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Optics and Laser Technology 112 (2019) 479–484

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High-resolution refractometry using phase shifting interferometry based on T

spatial light modulator and vortex probe

Youngbin Na, Do-Kyeong Ko
Department of Physics and Photon Science, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea


• The vortex phase rotates according to the phase shift introduced by a medium.
• The rotation angle of the vortex can quantify the refractive index of liquids.
• ACompared
system based on a spatial light modulator is built to retrieve the vortex phase.
• Extremely small
with a Michelson interferometer, the proposed system is more stable.
• differences in concentration, the order of 0.01%, is distinguished.


Keywords: We present a spatial light modulator (SLM) based phase shifting interferometry (PSI) using an optical vortex for
Interferometry sensing the refractive index (RI) of liquids. The vortex phase rotates according to the phase shift introduced by a
Optical vortex medium, and its rotation angle quantifies the index of refraction of the sample. An interferometer modified with
Spatial light modulator the SLM is designed to obtain reliable results. We experimentally demonstrate the stability of the SLM-based
Refractive index sensing
system by measuring interference and phase fluctuation. Experimental results show that the proposed system
keeps the fluctuation small. The vortex probe PSI combined with the SLM-based interferometer enables not only
detecting extremely small changes in concentration but also precisely measuring the RI with high resolution of
∼10−5 refractive index unit.

1. Introduction such as optical tweezers [10–12], super-resolution microscopy [13–15],

laser processing [16,17], optical communication [18–20], and quantum
Refractive index (RI) of an optical medium is an important char- optics [21] due to its unique properties of a doughnut-shaped intensity
acteristic that describes the interaction of light with the matter. and orbital angular momentum. Recently, due to the phase structure
Moreover, measuring the RI is employed to estimate the concentration proportional to the azimuth angle, optical vortices are used for me-
of a liquid mixture. The precise measurement of the concentration is trology such as profilometry and thin film measurement [22–24]. So-
essential in research fields such as chemical analysis and processing, kolenko et al. [23,24] proposed phase shifting profilometry with a
and fabrication of nanocomposite thin films. In particular, conducting vortex probing beam. The resolution reached up to 5 nm with a wa-
thin films have been actively investigated for developing transparent velength of 632.8 nm by using the vortex probe. Meanwhile, Xu et al.
and efficient solar cells [1,2]. For this reason, a variety of techniques [25] analyzed optical properties of a metamaterial with subwavelength-
have been presented to measure the concentration and the RI [3–9]. thick nanostructures by measuring the interference pattern between a
Although some methods can achieve high-sensitivity and high-resolu- vortex beam and a Gaussian beam. Depending on the applied phase
tion, they require direct contact with a sample, device fabrication shift by media, the vortex phase rotates from 0 to 2 pi. Therefore, it is
process, complicated and expensive components. To overcome these possible to determine the RI of the liquid from the rotation angle of the
limitations, we propose a noninvasive measurement scheme using an reconstructed vortex phase. For this reason, phase shifting inter-
optical vortex as a probing beam. ferometry (PSI) is employed to retrieve the vortex phase and estimate
Optical vortex has been extending its application to various fields the RI.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D.-K. Ko).
Received 11 September 2018; Received in revised form 20 November 2018; Accepted 28 November 2018
0030-3992/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Na, D.-K. Ko Optics and Laser Technology 112 (2019) 479–484

PSI is a widely used optical tool for phase reconstruction in various 3. Theory
application fields [26–31]. Although PSI is well known as the re-
presentative technique that is fast and highly precise, it is weak against 3.1. Basic principle of PSI
external disturbance such as mechanical vibrations due to a system
configuration such as Michelson and Mach-Zehnder interferometer Interference is described by a reference beam and object beam.
[32–34]. These interferometers are composed of two different arms for Assuming that the laser beam is a collimated plane wave, the electric
a reference and object beam. The disturbances of each path generate fields are given by
fluctuation that causes low stability. Therefore, it is required to use a
Ek (x , y ) = Ak exp[iϕk (x , y )], (k = r , o) (1)
stability-enhanced system for precise PSI. For this reason, we present a
modified interferometer based on a spatial light modulator (SLM) and where the subscripts, r and o , in the above equation denote the electric
experimentally demonstrate its stability. field, amplitude, and phase of the reference and object beam, respec-
In this paper, we first experimentally verify the stability of the SLM- tively. Here, ϕo is phase information we want to obtain. With the Eq.
based interferometer. Interference fringe and phase are recorded for a (1), the interference intensity is written as [35]
specific time to demonstrate the stability. Then, the experimental re-
I (x , y ) = Ar2 + Ao2 + 2Ar Ao cos[ϕo − ϕr ] ≡ Idc + Iac cos ϕ (x , y ), (2)
sults are compared with that of the Michelson interferometer. With the
SLM-based interferometer and vortex probe beam, we perform PSI ex- where ϕ (x , y ) is the phase difference between the object and reference
periment on aqueous salt solutions with extremely small differences in beam, ϕ ≡ ϕo − ϕr . If a phase shift is added to the above equation for
concentration. Measurement of the RI is carried out with high-resolu- PSI, the intensity is modified as
tion by calculating the rotation angle of the reconstructed vortex phase.
Ii (x , y ) = Idc + Iac cos[ϕ (x , y ) + Δi]. (3)

In the case of the four-step phase shifting, Δi is changed from 0 to

2. Experimental setup and methods 3π /2 in steps of π/2 [36]. From the Eq. (3) with each phase step, the
phase difference becomes
As shown in Fig. 1, the SLM-based interferometer is built to con-
struct a stable system for precise measurements. Light from a He-Ne I − I1 ⎤
ϕ (x , y ) = tan−1 ⎡ 3 = ϕo − ϕr .
laser is separated into two paths by a polarizing beam splitter (PBS). ⎣ ⎥
⎢ I0 − I2 ⎦ (4)
Transmitted horizontally polarized light becomes an object beam after
Because two beams are parallel in the SLM-based system, the phase
passing through a sample. Reflected vertically polarized light acts as a
difference becomes
reference beam. The PBS and mirror are placed close together to
minimize phase fluctuation caused by a non-common path part of two ϕo − ϕr = (φ + lϕ + kz ) − kz ′ = nkd + lϕ + C , (5)
beams. The parallel-aligned nematic liquid crystal SLM (PLUTO-VIS,
where φ = nkd is a phase difference introduced by the sample, n is the
Holoeye) is designed to modulate only a phase of the horizontally po-
RI and d is the path length, k is the wavenumber in the air, lϕ is a vortex
larized light. Therefore, the SLM acts as a reflective phase grating and
phase carrying a topological charge l , z and z ′ are propagation distance
phase shifting component for the horizontal polarization. On the other
of each beam. Optical path difference C = kz − kz ′ is the constant at the
hand, a vertically polarized beam is reflected off without modulation
CCD plane.
As shown in Fig. 2(a), the horizontal and vertical beams are incident
with the angle of θ and converge at one point on the SLM. The object 4. Experimental results and discussion
beam is diffracted (+1st order), with the diffraction angle of θ′. When
an appropriate grating period is selected, the reflected vertical beam 4.1. System stability
(reference) and the diffracted horizontal beam (object) collinearly
propagate, i.e. θ′ = θ . Fig. 2(b) shows fork holograms corresponding to An ordinary Michelson interferometer is additionally used to com-
each phase step to perform four-step PSI with vortex probe. Beam pare the stability of the proposed system. A CCD camera (UI-2220SE)
alignment, phase shifting, and vortex generation are simultaneously with 768 × 576 pixels (pixel pitch is 8.6 μm) is used to record the in-
realized by using the SLM. terference pattern with the 8-bit gray level (0–255). Interference fringe
is recorded for 1 min. From the recorded result, we take 400 data at a
specific position (x , y ) with a time interval of 0.1 s. Fig. 3(a) shows the
intensity over time in the Michelson interferometer, and Fig. 3(b) and
(c) show that of the SLM-based interferometer. A change in intensity
signal implies the lateral shift of the interference fringe. The Fig. 3(c)

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a modified inter-

ferometer based on SLM: He-Ne laser of 594 nm
wavelength; ND, neutral density filter; M, mirror;
PBS, polarizing beam splitter cube; HWP, half-
wave plate. Here, a sample is an aqueous salt
solution filled in a cuvette. PBS and mirror are
placed close together on a single mount (black
dotted line). The inset depicts a spiral inter-
ference pattern produced by the collinearly pro-
pagating vortex and Gaussian beam (red dotted
line). (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

Y. Na, D.-K. Ko Optics and Laser Technology 112 (2019) 479–484

Fig. 2. (a) Detailed geometry of the SLM-based interferometer and (b) phase holograms for vortex probe PSI (l = 1). Only the object beam is shifted and diffracted
with the angle of θ′. The inset shows the phase hologram loaded into the SLM for collinear alignment.

shows 300 sequential measurements extracted with a time interval of

1.5 s. The interference fluctuation defined by the standard deviation is
9.646, 3.325, and 4.024, respectively. Each inset shows the interference
fringe and a measured position.
To obtain reliable results, we randomly selected 30 positions and
analyzed interference fluctuations for both systems. Fig. 4 shows a
statistical result. Black and red colors represent the results of the Mi-
chelson interferometer and SLM-based interferometer, respectively. The
mean value of each system is 9.942 and 3.159. As shown in the Fig. 3(b)
and (c), intensity fluctuation of the proposed system is maintained at a
low level during the experiment even though there is a relatively fast
fluctuation. In other words, the proposed system provides more accu-
rate interferograms. The fluctuation of the SLM-based system results
from the imperfect separation of the polarization components.
Next, we experimentally measure vortex phases of the object beam
without a sample. 20 sequential measurements with a time interval of
30 s are carried out to compare phase fluctuation. As we are ultimately
interested in the rotation angle of the vortex to measure the RI, we
should discuss measurement error resulting from the phase fluctuation.
Fig. 5(a) and (b) show the phase values at a randomly selected point in
the phase map. Explicitly separated two paths of the Michelson inter-
ferometer make the spiral pattern swing back and forth like a pen- Fig. 4. Statistical analysis for the Michelson interferometer and SLM-based
dulum, which degrades the precision of experiment. On the other hand, interferometer. The rectangular box represents the region between the first
the SLM-based interferometer keeps the phase fluctuation low. Fig. 5(c) quartile and the third quartile. The line and square inside the box correspond to
shows the statistical result of the phase fluctuation. The mean values of the median value and the mean value, respectively.
both systems are 0.393 and 0.0874, which implies the better stability
and repeatability of the SLM-based system. Generally, there are some phase fluctuations can be canceled out according to the Eqs. (2) and (4).
noises induced by liquid crystal molecules in SLM, which makes the
system unstable. However, the proposed SLM-based system has a geo-
metry where the reference beam and object beam pass through the SLM 4.2. High-resolution refractometry by using vortex probe
together as shown in the Figs. 1 and 2. Due to this geometry, induced
A reconstructed vortex phase and its rotated angle are used to

Fig. 3. Stability tests for (a) the Michelson interferometer and, (b), (c), SLM-based interferometer. Each inset shows the interference fringe and the measured pixel

Y. Na, D.-K. Ko Optics and Laser Technology 112 (2019) 479–484

Fig. 5. Stability test using the phase fluctuation of (a) the Michelson interferometer and (b) SLM-based interferometer, and (c) statistical analysis from randomly
chosen 30 positions. The insets show the captured spiral interferogram and reconstructed vortex phase. The white arrow indicates the direction of motion caused by
environmental disturbance such as vibrations.

azimuth angle [25,37]:

θ = ar 2 + b0 , (6)

where a represents the rate at which the angle changes as its radius
increases. b0 is the phase constant corresponding to the starting angle of
the vortex. We apply this method to extracted minimum points of each
reconstructed phase. Fitting result of the sample with 10.15% con-
centration is shown in Fig. 7(a) as an example. Fig. 7(b) shows the
values of b0 versus concentration, and the slope determines the rate of
change, db0 / dC . A linear relation between n and C , dn/ dC , is estimated
by the following equation:

Δnkd = Δn d = Δb0 [rad],
λ (7)

Fig. 6. Spiral interference patterns from the six aqueous salt solutions with where n is the RI of the sample and d is the path length in the medium.
different concentration: (a) 10.03%, (b) 10.04%, (c) 10.07%, (d) 10.10%, (e) Thus, the relation dn/ dC is given by
10.15% and (f) 10.25%. dn λ db0 −1
= [% ].
dC 2πd dC (8)
determine the relative phase shift introduced by each concentration.
From the result of db0 / dC and the Eq. (8), the calculated value of
We prepared six aqueous salt solutions as test samples with different
dn/ dC for aqueous salt solutions at room temperature is 1.66 × 10−3 . As
concentration (%, w/w), 10.03, 10.04, 10.07, 10.10, 10.15, and 10.25,
well known, the Fig. 7(b) shows the linear relationship between the RI
respectively. The probing beam passes through the solution filled in a
and concentration. In our experiment, the concentration was changed
cuvette (CV10Q700FS, Thorlabs) with a path length of 2 mm. Fig. 6
with the interval of 0.01%, 0.03%, 0.05% and 0.1%. The difference of
shows captured interferograms for each concentration. As the con-
0.03% corresponds to the RI of ∼5.26 × 10−5 refractive index unit
centration increases, the spiral interference pattern rotates counter-
(RIU), which implies the possibility of high-resolution refractometry
that can overcome the limit of resolution. The use of a short wavelength
The vortex phases are obtained by the four-step PSI, and the relative
and long path length can further improve the resolution of the RI as
phase shift can be calculated by the following relation of the radius and
shown in the Eq. (7), Δn = λ Δb0 /2πd . From the Eq. (7), the phase

Y. Na, D.-K. Ko Optics and Laser Technology 112 (2019) 479–484

Fig. 7. (a) Fitting result of the extracted minimum points for the concentration of 10.15% and (b) extracted phase constant for six samples with different con-
centration. The inset of (a) shows the reconstructed phase of the probing beam.

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