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Volume - 1

1. 1
2. 7
3. 31
4. 70
5. 87
6. 106
7. 130
8. 141
9. 153

1 Diversity in Living World

 Introduction  Levels of Organization
 Diversity in the Living World  Taxonomy and Systematics
 Binomial Nomenclature  Taxonomic Categories

Life is a unique and complicated organization of molecules that expresses itself through chemical
reactions that result in growth, development, responsiveness, adaptation, and reproduction.

 The living world are organized into different levels.
 It starts from sub microscopic molecular level and ends up to ecosystem or biome.

Cell Basic unit of all living things
Tissue Group of cells of the same kind
Organ Structure composed of one or more types of tissues
Organ system Group of organs that work together to do a certain work.
Population Organisms of the same species that live in the same area form a population.
Community All of the populations that live in the same area form a community
Ecosystem All the living things in a given area, together with the non-living
environment (water, sunlight etc.)

Biome A group of similar ecosystems with the similar type of physical
Biosphere A part of Earth where all life exists, including all the land, water, air where
living things can be found.

DIVERSITY IN THE LIVING WORLD  Even though there is such variety and
 Biodiversity refers to the number of plant diversity among living organisms, they share
and animal species that exist on earth. On so many similarities and characteristics that
the planet Earth, there is a wide variety of they can be categorized into numerous
living organisms. Their structure, behavior, categories.
habitat, mode of nutrition, and physiology  In order to understand and systematically
vary. study these living organisms, primarily plants
 The number of known and described species and animals, they are classified into various
ranges between 1.7 and 1.8 million. categories.

 There are millions of plants and animals in  Carolus Linnaeus proposed the system of
the globe; we know the local names of the designating with two components (Binomial
plants and animals in our region. nomenclature). Each scientific name has two
 These local names would vary from location components, according to binomial
to location, even within the same nation. nomenclature: the generic name and the
specific epithet.
 Botanical names adhere to the guidelines
 Taxonomy is the branch of biology concerned
outlined in the International Code for
with the identification, nomenclature, and
Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN).
classification of living organisms according to
 The International Code for Zoological
their similarities and differences.
Nomenclature (ICZN) is the basis for
 Augustin-Pyramus de Candolle (1778-1841),
zoological names.
a Swiss-French botanist, coined the term
Taxonomy, the discipline of identifying and Need for classification
classifying organisms.
 To organise the vast number of plants and
 Systematics (Latin'systema') refers to the animals into categories that could be named,
systematic arrangement of organisms into
remembered, studied and understood.
groups or taxa on the basis of certain
 Study of one organism of a group gives the
interrelationships. Classification principles
idea about rest of the members of that
and procedures are studied.
 This term was first used by Carolus Linnaeus
 Classification allows us to understand
in his book Systema Naturae.
diversity better.
 Sir Julian Huxley introduced the term "New
systematics" in 1940. History of classification
Processes of Taxonomy  In the third and fourth centuries B.C.,
Aristotle and others classified organisms as
Characterization Understanding of
either plants or animals. They even identified
characters of organisms
several thousand or more organisms that are
like external and internal
structure, structure of cell,
 The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates (460-
development process,
377 BC), enumerated organisms with
ecological information etc.
medicinal value.
Identification Correct description of an
 The first attempt to classify organisms
organism and its recognition
without emphasizing their medicinal value
in its scientific name.
was made by Aristotle and his student
Classification Grouping of organisms into
Theophrastus (370-282 BC). They attempted
convenient categories
to classify the vegetation and animals
(taxa) based on characters.
according to their appearance and habitat.
Nomenclature Providing of standardized
 In his book 'Historia Naturalis', Pliny the
(naming) names to the organisms so
Elder (23-79 AD) introduced the first artificial
that a particular organism
classification system.
is known by the same name
 John Ray, an English naturalist, was the first
all over the world.
to apply the term species to all forms of life.

 In the 18th century, the Swedish naturalist Following a set of principles outlined in the
Carolus Linnaeus, also known as the Father International Code of Nomenclature, the
of Taxonomy, created the Binomial System scientific name derived from the system of
of Nomenclature, which is the current nomenclature is used everywhere in the world.
scientific system for naming species. Universal Rules of Binomial Nomenclature
 In his famous work Species Plantarum  Scientific names are generally in Latin
(1753), he described 5,900 plant species, and language and written in italics.
in Systema Naturae (1758), he described  The first word is name of the genus (Generic
4,200 animal species. name) whereas the second word is the
Advantages of classification species name (Specific epithet).
 When handwritten, the names are underlined.
 Classification facilitates the identification of
 The first name (Genus) starts with capital
living organisms.
letter and the second name (Species) starts
 It facilitates systematic study of such a wide
with small letter.
diversity of living organisms. Example: Homo sapiens
 It helps us learn about the differences and Here, Homo represents the genus name and
similarities between various vegetation and sapiens represents the species name.
animals.  Name of the author appears after the
 It enables us to understand the evolution of specific epithet, i.e., at the end of the
complex organisms over time. biological name and is written in an
 It helps us know the interrelationships abbreviated form, e.g., Mangifera indica
between various organizations. Linn. It indicates that this species was first
 It provides a methodical means of identifying described by Linnaeus.
known and unknown organisms. Codes for Nomenclature
 Classification systems are internationally 1. International code of Botanical
adapted. This facilitates communication nomenclature (ICBN)
among scientists. 2. International code of Zoological
nomenclature (ICZN)
3. International code of Bacteriological
Nomenclature is the method of assigning plants
and animals scientific names. A binomial system
4. International code of viral nomenclature
of nomenclature was created by Carolus (not based on binomial nomenclature)
Linnaeus, in which an organism is assigned two 5. International code of nomenclature for
names. cultivated plants
(i) A generic name shared with other closely
related organisms whose characteristics are
sufficiently similar to position them in the  Classification involves hierarchy of steps in
which each step represents a rank (taxonomic
same group.
category or taxon). All categories together
(ii) A species name is that differentiates the
constitute the taxonomic hierarchy. Each
organism from all other species. No other
taxon represents a unit of classification.
organism can have the same genus and
species combination.

Honey bee Apis indica
Housefly Musca domestica
Rubber plant Ficus elastica
House crow Corvus splendens
2. Genus
 These are the populations of closely
related species. It consists of a group of
closely related species that share more
characteristics than species from other
(a) Genus Solanum = Potato, tomato and
(b) Lion (Panthera leo), leopard (𝑃.
Definitions pardus) and tiger (𝑃. tigris) are
1. Species species of genus Panthera.
 The species is the fundamental (c) Genus Felis which includes cats.
classification unit. It is a collection of
3. Family
organisms that share fundamental
 It is a group of related genera with less
number of similarities as compared to
 It is defined as the group of individuals
genus and species.
who share similar morphological and
reproductive traits and who interbreed
(a) Family Solanaceae involves Genus
and produce fertile progeny. Solanum, Genus Petunia and Genus
 Mayr proposed this as the biological Datura.
concept of species. (b) Family Felidae involves Genus
 Example: There are two species of crows. Panthera and Genus Felis.
One is the common house crow that
inhabits the plains surrounding our 4. Order
homes. The alternative is the hill or  It is the assemblage of related families.
forest crow. Both the intensity of black Examples:
on the neck and the size and form of the (a) Order Polymoniales includes Family
mandible vary between the two crows. Convolvulaceac and Family
 Both are crows, but they cannot mate. Solanaceae.
Therefore, they are distinct species. (b) Order Carnivora includes Family
Common Generic Specific Felidae and Canidae (dog).
Name Name Epithet
5. Class
Mango Mangifera indica
 It is the assemblage of related orders.
Potato Solanum tuberosum
Nightshade Solanum nigrum Examples:
Lion Panthera leo (a) Order Primata, Carnivora etc. is
Peepal Ficus religiosa placed in class Mammalia.
Modern man Homo sapiens (b) Order Polymonials and Order
Cat Felis domesticus Sapindales etc. is placed in class
Tiger Felis tigris Dicotyledonae.

6. Phylum (in animals) or Division (in plants) 7. Kingdom
 It is the assemblage of related classes.  The assemblage of various phyla.
Examples:  It is the highest category.
(a) Classes Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves,  Examples: Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom
Mammalia etc. come under phylum Animalia.
(b) Class dicotyledonae and class
monocotyledonae is place under
division Angiospermae.
Organisms with their Taxonomic Categories
Common name Man Housefly Mango Wheat
Biological name Homo sapiens Musca domestica Mangifera indica Triticum aestivum
Genus Homo Musca Mangifera Triticum
Family Hominidae Muscidae Anacardiaceae Poaceae
Order Primata Diptera Sapindales Poales
Class Mammalia Insecta Dicotyledonae Monocotyledonae
Phylum/Division Chordata Arthropoda Angiospermae Angiospermae


2 Biological Classification

 Importance of Classification  Three types of Classification
 Two Kingdom Classification  Three Kingdom Classification
 Four Kingdom Classification  Five Kingdom Classification
 Six Kingdom Classification  Kingdom Monera
 Kingdom Protista  Kingdom Fungi
 Kingdom Plantae  Kingdom Animalia
 Viruses  Virion, viroid and Prions
 Lichens  Mycorrhizae

INTRODUCTION  He classified plants as herbs, shrubs, or

The process of classifying organisms into groups trees. He separated the animals into those
and subgroups according to their similarities and who had RBCs and those who did not.
differences is known as biological classification.  There are numerous other instances of
old classification systems based mostly
IMPORTANCE OF CLASSIFICATION on superficial characteristics.
(i) It facilitates the study of several biological  As a result, this artificial categorization
organisms. system has several severe flaws, including:
(ii) It provides a general understanding of the o the classification criteria are shallow
diversity that can be found in organisms. and does not reflect natural
(iii) It offers details on the interactions between relationships.
different organisms. o The system does not reflect the
(iv) It provides insight into how diverse creatures' evolutionary relationship.
organismal groups have evolved. o Many unrelated organisms are
grouped together based on their
(v) It provides a method for identifying both
habitats (dwelling place) (for
known and unknown species.
example, whales and fishes are
(i) Artificial system of classification o Because of differences in habitat,
 It is a classification system that groups feeding patterns, and so on, closely
organisms based on one or two related creatures have been
morphological characteristics. classified into separate groups.
(ii) Natural system of classification: It is a
 Aristotle, for example, attempted to
classification system that uses many physical
classify species in 350BC based on their
characteristics to group species in order to
form and habitat. He classified plants
reveal natural similarities and dissimilarities,
using simple morphological
and thus natural relationships between the

 The natural system of categorization offers o It also offers a clear picture of the
several advantages over the artificial system evolutionary link between various
of classification, including groupings of living species.
o The avoidance of heterogeneous (iii) Two kingdom classification: The natural
groupings of unrelated animals and the system of classification was introduced by
ability to put only related groups of the Swedish biologist, Carolus Linnaeus
organisms together. (1707-1778).
o It denotes the natural interactions
between organisms.
Evolution of classification

 Linnaeus is known as father of classification as he classified the living organisms in a systematic way
for the first time.
Limitations of Two Kingdom System of
Linnaeus classified all the living organisms under
(i) Some creatures, such as Euglena and
two huge kingdoms.
Sponges, exhibit features of both plants and
 Kingdom Plantae: Bacteria (Prokaryotes),
photosynthetic plants, and non-
photosynthetic fungus are all members of  Some Euglena species have chlorophyll
this kingdom. and are autotrophic like plants.
 Kingdom Animalia: This kingdom contains  A few Euglena species lack chloroplasts
both unicellular protozoans and multicellular and are hence colorless and non-
animals, known as metazoans. photosynthetic (heterotrophic), with a
saprotrophic method of nutrition that
involves extra-cellular digesting.

 Other colorless forms consume small classifying them as plant or animal is
food particles and digest them within the challenging.
cell (holozoic nutrition). (iv) Whether viruses are living or non-living is still
 The presence of an animal pigment a topic of debate.
known as taxanthin in the eye spot
distinguishes Euglena.
 In 1866, Haeckel proposed three kingdom
(ii) Fungi and moulds were classified as Kingdom
Plantae, but they share many characteristics
 He divided the living organisms into three
with plants. Fungi do not have chlorophyll.
They, like animals, are heterotrophic.
(a) Plantae
(iii) Bacteria and Cyanobacteria (blue-green
(b) Protista
algae) share many similarities yet differ
(c) Animalia
greatly from other creatures. As a result,


 Copeland established the kingdom of Monera in 1956.
 The living world was separated into four kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Metaphyta, and Metazoa.

 Phylogenetic or evolutionary relationship

The five kingdoms are:
 R.H. Whittaker (1969), an American
Monera Prokaryotes Bacteria and
Taxonomist, classified every organism into
five kingdoms based on their evolutionary
Protista Unicellular Unicellular algae,
eukaryotes diatoms and
The five-kingdom classification is based on the
following criteria:
Fungi Multicellular Fungi and
 Complexity of Cell structure - Prokaryote
decomposers moulds
and Eukaryote
Plantae Multicellular Plants
 Mode of nutrition - Autotrophs and
Animalia Multicellular Animals
 Body organization - Unicellular or multi-

Characteristics of Five Kingdom System of Classification
Characteristics Five Kingdoms
Monera Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
Cell type Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic
Cell organization Mostly unicellular Mostly unicellular Multicellularand Mostly Mostly multicellular
unicellular multicellular (Tissue/organ/organ
(Tissue/Organ system level)
Cell wall Non-cellulosic (Polysaccharide + amino May or may not be Present (without Present Present
acid) present. cellulose) (cellulose)
Mode of Autotrophic (chemosynthetic and Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Autotrophic by Heterotrophic by
Nutrition Photosynthetic) Heterotrophic Heterotrophic (Saprophytic and photosynthesis ingestion
(Saprophytic and Parasitic) parasitic)
Motility Motile or non-motile Motile or non-motile Non motile Mostly non- Mostly motile
Reproduction Conjugation/Transduction/Transformation Syngamy and meiosis, Fertilization and Fertilization and Fertilization and
or None conjugation or None meiosis. Dikaryosis meiosis meiosis
or none

Merits of five kingdom classification Demerits of five kingdom classification
 It reflects a better relationship between  The position of the virus is unclear.
organisms in terms of levels of organization  Kingdom Protista contains organisms with
and mode of nutrition. diverse form, structure, and life cycles;
 It reflects a better evolutionary trend therefore, it does not appear to be a
signifying the gradual emergence of complex legitimate grouping.
organisms from simpler ones.  Some organisms included in Protista (e.g.,
 It elevates the ranking of controversial dinoflagellates) are not eukaryotic but rather
groups such as cyanobacteria, fungi, mesokaryotic.
Euglena, etc.  Slime molds classified under Protista differ
 Division of the kingdom, as fungi have their significantly from the rest of the protists.
own structural, physiological, and Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia appear to be
biochemical characteristics, the separation polyphyletic.
of fungi from plants seems justified.  Despite all of these errors, however,
Whittaker's five kingdom system is widely


It was introduced by Gray and Doolittle (1982).

 Bacteria were the first organisms to evolve

on Earth following the origin of life
PROKARYOTES) approximately 3.5 billion years ago. They are
 This kingdom contains all prokaryotic the most abundant of all life forms.
organisms, including mycoplasma, bacteria,  Bacteria and cyanobacteria are both
actinomycetes (filamentous bacteria), and unicellular organisms.
cyanobacteria (also known as blue-green  Bacteriology is the field of study devoted to
phytoplankton). the study of microorganisms.
 They are very small.
 Monera is the only kingdom of prokaryotes.
They lack a real nucleus. They lack
organelles bound to membranes.

Shapes of Bacteria
Based on their shape, bacteria are grouped under four categories:
Coccus (Spherical) Bacillus (Rod- shaped) Vibrio (Comma- Spirillum (Spiral
shaped) Shaped)
 Monococcus (occur singly)  Monobacillus (single)
 Diplococcus (occur in pairs)  Diplobacillus (in pairs)
 Tetracoccus (occur in groups  Streptobacillus (in
of four) filamentous form) and
 Streptococcus (occur in the  Palisade Bacillus (in the
form of a filament) and form of a stack)
 Staphylococcus (occur in the
form of sheets).

Figure: Bacteria of different shapes

Structure of a bacterial cell Cell wall Cell wall is the bacterial cell's
outermost covering. The
rigidity of the cell wall
protects and shapes the cell.
The cell wall is composed of
Plasma Below the cell wall, the
membrane plasma membrane encloses
the cytoplasm and other cell
contents. It comprises lipids
and proteins
Pili Pili are short, thread-like
structures that protrude
from the cell wall of certain
Flagella Some microbes move with
the assistance of one or two
flagella. Flagella have a
microtubule arrangement of
9+1. Flagella are more
Figure: Structure of a bacterial cell extensive and robust than

Genetic Bacteria have one circular Gram staining
material chromosome composed of a  In 1884, the Danish physician Christian Gram
(DNA) double-helical molecule of invented gram staining, a method of
genetic material (DNA). It is differential staining for bacterial cells.
located in the nucleoid  Gram staining is one classification technique
region of the cytoplasm. for bacteria. Gram-positive and Gram-
Bacteria are designated negative bacteria are distinguished by their
prokaryotes because their capacity to retain a purple dye. The ability of
chromosomes are not a bacterium to retain the dye depends on its
housed in a true nucleus. In cell wall and outer membrane.
addition to the chromosome,
Gram-positive Gram-negative
many bacterial species
bacteria bacteria
possess plasmids, which
Stains purple with Stains red with Gram
replicate alongside the
Gram stain. This is stain. This is because
chromosome and contain
because they have a they have a thin cell
genes for antibiotic
thick cell wall (made wall (peptidoglycan
resistance, sex factor, etc.
of peptidoglycan) layer) with an outer
Cell There are ribosomes in the
without an outer membrane composed
organelles cell, but no membrane-
membrane. of Lipopolisakarisa
bound organelles.
(LPS) and protein.
Examples: Examples:
Note: Cyanobacteria, Salmonella,
Prokaryotes lack a nuclear membrane Treponema pallidum, Corynebacterium
surrounding their genetic material, as well as Escherichia coli, diptheriae,
cell organelles. They only possess ribosomes. Shigella sp., Yersinia Mycobacterium
pestis, Vibrio tuberculosis

The four nutritional categories found in bacteria are:
Nutritional Meaning Examples
Autotrophs Some bacteria are autotrophic and Example: Spirillum
are photosynthetic i.e. they can
synthesize their organic food in the
presence of sunlight
Chemotrophs Some bacteria are chemosynthetic Examples: Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter
i.e. they can synthesize their organic Other bacteria like Rhizobium, Azotobacter
food by deriving energy from some and Clostridium can fix atmospheric
chemical reactions. nitrogen into ammonia. This phenomenon
is called biological nitrogen fixation.

Saprotrophs Some bacteria feed on dead and Examples: E. coli, Spirochaeta
decaying matter.
Symbionts Some use food from other living Example: Some bacteria live in the roots of
(Mutualism) organisms with which they are legumes, such as pea plants. The bacteria
associated for mutual benefit. turn nitrogen containing molecules into
nitrogen that the plant can use.
Meanwhile, the root provides nutrients to
the bacteria. In this relationship, both the
bacteria and the plant benefit, so it is
known as a mutualism.
Parasites They absorb food from living Examples: Salmonella typhi, Diplococcus
organisms and cause harm to them. pneumoniae, Mycobacterium leprae

 Bacterial respiration can be either (i) aerobic, i.e. using oxygen, or (ii) anaerobic, i.e. take place in the
absence of oxygen.
Example: Archaebacteria are monerans.
 Cellular respiration or the decomposition of food to release energy occurs in mesosomes, the inner
extensions of the cell membrane.
Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction
Bacteria reproduce asexually through binary There is no sexual reproduction in bacteria. Not all
fission when conditions are favorable. new bacteria, however, are clones. Because
During binary fission, the chromosome microorganisms can still combine and exchange
replicates itself, producing two identical DNA, this is the case.
The cell then grows in size and divides into two
daughter cells.
Binary fission can occur very quickly.
By means of binary fission, one bacterium
divides into two in approximately 20 minutes.
This interaction occurs in three distinct ways:
(a) Conjugation: Involves transfer of DNA from one
bacterium to another through an extension on
the surface.
(b) Transformation: Bacteria pick up pieces of DNA
from their environment.
(c) Transduction: Viruses that infect bacteria carry
DNA from one bacterium to another.

Asexual Reproduction

Figure: Various stages (A - E) of cell division in a Bacteria

Beneficial and harmful bacteria Cyanobacteria

A. Beneficial Activities of Bacteria These were formerly known as blue-green algae.
Bacterium Function On prehistoric Earth, it is a highly successful
Rhizobium Found in the roots of group. They engaged in photosynthesis and
legumes (peas, grams and released oxygen into the earth's atmosphere,
pulses), Fixes atmospheric thereby progressively increasing the
nitrogen into ammonia concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere.
Azotobacter Makes the soil fertile along
with fixing atmospheric
Bacteria Cyanobacteria
Streptomycetes Production of the antibiotic
They are smaller in They are
called Streptomycin.
size. comparatively larger
Lactobacillus Ferments the lactose sugar
into lactic acid which helps
They may have They do not have
in settling down the milk to
flagella. flagella.
Some of them carry All of them carry out
Methanogen Helps in sewage treatment.
out photosynthesis photosynthesis in the
B. Diseases Caused by Bacteria which are green in same manner when
Bacterium Disease caused color in a different compared to green
Vibrio cholerae Cholera way and in this plants and in this
Salmonella typhi Typhoid process, oxygen is process oxygen is
Clostridium tetani Tetanus not released. released.
Corynebacterium Diphtheria
diptheriae Kingdom Monera includes two groups:
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (a) Archaebacteria
tuberculosis (b) Eubacteria


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