As A Mentor612week4

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As a mentor, my first method of identifying key elements for my mentee's development plan

(IDP) would be through open communication. Open communication builds trust between the
mentor and mentee. As a mentor, I established crucial factors for my mentee's development plan
(IDP) through open conversation. Transparent communication fosters trust between the mentor
and mentee. Establish a trustworthy relationship by empathizing with their issues, sharing
expertise without patronizing, and maintaining a nonjudgmental attitude to put them at ease.
Once a solid foundation of communication and trust is established, mentors can better
understand the essential components of their mentee's Individual Development Plan (IDP).
There is a distinction between coaching and mentoring for my mentee. The mentoring part
entails my mentee acquiring technical expertise as a case worker. This entails engaging in
various skill-building exercises and utilizing resources. Mentoring activities are extended in
duration and demand a higher level of cognitive expertise and comprehension. When
establishing the goals, they needed to be first agreed upon. I ensured that my mentee felt at ease
with the objectives and viewed them as challenging yet attainable. I aimed to set objectives that
would enhance her self-assurance. I intend to ensure the goals are met by maintaining regular
communication through concise inquiries and words of support. I plan for my mentee to maintain
a concise journal documenting their progress as they achieve each objective (Francis, 2023).

Also, as a mentor, I would instruct my mentee to incorporate the following essential components
in their IDP:

Professional Goals: Clearly articulate the mentee's professional aspirations and ambitions. This
could be due to a particular employment position, a talent they aim to excel in, or a level of
authority they aspire to achieve.
Assess the mentees’ abilities and knowledge and determine what they need to enhance to reach
their career goals.
Develop an action plan detailing the mentee's efforts to obtain the required skills and knowledge.
Feasible options include participating in training courses, acquiring hands-on experience, or
pursuing additional education.
Establish a practical schedule for accomplishing each phase of the action plan.
Evaluation: Develop a system for assessing advancement towards career goals (Key Features of
an Effective Mentoring Relationship, n.d.)

Eller, L. S., Lev, E. L., & Feurer, A. (2014). Key components of an effective mentoring

relationship: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 34(5), 815–820.
Francis, L. (2023, May 4). Mentor-Mentee Relationships: expert guide to getting started.


Key features of an effective mentoring relationship. (n.d.). The Center for Faculty Excellence at

the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences.


What do mentors gain from taking on a mentee? | Together Mentoring Software. (n.d.).

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