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Grammar Final Test

NAME: Fuentes Vanesa Carolina DATE: 8/12/2023

COURSE: 2do año

Part A

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences

1 I talked to [he/him] yesterday.

2 I cut [me/myself) when I was shaving.

3 I hope you enjoyed [yourself/you) today.

4 Do you like {your/yours) new teacher?

5 I think that table is (oar/oars).

6 The company has decided to move [it's/Us] main office.

7 Mark won the [men's/mens') swimming championship last year.

8 Are you going to the {engineer's/engineers') conference?

9 Have they sent (we/us) an invitation?

10 If you can't find the book, you can borrow (my/mine).


Part B

Write a/an, the, some, or any to complete these sentences.

1 I'm reading a very interesting book at the moment.

2 I'd like some information about your language course, please.

3 Could you answer the telephone, please?

4 There weren't any letters for you this morning.

5 Would you like some coffee?

6 Are there any good restaurants near here?

7 I'd love to be an astronaut.

8 Maurizio plays the piano really well.

9 They were the first people to fly non-stop round the world in a balloon.

10 Listen! I've got some good news for you.


Score \_j


Write a/an or the if necessary.

My sister Claire lives in …a... small stone house in……a…… village in Scotland.

4 house is quite old, and it has……a…. beautiful view of……the……. sea. Claire is …a…… writer,
so she is able to work at…… home. Her husband Ian teaches………… philosophy at……

University, which is……the……oldest university in Scotland. Ian comes from……the….USA, and

they usually go there once………a….. year to visit his family. Claire and Ian have……a……daughter,
Jessica, who is not yet old enough to go to…………School.


15 points: Give yourself a point for each correct answer. Score Q


Find the mistake in each sentence and rewrite the sentence correctly.

1 There are a lot of people in the street.

2 someone has stolen my wallet!

3 Hurry up! We haven't got much time.

4 Are you taller than I am?

5 if I take that job, I'll have less money but more time.

6 My new manager is friendlier than the old one.

7 This summer is hotter thas last summer.



How are the given words spelled correctly? Write them into the gaps.

Hide example


ˈfʌni →


ˈfʌni → funny


ˈsɪərɪəs → serious

ˈkeəfʊl → careful

kənˈfjuːzd → confused
ˈdʒenərəs → generous

dɪˈtɜːmɪnd → determined

streɪndʒ → strange

breɪv → brave

ˈdʒentl̩ → gentle

ˈɒnɪst → honest

ˈkjʊərɪəs → curious

ˈkeəfʊl → careful

ˈɒnɪst → honest

dɪˈtɜːmɪnd → determined

ˈkjʊərɪəs → curious

kənˈfjuːzd → confused

ˈdʒentl̩ → gentle

breɪv → brave

ˈdʒenərəs → generous

ˈsɪərɪəs → serious

streɪndʒ → strange

Make both a phonemic (broad) and a phonetic (narrow)
transcription of the following words.

car ka:r b) taps taeps

eat i:t b) link liŋk

map maep b) caused kƆ:zd

role roul b) spliced splaist
boy bƆi b) script skrip

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