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Rest bel sounds, Rangga left the classroom and walked towards the cafetaria.
On the way he met Laura and Lia.

Rangga : “Hello Laura and Lia, good morning!”

Laura and Lia : “Good morning Rangga.”
Laura : “How are you? How was your weekend?”
Rangga : “I’m fine, what about you? I couldn’t go anywhere yesterday because it was raining
Lia : “We’re fine. That’s right, it’s raining at my house too.”
Laura : “It looks like we are entering the rainy season.’
Rangga : “I agree. I want to go to the canteen, do you want to come?”
Laura and Lia : “Come on.”

On the way to the canteen, Rangga saw Gita sitting under the banyan tree.

Rangga : “Is that Gita?”

Lia : “ I think so.”
Laura : “ Let’s go there.”

They approached Gita who was sitting while daydreaming. Her face was pale as
if he was sick.

Rangga : “Gita, what’s wrong with you?’’

Gita: “I’m okay, just a little unwell”
Lia: “What have you been up to?”
Gita: “I got caughtin the rain yesterday”
Laura : “Didn’t you bring an umbrella?”
Gita : “I forgot to bring it”
Rangga : “Looks like you need medicane”
Laura: ‘’Let me and Lia get it’’
When Laura and Lia took medicine. Chika and Vera approached Rangga and

Chika and Vera: “Hello friends”

Chika: “Why are you Gita?”
Gita: “I got caught in the rain yesterday and at exercise time I was exhausted”
Vera: “Gosh, you don’t seem to be exercising enough”

Lia and Laura come with medicine for Gita

Lia and Laura: “Hi Chika, Vera”

Chika and Vera: “Hai”
Laura: “Gita ist taking the medicine”
Vera: “Friend, how about we exercise together”
Chika: “Great idea, I agree”
Gita: “I also agree, I rarely exercise lately”
Lia: “When?”
Vera: “How about tomorrow?”
Laura: “Lia and I can’t do it tomorrow”
Rangga: “What if it’s Saturday?”
Lia: “I agree”
Chika: “Okay, we’ll go on Saturday”

Saturday arrived. When Chika arrived, the Vera had arrived first. Chika went
over to Vera.

Chika: “Hi Vera, good morning”

Vera: “Hi, good morning”
Chika: “What did you bring?”
Vera: “I brought a Basketball”
Chika: “Wow cool, I brought badminton equipment”

Laura and Lia arrived

Laura and Lia: “Hi guys”

Chika and Vera: “HAII”
Vera: “Have you had breakfast”
Laura: “OK, Lia and I had breakfast together”

Gita and Rangga arrived

Gita and Rangga: “Hi guys”

Chika, Vera, Laura, Lia: “HAII”
Vera: “Let’s get started, it’s getting hot”
Laura: “Come on”
Lia: “We have to warm up first”
Gita: “I agree, Rangga, can you lead lead the warm-up”
Rangga: “If that’s the case , it’s better if we go jogging first.”

(They also jogging to warm up)

Rangga started leading the warm-up and after that they all started jogging. While jogging,
Gita felt tired even though he had just gone around the basketball court twice.

Gita: “Friend, let’s rest”

Vera: “We’ve only been around twice Gita. Are you tired yet?”
Laura: “It looks like he’s tired, his face is pale”
Lia: “Okay, let’s rest for a while”

They sat under the banyan tree.

Chika: “What are we going to do after this?”

Rangga: “I want to play Basketball”
Vera: “I agree, I’m bringing Basketball now”
Gita: “Wow, that’s cool”
Laura: “I haven’t played Basketball for a long time”
Lia: “Let’s do it”

They got up from their seats and went to the Basketball court.

Rangga: “Vera throwing the Ball here”

Gita: “You guys are cool”
Vera: “How about we play 3vs3?”
Chika: “I agree”
Laura: “I cant play Basketball”
Lia: “It’s okay Laura, let’s just have fun”
Vera: “Let’s hompimpa”

They hompimpa and start playing 3vs3. After a few minutes they all started to
get bored.

Rangga: “I’m bored”

Gita: “I’m bored too”
Lia: “Agreed, I’m tired”
Chika: “Want to play Badminton? I bought some rackets”
Vera: “Great idea, let’s od it”
Laura: “Come on”

They went to the Badminton court and started playing until the clock struck 9

Laura: “I’m really tired now”

Vera: “True me too”
Gita: “This is quite tiring for me who has never exercised”
Rangga: “Let’s rest and go home. The sun is starting to rise abouve our heads”
Lia: “Come on”

They went under the banyan tree and rested. While he was resting, Rangga
gave Gita a box of lunch.

Rangga: “Gita, eat this”

Gita: “What is that”
Laura: “It must beba supply of love”
Chika and Lia and Vera: “CIEEEEEEEE”
Rangga: “No, these are the fruits that my mother prepared for Gita.”
Lia: “Your mother is very kind”
Gita: “Thank you Rangga, friends, let’s eat together”

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