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The portrayed diagram describe the process of electricity generation in a hydroelectric power station.

Overall, what stands out from the figure is that the station works back and forth in a cycle using the river
water both at night and in the daytime and the principle. The main work of producing electricity is done
by reversible turbines in the power station.

Looking at the picture in detail, the process initiates when river water is directed into the high- level
reservoir which is supported by a large dam that intakes water. The dam remains open during the
daytime and closes at night. River water flows through reversible turbines and activates it, which results
in generating electricity.

A generator collects the produced electricity from reversible turbines and supplies it to National grid
through power lines. Meanwhile, the excess water is transferred to a low-level reservoir. At night, the
excess water is pumped back from low-level reservoir to the high-level reservoir, so that it can be

The portrayed diagram describes that how German company produces sugar for restaurants and super

Overall, what stands out from the figure is that the process includes eight stages, starting from
harvesting of raw material and ending in delivery.

Looking at the picture in detail,

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