eStatementFile 20240422185111

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Credit Card Statement


TSE SZE WAN Statement Date 截數日期 : 2024年03月27日

G/F 10 TSE UK TSUEN Payment Due Date 繳款日期 : 2024年04月22日

PPS Merchant Code 「繳費靈」商戶編號 21 REPAYMENT SLIP 還款單

Card Account Statement Balance Min. Payment Due Split Your Bills Payment Encl.
信用卡戶口 本期結欠賬項 最低付款額 簽賬分期 本人繳付之金額


HKD 4.00 HKD 0.00

HKD Total 總額 4.00 0.00

Important Information 重要資料

Your credit card account number(s) have been partially masked to safeguard your security. Please login to Standard Chartered Online Banking and
SC Mobile, or refer to your credit card to view your credit card account number(s) in full.
為保障閣下安全,閣下的信用卡戶口號碼已被部分隱藏。如欲查看完整信用卡戶口號碼,請登入渣打網上理財及SC Mobile或參考信

If you choose to pay by mail, please send your crossed cheque payable to "Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Ltd" together with this Repayment Slip to
G.P.O Box 785, Hong Kong at least 3 working days before the Payment Due Date. Please write your FULL credit card account number on the reverse
side of the cheque.
單於繳款日期三個工作天前寄交香港中環郵政總局信箱 785 號。
Please indicate the payment amount of EACH credit card account by writing the amount(s) in the column "Payment Encl." above. If you have more
than one credit card account (including Instalment), please specify amount you wish to pay to EACH account.
To apply for the Statement Instalment Plan, please scan the QR code or visit the link in "Split Your Bills".
Please examine your statement immediately. Contents of this statement will be considered correct if no error is reported within 60 days from the
Statement Date. See overleaf for important information regarding fees, charges and appropriation of payment.
If you have any questions concerning your statement, please call (852) 2886-4111.
閣下如對此月結單有任何查詢,請電 (852) 2886-4111。

Approved Credit Limit 信貸額: (Combined Limit 合併信用額) HKD 330,000

Previous Balance + Purchases + Cash Advance + Charges = Statement

- Payments (HKD) - Credits (HKD)
(HKD) (HKD) (HKD) (HKD) Balance (HKD)
已繳付款項 (港幣) 存款 (港幣)
上期結欠賬項 (港幣) 消費 (港幣) 透支現金 (港幣) 收費 (港幣) 本期結欠賬項 (港幣)

0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 4.00


Date Description Amount (HKD)

日期 進支詳列 港幣銀碼


Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司 Page 1 of 5

Date Description Amount (HKD)
日期 進支詳列 港幣銀碼

03月16日 TRANSPORT DEPT ME030HONG KONG HK Transaction Ref 55301604077100012922436 2.00

03月16日 TRANSPORT DEPT ME030HONG KONG HK Transaction Ref 55301604077100012341173 2.00



In your current statement 閣下今期月結單
Finance charge for purchase : 0.0912% per day (APR 35.59%) Finance charge for cash advance : 0.0845% per day (APR 35.82%)
購物財務費 : 每日 0.0912% (實際年利率 35.59%) 透支現金財務費 : 每日 0.0845% (實際年利率 35.82%)

REWARDS PROGRAMME 獎賞計劃 - Cathay Card - Priority Banking 國泰萬事達卡—優先理財

Account No. Asia Miles Earned Your Asia Miles Account No.
戶口 所得之「亞洲萬里通」里數 閣下之「亞洲萬里通」戶口號碼

5523-43XX-XXXX-8283 1 1553682797
Asia Miles earned will be credited to your Asia Miles membership account mentioned above by Asia Miles Limited. Terms and Conditions of Asia Miles
apply for redemption and/or use of Miles. For details, please visit
「亞洲萬里通」里數將由亞洲萬里通有限公司存入上述之「亞洲萬里通」戶口。里數之換領及/ 或使用須受「亞洲萬里通」條款及細則約束。詳情請瀏覽

You may, at any time without charge, choose not to have any temporary credit limit extension for your card. If you do not indicate your acceptance on the temporary credit limit
extension service (if applicable) on or after 1 November 2023, you will be deemed to have given your rejection to the Bank to grant the temporary credit limit extension service to
your credit card(s). If you indicate your acceptance on any such temporary credit limit extension service, an Overlimit Charge is payable upon the outstanding balance debited in
your card account over your granted credit limit in each credit card statement cycle.

Over-the-limit transactions can still happen even if you have opted-out from the temporary credit limit extension service and thus Overlimit Charge may be chargeable. The over-the-
limit transactions include, but are not limited to, Octopus automatic add-value service, autopay, late posting of a transaction due to the mode of spending (such as online purchase
and overseas purchase with foreign currency chosen as the settling currency), stand-in authorisation waited to be run overnight and transactions made by Visa payWave or
Mastercard contactless service (for applicable credit card only) which signature is not required for verification. For enquiry on the above arrangement and the current Overlimit
Charge, please call our Standard Chartered Credit Card 24-hour Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2886-4111.

Finance charge for cash advance may be accrued after the statement cut-off date and will be displayed in the next statement. Please call our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline to
ascertain your prevailing or applicable interest rate, accrued finance charge for cash advance and how to fully settle the cash advance finance charge before the next statement

閣下的信用卡給予臨時信用限 額。當閣下表明接受上述安排後, 閣下的信用卡賬戶之未付清結餘超出每個月結單週期內授予閣下的信用限額,便須就該款額支付超逾信用額費。

致延遲記賬的交易(如線上購物、以外幣作為結算貨幣進行海外購物等);未能即時執行的代授權及透過 Visa payWave 或 Mastercard contactless 服務(只適用於有關信用卡)所作
而毋須簽署認證的交易。如欲查詢上述安排及現行之超逾信用額費,請致電渣打信用卡 24小時客戶服務熱線(852) 2886-4111。


Information regarding making minimum payment (The below examples are for illustration only). 有關繳付最低還款額資料(以下例子只供參考)。

If you make no additional charges, purchases and cash

You will pay off the outstanding balance of HK$20,000*
advances on this card and each month you pay... And you will end up paying an estimated total of
in about
假設閣下於此卡沒有額外收費、購物及透支現金且閣下每 及預期需繳付之總額為

(1) Only the Minimum Payment Due 僅最低付款額# 174 months 月 HK$64,216.04

(2) HK$873.64 36 months 月**
(Savings 節省金額 (1) − (2) = HK$32,766.59)

Assumptions 假設

* The outstanding balance of HK$20,000 is accrued from purchase only. 結欠 HK$20,000 為購物所積累。
** Assume repayment is made on or before the Payment Due Date of each statement. 假設閣下於每期月結單的繳款日期或之前繳還款項。
***Include the outstanding balance of HK$20,000 and the finance charge for purchase is 33.36% per annum (Annualised Percentage Rate ("APR")) is 35.70% and accrued daily.
Repayments are due on the 25th day after the statement date, and it is assumed that repayments are made on or before the due date.
# All interest, fees, charges (including Annual Fee(s)), the total of the over-limit amount and/or the overdue amount (where applicable) that may be charged, plus 1% of outstanding
principal or HK$/CNY220, whichever is higher.

If you would like to calculate for yourself the period of time (number of months) and total cost (including interest and principal payments) incurred to settle a certain amount of
outstanding balance in full by (i) making minimum payment only; or (ii) to pay off in 36 months, a customised Credit Card Repayment calculator is available at

如果想要自行計算 (i) 僅透過償還最低還款額;或 (ii) 在36個月內分期還款之還款期(以月份計算)及總成本(包括利息和本金償還),閣下可以使用上的信用卡還款計算


For fees relating to foreign currency transactions, charges by Visa and Mastercard ("Card Associations") are based on the actual reimbursement charge to the Bank, you may refer
to the Credit Card Key Facts Statement for details. The Bank and Card Associations do not impose fees for foreign currency transactions at or below HK$0.49.

Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司 Page 2 of 5

有關外幣交易手續費, Visa 及 Mastercard(「卡機構」)之實際收費根據本行被卡機構徵收之費用而定,詳情請瀏覽信用卡資料概要。本行及卡機構就 HK$0.49 或以下之外幣交易並


Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司 Page 3 of 5

Important Note
Bogus communications include but not limited to bogus phone call and fraudulent SMS messages purportedly from banks
Please be aware of bogus phone call and fraudulent SMS messages purportedly from banks, citing account irregularities and requesting input of personal
information or calling back a bogus hotline number quoted in the SMS messages to check the transactions. Please note that the Bank will not ask for
personal information through pre-recorded messages. Do not disclose any personal information to bogus communications (such as fraudulent telephone
calls, voice messages, emails, SMS and communications in other formats). If in doubt, ask for the caller’s contact details and verify with the Bank or verify
the hotline numbers with the Bank before calling. Should you suspect any information leakage through bogus communications including but not limited to
bogus phone call or bogus bank hotline number, please contact our staff at 2886-8868 (press 2-6-0) or report to Police immediately.

To keep our records updated and maintain a high quality of service, we appreciate if you could inform us of any changes to your personal particulars when
they occur. Please log into Standard Chartered Online Banking > Update Client Information > Update Profile or SC Mobile > Update Profile Details to
make the request. Alternatively, you can download and complete the Change of Contact Information Form for Individual Client at
/content/docs/hk-ca051g.pdf and submit to any of our branches.

Payment Methods
You may settle your Standard Chartered Credit Card account by any of the following methods. To maintain your good credit record and to avoid late
charges, please make sure that at least the Minimum Payment is received by the Bank on or before the Payment Due Date.

1. Internet Banking Service: You may log into Standard Chartered Online Banking at our website or SC Mobile to make payment on or before
the Payment Due Date. The cut-off time for payments via SC Credit Cards page is 10:30 PM (Monday to Saturday) and Bill Payment page is 4:00 PM
(Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays).
2. Direct Debit Authorisation Service: Please download a Credit Card – Direct Debit Authorisation Registration Form from
/download-centre/credit-cards-forms-and-documents/. We will transfer the requested amount, either the Full Payment or Minimum Payment, from your
designated current/savings bank account after the Payment Due Date. Debiting will be processed on or after the Payment Due Date, please ensure
there are sufficient funds to debit from the designated bank account until 5 business days after the Payment Due Date. There is no additional charge for
this service. If you would like to change the payment amount or stop the transfer, please call our Standard Chartered Credit Card 24-hour Customer
Service Hotline at (852) 2886-4111 before 8:00 PM of the business day prior to the Payment Due Date.
3. Payment by Phone Service (PPS): You may transfer funds from any designated bank account in Hong Kong by a tone phone or Internet with PPS.
Please call 18031 (English) or 18033 (Cantonese) or visit website to make your payment before 7:00 PM of the business day
(excluding Saturdays) on or before the Payment Due Date. The PPS merchant code for Standard Chartered Credit Cards is "21". The funds to be
transferred should not be more than HKD100,000 per account per day (including EPS). For details, please dial the PPS pre-recorded hotline on 900
0022 2329 (English) or 900 0022 2328 (Cantonese).
4. Standard Chartered/JETCO ATMs: You may settle your credit card bill by transferring funds from your current/savings account(s) with our Bank by 11:
00 PM of the business day on or before the Payment Due Date or through Jet Payment by 7:00 PM of the business day (excluding Saturdays) on or
before the Payment Due Date.
5. Cash payment: You may deposit cash at Cash Deposit Machines at Standard Chartered branches or Standard Chartered Automated Banking Centres
by 10:30 PM of the business day on or before the Payment Due Date.
6. Cheque payment at Standard Chartered branches: You may drop a crossed cheque in the Cash and Cheque Deposit Machine or Payment Drop Box at
Standard Chartered branches and write your full credit card account number# and contact phone number on the reverse side of the cheque. Please
refer to the notice at designated branches for the respective cut-off time.
7. Cheque payment by mail: You may pay by a crossed cheque made payable to "Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited", write your full credit
card account number# and contact phone number on the reverse side of the cheque and send it with your repayment slip at least 3 business days
before the Payment Due Date to G.P.O. Box 785, Hong Kong. Please do NOT send cash through the post.
8. Customer Service Hotline: You may call our Standard Chartered Credit Card 24-hour Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2886-4111 and enter your Tele-
electronic Identification Number (TIN) to transfer funds for settlement from your current/savings account(s) with our Bank by 10:30 PM of the business
day on or before the Payment Due Date.

Post-dated cheques will not be accepted. All payments including cheques and bank account transfers will be reflected in the credit card account(s) from
the business day following the day of receipt.

If you are holding a Standard Chartered UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card, please make repayment to the HKD and CNY accounts separately. You
can repay your CNY account either with Hong Kong dollars via all the above channels, or in Renminbi via channels 1, 2 and 7*.

* Owing to the currency fluctuation of Renminbi, you are advised to check the reference exchange rate on your repayment date at our website
and prepare sufficient funds with the recommended 5% buffer on top of your repayment amount when repaying your CNY outstanding in Hong Kong
Please write your CNY account number (8224 XXXX XXXX XXXX) on the back of your cheque for repayment for your CNY account of your Standard
Chartered UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card.

Minimum Payment/Payment Allocation Report a Lost or Stolen Card Immediately

To learn more about minimum payment/payment allocation, please visit If your card is lost/stolen, please call our 24-hour Card Lost Hotline (852) 2886-6016.

Fee & Charges Any Query About Your Card Account

For a copy of the "List of Service Charges", please visit Please call our Standard Chartered Credit Card 24-hour Customer
com/hk/help/service-charges/. Service Hotline (852) 2886-4111.

(If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.)

Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司 Page 4 of 5


資料」或登入渣打流動理財,選擇「更新個人資料」以提交您的申請。閣下亦可於 下載並填妥「個人客戶


1. 網上銀行服務:閣下可於本行網址登入渣打網上理財或登入渣打流動理財並在繳款日期或之前繳付賬項。透過渣打信用卡頁面繳款的截止時
2. 直接付款授權服務:請從 下載「信用卡 – 直接付款授權書」。本行
信用卡24小時客戶服務熱線 (852) 2886-4111。
3. 繳費靈(PPS):閣下可使用音頻電話或互聯網,於繳款日期或之前的營業日(除星期六外)晚上7時前從香港任何一個指定的銀行戶口轉賬繳款。請致電
18031(英語)或18033(粵語)或登入網站 繳付賬項。渣打信用卡之「繳費靈」商戶編號為「21」。每日每戶轉賬款額不可高於港幣
十萬元(包括易辦事)。查詢詳情請致電「繳費靈」錄音熱線900 0022 2329(英語)或900 0022 2328(粵語)。
4. 渣打/銀通自動櫃員機:閣下可透過本行之往來或儲蓄賬戶於繳款日期或之前的營業日晚上11時前轉賬付款,或透過「繳費易」服務於繳款日期或之前的
5. 現金付款:閣下可於繳款日期或之前的營業日晚上10時30分前在各渣打分行或渣打自助銀行中心的現金存款機存入現金繳賬。
6. 於渣打分行支票付款:閣下可將劃線支票投入渣打銀行各分行的現金及支票存款機或收集箱,抬頭請寫「渣打銀行(香港)有限公司」,並在支票背面寫
7. 郵寄支票付款:閣下只須以劃線支票,抬頭請寫「渣打銀行(香港)有限公司」,並在支票背面寫上閣下之完整信用卡戶口號碼及聯絡電話號碼,連同還
8. 客戶服務熱線:閣下可致電渣打信用卡24小時客戶服務熱線 (852) 2886-4111並輸入您的電子理財私人密碼,於繳款日期或之前的營業日晚上10時30分前



* 由於人民幣匯率不時波動,建議客戶以港幣繳付人民幣結餘時,可透過參考有關匯率,並建議閣下可考慮繳付超出閣下欠款結餘5%的金額,
如用支票繳付閣下之渣打銀聯雙幣信用卡「人民幣賬戶」,請於支票背頁註明人民幣賬戶號碼 (8224 XXXX XXXX XXXX)。

最低付款額/繳款分配 信用卡遺失或被竊
如欲知「最低付款額/繳款分配」之計算方式,請瀏覽 如閣下之信用卡遺失或被竊,應立即致電本行24小時報失卡熱線 (852)
com/hk/zh/credit-cards/credit-card-repayment-calculator/。 2886-6016。

利息與收費 有關賬戶問題
如欲索取服務費用一覽表,請瀏覽 如閣下對賬戶有任何問題,請致電渣打信用卡24小時客戶服務熱線 (852)
charges/。 2886-4111。


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