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NZ Denim Ltd.

Document No : NZDL_Singing_SOP_2019/01

Author Tanvir Mahmud

Document Owner NZ Denim Ltd

Approvals :

Signature / date
Project Director
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Singe & De-size

1.0 Description of the Machine

Name of the Machine : Dhall

Manufacturing country : India
Manufacturer name : Chopra Dhall Group

2.0 What is job here?

Loose fibre on the fabric surface is burnt and sizing chemical remainders are

2.1 Why need singe ?

To remove the fiber on the fabric surface. If fabric is dyed with fiber, it does not
look good.

2.2 Why need desizing?

If there is any remnant of sizing chemical on the fabrics, the later garment
production does not go smoothly and the brightness throughout the whole lot
does not remain static. That’s why de-sizing is done.

3.0 Part of singe & de-size machine

There are 4 units in singe & de-size machine:

 Brushing unit
 Singe unit
 2nd brushing unit
 Chemical chamber

3.1 Brushing Unit

There is a rolling brush in this unit. Being in touch with fabric it rolls and brushes
away loose dirts and fiber which is then collected through suction line.
3.2 Singe Unit

To burn both sides on the fabrics there are 2 burners. These burners are fired by
gas. The intensity of the fire can reduced or increased to a level that only subtle
fiber is burnt not the fabrics.

3.3 Brashing unit -2

This unit removes the burnt ashes from fabrics.

3.4 Chechical Chamber

This part of the machine is equipped with roller and chemical keeping facility. To
get the optimum temperature there is steam supply as well. When fabrics go
through this chamber, gets wet. Extra chemical gets squeezed through padders.
By reducing or increasing air pressure of the padders, extra chemical of fabrics
are collected in the reserve tank. Then fabric is warped in a batcher and spun for
a fixed time.

4.0 Operation Procedure

At first fabric is topped with square shaped folding on one another in a trolley.
Normally steel trolley is used. When folding shall be careful about the face of the
fabric, so that there is co-relation with one another. 2000-3000 yards of fabrics
are kept in one trolley. If there is more to process, then sewed with cotton yarn
with another trolley.

At the entry side of the machine sewed fabric plates shall be ready.

Beside the machine in the chemical mixture tank prepare the necessary quantity
of chemical solutions. Follow the approved recipe to prepare the solution strictly.

Fill up the chambers of the machine with chemical prepared in the chemical
mixing tank. Heat up the solution with necessary temperature. Normally its
between 60-70 degree celcious.
5.0 Production Before Check List
 Guide the fabric properly in the machine.
 Make sure there is adequate air pressure in the machine.
 Set up manpower in the right places of the machine such as in the begining
of the running of the machine near the chemical chamber and batcher.
 Make sure in the operating panel board there is green signal before
running the machine.
 Fire the burner and set up the intensity as needed.
 Make sure suction motor is on for brushing and singing unit.
 Start the machine slowly and keep it on in necessary speed.
 After finishing every batcher, reduce the machine speed slowly and shut
down the machine.
 After every 24 hours clean the machine.

6.0 Follow up during production

 Keep checking the intensity of the burner.
 Keep checking the temperature of the chemical chamber.
 Keep checking padder pick up %. It’s left, center and right should be equal
and pick up should be 90-110%.
 After every 8 hours chemical chamber’s solution shall be drained and
replaced with new solution.
 Every day clean burner adjacent roller and brush

7.0 Safety
 If any part of the body or clothing gets trapped in the machine, press the
emergency red button immediately to stop the machine. If injured see the
a doctor.
 Do not wear finger ring or bangles.
 Do not wear loose clothing.
 If any body part contacted with any hot part of the machine such as steam
line, see a doctor immediately.
 If chemical is spilled in any part of the body, splash with plenty of water.
 If any machine part is broken, inform mechanical department immediately.
 If any electrical problem arises, inform electrical department immediately.
 Always wear rubber shoes.
 Do not touch rolling roller when machine is on.
 Do not touch any padder when machine is on.
 Be careful when moving fabrics trolley and batcher.

7.1 Neat and clean

 Every day at least once clean steamer, roller and padder with water.
 Clean the surrounding of the machine every day.

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