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 Self-respect is a form of self-love

 Self-respect is vital since it’s a gift we give to ourselves
 Having boundaries for every area of your life is the best description of self-respect
- When you respect yourself, you know when to say “no” to what is no longer emotionally,
mentally, or financially healthy for you. Gaining self-respect is about learning your worth,
knowing your value, and advocating for yourself, as needed.
 Self-respect is not about the need for adoration or perfection but rather a balance between
acceptance and willingness and openness to grow, develop, and change for the best version of
 Self-respect is the belief that you are worthy of love, attention, and respect, and you are no less
than anyone else.

2. However, it is also very difficult for me to show respect to others if I am lacking self-respect. For
example, it’s the same as if I wanted to give money to someone, I would first need to have
money in my pocket in order for me to give money to that person. The same goes for respect. I
can only give it to someone else if I have it inside me—for myself—in the first place.
3. ---
4. Gender equality requires equal enjoyment by women and men of socially-valued goods,
opportunities, resources and rewards. Where gender inequality exists, it is generally women
who are excluded or disadvantaged in relation to decision-making and access to economic and
social resources. Therefore, a critical aspect of promoting gender equality is the empowerment
of women, with a focus on identifying and redressing power imbalances and giving women more
autonomy to manage their own lives. Gender equality does not mean that men and women
become the same; only that access to opportunities and life changes is neither dependent on,
nor constrained by, their sex. Achieving gender equality requires women’s empowerment to
ensure that decision-making at private and public levels, and access to resources are no longer
weighted in men’s favor, so that both women and men can fully participate as equal partners in
productive and reproductive life.


 To be compassionate is to feel deeply for another person as they experience the ups
and downs associated with life.
 To be compassionate is to not just tell someone that you care, but also to show them
that you care by being there before they even ask for it.
 There are a number of different steps you can take to show compassion to others.
 Speak with kindness
 Apologize when you've made a mistake
 Listen carefully and without judgment
 Encourage other people
 Offer to help someone with a task
 Be happy for someone else's success
 Accept people for who they are
 Forgive people for making mistakes
 Show respect
 Express gratitude and appreciation
 Be patient

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