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ITM517 SLP 4

Breonn Stephens

Trident University International

ITM517 Information Security Overview for Managers and PolicyMakers

March 2024

Information security policies protect data and restrict access. Establishing Information

Service Providers (ISPs) helps organizations establish a general strategy, document security

measures, identify and mitigate compromised assets, protect the organization's reputation,

comply with legal and regulatory requirements, protect customer data, provide efficient cyber

security risk response mechanisms, and restrict access to critical IT assets to appropriate

users (Tunggal, 2023).

Updating antivirus signatures

This security awareness poster was created using Canva. For effective antivirus

systems and robust cybersecurity defenses in computer network environments, signature

updates should be performed regularly. If cybersecurity utilities are serious about bolstering

anti-malware defenses, they must implement these updates. Malicious software, sometimes

referred to as malware, is intended to exploit or harm computer systems; signature updates

serve as a preventive measure against this threat. Vaccines do the same thing, protecting

people from potentially deadly diseases (Reason Cybersecurity, 2023).

Protecting sensitive information

This security awareness poster was created using Canva. Understanding data

security is crucial before examining data protection measures. Security breaches cause

financial losses and image damage. People and organizations must be proactive to avert

security breaches. The ongoing evolution of hackers' methods emphasizes the need of data

security (Craw Security, 2023). Protecting sensitive data requires best practices. Multi-factor

authentication (MFA) encryption is essential to prevent unauthorized access. Software and

systems must be updated regularly to improve data security, repair flaws, and avoid

exploitation. To avoid missing security patches, employ automatic updates.

Modifying and safeguarding passwords

This security awareness poster was created using Canva. Protecting sensitive data

requires best practices. According to Wright (n.d.), Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

encryption is essential to prevent unauthorized access. Software and systems must be

updated regularly to improve data security, repair flaws, and avoid exploitation. To avoid

missing security patches, employ automatic updates. Data security includes staff training on

password safety, phishing scam detection, and safe browsing. Regular training should keep

employees up to date on security practices. Regular data backups provide data restoration

after security breaches or data loss. Data loss may be mitigated by choosing a reliable

backup and automating processes.


Security awareness is essential to modern cybersecurity strategies because it

encourages proactive and informed cyber risk reduction. By creating a security-conscious

culture, individuals and organizations can better withstand shifting cybersecurity threats.

Craw Security. (2023). How Can I Secure Sensitive Data and Information? | LinkedIn.

Retrieved from


Reason Cybersecurity. (2023). What are Signature updates? The Crucial Role of Antivirus

Signatures. Retrieved from


Tunggal, A.T. (2023). What is an Information Security Policy? | UpGuard. Retrieved from

Wright, J. (n.d.). Why Is it Important to Change Your Password? Retrieved from

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