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McClean et al.

BMC Genomics 2010, 11:184


Synteny mapping between common bean and

soybean reveals extensive blocks of shared loci
Phillip E McClean1,2*, Sujan Mamidi1, Melody McConnell1, Shireen Chikara1, Rian Lee1,2

Background: Understanding syntentic relationship between two species is critical to assessing the potential for
comparative genomic analysis. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.), the two most
important members of the Phaseoleae legumes, appear to have a diploid and polyploidy recent past, respectively.
Determining the syntentic relationship between these two species will allow researchers to leverage not only
genomic resources but also genetic data for important agronomic traits to improve both of these species.
Results: Genetically-positioned transcript loci of common bean were mapped relative to the recent soybean 1.01
pseudochromosome assembly. In nearly every case, each common bean locus mapped to two loci in soybean, a
result consistent with the duplicate polyploidy history of soybean. Blocks of synteny averaging 32 cM in common
bean and 4.9 Mb in soybean were observed for all 11 common bean linkage groups, and these blocks mapped to
all 20 soybean pseudochromosomes. The median physical-to-genetic distance ratio in common bean (based on
soybean physical distances) was ~120 kb/cM. ~15,000 common bean sequences (primarily EST contigs and EST
singletons) were electronically positioned onto the common bean map using the shared syntentic blocks as
references points.
Conclusion: The collected evidence from this mapping strongly supports the duplicate history of soybean. It
further provides evidence that the soybean genome was fractionated and reassembled at some point following
the duplication event. These well mapped syntentic relationships between common bean and soybean will enable
researchers to target specific genomic regions to discover genes or loci that affect phenotypic expression in both

Background that aid the cloning of a gene in one species based on

Comparative genetics and genomics leverages knowledge its position in a reference species.
from companion species and attempts to define impor- Synteny has been studied quite extensively in plants,
tant evolutionary relationships. Important to under- beginning with the early macro comparisons using RFLP
standing these relationships is the physical and genetic markers. Although these analyses used a limited number
synteny between any two species. Physical synteny can of markers, they revealed major syntenic themes that
be used to explain the cytogenetic events that a genome have informed much of the research in the field. Closely
has undergone as it evolved along a lineage into its cur- related species, such as tomato and potato [1,2], have
rent structural form. Associated with these genomic highly conserved marker order that is only disturbed by
events is the evolutionary repositioning of genes respon- clearly defined events such as paracentric inversions. At
sible for phenotypes shared between the two species. greater evolutionary distances, as evidenced by tomato
This repositioning places genes in different genomic and pepper [3], inter- and intra-chromosomal transloca-
contexts that could alter the degree and timing of their tions have redistributed loci such that only short synten-
phenotypic effects. Understanding the overall position- tic blocks are observed while the chromosome number
ing of genes in two related species can suggest strategies remains unchanged. Finally, a one-to-two mapping of
loci, as seen with sorghum and maize [4], revealed the
* Correspondence: effects of polyploidy on synteny. These types of studies,
Genomics and Bioinformatics Program, North Dakota State University, Fargo, involving multiple species and using collections of
ND 58105, USA

© 2010 McClean et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
McClean et al. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:184 Page 2 of 10

shared probes, have revealed major evolutionary rela- observed between Arabidopsis and B. oleracea, two spe-
tionships within lineages such as the grasses [5] and cies that diverged ~20 MYA [11]. The length of the
legumes [6]. For the grasses, using 30 segments of the shared block appears to depend upon the divergence
rice genome as a reference, the genomes of ten other time. The rice/wheat synteny appears to vary, with some
species could be reconstructed [5]. regions showing extensive microcolinearity [12,13] while
More recently, Brassicaceae evolution was studied in other regions exhibit a history of cytological events that
depth with a high density set of markers. Using the gen- has reduced the extent of local syntenty [14,15]. Maize
ome of the amphidiploid B. napus as a reference, the and sorghum are recently related evolutionarily through
duplication history of its two parents, B. rapa and B. a common ancestor that gave rise to sorghum and the
oleracea, revealed earlier rounds of duplication shared two progeneitors of maize [16]. The species diverged
between these two diploid genomes and suggested that only 12 MYA [17], yet the synteny between sorghum
a progenitor with fewer chromosomes was responsible and maize appears to be less extensive than that
for the lineage [7]. Finally, a comparison of a dense between sorghum and rice that diverged ~40 MYA
genetic map of B. napus, consisting of > 1000 loci [18,19].
orthologous to Arabidopsis genes, and the genomic Here we investigate the syntenic relationship between
sequence of Arabidopsis, revealed that 90% of the two important legumes, common bean (Phaseolus vul-
B. napus genome could be reconstructed from 21 ortho- garis L.) and soybean (Glycine max). These two species
logous blocks of Arabidopsis genome while a number of are the two most important economically important
the Arabidopsis segments were duplicated in the legumes, soybean for its many human and animal
B. napus genome [8]. usages, and common bean as an important nutritional
With the wide-spread availability of whole genome, crop for many economically poorer countries [20].
BAC, and EST sequencing, and new approaches to high These two legume species are members of the Phaseo-
density mapping, further aspects of comparative evolu- leae (Figure 1), a clade within the economically impor-
tion were revealed. Early comparisons of the genomic tant Papilionoideae legumes. This clade diverged from
sequence data from Arabidopsis and tomato, two species the IRLC clade, the other economically important Papi-
whose divergent evolution began 94 MYA at the time of lionoideae clade, 54.3 MYA [21,22].
the Asterid/Rosid divergence [9], revealed a pattern of Common bean and soybean diverged 19 MYA [21,22].
segmental duplication followed by local gene loss [10]. Determining those genomic events that followed the
A similar pattern, but not to the same degree, was divergence is important as investigators attempt to

Phaseolus vulgaris (n=11; 0.60 pg)

Mya Vigna unguiculata (n=11; 0.60 pg)
Dolichos lablab (n=11; 0.38 pg)
Glycine max (n=20; 1.13 pg)
Erythrina sousae (n=21; 1.55 pg)

Cajunus cajan (n=11; 0.88 pg)

Figure 1 Phylogeny of economically important Phaseoleae legumes. The phylogeny is condensed from that presented in Stefanovic et al.
(2009). The nodal dates are the minimum date of the range based on 32.1 million years ago (MYA) date of “A” node representing the
divergence of the Phaseoleae legumes from Apios americana. The haploid chromosome number and C-value [in piocgrams (pg)] are from the
Plant C-Value Database; verified May 5, 2009).
McClean et al. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:184 Page 3 of 10

leverage the recently released soybean genome sequence genomes. Although these results are compelling, they
[23] as a tool for research within the clade. RFLP map- only provided a limited description of the genomic rela-
ping [24] and EST Ks analysis [25] provide strong evi- tionships between these two species. With a richer array
dence that soybean under went a major duplication of sequenced-based resources, including an increasing
event dated at 11 MYA [[25], Mamidi S, Lee RK, Terp- number of ESTs in common bean and an extensive
strea J, Lavin M, Schlueter JA, Shoemaker RC, McClean draft sequence of the soybean genome, it is now possible
PE: Whole genome duplications in the evolutionary his- to investigate the syntentic relationships between these
tory of legumes, submitted]. Most likely this was an two species at a greater depth.
autopolyploid event [22,26]. By contrast, molecular mar-
ker data [27] show that common bean is a diploid while Common bean and soybean orthologous loci
EST Ks analysis suggests that its genome has only Our first analysis of common bean and soybean syn-
undergone localized segmental duplications. Given their teny was based on 300 gene-based loci [McConnell M,
close relationship within the Phaseoleae, common bean Chikara S, Mamidi S, Rossi M, Lee R, McClean PE.
is considered a diploid model for soybean [20]. Low- A gene-based linkage map of common bean (Phaseolus
density RFLP mapping [28] found that the two species vulgaris), submitted.] that were genetically mapped
share a high degree of sequence homology but synteny using the community-wide P. vulgaris BAT93 × Jalo
is only found only over shorts blocks of the genomes. EEP558 mapping population and 59 gene-containing
This is in contrast to the long stretches of synteny RFLP probes [30,31]. These loci were compared to the
shared between common bean and mung bean (Vigna first public release of the soybean genome, consisting
radiate), another member of the Phaseoleae clade. of 20 pseudochromosomes, using the blastn algorithm.
These two species diverged between 4.9 and 8.0 MYA We first limited the hits to those with an E-value < 1
[21,22]. × 10 -10 . This decision was motivated by our decision
To better understand the structural relationships to compare the two genomes by uncovering those soy-
between the common bean and soybean genome, we bean loci with some degree of orthology to the com-
compared the organization of an extensive gene-based mon bean query sequences. A total of 1065 hits were
map of common bean with the complete sequence of detected that met this criterion, and the median E-
the soybean genome. We discovered overwhelming evi- value for these hits was 2.0 × 10-61. These hits were to
dence of a one-to-two relationship between common loci on all 20 soybean pseudochromosomes.
bean and soybean sequences. In addition, we were able Since another goal of this analysis was to determine
to trace many of the gene rich regions of all soybean the genomic relationships between common bean and
chromosomes back to specific regions of the common soybean genomes, we next limited the analysis to the
bean genetic map. Evidence is also provided that, rela- best two soybean hits for each common bean sequence.
tive to common bean, soybean is segmentally rear- This decision was based on the assumption that soybean
ranged. Using this genetic/physical synteny, we have underwent a whole genome duplication event since it
also been able to electronically map an additional 20,000 divergence from common bean, an assumption sup-
common bean EST contigs and singletons relative to ported by a number of lines of evidence [24,25]. There-
soybean. This result is a major first step in understand- fore, absent a major reduction in newly duplicated
ing the evolution of the soybean genome relative to a soybean genes, there should be a one-to-two locus cor-
diploid species within the Phaseoleae clade while provid- respondence between common bean and soybean.
ing a framework for the comparative genetics and geno- Under this criterion, a total of 720 hits were observed,
mics of these two species. and the median E-value was 3.5 × 10-91. Again, hits to
loci on all 20 pseudochromosomes were observed.
Results and Discussion A common bean centric display of the synteny is found
A few limited studies have investigated the relationship in Figure 2.
between the common bean and soybean genomes. Bou-
tin et al. [28] utilized shared RFLP markers and discov- Conserved common bean and soybean genomic blocks
ered a number of shared common bean/soybean A conserved syntenic block was defined as one that
syntentic markers blocks. In addition, individual markers shared three loci between common bean and soybean
showed a more complex pattern of syntenty between the and covered a minimum of 4 cM of the common bean
two species suggesting a pattern of fragmentation in the genetic map. A total of 55 syntenic blocks were
evolutionary history of soybean relative to common observed between the two species. On average, each
bean. Subsequently, Lee et al. [29] built upon these block consisted of 7 loci. From a common bean genetic
results and were the first to show a clear one-to-two perspective, the mean size of each syntenic block was
relationship between the common bean and soybean 32 cM (with a median of 29 cM). 75% of the blocks
McClean et al. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:184 Page 4 of 10

Pv1 Pv2 Pv3 Pv4 Pv5

0 D1080
6.0 0 g1795 41.0 52.8 0 g1686 4.2 0 DROI16a 0 g2467 0.7 12 g564
0 DFR 6 D1619 15 DDiap_1
13 g797 7 DROF10b 11.6 16 50.1


7 g1645 27 D1151

15 12
16 NRAMP 32 g2274 5.6 14 g1375 19 DROD20b 47.1
13 g2145 14.1 24 g2596

29 g511 9.2 39 g2108 39.0

20 g1092 51.3 2.8 19 g2303 36.1 32 g2410
47 g1830 40 g1968 33.0

30 g2266 42 g34

57 g1805 27 Bng71
45 g1410 45 D1595 65 D1377 43 g174
44 g1086 3.2

14.3 73 g964 36 D1298 45 D1301

24.9 51 g822 54.7 64 g1515 0.8
54 g934 27.5 69 80 g1520 63 g483 47 g1333

ChS 50 g1689
83 DROF10a

58 D1327 76 DROS3c 86 g417,g1656 2.9 72 DRbcs 55 g2308

65 g2647 36.7 81 DROG19b 61 D1251
87 g1801 7.8 77 g2685 7.3 43.7 66 g1883 0.7
86 g2490 53.7 93 g1556 1.5 90 Z_AM10S 69 g1664
37.3 96 g2476 79 G_AP3 72
102 g1737 33.5 95 g457 7.7 Bng162
101 g125 79 G_U14S 79 DROC18a
108 g1771 102 g1148 42.1 104 g1925
115 g849

79 G_AP7
110 g1959 106 g2371

123 g1784 41.8
113 g724 107 DROF7c 84 g128

32.3 126 g2113 4.7

117 g1176 108 g117

2.1 119 g2409 104 D1325

119 g1954 133 g893 125 g686

136 D0166 123 Bng224
132 g2162 36.6 10.7 4.0 129 g1808
143 g1247

147 g1952 148 g1132 143 g2341
37.0 11.1 150 g665 149 g968
155 g2504 151 D1287 18.7
4.4 156 g2213
44.7 166 g1404 47.2 153 D1367

189 Bng171a 41.2 161 g1194 1.2 164 g2558,g2218 27.6

199 Bng122 2.6 164 g2577 5.1 171 g664
166 g680 27.8
36.3 202 g1224 g774 8

203 g499 169170 g693

206 gCV54201 173 g2427
207 TGA1.1 39.9 181 g2127 5.0

210 g1367 198 S2

214 g2562 208 DROS3b
218 g683
225 g523
39.0 232 g2132 0.2

Pv6 Pv7 Pv8 Pv9

0 DROJ9c 0 g503 0 g1588 62.2 4.6 0 D1831
8.1 6 g544
41.4 14 g2538 50.4 10 CHI_INT3 15 g2543 9 D1096_2

8.4 20 g2311 12 g791
23 g2553 14.6 21 g2298 34.2 22 g89 2.4 13 IRT3 3.4
27 DROF1b 23.5 17 g2178
31 g2551 24 g2393 5.6 24 g1884

30 DBng199 29 g2498

33 D0096

34 AGT1 33 g1615 22.5 29 g1879 32 g993



37 g1639 36 g501 36 g1119 7.3 34 g1107 6.8

40 gTC1436 40 g129 42.6 37 WagG_W17 38 g732

43 g739 44 Bng060 45.9 44 g792 9.9

44.7 44 g139 45 Phs 38 g2567 46 Bng102
47 g471 44 DJ1kscar 47 Bng228

50 g1192 4.8 46 D1861 49 g708
54 g1233 54 g696,g2462

54 D1086 52 g2516

59 DROC11b 48.6 61 g2531 55 g1206

61 g2329 64 g1378 40.1 58 g131 58 g1126

66 g1361 49.5 44.0 66 g487
2.7 69 g1852 11.2 70 61 g549 66 g2510 16.2
76 g1748 Bng204

0.4 5.2 65 g1031 41.1 89 g1671

82 g1159

73 g415 23.5 45.5 69 g1990

32.3 99 g861 4.4 74 g2416
108 DP2062 78 P_U3 17.8 73 g776,C_AP2S
Pv10 Pv11

113 g2192 93 g1175


114 Bng94 103 g2459 15.5 75 g1539

117 g1998 6.2
10 10

120 g2208 112 g1065 0 g2521 0 g811 2.3

7.2 116 g1357 25.6 77 g440,Bng205
12.7 8.7 3 g785
122 g1818 121 g1853 30.1 39.0 3 DROE9a

34.7 130 g1280 35.4 7 g2273

14.3 135 130 g1380 77 g1758 5 BIP_J17S 13 g1731

g1757 23.7 16 g1932

80 g2514 9 g1383

14.8 136 g1190 3.8 29.6 133 g290 6.6 20 g1438

g1174 32.5 86 g140 25 g2285
143 28 g2331

146 g1947 46.0 109 g1713 1.8 17.4 31 g835

4.3 33 g1994

146 Bng104 31.8 118 g2264 4.9 44 L_L4S 33 DRON9b

125 g1181 0.5 34 g1168 25.4


47 g2600 15.2
134 A1CAO 52 g2560 35 DROJ9a

50.9 159 DROS3a 0.8 55 g2268 36 D1630

58 g1341 38 DROG5b
62 g2260 54 g2135
183 g2316 1. 2 66 g1661 17.3 61 DH20sT
70 DROF1a 67 g1983
73 g1215

Figure 2 Syntentic relationships of soybean relative to the common bean genetic map. A common bean genetic map anchors
corresponding syntenic regions of the soybean 1.01 genome build. The location (in megabase pairs) of each soybean fragment straddling the
common bean linkage is noted at the beginning and end of the homology.

were > 20 cM in length. Conversely, the mean physical DNA has a much lower gene density than euchromatic
distance relative to soybean was 4.9 Mb (with a median regions at the ends of the chromosomes. Finally, these
of 2.6 Mb). 63% of the blocks were > 2 Mb in length. regions have a much lower recombination rate than the
By comparing the location of these blocks, it is very euchromatic region. All of these features appear to be
clear that nearly all segments of the common bean gen- common for eudicot genomes.
ome mapped to two segments of the soybean genome. As Figure 3 shows, 35 of the 40 of the soybean chro-
69.3% of the genetic distance of the common bean map mosome arms exhibit a signature of conserved synteny
mapped to some region of the soybean genome. Much between the two species. Much of the synteny that we
of the uncovered regions in common bean fell in larges observed here was to orthologous loci in the euchro-
gaps on the linkage map. Conversely, these blocks con- matic regions of the soybean genome. Only a few soy-
sisted of 271 Mb or 27.9% of the soybean genome bean chromosomes, specifically 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, and
sequence. To better understand the difference in gen- 20, contain extensive blocks of common bean loci that
ome coverage, we needed to integrate additional soy- map to soybean pericentromeric DNA. If we exclude
bean genomic information into our analysis. the pericentromeric DNA from our calculations, of the
As displayed graphically at Soybase 271 Mb of the soybean that were syntentic to common
and Phyotzome, and bean, 200 Mb mapped to the euchromatic arms. There-
captured in Figure 3, much of the soybean genome con- fore, using this limited set of common bean loci, we
sists of pericentromeric DNA. Several features of this were able to determine the ancestry of 42.7% of the
class of DNA are important for this analysis here. First, gene rich euchromatic region of soybean. Further, 30 of
this DNA is centered around the centromeres and the 33 duplicated blocks of soybean genome anchored
encompasses 56% of the soybean genome. Further, this to the common bean genetic map were also defined as
McClean et al. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:184 Page 5 of 10

Gm1 Gm2 Gm3 Gm4 Gm5 Gm6 Gm7 Gm8 Gm9 Gm10
0 66 161 82

156 (Pv3) 9
129 17 33 181
6 69
171 (Pv3)
24 9 2 126 7 74
15 (Pv8) 38 112
20 (Pv8)
34 9 44
10 143
10 39 60
3 0 16
73 75
5 24
69 8 73 10
135 (Pv6)
136 (Pv6)
20 66
8 29

Mb 133
95 7
143 121
86 2 148
1 89 161 14
166 9 6 44 8 69 66
109 44
8 7
50 29 10
2 0
Gm11 Gm12 Gm13 Gm14 Gm15 Gm16 Gm17 Gm18 Gm19 Gm20
0 64 159 66 44 232 0
29 0
8 5 44 3 33
86 1 4
2 0 11 14 118 136
4 0
6 3 6 77
3 77 1
11 50
7 51 130
164 0 7
30 171 121
Mb 99
40 6 130 21
1 5 32 65
5 1 0 64
66 1 7
24 166
50 5 16


Figure 3 Syntentic relationships of common bean relative to pseudochromosomes defined in build 1.01 of the soybean genome.
Painted on each soybean pseudochromosome are syntenic common bean fragments. The genetic location (in cM) of the fragment are noted.
The extent to which each fragment was electronically extended (see text for procedure) beyond the genetic mapping distance is noted as the
distance beyond the genetic boundaries of the syntenic common bean fragment. The gray bar represents the heterochromatic region, and the
black dot is the location of the centromere. This information was collected from the Soybean Genome Browser at http://soybase.

soybean-to-soybean duplicates based on dot blot analysis Next, a comparison of the physical to genetic distances
of the full genome sequence of soybean [[23]; see Figure between duplicate blocks from the soybean genome that
S5 there]. were syntentic to the same common bean genetic block
We next compared the ratio of the physical distance was made. The average difference between these block
to genetic distance in common bean. To calculate the was 33,571 bp/cM, while the median was 18,056 bp/cM.
physical distance per cM, we used the physical distance The range of difference spread from 76 to 203,002 bp/cM.
in soybean relative to the genetic distance in common This largest difference was between duplicates on soybean
bean. This same approach was used when the A. thali- chromosomes 8 and 18 that were syntenic to a Pv6 block
ana and B. napus genomes were compared [8]. The bounded by markers g2553 and g139 in the interval from
physical distance per cM was calculated for a total of 23-47 cM. The ratio for these two blocks (Gm8 = 119,914
245 comparisons of neighboring loci. The average dis- bp/cM; Gm198 = 351,548 bp/cM) was much greater than
tance was 290,441 bp/cM. The median ratio was the genome-wide average. These two soybean blocks ter-
119,405 bp/cM, and 42% of the comparisons were less minate in the low recombination region, and the Gm18
than 100,000 bp/cM. These later values were very simi- blocks goes further into the pericentromeric region. This
lar to those observed when A. thaliana and B. napus probably accounts for the differences in the physical to
were compared. genetic distance ratio.
McClean et al. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:184 Page 6 of 10

Electronic mapping of common bean sequences sequence loci within the interval, and the amplification
Given the extensive synteny observed between common products from BAT93 and Jalo EEP558 were sequenced.
bean and soybean, we considered the possibility of map- Of these we detected 7 polymorphic loci. CAPs markers
ping other common bean sequences relative to the were developed, and the loci were mapped on the
observed duplicate syntentic blocks. The underlying BAT93 × Jalo EEP558 community mapping population.
concept is that duplicate soybean blocks could serve as All 7 of the loci mapped within the interval that was
a reference that would point to the most likely genetic selected for study. Five of the seven mapped exactly as
position for any given common bean sequence. This predicted. The positions of the remaining two loci were
concept is analogous to the binning of ESTs in wheat inverted relative to the positions of the two soybean
[32] except rather relying on the physical deletion land- orthologs. This result strongly suggests that the electro-
marks it relies upon the comparative genomic structure nic mapping approach provides extensive physical and
between two species within the same evolutionary line- genetic position information not previously available for
age. These electronically mapped loci might also 1) common bean.
reveal additional details about the degree of synteny and These results allowed us to systematically extend the
the chromosomal history of these two species, and 2) distance of the common bean syntenic block (Figure 3).
point to duplication blocks in the soybean genome itself. The principle we applied is to search for a common
To test this concept, we collected all available com- bean genetic block shared by two soybean regions and
mon bean sequences for a blastn analysis. This analysis extend the borders in either or both directions until
consisted of 11,043 EST contigs and 9,847 EST single- sequence colinearity between the two soybean blocks is
tons that were constructed here using the procedure broken. For example, the Pv 9 block from 44-89 cM is
described by Childs et al. [33]; 85,102 repeat masked shared with both Gm4, from positions 41.1 to 45.9 Mb,
BES [34]; and 694 CDSs from common bean. Several and Gm6, from positions 11.9 and 16.2 Mbp. By apply-
criteria were used before a sequence was included in ing the principle described above, we see an unbroken
our set of electronically mapped sequences. First, the block in the same orientation from 36.0-49.0 Mbp on
sequence must have two hits against different segments Gm4 and from position 8.6-19.5 Mbp on Gm6. By
of the soybean genome. Secondly, the e-value for all hits applying this concept, we were able to extend the degree
must be less than 1 × 10 -30 . Next, the length of the of synteny relative to this one Pv9 block from 9.1 Mbp
match of the query to the soybean must be 150 nt or to 23.1 Mbp. We reexamined the synteny between the
greater. And finally, to ensure that the homology was two species and applied the same principle we used
against two different sequences, the distance between with the Pv9 to the entire genome. Using this newly
the 3’ end of one sequence and the 5’ beginning of is derived information, we can account for an additional
neighboring sequence must be greater than 50 nucleo- 187 Mbp of syntentic regions between common bean
tides. Using these criteria an additional 15,091 common and soybean. All of our approaches here allow us to
bean sequences were electronically mapped. This con- trace the ancestry of 456 Mbp of the soybean genome
sisted of 549 gene-based sequences, 2,548 BES, 4,522 relative to the diploid common bean genome.
EST singletons, and 7,472 EST contigs. Of these, 316
were previously mapped genetically. This gives a total of Duplication history of soybean
14,775 newly mapped loci. The median distance Given that soybean has undergone a major duplication
between any two sequences, based on their soybean event in its history, it is reasonable to expect that many
orthologous location, was 11,068 nucleotides. common bean sequences should map to two locations
In addition to its usefulness for studying common in soybean. Our extensive Blastn analysis using all avail-
bean and soybean synteny, this large collection of elec- able common bean sequences clearly showed this to be
tronically mapped common bean sequences greatly the case. Given that common bean is a diploid relative
increases the marker set available for common bean of soybean, the common bean sequences can then be
genetics. For this to be the case, it was essential to used as a reference point that links two duplicate
determine if the electronic map position of each of regions in soybean. This approach does have limitations,
these sequences corresponds to its predicted genetic although not serious. First, any sequence or sequence
position. To test this concept, we focused on a 43 cM block unique to the soybean lineage will not have a
region of Pv7 between markers g2298 and g1378. We common bean sequence signal, and any duplication
selected this region because although QTL for common associated with those sequences will not be uncovered.
bacterial blight [35] and white mold resistance [36] are Also, given that 83% of the sequences we were able to
known to map to this location, useful markers have not map electronically were gene-based, and that most
yet been developed for marker assisted selection. Pri- genes are found in the euchromatic regions near the
mers were designed to 15 EST contig or singleton ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, the strongest evidence
McClean et al. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:184 Page 7 of 10

regarding the duplication history will come from those blocks. These blocks are interrupted by a duplicate
gene-rich regions. block from Gm7. Two of the blocks on both Gm5 and
To investigate the duplication history of each soybean Gm8 are syntenic to common bean Pv2. Furthermore,
chromosome relative to the remainder of the soybean of the two chromosomes, Gm8 shares duplications with
chromosome set, we first ordered all of the common more Gm chromosomes which in turn trace back to five
bean sequences relative to their soybean ortholog on a different common bean linkage groups.
chromosome-by-chromosome basis. That ordering was Using both the Pv/Gm syntentic data as well the
cross-referenced to the duplicate with the lowest E-value duplications found in Gm using the large data set from
on a second soybean chromosome. These defined blocks Pv, several conclusions can be drawn regarding the
of loci that mapped to the same duplicate chromosome. chromosomal history of soybean. First, the one-to-two
It was required that each block consist of ten common mapping of Pv to Gm sequences provides further com-
bean loci, and that the loci must be in consecutive order. pelling evidence that a major duplication event is part of
Figure 4 summarizes the duplicated block data for the history of the soybean genome [25]. The modular
chromosomes Gm5 and Gm8 in graphical form. These nature of the both the Pv/Gm synteny and soybean
two were chosen because they are representative of the duplications suggest that either coincident with the
other chromosomes, and because they share synteny to duplication, or shortly after, the duplicated chromo-
the same regions on common bean Pv2. The most somes were fractionated or new chromosomes were
apparent observation is the modular nature of each reassembled. A dramatic example is found by comparing
chromosome with regards to their duplicate blocks. the Gm15 duplicates to Gm8. Here we see three dupli-
Gm5 shares duplication blocks with three other soybean cate blocks from the end of Gm15 organized non-con-
chromosomes (Gm8, Gm17, Gm19) while Gm8 shares tiguously. These are right next to a block from the
duplication blocks with Gm5, Gm7, Gm12, Gm15, and beginning of the same chromosome. A chromosome-
Gm18. Furthermore, the modular blocks from the dupli- wide analysis suggests that at least 19 blocks rearranged
cate chromosome are not contiguous. For example, to form Gm8. Because of a lack of significant sequences
beginning at position 0 on Gm8, there is about 12 Mbp homologous much of the pericentromeric region, we
of sequences duplicated on Gm5 in three non-contigous could not determine the modular nature of that region.

Pv3 Pv2 Pv2 Pv2

51 - 41 84-112 65-60 27-47
10.2 - 9.5
6.5 - 6.2

6.6 - 6.8

0.8 - 0.1
0.2 - 0.6

0.7 - 1.2

8.4 - 6.8 10.2 - 13.1 Gm 5 15.9 - 13.2 11.7 - 23.7 9.4 - 1.3

13 91 136 20 39 19 24 65 535 57 394

Pv2 Pv2 Pv2 Pv5 Pv10 Pv8 Pv6

47-27 84-112 65-60 15-24 62-80 29-25 124-102
37.4 - 38.1

36.0 - 35.1

49.8 - 50.4
37.4 - 37.5
49.7 - 49.1
48.9 - 46.9

32.6 - 32.5

62.2 - 61.6
38.1- 46.3
4.4 - 3.6

0.5 - 1.6
0.3 - 0.5
2.7 - 1.6
0.3 - 0.1
0.1 - 0.2

41.9 - 38.1 30.6 - 37.3 59.1 - 60.7 Gm 8 24.6 - 6.1

57 394 74 466 24 10 31 58 62 16 104 13 95 56 14 89 245 50 36

0 10 20 30 40 50

5 7 8 12 15 17 18 19

Gm chromosome code
Figure 4 Duplicated blocks along soybean chromosomes Gm5 and Gm8 based on reference ordering of common bean sequences.
Each chromosome consists of a series of duplicate blocks that are color coded. White blocks have no reference common bean sequence. The
physical position (in Mbp) of the duplicate block on its home chromosome is given. The position is given in either direct or inverted order
based on its position relative to the reference chromosome. Above some blocks is the genetic location of the corresponding syntentic common
bean blocks. Below each block is the number of common bean sequences used to establish the block. The thin bars represent the location of
the pericentromeric regions of the chromosomomes. The physical distance scale at the bottom is in Mbp.
McClean et al. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:184 Page 8 of 10

Conclusions blastn analyses. First, 300 EST or singletons, originally

We have used the first public release of the soybean developed by Ramirez et al. [40], using a set of 21,026
genome to evaluate the syntentic relationship between EST, and 15 other sequences, all mapped onto the 11
this important economic species and common bean, common bean linkage groups at a LOD value of 2
another member of the Phaseoleae legumes. It appears [McConnell M, Chikara S, Mamidi S, Rossi M, Lee R,
that extensive regions of synteny exist between these McClean PE. A gene-based linkage map of common
two species. These relationships further suggest that the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), submitted.], were used as a
soybean genome has undergone a whole genome dupli- query. Subsequently, blastn analyses were performed
cation based on the fact that nearly all of the common using the new set of ESTs (11,043) and singletons
bean sequences that map to a single location, have two (9,847) as one query, and the 85,102 BES as a second
copies in the soybean genome. Furthermore, soybean query. A final query consisted of 694 complete P. vul-
appears to have undergone extensive chromosome garis coding sequences (CDS) downloaded from NCBI
breakage and rearrangement. This conclusion is based on August 8, 2008.
on the observation that most soybean chromosomes Because we were looking for significant levels of orthol-
consist of fragments from multiple common bean chro- ogy between common bean and soybean sequences, we
mosomes. Whether these rearrangements occurred prior initially limited all blastn analysis to hits with E-values
to, coincident with, or following the duplication event is less than 1 × 10-10 and overlaps of at least 150 nt. The
unclear at this time. From an applied perspective, these results reported here are based on the first high scoring
results suggest that a comparative genomics approach to pair. See Additional File 1 for all of the common bean
gene discovery is feasible for these two evolutionarily sequences that met these criteria.
related species.
High density mapping of linkage group Pv7
Methods Primers were developed for 15 contig or singletons that
EST contiging and BAC-end sequence processing electronically mapped between markers g2298 and
The 83,448 Phaseolus vulgaris sequences in the National g1378 on linkage group Pv7. A 3’-primer was designed
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) EST data- to a sequence within 150 nt of the putative stop, and
base available on August 1, 2008 were downloaded from the corresponding 5’ primer was located about 500 nt upstream of the 3’-primer site. Subsequent PCR amplifi-
EST contigs and singletons were defined using the pro- cation and sequencing followed the procedures
cedures described in Childs et al. [33]. The procedure described in McClean et al. [41]. Based on sequence
was performed using the following stand-alone software: polymorphism, either CAPs or SNP diagnostic markers
SeqClean (; default were developed. These markers were used to score poly-
parameters), Megablast [[37]; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. morphisms among members of the community-wide
gov/blast/megablast.shtml; default parameters], and BAT93 × Jalo EEP558 RI population. These marker loci
CAP3 [[38]; default parameters]. All 89,017 BAC-end were then mapped using the MAPMAKER software
sequences (BES) were downloaded from the NCBI GSS [42]. The final order was verified using the “ripple” com-
database mand with a LOD value of 3.0.
db=nucgss on August 1, 2008. We limited our analysis
to those 85,102 BES representing sequences from both List of abbreviations
ends of 42,551 sBACs. Prior to the blastn analyis, these BAC: bacterial artificial chromosome; BES: BAC end
BES were analyzed using RepeatMasker (http://www. sequence; bp: base pairs; CAPs: cleaved amplified poly-; default parameters, v. 3.15) with the morphic sequence; CDS: coding sequence; cM: centi-
Fabaceae repeats database obtained from Plant Repeat morgans; EST: expressed sequence tags; Gm: Glycine
Database [[39]; max; LOD: logarithm of (base 10) of odds; Mb: mega-
; file: TIGR_Fabaceae_Repeats.v2_0_0.fsa.txt]. A fasta file bases; MYA: million years ago; RFLP: restriction frag-
containing the singletons and EST contigs is available ment length polymorphism.
upon request from the corresponding author.
Additional file 1: Electronically mapped common bean loci based
Blastn analysis on synteny to the soybean genome sequence. List of P. vulgaris loci
which met the following selection criteria for electronic mapping: e-value
The 20 pseudochromosomes from the version 1.01 less than 1 × 10-30, hits to two soybean chromosomes, query length
release of the soybean assembly were downloaded from greater than 149 nt, and soybean position for the end of one soybean locus and the beginning of the next locus was less than 50 nt.

assembly/sequences/ and used as a database for all

McClean et al. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:184 Page 9 of 10

Acknowledgements 13. Yan L, Loukoianov A, Tranquilli G, Helguera M, Fahima T, Dubcovsky J:

This research was funded in part by the United States Department of Positional cloning of wheat vernalization gene VRN1. Proc Natl Acad Sci
Agriculture Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service USA 2003, 100:6263-6268.
National Research Initiative as part of their Plant Genome program. The 14. Lu HJ, Faris JD: Macro- and micro-colinearity between the genomic
grant was awarded to PEM, and the award number is 2005-00757. Partial region of wheat chromosome 5B containing the Tsn1 gene and the rice
support for SM was made possible by NIH grant number P20 RR016741 genome. Funct Integr Genomics 2006, 6:90-103.
from the INBRE program of the National Center for Research Resources. 15. Sorrells ME, La Rota M, Bermudez-Kandianis CE, Greene RA, Kantety R,
These soybean sequence data were produced by the US Department of Munkvold JD, Miftahudin , Mahmoud A, Ma X, Gustafson PJ, Qi LL,
Energy Joint Genome Institute in collaboration with Echalier B, Gill BS, Matthews DE, Lazo GR, Chao S, Anderson OD, Edwards H,
the user community. Linkiewicz AM, Dubcovsky J, Akhunov ED, Dvorak J, Zhang D, Nguyen HT,
Peng J, Lapitan NLV, Gonzalez-Hernandez JL, Anderson JA, Hossain K,
Author details Kalavacharla V, Kianian SK, Choi DW, Close TJ, Dilbirligi M, Gill KS, Steber C,
Genomics and Bioinformatics Program, North Dakota State University, Fargo, Walker-Simmons MK, McGuire PE, Qualset CO: Comparative DNA sequence
ND 58105, USA. 2Department of Plant Sciences, Loftsgard Hall, North Dakota analysis of wheat and rice genomes. Genome Res 2003, 13:1818-1827.
State University, Fargo, ND 58105, USA. 16. Wei F, Coe E, Nelson W, Bharti AK, Engler F, Butler E, Kim H-R,
Goicoechea JL, Chen M, Lee S, Buks G, Sanchez-Villeda H, Schroeder S,
Authors’ contributions Fang Z, McMullen M, Davis G, Bowers JE, Paterson AH, Schaeffer M,
PEM conceived the project and was the principal author of the manuscript. Gardiner J, Cone K, Messing J, Soderlund C, Wing RA: Physical and genetic
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developed the common bean contigs, and performed all of the 17. Swigonova Z, Lai J, Ma J, Ramakrishna W, Llaca V, Bennetzen , Messing J:
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SC each reviewed the manuscript. Lemke C, Lennington J, Li Z, Lin Y-R, Liu S-C, Luo L, Marler B, Ming R,
Mitchell SE, Quang D, Reischmann K, Schulze SR, Skinner DN, Wang Y-W,
Received: 26 August 2009 Accepted: 18 March 2010 Kresovich S, Schrerz KF, Paterson AH: A high-density genetic
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Cite this article as: McClean et al.: Synteny mapping between common
bean and soybean reveals extensive blocks of shared loci. BMC
Genomics 2010 11:184.

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