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2 IPv4 address space crisis: The numbering scheme used for IPv4 address is a 32-bit (4

byte) number which can handle a large number of addresses.

Today, the World Wide Web and the Internet are quickly Its limit the address space to 4,294,967,296 or approximate
becoming a ubiquitous part of modern life. The Internet 4.3 billion possible unique addresses.[ a 32 bit address space
operates using the Internet Protocol (IP) as the base. This with two possible values for each portion- either 0 or 1- gives
protocol has worked well for a number of years. IPv4 was us 2³² or 4294967296 ].But it can’t possible to use all these
deployed when exceeding the theoretical maximum number unique values for IP addressing. Many of them are reserved
of four billion nodes was not a possibility. However, IP for special purposes such as private networks (~18 million
version 4 (IPv4) is showing its age as unexpected growth addresses) or multicast addresses (~1 million addresses). And
problems have appeared. if we count every address were unique, all routers in the
internet would need to store the address of each and every
2.1 Nature and scale of the IPv4 address crisis: machine on the Internet. This would make efficient data
transfer impossible, even if only a fraction of the possible
The following Figure 2.1a illustrates the place of the internet addresses were used, as in [4].
protocol in the protocol hierarchy:
The IP address is divided into two parts. One part is called
Network address. Others one is Host address. Host address is
+------+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
|Telnet| | FTP | |Voice| ... | | also known as Node address. The network address can
+------+ +-----+ +-----+
| | |
uniquely identify each network. Every machine on the same
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ network shares that network address as part of its IP address.
| TCP | | RTP | ... | |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ On the other hand, host address is assigned to, and uniquely
| |
| identifies, each machine on a network. This part of the
| Internet Protocol | address is unique and it identifies a particular machine, as
| opposed to a network, which is a group, as in [4].
| Local Network Protocol |
+---------------------------+ Classes of networks based on network sized are used to
subdividing an IP address into a network and host address.
There are Three classes of networks classes in the Ipv4 which
are use to ensure efficient routing. These are Class A
Figure 2.1a: Protocol relationship
network, Class B network and Class C network. For Class A
networks, the RFCs define the first bits of first octet must
Internet Protocol version 4 ( IPv4 ) is the fourth iteration of a always be off, or 0. In a Class B network, first bit of the first
data-oriented protocol used for communicating data across a byte must always be turned on, but the second bit always be
TCP/IP internet and it is a widely deployed protocol. IPv4 is turned off. On the other hand, In a Class C networks, the first
the dominant Network Layer Protocol on the Internet, as in 2 bits of the first octet are always turned on but the third bit
[6]. must be off. The address schemes define the differences
between of three classes address which I am going to discuss
Table 2.1: Internet Protocol version 4 Header in the next followed by a discussion of Class D and Class E
address. [4]. Table 2.2 illustrate the summery of three classes
of network.
32 bits

Table 2.2: Summary of the Three classes of networks

Ver IHL Type of Total Length
n Service
Identification Fl Fragment Offset 8 Bits 8 Bits 8 Bits 8 Bits
Time to Live Protocol g Header Checksum Class A Network Host Host Host

Source Address Class B Network Network Host Host
Destination Address Class C Network Network Network Host
Options (0 or more) Padding
Class D Multicast
User Data (i.e. TCP or UDP data unit)
Class E Research
Class A- Class A network address are one (1) byte long, Of the 4+ billion addresses allowed in IPv4, three ranges of
along with a first bit reservation of that byte. Remaining 7 address are reserved for private networking use. These
bits are available for manipulation (addressing). So, the addresses can be used on a private network. These ranges are
maximum number of or 128 networks can be created by not routable outside of private network and private machines
using Class A address. As each Class A has 3 bytes for host cannot directly communicate with public networks. The
reserved private address is listed above Table 2.3.
address, with that or 16,777,216 unique combinations are
possible for the host. So, the rank of Class A network has The original IP addressing using Classful addresses described
been created for the small number of network possessing a above has some drawbacks. If we consider our Liverpool
very large number of hosts, [4].Class A network is defined in JMU that has a Class B network address. By using the
the first octet between 0 and 127 which is fixed for this class. original addressing scheme, it’s not possible to manage all
64000 hosts. Moreover, a typical campus must have more
Class B- Class B network address are two bytes long. First than one local network, requiring the use ofhaving more than
two (2) bytes are assigned to the network address and the one local network, requiring the use of multiple network
remaining two bytes are used for host addresses, [4].Class B address. Subnet addressing is introduced to solve that
network address range is configured from 128 to 191.As problem which adds another hierarchical level called
Class B start with the binary digit, 1 then 0, this leaves 14 bit ‘Subnet’ as shown in the figure 2b, as in [11]. In the subnet
position to manipulate, therefore 16,384 unique Class B addressing scheme, network address is fixed as it was before
network address can be assigned, [4]. And remaining 2 bytes but the host address will be used as the Subnet ID. By using
with or 65,534 possible host address can be created as it this address scheme, network administrator is free to choose
allows 16 bits for host address. to any combination of lengths according the requirements for
the Subnet and Host ID fields. Some of the benefits of this
Class C- The first three bytes of a Class A network are used address scheme includes reduce network traffic, optimized
for network address and only one (1) byte is remaining for network performance, simplified management and facilitated
host address. Thus, Class C network is reserved for the spanning of large geographical distances, as in [4].
numerous networks with a small number of nodes, [4]. There
are or 2,097,152, possible Class C networks as the first Current implementation of IPv4 has lots of problems. From
three bit of first octet’s positions are always fixed with binary the above discussion, it is found that Class-based addresses
110. Each unique Class C has or 256, minus the two are wasteful and the structure of IPv4 address has divided
into Class A, B and C networks. In classful address scheme,
reserved patterns of all 0s or all 1s, leads to a total 254 for the
when a large organization gets IP address of Class B for it’s
host id. The range for a Class C networks starts at 192 and
5000 hosts, which mean over 60000 addresses will be unused
goes to 223.
as class B has a range of 65536 for the host. This problem is
more serious in Class A address scheme as it can support
Class D and Class E addresses are used in special purpose
more than 16 million hosts under a network. So, it is clear
where Class D, address range in between 224 and 239, is
that under classful address, lots of addresses are wasted.
used for multicast address. On the other hand, Class E, range
Class A and B addresses make up 75 percent of the IPv4
from 240 to 255, is used for the scientific research purposes.
address space. However, a relative handful of organizations,
fewer than 17,000, can be assigned a Class A or B network
Table 2.3: Reserved IP Address Space
number. Class C network addresses are far more numerous
than Class A and B addresses, although they account for only

Address Class Reserved Address space Number of

IP’s IP Addre s s Allocatios

Class A – 16,777,215


13% 1
Class B – 1,048,576
49% 3

Class C – 65,535

Figure 2.1b: IP address Allocations Using CIDR, each IP address has a network prefix that
identifies either an aggregation of network gateways or an
12.5 percent of the possible 4 billion, or 232, IP hosts, as individual gateway. The length of the network prefix is also
illustrated in Figure 2.1b. specified as part of the IP address and varies depending on
the number of bits that are needed (rather than any arbitrary
Unfortunately, Class C addresses are limited to 254 hosts, class assignment structure). A destination IP address or route
which will not meet the needs of larger organizations that that describes many possible destinations has a shorter prefix
cannot acquire a Class A or B address. Even if there were and is said to be less specific. A longer prefix describes a
more Class A, B, and C addresses, too many network destination gateway more specifically. Routers are required
addresses would cause Internet routers to grind to a halt to use the most specific or longest network prefix in the
under the weight of enormous routing tables. Ultimately, the routing table when forwarding packets.
classful system of IP addressing, even with subnetting, could
not scale to effectively handle global demand for Internet With CIDR, a single IP address can be used to designate
connectivity. Many other IP-enable devices like mobile many unique IP addresses. A CIDR IP address looks like a
phones, PDA and laptop are likely to expand heavily in short normal IP address except that it ends with a slash followed by
future. So the demand of IP address space is rising rapidly a number. CIDR network address looks like this:
and in future IP address space could well exceed 10 billion
by 2010-2015 as the growing rate is 200%. As we need a
large address space to handle this situation, we must replace
IPv4 soon. The "" is the network address itself and the
"18" says that the first 18 bits are the network part of the
2.2 Measures to mitigate IPv4 crisis: address, leaving the last 14 bits for specific host addresses.
CIDR lets one routing table entry represent an aggregation of
Some things that can be done to mitigate the IPv4 address networks that exist in the forward path that don't need to be
exhaustion are: specified on that particular gateway, much as the public
telephone system uses area codes to channel calls toward a
2.2.1 Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) certain part of the network. This aggregation of networks in a
single address is sometimes referred to as supernetting.[12]
2.2.2 Network Address Translation (NAT)
2.2.2 Network Address Translation (NAT): While
CIDR recognizes that the classification of IP in A, B and C is
2.2.3 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
wasteful, Network Address Translation (NAT) tries to
actually make more space above and beyond the limits of 2 32
2.2.4 Use of Private Network addresses. NAT uses private IP addresses to translate inside
address to a global outside address. The main purpose using
2.2.5 Replace with IPv6 NAT is to conserve Internet global address space. NAT
operates on a router to connect two networks together and
2.2.1 Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): CIDR use to translate private address within internal network, into public
reduce the size routing table and make more IP addresses address, [4].
available within the organization. The original Internet
Protocol defines IP address in Three major classes of address When a client on the internal network contacts a machine on
structure, Classes A through C. Each of these classes the Internet, it sends out IP packets destined for that machine.
allocates one portion of the 32-bit Internet address format to a These packets contain all the addressing information
network address and the remaining portion to the specific necessary to get them to their destination. NAT is concerned
host machines within the network specified by the address. with these pieces of information:
One of the most commonly used classes is Class B, which
allocates space for up to 65,533 host addresses. A company  Source IP address (for example,
who needed more than 254 host machines but far fewer than
 Source TCP or UDP port (for example, 2132)
the 65,533 host addresses possible would essentially be
"wasting" most of the block of addresses allocated. For this
reason, the Internet was, until the arrival of CIDR, running When the packets pass through the NAT gateway they will be
out of address space much more quickly than necessary. modified so that they appear to be coming from the NAT
CIDR effectively solved the problem by providing a new and gateway itself. The NAT gateway will record the changes it
more flexible way to specify network addresses in routers. makes in its state table so that it can reverse the changes on
return packets and ensure that return packets are passed
through the firewall and are not blocked. For example, the Version Traffic Class Flow Level
following changes might be made:
Payload Length Next Hope
 Source IP: replaced with the external address of the Header Limit
gateway (for example,
 Source port: replaced with a randomly chosen, Source Address
unused port on the gateway (for example, 53136)
Destination Address

Neither the internal machine nor the Internet host is aware of

these translation steps. To the internal machine, the NAT Figure 2.1d: IPv6 Header
system is simply an Internet gateway. To the Internet host,
the packets appear to come directly from the NAT system; it network just as if the two private networks were directly
is completely unaware that the internal workstation even connected.[6]
exists. When the Internet host replies to the internal
machine's packets, they will be addressed to the NAT 2.2.5 Replace with IPv6: The problem with IPv4 in
gateway's external IP ( at the translation port connection with address allocation put together to workgroup
(53136). The NAT gateway will then search the state table to to design a new protocol named IPv6. Stepping up from 32
determine if the reply packets match an already established bits to 128 bits addresses, it is estimated that there will be
connection. A unique match will be found based on the enough IPv6 addresses to support a density of more than
IP/port combination which tells PF the packets belong to a 10,000 IP address per square meter which ought to be enough
connection initiated by the internal machine PF for all on the planet and beyond. In the above, figure 2.1d
will then make the opposite changes it made to the outgoing illustrates the IPv6 Header.
packets and forward the reply packets on to the internal
machine. 2.3 Assessment of IPv4 exhaustion date:

2.2.3 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): Ipv4 is limited with its address space. Various estimates have
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a standard been made about when the all space of Ipv4 will used up.
protocol that allows a server to dynamically distribute IP Christian Huitema provides an estimate that the 32-bit
addressing. By using DHCP, we don’t need to allocate a maximum address space will be exhausted between the years
fixed IP address for a user .User will get a temporary IP of 2010-2015,as in [7]
address from DHCP server as soon as he log into the network
until he log out. Users especially mobile users receive much
As of September 2005, Tony Hain (Cisco) estimated the
of the benefit of DHCP, which allows them to travel
unallocated IANA pool to run out by 2008. Geoff Huston
anywhere on the intranetwork and automatically receive IP
(APNIC) then estimated in November 2005 this to happen in
addresses when they reconnect to the network. So it increases
early 2012. Both have since then been updating their
the address utilization. Along with this, DHCP provides safe
projections using incoming data on new allocations, as in
and reliable configuration and decrease time spent
configuring and reconfiguring computers on a network.

And, according this coursework, we have seen that the

2.2.4 Use of Private Network: It is not possible to connect
current growing rate of internet population was 200% in the
two private networks (e.g., two branch offices) via the public
last five years from 2000-2005, as in [22]. If we take this into
Internet. We can do this by using a virtual private network
our count, the Ipv4 will run out of its address space in
(VPN). A virtual private network (VPN) is a private
between 2010 to 2015.
communications network often used within a company, or by
several companies or organizations, to communicate
confidentially over a publicly accessible network, as in [6]. 3. IPv6 Deployment:

VPN works by inserting an IP packet (encapsulated packet) The internet operates using the Internet Protocol (IP) as the
directly into the data field of another IP packet (encapsulating base. As IPv4 is showing its age as unexpected growth
packet) and using a publicly routable address in the problem has appeared, we need to think about alternative
encapsulating packet. Once the VPN packet is routed across solution to overcome that. Deployment of IPv6 is the most
the public network and reaches the endpoint, the encapsulated appropriate and only solution which will solve the current
packet is extracted and then transmitted on the private problem of IPv4 address space crisis.
Figure 3.1b: The dual Stack Concept

a single stack in which most of the code is shared by the two

protocols. The host “speaks” IPv4 with IPv4 peers, and IPv6
with IPv6 peers. When both options are available, the host
will usually choose the IPv6 path, which

It also defines a transition mechanism based on a dual stack

in each host [FTGURE 3.1b]. A host will either send packets
in IPv4 or IPv6 depending on the protocol used by the
destination. It also defines IPv4 address formats that can be
integrated in IPv6 ones (also called IPv4 mapped addresses).
The IPv4 mapped addresses allow applications compiled with
IPv6 system calls to talk with IPv4 only applications. This
method is currently used in the early phase of the transition.
The main drawbacks are the following. An IPv4 address must
be allocated to each equipment. If we map this onto our
Figure3.1a: The general model transition model previously described, it means that the IPv6
domain is included in the IPv4 world. Routers must be
3.1 IPv6 Deployment Strategies: configured for the two protocols and Pv4 applications must
be slightly modified and recompiled to be adapted to the IPv6
API, as in [2]
Figure 3.1a shows the general model which describes the
transition period. We consider a domain running mostly IPv6 3.1.2 IPv6 tunneling: Tunneling provides a convenient way
but where some IPv4 equipments or applications still remain for an IPv6 island to connect to other IPv6 islands across an
used. This domain is connected to an IPv6-only provider. ocean of IPv4 networks, as in [15]. Figure 3.1c shows how an
Somewhere on the network a third party provider (here we IPv6 packet can be encapsulated within the payload of an
have two providers) is able to link the IPv4 and IPv6 domains IPv4 packet. Tunneling provides a way to use an existing
through transition systems. We solve the case where IPv6 IPv4 routing infrastructure to carry IPv6 traffic. The key to a
equipment must talk with equipment in IPv4-only domains successful IPv6 transition is compatibility with the existing
and vice versa. We suppose that no change can be made to installed base of IPv4 hosts and routers. Maintaining
the IPv4-only equipment and applications. The transition compatibility with IPv4 while deploying IPv6 streamlines the
mechanism must be as transparent as possible to keep the task of transitioning the Internet to IPv6. While the IPv6
advantages of the IPv6 auto configation. We suppose that a infrastructure is being deployed, the existing IPv4 routing
DNS is running on each domain. Queries to the DNS are infrastructure can remain functional, and can be used to carry
done in the respective native protocol. We now describe the IPv6 traffic.
dual stack interconnection mechanisms, as in [2]
IPv6 or IPv4 hosts and routers can tunnel IPv6 datagrams
3.1.1 The dual stack: A hybrid stack host, also known as a
over regions of IPv4 routing topology by encapsulating them
dual stack host, implements both IPv4 and IPv6—usually in
within IPv4 packets. In the below, I have described how
Tunneling can be used in a variety of ways:
 Router-to-Router: IPv6 or IPv4 routers
interconnected by an IPv4 infrastructure can tunnel
TCP/UDP IPv6 packets between themselves. In this case, the
tunnel spans one segment of the end-to-end path that
the IPv6 packet takes.

V4 Stack V6 Stack

IPv4 IPv6 TCP/UDP PayLoad

V4 V6
Figure 3.1c: IPv6 in IPv4 Tunnel service provided by Ipv4. IPv6 not only change the IPv4
functions that do not work well but also support new
emerging application such as real-time video conferencing,
 Host-to-Router: IPv6 or IPv4 hosts can tunnel IPv6 as in [11]
packets to an intermediary IPv6 or IPv4 router that
is reachable through an IPv4 infrastructure. This
type of tunnel spans the first segment of the packet's
end-to-end path.

 Host-to-Host: IPv6 or IPv4 hosts that are

interconnected by an IPv4 infrastructure can tunnel
IPv6 packets between themselves. In this case, the
tunnel spans the entire end-to-end path that the
packet takes.

 Router-to-Host: IPv6/IPv4 routers can tunnel IPv6

packets to their final destination IPv6 or IPv4 host.
This tunnel spans only the last segment of the end-
to-end path.

Tunneling techniques are usually classified according to the

mechanism by which the encapsulating node determines the
address of the node at the end of the tunnel. In router-to-
router or host-to-router methods, the IPv6 packet is being
tunneled to a router. In host-to-host or router-to-host
methods, the IPv6 packet is tunneled all the way to its final
destination, as in [15].

The entry node of the tunnel (the encapsulating node) creates

an encapsulating IPv4 header and transmits the encapsulated
packet. The exit node of the tunnel (the decapsulating node)
receives the encapsulated packet, removes the IPv4 header,
updates the IPv6 header, and processes the received IPv6
packet. However, the encapsulating node needs to maintain
soft state information for each tunnel, such as the maximum
transmission unit (MTU) of the tunnel, to process IPv6
packets forwarded into the tunnel, as in [15].

3.2 Conclusion: For many years, IP version 4 has played a

central role in the internetworking environment. It has proved
flexible enough to work on many different networking
technologies. However, it has become a victim of its own
success-explosive growth. In the early days of the internet,
people using it were typically researchers and scientists
working in academia, high-tech companies, and research
laboratories, mainly for the purpose of exchanging scientific
results through email. In the 1990s the World Wide Web and
personal computers shifted the user of the Internet to general
public. This change has created heavy demands for new IP
address, and the 32 bits of current IP addresses will be
exhausted soon or later, as in [11].

Ipv6 was designed to interoperate with IPv4 since it would

likely take many years to complete the translation from
version 4 to version 6.But IPv6 has retained the most basic

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