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WTHI Walkthrough

“The course of true FAP never did run smooth” – William CockSpeare

Folks, My recommendation is to play the game without using this guide as you should be able to
learn as you go. And if you get stuck on a particular part (i.e. cannot unlock a particular scene due to
failing an attribute check), you should try going back to earlier interactions with the character and
choosing different options, rather than jumping straight into this walk-through. I always feel that
stepping line-by-line through a walk-through when you’re playing a game ruins the immersion,
especially in an RPG or character/dialog action/consequence game such as this. Anyway, I’m sure
you’re sick of my preaching already and I haven’t even finished the first paragraph, so for those of
you that want a walk-through, here you go…….

Notes: There is no “perfect” gameplay route. It is not possible to max out every character’s
attribute as there will be trade-offs involved throughout the game. And there will be no part of the
game that will only be unlocked if you have a Max score. All of the attribute checks will be ranged,
e.g., if at a particular point, the Max attribute value is 30, the attribute check would (for example)
look for a score of 25 or above to unlock, so don’t beat yourself up trying to get every possible
correct answer.

However, the scores are cumulative throughout the game, so if you start failing attribute checks
early on, you might want to step back and replay, because you’ll really be fucked (or not fucked
more likely) as the game progresses if you keep missing the correct responses/ choices. So you
should go back and consider your choices/consequences more carefully or as a last resort, use this
walk-through to help for specific times when you’re not sure what the “best” response is. This is
just a nice way for me to say... “Try actually reading some of the fucking dialog, rather than
smashing the keyboard / mouse excessively to skip to the sexy stuff, you degenerate”. Only kidding,
it’s your game, so play however you want!

Currently, there are two primary stats / attributes per character. These are:

Lust: Lust is relatively straightforward, although it's not only sexual activities that impact Lust,
certain other actions can increase/ decrease a character's lust for the MC.

Relationship: The second attribute is an amalgamation of Relationship / Affection / Love / Trust, etc.
and might mean slightly different things depending on the character.

Each character is different and both of their attributes will react differently to your dialog choices, so
you will need to bear this in mind depending on whom you’re dealing with, e.g. Monica would not
be a fan of crude jokes, especially when sober, whereas in most circumstances, Katie reacts
positively to crude jokes. This is just an example, there’s plenty of other stuff to learn as you
progress and hopefully, you should be able to learn without the need for a walk-through.

And there is some overlap/ grey areas between the two attributes, so don’t get your knickers in a
twist if a particular response with a character affects their relationship stat in one scene and a
similar interaction affects their Lust stat in another scene. There is a method to my madness.
However, what you shouldn’t see is an action that positively impacts a particular stat in one scene
and then a very similar action with the same character negatively impacting that stat, because that
wouldn’t make sense, unless the circumstances are drastically different (e.g. Drunk Vs sober, loving
Vs arguing, etc…), so if you see any examples of that, please let me know.

Bold: Recommended choice Red: Negative impact to stats.

Day 1
MR: Monica relationship. Starting level 10, ML: Monica Lust- Starting level 0

JR: Jenna Relationship – Starting level 10

KR: Katie Relationship – Starting level 10, KL: Katie Lust- Starting level 0

ZR: Zarah Relationship – Starting level 0, ZL: Zarah Lust- Starting level 10

 “Shake her hand” / “Hug” (MR+1).
 “Break Hug” / “Hug her tight” (MR+1)
 “Don’t kiss” (MR -1) / “Kiss her on cheek”
If you choose to kiss her cheek, she’ll give you another kiss (see below). If you choose not to kiss
her, you’ll get a second chance to change your mind and kiss her:
 (Second chance) “Kiss her cheek” / “Say nothing”.
If you refuse both chances to kiss her (Don’t kiss & Say nothing), she won’t kiss you (skips the
kiss near lips below).
If you take either chance to kiss her, she gives you a second kiss (close to lips) which gives you
the option:
 “Hold the kiss longer” (ML+1) / “Stop Kiss”
 “Agree she has aged” / “Doesn’t look old” (MR +1)
 “Check her out again” (ML +1) / “Don’t stare”
 “Crude Joke” (MR-1) / ”Compliment” (ML+1) / “No”
 “Fish for another compliment” / “Compliment her” (ML +1)
 “No thanks” / “Too early for wine” - No stat impact for either choice

For the next couple of choices on the stairs, there are no stat changes, but there are two instant
Game Over options to avoid. These are:
 “Touch her ass” (Game Over)”/ “Are we talking about the same thing?”
 “No. Your ass” (Game Over)”/ “Of Course”

Then you have a choice to get closer. Choosing this once is ok (and gets you a better view, but
choosing to get closer again will result in a Game Over.
 “Get Closer” (Gives a better view) /”Keep your distance”
If you choose to get closer above, you get a choice to get closer again, but choosing get closer a
second time results in Game Over.
 “Get Closer” (Game Over)/ “Don’t get any closer”

 “Agree with Monica (JR -1)”/ ”Agree with Jenna”
Note: Jenna can overhear you from her room and is disappointed if you agree with Monica.

 “She looked sexy” (MR-1) / “She doesn’t look fat”

The initial choices in the hugging Katie scene don’t impact stats. First stat impact choice is:
 “Kiss on Lips (KL +1)” / “Kiss on cheek” / “Don’t kiss (KR -1)”

 “Not really” / “Of course” (ML +1)

Katie & Monica:

 “Ignore her” (KR -1)” / “Agree. Killer body” (ML +1)

 “Did you just call me hot?”/ “Thanks”. No stat increase, but choosing the “…call me hot?”
option opens up a choice of:
 “Just kidding” / “You’re hot too” (KL +1).
 “I’m surprised” / “I can tell. It’s obvious” (KL +1).
 “Maybe you will” / “Maybe I’ll spank you” (KL +1).

 “Come on. Give me a hug” / “No need to hug” (JR +1).
 “Encourage Jenna to sunbathe” / “Say she doesn’t have to” (JR +1).

Katie or Jenna’s room: It doesn’t matter which order you complete these in, the options are the

Bedroom spying scene. No stat increases here, you can choose to walk away or spy (various choices
to continue to spy), but there are two Game Over options to avoid.
When she is taking off her shorts, do not choose “Ask to Help” (Causes a Game Over)

And after she puts on her bikini, when you get the message (This is risky... She could catch me...
Monica should be looking for me now....), choose the “Walk away” option. Do not choose “Keep
going” (Causes a Game Over).

Jenna bedroom scene:
 “Knock” / “Enter room (JR -1)”
 “It was a bit harsh” / “No. It was great” (JR +1)
 “You should get out more” / “Of Course” (JR +1)
 “You’re just shy” / “Too hard on yourself” (JR +1)
 “Agree. More like Katie” / “Disagree. Be yourself.” (JR +1)
 “She is pretty” / “You’re just as pretty.” (JL +1)
 “Lots of people” / “Me” (JL +1)

Bedroom scene:
 “Kiss on cheek” / “Kiss on lips” (MR +1) / “Don’t kiss” (MR -1)
 “Things have changed” / “Me too” (MR +1)
 “Stop Kiss” / “Don’t stop” – No stat impact for either choice.
 “You. Is everything OK” / “Your drinking” (MR -1)
Zarah intro in kitchen:

 “I don't think so” / “I don't need protection” (ZL +1)

 “I'm not corruptible” / “Maybe I'm already corrupted” (ZL +1)
 “None of your business” / “Not interested in them” (ZR +1)
 “Because it's true” / “I prefer older neighbours” (ZL +1)
 “Join us?” (ZR+1) / “Thanks”
 “Avoid Contact” / “Grind against her” (ZL +1)

Pool Scene:

 “You’re right” / “You don't really believe that” (KR +1)

 “Agree/Compliment” / “Joke” (KR +1)
 “Tell her” (KR+1) / “Don’t tell”
 “Joke” (KR+1) / “Agree”
 “Shoulders” / “Back of legs” – No stat impact, just get an earlier peek at leg view.
 “Warm on hands first” / “Don't warm” (KR +1)
 “Just rub on shoulders” / “Rub in and massage” (KL +1)
 “Do you want to take it off?” / “Go under” No stat impact for either choice.
 “Continue on lower back” / “Rub top of ass” (KL +1)
 “Pull them down more” / “No they're good”
No stat impact for either choice above, you just get a better view (briefly) if you pull them
 “Do them yourself” / “No problem” - No problem gives leg options below
 “Stop at upper thighs” / “Rub lower butt” - Lower butt gives thigh option below
 “Finish” / “Rub inner thigh” (KL +1)

After Pool Scene:
 “You’re wrong” / “You’re drunk” (MR -1)
 “Let Monica take it out” (MR-1) (ML+1) / “Take it out myself”
Letting Monica take it out will increase her lust, but will decrease her relationship.
 “Put it away” / “Leave it out (ML+1)” / “Ask her to rub it” (GAME OVER)

Bedroom scene:
 “Take off your dress first” (ZL +1) / “Show her your cock” / “No! Get Out” (ZR -1)
 “Not bad” / “Sexy bitch” (ZL +1)
 “Yes” (ZR +1) / “No”
 “Yes” (ZR +1) / “No”
 “You” / “Monica” / “You and Monica” (ZL +1)
 “When I decide” (ZL +1) / “When you want”
 “I want to eat it” / “Stick my cock in it” – No impact
 “Yes” / “Not yet, keep teasing” – No impact
 “MILF” / “Mommy” (ZL +1) / “Both” (ZL +1)

Monica & Jenna:

Dinner scene:
 “Yeah, Sure!” / “No. I'll stay with Monica/Jenna” (MR +1) (JR +1)

After Dinner bedroom scene
 “Watch movie with Monica” / “Check on Jenna (JR +1)
If you go to Monica first, she’ll ask you to check on Jenna anyway, but if you choose Jenna first,
you’ll get the increased attribute because Jenna will appreciate it.
 “Stay” (JR +1) / “Go watch movie”
 Stare at face / boobs - Stare all you want! No stat impact
 “Be honest Jenna” / “Covering your tits” (JR -1)
 “Feel Pretty, Act Pretty” / “Feel Sexy, Act Sexy”
Choosing the “sexy” option opens up the next dialog below:
 “You can try” / “You are sexy” (JL +1)
 “Yes. but you have a small frame” / “No. Perfect size.” (JL +1)
 “Nothing to worry about” / “You have a great ass (JR +1)

Movie Night scene

 “Yes. Pretty good.” (MR +1) / “No. It's crap”

 “I prefer older woman.” (ML +1) / “Yes. She's very pretty.”
 “I don't mind” / “Take hold of foot” (ML +1)
 “Stay on feet” / “Rub Calf”
Choosing the “Rub Calf” option opens up the next dialog below:
 “Rub thigh” (ML +1) / “Stay on calf”

After Movie stairs scene

 “Not at all” / “Maybe a little” (ML +1)

 “Offer to fix dress” / “Just stare” / “Step back a bit”
Choosing the “Fix dress” option opens up the next dialog below:
 “Fix dress only” / “Sly feel while fixing dress” (ML +1)
 “Compliment” (MR +1) / “Change subject” / “Crude Joke” (MR -1)

First night bedroom scene
The next four options don’t affect stats, but each one will extend the “kiss scene”.
 “Put hand above Boob” / “Put hand on Boob”
 No” / “A little”
 “I like it” / “I’m not sure about it”
 “Nothing to apologise for” / “Calm Down”
After these four options, you get an option to kiss…

 “Kiss Her” / "Let's just talk Monica” (MR -1)

If “Kiss” is chosen, this opens up the options below (as long as you chose at least one of the
four “Correct” answers above.)
 “Stop kissing” / “Continue kissing” (MR +1). You will get this attribute increase as long as
you chose at least one of the four “Correct” answers above. If so, you will also get the next
option below:
 “Stop kissing” / “Touch her Boob” (ML +1). You will get this attribute increase as long as you
chose at least two of the four “Correct” answers above. If so, you will also get the next
option below:
 “Stop kissing” / “Open Mouth” (ML +1). You will get this attribute increase as long as you
chose at least three of the four “Correct” answers above. Once the kiss stops, you get the
 "No! It was much more than that!” (Game Over) / “Yes. Of course!”
 “Put hand on leg” / “Say Goodnight”
If hand is on leg, you get the option below
 “Move hand up leg” (ML +1) / “Say Goodnight”

Nothing much to note on the check on Jenna/Monica/Katie before bed options. You just get
to see Jenna asleep.

You survived Day 1!

End of Day 1 (Episode 1& 2) Summary

Possible Maximum Values of each attribute at end of Day 1:

MR: 19* ML: 16* JR: 20 JL: 4 KR: 15 KL: 7

ZR:4 ZL: 19

*Day 1 Note: It is not possible to max out on both of Monica’s stats. There’s a trade-off
depending on whether or not you ask her to take out your cock (or if you take it out
yourself). If you get her to take it out, you’ll get an extra Lust point, but at the expense of
a relationship point. (Touching your cock increases her Lust, but when she reflects on it
later, she wonders why you made her take it out and this costs you the relationship point).
So, the Max possible for Monica at the end of day 1 is MR=18, ML=16 OR MR=19, ML=15.
Episode 3 Day 2 Part 1
JoR: Jolina Relationship – Starting level 0, JoL: Jolina Lust- Starting level 10

LR: Lily Relationship – Starting level 0,

DR: Debbie Relationship – Starting level 0,

Wake-Up scene:
 “Just to annoy you” / “Just to look at your glutes..” (KL +1)
 “Nothing” / “Stare at her ass” (KL +1)

 “I didn't even notice.” / “No. I like your pyjamas” (MR +1)
 “Who cares? Wear what you want!” / “You look great!” (ML +1)
 “Hold just above knees” / “Hold just below ass (MR +1) /“Grab Ass” (MR -1)
 “Catch her”(ML +1) / “Don’t catch” (MR -1)
 “Hold her hand” / “Hold her waist” / “Lift her down” (ML +1)
 “Stare at her boobs” (ML +1) / “Don’t stare”
 “I enjoyed it as much as you” (ML +1) / “No problem”
 “Her boobs” (ML +1) / “Your food”
 “Yes, she does” / “Not as nice as yours” (ML +1)

Gym scene:
 “No wonder you're in good shape” (KR +1) / “Do you use it a lot ?”
 “Joke / insult her” / “Console / Compliment” (KR +1)
 “Good. I was getting bored listening.” / “You know you can talk to me” (KR +1)
 “I'd love to suck your tits.” (KR -1) / x`
 “Don't distract her (KR +1)”/ “Distract her.”
If you choose not to distract her, you will get a relationship point, but this will end the gym
scene without any spanking options. The best option is to choose to distract her, which will
open up more options below (as long as you have enough attribute points)
 “No. Of course not (KR +1)”/ “Yes, I am going to spank you”
If you choose not to spank her, you will get a relationship point, but this will end the gym
scene without any spanking options. The best option is to choose to spank her, which will
open up more options below (as long as you have enough attribute points)
If you choose to spank her, then there is an attribute check. If your relationship points with Katie >=
14, then she will let you spank her (max attribute points possible at this stage in the game is 18).
Otherwise, she refuses to let you spank her and the gym scene will end.
If she allows you to spank, you will get the options below:
 “Don't be stupid/ “You do have a nice ass” (KL +1)
 “Pants stay on / “Tell her to pull pants down” (KL+1)*
*If you tell her to take her pants down, then there is an attribute check. If your Lust points with
Katie >= 7, then she will pull her pants down (max attribute points possible at this stage in the
game is 9). If not, then she will let you spank her with her pants up.
If you pass this attribute check and you spank her bare ass, you get the increase in Lust :
 “Pause to admire ass” (KL +1) / “Get on with it.”
 “Hard Spank” (KL +1) / “Spank”
 “Painful Spank (KR -1) / “Spank”

After the gym, when you are back in your room, you should choose to read your texts / emails. No
attribute impact and you can delete without reading if you want, but reading them will give you
some extra insight into the plot.

Bedroom before Coffee Shop scene:
 “Knock” / “Enter Room” (JR -1)
 “Not interested in coffee” / “Yes. Coffee with you sounds nice” (JR +1)

Coffee Shop scene:
 “Yes. It's ridiculous.” / “No. It's understandable.” (JR +1)
 “Take off your glasses” / “Take off your top (JR-1)”.
 “Much better” / “Look good with or without glasses.” (JR +1)
 “Agree . It’s not a good look.” / “You look good.” (JR +1)
 “So your complexion improves” / “So I can see you in a bikini (JL +1)
 “Yes” / “Yes. And seeing you in a bikini would be nice bonus.” (JL +1)

Coffee Shop scene:
 “No problem, we just got here (JoR +1)” / ”Complain.”
 “Americano” / “Ultra Skinny low-fat frappucino (JoL-1)”.

Coffee Shop scene:
 “She's not bad” / “No. Not my type at all.” No stat impact.
For the next four questions about your type, here’s the answers you should pick (as they
describe Jenna and Jolina)
 Pale, Big boobs, Curvy butts, Tech
If you choose all 4 “correct” answers above, you get (JL +2)
If you choose 3 “correct” answers above, you get (JL +1)

With 3 or 4 correct answers, you get another conversation choice when Jenna asks who
you’ve described:
 “You” (JL +1) / “The waitress.”
 “I'm happy to be here with you” (JR +1) / “I just don't want to.”
 “You in a bikini” / “The Wifi.”. No stat impact, but choosing “bikini” option gives you the
option below:
 “OK” / “But not done thinking about it.” (JL+1)

Jenna & Jolina:

Coffee Shop scene:

 “No. This is unacceptable (JR -1) & (JoR-1) / “No Problem”

 “Yes I’m her boyfriend” / “No, I’m not her boyfriend.” / “None of your business
The choice above doesn’t give any stat changes, but saying you are Jenna’s boyfriend will open
up further conversations later.
 “None of your business” / “Tell him to Fuck OFF”. Either choice has no impact to stats.

Katie & Lily & Debbie:

Katie friend’s intro scene:

 “OK. That's good.” / “No. You're not. What's up? (KR +1)
 “I'm bored. Please hurry up.” (KR -1) / “I'm going to beat the shit out of him (KL +1) (LR+1)
 “I’ll do it” (KR +1) / “Don’t volunteer.”
If you don’t volunteer initially (shame on you!), you get the option below:
 “OK” / “No I don’t want to.” (KR -1) (DR-1)

Monica & Zarah:

Bedroom Photoshoot scene:

 “They are nice” / “They are fucking HOT (ML +1) (ZL +1)
 “OK Pose (ZR -1) / “Turn around. (ML +1)
 “You do Zarah” (ZL+1) / “Monica's ass is the nicest! (ML+1) (ZL+1) /
 “I don’t mind” (MR +1) / “I'm not really comfortable with this!”
 “Yes” (MR +1) / “No”
 “Yes. Sounds Good” / “No. I want Monica on me” (ML +1)
 “Don’t return kiss” / “Return kiss”
No stat impact, but returning the kiss opens up the choices below.
 “Put hands on her waist” / “Put hands on her ass”
No stat impact, just changes which image is displayed.
 “Open mouth slightly” (ML+1)/ “Use Tongue”
Either option ends the kiss.
 “OK” / “Insist on staying.” (ML-1)

End of Episode 3 Summary

Possible Maximum Values of each attribute at end of Episode 3:

MR : 23 ML: 28 JR: 25 JL: 10 KR: 21* KL: 14

ZR: 4 ZL: 21 JoR: 1 JoL: 10 DR: 1 LR: 1

*Episode 3 Note: It is not possible to max out on both of Katie’s attributes. If you let her
win (don’t distract) or choose not to spank her, you can max out on her relationship
points (but at the expense of up to 4 Lust points). But if you do spank, you miss out on a
relationship point, but can hit the max on Lust points.
Hint: choose Spank 4 Lust points is better than 1 Relationship point.
Episode 4 (Day 2 Part 2)
LL: Lily Lust- Starting level 0 DL: Debbie Lust- Starting level 0

Bedroom scene:
 “Maybe a little pressured” / “Not at all. I want to help (KR +1)
No MC choices in the next piece of dialog, but lots of different responses from Katie depending
on how the gym / spank scene went earlier that day.
 “I like it too.” (KR +1) / “Well I don't! Get Off!”
 “OK. Get off me now!” / “Another kiss? (KL +1)
Choosing “Another kiss?” opens up the following dialog options.
 “Hands on ass.” (KL +1)”* / “Hands on waist.”
*If you choose “Hands on ass”, there will be a variable check. If her relationship is high enough
(she trusts you), she will allow you to put your hands on ass. Need to have KR >=17 (out of a
possible max of 23). If she allows it you will get the Lust increase.
Katie’s dialog responses will differ depending on what choice you make about and if you touch
her ass, she will also mention the spanking outcome from earlier (depending on that outcome).
 “Squeeze her sides” / “Squeeze her ass” (KL +1)
If you squeeze her ass, Katies’ dialog response will differ depending on whether you touched her
ass earlier and will also reference the spanking outcome from this morning.
 “Don’t kiss her” / “Kiss Her” (KL +1)
 “Stop kissing” / “Kiss her neck” (KL +1)
 “One More Kiss” ** / “No more kisses”
**If you choose “One more Kiss”, there will be a variable check. If her Lust is high enough, she
will give you another kiss. Need to have KL >=15 (out of a possible max of 19). If she allows it
you will get the option below:
 “Quick Peck” / “Long Kiss” (KL +1)
 “Not a clue” / “Of course I remember”
No stat increase for saying you remember, but it opens up the option below
 You get a number of name options. Choose either the correct answer “Debbie & Lily” or the
joke answer “Milli Vanilli” to get a stat increase of KR+1. No stat increase for any of the
other guesses.
 When asked which one of them do you think is cute, choose “both” to maximise your stat
increases. Katie tells the girls your answer, so whichever one of them you say you think is
cute (or both of them), gives you a Lust stat increase for the relevant girl DL+1, LL+1.
Katie doesn’t mind if you like her friends, so there is no negative impact to Katie’s stats if
you say you like them.

Debbie & Lily:

Kitchen scene:
 “Yes. It was dumb” / “No. It was cute” (DR +1) (LR+1)
 “Play along with her” (DR +1) / “Tell her this is dumb”
 “Yes. I mind” / “No. I don’t mind.” (DR +1)
 “Pity. You’re my type” (DL +1) / “You're not my type either.”
Saying she is you’re type causes Debbie to mention this is a later scene (later that day in the
living room) and this will increase Katie’s lust.
 "Touch her boob." / "Lick her boob." / "Tell her to put it away" (DL +1)
 “Of Course I do” (DR +1) / “I just don't like sluts” (DL-1) (DR-1)
If you call her a slut, the scene finishes.
 "Yes. I'm bored with this." (DR-1) / "No. Keep going if you want." (DL +1)
If you say you are bored, the scene finishes.
 "Push her off and stand up" / "Pull her towards you" (DL +1)
If you push her off, the scene finishes.
 “Kiss Her” (DL +1) / “Push her off” / “How about a Blow Job?” (DL-1) (DR-1)
 “Stop kissing” (DL +1) / “Move hand onto her boob”

Phone Call with Elaine:

No stat impacts from this phone conversation.

Day 2 Bedroom scene:
 “Get the fuck out” / “Come in and shut the door (ZR+1)”
If you chose “Get the fuck out, you get a chance to change your mind below:
 “OK, come in and shut the door” / “I said Get the Fuck out of here! (ZR-1)
If you choose “get the fuck out” a second time above, then the scene ends. If you choose
the “come in…” option, the below choices are available.
 “Just get the fuck out” (ZR-1)/ “Tell Her”
Again, choosing the “get the fuck out…” option above ends the scene
 “I don't want to talk about it.” / “She didn't freak out. (ZR+1)”
 “Yes” (ZR+1) / “Mind your own business.”
 “What do you care?” / “I’m alright (ZR+1)”
 “Yea. You look hot” (ZL+1) / “Decent, but you’re still old.”
 “Just Go. You caused a lot of this/“Just Talk” (ZR+1) /"Help me relieve some stress?" (ZL+2)*
If you choose “Just Go….”, then the scene ends. “Just talk …” gives the option below
(including another chance to choose the relieve some stress option) “Help me relieve some
stress skips over the choice below, straight to the “relieve stress” scene, so you don’t get
the ZR+1 increase.

If you choose the “Just Talk” Option above …….

 “Get the fuck out” (ZL-1)/ “No. let’s just talk” (ZR+1) /"Help me relieve some stress?” (ZL+2)
“Get the fuck out….” Ends the scene. “Just talk …” also ends the scene (but you get the stat

If you Choose either of the “relieve stress” options above…

 “Yes I do” / “Shut up and grab my cock”. No stat increase, just for fun.
 “No promises” (ZL+1) / “OK, I promise.”
 “Yes. Keep going!” / “Stop talking so much” No stat increase, just for fun.
 “Too Long” (ZR+1) / “Less talking, more sucking...”
 “Hand” / “Mouth” / "Ready to Cum" – Player’s choice.
Once you choose the Ready to Cum option, there is an attribute check. If Zarah’s Lust is <=
20 (maximum possible at this stage is 25), then she finishes you off without any other
choices. If you pass the Lust check (Lust > 20), she asks you do you want her to finish you off
with her Hand or Mouth …..
 “Hand” / “Mouth” – Choosing “hand” gives you a handjob finish (similar to if you did not
pass the Lust check above). Choosing “Mouth” gives the following options:
 “Cum in her mouth”/ “Don’t cum in her mouth”.
Choosing “Don’t cum in her mouth” gives the handjob end scene. Choosing “Cum in mouth
gives the following options:”
 "Just let it come as she pulls her head away" (ZR-1)/ “Grab her head & Push deeper” " (ZR-
1) (ZL+1)
Choosing either option above results in a negative impact to Zarah’s relationship (ZR-1), but the
deep-throat option gives a positive gain to her Lust (ZL +1), because although she doesn’t like the
cum in mouth, she does like a bit of rough!

Jenna :
Day 2 Bedroom scene:

 “Just a little” / “You were great” (JR+1)”

 “I just didn't like him” / “I felt protective of you.” (JR+1)
If, earlier, outside the coffee-shop, you told “the guy looking for his dog” that Jenna was
your girlfriend, she will ask you about it, which gives the option:
 “I wanted him to think we were a couple!” (JL+1)/”I just didn't like him”
 “I'd go out with someone like you.” (JL+1) /”I'll be your boyfriend!”
 “Maybe” (JR+1)/ “No Way!”
Choosing “No Way” gives the following option:
 “In case she says no!” (JR+1)/ “She is not my type” / “I prefer you.”
 “No. Just getting started.” (JR+1)/ “Yea. It's over!”
 “A big mess” (JR-1)/ “A Little mess”
 “Take the top off” (JR-1)/ “What's wrong with the top?
 “Try it. Just for me?” / “I give up!” (JR-1)
 “Look at her computer” / “Don’t look”
No stat impact, but looking at her computer just gives the prompt that you could peek at her
password next time she logs on.
 “Spy on her” / “Don’t spy”
No stat impact, but you get a minor peek at her changing. If you spy you get the following
option. If not, you skip the next option…
 “Keep Looking” (GAME OVER)/ “Stop Looking”
 “I love it! You should go out like that!” / “I like it but you shouldn't wear it outside.” (JR+1)
 “Let her control kiss” / “Pull her closer” (JL+1)
 “Let her control” / “Push your lips hard against hers.” (JL+1)
 “One last look at her boobs.” (JL+1)/ “Say Goodbye”
“Say Goodbye” ends the scene. “One last look…” gives the below option.
 “No. Just looking!” / “I was.”
“No. Just looking!” ends the scene. “I was.” gives the below option.
 “Show her your cock” (GAME OVER)/ “Touch her boob.” (JL+1)/ “No. I couldn’t!” (JR-1)

Katie, Debbie, Lily :

Day 2 Living Room:

 “No. It was embarrassing” / “Yes. It was a little fun (LR+1) (DR+1)

 “But you are cute (LL+1) (KL+1)/ “Say Nothing”
Saying you like Katie’s friends increase her Lust for you, as it makes her think of you more as
a “red-blooded male”, so showing interest in them makes Katie more interested in you.
If, earlier (in the kitchen), you told Debbie she was your type, Debbie mentions it during this
scene. And this increase Katie’s lust for you. (KL+1) and you get the following option:
 “I lied. You’re not!” (DR-1)/ “Yes. You are!” (DL+1) / “Say Nothing”

If, earlier, you told Debbie she was not your type, you get the following option:
 “I lied. You are kinda cute! (DL+1) (KL+1) / “Sorry. You’re just not!” (DR-1)/ “Say Nothing”

Monica :
Episode 4 Monica’s bedroom

 “Knock” / “Go in!” No stat impact.

 “Wear PJ bottoms only” / “Wear boxers only” (ML+1)
 “The outfit was sexy” / “You are sexy” (ML+1)
 “I'm really hot too!” / “Yeah. You look really hot!” (ML+1)
 “You were lying on top of me earlier (ML+1)/ “Well, it's your choice.”
 “Definitely” / “Hotter than a 21 year old!” (ML+1)
 “Try again. You'll get them open.” / “Do you want me to try?”
If you offer to try to open the clasp, there is a Lust attribute check. If Monica’s lust is 30 or
higher (out of a maximum possible of 33), you pass the attribute check.
If you fail, the attribute check, you get another option:
 “Let me do it”/ “Let her do it”
If you choose the “Let me do it” option , there is a Relationship attribute check. If Monica’s
Relationship attribute is 21 or higher (out of a maximum possible of 23), you pass the
attribute check.
If you fail both checks or you ask her to open them herself, you’ll skip down past the next
few “stocking removal” options. If you pass the check(s), you’ll get a Lust increase (ML+1)
and the following option….
 “Accidently rub pussy again (ML + 1) / “Open the clasp”

If you choose the “accidently rub pussy again” option, you get the following choice:
 “Rub Pussy with thumb” (ML + 2) / “Open the clasp”

End of Episode 4 Summary

Possible Maximum Values of each attribute at end of Episode 4:

MR: 23 ML: 37 JR: 30 JL: 16 KR: 24 KL: 22

ZR: 11* ZL: 26* JoR: 1 JoL: 10 DR: 6 DL: 8
LR: 3 LL: 2

*Episode 4 Note: It is not possible to max out on both of Zarah’s attributes. If you choose “Just
Talk” the second time, you gain an extra Relationship point, but at the expense of up to 4 Lust
points (by skipping the relieve stress / BJ/ HJ option). Best option is to choose “Just talk” (ZR+1)
the first time and then “Relieve stress”… will cost you 1 relationship point but allows you to max
out the Lust points. (1 Relationship point lost versus a potential of 4 Lust points lost.)
If you choose the deep-throat option (Cum in mouth & grab head), you can gain a Lust point, but
at the expense of a Relationship point (This action is ZL+1, ZR-1). Your choice… (I chose deep-
throat). Although Zarah says she doesn’t like it and will be pissed at you, secretly it turns her on….
Episode 5 (Day 3 Part 1)
AR: Angel Relationship- Starting level 0 AL: Angel Lust- Starting level 10
WC: Wanda Control - Starting level 0

Note: for some characters, the relationship status means different things. In the case of Wanda
whom you’ll meet later in the episode, this stat indicates the level of control / influence you have
over her. (This stat increases when you are mean or controlling towards her)

Monica :
Episode 5 Monica’s bedroom (wake-up)

 “Say Good Morning” / “Closer look at robe.” (ML+1)

 “Sure (MR+1) / “Not yet Monica. I just woke up. ”
 “No. I'm glad you are ….(MR+1) /“No. It's your house…..” / “Yes. It was a little bit
awkward!” (ML-1)
 “Yes, I think it's sexy!” / “No. I don't think it's appropriate! (MR-1)/ “Yes, I like what you're
wearing!” (MR+1)
 “Get up.” / “Kiss her before getting up.” (ML+1)
 “Get up.” / “Stay in bed until it goes down.”
Choosing “Stay in bed” will end the scene without further choices. “Get Up” gives the
following options:
 “Leave” / “Get her attention.” (ML+1)
Choosing “Leave” will end the scene without further choices. “Get her attention” gives the
following options:
 “Stretch (give her a better view)” (ML+1) /“Leave”
Choosing “Leave” will end the scene without further choices. “Stretch…” gives the following
 “Stretch again” (ML-1) /“Leave”

Monica :
Episode 5 Monica’s bedroom 2 (after MC shower)
 “Go down for breakfast.” / “Check on Monica.”
 “Leave” / “Shout Loudly” (ML-1) / “Tickle her foot.” (MR+1) / “Lick her foot” (ML-1) (MR-1)

Monica :
Episode 5 Kitchen (breakfast)

 “A Mother …” / “A woman…” (ML+1) / “Someone”

 “Yes it was… (Sympathy)” (MR+1) / “No, it wasn't so bad!”
 “Crude Joke” (MR-1) / “No. I'm happy that I don't need to plan…” / "No. I like the idea of
you taking charge." (ML+1)
 “State I left the toilet in” (ML-1) / “…food bill next month…”
 “Naked” (ML+1) / “Like a homeless person!”
 “She's a cunt!” / “She's a bitch!” No stat impact, so call her what you want, but if you
say “cunt”, you find out that Monica does not like that word.
 “I didn't notice!” (ML-1) / “I couldn't resist checking out your tits! (MR-1) / “I didn't think
you'd mind!”
 “It didn't bother me.” / “I did enjoy it! ....My breakfast...” ** (ML+1)
 “The robe looks old...” / “Because of your figure” (ML+1)*/ “Maybe you wanted it to open?”
If you choose “Because of your figure”* AND you chose “I did enjoy it (breakfast)”** earlier,
you will get the following dialog option (Monica asks you what else you enjoyed…):
 “Just the breakfast” (ML-1) / “The coffee” (ML-1) / “Also enjoyed the view” (ML+1)

Monica :
Episode 5 Laundry room
 “I like you looking after me.” (MR+1) / “My Mom is dead a long time.” / “I'd like to have
you as my mother.” (ML-1)
 “You think I have a sexy body?” (ML+1) / “Ignore her comment” / “You think I have a nice
body?” (ML+1) / “Don't call me sexy. Weirds me out.” (ML-2)
If you choose “You think I have a sexy body”, you get the extra dialog option below:
 “OK. I'll still take it as a compliment.” / “We're both adults. It's OK to say sexy.” (ML+1)
 “Let her take off jeans.” (ML+1) / “Stop her!” (ML-1) (MR-1)
If you choose “Stop Her”, this will end the scene early. If not, you get the following options:
 “OK, enough with the insults, please....” / “You can take them off me if you want!” (ML-1) /
Now I know where Katie gets her naughty streak from...(ML+1)
If you choose “You can take them off me if you want”, this will end the scene early. If not,
you get the following options:
 “Let her put wash on.” / “Are my underwear really that awful?
If you choose “Let her put wash on”, this will end the scene. If not, you get the following
 “Yes. Take another look...” (ML+1) / “Probably not! They are horrible!”

Katie :
Episode 5 Living Room

 “I like the idea of dating your Mom” (KR-1) / “I like older women (KR-1) / “You sound
 “I slept in your Mom's room”(KR-1) / “I fell asleep on the couch.”
 “I'd rather you gave me a blowjob too!” / “You think I look good? Thanks!” (KR+1)
 “Too short! It's inappropriate (Serious)” / “So short... (Crude joke)” (KR+1)
If you say it’s too short, you get the following option. If not, you skip the line below.
 “You're right. Sorry for saying it!”/ “I'm just looking out for you!”(KR-1)

 “I think so... (Funny joke)” (KR+1) / “No. But it's still way too short...(Serious)”(KL-1) / I'm
not your fashion advisor! (change subject)/ “No. It's a nice skirt by the way!"
If you choose “I think so… (funny joke)” you get the extra option below.
 “Just like my cock” (KR+1) (KL+1) / “Unlike your cock...” (KR+1) / “It's a lovely skirt!”
 “Fuck you! That went way too far (angry)” / “Call it a draw? (joke)” (KR+1)
 “Yea. You look like a bag-lady!/ “Genuinely - You look hot! (KL+1)/ “No. But it’s still way
too short ...(Serious)”(KR-1)
 “That's better.” / "What about the kiss?" (KL+2)/ "Now Piss off. I'm watching T.V."
If you choose “That's better.”, you get the option below.
 "No Thanks…." (KL-1) / "If you insist...." (KL+2)
Choosing either route to a kiss progresses with the options below. Not choosing the kiss
options skips the next few options and the kissing scene.
 “Friendly Kiss only.”/ “Let Katie control kiss.”(KL+1)
“Friendly kiss only” ends the kiss scene and skips the next few options below.
 “Pull her closer (Keep kissing)”(KL+1) / “Let her pull away.”
If you “pull her closer”, you get the option below:
 "Use tongue" / "Let Katie control kiss"

If you choose “Use tongue”, the kiss scene will end. If you “Let Katie control”…. Then there is a
Lust attribute check. If you pass the check, Katie uses her tongue and her lust increases. (KL+1).
If you don’t pass the Lust check, Katie stops the kiss. To pass, you need to have a lust score
above 21 (out of a Max score of 28).

If you ended up kissing Katie (not the friendly kiss), you get an extra dialog option where she
asks you “What are doing here…. Kis14xxxxsmilesing?” you get the option:
 "I really like you Katie (serious)" / "Relax drama-queen (Joke)" (KR+1)
If you choose “I really like you…”, you get the option:
 "I just wanted you to know how I feel." (KR-1) / Not what I was going to say (Joke).

If you ended up kissing Katie (not the friendly kiss), you also get the scene where she opens
her legs…
 "Look away” / “look” (KL+1)

At the end of the Living Room scene (regardless of the Kiss options), you get the following
 "Whatever! Hope you get caught” / “(Crude Joke about licking wounds)” (KR+1)
 "Let her go....” / “Joke about looking at her ass.” (KL+1)

Monica :
Episode 5 MC Bedroom (late morning)

 "Come in Monica" (MR-1) / "Hang on Monica"

If you choose “Come in Monica”, the scene will end without further dialog options. If you
choose “Hang on Monica”, the scene progresses as below…
 "Put on boxers” / "Cover yourself with a tiny hand towel” (ML +1)"
 "OK Thanks” / "Compliment her dress.” (MR +1)"
 "You look sexy as hell!” / "Strike a pose for me!” (MR +1)"

Katie :

Episode 5 Hallway (outside Katie’s room)

 "Leave her” / "Bang on door and shout Goodbye” (KR+1)

Monica :
Episode 5 Garage / Car:
 "Disagree” / "Agree” (MR +1)
If you “agree”, you’ll get the extra option below.
 "Would love to see what's under the hood.” (ML +1) / "It's a nice car!”
 “Chocolate” / “Wine” (MR+1) (MD+3)* / “Coke” / “Champagne” (MR+1) (MD+4)*
The more Monica drinks during day 5, the more “open” she will be to flirting / sexual
advances. Her total Lust for the day will be a combination of her Lust attribute plus her
alcohol/ drink attribute: (MD)* MD is a temporary attribute and will reset after the day is
complete (when she sleeps it off).
So depending on your plans… “Champagne” (+4) is the best response for this, followed by
“wine” (+3). Choosing Champagne also gives the extra dialog option below:
 "... A long overdue reunion.” (MR +1) / "... Your beauty!”
 "Relax & enjoy a quiet drive” / "Speak to Monica during the drive” (MR +1)

Monica :
Episode 5 Picnic:

 "Away from the noise of the city...” / "I think I can smell cow-shit" (MR-1)
 "Speaking of picnics… Let's eat!” / “Nice memories? Tell me about them...” (MR +1)
If you choose “Nice memories…” you’ll get the extra dialog sequence below.
 “Yeah. Life sucks!”/ “You don't seem boring to me!” (MR +1)
If you choose “You don't seem boring …” you’ll get the extra option below.
 "Are you bored now?” / “Fuck boring! Let's have fun today! (MR +1) / "This talk is boring.
Let's eat!" (MR-1)
 “No thanks. You go ahead!”/ “OK, but just one glass!” (MD +3)/ “Absolutely! Fill me up!”
(MR +1) (MD +3)
 "(Bored) Ready to go home?" (MR-1)/ “(Suggestive) Anything?...” (MR +1) / "(Crude Joke)"
If you choose “(Bored) ready to go home”, you will skip all of the subsequent dialog /
romance options and the picnic scene will end.
If you choose “(Suggestive) Anything…”, you get the extra dialog option below:
 "Oh, I am...” (ML +1) / “No thanks. I'll leave it as a mystery.”
 "Change subject” / “Nothing but a thin dress?” (MR +1)
 "Naughty” (MR +1) / “(Don't interrupt her)”
 "Yes, Let's go.” / “(Romance) Take another five minutes...” (MR +1)
 "Let her continue to reminisce...” / “Kiss Her ” (MR +1) (ML +1)
If you choose “Let her continue to reminisce”, there is no more kissing in this scene. If you
“Kiss Her”, you get the following options:
 “Enough time to get me hard!” / “I'm not done....” (MR +1) (ML +1)
If you choose “Enough time to get me hard!”, this will end the kissing scene. If you choose “I’m
not done…” there will be a Lust attribute check. The amount of alcohol consumed by Monica
(MD) will increase her lust, so this MD score (Max possible of 7) will be added to Monica’s Lust
(ML) score (Max possible of 56) for this attribute check. The two attributes combined give a
max. possible of 63. If your total > 50, you will pass the check.
If you fail the attribute check, the kissing scene will end. If you pass the attribute check, you will
kiss her again and get the following dialog options (plus an increase in Lust (ML +1) for the kiss.).
 “Stop Kissing ” / “Go further.” (ML +2) / “Kiss only” (ML+1)
“Stop kissing” ends the kissing scene immediately. “Kiss only” results in a Lust increase and
the kiss last a little bit longer. Choosing “Go further” results in a Relationship & Lust increase
plus the additional options below:
 “Hand on Leg (and further) ” / “Hand on boob”. No impact whichever you choose as you’ll
get to touch both, but touching boob first gives extra screen time on the “touch boob”
 "Move finger to pussy” (ML +1) / “Keep hand where it is”
 "It all sounds a bit sleazy!" (MR-1)/ “Horny bored housewives!” (ML +1)
 "Hold her hand” (MR +1) / “Don’t hold her hand.”
If earlier (depending on your dialog choices) Monica told you she wasn’t wearing any
underwear, you get the additional option below:
 “Of Course ” / “Oh yeah, No underwear! (ML+1)”.

Monica :
Episode 5 In Car after picnic:
During the changing sequence, it’s ok to peek up until you get the option:

 " One last look" (MR-1)/ “That's enough spying”

 “I prefer picnic Monica.” / “You look great. I'd do business with you.” (ML+1) / “You look
much better!”
 “No problem”/ “I'll slide across and you climb over?” (ML+1)

Angel (Receptionist) & Wanda (Model) :

Episode 5 in Model Agency:
Note: Angel’s stats follow the normal pattern (AR = Relationship & AL = Lust), but Wanda has a single
stat attribute (Control) which will be referenced as “WC”.
Note: Angel can overhear most of your conversation with Wanda in reception, so your interactions
with Wanda can also affect Angel’s stats. (Angel does not like Wanda so she approves when you are
rude to Wanda).

 “Should you really be insulting models?” / “No problem. I get it!” (AR+1)
 “Apologize for bothering her” / “Tell her to Fuck off” (WC+1) (AR+1)
 “Ignore her” / “Fuck with her” (WC+1) (AR+1)
 “Keep Fucking with her” (WC+1) (AR+1) / “Leave her alone”
 “Asshole model like you?” (WC+1) (AR+1) / “Well I’m not!”
 “Be nice to her” / “Be mean to her” (WC+1) (AR+1)
 “Be nice” / “Be mean” (WC+1) (AR+1)
 “(Intervene) Support the receptionist.” (WC+1) (AR+1) / “Don't intervene.”
 “It wasn't any of your concern” (AR-1) / “No. It was great!” (AR+1)
 “You were really professional.” / “I'm impressed you didn't choke the bitch!” (AR+1) / “You
weren't professional at all” (AR-1)
 “….I’ll just ignore her” / “….teach her a lesson I think.” (AR+1) (AL+1)
 “Sorry. Not interested.” / “Teach her a lesson.”
If you choose “Not interested.”, this will end the interaction with Wanda and will skip to the end
of the scene. If you choose to “Teach her a lesson.”, you’ll get the following options…
 “...You shutting the fuck up!” (WC+1) / “...agreeing that I'll ask the questions, OK?”
 “Jump straight to posing..” / “Shake her confidence…” (WC+1)
 “Suck my cock” (Wanda leaves - Ends scene) /“Whatever you like.” / “You're supposed to
be the fucking model!” (WC+1)
 “You have really nice legs!” / “I've seen better.” (WC+1)
 “End the audition.” / “Get her naked”
If you choose to get her naked, there is an attribute check. If your control over Wanda (WC) is 9
or higher, you pass the check.(Max 11) If you fail the check or if you end the audition, Wanda
leaves and this scene is over. If you pass the check, you get an increased attribute point (WC+1)
and the following options:
 “Try to reason with her” / “Get angry” (WC+1)
 “Be assertive (WC+1) / “Reassure her”
 “End the audition.” / “What else is she willing to do?”
If you choose “What else is she willing to do?”, there is an attribute check. If your control over
Wanda (WC) is 13 or higher, you pass the check.max 15 If you fail the check or if you end the
audition, Wanda leaves and this scene is over. If you pass the check, you get an increased
attribute point (WC+1) and the following options:
 “Slide it in gently.” / “Slam it in hard” (WC+1)
 “I've fucked much naughtier girls!” / “You are a nasty fucking bitch!” (WC+1)

End of Episode 5 Summary

Possible Maximum Values of each attribute at end of Episode 5:

MR: 46 ML: 65 JR: 30 JL: 16 KR: 32 KL: 31

ZR: 11 ZL: 26 JoR: 1 JoL: 10 DR: 6 DL: 8
LR: 3 LL: 2 AR: 11 AL: 11 WC: 17

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