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2020 Ivannikov Ispras Open Conference (ISPRAS)

The multifractal analysis in Geophysical

Flows. In memory of Prof. Jose Manuel
2020 Ivannikov Ispras Open Conference (ISPRAS) | 978-1-6654-1291-9/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ISPRAS51486.2020.00035

Redondo Apraiz

Jackson Tellez-Alvarez Sergei V. Strijhak

FLUMEN Research Institute, Department of Civil and Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the
Environmental Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences,
Technical University of Catalonia 25, Alexander Solzhenitsyn st., Moscow, 109004, Russia
C. Jordi Girona, 1-3. 08034, Barcelona, Spain E-mail:

Abstract— This paper describes the multifractal I. INTRODUCTION

methodology for analysis of different geophysical flows such as
vertical plumes in water, wakes behind 3D Sparse grid
turbulence generators in wind tunnel, wakes behind wind The multifractal analysis allows to quantify the level of
turbines and vortices in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer. A geometric complexity and in some cases it can be predicted
brief description of Kolmogorov K41, K62 theory of some dynamic aspects of the fluid. We applied the
turbulence, the energy spectra, the structure function is given. multifractal analysis using the ImaCalc software developed
The estimation of the fractal dimension was made using the in 2005 by Joan Grau during the PhD Thesis in the Technical
ImaCalc Software for different cases with geophysical flows. University of Catalonia, Spain for geophysical flows during
The advantage of this method is that we can estimate the the last 5 years. The ImaCalc software uses the box counting
fractal dimension using the numerical results of different open method to calculate the fractal dimension through the
source solvers in OpenFOAM library. The calculated spectra observation of flow’s turbulent images, where the method
are presented from the ImaCalc program. Furthermore, this evaluates the different gray scales.
paper dedicates to the memory of Prof. Jose Manuel Redondo
Apraiz (1956-2020) who worked in UPC, Barcelona, Spain and
was a leader of the SIG 14 “Stably Stratified and Rotating
We adopt the hypothesis of Kolmogorov [1,2] for the
Keywords— Computational Fluid Dynamics, turbulence, process of the turbulent eddy three-dimensional flow:
structure function, intermittency, spectra, fractal, dimension, a) the properties of the eddy hierarchy at a certain scale
sparse grid generator, plume, wake, Atmospheric Boundary
Layer, vortices, velocity, software, Professor, ERCOFTAC. only depend on the local dissipation at that size H(L), at scale
b) there is an intermediate “inertial range” of eddies
Lo>> L >>Lk the viscosity does not play any role.

978-1-6654-1291-9/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 179

DOI 10.1109/ISPRAS51486.2020.00035

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Inside of this range all the properties of the flow should 〈wH( )wH( + )〉 ≈ 〈 〉( ⁄ ) (8)
be determined by the stratification acting on the topology of
the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL), where is Consequently, the scaling exponents depend both on p,
described as Ozmidov scale and Lk is the smallest turbulent the order, and the intermittency parameter, so the expression
Kolmogorov scale. for the pth order velocity structure function will be:
In addition, over a range of scales, but keeping a less
restrictive homogeneous and locality hypothesis with respect 〈 ( ) 〉≈ / ( )/
to intermittency, is possible to relate how the characteristic
speed v(L) for eddies of size L depends on L. Then the And the expression for the energy spectra as a function of
dimensions of ( ) are velocity2/time, the only dimensional the wave-number modifies the non-intermittent K41 3D
combination of ( ) and L yielding a dimensional cascade given by the 5/3 law as:
( ) ≈ (H ) / (1) ( )≈ / / /

And thus, the fractional distribution of the energy per unit The general expression for the structure function scaling
mass and length will be: exponents is then:

( )( ⁄ )≈ ( ) ( ⁄ ) ≈ ( )( ⁄ ) ≈ / /
(2) ] = + (3 − ) (11)

That leads to the traditional Kolmogorov spectral 5/3

Considering the relationship between the fractal
dimension or more exactly the maximum of the multifractal
/ / measures that described the contours of dissipation:
( ) ≈ (3)
( )= 2 (12)
Furthermore, is interesting to study the topology of the
flow influence of turbulence structure of diffusion, for this
And from the fractal dimension definition:
reason, we assume that ( ) ≈ / , with a scaling
exponent, the moments of the relative distance R, close to L, ( )= 2 (13)
between a pair of particles, scale with time as:

/( )
The volume at the nth generation of an intermittent
〈 〉≈ (4) vortex cascade is:
As a consequence, the r.m.s. of the displacement R as a ( )
( )= ( ) ( ) ≈ 2 (14)
function of time in the long-time limit is given in terms of
the first order moment as: With a volume ratio of:
/( ] )
〈 〉 ≈ (5) ( )
( ) = ( )⁄ =2 = [ ( )/ ] (15)
It is larger than the classical Brownian type of diffusion,
The lack of dissipation space modifies the traditional
and also as suggested by Richardson as early as 1925, with
definitions of homogenous parameters and further analysis
the scaling exponent 1/3 associated with Hurst scaling
described in Mahjoub et. al. [29] for non-homogeneous
turbulence leads to:
〈 〉 ≈ (6)
≈ ( ) ( )W ( ) (16)
The dissipation is not constant as assumed in the /
( )≈[ ( ) ( )] (17)
Kolmogorov K41 theory [1,2] and that it also scales spatially
leads to a more general K62 definition of the scaling / /
( )≈ ( ) [ ( )/ ( )] (18)
exponents of the structure functions so that now ] =
(ℎ, ) , is a general function, and not just ] = ℎ = /3. ( ) ≈ / /
[ ] ( )/

/ / ] ]
〈 ( ) 〉≈ 〈 ( ) 〉≈ (7) 〈 ( ) 〉≈ /

One of the first theories seeking to predict the structure And thus, was possible to obtain the called multifractal
function exponents was in fact given by Kolmogorov in K62, method by Frish [30]:
as well as Obukhov, the new intermittency parameter, this
parameter has been measured for homogeneous, stationary ] = + (3 − )
( )
and isotropic turbulence giving values in the range of 0.2 to
0.6, but for real turbulence, such as in the ABL, the situation
seems much more complicated as discussed by Mahjoub [3]:


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Moreover, to estimate diffusion in a fractal environment, = − ( ∙ ∇) + [( + 2:) ∙ ∇] − ∇ (24)
we may substitute the first order structure function scaling
exponent ( =1) as:
A. ImaCalc Software
( )
] = + (3 − 1) = (7 − 2 ) (22) The ImaCalc software performs an estimation of the
fractal dimension associated with a given range of intensity
In the models used above, the multifractal dimension levels. Furthermore, allow to identify the exact range of
should be modified by the changing role of intermittency, intensities which can be associated to the presence of the box
which as observed in experiments is affected by buoyancy. study, given them the most reliable values of its fractal
It is worth mentioning that multifractal characteristics do dimension.
not have a strong effect on diffusion, because it only depends Therefore, the correct estimation of the fractal dimension
on the scaling law for the first moment of the velocity, which could be rather difficult without an accurate analysis. For this
is virtually unchanged by multifractality. reason, the application of the ImaCalc Software is an
More sophisticated data analysis such as the evaluation of advantage because allow to estimate the fractal dimension of
local fractal dimensions of the sea surface appearance, complex structure.
together with the detailed information of the position and
sizes of the mesoscale dominant eddies or structures of size
L or R, provides useful information on the mesoscale
turbulence in the ocean and in the atmosphere. After many The Study of dynamics of vortex structures in the
observations the dominant patterns and the causes of Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) using Large-Eddy
different topological characterizations by Mandelbrot [5] Simulation and ABLSolver, as part of open source SOWFA
might be understood. library in OpenFOAM, has been done taking into account the
It is important to characterize the types and structure of influence of stratification of the environment, the friction
the main vortices detected as well as the spectral cascade produced by the surface using a roughness parameter [3-5].
processes that take place, these may be investigated by using
fractal methods on images of the area [6]. Moreover, a) Image of the velocity field
previous fractal dimension analysis of the components of the
wind velocity was done by Tijerat et al. [7].
This theory specifies that the PDFs of the velocity
increments present a deviation with regard to the Gaussian,
the linear form has been observed [8]. This deviation is the
so-called intermittency. Moreover, when there is
intermittency, the tails of the PDFs of the velocity
increments depart from the Gaussian form and can be
approached by stretched exponentials [9-13]. Therefore, the
scaling exponents can be used to characterize the turbulence
intermittency. b) Histogram of the image
There are many turbulence models that try to explain the N

phenomenon of the intermittency, for instance, the models

corresponding to [14, 15-17].
The aim of this paper is a new application of multifractal
method to Atmospheric Boundary Layer’s data. This
application is very useful, because can be used in not only
conditions of homogeneity and isotropy, as the most of the
The physical interpretation of the rate of change of Pixe
energy scale up to a certain length is equal to the energy
injected at a scale by a force minus the energy dissipated at c) Fractal Dimension
such scales and less the flow of energy at smaller scales. This D

last term is due to non-linear interactions between the scales

derived from the nonlinear term in the Navier-Stokes
equation. This non-linear term is responsible for the
unpredictable behaviour of turbulent flows.
The value J would express the baroclinic vorticity
production with a variation of density with “potential height”
= ∇ ×∇ (23)
Figure 1. Analysis of the Stably stratified velocity structure
The evolution of vorticity in time is then:


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The rotation of the Earth, the change of thermal fluxes
and a gradient of pressure is important for modelling relevant
variations of the weather and climatic system [18-21]. There
are also some other important tasks as studying physical
processes of pollution near the Earth's surface, modelling
physical processes in wind farms and assessment of their
overall performance where the studying the energy cascade
is extremely urgent [9,10].
This model for studying processes in ABL consists of
balance equations for mass, momentum and energy (for
potential temperature) equations. The Lagrangian dynamic
model of Smagorinsky with restriction of size for the
coefficient Cs was used for calculation of subgrid turbulent Figure 3. Fractal dimension for propagation of the wind
viscosity [9, 22-24]. An improved PIPMPLE algorithm was along the sequence of wind turbines
used in ABLSolver to solve the coupled algorithm with
equations for velocity, pressure and temperature [25,26]. Also, it is important to say that it is important to know
The numerical domain for ABL cases was selected as what is the optimal separation of the sequence of wind
3x1x3 km with grid 300x102x300 cells. The velocity of wind turbines, because the effect of decay energy and propagation
was set V=8 m/s up to H=90 m. In Figure 1, the map of of the wake is proportional to the efficiency of the wind
velocity and vorticity show a histogram between values of 30 turbine.
to 168 pixels in gray scale and values of fractal dimension
between 0.5 to 1.5, calculated in ImaCalc program. The
known GABLS case was taken as a reference case to
compare the numerical results [27,28]. The dynamic of large A three-dimensional sparse grid turbulence generators
vortices in ABL and their energies can be also studied using (3DSGT) as defined in Figure 4 was built using the technical
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) method [29, 30]. facilities at the Max Plank Institute in Gottingen. The new
type of grid turbulence generator, the 3D sparse grid (3DS),
is a co-planar arrangement of co-frames each containing a
IV. CASE OF STUDY: WIND TURBINES different length scale of grid elements. As indicated in [33] a
The fractal analysis of the turbulent wakes for wind 3D sparse multi-scale arrangement has two important
turbine was done using the ImaCalc Software. We calculated advantages over the 2D grids. First, it reduces the effective
the parameters of the wakes in wind farm with 12 model blockage ratio, s3DS _ s2DF, thus providing a greater mass
wind turbines with 4 rows using open source SOWFA library flux through the grid system. The last results show that the
and pisoTurbineFoam solver [31,32]. The mathematical peak intensities generated by 3DS can exceed the peaks
model was based on LES method. The obtained system of generated by the 2DF by 80%; we observe that a 3DS with
algebraic equations for velocity, pressure, stress tensor and blockage ratio 24% produces turbulence similar to the 2DF
parameters of the turbulence model were solved iteratively with blockage ratio 32% implying lower energy input for the
by the conjugate gradient method with preconditioning. same turbulence [34].
During the calculation, averaged and fluctuating fields: In addition, a report on some early experiments from the
velocity, pressure, subgrid viscosity, stress tensor were EUHIT project carried out at the Max Planck Institute in
obtained. Gottingen (, where the detail of
The spectrum of the fractal dimension for the different experimental set up and the details of the built grid are
part of the wakes, taking into account that the first wake’s shown in Figures 4. The methodology of experiments was
flow of the wind turbine is homogeneous and the flow is uing a single point Eulerian measurements with high
laminar, but after past the second wind turbine, the flow is resolution hot wire probes. Spatial and temporal multi-scale
more non-homogeneous and turbulent, but at the same time, fractal behaviour on several were used for comparison
the energy might be decaying. Using the fractal method it is between different new configurations, these are based upon
possible to study the growing of the wake and the interaction previous numerical and experimental flux estimates of
with the ABL (Figure 2). turbulence data obtained.

Figure 2. Propagation of the velocity along the sequence of

wind turbines

The advantage of this simulation is to focus in the

efficiency of the wind turbine, where we can see that after
the second wind turbine, the velocity of the wind, decay too Figure 4. The 3DSGT is installed in wind tunnel
much, and for this reason the production of energy.


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The volcanic plumes, river plumes can be observed
where a stream, usually a river, empties into a lake, sea or
The aim of the experimental procedure was to generate a
turbulent axisymmetric plume, controlling its position and its
physical characteristics as buoyancy and momentum fluxes.
A volume of fluid was released vertically down (with a
flow rate up to 8.40 cm3 s-1) from a small orifice, with a
diameter d = 6 mm, into a stationary body of water with a
height of 16.5 cm contained in a glass tank of dimensions 32
cm high and 25cm x 25cm cross-section. The small orifice is
located at a height Ho which takes the values 2 cm, 3 cm, 3.5
cm and 6.5 cm and, therefore, increases the overall initial
potential energy of the fluid system and the momentum flux. Figure 7. Multifractal dimension for vertical plume
The Reynolds number at the source, based on the source
diameter and the mean velocity there, is about 2000. The VII. OBITUARY: JOSE MANUEL REDONDO APRAIZ
flow was not observed in the far field (ranged between 250 d
and 550 d) due to the dimensions of the tank. The releasing Professor José Manuel Redondo Apraiz died in
fluid was a potassium permanganate solution (500 cm3) Barcelona at the age of 64. He was full professor at the
which is considered as incompressible, miscible and as such, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) -
presents a high Schmidt number (of the order of 103) and BarcelonaTech and a faculty member in the Physics
that has an intense purple colour (from pink to mauve). Then, Department.
it was not necessary to add a dye as passive tracer and the With a degree and Master in Physics and a PhD in
flow was directly visualized. A detailed description of the Applied Mathematics, he supervised 12 doctoral thesis, he
experimental set-up could be found in López et al. [35-37]. published 93 journal papers, 9 published books and 35 book
chapters, among many others scientific and technical
publications and activities. His PhD thesis had a title "The
structure of density interfaces".
Many of us remember Jose Manuel from his days in
DAMTP (Department of Applied Mathematics and
Theoretical Physics), Cambridge, from around the mid-
1980’s to the 1990’s, that is about 35 years ago. His PhD
supervisor was Paul Linden. He played a fulsome part in the
academic and community life at DAMTP.
Jose Manuel had publications in many famous journals:
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Journal of
Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Flow, Turbulence
and Combustion, Experiments in Fluids, Nonlinear
Processes in Geophysics, Applied Scientific Research,
Continental Shelf Research, Physica Scripta, etc.
Figure 5. Analysis of the experimental plume Jose Manuel studied different complex processes in
geophysical hydrodynamics with highly intermittent spiky
measures and no uniformities. For example, the distribution
The histogram and multifractal analysis were built of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate. These
using the ImaCalc Software (Fig. 6, 7). intermittent processes cannot be described totally by typical
moment methods.

Figure 6. Histogram of Plumes experiments.

Prof. Jose Manuel Redondo Apraiz (1956-2020)


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Therefore, a multifractal method was required. Jose possessed a strong physique, and was a strong swimmer of
Manuel studied such flows as vertical plumes, turbulent professional quality. He missed representing Spain in the
wakes and jets, vortices in ABL with PhD students and co- Olympics by just 0.1 seconds (perhaps less)! He once
workers [31-36]. mentioned that his ambition was to snatch the world record
It is important to characterize the types and structure of in the 50’s age group. Jose Manuel was much loved and
the main vortices detected as well as the spectral cascade respected by all, especially by his numerous friends at
processes that take place, these may be investigated by using DAMTP. We will miss him sorely.
fractal methods on images of the area. Moreover, previous His loss is a great one for the ERCOFTAC and EGU
fractal dimension analysis of the components of the wind communities, where he leaves a large number of friends, for
velocity was done by Tijerat et al. [7]. the Physics department of UPC where he leaves a lot of
Above his proficient scientific records, Jose Manuel was colleagues and co-workers, and specially for his family.
a very social person, keeping an extensive network of These words are not enough to remember who Jose
friends around the world. Whenever he organized an event, Manuel was, but try to transmit sincere condolences to his
one can be sure that a parallel social event was going to be wife and son, and the rest of his family.
organized. He liked the most mixing science with social In particular, PhD. Jackson Tellez Alvarez will
relationships. remember Jose Manuel as his academic mentor and friend.
Professor Jose Manuel Redondo Apraiz was a prominent Grateful for making him participate in very interesting
and active supporter of the theory of turbulence. courses, conferences, articles and research projects in the
Nevertheless, making great efforts, he gathered at area of the fluid mechanics and turbulence. We will always
conferences on "Turbulent Mixing in Geophysical Flows" at remember him as a good scientist and a fun person. Thank
the end of the last century and subsequent Schools you for the collaboration with the Institute Flumen and
"Transport processes in the atmosphere and ocean" Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the
representatives of various directions developed in Europe, Technical University of Catalonia [38] (Figure 8).
North and South America, Japan, countries of Eastern
Europe, and Russia. His tolerance, friendliness, and
enthusiasm have fostered vivid discussions, friendships and
the formation of new international research groups, some of
which are still successful. The ideas and forms of
"Turbulent Mixing" conferences continue to develop
successfully in a wide range of sciences, including the
physics of controlled thermonuclear fusion and infralow
diffusion induced flows. Particularly noteworthy are the
efforts of Professor Jose Manuel Redondo to support
scientific research in Russia with his own attention,
participation in conferences, inviting researchers to work in Figure 8. Memory of PhD. Defence of Jackson Tellez
Western universities, assistance in finding and receiving Alvarez (10-05-2019).
international grants.
He was committed to the promotion of the field in VIII. CONCLUSION
several ways. He was a very active member of ERCOFTAC, A turbulent wakes behind wind turbines, turbulent vortices
chairing the SIG 14 “Stably Stratified and Rotating in ABL, vertical plume were studied. A LES simulation
Turbulence”, also organizing outreach events in Barcelona using SOWFA library was carried out. The multifractal
and Vilanova y la Geltrú, in his home town. In the last 10 analysis was done in the ImaCalc Software.
years Professor Jose Manuel Redondo was in charge of This paper dedicates to the memory of Prof. Jose Manuel
Turbulence, Transport and Diffusion sessions in the division Redondo Apraiz (1956-2020).
of Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences at the European
Geoscience Union (EGU). REFERENCES
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