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I will never forget the time when I had to make a hard decision and It was about

the career I wanted to study.

One day we were asked by the teacher about what career we wanted to study
and we were given some time to think about it, because we had to present it
the next day.The decision was hard for me because I had in mind a lot things
that I wanted to do in my future. Then, when I arrived to my house I spent a lot
of time thinking about it, and also I made a career assessment that could help
me to choose the best option for me, beacuse my mother told me that there are
people who can find their ideal career doing this kind of test. At the end the
results were sent to my email and they were read by my y mother.She said that
the final result was law,this surprise me.I investigated more about that career
and what i really liked about this is that you can help others but there are
lawyers who spend a lot of time in their offices because a lot of work is given to
them and sometimes they are very busy and it’s very hard for them to spend
time with their family and friends because there are many cases that take a lot
of time to invastigate and read about them. But finally I realized that this was
the career i wanted to study, so the next day i presented my project about what i
wanted to study and I explained the reasons why i choosed that career and
talked more about it.The teacher told that it was great,but he also said that i
have to search more information about in what university i can study law ,as
well take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each university
until i find the right one for me.Finally i choosed the university Mayor Nacional
de San Marcos to study law.

In summary,It wasn’t easy for me but with the help of my family I coul choosed
the best option for me and what i really liked to do.

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