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From the very beginning of our existence, the main goal of human beings is to evolve

and survive. At its very core, this sort nature is hardwired in every known species that seek to

survive and thrive to ultimately achieve purpose in this harsh world. However, the human

species has set itself above others by developing their superior intellectual abilities that enabled

the species to thrive and survive via many tools and techniques that it has developed through

countless generations. This realization eliminated the various threats of extinction which led to

the exploration of other mediums that built the modern sophisticated society we know today.

Human beings began to question their reality through philosophy, to question our existence and

to know the art that surrounds us. As we delve deeper into these arts, the knowledge on what

makes something beautiful became more prevalent ushering the idea of fashion and couture.

Much known in the form of clothing throughout history however in the modern utopia of today,

grooming such as haircuts and beard cuts became a major fashion statement. One of the most

prevalent symbols for cleanliness and prestige, the haircut is a versatile fashion statement that

is not bound by a single design or framework but can be altered to be suitable for its bearer. The

popular styling may be having a resurgence today but this form of fashion has been a relevant

subject since the ancient time as stated by Gibson (2022), the Venus of Willendorf and Venus of

Brassempouy, two statuettes from the Ice Age dated at 30,000BC, show evidence of hairstyling

and braiding. With that, not long after came the rise of the beard cut. A fashionable way to trim

or style the facial hair of men, the beard cut has been around for a long time. Stated by Almanac

(2021), ancient cave paintings often depict men without beards, and suggest that people shaved

or removed unwanted hair with clamshells, which were used like tweezers, or with blades made

of flint.
A good quality haircut is synonymous to being a well behaved and civilized citizen of

society. However, as time goes on the symbolism of a haircut evolved into a much personal

matter to someone’s ego. Its importance lies in the way it represents one’s personality and

image to the general public like a facial feature would. With this, barbershops and grooming

institutes have become a major industry everywhere. Trafft (2021) estimated that 45.5% of

industry revenue comes from haircutting and styling. A further 17.1% results from hair coloring

and tinting. However, even though garnering a booming economy it has been stopped by a

force no one can ever predict. As the Covid-19 virus pandemic struck the world, all industries

present in the world have come to a major halt. With this, people are forced to live digitally to

avoid contact with the virus. Thus, this predicament led to the lack of haircut and shaving

services for the span of the pandemic.

This pandemic may have been a disaster at large but it gave the world a new channel

and edge in the form of online services. With this new found flatform, the developers intend to

fully digitalize the shaving and grooming industry with the help of our newly developed system,

the “KaVOGUErong Barbero” website.


Website making is an amazing feat of technological advancement that evolved through a

painstaking progress since the birth of the internet. Many tools of the trade are utilized today to

develop systems and website in the industry today. This includes the booking and purchasing

system the developers have created. This includes the help of the following building tools used

to create, maintain and innovate the created website we developed. To help ease the

processes, the developers provided ample interpretation of the said tools below:

WIX. An editor that the developers utilized to create the given booking and purchasing

system, WIX is a very powerful and versatile software. The culmination of their technologies
created an environment where newcomers and long-time experts create their own personalized

and professional online presence. It is world-class powerful drag and drop editor that ease its

users by creating webpages with the most simplistic approach into web design.

JavaScript. For a more sophisticated feel and look on the web program that the

developers have created, the implementation of JavaScript within its inner workings is applied.

A popular and dynamic computer programming software that enables its users to implement

complex and fine details into a system being created. JavaScript uses a lightweight

programming language that allows a more client base interaction with the users other that being

a static website.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). A primary support programming language used in web

design, the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used by the developers in the web system created

to control and describe the styles of the webpage shown at all times in the screen. This software

fortifies the structuring of the program by neatly laying out the HTML elements which includes

design, display and more to create a fine-tune website.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). This mark-up language is used by the developers to

define the structure of the web program. It is one of the most basic and important systems for

tagging all the necessary details needed in the making of the program which include text, color,

graphics and more.


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