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Aliu Ukpoireghe Ibidayo

Department Of Building Technology, School Of Environmental Studies,

Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria.



The aim of this study was to compare the compressive strengths of clay and sandcrete blocks
produced in Auchi, Edo State for low cost housing. Related literature was also reviewed.
Empirical research design was adopted in this study. Analysis of tests results showed that the
compressive strength of clay blocks and sandcrete blocks for the following days: clay blocks
7days -4.0N/mm2, 14days -5.38N/mm2, 21days- 6.99N/mm2 and 28days- 8.4N/mm2. Sandcrete
blocks 7days -3. 77N/mm2, 14days-5.15N/mm2, 21 days- 6.79 N/mm2 and 28 days- 8.26N/mm2.
Sandcrete blocks showed an average compressive strength of 6.20 N/mm2 while clay blocks
had 8.4 N/mm2.The study concluded that Burnt clay has higher strength when compared to
sandcrete block and as such it will be suitable to meet the least of time as long as the building
remains standing. Clay blocks when used in the production of building will certainly promote
the provision of low cost housing in the country, and where ever it is adopted. Burnt clay
blocks can be used as substitute for sandcrete blocks for building production, because of its
related properties. It therefore recommended that: The government as well as the various
stake holders in the building industry should sensitize the public and create the desired
awareness on the importance / use of clay blocks as a major walling material and see to it is
utilization; All professionals in the building industry should encourage the use of clay blocks
in building construction; The government in collaboration with both governmental and non-
governmental organization should set up industry for manufacturing of this materials (clay
block) in various locations across the country; The government should support and
encourage individual who are interested in massive production of clay blocks by giving them
loan; The government should make use of clay blocks for their houses, governmental projects
in the country; The usage of clay blocks should be seen as a major way of reducing the cost of
building production mostly for low income earners in the country if government contractors
are made to utilize clay blocks for their jobs.

1.0 Introduction

Walling materials constitute an essential element in housing delivery. It is estimated that it

covers about 22% of the total cost of a building. The choice of walling material is a function
of cost, availability of material, durability, aesthetics and climatic conditions. Barry (1996)
defines a wall as a continuous, usually vertical structure of brick, stone, concrete, timber or
metal, thin in proportion to it length and height, which encloses and protects a building or
serves to divide buildings into compartments or rooms (Barry, 1996).

Clay bricks are used in a wide range of buildings from housing to factories, and in the
construction of tunnels, waterways, bridges etc. (Ibstock 2005). Their properties vary

according to the purpose for which they are intended, but clays have provided the basic
material of construction for centuries. Brick is the oldest manufactured building material, and
much of its history is lost in antiquity. The oldest burnt or fired bricks have been found on the
sites of the ancient cities of Babylonia, some of which are estimated to be about 6000 years
old. Brick is, after all, virtually indestructible. The industry developed on traditional lines,
using hand-making processes for the most part. The first patent for a clay-working machine
was granted in the year 1619. Mechanization, however, did not begin to take the place of
manual methods until the middle of the nineteenth century. The molded products were fired in
relatively inefficient intermittent or static kilns until about 1858, when Hoffmann introduced a
continuous kiln, which enabled all processes connected with the firing to be carried out
concurrently and continuously. Since the introduction of clay working machinery and the
Hoffmann Kiln, the Industry has made great progress, particularly since 1930, the output of
bricks in Great Britain was doubled between 1930 and 1938. (Ibstock 2005)

Clay soil which is the main component for clay blocks is widely distributed by the Nigerian
and is readily available. In Agbede, the headquarter of Estako West Local Government Area
Of Edo State and its surrounding towns the most common walling materials are the use of
conventional sandcrete blocks and fired clay blocks. The cost of sandcrete blocks coupled
with the low strength properties of commercially available blocks necessitated the search for
an alternative i.e fired clay blocks which will be used in comparing it. Sandcrete blocks
constitute a unique class amongst man-made structural component for building in civil
engineering work. For example in buildings, walls are constructed (using blocks), as either
load bearing or non-land bearing to provide shelter, protection, conveniently divide space,
privacy and also to provide security for man and his properties (Edward, 1985). This means
that the importance of these blocks cannot be overemphasize, due to their importance in the
construction industry. Sandcrete blocks are usually moulded from constituents of sand, water
and Portland cement in specified or prescribed mix ratio or proportion. The compressive
strength of sandcrete blocks is affected by the mix proportion, quality of material used in
making them, size, shape, and the mode of manufacture (i.e. hand or machine mould).
Physical conditions such as method and days of curing, duration of time, temperature etc will
also contribute to the strength of the block (Dhir, 1980). The strength of the block will
contribute to the strength of the units used in a structure. For example, walls built with poor
quality blocks that fall short of the standard strength are likely to fail, thereby causing severe
damage to the structure and sometimes even loss of lives and properties. This shows that there
is need to know the compressive strength of blocks. And in order to minimize the huge loss of
money by the block users in the course of handling and transporting substandard blocks, a
standard information on the mix proportion and the quality of materials to be used in

achieving the desired strength of structure, will certainly be useful to block manufacturers,
block users and building designers (Nene, 2009). The blocks that will be discussed in this
paper are hand moulded blocks.

1.1 Clay Material

In brick-making terms, clay covers a range of naturally occurring raw materials which are
used to make a product. The clays vary considerably in physical properties, colour, hardness
etc. They do, however, have certain properties in common. They have the ability to be
crushed and mixed with water to form a plastic material which can be molded into various
shapes. This can then be fired to a high temperature during which process it attains a hard,
weather resistant characteristic. The key, in geological terms, is the mineral content of the raw
material. This is common to all clay types. Clay blocks are a ceramic material mainly used in
construction industry. Its production process involves forming of clay into rectangular blocks
of standard size, followed by firing to temperature ranging from 900 - 1200°C1. It is made of
clay or shale and when given desired shape is dried and fired into a durable ceramic product.
Brick is one of the most important building materials. Energy consumption and pollution are
the two important environmental and cost concerns related to the brick industry.
Certain properties need to be defined and analyzed that relate to form and appearance as well
as durability when considering clay blocks. A programmed specification will need to
consider the following parameters: water absorption; thermal and moisture movement;
compressive strength; efflorescence and sulphate attack.

1.2 Aim And Objectives Of The Study

The aim of this study was to compare the compressive strengths of clay and sandcrete blocks
produced in Auchi, Edo State for low cost housing. The objectives of the study were as

a. To appraise the general physical properties of both clay and sandcrete blocks;

b. To determine the compressive strength of clay blocks and sandcrete blocks

produced in Auchi and

c. To compare the compressive strengths of clay and sandcrete blocks produced in


1.3 Scope Of The Study

Due to lack of commitment on the part of the government on proper policy making and non-
acceptance of the general public, this project will be focusing on some certain factors
strength, cost and quantities of material used which will be use in the course of this project in
comparing the two walling materials i.e. clay blocks material and sandcrete blocks for a better
suitable and durable wall construction.

1.4 Significance Of The Study

It will reduce the cost of production of wall in building which is the major element of a
building .This research work will make it easy for an average individual to own a building at
an affordable rate Standardization will facilitate design and detailing of building drawings
promote flexibility and encourage competition between the materials. It will expose the
builders, contractors and consultants on the structural strength of the different material which
determines the applied load on them.

It will also enhance the knowledge of weather or climatic effect on the different material
which determine where they should be used.

2.0 Physical Properties Of Clay Material

2.1 Water Absorption And Suction

The level of water absorption is most critical for clay blocks to be used below DPC level. The
amount of water clay block will absorb is a guide to its strength and therefore its strength in
resisting crushing. Absorption rates vary between1% to 35%. clay with high suction rates,
absorb water rapidly from the mortar and hence they are more difficult to reposition as the
work proceeds than brick with medium to low suction rates (Sunej, et al, 1998).

2.2 Thermal And Moisture Movement

Thermal and moisture movement is a factor that is peculiar to all building materials due to the
expansion and contraction caused by temperature. The amount of movement depends on the
material and conditions, however allowance must be made for movement in wall through
careful positioning of expansion joints (Building Regulation 1985). Brick manufacturers offer
guidance based on current standard. In some situations it may be necessary to place a wall tie
directly across the movement joints. Specially designed sleeves can be used with straight wall
ties. These allow for movement along the length of the lies but resist movement in other
directions (Adams, 2001),

2.3 Compressive Strength

The compressive strength of clay blocks is determined by crushing the (blocks) individually
or in units until they fail or crumble. The pressure required to crush them is noted and the
average compressive strength of brick is stated in “ Newton per square mm” of surface area
required to ultimately crush the brick. The crushing resistance of brick is determined by
crushing of bunched brick wall which is tested by axial loading by especially large machines
to determine its strength (Itloghalis 1985).

2.4 Sulphate Attacks On Mortar

Sulphate in block and mortar may in time crystallize and expand and cause mortar to
disintegrate when clay blocks wet persistently as in foundation wall and parapets. Blocks with
low sulphate content should be used to minimize this effect.

2.5 Differential Movement

Foundation design or building loads movement joint should be used to allow separate parts of
the building to move without causing cracking on the facing or structural elements where it is
anticipated that differential settlement may occur due to different grounds conditions. In long
buildings or terraced housing it may be necessary to separate the building and incorporate
movement joint to allow for differential settlement (Ighodalu, 1985).

2.6 Appearance

Choice is influenced by use on neighboring buildings, local town planning authority

requirement and the existing clay blocks when working on repair and alternative works.
Fortunately, there is a large choice of blocks from which to choose. The choice is often made
on user’ s or client’ s preference for the colour and texture, assuming it meets the set
performance standards.

2.7 Density

Raw materials and manufacturing processes affect clay blocks density which could vary
between 1300-2200 kg/m3. The density of clay block influences the weight of walls and the
variations in weight have implications on structural, acoustical and thermal design of the wall.
Incorrect assumptions of self weight can result in inaccurate dead loads and seismic loads,
reduced factor of safety in shear walls and overestimation of acoustical transmission loss
(Grimm, 1996).

2.8 Strength

Clay blocks are well-known for their high compressive strength. Their compressive strength
depends on:

i. The raw materials used,

ii. The manufacturing process, and

iii. The shape and size.

Clay blocks made by a de-aerated extruder and fired to sufficiently high temperature can
easily withstand a compressive pressure exceeding 28 N/mm2. They are suitable for almost all
structural building applications

2.9 Aesthetic Appeal

Clay blocks possess the natural and pleasant colour of burnt clay. Its colour formation is
achieved through a complicated physical chemical reaction during the firing process. In
contrast to colour of stained body, the colour is permanent and will not be faded during
weathering process. Different clay compositions, firing temperatures or kiln atmosphere can
lead to different colours of the burnt products. By proper control of these factors, the blocks
can be made to exhibit endless variety of natural and attractive colour.

2.10 Porosity
Porosity is an important characteristic of clay blocks. In contrast to other moulded or pre-cast
building materials, the porosity of clay block is attributed to its fine capillaries. By virtue of
the capillary effect, the rate of moisture transport in the blocks is ten times faster than in other
building materials. Moisture is released during day-time and re-absorbed during night-time.
The ability to release and re-absorb moisture (a "breathing" process) by capillary effect is one
of the most useful properties of brick that helps to regulate the temperature and humidity of
atmosphere in a house. This distinctive property makes brick an admirable building material,
particularly suitable for houses in the tropics. On the other hand, all porous materials are
susceptible to chemical attacks and liable to contamination from weathering agents like rain,
running water and polluted air. Porosity of building material is an important factor to consider
in respects its performance and applications.

2.11Fire Resistance
Clay block is inherent with excellent fire resistance. A 100 mm blockwork with 12.5 mm
normal plastering will provide a fire-resistance of 2 hours and a 200 mm non-plastered
blockwork will give a maximum rating of 6 hours for non-load bearing purposes. Clay blocks

can support considerable load even when heated to 1000oC in contrast to concrete wall at only
up to 450oC due to loss of water of hydration.
2.12Sound Insulation
Clay blocks wall shows good insulation property due to its dense structure. The sound
insulation of blockwork is generally 45 decibels for a 4-1/2 in. thickness and 50 decibels for a
9-in. thickness for the frequency range of 200 to 2,000 Hz.

2.13 Thermal Insulation

Clay blocks generally exhibits better thermal insulation property than other building materials
like concrete. Perforation can improve the thermal insulation property of bricks to some
extent. Besides, the mass and moisture of bricks help to keep the temperature inside the house
relatively constant. In other words, bricks absorb and release heat slowly and thus keep the
house cool during daytime and warm during nighttime.

2.14 Wear Resistance

The wear resistance of a substance depends on its particulate bonds. Bricks show high wear
resistance because of its extremely strong ceramic bonds formed by the effect of heat at high

2.15 Efflorescence
Efflorescence is a phenomenon that soluble salts dissolved in water are carried, deposited and
gradually accumulated on block surfaces to form an unsightly scum. The soluble salts may
originate from the raw material of clay blocks. But in most cases, efflorescence is caused by
salts from the external sources such as ground water, contaminated atmosphere, mortar
ingredients and other materials in contrast with the blocks.

2.16 Flexibility In Applications

Clay block is used for an extremely wide range of applications in an equally extensive range
of building and engineering structures. In particular, it can be used for load bearing structures
which greatly simplify the construction process so as to save materials, time and labor.
Besides, clay blocks can be made into convenient shape and size to facilitate the construction
work. It is very flexible and handy in application almost everywhere.

2.17 Durability
Clay block is extremely durable and perhaps is the most durable man-made structural building
material so far. There has been numerous ancient brick-buildings standing for centuries as a
testimony of the endurance of burnt-clay brick

3.0 Sandcrete Blocks
Sandcrete blocks are composite materials made up of cement, sand and water, moulded into
different sizes (Barry 1969). They are widely used in Nigeria and other countries like Ghana,
Irish as walling unit. The quality of blocks produced however, differs from each industry due
to the different methods employed in the production and the properties of the constituent

Blocks are those building units used in the construction of wall and partitions. They are of
sizes and weights that can be easily handled by the bricklayer, with the facing surface layer
than that of a brick but conveniently dimensioned. Sandcrete blocks are available for the
construction of load bearing and non-load bearing structures (Hodge 1971). Load bearing
blocks must conform to building by law as regard to their crushing and to the amount of solid
mineral contained in section e.g. the total width of block. Sandcrete blocks also participate
mainly in the task of transforming the actual load from the overlaying structural element to
the foundation.

In this case the load bearing wall are those walls acting as supports for the whole structure to
transmit the weight to the ground surface underneath it for stability (NIS 87:2000). Sandcrete
blocks possess an intrinsic low compressive strength making then susceptible to any tragedy
such as seismic activity. Previous researches show dismal results in the production of
sandcrete blocks which had exhibited compressive strength far below the standard
requirement for the construction of houses but more viable option would be the use of bricks
in the construction of houses. Sandcrete blocks have been used for a long time throughout the
country (NIS 87:2000). The importance of the blocks as part of local building materials
cannot be over emphasized in building and construction industry. Sandcrete blocks have been
widely used for building construction in Nigeria. Sandcrete blocks have been in used in many
nations of the world including Nigeria, playing a major role in the building industry. The
materials constituent their mix, presence of admixtures and the manufacturing process are
important factors that determine the properties of sandcrete blocks.

Sandcrete blocks is a composition of usually (1:6) mix of cement and sharp sand with the
barest minimum of water mixture and in some cases admixture, moulded and dried naturally.
According to Abdullahi (2005) the quality of sandcrete blocks, however is inconsistent due to
the different production methods employed and the properties of constituent materials.
Abdullahi (2005) studied the compressive strength of sandcrete blocks produced in some parts
of Minna, Niger State, Nigeria and discovered that they were below the minimum NIS
standard requirement. Uzoamaka (1977) found that the crushing strength of sandcrete blocks
increases with decreasing specific surface of sand and that curing of block by water sprinkling

enhances their strength.

The functional requirement of wall has to be performed by sandcrete blocks as a walling unit.
These functions solemnly depend on the properties which it posses. Such properties should be
ready to accommodate and resist changes in temperature, fire resistance, durability, weather
condition oil, wet and dry seasons. Sound insulation, cracking resistance to chemical effect
present the soil and thermal insulation. These properties are explained below:

3.1 Durability: Material such as screed is used in plastering and rendering the walls and
parts so as to enhance the durability of the blocks. Sandcrete block should be able to last
long (long life span).
3.2 Sound insulation: Sandcrete blocks should be produced to resist the transmission of
sound and absorb noise. At high frequencies, the sound absorption properties of sandcrete
blocks is said to be moderately high (James 2006).
3.3 Thermal insulation: it should be able to reduce the passage of heal to the best minimum. In
Africa tropic region, heat is inevitable and as such, to prevent discomfort and promote
sustainable environment. It should be able to resist excessive/high temperature (James 2006).
3.4 Fire Resistance: The fire resistance of an hour is specified for sandcrete block by Building
Regulation 1985 during possible fire outbreak.

Table 3.1 show sizes and shape of different sandcrete blocks in a square meter.

Types of sandcrete Actual size Nominal size Number in

LxWxH (mm) LxWxH(mm) M2

Dense aggregate 440x90x140 450x100x150 13

440x215x215 450x225x225 9

440x140x215 450x150x225 9

Light weight aggregate 440X90X140 450X100X150 13

blocks, load beaming
440X140X215 450X150X225 9

440X65X140 450X75X150 13

Non load beaming 440x40x225 450x50x225 9

Light weight Block 440x65x215 450x225x225 9

4.0 Research Methodology

4.1 Experimental Methods

The experiment involved raw material sampling, specimen’ s preparation and testing in
laboratory and workshop. The secondary data was gotten from text books, journals, and
related literature review of past projects. The various samples (aggregates) used in this project
are found in different areas and locations of Auchi. The sharp river sand was collected from
River Ole in Auchi. The clay material was collected from Agbede, Edo State

a. Sieving Of Collected Samples

The collected samples were all sieved to remove the unwanted particles and dirts. The sharp
river sand was sieved through 2 mm sieve and the dirts in the clay materials were all removed
with the use of the hand since the clay particles will not be able to pass through the sieve.

b. Mix Proportion of cement/ sand/ratio and water/cement ratio.

The mix ratio adopted was 1:4. The batching was done by volume as specified for sandcrete
block production (Barry-1999). The water cement ratio in block production is constant (Barry,
1999). The water cement ratio used was 1:2.5 (NBRRI 1985)

c. Compaction and Curing Of the Product

The various aggregates and cement were thoroughly mixed to avoid segregation. Compaction
was also done on the block during casting. After the production, the blocks were cured by
putting them in a curing tank for 28 days. To keep the blocks saturated as possible for the
optimum hydration of the cement content in the blocks.

d. Equipment / tools used:

i. Spring balance was used to measure the weight of the blocks separately (individually)
beyond crushing.

ii. standard mould of 450x225x150mm was used for moulding the mixed aggregates
(molding clay) into blocks

iii. Shovel was used in the sample collection, compressing and mixing of cement and
other aggregates.

iv. Head pan was used in the sample collection and batching

v. Wheel barrow was used for disposing crushed broking block.

vi. Sieve was used in removing the unwanted particles from the sample.

vii. Crushing machine was used to measure the respective compressive strengths of the

viii. Tamping rod was used during molding of the block

e. Materials Used

i. Sharp river sand.

ii. Clay sand

iii. Cement (to achieve its binding potential).

iv. Clean tap water

4.2 Analysis Of Data

The data obtained from this research were analysed using simple statistical tools such as
means and percentages as well as minimum international standards.

5.0 Results And Discussions

The tables below show the results of the experiments

Table 1:1 Age 7 days Compressive Strength For Clay Block

N11 N12 N13 N14

Final load (N) 269450 268550 274500 267335

Initial load (N) 0 0 0 0

Difference (N) 269450 268550 274500 267335

Compressive 269450 268550 274500 267335

Strength 450x150 450x150 450x150 450x150

(N/mm2) 3.99 3.98 4.07 3.96

Source: Field work, 2016

Average compressive strength

= 3.99+3.98+4.07+3.96

= 16

= 4.0N/mm2

Table 1:2 7 days Compressive Strength For Sandcrete Block

N11 N12 N13 N14

Final load (N) 255660 253945 252200 255945

Initial load (N) 0 0 0 0

Difference (N) 255660 253945 252200 255945

Compressive 255660 253945 252200 255945

Strength 450x150 450x150 450x150 450x150

(N/mm2) 3.79 3.76 3.74 3.79

Source: Field work, 2016

Average compressive strength

= 3.79+3.76+3.74+3,79

= 15.08

4 = 3.77N/mm2

Table 1:3 14 days Compressive Strength For Clay Block

N11 N12 N13 N14

Final load (N) 364880 363300 359110 365445

Initial load (N) 0 0 0 0

Difference (N) 364880 363300 359110 365445

Compressive 364880 363300 359110 365445

Strength 450x150 450x150 450x150 450x150

(N/mm2) 5.41 5.38 5.32 5.41

Source: Field work, 2016

Average compressive strength

= 5.41+5.38+5.32+5.41

= 21.52

= 5.38N/mm2

Table 1:4 14 days Compressive Strength For Sandcrete Block

N11 N12 N13 N14

Final load (N) 345660 345545 348770 349900

Initial load (N) 0 0 0 0

Difference (N) 345660 345545 348770 349900

Compressive 345660 345545 348770 349900

Strength 450x150 450x150 450x150 450x150

(N/mm2) 5.12 5.12 5.17 5.18

Source: Field work, 2016

Average compressive strength

= 5.12+5.12+5.17+5.18

= 20.59

4 = 5.15N/mm2

Table 1:5 21 days Compressive Strength For Clay Block

N11 N12 N13 N14

Final load (N) 474300 476450 475225 463200

Initial load (N) 0 0 0 0

Difference (N) 474300 476450 475225 463200

Compressive 474300 476450 475225 463200

Strength 450x150 450x150 450x150 450x150

(N/mm2) 7.03 7.06 7.04 6.86

Source: Field work, 2016

Average compressive strength

= 7.03+7.06+7.04+6.86

= 27.99

4 = 6.99N/mm2

Table 1:6 21 days Compressive Strength For Sandcrete Block

N11 N12 N13 N14

Final load (N) 455525 459900 456435 462330

Initial load (N) 0 0 0 0

Difference (N) 455525 459900 456435 462330

Compressive 455525 459900 456435 462330

Strength 450x150 450x150 450x150 450x150

(N/mm2) 6.75 6.81 6.76 6.85

Source: Field work, 2016

Average compressive strength

= 6.75+6.81+6.76+6.85

= 27.17

4 = 6.79N/mm2

Table 1:7 28 days Compressive Strength For Clay Block

N11 N12 N13 N14

Final load (N) 566750 565220 573990 565550

Initial load (N) 0 0 0 0

Difference (N) 566750 565220 573990 565550

Compressive 566750 565220 573990 565550

Strength 450x150 450x150 450x150 450x150

(N/mm2) 8.40 8.37 8.50 8.38

Source: Field work, 2016

Average compressive strength

= 8.40+8.37+8.50+8.38



Table 1:8 28 days Compressive Strength For Sandcrete Block

N11 N12 N13 N14

Final load (N) 555400 559235 562200 554555

Initial load (N) 0 0 0 0

Difference (N) 555400 559235 562200 554555

Compressive 555400 559235 562200 554555

Strength 450x150 450x150 450x150 450x150

(N/mm2) 8.23 8.28 8.33 8.22

Source : Field work, 2016

Average compressive strength

= 8.23+8.28+8.33+8.22


4 =8.26N/mm2

From table 1.9 it is observed that the 28days compressive strength of clay block is the
highest having a compressive strength of 8.41N/mm2 followed by 21days, 14days, and

a. From the tables it shows that there is a gradual increase in the compressive strength
of the blocks with age

b. From tables, it shows that the compressive strength of 28days of sandcrete block is

the highest having a compressive strength of (8.26N/mm2) followed by 21days,
14days, and 7days is the lowest compressive strength.

c. From tables, it shows that as the age of block increases there is also an increase in the
compressive strength of the block.

d. It can be concluded from the above table that the compressive strength of clay block
of 28days is higher than that of 28days of sandcrete block with 8.41N/mm2 and
8.26N/mm2 respectively.

Therefore burnt clay block is stronger when compared to sandcrete block.

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendatons

5.1 Conclusion

This research work concluded as follows:

Burnt clay has higher strength when compared to sandcrete block and as such it will be
suitable to meet the least of time as long as the building remains standing. Clay blocks when
used in the production of building will certainly promote the provision of low cost housing in
the country, and where ever it is adopted. Burnt clay blocks can be used as substitute for
sandcrete blocks for building production, because of its related properties.

5.2 Recommendations

Based on this research work most especially on the data analysis and calculations carried out,
the following recommendations have been made:

i. The government as well as the various stake holders in the building industry should
sensitize the public and create the desired awareness on the importance / use of clay
blocks as a major walling material and see to its utilization.

ii. All professionals in the building industry should encourage the use of clay blocks in
building construction.

iii. The government in collaboration with both governmental and non governmental
organizations should set up industry for manufacturing of this material (clay block) in
various locations across the country.

iv. The government should support and encourage individuals who are interested in
massive production of clay blocks by giving them loan

v. The government should make use of clay blocks for their houses, as well as
governmental projects in the country.

Compressive strength (N/MM2)

7 14 21 28
Period of curing (days)

Fig. 4.1: Graph of compressive strength of clay blocks with age of curing


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