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SECTION 29. Wildlife Management Fund.

Established as a special account in the National Treasury. It shall finance the rehabilitation or
restoration of habitats harmed by acts done in violation of this Act, as well as scientific
research, enforcement, and monitoring efforts, as well as the strengthening of relevant

The Fund is obtained from the penalties and damages awarded, fees, charges, donations,
endowments, administrative fees, or grants contributions. Contributions to the fund are not
subject to donor taxes or any other government taxes, charges, or fees.

SECTION 30. Deputation of Wildlife Enforcement Officers.

The Secretary or the Council or their authorized representatives shall appoint Wildlife
Enforcement Officers (WEOs) from nongovernment organizations, citizens groups,
community organizations and other volunteers. They should have undergone and passed
training on basic knowledge of wildlife laws, rules and regulations.

The Philippine National Police, Armed Forces of the Philippines, National Bureau of
Investigation, Philippine Coast Guard and other law enforcement agencies also shall furnish
the DENR, DA and PCSD with the list of their employees designated as wildlife enforcement
officers who shall have undergone the necessary training for this purpose. As such they will
have a full authority to seize illegally traded wildlife and to arrest violators of this Act subject
to existing laws, rules and regulations on arrest and detention.

SECTION 31. Establishment of National Wildlife Research Centers.

The Secretary shall establish national wildlife research facilities for terrestrial and aquatic
species to lead in the conduct of scientific researches on the best conservation and
preservation strategies for wildlife, including captive breeding or propagation. Experts from
academic research institutes and the wildlife industry are encouraged to participate.

SECTION 32. Wildlife Rescue Center

All captured, abandoned, and/or donated wildlife will be temporarily sheltered and cared for
by wildlife rescue facilities. The Secretary must develop guidelines for disposing of wildlife
from wildlife rescue facilities.

SECTION 33. Creation of Wildlife Traffic Monitoring Units.

The Secretary must establish wildlife traffic monitoring units in important air and seaports
around the country to guarantee strict compliance with and effective execution of all current
wildlife laws, rules, and regulations, as well as relevant international agreements.

SECTION 34. Exemption from Taxes.

Any donation, contribution, bequest, subsidy or financial aid which may be made to the
Departments for the conservation and protection of wildlife resources and their habitats shall
constitute as an allowable deduction from the taxable income of the donor and shall be
exempt from donor’s tax.

SECTION 35. Flagship Species.

With the threat that the local endemic species are on the verge of extinction, they are used as
the ambassador or icons to have the people's attention on trying to save them or conserve
them. The Local government units of the Philippines will now implement flagship species to
serve as the representation of their concern.

SECTION 36. Botanical Gardens, Zoological Parks and Other Similar Establishments.
The secretary of the local government unit has the responsibility of regulating and
maintaining the operation's peace and order that also applies to other establishments that are
known for recreation, education and conservation.

SECTION 37. Implementing Rules and Regulations.

In within the twelve-month period beginning on the day this Act becomes effective, the
Secretaries in the Natural Resources and Environment Department In collaboration with
Resources and the Department of Agriculture the Senate's committees on the environment
and ecology, and the House of Representatives will issue relevant laws and guidelines to
ensure the successful execution of this Act.
The cooperation throughout preparation and the application of guidelines and policies with
the responsibility of handling distinct concerns shall be done by both Departments. The
State's commitments to international accords, and protocol considerations will also be part of
the consideration with this Act.

SECTION 38. Appropriations.

An appropriations is an amount of money that a government or an organization reserves for a
particular purposes. Now, the total amount required for the initial preparation and implement
of this Act's provisions shall be assessed against the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources' budget. The current General Appropriations Act has resources. Thereafter, such
funds that are necessary to adequately carry out the provisions of this Act shall be reflected in
the General Appropriations Act.

SECTION 39. Separability Clause.

Unless otherwise specified, should this Act therefore be ruled to be unconstitutional, the same
shall not have an impact on the other provisions' legality or validity.

SECTION 40. Repealing Clause.

This is a part of a law that cancels or revokes a previous law. It is a statutory provision that
repeals an earlier statute. Act Nos. 2590 (an Act for the protection of game and fish) and
3983 (an Act for the protection of wildflowers and plants), Commonwealth Act No. 63, as
amended, Presidential Decree No.
1219 (an act for providing for the exploration, exploitation, utilization and conservation of
coral resources), as amended, Republic Act No. 6147 (an Act Declaring the Pithecophaga
Jefferyi Commonly Known as Monkey-Eating Eagle as a Protected Bird in the Philippines)
and other laws, orders and regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or amended

SECTION 41. Effectivity.

After this Act is published in two (2) widely circulated newspapers or in the official gazette,
it will become effective in fifteen (15) days.

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