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(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)


(Questions Should Not Repeat)

NAME OF THE Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security)


SUBJECT CODE IT2405,CS2405,CY2405,CB2405





Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Process, Perspective and Specialized Process Models – Introduction to
Agility-Agile process-Extreme programming-XP Process- Case Study

PART-A (2-Marks)


1 What is Software and List its characteristics CO1 K1

2 List the goals and objective of software CO1 K1

3 Tell the dual role of software CO1 K1

4 Differentiate the program and product CO1 K2

5 Recall the IEEE definition of Software Engineering CO1 K1

6 List the goals of software engineering CO1 K1

7 What is software process? List its activities CO1 K1

8 List any two Agile Process Models CO1 K1

9 What is myth and list the various myths CO1 K1

10 Relate the work product, task activity and system CO1 K1

11 Compare Prototyping approaches in software process CO1 K2

If you have to develop word processing software product, infer the
12 process model will you choose? Justify your answer CO1 K2
List two deficiencies in waterfall model? Show which process model do
you suggest to overcome each deficiency CO1 K2

14 What is the purpose of data dictionary CO1 K1

15 What is the purpose of a Petrinet? CO1 K1

Outline What led to the transition from product oriented development to
process oriented development CO1 K2

17 List the pros and cons of Iterative software development models CO1 K1

18 Summarize the advantage of adhering to life cycle models for software CO1 K2

19 What are the umbrella activities in process framework CO1 K1

What is extreme programming? Recall the major activities of industrial
PART-B (13- Marks Or 16-Marks or 8-Marks) CO Marks

1 Explain the layers of software engineering CO1 K2 8

Explain in detail what Software Engineering is and list out various
2 characteristics of a Software CO1 K2 13
Outline the key features of the software process models with Suitable a
3 Example CO1 K2 13
Interpret the term “Software Crisis” to software developers with suitable
illustration CO1 K2 13
Summarize the umbrella activities in software engineering process and
explain them in detail CO1 K2 13

6 Explain the CMMI Model to assess the organization level CO1 K2 13

7 Explain the Software Development Life Cycle using simple waterfall model. CO1 K2 13
Demonstrate the situations where iterative enhancement model might lead to
difficulties. CO1 K2 8
Explain in detail how Incremental Model of Software development is carried
out. CO1 K2 13
Explain the RAD model and which type of applications suit RAD
model? Justify your answer. CO1 K2 13
Explain the prototyping model. What is the effect of designing a
prototype on the overall cost of the software project CO1 K2 13
With suitable illustration explain about SPIRAL model evolutionary
software development. CO1 K2 13
Explain the Component based Software development with a neat a
sketch. CO1 K2 13

14 Explain Agile Process in detail? CO1 K2 13

15 Describe in detail Extreme Programming. CO1 K2 13

16 Explain Industrial X CO1 K2 13

Compare the waterfall, prototyping and spiral model. List the features of
17 each model, advantages and disadvantages and a type of application where
the model will be acceptable. CO1 K2 13

18 Demonstratethe impact of reusability in Software development process CO1 K2 13

19 Explain the software myths CO1 K2 13

20 Explain the seven categories of software CO1 K2 13

PART-C (15-Marks) CO Marks
Make use of appropriate process model to manufacture a car. Give the suitable
reasons why you choose that model and explain CO1 K3 15
Identify which process model is best suited for risk management? Discuss with
2 an example. Give the advantages and disadvantages. CO1 K3 15
Many modern applications change frequently before they are presented to the
3 end user and then after the first version has been put into use. Identify a few
ways to build software to stop deterioration due to change CO1 K3 15
Identify that if software engineering applicable when WebApps are built? If so,
4 how might it be modified to accommodate the unique characteristics of
WebApps? CO1 K3 15
We are so busy in our daily lives right now that it becomes impossible to
5 keep track of our daily events, meetings, and appointments. To address this
CO1 K3 15
issue, indentify the product life cycle model that focuses on developing a
Weekly Task Alerting System for Android devices that can alert users of the
tasks/appointments that are scheduled for each day of the week.


Requirement analysis and specification – Requirements gathering and analysis – Functional and Non
Functional requirements – Software Requirement Specification – Formal system specification – Finite State
Machines – Petrinets – Object modelling using UML – Use case Model – Class diagrams – Interaction diagrams
– Activity diagrams – Functional modelling – Data Flow Diagram- CASE TOOLS.

PART-A (2-Marks)


1 Write the distinct steps in requirement engineering CO2 L1

2 Why SRS must be traceable? what is tractability requirements CO2 L1

3 What are non functional requirements for a software CO2 L1

4 What is requirement analysis CO2 L1

5 What is the outcome of feasibility study CO2 L1

6 Distinguish between expected and exciting requirements CO2 L1

7 What is data dictionary? Where it is used in software engineering CO2 L1

8 How requirements are calculated for” user interface “ of software CO2 L1

9 Differentiate data flow diagram and state transition diagram CO2 L1

10 Why it is difficult to gain clear understanding of what the customer wants? CO2 L1

11 Differentiate the user requirements with system requirements CO2 L1

12 Interpret the uses of models in requirement analysis CO2 L1

13 List the two advantages of traceability table in requirement analysis CO2 L1

14 What is cardinality in data modeling CO2 L1

15 How requirements are validated CO2 L1

16 What is requirement elicitation CO2 L1

17 Define petri Nets CO2 L1

18 What are the elements of analysis model CO2 L1

19 What is meant by structural analysis CO2 L1

20 Compare the functional and behavioral model CO2 L1

PART-B (13- Marks Or 16-Marks or 8-Marks) CO Marks
List any two techniques used for eliciting requirements. compare the two
1 techniques and list where each is applicable CO2 L1 13
Explain the feasibility studies.What are the outcomes? Does it have
2 implicit or explicit effects on software requirement collection? CO2 L2 13
Write a note on what are the difficulties in elicitation, requirement
3 Elicitation CO2 L1 13

4 What is SRS?Explain in detail the various components of SRS CO2 13

What is requirements engineering? Explain in detail the various
processes in requirements engineering CO2 L1 13

6 Differentiate between user and system requirements CO2 L1 13

7 Describe the requirements change management process in detail CO2 L3 13

Draw the use case and DFD for a Restaurant system. The activities of a
Restaurant system..Receive the customer food orders,produce the
customer ordered foods,serve the customer with their ordered
foods,collect payment from customers,store customer payment
details,order raw materials for food products, pay for raw materials and
pay for labor. CO2 L5 16

9 Differentiate functional and non-functional requirements. CO2 8

10 List and explain the Three aspects that SRS should clearly document CO2 L5 13

11 Explain the different ways of writing a system requirement specification. CO2 L3 13

Write short notes on the list given below (i) Requirements discovery and
Interviewing. (ii) Scenarios and Use cases. (iii) Ethnography CO2 L5 16
Classify the different types of checks carried out on the requirements in the
requirements document during the validation process CO2 L5 13

14 Analyze briefly about the structural system analysis in detail CO2 L2 13

15 Explain about classical perti nets model. CO2 L2 8

What is the purpose of data flow diagrams? What are the notations used for the
same? CO2 L4 8
Explain by constructing a context flow diagram level-0 DFD and (7) (6)
Analyze BTL-4 Level-1 DFD for a library management system. CO2 L6 13
Draw and Explain the use case diagram for an ATM system in requirement
elicitation CO2 L5 13

19 Explain the metrics used for non functional requirements CO2 L2 8

Draw a data flow diagram for burglar alarm system along with ER
diagram CO2 L6 13
PART-C (15-Marks) CO Marks
Develop the software requirements document for the following
requirement. A coffee vending machine serves coffee to the customers. A
customer can choose a type of coffee among a list often options, supply
1 L5 15
the amount required and get served.Each coffee is prepared by adding
units of hot water,coffee powder,milk and sugar. The recepie for each
coffee is stored. CO2
List the stakeholders and all types of requirements for an online train
2 L5 15
reservation system CO2
What is requirements elicitation? Briefly describe the various activities
3 performed in requirements elicitation phase with an example of a watch L3 15
system that facilitates to set time and alarm CO2
Consider the process of ordering a pizza over the phone. Draw the use
case diagram and also sketch the activity diagram representing each step
of the process, from the moment you pickup the phone to the point where
4 you start eating pizza. Include Activities that others need to perform. Add L4 15
exception handling to the activity diagram you developed. consider atleast
two exceptions(eg:delivery person wrote wrong address, deliver person
brings wrong pizza) CO2
Consider an online railway reservation system, which allows the user to
select route, book /cancel tickets using net banking/credit/Debit cards.
5 The site also maintains the history of the passengers. For the above CO2 L4 15
system, list and draw the use case scenario and model the specification
using data flow diagram

Software design – Design process – Design concepts – Coupling – Cohesion – Functional independence –
Design patterns – Model-view-controller – Publish-subscribe – Adapter – Command – Strategy – Observer –
Proxy – Facade – Architectural styles – Layered - Client Server - Tiered - Pipe and filter- User interface design-
Case Study.

PART-A (2-Marks)


1 List the principles of software design CO3 L1

2 Define Quality function development CO3 L1

3 What do you infer from the design quality attributes ‘FURPS’? CO3 L4

4 List down the steps to be followed in user interface design CO3 L1

5 Differentiate the notion of software architecture and design patterns. CO3 L4

6 What is the need for architectural mapping using data flow CO3 L2

7 Draw the flow graph of a ATM automation system CO3 L3

8 List the architecture models that can be developed CO3 L1

9 What is meant by real system design? CO3 L1

10 'A system must be loosely coupled and highly cohesive’. Justify. CO3 L5
What architectural styles are preferred for the following systems
11 a)Networking b)web based systems c)Banking system CO3 L4
What UI design patterns are used for the following a)Page layout
b)Tables c)Navigation through menus and webpages d) shopping cart CO3 L4

13 How do you describe software Interface CO3 L1

14 List out the application of GUI CO3 L1

15 List out design methods CO3 L1

16 What is component level design CO3 L1

17 How do you apply modularization criteria for monolithic software? CO3 L1

Show the facilities to be provided in a system to recover users from the
mistakes. CO3 L3
If a module has logical cohesion, what kind of coupling is this module
likely to have? Illustrate. CO3 L3
Analyze an UI design pattern are used for the following. i) Page layout
20 ii) Tables iii) Navigation through menus and webpages iv) Shopping
cart. CO3 L4
PART-B (13- Marks Or 16-Marks or 8-Marks) CO Marks

1 List and explain any five fundamental Software design concepts CO3 L2 13
Define Software Architecture. Explain and compare the following
Architectural Styles Call and return Architecture, Object oriented
2 Architecture, layered Architecture CO3 L3 13

3 Explain in detail types of cohesion and coupling with examples CO3 L2 13

Discuss about User Interface Design of a software with an example and
neat sketch CO3 L4 13
What is software Architecture? Describe in detail different types of
software architectures with illustrations CO3 L3 13

6 What is cohesion? How it is related to coupling? CO3 L2 13

Write Short notes on 1)Design Heuristics 2)User Interface Design
3)Component level design CO3 L4 13
Give the steps involved in transform mapping and discuss transform
mapping with example CO3 L2 13
Discuss the differences between Object oriented and Function Oriented
design CO3 L2 8

10 Explain the coupling and cohesion methods used in software design CO3 L2 13
For a case study of your choice show the architectural and component
design CO3 L3 13
Explain the component based software development model with a neat
sketch CO3 L3 8
Write a procedure for the following: Given three sides of a triangle, return
the type of triangle ie) Equilateral, Isosceles and scalene triangle. Draw
the control flow graph and calculate cyclomatic complexity to calculate
the minimum number of paths. Enumerate the paths to be tested CO3 L4 13
Explain the following list of design concept (i) Abstraction and
Modularity (ii) Patterns & Functional independence CO3 L2 13
PART-C (15-Marks) CO Marks
Model a Dataflow diagram for a "Library Management System". State
and explain the functional requirements you are considering CO3 L5 15
What is the purpose of DFD ?what are the components of DFD? Design
DFD for the following system: An on-line shopping system for XYZ
provides many services and benefits to its members and staffs. Currently
,XYZ staffs manually handle the purchasing information with the use of
basic office software, such ass Microsoft office word and may
results in having mistakes easily and the process is very inconvenient
.XYZ needs an online shopping system at their intranet based on the
2. requirement of users. XYZ online shopping system has 5 key features: i)
to provide the user friendly online shopping cart function to members to
replace hardcopy ordering form. ii) store inventory and sales information
in data base to reduce the human mistakes, increase accuracy and
enhance the flexibility of information processing. iii) to provide an
efficient inventory system which can help the XYZ staffs to gain enough
information to update the inventory. iv) to able to print invoice to
members and print a set of summary reports for XYZ internal usage CO3 L6 15
Summarize on the Hierarchical concept of user interface design and
Draw the swim lane diagram for prescription refill function. CO3 L5 15
For any problem of your choice (say for example stock monitoring
system or key word frequency vector or key word in context that is used
in Information Retrieval system).Design at least four different
4. architectural design solutions using four different architectural styles.
Compare these solutions based on at least three quality attributes. Note
that the problem can be of your choice , the example given need not be
considered CO3 L5 15
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board(TNEB) would like to automate its billing
process. Customers apply for a connection (domestic/commercial).EB
staff take readings and update the system. Each customer is required to
pay charges by-monthly according to the rates set for the type of
connection. Customers can choose to pay either by cash/card. A bill is
generated on payment. Monthly reports are provided to EB Manager.
Design the following i. Give a name for the system ii. Draw the Level –
0 DFD(Context Flow diagram) iii. Draw the Level- 1 DFD CO3 L6 15

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