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Destri karlista S.Pd., M.Pd.

Purwokerto, Banyumas, Central Java

March, 21th 2024
Ahmad Dahlan Sholarship Committee
Ahmad Dahlan University
Yogyakarta city, special region of Yogyakarta

Dear Scholarship Committee,

With great pleasure, I am writing to you to offer my recommendation to Nurul Khotimah for the
Master's Scholarship. I have taught and served as Nurul Khotimah's academic supervisor for eight
semesters. She is an extraordinary student with a passion for learning English, especially writing
skills. I believe she is an exemplary candidate for this opportunity.

Ahmad Dahlan University provides Masters Scholarships to students who have a strong commitment
to English. On campus, Nurul took part in many scientific writing competitions and won at the
national level. Nurul is also a diligent and consistent student, with an A average.

Therefore, I am honored to have provided my support and recommendation to Nurul Khotimah as an

eligible candidate for the English Masters Scholarship at Ahmad Dahlan University. She is a highly
motivated and effective student. I believe she is very deserving of this award and can use the privilege
of this special scholarship to further his education. If you have further questions, please contact me by
phone or email.


Destri Karlista S.Pd., M.Pd.

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