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Environment and Ecology

Lecture - 06
Ecological Succession and
Biogeochemical Cycle

Ecological Succession and Biogeochemical Cycle

Other types of Ecological Successions:

Autogenic Succession Allogenic Succession

 It is driven by biotic factors or living  It is driven by abiotic factors or external

organisms of the community. factors.
 Secondary succession starts with autogenic  Primary succession begins with allogenic
succession. succession and proceeds to autogenic
 Examples: Dead organic material in the soil succession.
changes the structure of the soil.  Examples: Volcanic eruption, flood, etc.

Importance of ecological succession:

 Biodiversity and Species Interactions:
 Succession leads to changing species compositions over time.
 New species colonize and replace existing ones, promoting biodiversity.
 It supports ecological interactions like predation, competition, and mutualism.
 Ecosystem Development and Stability:
 Succession leads to the development and maturation of ecosystems.
 It creates complex and specialized species assemblages.
 Mature ecosystems are more stable and resilient to disturbances.
 Nutrient Cycling and Soil Formation:
 Early successional species contribute to soil formation.
 Nutrient availability and cycling become more efficient over time.
 It supports the growth of diverse plant species.
 Habitat for Wildlife:
 Successional changes create varied habitats.
 Provides niches for diverse animal species.
 Enhances ecosystem health and wildlife populations.
Biogeochemical Cycle:
 It is the movement of nutrients between abiotic and biotic factors of an ecosystem.
 In this cycle, energy flows in a unilateral direction, and nutrients flow in a cyclic direction.
Types of Biogeochemical Cycle:
Based on the nature of reservoirs the biogeochemical cycle can be classified into two types:

Nature of

Gaseous Sedimentary
Reservoir Reservoir

 Gaseous Reservoirs: Its examples are as follows:

 Water cycle or Hydrologic cycle
 Oxygen cycle
 Carbon cycle
 Nitrogen (N2) cycle
 Sedimentary Reservoir: Its examples are as follows:
 Phosphorus cycle
 Sulfur cycle
Water Cycle:
 It is a cycle where water keeps going from one
component of an ecosystem to another component
in a cyclic manner.
Importance of the Water Cycle:
 Freshwater Availability: The water cycle ensures a continuous supply of fresh water for human use and
ecosystem health.
 Ecosystem Vitality: It supports diverse aquatic habitats and maintains water quality essential for various
 Agriculture and Food Security: The water cycle is vital for crop irrigation and stable food production.
 Climate Regulation: Evaporation and water vapor influence temperature, weather patterns, and global
 Weather Patterns: The water cycle drives weather phenomena like precipitation, clouds, and storms.
 Nutrient Cycling: It transports nutrients through ecosystems, supporting plant growth and biodiversity.
 Hydroelectric Power: Moving water generates renewable energy through hydroelectric power plants.
Carbon Cycle:
 It is a biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged
between the soil, water, and atmosphere (air) of the earth.
 It is the most important cycle of the Earth and allows for carbon
to be recycled by all of its organisms.
 If the concentration of carbon dioxide increases it leads to the
global warming phenomena.

 If the concentration of carbon dioxide decreases it causes a global cooling phenomenon.

 Carbon is an important molecule of protein, DNA, RNA, lipids, carbohydrates, etc.
 At the time of the formation of Earth there was a high concentration of carbon dioxide and the
temperature was also high, at the same time oxygen was absent.
 Due to photosynthesis the present Earth witnessed a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide
and an increase in the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere and temperature has attained its optimum
Advantages of the Carbon Cycle
 Regulate Climate: The carbon cycle regulates Earth's climate by controlling the amount of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere, influencing global temperatures and weather patterns.
 Forms essential organic molecules: It forms the basis of organic molecules essential for life, including
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, crucial
for all living organisms.
 Convert Carbon Dioxide into energy: The carbon
cycle drives photosynthesis, allowing plants to convert
carbon dioxide into energy-rich compounds, and
respiration, releasing energy for growth and
 Carbon Storage: It stores carbon in various reservoirs,
including forests, oceans, soils, and fossil fuels, helping
to balance atmospheric carbon levels.
 Soil Fertility: Carbon cycling in soils enhances fertility
by promoting nutrient availability and supporting diverse
microbial communities.
Disadvantages of the Carbon Cycle
 Influence ocean health: The carbon cycle affects ocean acidity and marine life, as oceans absorb and release
carbon dioxide, influencing the health of aquatic ecosystems.
 Fossil Fuel Impact: The cycle's disruption through fossil fuel burning leads to increased carbon dioxide
levels, contributing to global warming and climate change.
 Carbon Sequestration: Natural carbon sinks like forests and wetlands sequester carbon, mitigating the
effects of human activities on atmospheric carbon levels.
The concept of different types of carbon, such as blue, black, brown, and green carbon, refers to various
forms of carbon found in different ecosystems and their roles in carbon sequestration and storage.
Blue Carbon:
 Blue carbon refers to the carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems, primarily mangroves,
seagrasses, and tidal marshes.
 These ecosystems are highly efficient at capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
mainly in the form of organic matter in their soils.

 Blue carbon habitats are vital for mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon and providing other
ecosystem services, such as coastal protection and habitat for marine life.

Black Carbon:
Black carbon, often referred to as "elemental carbon," is a type of particulate matter produced from incomplete
combustion of fossil fuels, biomass, and other organic materials.
 It has a significant impact on air quality and can contribute to climate change by absorbing sunlight and
altering the reflectivity of surfaces.
 Black carbon can settle on snow and ice, reducing their reflectivity and accelerating melting.
Brown Carbon:
 Brown carbon is a complex mixture of organic compounds formed through the chemical reactions of volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) and sunlight.
 It is often associated with the color of particulate matter in the atmosphere and can influence climate by
scattering and absorbing sunlight.
 Brown carbon has been recognized for its role in atmospheric processes and its potential effects on air
quality, visibility, and climate.
Green Carbon:
 Green carbon refers to carbon stored in terrestrial ecosystems, particularly in vegetation such as forests,
grasslands, and wetlands.
 Plants capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and store it as biomass,
helping to mitigate climate change.
 Conservation and restoration of green carbon ecosystems are essential for maintaining carbon sinks and
preserving biodiversity.
Nitrogen Cycle:
 Air comprises 78% of nitrogen.
 Nitrogen gas has a nitrogen-nitrogen triple bond. Nitrogen is an inert gas.
 Nitrogen compound is the base of DNA, RNA, and Protein (Amino acid).
 Nitrogen cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that describes the
transformation of nitrogen and nitrogen-containing
compounds in nature.
 Atmospheric nitrogen is the biggest source of nitrogen.
 Green plants absorb nitrogen in the form of nitrates and
nitrites from the soil and water.
 Animals get nitrogen when they feed on plants.
 Nitrogen is an essential component of proteins and nucleic
acids in living organisms.
The Nitrogen Cycle can be Studied in Five Steps:

 Nitrogen Fixation: As we can see in the figure. above, nitrogen can be fixed in two ways:
 Lightening during cloud formation: Nitrogen and oxygen combine with each other to form oxides of
nitrogen in the atmosphere by lightning. These nitrogen oxides then dissolve in rainwater and on
reaching the earth’s surface becomes a part of the soil and water.
 Free-living microorganisms: Microbes like blue-green algae and bacteria fix the atmospheric nitrogen
into nitrites and nitrates. These nitrogenous compounds are then released into the soil.
 Industrial fixation: Ammonia is created by industrial processes to convert it into fertilizers. For
example, Urea.
 Nitrogen Assimilation: Plants absorb nitrogen in the form of nitrates to prepare amino acids. This nitrogen
is then taken up by the animals in the form of proteins through the food chain.
 Ammonification: The proteins in the body of the animals are broken down into simpler forms like urea and
ammonia. These are then removed from the body along with urine and excreta. Dead plants and animals also
return nitrogen to the soil as ammonium compounds. These ammonium compounds are then converted to
ammonia by ammonifying bacteria.
 Nitrification: The conversion of ammonia into nitrates is called nitrification. Nitrifying bacteria like
Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas found in the soil convert ammonia into nitrate. Some other bacteria present
in the soil convert ammonia into nitrites. Some of these nitrates and nitrites are again taken up by the plants
for their nutrition.

Nitrifying bacteria → Convert Ammonia to Nitrate

(Nitrobacter, Nitrosomonas)

 Denitrification: Denitrifying bacteria like Pseudomonas and Clostridium living in the soil reduce the soil
nitrites and nitrates into nitrogen which is returned back into the atmosphere.

Denitrifying bacteria → Reduce Nitrates and Nitrites to Nitrogen

(Pseudomonas, Clostridium)


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