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"Mistakes are proof that you are

Compiled from: trying."
Paper 2
Variants 1, 2 and 3
2016- 2020
Source: 0606/21/M/J/16 - Question No. 9 Page 1 of 40

1 (a) Given that y = a tan bx + c has period radians and passes through the points ^0, - 2h and
Jr N 4
K , 0O , find the value of each of the constants a, b and c. [3]
L16 P

a = ................................... b = ................................... c = ...................................

2r 2r
(b) (i) On the axes below, draw the graph of y = 2 cos 3x + 1 for - GxG radians. [3]
3 3

2r - r r r O r r r 2r x
- - -
3 2 3 6 6 3 2 3


(ii) Using your graph, or otherwise, find the exact solutions of ^2 cos 3x + 1h2 = 1 for
2r 2r
- GxG radians. [2]
3 3

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Source: 0606/21/M/J/17 - Question No. 4 Page 2 of 40

2 (a) Given that y = 7 cos 10x - 3, where the angle x is measured in degrees, state

(i) the period of y, [1]

(ii) the amplitude of y. [1]



0° 45° 90° 135° 180° 225° 270° 315° 360° x

Find the equation of the curve shown, in the form y = ag (bx) + c , where g (x) is a trigonometric
function and a, b and c are integers to be found. [4]

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Source: 0606/21/M/J/17 - Question No. 11 Page 3 of 40

3 (i) Prove that sin x (cot x + tan x) = sec x . [4]

(ii) Hence solve the equation sin x (cot x + tan x) = 2 for 0c G x G 360c. [4]

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4 (a) Solve 10 cos 2 x + 3 sin x = 9 for 0° 1 x 1 360° . [5]

(b) Solve 3 tan 2y = 4 sin 2y for 0 1 y 1 r radians. [5]

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cosec i - cot i 1
5 (a) (i) Show that = . [4]
sin i 1 + cos i

cosec i - cot i 5
(ii) Hence solve = for 180° 1 i 1 360° . [2]
sin i 2

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(b) Solve tan `3z - 4j =-

1 r
for 0 G z G radians. [3]
2 2

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Source: 0606/21/O/N/16 - Question No. 6 Page 7 of 40

cos x sin x
6 (i) Prove that - = cos x - sin x . [4]
1 + tan x 1 + cot x

cos x sin x
(ii) Hence solve the equation - = 3 sin x - 4 cos x for -180° 1 x 1 180° . [4]
1 + tan x 1 + cot x

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1 1
7 Show that - = 2 tan i sec i . [4]
1 - sin i 1 + sin i

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8 Solve sec x = cot x - 5 tan x for 0° 1 x 1 360° . [6]

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Source: 0606/21/O/N/18 - Question No. 7 Page 10 of 40

1 1
9 (i) Show that - = 2 cosec x cot x . [4]
1 - cos x 1 + cos x

1 1
(ii) Hence solve the equation - = sec x for 0 G x G 2r radians. [4]
1 - cos x 1 + cos x

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0 x
r 2r


The figure shows part of the graph of y = p + q cos rx . Find the value of each of the integers p, q and r.

p= q= r=


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11 (b) (i) Show that 13 tan x sec x - 4 sin x - 5 sec 2 x = 0 can be written as 4 sin 3 x + 9 sin x - 5 = 0 . [3]

(ii) Using your answers to part (a)(ii) and part (b)(i) solve the equation

13 tan x sec x - 4 sin x - 5 sec 2 x = 0 for 0 1 x 1 2r radians. [4]

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Source: 0606/21/O/N/20 - Question No. 6 Page 13 of 40


In this question all lengths are in centimetres.

3 -1
3 +1


In the diagram above AC = 3 - 1, AB = 3 + 1, angle ABC = 15° and angle CAB = 90° .

(a) Show that tan 15° = 2 - 3 . [3]

(b) Find the exact length of BC. [2]

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13 Solve the equation

(i) 8 sin 2 A + 2 cos A = 7 for 0c G A G 180c, [4]

(ii) cosec (3B + 1) = 2.5 for 0 G B G r radians. [4]

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Source: 0606/22/M/J/17 - Question No. 10 Page 15 of 40

14 Solve the equation

J rN r
(i) 4 sin KK3x - OO = 3 for 0 G x G radians, [4]
4 2

(ii) 2 tan 2 y + sec 2 y = 14 sec y + 3 for 0° G y G 360° . [5]

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Source: 0606/22/M/J/18 - Question No. 1 Page 16 of 40

15 (i) Show that cos i cot i + sin i = cosec i . [3]

(ii) Hence solve cos i cot i + sin i = 4 for 0° G i G 90° . [2]

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16 (a) Solve 6 sin 2 x - 13 cos x = 1 for 0° G x G 360° . [4]

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r r 4 tan y
(b) (i) Show that, for - 1 y 1 , can be written in the form a sin y, where a is an
2 2 1 + tan 2 y
integer. [3]

4 tan y r r
(ii) Hence solve + 3 = 0 for - 1y1 radians. [1]
1 + tan y 2 2 2

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Source: 0606/22/M/J/20 - Question No. 8 Page 19 of 40

17 (a) Solve 3 cot 2 x - 14 cosec x - 2 = 0 for 0° 1 x 1 360°. [5]

sin 4 y - cos 4 y
(b) Show that = tan y - 2 cos y sin y. [4]
cot y

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cos x sin x
18 (i) Prove that - = cos x - sin x . [4]
1 + tan x 1 + cot x

cos x sin x
(ii) Hence solve the equation - = 3 sin x - 4 cos x for -180° 1 x 1 180° . [4]
1 + tan x 1 + cot x

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1 1
19 (i) Show that - = 2 tan x sec x . [4]
1 - sin x 1 + sin x

1 1
(ii) Hence solve the equation - = cosec x for 0° G x G 360° . [4]
1 - sin x 1 + sin x

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tan x 1 + sec x 2
20 (i) Show that +
tan x
= . [5]
1 + sec x sin x

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tan x 1 + sec x
(ii) Hence solve the equation +
tan x
= 1 + 3 sin x for 0c G x G 180c. [4]
1 + sec x

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In this question lengths are in centimetres.

B You may use the following

trigonometric ratios.
2 3 +1
sin 30° =
A 30° cos 30° =
tan 30° =

(a) Given that the area of the triangle ABC is 5.5 cm2, find the exact length of AC. Write your answer
in the form a + b 3 , where a and b are integers. [4]

(b) Show that BC 2 = c + d 3 , where c and d are integers to be found. [4]

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sin x tan x
22 (a) Show that = 1 + sec x . [4]
1 - cos x

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(b) Solve the equation 5 tan x - 3 cot x = 2 sec x for 0° G x G 360° . [6]

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Source: 0606/23/M/J/17 - Question No. 10 Page 27 of 40

23 Solve the equation

(a) 2 sin x = 1 for - r G x G r radians, [3]

(b) 3 tan (2y + 15c) = 1 for 0c G y G 180c, [4]

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(c) 3 cot 2 z = cosec 2 z - 7 cosec z + 1 for 0c G z G 360c. [5]

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24 (a) Solve 10 cos 2 x + 3 sin x = 9 for 0° 1 x 1 360° . [5]

(b) Solve 3 tan 2y = 4 sin 2y for 0 1 y 1 r radians. [5]

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Source: 0606/23/M/J/19 - Question No. 4 Page 30 of 40

25 The function f is defined, for 0° G x G 360°, by f (x) = 4 + 3 sin 2x .

(i) Sketch the graph of y = f(x) on the axes below.

0° 60° 120° 180° 240° 300° 360° x



(ii) State the period of f. [1]

(iii) State the amplitude of f. [1]

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26 (a) The curve y = a sin bx + c has a period of 180°, an amplitude of 20 and passes through the point
(90°, - 3). Find the value of each of the constants a, b and c. [3]

(b) The function g is defined, for - 135° G x G 135°, by g (x) = 3 tan - 4. Sketch the graph of
y = g (x) on the axes below, stating the coordinates of the point where the graph crosses the
y-axis. [2]

- 135° 0 135° x

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27 Solve the equation

(a) 5 sec 2 A + 14 tan A - 8 = 0 for 0° G A G 180°, [4]

5 sin b4B - l + 2 = 0 for - G B G

r r r
(b) radians. [4]
8 4 4

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Source: 0606/23/O/N/16 - Question No. 5 Page 33 of 40

28 In this question all lengths are in centimetres.


In the triangle ABC shown above, AC = 3 + 1, BC = 3 - 1 and angle ACB = 60° .

(i) Without using a calculator, show that the length of AB = 6 . [3]

(ii) Show that angle CAB = 15° . [2]

(iii) Without using a calculator, find the area of triangle ABC. [2]

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sin x 1 + cos x
29 (a) Show that + = 2 cosec x . [3]
1 + cos x sin x

(b) Solve the following equations.

(i) cot 2 y + cosec y - 5 = 0 for 0° G y G 360° [5]

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cos `2z + j =-
r 3
(ii) for 0 G z G r radians [4]
4 2

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(a) Solve 2 sin bx + l = 3 for 0 1 x 1 r radians.

30 [3]

(b) Solve 3 sec y = 4 cosec y for 0° 1 y 1 360° . [3]

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(c) Solve 7 cot z - tan z = 2 cosec z for 0° 1 z 1 360° . [6]

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Source: 0606/23/O/N/19 - Question No. 2 Page 38 of 40

cosecx - cot x
31 (i) Show that = cosecx . [3]
1 - cos x

(ii) Hence solve cosecx - cot x = 2 for 0° 1 x 1 180° . [2]

1 - cos x

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32 (a) Solve 3 cot 2 b y - rl = 1 for 0 1 y 1 r radians. [4]


(b) Solve 7 cot z + tan z = 7 cosec z for 0° G z G 360° . [6]

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33 Do not use a calculator in this question.

3– 3

A 3+ 3 B

(i) Find tan ACB in the form r + s 3 , where r and s are integers. [3]

(ii) Find AC in the form t u, where t and u are integers and t ! 1. [3]

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