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Strategic Management Approaches

Christen Honely B. Dadang

Dear Students of Strategic Management Approaches!

w elcome to a specialized learning guide designed to hone your speaking abilities of

strategic management approaches. This course is crafted to elevate your communication
skills, ensuring you can articulate your strategic insights and ideas confidently and

Within this guide, you will encounter tailored resources and interactive activities that
cater specifically to enhancing your speaking proficiency in strategic management. Through
targeted discussions, role-playing scenarios, and strategic presentation exercises, you will
refine your ability to communicate strategic concepts with clarity and precision.

By the conclusion of this course, you will possess a heightened command of spoken
English within the context of strategic management. This newfound fluency will empower
you to engage articulately in strategic dialogues, deliver impactful presentations, and
participate effectively in strategic discussions within professional settings.

Seize this opportunity to elevate your speaking skills and unlock new possibilities for
academic and career advancement of strategic management. Let's embark on this enriching
journey together, exploring how mastering the language of strategic management can propel
you towards success in your field.

Wishing you a rewarding and engaging learning experience as

you delve into the world of Strategic Management speaking skills!
 Strategic Management Approaches (linear, adaptive, interpretive, expressive,
Content Summary:
Strategic Management Approaches:
Linear Approach:
The linear approach to strategic management emphasizes rationality, planning, and control.
It follows a systematic process of setting objectives, analyzing the environment, formulating
strategies, and implementing action plans. This approach assumes a predictable and stable
business environment, where cause-and-effect relationships guide decision-making.
Adaptive Approach:
Contrary to the linear approach, the adaptive approach acknowledges the uncertainty and
complexity of the business environment. It emphasizes flexibility, experimentation, and
learning as essential elements of strategic management. Organizations adopting the
adaptive approach continuously scan the environment, gather feedback, and adjust
strategies accordingly.
Interpretive Approach:
The interpretive approach to strategic management emphasizes sense-making, meaning,
and context. It recognizes that strategic decisions are influenced by subjective
interpretations, cultural norms, and organizational narratives.
Expressive Approach:
The expressive approach to strategic management emphasizes creativity, intuition, and
self-expression. It views strategy as a form of artistry, where leaders craft compelling
visions and inspire organizational members to pursue bold initiatives.
Transcendent Approach:
The transcendent approach to strategic management transcends traditional boundaries and
paradigms. It emphasizes purpose, spirituality, and holistic integration of individual and
organizational goals.

•Define and differentiate between the different strategic management approaches (linear,
adaptive, interpretive, expressive, transcendent).

•Appreciate the importance of strategic management in organizations.

•Apply critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate different strategic management

Materials & Resources:

 Laptop
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Handouts
Learning Activities:

 Receive the papers with the quiz questions and answer it.
 Understand that this quiz will check what you know about various strategic
management methods.
 Listen as the questions are read out loud and take a short moment to pick the right
 Submit your finished quizzes. Get feedback right away by talking about the correct
answers together as a class.

Group Activity Instructions:
 Form small groups of 3-4 students.
 Your group will focus on discussing and studying one of the strategic management
methods (linear, adaptive, interpretive, expressive, transcendent) assigned to you.
 Think about and talk about the characteristics, benefits, and limitations of the
approach you were given.
 I will be there to help and guide your group if necessary.
Sharing with the Class (5 minutes)
1. Each group will present their analysis of the strategic management approach they worked
on to the whole class.
2. Feel free to ask questions or share your thoughts with the other students.
3. We will have a class conversation to compare and contrast the different approaches,
pointing out what makes each unique and how they are used in practice.
• Recap what we discussed in the activities.
• Identify why it's essential to grasp and utilize various strategic management methods
based on the organization's situation and objectives.
• Relate what we've learned to practical examples to strengthen comprehension

• Okay, so let's imagine we're in a real-world scenario where a company is facing intense
competition in the market. Sales have been declining, and there's pressure to innovate and
stay ahead.

• Now, I want each of you to take a few minutes to think about how you would approach this
situation from a strategic management perspective. Consider the different approaches
we've learned about in class and think about which one would be the most suitable here.

• Write down your thoughts and analysis on how the company can address these challenges

• Alright, who's ready to share their analysis with the class? Feel free to explain your
reasoning behind the approach you chose.

Role-Play Simulation:
• Each of you will be assigned a specific approach, and you'll act out scenarios representing
different business challenges.
• As you participate in the simulation, remember to respond to the challenges using the
principles of your assigned approach. This is a great opportunity to put your knowledge into
practice and see how these approaches work in real-life scenarios.
• After the simulation, we'll take some time to reflect on your experiences. We'll discuss the
effectiveness of each approach in addressing the challenges and what we can learn from
the simulation.

Here are the questions that you will need to answer:

1. Which strategic management approach focuses on a systematic and logical process of setting
goals, developing plans, and implementing actions to achieve those goals?
a) Linear approach
b) Adaptive approach
c) Interpretive approach
d) Expressive approach
e) Transcendent approach

2. Which strategic management approach emphasizes the ability to adapt and respond to changes
in the external environment?
a) Linear approach
b) Adaptive approach
c) Interpretive approach
d) Expressive approach
e) Transcendent approach

3. Which strategic management approach emphasizes the importance of understanding and

interpreting the organization's internal and external contexts?
a) Linear approach
b) Adaptive approach
c) Interpretive approach
d) Expressive approach
e) Transcendent approach

4. Which strategic management approach focuses on creating a unique and distinctive

organizational identity?
a) Linear approach
b) Adaptive approach
c) Interpretive approach
d) Expressive approach
e) Transcendent approach

5. Which strategic management approach emphasizes the organization's ability to go beyond its
current capabilities and create new possibilities?
a) Linear approach
b) Adaptive approach
c) Interpretive approach
d) Expressive approach
e) Transcendent approach

6. Which strategic management approach is characterized by a step-by-step and predictable

a) Linear approach
b) Adaptive approach
c) Interpretive approach
d) Expressive approach
e) Transcendent approach

7. Which strategic management approach is most suitable for organizations operating in stable and
predictable environments?
a) Linear approach
b) Adaptive approach
c) Interpretive approach
d) Expressive approach
e) Transcendent approach

8. Which strategic management approach is most suitable for organizations operating in dynamic
and uncertain environments?
) Linear approach
b) Adaptive approach
c) Interpretive approach
d) Expressive approach
e) Transcendent approach

9. Which strategic management approach focuses on understanding and interpreting the

organization's culture, values, and beliefs?
a) Linear approach
b) Adaptive approach
c) Interpretive approach
d) Expressive approach
e) Transcendent approach

10. Which strategic management approach encourages organizations to pursue higher purposes
and values beyond financial success?
a) Linear approach
b) Adaptive approach
c) Interpretive approach
d) Expressive approach
e) Transcendent approach

A. Extension Activities:
For your next assignment, I'd like each of you to write a short reflection on the strategic management
approach that you find most interesting and why. Think about the different approaches we've
discussed in class and consider which one resonates with you the most.In your reflection, I
encourage you to support your opinions with examples from real-world organizations. Look for case
studies or examples where companies have successfully implemented the strategic management
approach you find intriguing. This will help you understand how these approaches work in practice
and why they might be effective. Remember to provide clear reasoning for why you find the approach
interesting and how you think it contributes to organizational success. Your reflections should be
thoughtful and well-supported, so take your time to consider your response.

I look forward to reading your reflections and hearing your insights on strategic management
(Short Reflection)

Name: Date:
Program/Year/Section: Course:


(Use extra sheet if necessary)

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