STS - Lecture 3 Transcript

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Different Philippine developmental plans, different projects under the government

Philippine Health System and programs and policies and national scientists

Nation building - constructing or structuring a national identity through the power of the state. It
creates a specific power or identity.
What is the country all about? It aims to unify people of diverse cultures, languages, and
religions under the same state so that it remains politically stable and viable in the long run. It
creates an identity for a specific country.
What is the best thing or unique thing that the specific country has? One of the best things
is that the country has its own constitution. (Constitution of the Philippines,1987, it’s the great

Philippine Developmental Plan goals - it is a framework or the things that a specific President
in each term once achieved. General developmental plan goals of each president.
1. To build a prosperous predominantly society where no one is poor, alleviating the
number or percentage of poor in the country ;
2. To promote a long and healthy life. (So promoting health and wealth and a good life
among the Filipino people)
3. To become smarter and more innovative, so creating more innovations, creating more
science and technology stuff all over the country and ;
4. To build a high-trust society against corruption and and and and governance.

**Each Philippine president has its own key areas from the Philippine Development Plan

Former Pres. Duterte once improved/his main goal during his term
- Maintain annual economic growth rate
- Create more, better, and more resilient jobs.
- Keep food and overall prices low and stable
- Enforce fiscal discipline
- Transform production through innovation

Current Pres. BBM

- To maintain an economic growth rate between 6.0 - 7.0% in 2023, and 6.5 - 8.0% from
2024 to 2028. (According to his economic advisor, they won this sustained high levels of
growth, which is a necessary condition to meet what they called AmBisyon Natin in
2040. Increasing economic growth is very important to have stability in the economy.)
- Create more better and more resilient jobs. By 2028, the employment rate shall be within 4.0
- 5.0% and the percentage of wage and salary workers in private establishments, the total
employed should be within 53 - 55%. (According to them most likely they want to decrease
the contractualization of the country and increase the wage and the salary of the workers in
private establishments)
- They want to keep food and overall prices low and stable. They want to expand the
opportunities available to Filipinos must be complemented by efforts to protect people’s
purchasing power. The food and overall inflation will be kept within 2.5 - 4.5% in 2023, with
this they want to lower this number or values to 2.0 to 4.0% from next year to 2028 until
the end of his presidency.
- Enforce fiscal discipline, so they want initial state sustainability of growth. The national
government deficit and the ratio of GDP reducing from 6.5% during the first half of 2022 to
3.0%, which is in 2028. Reduce the outstanding government debt GDP ratio from 63.7% in
2022 to become 48 to 50% by the end of 2028.
- Transform production into sectors through innovation, so the science and technology in the
Philippines aims to continue progress among the innovation achievers of the reason by
ranking higher within the Global Competitiveness Index by the end of 20238, they want to be
within the top 33% of the innovators if the whole world.

All of the efforts are intended to significantly improve the welfare of the Filipinos. These
strategies are expected to reduce property incidents from 18% in 2021 to 8-9% by 2028.
These values and numbers should, can, and will be achieved by the end of his term.

Economic growth has gone through different cycles. There are different episodes of
moderate economic expansions that had limited impact on the poor.
One of these is great inequality across income brackets, regions and sectors as well as unmanaged
population growth, these should be considered and there are different constraining poverty reduction
efforts or what you called you have key factors.
Different causes, constraints, and opportunities cause poverty in the Philippines. (2009, ADB)
• low to moderate economic growth for the past 40 years; (it did not translate into poverty in
recent years, in the past 40 years people continuously paying for the debts of our country of
the past presidents)
• low growth elasticity of poverty reduction (poverty still remains mainly rural phenomenon, though
urban power is also on the rise, and the Salaries of the workers are not equal across the Philippines.
We still have the Province and Metropolitan rates)
• weakness in employment generation and the quality of jobs generated (the Philippines is a diploma
country, and poverty levels are strongly linked to educational attainment)
• failure to fully develop the agriculture sector (Many Filipino households remain vulnerable to
shocks and risk)
• high inflation during crisis periods;
• high levels of population growth;
• high and persistent levels of inequality (incomes and assets), which dampen the
positive impacts of economic expansion (There are also weak government capacity in
implementing poverty reduction program, poverty programs are not specific, it is a
short-term goal program; they should have further research on chronic properties)
• recurrent shocks and exposure to risks such as economic crisis, conflicts, natural
disasters, and "environmental poverty."
These reports analyzed the causes of poverty and recommended differences to accelerate
poverty reduction and achieve more inclusive growth. In the immediate and short-term there
is a need to enhance government poverty reduction strategy and involve key sectors for a
collective coordinated response to problem. In the long term, the government should
continue to continue economic reforms for sustainable and inclusive growth.
Philippine Health System
1. Health Financing: It refers to how financial resources are used to ensure the health system
and can cover the collective health needs of every person. It is the foundational
component that impacts the entire health system or the performance of the health risk
because it includes delivery and accessibility of primary healthcare. It also talks about where
and how they spend the budget.
four main sources of financing: (a) national and local government, (b) insurance
(PhilHealth) (government and private), (c) user fees/out-of-pocket, and (d) donors.

2. Health Care System Delivery: out of 721 hospitals, there are only 70 public hospitals are
managed by the DOH, they are given an amount of budget while the remaining hospitals are
managed by LGU and other national government agencies, these hospitals are classified by
the service capability
(a) health facilities
(b) health human resources
(c) utilization of health facilities
(d) satisfaction with health facilities
LEVEL 1 - giving primary health or basic healthcare and then proceed to LEVEL 2,
They are well distributed across the country though there are few provinces with
limited LEVEL 2.
Hospitals that are highly concentrated in Region 3 and NCR, in addition to the number of hospital
beds are also good indicators of health services capability/availability.
The recommendation of WHO, there should be 20 hospital beds per 10,000 population, but
there are insufficient beds relative to population except in NCR, Northern Mindanao Southern
Mindanao, and CAR region. But among the 17 regions in the Philippines, ARMM, for Muslim
Mindanao has the lowest bed-to-population ratio, there are only .17 beds per 1000 population,
which is lower than the average national number of beds.
The Philippines has always had a huge human reservoir of health, there is an evenly distributed
country and mostly are concentrated in urban areas such as Metro Manila and other cities.

3. Health Outcomes: (a) life expectancy men: 66 years old, women: 71 years old (b) deaths
and births (c) disease trends – communicable and non-communicable diseases
(cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and diabetes are
the leading non-communicable diseases)
**Infectious diseases like Pneumonia and TB are evident as the leading cost of death.

Different Programs
● Good governance and anti-corruption: freedom of information; the People’s budget
● Human development: human development and poverty reduction, 4Ps (Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program); k to 12 Basic Education; Responsible Parenthood; Sin Taxes
● Economic Development: Public-Private Partnership; Philippine Development Plan
● Social, Justice, and Peace: National Security Policy 2011-2016; PAMANA Program
● Environment and Climate Change: Project NOAH; National Green Program
RDLead - Research and development leadership program
CRADLE - a collaboration of academe and local companies to improve competitiveness and
catalyze innovation. It aims to improve the country’s innovation ecosystem by facilitating the
smooth transition of new technologies. They want to develop a lab to market. DOST FUNDED
125M to fund this program.

National Scientists of the Philippines

• The Order of National Scientists of the Philippines (ONS) is the highest award given to Filipino
scientists by the Philippine government.
• an individual who has earned a doctoral degree in any field of the sciences
• demonstrated and earned distinction in independent research or significant innovative achievement
in the basic and applied sciences, including agricultural, engineering, and medical sciences, in
mathematics and in the social sciences as manifested by published works in recognized scientific
and technical journals.
We have 42 National Scientists: Agricultural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Engineering
Sciences and Technology, Health Sciences, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and Social

• National Scientists receive a medallion and citation
• Receive financial gratuity
• Also: a monthly life pension, medical and hospitalization
benefits, and a place of honor, in line with protocolar
precedence, at national state functions.

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