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Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.

Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines








Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines



Project Context

In today’s digital age, the profiling and management of credentials play an

important role in various aspect of life especially on the education. On the other hand,
traditional methods of handling credentials, such as paper-based certificates and
manual verification processes, are often time-consuming. As a result, there is a growing
need for a modernized system that can streamline credential management processes
and ensure the security and integrity of credential data. It allows individuals and
organizations to effortlessly store, organize, and access vast amounts of data.

The Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology is one of the private Institution in

Tacurong City offering education from grade 1 to college. The SMIT was founded year

The Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Basic Education Department has

584 for AY: 2023-2024, 226 student are expected to graduate this year. The graduates
are expected to request their documents such as Form 137, Good moral, Card and
Diploma. The record of every student and are handled manually and is purely paper-
based. Until now the office is not using a computer to record the releasing of student
credentials. Currently the Basic Education Department has one encoder that is
responsible in releasing transaction the encoder experiencing difficulty in searching or
tracking documents that already released especially these graduates 2023 and below.

The proponents aim to propose a computer-based system that will improve the process
of tracking of record and releasing of credentials for the SMIT Basic Education
Department, such as verifying, updating and releasing of credentials.
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

Purpose and Description

The proposed system aims to develop an electronic database for tracking of

releasing transaction process of the student credentials.

The proposed system will provide essential features to elevate the transaction
process of releasing credentials:

Centralized Record Keeping: The primary purpose of this system is to

centralize the storage and management of credential records for individuals
within an organization, the system ensures easy access and retrieval of records
as needed.

Access Control and Security: Access to documents is controlled through user

authentication and authorization mechanisms, ensuring that only authorized
individuals can view, edit, and update the document record.

Efficient Monitoring and Tracking: The system enable to efficiently monitor

and track the status of credentials held already by the student.

Streamlined Processes of releasing: The system reduces manual effort, and

improves overall efficiency in managing credential of the students.


organization aims to manage records effectively. It is a valuable tool for
increasing efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness in handling of the credential
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

This study aims to provide benefits to the following sets of people or organizations:


The system can able to help the SMIT basic education department to improve the way
of recording and keeping of files, to speed up the tracking and releasing transaction.


The proposed system can help the SMIT basic education administration and assure the
office in-charge reduce the manual workload of such as manual retrieving of request
record released.


SMIT Basic Education department has one encoder, through this system
retrieving a record of student who already get documents can be easily track.


It will help the proponents gain experience and apply better understanding of the
problem. This study of the problem will improve the proponent skills and communication
during the development of this study.

And as for the future researchers, this system will provide a basis for future
researchers who may experience a related system and from the result of this study, it
will serve as a template to modify their research.
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines


General Objective:

The main objective of the study is to develop a STUDENT CREDENTIALS

DEPARTMENT for Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc. on the SMIT Basic
Education Department to improve the school system further and ensure smooth
operation by utilizing technology to make the office run more smoothly.

Specific Objectives

The following statements are the specific objectives of the study:

1. To create a system that easy to use and suitable to the current capacity of the
2. To provide a system can be used by the authorized office staff.
3. To create a system that have a functionality to create student record and
update the students credential request record.

4. To minimize the manual recording of student credential released record in

every transaction.

5. To develop a record service using electronic database system to store the

students request credential record.
6. To create a system that can track the releasing of credentials to whom and
when it was released.
7. To create a module that will generate the following credentials:
a. Form 137
b. Good moral
c. Card
d. Diploma
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

Scope and Limitation

The focus of this study is to create a file management system, an office-based

software that intended only for SMIT Basic Education Department to replace the current
manual tracking of credential request records into a computer-based system to improve
the way of tracking and releasing of student credentials.


The system focus on record-keeping and managing student request record for

Therefore, the following statement is also a scope of the project:

a. Login module - Login module will help in authentication of user account. Users
who have valid login id and password can only access the system.
b. Add record module – This is the module where the encoder can create student
record and save into an electronic database.
c. Manage record module – In this module the encoder will be able to update a
student credentials request record.
d. Transaction module - This module will help the encoder to track easily the
request credentials record of the students by searching the student LRN
numbers (client request).

Furthermore, the system has an additional feature, design as credentials module

to generate a lay out of credentials such as Form 137, Good Moral, Card and Diploma
for profiling of credentials with printing functions.
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines


Even though the system are capable of the basic needs for transaction process in
SMIT Basic Education Department, it has a few limitation. The system is not required a
connection, it is an offline platform for securing the data of the students. This system
has no access to student, only the office in-charge or the encoder have an access into
the system.

Moreover, the system cannot cater the payment transaction when the student wants to
claim again the already released credentials, enrollment process are not involve and the
college department cannot benefit this system.
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines


Technical Background

This chapter presents the review of the related literature and significant studies that will
enable the researchers to acquire basic information and references on different
perspectives of concepts and theories in the design and development of STUDENT
EDUCATION DEPARTMENT in PHP and MySQL. It also includes some operational
technical terms related to the study.


that develop a processing of releasing and tracking of student credentials request
record in Basic Education Department on the Southern Mindanao Institute of


Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

Software Requirements

Computer OS Microsoft Windows 7 Home or higher

MYSQL or At least Microsoft SQL server 2016
Management System
and above


UI Framework
4.5 or higher

Programming PHP,C#


At least Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and
Environment (IDE)


Hardware Requirements

Mouse Optical Mouse

Keyboard Membrane Keyboard

Monitor LCD monitor with a resolution of 1920 x 1080or higher

Processor/ At least 1.8 GHz or faster 64-bit processor; Quad-core

CPU or better recommended

RAM At least 4 G.B. or above

ROM 128 GB internal Solid-State Drive (SSD) or higher

Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

Foreign Literature
In accordance of google platform with different sources we found out the related studies
of our proposed project .

Implementing a Digital Profiling System for Enhanced Support and Integration of

Muslim Converts in Malaysia
Since the beginning of the new millennium, an unanticipated trend has captured the
attention of scholars and
learners in diverse fields. According to conversion studies scholars, Paloutzian et
al. (1999) characterize
conversion as a transformative journey that unfolds within a dynamic interplay of
personal experiences, events,
ideologies, expectations, and encounters with various influences. The multifaceted
nature of conversion is
further clarified by Lofland and Skonovd (1981), who propose various pathways
to conversion, including
intellectual exploration (conversion through reading and investigating alternative
beliefs), personal revelation
(conversion through unexplained personal spiritual experiences), experiential
transformation (conversion
through active participation and subsequent faith adoption), emotional attachment
(conversion through a deep
personal connection), and revivalist inspiration (conversion through joyous communal
experiences) (Lakhdar
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

et al., 2007; Nollert & Sheikhzadegan, 2022). Meadow & Kahoe (1984) state that
people who convert will
experience positive feelings such as happiness and peace and undergo changes
in mental health (increased
confidence, freedom from anxiety, and depression).
In Islam, there is a fundamental principle of ‘no compulsion in religion,’ meaning that
no one is forced to
become a Muslim. This principle is supported by verses in the Quran (2:256), which
mean, “There shall be no
compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become distinct from
the wrong. So, whoever disbelieves in taghut
and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it.
And Allah is the Most Hearing and Most
In the contemporary context, converts may face a variety of problems or issues
throughout their lives. The
study carried out by Kose proved that converts have undergone cognitive restructuring,
concluding that Islam
fulfills their desire for a meeting between religious principles and practice. Kose’s
explanation evokes the socio-
psychological theory of conversion, stating that individuals need direction in their lives
through the structure
and meaning system provided by religion (Jung, 2001; Luckmann, 1967; Spilka et al.,

Implementing a Digital Profiling System for Enhanced Support and Integration of

Muslim Converts in Malaysia 594
Martonot and Ozalp (2020) argued that the conversion to Islam should be seen as
an incremental journey,
where individuals who convert do not completely replace their pre-existing
identities with Islamic ones.
Therefore, these converts often experience alienation from their friends and
family, resulting in profound
feelings of loneliness and isolation. Furthermore, they tend to feel excluded from
meaningful roles within the
Muslim community. Particularly in Western countries, converts to Islam frequently
encounter subtle forms of
Islamophobia (Shah, 2017; Khosrojerdi, 2015).
Hence, as new Muslim converts, they often undergo a period of inner turmoil as
they grapple with their
newfound faith, searching for answers to profound questions about the purpose and
meaning of life (Kassim
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

et al., 2013). This urgency leads them to seek guidance from the religious community,
embarking on a journey
of gradual self-transformation rooted in rational considerations. Ultimately, this
process results in a deeper
understanding of their faith and pursuit of a better life aligned with their newfound
Next, dedicated converts express that being a Muslim goes beyond merely engaging in
prayers, wearing suitable
attire, observing fasting, and reading the Quran. Instead, they perceive themselves as
embarking on a journey
toward becoming a Muslim, marked by the gradual internalization of beliefs and
practices, and by the
recognition of others. However, it is crucial to note that the conversion process is best
seen as a journey rather
than a single event.
In navigating this situation, guidance and direction are crucial. Identifying the primary
party responsible for
implementation and determining the appropriate development pattern necessitates
a comprehensive
investigation. To arrive at an accurate and representative answer, a thorough
examination of the circumstances
is imperative. Consequently, in this study, the research objective is to present a
comprehensive investigation
into the development and implementation of an e-profiling system designed to
enhance the support and
integration processes for Muslim converts in Malaysia.
The primary focus is to assess the effectiveness of the e-profiling system in facilitating a
more streamlined and
personalized approach to managing the needs and experiences of Muslim
converts. Through a detailed
examination of the system’s features, usability, and impact, this research aims to
contribute valuable insights
that can inform strategies for improving support mechanisms and promoting a
sense of belonging among
Muslim converts in the Malaysian context. By addressing the specific challenges faced
by this demographic, the
study endeavors to offer practical recommendations for the successful implementation
of technology-driven
solutions to enhance the overall experience of Muslim converts and foster their
seamless integration into the
broader community.
Since the beginning of the new millennium, an unanticipated trend has captured the
attention of scholars and
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

learners in diverse fields. According to conversion studies scholars, Paloutzian et

al. (1999) characterize
conversion as a transformative journey that unfolds within a dynamic interplay of
personal experiences, events,
ideologies, expectations, and encounters with various influences. The multifaceted
nature of conversion is
further clarified by Lofland and Skonovd (1981), who propose various pathways
to conversion, including
intellectual exploration (conversion through reading and investigating alternative
beliefs), personal revelation
(conversion through unexplained personal spiritual experiences), experiential
transformation (conversion
through active participation and subsequent faith adoption), emotional attachment
(conversion through a deep
personal connection), and revivalist inspiration (conversion through joyous communal
experiences) (Lakhdar
et al., 2007; Nollert & Sheikhzadegan, 2022). Meadow & Kahoe (1984) state that
people who convert will
experience positive feelings such as happiness and peace and undergo changes
in mental health (increased
confidence, freedom from anxiety, and depression).
In Islam, there is a fundamental principle of ‘no compulsion in religion,’ meaning that
no one is forced to
become a Muslim. This principle is supported by verses in the Quran (2:256), which
mean, “There shall be no
compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become distinct from
the wrong. So, whoever disbelieves in taghut
and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it.
And Allah is the Most Hearing and Most
In the contemporary context, converts may face a variety of problems or issues
throughout their lives. The
study carried out by Kose proved that converts have undergone cognitive restructuring,
concluding that Islam
fulfills their desire for a meeting between religious principles and practice. Kose’s
explanation evokes the socio-
psychological theory of conversion, stating that individuals need direction in their lives
through the structure
and meaning system provided by religion (Jung, 2001; Luckmann, 1967; Spilka et al.,

Implementing a Digital Profiling System for Enhanced Support and Integration of

Muslim Converts in Malaysia 594
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

Martonot and Ozalp (2020) argued that the conversion to Islam should be seen as
an incremental journey,
where individuals who convert do not completely replace their pre-existing
identities with Islamic ones.
Therefore, these converts often experience alienation from their friends and
family, resulting in profound
feelings of loneliness and isolation. Furthermore, they tend to feel excluded from
meaningful roles within the
Muslim community. Particularly in Western countries, converts to Islam frequently
encounter subtle forms of
Islamophobia (Shah, 2017; Khosrojerdi, 2015).
Hence, as new Muslim converts, they often undergo a period of inner turmoil as
they grapple with their
newfound faith, searching for answers to profound questions about the purpose and
meaning of life (Kassim
et al., 2013). This urgency leads them to seek guidance from the religious community,
embarking on a journey
of gradual self-transformation rooted in rational considerations. Ultimately, this
process results in a deeper
understanding of their faith and pursuit of a better life aligned with their newfound
Next, dedicated converts express that being a Muslim goes beyond merely engaging in
prayers, wearing suitable
attire, observing fasting, and reading the Quran. Instead, they perceive themselves as
embarking on a journey
toward becoming a Muslim, marked by the gradual internalization of beliefs and
practices, and by the
recognition of others. However, it is crucial to note that the conversion process is best
seen as a journey rather
than a single event.
In navigating this situation, guidance and direction are crucial. Identifying the primary
party responsible for
implementation and determining the appropriate development pattern necessitates
a comprehensive
investigation. To arrive at an accurate and representative answer, a thorough
examination of the circumstances
is imperative. Consequently, in this study, the research objective is to present a
comprehensive investigation
into the development and implementation of an e-profiling system designed to
enhance the support and
integration processes for Muslim converts in Malaysia.
The primary focus is to assess the effectiveness of the e-profiling system in facilitating a
more streamlined and
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

personalized approach to managing the needs and experiences of Muslim

converts. Through a detailed
examination of the system’s features, usability, and impact, this research aims to
contribute valuable insights
that can inform strategies for improving support mechanisms and promoting a
sense of belonging among
Muslim converts in the Malaysian context. By addressing the specific challenges faced
by this demographic, the
study endeavors to offer practical recommendations for the successful implementation
of technology-driven
solutions to enhance the overall experience of Muslim converts and foster their
seamless integration into the
broader community.
Since the beginning of the new millennium, an unanticipated trend has captured the
attention of scholars and
learners in diverse fields. According to conversion studies scholars, Paloutzian et
al. (1999) characterize
conversion as a transformative journey that unfolds within a dynamic interplay of
personal experiences, events,
ideologies, expectations, and encounters with various influences. The multifaceted
nature of conversion is
further clarified by Lofland and Skonovd (1981), who propose various pathways
to conversion, including
intellectual exploration (conversion through reading and investigating alternative
beliefs), personal revelation
(conversion through unexplained personal spiritual experiences), experiential
transformation (conversion
through active participation and subsequent faith adoption), emotional attachment
(conversion through a deep
personal connection), and revivalist inspiration (conversion through joyous communal
experiences) (Lakhdar
et al., 2007; Nollert & Sheikhzadegan, 2022). Meadow & Kahoe (1984) state that
people who convert will
experience positive feelings such as happiness and peace and undergo changes
in mental health (increased
confidence, freedom from anxiety, and depression).
In Islam, there is a fundamental principle of ‘no compulsion in religion,’ meaning that
no one is forced to
become a Muslim. This principle is supported by verses in the Quran (2:256), which
mean, “There shall be no
compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become distinct from
the wrong. So, whoever disbelieves in taghut
and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it.
And Allah is the Most Hearing and Most
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

In the contemporary context, converts may face a variety of problems or issues
throughout their lives. The
study carried out by Kose proved that converts have undergone cognitive restructuring,
concluding that Islam
fulfills their desire for a meeting between religious principles and practice. Kose’s
explanation evokes the socio-
psychological theory of conversion, stating that individuals need direction in their lives
through the structure
and meaning system provided by religion (Jung, 2001; Luckmann, 1967; Spilka et al.,

Implementing a Digital Profiling System for Enhanced Support and Integration of

Muslim Converts in Malaysia 594
Martonot and Ozalp (2020) argued that the conversion to Islam should be seen as
an incremental journey,
where individuals who convert do not completely replace their pre-existing
identities with Islamic ones.
Therefore, these converts often experience alienation from their friends and
family, resulting in profound
feelings of loneliness and isolation. Furthermore, they tend to feel excluded from
meaningful roles within the
Muslim community. Particularly in Western countries, converts to Islam frequently
encounter subtle forms of
Islamophobia (Shah, 2017; Khosrojerdi, 2015).
Hence, as new Muslim converts, they often undergo a period of inner turmoil as
they grapple with their
newfound faith, searching for answers to profound questions about the purpose and
meaning of life (Kassim
et al., 2013). This urgency leads them to seek guidance from the religious community,
embarking on a journey
of gradual self-transformation rooted in rational considerations. Ultimately, this
process results in a deeper
understanding of their faith and pursuit of a better life aligned with their newfound
Next, dedicated converts express that being a Muslim goes beyond merely engaging in
prayers, wearing suitable
attire, observing fasting, and reading the Quran. Instead, they perceive themselves as
embarking on a journey
toward becoming a Muslim, marked by the gradual internalization of beliefs and
practices, and by the
recognition of others. However, it is crucial to note that the conversion process is best
seen as a journey rather
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

than a single event.

In navigating this situation, guidance and direction are crucial. Identifying the primary
party responsible for
implementation and determining the appropriate development pattern necessitates
a comprehensive
investigation. To arrive at an accurate and representative answer, a thorough
examination of the circumstances
is imperative. Consequently, in this study, the research objective is to present a
comprehensive investigation
into the development and implementation of an e-profiling system designed to
enhance the support and
integration processes for Muslim converts in Malaysia.
The primary focus is to assess the effectiveness of the e-profiling system in facilitating a
more streamlined and
personalized approach to managing the needs and experiences of Muslim
converts. Through a detailed
examination of the system’s features, usability, and impact, this research aims to
contribute valuable insights
that can inform strategies for improving support mechanisms and promoting a
sense of belonging among
Muslim converts in the Malaysian context. By addressing the specific challenges faced
by this demographic, the
study endeavors to offer practical recommendations for the successful implementation
of technology-driven
solutions to enhance the overall experience of Muslim converts and foster their
seamless integration into the
broader community.

Martonot and Ozalp (2020) argued that the conversion to Islam should be seen as an
incremental journey, where individuals who convert do not completely replace their pre-
existing identities with Islamic ones. Therefore, these converts often experience
alienation from their friends and family, resulting in profound feelings of loneliness and
isolation. Furthermore, they tend to feel excluded from meaningful roles within the
Muslim community. Particularly in Western countries, converts to Islam frequently
encounter subtle forms of Islamophobia (Shah, 2017; Khosrojerdi, 2015). The primary
focus is to assess the effectiveness of the e-profiling system in facilitating a more
streamlined and personalized approach to managing the needs and experiences of
Muslim converts.
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

Due to cases where Muslim converts provide false addresses, using the addresses of
others to conceal their conversion from their families and for security reasons, location
mapping of Muslim converts can help identify the actual residences of Muslim converts
so that comprehensive information can be recorded, and monitoring can be carried out
more effectively. This is where the framework of this system can provide a platform
using internet technology and the Geographical Information System (GIS) that contains
data on Muslim converts, which can be utilized by the State Department of Islamic
Religion to execute Muslim converts affairs management services more
systematically and efficiently. GIS connects data to a map by combining location data
with other forms of descriptive information, providing a basis for mapping and analysis
that is used by practically every government organisation. A study focusing on the
development of the ‘framework’ for the e-profiling system for Muslim converts will
include a ‘space’ that can be filled with essential data required by the authorities
responsible for managing converts, particularly the State Department of Islamic
Religion in the respective states. This data will pertain to the individual profiles, classes
attended, understanding of Islam, practice of Islamic teachings, challenges faced,
needed assistance, and more. The items integrated into the framework of the e-profiling
system for converts will be designed based on the needs identified through expert
interviews and discussions with officers from the State Department of Islamic Religion.
Therefore, the effort to establish an e-profiling system framework for converts is highly
significant in the current scenario. It aims to improve the management of new Muslim
brothers and sisters by utilizing the latest technology applications. The e-profiling
system framework can be employed by the State Department of Islamic Religion to
establish a comprehensive database of converts within their respective departments,
integrating data from new converts in their regions. As a result, this data will be readily
accessible to all relevant stakeholders, facilitating coordinated management of converts.
This collaborative effort extends beyond the State Department of Islamic Religion and
encompasses federal administrative bodies like JAKIM, as well as non-governmental
organizations such as the Malaysian Islamic Welfare Organization (PERKIM),
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association (MACMA), Hidayah Centre Foundation (HCF),

and others.

Due to cases where Muslim converts provide false addresses, using the addresses of
others to conceal their
conversion from their families and for security reasons, location mapping of Muslim
converts can help identify
the actual residences of Muslim converts so that comprehensive information can be
recorded, and monitoring
can be carried out more effectively. This is where the framework of this system can
provide a platform using
internet technology and the Geographical Information System (GIS) that contains data
on Muslim converts,
which can be utilized by the State Department of Islamic Religion to execute
Muslim converts affairs
management services more systematically and efficiently. GIS connects data to a map
by combining location
data with other forms of descriptive information, providing a basis for mapping and
analysis that is used by
practically every government organisation.
A study focusing on the development of the ‘framework’ for the e-profiling system for
Muslim converts will
include a ‘space’ that can be filled with essential data required by the authorities
responsible for managing
converts, particularly the State Department of Islamic Religion in the respective states.
This data will pertain to
the individual profiles, classes attended, understanding of Islam, practice of Islamic
teachings, challenges faced,
needed assistance, and more.
The items integrated into the framework of the e-profiling system for converts will be
designed based on the
needs identified through expert interviews and discussions with officers from the State
Department of Islamic
Religion. Therefore, the effort to establish an e-profiling system framework for converts
is highly significant in
the current scenario. It aims to improve the management of new Muslim brothers and
sisters by utilizing the
latest technology applications.
The e-profiling system framework can be employed by the State Department of Islamic
Religion to establish a
comprehensive database of converts within their respective departments, integrating
data from new converts
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

in their regions. As a result, this data will be readily accessible to all relevant
stakeholders, facilitating coordinated
management of converts. This collaborative effort extends beyond the State
Department of Islamic Religion
and encompasses federal administrative bodies like JAKIM, as well as non-
governmental organizations such as
the Malaysian Islamic Welfare Organization (PERKIM), Malaysian Chinese Muslim
Association (MACMA),
conversion from their families and for security reasons, location mapping of Muslim
converts can help identify
the actual residences of Muslim converts so that comprehensive information can be
recorded, and monitoring
can be carried out more effectively. This is where the framework of this system can
provide a platform using
internet technology and the Geographical Information System (GIS) that contains data
on Muslim converts,
which can be utilized by the State Department of Islamic Religion to execute
Muslim converts affairs
management services more systematically and efficiently. GIS connects data to a map
by combining location
data with other forms of descriptive information, providing a basis for mapping and
analysis that is used by
practically every government organisation.
A study focusing on the development of the ‘framework’ for the e-profiling system for
Muslim converts will
include a ‘space’ that can be filled with essential data required by the authorities
responsible for managing
converts, particularly the State Department of Islamic Religion in the respective states.
This data will pertain to
the individual profiles, classes attended, understanding of Islam, practice of Islamic
teachings, challenges faced,
needed assistance, and more.
The items integrated into the framework of the e-profiling system for converts will be
designed based on the
needs identified through expert interviews and discussions with officers from the State
Department of Islamic
Religion. Therefore, the effort to establish an e-profiling system framework for converts
is highly significant in
the current scenario. It aims to improve the management of new Muslim brothers and
sisters by utilizing the
latest technology applications.
The e-profiling system framework can be employed by the State Department of Islamic
Religion to establish a
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

comprehensive database of converts within their respective departments, integrating

data from new converts
in their regions. As a result, this data will be readily accessible to all relevant
stakeholders, facilitating coordinated
management of converts. This collaborative effort extends beyond the State
Department of Islamic Religion
and encompasses federal administrative bodies like JAKIM, as well as non-
governmental organizations such as
the Malaysian Islamic Welfare Organization (PERKIM), Malaysian Chinese Muslim
Association (MACMA),
Hidayah Centre Foundation (HCF), and otForeign Literature
Success factors for Electronic Documents and Records Management System

Luica and Ibiricu (2008:3) argue that, to implement successfully an EDRMS, it is

important to deduce backing of management throughout because is essential to firmly
establish information policy and enrollment of user support for the system of an
institution. In addition, they say, effective and timely communication of system
functionality and key concepts must ensue, thereby raising awareness of potential long-
term benefits and giving rise to document and records management procedures that
bridge the gap between technological functionality and user practices in order to
instigate a consistently high records management standard. Moreover, they assert that
this approach is also necessary for key users to be able to operate efficiently in their
business areas and support records managers, thus the importance of committed key
users. Furthermore, they indicate that, productive training is crucial to form responsible
system users who appreciate modern technology as a straightforward means of
meeting business needs and safeguarding corporate memory. 11 The limited literature
on EDRMS case studies indicates that top management support, good recordkeeping
awareness and practice, early development of Business Classification Schemes (File
Plan/Thesaurus), adequate and on-going training and support; and well-prepared
change management strategies are the keys to success in developing enterprise wide
electronic records management solutions. Managerial support and commitment is vital
for the successful completion of an EDRMS project (Ellis 2005:3; Fuzeau 2005:3). The
involvement of senior management will ensure funding for the project and enhance
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

employee awareness of the importance of EDRMS adoption. A good records

management culture needs to be in place before the implementation commences. Staff
should be made aware of the importance of recordkeeping and their recordkeeping
practice should be enhanced to accommodate the changes brought about by the new
technology (Maguire 2005:157). Technology alone does not improve an organization’s
recordkeeping culture – this comes from the employees’ awareness, attitudes and
practice. The development of a Business Classification Scheme (also known as a File
Plan or Thesaurus) before EDRMS implementation is crucial (Northern Ireland Civil
Service 2006:3; Williams 2005:3) to ensure staff understand the association between
records and to assist them in gaining familiarity with record locations. EDRMS is
associated with ‘change’ (Jeffrey-Cook, 2005:3): change in terms of organizational
recordkeeping culture, as well as in terms of individual working habits and
responsibilities. Getting the system into place is (comparatively) easy, but ensuring that
employees use it effectively is very difficult. As with any other enterprise wide
Information Systems implementation, user resistance is the major hurdle for EDRMS
uptake (Miller, 2005:187). Traditionally, records management is often considered to be
the boring responsibility of administrative or records staff but with the implementation of
an EDRMS, records management suddenly becomes the responsibility of every
employee in the organization. An all-encompassing communication strategy which
involves staff from the very first stage of the project to the very end of the
implementation is the core of a successful EDRMS change management plan (Wilkins
et al., 2007:3). Adequate and 12 on-going training and support ensures staff awareness
and maintains ongoing staff commitment to the system (Maguire, 2005:150) – the
ultimate goal of such a project. According to an IS manager responsible for an EDRMS
project, EDRMS projects cannot be considered complete for at least 5 years after the
initial implementation (Wilkins et al., 2007:37)

Foreign Literature

A Web-Based Electronic Filing System Using Conversion of Image File to Text

File Approach
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

According to Yousif Nabeil Yousif(2010) of University of Malaysia, The purpose of his

thesis is to develop a document management system for the departments in Faculty of
Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT) in University of Malaya, this
system enables administering and managing of students files more efficient. This
system can also use in many other departments in the faculty or university. The system
developed is called Electronic Filing System (EFS). This system consists of scanning,
storing, indexing, archiving, retrieval, and accessing of original documents. Electronic
Filling System EFS also help users to save time in searching document. The system
can prevent lost document or damage from the effects of disasters such as burn. The
system also increases the user productivity of FCSIT and enhances the efficiency of
using information, communication and technology. This study employs qualitative
research method that includes observation, document analysis and interviews for data
collection process. The finding of the data analysis is use as system function
requirement in developing. The researcher will create a filing system for the Department
of information technology to easy retrieving of reports and storage for data.

Foreign Literature
EDRMS for academic records management: A design study in a Malaysian
As a type of ERM, EDRMS can be defined as “an automated system which supports the
creation, use and maintenance of paper or electronic documents and records for the
purposes of an organization’s workflow and processes. EDRMS includes recordkeeping
functionality and also manages documents of informational rather than evidential value.
EDRMS includes, the whole of documents, records, methods, procedures, tools, [meta]
data, (index terms), knowledge, means and persons with which an organization
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

operates and fulfills its requirements to preserve evidence of its activities, maintain its
memory, and preserve its knowledge” (Johnston and Bowen 2005, p.133)

Foreign Literature

Database Archiving for Long-Term Data Retention

According to Craig S. Mullins (2006), organizations are generating and keeping a more
data now than at any time in history before. This is so for many reasons. First of all, the
amount of data in general is growing. According to industry analysts, enterprise
databases are growing at the rate of 125% annually. Even more interesting is that as
much as 80% of the information in those databases is not actively used (in other words,
it is ready for archiving). Data may need to be retained for both internal and external
reasons. Internal reasons are driven by company needs. If an organization business
requires the data to conduct business and make money then that data will be retained.
Today’s modern organizations are storing more data for longer periods of time for many
internal reasons. Typically, data is stored longer than it used to be to enable analytical
processes to be conducted on the data. Data warehousing, data mining, OLAP, and
similar technologies have delivered more and better techniques for extracting
information out of data. So businesses are inclined to keep the data around for longer
periods of time. But external reasons, typically driven by the mandate to comply with
legal and governmental regulations are another significant factor driving the need to
store more data.

Local Literature

iPad: Integrated Paperless Document Checking and Template-based Editor for


Thesis Compilation (2009) by Sicat, Ma. Gracia Corazon E., et al, the main goal
of an Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) is to have a centralized repository or a
digital library for graduate theses and dissertations, whereas the Checking and
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

Template-based Editor for Electronic Thesis Compilation or iPad aims to be a portal

between the author and the adviser. Through this, the involved parties can carry out a
paperless thesis checking, revising, and transacting. The framework differs from the
traditional way because the manuscript is written, checked, revised, and stored in the
system itself. Though iPad is also an online repository like ETD, it has a template-based
editor and an environment for checking which the usual ETD lacks thereof. In other
studies by The Digital Archives Supporting Document Content Inference May 2019,
Evgeny Cherkashin, et al. the process of authoring documents is time-consuming
creative work. With the use of technologies of Linked Open Data, document templates,
and logical inference for deducing parts of documents from data of the catalogs, this
paper presents an approach to creating an open software toolset and services, set on
the base of other open source systems.. According to the study of Saulius Ragaisis, an
Electronic Archive Information System used in Public records generated by government
agencies remain diverse in terms of paper documents and providing electronic services.
The Archiving system is the process of maintaining and storing of student’s thesis in an
organized way. This helps the office to easily retrieved and view students’ abstract
papers. This study is beneficial to the Research and Development Office specifically for
updating students’ research. The office staff will encode the title of the thesis, the
abstracts, authors, advisers, and the date completed. The system will then generate this
information which can be searched online by entering the keywords such as course,
year, name of the authors, and advisers. These outputs are to be expected in this study
to enable the research office to organize students' research and ensure efficiency in
eliminating unnecessary duplication.

Local Literature

Computerized Barangay Resident Information Management with Issuance


In a study of Martinez (2018) The Computerized Barangay Information System is

appropriate for use of barangay employees, who have access to profile information of
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

barangay residents for the direct reports. Moreover, departmental organizational staffs
which have a business need for this information for their business unit can also benefit.
This is responsible for an effective and efficient approach for barangay employees and
residents. It will help them accomplish tasks faster and would also eliminate the need of
a large staff. It will provide profile-based information for residents.

Local Literature

Managing Electronic Records: Benefits, Challenges and Strategies for

Effective Implementation

ISO standard 15489: 2001 defines Records Management as the field of

management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt,
maintenance, use and disposition of records, including the processes for capturing and
maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in
the form of records. Electronic record is a digital record that can be manipulated
transmitted or processed by a computer. (IRMT, 1999)

Local Literature

Computer Profiling

While computer profiling is not currently a subject of major policy debate, the
potential policy issues raised by the future growth of computer profiling are important. In
computer profiling, a record system (or record systems) is searched for a specified
combination of data elements, i.e., A profile is developed by a government agency to
select characteristics of types of individuals, and to determine the probabilities of such
individuals engaging in activities or behavior of interest to that agency.

Local Literature

Rona (2011) in her study entitled “A Proposed Student Profiling System for the
College of Information Technology, University of La Salette, Santiago City” will aid the
time of the students in filling the profile information for the student can manage their
Southern Mindanao Institute of Technology Inc.
Brgy. Buenaflor, National Highway,9800 Tacurong, Philippines

time in their studies. The activities that the researchers want to develop are the
computerized profiling system.


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