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MMPI Report 1

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory



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The information contained in this document is strictly confidential. All the data that could
potentially identify the client has been removed from this report. The original name of the client
has been replaced with a pseudonym to ensure confidentiality
MMPI Report 2

Assessment Report MMPI Urdu


The interpretive information contained in this report should be viewed as only one source of hypotheses

about the individual being evaluated. No decisions should be based solely on the information contained

in this report. This material should be integrated with all other sources of information in reaching

professional decisions about this individual.

Submitted By: Khadija Bibi

Submitted to: Ma’am Mashal Sherin

Internal Examiner External Examiner

_______________ _______________

Head of Department

MMPI Report 3

Demographic Information:

 Name: Miss A.H

 Age: 21 years old

 Gender: Female

 Marital Status: Single

 Year of Education: BS II Psychology

 Date of Assessment: 10-02-2022

Attitude of subject towards the test:

During the test, attitude of the subject towards the test was very positive. She was very

much focused and conscious about every question and answered all very well except for

those, which she might, was confused about.

MMPI Report 4

Pattern of Validity Scales












Profile of Validity Scales

MMPI Report 5

Profile of Clinical Scales













Hs D Hy Pd Mf Pa Pt Sc Ma Si

Profile of Clinical Scales

MMPI Report 6

Interpretation of Scales

 Validity Scales

 Raw (?) = 0

There were no item responses omitted by the subject in completing MMPI. These

omissions may represent that the subject understood all the questions and she had

responded all the questions very well.

 Lie (L) = 46

Scores on L scale indicates that the subject might have attempted to exhibit ethical

righteousness. There was a moderate inclination in her character that she was trying to

describe herself in overly perfectionistic and idealized manner. But most of the

questions she answered have been in practical manner.

 Correction (K) = 37

Scores of the subject suggest moderate degrees of defensiveness

and potential positive qualities such as independent, self-reliant and have true Ego

strength. Unlikely to be searching for help and might admit some

socially suited difficulties.

 F Scale – Infrequency = 62

Moderate elevations on this scale suggest that subject is open to unusual experiences.

Subject might be facing some challenges in establishing clear identity of self. She might

need some assistance in alleviating her distress. She might be curious, complex,

psychologically sophisticated, opinionated, unstable, and moody.

MMPI Report 7

 Clinical Scales

 Scale 1 (Hs) = 47

The obtained score is within moderate ranges. The subject may have a true organic basis

for her difficulties and did not express a pattern of unusual concerns or preoccupations

regarding physical health or functioning.

 Scale 2 (D) = 35

The obtained score is in low ranges, and the subject’s personality is interpreted as

having high morale, much concentrated, focused and is insensitive to criticism, more

helpful and does not indicate any symptoms of depression.

 Scale 3 (Hy) = 37

The scores Hy scale shows that the subject adaptively functions in daily life. She doesn't

appear to exhibit any serious physiological pathology or involved in any attention

seeking behaviors. Scores might suggest that she have a good level of adjustment and

presents a favorable impression in social circle.

 Scale 4 (Pd) = 44

This score suggests that the subject possesses attributes like self-centeredness,

egocentrism, and extroversion, energetic and self-centered. Subject appears to have

adequate ability to initiate and maintain social relationships. However, her scores

indicate that she might be experiencing mild challenges in sustaining certain

relationships. She might be experiencing mild difficulty in showing compliance to some

of the authority figures.

MMPI Report 8

 Scale 5 (Mf) = 82

My subject scored high the scale of Masculinity Femininity, which suggests that she

might not rely on traditional female associated activities rather; she might be more

inclined towards activities associated with males. She might also face difficulty in

expressing her emotions.

 Scale 6 (Pa) = 65

The score obtained on this scale is moderate and the subject would much likely be less

reflective to overtly psychotic trends and might still be suspicious, argumentative, and

potentially hostile and quiet sensitive in interpersonal relationships. Personal hostility

might be expressed through direct means.

 Scale 7 (Pt) = 35

 The obtained score on this scale suggests that the subject might experience mild

symptoms of anxiety. She tries her best to cope up adaptively in stressful situations;

however, experiences excessive worry in certain situations. She might have tendency to

develop perfectionistic tendencies.

 Scale 8 (Sc) = 55

The obtained score is a moderate score and it suggests that the subject remains

involved in excessive fantasy and daydreaming. She has unusual beliefs; eccentric

behaviors and subject might have certain level difficulties in initiating or maintaining

social relationships. She might face challenge in understanding and reciprocating

adequate emotions. However, there is less likelihood of bizarre sensory experiences.

MMPI Report 9

 Scale 9 (Ma) = 34

The score on this scale indicates that the subject is focusing and directing her energy in

positive directions and perceived by others as a direct energetic, enthusiastic,

independent and optimistic. The subject might be perceived as self-centered and


 Scale 0 (Si) = 36

The scores obtained in this scale ranges in moderate level which shows that the subject

is extroverted and gregarious. She appear to have a strong need for affiliation and are

interested in social status and social recognition. Although socially competent and

confident, the subject is often viewed by others as superficial and insincere in

interpersonal relationships. Although often intellectually gifted, frequently has a history

of academic under achievement related to mania such as flight of ideas, grandiose self-

perceptions, and euphoric mood.

MMPI Report 10


Miss A.H, a 21 years old single female came to the lab to perform MMPI. She was seated

comfortably and was given the instructions to perform the test. My client took 1hour 30

minutes to perform the test. The obtained scores on validity scales show that the

subject has well attempted all the questions. She is able to admit minor faults. She has

inadequate defenses, perceives the world as most other people do and has possible

denial of difficulties.

The scores obtained on clinical scales shows that the subject may have a true organic

basis. Subject might be experiencing mild symptoms of depression, has the capacity to

acknowledge unpleasant issues. Subject appears to have adequate ability to initiate and

maintain social relationships. She might be more inclined towards activities associated

with males. She possesses characteristics such as interpersonal sensitivity, tries her best

to cope up adaptively in stressful situations, has unusual beliefs, eccentric behaviors,

and might be impulsive and socially competent and confident.

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