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focus on subjective
experiences, attitudes,


Interviews, focus

Small sample sizes

collects data that is

non-numerical, in the
form of words, images
and sounds

Observational studies
Combining these two
types of data to address
Case studies the research questions
– either simultaneously
or sequentially
Rich, Holistic
Mixed methods
understanding, In-
depth insight into Use the two forms of
perspectives data to triangulate the
findings and increase
the validity of the
Time consuming, conclusions.
observer bias
Methods and
Any specific method is a means to explore
different type of the specific research questions with its
data collection and Critical reflections: limitations. As a researchers need to
analyze These methods provide consciously select research methods to
valuable insights..There address the questions, and also try to
are strength and triangulate findings (Wellington, 2000) across
Scientific weaknesses inherent in different methods when they can. While no
different methods in method can be perfect, but well-designed
educational research. studies using appropriate methods can
Objective, measurable
generate useful information for educational
policies and practice.


Any specific method is a means to explore specific research

questions with its limitations. As a researchers need to
Statistics analysis
consciously select research methods to address the
questions, and also try to triangulate findings (Wellington,
Survey, Questionnaires 2000) across different methods when they can. While no
method can be perfect, but well-designed studies using
Quantitative appropriate methods can generate useful information for
Experiments educational policies and practice.Any specific method is a
means to explore specific research questions with its
limitations. As a researchers need to consciously select
lacks context and depth research methods to address the questions, and also try to
triangulate findings (Wellington, 2000) across different
methods when they can. While no method can be perfect,
collects numerical data
but well-designed studies using appropriate methods can
and analyses it with
generate useful information for educational policies and
is often used for statistical methods,
practice.Any specific method is a means to explore specific
hypothesis testing, seeking to create
research questions with its limitations. As a researchers
generalisation, or objective, empirical
need to consciously select research methods to address the
prediction. data that are
questions, and also try to triangulate findings (Wellington,
measurable and
2000) across different methods when they can. While no
method can be perfect, but well-designed studies using
appropriate methods can generate useful information for
educational policies and practice.Any specific method is a
means to explore specific research questions with its
limitations. As a researchers need to consciously select
research methods to address the questions, and also try to
triangulate findings (Wellington, 2000) across different
methods when they can. While no method can be perfect,
but well-designed studies using appropriate methods can
generate useful information for educational policies and
practice.Any specific method is a means to explore specific
research questions with its limitations. As a researchers
need to consciously select research methods to address the
questions, and also try to triangulate findings (Wellington,
2000) across different methods when they can. While no
method can be perfect, but well-designed studies using
appropriate methods can generate useful information for
educational policies and practice.Any specific method is a
means to explore specific research questions with its
limitations. As a researchers need to consciously select
research methods to address the questions, and also try to
triangulate findings (Wellington, 2000) across different
methods when they can. While no method can be perfect,
but well-designed studies using appropriate methods can
generate useful information for educational policies and

Wellington, J. (2000). Educational Research Contemporary Issues and Practical

Approaches Jerry Wellington Continuum London and New York (pp. 22–25).

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