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“MORCI BAR (Moringa & Caridea Snack Bar)”

Optimization of Shrimp Chitosan and Moringa Leaves (Moringa Oleifera) As a

Stunting Prevention Snack.
Amirotuz Zahroh Putri Hamamy, Ananda Azkaa Risalah Aurotsnajannat,
Azzahara Tsani Maia, Dalilah Filza Prasela, Fatma Ninda Fawziyyah Ardanis.
Supervisor : Ridha Amalinda Lazuardi, S.Pd
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Category : Entrepreneur

Sidoarjo has the highest number of stunting cases in East Java. Stunting is
caused by low nutritional intake. The East Java Health Office (Dinkes) noted that
1 out of 5 chindren in Sidoarjo is indicated to be stunted. On other side, Sidoarjo
Region produces 3,725 tons of shrimp each year. However, on average, only the
meat is used, leaving only the by-products in the form of the skin, head and tail.
The by-product still contains elements of chitosan which can meet nutritional
needs. It is from here that we want to take adventage of these natural resources to
be processed into a Snack Bar that is healthy and can improve the nutrition of
children in Indonesia so that stunting can be prevented. We also add Moringa
Leaves (Moringa Oleifera) as a complement to the existing ingredients. We have
calculated the business feasibility of our products. We get the following results,
BEP = Rp. 95.000 : 20 pcs = Rp. 5.000/pcs We want to make a profit of Rp. 3.000,
so our Morcibar total price is Rp. 8.000. We conclude that this business plan can
be implemented during production, as well as during buying and selling in the

Keywords : Snack Bar, Chitosan, Stunting.


Several years ago, in 2019 to be also add Moringa Leaves (Moringa

precise. The East Java Health Office Oleifera) as a complement to the
(Dinkes) noted that Sidoarjo had the existing ingredients. In this case, we
highest number of stunting cases in also participate in supporting
East Java. The number reached government programs in the form of
24,439 out of a total of 344,019 GERMAS (Healthy Living
toddlers in East Java. Sidoarjo also Community Movement) and reducing
occupies the top spot in East Java. the prevalence of stunting in
Stunting generally occurs in toddlers. Indonesia.
From these cases it can be concluded
that stunting is caused by low Judging from various previous
nutritional intake. Usually, children works, usually Snack Bars tend to
who suffer from stunting have stunted have a sweet taste so they contain a
growth and aventually their bodies lot of sugar. And the existing content
become short. is generally incomplete like the
products we have.
Not only that, Sidoarjo is known
as the city of shrimp and milkfish. It is from here that we want to
This area produces 3,275 tons of take adventage of these natural
shrimp annually. However, on resources to be processed into a
average what is used or utilized from Snack Bar that is healthy and can
shrimp is only the meat, leaving only improve the nutrition of children in
by-product in the form of shells, heads Indonesia so that stunting can be
and tails. Who would have thought prevented. Also, we also add Moringa
that this by-product still contains the Leaves (Moringa Oleifera) as a
element chitosan which can meet complement to the existing
nutritional needs so that it can lower ingredients.
the potential for stunting. Also, we


2.1 Design All ingredients perfectly on

carbohydrates and proteins, form and
We use research methods of soften Gluten. The equipment and
mixing, baking, cooling and cutting. materials we will use are as follows.
The mixing process in making Snack
Bars is an important part that cannot Equipment : Erlemeyer, soxlex,
be missed. In the mixing process it is test tubes, ashing, mortar, measuring,
very necessary to get hydration. cups, petri dishes, digital scales.
Ingredients : Shrimp chitosan, chemical analysis to identify
Moringa leaves, distilled water, 95% nutritional content such as protein,
ethanol, flour, cornstarch, sugar, salt. carbohydrates, fats and fiber in a food
substance from feed or food
ingredients which serves as a quality
2.2 Test assessment. While the Organoleptic
Test is a way of testing using the
We used the Proximate Test and human senses as the main tool for
Organoleptic Test in this study. measuring the acceptability of
Proximate test is a method of products.

2.3 Results
After carrying out the Proximate Test and Organoleptic Test, the following
results were obtained.
No Proximate Analysis Value (Rate)
1 Protein Level 5,9%
2 Fat Level 2,5%
3 Carbohydrate content (Total Fiber) 6,05%
4 Water content 2%
Total Ash content
 Ca 0,9%
5  Fosfor 0,3%
 Fe 0,2%
 Iodium 0,1%
126 Kkal
6 Total energy
(Per Serving 100mg)
7 Glycemic Level 48 GI
8 (Total Plate Count) -

9 Expired Date 7 days (room temperature)

No Organoleptik Average
1 Color 8.1
2 Flavour 8.2
3 Smell 8.3
4 Texture 8,2
2.4 Discussion
The Proximate Test shows that contain correlation compouds Ca
chitosan and Moringa Leaves 0.9%, Phosphorus 0.3%, Fe 0.2%,
(Moringa Oliefera) 100 mg/servis 0.1% iodine which can support
contain 5.9% Protein content , 6.05% nutritional growth thereby reducing
Carbohydrate content, and also the potential for stunting.

III. SWOT ANALYSIS (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats)

Made from natural This is a new product, so it
ingredients, No takes time for further
preservatives, Gluten free. socialization.

In the next few years, the There are many similar brand
food trend will return to products such as Soyjoy,
nature. Fitbar, and so on.


Human Resources Technical Factor Economic Factor

1 out of 5 Compared to Our product

children in previous are more
Sidoarjo is products, our affordable
stunded, due products has a than other
to low more complete existing Realizing
nutrition nutritional product. a stunting-
intake. intake free
The raw materials Shrimp by-product Indonesia
for the products that we use can
produces 3.725
that we use are reduce
ton of shrimp
commonly environmental
every year and
consumed by the pollution because
there is also a
public. they are processed
Moringa village
in Sidoarjo.
Program Social Factors Environmental Factor
3.2 PPROFITABILITY, b. Legality
The Research Ethics Commission of
a. Profitability the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
Sciences, Brawijaya University has
BEP = Cost of production : held a meeting on January 9, 2023 to
production results. discuss the research ethics protocol
BEP = Rp. 95.000 : 20 pcs = Rp. concluding that it has fulfilled all the
5.000/pcs We want to make a requirements of Research Ethics.
profit of Rp. 3.000, so our c. Continueitas
Morcibar total price is Rp. 8.000.
In the next year our products will be
produced to the public with a total
percentage of 10%.

Morci bar Soyjoy Fitbar Other Snack Bar

We have gone through Production costs include the
proximate and organoleptic tests. costs of by-products of shrimp,
The best results were obtained on Moringa Leaves, high-fiber flour,
the F3 sample. These results can packaging costs, and other costs
be used as appropriate according which has a total of Rp. 95.000.
to scientific principles. We. In After calculating later every day
profitability, the ratio that we use we will produce 20 pcs.
is BEP (Break Even Point)
Profitability So, BEP = Rp. 95.000 : 20 pcs
= Rp. 5.000/pcs. We want to make
In profitability, the ratio that a profit of Rp. 3.000, so our
we use is BEP (Break Even Point). Morcibar total price is Rp. 8.000.
BEP = Cost of production :
production results
1. Dinas Kesehatan Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo, 2021, Sosialisasi Gencar,
Angka Kasus Stunting di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Mulai Menurun.
23 Desember 2022.
2. Eko Widianto, Sidoarjo, 2011, Udang dan Ikan Bandeng
Sidoarjo Meningkat.
bandeng-sidoarjo-meningkat 13 Januari 2023.

3. Andi Hartik, Malang, 2018, Pabrik Soyjoy di Indonesia Mampu

Produksi 60 Juta Kemasan.
14 Januari 2023.


Team Leader
Full Name Amirotuz Zahroh Putri Hamamy
NISN 0074562225
Position in Research Team Leader
Gender Woman
Place of Birth Sidoarjo
Date of Birth 16 December 2007
Student Identification Number 121135150003200200
Class IX
Specialization Enterpreneur
Home Address Jl. Dusun Sidopurno No.13, Sidoarjo
Village Sidokepung rt.20/rw.05
District Buduran
Regency/City Sidoarjo
Province East Java
Home Phone Number -
Phone Number 081393930819
Student E-mail
Biological mother’s name Chosiyah S.Pd M.M
School Name Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1
Status Country
School Address Jl. Stadion No.150, Kemiri, Sidoarjo
Village Sidoarjo
District Sidoarjo
School Phone Number 0318953735
School E-mail
First Member
Full Name Ananda Azkaa Risalah
NISN 0072026345
Position in Research Member
Gender Woman
Place of Birth Sidoarjo
Date of Birth 17 December 2007
Student Identification Number 121135150003200201
Class IX
Specialization Enterpreneur
Home Address Jl. Majapahit No.131, Sidoarjo
Village Sidowayah rt.14/rw.05
District Sidoarjo
Regency/City Sidoarjo
Province East Java
Home Phone Number -
Phone Number 082132224304
Student E-mail
Biological mother’s name Fenny Purwo Cahyani S.Kom
School Name Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1
Status Country
School Address Jl. Stadion No.150, Kemiri, Sidoarjo
Village Sidoarjo
District Sidoarjo
School Phone Number 0318953735
School E-mail

Second Member
Full Name Azzahara Tsani Maia
NISN 0084113583
Position in Research Member
Gender Woman
Place of Birth Sidoarjo
Date of Birth 2 May 2008
Student Identification Number 121135150003200206
Class IX
Specialization Enterpreneur
Home Address Jl. Abdurrahman No.42, 61252,
Village Banjarsari
District Buduran
Regency/City Sidoarjo
Province East Java
Home Phone Number -
Phone Number 089617311953
Student E-mail
Biological mother’s name Asnifah S.Pd.I
School Name Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1
Status Country
School Address Jl. Stadion No.150, Kemiri, Sidoarjo
Village Sidoarjo
District Sidoarjo
School Phone Number 0318953735
School E-mail

Third Member
Full Name Dalilah Filza Prasela
NISN 0077731599
Position in Research Member
Gender Woman
Place of Birth Sidoarjo
Date of Birth 12 November 2007
Student Identification Number 121135150003200208
Class IX
Specialization Enterpreneur
Home Address Griya Kebonagung, Sukodono,
Village Griya Kebonagung, Blok C2/14
District Sukodono
Regency/City Sidoarjo
Province East Java
Home Phone Number -
Phone Number 081333352862
Student E-mail
Biological mother’s name Lailatul Cahyani S.E
School Name Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1
Status Country
School Address Jl. Stadion No.150, Kemiri, Sidoarjo
Village Sidoarjo
District Sidoarjo
School Phone Number 0318953735
School E-mail
Fourth Member
Full Name Fatma Ninda Fawziyyah Ardamis
NISN 3084914971
Position in Research Member
Gender Woman
Place of Birth Sidoarjo
Date of Birth 8 January 2008
Student Identification Number 121135150003200212
Class IX
Specialization Enterpreneur
Home Address Jl. Abdurrahman No.66, 61252,
Village Banjarsari rt.11/rw.03
District Sidoarjo
Regency/City Sidoarjo
Province East Java
Home Phone Number -
Phone Number 085704833424
Student E-mail
Biological mother’s name Siti Ismaroh
School Name Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1
Status Country
School Address Jl. Stadion No.150, Kemiri, Sidoarjo
Village Sidoarjo
District Sidoarjo
School Phone Number 0318953735
School E-mail


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Inspiration
2. Synthesis
3. Consepting
4. Evaluation

- Preliminary
- Core research
- Analysis
6. Report

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