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Chat GPT
for Product
Malay Krishna w/ Team Upraised
Your Instructor
I am Malay, a product manager with over
seven years of experience in the art. I
have worked on early-stage products,
where I scaled my first product to over a
million users, and now lead the product
team at Vyapar, India's fastest-growing
business management software.

I mentor aspiring PMs over weekends and

am passionate about building better

Find me on LinkedIn, and let's chat!


AI has

And PMs must

be Early
So will AI take our


No. But someone

using AI will.

So we must
adapt, overcome and

Our focus
today is to
learn staying
relevant in the
times of AI.
Agenda for the Session 05

01 Understanding Chat GPT's Limitations

We will spend the first part understanding Chat GPT's limitations and where PMs can add value.

02 Understanding Chat GPT's Capabilities

We will then move towards knowing what opportunities Chat GPT presents for Product Managers.

03 Deep Dive into Prompting for Product Managers

The core of the session focuses on structuring your prompt to maximize leverage for Chat GPT.

04 Practical Examples of Chat GPT at Work for PMs

We conclude the session with practical examples of user research, PRDs, impact documents for PMs.

Chat GPT's
First, we must understand that Chat
GPT or any other AI platform cannot
think yet. It cannot generate ideas
from scratch since it uses existing
knowledge on the internet.

Let's understand what this means.

Chat GPT's Limitations

An Inherent Bias No Depth No Emotions

ChatGPT was trained Its answers will ChatGPT can mimic
on the collective contain fluff that is of emotions but not feel
writing of humans no use. It might not them. Product
across the world, past provide in-depth development is a lot
and present. answers or explain the about making your
Unfortunately, this topic in simple terms. users feel a certain
means that the same Chat GPT would way, which means
biases that exist in the usually give a short Chat GPT cannot
real world can also answer without create genuine ideas
appear in the model. elaborating with from scratch that
details and examples. make humans feel any
Chat GPT's
Chat GPT's limitations allow us to
use it as a complement to our way
of work.

For PMs, Chat GPT could be the

perfect co-pilot, if leveraged well.

Let's look deeper at these

limitations and the opportunities
they present.
Validate Decisions Supplementary Ideation
Since Chat GPT works on the Chat GPT is a great tool to bounce
collective intelligence of the off ideas, especially when you are
internet, it could be used to in the process of framing your
validate decisions that we take problem statement.
after being presented with the
right mix of data points.

Work Backwards
If your end goal is concrete, you
Chat GPT's could work backwards to map a
list of steps you must take to
Summarize Discussions
Capabilities reach that end goal.

Chat GPT could be provided with

a dump of your discussions and
asked to summarize it in a format
you feel is best usable later.

Researching Competitors
Pathways to Goal Chat GPT is a great way to find
about known and unknown
Chat GPT cannot reach your goal
competitors to your product, and
alone, but it can show you the
doing a SWOT analysis on them.
path towards that goal.
Before we move forward, let me talk
about Upraised's Know Your Self

If you need an objective test to

understand where you stand among
other product managers, you must
attempt the KYS!

PS: At the end of this presentation,

I'll reveal my KYS score. :)
Leveraging Chat
GPT via Prompts
Chat GPT can be used in multiple
ways to make the product
management process more

And the science of doing so solely

lies in prompting. A prompt is the
heart and soul of how Chat GPT
works, and hence it is critical for us
to learn the best practices involved.
Mega Prompts

The golden rule of using Chat GPT for

your work is to get out what you put
in. That’s obvious, but it means that
all those short GPT prompt
databases with “500 prompts” are

Instead, you need to give Chat GPT a

LOT of contexts for it to be able to
work its magic. Otherwise, it will just
make stuff up randomly, and none of
what it writes for you will be usable
as anything more than an outline.
Mega Prompts


Format Integrate your

AI can mimic
branding into your
extremely well.
How do you want the
output formatted?
Do you want it as a
doc or a template?
Action What information
does the AI need to
fill this action?
What do want to the
AI to do? The most
specific you can be Mega prompts help guide
here, the better. you toward including all
Who would be the
absolute best kind of the information you need
person to handle
your request?
to include for a prompt to
be legitimately helpful.

If that looks like much work… it is!

The point of using AI is that it can’t do your

thinking for you. It will still save you time overall
but don’t expect it to be able to do everything.

As you use these tools, it is important to keep

the following in mind;

1. Don't use AI for your primary thinking.

2. You are 100% responsible for your creations.
3. Don't try to use AI for every small task.
Clarify 03
When ChatGPT generates a
response, it's important to ask
follow-up questions to clarify any While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it's
unclear areas. For example, if not perfect. If it generates a response
ChatGPT suggests a new feature that doesn't quite make sense or is
for your product, ask it to explain factually incorrect, correct the mistake
how the feature works and what and ask it to try again. For example, if
benefits it provides to your ChatGPT suggests a feature irrelevant
customers. to your product, correct the mistake
and ask it to generate a new idea that is
more aligned with your needs.

Expand 04
PM Build On
If ChatGPT suggests an idea that

seems promising, ask it to expand
on certain areas. For example, if Finally, remember that the response
ChatGPT suggests a new pricing generated by ChatGPT is just a starting
strategy for your product, ask it to point. Use it as inspiration to generate
explain how the strategy works, your own ideas and solutions. For
how it compares to other pricing example, if ChatGPT suggests a new
strategies, and what benefits it feature for your product, use that
provides to your customers. suggestion as a starting point to
brainstorm other features that would
complement it or improve upon it.

Let's Build
Now that we have learnt mega-
prompting, we can move towards
applying these prompts to do actual
useful product work.
Chat GPT is a
Game Changer
Most professionals already know this,
but most end up playing around with
basic prompts and don't get any real
value out of it.

Understand Chat GPT and hyper charge

your productivity as a PM!

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