Transcribe - How I Attracted 1000 Agents To EXP My First Year

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Alright, let's roll. So, we have the one and only Eric joining us on the Zoom today.

He has
been with EXP for one year and recruited over a thousand agents within his first year of
experience. So yeah, he's going to teach us how to do this because obviously, we
haven't got there.

That's a hell of an introduction. Actually, it's been about a year and a half, and I've been
really, really fortunate.

Say it again.

It's been a year and a half. Let's get that right.

Yeah, and about a year and a half, and it's been hard work. It's really been about working
a system, rolling up my sleeves, and being really, really dedicated and focused. I'm going
to quickly give you my background, and after today's call, what I hope to do is lend some
insight on how to really build your EXP organizations.

So, I've been in the industry for about almost 30 years. I took a brief break; I was an
investment banker for a company based out of San Francisco called Robertson Stevens.
But for the most part of the last 30 years, I've been in real estate. First as a producer, as
a realtor, I sold 128 homes my second year in real estate in California. Now, this is back
in 1990-1991, which explains the gray hair, right? We all know that the longer you're in
real estate, we're gluttons for punishment. So, I've been in the industry for about 30
years and fell on hard financial times about in April of 2019. So, a little over two years
ago, I had coached over 10,000 realtors throughout the course of my career. I was fairly
well known nationally; my coaching classes were promoted by every single title
company in the country. And really went from the penthouse to the ad house like this in
April of 2019. I have a 20-year-old son who's the love of my life. I've been single since
he's about a year, and school didn't come easy to him. I think he really worked hard to
get everything that he accomplished. He was admitted to Syracuse University, which is
a private school in upstate New York. It's about $80,000 a year, and one of the most
humbling or embarrassing times of my life is that I was unable to foot the bill.
Fortunately, he has a stepfather who's super successful, an investment banker, kind,
and generous, and was nice enough to fit the bill for Jackson's first year of education at
Syracuse. I had heard about the EXP model about two years prior to April of 2019, and
you guys know that self-talk that we all do in the back of our head. I'm all this, I'm all
that. I'm a well-known national real estate coach. I had been worth millions of dollars.
I'm never going to talk to realtors. I spent two years trying to blow holes into the model
of EXP, why it wouldn't work. And here I was, poor and destitute, and I come from a
family of overachievers. My younger brother's a vascular surgeon. My sister's a Yale
physician, married to a Yale physician. So I've been surrounded by success my entire
life. And here I was, at the time, 58 years old, and I didn't know how the hell I was going
to pay for the roof over my head or put food on the table. So as I had mentioned, I heard
about the EXP model two years prior, spent two years saying, “Oh, this is bullshit, this
will never work," coming up with reason after reason why I shouldn't be a part of EXP.
And what I realized after two years, guys and gals, was there were no holes that needed
to be plugged in the model. The model was exactly what the model was. The model
allows realtors to keep more of their hard-earned commission. It provides a myriad of
different revenue streams for realtors to make more money than they ever dreamed
possible. And it allows realtors the EXP platform allows realtors to run the most efficient
real estate business possible.

And I made a solemn vow to myself. I said, "I am never gonna be that slick oil
salesperson that goes out there and rams this platform down people's throats." What
my mindset was, was the most spiritually healthy mindset possible. I said, "I'm gonna be
of service to people, and I'm going to approach them in the most spiritually healthy
manner possible by listening to what their needs were and carefully comparing and
contrasting what their current brokerage offered them versus what EXP had to offer."
And I believed in my heart of hearts, at the end of the day, unless a realtor was wearing
blinders, had their hands over their ears, or were completely fiscally irresponsible.

I believe that EXP would resonate with realtors not just here nationally but around the
globe. I kept my head down and stayed really focused. I didn't have anything else to do
with my time. I didn't have a job; I was bankrupt. Kept my head down, stayed really
focused, and I've been really fortunate. I have sponsored personally about 50 people
within the 18 months, 19 months I've now been with EXP. My group just crossed, or is
approaching, I should say, 1100 realtors. What's amazing to me in that 18 months is I
have created an income stream for myself that won't just pay me one or two, but
millions and millions of dollars a year for the rest of my life. EXP has completely
transformed the way that I'm able to now provide for my son, who I didn't know how I
was going to provide for 18 months ago, and for those that I love in my life. It's
completely, completely turned my life upside down and has secured my financial future,
and it gives each and every one of us the exact same opportunity.

I want you to think about this: the company had 466 realtors in 2016. We just crossed
65,000. Could we all agree that's significant growth, the fastest growth out of any real
estate company in the history of real estate?

Nancy, I see you nodding. Amazing, right? 65,000 realtors.

You want to hear something more amazing? We're at the very tip of the iceberg in terms
of our growth curve. We'll have over a million agents within the next six to seven years.
Monica was at the Dallas convention, Brent Gove's Growth Conference. As you went up
the escalator into the conference, big banners all along the escalators: a million agents
within the next six to seven years.

Arthur, unmute yourself if you wouldn't mind.

Hey, how you doing?

Good, man. How you doing?

I'm doing good.

What does that speak to you? For you, the fact that we're at 65,000 agents on our way to
a million agents over the next six, seven years. What does that say to you?

It's a lot of room to keep growing until you hit two million after that. I feel like you'll be
going at that rate in 10 years. I think one million so.

We are at the very tip of the iceberg. We are at the very tip of the iceberg in terms of the
growth of this company. Do you realize right now there are 17 individuals at EXP with
over 5,000 people in the organization? Do you realize that once you have 40 FLQ agents,
you're making over 4 million when you have 5,000 people in your organization? Want to
hear something more exciting? Do you realize that three people at EXP have over 15,000
individuals in their organization making over a million dollars a month?

Now, what's incredible about this is that any one of those individuals, myself and each
and every one of you, once you start building out an organization, the beauty of the
organization is it grows by itself. The brilliance of the model is the fact that we don't
have brick and mortar, allows for the company to be incredibly generous and provide
realtors something that no realtor has ever had before: a sense of ownership in the
fastest-growing real estate company of all time. And that form of ownership, I was on
the phone yesterday, I recruited the top Keller Williams agent out of Pennsylvania. I'm
here in Miami, never met this guy, met him on a cold call. Cold call, and we're talking,
and he's telling me how much money he makes a year, makes, team does well over 150
million dollars in production. And I asked him the following question. They said, "God
forbid something happened to you. I said, "I'm assuming making multiple millions of
dollars a year, you've increased your standard of living because we all know in life, the
more you make, the more right, we spend more. We want to live in a nicer, a bigger
home. You want to drive a nice car. We want to buy boats and have all these toys." I
said, "What happens?" I said, "I noticed that you have a young family. What happens to
your young family if you're not able to produce at the same level, if God forbid
something happened to you that you had produced previously?" Said, "Me, Eric, I never
thought of it like that."

Think about this, anybody here do north of 25 transactions that you sell in a given year?
Anybody north of 25 transactions?


So you're making a good living in real estate?

Watch what happens, though, if you're doing over 25 transactions or however many
transactions you have become accustomed to living a certain lifestyle. You've got to go
back out in 2022 and produce at the same level in order to maintain that standard of
living. When I bring in 25 agents, when I bring in 25 agents, I have secured my future
because myself, very much like a broker, I get paid a residual and passive income
stream as long as those agents remain affiliated with EXP. And now the beauty is the
following, as all of you know, the beauty is the following: I have no legal liability. I have
no outlay of capital. I don't have to manage or supervise.

I've got to go out there and list agents the same way that each and every one of you go
out there in an effort to list houses. But what makes this model so spectacular is that I
have ownership in the form of being able to build an organization, just like a broker, with
none of the disadvantages I mentioned—like liability, capital outlay, managing, and
supervising others. But I have a tremendous advantage. When I bring an agent into the
EXP organization, they become a recruiting arm for me because, very much like myself,
they have the same opportunity to build out their own organization.

The beauty of the model is when they come in, I'm their partner. It behooves me to take
whatever time, effort, and resources are necessary to give them in order to help them
build their organization because the more money they make, guess what? Who else
makes money? Me. The brilliance of the model is the sum of all parts pulling in the
same direction in order to build a business. I mean think about it. In a conventional real
estate office, traditional real estate office, two agents are sitting there doing floor time
somebody walks in the office. Both agents run at the poor bastard and tackle them in an
effort to do that in our effort secure their business. At EXP, the model is completely
different. We're all pulling in the same direction together to have the success to each
and everyone of us want and even desire. Incredible, credible the amount of wealth
that’s being built in the organization.

I'm going to give you a system today that I've created. I run my system based on
templates. Everything I do is scripted. Who in today's call believes that the guy flipping
burgers at McDonald's is doing it based on what he thinks is the right time to flip a
burger? Of course not. They have a net mechanism. They have a system in place—a bell
goes off, a light goes off. Something tells that person when to flip a burger. Could we all
agree? That's why they have food that’s consistent. I run my business the exact same
way. I need leave nothing up to chance—the way I approach somebody, the materials I
send out, how my entire day is structured. Everything is scripted to ensure that I could
have the success that I want, need, and desire.

I'm going to go over a couple of things that I think is essential to have, and then I'll give
you these tools and systems.

Number one, be really clear about what you want to accomplish. It is as clear as the day
is long for me. I’ll quickly tell you my goals. I have said, anybody who knows me on my
team .And I do a team call for my team at 2 p.m. wednesday, every wednesday at 2 p.m
eastern I do my own team call. And people that are part of this call every wednesday we
talk about goal setting. You need to be really clear about what it is that you want to have
accomplish. And folks it should be written down. You have got to see it, you got to own
it, it’s got to be a part of who you are. I truly believe that you manifest what you want in
life—from your personal relationships to your financial security. So I have manifested
this entire thing. I said I will be at a thousand agents I crossed a thousand agents by
September 1st, and I did. I said I'll have close to 2,000 agents, between 1800 to 2000
agents, by the end of this year. So, four more months right—September, October,
November, December. You have four months. I'll be at almost 2,000 agents by the end
of 2022. I'll have between six to seven thousand agents. My goal is as clear as a day is
long. I want to have 25—well, I need 28,500 agents so I can make 2 million dollars a
month and provide for those that I love in my life and to be able to give freely from my

You need to be really clear about what it is that you're setting out to accomplish. And
once you're clear about that, I promise no one can stop you. And I'm not a religious
fanatic; I'm spiritual. I wouldn't call myself over. I walk around with a goal card. Can't see
it; I'm holding it up because of the background. If I walk around with the goal card in my
pocket, really clear. I know, and I'm the least—you know, believe me, you know, I mean,
I'm a UCLA graduate. I played beach volleyball. I didn't have a job until I was 30.I lived
the good life; it was all about mindset. Be really clear, put your goals in writing, carry it
around with you, and they'll become a reality.

Number two is you have to have a clearly defined system in place; otherwise, you're
flying blindly. Would anybody ever get in a plane with a pilot who didn't have a flight plan
to take you from point A to point B? Of course not. If you wouldn't get on a plane with a
pilot that didn't have a flight plan, how do you try to run a business unless you have a
plan in place that you could execute on? So, you need to have a system in place that you
are super confident will yield you the results that all of you want and desire.

Number three, be relentless and work in the system. I am not going to tell you I built an
organization of 1100 people in a year and a half. Not going to tell you it was easy; I
worked my tail off. I worked hard, and because of that year and a half, I've created a
business that will pay me millions and millions of dollars a year. So, you have to come at
it relentlessly. It has to be on your calendar when you're going to focus on building your
business. And I don't believe it comes down to one or the other. You can either be a
successful realtor or focus on an organization. I believe success for realtors gives you a
leg up to having a successful EXP organization.

What do I mean? I'm the only person on my team that doesn't sell. My whole focus is
building my organization. But I believe if you're an active agent, as an active agent, are
we not always communicating with other agents? We're asking for off, we're asking,
we're listening to offers, we're making offers, we're asking for disclosures. We've got
friends and former colleagues in the business; we're already conversing with realtors.
To become to build an effective EXP organization, it's a simple add-on to a conversation
that's already happening. It's learning how to ask a question with a high level of
confidence and comfortability because it's often not what we say; it's how the message
is conveyed.

And if you're uncomfortable asking somebody if they're open-minded to exploring a

platform that would allow them to keep more of the hard-earned commissions and may
be aligned with the direction that they want to take their real estate business by offering
multiple streams of income, one of which happens to be passive.

Nancy, would you find that compelling? And would you be open-minded? And I want you
to say open-minded. I want you to say open-minded. Why do I say open-minded?
Because if you're not open-minded, what are you?

Closed-minded, right? It's not a good thing to be. You can't call someone "right," but you
could kind of convey a message that they are open-minded. If you're not, you're closed-
minded. So, be really relentless in working your system.

Don't give up; nobody is doing you a favor by coming aboard EXP. You are taking every
realtor, most of which live commission check to commission check, and many of whom
don't have any money to retire on. You are giving every realtor across the globe an
opportunity to fend for themselves and their families in a way that most realtors never
ever dream possible. Don't let anybody intimidate you. You are come at this from
providing a high level of service to somebody.

What I most love about the platform is not only have I built tremendous wealth in a year
and a half, but everybody who I approach about EXP has the same opportunity as me to
build wealth and better provide for themselves and their families. Have that mindset. So,
have the mindset of dreaming big. Remember, it's as easy to aim low as it is high. Set
your goals. It's okay to want to build wealth, and it's okay knowing that if you build
wealth, the way you become wealthy at EXP is by helping the people in your
organization grow and build their company. As you're building your wealth, they're
building theirs as well. It's incredibly powerful.

So, dream big, get out of your own way, and manifest what you want. As I said before,
and I want to reiterate this, come at it from the mindset of being of service. I never think,
"Oh, I'm going to make money off of this person." I always think, "How can I be of
service? How can I connect on the phone with somebody? How can I really, really be of
service to them? How are you of service to somebody? How do you become of service?
Anybody have any idea? How do you become of service to somebody? How do you
deliver service at a high level?

You ready? Don't talk a lot. A great salesperson doesn't speak; a great salesperson
listens. I ask question after question after question. I am constantly focused on
understanding what is that person's goals, how are they going to obtain those goals,
what do they like best about their current brokerage, and of equal importance, maybe
more important, what would they do to change or modify that relationship? They're
giving you their pain points.

So, I had been a real estate coach, like I said, for 20, 25 years. I've done most of my
coaching in California. Here now in Florida, Arizona, and Colorado. It's really funny; when
I joined EXP, the 7,500 to 10,000 agents that I had coached across the United States all
treated me like a leper. I was like the ugly stepchild that had a bad case of acne almost
overnight, right? Nobody took my phone call; it was crazy. They knew why I was calling—
to talk about EXP. Everybody pushed back.

Out of the 50 people that I have brought into EXP, they all came from cold calls. You
guys may hear a great story.

So, I'm a big believer in order to build an organization, you have to land an influencer.
Everyone knows what I mean by an influencer, a whale, a general in your organization—
somebody who's going to build out a massive organization. So, I'm always thinking
third-party vendors, I'm thinking team leaders, I'm thinking real estate coaches. Well,
here in Miami Beach, we have a real estate coach, his name is Orlando Montiel. Anybody
heard of Orlando Montiel? Maybe the biggest real estate coach in the world. The reason
being, he's Spanish-speaking, well English and Spanish. He's bilingual, but most of his
clientele is Spanish. We're here in Miami; I don't know if anybody has been to Miami
recently. It's really not part of the United States. I say that jokingly, but it has
tremendous Spanish influence. He's also the only real estate coach that's been
endorsed by the Mexico National Association of Realtors.

And watch my mindset. My mindset is always attracting an influencer. You doesn’t have
to. You don't need a lot of them. If you have one or two influencers, that will make you a
millionaire. So, I'm sitting in my apartment about a year ago, and I'm around a couple of
people that are listening to me cold call. My mindset is always that if you want to go
fishing for small fishes, guppies, stand right here at the shoreline, cast your rod, and
you're going to catch a small fish. If you want to catch a whale, take a boat and go out
into the middle of the location. The point being is what you focus on is what you're
going to attract, is what you're going to catch.

So, I spend one hour a week trying to land influencers, whales, generals—people that are
going to make a significant difference in my business. I'm sitting in my living room, and I
say to somebody, "Hey, what is the name of that Spanish-speaking real estate coach
here in Miami?" Somebody says to me, "Orlando Montiel." I said, "By any chance, can you
please fetch me his number?" They give me Orlando's number. I pick up the phone and
leave a message in his voicemail.
I said, "Hi, Orlando, my name is Eric Orland. I just moved to Miami from California about
a year or so ago, and I know that you and I have coached some of the same clients. And
I've heard really good things about the quality of your work, about the quality of your
coaching, and I've also heard really nice things about what people say about you as a
human being. And I'd love to collaborate with you. I'd love to connect with you.

Nope, that's exactly it. We kid around about it to this day. Calls me back in 10 minutes.
"Eric, Orlando Montiel, nice to speak to you," yada yada. We small talk, and I say to him,
"Orlando, do you ever get tired of having to resell realtors on subscribing to your
coaching services or having to sell realtors product after product? Because we all know
they come in and they leave, they come and they leave. Do you ever get sick of the
herky-jerkiness of the business?"

He said, "Eric, it drives me crazy." I said, "Orlando, have you ever contemplated—listen,
guys, this is all questions. I didn't talk; I asked. I said, "Orlando, have you ever considered
taking the existing rule to relationships you have and monetizing them so you could
create a passive income stream?"

He said, "Eric, I love the sound of that. What do you have in mind?" I said, "Are you
familiar with EXP?" He said, "Yeah, but you know I coach at Coldwell Banker, I coach at
KW, I coach at Berkshire Hathaway. I don't want to sabotage my core business." I said,
"Really? Are you familiar with Tim and Julie Harris? Tim and Julie are part of our group
at Libertas, and are you familiar with Sean Kaczowski?" He said, "Of course, who doesn't
know Tim and Julie Harris, and Sean ran Keller Williams. He's the one who created
IMaps in bolds at KW." I said, "Well, you know that they're affiliated with EXP." He said,
"My gosh, aren't they concerned about sabotaging their business?" I said, "You know
what, that's a great question to ask them. Perhaps I should get them on the telephone."
Brought Tim and Sean on to the call a month later. Orlando came on board. Orlando
Montiel is the fastest-growing person at EXP. Out of my 1,100 realtors that I brought in
in a year and a half, guess who brought in 900 of them? Guys that was a freaking cold
call all over EXP. That was a cold call. That one better for yuo.

Monica. Do you remember who I was in Dallas with?

She's in the restaurant.

My timing has never been my time, story of my life.

So, anybody work with Land Voice? Come on, guys, Red X, Land Voice. Nobody knows
who Land Voice is?
Land Voice is one of the biggest third-party vendors in real estate. They supply all the
names and contact information for expireds, for sale by owners, or if you want to do
circle prospecting around a specific property. Land Voice has got a hundred thousand,
$100,000 clients. I know Land Voice. I called up Christophe, who runs Land Voice. I said,
"Christophe, how you doing?" He said, "Good, Eric. How are you doing? You know, I was
thinking about you." I said, "What's your position at EXP? What's your position at Land
Voice?" He said, "I run the organization." I said, "How many clients you guys have?" He
said, "About a hundred thousand." I said, "I imagine people are always coming and
leaving, coming and leaving. I said, "Have you built a relationship with a lot of those
realtors?" He said, "Absolutely." I said, "Can I ask, if I'm not being too forward, are you
making an income level that you find to be sufficient or enough money that's going to
allow you to someday retire?" He said, "Absolutely not." I said, "Have you thought about
monetizing a hundred thousand relationships that you have in place?" I had this
conversation with Christophe Mazel over a year ago at Land Voice. Went out, he's in
Utah. Utah, you have to do it’s 120 hours to be able to sit for the real estate exam. Guess
who just got his real estate license and came aboard the Land Voice?

My point being is the following: identify two influencers, and you've got a multi-million
dollar business. Think outside the box, all right? Here in front of me, my goal is really
clear, right? KW team leaders, third-party vendors. What does a title rep and a lender do
all day? They talk to realtors. You want to embrace those people and bring them into the

Because, no matter who they are, every one of those people knows that eXp is the
fastest-growing real estate company on the planet. And we were at the very beginning;
we're at the very tip of our growth curve.

Every one of those people would be open to creating a passive and residual income.
Any questions and anything I've said so far? Come on, I gave you a great story, I gave
you some great content.

Come on, Terry.

Keep going. [Laughter].

So, go back to where you were, your Monica story while she was gone.

Yes, I'm back.

The Monica story – I already told the story. I was saying that when I was asking Monica,
'Do you remember who I was in Dallas with?'

'I don't know, everybody, go, go.' 'I don't know, you were hanging out with everyone.'
I was there with Christophe Mazel, who runs Land Voice, but Red X, Red X – I mean, any
third-party vendor. What does a third-party vendor do? They're constantly in front of
realtors, trying to sell their products or services. Expand, think outside of the box. You
know, most realtors in my organization think, 'Oh, I'm going to bring on one realtor at a
time.' Yes, it's important to have 40 qualified realtors so you can get paid in all seven
levels, but you also need a couple of influencers in your organization. Monica and I
talked about this yesterday.

I know people in our group that have got 40 or 50 agents, and they are not sponsoring
the right type of agents. You need to have a cross-section of different types of realtors,
and you need to have at least one, preferably two or three influencers in your
organization. I bet you today I probably have four to five influencers within my
organization, including the one that I brought on board yesterday, who is a major, major,
major team leader at Keller Williams. It's going to send shockwaves. Remember that an
influencer—people watch an influencer, especially if they're producing realtor. If
somebody is doing north of 100 million in production and you bring them over to eXp,
believe me, everybody in the community is watching that person make that move. Don't
be intimidated by somebody who's rolling big numbers at Coldwell Banker, Keller
Williams, Berkshire Hathaway, RE/MAX, I don't care. You know what I realize? The
person who I brought on board yesterday, do you realize that it was easier bringing him
on board than almost any of the other realtors who do minimal business?

A top producer is typically open-minded because they want to understand what new
tools, systems, and different ways they could increase their revenue streams. eXp plays
right into that mindset. Remember, folks, eXp, in six short years, has had the number
one or number two top-producing realtors in 41 out of the 50 states. If I didn't say
another damn thing on today's call, what does that convey to all of you listening? eXp is
the number one or number two top-producing agents in 41 out of the 50 states. Pretty
amazing, right? So, let's roll up our sleeves. I want to spend some time with you and give
you tools and systems. And I always believe, share it. I know that I'm not going to make
any money from your production, but I believe that we are part of the same team. I
believe that the more you give in life, the more you receive. It just comes back at you in
waves, in waves. Don't protect what you have; share it, give it away. And the reality is
that we're all business partners, even though we're in different organizations within the
company. The more successful each and every one of you are in building an
organization that helps build the brand not just nationally but globally, the more success
that you're having, it makes it easier for me when I'm out there approaching a realtor to
bring that person on.

Because our brand continues to grow, I'm going to share with you the tools and systems
that I use and my focus. So, everyone on my team, I am the only person that does agent
attraction calls. I do a call every Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. Eastern and Thursday at
four. So tonight, I'm doing an agent attraction call, and in the year and a half, I am
typically the only person that does an agent attraction call on the team, on my team. So,
you do not need to perfect giving an eXp presentation. I'm not going to name names, but
there are people out there that I think are well known that I think are awful at giving a
presentation. I do. I think I do it particularly well. I think my skill set is so minimal. In my
house, when I want to look sexy, I got to put on a construction belt because I don't have
a callus or a blister on my hand, right? My skill set is very minimal, but I am very good at
an agent attraction call. You don't need to master an agent attraction call. You need to
allow the people in your organization who are above you, who are really, really good, to
do that for you. But there's a caveat here. You need to understand how to approach
somebody. You need to understand how to approach somebody in the most
comfortable manner possible. Right? Because if you are not comfortable and confident,
people see it a million miles away. It has to come through that you've got the secret
sauce that is going to transform that realtor's life.

So, when I approach somebody, I come at it from a high level of confidence. You heard
me on the phone. I was sending a text out to somebody today. The person canceled our
9 o'clock call. This is my response. You'll love this:

"Cancels my 9 o'clock call this morning. Where is this? I have to share this with you. It's
hysterical. Good. So, I had a call set up for me this morning. I said, 'Good morning,
Saeed. I'm looking forward to us connecting on a scheduled call for 10 a.m. Eastern. I'll
be reaching out to you in approximately 30 minutes.'

"So, when you are dealing with realtors, I want you to treat them like Helen Keller. You
have an appointment. Start texting them 15 minutes, 10 minutes beforehand. Lead them
like a horse, lead them to water, right? Because, as you know, most realtors are not very
successful respecting their calendar.

"'Good morning, Saeed. I'm looking forward to us connecting on our scheduled call at 10
a.m. Eastern. I'll be reaching out to you in approximately 30 minutes. I can't be more
descriptive. Hope your day's off to a great start.'

"He writes back, 'Shocking, a realtor never cancels.' Good morning, Eric. I have no plans
at the moment to move around, so please cancel the appointment. Regards."

"Okay, not doing me a favor. I think I throw a little salt in his wound. Will do. Say, 'I'll
cancel the appointment. Any interest in understanding how you could absolutely make
more money in real estate with a brokerage partner that is transforming the real estate
industry? I have been a national coach for 30 years and one of the top-selling agents in
California and in the country. eXp is a career game-changer, my friend. Please let me
know when you have a change of heart. If you're serious about doing better for yourself
and your loved ones.' Guess who calls me within five minutes? [Laughter].

I wasn't intimidated; I got nothing. I'm never attached to the outcome because I come at
people from a position of strength. I'm confident about what eXp has to offer, so should
every one of you. You've got to be able to know the story, and you have to approach
people coming from a place of comfort.

So, how do you approach somebody? You first build rapport with them. People are going
to do business with you if they like you, if they trust you, and if they deem you as being
competent and responsive to their needs. Who in today's column has to build rapport
with somebody? It's an acronym. I'll give you a hint; it's a car, it's a major car
manufacturer. Come on, guys, somebody just said it. Nobody just said it. It's Ford—F-O-
R-D: Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams. If you want to get to know somebody,
don't talk at them, man; engage them. My goal is to say as little as possible because
inevitably, I'm going to get comfortable and put my foot in my mouth. My goal when I'm
speaking to somebody is to ask appropriate questions so I don't have to guess if
somebody's comfortable with me; I know they're comfortable with me. Nancy, when
they start sharing with me, my goal is to ask them about themselves. I ask them
questions about family, occupation, recreation, and dreams.

Some of the key questions that I ask are outside of real estate: tell me a little bit about
yourself, what's your background, tell me about your family, where do you live, how long
have you lived there, how long have you been a realtor, what did you do before real
estate, what type of production do you currently do over the course of the last 12
months, what type of volume are you rolling, where would you like to take your

Going forward, this is a great question. The next one: How do you plan on doing that?
'Oh, I want to make a gazillion dollars.' Really, I want to be Sean Connery. The reality is,
how do you plan on doing that? The next question is always, 'Would you please share
with me what you like about your current brokerage partner?' And then, I want to
understand what their pain point is. The next question is the most important question I
ask, and the question is, 'What would you do to change or modify that relationship?
What don't you like about your current brokerage partner?' They are going to tell you
what their needs and wants are, which leads me to ask this question. You don't have to
write this down; I'm going to send all of this to you. Leads me to this question: If they tell
me they're not getting leads or if they want more coaching, so Nancy, if the eXp
brokerage platform gave you those all-important leads that you're talking about, gave
you the leads so you could transact more.

Some will in real estate, and it also allows you, Nancy, to keep more of your
commissions and maybe align with the direction that you want to take your real estate
career by offering you multiple streams of income, one of which happens to be passive.
Nancy, would you find that compelling? Would you be open-minded to exploring the
platform with me? Yes, that's why I'm here. Bingo! I mean, really, who says no to
something like that?

So, multiple streams of income, keeping more of your commissions, and maybe aligning
with the direction you want to take your real estate career—would you be open-minded
to exploring that? No, I mean, you really want to say to them, I mean, are you a fool? You
can't say that, right? So, let me understand this: If the platform allowed you to make
more money and fend better for yourself and your family, is that something you would
not commit to? You would not—it's not worth 15 minutes of your time exploring
together. So, I'm very comfortable asking that question. I ask it one of three different
ways. So, Nancy, I'm going to role-play with you for a second, right? So, Nancy, would
you be open to exploring the eXp brokerage platform if it allowed you to keep more of
your commissions and maybe align with the direction that you want to take your real
estate career by offering you multiple streams of income, one of which, Nancy, happens
to be passive? Is that something you'd find compelling?

Would you be open-minded?" Absolutely, but I really love the broker that I'm with.
Gotcha, and Nancy, I'm sure you'd agree. So, she gave me what's called an objection. So,
everybody on my team knows there are one of five objections when they hear
something like that, how to respond to it. So, Nancy, what I think I hear you saying is that
you're really comfortable at your brokerage, is that correct?

"Yeah, I've been here for 20 years. Why would I leave?" So, I'm now going to isolate what
Nancy said and say to her the following: "Nancy, other than liking your current
brokerage, is there any other reason that would inhibit you or stop you from exploring
another brokerage platform that may put you in a better position to have the financial
success that you're looking for?"

"No, that's pretty much it, Eric." So now I have to overcome that objection. "Nancy, would
you agree that most agents like the brokerage where they're at; otherwise, they wouldn't
be working there? And the fact that they like the brokerage that they're at, they may not
recognize some of the other opportunities that are available for them that may, in fact,
best align with the direction they want to take their real estate career. Nancy, can you be
in any better position than to simply compare and contrast what KW is offering you
versus what eXp has to offer? So you could either affirm that you are affiliated with the
best brokerage partner or perhaps that something out there may align with what you'd
like to accomplish in the long term.

"Perhaps my team leader at KW said it's not a good move. I completely understand. But
wouldn't you expect your team leader at KW to say that? She's so nice. I really like her,
and I would imagine that you would like her, and that's why you've been working there.
But, Nancy, I'm not asking you for any commitment. I am not asking for any
commitment whatsoever, other than to make the following commitment: I am going to
send you out two short videos. One is nine minutes, the other is about 20-25 minutes.
I'm going to ask you to do me a favor to watch these videos so when I follow up with
you, you and I could have a deep and meaningful conversation. Does that sound about

"I guess I'm not moving. Completely understand. But would you look at these videos? If
nothing else, Nancy, it's certainly going to educate you about another platform that's out
there. I'm sure that you're going to want to be aware of. Is that fair?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to send you out this email with these two videos.
Will you be able to watch these videos within the next 24 to 48 hours?"

"Well, probably this evening."

"Awesome. So, Nancy, what I'd like to do is I'd like to take this conversation, I'd like to
personalize it a little bit. It's a little, you know, I'm typically doing this on the phone. So,
what I'd love to do is move away from the phone. It feels a little bit cold. And if you're
even giving any consideration to exploring the platform, what I'd like to do is send you a
Zoom invite."
So, we could put a voice with a face. You're going to receive two emails from me. One is
the email with the two videos that I just spoke about. The second is a Zoom invite.
Nancy, do you happen to have your calendar in front of you?"

"I do, right here."

"Great. Nancy, we talked about the next 24 to 48 hours; that would put us at Friday. I
seem to have some availability, typically mornings or afternoons. This is called an
alternative close. Are mornings or afternoons better for you?"

"I don't know; I'm a really busy agent."

"Why don't we pencil in next Friday mid-afternoon? Nancy, now watch. I am somebody
that really honors my calendar. Not asking for a whole lot, but I will say I'm going to
make you a priority and make sure that I respect our time together. I have you penciled
into my calendar. You do me a favor; would you afford me the same opportunity to put it
in your calendar to ensure that we will sync up on Friday? So, I'm going to button down
the appointment right then and there. Okay?"

"So, real quickly, I'm going to do this really quickly. So, ask Nancy the question: 'Nancy,
would you be open-minded if I could introduce you to a brokerage platform at eXp that
allowed you to keep more of your commissions and maybe aligned with the direction
that you want to take your real estate career by offering you multiple streams of income,
one of which happens to be passive?' I've done this a couple of times, one of which
happens to be passive. Would you find that compelling and open-minded?"

"Yes, Eric, great."

"Great. Nancy, I'm not asking you for any commitment whatsoever. The only
commitment I'm going to ask you is that I'm going to send you out two short videos.
One is nine minutes; the other is 20 minutes. I'd like you to commit to watching those
videos so when I follow up with you, you and I could have a deep and meaningful
conversation. Does that sound about right? What I also like to do is set up a Zoom call
to get your feedback. I want to understand what you think about eXp, and I'd like to
personalize the call a little bit. Being on the phone seems a little cold. On a phone call,
what I'd like to do is create a Zoom invite for you so you and I could put a name and a
face with a voice. And I'm going to close for the appointment right there. So, everybody
on my team receives these templates, and I'm going to send this to Monica so she can
share them with you, okay? Templates. Which videos do you send them? 'EXP Model
Explained' and what else? I'm going to pull it up right now for you. Can you guys see my

Yes, all right. So, somebody comes aboard, you know, on my team, they hear it from me.
If you're a crappy sponsor, they're going to hear it from me. I believe that we have a
moral and a fiduciary responsibility that when someone entrusts us with their career,
that we're doing the right thing by them, that we're giving them all of the tools and
systems necessary for them to have the success that they're looking for. So again,
everything that we do is template-driven. The first template is, you know, 'Hi Nancy, I'm
excited you're taking the opportunity to further explore the phenomenal benefits offered
by eXp. I promise you'll not be disappointed. It's the fastest-growing real estate
company ever and what I believe is the best real estate brokerage platform I've
witnessed. You could say, if you haven't been in the industry for a long time, just put a
period after. I put in my 30 years in the industry. I have been very impressed with how
eXp has truly differentiated itself in the marketplace. The economics are startling, which
provides enormous opportunity for long-term prosperity. The five to six different
revenue streams are a career game-changer with income-earning potential to exist long
after a realtor's last transaction.

I like that. I look forward to hearing your feedback on our scheduled Zoom meeting
Thursday at 2 p.m. Whatever time you're in, just edit there. Below are a few links that
you'll find super informative. The first one is the Agent Builder Pro video; it's the nine-
minute video. Does everyone know what this is? Yeah, okay, Agent Builder Pro video; it's
the nine-minute video. The other one is Brent Gove, the model explanation, and he's
coming out with a new one that's shorter that I'm going to incorporate. But I think Brent
does a better job conveying the model than anybody else in the organization, in my not-
so-humble opinion. So, these are the two videos that I send out and frequently asked
questions. I just put this in there as well. Does that make sense to everybody? Yep. All
right. Template number two, where you think, 'Boy, he is really anal retentive.' It's getting
worse as I get older. Okay, template number two is just an appointment confirmation.
Somebody books an appointment with me; I want to put it out there. And not only do I
put this out there, but again, I'm sending texts an hour before, a half-hour before. I'm
constantly staying in front of them. This is just an appointment confirm. The third email
that I send out, there are going to be people that say, 'Hey, I want to think about it.' So,
give them a lot to think about. This is where I do an information dump and I let
somebody know everything that they don't know about the company. Let me share this
with you. This is template number three."
"Hey Steve, again. I'm excited you have decided to take a deeper dive into the eXp
model. In the event you become a part of the organization, you'll be growing the fastest-
growing team at eXp, Libertas (you would put in your group). The eXp application link is
below. This will provide you an opportunity to review. Here are a few links that provide a
greater overview of the company. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Here's the nine-minute video, here's my Calendly link, frequently asked questions, Brent
again, eXp World video, Sean Kokowski's announcement when he came over, podcast
recordings, the sly deck, sustainable equity plan, and of course, the eXp application. And
the most important template that they receive, and something that I go over in detail
with everybody in my organization, is template number four. Okay, I'm going to open this
up with you, and I'm going to share this with you. I'm getting so damn good on Zoom.
I'm the least tech-savvy person in the world, and I'm so proud of myself. I did not screw
this up at all today. Alright, so if you look, template number four is their roadmap on how
to onboard somebody, and I break this down. So there are three scripts that I use. Those
are the top three on the screen. The script is the one that I've been articulating with you,
right? Starts right here: 'Would you be receptive to exploring the eXp brokerage platform
if it allowed you to keep more of your commissions and best align with the direction you
would like to take your real estate business by offering you multiple streams of income,
one of which is passive? Would you find that to be compelling, and would you be open-
minded?' Word for word. If yes, I'm going to send you an email with two videos. I'm not
asking you for any commitment other than to make watching the two videos. Don't try to
change it; try to internalize it. People see it coming a million miles away. I want you to
take these scripts and have them become part of your personality. It should be as
natural as 'Monica, how was your weekend? Did you catch the Bengals game?' Hello
with the Bengals? Anybody see UCLA beat LSU? That's what I'm talking about. That's
what I'm talking about, crushed LSU. So, the reality is that you want to take these scripts
and you want to internalize them so they become a part of your personality. You must
approach somebody with a high level of confidence and comfortability; otherwise, you'll
never be successful. Don't perfect how to give the presentation; there are others that do

Everybody in my team knows these scripts backwards and forwards. They know how to
approach somebody with a high level of comfort, which is why everybody on my team
makes money. Make sense? I'm going to quickly show you a couple more things here.
So that is the first script. New script, right? It's just different verbiage a little bit. For the
right real estate brokerage platform that allows you to keep more of your hard-earned
commissions with superior technology and, I would say, training. I take out
'management' while offering you four different revenue streams to ensure you make
more money, one of which is residual and would allow you to earn income long after
your last real estate transaction. Would you be open to exploring? Are you recruitable?
Are you open-minded? You know, you need to gauge your audience, really gauge your
audience. So, I change the script depending on who I'm speaking to. Does that make
sense to everybody? You guys still there? Yes? All right."

"Objection handling. Tell me, can you see what just opened up on the screen? I'm really
happy at... yep, good. All right, so an objection is a pathway to a sale if you know how to
handle it, isolate it, and overcome it with a sense of ease. If you are uncomfortable and
look at somebody like a deer in the headlights, that's a red flag. They're never going to
bring you into the organization. These are the five main objections you're going to hear
over and over again: 'I'm really happy where I'm at,' 'I need and like having an office,' 'I've
never heard of eXp,' 'I'm really loyal to my broker,' 'I need time to really think about it,' or
'the timing is just not right.' What I put in red is what you are going to look at and
internalize. So, the next time somebody gives you an objection, instead of looking at
them like a deer in headlights, you're going to get that warm and fuzzy feeling. You all
know what I'm talking about. You're going to get that warm and fuzzy feeling and think,
'You know what? I got this. I don't have to be intimidated.' You're going to look at them in
the eye with a sense of confidence, with a sense of passion, with a sense of conviction,
and know that eXp is the right platform.

I want you to look at template number four when you get this from me and note, take
note that there's template number four here. Just look at the things that we do here,
right? I give them a roadmap here. Complete your onboarding checklist. Contact our
concierge to make sure that you're familiar with the eXp software platforms. Go and get
Agent Builder Pro or use mine. Comprise a list of 30 realtors, 40 realtors, 50 realtors. I
want it within the first 30 days. You then take that person by the hand and call those
realtors, showing them, illustrating for them how to use the scripts. I love something
that came out of the conference. It was something that Jay Kinder said. I thought it was
really eloquent. What Jay said was the following: When you bring somebody on, part of
the onboarding process is ensuring that they bring somebody on with them so they have
success right out of the gate. Help somebody bring somebody into eXp immediately
provides them a sense of momentum."

"We do a group call, Libertas, that's our whole group, every Thursday at 1 pm. It's their
Zoom invite. I do my own call today at 2 pm Eastern. That's the Zoom invite where I talk
about wins and accomplishments, introduction of new members, eXp news, tools and
strategies, agent attraction calls. I need to update this, no longer Monday but
Wednesdays and Thursdays, right? This gives everybody a roadmap so they are really,
really clear about what their responsibilities are if they want to have the success that
they're looking for. My goal is to take that horse to water so they could drink. Their
responsibility is to drink the water. My job isn't done until I do a thorough job."
I think the worst thing that somebody could do is bring somebody on board with
malcontent, knowing that you're not giving them everything that they deserve. If they
choose not to be successful, that falls upon them, but we need to be true to ourselves.
We need to come at this in the most spiritually healthy way possible. That someone
entrusted us with their career, this is how they fend for themselves and their family. We
need to take that seriously. We do not have an open-door policy at my group where we
bring somebody in and then there's an open door where they just exit. That doesn't
happen. I mean, I will come down, as you can imagine, you probably could tell from my
tone sometimes. I will not have my name associated with something where we're not
giving it our all."

"The last thing that I really want to talk to you about — well, first, let me ask you, do you
have any questions about the system that I talked about? How many people do you call
every day? I call a lot, right? So, I have a really nice setup. I'm staring at the beaches; I'm
talking to you. I live right smack in Miami Beach, so I don't mind standing in front of my
computer and watching the beautiful scenery outside of my window. It's really
wonderful. There are lots of beautiful people here; the women are gorgeous, and the
weather is enticing. So, it's a nice setup that I have. I call 60, 70 people a day, every day.
I get up in the morning at 5 am. I am not religious, but I am spiritual. I meditate and
manifest really clearly, really clear about what I want personally and professionally. I'm
really clear about that. And then I just joined somebody in our group. I was really jealous
of this guy. I could not believe it. You ever meet somebody and you just know that they
have it together, right? And you're like, man, his tone is not so harsh; he's got a really
nice way about him. And then, you know, that self-talk went on, right? 'Oh, I got 1,100
people; he's only got 30, so I'm obviously better than him.' And every time he opens his
mouth, I'm like, you know, there's something really cool about him. And I actually joined
his coaching platform.

He's a coach, a certified coach with Bob Proctor. It was really adult-like of me to put my
ego aside and be coached by Kevin Yoder. Monica, you've met him, right? He's just an
incredible person. And I'm going to tell you, since I've coached with Kevin, I brought in
seven people. So, I've brought in 50 so far, seven in the last week that have not yet hit
the books, so I'll have 57. I've been on seven people since I started coaching with Kevin,
and my conversations are just different. It's all about connecting with them, it's all about

"So, I start my morning by meditating, and then I go through Bob Proctor's coaching
platform. After that, I take my phone, and I go on a walk along the boardwalk, walking
about five miles every morning. I put in my headset and listen to 'Power of Awareness'
and 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill, both books that motivate me on Audible. So,
I'm walking, sweating, listening, and nourishing my mind every single morning. Then I
come back, shave, shower, and start my day, making about 60 phone calls. I want to say
something to each and every one of you. You can tell that Monica has put together a
really good group of people. You can see all of you smiling; you're nice people. Be nice,
be nice to yourselves."

"I've always believed — I'm going to say something to you, and I'm a former investment
banker. I was one of the more successful realtors in this country and was fairly well-
respected. I was the only real estate coach in the country promoted by all four or five of
the major title companies. I always believed that I never was worthy of it. I always
sabotaged myself, sabotaged relationships, sabotaged this. I owned my own crap going
on. All of you are worthy. You have to embrace what it is that you want; you have to
manifest, and you have to go after it with a sense of passion. I promise you, if you take
the next 12 to 18 months, two years, and work on this, you'll build wealth beyond your
mind, beyond your wildest dreams.

In April 2019, I just started dating somebody. At the time, it was embarrassing, right? We
were on like six dates, and after six days, I said, "Hey, by the way, did I borrow four
grand?" You know, I had no money. It's a hell of a pride, right? You gotta say, "Hey, by the
way, you want to go on a date? Do you mind paying? Loan me four thousand dollars?"
You know, the reality is, 18 months, that cold call to Orlando Montiel. I will bet anybody
here today, Orlando has 30 to 40,000 people in his organization within the next five to
seven years. It's incredible. That phone call made me a multi-multi-millionaire, and it
could happen to each and every one of you.

EXP is for real. EXP is something different. EXP is a platform that, if every realtor
doesn't look at this with their eyes wide open, it's ultimately going to come back and bite
them in the ass. And you should be able to recite with clarity what makes EXP so
incredible. You should know that it's the highest level of coaching, training, and support
that's ever been seen in the industry. Forty to sixty hours of live coaching and training
each and every week, arming you, Mr. and Mrs. Realtor, with tools and systems that will
allow you to elevate the business. There are 500 full-time employees that are in the
cloud, waiting at your beck and call to answer any questions that you have so you can
transact in the most efficient manner possible.

Are those things not important to you? And aside from the support, coaching, and
training, do you realize that EXP, with multiple streams of income, provides realtors, for
the first time ever, a sense of financial security and stability that's never before seen in
real estate? The five main income streams, and there's some dummies — I shouldn't say
that. I gotta watch what I say. There are some people that say, "Oh, there's 19 income
streams or nine income streams." Less is more. Less is more. People start hearing it
and they're like, "Oh, BS." I keep it at five main income streams because it's more
digestible for my audience. It's not about me talking and being on stage tonight. When I
do the Agent Traction call, it is about me connecting with the people that are listening
by keeping it short and simple.

There are five main income streams at EXP. We have a cap of sixteen thousand dollars.
It's the lowest cap in the industry out of all the full-service brokerage firms that are out
there. If you look at the traditional real estate model, it's about a split, 60-40, 70-30, 80-
20, whatever it is. The problem with the traditional split is that as we, as realtors, make
more money, we're, in fact, paying more money to our broker. Is that correct? Now, we
don't wake up after January and go, "Oh gosh, my goal is to pay my broker as much
money as possible," the same way as I want to pay the IRS.

Our goal is to keep more of what we make so we can better fend for ourselves and our
family. EXP provides every realtor with an incredible opportunity. If they work at a
traditional brokerage firm, by simply transferring their license from where they're at to
EXP, folks, they're giving themselves a pay increase. And it's an increase that they don't
have to beg anybody for.

The second income stream comes in the form of lead gen. As a national real estate
coach for years, I'd walk into large rooms with people, and I'd stand in front of them. I
wish I sat, but I stand in front of the room, and I teach them how to ask the right
qualifying questions so they can build out that all-important database of buyers and
sellers and be more productive selling real estate. The industry has changed. I used to
talk about knocking on hundreds of doors a day or walking farm areas. The market has
changed, and EXP has a relationship with a company called KB Core. KB Core is widely
considered the best CRM in the industry. As a matter of fact, if any one of you were to
look to purchase it online, you'd see it would cost you $6,600 a month, almost 600
bucks a month. At EXP, you have the good fortune of getting this tool for free.

But you know what makes EXP and KB Core so terrific? It has a lead generating
mechanism. And if you put in place a minimal ad spend campaign of four to five bucks
a day, a simple Starbucks coffee, if you spend four to five dollars a day, do you realize
that you'll generate north of 100 leads a month? A hundred leads a month. If you're
getting 100 leads a month, you're on the right track.

I can tell you, as one of the founders of Moboto, that internet leads convert at two to
four percent, as long as a realtor is super responsive and focused on cementing and
nurturing a relationship. If you're getting a hundred leads and converting two to four
percent, do you realize that's 24 to 48 extra transactions in your hopper? The
relationship that EXP has forged with KB Core puts every realtor at EXP in the incredible
position that, if they take the time to learn KB Core (and it's not easy to use, it's going to
take you three to four weeks), but if you take the time to master KB Core and carefully
integrate it into your business, you as a realtor are able to take your business to a level
that most realtors never dream possible.

The third income stream is really incredible. Does anybody in today's call have any form
of ownership or equity in the real estate brokerage that you helped build? At EXP, we as
realtors own a good slug of the company. Did you realize that when you work at EXP,
you are given free stock? This is a grant, a gift, or reward. This is not an option that a
realtor pays for. You are given a grant for hitting simple milestones. The first grant
comes when we, as agents, sell our first property. On your anniversary every year when
you sell a property, you're going to be given free equity or ownership in the company
that you're helping to build, in the form of stock. By the way, have you seen our stock
price? Anybody? $50.46 today. It went from three dollars to almost 50 last week. Our
market cap is $7.2 billion. Do you realize it dwarfs the two industry bellwethers, Re/Max
and Realogy, by billions and billions?

At EXP, you're given free stock when you make your first sale every year. You're given a
second stock grant every time you sponsor an agent to join the organization, and they
sell their first home. You'll receive a third stock grant when you hit your cap of sixteen
thousand dollars. Remember, as I said before, everybody at EXP is on an 80-20 split, so
the broker (EXP) is taking 20 percent. When an agent does $80,000 in gross
commissions, 20 percent of the $80,000 is $16,000. When you hit that cap, you'll receive
a third stock grant. Anybody at EXP who earns what we call the "icon" status becomes
an icon agent at the company. Icon status is earned when an agent does half a million
in gross commission or they do 20 sides after they cap. In the event that happens, the
sixteen thousand dollars that the realtor had paid to EXP, EXP returns that sixteen
thousand dollars in the form of a fourth stock grant. Now, you have to hold the stock for
three years and allow it to vest.

But do you realize, Icon agents are paying EXP zero, not only getting back the sixteen
thousand, but if you look at how our stock has performed, that sixteen thousand dollars,
your money is now working for you. I know agents at EXP who have made millions and
millions of dollars by having equity and ownership in the fastest-growing real estate
company ever.
And then the last thing that I talk about is the ratio that EXP provides agents. One quick
second. Hey bud, I have not forgotten. I'm in the middle of a Zoom; I'll call you back. My
son, always. Sorry, I didn't speak to him last night. At EXP, what I talk about is the
incredible opportunity that every agent has to transform their business from being
solely transactional to creating a passive income stream. You, Mr. and Mrs. Realtor, no
longer have to feel like every month you have a gun being held to your head, that if you
don't produce, you're not able to fend for yourself and your family. What type of stress or
anxiety would alleviate if you had what we call wake-up or mailbox money by having the
incredible opportunity to build out an organization somewhat like a broker with none of
the disadvantages that a broker has and many, many more advantages? And I talk
about how the platform works at EXP, that when you join EXP, you have the incredible
opportunity to build out an organization.

Create a passive income stream where money is wired into your account on the 21st to
22nd of every month. The brilliance of the model is that EXP, being cloud-based, doesn't
have brick and mortar. They have the unique opportunity to take 50% of their revenues,
which, by the way, was a billion dollars the last quarter, as announced a couple of weeks
ago in a quarterly report. They take fifty percent of their revenues and give it back to the
agents who are simply sharing the EXP platform with other agents and sponsoring them
into the organization. I'm also going to send you out my PowerPoint. Any one of you is
invited to participate in the calls. I don't hold back anything that we're doing. I believe
that it's simply about applying yourself, and I convey this all the time to everybody in my

I said something before, and it's worth repeating again. All of you are worthy of having
the success that you want, hidden desire, right? All of you don't have to look at
mirroring, putting on your makeup or shaving, and thinking, "Can I afford this or not?"
That's not a great way to live. You have an opportunity here. I am a former investment
banker. I was part of the team that took Google, eBay, Yahoo, and Amazon public. And
I'm going to make a bold statement. I believe that the EXP platform as a business
platform is as viable as any business platform I have seen, regardless of industry sector,
because of the inherent benefit that it provides to realtors not just here nationally but on
a global basis. Reach for the moon and grab the damn stars. You're worthy. It's okay to
live like a superstar. It's okay to be a superstar. It is okay to take that inner child from
within and give that child everything that it deserves. EXP is the best business model
I've seen in 60 years, and I believe it's the best model I'm going to see going forward. I've
drunk the Kool-Aid. I am all in.

Years ago, I used to sit and belittle the company. I'm a national real estate coach. I'm
never talking to realtors. I talk to work. There's enough standing in front of a room and
having to coach them. There's no way I'm doing this. And the reality is, it made me more
money doing this in 18 months than I ever dreamed of making. I'm going to make two
million dollars a month at EXP within the next six years. You could write it down. I
manifested it, so it has to happen, right? People, getting people to go home and talk
about manifesting to their significant others all night. We gotta manifest. Yeah, you're
living in your own reality. It's wonderful. But, um, can I answer any questions for you
guys? I hope that this was helpful today. This is awesome. I have one. Did she loan you
the $4,000? She did. She loaned me the four thousand dollars. Oh boy, oh boy. So she
joined EXP. [Laughter]

How much money I'm making, and I am actually helping, you know. I don't know where
I'm moving to Puerto Rico, so I'm leaving Miami. I'm moving to Puerto Rico. It's really
funny; I grew up in New York until I was 18. I went to college in California. We all gonna
be with you in Puerto Rico. So, I spent the last 40 years in California until I moved to
Miami two and a half years ago. I've loved Miami, but I am moving to Puerto Rico in four
months. And then I decided to go back to my roots, and I'm gonna do Puerto Rico for
two weeks. And I just, um, I'm getting a really nice apartment in Manhattan. I'm gonna
buy a beautiful Tribeca or Flatiron, and I'm gonna go back and forth every two weeks.

So, did you pay her back, and are you still dating her? Um, so we have a very, you know, I
always get asked that. We have a very tumultuous relationship, but I am loyal, and I'm
leaving here shortly, reading between the lines. And I believe that, you know, when the
chips were down, she was there for me. So, I'll build her organization, and I'm putting
people underneath her right now. So, still, it's the right thing to do. The more you give,
the more you receive. And I think, at the end of the day, it's important to like what you
see when you look in the mirror. I'm not talking about your outward beauty. I think it's
about what's inside. And I think that, you know, how you act in the world comes back to
you. So, I'm building her business. That's awesome.

Wow, Eric, thanks for your time. But I got a quick question. Jay talked about in Puerto
Rico, he and another group of guys are going to get together to try to speed up some of
the processes that they have over in Puerto Rico since everything is so slow. Are you a
part of that group? You know, I'm not very corporatey, as you can probably tell. I keep
my head down; I keep my mouth shut, and I focus on helping people, being of service. I
don't, you know, I don't sit there, and I mean, it was the craziest thing. Monica will tell
you, like, people were running up to people at EXP, "Can I take your picture with you?"
And I was like, I was horrified. I was like, "Take my picture with you? Why the hell would I
want to take my picture?" "Yes, if you're beautiful." "Yeah, I want to have my picture
taken." [Laughter] Miami is rubbing off on you. But, you know, I mean, it was crazy. I
mean, you know, just focus on being of service to people by reaching out and trying to
be kind and trying to help somebody have a better life by introducing them to EXP, and it
will pay you back in dividends.

So, in answer to your question, I am not part of that group. I mean, I've become friendly
with Michael Valdez because he lives here in Miami, so dinner together once every two
or three weeks. But, um, I'm not very much into the corporate side. I focus, you know, I
sit here in my apartment; I watch the ocean, and I make my phone calls. And I'm having
more fun. I'm having more fun and enjoying life than I ever have. I'm in a really good
place; I'm happy. And I attribute that to really loving what I'm doing. I believe in EXP
wholeheartedly. Um, I love the platform, and I really do think it makes a difference in
realtors' lives if they're willing to embrace. Any other questions, guys? Feel free. I mean,
there's nothing—you are sending that information over, correct? I will. I'm gonna forward

Monica, do I have your email? I'll text you. Yeah, if you'll text me your email, that'd be
awesome. I'll have all of this out to you, and if you guys have any questions about it, feel
free to pick up the phone and call me. As you can imagine, I mean, I'm not real good not
having conversations. Can you imagine being alone for, like, hours? No, seriously, if you
have a question about what you asked for, yeah, I do spend a lot of my time giving back,
but I do believe that it also comes back to me in so many different ways. If anybody has
any questions, you want to role-play the scripts, or you have any questions, feel free to
pick up the phone and reach out to me. The best, thank you for your time.

Down, guys. Write down my number. My cell phone number is 415-595-9000. If any
questions, honor it. My pleasure to be of service and to be able to help you in the way
that I can. Thank you so much. You believe I got to do this with you. I have to do this
with my group at two o'clock. It's crazy. Really enjoyed you guys. You're great in
Cincinnati, by the way. I won't say it yet, but I just took a great agent in Cincinnati, by the
way. They're out there. Everybody's moving. Wow, who did you say? I heard somebody
go. I heard somebody go. I heard somebody say. [Laughter] This is Monica; they're
blaming it on her.

I cold-called the station and had a great conversation with her, and I'm pretty confident
she's going to come over. She's not signed the app yet, so we'll see, but I'm pretty
confident right now. Last thing I want to say to you, don't just focus on Cincinnati.
Remember, we're a global company. We are a global company, so I don't spend much
time calling agents here in Florida. I go all over the country, anywhere and everywhere.
I'll close this by saying, how do you meet agents? Go to a couple of events a week. I
don't care if it's a board event, lending event, a title event. Go to a couple of events a
week. Number two, go in the MLS, pick out an area, and get the listing agent's name and
phone number. If you're going out on a Saturday or Sunday for lunch, stop by six open
houses, flash that big smile, connect with somebody, and then call back later. You could
always hire a virtual assistant, which is cheap, and you now have the scripts to utilize a
virtual assistant to help you build your business. VA, right?

And again, don't be afraid of going whale hunting. Look for influencers. One influencer
will change the course of your entire business. Orlando Montiel, that phone call made
me rich. They call it the million-dollar cold call. You can do this. You can do this. The
only thing that's stopping you is yourself. You could do this. Take the time to learn the
scripts. You'll learn it in a couple of hours, and then just practice it. Have fun with it. Own
it so you can approach somebody with a sense of confidence and comfortability. You
guys have a kick-ass rest of the week. Enjoy, and like I said, if you have any questions, I'll
be traveling tomorrow. I'll be back in Miami on Sunday. If you have any questions, feel
free to reach out. Monica, thank you for inviting me, by the way.

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