Kunci Jawaban Modul UN Bahasa Inggris SMA

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Listening Script
1. Man : Excuse me. Why is it very hectic here?
Woman : Oh, a few trains are late, so the passengers pile up this station. As you can see,
many of them look mad and impatient.
Woman : Well, maybe there is a problem.
Man : I think so.
Narrator : Why do many people become furious?
2. Man : Hey, is this your certificate?
Woman : Yes, it is.
Man : Wow, your GPA is 3.8 and you graduated with cum laude. Congratulations!
Woman : Thank you.
Man : So, What is your plan after this?
Woman : I’ve got an offer as a lecturer’s assistant.
Narrator : Why does the man congratulate the woman?
3. Girl : I didn’t see you last week. Where did you go?
Boy : Well, I joined the International Youth Forum 2016 in Bali.
Girl : Wow! That’s great! Who were the participants and what did all of you do
during the event?
Boy : The event was attended by one hundred and thirty-three students from thirty-
nine countries and 100 members of an Indonesian delegation. We studied
various Balinese Cultures.
Girl : I bet you already had great times.
Boy : Indeed!
Narrator : What is the main topic of the conversation?
4. Woman : Did you receive an invitation of Laura’s wedding party? Will you attend it?
Man : Yes, but I don’t know whether I will go or not. It’s out of town.
Woman : I know. What do you think if we rent a car and ask others to join? Then, we
shared the cost.
Man : Good idea! I agree.
Narrator : What does the woman propose?
5. Man : The traffic is really terrible. Look at the cars ahead! It’s a long queue.
Woman : You’re right. I wonder, it’s not a weekend or peak hour, is it?
Man : It is. It’s already 1 p.m. and the airport is still twenty kilometers ahead.
Woman : …
Narrator : What is the woman’s suitable response?
A. I’m going to take the first flight.
B. I hope we will not miss our flight.
C. I have no idea to solve this problem.
D. I wish to have a chance to travel by plane.
6. Man : Recently there are many cases of smuggling rare animals abroad.
Woman : Yeah, I’ve read the online news about it. Smugglers are getting creative to
carry out their actions so that quarantine officers at airports must be more
alert to figure out their actions.
Man : You’re right. Though every airport has applied tighter regulations, they aren’t
afraid to smuggle.
Woman : …
Narrator : What is the best response to the man’s statement?
A. I don’t know what rare animals are smuggled.
B. Airport officers should work harder.
C. Then, I think, smugglers must receive heavy sentences.
D. The animals being smuggled are rare and protected.
7. Man : Talking about the seminar, have all seminar kits for participation already been
Woman : Yes, everything is almost done, but I have a small problem.
Man : What is it?
Woman : I’m so busy with the papers and kits that I forget making the forms of
participants’ presence.
Man : …
Narrator : What is the best response?
A. Let me do it.
B. That’s not a big deal.
C. Everything will be alright.
D. May I see the forms, please?
8. It was Thursday in Kolkata and since the morning, workers were constructing a new flyover. The
2.5km flyover was built to tackle the congestion at Burrabazar, one of the larger wholesale
markets in Asia, and Howrah station. At that time, the flyover was nearing completion.
There was no prior indication, only then a sudden, explosive sound was heard as the flyover
crashed down at around 12:50 p.m. The debris has closed the road and several vehicles with
their passengers were trapped underneath. Furthermore, there were many hawkers, rickshaw-
pullers and laborers, who peacefully had a meal, under the under-construction project.
So, army personnel, state disaster management, city police and fire brigade personnel
along with local people formed human chains to rescue victims. The incident caused at least 25
people are died and nearly 90 recuperating in different hospitals.
Adopted from: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/kolkata-flyover-collapse-3-killed-many-
Narrator: Which picture matches the monolog?
9. China has built a 688-meter-long escalator situated in the Enshi Grand Canyon outside of Enshi
Prefecture in Hubei Province, marking the world’s longest sightseeing escalator.
It opened up during the week-long National Day holiday earlier in October. Each visitor pays
20 yuan (US$2.97) to go up the escalator and witnesses the beautiful sights the area has to
At peak capacity, the escalator can carry 7.300 visitors in one hour and is estimated to
transport 300.000 of them per year.
Adopted from: http://www.thejakartapost.com/travel/2016/10/14/worlds-longest-sightseeing-escalator-built-in-
Narrator: Which picture matches the monolog?
10. Do you know a seagull? Seagull is a type of sea bird. There are over 20 species of seagulls that
can be found all over the planet (even on the Arctic and Antarctica).
Smallest species of seagulls can reach 11.5 inches in length and 4.2 ounces of weight. Large
species can reach 30 inches long and 3.8 pounds of weight. Bodies of most seagulls are covered
with white plumage. Wingtips are usually black or dark in color, but several are grey or entirely
white. A seagull has a strong body, elongated legs and webbed feet. Its beak is slightly hooked
and usually yellow.
Seagulls are one of the rare animals that are able to drink salt water. Their diet includes
different types of insects, earthworms, small rodents, reptiles, and amphibians. They also
consume seed, fruit, and leftovers of human meals.
Adopted from: http://www.softschools.com/facts/animals/seagull_facts/695/
Narrator: Which picture matches the description?
11. He is one of the greatest living football managers. He has brought Manchester United to win
many high-profile championship titles. This man was born in Glasgow, Scotland on 31st
December 1941. Starting his career as a football player, he, usually wearing glasses, worked as
Manchester United’s manager in 1986.
His crowning achievement came in the 1998-1999 season, when he became the first
manager of a British side to win a treble: the Premiere League championship, the FA Cup, and
the European Cup. That year he was also awarded knighthood in the Queen’s Birthday Honors
List and gave him title ‘Sir’. In 2003, he received the Manager of the Decade award, presented
by the FA Premier League to mark the first 10 years of the Premiership.
During his leadership, he gave Manchester United a record 19 Premier League
championships, along with European Cup and FIFA Club World Cup victories in 2008.
Adopted from: http://www.biography.com/people/alex-ferguson-9293262#manager
Narrator: Which picture matches the monolog?

Questions 12 and 13 are based on the following monolog.

Columbia, on mission STS-107, left Earth for the last time on 16th January 2003. At the time, the
shuttle program was focused on building the International Space Station. However, STS-107 stood
apart as it emphasized pure research.
The seven-member crew—Rick Husband, commander; Michael Anderson, payload commander;
David Brown, mission specialist; William McCool, pilot; Ilan Ramon, payload specialist from the Israeli
Space Agency—spent 24 hours a day doing science experiments in two shifts. They performed
around 80 experiments in life sciences, material sciences, fluid physics, and other materials.
On 1st February 2003, the shuttle made its usual landing approach to the Kennedy Space Centre.
Just before 9 a.m. EST, however, abnormal readings showed up at Mission Control. They lost
temperature readings from sensors located on the left wing. Then, tire pressure readings from the
left side also vanished.
It was found out that space shuttle Columbia broke up as it returned to Earth, killing seven
astronauts on board. NASA suspended space shuttle flights for more than two years as it investigated
the disaster.
Adopted from: http://www.space.com/29436-columbia-disaster.html
12. What does the monolog talk about?
13. What did the space shuttle Columbia’s crew do during their mission?
Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following monolog.
There was a farmer who went to the rice field and returned home always passing through a
forest. One afternoon when he was on his way home, he heard groaning, “Is anybody there? Please
help me.”
Without fear, the farmer approached the sound and found a wounded deer. “Help me, Sir. A
hunter hit my hind leg with his arrow. Save me, Sir,” the deer said. The farmer was surprised to find
that the deer could talk.
Without wasting time, he carried the deer home. He treated the wound, gave it food and let it
lie on his bed. He looked after it lovingly. Suddenly, it transformed into a handsome young man who
turned out to have been condemned because of his mischief. He curse would end if there was a
person who could take care of it sincerely.
The young man told the farmer that he was a prince and he would return to the palace. He
invited the farmer and his family to go with him, to stay at the palace. Since then, the prince became
a good and caring young man.
14. What is the monolog about?
15. What was strange about the deer?

1. C 11. B 21. C 31. C 41. D
2. A 12. D 22. E 32. E 42. E
3. C 13. C 23. B 33. A 43. A
4. D 14. C 24. D 34. B 44. A
5. B 15. A 25. B 35. E 45. D
6. C 16. C 26. C 36. D 46. B
7. A 17. E 27. D 37. E 47. C
8. A 18. A 28. B 38. E 48. D
9. D 19. D 29. C 39. D 49. C
10. B 20. A 30. B 40. C 50. C

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