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Final Term EXAMINATIONS 2024

Class: 8th - Grade Subject: English
Date: - -2024 Duration: 2 Hours
Max. Marks: 70 Obtained Marks:
Student’s Name: Teacher’s Sign:
G.R. Number: Re-checker’s Sign:
Invigilator’s Sign: Paper Seen Sign:______________

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Q1. Read the passage. Then answer the questions below. [ /15]

Ramadan is a very special time for Muslims all over the world. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims spend time
practising their religion and fasting. Ramadan is the name of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. The Islamic
calendar is based on the moon and so is a bit shorter than the Western calendar. This is why Ramadan starts on a
different date each year. When you fast, you don’t eat or drink anything for a certain period of time. During Ramadan,
most Muslims don’t eat or drink (not even water) between dawn (the time when there is the first light in the sky in
the morning) and sunset (when the sun goes down in the evening). Fasting is important because it helps people feel
closer to God. People usually start the day with a big meal before sunrise. This meal is called Suhoor. The evening
meal, called Iftar, is very important and sometimes lasts for a long time. Special foods are shared with family and
friends. Desserts are particularly popular. During Ramadan, Muslims do things that bring them closer to God. It’s a
time for extra prayers and reading the holy book, the Qur’an. They think about people who are less fortunate than
themselves and try to help them. They try not to do bad actions, like saying bad things about people or using bad
language. Ramadan is a time to try to be more patient and kinder to the people around you. Many Muslims also give
money to charities during the month, and a lot of Islamic charities give food to poor people. There is a special festival
at the end of Ramadan, called Eid al-Fitr. It’s a time for people to thank God for the strength and help they received
during Ramadan. On Eid al-Fitr, Muslims wake up early and dress in their best clothes. Many of them go to the
mosque to pray. After prayers, they wish each other a happy Eid (Eid Mubarak in Arabic) and spend the rest of the
day with their families. They eat special food and give each other presents.

A. What is Ramadan, and why is it important for Muslims?



B. How is the Islamic calendar different from the calendar most people use?


C. What do Muslims do during Ramadan to feel closer to God?



D. What do many Muslims do to help others during Ramadan?

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E. Why is Eid al-Fitr celebrated, and how do Muslims celebrate it?



Q2 (a). Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of Present Continuous Tense of the verbs. /05

1. She is …………………. right hand (wave).

2. He is …………………. over the fence (jump).
3. You are …………………. your books (take).
4. You are …………………. the sweets in your mouth (put).
5. Ali is …………………. on his dress (put).

Q(b). Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect tense form of the verbs. /05

1. I __________ not _________ him so far. (meet)

2. I___________ not ___________ the work even now. (finish)
3. My friend _______ _______ his purse, (lose)
4. They ________ ___________ my pen. (take)
5. Birds _________ _________ from here, (fly)
6. Rehan _________ ________ food, (cook)

Q(c). Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous Tense of the verbs. /05

1. We ________________ ___________ English for two years. (study)

2. He _________________ ___________ in this school for several years. (teach)
3. I _________________ ____________ in this flat since 2000. (live)
4. It __________________ _______________ for three hours. (rain)
5. They ____________ ___________________ for seven hours. (work)

Q(d). Fill in the blanks with since or for: /05

1. He has been here ……………….. last Monday.

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2. She has been on the phone ……………….. twenty minutes.
3. I have been in this town ……………….. 1967.
4. You have been married ……………….. six years.
5. Raman has been on holiday ……………….. last Friday.

Q(e). Write the past simple form of the following verbs: /05

1. get__________ 2. See__________ 3. Play _________

4. Pay __________ 5. Visit _________ 6. Buy ___________

7. Go ___________ 8. Think _______ 9. Copy __________

10. Know_________

Q3. Write a dialogue between two female friends on Eid ul Adha. /15







_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __





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Q4. Write a descriptive essay on any one of the following topics. (250 words) [ /15]

A. An incident that changed my life

B. The best cricket match I ever saw
C. A road trip on bike


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