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Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640

Analyzing assessors and products in sorting tasks: DISTATIS,

theory and applications q
Hervé Abdi a,*, Dominique Valentin b, Sylvie Chollet c, Christelle Chrea d
The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083-0688, United States
Université de Bourgogne, CESG, 21000 Dijon, France
Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture, 59046 Lille Cedex, France
Université de Genève-CISA, CH-1205 Genève, Switzerland

Received 1 May 2006; received in revised form 29 August 2006; accepted 4 September 2006
Available online 24 October 2006


In this paper we present a new method called DISTATIS that can be applied to the analysis of sorting data. DISTATIS is a generalization of
classical multidimensional scaling which allows one to analyze 3-ways distance tables. When used for analyzing sorting tasks, DISTATIS
takes into account individual sorting data. Specifically, when DISTATIS is used to analyze the results of an experiment in which several
assessors sort a set of products, we obtain two types of maps: One for the assessors and one for the products. In these maps, the prox-
imity between two points reflects their similarity, and therefore these maps can be read using the same rules as standard metric multi-
dimensional scaling methods or principal component analysis. Technically, DISTATIS starts by transforming the individual sorting data
into cross-product matrices as in classical MDS and evaluating the similarity between these matrices (using Escoufier’s RV coefficient).
Then it computes a compromise matrix which is the best aggregate (in the least square sense, as STATIS does) of the individual cross-prod-
uct matrices and analyzes it with PCA. The individual matrices are then projected onto the compromise space. In this paper, we present a
short tutorial, and we illustrate how to use DISTATIS with a sorting task in which ten assessors evaluated eight beers. We also provide some
insights into how DISTATIS evaluates the similarity between assessors.
Ó 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: 3-Way analysis; Multidimensional scaling; DISTATIS; RV-coefficient; Rand coefficient; Sorting task; STATIS

1. Introduction stimuli to investigate is large. Even though sorting imposes

little demand on participants’ attention, its results are often
A sorting task is a simple method for collecting similar- comparable with more demanding methods. For example,
ity data that has been very popular in Psychology since the Rao and Katz (1971) found a good correlation between
1970s (cf. e.g., Coxon, 1999; Healy & Miller, 1970). In this sorting tasks and pairwise similarity scaling. Likewise,
type of tasks, assessors are asked to sort together stimuli MacRae, Howgate, and Geelhoed (1990) found that sort-
based on their perceived similarity. The sorting task has ing tasks and triadic similarity comparisons gave similar
the advantage of being less tedious and time consuming patterns of results. More recently, Cartier et al. (2006)
than other methods such as direct pairwise similarity eval- showed that trained panelists provided equivalent data
uation. Sorting is particularly suitable when the number of when they used quantitative ratings or a sorting task. These
authors also indicate that a sorting task performed by nov-
ice participants provided information similar to the infor-
We would like to thank two anonymous reviewers and Yoshio Takane mation obtained from the trained panelists.
for their insightful comments on a previous version of this paper.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 972 883 2065; fax: +1 972 883 2491.
In the sensory domain, sorting tasks were first used
E-mail address: (H. Abdi). to investigate the perceptual structure of odor quality
URL: (H. Abdi). (Chrea et al., 2005; Lawless, 1989; Lawless & Glatter,

0950-3293/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

628 H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640

1990; MacRae, Rawcliffe, Howgate, & Geelhoed, 1992; repetitions are used. A possible solution would be to use
Stevens & O’Connell, 1996). Later, sorting tasks were individual difference scaling (INDSCAL, Carroll & Chang,
applied to a large variety of complex products going from 1970; a close method, PARAFAC, was also developed inde-
food products such as vanilla beans (Heymann, 1994), pendently at the same time by Harshman, see Harshman
cheeses (Lawless, Sheng, & Knoops, 1995), drinking waters & Lundy, 1994). INDSCAL allows for the simultaneous anal-
(Falahee & MacRae, 1995; Falahee & MacRae, 1997), ysis of several distance matrices. It provides a single spatial
grape jellies (Tang & Heyman, 1999), beers (Chollet & Val- representation along with the weights of each assessor on
entin, 2001), wines (Ballester, Dacremont, Le Fur, & Etié- the dimensions of this representation (see Husson & Pagès,
vant, 2005; Piombino, Nicklaus, LeFur, Moio, & Le Quéré, 2006, for a geometric interpretation of INDSCAL). Another
2004), and yoghurts (Saint-Eve, Paài Kora, & Martin, reasonable alternative could be general procrustean analy-
2004) to non-food products such as automotive fabrics sis (GPA, see Gower & Dijksterhuis, 2004; see also Meyners,
(Giboreau, Navarro, Faye, & Dumortier, 2001; Picard, Kunert, & Qanari, 2000; Meyners, 2003; for comparisons
Dacremont, Valentin, & Giboreau, 2003), cloth fabrics between GPA and alternative approaches). GPA is an iterative
(Soufflet, Calonniera, & Dacremont, 2004), and plastic method which tries to find the closest matrix to a set of
pieces (Faye et al., 2004). Generally, both food and non- matrices. It is, in general, used with factor scores matrices,
food product studies indicate that the sorting task is an effi- but could be adapted to deal with distance matrices.
cient and economical way of obtaining information about INDSCAL, PARAFAC, and GPA are often used to integrate
sensory differences among products. Also, sorting tasks several matrices, but they are iterative methods and there-
are suitable for use with untrained assessors and with a fore can necessitate a large number of iterations (especially
large number of samples. Moreover, patterns of results for badly conditioned matrices such as the binary individ-
obtained from sorting tasks are comparable with those ual matrices obtained in sorting tasks, see Kiers, 1998)
obtained with descriptive methods such as conventional and may be sensitive to the existence of local minima.
or free profiling (Faye et al., 2004, 2006; Heymann, 1994; Therefore a method with similar goals but using a non-iter-
Saint-Eve et al., 2004; Tang & Heyman, 1999) and seem ative approach would be of interest. In this paper we
to be reproducible (Falahee & MacRae, 1997). describe such a new method, called DISTATIS (Abdi & Valen-
Experiments using sorting tasks are generally analyzed tin, 2007a; Abdi, Valentin, O’Toole, & Edelman, 2005).
using multidimensional scaling (MDS) or sometimes multi- The input of DISTATIS is a set of distance matrices obtained
ple correspondence analysis or variations of these methods on the same set of stimuli, and therefore DISTATIS is a rather
(see, e.g., Takane, 1980, 1982; see van der Kloot & van versatile tool which can be applied to a variety of situa-
Herk, 1991 for a comparison between some of these tions. In this paper, though, we will restrict our presenta-
approaches; but see Abdi, 1990; Corter, 1996; for alterna- tion to the specific case of the sorting task for which each
tive approaches such as additive trees). As a preliminary distance matrix corresponds to the sorting of a given asses-
step for the analysis, a similarity matrix is generated by sor. DISTATIS combines classical MDS (see e.g., Abdi, 2007a;
computing the number of times each pair of stimuli had Borg & Groenen, 2000; Kruskal, 1977; Togerson, 1958)
been sorted in the same group. When MDS analyzes such and STATIS (Abdi & Valentin, 2007b; Escoufier, 1980; Lavit,
a matrix, it produces a map of the stimuli. In this map, 1988; Schlich, 1996), and it has the advantage of taking
the stimuli are represented by points which are positioned into account individual data. Recall that classical MDS
such that the distances between pairs of points reflect as transforms a distance matrix into a set of coordinates such
well as possible the similarities between the pairs of stimuli: that the Euclidean distances, derived from these coordi-
Two stimuli which have been often sorted together are nates, approximate as well as possible the original dis-
close on this representation and two stimuli which have tances. The basic idea of classical MDS is to transform a
rarely been sorted together are far apart. This representa- distance matrix into a cross-product matrix which is then
tion of the stimuli as points on a map may give some submitted to an eigendecomposition (this gives a PCA of
insights into the dimensions underlying stimulus similari- the cross-product matrix). Traditionally, in sensory evalua-
ties and differences. In order to interpret the dimensions tion, sorting tasks are analyzed using non-metric MDS proce-
from MDS they are often correlated with additional attri- dures such as the Alternating Least Square sCALing
butes of the stimuli (Kruskal & Wish, 1978; Schiffman, procedure (ALSCAL, Young, Lewyckyj, & Takane, 1986;
Reynolds, & Young, 1981). Young & Hamer, 1987) or KYST (Kruskal & Wish,
As pointed out by Lawless et al. (1995), the only major 1978). These algorithms make only a rank order assump-
drawback of the MDS analysis of sorting tasks is that infor- tion to fit the spatial representation to the original data
mation on participants is lost because the individual data (i.e., only the order of the similarities is used to derive the
are pooled in order to obtain a similarity matrix. As a con- spatial representation). However, classical MDS can also
sequence, individual differences are hidden and the average be applied because the similarity matrix derived from a
representation may bear little resemblance to each of the sorting task can easily be transformed into a sorting dis-
individual assessor representations. Moreover, there is no tance matrix (Abdi, 2007b; Miller, 1969).
easy way to evaluate the agreement among assessors or to When the results of a sorting task are analyzed with DIS-
visualize the repeatability of individual assessors when TATIS, we obtain two types of maps: One for the assessors
H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640 629

and one for the products. In these maps, the proximity where a value of 0 between a row and a column indicates
between two points reflects their similarity, and therefore that the assessor put the beers together, whereas a value
these maps can be analyzed using the same rules as stan- of 1 indicates that the beers were not put together (cf.
dard metric MDS or PCA. The assessors’ map is obtained Fig. 1). The transformation from a co-occurrence matrix
by analyzing the similarity between the distance matrices to a distance matrix is obtained by subtracting the co-
representing the assessors’ sorts. The product map is occurrence matrix from a conformable matrix filled with
obtained from the analysis of a between product matrix 1’s.
called the compromise matrix which is obtained by combin-
ing all the assessors’ distance matrices. On this map, we can D½t ¼ 1  R½t : ð2Þ
also project the configuration of the products given by each
assessor. So we have T = 4 distance matrices to analyze, and these
matrices are denoted D[1] to D[T].
Distance matrices need first to be transformed into
2. General principles
cross-product matrices to be analyzed by MDS. To obtain
a cross-product matrix from a distance matrix we need first
In this section we present the equations of DISTATIS and
to square each element of the distance matrix and center
we illustrate them by showing their effect in pictures with a
this squared distance matrix so that the origin of the dis-
small fabricated example in which T = 4 assessors are eval-
tances is at the center of gravity of the dimensions of the
uating a set of I = 6 beers. Each assessor sorts the six beers
matrix (cf. Fig. 2). This step is necessary because distances
with the constraint that he or she uses more than 1 group
are invariant by any change of origin and thus several
and less than I groups (this constraint is imposed mostly
cross-product matrices can generate the same distance
for convenience). Mathematically, this means that each
matrix. Centering is obtained by transforming each ele-
assessor provides a partition of the set of the beers (Hubert
ment of the squared distance matrix into a similarity by
& Arabie, 1985). The result of this sort can be first repre-
removing the grand mean effect as well as the row and col-
sented by an indicator matrix in which one row represents
umn effects (this is also called double centering, see Krus-
a beer and one column represents a group. A value of 1 in
kal, 1977, pp. 309ff for more details). To describe this
this matrix means that the beer represented by the row was
transformation, first denote by di,j the element which is at
put in the group represented by the column. For assessor t,
the intersection of row i and column j of a squared distance
this matrix will be denoted L[t]. The number of column of
matrix D. This element will be transformed into ~si;j which is
L[t] gives the number of groups used by assessor t. Each
the corresponding element of the cross-product matrix as
L[t] matrix can be transformed into a beer by beer co-occur-
rence matrix (denoted R[t]) by multiplication by its 1
transpose: ~si;j ¼  fðd i;j  dþ;þ Þ  ðdi;þ  dþ;þ Þ  ðdj;þ  dþ;þ Þg
R½t ¼ L½t LT½t : ð1Þ 1
¼  ðd i;j  di;þ  dj;þ þ dþ;þ Þ ð3Þ
In a co-occurrence matrix, the rows and the columns
represent beers and a value of 1 between a row and a col- with di;þ (respectively dj;þ ) being the mean of the squared
umn indicates that the assessor put the beers together, distances for the ith (respectively jth) row, and where
whereas a value of 0 indicates that the beers were not put dþ;þ is the grand mean of D. Strictly speaking, this trans-
together (cf. Fig. 1). formation from distance to cross-product assumes that D
The co-occurrence matrix is transformed then into a dis- is the matrix of a squared Euclidean distance. In practice,
tance matrix where the rows and the columns are beers and this transformation gives satisfactory results with sorting

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 1
5 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 1 0 1 1
5 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 0 0

Fig. 1. The partition given by an assessor is converted first into a co-occurrence matrix which is then transformed into a distance matrix.
630 H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640


1 1

3 3 2 3 2
6 4
6 6 4
4 5

1 2 3
Fig. 2. The distance matrices are transformed into cross-product matrices which are then normalized. The normalization gives a first eigenvalue equal to
one for each cross-product matrix.

matrices (See Appendix B for a proof that the sorting dis- (specifically: positive semi-definite matrices1). It is some-
tance is Euclidean). times called matrix correlation coefficient although this is
The transformation from (squared) distance to cross- a potentially misleading appellation since these coefficients
product can also be expressed using matrix operations. In are not correlation coefficients because, contrary to the cor-
this case, we start by defining a centering matrix: relation coefficient, the mean of the observations is not sub-
tracted prior to the computation. The RV coefficient
N ¼ I 1 m T ð4Þ
II II I1I between two individual cross-product matrices S[t] and
S[t0 ] (representing the sort of assessors t and t0 ) is defined as
(where m is a vector of mass composed of positive numbers
whose sum is equal to 1, in most cases, all observations are tracefST½t S½t0  g
of equal importance and each element of m is equal to RV ¼ ½ct;t0  ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð6Þ
mi ¼ 1I ). A cross-product matrix denoted by Se ½t is then ob- tracefST½t S½t g  tracefST½t0  S½t0  g
tained as
(this is not an efficient computational expression though,
e ½t ¼  1 ND½t NT :
S ð5Þ see Abdi, 2007c, for alternative versions).
2 The RV coefficient takes on values between 0 and +1
In order to compare the cross-product matrices, we need (this is a consequence of the cross-product matrices being
to normalize them (an idea akin to multiple factor analysis, positive semi-definite matrices). A value of +1 for the RV
cf. Abdi & Valentin, 2007c; Escofier & Pagès, 1998). This is coefficient between two assessors means that the beers are
done by dividing all the elements of each individual cross- sorted identically by these two assessors. A value of 0
product matrix by its first eigenvalue. The normalized means that the two assessors evaluate the beers into com-
cross-product matrices are denoted S[t] (cf. Fig. 2). By con- pletely different ways (i.e., they do not agree on any pair
struction, a normalized matrix has a first eigenvalue equal of beers). As detailed in Appendix A.1, the RV coefficient
to 1. reflects the agreement between assessors as a function of
Then, these individual cross-product matrices are aggre- the number of beers that are either put together by both
gated in order to create a compromise cross-product matrix assessors or not put together by both assessors.
which represents their consensus. This compromise matrix The RV coefficients are compiled in a between-assessor
is obtained as a weighted average of the individual cross- similarity matrix denoted C. The eigendecomposition
product matrices. The weights used to compute the com- (i.e., PCA) of this matrix gives the weights used for comput-
promise are chosen to make it as representative as possible ing the compromise. It is obtained as
of all the assessors. In other words, we want to choose the
C ¼ PHPT with PT P ¼ I; ð7Þ
weights so that assessors agreeing the most with other
assessors will have the larger weights. So, in order to find where P is the matrix of eigenvectors and H is the diagonal
these weights, we need first to evaluate the similarity matrix of the eigenvalues of C. This eigendecomposition
between the assessors. This is done by computing an RV
coefficient between all pairs of assessors. The RV coefficient 1
A matrix is positive semi-definite when it can be obtained as the product
was introduced by Escoufier (1973, see also Robert and of a matrix by its transpose. As a consequence of this definition, a positive
Escoufier, 1976; Abdi, 2007c; Holmes, in press) as a mea- semi-definite matrix is square, symmetric, and its diagonal elements are
sure of similarity between squared symmetric matrices always larger or equal to zero.
H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640 631

S1 St St’ ST

PCA wt wT

R V { t, t’ } w w t’

Fig. 3. The similarity between assessors’ cross-product matrices is evaluated with the RV coefficient and stored in the matrix C. The eigenanalysis of matrix
C shows the similarity structure between the assessors.

reveals the structure of the assessors’ space (see Fig. 3). Be- than assessors with smaller projections. Thus the elements of
cause the matrix C is not centered, its first eigenvector (de- the first eigenvector give the optimal weights to compute the
noted p1) represents what is common to the assessors. Also compromise matrix. Practically, the optimal weights can be
because all the elements of C are positive, all the elements obtained by re-scaling these values such that their sum is
of the first eigenvector will have the same sign which is, as equal to one. So the weights are obtained by dividing each
a convention, considered positive. The more similar an asses- element of p1 by the sum of the elements of p1. The vector
sor is to the other assessors, the more it will contribute to this containing these weights is denoted a, and is computed as
eigenvector. In other words, assessors with larger projections 1
on the first eigenvector are more similar to the other assessors a ¼ ð1T p1 Þ  p1 : ð8Þ

wt wT
w wt’

1 S1 + + wt St + + wt’ St’ + + wT ST


S+ 2

5 4

Fig. 4. The optimal weights are obtained from the projection of the assessors onto the first eigenvector of the between-assessor similarity matrix C. The
optimal weights are then used to compute the compromise which is the weighted average of the assessors’ cross-product matrices. The eigendecomposition
of the compromise shows the structure of the products.
632 H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640

Using these optimum weights, the compromise is then of this projection can be deduced from Eqs. (10) and
obtained as the weighted average of the assessors’ cross- (11). Specifically, from
product matrices (see Fig. 4). Specifically, with at denoting 1

the weight for the tth assessor, the compromise matrix, S½þ ¼ VKVT and F ¼ VK2 ; ð12Þ
denoted S[+], is computed as and from
T VT V ¼ I ðbecause the columns of V are normalizedÞ;
S½þ ¼ at S½t : ð9Þ
t we get that

The compromise matrix is itself a cross-product matrix, F ¼ S½þ VK2 : ð13Þ

and therefore its eigendecomposition amounts to a PCA. 12
Therefore, the matrix ðVK Þ transforms the cross-product
From this analysis, we can explore the structure of the matrix into its projections onto the compromise space (i.e.,
set of beers. The eigendecomposition of the compromise is the matrix VK2 is a projection operator). We can also use
this matrix to project (as supplementary elements) the asses-
S½þ ¼ VKVT ð10Þ
sors cross-product matrices into the common space. Specif-
ically, the factor scores for the tth assessor are computed as
and the compromise factor scores for the observations are
computed as F½t ¼ S½t ðVK2 Þ: ð14Þ
F ¼ VK : 2 ð11Þ To sum-up, the different steps involved in DISTATIS are:

The compromise matrix defines a common space. In 1. Transform each distance matrix into a normalized
addition to this common space, we want to see how each between-stimuli cross-product matrix (cf. Fig. 2).
assessor ‘‘interprets” or distorts this space. This can be 2. Analyze the structure of the similarity between the cross-
achieved by projecting the assessors’ cross-product matri- product matrices (as a PCA of the RV coefficient matrix)
ces onto the common space (see Fig. 5). The mechanics (cf. Fig. 3).


3 1 1
1 1


6 2

4 4
6 6 4

Fig. 5. Compromise map of the beers plus each assessor’s map. The cross-product matrices representing the result of the sort of each assessor are projected
as supplementary elements. This is shown on the map by representing each beer as evaluated by a given assessor as a glass with the face of the assessor next
to the glass. The compromise position is the barycenter of all the assessors. A line segment links the position of the beer for a given assessor to the
compromise position for this beer.
H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640 633

3. Derive an optimal set of weights for computing the com- wanted and each group could contain as many beers as
promise (cf. Fig. 4). they wished. Assessors were allowed to take as much time
4. Compute the compromise as a weighted sum of the indi- as they needed and to smell/taste the samples as often as
vidual cross-product matrices. they wished. Mineral water was available for assessors to
5. Compute the PCA (i.e., eigendecomposition) of the com- rinse between samples.
promise matrix and plot the projections of the stimuli After completion of the sorting, assessors were asked to
(cf. Fig. 5). provide a few words to describe the beers and to indicate
6. Project the original distance matrices as supplementary their liking of each beer on a seven-point scale going from
points in the compromise space (cf. Fig. 5). ‘‘I don’t like at all” to ‘‘I like it very much.”

3.2. Results
3. An example: sorting beers
The original data are given in Table 1. They can also be
In this section we present a small example illustrating found in along with a MAT-
the steps of DISTATIS. In this example, ten assessors sorted LAB DISTATIS routine (distatis.m) and the MATLAB script
eight beers. As additional information we collected hedonic (biere.m) used to analyze these data. An R program writ-
ratings on the beers (from these assessors) and also asked ten by Guillaume Blancher is also available from this
the assessors to describe each beer. We also recorded the address.
alcohol content of the beers.
3.2.1. Step 0: Transform each partition into an indicator
3.1. Material and method matrix and compute each cross-product and distance
3.1.1. Assessors Each assessor gives a partition of the beers. For exam-
Ten volunteers from the University of Bourgogne par- ple, Assessor 1 gives the following partition with five
ticipated in the study (4 women and 6 men ranging in classes:
age from 22 to 39 years). They were beer consumers but
did not have any formal training in sensory evaluation of fAffligen; St Landelin; Fruit Défendug;
beers. fBuckler Highlandg;
fBuckler Blondeg;
3.1.2. Beers fBudweiser; Killiang;
Eight commercial beers were used (see Table 1). All
fEKU28g: ð15Þ
beers were presented in brown plastic tumblers and served
at 8 °C. Assessors were asked to carry opaque glasses to We start by deriving, for each assessor, an indicator
mask any visual information (color or froth differences). matrix in which the rows represent the beers and the col-
umns represent the groups. A value of 1 means that the
3.1.3. Procedure beer represented by the row was put into the group repre-
The 10 beer samples were presented in front of the asses- sented by the column (note, incidentally, that the order of
sors in a different order for each assessor. The assessors the column is arbitrary). In an indicator matrix represent-
first had to smell and taste each beer sample. Then they ing a sorting task, there is one and only one 1 per row (this
had to sort the samples on the basis of their perceptual sim- indicates that a beer belongs to one and only one group).
ilarity. Assessors could make as many groups as they For example, the indicator matrix for Assessor 1 is equal to

Table 1
Beer sorting task
Beers Alcohol content Hedonic score Most frequent descriptor Assessors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Affligen 6.5 5.5 Fruity/Bitter 1 4 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 3
Budweiser 5.0 2.5 Insipid/Bitter 4 5 2 5 2 3 1 1 4 3
Buckler Blonde <1.2 1.8 Insipid/Bitter 3 1 2 3 2 4 3 1 1 2
Killian 6.5 4.3 Fruity/Coffee/Bitter 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 4
St. Landelin 6.5 4.7 Fruity/Bitter/Fade 1 5 3 5 2 1 1 2 1 3
Buckler Highland <1.2 1.0 Coffee/Caramel 2 3 1 1 3 5 4 4 3 1
Fruit Défendu 8.8 6.2 Fruity/Sweet 1 4 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 4
EKU28 11.0 1.8 Caramel/Sweet/Alcohol 5 2 4 2 4 2 5 3 4 5
Results: Ten assessors sorted eight beers. For each assessor, beers with the same number were sorted together.
634 H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640
2 3 2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0:25 0:19 0:12 0:19 0:25 0:12 0:25 0:12
6 7 6 0:19 0:38 0:06 0:38 0:19 0:06 0:19 0:06 7
60 0 0 1 07 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 0:12 0:06 0:50 0:06 0:12 0 0:12 07
60 6 7
0 1 0 07 6 0:19 0:38 0:06 0:38 0:19 0:06 0:19 0:06 7
6 7 e 6 7
6 7 S ½1 ¼ 6
6 0:25
60 0 0 1 07 6 0:19 0:12 0:19 0:25 0:12 0:25 0:12 77
L½1 ¼6
7: ð16Þ 6 0:12 07
6 0 0 0 077 6
0:06 0 0:06 0:12 0:50 0:12 7
6 7 4 0:25 0:19 0:12 0:19 0:25 0:12 0:25 0:12 5
60 1 0 0 07
6 7 0:12 0:06 0 0:06 0:12 0 0:12 0:50
6 7
61 0 0 0 07 ð19Þ
4 5
0 0 0 0 1 The first eigenvalue of this cross-product matrix is equal
to 1.25. And therefore the normalized cross-product matrix
From each indicator matrix, we derive a co-occurrence
for this assessor is obtained by dividing all the elements of
matrix in which a value of 1 means that the beer repre- e ½1 by 1.25. This gives
sented by the row and the beer represented by the column 2 3
were put in the same group and a value of 0 means that 0:20 0:15 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:10 0:20 0:10
6 0:15 0:30 0:05 0:30 0:15 0:05 0:15 0:05 7
these two beers were not put together (cf. Fig. 1). For 6 7
6 7
example, the co-occurrence matrix for Assessor 1 is equal 6 0:10 0:05 0:40 0:05 0:10 0 0:10 07
6 7
to 6 0:15 0:30 0:05 0:30 0:15 0:05 0:15 0:05 7
6 7
2 3 S½1 ¼ 6 7:
6 0:20 0:15 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:10 0:20 0:10 7
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 6
6 0:10
6 7 6 0:05 0 0:05 0:10 0:40 0:10 077
60 1 0 1 0 0 0 07 6
4 0:20
6 7 0:15 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:10 0:20 0:10 5
6 7
60 0 1 0 0 0 0 07 0:10 0:05 0 0:05 0:10 0 0:10 0:40
6 7
6 7 ð20Þ
6 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 7
T 6
R½1 ¼ L½1 L½1 ¼ 6 7: ð17Þ
61 0 0 0 1 0 1 07
6 7 3.2.3. Step 2: Analyze the structure of the assessors
60 0 0 0 0 1 0 07
6 7 cross-product matrices
6 7
61 0 0 0 1 0 1 07 Using the RV coefficient (see Eq. (6)) to evaluate the sim-
4 5
ilarity between normalized assessor cross-product matrices
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
gives the following 10  10 between-assessor similarity
From each co-occurrence matrix, we derive a between- matrix (see Eq. (7)):
beer distance matrix in which a value of 0 means that the 2 3
1:00 0:57 0:60 0:57 0:35 0:68 0:67 0:60
0:45 0:37
beer represented by the row and the beer represented by 6 0:57 1:00 0:42 0:83 0:65 0:49 0:76 0:57 7
0:42 0:28
6 7
the column were put in the same group and a value of 1 6 7
6 0:60 0:42 1:00 0:40 0:63 0:93 0:46 0:46 7
1:00 0:44
means that these two beers were not put together (cf. 6 7
6 0:57 0:83 0:40 1:00 0:60 0:49 0:76 0:57 7
0:40 0:42
Fig. 1). For example, the distance matrix for Assessor 1 6 7
6 7
is equal to 6 0:35 0:65 0:63 0:60 1:00 0:59 0:53 0:53 7
0:63 0:33
6 0:68
2 3 6 0:49 0:93 0:49 0:59 1:00 0:56 0:56 7
7 0:56
0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 6 7
6 7 6 0:67 0:76 0:46 0:76 0:53 0:56 1:00 0:45 7
0:46 0:35
61 0 1 0 1 1 1 17 6 7
6 7 6 0:60 0:42 1:00 0:40 0:63 0:93 0:46 0:46 7
1:00 0:44
6 7 6 7
6 7
61 1 0 1 1 1 1 17 4 0:37 0:28 0:44 0:42 0:33 0:56 0:35 0:44 1:00 0:35 5
6 7
6 7 0:45 0:57 0:46 0:57 0:53 0:56 0:45 0:46 0:35 1:00
61 0 1 0 1 1 1 17
D½1 ¼ 1  R½1 ¼ 6 7: ð18Þ
7 ð21Þ
60 1 1 1 0 1 0 17
6 7
61 1 1 1 1 0 1 17 How to interpret this matrix? We can see from the RV
6 7
6 7 matrix that some assessors agree strongly in their way of
60 1 1 1 0 1 0 17
4 5 sorting the beers (e.g., Assessors 3 and 8, 3 and 6, 4 and
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 with RV of respectively 1, .93, and .83). Other assessors
are more original. In particular, Assessor 9 seems to behave
differently from the other assessors with RV coefficients
3.2.2. Step 1: Transform each distance matrix into a going from .28 to .56.
normalized between-stimuli cross-product matrix A PCA (see Eq. (7)) of matrix C provides an easier way to
The distance matrices are then transformed into cross- examine the relationships between the assessors (see Fig. 6).
product matrices (see Eq. (5)) and normalized by their It can be used to reveal clusters of assessors (such as Asses-
eigenvalues. For example, Assessor 1 gives the following sors 3, 8, and 6 or 2 and 4), and to detect atypical assessors
cross-product matrix: such as Assessor 9 which has the smallest projection onto
H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640 635

2 3
0:21 0:11 0:10 0:00 0:03 0:09 0:16 0:10
3 8 6 0:11
λ 2 = 1.4 6 0:30 0:03 0:06 0:06 0:05 0:13 0:03 7
6 6 7
τ 2 = 14% 6 0:10
0:03 0:34 0:04 0:07 0:02 0:11 0:03 7
9 6 0:00 0:06 0:04 0:22 0:00 0:08 0:02 0:04 7
6 7
S½þ ¼ 6 7:
M 6 0:03 0:06 0:07 0:00 0:20 0:09 0:02 0:10 7
6 7
λ1 = 6.0 W 1
6 0:09
6 0:05 0:02 0:08 0:09 0:41 0:08 0:00 7 7
τ 1 = 60% 10 5 6
4 0:16
0:13 0:11 0:02 0:02 0:08 0:24 0:08 5
7 0:10 0:03 0:03 0:04 0:10 0:00 0:08 0:39
2 4 The quality of the compromise is evaluated from the PCA
Fig. 6. PCA of the C matrix. Assessors are identified by their number. of the between-assessor similarity matrix. It is equal to the
Circles represent women assessors, and squares men assessors. The gender proportion of variance explained by the first component
barycenters are also plotted (W and M). Because these barycenters are which explained 60% of the variance. This is a relatively
very close to each other, we conclude that gender is not related to small value and this indicates that the assessors differ sub-
systematic differences between the assessors.
stantially in their evaluation of the beers. However, because
of the nature of the sorting task which uses 0/1 values only,
the first dimension. This PCA can also be used—as illustrated the estimation of the explained variance is pessimistic and
in Fig. 6 with gender effects—to explore the effect of asses- further work is needed to correct for the effect of the task.
sor characteristics (e.g., gender, age) on their evaluation of
the beers. Here we see that there is no gender effect because 3.2.6. Step 5: Compute the PCA of the compromise matrix
the barycenter of the women assessors is very close to the and plot the projections of the beers
barycenter of the men assessors. The PCA of the compromise matrix reveals the structure
of the beers common to the assessors. The factor scores are
3.2.4. Step 3: Derive an optimal set of weights for given in Table 2 and the projections of the beers on the first
computing the compromise four dimensions are shown in Fig. 7. Together, these four
The weights used to compute the compromise corre- dimensions explain 84% of the inertia of the compromise
spond to the re-scaled projections of the assessors onto matrix, such a large value indicates that the interpretation
the first dimension shown in Fig. 6 (see Eq. (8)): of the results can be restricted to these four dimensions. In

a ¼ ½ :0997 :1011 :1090 :1013 :0991 :1156 :1013 :1090 :0737 :0903 T : ð22Þ

We can see that Assessor 9 has the smallest weight order to facilitate the interpretation of Fig. 7, we projected
(.0737) which means that she will contribute less to the as supplementary continuous variables the alcohol content
compromise than, for example, Assessor 6 who has the of the beers and their average hedonic scores (cf. Table 1).
largest weight (.1156). This was done by computing standard loadings (i.e., corre-
lations between the variables and the factor scores) and
then re-scaling these loadings by multiplying them by half
3.2.5. Step 4: Compute the compromise of the square root of the eigenvalue associated with this
The compromise is then computed as the weighted aver- dimension (other methods could be used to create biplot
age of all the assessors’ cross-product matrices (see Eq. (9)). maps).
It is equal to

Table 2
Beer sorting task
Axis k s Beers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 .66 29% 0.39 0.23 0.28 0.16 0.15 0.30 0.40 0.29
2 .49 21% 0.07 0.37 0.22 0.03 0.24 0.38 0.15 0.26
3 .40 18% 0.03 0.02 0.07 0.09 0.04 0.40 0.01 0.48
4 .34 15% 0.03 0.25 0.45 0.08 0.22 0.10 0.07 0.06
5 .23 10% 0.16 0.06 0.07 0.42 0.01 0.05 0.11 0.06
6 .13 6% 0.02 0.20 0.05 0.05 0.26 0.01 0.13 0.04
7 .05 2% 0.16 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.14 0.00
Compromise factor scores for the beers.
636 H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640

τ 2 = 21%
6 τ 4 = 15%
Buckler Highland
Buckler Blonde
Fruit defendu EKU28

Alcohol Affligen Killian


Affligen τ 1 = 29% 4 EKU28

4 6 8
Fruit defend u
Killian Buckler Highland 5 τ 3 = 18%
Hedonic 2 Alcohol
Buckler Blonde St Landelin Budweiser

St Landelin

Fig. 7. Analysis of the compromise: Plot of the beers in the plane defined by dimensions 1 and 2 (left side) and 3 and 4 (right side) of the compromise

The first dimension, which explains 29% of the inertia of

the compromise matrix is highly correlated with the hedonic λ2 = .49
scores of the beers. It opposes the beers which the assessors τ2 = 21% 6 Buckler Highland
like the least (Buckler Highlands, EKU28, Buckler Blonde,
and Budweiser) to the beers which assessors liked most EKU28
(Fruit Defendu and Affligen). The second dimension
explains 21% of the inertia. It does not correlate with any Fruit
7 Defendu
of the supplementary variables but an examination of the λ1 = .66
assessors’ description indicates that it opposes the beers with 1
τ1 = 29%
the stronger flavor (Buckler Highlands, EKU28, Fruit Killian
Défendu) to the beers with the lighter flavor (Buckler
Blonde, and Budweiser). The third dimension which
explains 18% of the inertia is highly correlated with the alco-
St 5Landelin 3 Buckler Blonde
hol content, and it opposes the beer with the highest alcohol
content (EKU28) to the alcohol free beers Buckler Highland
and (to a lesser degree) Buckler Blonde. The fourth dimen- 2 Budweiser
sion, which explains 15% of the variance, is somewhat harder
to interpret. It seems to isolate the Buckler Blonde beer.

3.2.7. Step 6: Project the original distance matrices as

supplementary points in the compromise space
Fig. 8. Compromise map of the beers plus each assessor’s map. The
Fig. 8 shows the first two principal components of the
compromise position is the barycenter of all the assessors. A convex hull
compromise space along with the projections of the beers has been drawn for each beer by joining the most extreme points for this
for each assessor (cf. Eq. (14)). Note that the position of beer to indicate the variability of each beer. The larger the convex hull the
each beer in the compromise is the barycenter of the posi- less the assessors agreed for this beer.
tions of this beer for the ten assessors. In order to facilitate
the interpretation of the figure, we have drawn the convex tors going from fruity to coffee, caramel, bitter, up to taste-
envelop of each beer. We can see that if for some beers like less. We can also notice that some beers such as
‘‘Buckler Highland,” ‘‘EKU28,” ‘‘Affligen,” or ‘‘Fruit ‘‘Budweiser” and ‘‘Buckler Blonde” are partially overlap-
Défendu” we have a relatively good between-assessor ping, whereas other beers are clearly separated from each
agreement, this is not the case for all beers. In particular others such as ‘‘Budweiser” and ‘‘Fruit Defendu” for
we can note that half the assessors have considered that example. This suggests that some beers share some features
the ‘‘St Landelin” was similar to the ‘‘Affligen” and ‘‘Fruit because some assessors did put them together, whereas oth-
Défendu” beers and that the other half of the assessors ers did not. As a summary we can say that the ‘‘Fruit Déf-
have considered that it was closer to the ‘‘Budweiser” endu,” ‘‘Affligen,” ‘‘Saint Landelin,” and ‘‘Killian” share
and ‘‘Buckler Blonde” beers. The smallest agreement was some features. Form the descriptions provided by the
obtained for the beer ‘‘Killian.” Interestingly, this is also assessors, it seems that these beers have the common prop-
for this beer that we obtained the widest variety of descrip- erty of having a fruity flavor. Likewise, the ‘‘Budweiser,”
H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640 637

Buckler Blonde
Fruit defend u Buckler Highland
1 8 Killian
Affligen 7
Affligen 8
Fruit defend u
4 6 1
Buckler Highland
5 5
St Landelin Buckler Blonde St Landelin 2 Budweiser
2 3


Fig. 9. ALSCAL analysis of the sum of the individual similarity matrices: Plot of the beers in the plane defined by dimensions 1 and 2 (left side) and 3 and 4
(right side) of the four-dimensional solution (stress = .02). The projections of the beers are quite close to those presented in Fig. 7.

‘‘Saint Landelin,” and ‘‘Killian” have the common prop- DISTATIS can, in principle, also accommodate, mixtures of
erty to taste like a standard lager beer. Only the ‘‘Buckler distances (i.e., sorting distances and projective mapping
Highland” and the ‘‘EKU28” do not seem to share proper- or ‘‘tablecloth distances” as described by Risvik, McEwan,
ties with other beers. The first one is described as a beer Colwill, Rogers, & Lyon, 1994 & Pagès, 2005), but it is not
with a strong flavor of coffee and caramel and isolated by clear, at the moment, if the current normalization used (i.e.,
all assessors. The second one is a sweet beer rich in alcohol division of each scalar product matrix by its first eigen-
with a caramel flavor. One assessor sorted it with the value) will be robust enough to eliminate the specific effect
‘‘Killian” and another one with the ‘‘Budweiser.” of each type of distance. Further empirical work should
explore this problem.
4. Discussion and conclusions The application presented here is a first step into utiliz-
ing DISTATIS in combination with sorting tasks. Obviously,
This paper illustrates that, used conjointly with a sorting some aspects of the method can be improved. First, the
task, DISTATIS can be a useful tool to evaluate the similarity analysis of the RV coefficient matrix gives a PCA of the
of a set of products. The advantage of DISTATIS is to provide assessors, and it would be useful to enrich this representa-
a compromise space that is comparable with what would be tion by adding the equivalent of confidence intervals
obtained with a non-metric algorithm such as ALSCAL (see around the point representing each assessor. Possible lines
Fig. 9 for an illustration) or a standard metric MDS (because of development could be the use of permutation tests (cf.
the assessors’ weights were very similar, a metric MDS gave Kazi-Aoual, Hitier, Sabatier, & Lebreton, 1995; Schlich,
a solution very similar to the analysis of the compromise). 1996).
And in addition to this compromise space, DISTATIS gives DISTATIS relies on the RV coefficient to evaluate the sim-
valuable information on individual assessors and on the ilarity between assessors, but other coefficients specifically
consensus between assessors when individual assessor tailored for evaluating the similarity between partitions of
matrices are analyzed. Also, the computational core of DIS- a set (see, e.g., Hubert & Arabie, 1985) maybe more ade-
TATIS consists of the eigendecomposition, which is one of quate than the RV coefficient. These questions should be
the most well studied computational techniques. As a con- the basis for further work as well as the application of DIS-
sequence, DISTATIS can be used on large sets of data. It is TATIS to other type of tasks than the plain sorting task (see
also possible to develop robust versions of DISTATIS by e.g., Coxon, 1999).
using robust eigendecomposition algorithms. DISTATIS
could also be used to compare groups of assessors such Appendix A
as assessors coming from different cultural environment
or with different expertise levels. In this case, the consensus A.1. What does the RV coefficient measure in DISTATIS?
would be evaluated between the groups of assessors rather
than between the assessors themselves. One could also In this appendix, we explore the interpretation of the RV
imagine using this technique to compare the variability coefficient for DISTATIS. For notational convenience, we will
observed between individual assessors of a given group denote by D and T two I  I (squared) distance matrices
with that observed between groups of assessors. This would used to compute the RV coefficient and we will assume
provide an ANOVA-like decomposition (see LeDien & Pagès, (without loss of generality) that the mass of each observa-
2003; for a similar idea about multiple factor analysis). tion is equal to 1I .
638 H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640

The first step of the computation of the RV coefficient is Combining Eqs. (27) and (28), we find that, for sorting
to transform each distance matrix into a cross-product tasks, the numerator of the RV coefficient can be expressed
matrix. Using Eq. (3), we obtain S (respectively Z) which as
is the cross-product matrix associated to D (respectively, (
1 X X
T). Recall that the i,j term of S is equal to N¼ d i;j ti;j þ ri;j qi;j
2 i;j i;j
1  !)
si;j ¼  d i;j  di;þ  dj;þ þ dþ;þ ð24Þ 1 X X 1 1
2  d i;þ ti;þ þ ri;þ qi;þ  d þ;þ tþ;þ  rþ;þ qþ;þ :
2I i i
2I 2I
with di;þ (respectively dj;þ ) being the mean of the distances
for the ith (respectively jth) row, and where dþ;þ is the
grand mean of D. The term d i;j ti;j gives the number of objects that are
Because the denominator of the RV coefficient is essen- placedPin the same categories by both assessors, and the
tially a normalizing factor, we can focus on its numerator term ri;j qi;j reflects the number of objects that are placed
to analyze RV. Also, the normalization of the cross-product inPdifferent categories by both assessors. Therefore the term
matrices by division by their first eigenvalues does not ð d i;j ti;j þ ri;j qi;j Þ expresses the agreement between the
affect the RV coefficient (because the eigenvalues cancel assessors. In the literature concerned with evaluating dis-
each other out from the numerator and the denominator). tancesPor agreement between partitions, the number
Therefore we will ignore this step in our analysis. A ¼ ½ð d i;j ti;j þ ri;j qi;j Þ  I is called the number of
We denote by N the quantity equal to four times the agreements (we need to subtract I because the diagonal
numerator of the RV coefficient, that is terms of the similarity matrix are always equal to 1 and
X I therefore are irrelevant for evaluating agreement). The
N ¼ 4  tracefST Zg ¼ 4  si;j zi;j : ð25Þ index A is used to define several measures of agreement
i j between partitions (see, Hubert & Arabie, 1985; for a
review), such as, for example the well known Rand coeffi-
The value of N corresponding to the RV coefficient
cient (Rand, 1971) which is equal to
between the two cross-product matrices obtained from
the two distances is equal to (cf. Eqs. (24) and (25)): 2A
RRand ¼ : ð30Þ
I IðI  1Þ
N¼4 si;j zi;j P P
In Eq. (27), the terms other than ð d i;j ti;j þ ri;j qi;j Þ can
i j
be interpreted as reflecting the proportion of agreements
X 1 
¼4  ðd i;j  di;þ  dj;þ þ dþ;þ Þ which could be obtained by chance under the assumption
2 of independence. Therefore we can interpret the RV coeffi-
  cient as expressing the proportion of the between assessor
  ðti;j  ti;þ  tj;þ þ tþ;þ Þ : ð26Þ agreement after correcting for chance matching. Eq. (27)
and (30) also show that the RV coefficient is closely related
When developed and simplified, Eq. (26) reduces to to standard measures of agreement between partitions
! when it is used to evaluate the similarity between assessors.
X 1 X 1
N¼ d i;j ti;j  d i;þ ti;þ  d þ;þ tþ;þ ð27Þ When interpreting the analysis of the assessor space (i.e.,
2I i
2I the PCA of matrix C), the proximity of two assessors re-
flects the number of objects that they agree to put in the
(with the + signs denoting the implicit sum). same category as well as the number of objects that they
agree not to put in the same category. By contrast, the dis-
A.2. RV coefficient for the sorting task tance between assessors can be interpreted as reflecting the
disagreement between the assessors.
In order to clarify the relationship between the RV coef-
ficient and other possible measures of the similarity Appendix B. With sorting tasks, the matrix S is positive
between the performance of two assessors, we will adapt semi-definite
Eq. (27) to the specific case of the sorting task. We will
denote by R and Q the two I  I co-occurrence matrices Let L be an I  K indicator matrix and m a mass vector
corresponding to the distance matrices D and T (i.e., of positive numbers such that mT1 = 0. Let matrices R, D,
R = 1  D and Q = 1  T). and N defined respectively by Eqs. (1), (2) and (4).
Because the co-occurrence matrices are obtained by add-
ing a constant to the distance matrices, Eq. (27) can also be Theorem (S is psd). The matrix S is positive semi-definite.
computed directly from the co-occurrence matrices as
! Proof. Recall that a matrix X is positive semi-definite
X 1 X 1 if and only if there exist a matrix V such that
N¼ ri;j qi;j  ri;þ qi;þ  rþ;þ qþ;þ : ð28Þ
2I i
2I X ¼ VVT : ð31Þ
H. Abdi et al. / Food Quality and Preference 18 (2007) 627–640 639

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