Finding Faith

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Finding Faith

the true story of Gods faithfulness by Chris Johnson

Cover Photogaraphy by T.R. Photography in Neeses, SC

This book is a compilation of blog posts I made during the drowning and hospital recovery of our daughter, Naomi Faith Johnson. I would like to thank the members and staff of Cornerstone Community Church in Orangeburg, South Carolina for standing with our family in believing for a full recovery for Naomi. I would also like to thank the following people for your caring, your support, your kindnesses, and your financial donations. I also included all of the comments left on the blog, the encouragement we recieved from them is immeasurable.
Paul and Lisa Shaw Brian and Wendy Walker Kimberly Mizell Tri-County Electric Co-Operative Russell and Kristie Anderson Mom and Dad (George and Shirley Johnson) Teddy and Lisa Johnson Eddie Johnson Michael Schar Edisto High School Aunt Monette Calhoun county life group Brian and Brandy Beason Bambi & Tommy Wise Karen and Ashely Hildebrand Skip & Roxanne Cummings Mike Ferris Murphys Auto & Glass Jane and Gary Herron Ken Feryus Fishing for Friends / Mark Murphy Cornerstone Members Keith and Joyce Battiste Jim and Wanda Holbert Marlee Dunlap Heath and Irene Boddorf Dhaya Garvin Kevin Mack Shea Burnette Bob and Dale Pauling Angie Martin Jenns Rovan Rewa Stack Anne Mumaw Dr. Hubbird Dr. E. Mack Dr. Meaghan Barnhartd Leigh and Jessie Isom Shirley Williams Rivera Eric and Nancy Dingley Artie and Georgie Davis Steve and Tracy Dempsey Kenneth Browning and family Billy and Shan Harsey Amber Harsey David Watkins Vivian Snipes Gene Stanfield Phillip White Michael and Michelle Reid All Cornerstone campuses Ron Metts James and So Young Gage The staff of Pametto Richland Childrens Hospital Rhonda Carter Garrett Myrtle and Charles Martin Lisa Davis Amanda Thompson and family Gethsemane Baptist Church in St. Matthews, SC Homeward Bound Ministries Brab and Cindy McCully Dianne Bozard Moochie (and fam) Pookie and Michelle Kathy Schumpert Naomis prayer team on FaceBook All of my twitter family that prayed for Nomi (Pray4Naomi)

Naomisaccident First of all I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the prayers, literally worldwide that have been going up for my Daughter Naomi. I wanted to take some time and let you all know how this happened, gured the blog would be the best way. My wife and I had been praying for a new home and we found one in Orangeburg, 5 minutes from work a rental from good friends. The backyard is fenced in. Inside of THAT fence is an in-ground swimming pool with the liner torn up. A gate to the pool fence was opened. A toy was thrown in. There is only water at the very lowest point of the pool. Maybe two feet deep. Rainwater. My wife happened to be inside, letting the three children play in the backyard. They love their playground with the swings, etc Naomi walked down the steps and into the pool. She is now on life support. She is improving, thanks to our God. We are believing God for full recovery. This is a very abbreviated version of what happened, I just dont feel like dwelling on it, and just wanted the tens of thousands of prayer warriors to have an idea of what happened. Peace.

8 Responses John Wylie Thank you for lling us in totally understand what you mean by not wanting to dwell in it. Lots of love being prayed over you guys in this time. We too are believing in the Lord for a full recovery. May 24, 2011 at 10:25 am

josh The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance [1] upon you and give you peace. Numbers 24-26 May 24, 2011 at 10:26 am

Seneca Hordge Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior. I know this maybe a trying time for you and your family but our father is miraculous healer and comforter. Continue to look up and I will continue to pray for baby Naomi to be fully heal. It is not a question anymore. He has already done it. It is past tense. All that is left is receiving it. God bless you May 24, 2011 at 11:40 am chazzdaddy Praying HIS power and HIS love combined with our love over you all bro! May 24, 2011 at 11:47 am Rachel Praying for healing for Naomi and peace, consort and strength for you and your family. God is faithful and able. Hold onto hope. May 24, 2011 at 12:49 pm

David Childers Please know of the prayers of our congregation. We remembered Naomi and her family in Praise Team and Handbells last night. We will have you on our church prayer list tomorrow evening. Please feel free to contact us if we can be of ministry support here in Orangeburg. Blessings David Childers Minister of Music & Communications May 24, 2011 at 1:27 pm Teresa Jordan(Cornerstone member) Miracles do happen! I tell you the following story to give you hope. I was in a terrible car crash in 1996 & doctors said I was brain dead. I was in a coma for 16 days. Now I am ne w/ no residual cognitive decits. I wish the very same miracle for your beautiful little girl. May 24, 2011 at 6:32 pm

John Owens Wow. I cant imagine what youre going through. May the Lord bring you comfort during this tough time. One thing an old friend reminded me of years ago.he said, remember, God loves your child even more than you do. That helped me get through those dark moments and I pray it helps you. To God be the glory. May 26, 2011 at 10:40 am

Day 1, May 20, 2011 Hebrews 11:1 ~ Faith is the condence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Wendy and I used to live in a small town called Saint Matthews, in South Carolina. We had been looking for houses in Orangeburg for a long time. Years. We nd one to rent. We like it. It belongs to friends, and the rent is more than reasonable. There is a swing in the backyard. A slide. The kids like it. There is a pool, fenced in, the liner torn, the pool in disrepair. On Friday, May 20, I am working at my fathers house. Painting. I dont really like to paint but I am helping my dad, and he is helping me. I had just moved around the corner to start painting the cornice work when mom received the phone call that would change my life, and the life of my family. My daughter Rachel had called, screaming into the phone, wanting me to come home, then hung up. Thinking that maybe she was over-reacting to something (maybe someone had cut their foot), I called back home and knew when she answered that something was wrong. I had never heard my Rae so hysterical before. Dropped my brush. Dropped my everything. Rushing back to the house I could feel the panic seeping thru. Calling back, Wendy told me Naomi was in the pool. The pool. Naomi.

Fear. Pulling into the road we lived on, I am passed by an ambulance. Naomi. It still hard to think about, my Naomi... hurt. How bad? I pull into the driveway. An ambulance is still in the front yard. I knock on the doors. No one is in it. I run inside the house. My Rachel is sobbing, my grand-kids are crying. My dad shows up. Im in a dream. A nightmare. Fear. Praying to God... not my Naomi, not Naomi.... Naomi drowned. Her hospital case le says near drowning. Rachel jumped into the pool and pulled her out. I can only call my Rachel a hero. Jumping into the deep end of the pool, which held rain water, she could have seriously hurt herself. Instead she saves Naomi. My daughter Caiti is on her way to the beach, and almost there. Its her senior day off from school. I barely remember calling her and telling her that Naomi was in an accident. Her friends immediately turn around and bring her to Columbia, South Carolina, where Naomi had been rushed to Palmetto Richland Childrens hospital after being stabilized at our hometown hospital. I can recall the trip to the E.R., but only just. I can remember sitting at the head of my babys E.R. bed with a large, white bearded chaplain stroking Naomis hair on one side, and Wendy on the other side of me, holding her hand. Blurred. Flight nurses had arrived to air-lift Naomi to a childrens hospital in Columbia. Orders barked. Cell phones ringing. Alarms. Bells. Shouting voices. All blurred now. Weeks later, a nurse that works there e-mailed us to nd out who the stranger was that was standing outside the doorway, hands lifted to heaven, tears streaming down his face. Crying out to heaven for the baby. Large black guy. Scruffy white beard and hair. Long black trench coat. We have no idea. We never saw him, and Wendy rode in the ambulance with her. Was with Naomi the whole time. Never saw him. Me either. More about him later. I have wondered. Why, God? Why us? Why Naomi? We were about to nd out why. We were about to nd out what real faith is. Speaking into existence that which is not. We were about to nd out what real family is. What real Church is. Big C, and little c. Family. We were about to nd out what real spiritual battle is like. Real healing. Real love. Real Faith. By the way, Naomis full name. Its Naomi Faith Johnson... We are still nding Faith.

May 21. Update on my daughterNaomi: Ok folks prayer is working, along with some laying on of hands. Naomi had a chest Xray last night and her lungs are looking better. Better function too. They lowered her oxygenation levels slightly last night cant remember what time. Her pupils are responding to light stimulus more and the doctors are making the rounds now. We expect to talk to our doc a little later about what is on todays agenda. We have heard the nurses talk a little about them taking her off the oscilator vent and putting her on a regular vent. Her blood pressure stabilized during the night and even though its day by day we know that God is all up in the middle of this thing and His glory, mercy, grace, and love are gonna shine a light thru this that will blow away any plans that the enemy would have for our Naomi, and our whole family. God is good peeps, and we expect a FULL recovery. The hard part is watching, watching is hard on me and Wendy. SOOOOO please keep praying, I will keep letting everybody know as soon as I have more. Much love to all. Please pray hard. Its making a difference we can see day by day. KellySinging We will see a full recovery, just praying that its immediate. Praying peace for you all too. May 21, 2011 at 10:49 am shelley quinones Praying with you that God will surround each of you powerfully. I bind & gag every evil thing & set them off your family to the side in jesus name. I call all Naomis cells into alignment with healing in jesus name. May you rest in the arms of your savior even in the midst of the storm May 21, 2011 at 10:53 am nlt30 Still praying. God is working on Naomis behalf. May 21, 2011 at 11:22 am

Karen Thompson I was hesitant to send this, but as a mother of a young woman who has spent much time in the hospital, my heart understands and aches for your situation. I received your prayer request via twitter thru Prayer Coach after waking from a very vivid dream, and a morning delving into Ps. Thou not far from me, O Lord; haste Thee to help me. In the dream I saw someone holding both hands of a girl lying on a bed. She was not moving, too still, but with such strong sense of the comfort she was receiving but the person stroking her hands. Right beside me was a man who knew this girl, he was grieved and placed his head upon this persons shoulder, also seeking comfort. When I woke, I began to pray for this girl and the man. Though I do not know you, I do know our Father does! He has His strong hand upon you all and may today be a day of healing, of comfort and peace. God bless you Karen Thompson Victoria, BC Canada May 21, 2011 at 2:44 pm

Curt Longacre Hi Chris, My my daughter (now 26) was 5 1/2 mos old, was admitted to the NICU at Childrens Hospital in Oakland. Two days later, on Mothers Day, she was placed on a ventilator for a couple of weeks. Our journey was similar to yours: Good/bad/God Good/bad. I know how hard this is for you and Wendy, and I am praying for you, Wendy, your family, and for a FULL recovery for Naomi Gods precious little girl. May 21, 2011 at 4:00 pm

Shaeb I know what its like to watch a loved one going through illness while waiting on God. All I can say is continue to trust and believe that God still performs miracles. May 21, 2011 at 4:07 pm

Stacey Chris, I have been reading about Naomi. As a toddler about 35-36 years ago, I was on Naomis end of the story. My mom found me face down in our poolGod is denitely in the miracle business. I am praying for her full recovery just as I fully recovered. May 21, 2011 at 8:52 pm

pam jackson Chris and Wendy. My hearts go out to yall. Just know that Naomi is in my prayers and thoughts. I know that God has a plan and this little one is in his hands. Love you both and the whole family. May 22, 2011 at 10:56 am

Iris Chris and Wendy, Ive been in your shoes. My then 17yr (in 08) had a freak accident. He suffered severe brain damage when his truck fell on his head. The worst part as a parent was the waiting for him to open his eyes. He was induced into a coma as well. When the surgeon let us in to see him and after giving us very little hope, we entered the room. I looked at his lifeless body and in my mind God brought me a vision that my son was sitting on a rock in heaven talking to Him. I immediately knew that my son was with Jesus and not in his body. I leaned forward to my son and I whispered: Son, I know u are not in ur body now and you are in the presence of God. Take ur time and talk to Him. I know when u are able to talk youll tell us everything you saw in heaven. Three months later in TIRR, he suddenly began to tell his dad about his experience in heaven and the people and things he saw. Chris and Wendy, God is real, He is Alive and He loves Naomi. Shes in good hands God bless u! May 22, 2011 at 7:28 pm

Day 2, March 21, 2011 Two pastors from our church, Cornerstone Community Church, come by early in the morning to lay hands on Naomi, and pray over her. Senior Pastor Artie Davis and Pastor Billy Harsey. Five of us touch, anoint, and pray over little Nomi, Wendy included. By this time she had tubes everywhere. We ended up sleeping on the couch that rst night, and found out later that the policy is to let only one parent stay in the room with the patient.Turns out they decided that rst night, it would be good for both of us to stay, just in case. As Saturday progressed, more pastors from church came with their wives. Freemon, Pat, who is on my personal intercessors prayer team. Our doctor called a meeting to discuss Naomis case with us. We invited all our pastors to join us. The nurse showed us to a room with three chairs. I said Do you have anything like a conference room? I want my people in there with us. They did have a room with a long oval table, office chairs all around. We all piled into the room to listen to what Naomis doctor had to say. My wife wanted them there to rebuke anything he said. We both wanted them there because we love them like family. Doc said something very similar to If she survives the next two nights, we may need to discuss further options. Long term care and the like. I remember Wendy asking if he had ever had a similar case where the patient recovered. I have been doing this for thirty years... Im sorry, but no. Not a full recovery. Not with the type of injuries that she has. Naomi had Oxygen apoxia, or global oxygen deprivation for what the doctors estimated to be 30 to 40 minutes. From what I understand, all of her internal organs were damaged. The doctor said, If I was a betting man, and if she survives, she will need long term care... but I am not a betting man. Miracles do still happen. It is not my intention to give you false hope, I am only here to give you the medical facts and I remember ... not a feeling of utter despair, but ... quiet calm. I didnt until weeks later catch the inference other options... unplugging the life support. The good news seemed to be that her lungs had started to clear somewhat. Little did we know that somewhat meant she still had a long way to go. Her blood pressure was all over the place. Up, down, up again. I dont know if the word agonizing can be fully understood until you get to a place where all you

can do is pray, desperately asking, begging really, for the favor of God in a similar situation. I certainly have gained a new appreciation for the word. The secretary of the intensive care unit pulled me to the side and asked me if I would like a room at the Ronald McDonald House, saying we may need to be there a while. They have rooms to sleep in, and showers, and food, very close to the hospital. I told her I had no idea what we were doing, much less what day of the week it was. She mercifully let me go without having to focus on any more questions, although the care that was is her eyes for me and my family was evident. The rest of that morning is a blur. People coming and waiting with us. People calling, texting, can we help, can we hold onto your other kids, can we do anything? Compassion in action. Not just church folks, but other friends too. I had one friend see my daughter and tell her that she had to come with him, her front tire was showing metal thread. He was going to get a new tire for her car. She called me later that afternoon to say not only did he get her a new tire, but new brakes too. I texted him to say I would nd a way to repay him. He said I got your back bro. Your fam is my fam. Later that day, the previously mentioned secretary told me that she had taken the liberty of getting my family a room at Ronald McDonald House. She had even provided them with all the necessary info they needed. All I needed to do was to be there at three P.M. to sign the papers. Grateful does not convey the feeling I had for that lady. Tears owed freely, the rst of a great many, and I was unashamed of them. Friends helping in an hour of need. Hay bought for the horse, put in the barn too. Gift baskets with survival gear. Everything from toothpaste to candy bars. Gift cards to grocery stores and restaurants from life groups within the church. Cash for gas or other expenses. I had never experienced an outpouring of help on this scale. It gave me a new appreciation. It made me wonder how people without a support network, without God, could survive something like this. This is also where my Twitter and Facebook friends started pouring on the prayers for Naomi, and encouragement for our family. Day 2. I was broken much of the time, and continuously told myself Shes going to be ne... I must have told myself that ten thousand times. Wendy and I both. Shes going to be ne. Holding onto faith, which seemed very very small at times. Wendy and I were overwhelmed, worried. Anxious. Scared for Naomi. Scared for us. Our baby was on full life support, and we were very much in the shadow of the valley.

Update on Naomi ~ Day3 The doctor came in and sat down with us about 30 mins ago. Naomi has been having regular rhythmic seizures according to the EEG. They have put her into a phenobarb coma in order to prevent her seizures. This is the third medicine they have tried to prevent the seizures. The doctors are hoping to put Naomi on a regular ventilator this afternoon so they can take her to have a brain scan. To me, it seems they are trying to prepare us for something bad. After good news most of the day yesterday, they have given us much bad news during the night and then this morning. I have prayed over her. I have been praying non-stop to God. I know that there are many many many people praying for little Naomi. This is very hard. The doctor said that she has had a global oxygen deprivation situation in her brain and this is the reason for the very unorganized, irregular EEG. Now for all of the physical reasoning behind everything they have told us, we still trust God. Speak into existence that which is not yet, if that is what needs to be. The creator of the universe holds my little girl in his hand. Our request is that he restore her. We believe He will. We are trusting. Please pray for Wendy and me. Sleep does not come easy, and neither does eating. Its easy to say eat, but much harder to do in situations like this. Grateful for the friends that are taking care of us, and grateful for the many prayers being offered for Naomis health and restoration. Please continue dont let up, pray HARDER. God hears you. Naomi will reap the reward, and God will be gloried. Please pray. Much love Chris and Wendy

Doug Gilmer We are praying for you Chris. There is not much I can say right now but please know we are lifting you and Naomi, and the the entire family up in prayer. May 22, 2011 at 6:11 am

Jonathan Pearson God is still in this, man. Still praying, still believing. When God seems apparently absent, Hes still powerfully present. Luv ya! May 22, 2011 at 6:14 am

Dave Anderson Praying for healing and that you and Wendy nd peace and rest knowing you are in His arms as well. May 22, 2011 at 7:04 am

Cyndi Johnson Chris and Wendy, We are praying for Naomi and you guys every since we found out yesterday morning. God performs miracles everyday and we are praying for a miracle for Naomi. My brother in law is a Pediatric Dr at The Childrens Hospital and he will be coming by when he gets there Monday to check on you (he is from Orangeburg). Please know if there is anything we can do we will be glad to do it. Much love to you and your family. Keep the FAITH. Cyndi, Mikee and Brady Johnson May 22, 2011 at 7:18 am

Bob Oh, Godheal precious Naomi. Comfort Chris and Wendy. We praise You, God, for You are in this. May 22, 2011 at 7:28 am

Kaye Swain Continuing to pray for all of you! One thing about the eating when I was dealing with grief after my husband went to heaven a few years ago, I couldnt eat either. Someone wonderfully brought us a deli tray with cheese and meat slices. I found I could take just one of those pieces and nibble on it. I had no appetite just a big lump in my stomach, but those kept me going. If the hospital has lunch meat and cheese, perhaps they would give you a couple of pieces on a plate just enough to keep your strength up as you need that for Naomi. Praying! May 22, 2011 at 7:39 am

millie oliver I cannot begin to fathom what you and wendy are going through. My family and I have been praying for Naomi and you guys. The power of prayer can perform miracles. May 22, 2011 at 8:19 am

Lola God does answer prayerbut not always in the way we wish. I say this as someone who lost a daughter myself. It took me a long time to not be angry at God. I hope your daughter is healed but sometimes preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is the right way to view it. May 22, 2011 at 9:58 am

ez37 Lola, I understand what you are saying, But Naomi will be ne. May 22, 2011 at 11:44 am


Sharon Many prayers to our Heavenly Father for your sweet Naomi and your entire family. West Bethel Methodist Church in St. Matthews prayed for you this morning. Wendy, call me any or nightif there is anything I can do for any of you. LOVE YOU, GIRL! May 22, 2011 at 12:31 pm

Alice Weeks Huff Chris & Wendy, I have been praying since I rst found out about Naomi & will continue to pray for her as well as you & Wendy. There is not a day that goes by that I dont think about you all & the things you are going through at this time. I pray that God will heal her with his love & amazing grace. I pray HARDER eveeryday, so keep trusting in GOD for HE is the only one with the right answer & we all know that PRAYER does work! We are all pulling & praying for Naomi!!!!! Love To All Of You! Alice May 22, 2011 at 2:10 pm

Chrissyll Dear Lord your precious princess is being deprived of life at this moment Lord breath life back into her helpless body.. Pour your mercy and grace from the top of her head to the soles of her feet Lord Bless those that are there for her family. Give her parents a Great Sense of Peace that you are in control and all will be well Allow the drs. that are treating her to seek you rst in all treatment decisions Place them in your loving arms and cradle them and comfort them all In your name Lord I pray AMEN May 22, 2011 at 3:21 pm

Kristi Bozard Chris, my heart is breaking for yall. I really have come to love u all since Ive gotten to know u. God is the Great Healer and I wont stop praying and claiming miracles. Love yall May 22, 2011 at 3:28 pm

wanda I am praying for the entire family and especially Little Naomi and the doctors taking care of her. We had prayer today at St.George Baptist Church. We will continue to pray for all. May 22, 2011 at 3:33 pm

Elliott Heavenly Father, watch with us over your child Naomi, and grant that she may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give. Relieve her pain, guard her from all danger, restore to her your gifts of gladness and strength, and raise her up to a life of service to you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. May 22, 2011 at 4:14 pm

Susie McNatt I heard about your precious Naomi from my daughter, Tara Anderson. I am praying for her, and for you, her parents, along with my church family.There is no way that I can fathom what you are going through, my heart goes out to you. God Bless You! May 22, 2011 at 4:31 pm

Debra Robinson Trusting And Believing God With You For A Miracle.Lord Do It As Only You Can. May 22, 2011 at 9:59 pm

Jan S Fanning Chris,Wendy and entire Johnson Family You are all in our thoughts and prayers! God is with you always. Love to you all. May 22, 2011 at 11:36 pm

Michele Crane I heard about your daughter through a friend of mine. My heart goes out to you and your family. Naomi is in my prayers , as is your entire family. May 23, 2011 at 5:18 am

Day 3 This was a dark day for me. The doctors told us our baby would likely be on a ventilator for the rest of her life. The mention of a discussion about taking her off life support came up, but it didnt register until later on. I felt almost abandoned by God. It felt like we were ghting this monstrous thing with slingshots and not the Sword of the Lord of Hosts. Our pastors had come to pray over Naomi and I was grateful for them and the love they shared with us, and with Naomi. All of her nurses would competently work on her and then go back to working on the charts. They never left the room, the computers they used were at the foot of Naomis bed. They would do what needed to be done, shutting off pump alarms, adjusting air on that oscillating ventilator... I will never forget the sound that thing made... kind of a quick whump, whump, whump, whump over and over and over again. It got so that when a telephone would ring I would jump because I thought it was an alarm on a pump, or an alarm on her vital stats monitor. Nevertheless, Wendy and I were bound and determined that we would walk in faith, not looking at what our senses said, our eyes seeing the tubes. Our ears hearing those alarms. It makes me tear up even now to think back on that day. Naomi will be ne we would tell ourselves, then say it out loud, sometimes holding each other, sometimes holding our other children. We would look to what several people in and out of our church had told us about visions they had of Naomi rising from that bed and being the little girl we all knew. We would look to that calm that we had the day before. I remember asking for people to pray against any spirit of fear. We were leaning on our faith like never before; we had never needed our faith like this. Fear was there, and we wanted to choke it out, not give it a foothold. We would speak against fear expressly: You are my enemy, and I will not engage you now. I am hurting, and not up to facing you, so get away from me, the name of Jesus is my shield, and I will not give way to you. I can think back on the way that fear would drain me: several times I would go walk and pray in the heat of the South Carolina summer, because they keep that hospital at what feels like 60 degrees... and I would sink to the ground in the parking lot, sitting on the curb with my face buried in my hands, hospital visitors going to see their own child embarrassed by my tears.I was very careful to not let any of my family see me like that. I wanted to be strong for them, and I did not want my fear to be contagious. When a friend would come see us, I would cry on their shoulder... in private (even if it wasnt on their shoulder, but just in their company). I spoke to fear many times that day and the next few. When I started speaking to the author of that fear, it left me, and I was lled with an anger then. Not at God, but at the one that wished my child taken from me. One day, if God grants me a place in His nal battle, I will have a real sword, and I will hunt down the one that did this to my child. Bet on it.

Update 2 on Naomi ~ Day3

Today is a day of victory. I am claiming it as so. Naomi is resting. The doctors have put her into a phenobarb coma so that her little brain can rest. She is currently having no seizures. All of her vital signs are steady. Her lungs have improved. When I went in last night, with the EEG still hooked up I watched the screen as I spoke softly to her. The screen registered her brain activity, even when in her sedated state, at the sound of my voice. When she was having seizures, the EEG indicated that she may have brain damage. I dont accept that. God is bigger than the word severe. I tried my own test again this morning, and this afternoon. All with similar responses. She is responsive to stimulus like pain (I overheard the nurses), and her pupils are contracting in a predictable manner (dependant upon the medicines in her system). Many have laid hands on her, annointing and speaking healing and life. Many have spoken specic scriptures over her. Many are believing with us. Naomi is there, and she is ghting. I intend to ght for her in the ways I can. There are currently churches and people all over the world praying for Naomis complete healing. Liberia. Sri Lanka. Here across the entire USA. Australia. The lead doctor has told us plainly that events occuring today and tomorrow are crucial. Please speak against any spirit of fear. Please pray for no swelling of her brain. The doctor has told us what he thinks. Then he said he is not a betting man, that he has seen miracles. I have too. We stand rm in faith that our creator is holding and comforting little Naomi right now, even as He prepares her body in healing. When we get past Tuesday we can plan a little further out. Today the goal is Tuesday. Many, many, many thanks for the prayers, words of encouragement and dogged determination of our fellow Christ followers from around the world. Help us. Keep ghting. The words of the righteous avail much.

Bob Continuing prayer for yall! God is Good! May 22, 2011 at 6:01 pm

Jeanne Damoff Chris, I saw your tweet and clicked over here. I dont know all the circumstances of Naomis near drowning, but we have been where you are our son under water for at least ten minutes and doctors understandably giving us no hope. Like you, we understood the medical implications, but we knew God had the last word and we turned to Him, not demanding but simply believing that He would bring to pass the plans He had for Jacobs life. Lazarus was in the tomb four days. Ten minutes is nothing to God. It was a long, very hard, very sanctifying journey, but Jacob slowly emerged from coma over the course of a year, and God touched thousands of lives through the process. That was fteen years ago, and God is still bringing beauty out of it. I believe with you that Jesus is ministering to your Naomi right now, speaking peace to her. Jacob cant remember what happened while he was in coma, but he emerged from it with remarkable, radiant faith that hasnt wavered. Your baby is in Good Hands, and so are you. Praying for you. Aching with you. Grace and peace. So much grace and peace. Jeanne Damoff May 22, 2011 at 6:01 pm

Sharon Continuing to pray and believing God will heal Naomi. May 22, 2011 at 6:08 pm

Pam Durr Chris and Wendy, Found out about Naomi today at church. Chris, I love what you deliver through your music and missed you at church. When I asked where you were, Debbie Mast told me about your little girl. She also led us in a special prayer as we held hands with tears of hope and belief that each day will get better. We love you so much and will continue praying and holding you all in our hearts. Pam and Walter Durr May 22, 2011 at 6:10 pm

Richie Allen Going in for Naomi in prayer, Chris. Passing this on to my friends. God is able to accomplish the task. What is complex for us is simple for Him. May 22, 2011 at 6:25 pm

Thomasena Adams Chris and Wendy: I BELIEVE in miracles, in the power of prayer, in Gods healing power, in a complete recovery for Naomi I BELIEVE in strength for you and Wendy brighter days are just ahead I DO BELIEVE! May 22, 2011 at 6:33 pm

kat-tastik Glory be to Thee, O Lord my God! I beg of Thee by Thy Name through which He Who is Thy Beauty hath been stablished upon the throne of Thy Cause, and by Thy Name through which Thou changest all things, and gatherest together all things, and callest to account all things, and rewardest all things, and preservest all things, and sustainest all thingsI beg of Thee to guard this handmaiden who hath ed for refuge to Thee, and hath sought the shelter of Him in Whom Thou Thyself art manifest, and hath put her whole trust and condence in Thee. She is sick, O my God, and hath entered beneath the shadow of the Tree of Thy healing; afflicted, and hath ed to the City of Thy protection; diseased, and hath sought the Fountainhead of Thy favors; sorely vexed, and hath hasted to attain the Wellspring of Thy tranquillity; burdened with sin, and hath set her face toward the court of Thy forgiveness. Attire her, by Thy sovereignty and Thy loving-kindness, O my God and my Beloved, with the raiment of Thy balm and Thy healing, and make her quaff of the cup of Thy mercy and Thy favors. Protect her, moreover, from every affliction and ailment, from all pain and sickness, and from whatsoever may be abhorrent unto Thee. Thou, in truth, art immensely exalted above all else except Thyself. Thou art, verily, the Healer, the All-Sufficing, the Preserver, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful. Bahullh May 22, 2011 at 6:49 pm

Elaine Rutland Thanking God for a miracle. To God be all praise. May 22, 2011 at 7:01 pm

Mike & Judy Cubbison Our God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or even imagine, ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKS IN US. You have that power in you. USE IT. Were standing with you and we are confessing what we know Gods will is and what His Word says. We love you! May 22, 2011 at 7:16 pm

Mark Thinking of you and your family from Canada. Praying for Naomi. And you. Saw your post about sympathy pain from last month. Feeling that with you today. The Lord be with you! May 22, 2011 at 8:15 pm

Lynn Mulvey I heard of your baby girl from a friend in SC. I wanted you to know that I am praying for you and your family, and especially Naomi. Im also passing this prayer request onto prayer warriors here in GA. Gods peace be with each of you and His abundant healing be upon your precious child. May 22, 2011 at 8:19 pm

Kim Johnson Praying for all of you! God is taking care of Naomi. Im also praying for better days. God is in control and has the nal call. Take care. May 22, 2011 at 8:21 pm

Carma I. Livingston This I know; right where Naomi is, God is. And where God is, all is well. May 22, 2011 at 8:32 pm

Debra Robimson Hey Chris just want you and Wendy to know that we are praying with you and for you, continue to trust and believe God for Naomis healing. Remember Mans extremities is Gods opportunity.Love you guys, continue to be Encouraged. May 22, 2011 at 9:45 pm

Joyce Mann Shreve Chris, Wendy & Naomi, You are all in my prayers. I have been where you are in PICU in Cola but under different cirumstances. My heart aches for you but I know as a child of God you are in a great place you are surrounded by prayer, love and suppport. However, if there is anything I can bring you I will be happy too! One of the best gifts someone gave to us while we spent 3 weeks in the hospital, 9 days in PICU, was a basket full of snacks of me and a small note pad and paper. I would love to return the favor and bring the same items by to you if you would like. Call me anytime, because I do understand how you are feeling sitting by your childs side while you waiting for healing and pray for no further setbacks. Hugs, Love & Prayers, Joyce Shreve May 22, 2011 at 10:08 pm

Kris and Tara Johnson We are praying and believing that the healing Naomi received when Jesus died on the cross for her will be manifested. Jesus said in Mark 11 But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. 24 I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that youve received it, it will be yours. 25 But when you are praying, rst forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.[f] We believe that Naomi has received her healing and is therefore healed. Jesus is the name above all names.. above the name rain damage, above the name coma, above the name seizure. Keep believing and pursuing the healing and do not doubt. Resist the devil and he will ee. Our family will continue to pray and look forward to seeing her miraculous story unfold! May 22, 2011 at 10:38 pm

Tara Ward Still lifting you and your precious Naomi in prayer I KNOW Jesus is holding her and you every moment. Bless you. May 22, 2011 at 11:03 pm

Christina McPherson praying for your precious baby girl God be with her and heal her May 22, 2011 at 11:36 pm

Kasey Praying for you guys in Dora, Alabama!!! May 23, 2011 at 7:52 am

Kelly Rankin As a pediatric ICU nurse for 7 years, I have seen terrible tragedy. I hope that my sharing will strengthen your hope. No greater story of Gods power in healing sticks out in my mind more than a little boy, who had very severe brain trauma. His skull was shattered in over a hundred places. His brain was swelling. Doctors said he wouldnt recover, and we nurses were given no reason to think differently. His brain was severely damaged. HOWEVER, his mother prayed over him without end. She never doubted that God would heal him. She saw little signs of life, little glimmers of hope, that we medical professionals dismissed. In our medical knowledge, we thought that IF he survived, his future and quality of life would be dim. Despite my own belief that God is the ultimate healer, I doubted. My medical knowledge told me that he would not recover. God is bigger than my medical knowledge, and I was thrilled to nd out that he walked out of the hospital, a few months later! A newspaper article several months later spoke of his miraculous recovery. God was bigger than medicine. Keep praying. As a fellow believer and parent who can only imagine your heartache, I am joining you in lifting up your Naomi. May 23, 2011 at 8:18 am

Day 3 - Still At the end of the day I just let loose a ood of positive thoughts on my blog. I couldnt help it, it seemed like I had to voice this in a way that everyone praying for her could lift up themselves. Comments of encouragement ooded my Facebook page and my twitter stream. By now Naomis story was circling the globe and churches in many different countries were praying for her. By Gods use of social media many people were becoming wrapped up in this unfolding event. The doctor had told us if she survives the next two nights and phenobarb coma and next two nights are crucial .... It was all that I could do. Call it a victory. Our God is greater, and stronger, and awesome in power. Our God. We could only trust. It was what we were made to do. Its thought provoking that God would give us freewill, and then if we come to the knowledge that He is our king, and we are His, and He is ours, it is all we can do... trust, and obey. Trust that He has our back, and obey Him in standing watch on the wall... for our daughter. We were standing on the wall, protecting and watching while our Healer worked in the life of our baby girl. I know that some Christians shy from talk about spiritual warfare and other real life issues that belong to the spiritual realm. Im here to tell you that if you are one of them, you can stand in the power of Christ. Faith the size of a mustard seed will eventually produce faith the size of an ocean. Let go and let God. Heard that one before Im sure. Its true. Let God speak thru your life and then watch. You will be in for an eye opening experience. I can say that I hope you dont come to it by the same road we are on, but I do earnestly hope for your relationship with Christ to be one of vitality, and not one of ordinary mediocrity. Stand on the wall with me. If not for Naomi, then for yourself, because when you decide to stand on that wall, thats when you start to really live. Matthew 10:26 So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. Stand on the wall and be the light that shames the shadow.

Update on Naomi ~ Day4 Wendy is resting at Ronald Mcdonald house with the other kids. If you have never checked them out, please do so. They have been wonderful beyond anything I expected. Not just a room, but really like a home. I am with Naomi. Naomi was put on a regular ventilator last night. The nurses and techs have been able to further clear her lungs. The EEG tells us that seizures are continuing in a disjointed manner. All of her vitals remain stable with the support she is receiving. She is currently off the Insulin drip. HUGE shout out to Jesus there! We will get past today with the swelling on her brain, and then we will see where we need to go. One minute at a time. hour by hour, day by day, then we will be walking out of here. Together. Waiting is hard. I dont think I have ever done anything that is this hard. My thinking has become a little disjointed, little grace please. Wendy is nally eating a little more. We are just waiting right now for her little body to heal up. Thank you all for the prayers. Please go harder. Thanks for the many many words of encouragement from others that have been in our position. Please keep lifting Naomis name. I told one of her nurses that I dont cry for what I fear is coming, I cry because I see the process. The process of healing. We stand and believe. I invite all of you to do the same.

Bob Standing with you, brother. Praying. May 23, 2011 at 9:38 am

Amanda Fogle Chris & Wendy this is GOOD news! Our family will continue to pray even HARDER! Jim and myself just cant bring ourselves to come to Richland Childrens hospital at this time and I know yall understand why. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone of you. May 23, 2011 at 10:12 am

karen hughes I am praying for your family. I understand how hard it is to see your child lying there helpless and not be able to do anything but pray and hope and sit beside them. My oldest son was born with a life threatening heart condition that required surgery to live. I also sustained a brain hemorrhage during delivery. Due to his birth trama we were unsure of his fate. He spent 2 months in MUSC and I also stayed at the ronald mcdonald house during that time. It was very heart breaking to not know if we were ever going to bring our child home. But im here to tell u that prayer truely works. If it werent for Gods hands on my son, he wouldve never made it. We had/have faith in God and his work. My son is now a very active 8 year old but he still has some medical issues we deal with daily. But he truely is a walking miracle. We do not know why things like this happen but God has his reasonings. We just have to have faith in him and believe in him. I know u dont know me but I have been in ur situation and thats why I wanted to share my story with u. Never give up hope. God works his miracles. I will continue to pray for all of u. Karen Hughes. May 23, 2011 at 10:26 am

Norma Hilliard Chris, I have been praying continuously for Naomi and I do believe in miracles. Karen is speaking about my nephew, Skips cousin. He had a rough road, but he is very active now. Prayers do work. May 23, 2011 at 4:13 pm

pam jackson Love yall. The updates are really amazing. So proud of all of you. Praying, praying, and praying. Thoughts are with yall all day. God is with Naomi and all of you. May 23, 2011 at 10:45 am

Jennifer I was regretting my past and fearing my future. Suddenly my Lord was speaking:My Name Is I Am He paused.I waited. He continued,When you live in the past with its mistakes and regrets, it is hard. I am not there. My name is not I WAS.When you live in the future with its problems and fears, its hard. I am not there. My name is not I WILL BE.When you live in this moment it is not hard. I am here. My Name is I AM. Written by:Helen Mallicoat and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen Matthew 28:20 KJV And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. Exodus 3:14 May 23, 2011 at 10:46 am

Angela Weeks Prayers,prayers,prayers brother. You and your family have all mine. Much love. May 23, 2011 at 4:50 pm

Jessie Isom Standing in agreement and praying, praying, praying. May 23, 2011 at 4:57 pm

Chewy Praying 4 u brother!!!! May 23, 2011 at 4:57 pm

Robette Smith I am so happy to hear some good news. Still praying hard. Love you and Wendy. May 23, 2011 at 5:54 pm

Michael Reid Chris and Wendy, Naomi is healed! We are all just waiting for the manifestation of that healing. It is done. Love you guys and waiting expectantly. May 23, 2011 at 6:14 pm

Donna Lukens I am praying for Naomi and all of you. I know the emotional roller coaster that you are on. I pray that God will bring ultimate healing and restoration to Naomi. May God ll all of you with the PEACE that passeth all understanding. May the Holy Spirit ll you with the fullnes of knowing Your Redeemer Lives. I love you all. Oh God I pray the prayer that never fails, Lord May Your Will Be Done. May God HOLD YOU all in his arms. May 23, 2011 at 6:45 pm

April Thomas Our family is lifting you and Naomi up in prayer!!! God is already being revealed through this ! We Love you all and pray for all of you. God Bless May 23, 2011 at 8:53 pm

Erica Williams I dont know you or your family Chris but my heart goes out to you and your family. We have a grandson that was born 2 1/2 months early and we spent many of days and nights at MUSC. He is now about to be a year old and is a sweet and precious baby boy that was healed by the power of the Lord. Prayer and Faith You, your wife and your precious Naomi are in our Prayers and I have faith in the Power that he is going to heal Naomi. I have followed the updates since this happened and I ask and pray for you all each and everyday. I ask you Lord that you be with this precious baby girl and her family and heal her so that she can go back to her home and this family can be one again. Prayers and more Prayers are being lifted for this family. Troy and Erica Williams Orangeburg, SC May 23, 2011 at 8:58 pm

Debra Robinson Thanking And Praising God For All Hes Done So Far And For All That Hes Going To Do. We Continue To Pray For Your Little Angel Naomi.Its Already Done. We Love You Guys. Mrs. Kennerly Wants You To Know That Shes Lifting You All Up In Prayer. Chris We Want You And Wendy To Know That Your FPA Is Here For You If You Need Anything At All Please Dont Hesitate To Let Us Know, Wendy Has All Of Our Numbers. May 23, 2011 at 8:58 pm

Hope Curry Ive been reading all of the updates and it is beautiful how strong your faith is! God will certainly work miracles for your family and your baby girl will recover!!! May 23, 2011 at 9:45 pm

mike holbert GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME! ask, and ye shall receive! we are praying for you and your family that Gods will be done according to His will for a complete and speedy recovery!!! God Will provide the strength you need to Praise Him for All He is going to do for you in this time of strengthening your faith. I KNOW HE CAN, I KNOW HE CAN~!!! LOVE YA BROTHER! May 23, 2011 at 10:02 pm

Mary Today,I learned about your precious Naomi. I am praying that God will give you all grace at this time. My nephew had a traumatic brain injury after a gun shot and he too was sent to Richland and put into a coma. I still remember the day he woke up from the coma and asked for his mother. I know waiting, trusting and praying is so hard right now and it seems as if time is standing still, but

God is in control and He is working and answering prayers. I and others weep and pray for Naomi and her family. You will smile again because Gods got her!! May 23, 2011 at 10:36 pm

Michael Carter Hello and Wendy I do not know you personally but we do have 2 mutural friends in common, Jesus and Jennique. I will continue to lift Naomi up in prayer. Continue to have faith in Gods healing power. He will restore her body and mind. May God continue to give you both peace in your trying times. I thank God for Naomi and you both. May 28, 2011 at 5:50 am

Lita I am praying for you, Chris, Wendy, and sweet Naomi. I pray that in Gods Will, Naomi will be healed completely and restored to perfect health soon. I pray for your unwavering desire for Gods Will in your familys life, and for peace in that desire. June 1, 2011 at 9:28 pm Day 4. We wait. Second by second, minute by minute, day by day. Eventually week by week. Naomi is put on a regular ventilator. We wait for more good news. Wendy is exhausted. I am getting to the point where I cannot think normally. Coming back to the hospital after a shift change, we pull into the parking space, I get out, get my computer gear, ask Wendy to come on... I want to go see baby. She informs me that I am about to shut and lock the doors with the car still running. I grab the keys after turning the ignition off and wonder if I am losing my mind. We are both losing weight. We remind ourselves to try and eat at the appropriate time of day, but our appetites are gone. We buy a sub sandwich for lunch, and end up eating on it for two days. I am glad for the Ronald McDonald house. We sleep there, and shower there, do our necessaries. Then we go to the hospital. The swelling on Naomis brain is going down now. Not nearly quick enough for us, when this odd thought crosses my mind: patience is hard to gain, dont lose it just because we cant see the end of the road. Her vital signs improve slightly. I begin to think we are turning a slow corner. We still trust, we still believe, we still pray harder than the day before. We still lay hands on Naomi. We still stand.

Update on Naomi ~ Day5!!

On Friday, May 20 our little Naomi drowned. At our hospital, the doctors were skeptical about her survival thru the next two days. Naomi is still here. All of the medical facts said improbable. God said Wait, I am the healer. Facts dont heal, but I do. With a faith the size of a mustard seed, we started to pray

over Naomi and speak life. Speak into existence that which was not. Thru Gods power, grace, mercy, unrelentless love and unbridled passion to support those He loves, our Naomi is still alive. Not only alive getting better day by day. She is on her way to have an MRI as I type this. I couldnt stay in the room while they prepped her. Her vital signs are good. Her respiration is good. The doctor said that while she does have damage to organs in her little body, they will heal. Her brain is what they want to look at now. They say damaged. We say that God can make undamaged parts of her brain take over for the damaged parts. She is going to be whole, and well. We stand and speak it. She is going to be OK. She is still asleep, and thats OK. We know the truth, and the truth only smiles in the face of facts and evidence. Wendy and I have started taking an hour or so to just do something normal during the day, like buying groceries. Yesterday we bought a pair of sandals for her to walk out of here. If I can keep from running thru the glass doors shouting Gods praises on that day, it will be miracle #2. Miracle #1? We are already counting it as done. More updates and good news coming. Keep praying. Harder if you can. It seems like everyday I nd that even though I have prayed my hardest, I always nd I can dig a little harder, deeper. Stand with us people and be a part of the miracle, where God will get the glory for it all.

Bob Still standing with you. May 24, 2011 at 12:12 pm

Cindy Willingham Stand on the Word of God! Reports change. The Word of God does not change! I am believing God for full recovery! May 24, 2011 at 4:23 pm

Chris Johnson (the other one) Chris I am praying and trusting and believing with you as if it were my own daughter. I admire your rm persuasion on Gods faithful to do as He has promised and I am right there with you speaking life! Praying for your family. Grace and Peace to you, Chris May 24, 2011 at 12:17 pm

Fran Burgess I can only imagine what you and your family are going through, but I will say that over the past year, my family and I have gone through a very difficult but precious experience. I can testify that Gods faithfulness and His promises were evident the entire time and continue to be. I pray for God to continue to place His healing hands on this precious little girl. I pray for Him to give you, as the husband and father, strength as you have never felt before. I pray for God to give the mother a comfort that only He can give. I pray that God will show your other children His unfailing love. I, along with others, will continue to pray for Naomi and for you and your family. In love, Fran May 24, 2011 at 12:20 pm

Teresa Amen. May 24, 2011 at 12:22 pm

Shane Craver I am praying again as soon as I send this. Our GOD is an AWESOME GOD indeed.. May 24, 2011 at 12:23 pm

shirley spires That my Brother is enough Faith to move a mountain, and it is and our GOD will get the Glory He Deserves. Love you guys May 24, 2011 at 12:27 pm

Rachel Standing with you in prayer. Stay strong. May 24, 2011 at 12:52 pm

Mark McIntyre I am a father of 3 girls and am standing with you in prayer for Naomi. Im looking forward to hearing the good news. Ive shared with some others from my church and asked them to pray. May 24, 2011 at 1:04 pm

TAMMY CARSON Not only my prayers go out to you all, but my heart as well! Everything is going to be a-ok!!! Take care of yourselves so you can be prepared to take care of your precious little girl.. May 24, 2011 at 1:11 pm

Debbie R. My prayers are with you and your family. God is the great physician, and you are right to hold to His truths and not those of mere men. Stay strong. Youll need it when she comes home again! May 24, 2011 at 1:20 pm

Susan Collins Praying for this precious angels, the family and the doctors and nurses! Speaking Life in the Name of Jesus! Speak Wholeness and Complete Recovery thru the Blood of Jesus! Amen! May 24, 2011 at 2:04 pm

Jill Truesdale Standing Firmly with you!!! May 24, 2011 at 2:26 pm

Lisa Lane We are standing tall! Praying hard and asking all we know to pray hard with us! Please keep the good news coming!! May 24, 2011 at 2:33 pm

Elizabeth I am not standing with you Im jumping up and down! I believe her miracle is already done!!! Elizabeth in Kentucky May 24, 2011 at 2:36 pm

Dave Anderson Praise God! Standing with you!! May 24, 2011 at 3:06 pm

Amanda Fogle Keep the faith! I am so happy to hear the good news. God is good ALL the time!!! May 24, 2011 at 4:14 pm

Erica Praying for God to place his healing hands on this sweet child and perform a miracle that only our God can do. Ive seen it and know that it can happen!! I pray that this mighty work will be her testimony for the rest of her life and all of yours. May 24, 2011 at 4:54 pm

Jessie Isom Standing with you bro! May 24, 2011 at 4:57 pm

MONICA GLOVER Amen Brother! May 24, 2011 at 4:58 pm

Patricia Hayes I just put this precious child on my prayer list. Hold on tight to your faithI have witnessed a miracle recently with a friends infant. God can turn any situation around. May 24, 2011 at 5:10 pm

Joy Zeigler Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Tell Rachel to be strong. If we at CEMS can do anything for you, please let us know. May 24, 2011 at 6:54 pm

Ron Metts Weve never met, and I only know you through what I heard on Sunday at Gracepointe Church, but we feel like family. My wife, my 3 foster kids, (no not foster kids, MY KIDS that goes back to the calling things which are not as they are) and myself are praying harder for her healing than weve ever prayed for anyone. Our love to you and your family. Well continue praying no matter what. God bless you guys. Ron and Wendy Metts and family. May 24, 2011 at 6:57 pm

Deborah Givens Matthew 21:22 says And all things,whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer,believing, ye shall receive. We serve An Awesome God.and with God all things are possible. Claiming your daughters healing. Praying for you and your family. May 24, 2011 at 7:03 pm

JACKIE ROBINSON Your faith can work miracles, Keep it. We are praying and also keeping the faith that it will be all good. May 24, 2011 at 7:54 pm

Ray and Lesley Our family is standing tall with your family! Keep the good news coming! May GOd continue to bless each of you! Lesley and Ray, Matthew and Nicholas May 24, 2011 at 8:47 pm

Stephanie Wood I am a miracle as well!! God is our Healer! PTL! Praying with you always for little Naomi~ May 24, 2011 at 9:40 pm

Pam Crisp, RN I remember your wife from working at RMC, she was a doula for many laboring ladies and also frequently came in with little children who needed medical care from fostering. I am a nurse at RMC and worked at PRMH briey in the PICU. It IS AN AMAZING PLACE with the HELP of OUR AMAZING GOD! I want you both to know we are all still here praying and will continue.Until Naomi leaves Palmetto with that beautiful, precious smile that is on her face in the above picture! God Bless Your Family! You both are wonderful parents! May 24, 2011 at 9:43 pm

Jan S Fanning Naomi and your entire family are in our daily thoughts and prayers. May 24, 2011 at 10:44 pm

Debra Robinson Yet Praying With You. Our God Is An Awesome God !!! Continue To Keep The Faith. Love you !! May 24, 2011 at 10:54 pm

Tiffany Gray Fervently praying for yours and Wendys strength, and for little Naomis healing. Let God be true and every man a liar. Romans 3:4 May God restore your little girl, and restore the faith of others in this process. His Mighty will be done, and to Him all the Glory.. God Bless Chris You and your precious family. ~Tiffany & Zman May 25, 2011 at 8:30 am

Farah lee I love u guys and I am praying that she makes a full recovery and she will cuz shes a johnson! And shes a ghter and she is a precious child of God. See u guys soon May 25, 2011 at 10:24 am

kathy shuler

Your precious little girl was in our prayers at Harleyville Southern Methodist Church on Sunday and continues to be in our prayers daily. May God continue to bless her! May 25, 2011 at 5:04 pm

Cheryl McAbee Naomi and your family are in our hearts and our prayers. I have also shared your story with my friends and family. So many here in Union SC are lifting her up and youre family.The will of God will never take You where the grace of God will not protect you. May 26, 2011 at 9:51 am

Day 5. Learning. Walking in the peace. Coming around to really really understand that Gods ways are not mens ways. The wondering about why? is all but gone, and we are into the what now? stage of our journey. We are coming to appreciate the doctors and especially Naomis nurses more every day. Becoming not just acquaintances but real friends. Building relationships. Not just with people involved in Naomis care, but also within our own family. Rebuilding, stronger than before. Strengthening our relationships with God. Talking more with Him, and not just about Naomi, but about the larger picture ... our walk with Him, our Faith in Him. We are seeing the precursor of blessing to the miracle of Naomi. It comes in quietly, like an overnight tide. We wake up one day and its there. We turn to look at the chasm nearly under our feet and nd that we are no longer directly on the edge, but several steps away. Peace, calm, ... condence. Condence in God. We believe in the miracle.

Update on Naomi ~ Day 6

MRIs have been done. We have not had a neurologist inform us about the results yet. Thats Ok. I really thought of it as information they can use to determine the best course of treatment for our baby anyway. Naomi is still asleep. She is off the phenobarbitol. She is off the epinephrine. She is being fed some. All vitals are the same. Good. She is still on the vent. The best news I can relay to you is this: last night the doctor told us that she took several tiny breaths on her own. That is VERY good news. As I was typing that the doctor came in and said they want to review the results with us (Wendy is doing her normal thing for the day), she said that it came back pretty much with the info they expected. They are a little concerned that she is not moving more with no sedation. Anyway, please pray. We want to focus onfaith, not hope. Let God be true and every man a liar. Let this be one of the pivotal moments of Gods truth expressed in real life. Let the Truth shame the shadow.

Dori Jarecki Wendy and Chris, You are never far from our thoughts and always in our prayers. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says: But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christs power may rest on me. All of the Jareckis and all of St. Matthews K-8 are praying for Naomi. May 25, 2011 at 2:46 pm

Amanda Fogle Chris & Wendy, We are keeping the faith for Naomi and believing in our Jehova Raphi. May 25, 2011 at 3:05 pm

heather I am praying for her.. May 25, 2011 at 3:24 pm

Nancy Dingley Chris, do not listen too closely to the doctors. Becca did not begin to move for several days after her drug-induced coma. A year later we are still seeing progress. God is good. He is faithful. There is more to life than just here and is all for His glory. Every step you are taking we have taken. Let God lead your heart and your mouth as you advocate for Naomi. Please do not hesitate to contact me if and when you are ready with questions, an understanding heart, or some load-bearing shoulders. We continue to lift Naomi and her family up! I do feel this is part of Beccas ministry to allow us to be able to minister to those who go behind us. Love in Christ to you, Wendy, and your family. Nancy Dingley May 25, 2011 at 4:49 pm

ez37 Nancy, I know. I have talked to Wendy about us getting together, talking. We appreciate you and Eric so very much as you pray for liitle Nomi. We feel like God is going to bless this in a mighty way. Thanks, and yes, we will be calling! May 25, 2011 at 10:35 pm

Bethany Ellis Your baby girl and your family are in my prayers! Keep Faith and God will do the rest! We will continue to pray! God bless you and your family! May 25, 2011 at 8:30 pm

Jessie Isom We are praying and believing! May 25, 2011 at 9:12 pm

Sue Hanberry Praying for Naomi and standing rm that God has this! May 25, 2011 at 9:27 pm

nlt30 Still standing with you, Wendy, and Naomi in prayer. May 25, 2011 at 9:29 pm

Roderic & Narcissus Chris and Wendy We will keep you and your family in our prayers. May 25, 2011 at 9:31 pm

Nancy I have been praying for you precious little girl since a friend told me of the accident. Put everything in Gods hands and you will see Gods hands in everything. We serve an aewsome God! May 25, 2011 at 10:14 pm

Lis Just hearing of this, joining in on the team of prayer warriors! May 26, 2011 at 8:17 am

Update on Naomi ~ Day7

Short and sweet. Just like Naomi. Yesterday she was initiating only two breaths per minute on the ventilator. Today she is initiating 18 breaths per minute. Vitals look good. Blood gas levels look good. Still adjusting some insulin levels as they are feeding her pediashure thru her feeding tube. Tomorrow is not here yet, and yesterday is gone. We live in the here and now. STANDING for Naomi, we ght in faith for her recovery. Let it be so. God gets the glory, we just give the ght. Much love to all the prayer warriors and people ghting in the trenches with us. We will not give ground. We are advancing and mean to see this thru. Please pray harder. James 5:13-15 Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing praises. Is anyone among you ill? He should summon the elders of the church, and they should pray for him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Today we do both Praying and singing. Sing with us after you pray. Hard.

John Wylie still praying man love you guys. May 26, 2011 at 4:17 pm

shelley quinones Lord we stand with this family & for this sweet baby girl. We ask jehovah ropheh the God who heals to restore this little princess in your name May 26, 2011 at 4:24 pm

Susie McNatt Still praying for your precious Naomi, as is our church and alot of my facebook friends. Every day I am anxious to go to your update and see the progress that she has made. Praying for you and your wife too. God Bless You! May 26, 2011 at 4:24 pm

Joyce Shreve I look for theses updates daily and although I may not post on each one I am praying hard! Thank you for keeping us posted on the daily strides Naomi is making! May 26, 2011 at 4:25 pm

Michael Reid Jesus said very simplybe healed. Itisdone. Anxiously awaiting your ENTIRE family returning to Orangeburg, bro. May 26, 2011 at 4:42 pm

Jessie Isom Awesome, Awesome, Awesome! James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. Continuing to believe and pray! May 26, 2011 at 4:46 pm

Chrissy Praying so hard for Naomi and all of your family. May 26, 2011 at 4:58 pm

Scott Kinney Praising God for little victories along the way! Believing in complete healing and speedy recovery. May 26, 2011 at 5:12 pm

Nancy Dingley This is fabulous news, Chris! 18 bpm is normal! Praises to God! We will take what is given today. Feeding tube is a good thing. Is she still intubated or have they trached her yet? FYI, the trach is a good thing! We fought it and prolonged having it done but now we see it IS a good thing. If they recommend, accept it. Later it can be removed and healing will close it. It is SO much better than the intubation tube. Just a word of experience to consider. Continue to keep us informed..we are walking this with Naomi thru your updates and His Word. Miracles are happening all around uswe just have to open our eyes, receive them, and then see them! Nancy and Eric May 26, 2011 at 5:14 pm

ez37 Nancy, we have talked about the trach, and will talk more about it tomorrow. We all are in agreement with you on this. Thanks to you and Eric for the prayers! May 26, 2011 at 10:16 pm

Ron Metts My kids were so excited to hear that update. (had a tear in my eye and choked up a little trying to read it to them) Were steady praying God is GREAT. May 26, 2011 at 5:29 pm

pam jackson Chris-Wendy. I am so proud of yall. Still praying and thoughts are with all of you. May 26, 2011 at 6:17 pm

Lis Wonderful new, praying,praying,praying for your little Naomi and your family! May 26, 2011 at 6:39 pm

shirley spires Hey Chris and Wendy still praying and lifting Naomi up. Love you guys. Also thanking God for her healing because I feel her healing is already done. And now no one but our God gets the glory. May 26, 2011 at 7:02 pm

Crystal Brooks Mr. Chris I just wanted to let you and Mrs. Wendy know that your whole famliy has been in my prayers and my heart all week I love yall and I will kepp praying and let God work. May 26, 2011 at 8:11 pm

Carla Seckinger What a little ghter! This is awesome. Just goes to show you NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE with God on your side. This is just a giant for yall to face. We are praying for little Naomi and for strength and hope for all of her family. Lizzie sends hugs to Caleb! May 26, 2011 at 9:14 pm

Jan and family We rst heard about precious Naomi Friday from Lisa Axson. Been praying for healing ever since. We do serve a Mighty God He is Mighty To Save! Father God, I lift this precious child and her family up to you now. Sustain them, comfort them, heal Naomi Oh God, I pray. May 26, 2011 at 10:25 pm

Rose Awesome news. Have been following and praying for all of you. May 26, 2011 at 10:45 pm anita This is great news. God is good. Still praying for you guys. May 27, 2011 at 1:28 am Teresa Vallentine I pray for you earnestly, as my family lost a child to drowning and the road we travel still today is one that I do not wish for you and your family. I believe GOD has a purpose for Naomi and I know she will fulll it so I have poured my heart out for your child to FULLY RECOVER. Right now I have a peace in my heart that it will be a ght but she WILL WAKEUP and RECOVER. I can not believe that I am writing this to you but I felt lead to do so. So I ask everyone on this chain to embrace this peace and pray even harder not just for her to recover, be specic. Pray for the return of her smile, the sparkle in her eyes, and for her lungs to strength that no TRACH is necessary, lets just bypass that step. Pray is POWERFUL and it will not only carry Naomi but it will also carry the rest of your family. GOD is With us all! May 27, 2011 at 7:12 am

Tiffany Gray Continuing to pray for Naomi and you guys!! Very encouraging to hear of her progress and the faith of all praying for her The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:17-18 Much love, Tiffany & Z-man May 27, 2011 at 9:10 am

Sylena Lynn Williams Fort Chris, Wendy, and familySuch wonderful news of Gods awesome power! We anxiously read your updates daily and are continuing to pray for that day that we read Naomi is completely healed and coming home to Orangeburg. We love you all!!!!! Billy and Sylena Fort , May 27, 2011 at 9:29 am

Bobbie lynn still continuing to pray god is sooo wonderfull. i am glad to hear she is breathing better!!! May 27, 2011 at 10:19 am Diana Hi Chris, Im Judy Cubbisons daughter. She told me about Naomi. Ive got folks in Charleston praying for her too. I believe that God has promised to protect and heal us and Naomis health is a part of the covenant we have with him. Keep holding on. Im looking forward to seeing her adorable self on stage with you as you share the process of Gods faithfulness in your life. Diana May 27, 2011 at 1:38 pm

ryanne lenoir Much love and prayer for precious Naomi and your whole family from Sumter, SC! God is the healer, restorer, and miracle worker and he is denitely there with you all! May 27, 2011 at 3:11 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 8

Im writing this a day late, gives me a chance to think about the day and pray over what needs to go in here. Yesterday in the pre-dawn hours, Naomis pupils started reacting to light stimulus again. I picked up Wendy at the shift change (7 A.M.) and we came back to Ronald McDonald house to rest up for an hour or two. I went back at 9 to see baby Naomi and when I walked into her room, I saw the nurse holding her arm to the bed. Not like a crushing thing but rmly. I asked what she was doing and she told me she was checking for siezures. Naomi was moving her left arm.

I was so excited I couldnt really think straight, but called Wendy, in tears, and told her our baby was moving. By the time Wendy got there Nomi was moving her right arm also. By the end of the day she was moving both legs as well. The doctors have told us it is NOT siezure related activity. She is still asleep. She now has her cough reex back. We are still waiting on the gag reex, but we know its a matter of time now. She is starting to ght the ventilator so they may need to sedate her just a little. The doctors want me to bring my guitar and play to her. Thats one request I can ll, trust me. Wendy and I went to see our Caiti graduate last night, she was beautiful. Girl is going to do great things she happens to be studying nursing. We have gone on a real roller coaster ride this past week, in our emotions, in our conversations with God. In our dealing with this pivotal, life changing event. God has proven to us His faithfulness. God has shown His mercy. His absolute love and mercy for us. He knows about the speck of sand in the parking lot in front of that hospital, as well as the the storms that rage on the face of Saturn. He is well able to shoulder every burden that I can throw at Him, and carry my Naomi safely in His arms at the same time. We have asked for a miracle. With a child-like faith we are recieving it. Naomi is receiving it. I say child-like because thats how I seem to myself at times. Naive in the face of medical facts, completely trusting of God, at times wondering about the why. Completely getting lost in the love that provides comfort from this storm. Its hard to stand strong for Naomi when I feel like Im about to fold under the weight myself. The pain is still real, but just think how painful would it be if Jesus was NOT in our lives. Instead of life changing it could have been life ending. God is still good, God is still faithful, God is still the miracle worker. Keep praying, He has heard, and answered. Bless the God of heaven and earth He has answered us.

josh With faith the size of a mustard seed anything is possible. You are not standing alone Chris. God is GREAT!! May 28, 2011 at 9:06 am

Lis amen! May 28, 2011 at 9:32 am

tiffany gray What MARVELOUS news!!! Our God is ever so faithful.. Seeking, praying, thankful this day has brought you joy!! Love & prayers, Tiffany & Zman May 28, 2011 at 9:15 am

Tara Ward Hallelujah!!! God is good! Still praying and standing with you for this miracle. May 28, 2011 at 9:23 am

Reba Johnson Im Joyce Johnsons mom, I have printed Naomis photo and have it sitting where I see it often every day. I join you in praying and you encourage me in sharing your faith. Reba May 28, 2011 at 9:24 am

tracy cook when you feel your arms are ready to buckle let others hold them upisnt that what aaron and hur did when moses arms were tired? as long as he held up his hands, isreal was winning the battle. when he got tired his right and left hand men stood and held them for him.. people around the johnsonspray how god is calling you to hold their arms in victory.. May 28, 2011 at 9:29 am

Hope Curry Thank you so much for the continued updates! I wait daily to see what is going on with Miss Naomi I pray that she stays on this road to recovery. God can ABSOLUTELY do anything!!! May 28, 2011 at 9:32 am

Kimberly I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word. Psalm 119:146-148 May 28, 2011 at 9:36 am

Gail Bozard GoD is still in the miracle business!! Hallelujah!! May 28, 2011 at 9:38 am

Terry Taylor I continue to pray for Naomi, you and Wendy. I know God is performing many miracles for Naomi. I keep her in my daily thoughts and prayers. I have her picture as my background on my BlackBerry. She is a precious child of God and

a blessed gift. I pray throughout the day for you all for God to give you strength for each day. God will provide what you need just when you need it. He is our strength and rock. He will keep you going when you feel like you cant go anymore. He will give you just what you need. He is healing Naomis body. I pray for complete restoration to her body. God is so good and awesome. We love you and I have my Sunday school class praying for her. God bless you all! We love you! May 28, 2011 at 10:17 am

ambrea God is good all the time. I cant wait to read your blog stating that Naomi is awake and talking to you. May 28, 2011 at 10:19 am

Susan Fanning Our God is the healer! Im committing to pray and pray and pray! I planto se Naomi at St. Andrews Kindergarten in August! May 28, 2011 at 10:48 am

John Wylie Such great news! Continuing to stand in the gap with you! May 28, 2011 at 11:39 am

Robin Zitko Everyday, all day Naomi is on my Heart.I stand with you in FAITH..I am waiting, waiting on the news of her opening her eyes and smiling towards her mommy & Daddy.I trust GOD is hearing us and is going to Use this wonderful story of Faith and Healing!! Let it be done GOD, you know we are your children

and YOU GODwill GET all the GLORY and Honor for the rest of our days!! Yes Jesus, Yes Jesus, we LOVE YOU!! May 28, 2011 at 1:27 pm

Ami McAlhany I am so happy and excited when I hear the great news about baby Naomi..I know that God is with her and each of you..I know that He is with the medical staff..I know that God will heal Naomi..I pray for strength for you and Wendy and the family..I pray for comfort and rest to each of you.I just pray that with every passing moment of each day that baby Naomi will become stronger and strongerI will continue to pray and ask these things in Jesus name.Amen! May 28, 2011 at 1:49 pm

Nancy Dingley Such good news, Chris! We continue to rejoice with you and Wendy as each day brings new miracles and evidence of Gods grace, mercy, and awesomeness! We stand daily in very close proximity with Gods glow of breath around Becca such an honor and a blessing we have been given. Keep strong and stand back and watch the miracles unfold. Many will go unnoticed by most. You will see them and know they are of God. The reference you made of the roller coaster we have indeed used for many years now. Our life with Becca we feel is a roller coaster ride. Many days we hold on for dear life not wanting to scream in fear for what is as we reach the bottom of the ride, and many more days we hold our hands to the sky and scream with delight and praise as we reach the top of the ride, see the view, bask in the Sonlight, and enjoy the beauty of Gods creation. But the brief respite on top of the mountain is for rest and recovery. We both know that the lessons are learned in the valleys where it is darker and the scenery is most times less than beautiful. We always pray to learn the lesson set before us so we can move onward and upward where again we will raise our hands as the

roller coaster clicks to the top of the ride to worship and shout praises for His mercy and goodness, fully knowing the whole time that to get to the end of the ride we must once again ride it downward. Ahhh, but the end of the ride when we will see Jesus face to face and hope to hear Him say Job well done is the gasoline in my tankthe icing on the cake.the reason I can joyfully do His bidding daily. Becca makes it easy for me to carry out His plan. Know Naomi is closer to Him than we can ever hope to be on this earth. He will shine thru her and it will spill over onto you. Every morning Becca opens her beautiful blue eyes and manages to smile I see Jesus. Who else can say that? I am so blessed. Our oldest daughter Angie is a music therapist and we have seen the miracles that music can do. We had a music therapist come in for Becca. Her bed could also be set to play music of many types and we would set it when we had to leave so it would help drown out the sounds of the machines in the room. She will hear your music.we believe that Becca heard everything going on around her even when they thought she couldnt. I read alot to her also. And we put on her favorite tv shows. Music is magic! I used to work for Childrens Hospital in another life ha! so ask them if they still have a music therapistit will be an invaluable addition! We will continue to wear out our knees in prayer for Naomi, you, Wendy, and the rest of your family as you walk into this brave new world. His Love endures forever. Nancy May 28, 2011 at 1:52 pm

Karen porter Nancy, your posts are such a blessing! You talk a lot about becca and I was just wondering about your story if you dont mind me asking. Thank you for being willing to share your faith. May 28, 2011 at 7:26 pm

Jennifer I am Tara Andersons sister. My husband and I are praying for your precious Naomi. Praise God she is doing better! We read your updates daily. You and your wife are in our daily prayers also. May 28, 2011 at 2:11 pm

Pam Chris and Wendy, I am thrilled to hear the good news about Naomi. Continuing to pray for the entire family. May 28, 2011 at 2:29 pm

Michael Reid He is the God of mercy, redemption, grace and love. He loves you guys so much. Receive the miracle broand rejoice! May 28, 2011 at 3:02 pm

Jessie Isom Such a great report. The realization of just how big He is and His love, mercy, grace, and faithfulness towards us always blows me away. Will continue praying. Hope to meet your little miracle face to face one day. Blessings bro. May 28, 2011 at 4:11 pm

Seneca Hordge Thanks for the updates and I am happy that Noami is coming around. Nobody but God he is amazing and always on time. I give all glory to God thank you Lord without you where would we be. Still in my prayers. May 28, 2011 at 5:26 pm

Deborah Givens Praise God for all his miracles. Sitting here reading her update on day 8 and it brought tears to my eyes. God is So Good and He will never leave us in our time of need.People can see a miracle being performed everyday in the healing process of Naomi.We serve a Big God. Again I praise God for all he has done and all He is going to do for Naomi. God Bless and take care. May 28, 2011 at 5:31 pm

Diana You guys are going to have a time tting in all of the hugs shes going to get when shes back to a normal life. God is so good. May 28, 2011 at 6:08 pm

chazzdaddy PRAISE OUR GOD FROM THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS! May 28, 2011 at 6:49 pm

Nancy I have been following Little Naomis progress and praying for you and your family. I am so excited for her. I am beleiving she is going to be ne. Praise God, he is so good to us all the time. Nancy May 28, 2011 at 6:50 pm

pam jackson Absolutely wonderful news. May 28, 2011 at 8:27 pm

Deborah H. Bateman May God bless you and your family as you go through this time. Keep praying, keep trusting, keep believing. He is able. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. May 28, 2011 at 8:49 pm

Heather Desta I dont know you or your family but I am Crystal Thornburgs friend. I have been praying for little Naomi since the day I read about her on Crystals Face Book. I have seen many miracles and I know our GOd is able. Please know that my church and my dads churches are praying for you guys. God bless you and your sweet baby girl. May 28, 2011 at 10:19 pm

Doug Gilmer Its exciting to see what God is doing! We will be joining you and everyone else in prayer today at 3PM Chris! May 29, 2011 at 6:08 am

Maggie I will pray for little Naomi. God is with your family and baby Naomi through this ordeal. God is our refuge. May 29, 2011 at 8:02 am

sheena Was this in the news? I was trying to show my mom about it and couldnt nd anything on this horrible accident. Please leave the link to any news cast. We will be praying. May 29, 2011 at 8:13 am Janice Goin Chris and Wendy: We are praying and I have prayed at 3 today. Am asking my friend to pray and ask her church to pray. God is a loving God and when two or more and many pray in His name according to His will, it will be answered. It will be answered. Naomi has much to do in His name. May 29, 2011 at 2:21 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 9

In all my Life, I have seen you. In all my Life, seen your works. In all my Life heard you, heard your love. In all my days, you have been close, right next to me. But until I saw that You were the Master of life and death, I had not known Your depth. Today my song is of the depth of Your Love. The Depth of You. @ez37 music 2011 Today Naomi is opening her eyes. This morning she tracked Wendy with her eyes. A slight movement that spoke to the world of the healing grace of Gods mercies. I cant type that without crying. She is moving more now. She is coughing more to clear her lungs. She is breathing on her own now, with the ventilator offering pressure support only. The doctors have said that we may try to take her off the ventilator completely in two or three days. The fever we asked for prayer about is under control. Gods glory surrounds our baby now, and we are unafraid.

Her eyes are open. As a worship leader I have seen Gods mercy, played out in the surrender of people that come seeking Him. Seen it from the stage. And while I have considered myself a Christ follower in the past, I have not known the depth of Gods love really knownthe mercy and grace, and peace, until I asked God to heal my baby girl. Until my own working and praying and touching, anointing healed my baby girl. God in me with me. Emmanuel. There is a difference in hearing and knowing.There is a difference in a surrendered heart, and an abandoned heart. On May 20, we abandoned our hearts of all that was left of this world and asked God to ll it. With His power. With His will. With His love. He has healed my baby Naomi. We wait on His glory. Gladly wait. This journey we are on is taking us ever deeper into Gods love. We are nding the depth is beyond our understanding. We are going to have such a party. tracy cook well be lookin for our invite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! praise GOD!! May 29, 2011 at 1:57 pm

Bob Praise God! Continuing prayer for your baby girl. May 29, 2011 at 2:08 pm

Tara Ward Still prayingtoday and every day until you bring her home!!! Love you guys! May 29, 2011 at 2:15 pm

Ron Metts Praise GOD, I cant wait to read this to the family.. I cant right now for the tears. It is amazing to witness prayers being answered so directly. OUR GOD IS AWESOME!!!!! May 29, 2011 at 2:25 pm

Tina Dunlap When I look at this picture of Naomi, I think I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; open your mouth wide, and I will ll it. Psalm 81:10 And we have seen this unfold before us through your precious Naomi. Thank you for sharing your heart and lives with us. We have been blessed by your writings as well as the miracles that God has performed. Continued prayer and praises to the Father. May 29, 2011 at 2:58 pm

Rindy Walton So awesome to hear the progress! Will keep praying!! May 29, 2011 at 3:04 pm

Debra Robinson Hey Chris I look forward to reading your daily updates on Naomi and right now Im so excited about how God has yet proven himself to us. Oh What an AWESOME GOD we serve. My church family has lifted Naomi up in prayer and I would like to share this good news with them. Thank God We Are Able To Report VICTORY. Yet Praying For And With You. May 29, 2011 at 3:22 pm

Mike & Judy Cubbison Glory to God! We were in prayer with you at 3 pm for little Naomi, and we can only imagine how her name was resounding before the throne of God today with love & power & faith from SO MANY voices in the body of Christ! May 29, 2011 at 3:35 pm

Michelle Chris, never met you and do not know your precious familybut I have been praying and following Naomis storyPraise God for such wonderful news today!!! I sit and type in tears and I am rejoicing with you! What a sweet testimony she will get to share with the world one day! Praying without ceasing still! Our God is an awesome God! May 29, 2011 at 4:11 pm

Carma I. Livingston What a precious witness! May 29, 2011 at 4:48 pm

anita So happy to hear about her progress. God is so good. Still praying. May 29, 2011 at 5:03 pm

Nancy Dingley What glorious news as she progresses in Gods care! Time.His timing is not ours. We WILL wait on the Lord! 1 Cor 2:9 says, No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. Now you have seen God in even the littlest of miracles and know that His hand is there. We are proud of Wendy and your strength, your surrender, your faith. Know that you are mightily witnessing to all who tend to Naomi during this timefrom the doctors to the nurses to the janitors who clean her room daily to the lost who sit in the ICU waiting roomthat all might SEE Gods Hand. We continue in prayer. Love to you both, Nancy and Eric May 29, 2011 at 5:16 pm

Robin Zitko I am overwhelmed with his grace, goodness and love towards all of us..GOOd doesnt seem good eneough to explain how AWESOME our GOD isoh the plans he must have for sweet cant wait to meet her!! Praises, Praises to you Oh Holy, wonderful, beautiful, gracious GOD!! May 29, 2011 at 6:16 pm (Edit) Reply

Nancy And what a party that will be!! So happy to be a wittness to Gods healing power. I am praying all through the day and night for your little girl. So excited for you and your family. Praise God from whom all blessings ow! May 29, 2011 at 6:46 pm (Edit)

Joyce Shreve Glory to God for the daily healing of Naomi, the power of prayer and strong faith as well as the medical knowledge and staff assisting with Naomis care and comfort! Our God is an Awesome God! Hugs, Smiles & Prayers~ Joyce Shreve May 29, 2011 at 8:34 pm

CHRISTY Thank you for sharing your journey. I know our God gives you the strength to do so. I too have considered myself a follower of Christ. A Christian. Witnessing the healing of Naomi reassures my faith. I am able to see Gods healing. I see him wrapping his hands around that sweet child and taking care of her. I have been praying for your family & will continue to do so. Your sister in Christ, Christy May 29, 2011 at 8:45 pm

Teresa Vallentine Today as a church (homeward bound) we prayed for Naomis healing and full recovery. The Lord continues to give me peace in that She will RECOVER. I pray that her progress will be swift. I pray for your family that you be given daily strength to endure the rolling coaster ride but to wrap yourselves in the prayers and let them carry you thru. GOD has a plan. My prayers are with you all! May 29, 2011 at 10:01 pm

Jan Fanning God is good! Praying daily for your precious Naomi! May 29, 2011 at 11:50 pm

Pam Durr Your testimony has left me in tears and so grateful for Gods love and healing power. I cant wait to see Naomi in her ip ops and her lovely curls blowing in Gods gentle breeze. I love you all and you are constantly in our prayers. May 30, 2011 at 7:55 am

Update on Naomi ~ Day 10

Baby Nomiis resting. Sleeping. But no longer in a coma. She has started to open her eyes, blinking, then sleeping again. She is a little ghter allright. Her cough reex has come back strong. She seems to be coughing up a good deal of the junk in her lungs. She has tracked Wendy and me with her eyes then loses focus some. Shes a tired little girl! The fever that has been coming and going is back, but as of right now, they say no secondary infections. The docs have told us that with brain injuries, the body sometimes gets a fever. Well get past that Im sure. Gotta say I love the doctors and nurses here. As kind and compassionate as any I have ever seen, all the while encouraging our faith. They are going to take her off the ventilator tomorrow. She is now off of all

meds except for an antibiotic, and her nutrition. They are running some tests to see if she may have C-dif. We trust the docs they will nd out whats going on. We are doing therapy with her, trying to move her legs, arms so she wont get too stiff. She is moving around a good bit, but not up and running yet. Yet being the operative word. We Believe, we thank all of you around the world that are standing with us. Literally, people all over the world. Liberia, China, Scotland, Australia, Germany, Spain USA. Nomi has touched so many people already, and we know that her story of healing, grace, and mercy will only spread from here.Please continue in your prayers, covering her from every angle. We trust, and have faith that she will be back running up and down the beaches soon, blonde curls blowing in the wind. The love and support Wendy and I have received in the midst of this storm has helped us tremendously. We greatly appreciate it. As a side note, I want to tell you something. I have really been trying to tune myself to God, and have noticed that EVERYWHERE I look, he speaks in some way. I cannot hear a song, even a contemporary rock song by Foo Fighters, without hearing God speak to me thru it. I just idk, I just want to let you know that if you draw near to God, He will draw near to you. Whatever you are going thru, wherever you are all the way from a family tragedy to the happiest day of your life draw near to God. Hes there. He wants to be close. You just have to let Him in. Dont try to go all religious just be you, and let God be God. We try so many times to take over, and be god for Him. He doesnt need us to be god. He needs us trust. Obey. Speak. LIVE. Enjoy this fragile thing we call life. This thing that can turn on a dime and throw our senses out the rear window. Let Him be God, and you will stand amazed. Just like us.

Bob Continuing prayers. I believe. May 30, 2011 at 11:00 am

Rick still praying I cant wait to see pictures of Naomi at the beach this summer! Believe and trust friend May 30, 2011 at 11:19 am

Jessie Isom Love reading your updates bro. Continuing to pray and believe for Naomi. What an amazing, powerful testimony she is going to have!! May 30, 2011 at 11:26 am

Lis Sounds like shes doing wonderfully! Personally speaking, fever is the rst sign that I myself have over done it and I am seven years post TBI. You say shes trying to move a lot. Its possible shes just over exerting. I pray she continues to make a speedy and complete recovery. You have such a beautiful little girl! May 30, 2011 at 11:37 am Vonnie Just want you to know we prayed for Naomi at our church yesterday. We have been praying constantly. God is good, and He will do great things! May 30, 2011 at 11:38 am

Tamera Lank Dont you just love it when you are so in tune you see Him everywhere even in a secular song. Ilove Carly Simons Havent Got Time for the Pain because I always thing of Him when I hear that song. Thanks for sharing your intimate thoughts with us on here. Your righting is so eloquent and sincere! I love it! May 30, 2011 at 11:51 am

Michael Reid Love you guys. Very soon Naomi will be whole again and the miracle that God has done will resound in the lives of others worldwide! In fact, it already has. Rejoice in that May 30, 2011 at 12:26 pm

Donna Lukens Oh What A Savior..Oh Hallelujah !!! May 30, 2011 at 12:30 pm

Debbie Mast Chris, thank you for keeping us updated as this miracle unfolds. I am greatly blessed to be a part of the thousands of prayers for this precious child. We continue to stand rm on Gods promises that He hears and He answers prayers-in His way, His time, but always perfect! Can not wait to see that little blond burst of energy come ying thru the office doors! Bobby and I love you, will continue to petition Heaven and hammer hell till she is complete. Let us know if there is anything we can help with on this end. Love you all!!! May 30, 2011 at 12:36 pm

charlotte I am from Orangeburg, but am in Abu Dhabi (middle east) teaching this year. I have read your blog. I am praying for her. I will share your story with the rest of the English staff at my school. She will be put on several prayer list by the English staff here. More prayers coming from this side of Earth! Stay Strong! May 30, 2011 at 12:58 pm

ez37 Thank you Charlotte! Gods miracle of healing and mercy is indeed circling the earth!! May 30, 2011 at 8:15 pm

christy I am have been praying. I needed to hear the last part of your post. Your love and faith is tremendous. May 30, 2011 at 1:11 pm

Bfraz Thank you for encouraging us in the midst of what you are going through. I pray that Jehovah-rophe will show himself strong. May 30, 2011 at 1:44 pm

Margret Schrock Chris and Wendy, Just want you to know that we and our Sunday School class are praying for you May God be with you and heal this little child of His. May 30, 2011 at 3:23 pm

ez37 Thanks much Margaret. Means a lot! May 30, 2011 at 8:14 pm

Christina Burkey Oh Chris! I was in tears reading this! God is using this to touch so many people right now! God is so GOOD! Naomi is working for God right now, thats got to be hard work! God will surely bless her and your whole family for letting Him use you! May 30, 2011 at 4:00 pm

Melanie I have been praying for Naomi and your family. I am so glad to hear she is making progresswhen she is ready for some PT please let me know. She was such a joy when I met her through the school system. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. Your faith is amazing and inspiring! hugs to you and yours, Melanie Lambert May 30, 2011 at 4:43 pm

ez37 Will let you know Melanie! May 30, 2011 at 8:13 pm

Josh Amen Chris. God is so great and we are so lucky to be able to know Him and be near Him May 30, 2011 at 6:25 pm

Curt Longacre That is great news that Naomi is opening her eyes now, ghting the ventilator, and looking more like herself when she is sleeping. Praise God. I have been thinking about Wendy, and wondering how she is dealing with everything. How we can be praying for Wendy as well? P.S. I am the one who wrote that our daughter was admitted to PICU when she was 5 1/2 months old and put on a ventilator on Mothers Day. I can relate to what you and Wendy are going through right now. As an aside, I dont know if you are there yet, but I remember getting to the point where I could scan the monitors when I walked into our daughters room to get a quick read on her progress. May 30, 2011 at 6:32 pm

ez37 Wendy is good. Strong. You can pray for her strength, that she would sleep well. Be rested when she wakes I can DEFINITELY scan the monitors. I can even tell when they change one of the stat bars to read a different reading. Pulse, heart rate, blood gas level, and temp is up now. Told the nurses I was learning, even though I didnt want too! May 30, 2011 at 8:12 pm

Dori Jarecki Still in prayer. May 30, 2011 at 7:40 pm

Cindi Jackson We at Cornerstone Christian Center located in Sandy Run are praying for Naomi. Thanking God for her healing! May 30, 2011 at 10:22 pm

Teresa God is good. I am still praying! May 31, 2011 at 6:02 am

Kaye Swain AWESOME news! AWESOME GOD! Thanks for the updates. Continuing to pray! May 31, 2011 at 12:31 pm

Nancy Dingley Wonderful update on her status! Keep looking at her monitor and pray for the day they turn it off so you can come home! Kind of daunting for a moment but a good silence! Whats the status of the c-diff culture? Did they trach her or just remove intubation tube? I have so many questions. Also, if the eeg electrodes are removed yet, in order to get the hair clean and glue out of it (ick!) dont put water on her head rst.rub the shampoo into the scalp good and then add water. It will help dissolve the glue. Water will only harden it and really make a mess! Just a bit of info from too many experiences! We continue to pray for Naomi and for both you and Wendy for strength, wisdom, and ability to recognize Gods hand in all this mess.Hes working it all for His glory and good. Nancy and Eric May 31, 2011 at 1:23 pm

CHI WALLING Praying for full recovery, rest, strength, wisdom and peace that only God can deliver. Sending one of my favorite verses your way: Isaiah 40:31 those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. May 31, 2011 at 2:17 pm glenn We are praying that any day now you will be carrying your little girl home. God bless and keep you and your family comforted thru this.difficult time. Love glenn.Shayla and Mykala June 5, 2011 at 7:12 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 11

Very excited right now to be in the midst of what I will only describe as the miracle. On May 20, baby Naomi drowned. 11 days later, she is off the ventilator. She is aware when she is awake. Baby girl has been ghting for a long time and is very tired at times. Wendy said when the vent came out, she tried to talk.

Aware. Attempting to talk to momma. Moving arms and legs. Breathing on her own. Stats look great. We are still dealing with some things, but they are all what the doctors said were low priority when we rst got here. The fact that they are higher priority now is only a testament to the fact that the main priority is no longer that. No longer the main priority. Baby steps. That is what we are taking. Baby steps, all the while walking in a miracle. A thing more miraculous than each new sunrise that shows how far she has come.

Gods miracle. 11 days. From non-responsive to trying to talk to momma. Do we have a long way to go? Undoubtedly. Will we get there? Absolutely. Baby steps. Sitting here by her bed, she woke, and just tried to talk. Very hoarse. Momma is cooing, being momma. Im so thankful that we let God be God. By the way I have never told you her full name. Its Naomi Faith Johnson. Jen N. Wow, I have chills. So happy for your little miracle. I will keep praying for full quick recovery. Bless you all. May 31, 2011 at 1:27 pm

Nancy Dingley Praising God right this moment for all the joy you are now experiencingeven in the baby steps. See my message from day 10. Keep us updated as you can. Wish we would be there to help and encourage you both. You both need to rest when Naomi rests so you can be strong and ready when she wakes. Nancy and Eric May 31, 2011 at 1:30 pm

Janice Goin Have been following. Never doubted for a minute. Know she will completely come through all the way. God is GOOD. So many people continuing to pray. What a testimony this is to the World. Jan Goin May 31, 2011 at 1:34 pm


Jessie Isom This whole thing has simply been amazing. Praising God for all Hes done and still doing. Got me crying at work lol, but thats ok. Her middle name is Faith how tting. Continuing in our prayers. Gods done so much already but He isnt done displaying His power and love. May 31, 2011 at 1:38 pm

Lisa Lane Praising God and updating everyone that has been watching this unfoldthank you Naomi for conrming how great God is when we Let him be God. What an amazing story!!! Im loving it!! May 31, 2011 at 1:39 pm

Michelle Praise God! So excited to hear this good news May 31, 2011 at 1:42 pm

josh Could barely read the update through the tears. Time to send up shouts of praise to our Almighty God! He is Great! Naomi is an amazing and special little girl. God has great plans for her. Praise the Lord! We will keep praying for you all, and will continue sending up praise for the miracle that has already happened. May 31, 2011 at 1:42 pm

Lynn Mulvey Amazed and humbled at your faith and testimony. It is a privilege to travel this journey with you through prayerthough we have never met. Standing in faith and surrender with youLynn Mulvey, Georgia May 31, 2011 at 2:11 pm

Dorothy aW Williams Amen!! How Great is our God?!! He is awesome and worthy to be praised!! choking up reading this post. Ive asked people that have never met you guys or Naomi to pray without ceasing..and im so grateful to see the work of God through the prayers of the Saints! Cant imagine the feeling of her opening her hers and trying to talk. I love you guys and your family will forever be in my prayers! Muah May 31, 2011 at 2:24 pm Cheryl Walker I am so thrilled to experience this miracle with you. God is faithful to His Word. Forever O Lord your Word is settled in heaven. May 31, 2011 at 2:28 pm

Barbara Porter Troy We are in constant for you and your family. We are especially praying for Naomi. Continue to pray and keep the faith. May 31, 2011 at 2:33 pm

Julie GOD is GREAT!!! May 31, 2011 at 3:03 pm

Michael Reid In tears, cant talk, humbled, in awe, loving you guys and loving God immensely. May 31, 2011 at 3:23 pm

Michelle Wow.God is so good!!! Praise Him in Jesus name! What a miracle!!!! May 31, 2011 at 3:26 pm

Tara Ward HALLELUJAH!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Our GOD is an AWESOME GOD! I celebrate this miracle with you! May 31, 2011 at 3:43 pm

Kathy Nichols Your trust in God is nothing short of amazing. Naomi is going to have lots of stories about angels to tell when she wakes up. Dont forget to blog those too! Your family is an inspiration. God bless you. May 31, 2011 at 5:06 pm

Jim F. Chris, Just so that I can see Naomi the miracle I have been praying for I am coming to The Sticks Conference in Oct. just so that I can meet the miracle in person! Praise God and continuing to pray. May 31, 2011 at 5:23 pm

Ami McAlhany I am so very happy and thankful for your baby Naomi and your family and you and everyone.and most of all God!!!!! He is the mighty healer..I am in tears just reading this.I am so happy for this miracle! May 31, 2011 at 5:56 pm

Debra Robinson AWESOME!!!!!!!!! May 31, 2011 at 6:35 pm Robin Zitko Crying, laughing and Praising GOD, all at the same time!! My goosebumps have goosebumpsGod is beyond AWESOME!! Still Praying for Naomi Faith!! May 31, 2011 at 8:07 pm

Teresa Vallentine I just knew the Good Lord would not give me this peaceful feeling and let me down. Praise to God! If God has taken care of the high priority things he too will resolve the low priority thingsAnxiously awaiting her rst words and steps. That is what I am praying for now. So she can wear those ip ops..Only trust him May 31, 2011 at 8:24 pm

Rhonda smith I am so happy to hear the great reports. But there was never any doubt. We serve an amazing God!! May 31, 2011 at 10:00 pm

Susie McNatt Im teary-eyed as I read this! I just marvel at how good our God is! I just got some other great news of how awesome our God is, a true miracle, then to read this! Two miracles in one day! I have never met you, but my daughter Tara Anderson is friends of yours. I have been praying with you through all of this, and will continue to! Thank you for sharing your heart, your faith, your testimony with us. May 31, 2011 at 11:12 pm

Raymond Reese Brought tears to my eyes when I read this. Truly a miracle from GOD.AMEN!!! June 2, 2011 at 10:54 am Update on Naomi ~ Day 12

Yesterday was a day that really tried me. Wont lie to you. Just tryin to keep it real. Naomi came off the ventilator and did good for a while, then started to labor in her breathing. Wendy had gone to the Ronald McDonald house and taken a break. I was here alone with Nomi I dont think I have mentioned I have a thing about hospitals they freak me out a little. The doctors started talking about possibly putting the Vent back in. Her throat and vocal cords are still swollen (not as bad as last night, thank you Jesus) and she was having some difficulty breathing Really ipped me out. Called my Wendy and asked her to come up quick. Meantime Im praying like a wildman, laying (gentle) hands on my baby just desperately crying to God and for all I am interceding for our baby, and then Wendy shows up. I must have looked pretty bad off cause she looked right at me and said No. I wont accept that. No ventilator. Shes going to be ne The ENT shows up, scopes her out and says No, I think she will be OK. Lets not put her back on the vent Faith. Faith is when you STAND and plant your feet when others around you are running from the trenches FAITH.

We have been gobbling up scripture about faith. One that really applied to that moment in time is Mark 11: 22-24 And Jesus answered them, Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be taken up and thrown into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And Romans 4:17 in the presence of the God in whom he believed,who gives life to the dead and calls into existencethe things that do not exist. Speaking LIFE, in FAITH. Im glad that my Wendy had our back. Her faith In God is rock solid. The real deal. Shes the one that bought cute little ip ops for Nomi to walk out of here. God once again proved Himself faithful to the promise that brought us peace in the beginning of this thing. Nomi is not on the vent. She is wearing a scuba mask called a by-pap (sp) that is helping her to breath easier. She still breathes on her own without it, this just helps her tired little body along. She improves with each minute. Each hour. Each day. Though the improvements may be tiny victories, they are victories bringing Gods miracle back from the dark, and into the light. I am learning that these victories are teaching too. Teaching us what real faith is, and what it can do By the way my hospital thing is not bothering me at all today. I have even thought that I no longer have a hospital thing... Lis Wonderful update..praying she walks out of there in those cute little ip ops very soon. God Bless ~ June 1, 2011 at 10:42 am

So Young and James Chris It is great to hear about small steps in the right direction! I have started following you on Twitter and wanted to know that I pray for you often. (I am in

the DC area and hadnt heard about you until someone retweeted you.) I have three girls and know this must be extremely trying for you and your family and friends. Just know that many are on your side, but most importantly your Father is on your side. James Gage June 1, 2011 at 11:02 am

josh 4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error. 1John 4 4-6 We are of God. He is always with us. Keep the faith brother. God bless you, Wendy and little Naomi. Prayers and praise going up. June 1, 2011 at 11:31 am

Jessie Isom Praying brother. Thanks for keeping us updated. June 1, 2011 at 11:36 am

Tiffany Gray What a testimony of FAITH she has, Wendy has, and you have Blessings to all of you, and the kids waiting your return home..For good. God is good ALL the time ALL the time, God is GOOD.. Much love and prayers, Tiffany & Zman June 1, 2011 at 11:38 am


I have been praying since day 1, when I saw it on twitter. Thankful for all God is doing. I am on bi-pap (for me it is still cpap, I have an old machine) for sleep apnea. Still pullIng with you brother. June 1, 2011 at 11:51 am

Dave Anderson Believing. Praying. Inspired by your faith! June 1, 2011 at 12:07 pm

pam jackson Wendy is so special and so are you Chris. We love yall. Prayers going up for Naomi always. June 1, 2011 at 12:19 pm

Vonnie Chris, THANK GOD for the hospital! God used those gifted caregivers there to bring your baby back! To GOD BE THE GLORY! June 1, 2011 at 12:31 pm

Beverly T. Chris.I have sooo looked forward to your posts every day. I KNOW that God is doing great things in all of your lives!! You have such a gift,Chris, and to LIVE what you sing, speak and write is quite AMAZING!!! Keep up the strong ght Donald and I are covering all of you too, everyday!! I wanted to share with you a Word for this timeMy son, attend to my words; incline your ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are LIFE unto those that nd them, and HEALTH to all their esh. (Proverbs 4:20-22) Much love, Beverly Thomas June 1, 2011 at 1:20 pm

Nancy Dingley We are so glad they did not have to intubate her again! You dont know if she can handle off the vent unless you tryand try againand sometimes again. Two steps forward and one step back is still forward motion, Chris! Praising Wendys strength and your faith. God is good. His mercy endures forever. Your friends in Christ, Nancy and Eric June 1, 2011 at 1:24 pm

Peggy Alan WOW! What a testimony of faith ..both believing and receiving. To God Be The Glory! May you continue to walk in the power of his resurrection. June 1, 2011 at 2:08 pm

CHI Faith in Action: Hebrews 11.1 Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Stand Firm in your FAITH Your prayer warriors are standing with you. June 1, 2011 at 2:29 pm

Teresa Vallentine Gentle, soft and slow we goalways crosses the nish line. SO polish put the stroller will not be long before she will need a different view, read and sing to her they have amazing power in young children,God gives us a blessing again. June 1, 2011 at 4:10 pm Leo Gallant So glad to hear of Naomis recovery! Thank-you for sharing your ups and downs and the practice of your faith! God bless you all! June 1, 2011 at 6:14 pm

Judy bonnette God is with it daughter, we are all praying, and god will heal!!!!!! PrAise god!! June 1, 2011 at 7:13 pm

Justin Baker Still standing in faith with you and your family! My heart aches that youre going through this, but I am glad to hear that Naomi is slowly-but-surely getting better each day. June 1, 2011 at 8:35 pm

ez37 Thanks Justin. Little Nomi is going to be a hope for people for many years to come. June 1, 2011 at 9:33 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 13 Thought Id put a big picture up represents how full my heart is right now Wow. Nearly two weeks. May 20: at 10pm Naomi is in intensive care nonresponsive. June 2: This morning she is sleepy, but will focus on us when we talk to her. Sometimes watching the tv. Alice in Wonderland. I sometimes believe in 6 impossible things before breakfast me too. Naomi is on a c-pap breathing mask now, and they dialed it down a little during the night. She is breathing on her own, better with each new day. The news today: We expect her to be out of ICU very shortly. Perhaps one more week. She is going to be OK. I cant tell you how many times my wife and I have declared that over her in the past two weeks. We are now starting to glimpse the direction we are pointing in, now that we have stopped spinning so. Work does lay ahead, but we will accomplish that work. Make no doubt. I am broken by Gods favor, and the tears of thankfulness fall freely. God chose our Naomi to bring Hope. Peace. Realization. Faith. Life to the part of the world that would know her story. There are now churches on 6 continents (that I know of) that are praying for Naomi. That are witness to the miracle. From China, to Africa, to Abu Dhabi in the Middle East. Australia. Europe. USA. South America. This is important to the world. God chose Naomi to bring some Peace. Some Hope. Faith. Jesus held my baby in His arms, and breathed new life into her and me. And my family. You are the church. Witness this Miracle. There is no other way to describe it. Call a rose a rose, a sh a sh and Naomis breathing today a miracle. Witness Mercy. Witness Gods wonders. Witness this miracle.

Bob Wow! The Joy I feel is from the Lord! Praise His Mighty Name! God Bless Naomi, her amazing parents and family! June 2, 2011 at 9:44 am

Claire and Larry Porter Rejoicing and praising God for the continued wonderful news..we are standing in faith believing that Naomi will walk out of the hospital completely and totally restored. We pray every day several times a day and the Lord has heard the cries of His people. Your family walking through this wilderness experience is a testimony to so many. God has shown Himself in a Big Way and received the glory for the miracle that continues. Having done all, STAND. and we are standing, praising, crying and loving this miracle. Claire and Larry June 2, 2011 at 9:57 am

Dave Anderson Thank you Jesus the great and mighty healer! June 2, 2011 at 10:00 am

chazzdaddy Praise our God bro. Thanks for living out your faith in real time for the world to see and know that God is good! June 2, 2011 at 10:47 am

Jessie Isom Oh the joy it brings to read this! Praise be to God for every little detail He has so lovingly taken care of. Blessings bro! June 2, 2011 at 11:12 am

CJ in TX Every time I read one of your updates, the Holy Spirit lls my heart with such joy I begin to cry in wonder and amazement and love! Love for this little girl Ill never meet, but who reminds me of my own child this age, and there but for the grace of Godwe are all praying for Naomi to be completely healed, with NO complications, and looking forward to seeing the spirit of God touch her and others around this big world, reminding us that He DOES care about us, about the little ones, and loves us all so much He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die and LIVE for all of us! :*) Big hugs from me and my kids to Miss Naomi!!! {{{Hugs}}} June 2, 2011 at 11:17 am

Mandy Buckman It is a miracle, one we prayed for and believed in resolutely these past 2 weeks. Im so blessed to know that my constant thoughts and prayers have joined with so many others around the world to reach Gods ear. We are all blessed by little Naomi, and we are changed by her in so many ways June 2, 2011 at 11:29 am Jenny vanBurik Our prayers are with you. We are mission workers in Sri Lanka. Came to know thro Twitter. Our family and our staff will be praying until we hear the good news. He is in control! van Buriks and their staff June 2, 2011 at 12:05 pm

Marjorie We continue to give praise to God for his great work. He is using Naomi and you family to touch the world for Jesus. Our prayers continue. June 2, 2011 at 12:25 pm

Nancy Dingley Our prayer when Becca was in her 2-week coma last year was that she would be healed and we could indeed take her home with us because I was not nished learning from her and basking in the direct line to God so clear in her eyes, her body, her life as He continually works thru her. Our prayers were answered. Hes not nished with me yet, and Hes NOT nished with Naomi and her testimony yet. You are the portal thru which she will shine and let all know that our God reigns. I wake every morning, drink in Beccas smile, and cant wait to see if you have posted the latest update for the day on Naomis progress. Thank you for allowing us to pray for you all. Nancy and Eric June 2, 2011 at 12:49 pm

Rhonda PRAISE GOD!! HE works in HIS time.and what wonderful work HE does!! My family has been following Naomis progress and have been praying for all of you! We will continue to keep you all in our prayers. June 2, 2011 at 2:06 pm

shantelleharsey Wow! Read your post through tears of joy!!! June 2, 2011 at 2:20 pm

Debbie Mast My tears ow, Chris-not in sadness, but in awe of a God of the universe who cares so deeply for each life He created. NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME. June 2, 2011 at 2:23 pm

Peggy Barker-Smith The Lords love shinning down on us! The last 2 weeks have proven that the prayers of the many for the one is effective. Love for this family and little Naomi is awesome. The Lord blesses all who have share their story. We will continue prayers and add more to the ever growing needs. This world keeps change, but Our GOD stays the same. We rejoice with you and wait for the complete healing! June 2, 2011 at 2:37 pm

tracy cook tears of joy ow so abundantly right now i am actually snotting myself. not to many people i can say that to, and know they would understand . watching how you guys have walked through this with christ and stayed focused on him, and condent in him, blows my mind. you guys are a continued inspiration for me to push myself towards him daily. i cant wait.. June 2, 2011 at 2:42 pm

Beverly T. .MOVED beyond wordsSHOUT PRAISES TO OUR FATHER!!!We will continue to pray and stand BELIEVING in our Jehovah Rapha!!And continue to lift you, Wendy, and your familyfor strength, peace, wisdom, and guidance Love and Hugs, Beverly Thomas June 2, 2011 at 2:45 pm

Tammy So glad for Naomi and your family. Faith is wonderful and God can always perform the greatest mircles. God bless you all June 2, 2011 at 3:22 pm

Ron Metts Amen Brother, a miracle indeed. Words are inadequate to describe the joy Im feeling for you guys with each good report. Nor the heartache I felt that Sunday when I heard the story initially. And it really makes me wonder because before that day, I wouldnt have known you from Adams housecat. I cant really explain why the story hit me so hard, or why I still cant read the updates you post without my voice cracking and my eyes tearing. Other than GOD really wanted to get my attention with this accident happening to for all intents and purposes a total stranger. Albeit a brother in Christ, and now since the partnership, a Cornerstone brother. Awesome news, and as Ive said, I hope to meet you guys in person soon. June 2, 2011 at 3:51 pm

Mike & Judy Cubbison Chris, Smith Wigglesworth once said: Theres something about believing God that will cause Him to pass over a million people just to get to you. As a man responsible for raising more than 20 people from the dead, I think he might know a thing or two about believing God (FAITH). Judy and I have been standing and believing with you and Wendy since we rst got the news. We know what God CAN and WANTS to do in little Naomis life. We are excited about the future for all of you. We are standing strong in faith with the Johnson family. THE MIRACLE HAS JUST BEGUN!!! June 2, 2011 at 4:04 pm

Thomasena Adams Our God is an AWESOME GOD! Continually praying for you all. I BELIEVE! June 2, 2011 at 4:36 pm

Josh Thank you God! What a wonderful update. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Chris. She is only 3 years old and has touched countless lives. The best is yet to come for Naomi. Praise God! June 2, 2011 at 6:52 pm

Debra Robinson ALL THE GLORY BELONGS TO GOD !!!!!! June 2, 2011 at 7:51 pm

Ellen God is good. Bless you and your family. June 2, 2011 at 8:30 pm

Rebekah Edgar Naomis story has brought hope to me and my family. My 18 month old baby, Zoey, is in the ICU from a near drowning on May 25. Her story has spread all over the world as well and prayers are coming from everywhere. She is still on the breathing machine but they are hoping to take it out in the morning. I will be praying for Naomi and asking for yall to pray for my Zoey as well. Thank you for bringing me some hope. June 2, 2011 at 10:42 pm

ez37 We will be praying for Zoey Thanks for your kind words, and please continue to spread your story of hope. June 3, 2011 at 10:01 am

Rachel I rejoice with you at the goodness of our great God. SO incredibly happy to hear this good news. Only Jesus. June 3, 2011 at 6:09 am

Vonnie Praise God! This baby is such a testimony to the power of God! And she is going to HAVE such a testimony when she gets older! What a wonderful way to start my day! Thanks so much for sharing your pain AND your JOY with us! Praise be to God for His Unspeakable Gift!! June 3, 2011 at 7:06 am

Update on Naomi ~ Day 14

Naomi is off of the c-pap mask now. Wendy got to hold her last night on the couch. Wendy said she slept better than any night she had been up there. I didnt ask if she meant herself (Wendy) or Naomi. The rest of us are back in Orangeburg because my Caiti had to take her certication test this morning for CNA, and we spent the night at home. I have been calling the Ronald McDonald house home also, but last night we stayed in Orangeburg. As soon as Cait rolls thru the door we are heading back. Cant wait to see my baby girl. They are are already doing rehab with her. They have a chair they can put in her bed so she can sit upright, to watch her cartoons. Wendy and the nurses want to see if she will start taking any food today. See if she will swallow correctly. The doctors say they may look at a feeding tube in her stomach by end of next week, so we are going to make sure she is eating on her own by then. Pro-active, not reactive. The doctors also want to have her placed in an in-patient rehab center as soon as possible. Whatever is best for her. Two of the centers they are

looking at are 140 miles from home. That may put a damper on semi-weekly drives to and from home. Wendy and I would just as soon have her walk out of there, even if she needs a little help, and believe me thats what we are praying for. We are so thankful for the prayers, encouragement, calls, love, and support we have recieved on Naomis behalf. She is a special little girl, full of a special promise. We have received many e-mails from others that have been given hope from her story. We have talked to many people that have had their faith renewed strengthened. The big Church is being strengthened. Thats just how God rolls. Taking what was intended for evil, and using it for good. What one of my friends called God news, not good news. In my own prayers for Naomi today I am praying for Jason, and for Zoey. Praying for God news...

josh Hallelujah! Praise God! What a wonderful update Chris. Still praying for you all. June 3, 2011 at 11:46 am

Lis Eat baby girl! Eat! thats my prayer/cheer for the day. God Bless ~ June 3, 2011 at 12:00 pm

Joyce Axson Weve been keeping up with itty-bitty thru Freddie & Lisa and have you in our prayers Fred and Joyce June 3, 2011 at 12:03 pm

ez37 Thanks for that! Its good to have you guys, and Freddie and Lisa as part of our lives! June 3, 2011 at 12:58 pm

Cindy Redmond Chris and Wendy, Reach Point Ministry and the prayer group that meets at our home as well as others in my prayer chain around the world are continuing to lift Naomi up in prayer. She will receive complete restoration! I heard it from the big guy while interceeding on Naomis behalf. I am believing this and will not allow anyone to say anything other than just that! We are with you in spirit! God Bless and may He continue to carry you through this amazing miracle! June 3, 2011 at 12:47 pm

ez37 Cindy, we believe with you! God has shown His faithfulness again and again for Naomi. Thanks for interceding, and thanks for the love towards our family! June 3, 2011 at 12:56 pm

Dori Jarecki I am encouraged everyday. I cant wait to see Naomi running around. God is good ALL OF THE TIME! June 3, 2011 at 12:57 pm

Nancy Dingley If there is one thing I know that I know that I KNOW to be true is that God will take any circumstance, no matter how terrible or difficult of seemingly impossible (for we know that ALL things are possible), and work it for His good. He has plans to prosper Naomi (you), not to harm her (you), plans to give her (you, Becca, me!) a future. This I know. We are partners in Christ, Nancy and Eric June 3, 2011 at 1:43 pm

Jessie Isom Continuing to believe and pray for full restoration. June 3, 2011 at 6:50 pm KellySinging Continuing to pray for that recovery to be miraculously quick! June 3, 2011 at 8:03 pm

Teresa Vallentine Walton rehab in Augusta,GA use to have a awesome pediatric rehab unit, check it out and see if they can meet Naomis needs. Honeward bound ministries is still praying for her daily. June 3, 2011 at 8:15 pm

Jennifer Thomas I love reading these post. I am so happy that little Naomi is doing better. It has denitely strengthened my beliefs. It is amazing the work that God can do. I thank you for sharing your heart ache, your belief in God that he would pull

through, and the happiness that his work has brought. Continuously praying for your beautiful baby girl Naomi. June 4, 2011 at 8:41 am

Ashley Your story just reminded me that I need to go back to the childrens hospital and volunteer again soon. I love seeing stories like this unfold in front of me and children progress wonderfully. Ive been in the Ashley River building for so long Ive almost forgotten about my babies. <3 Praying for little Naomi, I know she's gonna walk outta there soon enough! June 4, 2011 at 10:10 am

Update on Naomi ~ Day 15

Naomi had a restless night. She seems to be in some pain. We dont know why.. It could be any number of things. She has had a low grade fever that cycles into a higher fever. She might just feel bad from the that, or it could be any of the many little pinpricks all over from where she was on life support. A big storm came thru Thursday night and she hasnt really slept much since then dozing in and out. The good news is that she has been doing some rehab already. They have a big soft high back chair she has been sitting up in so she can watch cartoons although from what I have seen she is mainly dozing most of the time. Please pray for her to be comfortable in this time of healing. She is still coughing up some junk, she has her gag reex back. Big time I have come to appreciate her doctors and nurses more every day. Truly caring and compassionate, top shelf knowledge. We have made several good friends since being here. I was thinking back to some knowledge I gained very recently that even though God has given us the victory, we still must ght for that victory. He gave His people victory time after time, yet they still had to go do battle to claim it. Well now its time to once again stand in the power that comes from Christ alone. The Lord is a warrior, and if we belong to Him, we must be warriors too. Faith is one of the weapons we wield. Thru faith, we can face the mountain, or

the sickness, and say move, take heart and be brave, for if the King of kings and God of gods would be for us, then who can stand against us? On this battleeld, I will not run. I will stand. I will ght for my daughter. I will use the weapons that God has given me, none of which belong to my enemy. Faith. Love. Peace. Prayer. The word of God. The cry of victory and the call of destiny is too often lost, unheard in the heated cries of battle. I know that call because I turned my face to Him long before the battle started. We know that victory because we stand in the middle of that which is impossible. Naomi is Gods, and we stand as one, all around the world believing that our cry to God is heard, understood, and acted upon. God has given us the victory, we know it. We have heard the promise. We see it in our daughter that should not be here, yet is, as a miracle gift from God. WE WILL NOT BE AFRAID. I stand on the promise of a Holy God. We are His warriors in this ght. Now raise your voices to the Prince of Peace and STAND FOR NAOMI stand for YOURSELVES and BELIEVE. Arise little Naomi. Take your place and testify to Gods glorious mercy and compassion. Alice Weeks Huff Praise the Lord! June 4, 2011 at 8:42 am

bobbalkcom Praise God! June 4, 2011 at 8:54 am

pam jackson Praying for her to be comfortable and getting well soo. Love yall. June 4, 2011 at 8:57 am

Lis Hiya, I survived my rst TBI when I was 6 and have been able to feel the pressure changes in storms ever since. Thats the rst thing that came to mind when you said the weather was bad. As a kid I just remember my head and muscles hurting and me feeling yucky though I love rain. I could not sleep for a night or two before or after. As an adult I get migraines along with the sleep disturbance but I think its due to the added stress of being a wife and mom myself. Im not a doctor but I do have 3 TBIs and a whiplash injury from 04 that triggered them all. Just throwing an idea out there. It could be weather related. Even if the damage is mild, it could still be triggered by pressure changes. We know God is our healer, our physician, and our strength, so continued prayers your way ~ June 4, 2011 at 9:07 am

Roz The great thing is God is a healer! Praying that God will heal you as well. Lord I thank You that no matter what happened in the past to Lis, that Your healing is no respecter of persons. Heal her Lord so that there will be no signs of childhood injury or any other injury! I stand in faith with Lis Lord! Thank You Lord!! Lord as little Naomi recovers, thank You for the awesome testimony that she will have that will bring 1000s upon 1000s to Christ! Even as a young child she will be heard around the world for Your Glory! Hallelujah to your name Jesus! June 7, 2011 at 9:06 pm

Lisa Petrarca Im praying for her and love the quote you said, even though God has given us victory, we still must ght for that victory. So true! We had been praying for my dad for healing from inoperable 4th stage lung cancer and he was given a

miracle it went away. But once we let up on our prayers, it appeared in his other lung. That quote really HIT me! Gods promises never return void. Thank you for this post of encouragement and I as well as my family join you in the Fight, as a warriors, in complete Faith that the Lord hears AND answers our prayers. Heavenly Father, please COMPLETELY heal Naomi and bring peace, comfort, increased trust and faith to her family during this time. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. June 4, 2011 at 10:36 am

Claudia Shorter I will continue to Pray for Naomi & have Faith that the Lord hears my Prayers and will bring Joy and Happiness to this Tiny Wonderful & Beautiful Child & her Loving Family, Amen. June 4, 2011 at 12:45 pm

Vonnie Almighty God, we just praise Your name for the miracles You have already performed on this precious child! We speak healing over her; complete & total healing. Satan, we rebuke you in Jesus name! God is more poweful than any other force. We just praise Your name, God, for You are an Awesome God! We claim Victory for this child, in Jesus name! Amen & Amen June 4, 2011 at 4:00 pm

josh Still lifting you all up Chris. Praise God for the progress! June 4, 2011 at 5:03 pm

Nancy Dingley We remain in prayer for her healing and comfort and think of you all many many times daily. Nancy and Eric June 4, 2011 at 5:07 pm

Lorraine M. Elkins Dear God, please continue Your miracles in the life of Naomi. Please take her pain and restlessness away so that her body will get the rest she needs. Thank you God for the blessings and miracles You have already performed in her life. Please continue to strengthen her parents, siblings and all the family as they go through this difficult time. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. June 4, 2011 at 9:13 pm

Debra Robinson Lord continue to cover Naomi under your precious blood..Believing that its already done.Amen,Amen and AMEN !!! June 4, 2011 at 9:29 pm

MARCIA KEER Dear Chris & Wendy,please keep saying these prayers, till breakthrough.I know you have begun. Your clue to knowing you are victorious is that the enemy will come down hard against you, with fatigue, sleep & heaviness of tongue, but please press on even if you feel u r going insane, the Lord will strengthen you. These are prayers which teach your hands to war and your ngers to ght. Bless you precious, brother & sister in the name of Jesus.You wouldnt have come this far, if you were not rst class warriors. Love You, MARCIA. June 5, 2011 at 5:33 am

Roz Hallelujah!! Amen! June 7, 2011 at 8:59 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 16

2:20 pm. Just got here from church. I went today to help lead worship, and I will say it was broken by my worship much of the day. Really felt good to be in the company of my people. Many hugs and much love, much praise for our God today. Today Naomi has had a very good day. No fever all day long! Her breathing has really leveled out smoothly and Her pain is much less today. Wendy told the doctors that it was her formula not agreeing with her, and guess what it seems like she was right. Imagine that a mommy being right. Changed the formula and she seems much better tonight. The physical therapists are going to do some swallow tests in the morning, see if we can get her eating by midweek. Baby food I guess. A gastroenterologist came to see her today. She really seems much more at ease tonight than last night. I really would like to take a second and lavish much praise on the staff here. The nurses, the doctors, even the cleaning ladies. Caring, kind, compassionate, giving the medical side without dampening the spiritual. Many times giving words of encouragement from the spiritual side of things. I wish I could list them all, I think I know every one of them by name. One day soon I am going to throw a party for Nomi and all of the peeps up here have an invite. Might be

hard, cause then it would leave this oor deserted! Many thanks for the prayers of my warrior friends all over the world. We see the hope that Naomi has given thru her testimony in e-mails and comments, and we know she has a destiny of signicant proprtions. God bless our baby girl, she is a beam of hope in a world of darkness and dismay. Jessica Gutierrez Chris, I wanted to tell you how inspirational this situation with your beautiful little girl is. This Sunday we talked about the touch of Jesus and the healing powers he brings in all forms and that through faith we experience miracles such as little Naomi. I get goosebumps thinking about it. Your faith and Wendys faith and Gods will for Naomi is what saved her life. The other message to be told is how strong your and Wendys relationship with Christ must be to have endured such a test and still you are standing strong in Christ and in the faith you have with the Father. Unbelievable!!! I am now reaffirming my faith in Jesus because of your story and how I long to have a bond that strong with my Creator and Father!!! God Bless your family now and always!!! ~Jessica Gutierrez June 6, 2011 at 6:01 am

ez37 Jessica, thanks for your kind words, Im sure that you are well on your way to developing that bond. Make it personal, and keep your eye on Him. He never fails. June 6, 2011 at 8:43 am

linda archie_simmons I am so glad God is doing his thing as only he can do.Naomi came into this world as a worrior and will continue to bring focus to others how wonder her God is. June 6, 2011 at 8:41 am

josh He never fails! Truer words have never been spoken Chris. His will and His greater good will prevail every time. Thank you for the update. You are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday. June 6, 2011 at 9:43 am

Bob Paulling's sister Ann Praying for your little one! June 6, 2011 at 10:50 am

Cheryl McAbee God is and will always be the great physician and He holds Naomi in his loving arms. So great to hear each baby step taken. You are still in my heart and prayers lifting you to vast in Gods grace. June 6, 2011 at 1:25 pm

Mike Brown I am thinking of you all I live I Rochester mn. June 7, 2011 at 10:15

Update on Naomi ~ Day 19

Sorry to have missed posting for a couple of days, just caught up on some rest watched a few movies. Thought about some things my wife and I had talked about. Naomi is doing much better. Every day brings another victory. I am reminded of a thought I had early on: A thousand baby steps away from the edge means that you are no longer near the edge. Naomi is still in some pain, but we have gured out why. She had an IV in her foot and the doctors were giving her potassium chloride, and it seeped into her skin around the IV site, giving her a pretty nasty little chemical burn. Not an uncommon problem. As a daddy watching her, I know thats where she hurts. Her tummy hurts her sometimes too because of digestion. We know that these will be ne eventually. The doctors still have not performed a swallow test, they want her to be a little more alert, but from what I have seen over the past hour, she seems pretty alert to me. Reaching for her tummy (its hurting again), and eyes wide open. She seems to see us from the periphery of her eyesite. She does not focus and track

looking at us straight on, but does from looking at us off center. She is scheduled to have a feeding tube inserted into her tummy on Friday at 8 AM. We are familiar with them, one of our good friends has a little boy with one that is to say, Wendy is familiar with the feeding tube. I am on a signicant lurning curve. Yesterday Wendy made a commentshe said thank You God for blessing us with and in this time of testing. Really got me thinking. Faith. Blessing. Shadow. Light. Last night in prayer for Naomi, I claimed Naomis possessions and destiny for her. I had prayed this several times, but last night was different. Faith. Naomi and her journey portray Gods justice and mercy and love for us, all wrapped up in tragedy. The tragedy of Naomis drowning is trumped only by Gods miraculous intevention; she is still aliveand getting better daily. Through faith, not hope, we believed. Steadfast. Blessing has rained down on us, and her, because we are now closer to God that at any point in our lives. Nearly crushing. We are glad for the weight. The shadow of spiritual warfare still looms in our life, and it is sharpening us as in my entire family. Mom, dad, brothers, kids... wife. ME. Through Gods extreme and relentless love and protection of my baby girl, a life changing light has ooded all of our lives. We accept it gladly. Faith. We thought we had it before. Now we know it.

josh Glad to hear that she is progressing. Again, thanks for sharing this with all of us. That life changing light has ooded many lives. Will continue to pray fervently for Naomi, Wendy, and you. May God continue to bless you June 8, 2011 at 10:45 am

ez37 Thanks Josh! June 8, 2011 at 9:24 pm

Jessie Isom Blessings to you and your family bro. Praying for you guys. June 8, 2011 at 10:49 am

ez37 Jessie, we appreciate you man. We will have to make a trip to Bama one day. I bet it will feel a lot like coming home. June 8, 2011 at 9:25 pm

Dave Anderson Radically blessed by the updates and your and wendys faith is inspiring! June 8, 2011 at 1:12 pm

ez37 Saw a picture of Kilea praying! Cool stuff Dave. Thanks for your kind words dude. June 8, 2011 at 9:20 pm

Nancy Dingley And Amen, Chris! Immeasurable blessings come in darkness. Jesus holds our special children and we are fortunate to basque in their shadow! My walk with Christ would never be as close to Him if it were not for Becca on His shoulders. Praising Naomis progress! Nancy and Eric June 8, 2011 at 1:19 pm

ez37 Thanks for that Nancy. Wendy and I plan on contacting you and Eric when we all get home. We appreciate your special insights. Give Becca our love. June 8, 2011 at 9:23 pm

Wendy and Brian Walker We continue to think and pray for Naomi and the family daily. Pray for blessings continue to poor into that hospital room! Give Naomi a special hug and kiss from Layla! She misses her at church! Love you all, Wendy and Brian June 8, 2011 at 8:16 pm

ez37 Love yall too Wendy Refrigerator friends!! June 8, 2011 at 9:21 pm

Ami McAlhany My eyes lled with tears as I read this note.I am so very happy to hear that Naomi is doing betterYour words are just courage to my heart..God Bless you and Wendy, Naomi, and the rest of the familyGod is Good all the time..Praying for Naomi. June 8, 2011 at 9:41 pm

maria Hi Chris .I was so touched by your story the other day when you stopped in to get prayers are with you and your familywhat a beautiful little girl. maria June 8, 2011 at 9:44 pm

ez37 Hi Maria, and thank you! It was good to talk to you the other day was nice to have a friendly ear you should friend me on FB! June 8, 2011 at 9:49 pm

Heather Desta My church family and I have been praying for Naomi and your family since we heard about her accident. My dads churches are also praying for you guys. You dont know how many lives your daughter has touched. I live in VA and my dad in PA . I will continue to pray that God brings complete healing for all of you!! June 9, 2011 at 9:57 am

Cheryl McAbee So glad to hear Naomi is doing better today. Baby steps are awesome! I remember when Ja took his rst baby step (amazing I can remember back that far )LOL, and the joy that lled my heart l can only image how much joy you feel with the smallest of steps and the faith that you and Wendy have has not only inspires me but many others. Thank you for reminding me that no matter how big or small our trials are our God is always bigger. Still praying and God bless. June 9, 2011 at 1:48 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 21

Naomi is in surgery to get a g-tube inserted into her tummy as I write this. This will get the one tube left out of her nose! Im excited about seeing my baby girl with no tubes going down her throat and/or nose! Once this is done, the doctors will give her a while to heal up and make sure everything is good, then we will be going to an in-patient rehab hospital. Im very excited about seeing her move her legs now. Last night she was getting a bath in bed from the nurses and was pulling her left leg up, presumably in frustration they really had her ticked off! Her hair is washed and all of her curls are back in full glory! I walked in during her bath last night and Naomi looked right at Wendy , when I called her name she swiveled her pretty little head and looked right at me. I thought I had seen the beginning of a smile a couple days ago, and last night I know I saw it when she heard my voice. The nurse even saw it and asked did she just try to crack a smile? Either Wendy or I have been in this hospital now 22/7 for three weeks. If not for kicking us out for shift change twice a day for an hour each time, it would be 24/7. We have seen what is happening in Naomi, and our little girl is coming back. Slowly, yes. Surely, yes.

Im in awe at what God is doing. Proving. I had wondered before why a God powerful enough to hold the keys to life and death would ever want to prove Himself to us. Now I know its to give sight to the blind and sound to the deaf. Strength to the weak and faith to the faithless. Some will continue to refuse the gift, thats what freewill is all about. Some will look at Naomis fantastic and miraculous story and still refuse to believe. I can only wonder how that must make God feel. Some people see Naomi and see a miracle. Some people see only a coincidence. I see the hand of God. In some of my trips to get lunch, I have had the chance to share Naomis story with others, waitresses, etc and some have asked why would God let something like that happen? It will never cease to amaze me that two people can look at the exact same identical thing, and yet still see two different things. Well, Wendy and I believe for our Naomi, and I guess in Gods eyes, thats good enough.

Dewaine This is great news. Thank God for great news, and his healing power. June 10, 2011 at 8:31 am

Debbie Mast Chris, I am overwhelmed every time I read your posts. You and Wendy stand as such testimonies to Gods faithfulness-regardless of the situation you are going thru right now. I know God smiles each time you give Him praise for healing your baby girl. It is amazing how anyone could be a part of something like this and not understand. I believe for each person you talk to who doesnt get it, you are planting a seed that the Holy Spirit will nurture and grow. Bobby and I love you dearly and will continue to pray in thanksgiving and praise to our God who is healing and restoring this precious child! June 10, 2011 at 8:41 am

Bob A regenerate spirit will see it. Praise God and pray for all who come into contact with Naomis story whether in contact with you or not that theyll see God in this. Bless Naomi, you, Wendy, family and friends around you. June 10, 2011 at 8:41 am

josh Praise God. He is great. Thank you for the update, it is so good to hear that her little curls are back and that you will get to see her beautiful little face without the tubes. God bless you all. June 10, 2011 at 9:27 am

Janice Goin We know that God can take any situation and use it for the good. How many people will see the healing power from this. What a blessing Naomi is, not only to you and your familly but to everyone. She is absolutely beautiful and we praise God for each report showing her improvement. You have experienced a real life miracle. June 10, 2011 at 9:53 am

Tiffany Laber Gray Still praying for little Nomi and you guys PRAISE God for each and every blink of her eyes, the twitch in her legs, and the crack of her smiles.. Those precious moments will last a lifetime in your memory. I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I WILL NOT FORSAKE THEM. ~Isaiah 42:16~ PRAISE GOD FOR >>>>>>>>> PROGRESS!! Love and prayers, Tiff & Zman June 10, 2011 at 11:46 am MARCIA KEER The Enemy is a legal Dog, who brings up accusations from upto the tenth generation. We have to violently take back our dominion. June 10, 2011 at 12:57 pm Nancy Dingley Baby steps forward. Naomi will recover quickly from the tube placement and know that temporary or permanent it is a good thing. Find the right formula and it will become second nature for all three of you. The nutritionist at Childrens in 2005 told us about a product called Fruit-eze which we put into the g-tube in a blend of juice to keep bowels normal..check it out. It does away with those awful meds and is all natural and does the trick wonderfully. We used it on Erics mom when she lived with us also. Its from The man or woman who is wholly or joyously surrendered to Christ cannot make a wrong choiceany choice will be the right one. A. W. Tozer Continuous prayer for your and Wendys strength and Naomis comfort, Nancy and Eric June 10, 2011 at 1:59 pm

Leontyne Higgins This is Leontyne from the waiting room of Childrens Hospital yesterday. I just wanted you to know that when I entered the recovery room yesterday, I saw Naomi and felt His presence in the room. The feeling was just amazing! She is so beautiful and God is most denitely taking care of her. I will continue to keep you guys in my prayers. June 11, 2011 at 8:52 am ez37 Thanks so much for stopping by, if you are ever in Orangeburg, come by Cornerstone! We would love to see you again! June 11, 2011 at 9:03 am

Jessie Isom Awesome report! Blown away by so many things. Will continue to pray for all of you. June 12, 2011 at 12:37 am

Lita Hawley I am blessed to see the way in which you are giving God the glory for everything in this , Chris and Wendy. We know that God will use all of this to bring Glory to Himself, and this miracle that has happened, and continues to happen, will change lives. Praise God that He uses ALL things for GOOD for those who love the Lord and are called according according to HIS purpose. I will continue to pray that Naomi will be healed completely, and that livess will be changed toward God in the process. June 13, 2011 at 7:53 am

Ron Metts Thats awesome brotherGlad to hear shes still steadily improvingand ummmmm, I could be wrong, but I think theres a few more than just you and your wife believing for her. June 16, 2011 at 8:54 pm Cant wait for that welcome home party.

Update on Naomi ~ Day 24

Naomi is still progressing, a little bit every day. We have come out of the valley of the shadow. She is moving her legs on her own now. She draws her left leg up, bent at the knee, my thinking is to be a bit more comfortable. She is moving her arms more now. She is very exible, even though she has been largely immobile for 2-1/2 weeks. She is not talking yet. Sometimes she acts like she wants to, moving her mouth and lips in what looks like frustration to me. She now has a G-tube and has been eating thru that for 2 days! She has started to swallow, but the doctors are leaving the swallow test to the rehab hospital. Today Wendy walked across the room (talking the whole way) and Naomi turned her head to follow her voice (cue tears) she holds our hand, squeezing when we ask. It takes a second or two, but the squeeze is

undeniable, just like the evidence of Gods miracle laying in this hospital bed, alive and coming back from where she has been. Thursday night she tried to reach for Wendy, Today she reached for the computer, seeing her bubba when we Skyped in a call to him. I am glad that now people other than me and Wendy are witness to some of these small signs. The tears of our friends and family when they visit this miracle are proof that we are not alone in the battle. Call it what it is. Battle. She is still in some pain from the potassium chloride burn on her foot, but Wendy saw it when it was re-dressed it this morning and said it looked better. We eagerly wait on the news that we are going to the rehab hospital. Naomi is free of all tubes and central lines and IVs except for feeding tube and 1 IV in her foot, used for uids, and that will be out soon. Reading some this morning, I came across this. Prophetic, it speaks to what has been for these last three weeks, and what will be in the future. Psalm 77:6 I remember my music in the night, With my heart I meditate, and my spirit searches diligently. My music is the love of Naomi, along with the rest of my family. They have always been good at calming the lion in me. With my heart I have meditated on Gods mercy. On His power. On His love, that he would choose a faith like mine and Wendys to show the He is reliable, and trustworthy. Trust me, I have leaned on, pounded on that faith, and it has seemed to be very small at times. Then I look to my wife, who has been a rock. My spirit has searched still does. God has chosen to bring me into a place I never would have known. It is amazing that God would will to know my heart, my familys heart, this intimately. Its amazing to me that God would know my music, and love it to life.

David Higginbotham Thanks for the updatestill standing with you and your family in prayer and hope. Godspeed June 13, 2011 at 4:34 pm

Tiffany L Gray Man oh man.. Our God is SO GOOD!!! Praying for you all continually. Much love, Tiffany & Zman June 13, 2011 at 4:56 pm

Brian Gleaton Thanks so much Chris and Wendy for your faithfulness in this whole situationI tell you the truth you both have inspired me to believe more deeply than i ever thought possible. I cant wait to see what God does next..praying and waiting with you my brother and sister..YBIC Brian June 13, 2011 at 10:32 pm

Cookie I am constantly praying for your family, even right now. I am denitely believing that God is completely healing Naomi. Your faith is denitely inspiring.Cookie June 13, 2011 at 11:27 pm Vonnie I have been truly blessed by your witness! GOD IS SO GOOD! June 14, 2011 at 5:08 am

So Young and James Chris, I am very glad to see the progress Naomi is making. You are going to have such a powerful witness after everything is restored Wait! You already do have a powerful witness as so many people witness this restoration. I want you to know that my whole family is praying for you. Even my daughters remember Naomi every night. God bless! James June 14, 2011 at 6:54 am

josh Thanks for the update Chris. I always look forward to reading about how she is progressing. We are still praying Naomi and your entire family. June 14, 2011 at 7:13 am

Jessie Isom I so appreciate these updates Chris. Its simply amazing to see God at work. You guys are very special to Him. June 14, 2011 at 8:38 am

ez37 Thanks for your kind words Jessie. I did get your message, just havent returned many calls yet. I preciate you my man, you have been a great encouragement to us June 15, 2011 at 6:26 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 28

Sorry about the four day lag in updates, been a little busy Naomi is doing good. We just got back from a wagon ride. One of the nurses that had not seen her in a week made a comment about her getting her ne motor skills back, how her color looks so much better, her respiration sounds better she pointed out several things, and I have seen nice improvements in the last 4 days. Yesterday we tried to see how she would react to standing up. We had to hold her up but she reacted well. Her feet are exing nicely and we see some good exibility in her legs and arms. She has been a little fussy with her feedings, but we are working that out. Shes a little fussy right now, trying to let me know I need to x it. Im trying This morning I was told her Lovenox levels were at good therapy levels. That means we are heading to rehab! I nd myself wanting quicker gratication in her getting better, and I have to keep telling myself that I am used to big ole daddy steps she is used to little tiny baby steps. Naomi has taught me a lot in the past month. Patience. Kindness.

Forgiveness. Perserverance.FAITH. Love. Compassion. Tenacity, which is something I thought I had in great measure until I saw that character shown in Naomi. Isaiah 11:6 The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat,and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together;and a little child shall lead them. Wolf with the lamb? Lions and calfs? Improbable? And a child to teach and lead the way? As improbable as Naomis healing may have seemed, It happened. The speech therapists are here now, and say that her swallowing is excellent (she just started with oral stimulation this morning) her healing has already taken place, and her body is just catching up. (Break) OK the speech therapist just did a prelim swallow test and Naomi did well enough for them to try to feed her our baby girl that was on full life support three weeks ago just nished eating applesauce!!! This is why we speak as though her healing is already complete, because that is what faithis the ability to believe and see an outcome different from the one our eyes would try to convince us of. Three weeks ago well, that was then. This is now. Tomorrow is not here yet. We have seen the hand of God on our little girl, and we continue to believe and stand in faith for her and as we stand, we learn more about Gods character, and our very own as well. Thank you God for this miracle wrought to teach us to be more like You, every day a couple more baby steps like You.

Rick even though we have never met in person and only on twitter and this blog, I have a huge lump in my throat right after I read this. Our God is an awesome God! June 17, 2011 at 1:21 pm

Bev Leudy Our God is an awesome Godwhat a testimony of Faith your family isothers will see and hear and want to know your GodPraise God in the storms of Lifethey are there for a reason June 17, 2011 at 1:48 pm

Bob I continue to pray for Naomi and your family. God has done an amazing thing here! June 17, 2011 at 1:49 pm

Rhonda Jackson Garrett Happy Fathers Day! I cant imagina anything more than what God is doing for your Little Naomi! She is truly a Miracle! Baby steps, it makes no difference, like you say look at how far she has come. It has been 4 weeks today! May God continue to Heal and Bless Naomi with everything she needs and give you and your wife and Family Faith, patience, Love and Happiness. In Jesus Name, AMEN June 17, 2011 at 2:42 pm

Brandon Cantello Praise God! I just stumbled on your blog today and have been so encouraged! As a body, our church just nished going through the second round of chemo with our pastors daughter Daisy. God is faithful. All His work is done in faithfulness! My wife and I will be praying for Naomi and for your family. June 17, 2011 at 2:55 pm

Reba Johnson Just nished studying Isaiah and quoted this verse to a friend at lunch, got home and read your update. God is conrming the trust we are to put in His Word and I believe along with you in her complete healing. June 17, 2011 at 2:56 pm

Nancy I am so happy for your precious little gril and the rest of her family. I June 17, 2011 at 2:59 pm Tara Smith Ward When I read this I was reminded of the words of a childrens song My God is so GREAT, so STRONG, and so MIGHTY! Theres NOTHING my God cannot do! My God is so GREAT, so STRONG, and so MIGHTY! Theres NOTHING my God cannot do! The mountains are His. The rivers are His. The stars are His handiwork too. My God is so GREAT, so STRONG, and so MIGHTY! Theres NOTHING my God cannot doFOR YOU! Happy Fathers Day, Chris. June 17, 2011 at 3:26 pm

shellie (baylormum) Tears of joy! And you used my one word for 2011, too. Perseverance. I am struggling with life right now, so just reading updates on Naomi have been strengthening for me. Because sometimes its hard to see the positives when you are overwhelmed in the midst of lifes curve balls. My philosophy is to nd the positive & pray that it helps change the way just one person is affected. One by one we can change the world! With just the smallest amount of faith. Even when we dont feel faithful. Your faith is trickling to others. Around the world! Watching the miracle Naomi is, should transform many! June 17, 2011 at 3:52 pm

josh Praise God! Naomi is absolutely amazing! Thank you for the update Chris, but I can barely read the screen through the tears. Natalie saw her on the screen and yelled, Daddy, its Naomi. Can I play with her daddy? We are still praying for you all daily Chris and we look forward to these updates. May God continue to bless your family, especially little Naomi. What an amazing little girl. June 17, 2011 at 3:54 pm

Nancy Dingley So glad for the progress report! Sorry we missed you Tuesday and when we returned after Beccas surgery Wendy was fast asleep. We surely didnt want to wake her as I know sleep is a very high commodity right now! We left a note card for you all with the nurse. We had to return to RMH Thursday with Becca and spent all day there but felt it was not the time to try and visit with you all again unannounced so we just sent happy thoughts up 4 oors (we were on 2 in radiology). We will have to return in a couple of weeks but we surely pray you all will be down the road by then!! Continuing to pray for you all, Nancy, Eric, and Becca June 17, 2011 at 5:03 pm

Jessie Isom Brings tears of joy to my eyes!! Another awesome praise report! Keep them coming bro! June 17, 2011 at 5:10 pm

Cathy B praise God for the wonderful testimonial! June 17, 2011 at 7:52 pm

Justin Baker So excited to hear of the continued manifestation of her healing! Still praying and believing with you, bro June 17, 2011 at 11:11 pm

KellySinging So much more good is going to come out of this. What the devil meant for harm June 18, 2011 at 7:54 pm

Ron Metts So glad to see Im not the only one crying. Like Rick in the rst post, Ive never met you guys in person, but I feel like were relatedor at least close friends. I shouldnt be so amazed at what GOD does, but its just so awesome the healing she has done so far. June 20, 2011 at 7:47 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 32

Today is Naomis rst full day in rehab, and I am not there with her. My wife Wendy is there, no doubt loving on her as she takes every baby step toward recovery. Wendy and I have talked several times today and Naomi is doing OK. A little fussy at having to be up and going after spending 4 weeks in bed, but sleeping better last night and taking a good nap today.Wendy says the doctors have told her that Nomi will only be there for two weeks, three weeks tops. I will be headed to the hospital after Thursday nights worship team rehearsal, and I am so looking forward to getting there. I have been doing much thinking and pondering meditating on our Naomi. On this miracle. On the healing that was shown in our baby girl. Sunday before she left to go to rehab she was being a little fussy and I, being the cool dad that I am, put Minnie Mouse sunglasses on her. I had just bought them for her a couple hours before. As soon as the glasses slipped over her pretty little ears and settled on her little nose, she looked straight at me and grinned. That smile warmed my heart and brought fresh tears to my eyes. I think about the hazy memories of that day I received the panicked phone call. I think about the stranger outside her ER room here in

Orangeburg, openly weeping with upstretched arms, crying out to God for the baby I think about what life would be like without Faith. I think about that smile, and how relief ooded my heart when I saw it. I think about God giving His own son for me. How that must feel. Why would He? How could He? I think about how hard we all prayed for Naomi, to remain. To recover. To be restored. Grace. Naomi. God.Love. Tears. Jesus. Restoration. Naomi. Smiling restored.

Jessie Isom So happy to read your updates. This miracle will mark the beginning of a new, stronger faith for a lot of people that know the story. Continuing to pray for all of you. Blessings! June 21, 2011 at 8:06 pm ez37 Preciate you Jessie! Thanks! We comin to Bama soon!! June 21, 2011 at 8:14 pm

Renae I love it Chris, what a perfect little picture on her way to recovery! She looks like she is saying Yall aint seen nothing yet! Thanks for sharing..and God bless you all! June 21, 2011 at 8:12 pm

ez37 I agree Renae! June 21, 2011 at 8:15 pm

Josh What a great picture to see Chris! That is one special little girl. We are still praying for you all and cant wait to see the blog when she is coming home for that party. God bless you my friend. June 21, 2011 at 8:40 pm

Rhonda Jackson Garrett Chris, Renae said what I was thinking. I Love the picture! Naomi it truly a Miracle and I thank God for being a witness to this Awesome Miracle Child! May God continue to Bless Naomi and You, her Famly and we give Him all of the Honor and the Glory! Thanks for sharing! Rhonda Garrett June 21, 2011 at 8:48 pm

Chris Johnson (the other one) Brother I rejoice with you today and for the sight of that sweet faith-borne smile on Naomis face Thanking God for Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 58 promises for your lil angel Grace and peace to you! -CJ June 21, 2011 at 8:49 pm

pam jackson Chris/Wendy I am so happy that she is in rehab and home soon. Thanks for the updates. I look forward to them. You know how I feel about yall and your whole family. Love the picture. She is so cute and precious. June 21, 2011 at 9:11 pm

Nancy Praise God from whom all blessings ow, I have chills after seeing that sweet picture of your little gril smileing. I am so happy for her and your whole family. God is so good and he has big plans for your little gril. I look forward to your updates and still praying for you all. June 21, 2011 at 9:45 pm

Bob Continuing prayer for precious Naomi, you and Wendy. God is Good! June 21, 2011 at 10:42 pm

Nancy Dingley What a beautiful picture of precious Naomi! Glad to hear you all transferred successfully and now to learn, move, and let God move . again! Beautiful words today, Chris. They motivate and rejuvenate me as I sit here in ICU at MUSC with Becca.once again. Brought her in last night with signs of pneumonia and lots of tests, etcyou know the routine. Once again God has shown His glory.very bumpy Sunday and Monday but reprise on Tuesday. My gut told me different. Thank God for my God/gut feelings that He gives me as we wade thru this Becca life. Thank God for His grace and mercynew every day. Im doing the study, Purpose-Driven Life, by Rick Warren, with Becca daily. We are half thru and it is so uplifting to me as I read aloud to Becca. As if I felt I needed new purposethis is lling my tank for sure! Hang in there, keep with the updates, and our prayers are never ceasing for Naomis healing, the miracles even YET to be unfolded and revealed to those fortunate enough to be around her, and the strength for you and Wendy to endure and persevere thru this as you minister to everyone around you. We love you. Eric, Nancy, and our Becca June 22, 2011 at 6:17 am

ez37 Nancy, thank you. We have been praying for Becca too, I can only wonder at our strength when I think of you and Eric, stronger than the redwoods! God bless you. June 22, 2011 at 7:52 am

Nancy Dingley He is the source of our strength. I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me/us! And He has blessed us with Beccashe blesses me every day by allowing me to care for her. It is an honor to have her in my life and fulll His request of me to be her caregiver. I could not ask for more. Hang in there, Chris and Wendy. There are blessings around every every every corner. He has promised to take care of us, not to hurt us.oh what great plans He hasI cannot wait to see them unfold. Love to you both, Nancy June 22, 2011 at 3:00 pm

Lorraine M. Elkins Praise God for all His wondrous work!!! June 22, 2011 at 11:20 am

Elaine Driggers I cant read your updates without tearing up and thinking how wonderfully awesome our God is. Im so happy, thankful, excited, and amazed by Naomis miracles. Oh how sweet to trust in Jesus.. June 22, 2011 at 7:19 am

claireaporter and Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see Your family has demonstrated this verse from Hebrews beautifully. Continuing to rejoice and stand with you all. Claire and Larry Porter June 22, 2011 at 8:24 am

Darlene Chris, I was drawn to your familys story several weeks ago by a post on Facebook by someone in your church requesting prayers for little Naomi. I dont know the person who sent it, but I know Gods hand was in it because I have been so uplifted by your words, your faith in God, and the miracle that I have been blessed to witness through your words. Your precious little Naomi and your family have been in my prayers daily. That sweet little smile brought tears to my eyes this morning! Our God IS an awesome God! Thank you for sharing your story. June 22, 2011 at 9:11 am

Update on Naomi ~ Day 36

Naomi is on her 5th full day here in rehab. She sometimes fusses, maybe because she does not enjoy some of the things the therapists are making her do. She is stretching, working, playing hard re-learning a lot. We have a stroller that was custom tted for her, she likes it. Wendy and I are learning a lot, we will probably need to continue her therapy at home for a little while. She has not started talkin yet, but her smiles and giggles are nearly continuous when she is in a good mood! She has started to blink more, and more tears come when she cries (involuntaries coming back). She focuses on us more visually, and we know her hearing is good from how she responds to our voices. She is exing her legs more, and her right hand that had some contracture is not nearly as bad. Almost as good as her left hand! She continues

to work on leg strength, and she is now showing a dislike for applesauce, prefering vanilla pudding. Baby steps more every day. Instead of one baby step she is now taking three. In no time at all she will be baby sprinting! Wendy and I are growing closer, our entire family is growing closer. I guess tragedy will either tear a family apart, or tightly weave it together. We are also drawing closer to God. In Daniel 10:12 it says Then he said, Dont be afraid, Daniel. Since the rst day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. At rst it felt like the weight of His presence was almost violent, crushing now we feel completely immersed in peace, and power, like swimming underwater in a warm ocean. We do not fear. We do not walk in the what if, but only in the what now and we daily feel the blessing that comes from such a hard won dependence on God. We not only feel it, but we feed it as well. We speak life, we speak the positive we speak thetruth. We have walked out of the shadow and into the sunshine, and we stand amazed at how our God walks with us and in us.Nomis walk back to complete restoration will be along quiet green shaded paths, and not along sharp, rocky, dry and dusty trails. He has heard our prayer, and our daughters life is His response.

Todd Beautiful. So many are praying that you arent even aware of, Chris. Were excited to see your miracle unfold. June 25, 2011 at 10:22 am (Edit)

Jessie Isom Awesome, awesome, awesome! Man you are so right about tragedies. They have the ability to tear families apart or draw them closer together. Works the same way in our relationship with God. When trials come we either turn away from God in our hurt, bitterness, and anger or we draw closer to Him than ever because we realize He is our source of life and healing. So proud of you and your family for the way all of you have handled, and let God handle this situation. Prayers continuing! June 25, 2011 at 10:28 am (Edit) Renee Sooo very beautiful Chris and Wendy. God Bless You All!!! June 25, 2011 at 11:20 am (Edit) Glenn Dupuis Call unto Me, and I shall answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. (Jeremiah 33:3) It is so much of a blessing and wonder to have the Lord, and see how He works in our lives in so many ways. Praying for our little Naomi. May she soon be running and playing just as before Father, In the precious Name of Jesus. Amen June 25, 2011 at 2:12 pm (Edit) Cindy Redmond Halleluajh!!! Rejoice and continue to speak life into the air around you! For we have so much freedom in Christ and many do not realize just how much life! You my dear sweet friend and your precious adoring wife have learned what it means to speak life into the air around you! Speak it and claim it in the name of Jesus! So many dont believe and it just pains my heart for them. I am rejoicing with you and your precious family Christ!!! I want to jump up and dance around!!! Hallelujah!!! Thank you Jesus for being the Jacobs ladder in our

lives for Naomi, Thank you Jesus for being our open heaven! Angels are worshipping and doing the bidding of the Lord in Heaven!!! Hallelujah!!!!Father we love and adore you!!! June 25, 2011 at 2:43 pm (Edit) Josh Praise the Lord! June 26, 2011 at 1:33 pm (Edit) Nancy Dingley Naomis progress can only be claimed as a miracle, Wendy and Chris! Receive them, claim them, and send them back out again. God has great plans for this tragedy and all who witness her baby steps forward as you witness thru her to them. Tell Wendy to just be like a sponge and absorb all the info. It will fall into place as she begins to execute it! We came home from MICU MUSC on Friday. My God-gut worked again..that still small Voice telling me to proceed/go/move. I am learning to listen to His very rst Whisperstill learning after 25 years. He whispers, whispers, yells, and then stands back and says, Ok, so try it your way and see how that goes for ya. I can tell you from experience not so well! Listen and He will tell us how/ what/why and where He wants us to do/go/move/and even when NOT to move! Love to you both, Nancy, Eric, and our Becca June 26, 2011 at 2:09 pm (Edit)


claireaporter Rejoicing, rejoicing, rejoicing and in continued prayer for your entire family. We are priviledged to be witnessing the miracle of a restored physically, emotionally and on every facet. Cant wait to see everyone back at church. Keep writing and updating, Chris. Love, Claire and Larry Porter June 27, 2011 at 8:40 am (Edit) Rhonda Jackson Garrett PSALM 109:27 That they may know that it is Your hand _ that You, Lord, have done it! ROMANS 8:28 We know that all things work together for good to them that love God Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow! May God continue to strengthen and Heal Naomi as we Claim his promise. MATTHEW 18:19 Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. God Bless! June 27, 2011 at 9:58 am (Edit)

Update on Naomi ~ Day 40

May 20. My daughter Naomi was in an accident she drowned. This picture was taken 36 days later. On May 21 we were told our daughter would possibly not survive the next two days, if she did, she would likely need long term medical care. Today, 40 days after the accident, she is coming back. She laughs. Smiles. Plays high ve now. Activates the toys in rehab when asked too. She is not talking yet, walking yet, or eating by mouth yet. What she is doing is learning again, more every day. Loves to snuggle with her momma. Loves seeing her daddy walk into the room, as she breaks into huge smiles. Loves to cuddle with the stuffed animals crowding her bed. Gets mad when a nurse comes in because she thinks its gonna hurt. This little girl, whose middle name happens to be Faith, has taught more people more about God and inner character than I ever would have thought possible me included. God saw t to spare the life of our baby because people would be drawn closer to Him? Cause people would come to know Him? People with faith already there would experience renewal. People without faith would have yet one more chance to learn what God is. How he controls life and death and love, and grace, and mercy. How He could teach a worship pastor what true dependence costs and what true dependence pays. True dependence costs all that I am. My heart, my soul. My everything. Its where real faith lives. Its where we can lay it all down, and know that it will all be OK. What does it pay? Peace. Prosperity. Blessing. Grace. Mercy. Honor. Power. It is wisdom. It is the ability to stand and see that which does not exist yet, and speak life into circumstance because I know Its the ability to know what God has spoken to you and then you speak it into being, not because you wish it, but because you know it. Naomi will be OK, thanks to God, a million times over.My crying days have just started Not just ended, because now Im broken by the fact that if it werent for Jesus, breathing life and wisdom and re and FAITH, I would never have know her smiles again not after May 20

Nancy Dingley All things are in the ashes.. Beautiful little Naomi is new again! Your words carry me, Chris. Nancy June 29, 2011 at 4:27 pm

Connie Burgess Chris, Ive not shared this with you or Wendy previously. Although I dont know you, when I saw the tweet/post on May 20, I was immediately gripped with big time intercession & grave concern. I live in the Phoenix, Arizona area and my husband and I were down in Tucson in the pre-sessions for a weekend Cleansing Stream retreat where we teach and minister at twice a year. I shared the story with my husband and another on the ministry team that afternoon. I continued to intercede for Naomi throughout the afternoon. That evening, as our opening session began and into worship I was thinking of and praying for her. During one of the songs, while singing I felt as if I was singing over her. At a point during worship as I was interceding for her (I dont remember whether it was during that song or not), I felt I heard the Spirit say, It is done. From that moment on, I can tell you there was a shift in my spirits intensity a shift that I did not create. Yet I continued prayer as she was brought to my remembrance, to this day as I will continue to do. Our God is amazing!! I mentioned in an early tweet/post to you, that when my daughter who is now 35, was 19 months, she hung herself and we nearly lost her. But God restored completely!! Our journey wasnt as lengthy as yours has been, but still I feel like I have felt just an inth of what you have felt One day, Id love to make a trip to South Carolina, and give this baby a big hug! I suspect you and Wendy have ministered to others during this times in ways you may never know. Many, many blessings to you and your family!! Connie Burgess June 29, 2011 at 4:27 pm

ez37 Thanks Connie, I do remember your post earlier! Thanks for interceding, we know it has helped! June 29, 2011 at 9:48 pm

maria jenkins Miracles do happen and your little Naomi is living proof! God Bless! June 29, 2011 at 4:58 pm

marvin Ive been silently watching and praying for your familys story. Now, I cant resist to comment. Youre story proves how BIG is our God. Ive used your testimony a couple of times in my preaching and in my small group. I know it did touched lives. Thanks. June 29, 2011 at 7:19 pm

ez37 Marvin, Im glad you could use part of Naomis testimony you are right, our God is greater! June 29, 2011 at 9:48 pm

Mandy Buckman its sooooo good to see her smiling June 29, 2011 at 8:53 pm

claireaporter Praise, honor and glory to our great Healer, Provider and Sustainer of Life!! Dependence is what it is all about..We are continuing in prayer with your family and all other believers around the world affirming the complete healing and rejoicing. I put my hands up in praise in my office at work and thank the Lord sincerely for what He has done. To God Be The Glory! Amen and Amen! Claire and Larry Porter June 30, 2011 at 6:21 am tonia Greene praise GOD, I have been praying and praying for little naomi. GOD is good. June 30, 2011 at 9:14 am

Cookie I love this entry. It is so true. I have been bragging about how God is working in this situation and how you have been allowing God to work. People are inspired by your faith and reliance on God and they do not even know you. One excellent thing is to see you practice what you preach. I am still praying and rejoicing as our GOD continues to orchestrates this situation. For I truly see that all things work together for good to them that love God. You have shown the world that you love God and HE is showing the world that He loves you. June 30, 2011 at 11:07 am

Paula Hoover I have known your wife Wendy and her family all my life. I have watched and prayed through all that yall have gone through with your precious Naomi. What an awesome testimony of the power of God and the power of faith. I am still praying that Naomi will be restored to perfect health. I have no doubt that it will happen. God has proven that over and over again. Still praying for you entire family. Love in Christ, Paula Hoover June 30, 2011 at 12:03 pm

Patient With Me. Chris. Thanks for Sharing this journey with your readers. You are in our prayers!! God bless!! July 4, 2011 at 2:07 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 45

We are all in Charlotte with Naomi for the 4th of July. We have been doing lots of rehab and she is doing good. Progressing a little more every day. She now will seek out visually any person we ask her to nd in the room. Her vision tracking is much better, and she has been eating small (really small) portions of chocolate pudding or applesauce. She isnt quite ready yet to come off the feeding tube, we believe that will happen soon. Praying for that to happen soon. We hope everyone has a great 4th, and we very much appreciate the prayers being lifted up for Naomi. Please continue, we know that she is a little ghter, and she is just getting ramped up to jump into the new life God has for her.

With much love and hope for all of you, Chris and Wendy.

Jessie Isom Awesome update bro. I watched Cornerstones service online yesterday morning and saw the video. Very touching and inspirational. Praying for Naomis full restoration quickly! Have a great 4th! July 4, 2011 at 2:28 pm

Rhonda Jackson Garrett Chris, I want to wish Naomi, you and your wife a Happy 4th of July. I pray this is a new beginning for you and your Famly and everyday Naomi will get better and stronger until her Health is completely restored to her. God Bless! July 4, 2011 at 2:55 pm

Todd Vaters Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 God bless the Johnson family, especially precious Naomi. Shes impacting so many imagine the impact she will have when her healing is complete. July 4, 2011 at 3:04 pm Nancy Dingley Awesome words of strength, courage and faith Many people have said over the years that they cannot/could not do what we are doing. I say to them that they just have not been asked yet. God did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain; but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and Light for the way. If God brings you to it He will bring you through it. unknown I pray my words can lift you as yours are lifting me. Nancy and Becca July 4, 2011 at 5:23 pm

pam jackson Chris, words cant describe my feelings after the video. I pray that yall will be home soon and Naomi will be okay. I worry so much about you and Wendy too. Take care of yourselves as well. Thinking of yall always. July 4, 2011 at 8:24 pm

carolyn Absolutely beautiful and powerful words from an.amazing family who.has been such an inspiration to me and my family. May god continue to bless you all and coninue his healing and testimony through beautiful Naomi!! July 4, 2011 at 8:28 pm

Allen, June & Braxton Fanning What a powerful video! You guys are in our every prayer. Naomi WILL be healed and restored and she will always feel the love of so many; the love only our God Almighty puts in our heart. May the miraculous healing continue for Naomi, May you and Wendy recieve comfort from each other and the Good Lord, We love you allAllen , June and Braxton July 4, 2011 at 10:07 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 49

Wendy and Nomi have been here in Charlotte since June 20. Ive been coming on the weekends. Since then we have grown close to more nurses, talked to more doctors, and helped little Nomi in rehab many hours. I have not updated much simply because when Im here, Im trying to engage Naomi, getting her to reach for this or that toy, play with this or that ball, taking her on walks, etc. She wants to leave her room as soon as she wakes. She is doing greatregaining her balance and strength, and trying to talk (vocalizing much more). Wendy told me that Naomi even makes herself laugh while trying to talk when she goes to sleep! Today, July 8, she ate, by mouth, her rst meal in 7 weeks. Mashed taters with gravy and roast beef. Pure. Topped off with strawberry yogurt and sweet tea. Had to check myself just there. A little awed and teary eyed. She can identify a ash card correctly; an apple or a horse? A duck or an airplane? We know her memory is intact because she has not had the chance to learn what an apple, airplane, duck, or anything else is while here. Vision is go.

She can identify people from across the room. Hearing is go. The therapists have all said they are impressed with the speed of recovery, and they understand why she has come this far this fast. Watching the big race in Secretariat the owner of the losing horse says Thats impossible We know that Naomi feels like Secretariat in that race running away with the impossible, straight into the life that God has planned for her. She plays. She smiles. She laughs out loud.Shes almost home.

Chrissy @ Fireies and Hummingbirds What an amazing answer to prayer! So glad to hear that Naomi is doing so well! I will continue to keep your family in my prayers! July 8, 2011 at 4:12 pm

josh Praise Yahweh! He is amazing! So glad to read this wonderful update Chris. Naomi and your entire family remain in our prayers. July 8, 2011 at 4:36 pm saraeden What a blessing it is to witness Gods work in little Naomi!! Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. July 8, 2011 at 4:39 pm

Lorraine All I can say is PRAISE GOD!!!!!! July 8, 2011 at 4:39 pm

Bev Leudy Praise the Lord for everything he is doing in her little lifethere is a reason why shes herebless her little heartwhat an amazing testimony you will have og Gods goodness,his mercy and his amazing healing powerPsalm30:11-12 You changed my sorrow into dancing.Youtook away my clothes of sadness,and clothed me in happiness.I will sing to you and not be silent.Lord,my God,I will praise you forever. July 8, 2011 at 4:46 pm

Rhonda Jackson Garrett Chris and Wendy, Praise God from whom All Blessings Flow! God is Great and I am so Happy and Inspired by Naomis Miracle! God Bless You and Naomi and my prayers are with you always! God Bless! July 8, 2011 at 5:14 pm Jessie Isom Oh how I would love to hear the conversation between little Naomi and our Father above. I KNOW He is ministering to her daily and I would not be surprised at all if at some point and time in the future she actually gets to relate some of what Gods shown her during these days. Simply amazing! Praises to God!!! July 8, 2011 at 6:06 pm

tonia Greene Awesome GOD give him praise .Shes beautiful blessing angel of GOD. July 8, 2011 at 6:58 pm Ann Hinchman Such a beautiful and amazing thing .the power of prayer it conquers all.thanks to all of the Warriors. July 8, 2011 at 9:30 pm Farah lee U and Wendy are awesome parents! And Naomi is so lucky to have u guys standing beside her through it all. U guys give me hope and faith even when it comes to Aidan. Ive learned to focus on what he can do instead of what he cant. And I stay positive. I love u both and Ur entire family. U know that. I cant wait till she gets to come home! July 8, 2011 at 10:29 pm Susie McNatt Wow, I am teary-eyed reading this. All I can say is Praise God. When I saw her picture it made me smile. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. Will continue to pray for her. July 9, 2011 at 12:17 am vaccordini Our VBS this next week is entitled God Has A Plan . Your thoughts and comments on your trust in Gods plan for your child is precious. God makes no mistakes and is sovereign over all things. Cant wait to see what he has in store for not just Neomi, but the world that is watching God orchestrate this beautiful melody. July 9, 2011 at 5:44 am

Patient With Me. Chris Once again thanks for sharing this journey with us. not many Blog posts bring tears to my eyes but this one did!! Praise God! July 9, 2011 at 7:27 am

Glenn Dupuis Only the Lord can do this.Praise Him forever. July 9, 2011 at 8:54 am

Thomas Bramblett Im speechless! We are all praying for her here in columbia! July 9, 2011 at 2:57 pm

Nancy Dingley She will nish the racecross the nish linelive the life God has planned for her and you and Wendy! Orangeburg awaits you and the blessings you will bring home. Nancy and Becca July 9, 2011 at 4:52 pm

Dave Anderson God is AMAZING and so is your family! July 9, 2011 at 5:48 pm

Pat Barrett God has answered so many prayers! Im quite sure there are MANY more in store for you and your family. Praise the Lord! He is so good!!! July 10, 2011 at 8:38 pm

Renee Sooo beautiful!!! July 15, 2011 at 10:17 pm

Update on Naomi ~ Day 55

Quick update! Naomi started walking today!! Thank you Jesus (you can say that with me if you want to!)! She was having an ultrasound to determine if the blood clot in her leg is entirely gone. If so, the docs can quit with the blood thinners which means no more needles! She was scheduled to come home next week sometime, but the therapists have told us that she is doing so well, they would like to keep her longer to reassess and determine new goals, taking full advantage of her rehab. She has been such a ghter. Such a great inspiration to me. I am so ready to bring her home, but feel that if it will benet her to stay well, let her stay a little longer. We will see. She is eating by mouth now during the day, and taking formula by feeding tube at night, while she sleeps. She is coming back to her emotions frustration and anger in there too. We see her personality coming back more and more. God knows, this has been the hardest thing I have ever dealt with in my life, but at the same time,

we have never been closer to God. I look at Naomi and all I see is a miracle. I get Naomis kisses and all I feel are sloppy little miracles all over my cheeks and chin. Never forsake that closeness to God by letting something distract you. When God is your focus, all the other stuff really does just become other stuff.Nomi will be home soon, and better than before. She has been held in the arms of a loving God, and will never be the same again Oh, by the way just FYI, our house burned Tuesday night. We have insurance and all of that is in the works all the fam is OK, the horse is ne the barn is great, we are all OK. The home is just gone. We are ok though many many people stepping up to help, and thats a Godthing too! I went in this morning to get anything I could Naomis room was the only one that re did not inltrate I looked in her closets to get her snuggly blankets they dont even really smell like smoke.

Elaine Wow! How great is our God! Sing with meHow GREAT is our God! July 14, 2011 at 1:05 pm

Nancy Dingley Such a beautiful smile! Mending is sometimes long and sometimes rapidbut it is all good! Good to hear her emotions and capability to riot are coming out everyone needs to be able to vent! We heard about your relet us know how we can help. I have several friends offering assistance in whatever way you need. The devil is being shook up by the closeness of God in your lives right now.but we all know the ending to The Story. Nancy and Becca July 14, 2011 at 1:06 pm

tracy cook you have got it soooo rightthey are being hit HARD right now because they have satan SHAKING in his boots. you know they say that if satan is not trying to mess with you, it is because you are not a threat to him. July 15, 2011 at 6:04 am

So Young and James Chris, Im very, very glad to hear that Naomi is walking again! Praise Jesus! That is a tremendous milestone and must be such a source of celebration for you guys. At the same time, I am saddened to hear about your house. Its actually pretty jarring to read that that happened to you. Im so sorry to hear that. Im not just saying this: My family is praying for you guys, my little girls included. Clearly God is coming through. He will continue to do so. Also, thank you for posting your recent encouraging note to So Young on the blog. She really appreciated it and felt that it very much built upon what she was saying in her post. Hang in there, brother! God is near. James July 14, 2011 at 1:22 pm

Rhonda Jackson Garrett Chris, Our God is an awesome God. Sometimes what we think is a tragedy is a Blessing in disguise, for he brings us closer to Him and each other. May God continue to Heal and bless Naomi and You and your Family! To God be the Glory! Just think of all the friends you have now too, another blessing! Ill continue to pray for Naomi and for your Family to get settled into your new home. May God Bless You All. Rhonda July 14, 2011 at 1:30 pm

Claire and Larry Porter eWOW! I am in my office right now hands upraised praing the Lord!!! I am so happy for your family and the glory of God showing through all of this even the house re. In Christ alonoe our hope is found! Continue to live large my friend and many of the saints are rejoicing with this terric news. Claire and Larry Porter July 14, 2011 at 2:33 pm Carolyn Proctor Jesus has carried you through every step of this journey, and He has left His footprints in the sand. When Naomi walks out of the hospital with her new sandals on that Wendy bought for her about 2 months ago, Jesus will be leaving His footprints on our hearts (in a new and special way) instead of in the sand! They are permanent & will never be washed away. We will Praise Him in the Storm for ALL of the hearts and lives that will be forever changed as He uses this for His glory! We serve the one true God!!!!!! Thank You Jesus for all that You have done~especially for Naomi during this miracle that only You could have performed. July 14, 2011 at 3:58 pm

Judy & Mike How exciting! And she looks Great! To God be the Glory!! July 14, 2011 at 5:05 pm

Patient With Me. Wow!! God is So good!! July 16, 2011 at 6:32 am

william williams i am inadvertantly kin to naomi. I have been taking naomis story to church every sunday, mt. Elon baptist church in hopkins. Every sunday i give a report on her progress and we pray very diligently. We have a picture of her and are able to see her beautiful smile. She is a true miracle and a proving case of how gracious and loving our god is. I am sorry to hear about your house and am at ready to assist you in any way that i can. We will continue to pray and be inspired by naomi. Please dont hesitate to ask for help. July 16, 2011 at 12:07 pm

Carol Irick Russell Praying for your whole family..God is Great and will take care of everything.. July 16, 2011 at 2:22 pm

Jessie Isom So happy to hear about Naomi! Awesomeness bro. Not so happy to hear bout your house. Praying for you guys. Love the fact you are taking it all in stride. I suppose with everything youve been through with Naomi the house isnt as big a deal as it would have been 3 months ago. Totally focused and dependent on God is a great place to be. Much love to you and your family! July 16, 2011 at 6:10 pm

Nancy Dingley To echo your tweet of today, Paul said, When I am weak, then am I strong.been living that one for 25 years last month. Leaninghope all is well. Need another update, Chris! Hope Wendy is taking care of herself. I learned not too long ago, actually, that if I dont take care of myself, then I am no good to anyone else. The spillover affect, you know? Tell her she has special prayer from one mom to another. Thanks. Nancy and Becca July 19, 2011 at 4:20 pm

ez37 Will do that update soon, hopefuly tonight! Been very busy with insurance from the re. Then work, then Charlotte but ALL IS GREAT!!! Thanks for your prayers Nancy, I thought about you guys when I posted that scripture! We never know our strength is unlimited until the limit is tested! We plan to call yall when Nomi is home! July 20, 2011 at 8:43 am

As a last note, I would love for you to write me with any comments, prayer requests, or praises that need to be shouted out. As Naomi progresses more each day, we know that her future is one of marvel and mystery. She will go out into this world and proclaim Gods mercies. It is amazing to me that a child that cannot talk yet has reached so many for Christ, and this is only the scratching of the surface. Please continue in your prayers for Naomi, for our entire family. Satan would like nothing better than to distract, and use this miracle as a cause of contention. Dont let it happen, Always, remember, God is for you. Even when you think differently, He loves you, and can use any situation to reveal Himself in mighty ways. Naomis journey is not over, but she has shown that with God, NOTHING is impossible, even coming back from where she was. All for Him, with love and peace to you... Chris Johnson @ez37 on Twitter or on Facebook in South Carolina

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