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Systemic Anatomy 2014 Urogenital System Practical

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Medicine
Systemic Anatomy MEDU1110 (2014-2015)
Urogenital system Practical
17th November, 2014
I. Kidneys (Prof. Zhao)

Internal structure of the kidney

A. Renal cortex
B. Renal pyramid
C. Renal column
D. Renal papilla
E. Minor calyx
F. Major calyx
G. Renal pelvis
H. Renal vein
I. Renal artery
J. Ureter

 Notice the arrangement of renal cortex and medulla in the kidneys.

 Urine is collected in minor calyces through the small openings in renal papillae of the renal pyramids.
 Notice the ratio of renal pyramid and minor calyx is 1:1.

II. Kidney, ureter and urinary bladder (Prof. Wan)

Blood supply of the kidney

K. Abdominal aorta
L. Inferior vena cava
M. Renal artery
N. Renal vein
O. Left gonadal vein
P. Right gonadal vein

 Left gonadal vein drains venous blood from gonad to left renal vein.

Internal structure of Urinary bladder

A. Ureter
B. Urinary bladder
C. Opening of ureter
D. Bladder trigone
E. Internal urethral opening

Systemic Anatomy 2014 Urogenital System Practical

 Note the formation of bladder trigone by the two openings of ureters and the one opening of urethra.
 Notice the relatively smooth surface of bladder trigone.

III. Female reproductive system (Dr. Lam)

i) Internal genitalia + peritoneal pouches

A. Urinary bladder
B. Vesicouterine pouch
C. Uterus
D. Rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas)
E. Rectum
F. Uterine tube
G. Ovary
H. Cervix
I. Fornix of vagina
J. Vagina
K. Vaginal opening (Vaginal orifice)

 Note the two major peritoneal pouches in the female pelvis.

 Notice the significance of posterior fornix and pouch of Douglas in collection of peritoneal fluid.
 Note the finger-like fimbriae extending from the distal end of the uterine tube.
 The lower 1/3 of uterus is cervix.

IV. Male reproductive system I (Dr. Poon)

i) Genital tract, accessory glands and peritoneal pouches

A. Testis
B. Epididymis
C. Ductus deferens
D. Seminal vesicle
E. Ejaculatory duct
F. Prostate gland
G. Prostatic urethra
H. Membranous urethra
I. Penile urethra
J. Scrotum
K. Rectovesical pouch
L. Urinary bladder
M. Rectum

Systemic Anatomy 2014 Urogenital System Practical

 Note the 3 major parts of urethra in male (i.e. prostatic, membranous and penile).
 Note the membranous urethra is surrounded by UG diaphragm that also contains bulbourethral gland.
 Notice the location of prostate gland in the bladder neck and correlate the hyperplasia of prostate gland
may cause obstruction of urine flow.

ii) Penis
N. Glans penis
O. Corpus cavernosum
P. Corpus spongiosum
Q. Bulb of penis
R. External opening of urethra
S. Penile urethra

 Note the arrangement of erectile tissues in penis.

 Notice the penile urethra is within corpus spongiosum.

V. Male reproductive system II (Dr. Wong)

iii) Inguinal canal & related structures

A. Aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle
B. Internal oblique muscle
C. Transversus abdominis
D. Superficial inguinal ring

E. Deep inguinal ring

F. Spermatic cord (outside inguinal canal)
G. Spermatic cord (inside inguinal canal)
H. Inguinal ligament

 Note the formation of inguinal canal by abdominal structures.

 Identify the superficial and deep inguinal rings.
 Note the round ligament of uterus, instead of spermatic cord, passes the inguinal canal in female.

VI. Pelvic bones & Perineum (Dr. Tang)

i) Note the following structures of the pelvic bone

A. Pelvic brim
B. Iliac crest
C. Anterior superior iliac spine
Systemic Anatomy 2014 Urogenital System Practical
D. Pubic tubercle
E. Pubic angle
F. Ischial spine
G. Coccyx

Note the differences between male and female pelves by:

 shape of pelvic inlet (pelvic brim)
 size of pelvic inlet and outlet
 curvature of ischial spines
 curvature of coccyx
 degree of pubic angle

ii) Female perineum

A. Labium majus (pl. labia majora)
B. Labium minus (pl. labia minora)
C. Vestibule
D. External urethral opening
E. Vaginal opening
F. Perineal body
G. External anal sphincter
H. Anus

 Define the UG and anal triangles

 Note the labia minora are hairless and does not covered with skin.
 Note the 2 major openings in vestibule.
 Understand the functional significance of perineal body especially in female.

iii) Male perineum

K. Bulbospongiosus muscle
L. Ischiocavernosus muscle
M. Perineal body
N. External anal sphincter
O. Anus

 Identify the UG and Anal triangles in male perineum.

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