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- For model, the theory that "all swans are white," can be misrepresented by watching a dark


- For Popper, science should endeavor to invalidate a hypothesis, instead of endeavor to

constantly uphold hypothetical theories.

Science and Results

Individuals who don't comprehend science are prevailed upon when the control can deliver

- Science isn't completely secure, with the end goal that it is right 100% of the time.

- Aside from Science, there are different controls that can deliver results, for example,
religion, karma, and human irregularity are a portion of its peers in the field.

- In the nonappearance of science, obliviousness will undoubtedly overwhelm the brains of

individuals and they will in general buy in to strange notion and heavenly nature to get a few

Science as Education

Current training has begun to rise in the Philippines, it centers to a great extent around
science and innovation. It is obvious by incorporation of science subjects in its whole
educational plan. Science secondary schools are everywhere on over the nation. It is so
mainstream and everyone got pulled in to try out a school where it provides food top of the
line science instruction. there is a proof of rivalry among tuition based schools and even in
the administration run schools.

- Simply acing science and innovation would be deficient on the off chance that we are to,
state, associate with individuals or ruminate on our internal identity.

- There is a disgrace that the alumni will get on a regarded occupations with more significant
salary on the off chance that they will seek after science related courses.

- To be acceptable or great in science as well as in different field of learning is the

unadulterated and genuine significance of Eudaimonia.


You will be evaluated using the rubric below;

Score Understanding Strategies Thinking Skills
Uses effective
Understanding of Uses logical thinking to
4 strategies to get
concept is clearly arrive at conclusion
accurate results
Understanding of Uses appropriate
3 the concept is strategies to arrive at a Shows thinking skills to
result arrive at conclusion

Has limited
Uses strategies Attempts to show
2 understanding of
that are ineffective thinking skills
a concept

Has a complete lack of Makes no attempt to Shows no

understanding of use a strategy understanding

Discuss the importance of Scientific Method and cite a daily situation where the said method
is used. (Explain step by step)


Choose at least 5 items below and state a brief history or discovery that brought about the
invention or discovery of the things stated below. State their contributions in our scientific

a. Cellphone f. Wi-Fi
b. Telescope g. Space Telescope
c. Medicine h. Guns
d. Microscope i. Internet
e. Radio j. Television

What are the factors that embody human flourishing?

What would have happened to humankind if science and technology did not exist?


Aristotle bases the understandability of the positive qualities in what is useful for
theparticular substance viable. For whatever has a characteristic capacity, the great is in
thismanner thought to dwell in the capacity. The normal capacity of a thing is dictated by
itscharacteristic end. Concerning living things, there are specific methods of being that
comprisethe flawlessness of the living thing's temperament.

As indicated by Aristotle, there is a finish of the entirety of the activities that we

perform which we want for it. This is what is known as Eudaimonia, thriving, or
satisfaction,which is wanted for the good of its own with all different things being wanted for
its goodness.Eudaimonia is a property of one's life when considered all in all. Prospering is
the mostnoteworthy great of human undertakings and that toward which all activities point. It
isaccomplishment as an individual. The best life is one of great human movement.

One's own life is the main life that an individual need to live. It follows that, for
Aristotle,the "great" is what is equitably useful for a specific man. Aristotle's Eudaimonia is
officiallyself-absorbed in that an individual's regulating explanation behind picking specific
activitiesoriginates from the possibility that he should seek after his own great or thriving.
Sincepersonal circumstance is thriving, the positive qualities in human direct are associated
withthe personal circumstance of the acting individual. Great signifies "useful for" the
individualgood operator. Vanity is an essential aspect of Aristotle's morals.

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