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1. Author Name : Nurul Khotimah
2. Year : 2023
3. School Level : Senior High School
4. Class :X
5. Time Allocation : 3 x 60 Minutes

Phase E

Elements: Writing – Presenting

Students write various types of fiction and non-fiction texts, through guided activities,
demonstrate awareness students towards the goals and target readers. They planning, writing,
reviewing and writing repeat different types of text types by showing self-correction
strategies, including punctuation and capitalization. They convey ideas using vocabulary and
common verbs in his writing. They present information using various presentation modes for
adapt to readers/viewers and to achieve different goals, in printed form and digital.

Learning objectives:

The learning objectives of this module are:

1. Identify the context, main idea and detailed information of descriptive, recount, proce
dural, expository and narrative texts presented in multimodal form.
2. Communicate simple ideas and opinions deeply various discussion activities, collabo
rative activities and presentations.
3. Write descriptive, recount, procedural, expository and other texts Narrative uses text
organization structure and features proper linguistics, and present it.
Indicators of Achievement of Learning Goals:

1. Identify context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal procedure t
ext presented in multimodal form about sports and health.
2. Communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative activities a
nd presentations orally about sports and health.

Main Concepts: Chapter 1 : Sport Events

Scope and Sequence

Language Listening Speaking Reading And Writing And

Project Viewing Presenting
Poster of heal Present simple Listening to a Talking about Reading a text Writing a sim
th campaign Imperative sen procedure on h suggestions to and inding gen ple tips on ho
tence ow different ac stay healthy eral and specii w to stay healt
tivities can hel c information i hy
p us stay healt n the procedur
hy e text how to s
tay healthy
live day Present Giving tips to
challenge simple have physical
of healthy Imperative and mental he
eating sentence alth.

1. Before taking part in learning, students were not yet capable of identifying context, main
ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal procedure text presented in multi
modal form about sports and health.
2. Before participating in learning, students find it Communicate simple ideas and opinions
in various discussions, collaborative activities, and presentations orally about sports and
3. Before participating in learning, students were not yet capable of writing a procedure tex
t about sports and health with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistics fea
tures and presenting it.


Mandiri, Berpikir kritis, kreatif
1. Means: The means used in learning procedure text, spoken text like monologue or dialogu
2. Infrastructure: The infrastructure used in learning this material is audio player tool

The target students in this learning module are: regular / typical students: general
Problem Based Learning (PBL)
1. Students can identifying context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and
verbal procedure text presented in multimodal form about sports and health.
2. Students can communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative
activities and presentations orally about sports and health.
3. Students can writing a procedure text about sports and health with an appropriate structure
of organization and linguistics features and presenting it.

Students are skilled in understanding and analyzing procedure text according to the topic that
has been presented
1. Why do you think you need to stay healthy?
2. Can you mention one creative way of staying healthy?


Initial Activities (15 Minutes)

The first meeting

1. Prepare students
2. Open with greetings and pray to start the lesson
3. Checking student attendance
4. Identify context, main ideas, and information details from the text of oral procedures on
how to maintain health.
5. The teacher can then start the lesson with remind students of Covid-19 as a danger
and health challenges.
6. The teacher asks the students what activities they can do this is done to make the body h
ealthy and more resistant to Covid-19 attack.
7. The teacher asks other trigger questions as in the Student Book.
8. The teacher listens to the answers given by the students and input English words/phrases
if students are required to answer questions.
Core Activities (30 Minutes)
1. The teacher asks students to look at pictures of activities it's in the Student Book.
2. The teacher and students identify the activities shown in the picture.
3. The teacher asks students to answer questions, give input words/phrases, and provide
revisions to student sentences if necessary.
4. The teacher and students discuss the answers.

Final Activity (15 Minutes)

1. The teacher shows a short video entitled “Promoting Healthy Lifestyle” from the link
2. The teacher asks and responds to the participants' opinions to educate about the
content of the video by asking questions like the following:

 What did you see in the video?

 Do you think you can do what the girl was doing? Why?
 Do you learn anything from the video? What are they?

Initial Activities (15 Minutes)

Second meeting
1. Prepare students
2. Open with greetings and pray to start the lesson
3. Checking student attendance

Core Activities (30 Minutes)

1. The teacher informs the students that they will survey class members.
2. The teacher explains that the survey they will conduct is guided by questions
“How many times a week/a month do you…?”
3. The teacher asks students to group and study tables in the Student Book containing activiti
es and words description of the frequency they will use for conducting a survey.
Final Activity (15 Minutes)
1. The teacher asks the designated students to answer questions above, and record students' a
nswers stated in the notes that have been prepared.
2. The teacher shows the notes he made to make examples by students.
3. The teacher's note contains the participant's name students who answer the questions and
mark the checklist below adverbs of frequency used by students.
4. The teacher asks students to prepare in groups questions and practice in groups.
5. The teacher provides input and revisions on the pronunciation of words/ expressions and s
entences made by students when required.
6. The teacher asks students to ask questions that has been prepared for class members other
than members his group.
7. The teacher listens to students when asking questions survey, ensuring students record ans
wers questions given by class members who are asked, and provide input and revision on the
pronunciation of words/phrases and sentences made by students if necessary.

Initial Activities (15 Minutes)

Third Meeting
1. Prepare students
2. Open with greetings and pray to start the lesson
3. Checking student attendance
4. The teacher explains how to produce multimodal procedural texts about how to maintain p
hysical or mental health and present it.

Core Activities (30 Minutes)

1. The teacher asks students to move their text drafts from the table and expands it further in
ward more complete text.
2. The teacher says that students can write draft them on the sheets provided in the Student B
3. The teacher provides input when students move draft their writing and provide revisions w
hen necessary.

Final Activity (15 Minutes)

1. The teacher asks students to work in pairs to check the draft of his friend's writing.
2. The teacher asks students to use a list of statements in the table in the Student Book as a re
ference in checking draft of their writing.
3. The teacher discusses the students' writing drafts by taking them one of the students' writin
g drafts as an example for discussed together.
4. The teacher asks students to make revisions based on input provided.

1. The teacher explains that students need to do releksi for what they have learned.
2. The teacher explains that they do the releksi not only important to them but also important
for teachers because the releksi students give a picture of the teacher how the participants felt
educated about the material that has been explained, the way the teacher convey learning, an
d things that have been learned students.
3. The teacher asks students to write down things not understood from the subject matter the
y have learn.
4. The teacher asks students to relekspoint points or things they have learned in this chapter.
5. The teacher informs students that the releksi they did followed that directions provided in
student books.

1. Teaching materials
2. Student Worksheet

1. The teacher asks students to read the piece research report text and browse page links
provided to find out more about the results of the research and the text used for
describe it.
2. The teacher asks students to read the piece research report text and browse page links
provided to find out more about the results of the research and the text used for
describe it.
3. The teacher asks students to do the following (for at least one week):
a. Keep a daily journal, including weekends, of their daily life.
b. Use English in journal writing they.
c. Include emotions, feelings and thoughts as well what event happened.
d. Ensure their journal remains private and locked, or if they use a journal online, keep the
secret password.
e. The teacher asks students to discuss questions following:
(After one week the students write journal):
a. According to them, why can keeping a journal helps them reduce stress.
b. How do they compare and distinguish journaling versus talking with someone about the
ir problems?
c. Which part of journal writing is the most help their mental health?
d. How to write a journal in English make their stress much less?
Class X English Package Book Work in Progress
Class X English Package Book Work in Progress
1. Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, dan Nining Suryaningsih 2022. Work in Progress.
Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan
Asesmen Pendidikan Pusat Perbukuan.
2. Alifah Syifa Ramadillah. 2022. Silabus Kurikulum Merdeka Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10.
Diakses pada 12 September 2023

Teaching materials:

1. Recount text

a) A procedure text is a text that gives instructions for doing a particular activity. It can
also serve to explain how something works. It aims to give instructions or to explain
how something can be done. It uses imperative and consists of a goal or purpose, ma
y or may nor contain materials, and steps.

Question to Think About :

 Why do you think you need to stay healthy?

 Can you mention one creative way of staying healthy?

b) Identify the context, main ideas, and detailed information from oral procedure texts o
n how to maintain health.
c) Producing multimodal procedural text on how to maintain physical or mental health
and present it.

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