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Q1.Describe the structure of a nephron.
Ans.) Nephron is the filtering unit in a kidney. It is a multicellular structure. Each kidney has
about a million nephrons. Nephron has a cup shaped structure called Bowman’s capsule
which contains a cluster of capillaries known as glomerulus. The bowman’s capsule extends
to the tubular part of the nephron consisting of proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), loop of
Henle and the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) that joins the collecting duct. The nephron is
surrounded by a capillary network.
Q2. Describe the steps of urine formation.
Ans.) The blood enters the kidney through the renal artery. The nephrons present in
kidneys filter blood to remove nitrogenous wastes from it and form urine.
Steps of urine formation:
(a) Glomerular filtration/Ultrafiltration - The renal artery divides to form a large number of
arterioles. Afferent arteriole enters the bowman’s capsule of a nephron and divides to
form a cluster of capillaries known as glomerulus. Filtration of blood takes place here
under pressure and the glomerular filtrate or ultrafiltrate moves into the proximal
convoluted tubule. The capillaries join to form efferent arteriole which forms a capillary
network over the nephron.
(b) Selective Reabsorption- Some substances such as glucose, amino acids, salts and
required amount of water are selectively reabsorbed as the glomerular filtrate moves
through the tubule of the nephron.
(c) Tubular Secretion- As this filtrate reaches the distal convoluted tubule, certain
substances like pigments, some ions ,drugs etc are secreted into it. The filtrate has
become concentrated and is now called urine which is poured into the collecting duct.
From the collecting duct, the urine is passed to the ureter and then to urinary bladder
where it is temporarily stored and is passed out through the urethra.
The urine is composed of 95% water, 2.5% urea and 2.5% other waste products.

Q3.How is the amount of urine produced regulated?

Ans.) The amount of urine produced depends on the amount of excess water (or the
amount of water reabsorbed) and the quantity of dissolved wastes to be excreted. A
hormone Anti diuretic hormone (ADH) controls the reabsorption of water in the tubules of
the nephron and regulates the amount of urine produced.

Q4.State two vital functions of the human kidney.
(a) The kidneys filter blood to remove nitrogenous wastes such as urea and uric acid in
the form of urine.
(b) The kidneys help in osmoregulation i.e. maintaining the water and ionic balance of
the body.

Q5.Define dialysis. Which type of patients are put under dialysis? Which particular step in
urine formation by kidneys is not carried out during dialysis?
Ans.) Dialysis or hemodialysis is a process to filter blood to remove nitrogenous wastes
using an artificial kidney or a machine.
The kidneys of a person may not function properly due to an injury, or disease or
reduced blood supply. In such cases the amount of toxic substances rise in the blood
and may lead to death of a person. So dialysis is carried out to remove the harmful
nitrogenous wastes from the blood.
Selective reabsorption is not carried out during dialysis.

Q6. Compare the functioning of alveoli in lungs and nephrons in the kidneys with respect to
their structure and function.

Structure- Alveoli are balloon like Structure- Nephrons are multicellular
structures that are present at the end of structures present in kidneys consisting of
the bronchioles. Walls of alveoli are one a cup shaped bowman’s capsule
cell thick. extending into renal tubule comprising of
proximal convoluted tubule, loop of
Henle and distal convoluted tubule.
Function- Exchange of gases takes place Function- The blood is filtered to remove
between the walls of alveoli and the nitrogenous wastes and excess water in
blood capillaries surrounding it. Carbon the renal corpuscle (bowman’s capsule +
dioxide from the blood in the capillaries glomerulus) to form urine that goes to
diffuses into alveoli and oxygen from the collecting duct.
alveoli diffuse into the blood in the Nephrons are filtering units present in
capillaries. Alveoli are sites of gaseous the kidney.
exchange in lungs.

Q7. Draw neat labelled diagram of the following:
(i) Excretory system in human beings- pg. 110 fig. 6.13 ncert book
(ii) Structure of a nephron- pg. 111 fig. 6.14 ncert book

Q8. What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products?
Ans. Oxygen & carbon dioxide are released during photosynthesis & respiration respectively.
Plants can get rid of excess of water by transpiration.
Other metabolic waste can be removed as:
1) Waste products can be stored in cell vacuoles.
2) It may be stored in leaves that fall off.
3) It can be stored as resins & gums in old xylem.
4) Plants also excrete some waste substances into the soil around them.

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