Financial Discipline, Gambler's Fallacy and Gambling Addiction Among Lottery Participants

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Research Article 1

ISSN 2321 – 371X

Financial Discipline, Gambler’s Fallacy Commerce Spectrum 8(2) 1-6
© The Authors 2020
and Gambling Addiction among Lottery Reprints and Permissions

Bibin K. Bhanu1
Research Scholar, P.G & Research Department of Commerce, St. Peter’s College, Kolenchery

Humans possess a remarkable ability to differentiate structure from randomness in the environment.
However, this ability appears to be systematically biased. Gambler's Fallacy is an erroneous belief that an
individual has about random gambling successes due to the inaccurate understanding of probability. The
lottery is relatively inexpensive. The promise of a huge jackpot prize made it the most popular form of
gambling among the masses. So naturally, it is seen as a socially acceptable form of gambling. The worst
thing that can happen to a lottery player is getting the addiction factor to the lotteries and it can be serious
trouble. The gambling addiction would be more among the lower class of the society than the above-average
income group and will be more among men than women.
Such gamblers will buy lotteries till they got nothing left in their hand. They will never have many personal savings
and they would even take money from other fruitful investments or charities. Their family will be those who suffer
the most as money will be disappeared every morning. Lotteries can be as addicting as beverages if not controlled.
The majority of them would end up in bankruptcy as the odds of winning the lottery is very less.

Gambler’s Fallacy, Gambling Addiction, Financial Discipline, Cognitive Biases.

I. Introduction 1
(reliable, transparent and popular), the Lotteries
Department rolls out seven weekly lotteries –
The Gambler's Fallacy, also known as the Monte
Pournami, Win-Win, Sthree Sakthi, Akshaya,
Carlo fallacy or the fallacy of the maturity of
Nirmal, Karunya Plus and Karunya – one for each
chances, is the mistaken belief that, if something
day of the week. Four of the biggest festivals –
happens more frequently than normal during a given
Onam, Vishu, Christmas and Pooja– also get their
period, it will happen less frequently in the future. It
special bumper lotteries.
may also be stated as the belief that, if something
happens less frequently than normal during a given Besides these, there are also two special seasonal
period, it will happen more frequently in the future. lotteries, the Monsoon and Summer bumper
In situations where the outcome being observed is lotteries. Despite the massive jackpot prizes paid
truly random and consists of independent trials of a out, especially in the bumper lotteries, the lottery
random process, this belief is false. Thus, Gambler's business is one of Kerala's biggest cash cows,
Fallacy is an erroneous belief that an individual has drawing thousands of crores to the state exchequer
about random gambling successes due to the each year. In 2015-16, the Kerala government
inaccurate understanding of probability. The fallacy earned ` 7,300 crore by selling lottery tickets, of
can arise in many situations but is most strongly which the profit to the exchequer was ` 2,200
associated with gambling, where it is common crores.
among players.
II. Review of literature
The Kerala State Lotteries was started in 1967 The Hindu (2017) A cognitive bias where an
with the special interest of the then state finance individual believes that an outcome is unlikely to
Minister P.K. Kunju Sahib under E.M. Sankaran happen because it has already happened several times
Namboodiripad ministry. It was the first of its kind in the past. It is considered a fallacy because the
in India – fully state-owned and regulated. With the chances that a random event will occur in the future
motto of Viswasthyam, Sutharyam, Janakeeyam does not in any way depend on the frequency of its
occurrence in the past.
Corresponding Author:
Bibin K. Bhanu, Research Scholar, P.G & Research Department
of Commerce, St. Peter’s College, Kolenchery
2 Financial Discipline, Gambler’s Fallacy and Gambling Addiction among Lottery Participants

Dr Sanju George (2016) reveals that the public risk occupations, residing in both Municipal Councils
of gambling in Kerala has yet been identified. He and Panchayats of Alappuzha District.
also calls for conducting much more research in the
field to raise the profile of gambling as an important Sample Design
public health issue, and to get it widely Since the population is large in numbers, it was
acknowledged as a behaviour with addiction proposed to use a representative sample for the
potential. study. For that purpose, 120 lottery participants
were taken as the sample based on a two-stage
Paul Zachariah (2015) points out that the lottery is sampling process. In the first stage, the lottery
something that makes people dream, and exploits method was used to select 3 Municipal Councils
the poorest of the poor. In Kerala, everyone, from 6 the Municipal Councils and 9 Panchayats
including political parties, has let them down, and from the 72 Panchayats of Alappuzha district.
they submit themselves to supernatural powers such as Quotas were allotted to the set of Municipal
godmen or lotteries, searching luck. There are few Councils (24 in numbers) and the set of Panchayats
clear answers on why Kerala is so fascinated with (96 in numbers) based on population ratio of
lotteries. “They are imagining a source of redemption”. Municipal Councils and Panchayats in Alappuzha
district. In the second stage, intercept survey method
III. Significance And Scope of the Study was used to collect data from the respondents,
The Kerala State Lotteries certainly have a claim to whereby they were met at the places of purchase of
dozens of „rags to riches‟ stories of lady luck lotteries like shops, peddlers etc. in the above-
shining on those desperately in need. But for every mentioned Municipal Councils and Panchayats.
one of these success stories, there are lakhs of others Normality test Jarque-Bera test showed value of
who dutifully sink in hundreds every month hoping 3.43(p =0.179), data set is normal.
for that elusive victory. It is this habituation, which
soon grows into an addiction that many decry about Type of Data Source
the lottery system in the state. It survives by selling The study consists of both primary and secondary
impossible dreams to the poor and comparing the data. However, primary data collected from
faith in lotteries to the belief in the supernatural respondents were used for analysis. Primary data
„miracles‟ of godmen. Thus, there is a great deal of were collected through questionnaires. Secondary
social cost associated with lotteries in Kerala, as it is data were collected from Books, Online Journals,
a form of legalized plunder from the poor, who are and Websites etc.
the main participants of the system. Due to all these
reasons, a study on the Financial Discipline and Tools for Data Collection
Gambling Behaviour of the participants of Kerala The Primary data for analysis were collected by
State Lotteries, especially the regular participants, is administering a detailed questionnaire, from lottery
found to be significant. participants across Alappuzha District.
IV. Objectives of the Study Tools for Analysis and Interpretation of Data
The study is conducted with the overall objective of The study used tools like mean, standard deviation,
understanding the link between Financial Discipline, percentages, and correlations etc with the help of SPSS
Gambler‟s Fallacy and Gambling Addiction. Keeping Software for analysing the primary data collected. The
it in mind the following specific objectives were set: analysed data were presented in tables and graphs in a
simplified and attractive manner.
1) To examine the factors that result in the
increased spending on lotteries by lottery VI. Model used for the study
The study proposed to evaluate three major concepts
2) To understand the level of Gambling namely Financial Discipline, Gambling Fallacy and
Addiction, Gambler‟s Fallacy and Financial Gambling Addiction. For measuring Financial
Discipline among lottery participants. Discipline, a 23-item instrument with 5-point Likert
3) To know whether there is any relationship type scaling techniques ranging from „Never‟ to
between Financial Discipline, Gambler‟s „Always‟ (1 point to 5 points) was prepared. The
Fallacy and Gambling addiction among extracts of a model developed by Leonard and
individuals in the area of study. Williams in 2016, was modified in the context of
Kerala and was used for measuring Gambling Fallacy
V. Database and methodology and Gambling Addiction. An instrument with 10
Population objective questions was used to measure Gambler‟s
Fallacy and a 12-item instrument with 4-point scaling
In this study, the population includes lottery ranging from „Not at all true‟ to „Exactly true‟ (1 point
participants of all age groups, both male and female, to 4 points) was used to measure Gambling Addiction.
with different educational qualifications and
Bibin K. Bhanu 3

VII. Findings
Table 1: Financial Discipline.
Financial Discipline – Statements Mean SD
I make financial plans about my income, expenditure and savings. 3.24 1.561
I can strictly follow the financial plans I make. 2.91 1.372
I always ensure I get a regular income. 2.88 1.540
I don’t have a habit of spending money before getting it. 3.97 1.437
I compare prices while making purchases. 3.38 1.496
Priority goods are preferred to luxurious goods. 4.34 1.206
I pay my bills for electricity, telephone, rent etc. in the right time. 4.13 1.309
I always limit my expenses within my income. 3.19 1.451
I don’t have a temptation to spend more when I have some extra income. 3.57 1.459
I make regular savings from a portion of my income. 3.08 1.513
I make investments that give me reasonable returns, with limited risk. 2.87 1.561
When unforeseen and sudden expenses arise, I resort to personal savings than loans. 2.83 1.595
I use to borrow only when it is unavoidable. 4.01 1.287
If I take loans, I will consider interest rates and repayment options. 3.11 1.602
If I take loans, I will ensure that I make timely repayments. 4.11 1.180
After borrowing money, I limit my expenses to pay off the loan. 4.03 1.270
My financial decisions and actions help in wealth creation. 3.14 1.502
I have subscribed insurance policy to protect my family. 2.81 1.536
I have well defined plans about retirement. 2.60 1.611
I keep records of how I manage money. 2.80 1.580
I give my family members or loved ones a say in my financial actions. 3.35 1.515
When my financial decisions go wrong, I ask for advices or become more cautious. 3.53 1.478
I am satisfied with the way I manage my money. 3.71 1.337
Overall Financial Discipline 3.37 0.56
Source: Primary data.

The overall Financial Discipline of the Respondents Frequency of Purchase of Lotteries

is measured using the 23 statements listed above with
the help of a five-point scaling tool ranging from Out of the 120 respondents, 40 (33.3 percent)
„Never‟ to „Always‟. The reliability testing showed a admitted that they purchase lottery tickets „Very
Cronbach‟s Alpha of 0.737. The overall Financial Often‟, 32 of them (26.7 percent) pointed that they
Discipline is found to be 3.37 with a Standard purchase tickets „Often‟ and 38 respondents pointed
Deviation of 0.56, which is fairly higher than the that they purchase tickets „Sometimes‟. The rest
median value 3. It means that, on an average, the engage in lottery play „Rarely‟.
respondents of the study have above average
Financial Discipline.





Very Often Sometimes Rarely
Figure (i): Frequency of Lottery Purchase

People tends to purchase lottery tickets to lessen their

Factors motivating Lottery Purchase
financial sufferings rather than the benevolent factors.
Factors that motivate respondents to purchase lottery Respondents also points those advertisements also play
tickets frequently was identified and ranked herewith. a key role in their purchase decision.
4 Financial Discipline, Gambler’s Fallacy and Gambling Addiction among Lottery Participants

Table 2: Factors motivating Lottery Purchase

Reasons for Purchase of Lotteries Rank
I like playing lotteries, as I enjoy the pleasure of gambling 10
I wish to lead a much comfortable lifestyle or pursue certain dreams that I believe I could achieve through winning lotteries. 2
I have huge financial problems which can be solved only through a windfall gain. 3
My income alone cannot ensure financial prosperity of my family. 4
I purchase lotteries because I have won prizes previously. 6
Stories about previous winners do influence in the purchase of Lotteries 5
Advertisements of lotteries or persuasion of the lottery sellers tempt me to buy lotteries. 9
Lotteries help in providing a livelihood to the poor vendors. 7
Lottery income earned by the Government is used for good causes. 8
I have faith that I would win lotteries in the future. 1
Source: Primary data

Gambler’s Fallacy 40 percent of the respondents have high fallacy,

On the basis of the Gambling Fallacy scores, the whereas 15 percent of the respondents show critical
respondents were classified into 4 categories, Gambling Fallacy.45 percent of the respondents
namely Least Fallacious, Moderately Fallacious, have moderate level of Gambling Fallacy.
Highly Fallacious and Critically Fallacious. About

Least Moderate High Severe

Figure (ii): Degree of Gambler's Fallacy.

Table 3: Gambling Addiction

Gambling Addiction – Statements Mean SD
My involvement in lotteries caused significant financial concerns to me or someone close to me or caused me 1.53 .943
either to borrow a significant amount of money or sell some of my possessions.
My involvement in lotteries caused significant mental stress in the form of guilt, anxiety, or depression for me 1.72 1.070
or someone close to me in the past.
My involvement in lotteries caused significant health issues for me or someone close to me in the past. 1.36 .797
My involvement in lotteries caused serious problems in my relationship with my spouse or important friends 1.53 .859
or family in the past.
My involvement in lotteries caused me to miss a significant amount of time off work in the past. 1.49 .879
In the past, I have gone back to try and win back the money I lost in lotteries. 1.88 1.112
In the past, when I was not playing lotteries, I experienced irritability, restlessness or strong cravings for it. 1.76 1.069
In the past, I have often purchased more lotteries with more money or more frequently than I intended to. 2.18 1.058
In the past, I have spent a significant portion of my income, savings or wealth for purchase of lotteries. 2.13 1.164
In the past, when I was not winning lotteries, there were significant issues in the form of guilt, anxiety, or 2.44 1.151
depression for me.
In the past, when I was not winning lotteries, there were significant health issues, insomnia or pressure etc. for me. 2.02 1.123
In the past, the thoughts of purchasing of or winning lotteries had taken a significant portion of the time 2.57 1.308
available to me.
Overall Gambling Addiction 1.8819 .65149
Source: Primary data.
Bibin K. Bhanu 5

Table 4: Gambling Addiction on the basis of Income level of the Respondents.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 4.835 5 1.209 .043 .002
Within Groups 45.673 115 .397
Total 50.508 120
Source: Primary data. Level of significance 5%.

On the basis of evaluation of Gambling the basis of income level of the respondents.
Addiction among the respondents it was found that Problem Gamblers comes from lower income
Gambling Addiction differs across respondents on groups.

Table 5: Gambling Addiction on the basis of Level of Education

Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 38.448 5 9.612 2.083 .038
Within Groups 530.752 115 4.615
Total 569.200 120
Source: Primary data. Level of significance 5%.

On the basis of the evaluation of the primary lower levels tends to be more prone towards
data it was found that gambling addiction differs gambling addiction whereas respondents with
across various respondents on the basis of the level higher levels of education tends to be less and less
of education of the respondents. Respondents with prone to Gambling Addiction.

Table 6: Inter-relationship between Gambler’s Fallacy and Gambling Addiction.

Gambling Fallacy Gambling Addiction
Pearson Correlation 1 .364
Gambling Fallacy Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 120 120
Pearson Correlation .364 1
Gambling Addiction Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 120 120
Source: Primary data. Level of significance 5%.

It is found that Gambler‟s Fallacy and Gambling Addiction. A person with higher gambler‟s fallacy
Addiction are correlated. Respondents with higher tends to be spending more and more on lotteries.
level of Gambler‟s Fallacy have more Gambling

Table 7: Inter-relationship between Financial Discipline and Gambling Addiction.

Financial Discipline Gambling Fallacy
Pearson Correlation 1 -.329
Sig. (2-tailed) .755
Financial Discipline N 120 120
Pearson Correlation -.329 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .755
Gambling Addiction N 120 120
Source: Primary data. Level of significance 5%.

On the basis of analysis of primary data, it was As financial discipline increases gambling addiction
found that Financial Discipline and Gambling tends to decrease and vice-versa.
Addiction among respondents are correlated. There
is a positive correlation between both these aspects.
6 Financial Discipline, Gambler’s Fallacy and Gambling Addiction among Lottery Participants

VIII. Conclusion References

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