Summative Test - The Electronic Structure of Matter

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The Atomic Structure

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________________

Grade & Section: __________________________ Score: _____________________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Read and understand the questions well. Write only the LETTER of your answer on
the space before the number.

_____1. How many groups are there in the periodic table of elements?
a. 14 b. 16 c. 18 d. 20
_____2. How many periods are there in the periodic table of elements?
a. 1 b. 3 c. 5 d. 7
_____3. The VERTICAL arrangement in the periodic table represents _______________.
a. group b. period c. protons d. electrons
_____4. The HORIZONTAL placement of elements in the periodic table is representing _______.
a. group b. period c. protons d. electrons
_____5. What does the atomic NUMBER represent?
a. neutrons b. charge c. electrons d. protons
_____6. What does the atomic WEIGHT represent?
a. neutrons b. charge c. electrons d. protons
_____7. Who developed the first atomic model?
a. John Dalton b. Niels Bohr c. JJ Thomson d. Ernest Rutherford
_____8. Which state demonstrates the most stable condition of an atom?
a. ground b. excited c. solid d. modern
_____9. The s orbital carries a maximum of _______ electrons.
a. 2 b. 8 c. 18 d. 36
_____10. Which rule specifies that electrons occupy the lowest orbital before filling up the higher orbitals?
a. Aufbau Principle b. Pauli Exclusion Principle c. Hund’s Rule

II. COMPLETION TYPE. Based on the given, indicate the correct number of protons, neutrons, electrons, or
atomic number as required.

Element Atomic Atomic Protons Electrons Neutrons

Symbol Weight Number
A. Hg 201 80 1. 80 2.
B. W 184 3. 74 4. 110
C. Pb 207 82 5. 6. 125
D. Au 197 79 79 7. 8.
E. Fe 56 26 26 9. 10.
F. Sn 119 50 11. 50 12.
G. Sb 122 51 13. 51 14.
H. Na 23 11 15. 16. 12
I. K 39 19 17. 18. 20
J. Ag 108 47 47 19. 20.

III. MATCHING TYPE. Find the correct model in Column B based on the given names in column A. Write the
letter only.
Column A Column B
_____1. John Dalton a. Plum Pudding
_____2. Ernest Rutherford b. Nuclear Model
_____3. Joseph John Thomson c. Solid Sphere Model
_____4. Erwin Schrodinger d. Planetary Model
_____5. Niels Bohr e. Quantum Mechanical Model

Prepared by:
Science Teacher

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