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The Language of “The

Catcher in the Rye”

Part 1
interpretation- a point which is made backed up by evidence

extremely dull

evaluation- its a difficult task

you're suppose to mention how he has been effective- evidence and inferences
polysyndeton- It is a rhetorical and literary technique in which a conjunction appears over and over again to join different thoughts in one
sentence. (use this correctly in your response to increase your marks)

How language helps in characterizing a person

Interpretation- an observation on the reading of the book and a remark that is been made about Holden
and has understood what those elements mean. Knowledge --> Understanding --> Interpretation
lost and
hes consciously being frank

bawling- crying loudly

he doesnt have a distinguished thoughts, that means we will not knwo his innermost thoughts
insightful interpretation- something new about the novel itself to other readers
the need to being accepted in the group is especially famous amongst the boys or men by using
foul language -- but he does not do that and he has no specific group to belong to
it means he only wants to take gods name when he is genuinely disturbed or emotionally bothered

Knowledge and Understanding

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