‘Is that your age?’

The workmanship was not normal.

“Then, I’ll see you later.”

We tumbled out of the room at the obvious congratulations.

Bang, the closed door was savage.

Dillion wrapped around his droopy shoulders, stroking me.

“I’m glad Arest is okay.”

“Yeah, I’m glad I found consciousness.”

was n’t okay, but it was a good sign that he had his eyes
open and he was still being temperamental.

Then, suddenly, I remembered that Aina had not spit a word

until now.

“Aina, are you okay? Are you very surprised?”

“Ah, huh. I remember being scolded for talking to Arest-sama

when he was in a bad mood…. I don’t want to be scolded
from the first meeting.”

Aina smiled awkwardly and shrugged.

‘How the hell did you scold me? …?’

It’s enough for Aina to stare. It was clear that he was very

“I’m so glad you’ve regained consciousness though.”

“I know.”
We couldn’t leave in front of Arest’s room and wandered

“ It’s a good sign that you’ve found consciousness.”

“right. There is no way that the eccentric Arest can return to

God’s side already.”

“Let’s find a way to cure it somehow.”

When Samiel threw his luck, Hanisha and Mika nodded their
heads in exchange.

“The best way is to go back to the temple of Arest….”

At Nathan’s words, the gods shook their heads at the same


Because that was impossible.

The source of the divine beasts’ power comes from their own
The piety of the people and the pure and clear mind of the
priests combine to make the temple stronger.

But the temple of Arest was the place where all the above
was broken.

Priests who practice corruption and piety that hit the floor.

always be clean and sacred, has long been abandoned.

And Arest turned his back on people like that.

‘It was a perfect situation for Koma to aim for.’

The more decayed the temple, the easier it would have been
to set foot there.

Since the temple was not functioning properly, Arest would

not have been able to stop the coming darkness.

A place that has already missed Arest.

It was close to impossible to cure Arest in a place that had

rotted so much.
‘That’s why I believed in the Great War.’

In the end, the Great War also failed.

“I’d rather ask my father….”

“okay! There is a way!”

my murmur.

“Is there a way?”

“Leah, you know. The end of the world, where the oak tree

“no way….”


It was the place where the coma was sealed a thousand

years ago.

And it was a familiar place to me and Dillian.

Because that was Tippi’s Forest.


Tippi’s Forest.

Wilhelm is the end of the Roheim Empire’s borders today,

but Wilhelm was the end of the world at that time.

Beyond that was a barren wasteland, so no one had ever

cared for it.

It is said that rivers and mountains change in ten years.

So what if a thousand years have passed? What is a strong

mountain, it was not strange even if the world changed.

And it was only natural that Tippi, who had been embracing
darkness for a thousand years, fell ill.
“I will come to you as soon as you contact me.”

Kanae, who could not rest for several days, and only used
movement magic, had a pale face.

“thanks. Mr. Kanae. And I’m sorry.”

Afraid of falling over that way, I relieved her fatigue and set
out on the road.

Returning to Wilhelm after a long time, we walked towards

Tippi’s Forest.

The group was modest.

Me and Dillian, Nathan and Arest.

The four of us decided to quietly heal Arest and return.

The reason was that the darkness had dissipated, and the
curse of the forest had been lifted, so there was no need for
a large number of people to move.
“Is the golem-like monster you saw at that time sealing the


I was in a hurry and couldn’t explain the past and Tippi’s

Forest properly, so I briefly explained the situation to Dillian.

“Then, when the seal of darkness was lifted, I was

completely cursed, but my strength had been weakening
ever since. It is said that the story of forests and mountains
died a hundred years ago.”

Tippi, who could not overcome the curse of the coma, began
to weaken and began to deteriorate rapidly from 100 years

And at the moment when Tippi lost all his powers, Lexter
and Manus appeared at just the right time to unlock Coma’s

“It must have been very difficult on my own.”

I frowned as I recalled the black thorns embedded in Tippi’s

I felt uncomfortable because I felt like I had handed over
such a heavy burden to him.

It was a choice for the world, but I realized that the result
was poison for Tippi.

“Are you going to meet me again this time?”

I must have been disappointed in myself for not recognizing


one else knew, but I had to find Tippi.

“Obviously don’t come.”

Nathan, who had lost my arms to Arest, nodded while

hanging on Dillian’s shoulder.

We finally arrived at the entrance to the forest and looked

around with a strange feeling.

“Now it looks like a real forest.”

“Yes, you look healthy.”

“All the trees up to the top of the mountain are green.”

I crossed the forest and smiled broadly at the blue energy

that covered the whole mountain.

The snow had melted and the forest where spring had
arrived was completely different from winter, when it was
rotting and dying.

No one will ever say that this forest and that mountain are

Who cursed such a beautiful forest ?

“Lia, look over there.”

When I turned my eyes to Dillian’s call, a familiar house

caught my eye.

“It’s our house.”

“And it’s still smashed.”

Unlike Dillian, who naturally called my house and smiled
happily, I looked at the collapsed house with a faint face.

It was because the years of living in that house and meeting

with Dillian had passed by at once.

“The first meeting wasn’t very pleasant, but it was still fun,
wasn’t it?”

It was a series of incidents and accidents, with no quiet

days, but in hindsight, they were all memories.

I miss those days when I used to laugh without knowing


“I think it would be nice to live in that house again. It will be

as fun as it was back then, right?”

It was a word that was spit out without much thought, but it
must have resonated differently to Dillian.

All of a sudden he started making noises.

“Are you going to buy this land? And I’ll build you a pretty
house that Lia likes.”

“You said you wanted to live. That house is old and narrow,
so it would be nice to build a very large mansion and live

“And do you all live together? Do you often have guests?”

If only three of us live in a big house, I think it would be a

good match….

At that moment, Dillian’s face sank in an instant.

“It is a lie. Even if the house is large, it is difficult to just

clean it. Also, the newlywed house is just the right size for
just the two of us. Just like the house I lived in before.”

“Be honest. Do you just want to be alone with me?”

“You know, why are you asking?”

We exited the forest and climbed the mountain with a

muffled sound.
“Lia, be careful of your feet.”

“I can go this far.”

It wasn’t difficult to climb because a lot of people passed by,

thanks to the road.

how far did you walk,


The warm wind tickled my ears.

‘Are you here to keep your promise?’

A loud, playful voice called out to me and laughed.

Episode 138.

“Long time no see.”

As I smiled at his greeting, the wind that blew gently

caressed my cheek.

- Leah, I missed you.

“me too.”

After talking with Tiffy, Dillian’s face darkened.

“Mr. Leah….”

Dillian grabbed my shoulder, as if he seemed to have lost his

mind when he was muttering to himself in the air.
“If you see anything in vain….”

“Don’t look at me like a crazy person. It means Tippi will

come out to meet you and say hello.”

“Can you see it?”

“It’s not as obvious as it is because it’s not in shape, but I

can feel it’s here.”

- Has the curse been lifted?

Tippi, who had been hovering around Dillian, wrapped

around his neck, wondering if he had a clean neck.

Dillian frowned at the strange sensation he had felt for the

first time and shook his shoulders.

“Is this also a tipi?”

“Yeah, it wrapped around Mr. Dillian’s neck, and then he

bounced off.”

air, Dillian muttered as he wiped the back of his neck.

“I thought it was a bug.”

At that, Tippi, who had been gloomy, abruptly stood up.



As soon as he finished speaking, Tippi’s presence


He shrugged his shoulders towards Dillion, who looked at

him as if he was wondering what was going on.

“Wait a minute, then it’s gone.”

“Let’s just go.”

Normally we would have waited, but when time was running

out, we climbed the mountain.

We will meet again when we arrive. As soon as I thought

about it, a voice suddenly came from the side.
“I was surprised that it disappeared because I waited.”

A snow-white lizard wags its tail and approaches us.

“I thought you couldn’t see me, so I borrowed my body.”

Tippy jumped off the rock and crashed into Dillian’s leg.

Just like you’re making a fuss.

“Can you hear my voice now? Can you see me?”


“You treat spirits as worms. You are the worst.”

Heung-heung, Tippi, who was snoring, climbed up on my

body and settled on my shoulder.

Seeing that, Dillian rubbed his chin.

“By the way, it is a lizard. Isn’t that dangerous?”

Tippi, frightened by the gloomy voice, shrugged her

“You are a lizard. Nathan is an owl.”

Dillian grinned, pointing to Tippy and Nathan alternately.

“Predator and prey, you look like a perfect fit for Nathan to

“this guy! what do you see me I don’t eat lizards! They only
eat meat! My clothes are very classy!”

“I’m not a lizard, I’m a spirit!”

The two of them were furious for other reasons and ate at

Then, when their eyes met, they smiled shyly and greeted
each other.


“It’s the first time I’m sane to say hello.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry before.”

Tippi bowed her head as if she was completely offended by

the curse and attacking us.

“It’s not your fault, don’t bow your head.”

Nathan spread his wings and patted Tippy’s body, and Tippy
shuddered involuntarily.



An awkward wind blew between them. Even if he pretended

not to, he must have been paying attention to what Dillian

Dillian chuckled at the subtle atmosphere flowing between

the two of them and burst into laughter.

“You still have face, why don’t you eat it raw? Bake and eat.”
Every time Dillian laughed, Nathan roared with anger at his
shaky shoulders.

“Stop laughing! Shut that mouth!”

In the meantime, Tippi, who quietly moved to the opposite

shoulder, asked.

“Big, that, what else are you holding?”

I was curious about what I was holding in my arms.

When she rolled up the blanket and showed Arest, Tippi


“You have been engulfed by the curse.”


“It’s just like the old me.”

A sad light flashed in his eyes as he looked at Arest, who

seemed to have a sense of unity.
“So you came here? try to cure right?”

I looked at Tippi with earnest eyes and nodded.

“great. Let’s go.”

speeded up and got there shortly after.

And we were overwhelmed by the sight unfolding before our


A height that can’t be seen even if you lift your head, lush
branches, and green leaves blooming on those branches.

We were stunned by the huge and mysterious spectacle of

the oak tree.

“It was like this in the first place.”

It was a beautiful appearance that was incomparable to the

old Molgol, which was dry, infested with insects, and oozing.

“It won’t be enough to just stand here, is there a way?”

At Dillian’s words, I stepped closer to the tree.

“You have to go inside.”

“Do I have to go in? how?”

“like this!”

Tippi jumped off his shoulder.


My feet went out, and my body sank down.


I screamed and closed my eyes tightly.

Please tell me about this in advance!

“I didn’t know the human body could be so weak….”

Tiffy’s restless murmur began to slowly bring his

consciousness back.

“Leah, aren’t you dead?”

“… Don’t say anything sinister.”

Tippi, who had been walking on my face, jumped to the

ground with joy.

“thank god! It’s okay.”

I breathed a sigh of relief at the soft petals I felt on the floor.

Thanks to this flower, there was no accident caused by a fall.

“Tell me in advance next time. I was surprised.”

As I was about to get up, I flinched at the weight I felt on my

“Mr. Dillian…?”

I called him to remove his hand, but he didn’t even move.

Anxiety grew at Dillian, who didn’t budge even when he

shook his shoulder or patted his cheek.

“It’s been like that ever since.”

“What? Then you should have woken up Mr. Dillian instead

of waking me up! Dillian, come to your senses… oh!”

As I hurriedly tried to get up, strength entered the arm that

wrapped around my waist.

As he collapsed into his arms, he heard the sound of languid

breathing in his ear.

“It hurts because Leah is moving. I want to stay like this for a

“He pretended to be sleeping.”

Tippi snorted at the carefree look.

So you mean you did this on purpose? to deceive me? I
raised my hand and slapped his arm.

“I can’t live!”

“Yes, I can’t live without Leah either.”

What do you mean, that’s not what it means.

Dillian pulled me into my arms, making a sound like he

couldn’t even eat a seed.

Seeing this, Nathan sighed.

“Leah, Dillian. Choose a time and place.”

“okay…. I can’t see… I guess….”

Arest, who woke up in shock, took a deep breath,

empathizing with Nathan’s words.

“wake up. right now.”

I slapped Dillian’s arm and got out of my arms and ran
towards Arest.

There were no injuries, as soft flowers wrapped around him

and protected him.

“Arest, are you awake?”

“Now, breathe, breathe….”

Arest muttered with a more relaxed face.

was the right place. Seeing that I had found my energy more
than before, I was convinced.

“Isn’t this in that oak tree?”

Dillion, who was approaching me, looked around and asked.

I could see the endless land, the blue sky, and the towering
trees in the distance.

“Yes, I have to go over there.”

We slowly made our way towards the tree.

As the distance drew closer, a divine energy enveloped us.

It was a completely different energy from that time when he

suffered from black thorns.

“This is the real you.”

“yes. thanks to you The black thorns are gone and I no

longer feel pain. People come to see me now.”

Tippi rubbed her head against my cheek and smiled.

“thank you.”

“It was nothing. I should say hello Thank you for blocking the
darkness for so long.”

Nathan, who had been quietly listening to our conversation,

flapped his wings saying that he now understands.

“Did you have thorns? Then you must have noticed the
moment you removed the thorn.”
“Is that so? How did you find me right away, that’s it.”

After all, the light that exploded at that time can’t be seen all
the way to the capital.

“I was lucky. Because I didn’t find you the moment the seal
was released. If we had met then, I would have suffered a

“Then then, you should have kept it. Living in this area, you
didn’t know how the seal was broken.”

Now that he had found some energy, Arest attacked Nathan


“Huh, really. So can you spot it? How can we know if we are
not as omnipotent as he is?”

Of course, Nathan wasn’t the only one standing still.

“Before I went to the forest, I knew that the seal had been
lifted. Mika told me that the exam had started.”

“Anyway, you’ve been slow since a long time ago.”

“Did you get hit by a coma because you were too fast?”

“that… It’s because the believers don’t work…!”

Seeing the two of them arguing, Dillian clicked his tongue as

if pathetic.

“No matter how much you think about it, it seems a lie to say
that Shinsu is a wise man. It’s so childish that I can’t even
listen to it.”

“Iknow, right.”

This is one, it was no different from arguing with children.

“Stop fighting. Arest, are you worthy of living now? Are you
very strong?”

“Heh, I used to be strong, cool!”

As soon as I spoke, I coughed.

“Come on, stop. Everything is here.”

There was a single tree that had risen above the clear lake.

After stepping on the water, I turned around and said to


“Probably, Mr. Dillion won’t come.”

As I expected, Dillian’s feet fell into the water.

“I’ll get treatment right away. I’m waiting now.”


“Yes, I will.”

I hugged Arest and crossed the lake.


“You are not following.”

Dillian looked at Tippi, who was seated next to me, with
puzzled eyes.

It was suspicious to have a guy I thought would follow me

next to me.

“If you go all the way to me, Leah will be unable to

concentrate. It’s an important moment, so don’t disturb it.”

Of course, there are other reasons as well.

Tippi looked at Dillion, who was suspicious of me, and

twitched the corners of her lips.
Episode 139.

Dillian frowned at that sinister smile.

“Ugly face.”

“shut up!”

really! Nothing has changed from the old days!

‘The desire to help is disappearing.’

Heh, Tippi turned her head sullenly.

Looking straight ahead, I saw Lia with her hand on Arest’s


A pure white light bursting out of her hand enveloped Arest.

‘It’s a great concentration.’

Healing Arest’s broken body was busy.

Tippi, who was watching the scene, called Dillian.

“Human man.”

Dillion looked at Tippi with indifferent eyes at the strange

name calling me.

“Is your name in this life Dillian?”


“I see. Again, this is a pretty name.”

Even then, one name was pretty.

A faint light appeared on Tippi’s face as he recalled the vivid

past as if it had happened yesterday.

“Relationships are amazing.”

Dillian narrowed his brow at the intimate gaze that looked at

Tippi clearly felt a closeness to me.

There is no such thing as this little reptile in his memory.

‘Is it the past again?’

When he faced the remnants of the past he was not aware

of, he felt uncomfortable.

Why am I the only one who doesn’t know what Lia, Nathan,
and even this lizard know?

‘I didn’t know that I would feel alienated from this kind of


I was worried that I would do such a foolish thing to be

jealous of myself in my previous life.

“… Have we ever met?”

“yes. We met quite often.”

was staring at Dillion, closed her eyes and smiled.

“And we fought a lot. Every time I saw him, he fought and got
scolded by Leah. I think they were pretty friendly though.”

I don’t know what this guy thinks, but I did.

‘Is this a trivial looking spirit of this forest?’

‘- Leah. What’s this? what beast is this I don’t think I’m

human like you. It’s the first creature I’ve ever seen.’

‘How about just slicing it, or should I bake it as it is?’

‘Can’t we get along? I mean my friend. Tippi, you too. Stop


‘… If you say so, I will endure it.’

‘… Yes. I will.’
Tippi nodded and groaned.

“… I guess we weren’t close.”

When I remembered the memories, all I could remember was

that I was angry with Leah after fighting.

“No, but we met three times a week. It was true that we

were friendly.”

Tippi, who was shaking her head while muttering to herself,

tapped Dillian’s foot with her tail to agree quickly.

“Do you think so too?”

“We used to see each other three times a week.”

Dillian nodded his head reluctantly at Tippi’s words, which

were constantly irritating. Then Tippi was excited and shook
her body.

Dillian, who watched the unknown dance moves, chuckled

and sat down on the floor.
Tiffy jumped up to see if he liked the lowered eye level and
settled down on Dillian’s lap.

“Isn’t it a warm place?”

Green grass and colorful flowers filled the surroundings, and

the grass swaying in the wind wept like a song.

A tree towering over the vast expanse of land. The sun was
pouring down on Leah, who was kneeling in front of him.

Dillian stared at the scene for a very long time.

Did you feel that gaze? Leah shook her head.

It was nice to see her with Tippi, and she smiled broadly like
a flower in full bloom.

That moment.

Leah’s smile. My heart sank and thumped.

‘Just what?’
I felt queasy.

I feel like I’ve seen this scene one day.

“I’ve been alone for a very long time.”

Tippi slowly ran out of luck.

“I can’t even remember, a very long time. There were a lot of

people around, but they always wanted something from me.”

Because he is the guardian spirit that protects this village.

Maybe it was natural for them to want something from me.

“Then one day a girl came to see me.”

Tippi slowly recalled the past.

‘hi? What is your name?’

‘My name is Ariane. People call me Nalia.’

‘Are you always alone? I must have been lonely.’

‘Then do you want to be friends with me?’

Leah was the first to reach out to be friends.

Although he is a spirit, his appearance is only a tree to


“It was the first time that Leah saw my essence.”

So the two became friends.

“I have been watching Leah since she was very young. Until
he grows up and grows up, and eventually leaves with you.”

Tippi frowned as she looked at Dillion, who was already

concentrating on me.

“That’s why I hated you for nothing. I felt like I lost my friend
to you.”
“It’s a spirit, so you’re narrow-minded.”

“Ah really! You haven’t changed anything from before! Lia

likes this kind of guy, I’ve met him all my life!”

Tippi, who had gone on a vague memory trip, screamed and

hit Dillian’s knee with a small foot.

Dillian, who was snorting at the non-tickling footsteps, asked


“Who was I?”

It was a question that Leah could never ask.

“It was just like now. It looks different, but the inside is the

Childish and narrow in speed. Tippy, who had been openly

muttering Dillian’s gossip, whispered softly.

“But, then, will you ever see each other again?”

The wind blows. A gentle and warm wind.

“Flowers dance, butterflies sing, stars bless, you will meet

Tippi’s grass-colored eyes, resembling this place, slowly

curved like a crescent moon.

“You would call this fate.”


Again. His chest tightened as if someone had grabbed his


A wave crashes in my calm heart. Unrefined emotions

overflowed over the high bank.

“Do you know what you lost?”

A voice whispered through the wind asked.

“… memory.”

“Want to find?”
As if in a dream, the eyes that had been farther away

Of course I want to find I hate that I am the only one who

doesn’t know the memories that everyone knows.

Even if the person living in Leah’s memory is her past self.


“great. I will find what you lost.”

Tippi, who smiled sinisterly, jumped up and tapped Dillion’s


“Because we were close friends.”

Then I lost consciousness with an irresistible force.

Dillian opened his eyes. He was walking on a vast expanse
of land.

Hui Ying-

The sharp wind blew all over my body.

Dillian groaned in pain and struggled to walk through the


‘Is this a dream?’

The plains that smelled of spring were nowhere to be found,

and a cold winter swept over Dillian.

The snow that covered my ankles was so cold that it seemed

to freeze to my bones.

Dillian raised his stiff arms in the cold and grabbed my


Thick blood flowed from his stomach and he felt pain.

‘I was hit by an enemy. I was so vigilant and vigilant….’

I survived through the sacrifices of my men, but how much
longer can I endure this cold? ….

The body, which had exhausted its energy in a frightening

thought, fell forward.

Dillian frowned as he buried his head in the cold snow.

‘Is this the memory I forgot?’

The memory that came to mind naturally was a memory he

didn’t know.

‘Lizard guy, what have you done?’

Unfamiliar memories ran through my head, and my body

didn’t move at will.

Dillian sighed inwardly as he forced himself to crawl.

That desperation was not Dillian’s will.

‘I don’t know what this is doing.’

He was on the verge of freezing to death before he could
even find his memories .

It was at that time that my consciousness began to fade.

An urgent sound of footsteps was heard in the distance.


A voice that was faintly heard in the distance was somehow



This voice….


An urgent hand pulled Dillian out of the snow. A warm

embrace hugged his head.

“Calm down! be well!”

I have to tell you it’s okay…. I’d be worried….

Dillian, who was biting his lips, finally calmed down without


It was three days later that Dillian came to his senses.

“Are you awake?”

Dillian’s eyes turned to the hastily but still friendly voice.

Dillian looked at the woman’s face and took a deep breath.

A gentle voice, a friendly gaze, a gentle touch.

“How is your body?”


“Where are you uncomfortable?”

Dillian, who stared blankly at his worried face, opened his
mouth as if possessed.

“Who are you?”

No, I know without listening. Dillian knew who she was best.

“Aryan. I am the owner of this castle.”

That the woman in front of me is Leah’s previous life.

“I am very glad that you are safe.”

With a smile as neat as a flower bud blooming, Dillian

grabbed the blanket.

“What is your first name?”

“… Lissandro Roheim.”

“Lissandro Rohaim. That’s a good name.”

“Arian. you too….”

Dillian bit his tongue at the muffled voice, unable to finish
his speech.

‘It’s stupid. Why can’t you speak straight?’

Unlike Dillian, who was internally angry with herself from the
distant past, Leah smiled broadly and held out her hand.

“Please feel free to call me Leah. be well.”

Dillian took her hand after contemplating. The hand holding

each other was always warm.
Episode 140.

Time flew by quickly, and the time I had spent with Leah for
a month had passed.

It was a long time, but it was a fleeting moment for Dillian.

Because I wasn’t living in that time, I was just following in

the footsteps of memories.

Some days were long, some days passed in the blink of an


Like a flowing river, Dillian could not take his eyes off Leah
even as he left himself in the fast-paced time.

“I’m fine. It must be spring soon. It has sprouted.”

road, I stepped on it, and even when she saw the wild
flowers that no one would look at, Leah rejoiced like a child,
saying that spring has come.

‘This time and now, it is the same.’

He smiled at the way he valued life.

But that smile disappeared without a trace the moment Leah

opened her mouth.

“I’m fine. You have to go back now.”

“Leah. Are you talking about it again?”

“You have to be emperor. It is my job to lead me on the path

of the emperor.”

Lia, who had come to grab my hand in a hurry, said


“You can’t waste your time here.”

It made me laugh as he kept pushing me away.

Wilhelm’s attempts to somehow get him back to the capital.

‘It’s going to be the same up to this point.’

This was not the only similarity.

“this guy! Get away from Leah right now!”

Seeing that Leah and herself were alone, Nathan flew like
the wind and warned her.

‘This relationship hasn’t changed in the slightest.’

I was so used to it that it was hard to believe that it was a

thousand years ago.

“That guy’s eyes are so impure!”

“Nathan! Why are you doing this these days?”

“Hey, that guy has a dark heart for you.”

“You really! Because it’s not like that. I’m sorry.”

“That ‘s right.”


“Nathan is right.”

Leah blinked blankly at his confession. It was a face that

didn’t quite understand what I was saying.

I thought I had shown my heart hard for the past month, but
maybe it wasn’t enough.

“Leah. Come with me to the capital. I want to go with you.”


“If you want me to be emperor, I will be emperor.”

He smiled as he grabbed Leah’s hand and clasped it.

“Instead, please stand by me. If I become emperor, the seat

next to him will be yours.”

Of course , it was a blatant lie.

Even if it wasn’t Leah’s will, he was thinking of becoming an

Pretending to act according to Leah’s will, he deceived her.

To win her heart somehow.

It seemed only now that Nathan and Tippi were vaguely

aware of the reason why they cursed me for being the same
every time they saw me.

‘It’s the same thinking that makes me feel bad.’

But Leah, who was not aware of that fact, did not know what
to do.

Her cheeks, which used to be bright red, gradually turned

red. As if the paint was spreading, the spreading red gas
completely covered Leah’s face.

Leah, who was restless, abruptly got up from her seat.

“Look at my mind. Time to prepare lunch! I’ll go first!”

his face properly, he poured out his words and then ran

Dillian, who was left alone, turned his head to the side.

Towards Nathan, who remains by my side.

“It’s great. I thought you were going to follow Leah.”

“Are you really going to go with Leah?”

Where did he go with his arrogant chatter, and Nathan, who

calmed down, looked at him.

“If you are shaking Leah’s heart with a light heart, please

“It’s lighthearted…. I’d rather be lighter. If I had, I would have

left this castle and returned to the capital sooner.”

Dillian leaned back and smiled self-consciously.

‘Originally, I should have left a week ago.’

All wounds healed within a week of meeting her . The
snowstorm has long since stopped.

However, he kept making excuses and stayed in this castle. I

was also ignoring my reason that I had to go back soon.

He pretended not to notice Leah’s heart as she asked if she

should go back soon.

I want to be with Leah even a little bit.

“My goal is to become emperor. It was a lifelong dream. But

these days, I think it’s good to quit everything and be with

“You guys….”

“It would be perfect if Leah went with me. It will not be



“But leaving Leah alone doesn’t make her feet fall off.”
Dillian muttered as he looked at Nathan, who had stiffened
with his mouth wide open.

“If I kidnap you and leave for the capital, will Leah follow

“Hey, have you seen such a madman! Who wants to win the
heart of a loved one like that!”

“Lia doesn’t seem to have a heart either.”

“this person…!”

this damn bastard! You’re not even listening to what I’m

saying! Nathan raised his hair and became very angry.

“Oh my, how did Leah meet you….”

“It’s Leah who picked me up, but I don’t know who to


“Ouch! I really hate you!”

Dillian laughed loudly at the voice full of lamentation.


‘I’ll make you an emperor.’

Leah’s words were not false.

Lissandro brought together the collapsed kingdom and

fragmented kingdom into an empire, but the people felt
confused and anxious about the rapidly changing situation.

Maybe the country will collapse again. Could there be

another war?

The people were waiting for the monarch, but at the same
time they were afraid.

And Leah calmed the controversy and anxiety at once.

Lia is the first saint chosen by the only god ‘Obelus’.

And he is the one chosen by the first saint.

‘Lissandro Roheim. This is the prince you have chosen.’

The will of Lia is the will of God. That one word was enough.

“your majesty.”

“You decided not to call me that.”

“… Lissandro.”

He smiled contentedly at my name, which was carefully

flowing out.

Leah rolled her eyes at that smile.

“I will never call you by your first name when others see you.
What would you think when you saw the imperial name of
the emperor being abused?”

“You think we’re lovers, right?”

“Because that is the problem. Don’t even use me

respectfully. You have to treat me.”

Leah rubbed her mouth saying it was scary to see others .

He had a cute appearance and he bit his lip as if giving his


After tormenting him for a long time, he let Leah go, and he
rolled his eyes as he saw his burning face.

“It sounds like a big deal if you treat a saint.”


“When I became emperor, you were supposed to stand by

me. Have you forgotten your promise to become the
“… Lissandro. As I said before, you can’t get married. I am a

There is no law that says that a saint should not marry, but
Leah Hansako refused to marry him.

As a saint, I took the lead and made the oracle known and
made him emperor.

But what if you marry him? The meaning of the trust might
have faded.

Then , naturally, the legitimacy of the emperor will rise to the


The reason was that although I knew that Lissandro Roheim

could not collapse like this, I did not want to make even a
small flaw.

“So, to marry a woman from a noble family other than me….”

“I will not marry anyone but you.”

“What are you talking about! Of course, the emperor must

see his heirs!”
“I will pick up a decent child from the field and raise him as
an heir.”

He had no intention of marrying any woman other than Leah.

“You really….”

“If you don’t like it, become the Empress.”

But in the end, Leah did not accept his proposal.

It was fine though. The two did not hold a ceremony, but
they were no different from a married couple.

Dillian hugged Leah in my arms and kissed her forehead.

The desire to raise an heir as soon as possible and hand

over the position of the emperor grew in size.

It was the position of the emperor he wanted so much, but

after meeting Lia, everything became meaningless.

Rather than reigning as an emperor, I wanted to live as

Leah’s husband or the father of a child who resembled her.
He dreamed of a day with Leah every day.

And there was no doubt that the day was not far away.

“don’t go. Do not go.”

I really didn’t know that Leah would be the first to leave in

such a vain way.


I heard from Leah that I lost my life after sealing the

darkness, but I knew

“Where are you?”

He was obviously dead.

I felt the pain of death vividly, but what happened?

The grayish, empty space is like….


Dillian’s nerves were sharply sharpened at the unfamiliar

voice interrupted.

“It is the cursed space you brought from darkness.”

Dillian instinctively recognized the identity of the existence

that appeared before me.


“If you use God’s name in vain, it’s useless.”

Even if he said that, there was no sign of displeasure.

‘I mean, once a hobby is great.’

Dillian frowned at the mischievous child’s smile without

realizing it.

“You don’t think that my true form is a child, do you?”

“The child is thinking, what a bad hobby. You look like a child
to grow old. God must have been such a pervert.”

At Dillian’s sharp criticism, Obelus burst into laughter, haha.

“I think this is a good way to break boundaries.”

A round face suddenly approached.

“Look, you, the iron-blooded lord, have also suffered.”

A hand that reached out lightly tapped Dillian’s forehead.

hurt, and it did n’t feel bad.

Just, it was amazing. It happened before I even reacted, so I

couldn’t stop it.

“Shall we walk for a while?”

Episode 141.

Dillian quietly followed Obelus.

Seeing him following me, Obelus slowly floated his luck.

“I know how much you value Leah, but still, the thought of
bringing a curse.”

Even thinking about it again, Obelus clicked his tongue

saying it was reckless.

“Lea is crying a lot.”


My heart pounded when I remembered her alone on that

cold winter day.
“I was worried that he would cry for several days, so I went
to see him and he complained about me.”

For a moment, he was dazed by the resentment he had

received for the first time, and Obelus pulled up his hazy lips.

“So I decided to give it one more chance.”

“A chance, you say?”

Dillian stopped walking. Obelus nodded in embarrassment,

surprise, and a glimmer of hope.

“Originally, you were going to go to hell for a sin that carried

a curse, but you have changed your mind.”

His mate, Obelus, clapped his hands, awakening his dazed

mind as if a screw had been loosened.

“That means we can meet again.”

“Really? Isn’t that a revamp?”

“It’s a revamp, there’s nothing you can’t say in front of God.”

Obelus sighed, shaking his head, saying his manner of
speaking was too harsh.

“Lea is the child I cherish the most, and you are the child I
chose as my first king. Both of you are precious children to
me, and I don’t want to see you suffer.”

Of course, I did a small test for Leah.

Swallowing those words inwardly, Obelus smiled softly as he

looked at his trembling red eyes.

“Get out of here.”

As the Obelus pointed to one place, a bright light whirled in

the empty space.

Dillian walked towards the door as if possessed.


Dillian turned back to the voice calling me.

Then , the calm, subdued face he had seen for the first time
asked him.

“If I met Leah again, would you fall in love again?”

“I’m asking you something obvious.”

I will love you no matter how many times I meet you or in any

Because I have engraved Leah in my soul.

“Even if you lose your memory? When you go out this door,
you have to forget everything and start over. Does it matter


“Then will Leah fall in love with you too?”

“Well. But I don’t care if Leah doesn’t love me. Because I

love you.”

Dillian smiled confidently at Obelus.

“Lea will eventually fall in love with me.”

my soul,

Carved me into her soul.

“That’s right.”

A warm warmth enveloped Dillion.

“Go away.”

Obell’s voice was muffled.

“Lea is waiting for you.”


Finally, the dream has come to an end.

The feet of Dillian, who was standing there, slowly crumbled.

And , as if someone had pulled him, he was dragged away in

an instant.

slap. A sharp hand slapped Dillian’s cheek.

“Dillian! Wake! Open your eyes!”


The pain in his hand was so bad that it made me think of

leaving the house.

“Dillian, please open your eyes!”

Dillian, who grabbed the hand flying towards his cheek

again, slowly raised his eyelids.

“… Lia, I have come to my senses.”

“Mr. Dillian?! Are you on your mind? do you see me Can you
hear me?”
It’s not that anyone is taking it, but Leah pours out questions
without even having time to breathe.

“It looks good. It sounds good. And my cheeks hurt.”

memory, I thought we’d have a touching reunion, but what

came back was a slap.

‘This is not ours.’

Laughter leaked out in the usual daily life.

Leah actually took it in a different way, though.

“Wow, that was to wake Mr. Dillion…. It hurts a lot?”

Leah lowered the corners of her eyes as she looked at

Dillian’s blushing cheeks, perhaps even thinking about it too

“I’ll treat you right away.”

Leah raised her back and placed her hand on Dillian’s cheek.
“I’m really happy. Because I thought something big was
going to happen.”

“So you said I was fine.”

“It’s a matter of getting excited when you’re only involved

with Lissandro.”

Nathan and Arest clicked their tongues, giving and receiving.

Leah, who was stroking her red cheeks to reduce swelling,

glared at the two beasts who were acting strangely.

Lia didn’t mean to slap Dillian on the cheek ignorantly.

When Dillian did not wake up no matter how much he shook,

the two gods whispered to Leah, who was afraid that he
might have left my side again.

‘Lea, I can’t help it anymore. As a last resort, slap on the

‘What? However….’

‘What are you going to do if that guy leaves while you’re

thinking about it?’

When Nathan and Arest pushed the wind in from the side,
they fell over.

‘It’s my fault that I slapped you on the cheek just believing

that, but….’

When I saw those droopy eyes, my stomach swelled.

“Keep your mouth shut. And Tippi, if you’re going to do

something from now on, let me know. Understand?”

“… Yes.”

Tippi nodded while crawling as if Leah was greatly offended,

and ran towards Dillian.

“saw? saw? how was it?”

Where did his gloomy figure go, and Tippi wags his tail and
trembles in a ponytail.

‘What the hell did you see?’

Leaving behind the two of them falling into their own world,
Lia grabbed the back of Shinsoo, who was trying to get her
out of the way .

“Where are you going? Are you sure you don’t want to run


“Lea, you woke up anyway. Is this all thanks to us?”

Except for the brazenness, Arest, who is called a corpse, laid

an iron plate on her face and raised her head toward Leah.

Where did the dying figure go, Arest flew around very quickly
and scratched Leah’s insides.

“You really….”
Leah, who was staring at Arest with her eyes wide open,
turned her head to the warmth that covered the back of her

“Mr. Dillian?”

Since when they had been looking at themselves, their eyes

met immediately.

Dillian ‘s gaze did not fall.

It’s like engraving Leah in his eyes.

“What do you think?”

“I think it’s fortunate that Leah is not a saint.”


Leah tilted her head at the absurd story.

“Because I’m not going to turn down my proposal because

I’m a saint.”
“What is it?”

Peek, Lia’s smiling face hardened.

Then, as if he realized something, his big eyes stared blankly

at Dillian.

“Mr. Dillian, please….”

“I told you to tell me right away when you remember.”

Dillian touched Leah’s trembling eyes and said playfully.

“If I don’t get married in this lifetime, I may die of injustice.”

Leah contorted her eyes at the words, whether joking or


Dillian’s memory returned.

He said it was okay not to have memories, but it was lonely

to remember the past alone.

But now that memory, the memory, has become ours.

My heart pounded at that fact.

Leah, unable to hold back the emotion, hugged Dillian


“Really, do you remember everything?”


Dillian also opened his arms and hugged Leah tightly.

Tippi, who sat on the shoulders of the two facing each other
without even having a single sheet of paper to fit in, said

“I told you, Leah. It was a gift.”


Leah, who got out of Dillian’s arms, kissed Tippi.

Tippi’s cheeks reddened at the pouring kisses and twisted
her body.

Conversely, Dillian’s face darkened.

Dillian, who had lost his player to the damn lizard, threw a
teepee with an expressionless face.

“What, what, evil!”

safely landed on the petals, shed tears as she watched

Dillion rubbing Leah’s lips.

“I’m worried about kissing each other in a snap.”

“Teepee is not a person.”

What if you put a spirit and a human on the same line?

Leah made excuses, but it was a sound that would not work
for Dillian.

For him, whether it was a spirit or a person, anyone who took

Leah’s kiss was a target for removal.
“Mr. Leah, remember? What if I kiss someone other than

aldamada. How tormented by it!

In the past, Dillian was just as jealous as he is now, and he

hated kissing children.

Even the act of giving a blessing!

he was found out, he suffered twice as much that night.

‘As soon as the memory comes back, I use it like this…!’

Leah hesitated and bit her body.

But sooner or later, I got caught on my back.

Leah, who blushed as the firm hand wrapped around my

waist muttered.

“No, there are too many eyes to see….”

“If you have a clue, you will get away with it.”
One Dillian swallowed Leah’s lips with a pretty word telling
him to turn it off.

Leah grabbed his arm without realizing it, as Dillian rushed

to eat it. And I slowly closed my eyes.

It was Nathan whose clothes burst at that sight.

“Me, me!”

Arest muttered with a rotten face behind Nathan’s leaping.

“Nathan, I hate him too.”

“Me too.”

Tiffy, who is standing next to the two of them.

The three of them, who had been spilling Dillian, quickly left.

As Dillian said, he wasn’t ignorant enough to disturb the

good times.
Episode 142.


The time to part with Tippi has come.

“Lia, are you coming to play again?”

“Of course. I will come to see you every year.”

“really? It’s a promise!”


I avoided Dillian’s eyes and hugged Tippy tightly.

“See you next time!”

We came down from the mountain to see Tippi off and

headed straight for the Great Hall.

It was time to go see the gods who were waiting for Arrest to

“Arrest, go and say hello to the kids. Everyone was worried

about you.”

“Heh, I’m not going to die, but Yunan for nothing.”

Feeling embarrassed for causing concern, he pouted his

mouth and grumbled.

‘I can’t be honest.’

Arest’s blunt attitude was the same even when he arrived at

the temple.

When Hanisha found him, she cried and ran towards him.
But Arest mercilessly avoided himself.

“Don’t stick. Disgusting.”

Whether it was embarrassment for showing a weak

appearance, or shame for causing concern, Arest reacted
more sensitively than usual and pushed the new beasts

But these are not gods who will stand still.

They are the ones who have to do what they are told not to
do so that their intuition is released.

When I rushed at this time, Arest panicked and ran away.

“Why, why!”

“Do not avoid hugs with family members!”

“Are you crazy? Who hugs the family!”

“Usually, the human family hugs.”

Samiel spread his large wings and grabbed Arest.

Arest was also a bird of raptor that was second to none as a

falcon god, but he could not defeat Samiel, an eagle god.

“Ouch! Stop!”

“Arrest, you still have a rough personality!”

As Samiel hugged Arest tightly, Hanisha and Mika spread

their wings together.

“Arrest! I’m so glad I’m alive!”

“okay. Arest, sometimes a reunion hug is not bad.”

“Let’s hug each other after a long time!”

Nathan, who participated in the last battle, spread his wings

and hugged Arest.

Arest, who was trapped in the arms of the gods, twisted and

Anyone who sees it would know that I was being tortured.

You even make a sound of dying for a little hug.

“That guy is pretty much the same.”

“Iknow, right. Too much shame is also a problem.”

Pretending to like it and not like it was very clearly visible. I

could tell just by looking at the face that was about to

“Isn’t it nice to see?”

Aaron approached me and smiled warmly. It was a kind smile

like a grandfather looking at the jokes of his grandchildren.

“Arest-sama is suffering….”

On the other hand, maybe it was the first sight Aina had ever
seen, her eyes lost their way and trembled.

“Your Majesty, Leah. You’ve been through a lot.”

“No. It wasn’t hard work. And it was full of good things.”

Dillian remembered his past life.

I grabbed Dillian’s hand and smiled.

“So I guess that’s why you have such a happy face.”

“… Do you have tea?”

“It is the happiest face since I met Leah.”

I rubbed my cheek and smiled awkwardly. I didn’t know it

would be that much.

“Oh, have you ever set a wedding date?”

“yes? that’s not….”

“What? marriage? already?”

Aina raised her voice without realizing it.

Then , the gods who loved Arest pricked up their ears like

“marriage? Hoon?”

Nathan was furious and flew towards us. Behind them, the
gods flew after them.

I could tell without saying it. The next target is Dillion.

“It’s marriage, so the time has come.”

“Isn’t it too early though?”

“okay! What are you doing!”

When Samiel, Hanisha, and Nathan were excited about their

marriage, Mika, who was the only one who kept the opposite
sex, said hello to Dillian.

“At that time, I couldn’t say hello properly because I wasn’t

in the mood, but it’s still there. Lissandro.”

“It’s Dillian.”
Dillian corrected the name, Samiel rubbed his chin and

“Hmm, yes. That was the name.”



The divine beasts made strange noises and circled around


Like playing Ganggangsullae.

The priests glanced around at the rare sight of the gods

surrounding the large man.

As his gaze suddenly focused, Dillian raised his eyebrows

and pushed the gods away.

“Do not block in front of Ms. Leah, get out of the way.”

“Hmm, his personality is the same.”

“It’s okay. You are very handsome.”

Hanisha blushed and took a seat on Dillian’s shoulder,

rubbing her head against his cheek.

“I used to have a very good-looking face, but this one’s also


Hanisha’s eyes twinkled. It was like eyes in love.

“Hanisha, calm down. Guys with a face like this are all paid
for their face. Don’t you remember that this guy made Leah

“Oh, right. It did.”

When Samiel gave him a pint glass, Hanisha, who was

screaming, raised her eyes and spread her wings in a
threatening manner.

“If Leah rings, will you kill me?”

“Is it a double personality? ….”

Not sure if she could hear my murmur, Hanisha raised her

“Kaak, no matter how handsome you are, don’t let Lia cry!”

It was no different from the neighborhood bastard in the way

he was shaking as if he was about to spit at any moment.

“Lea! If he makes you cry, come to my temple immediately. I

will take responsibility!”

Hanisha, who had been shouting triumphantly, opened her

mouth wide at the words of Dillian that followed.

“Hmm, when I asked who he looked like, he looked just like

Nathan. You have to be as reckless as Nathan.”

“What? Like Nathan? That’s a divine insult! How are you

comparing me to a god-beast who is so clogged up like

Hanisha ran around saying that she should apologize

immediately for being compared to Nathan that hurt her
Nathan, who was attacked after being still, also jumped up.

“what?! Hanisha! It’s clogged, who’s clogged up!”

“That ‘s right! You and Samiel are very tight!”

“Why are you touching me when I’m still? If that’s the case,
Mika isn’t that easy either!”

“… We all have a lot to say about growing old together.”

“I’m going to die of noise, really.”

The new beasts who were hit by the balls fired by Dillian in
turn began to growl and fight.

“Everyone, you can’t fight here.”

Aaron and Aina, bewildered by the sudden tangled fighting of

the gods, worked hard to dry them.

Dillian took a step back from the fight and wrapped his arms
around my shoulder.
“Everyone seems to have aged backwards. Yes?”

yes what is it I laughed and poked Dillian in the side.

“Did you do that on purpose?”


“You provoked the hot-tempered Nathan and Hanisha to

start a fight.”

And as soon as Nathan and Hanisha got into a fight, they

were all dragged out like candy one after another and
became a mess.

Dillian, who had found all his memories, couldn’t have known
this. It was clear what he was aiming for.

“Did you do well?”

I knew it. Far from denying it, Dillion rolled his eyes in
desperation, demanding praise.

“That was the only way to stop the bullshit.”

“If it’s nonsense, you mean that if Mr. Dillian makes me cry,
come to Hanisha’s temple?”

Perhaps the correct answer was a hole in Dillian’s forehead.

I took lightly, but it must have been Dillian.

“I hate to even assume that Ms. Leah is going to cry.”

Dillian rubbed his thumb under my eyes.

“You have shed enough tears. I will not make Ms. Leah cry

Dillian said to himself as if promising.

“I will make you happy. I will make it so that you can always

“… Enough for now.”

Just laughing and talking like this was enough for me.
“You don’t have to work hard. If Dillian is happy, that is my

I grabbed Dillian’s hand and clasped it. And by all means, I

smiled broadly, hoping that my sincerity would be conveyed.

blankly , bowed his head with a face that he couldn’t stand it

any longer.

He wiped my face with his large hand and let out a languid

“… I lost. No matter what I do, I can’t beat Leah.”

“sure. You can never win. The person you like more loses.”

“Then I won’t be able to win for the rest of my life.”

Dillian took my hand and kissed the back of his hand.

Their red eyes fluttered like waves.

“I bet I will love Ms. Leah more than Ms. Leah loves me.”
“It remains to be seen. My love is second to none of Mr.

“It’s as good as it is. I am so happy that I want to kiss you

right now.”

“It can’t be.”

When I refused firmly, Dillian smirked, saying he knew it


“It was late. Let’s leave those fools alone and we’ll go

I nodded as I looked at the gods still fighting.

“okay. Come home.”

I took Dillian’s hand and turned my back with him.

the sun is setting Time to go home.

We walked step by step with the red setting sun in the

towards our house.


I’ve been dreaming for a long time

An unfamiliar face I saw for the first time greeted me. I

immediately recognized who he was.


“Are you here? Come here.”

I went to the opposite side of the obelisk, pulled out a chair

and sat down.

I burst into exclamation at the expansive land that stretched

out behind him.

“It’s beautiful.”
“Is this your first time here?”

“yes. It was the first time my father called me.”

As I looked around, I took the car Obelus gave me and asked.

“Why did you call me?”

Episode 143.

It was the first time in his previous life or in this life that he
was invited to his space.

There must be a reason why you called me to a place that I

didn’t even call when I was a saint.

‘What are you talking about?’

Sweat dripped from his clenched fists in tension.

Ignoring such concerns, Obelus smiled at me with his usual


“Let’s talk about it slowly. Rather, I am the car. Drink it.”

The tea Obelus gave me was warm and smooth. Like his
eyes looking at me.

We talked a lot.

Coma’s story was deliberately omitted, and was a very trivial

daily story.

“Didn’t Dillian find memories from his previous life?”


“Yeah, that’s right.”

Obelus nodded with a calm face. As if I knew it would be like


“Did you expect it?”

“To some extent. If it was that child, I thought I would find it

at any cost.”

“He’s a guy who will even climb up from hell to meet you, of

I stopped at the sudden thought.

“Did you really come up from hell and be reborn?”

I’ve always wondered How did Dillian and I met at the same

“My father clearly said that I must pass the test to save Mr.
Dillian’s soul. Why did you change your mind?”

Until he passed the exam, he said as if he would never see it.

“I was curious.”


“How great is love.”

Having said that, Obelus got up from his seat and held out
his hand.
“Shall we walk for a moment?”

Just then, a car full of teacups appeared on the floor.

I took the hand and walked side by side with the obelus.

“It’s Dillian. Even if I lose my memory or be reborn, I will still

love you.”

“Mr. Dillian….”

“So I asked. What if you forget Dillion and never love again?
And do you know what Dillian said?”

“… I think he said it doesn’t matter.”

If it was a Dillian I knew, it would have been the case.

“I would have said I should love you more.”

‘cause I said so too

Even if Dillian forgets me, it’s okay if he doesn’t love me.

Cause I can love you more

“And Mr. Dillian must have been confident.”

The belief that one day I will fall in love with Dillian again.

“We would eventually fall in love. That was fate.”

Even if we don’t have memories of our past lives, just like

now when we fell in love with each other.

No matter how many times I was reborn, I would eventually

fall in love.

“That’s right.”

Obelus smiled kindly and stroked my hair.

“How can I separate those who love each other?”

He shook his head with a short smile and made fun of me.

“It is true that there is no parent who beats the child.”

“… thank you.”

In the end , it was a story that Obelus raised both hands and
feet in love for a thousand years.

With my face blushing to the end of my neck, I bowed my


“Still, it’s nice to see you smiling happily differently from

when you cried sadly.”

When I thought of a coma naturally, my shoulders stiffened.

“Are you wondering if the coma has completely


“… yes.”

Obviously, he disappeared in front of me, and I confirmed

that Dillian’s curse had been lifted, but I wanted to hear a
confirmation from Obelus.

After reading my mind, Obelus nodded.

“okay. disappeared without a trace. Take it easy.”


Obellus asked, looking at me as I was answering bluntly.

“Are you sad? You end up raising the child with your own

“You’ve come too far for that.”

This time I asked Obelus.

“Does your father have any regrets? I made a coma, released

it to the world, and left it until it became evil… Do you think
it was a mistake?”

Obelus, who was leading the way, stopped. turned around

eyes met

“no. no regrets I never thought I was ashamed. Because that

child is also my creation.”
Coma thought it was a mistake his father made him and
believed he would regret it, but it wasn’t.

Obelus still loved coma equally, despite the many

wrongdoings he had committed.

“However, I feel responsible for the pain and sorrow you

have suffered because of that child.”

Obelus stretched out his hand. Small, white lumps wiggled a

little on the palm of his hand.

“It’s the soul that coma ate.”

“Yes, these children will be reborn.”

I glanced at Obelus’s face as he stroked his soul.

Sometimes father, sometimes mother. Or grandpa or

grandma. Several faces flashed across his face.

“Human time is not infinite, but at the same time infinite.

When the time comes and you end your life, you die, and you
are reborn and live a new life.”
The soul that left the side of Obelus passed through the gate
of light and was reborn.

We stood side by side and looked at it.

“It is a beautiful sight indeed. right?”

“Yes, it is.”

How long have you been looking at it?

Obelus turned to me and stroked my hair.

“You have saved it.”

“Did I protect it properly?”

“Yeah, you did a great job.”

My heart swelled at the gentle touch. The voice that

caressed him saying that he had been through a lot of
hardship brought tears to his eyes.
“Congratulations on passing the exam. it’s your victory It’s
my child.”

win In the end, yes, it is my victory.

But if I had lost Dillion, I would have failed the exam.

“Pendant, did you give it to Mr. Dillion on purpose?”

“I didn’t want to be resentful of you twice.”

He raised his eyebrows and frowned playfully.

“It was a small gift I prepared for the children I love, did you
like it?”

“thank you. I was really happy.”

I bowed my head with sincerity.

If Dillian had left me, I might have given up on everything.

“Thank you very much. father.”

“Hey, I didn’t mean to thank you.”

Obelus, who muttered in trouble, grabbed my shoulder and

lifted me up.

“Lia, look. It’s dawning It’s time to go back.”

The blue light of dawn is coming from far away.

Soon after, the red sun appeared, heralding a new beginning.

“Don’t wait.”

Having said that, Obelus added immediately.

“But don’t come too early. Live long and come.”

“And what if you become a grandmother?”

“What does appearance have to do with it? You will be my

child forever.”

Obelus opened his arms and hugged me.

“But if we meet again, then I will be a little greedy.”

He patted me on the back with a gentle, gentle hand as if

hugging a child.

“You decide then. Will you be my apostle? Will I ever be

human again?”


“Let’s hear the answer at the next meeting.”

Obelus, who intercepted my words, released his hand. My

body moved backwards against my will.

“Be happy.”

At the same time, consciousness faded away.

‘I am always by your side.’

At first glance, it sounded like that.


I felt a hand stroking my hair.

child , the hand that had been touching his head slowly came
down and stroked his cheek. Then the eyes, nose and lips.

A smile burst out of his hand as light as a feather.

“It’s tickling.”

“You have to get up.”

“Can’t you sleep more?”

I couldn’t sleep properly because of anyone.

As he muttered with his eyes closed, his hot, soft lips

touched his lips.

Dillian, who stole my lips in an instant, did not move away,

but muttered while their lips met.
“I have to eat breakfast.”


Dillian persistently tormented me.

In the end, I was the one holding the white flag.

When I lifted my eyelids, the eyes that met were curved like
crescent moons.

“good morning.”

“Good morning.”

Suddenly, laughter leaked out. I was happy even if we just

looked at each other quietly.

As I looked at him with a soft smile on my lips, Dillian, who

was combing my hair, whispered in my ear.

“I wish every day was like today.”

His story of a future in which we share the same bed, cover
the same blanket, and open our eyes together tickled my

I got up and kissed his forehead.

“I will. Every day, like today, we will be together.”

arms around Dillion’s cheeks, kissing the corner of his eyes.

“That’s why we met again.”

Because we were destined to meet again.

As he kissed her slightly gaping lips, strength entered the

arm that wrapped around her waist.

“Dillian thinks so too, right?”

“… It would be better to stop stimulating in the morning.”

Dillian slowly raised his upper body and pulled my waist.
Dark eyes approached as if they were about to eat me.

“When do you cry for please let go?”

His shoulders trembled at the sound of his shriveled,

subdued voice.

“Isn’t that enough?”

No , what the hell are you reacting to!

“I didn’t mean it that way, did I? Don’t you know morning

kiss? It’s going to be light!”

“Where is the light between lovers.”

“Wait a moment-!”

“It is already too late.”

“Let’s have breakfast!”

“You can eat later.”

No matter what method he used, Dillian could not stop the

Behind Dillian’s back, the rising sun could be seen through

the open curtains.

‘I do not know.’

As I watched the brightly blazing sun, I closed my eyes and

wrapped my arms around his neck.

lunch instead of breakfast, but what do you think?

It was the start of a pleasant day.

<The Monster Duke Mistook Me for His Wife>


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