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1. Present simple
a. Form
(+) S + V(s/es)
(-) S + doesn’t/don’t + V
(?) Do/Does + S + V?
b. Use
- Facts or things that always happen
- Routines and habits
- Timetable events
c. Adverbs and common expressions of time
Everyday, every week/month/morning,..
Once/twice a week…
2. Present continuous
a. Form
(+) S + am/is/are + Ving
(-) S + am/is/are + not + Ving
(?) Am/Is/Are + S + Ving?
b. Use
- Actions that are happening at the moment of speaking or around the moment
of speaking
- Annoying habits
- Future events (with prior plans)
c. Adverbs and common expressions of times
- now, right now, at the moment,...
3. Past simple
a. Form
(+) S + Ved
(-) S + didn’t + V
(?) Did + S + V?
b. Use
- Actions that started and finished at a specific time in the past
c. Adverbs and common expressions of times
yesterday, ago, …
4. Present perfect
a. Form
(+) S + have/has + Vp2
(-) S + have/has + not + Vp2
(?) Have/Has + S + Vp2?
b. Use
- For actions that happened at unstated time in the past when we don’t want to
mention the exact time as it is not important
- for actions which started in the past and are still continuing in the present
- for actions which have recently finished and their results are still visible in the
c. Adverbs and common expressions of times
for, since, already, just, yet, lately, so far, today,...
a. Form
5. Possession (possessive adjective, possessive pronoun)
Possessive adjective: my, her, his, our, their, its, your
Possessive pronoun: mine, hers, his, ours, theirs, its, yours
6. Adjectives and adverbs of manner
7. Comparisons
Equal comparison: be + as + adj + as + O
8. Preposition
9. Passive voice
10. Wh-questions

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