4th-Quarterly-Examination Mapeh Soloframework

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SCORE: 1-5 6-10 TOTAL

NAME: _________________________________________ ARTS
Gr./Section: ______________________ PE
4th Quarterly Exam HEALTH

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in the space provided before
each number.
_____1. Kabuki was the first dramatic entertainment that was designed for the tastes of the common people
in Japan. Which of the following best describes Kabuki?
A. It is combined mainly with vocal performance and singing.
B. It means to sing, dance, and act.
C. It means mime.
D. It uses heavy makeup.
_____2. The “Gamelan” is an orchestra consisting largely of several varieties of gongs and various sets of tuned metal
instruments that are struck with mallets. Which among the following instruments comprises the Gamelan?
A. Jinghu, Yueqin, and sanxian C. Bonang, Saron, and Suling
B. Rebab, Saron, and Shamisen D. Bonang, Yuequin, and Shamisen
_____3. In modern Japanese, the word “Kabuki” is written in three letters and each letter describes the
elements incorporated in this theater art. How would you identify the word “Kabuki” based on its
A. Acrobatics, Aerobics, Poem C. Sing, Acrobatics, Poem
B. Dance, Sing, Poem D. Sing, Dance, Act
_____4. The instruments used in Peking Opera are all traditional musical instruments. Which of the following
groups of instruments is always played with Peking Opera?
A. Jinghu, Sanxian, and Shamisen C. Shamisen, Bonang, and Suling
B. Jinghu, Yuequin, and Sanxian D. Yueqin, Gabang, and Suling
_____5. Peking Opera, also known termed as Beijing Opera, is an essential cultural tradition in China. How
would you describe Peking Opera?
A. It is a synthesis of singing, mime, dancing, and acrobatic fighting to represent a story.
B. It is a synthesis of dialogue, stylized poems, dancing, and shouting to represent a story.
C. It is a synthesis of singing, stylized poems, and shouting to represent a story.
D. It is a synthesis of stylized poems, aerobics, and shouting to represent a story.
_____6. Beijing opera follows other traditional Chinese arts in emphasizing meaning, rather than accuracy
when performing. What is the goal of the Peking Opera artist in every performance they make?
A. To become rich and famous.
B. To make every performance perfect.
C. To put beauty into every motion.
D. To make every performance beautiful and perfect.
_____7. If you are chosen to be one of the main roles in Peking Opera. What characteristics of being a
performer you must possess?
A. You must be good in vocal performing, stylized action, dancing, and acrobatic fighting.
B. You must be beautiful and brainy.
C. You must be good at acting, singing, and aerobics.
D. You must be good in acrobatics, stylized poem, and aerobics.
_____8. Theatrical performance can be applied in all life situations because it involves day-to-day events in
our lives and how people performed their daily activities whether on stage or in actual life events.
How important theaters are in our daily lives?
A. It shows no respect for the culture of another country.
B. It shows their spirit and culture while performing on stage.
C. It shows their social, spiritual, and cultural life while performing on stage.
D. It shows intellectual, physical, and social life while performing on stage.
_____9. Each theater art in Asia has its own different vocal patterns and techniques so that they can do well
in terms of vocalization, either in singing or speaking while performing. Which among the following
are the correct groups of vocal patterns of Kabuki?
A. Yakuharai, Kagura, and Nori C. Ipponchosi, nagauta, and Gagagu
B. Kagura, Nagauta, and Gagaku D. Ipponchosi, Nori, and Yakuharai
_____10. Dalang as a source of recreation, humor, and of popular philosophy, plays an important role in
wayang kulit. What is his main role in Wayang Kulit?
A. He operates the puppets while narrating the story and speaking all the dialogue and conducting the
B. He manipulates the puppets while narrating the story and writing the script.
C. He narrates the story while seating at the back of the stage.
D. He is at the back of the stage while looking at the puppeteer and the musicians.

4th Quarterly Test

_____1. China is known for its traditional theatre art form. The Peking Opera or Beijing Opera came to be
regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China. How will you describe Peking Opera?
A. Music, vocal performance, dance, acrobatics. C. Dance, acrobatics, drama, chanting.
B. Music, pantomime, chanting, rapping. D. Chanting, rapping, poetry reciting, ballet.
_____2. Sheng is the main role in Peking Opera under this includes Xiaosheng. What is the specific role of
Xiaosheng in the play?
A. actor involved with older women by virtue of the ugly and old image.
B. actor involved with older women by virtue of their handsome and old image.
C. actor involved with beautiful women by virtue of their handsome and young image.
d. actor involved with older women by virtue of the handsome and young image.
_____3. Jing is a painted-face male role who plays either primary or secondary roles. His facial pain
includes red, white, and black color. What is the meaning of these colors?
A. red denotes loyalty and goodness, white denotes evil, and black denotes fierceness.
B. red denotes loyalty and goodness, white denotes evil, and black denotes integrity.
C. red denotes bravery and fire, white denotes evil, and black denotes integrity.
D. red denotes bravery and fire, white denotes purity, and black denotes death.
_____4. Kabuki is a form of traditional Japanese drama performed by male actors. What do you mean by the
word ka…bu…ki…respectively?
A. Song, dance, skill C. Act, rap, and skill
B. Song, dance, and rap D. Act, rap, and poem

_____5. The Kabuki stage plays an important role in the play. What are the special features of a Hanamichi
A. a flower path, a runway that extends into the audience and via which dramatic entrances and exits are made
B. a small path, a walkway that extends into the audience and via which happy entrances and exits are made
C. a small path, a runway that extends into the audience and via which happy entrances and exits are made
D. a flower path, a walkway that extends into the audience and via which dramatic entrances and exits are made

_____6. Actor is separated into two main categories, Onna-Gata refers to the female role and Aragoto
refers to the male role. Most main characters in Kabuki plays are Aragoto. What do you think is the
reason behind it?
A. Because of its super-stylized, masculine appearance, and brave style
B. Because of its super-stylized masculine appearance and heroic style
C. Because of its super-power, masculine appearance, and brave style
D. Because of its super-power, feminine appearance, and brave style

_____7. Peking opera utilizes four main skills in terms of visual performance elements. What are the main
skills that the Peking opera performers should possess?
A. Song, speech, dance acting, and combat C. Ballet, poem, dance acting, and mime
B. Song, speech, dance movement, and mime D. Ballet, poem, dance movement, and mime

_____8. The colors and lines in Kabuki are used to tell you what kind of character is being performed. Color
blue and black denotes_____?
A. for villainy, jealousy, and other negative traits C. stubborn, jealous, and other positive traits;
B. for villainy, ambitions, and other negative traits; D. stubborn, ambition, and other positive traits;

_____9. Indonesian puppet theatre is performed with shadows that are cast on a _____
A. screen and lamp C. Silkscreen and spotlight
B. cotton screen and lamp D. cotton screen and an oil lamp

_____10. The theatrical performance showcases the day-to-day scenes of the lives of the people. What is
the importance of appreciating this kind of art?
A. It shows their social, spiritual, and physical life on stage
B. It shows intellectual, spiritual, and anti-social life on stage
C. It shows their social, spiritual, and cultural life on stage.
D, It shows intellectual, physical, and anti-social life on stage

4th Quarterly Test

_____ 1. Philippine folk dances speak so much about the ____________________.
A. Speak so much about the events of daily living in a certain community.
B. Speak so much about the beliefs, superstitions, arts and culture of other country
C. Speak so much about the Heartbeat of our people for they tell about our customs, ideas, beliefs superstitions,
and events of daily living in a certain community.
D. Speak so much about the arts and culture of the other country.
_____ 2. The following are the Background/Context of the SAKUTING dance:
A. This is a dance of the ethnic people living in the western side of the Cordilleras way back before the coming of the
Americans to our country.
B. This is a dance of the ethnic people living in the eastern side of the Cordilleras way back before .
C. During the Christmas, young boys and girls accompanied by their elders would go to the lowlands, especially in
Abra and Ilocos Norte to dance in front of the houses and ask for gifts.
D. This is a dance of the ethnic people living in the western side of the Cordilleras way back before the coming of the
Americans to our country. During the Christmas, young boys and girls accompanied by their elders would go to the
lowlands, especially in Abra and Ilocos Norte to dance in front of the houses and ask for gifts.
_____ 3. Which of the following are the SUA KU SUA ‘s background/Context?
A. Sua-ku-sua is from the Tausug of Sulu, Western Philippines, though known as awesome warriors.
B. Sua-ku-sua is from the Tausug of Sulu, Southern Philippines, though known as fearsome warriors.
C. Sua-ku-sua is from the Tausug of Sulu, Southern Philippines, though known as fearsome warriors are also better known
as sturdy seafarers and hardy farmers. Extensive orchards are planted with coconuts and pomelos and fields with staples
like rice and root crops. At harvest time, pomelo fruits are gathered in big baskets before they are sent away.
D. Sua-ku-sua is from the Tausug of Sulu, Southern Philippines, though known as fearsome warriors are also better known
as sturdy seafarers and hardy farmers. Extensive orchards are planted with coconuts and pomelos and fields with staples
like rice and root crops.
_____ 4. Based on the background/history the following country’s has a big influence in dance Pangalay.
A. Thailand, Malaysia, Burma, Cambodia and Indonesia C. China, Japan, Burma, Cambodia and Indonesia
B. China, Malaysia, Burma, Cambodia and Indonesia D. China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam, Brunei
_____ 5. The historical background of Binislakan, Sakuting, Sua-ku-sua and Pangalay would give you a clear picture of
the nature and background of these regional and national folk dances. Dance researchers are as follows.
A. Francisca Reyes, Francisca Reyes Aquino, Ramon A. Obusan
B. Francisco Obusan. Ramon A. Obusan, Francisca Reyes Rodrigo
C. Francisca Leynes, Francisco Reyes Baltazar, Ramon A. Obunas
D. Francisca Reyes, Francisco Reyes Aquino, Ramon A. Obusan
_____ 6. The following best describe the dance Pangalay
A. Pangalay (also known as Daling-Daling or Mengalai in Sabah is the traditional “fingernail” dance of the Tausūg people
of the Sulu Archipelago and Sabah. This dance is the most distinctively Asian of all the Southern Philippine dances
because dancers must have dexterity and flexibility of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists – movements that strongly
resemble those of “kontaw silat,” a martial art common in the Malay Archipelago.
B. Pangalay in Sabah is the traditional “fingernail” dance of the Tausūg people of the Sulu Archipelago and Sabah. This
dance is the most distinctively Asian of all the Southern Philippine dances because dancers must have dexterity and
flexibility of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists– movements that strongly resemble those of “ kontaw silat,” a martial art
common in the Malay Archipelago.
C. Pangalay dancers must have dexterity and flexibility of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists– movements that strongly
resemble those of “kontaw silat,” a martial art common in the Malay Archipelago.
D. Pangalay performers, especially women come to the festivities with face thickly covered with finely ground rice powder.
_____ 7. Bleking and Change step are one of the rhythmic dance step in dancing Folk dance. The following are its dance patterns.
A. Bleking : point , close Change step: Step, brush , close
B. Bleking : heel-placed , close Change step: Step, close , close
C. Bleking : heel-placed , close Change step: Step, close , step
D. Bleking : point , close Change step: Step, close , step
_____8. Complete and analyze the nature and background of Binislakan.
Dance Researcher: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a. Francisca Reyes, Pangasinan, Social Dance
Meaning : With the use of sticks b. Francisca Reyes, Cavite, Social Dance
Dance Culture : Christian Lowland c. F r a n c i s c a R e y e s , C a v i t e , We d d i n g D a n c e
Place of Origin : _________________ d . F r a n c i s R e y e s , S a m p a l o c , We d d i n g D a n c e
Classification : _________________
_____9. Complete and analyze the nature and background of Sakuting.
Dance Researcher: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a. Francisca Reyes, Abra and Ilocos Norte, Social Dance
Meaning : Refers to rhythmic sticks b. Francisca Reyes Aquino, Cavite, Courtship Dance
Place of Origin : _________________ c. F r a n c i s c a R e y e s A q u i n o , A b r a a n d I l o c o s N o r t e , S o c i a l D a n c e
Classification : _________________ d. Francis Reyes Aquino, Sampaloc, Courtship Dance
_____10. The original concept of the Pangalay is based on the pre-Islamic Buddhist concept of male and
female celestial angels. Complete and analyze its background.
Dance Researcher: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a. Francisca Reyes, with sticks , Social Dance
Meaning : _________________ b. Francisca Reyes Aquino, with fan, Social Dance
Place of Origin : Sulu c. F r a n c i s c a R e y e s A q u i n o , F i n g e r n a i l , We d d i n g D a n c e
Classification : _________________ d. Francis Reyes Aquino, Fingerail, Social Dance

4th Quarterly Test

_____1. Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and resulting breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the
bloodstream. What are the side effects of cigarette smoking?
a. Cancer, bad breath, heart disease and emphysema
b. Cirrhosis, fatty liver, hangover, and intoxication
c. Intoxication, bad breath, cirrhosis, and emphysema
d. Heart disease, intoxication, fatty liver, and Cirrhosis
_____2. Every time a cigarette is lighted, smoke is emitted. What are the three types of smoke?
a. Mainstream smoke, Tobacco smoke, and Stream smoke
b. Residual tobacco smoke, Mainstream smoke, and Environmental tobacco smoke
c. Tobacco smoke, Mainstream smoke, and Residual tobacco smoke
d. Smug, Stream smoke, and Tobacco smoke
_____3. Cigarette smoke has substances known to cause cancer to humans. How will you describe a Side stream Smoke?
a. A smoke that comes out of the lighted end of a cigarette or pipe.
b. A smoke that comes out of the lighted end that a smoker directly inhales.
c. A smoke that comes out of the lighted end of a cigarette, more dangerous than a mainstream smoke and it is
also known as second-hand smoke.
d. A smoke that comes out of the lighted end of a cigarette or pipe and it is also called second-hand smoke.
_____4. Tobacco use has been recorded as early as 600-900 CE as carved drawings on stones were discovered in Mexico.
What is a tobacco?
a. Tobacco is a tall, leafy plant that originally grown in South and Central America, but now cultivated throughout the
b. Tobacco is a small, leafy plant that originally grown in West and South America but now cultivated throughout the
c. Tobacco refers to the leaves of a tobacco plant.
d. Tobacco refers to the leaves of a papaya tree.
____5. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) a disease of smokers which worsens over time. What are the
symptoms of COPD?
a. Severe coughing, headaches, and fever
b. Severe coughing, shortness of breath wheezing, and tightening of the chest
c. Shortness of breath wheezing, Severe coughing, and fever
d. Fever. headaches, and sneezing
_____6. Alcoholism affects a person’s everyday life. It alters the normal activities of a person. What is alcoholism?
a. Alcoholism refers to a condition when a person heavily consumes alcohol consistently which results to nu-
merous body damages and malfunctions.
b. Alcoholism refers to a condition when a person heavily consumes alcohol.
c. Alcoholism cause addiction physically and psychologically.
d. Alcoholism cause cirrhosis that damages the liver due to so much consumption of alcohol.
______7. Alcohol intake can be measured through the BAC. What does BAC stand for?
a. Blood Alcohol Circulation
b. Blood Alcohol Concentration
c. Bloodstream Alcohol Circulation
d. Bloodstream And Circulation
______8. Alcohol drinking slows down the function of the Central Nervous System making a person vulnerable
to do undesirable things. What is an alcohol?
a. Alcohol is a colorless, bitter-tasting substances that humans have been consuming since the ancient times and
it undergo fermentation process.
b. Alcohol is a colorless, sweet-tasting substances that humans have been consuming since the ancient times.
c. Alcohol comes from the fermentation process of fruits and grains.
d. Alcohol comes from the condensation process of water.
______9. Adonis went to a party and took around two bottles of beer. After an hour, he left the party. Upon walking home,
he slightly loss balance. His speech, hearing, and memory were also slightly impaired. What are the effects of alcohol
a. Adonis is experiencing intoxication after drinking two bottles of beer. It is a state in which a person has con-
sumed enough alcohol that their mood is affected.
b. Intoxication is a state in which a person has consumed enough alcohol that their mood and physical and men-
tal abilities are noticeably affected.
c. Intoxication is a state that a person has reach his alcohol level that’s explain why Adonis experience slightly
loss of balance. His speech, hearing and memory were also slightly impaired.
d. Adonis loss balance because of drinking alcohol.
_____10. Why do alcohol and cigarettes consider as gateway drugs?
a. Among the most popular psychoactive substances, alcohol and tobacco are consumed widely.
b. Gateway drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol are legal drugs that a non-drug user might try, which can lead him
more dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu.
c. Cigarettes and alcohol are readily available in every convenience store many people can buy it without pre-
d. Alcohol and cigarettes are gateway drugs that contain chemical substance that makes the person addicted to it.

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