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My friend Elle

When I met Elle at university, she seemed like a normal girl, passionate about biochemistry and with a
spark of wit that set her apart. She will soon be captivated by her intelligence and charm. However,
behind that diligent student facade, there is a sinister plan that I couldn't see until it was too late.

Elle lived in a world apart, without friends or confidants, except for her Egyptian cat whom she adored
as if he were her own child. Her loneliness was palpable and, in retrospect, I can see that it made her
vulnerable to her own demons.

I never imagined that the girl from the library, who was working hard in her studies, was working on a
secret project, one that could change everything. A device capable of emitting an imperceptible sound,
but lethal in its effects. Elle had in mind to form an army of useless men, revenge for past wounds.

The deception was gradual. Little by little I became involved in her plot, seduced by her beauty and
captivated by her intelligence. I became her accomplice without realizing the true intentions that lived in
her heart.

When the plan was put into motion and the device was activated, the effects were devastating. The men
around him became shadows of their former selves, unable to perform simple tasks, as if a part of their
essence had been taken away from them.

But as reality faded, I lost mine too. I realized that she had been manipulated, used as a piece in her
twisted game of revenge. My feelings towards Elle had become a prison from which I could not escape.

Now, in this cold cell, I reflect on my actions and regret having fallen into her trap. Elle, with her dark wit
and her seductive beauty, trapped me in a web of lies and betrayal. I realize that the true revenge is not
what she sought, but what was planted in her own heart.

Elle may have gotten revenge on her, but at a cost far greater than she ever imagined. Her loneliness
became her prison, and her desire to destroy men led her down a dark path from which there is no
In my confinement, I learned the most bitter lesson: appearances can be deceiving and revenge only
generates more pain. Now, I can only wait for the day when I can free myself from this prison and face
the world with a clear perspective and renewed determination.

It all started with small interactions in the library that became routine, they became my most
anticipated moment of the day. Maybe I was just in a very vulnerable moment in my life and she
became my drug, a strange safe place in which she found the mystery and desire that she needed.

Ross: Hi, would you mind if I sit here?

Elle: Sure, go ahead. No problem.

Our meetings in the library became a routine. We discussed classes, exchanged theories and shared
laughter. She seemed like a normal girl, passionate about biochemistry and with a subtle sense of

Ross: That is the summarized story of everything that happened, there are many personal details that I
would not like to go into because I think they would not affect or help the investigation either, it is just
that what happened to me with Elle has left a great learning experience but Also a big wound, but I
understand that you must know what happened, agents.

Agent Will: That's right, Ross, we would appreciate your collaboration, you know, you don't have to tell
us the details now, you can write down everything you remember. We understand that it is the first time
we have seen something like this in our entire career, more and more I think that we are approaching a
dystopian world governed not by humans, but by the negative emotions that govern it.

Hello again little notebook, hello again agents. As I was saying...

Behind that apparent normality, Elle kept a dark secret. One night, after hours of studying, she confided
in me her true intentions.

Elle: Ross, there's something I have to tell you. I'm working on a secret project. It's about a device that
can change the way we see the world.

Ross: What kind of device?

Elle: One that emits a sound that can inhibit certain abilities in men.

Ross: Inhibit abilities? What are you talking about?

Elle: I want to create an army of men who are useless, who work for us women, a world turned upside
down, as a form of revenge for the wounds I have suffered in the past.


The plan was put into motion. Elle and I immersed ourselves in the development of the device, each day
more united by the secret we shared. As the project progressed, I became aware of the implications of
what we were doing.

Ross: Elle, this... this is too much. What are we doing?

Elle: Ross, this is important to me. I need you to move on.

My doubt was mixed with the fear of losing Elle, of being left out of her life if she backed out. I
continued forward, but the weight of our actions was beginning to weigh on my conscience.


The day arrived. Elle activated the device, and the effects were immediate. The men around her became
shadows of what they had been.

Ross: This is... it's terrible. What have we done?

Elle: What I needed to do to protect myself.

But as reality faded, I lost mine too. I realized I had been manipulated, used as a piece in their twisted
game of revenge.

All this would have stayed here, of course, I would have gone to jail anyway, but, although nothing I did
served to make me feel better and morally it was not right, I still believe that it was fair, I have never
met someone with the look more evil than Elle.

That day...I remember it very clearly.

The tension in the room was palpable when Elle saw my father, a kind-looking older man who
unconsciously reminded her of an evil man from her past.

Elle: I can't stand this man's presence. I must do it.

Ross: Elle, no! You cant do this!


That afternoon, everything seemed to be going well. I had invited Elle to my house to share a meal, and
the atmosphere was friendly. But when, in a moment of distraction, I went to bring more photo albums
from my childhood, Elle and my dad were left alone.

Ross's Dad: Here's a photo of Ross on his first day of school. Look how small and adorable he was!

Elle watched with a fake smile on her face, while her mind burned with anger and painful memories.

Elle: I have to do it now, before he comes back.

Just as Elle was sneaking up on my father with deadly intentions, I returned.

Ross: Here they are! There are some very embarrassing photos from my teenage years, I warn you.

The situation became a whirlwind of emotions. I suddenly realized the imminent danger and acted on
instinct to protect my father. Struggling with Elle, a scream filled the room.

Ross: Elle, stop! Please!

In a moment of panic and confusion, I found myself with the knife in my hand. Inadvertently, in my
attempt to defend myself, I seriously injured Elle. The room was filled with a somber silence, broken only
by Elle's agonized whispers.

In the prison cell, I have reflected day, afternoon and night about that fateful day. I realized that,
although Elle had bad intentions, I will also bear the responsibility for taking her life. Elle's revenge led
her down a dark path, but she also led me down a dark path. Now, here in prison, she faced the
consequences of our actions. We were all consequences of deception, manipulation disguised as love.

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