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In a world where borders get together, trade and culture freely occur,
lands afar and oceans wide,
the world spins closer, side by side.
The formation of globalization we are seeing here,
Uniting lives, far and near.

Technology strides, distances fall,

A utopian ride for all.
But not everything is a bed of roses, the Earth cries out, in pain,
Consequences show up, demanding our care, from carbon footprints.

Uniformity threatens diversity's situation, the rich become more rich, the
poor still pleading,
Fighting to let their voices be free.
Progress comes, with globalization's seed,
But sustainability's call we must heed indeed.

But yet there's hope in humanity, let's pause, reflect, and act,
We can switch ideas, in collaborative way, to alleviate the global pact.
A tool for good, globalization can be,
Shaping a good future for you and me.

Feito por: Yasmin, Pietro, Pamela, Camille e Laísa

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