Biology Dec Academy 4-9

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December Test-2016

Subject: Biology Code: 1948 Marks: 17

Class: F.SC (Part I) (Objective) Teacher’s Name:_____________
Name: ________________ Roll No: __________ Section: ( Group-I ) Time:20 min

Note: Encircle the correct answer. 17*1=17 marks

1. Onion has ___________ chromosomes
a) 46 b)48 c)44 d) 47
2. Glyoxysomes is absent in:
a) Peanut b) Pea c) Soybeans d) Almond
3. Rust is a disease caused by:
a) Ustilago b) Rhizopus c) Puccinia d) Yeast
4. Which one of the following characteristics of viruses is not like that of living organism?
a) Crystal formation b) Reproduction c) DNA d) RNA
5. Anthrax in sheep is caused by a bacteria having shape:
a) Cocci b) Bacilli c) Spirillum d) Vibrio
6. Bacterial pathogenecity is due to:
a) Cell wall b) Capsule c)Slime d) Cell envelope all
7. Physarum polycephalum is a:
a) Oomycota b) Myxomycota c) Phaeophyta d) None of these
8. Which one of the following pigment is not present in diatoms?
a) Chlorophyll a b) Chlorophyll b c) Fucoxanthine d) Carotene
9. Lycopsida are commonly called:
a) Whisk fern b) Club mosses c)Horse tails d) Hornworts
10. The closest relatives of fungi are probably?
a) Brown algae b) slime mold c) vascular plants d) animals
11. The brownish covering of rhizome of adiantum is:
a) Cuticle b) keratin c) ramenta d) pinnules
12. Whisk ferns are:
a) Psilopsida b) Sphenopsida c) Lycopsida d) Pteropsida
13. Desmids belongs to
a) Fungus like Protists b) Red algae c) Zooflagellates d) Green algae
14. To accommodate euglena lie orhanisms and bacteria, kingdom protista was proposed by:
a) Ernst Haeckel b) Linnaeus c) E-Chatton d) Robert Whittaker
15. Cell wall is secreted by:
a) Nucleoplasm b) Protoplasm c) Golgi complex d) Ribosomes
16. Corn smut on ear of wheat corn is caused by:
a) Puccinia b) Ustilago tritici c) Ustilago maydis d) Alternaria
17. Bacterial endospore function in:
a) Reproduction b) Protein synthesis c) Survival d) Storage
December Test-2016
Subject: Biology F.SC (Part I)
Time: 2:40 hours Marks: 68


Write Short Answers to any EIGHT questions: 2x8=16

i. Write a short note on nucleolus?

ii. What is endocytosis? Give its types.
iii. Define hepatitis. Write down its symptoms.
iv. What are prions?
v. What are congenital diseases? Give an example.
vi. What are the functions of endoplasmic reticulum?
vii. Why viruses are known as obligate intracellular parasites?
viii. What is the chemical composition of cell wall?
ix. What are retroviruses? Give example.
x. Write down the rules to write a binomial nomenclature.
xi. Write down biological classification of corn.
xii. What is fluid mosaic model? Who proposed it?
Write Short Answers to any EIGHT questions: 2x8=16

i. Write doen any four land adaptations of fungi to land habitat.

ii. How parasitic fungi obtain their food?
iii. Differentiate between septate and non septate hyphae.
iv. What is ergotism? How it is caused?
v. Define nuclear mitosis and paraseuality.
vi. Why deuteromycota is known as imperfect fungi? Also write any two examples of deuteromycetes.
vii. Define double fertilization. What is its significance?
viii. Differentiate between gymnosperms and angiosperms.
ix. What are clubmosses? Give examples.
x. Define fronds and prothallus.
xi. Write important advances have angiosperms made towards the seed plant life
xii. What are arthophytes? Give example.
Write Short Answers to any Six questions: 2x6=12

i. What are the misuses of antibiotics?

ii. Write the four phases of bacterial growth curve.
iii. What do you know about giant amoeba?
iv. Why green algae are considered to be ancestors of plants?
v. Classify bacteria on the basis of flagella.
vi. What are autotrophic bacteria? Discuss their kinds.
vii. Name the physical methods to control bacteria.
viii. Write down two characteristics of ciliates.
ix. What are choanoflagellates?
Note: Attempt any THREE questions. 3*8=24
5. (a) Explain the lytic cycle of bacteriophage with the help of diagram 5
(b) Write a note on chloroplast. 3
6. (a) Discuss steps that leads to evolution of leaf. (With Diagram) 4
b) Discuss physical and chemical methods to control bacteria. 4
7. (a) Describe general characteristics of cyanobacteria. 4
(b) Discuss asexual methods of reproduction of fungi 4
8. (a)Differentiate between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell. 4
(b) Discuss economic gains of fungi. 4
9. Discuss evolution of seed and its significance. 8

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