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Additionally, reefers and similar units are often tampered with to sneak illegal

substances and products into other countries. When inspecting your reefer, be
thorough and check everything. Know these seven points for inspection:
 Unit exterior: Inspect open areas and ensure all panels on the outside seal
properly and are secure.
 Undercarriage: Check the undercarriage of the reefer to ensure there is no
 Doors and locks: Ensure all doors have reliable locking mechanisms and secure
plates to prevent seal tampering. Inspect that bolts are tight. If the inside of
the doors has excessive damage, like denting, consider having it repaired
prior to shipment to ensure proper refrigeration.
 Unit sides: While inspecting the inside walls, look for any damage, like holes or
rust, and any signs of tampering.
 Unit interior: Ensure all screws and rivets in the interior refrigeration panels
are intact and free of excessive damage.
 Ceiling and roof: Visually confirm the ceiling isn’t sagging or dipping and look
for properly secured screws and rivets.
 Flooring: Check that the unit floor is stable and damage is adequately
repaired. Inspect all aspects of your container using this reefer container
inspection checklist to ensure proper functions and secure transport.
Inspect all aspects of your container using this reefer container inspection checklist to
ensure proper functions and secure transport.

Reefer Container Temperature Monitoring

Because the products and goods are temperature-sensitive, keeping the reefer within
the optimal temperature range is essential to maintain temperature and avoid
spoilage. Traditionally, while the reefers are on freight ships, technicians take
temperature readings every few hours.

This is not ideal because walking around in between containers while at sea puts
technicians in unsafe situations. It also makes it difficult to ensure consistent reefer
temperatures. If there’s something wrong with your reefer, it may be hours until a
technician gets around to it.

While some goods may withstand larger temperature ranges, other cargo is especially
temperature-sensitive. In these cases, reefer temperature tracking is crucial. If
transporting temperature-sensitive goods, consider installing temperature sensors or
alerts in your container or choose a reefer manufactured with alarms and independent
thermostat controls. When the reefer’s internal temperature goes outside your
specified range, the alarms alert you so the problem can be resolved sooner rather
than later.

Proper Reefer Container Maintenance

In addition to regular inspections, proper maintenance keeps your reefer container in
good condition and extends its usable life. Corrosion and other factors can quickly
shorten the life span of your reefer, especially if it’s exposed to salt air. To keep your
reefer in the best possible condition, consider the following maintenance tips.

Defrost Your Reefer

Defrosting your reefer every so often can help improve its performance. Ice can build
up when moisture thaws and refreezes in the unit, blocking circulation and creating a
flawed cooling environment. Defrost your reefer when you conduct other maintenance
to allow all the built-up ice to melt and be cleaned from the container.

Wash Your Reefer Regularly

Cleaning your container regularly helps prevent rust and other deterioration. Exposure
to the outdoor elements is inevitable, though regular cleaning helps limit any
corrosion. You’ll also want to periodically clean the refrigerator box, especially if
transporting food or other goods that may easily contaminate or be contaminated by
spills and residue from previous loads.

Timely Reefer Container Repairs

If any aspects of your container are damaged or need replacing, do so in a timely
manner. Any contents in your reefer are at risk of spoiling if your container isn’t
operating correctly or has damaged parts.
Clean Coils and Fans
The coils and fans in your reefer container can collect dust, dirt and condensation that
freezes, affecting how efficiently these parts and your reefer as a whole unit operate.
Keep these parts clean and clear of ice and other debris for efficient operation. One
way to prevent moisture from collecting on your coils and other surfaces within the
reefer is to shut down the unit while loading to prevent warm air from condensing and

Use Reliable Reefer Container Shipping Companies

When it comes to shipping your goods, it’s important to use reputable reefer freight
companies. Look for reefer transportation companies with experience and strong
ratings and reviews. You need to be able to rely on the freight company to get your
goods where they need to be within a reasonable amount of time and without risking
your cargo.

Find a Trusted Reefer Manufacturer

Even more important than finding a reliable shipping company is finding a trusted
reefer manufacturer. Just because there are numerous reefer companies doesn’t mean
you should put your goods in any reefer container.

Choose a manufacturer offering reefer containers that meet your needs and can create
custom solutions to ensure your goods have safe storage. Certifications and decades of
industry experience can also help you find reputable reefer companies.

Shop Klinge Corporation’s Specialized Reefer Containers

Klinge Corporation is an industry leader in refrigerated transport equipment design
and manufacturing. With high standards, we’ve continued offering custom reefer
designs to fit customer needs in various industries for over 40 years. Standard
containers are often unable to meet certain industry requirements, which is why we’re
always looking for new ways to meet your needs.

To learn more about Klinge storage and transport containers and repair
services, contact our specialists today!

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Inspect Your Reefer Before Shipping

Pre-shipment inspection is crucial to ensuring a reefer is in optimal condition for
transporting contents. Some freight companies require an inspection before shipment
because a reefer’s contents can be easily spoiled if part of the unit is damaged. For
example, if a door doesn’t latch properly, wiring is frayed or other parts are damaged
or missing, there’s a risk of the refrigerated contents spoiling during transport,
resulting in a significant loss of money and products.

Additionally, reefers and similar units are often tampered with to sneak illegal
substances and products into other countries. When inspecting your reefer, be
thorough and check everything. Know these seven points for inspection:
 Unit exterior: Inspect open areas and ensure all panels on the outside seal
properly and are secure.
 Undercarriage: Check the undercarriage of the reefer to ensure there is no
 Doors and locks: Ensure all doors have reliable locking mechanisms and secure
plates to prevent seal tampering. Inspect that bolts are tight. If the inside of
the doors has excessive damage, like denting, consider having it repaired
prior to shipment to ensure proper refrigeration.
 Unit sides: While inspecting the inside walls, look for any damage, like holes or
rust, and any signs of tampering.
 Unit interior: Ensure all screws and rivets in the interior refrigeration panels
are intact and free of excessive damage.
 Ceiling and roof: Visually confirm the ceiling isn’t sagging or dipping and look
for properly secured screws and rivets.
 Flooring: Check that the unit floor is stable and damage is adequately
repaired. Inspect all aspects of your container using this reefer container
inspection checklist to ensure proper functions and secure transport.
Inspect all aspects of your container using this reefer container inspection checklist to
ensure proper functions and secure transport.

Preparations to be carried out prior to Loading

Refrigerated Cargoes:
 Reefer cargo should be loaded onboard only under the supervision of
a recognized surveyor.
 Cargo should not be allowed to wait for long time on the quay.
 Hold should be pre-cooled to temp below the carriage temp.
 Damp, wet and torn packages should be inspected if the cargo has
deteriorated. If the cargo is fine then only it should be loaded after re-
 Contents of at least 5-10% cartons should be examined from each hold
on a random basis.
 Cartons with soft or dripping contents should bedocume rejected.
 Refrigeration of holds should be turned on during long breaks and
during meal breaks.
 Once loaded, the cargo should be covered with tarpaulin.
 During operations, the frost formed on top of the bripe pipes should
be brushed carefully. It should not fall on top of the cargo.
 In tropical climates avoid loading in the noon. Try to load cargo during
night time.
 Upon completion of loading, the reefer chamber must be closed air
tight and cooling resumed immediately.

What are preparation for loading refrigerated

cargo on ships ?
 All compartments thoroughly cleaned, dry and free from any odour and
 Insulation inspected and any deficiencies made good.
 Hatch plugs, ceiling, clearings and ventilator plugs should he inspected
to ensure air tightness.
 Scuppers should be “brine sealed”.
 Bilges should be cleaned , dried and sweetened.
 Cleanliness is essential:
 All traces of bacteria and mould removed by washing down with
solution of carbolocene or formalene.
 For fruit a sodium compound is sometimes used.
 Some operators use a mild fumigant to destroy mould.
 Floor battens should be laid in line with the air flow and spaced
according to the size of the cargo.
 Wooden dunnage should be free from taint and bark.
 For frozen goods, it is important that the dunnage is well cooled before
cargo is stowed on it.
 Cargo should not come in contact with brine pipes.
After the compartments has been cleaned and pre-cooled, the compartments
must be inspected by an approved surveyor and a loading certificate issued
before any cargo is loaded

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